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Humanities Module 1

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When you hear the word “humanities” what is the first word thing that comes into your mind?
The humanities include the study of ancient and modern languages, literature,
philosophy, history, law, politics, religion and art. Scholars in the humanities are “humanity
scholars” or “humanists”. Furthermore, the humanities gives you general knowledge. The
humanities help us understand others through their languages, histories and culture.
Humanities students build their skills in writing and critical reading. They encourage us to think
creatively. They teach us to reason about being human and to ask question about the world.

Art History vs Art Appreciation

Art history is the study of works of art in their historical development and stylistic contexts.
This includes the “major” arts of painting, sculpture and architecture as well as the “minor” arts
of ceramics, furniture and any decorative objects. It is the study of object of art in their
historical development and stylistic context, format and design that we may be able to
understand the purpose of the work of art and appreciate it. It is anchored in the arts and
sciences, which promotes awareness of interrelationship of all fields of knowledge.
On the other hand, art appreciation refers to the exploration and analysis of art forms that we
are exposed to it. It can be highly subjective, depending on an individuals personal taste and
preferences, or can be done on the basis of several grounds such as elements of design and
mastery of displayed in a piece.

Art and its Meaning

The word “arts” comes from the Aryan word “AR” which means “to put together”. It also comes
from the Latin word “ARS” which means skills, ability and covers those areas of artistic
creativity. It embraces the visual arts, literature, music and the visual arts. It expresses
aesthetic ideas by use of skills and imagination.
Merriam Webster defines art as “ the conscious use of skills and creative imagination specially
in the production of aesthetic objects”.

Art is so diverse that there are many ways to understand it.

o Art is “an activity by which a person, having an emotion intentionally transmits it to
others.” ( Leo Tolstoy )
o Art is that which brings harmony with the beauty of the world. Ruskin states that it is the
whole spirit of man. ( Plato )
o Art as a way of life, of doing, thinking, of feeling, of making choices of living in a fine
way. ( Arthur Dow )
Some generalization about art (What is art?)
1. Art is any creative work of human being.
2. Art is a form of expressing oneself.
3. Art resides in the quality of doing; process is not magic.
4. Art is the act of making something visually entertaining.
5. Art is that activity which manifests beauty.
6. Art is mastery, an ideal way of doing something.
7. Art is not a thing- it is a way. ( Elbert Hubbard )
8. Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has ever known.
9. Art is a discovery and development of elementary principles of nature into beautiful forms
suitable for human use. ( Frank Lloyd Wright )

Why is art important?

Artist do not think like the policymakers or academic people. They think from their
hearts-big, revolutionary and visionary ideas. This why artists are able to move people to
action, thus creates significant cultural and political contributions. This is what makes art
powerful. Furthermore, art has played an important role in helping fight against intolerance of
different cultures, racism, and other forms of unjust societal segregation. With immigration
becoming a modern trend, the world’s countries are expected to be more tolerant and
accepting of those who enter their borders. Finally, art is a remarkable mode of depicting
culture from all over the world and an essential ingredients to empowering the hearts of the

Creativity, Imagination and the Expression in Art

Creativity is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. It is characterized by the
ability to perceive the world in new ways, to find hidden patterns, to make connections
between seemingly unrelated phenomena and to generate solution. It is the ability to transcend
traditional ideas, rules, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms,
methods, interpretations, originality, progressiveness, or imagination.
Imagination is tied very closely to creativity because imagination is putting things, ideas.
Feelings or images together, initially in the artist’s mind. Through imagination one is able to
craft something bold, something new and something better in the hopes of creating something
that will stimulate changes.
Expression is automatic in every action, thought or feeling in everyone. The Expression of
feeling constitutes the creation of art, just as philosophy and other disciplines are expression of
ideas. The combination of these three factors lead men to create a work of art that will surely
influence people to seek for change in improving their lives.
Assumptions of Art

These assumptions are the principles and bases of appreciating a work of art since it is
in art that man can convey one’s individuality and way of life.

1. Art is universal.
Art is everywhere; wherever men have lived together. It has sprung up among them as
a language charged with feelings and significance. Art as a cultural force can be pervasive and
potent. It has no limit and rises above cultures, races and civilization. It is timeless because it
goes beyond the time of our own existence.
2. Art is not nature.
Art is man made, it is a creation of man utilizing his thoughtful skill and artistry. It is
artificial because it is just an imitation or appropriation of reality and nature. It is a
representation of ideas, thought, feelings that are communicated and expressed in a creative
and artistic way. Art created by God is divine while art created by man is temporary. Art can
never be natural because it is momentary in the constant transformation of change. Artist could
create works of art but they cannot form nature.
3. Art involves experience.
Art is a depiction of our daily experiences. It demands taking part. It involves laying of
pigments. Moulding of clay, chipping marble, casting of bronze, constructing of building,
singing of songs, playing roles on stage, acting and going rhythmic movements in a dance.
Every art does something with physical material, the body, thus the only way to find conviction
and assertion is through immersion in the Arts. Art is appreciated if we spend time to look at it,
listen to it, to touch it and feel its presence.
4. Art is cultural.
Art is set of shared attitudes, values, goals and practices that define a group of people,
such as the people of a particular region. Culture includes the elements that characterize a
particular people’s way of life. The arts-vast subdivision of culture, composed of many creative
endeavors and discipline.
5. Art is an expression.
Art is an expression made visible by a form. It expresses and translates, it
acknowledges and reveals, transfers and reveals. Art is an expression of feeling, belief and
6. Art as a form of creation.
A work of art is created by an artist, in order then to develop an independent existence
in the eye of the beholder over which the creator loses all control. The creation of art is the
bringing about of a new combination of elements in medium (tones in music, words in
literature, paints on canvass and others).
Categories / Classification of Arts

1. Visual Arts (2D,3D)

 Painting- the application of pigment on any flat two-dimensional surface.
 Sculpture- it is the carving, modelling,, casting, constructing and assembling of
materials and objects into primarily dimensional works of art.
 Architecture- it is the art and science of planning , designing, and constructing
buildings and non building structures for human shelter or use.

2. Performing Arts
 Music - is an art form and cultural activity whose medium is sound organized in
 Dance - is the movement of the body in a rhythmic way, usually to music and
within the given space for the purpose of expressing an idea or emotion.
 Film - also called movie or motion picture, is a series of still images that when
shown on a screen creates an illusion of moving images.
 Theater - is a collaborative form of art that uses live performers, typically actors
or actresses, to present the experience of real or imagined event before a live
audience in a specific place often a stage.
 Literary - is concentrating the writing, study or content of literature, specifically of
the kind valued for quality of form.
 Performance poetry - is a poetry specifically composed for or during a
performance before an audience rather than on print mostly open to
3. Digital Arts
It is the art that is made with the assistance of electronic device or intended to be
displayed on a computer which is the most important element in digital art.

4. Applied Arts
The application of design and decorations in everyday objects to make them
aesthetically pleasing.
 Fashion design - it is the art of applying design, aesthetics and natural beauty to
clothing and accessories.
 Furniture design - it is a specialized field where functions and fashion collide.
 Interior design - it is enhancing the interior of a building to achieve a healthier
and more aesthetically pleasing environment for the people using space.
 Graphic design - it is an artist process of effective communication. Designers
combine words, images and symbols to create a visual representation of ideas.

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