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Case Study 2

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The image of the American worker, putting in long hours atthe office and athome and rarely
taking time off, is one popularized bytelevision programs and magazine columns. It is a factthat 26% of
Americans take no vacation ata all; 13% of American companies don't even offer them. Soem firms
require employees to perform extra tasks before getting a vacation. Unlike other counties, the US has
no laws mandating companies to offer vacations.

In much of the world, time off is a time for renewal. In the US, taking time off can out people
on a guilttrip. Without it,however, workers aremoreinclined to experience what is called as vacation
deficit disorder, thenegative consequences of being overworked. The Families and Work Institute states
thatan environment where workers don't take all of their vacation results in high stress rates and
employee burnout.

Yet,some experts believ thatincraesed vacation for workers could bring more harm tahn good
for the American workplace. However,some also argues that more vacation time for Americans could
mean lost jobs. Besides foregoing vacations, manypeople never really leave their work on a day-to-day
basis. Technology has linked people to their jobs even when they are out of their offices. Along with the
time spend to their jobs, the nature of the work itself influences how employees feel. Demanding jobs
that require a great degree of multitasking leave employees feeling moreoverwhelmed. Low-value
work, which people coimplain about as a waste of time, increase the likelihood of feeling overworked.



V Are Americans overworked?
V What are some of the negative consequences pf feeling overworked? How could this influence
group dynamics?
V What can be done to decrease the negative feelings associated with being overworked?


This case study aims to address the issue of overwork and the negative effects this brought to
the overall aspect of the workers. Moreover, it seeks to provide solutions that will reduce the stress and
pressure felt inside thw workplace so that employees will be able to achieve quality of work-life.

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 Several strategies can be used to helkpprevent feeling overworked. On the job, workers can
focus on the task at hand and the contribution they are making. Taking breaks during the day is also
beneficial. Away from work, people are learning to create more boundaries between work and their
personal lives. For instance, some workers simply refuse to work while on vacation. Finally, employees
should take their full vacations and leave the job behind.


However, finding the solution to overworking issues isn't as obvious as it may sound. It requires
an entire reworking of many of the attitudes within workplace communities, with a new acceptance of a
dynamic and changing work environment. Though larger staffs may be considered to be a part of the
solution to overworking issues, there is more to it than that.

Beating overworking issues is a well-balanced combination of:

‡Equipping teams with the right number of staff
‡Empowering team members by removing red tape where possible
‡Concentrating on the efficacy of managers and team members to best manage time and use the
right processes for getting things done.
‡Improve communication among team members to make sure that work needs to be done only
once with fewer changes and revisions.

This process can take a lot of time to implement, especially in these times of cutbacks and an
actual appreciation by society for the ability to overwork. In fact, of the most important overworking
issues is the fact that such a compulsive style of working is actually leading to addictions that are
cutting into other areas of worker's lives, and health. This addiction is becoming harmful on several
levels of overworked employees' lives, and it is becoming extremely costly.

The reason for this is that employees who suffer from overworking issues so deeply that they
are addicted are not necessarily more productive workers. They do work long hours, seeking the "high"
that the addiction requires from overworking, however, the exhaustion that it causes, and the damage to
the employee's sense of self worth has only a negative impact on that person's abilities to achieve.
Unfortunately, instead of helping such people, we more frequently applaud their dedication to the
success of the business.

Overcoming overworking issues begins with a recognition that it is indeed a problem in today's
society. A gradual transition must then be implemented to allow employees the therapy they need to
understand that they are still considered valuable and productive, even if they don't overwork.

# $

 I'm sure many are working more than forty hours per week. Recent layoffs have thrust huge
amounts of work on employees who got to keep their jobs. In addition, survivers of layoffs are "afraid
of losing their jobs and are therefore working harder and longer hours to prove their worth". If this is
the case, it's unlikely that employees will be able to, or want to, talk to the boss about a reduction in
hours. Rather than changing the work situation, there is a need to change the way employees react to it.
They should look into using relaxation techniques to lessen the stress caused by feeling overworked.
Relaxation techniques may also help with another thing that contributes to employees feeling
overworked or overwhelmed. Those who experience greater pressure on the job feel more overworked.

Those who use technology, for example cell phones, beepers, pagers, computers, email, and fax,
more frequently feel overworked. So do those who are more accessible to their employers during non-
working hours and days. If possible, they have to try to set aside a day, or several hours of each day,
when they are off limits. Turn off beeper and cell phone, and don't check email during that time. If the
boss is willing to work with them on this, they can set aside times when they are always available, and
other times when they are never available. They should make themselves available when their boss
needs them most and hopefully he or she will reciprocate by allowing them to have some time to

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