Whole Class Profile
Whole Class Profile
Whole Class Profile
Student Background Strengths, Academics (math & english) Learning styles & environment Behaviour and friendships
information/ other interests &
*Differentiation Separated Very observant Requires assistance with writing. Bodily Kinaesthetic Struggles to stay still/ sit at
required* parents. Mum Inquisitive learner. Always moving around desk/ stay focused.
and dad don’t get Confident Poor understanding of letter sound the room and moving his body.
along. Creative links and difficulty decoding words. Requires one on one teacher
Older sibling in Great imagination aide support to complete his Can be disruptive to
the school. (comes up with Poor fine motor skills and pencil work. others learning.
Not verified – but elaborate stories). grip.
has evident signs Needs to practice handwriting and Thrives off positive reinforcement. Requires explicit
of ADHA and Good gross motor letter formation. Has a sticker reward chart instruction and support to
ASD. Is in the skills. Loves pmp. Requires differentiation to system. Used by mum at home. keep on set tasks.
process of Good at sport/ classroom work (eg, write dotted Uses pencil grip support for
referral. Parents health. words when writing large handwriting. Struggles with listening
looking at sentences). Observant of environment. and following instructions.
medicated Knows some numbers but
options. developing some number Develops relationships
awareness. Thrives on structure, daily routine quickly.
and visual reminders.
Was really good at shading half of Needs frequent learning
is shapes (even with divided Deemed unfit for minilit program breaks. Very small gaps/
sections. He required no support due to disruptive behaviour and windows to focus on his
with this. inability to focus on the program. work.
Wears glasses for Gets bored and Sitting on a D for math and English. Writes faster/ stays on task when Generally, well behaved.
*Differentiation classroom work. easily distracted – Requires assistance with writing. given the letters to write out loud Good friendships.
required* needs reminders Slow writer. (verbally) over written examples.
Attends dance to stay on task.
classes (Jazz). Requires handwriting practice/ Both visual and Verbal/ linguistic
A little bit shy. letter formation. learner.
Parents are in the Struggles in
process of group/ class Poor understanding of letter sound Attends minilit program in the
building a new discussions. links and difficulty decoding words. mornings for learning support.
house. She is
excited. Good gross motor Struggles with word and number Uses pencil grip support for
at pmp. recognition. She needs to have handwriting.
visual and verbal support.
Good at art/ Needs reminding to wear glasses
creative student. Demonstrates incorrect spelling, during lessons.
incorrect writing structures and
reversed letters. Check-ins from teacher during
lessons and teacher aide
Level 2 DRA, now level 4. Shows support where possible.
small progress but remains below
expected level. Working on
phonics/decoding in minilit.
Has an older Confident and Sitting on a C for english and a D Body kinaesthetic learner. Generally, well behaved.
brother in the bright personality. for math. Requires assistance with Responds best to firm but fair Good friendships.
school. Both Social student. writing. Has poor letter formation. expectations/ kind approach.
struggles Will attempt spelling independently
academically. A little bit clumsy/ but needs development.
unbalanced with Attends minilit program in the
gross motor Struggles with word and number mornings for learning support.
activities. recognition. She needs to have
visual and verbal support. Gives all tasks a go. Enjoys
contributing to drama, music and
Poor understanding of letter sound movement.
links and difficulty decoding words.
Good gross
motor. Great Good language – will speak in
dancer. front of the class at ease.
Fantastic memory
recall. In pmp she
can remember
Confident, even in
front of an
audience. Will say
prayer rock
prayer out loud
Attends dancing. Confident learner. B grade student in math and Visual learner. But will learns well Great listener
Enjoys spending Intelligent english. Writes independently. through all forms of learning. Follows instructions well.
time with Nan and Caring and Good at attempting spelling herself. Very well behaved
Pa. respectful Good handwriting. Good at spelling Gives all tasks a go. Enjoys Keeps friends on task.
Separated and identifying words/ sounds. contributing to drama, music and Shares with friends/
parents. Doesn’t Social student – movement. respectful of others.
see father. lots of classroom Good number sense and number Has many friendships in
friendships. recognition. Thrives off a social environment. group.
Contributes a lot Good with numbers/ mathematics. Good language – will speak in
to classroom front of the class at ease.
discussions. Level 11 and 12 homework
Good gross motor DRA assessment level 8, now
skills. Good above expected level 24. Best
memory recall. reader in the class.
Few days off first Quiet natured. B grade student in math and Visual learner.
week of school to Very gentle soul. english. Writes independently and Great listener
go away for Easy going has good attempts at spelling. Good language – will speak in Follows instructions well.
challenge cup. student. Learns his sight words and spelling front of the class at ease. Generally, well behaved
Involved parents. Great listener. words well. Keeps friends on task.
Follows Shares with friends/
classroom rules Good with numbers/ mathematics. respectful of others.
and routines Has many friendships in
easily. Expected level reading DRA 4, now group.
level 12.
Good gross
Aboriginal and Empathetic to D grade student in. math and Visual learner. Generally, well behaved.
Toress Strait classmates english. Requires assistance with
Islander decent. Gentle and kind writing and spelling. Needs some Introverted Intrapersonal skills
Seeks teacher assistance with math. Bodily Kinaesthetic learner.
Separated praise and
parents. Dad sole acknowledgement Attends minilit program in the
parent. Younger Wants to learn. Reverses letters and numbers. mornings for learning support.
Has her cousin in Always attempts Poor understanding of letter sound Uses pencil grip support for
the class. Dads everything asked links and difficulty decoding words. handwriting.
are brothers. of him.
Demonstrates incorrect spelling, Contributes to prayer (says prayer
Possible learning High achiever incorrect writing structures and to an audience).
difficulty. Seeks perfection. reversed letters.
Thrives to always
complete work Below expected reading level. Was
and does her best a DRA level 3, now a 4? Shows
at all times. little progress in reading.
Loves dinosaurs, Loves his C grade student in math and Kinaesthetic learner. Struggles to self-regulate
stickers, sensory teachers and english. Requires support to stay when upset.
*Differentiation play (goop), friends. on task. Intelligent, can write Things in the environment/
required* manipulatives independently, recognises numbers throughout learning can trigger/ Behaviour defiance –
and playdough. Confident. Will easily. Understands counting on set Tyler off randomly (eg, not attitude. Possible ODD.
say his prayer and place value when on task. getting to do what he wants, Makes inappropriate
Has an older rock prayer out someone saying something or comments throughout the
sister who had loud and Level 3 DRA progressed to level 8. doing something he doesn’t like). day.
social issues contribute to Shows great progress.
before moving to shared class Works with teacher aide-one on Struggles to listen and
the school. discussions. one at times. But sometimes will follow directions.
sit at his desk and complete his Becomes angry and upset
Spends time in work in short bursts of time. at times throughout the
the office or day.
buddy system When upset says it’s
when being Sometimes gives lots of cuddles because he ‘misses his
disruptive/ to education. mum’. When angry with
dangerous in the tear up work, throw and
class. Responds well to positive kick things in the room,
reinforcement and incentives (eg, hurt other students.
once your work is finished you
can have a dinosaur sensory toy Will call out and needs
play break). reminders to raise his
EALD students. Loves learning B grade student in english and C Kinaesthetic learner. Great listener
Home language Loves drawing grade in math. Writes Thrives off a gentle, loving Follows instructions well
Shona. Social student independently. approach Very well behaved
Confident learner Visual and linguistic learner. Keeps friends on task.
Parents support Loves to be given Reverses letters and numbers at
learning English helper tasks times.
and don’t want (handing out
her speaking books etc) Was a level 4 DRA, now
Shona. Kind. progressed to a level 20 (above
Can be a little expected). Her language and
shy. Likes to reading skills have grown
always be doing massively.
the right thing.
Mums a Gentle and kind B grade student in math and A in Responds best to a gentle Generally, well behaved.
photographer. Listens to english. Writes independently, motivating approach.
Walks him to the instructions well. attempts spelling. Good friends with a
classroom in the Visual and Verbal linguistic challenging student in the
morning. Doesn’t like to be Good with numbers. Can count on learner. class. He often enables
in front of an and backwards. this student bad behaviour
audience. Refusal Extremely shy, doesn’t like by being to kind and giving
to participate on Reading level at expected level 6, presenting or speaking in front of in to his demands to keep
stage in music now progressed to above expected the class. the peace. Teacher check
class and refusal level 18. ins to make sure he is
to act in front of okay.
class (however
was happy to act
in small group).
Aboriginal and Quiet natured and C grade student in math and Visual and linguistic Great listener
Toress Strait caring. english. In math was able to predict learner. Follows instructions well
Islander decent. Extremely good the measurement of a book by Very well behaved
listener. comparing it to something of a Good language – will speak in Keeps friends on task.
Single mum. similar size. front of the class at ease.
Older sibling.
Family death Good with numbers/ mathematics.
therefore a week Writes independently and attempts
off school (last spelling.
Recently went to Confident learner. C grade student in math and Visual and linguistic Great listener
Brisbane. Great listener. english. Reverses numbers and learner. Follows instructions well
2 older siblings. Always tries her letters. Attends minilit program. Very well behaved
Mum does best. Keeps friends on task.
volunteer work at Attempts spelling independently by
the school. Wears glasses for decoding words.
reading and
writing. Below expected reading level, DRA
level 3, progressed to 6. Showing
Aboriginal and Quite natured and C grade student in math and Bodily kinaesthetic and Often sits by herself and
Toress Strait caring. english. Requires assistance with verbal (linguistic). doesn’t play as much with
Islander decent. Listens well. writing. However, can come up with other students.
Affectionate and words easily. In our word writing Thrives off adult relationships/
Attendance loving. exercise was able to put letter loves to communicate verbally. Behaviour is dependent.
record: Good verbal together to come up with lots of Sometimes refuses to
occasional communication. words. Some number senses. participate, will refuse to
Seeks attention both positive and
missed class listen and will kick things
negative attention.
days. Loves pmp. Low level reader. DRA level 2 with when frustrated.
Enjoys physical progression to level 6.
Sometimes activity. Good Lots of improvement. Attempts all
comes without gross motor skills. tasks. Regular check-ins with the
lunch. Will get Pays attention in teacher to keep emotions on
food from office. class (switched track.
We give her a on) when having
muesli bar in the a good day.
morning. If she
comes to school
upset, it will offset
her day.
Has an older
sister Sammy –
Varied level abilities. Some students working below level in math and english, some at extension level. Need work on comprehension/ making
Whole class connections to text in their reading as a whole. Classroom has good and consistent routines and transitions. As a whole the class in generally
characteristics well behaved and good listeners with a few additional challenging students with evident undiagnosed learning issues. Students in the class are
: kind and there are good friendships in the group. The religious culture/ morals and values are clearly evident in the classroom.