Online Shopping Experiences in The Middle of Pandemic
Online Shopping Experiences in The Middle of Pandemic
Online Shopping Experiences in The Middle of Pandemic
Table of Contents
Abstract ....................................................................................1
Introduction ..............................................................................2
Research Proposal
Dear Maam,
Sincerely yours,
Althea S. Balita
1. Demographic Profile
1.2. Name
1.3. Age
Customers learn from their buying experience and product use. These
experiences shape their trust and behavior on the website and
generates word-of-mouth communication, through online and off line
social networks. Online trust is developed over a process of repeated
visits to a site as a user gains experience and believes that his/her
expectations are met during the visits, explain Urban et al. (2009). Trust
is thus considered as a process, a permanent and continuing consumer
experience. Bart et al. (2005) consider that « online trust includes
consumer perceptions of how the site would deliver on expectations,
how believable the site’s information is, and how much confidence the
site commands ». The state of the art realized by Urban et al. (2009)
explains that online trust extends beyond privacy and security, and is
closely connected to website design, and that its formation is an on-
going process, and is heterogeneous across individuals and products.
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