Indorsement Letter For The Incoming School Head: Annex
Indorsement Letter For The Incoming School Head: Annex
Indorsement Letter For The Incoming School Head: Annex
Dear Sir/Madam:
Pursuant to DepED Order No. 29, s. 2019, entitled “Procedural Guidelines on the
Management of Cash Advances for School Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses
and Program Funds of Non-Implementing Units Pursuant to COA, DBM and DepEd Joint
Circular No. 2019-1”, and in view of the transfer/retirement/separation/suspension from
the service of (Name of Outgoing School Head), please be informed of the following
change in the authorized signatory for the checking account of (Name of School) (School
ID), with the Account No. _________________:
From: To:
______________________________________ ______________________________________
Outgoing School Head Incoming School Head
Signature over Printed Name Signature over Printed Name
The custody, management, and accountability of the subject account and funds
deposited thereto shall be entrusted to the incoming School Head effective
________________. We request that the corresponding changes in your records be made in
accordance with this information. Please inform this Office once changes have been made
by filling out the form below and returning the same to this Office.
Thank you.
Susana M. Bautista
Schools Division Superintendent
Authorized Bank Officer
Signature over Printed Name