Astm A 403
Astm A 403
Astm A 403
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
1.1 This specification covers wrought stainless steel fittings Class Construction Nondestructive Examination
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
COPYRIGHT ASTM International
Licensed by Information Handling Services
A 403/A 403M
ASME B16.11 Forged Steel Fittings, Socket-Welding and 5. Manufacture
Threaded9 5.1 Forming—Forging or shaping operations may be per-
ASME B16.28 Wrought Steel Butt-Welding Short Radius formed by hammering, pressing, piercing, extruding, upsetting,
Elbows and Returns9 rolling, bending, fusion welding, machining, or by a combina-
2.3 MSS Standards: tion of two or more of these operations. The forming procedure
MSS SP-25 Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings, shall be so applied that it will not produce injurious defects in
Flanges, and Unions10 the fittings.
MSS SP-43 Standard Practice for Light Weight Stainless 5.2 All fittings shall be heat treated in accordance with
Steel Butt-Welding Fittings10 Section 6.
MSS SP-79 Socket-Welding Reducer Inserts10
5.3 Grade WP fittings ordered as Class S shall be of
MSS SP-95 Swaged(d) Nipples and Bull Plugs10
seamless construction and shall meet all requirements of
2.4 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code:
ASME B16.9, B16.28, or MSS SP-79.
Section VIII Division I, Pressure Vessels11
Section IX, Welding Qualifications11 5.4 Grade WP fittings ordered as Class W shall meet the
2.5 AWS Standards: requirements of ASME B16.9 or B16.28 and:
A 5.4 Specification for Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and 5.4.1 Shall have all pipe welds made by mill or the fitting
Chromium-Nickel Steel Covered Welding Electrodes12 manufacturer with the addition of filler metal radiographically
A 5.9 Specification for Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and examined throughout the entire length in accordance with the
Chromium-Nickel Steel Welding Rods and Bare Elec- Code requirements stated in 5.5, and,
trodes12 5.4.2 Radiographic inspection is not required on single
2.6 ASNT: longitudinal seam welds made by the starting pipe manufac-
SNT-TC-1A(1984) Recommended Practice for Nondestruc- turer if made without the addition of filler metal; and
tive Testing Personnel Qualification and Certification13 5.4.3 Radiographic inspection is not required on longitudi-
nal seam fusion welds made by the fitting manufacturer when
3. Common Requirements and Ordering Information all of the following conditions have been met:
3.1 Material furnished to this specification shall conform to no addition of filler metal,
the requirements of Specification A 960 including any supple- only one welding pass per weld seam, and,
mentary requirements that are indicated in the purchase order. fusion welding from one side only.
Failure to comply with the common requirements of Specifi- 5.4.4 In place of radiographic examination, welds made by
cation A 960 constitutes nonconformance with this specifica- the fitting manufacturer may be ultrasonically examined in
tion. In case of conflict between this specification and Speci- accordance with the Code requirements stated in 5.6.
fication A 960, this specification shall prevail. 5.5 Grade WP fittings ordered as Class WX shall meet the
3.2 Specification A 960 identifies the ordering information requirements of ASME B16.9 or B16.28 and shall have all
that should be complied with when purchasing material to this welds, whether made by the fitting manufacturer or the starting
specification. material manufacturer, radiographically examined throughout
their entire length in accordance with Paragraph UW-51 of
4. Material Section VIII, Division I, of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
4.1 The material for fittings shall consist of forgings, bars, Vessel Code.
plates, or seamless or welded tubular products that conform to 5.6 Grade WP fittings ordered as Class WU shall meet the
the chemical requirements in Table 2. See Table 3 for a list of requirements of ASME B16.9 or B16.28 and shall have all
common names. welds, whether made by the fitting manufacturer or the starting
4.2 The steel shall be melted by one of the following material manufacturer, ultrasonically examined throughout
processes: their entire length in accordance with Appendix 12 of Section
4.2.1 Electric furnace (with separate degassing and refining VIII, Division 1 of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
optional), 5.7 The radiography or ultrasonic examination of welds for
4.2.2 Vacuum furnace, or this class of fittings may be done at the option of the
4.2.3 One of the former followed by vacuum or electroslag- manufacturer, either prior to or after forming.
consumable remelting. 5.8 Personnel performing NDE examinations shall be quali-
4.3 If secondary melting is employed, the heat shall be fied in accordance with SNT-TC-1A.
defined as all ingots remelted from a primary heat.
5.9 Grade CR fittings shall meet the requirements of MSS
SP-43 and do not require nondestructive examination.
5.10 All fittings shall have the welders, welding operators,
Available from Manufacturers’ Standardization Society of the Valve and
Fittings Industry, 127 Park St., Northeast, Vienna, VA 22180.
and welding procedures qualified under the provisions of
Available from ASME International, Three Park Avenue, New York, NY Section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
10016–5990. except that starting pipe welds made without the addition of
Available from American Welding Society, 550 LeJeune Rd., P.O. Box filler metal do not require such qualification.
351040, Miami, FL 33135.
Available from American Society for Nondestructive Testing, 4153 Arlington 5.11 All joints welded with filler metal shall be finished in
Plaza, Columbus, OH 43228-0518. accordance with the requirements of Paragraph UW-35 (a) of
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A 403/A 403M
TABLE 2 Chemical Requirements
Section VIII, Division I, of the ASME Boiler and Pressure 5.13.4 Repair of areas in the weld is permitted, but 5.13.1,
Vessel Code. 5.13.2, and 5.13.3 must be repeated.
5.12 Fittings machined from bar shall be restricted to NPS 4 5.14 Stub ends may be produced with the entire lap added as
or smaller. Elbows, return bends, tees, and header tees shall not weld metal to a straight pipe section provided the welding
be machined directly from bar stock. satisfies the requirements of 5.10 for qualifications and 6.3 post
5.12.1 All caps machined from bar shall be examined by weld heat treatment.
liquid penetrant in accordance with Supplementary Require- 5.14.1 Grade WP Class W— Radiographic inspection of the
ment S7. weld is required. See 5.4.
5.13 Weld buildup is permitted to dimensionally correct
5.14.2 Grade WP Class WX—Radiographic inspection of
unfilled areas produced during cold forming of stub ends.
all welds is required. See 5.5.
Radiographic examination of the weld buildup shall not be
required provided that all the following steps are adhered to: 5.14.3 Grade WP Class WU—Ultrasonic inspection of all
5.13.1 The weld procedure and welders or welding opera- welds is required. See 5.6.
tors meet the requirements of 5.10. 5.14.4 Grade CR—Nondestructive examination is not re-
5.13.2 Annealing is performed after welding and prior to quired. See 5.12.1.
machining. 5.15 Stub ends may be produced with the entire lap added
5.13.3 All weld surfaces are liquid penetrant examined in by the welding of a ring, made from plate or bar of the same
accordance with Appendix 8 of Section VIII, Division 1 of the alloy grade and composition, to the outside of a straight section
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. of pipe, provided the weld is double welded, is a full
COPYRIGHT ASTM International
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A 403/A 403M
TABLE 3 Common Names 6.2 A solution annealing temperature above 1950°F
Grade WPA Grade CRA UNS Designation TypeB [1065°C] may impair the resistance to intergranular corrosion
WPXM-19 CRXM-19 S20910 XM-19C after subsequent exposure to sensitizing conditions in 321,
WP304 CR304 S30400 304 321H, 347, and 347H. When specified by the purchaser, a
WP304L CR304L S30403 304L
WP304H CR304H S30409 304H
lower temperature stabilization or resolution anneal shall be
WP304N CR304N S30451 304N used subsequent to the initial high-temperature solution anneal
WP304LN CR304LN S30453 304LN (see Supplementary Requirement S10).
WP309 CR309 S30900 309
WP310S CR310S S31008 310S
6.3 All welding shall be done prior to heat treatment.
WPS31254 CRS31254 S31254 ... 6.4 Fittings machined directly from solution-annealed forg-
WP316 CR316 S31600 316 ings and bar stock need not be resolution annealed.
WP316L CR316L S31603 316L
WP316H CR316H S31609 316H
WP316N CR316N S31651 316N 7. Chemical Composition
WP316LN CR316LN S31653 316LN
WP317 CR317 S31700 317 7.1 The chemical composition of each cast or heat used
WP317L CR317L S31703 317L shall be determined and shall conform to the requirements of
WPS31725 CRS31725 S31725 317LMC the chemical composition for the respective grades of materials
WPS31726 CRS31726 S31726 317LMNC
WP321 CR321 S32100 321 listed in Table 2. The ranges as shown have been expanded to
WP321H CR321H S32109 321H include variations of the chemical analysis requirements that
WPS33228 CRS33228 S33228 ... are listed in the various specifications for starting materials
WPS34565 CRS34565 S34565 ...
WP347 CR347 S34700 347 (pipe, tube, plate, bar, and forgings) normally used in the
WP347H CR347H S34709 347H manufacturing of fittings to this specification. Methods and
WP348 CR348 S34800 348 practices relating to chemical analyses required by this speci-
WP348H CR348H S34809 348H
fication shall be in accordance with Test Methods, Practices,
Naming system developed and applied by ASTM.
Unless otherwise indicated, a grade designation originally assigned by the and Terminology A 751. Product analysis tolerances in accor-
American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI). dance with Specification A 480/A 480M are applicable.
Common name, not a trademark widely used, not associated with any one 7.2 The steel shall not contain any unspecified elements for
the ordered grade to the extent that it conforms to the
requirements of another grade for which that element is a
penetration joint, satisfies the requirements of 5.10 for quali-
specified element having a required minimum content.
fications and 6.2 for post weld heat treatment.
5.15.1 Class WP-W—Radiographic inspection of the welds, 7.3 In fittings of welded construction, the alloy content
made with the addition of filler metal, is required (see 5.4). (carbon, chromium, nickel, molybdenum, columbium, and
5.15.2 Class WP-WX— Radiographic inspection of all tantalum) of the deposited weld metal shall conform to that
welds, made with or without the addition of filler metal, is required of the base metal or for equivalent weld metal as given
required (see 5.5). in the AWS filler metal specification A 5.4 or A 5.9 (Type 348
5.15.3 Class WP-WU— Ultrasonic inspection of all welds, weld metal is listed in AWS A 5.9 but not in AWS A 5.4).
made with or without the addition of filler metal, is required Exceptions are when welding on Types 304L and 304 base
(see 5.6). metals, the deposited weld metal shall correspond, respec-
5.15.4 Class CR nondestructive examination is not required tively, to AWS E308L(ER308L) and E308 (ER308), when
(see 5.9). welding on Type 321 base metal, the weld metal shall
5.16 After final heat treatment, all “H-Grade” steel fittings correspond to AWS Type E347 (ER347 or ER321); and, when
shall have a grain size of 7 or coarser in accordance with Test welding on S31725, S31726, S31254 or S33228 osited weld
Methods E 112. metal shall correspond either to the alloy content of the base
metal or to AWS A5.11 E NiCrMo·3 (UNS W86112) (AWS
6. Heat Treatment A5.14 Ni Cr Mo·3 (UNS N06625)).
6.1 All fittings shall be furnished in the heat-treated condi- 7.3.1 Supplementary Requirement S8 may be specified
tion. The heat-treat procedure shall consist of solution anneal- where 16-8-2 filler metal is required for joining thick sections
ing the fittings at the temperatures specified in Table 4 until the of Types 316, 321, or 347 and has adequate corrosion resis-
chromium carbides go into solution, and then cooling at a tance for the intended service.
sufficient rate to prevent reprecipitation.
8. Tensile Properties
TABLE 4 Heat Treatment 8.1 The tensile properties of the fitting material shall con-
Grade Solution Annealing Temperature, °F [°C], form to the requirements of Table 5. The testing and reporting
min, Unless Range Specified shall be performed in accordance with Test Methods and
All except those listed below 1900 [1040] Definitions A 370.
348H 1925 [1050]
S31254 2100 [1150]
8.1.1 Specimens cut either longitudinally or transversely
S33228 2050 [1120] shall be acceptable for the tensile test.
S34565 2050-2140 [1120-1170] 8.1.2 While Table 5 specifies elongation requirements for
321, 347 1900-2100 [1040-1150]
321H, 347H 1925-2100 [1050-1150] both longitudinal and transverse specimens, it is not the intent
that both requirements apply simultaneously. Instead, it is
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A 403/A 403M
TABLE 5 Tensile Requirements shall be removed by the manufacturer by machining or
All WP and CR Grades
Yield Strength, min, Tensile Strength, min, grinding to sound metal, and the repaired areas shall be well
ksi [MPa] ksi [MPa] faired. The wall thickness at all points shall be at least 871⁄2 %
304, 304LN, 304H, 309, 30 [205] 75 [515] of the specified nominal wall thickness, and the diameters at all
310, 316, 316LN, 316H,
317, 317L, 321, 321H,
points shall be within the specified limits.
347, 347H, 348, 348H 10.3 Surface checks (fish scale) deeper than 1⁄64 in. [0.4
S31725 mm] shall be removed.
304L, 316L 25 [170] 70 [485]
304N, 316N, S31726 35 [240] 80 [550]
10.4 Mechanical marks deeper than 1⁄16 in. [1.6 mm] shall
XM-19 55 [380] 100 [690] be removed.
S31254 44 [300] 94 [650] to 119 [820] 10.5 When the removal of a surface discontinuity reduces
S33228 27 [185] 73 [500]
S34565 60 [415] 115 [795]
the wall thickness below 871⁄2 % of the specified nominal wall
Elongation Requirements
thickness at any point, the fitting shall be subject to rejection or
to repair as provided in 10.6.
Longitudinal Transverse 10.6 Repair by Welding:
10.6.1 Repair of unacceptable imperfections in the base
Standard round specimen, or small 28 20 metal is permissible for fittings made to the dimensional
proportional specimen, or strip-
type specimen, minimum % in standards listed in 1.1 or for other standard fittings made for
4D stock by the manufacturer. Prior approval of the purchaser is
required to repair special fittings made to the purchaser’s
requirements. Welding of unacceptable imperfections in no
intended that only the elongation requirement that is appropri- case shall be permitted when the depth of defect exceeds
ate for the specimen used be applicable. 331⁄3 % of the nominal wall thickness or the defect area
8.2 Records of the tension test made on the starting material exceeds 10 % of the surface area of the fitting.
shall be certification that the material of the fitting meets the 10.6.2 The welding procedure and welders shall be qualified
requirements of this specification provided that heat treatments in accordance with Section IX of the ASME Boiler and
are the same. Pressure Vessel Code.
8.3 If the raw material was not tested, or if the heat 10.6.3 The composition of the weld deposits shall be in
treatment of the raw material was different than the heat accordance with 7.3 and in accordance with the procedure
treatment of the fitting, the fitting manufacturer shall perform qualification for the applicable material.
at least one tension test per heat on material representative of 10.6.4 Unacceptable imperfections shall be removed by
the fitting, and in the same condition of heat treatment as the mechanical means or by thermal cutting or gouging methods.
fitting it represents. Qualification of welding procedures shall Cavities prepared for welding shall be examined with liquid
be in accordance with 5.8. penetrant in accordance with Practice E 165. No cracks are
8.4 If a tension test through the weld is desired, Supplemen- permitted in the prepared cavities. Personnel performing NDE
tary Requirement S2 should be specified. examinations shall be qualified in accordance with SNT-TC-
9. Hydrostatic Tests 10.6.5 The weld repair shall be permanently identified with
9.1 Hydrostatic testing is not required by this specification. the welder’s stamp or symbol in accordance with Section VIII
9.2 All Grade WP fittings shall be capable of withstanding of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
without failure, leakage, or impairment of serviceability, a test 10.6.6 Weld repair area(s) shall be blended uniformly to the
pressure equal to that prescribed for the specified matching base metal and shall be examined by liquid penetrant in
pipe or equivalent material. accordance with Practice E 165. No cracks are permitted in the
9.3 All Grade CR fittings, except tees covered in 9.3.1, shall weld or surrounding 1⁄2 in. [12.7 mm] of base metal. Personnel
be capable of withstanding without failure, leakage, or impair- performing NDE examinations shall be qualified in accordance
ment of serviceability, a test pressure based on the ratings in with SNT-TC-1A.
MSS SP-43. 10.6.7 After weld repair, material shall be heat treated in
9.3.1 Grade CR tees fabricated using intersection welds accordance with Section 6 .
shall be capable of passing a hydrostatic test based on 70 % of 10.7 The fittings shall be free of scale and shall be passi-
the ratings in MSS SP-43. vated.
10. Surface Quality 11. Dimensions
10.1 Fittings supplied under this specification shall be 11.1 For fittings covered by ASME B16.9, ASME B16.11,
examined visually. Selected typical surface discontinuities ASME B16.28, MSS SP-43, or MSS SP-79, the sizes, shapes,
shall be explored for depth. The fittings shall be free from and dimensions of the fittings shall be as specified in those
surface discontinuities that penetrate more than 5 % of the standards.
specified nominal wall thickness, except as defined in 10.3 and 11.1.1 Fittings of size or shape differing from these stan-
10.4, and shall have a workmanlike finish. dards, but meeting all other requirements of this specification,
10.2 Surface discontinuities deeper than 5 % of the speci- may be furnished in accordance with Supplementary Require-
fied nominal wall thickness, except as defined in 10.3 and 10.4, ment S9.
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A 403/A 403M
12. Rejection and Rehearing TABLE 6 Product Marking Examples for Grades and Classes
12.1 Material that fails to conform to the requirements of Grade and Class Marking Description
this specification may be rejected. Rejection should be reported CR304 Single grade: No classes in CR grades
CR304/304L Multiple grades, meet chemical and
to the producer or supplier promptly and in writing. In case of mechanical properties of each
dissatisfaction with the results of the tests, the producer or WP304-S Single Grade: seamless
supplier may make claim for rehearing. WP304-W Single Grade; welded : RT or UT pipe
welds with filler metal and all fitting
12.2 Fittings that develop defects in shop working or manufacturer’s welds
application operations may be rejected. Upon rejection, the WP304-WX Single grade: welded: RT all welds with
manufacturer shall be notified promptly in writing. or without filler metal
WP304-WU Single grade; welded: UT all welds with
or without filler metal
13. Test Reports WP304-304L-S Multiple grades: meet chemical and
13.1 Test reports are required for all fittings covered by this mechanical properties of each:
specification. Each test report shall include the following
13.1.1 The year-date of the specification to which the fitting
grade (see Table 2), class, and the heat number or manufactur-
was furnished,
er’s heat identification. The class S marking need not be added
13.1.2 Heat number or serial number traceable to a heat
to the material grade for threaded or socket-welded fittings.
14.4 The prescribed information for threaded or socket-
13.1.3 Chemical analyses for all starting materials,
welding fittings shall be: the manufacturer’s name or trademark
13.1.4 Mechanical properties of all starting materials,
(see Note 1), pressure class or schedule number, grade (see
13.1.5 For construction with filler metal added, weld metal
Table 2) and class, and heat number or manufacturer’s heat
chemical analysis,
13.1.6 For welded fittings, construction method, weld pro-
cess and procedure specification number, NOTE 1—For purposes of identification marking, the manufacturer is
13.1.7 Heat treatment type, considered the organization that certifies that the piping component
13.1.8 Results of all nondestructive examinations, complies with this specification.
13.1.9 Results of all tests required by Supplementary Re- 14.5 Fittings meeting the chemical and mechanical property
quirements and the order, and requirements of Table 2 and Table 5 for more than one grade
13.1.10 Statement that the fitting was manufactured, designation may be marked with more than one class or grade
sampled, tested and inspected in accordance with the specifi- designation, such as WP304/304H; WP304/304L; WP304/
cation and was found to meet the requirements. 304L/304N, WP316/316L, etc.
14.6 Bar Coding—In addition to the requirements in 14.1,
14. Product Marking 14.2, 14.3, 14.4, and 14.5, bar coding is acceptable as a
14.1 All fittings shall have the prescribed information supplemental identification method. The purchaser may
stamped or otherwise suitably marked on each fitting in specify in the order a specific bar coding system to be used.
accordance with the latest edition of MSS SP-25. See Table 6 The bar coding system, if applied at the discretion of the
for marking examples of grades and classes. supplier, should be consistent with one of the published
14.2 Marking paint or ink shall not contain harmful amounts industry standards for bar coding. If used on small fittings, the
of chlorides, metals, or metallic salt, such as zinc or copper, bar code may be applied to the box or a substantially applied
that cause corrosive attack on heating. On wall thicknesses tag.
thinner than 0.083 in. [2.1 mm], no metal impression stamps
shall be used. Vibrating pencil marking is acceptable. 15. Keywords
14.3 The prescribed information for butt-welding fittings 15.1 austenitic stainless steel; corrosive service applica-
shall be: the manufacturer’s name or trademark (see Note 1), tions; pipe fittings; steel; piping applications; pressure contain-
schedule number or nominal wall thickness designation, size, ing parts; stainless steel fittings
COPYRIGHT ASTM International
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A 403/A 403M
One or more of the supplementary requirements described below may be included in the purchaser’s
inquiry or in the order or contract. When so included, a supplementary requirement shall have the
same force as if it were in the body of the specification. Supplementary requirement details not fully
described shall be agreed upon between the purchaser and the supplier.
S1. Product Analysis (Note S1.1) ness. The method, where applicable, shall be in accordance
S1.1 A product analysis shall be made for each heat of base with Practice A 388/A 388M . Acceptance limits shall be
metal and, if of welded construction, from each lot number of specified by the purchaser. Personnel performing the examina-
welding material of the fittings offered for delivery and shall tion shall be qualified in accordance with SNT-TC-1A.
conform to the requirements specified in Section 4. S4.2 Each fitting or the raw material from which each fitting
is made shall be ultrasonically tested to determine its sound-
S2. Tension Test (Note S1.1) ness. The method, where applicable, shall be in accordance
S2.1 One tension test shall be made on one fitting or with Practice E 213. Acceptable limits shall be specified by the
representative test piece (Note S1.2) per lot (Note S1.3) of purchaser. Personnel performing the examination shall be
fittings. If the fittings are of welded construction, the tension qualified in accordance with SNT-TC-1A.
specimen shall include the weld and be prepared so that the
weld is at the midlength of the specimen. S5. Photomicrographs
NOTE S1.1—If the results of any of the tests specified in Supplementary S5.1 Photomicrographs at 100 diameters shall be made, for
Requirements S1, S2, or S3 do not conform to requirements, retests may information only, of the actual base metal structure from one
be made at the manufacturer’s expense on additional fittings or represen- fitting as furnished in each lot. The photomicrographs shall be
tative test pieces of double the original number from the same heat or lot identified as to fittings size, wall thickness, lot identification,
as defined in Supplementary Requirements S1, S2, or S3, each of which and heat. The definition of “lot” shall be as specified by the
shall conform to the requirements specified. purchaser.
NOTE S1.2—Where the test specimen for the tension or intergranular
corrosion bend test cannot be taken from a fitting due to size limitations, S6. Surface Finish
a representative test piece shall be obtained. The test piece shall be from
the same lot it represents and shall have approximately the same amount S6.1 Machined surfaces shall have a maximum roughness
of working. In addition, these pieces representing fittings manufactured of 250-µin. [6.4-µm] arithmetical average. All other surfaces
from bars, plate, or forgings shall have a cross section equal to the greatest shall be suitable for ultrasonic test.
cross section of the fitting, and test pieces representing fittings manufac-
tured from pipe shall have an outside diameter and wall thickness equal to S7. Liquid Penetrant Test
those of the fitting. The test piece for fittings of welded construction shall S7.1 All surfaces shall be liquid penetrant tested. The
be prepared to the same weld procedures and from the same heat of
materials as the fittings it represents.
method shall be in accordance with Practice E . Personnel
NOTE S1.3—A lot shall consist of all fittings of the same type, size, and performing the examination shall be qualified in accordance
wall thickness, manufactured from one heat of material (and, if fabrication with SNT-TC-1A.
welding is performed using one lot number of electrode or one heat of
weld wire), and heat treated using the same heat-treat cycle in either a S8. Special Filler Metal
continuous or batch-type furnace controlling within a range of 50°F S8.1 Filler metal shall be AWS Type E16-8-2 or ER 16-8-2
[28°C] and equipped with recording pyrometers so that complete records (AWS Specifications A 5.4 and A 5.9, respectively). Fittings
of heat treatment are available.
welded with 16-8-2 weld metal shall be marked WP ___ HRW
S3. Intergranular Corrosion Bend Test (Note 1) or CR ___ HRW, as appropriate.
S3.1 One intergranular corrosion bend test shall be made on S9. Special Fittings
one fitting or representative test piece (Note S1.1) per lot (Note
S1.2) of fittings. If the fittings are of welded construction, the S9.1 Partial compliance fittings of size and shape not
bend specimen shall include the weld and be prepared so that conforming to the dimensional requirements of ASME B16.9,
the weld is at the midlength location of the specimen. Speci- B16.11, B16.28, MSS SP-79, or MSS SP-95 shall meet all
mens containing a weld shall be bent so that the location of other requirements of this specification. In addition to the
weld is at the point of maximum bend. The method of testing marking required in Section 14, the grade designation symbol
shall be in accordance with Practice E of Practices A 262. shall be followed by the symbol “S9”.
S3.2 Types 304L, 316L, 317L, 321, 347, and 348 shall be S10. Stabilization Treatment
tested after a heat treatment capable of producing sensitization.
In the case of the other chromium-nickel steels (Series 300), S10.1 Subsequent to the solution anneal required by 6.2,
the test shall be conducted on specimens representative of the Grades 321, 321H, 347, 347H, 348, and 348H shall be given a
material in the annealed condition. stabilization heat treatment at 1500 to 1600°F [815 to 870°C]
for a minimum of 2h/in. [4.7 min/mm] of thickness and then
S4. Ultrasonic Test cooling in the furnace or in air. In addition to the marking
S4.1 Each fitting of the raw material from which each fitting required in Section 14, the grade designation symbol shall be
is made shall be ultrasonically tested to determine its sound- followed by the symbol “S10.”
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ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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