Objectives: Circulatory System
Objectives: Circulatory System
Objectives: Circulatory System
1. Identify the components of the circulatory system.
2. Describe the structures and functions of the heart.
In this activity, you will learn about the highly organized structures of the circulatory system.
Humans and most animals are complex, multicellular organisms that require a mechanism for
transporting nutrients throughout their bodies and for removing waste products. The blood, heart,
and the complex network of blood vessels work jointly to reach all parts of the body. It looks like a
highway system that runs throughout every cells, tissues, and organs of our body. The activity also
introduce s how respiratory and circulatory systems work together to sustain a healthy body
that everyone needs to keep us safe and free from illness.
Open your Science book on pages 8 to 15.
Watch a short video clips posted in our Group Chat about Circulatory System.
Using the graphic organizer below, fill in the missing parts, descriptions, and functions to
complete the entire concept.
Label the different parts of the heart based on the diagram below.
Use the following words in the Word Bank to identify the different parts of the heart.
aorta right ventricle right pulmonary artery
superior vena cava left ventricle right pulmonary vein
inferior vena cava tricuspid valve left pulmonary artery
right atrium mitral valve left pulmonary veins
left atrium apex
1. Name the different parts of the circulatory system.
2. What does blood do for the body?
3. Distinguish arteries from veins.
Gather clippings and collect data on the newest trends/ breakthroughs in the field of medicine like the
development of artificial heart and heart transplants.
Research about five (5) some common heart ailments – how they are acquired and how they can be cured or
prevented. Complete the table below:
Common Heart Ailments How They Are Acquired How They Can be Cured
Ex. Coronary Heart Disease When cholesterol builds up on the There is no cure for CHD.
artery walls, creating However, change of lifestyle might
plaques. help, such as quitting smoking,
adopting healthful diet, and getting
regular exercise.