Entomology 1
Entomology 1
Entomology 1
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Entomology 2
Question #1
Part a
According to a study, all the emotions either good or bad have a different physiological
stamp. Also, our brain is composed of neurotransmitters and they handle different sorts of
emotions. Depending upon the type of emotion certain locus of brain works (Wang, Yang, Pan,
Ho, & Huang, 2020). The advantage of viewing emotions biologically is that one can do research
on different parts of the brain and can help in case of any physical damage to the brain.
Part b
Specifically, emotions are slow and unconscious thoughts (Pettinelli, 2008). Another study
showed the importance of psychological therapy and how emotions play a vital role which in
turn shows the advantage of viewing emotions psychologically rather than biologically
(Ehrereich, Jill, Fairholme, Christopher, Buzzella, Brian, Ellard, Kristen, Barlow, David, 2007).
Question #2
One of the studies revealed that hope is an emotion associated with the future. An American
scientist found this hope phenomenon in a macaque when he experimented with him with a
banana and it came out that macaque got expectation for that banana which proved that animals
hope (Waal, 2019). The advantage of this evidence is that it will help in understanding the
animal's behavior. Another study showed that the evidence was limited as the animal need to be
in its natural habitat for the prediction about his emotions and feelings (BEKOFF, 2000).
Entomology 3
As we know the famous Darwin’s theory of evolution by means of natural selection says that
organisms alter with the time passing by. In the evidence, we saw hope in specie of old monkey
i.e macaque which also supports Darwin's theory about human evolution (Tattersall, 2008).
Entomology 4
BEKOFF, M. (2000). Animal emotions: exploring passionate natures. BioScience, 50(10), 861.
Ehrenreich, J. T., Fairholme, C. P., Buzzella, B. A., Ellard, K. K., & Barlow, D. H. (2007). The
Tattersall, I. (2008). Charles darwin and human evolution. Evolution: Education and Outreach,
Waal, F. D. (2019). Mama's Last Hug: Animal Emotions and What They Tell Us about Ourselves.
Wang, F., Yang, J., Pan, F., Ho, R. C., & Huang, J. H. (2020). Editorial: Neurotransmitters and