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Olympic 1018

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NG THPT CHUYÊN Môn thi: TI NG ANH Kh i: 10
LÊ H NG PHONG Ngày thi: 07/04/2018
Th i gian làm bài: 180 phút

này có 08 trang.

Thí sinh làm ph n tr c nghi m (MULTIPLE CHOICE) trên phi u tr l i tr c nghi m và ph n t lu n (WRITTEN TEST)
trên phi u tr l i t lu n.
Trên phi u tr l i tr c nghiêm, thí sinh tô thêm 2 s 00 c s báo danh (b ng bút chì).
Ph thi trên phi u tr c nghi m, thí sinh tô vào ô 001.

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the best options (A, B, C, or D) that best complete each of the following
sentences. (40 PTS)
1. The local authority expressed regret as US drone strike has ______ killed innocent hostages.
A. incongruously B. vehemently C. inadvertently D. graciously
2. These days the castle is swamped with ______ of tourists.
A. mobs B. throngs C. shoals D. cliques
3. He left the meeting early on the unlikely ______ that he had a sick friend to visit.
A. excuse B. pretext C. motive D. claim
4. He decided to withdraw from the powerboat race as he could see a(n) ______ of danger.
A. prediction B. foreboding C. omen D. dearth
5. I slipped briefly back into sleep and emerged when breakfast was being served outside in a(n) ______ garden-
A. whimsical B. extravagant C. extortionate D. enchanting
6. He had a momentary ______ of concentration and before he knew it the car had spun out of control.
A. lapse B. loss C. slip D. mistake
7. In the hands of a careless driver, a car becomes a ______ weapon.
A. fatal B. mortal C. lethal D. venal
8. He glanced at Juliet accusingly and she looked ______ abashed.
A. completely B. absolutely C. utterly D. suitably
9. We were sorted out into groups according to the types of honors and quite a long wait ______.
A. ensued B. eventuated C. supervened D. transpired
10. The Prime Minister will decide whether to release the prisoner or not; that s his ______.
A. derogatory B. abdication C. prerogative D. humanity
11. His new play is not only interesting but also unique. It is really off the beaten ______.
A. road B. path C. route D. track
12. That Peter was born and brought up in a rich family is as clear as the ______.
A. nose on his face B. tip of his tongue C. back of his hand D. hair on his head
13. I will try to finish the job to the best of my ______.
A. knowledge B. ability C. means D. command
14. Tim said the meal was ______, so we didn t have to worry about the price.
A. on the house B. on his expense C. for him D. for his money
15. Let Hercules himself do what he may, for a cat will mew and a dog will have his ______.
A. day B. time C. month D. year
16. Breaking his leg ______ a blow to his chances of becoming a professional footballer.
A. brought B. caused C. dealt D. struck
17. In the acting career, the moment one first cut his ______ will be the most memorable with embarrassment
and pride bubbling up inside.
A. nails B. teeth C. fingers D. hair
18. His French is roughly ______ with my Japanese, so communication was rather difficult.
A. in harmony B. on a par C. on equal term D. on good terms
19. Max has been ______ my ears all night about his new job.
A. bending B. deafening C. rolling D. biting
20. The fighting has stopped, so to ______, the war is over.
A. all pins and needles B. all chop and change C. all prim and proper D. all intents and purposes

21. We would sooner Mr. Tram ______ us the urgent information the other night.
A. would have sent B. had sent C. sent D. had been sent
22. Would you be ______ my letter while I am away?
A. too good as to forward B. so good as to forward
C. as good as to forward D. so good as forwarding
23. He ______ us on the last day of the congress, so his presence at the opening ceremony was something of a
A. could have joined B. had to join C. was about to join D. was to join
24. You could have done ______ inviting Sam to the party.
A. better or worse than B. a lot worse than C. much better as D. nothing as worse as
25. He works until nine o clock every evening, and that s quite ______ the work he does over the weekend.
A. except for B. apart from C. without D. but for
26. I would rather go skiing ______ picnicking this weekend.
A. than going B. than to going C. than to go D. than go
27. It is mandatory that smoking in public ______.
A. is prohibited B. must be prohibited C. prohibiting D. be prohibited
28. In geometry, an ellipse may be defined as the locus of all points ______ distances from two fixed points is
A. the sum of whose B. of which the sum C. whose sum of D. which the sum of
29. Tony gripped his brother s arm lest he ______ by the mob.
A. would be trampled B. were trampled C. be trampled D. could have been trampled
30. The mini dress was ______, but now it is making a comeback.
A. a fad once thought to be finished B. once though a fad to be finishing
C. thought a fad to be finished once D. once thought to be a finishing fad
31. If you never put oil into your car engine, one day it will ______.
A. flake out B. shut down C. seize up D. run off
32. If you pay the restaurant bill with your credit card, it will ______ with you later.
A. settle down B. settle up C. pay back D. pay off
33. In those days, doctors ladled ______ antibiotics to patients.
A. with B. on C. in D. out
34. Let s find a place where we can ______ the storm.
A. wait out B. wear off C. wind down D. shrug off
35. The schoolboy winced ______ the sight of the cane in the headmaster s hand.
A. at B. for C. by D. of
36. I was completely bowled ______ by their warm reception.
A. with B. up C. off D. over
37. I am not ______ liberty to tell you anything about his private life.
A. in B. at C. by D. on
38. The figure is more ______ 200. I think.
A. of B. at C. like D. with
39. Their performances are really ______ compare. How amazing!
A. out of B. over C. within D. beyond
40. The party was ______ full swing when I arrived. Everyone was singing and dancing.
A. in B. on C. about D. with

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions below.
Historical biographer Antiona Fraser reveals the pleasures of studying a bygone era.
Gibbon was inspired to write The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire sitting on the steps of the Capitol at
Rome one evening, listening to the sound of monks chanting. My own inspiration to become a historical biographer
came in rather less elevated circumstances, as a teenager one rainy Oxford afternoon: I began to read Lytton
Strachey's Eminent Victorians, and was in particular fascinated by his essay on Cardinal Manning. This was going to be
the life for me! Once back at school I plunged into further research in the library. A very different picture emerged.
Gradually as I pursued the topic, I became aware of Strachey's daring sallies into "artistic truth" (as opposed to
historical truth). Nevertheless I never forgot my original sense of being transported into a world more vivid than my
An ability to convey this sensation is, I believe, at the heart of the matter. If you, the biographer, don't thrill to
your subject, you can hardly in all fairness expect the reader to do so. In a sense (not of course the commercial sense)
the choice of subject is irrelevant so long as it meets that requirement. You could say that I was extremely lucky to

choose Mary Queen of Scots for my first foray since there proved to be a world-wide public for the troubles of the ill-
fated Queen. But you could argue equally that I made my own luck, since I had always been obsessed by Mary's story
from childhood. Nor was success fore-ordained. It was, after all, the leading publisher Mark Bonham-Carter of (then)
Collins who said to me when I confessed my project, "They say that all books on Mary Queen of Scots sell and no
books on South America do", before adding with a laugh, "Perhaps yours will be the exception."
Nevertheless I did have luck. In the 60s, so-called narrative biography was said to be passé. Mary Queen of
Scots was an early beneficiary from the fact that the public continued to have an appetite for it, so long as the
research was felt to be solid.
The actual research for a biography - now that's a whole other matter. The paramount need for it - historical
truth not Stracheyesque truth must be established - means that biographers discover for themselves the reality of Dr.
Johnson's wise dictum: "A man will turn over half a library to make a book. "
And what about those fabled things boasted of on blurbs: hitherto unpublished documents? Obviously it is
every researcher's dream to discover such papers, and their discovery once again may make a project commercial
which would not otherwise be so. At the same time I would issue a caveat about hitherto unpublished documents.
HUDs are not in themselves more valuable than the printed sources - it's a historical coincidence that one set has
become known early on, the other not. One needs to evaluate them even more closely. Here I speak from personal
experience. A series of chances led me to discovering some hitherto unpublished letters of Oliver Cromwell just as I
was finishing my manuscript. I blazoned my finds across the text: only to realise at the proof stage, that they might be
unpublished but they were not very important in the grand scheme of things... an expensive mistake.
Where the perils and pleasures of writing historical biography are concerned, there are two perils which seem
to me to raise points of principle. The first is the peril of anachronistic judgements. For example, in the 16th
century more or less everybody took astrology seriously and more or less everybody enjoyed a jolly afternoon out to
see the bears baited . It's no good dismissing the former as meaningless and cringing from the latter as disgusting.
I would further cite the peril of hindsight. We may know that Henry VIII will marry six times, but he didn't, and
he would have been amazed if it had been predicted at the time of his first marriage to Catherine of Aragon.
And the pleasures? Manifold! Principal among them however is the opportunity to lead a life less ordinary. As a
biographer, I can rule over kingdoms, lead the cavalry into battle, patronise the great artists of the past and all without
leaving my chair.
41. What did the writer learn while researching a historical figure as a teenager?
A. There was a surprising amount of information available.
B. It was not possible to take everything she read as fact.
C. It was difficult to interpret the true meaning of what she read.
D. It was necessary to consult a wide range of sources.
42. What does that requirement refer to?
A. the reader s response to a writer s subject B. the correct choice of subject
C. the commercial appeal of the book D. the writer s ability to communicate their enthusiasm
43. What did Mark Bonham-Carter believe about the writer s choice of subject?
A. Her long-standing interest in it may ensure her book s success.
B. It did not guarantee her book s success.
C. There are already too many books written on it.
D. It was a wise choice for her first biography.
44. The main point that the writer is making in the fourth paragraph is that
A. a biography is more likely to be successful if it contains new information.
B. researchers must be careful to check all facts thoroughly.
C. research material can include inaccurate information.
D. extensive reading is crucially important.
45. What warning does the writer give to biographers about unpublished documents?
A. They are difficult to obtain as their discovery is down to chance.
B. Their overall significance to the book must be carefully considered.
C. Their use could result in diminished commercial success for a book.
D. It should not be assumed that they are authentic.
46. An example of an anachronistic judgement that the writer gives is
A. not being able to imagine oneself living in the sixteenth century.
B. being uninformed about sixteenth century customs and practices.
C. viewing the sixteenth century from a twenty-first century perspective.
D. focusing only on the negative side of life in the sixteenth century.
47. In the article as a whole, the writer implies that her main motivation for becoming a historical biographer was
the chance to

A. carry out extensive research. B. become immersed in history.
C. discover unpublished documents. D. establish historical truth.
48. The word elevated is closest in meaning to ______.
A. lofty B. normal C. raised D. high
49. The word passé is closest in meaning to ______.
A. obsolete B. out of fashion C. antique D. archaic
50. The word their in the fifth paragraph refers to ______.
A. blurbs B. researchers C. unpublished documents D. historical truths

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions below.
The Amazonian wilderness harbors the greatest number of species on this planet and is an irreplaceable
resource for present and future generations. Amazonia is crucial for maintaining global climate and genetic
resources, and its forest and rivers provide vital sources of food, building materials, pharmaceuticals, and water
needed by wildlife and humanity.
The Los Amigos watershed in the state of Madre de Dios, south-eastern Peru, is representative of the pristine
lowland moist forest once found throughout most of upper Amazonian South America. Threats to tropical forests occur
in the form of fishing, hunting, gold mining, timber extraction, impending road construction, and slash-and-burn
agriculture. The Los Amigos watershed, consisting of 1.6 million hectares (3.95 million acres), still offers the
increasingly scarce opportunity to study rainforest as it was before the disruptive encroachment of modern human
civilization. Because of its relatively pristine condition and the immediate need to justify it as a conservation zone, this
area deserves intensive, long-term projects aimed at botanical training, ecotourism, biological inventory, and
information synthesis.
On July 24, 2001, the government of Peru and the Amazon Conservation Association signed a contractual
agreement creating the first long-term permanently renewable conservation concession. To our knowledge this is the
first such agreement to be implemented in the world. The conservation concession protects 340,000 acres of old-
growth Amazonian forest in the Los Amigos watershed, which is located in south-eastern Peru. This watershed protects
the eastern flank of Manu National Park and is part of the lowland forest corridor that links it to Bahuaja-Sonene
National Park. The Los Amigos conservation concession will serve as a mechanism for the development of a regional
center of excellence in natural forest management and biodiversity science.
Several major projects are being implemented at the Los Amigos Conservation Area. Louise Emmons is
initiating studies of mammal diversity and ecology in the Los Amigos area. Other projects involve studies of the
diversity of arthropods, amphibians, reptiles, and birds. Robin Foster has conducted botanical studies at Los Amigos,
resulting in the labeling of hundreds of plant species along two kilometers of trail in upland and lowland forest. Michael
Goulding is leading a fisheries and aquatic ecology program, which aims to document the diversity of fish, their
ecologies, and their habitats in the Los Amigos area and the Madre de Dios watershed in general. With support from
the Amazon Conservation Association, and in collaboration with U.S. and Peruvian colleagues, the Botany of the Los
Amigos project has been initiated. At Los Amigos, we are attempting to develop a system of preservation,
sustainability, and scientific research; a marriage between various disciplines, from human ecology to economic
botany, product marketing to forest management. The complexity of the ecosystem will best be understood through a
multidisciplinary approach, and improved understanding of the complexity will lead to better management. The future
of these forests will depend on sustainable management and development of alternative practices and products that
do not require irreversible destruction.
The botanical project will provide a foundation of information that is essential to other programs at Los
Amigos. By combining botanical studies with fisheries and mammology, we will better understand plant/animal
interactions. By providing names, the botanical program will facilitate accurate communication about plants and the
animals that use them. Included in this scenario are humans, as we will dedicate time to people-plant interactions in
order to learn what plants are used by people in the Los Amigos area, and what plants could potentially be used by
To be informed, we must develop knowledge. To develop knowledge, we must collect, organize, and
disseminate information. In this sense, botanical information has conservation value. Before we can use plant-
based products from the forest, we must know what species are useful and we must know their names. We must be
able to identify them, to know where they occur in the forest, how many of them exist, how they are pollinated and
when they produce fruit (or other useful products). Aside from understanding the species as they occur locally at Los
Amigos, we must have information about their overall distribution in tropical America in order to better understand and

manage the distribution, variation, and viability of their genetic diversity. This involves a more complete understanding
of the species through studies in the field and herbarium.
51. The phrase genetic resources refers to
A. plant seeds B. different races of people.
C. diverse species of plants and animals. D. cells that can be used in genetic cures for diseases.
52. In paragraph 2, the author emphasizes that the current environmental condition of Amazonian South America
is ______.
A. mostly unscathed
B. restorable through his project
C. irredeemable everywhere but in the Los Amigos water shed
D. varying from destroyed to virtually pristine
53. The word encroachment in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. intrusion B. augmentation C. infringement D. seepage
54. The author implies in paragraph 3 that the agreement between Peru and the Amazon Conservation Association
is history primarily because it ______.
A. was the first long-term agreement regarding land in the Amazon Rainforest
B. represented the first time a South American government had agreed to renew a conservation agreement
C. is essentially a permanent conservation agreement
D. represents the first time such an agreement has been in the form of a renewable contract.
55. The author s main purpose in the passage is to ______.
A. demonstrate that conservation efforts have been historically successful and so should be continued
B. garner support for opposition to destructive activities in the Los Amigos watershed
C. position the Los Amigos watershed agreement as a success towards the achievement of the vital goal of
conservation the Amazonian rain forests
D. argue that the study pristine rainforests is essential for documenting and studying the myriad new species
that the forests contain
56. The author s tone in the passage can be best described as ______.
A. advocacy for his project over the other competing projects
B. general praise for conservation projects in Amazonian South America
C. passionate support for his and related projects
D. zealous advocacy for his point of view
57. The work of Louise Emmons, Robin Foster, and Michael Goulding (in paragraph 4) are employed in the passage
as ______.
A. colleagues of the author s in his botanical project
B. examples of the kinds of activities the author and his colleagues are trying to halt
C. scientists who are representative of new trends of study in Amazonian botany
D. scientists involved in projects related and amenable to the author s
58. The author s botanical project involved all of the following EXCEPT ______.
A. studying plants in laboratory B. studying how plants are used by humans and animals
C. facilitating pharmaceutical use of plants D. labeling plants in the Los Amigos area
59. When the author says that the botanical project will provide names he means that the project ______.
A. help recognize new species
B. aid in the standardization of names for new species
C. participate in naming the region s different zones
D. clarify the conclusion surrounding the names of different organizations working in Amazonia.
60. When the author says that botanical information has conservation value he means that ______.
A. a robust understanding of conservationism is aided botanical information
B. conservationists should strive to preserve botanical information
C. specification is of importance for conservation
D. political discussions about conservation should use botanical nomenclature

GUIDED CLOZE 1: Choose the most appropriate words to fill in the blanks.
The national park movement began in the United States in 1870 when a team of explorers suggested that part
of the Yellowstone River region be (61) ______ in order to protect its geothermal (62) ______, wildlife, forests and
(63) ______ scenery for the benefit of future generations. Congress (64) ______ by creating Yellowstone National
Park, the world's first, in 1872.
The idea proved (65) ______, and the number of national parks in this country grew rapidly, new parks being
set up by presidential (66) ______ and sometimes as the result of gifts by states of the union or by individuals.
Administration of this increasingly complex system was in the hands of the U.S. Army for thirty years from 1886, but
then Congress created the National Park Service as part of the Department of the Interior to (67) ______ it.
Today, in addition to what might be thought of as typical national parks, the Service also manages places of
historic interest, hiking trails, seashores, rivers, (68) ______ of scientific interest and memorials. In all, more than 300

entities are involved, covering over 32 million hectares. Each unit is directed by a superintendent who is responsible for
all aspects of the operation. Staff (69) ______ administrative personnel and, according to the nature of the unit, park
rangers, naturalists, historians, and (70) ______ workers.
61. A. set up B. set aside C. set by D. set in
62. A. tokens B. characters C. features D. traits
63. A. breathless B. optimal C. exceptional D. prominent
64. A. countered B. retrieved C. designated D. responded
65. A. prevailing B. banal C. widespread D. popular
66. A. analogy B. proclamation C. constitution D. dissemination
67. A. oversee B. overlook C. overcharge D. overact
68. A. observatories B. reserves C. reservoirs D. estuaries
69. A. cover B. control C. undergo D. undertake
70. A. maintenance B. sustainable C. protectorate D. conservation

GUIDED CLOZE 2: Choose the most appropriate words to fill in the blanks.
Ocean water plays a(n) (71) ______ role in supporting life. The great ocean basins hold about 300 million
cubic miles of water. From this vast amount, about 80,000 cubic miles of water are sucked into the atmosphere each
year by evaporation and returned by precipitation and drainage to the ocean. More than 24,000 cubic miles of rain
descend annually upon the continents. This vast amount is required to (72) ______ the lakes and streams, springs
and water tables on which all flora and fauna are dependent. Thus, the hydrosphere permits organic existence.
The hydrosphere has strange characteristics because water has (73) ______ unlike those of any other liquid.
One (74) ______ is that water upon freezing (75) ______ by about 9 percent, whereas most liquids contract on
cooling. (76) ______ this reason, ice floats on water bodies instead of sinking to the bottom. If the ice sank, the
hydrosphere would soon be frozen solidly, except for a thin layer of surface melt water during the summer season.
Thus, all aquatic life would be destroyed and the interchange of warm and cold currents, which moderates climate,
would be (77) ______ absent.
Another outstanding characteristic of water is that water has a heat capacity which is the highest of all liquids
and solids except ammonia. This characteristic enables the oceans to absorb and store vast quantities of heat, (78)
______ often preventing climatic extremes. In addition, water dissolves more substances than any other liquid. It is
this characteristic which helps make oceans a great storehouse for minerals which have been washed (79) ______
from the continents. In several areas of the world these minerals are being commercially exploited. Solar evaporation
of salt is widely (80) ______, potash is extracted from the Dead Sea, and magnesium is produced from sea water
along the American Gulf Coast.
71. A. principle B. principal C. dispensable D. expendable
72. A. replenish B. reinforce C. replete D. restore
73. A. property B. characteristics C. assets D. nature
74. A. alienation B. distinction C. contrast D. inconsistency
75. A. extends B. inflates C. increases D. expands
76. A. For B. By C. In D. With
77. A. remarkably B. vaguely C. unnoticeably D. indefinitely
78. A. so B. hence C. and then C. consequently
79. A. off B. out C. up D. down
80. A. exercised B. exerted C. practised D. proceeded


OPEN CLOZE 1: Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word.
A new threat to our health seems to have arisen in our midst, confusion and stress brought (1) __________
by technology. All you need to do to prove this to (3) __________ is to telephone a large company; a recorded voice
will (3) __________ you with a bewildering list of choices, and when you have finished answering its questions, you
will probably be to several minutes of piped music before you eventually make contact with a human being. But the
stress you undergo as a result is negligible compared to the (4) __________ the telegraph made on people 150 years
ago. Until (5) __________, messages could only travel as fast as a messenger could carry them. But now they could
be sent great (6) __________ in seconds. Before long, (7) __________ cables were laid across the oceans, and thirty
years later, the network reached 20,000 towns around the world.
Information arrived so quickly, often contradicting what had previously been transmitted, (8) __________
businessmen had to work much harder to (9) __________ abreast of developments. If we find difficulty with the
Internet, which is technological evolution, (10) __________ revolution, our ancestor had a far harder task in getting
used to the invention in the first place.

OPEN CLOZE 2: Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word.
Negative impacts from tourism occur when the level of visitor use is greater than the environment s (11)
__________ to cope with this use within the acceptable limits of change. Uncontrolled conventional tourism poses
potential (12) __________ to many natural areas around the world. It can put enormous pressure on an area and
lead to impacts such as soil erosion, increased pollution, (13) __________ into the sea, natural habitat loss, increased
pressure on endangered species and heightened (14) __________ to forest fires. It often puts a strain on water
resources, and it can force local populations to compete for the use of critical resources.
Water, and especially fresh water, is one of the most critical natural resources. The tourism industry generally
(15) __________ water resources for hotels, swimming pools, golf courses and personal use of water by tourists. This
can result (16) __________ water shortages and (17) __________ of water supplies, as well as generating a greater
volume of waste water. Tourism can create great pressure on local resources like energy, food, and other raw
materials that may already be in short supply. Greater extraction and transport of these resources exacerbates the
physical impacts associated with their exploitation. Because of the (18) __________ character of the industry, many
destinations have ten times more inhabitants in the high season as in the low season. A high demand is placed upon
these resources to (20) __________ the high expectations tourists often have (proper heating, hot water, etc.).


WORD FORMATION 1: Supply the correct forms of the words given.
1. To the __________, most computer systems seem complex and difficult to understand. (INITIATIVE)
2. The pieces of evidence fell into place with the __________ precision of a well-made jigsaw puzzle. (VOICE)
3. Parents have deep __________ about allowing business values to be used in schools. (GIVE)
4. For many people, social networking offers them a feeling of __________ from the real world. (ESCAPE)
5. Not sick, Mai guessed, but probably __________ now that she drank a lot at the party last night. (HANG)
6. The boats surrounded the whales, drove them into nets, where they became __________ and were rendered
helpless by harpoon thrusts. (MESH)
7. P is a __________ consonant. (LIP)
8. Perhaps __________, recent computer modeling studies predict fewer tropical cyclones if the ocean heats up
further as a result of global warming. (INTUITION)
9. New immigrants have been successfully __________ into the community. (SIMILAR)
10. We have to learn good examples, to look at our behavior and stop being __________. (RIGHT)

WORD FORMATION 2: Fill in the blank with an appropriate form of one of the words given to make a
meaningful passage.

William Sydney Porter (1862-1910), who wrote under the (11) __________ of O. Henry, was born in North
Carolina. His only formal education was to attend his Aunt Lina s school until the age of fifteen, where he developed
his (12) __________ love of books. By 1881 he was a (13) __________ pharmacist. However, within a year, on the
recommendation of a medical colleague of his Father s, Porter moved to La Salle County in Texas for two years herding
sheep. During this time, Webster s (14) __________ Dictionary was his constant (15) __________, and Porter gained
a knowledge of ranch life that he later (16) __________ into many of his short stories. He then moved to Austin for
three years, and during this time the first recorded use of his pen name appeared, (17) __________ derived from his
habit of calling Oh, Henry to a family cat. In 1887, Porter married Athol Estes. He worked as a draftsman, then as a
bank teller for the First National Bank.
In 1894 Porter founded his own humor weekly, the Rolling Stone , a venture that failed within a year, and
later wrote a column for the Houston Daily Post. In the meantime, the First National Bank was examined, and the (18)
__________ indictment of 1886 stated that Porter had embezzled funds. Porter then fled to New Orleans, and later to
Honduras, leaving his wife and child in Austin. He returned in 1897 because of his wife s continued (19) __________,
however she died six months later. Then, in 1898 Porter was found guilty and sentenced to five years imprisonment in
Ohio. At the age of thirty five, he entered prison as a defeated man; he had lost his job, his home, his wife, and finally
his invented name he now used to hide his identity. He wrote at least twelve stories in jail, and after (20) __________
his freedom, went to New York City, where he published more than 300 stories and gained fame as America s favorite
short Story writer. Porter married again in 1907, but after months of poor health, he died in New York City at the age
of forty-eight in 1910. O. Henry s stories have been translated all over the world.

Identify 10 mistakes in the following passage and suggest corrections.
Line 1Preserving organisms in museums is one way of retaining them for posterity, but almost people agree that it

would be nice to keep a few of them live in the wild, too. At the moment, which species survive, which decline to
threatened or even status and which succumb for extinction is something of a lottery. WORLDMAP is an easy-
to-use software that identifies geographical patterns in diversity, rarity and conservation priorities. It can perform
a range of specialist biological analysis for infinitely countless numbers of species, with a view to provide
biodiversity data for research purposes. The program divides the surface area of the world into cells, usually
arranging in a rectangular gird. WORLDMAP can also predict the likelihood of a hitherto unobserved species found
in an area on the basis of theirs known distribution. Given the patchiness of most records, which is a useful trick.
Furthermore, it can select complementary areas for preservation. Those are not necessarily cells with the highest
individual biodiversity, but for those which, together, maximize what is preserved by picking places with the least
overlapping species.


Rewrite the following sentences using the words given.
1. Linda was very nervous, which made her look like a bashful girl. (CAME)
Such __________________________________________________________________________________ .
2. As soon as the funds ran out, they had to abandon the scheme. (PETERED)
The instant _____________________________________________________________________________ .
3. Why did you reveal my plan to Kathy? (BREATHED)
I d ____________________________________________________________________________________ .
4. David was responsible for the family business as soon as his father retired. (CHARGE)
Scarcely ________________________________________________________________________________ .
5. Your encouragement helped to make things less grievous after such a heavy loss. (CUSHION)
It was _________________________________________________________________________________ .
6. Tina was crazy about stamps, so she spends lots of money on them every month. (SPLASHED)
Had it _________________________________________________________________________________ .
7. He tried hard but couldn t compensate for what had done. (AMENDS)
Try ___________________________________________________________________________________ .
8. Experts think that all dogs evolved from wolves. (DESCENDED)
All dogs __________________________________________________________________________ experts.
9. We didn t learn he still managed to live with very little money as a waiter until later. (EKED)
Not until _______________________________________________________________________________ .
10. Nobody is certain if the project will be permitted to continue. (GO-AHEAD)
It s still touch ______________________________________________________________________ or not.


H và tên thí sinh: ...................................................................................................................................................

S báo danh: ...........................................................................................................................................................

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