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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Social Studies 6

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Social Studies 6

(Expository Method)

Twinkleshane G. Maglinte March 9, 2020

Student Teacher Date

Mr. Soren R. Sanchez 10:30 – 11:30 AM

Instructor Time

I. Objectives:
Through the use of varied activities, the Grade 4 students with at least 75%
accuracy should be able to:
b. Identify the different imaginary lines of the globe;

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Imaginary Lines of the Globe

Materials: Powerpoint Presentarion, Miniature model

III. Procedure:

Teacher Students
A. Approach
1. Prayer
Good morning class!
Good Morning Teacher!

Before we start our day, can

someone lead the prayer? Okay Teacher. Let`s put ourselves in
the presence of the Lord..

2. House Rules
Before you take you seats kindly (Students will arrange their chairs
pick up the pieces of papers on properly and pick up the pieces of
the floor and arrange your chairs papers)
properly. Thank you Teacher.

You may take your seats.

Okay Teacher.
Class secretary, kindly check the
attendance of the class.

Last meeting, I gave you an

assignment. Put it out because (Students will get their assignments)
you’ll be needing that for today’s
discussion. Later on I’m going to
check that.

3. Review Yes teacher.

Do you still remember our
discussion yesterday?

Our lesson yesterday is all about the

What was our lesson yesterday? Continents of the Globe.

Very good!

4. Motivation
As you can see, I have here some
lollipops. I want each of you to get Yes teacher.
one. You are not allowed to open
the lollipop unless I said it, okay? (Students will get a lollipop)

Now, please get one.

(Students will proceed to their
Okay, those who got the red designated areas)
lollipop, proceed in right side in
front, green at the back, yellow at
the left side in front and pink at the
left side in the back.

Settle down, check your lollipops

because I have scrambled words
and questions there that you need
to correct and answer.
(Students will stand)
Stand up to those who got the

Let us unscrambled those words.

Very good! These are imaginary lines that are
How about question 1? horizontally positioned in the globe.
Answer: It is the latitude teacher.

Great! These are imaginary lines that are
What about question 2? vertically positioned in the globe.
Answer: It is the longitude teacher.


Very good! What is the reference line in
How about question 3? determining the longitude?
Answer: The reference line in
determining the longitude teacher is
the Prime Meridian.

Great! What is the reference line in
How about question 4? determining the latitude?
Answer: The reference line in
determining the latitude ma’am is the

What about question 5? Word 5: CROPIT FO RECCAN
Answer: It is Tropic of Cancer

Who got question 6?

Answer: It is the Tropic of Capricorn
Superb! teacher.
How about question 7? This
question have two answers.
Answer: It is Arctic and Antartic
Very good! Circle teacher.
Who got the question 7?
To answer question number 8,
you are going to collect all the
answers from question 4 to
question 7. Question 8: Name the five special
lines of latitude.Answer: The five
special lines of latitude are Equator,
Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of
Capricorn, Arctic Circle and Antarctic
Great! Circle teacher.
How about the last one?
The last question shows what will
be our lesson for today.
Answer: Our lesson for today is all
about the Imaginary Lines of the
All of you did a great job Globe teacher.
finding the answers. Give
yourselves a round of
You may now go back to your
Okay teacher.
B. Presentation
1. Simple Discussion
Once again, what is our lesson for
Our lesson for today is all about
Imaginary Lines of the Globe
Thank you. Before we start, I want
you sit properly and listen
attentively on my discussion. Can
you lend me your ears children?

Let`s start.
Yes teacher.
I want you to look at the picture.
What do you observe?

Teacher, the globe is divided and

Very good. labeled into 4 parts.

The Earth is, almost, but not quite,

a sphere that rotates around its
axis. Scientists call this shape
a spheroid or ellipsoid. If we draw
a line passing through the center
of the Earth along its rotational
axis, the line would pass through
the North and the South Pole.

In the picture, do you see lines

that passes through the center of
the globe?
Yes teacher.

What are they?

Very good. Equator and Prime Meridian

Okay, let`s define those words.
Let`s start with the equator.
Can you read the definition?

The Equator is an imaginary line

perpendicular to this axis. It is
equidistant from the North and South
Poles, and divides the globe into the
Northern Hemisphere and the
Dividing Earth into Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere.
Most locations on the Equator
experience consistently
high temperatures throughout the
year. They also experience at
least 12 hours of daylight every
day during the year. On the
– September and March – the sun
is directly overhead the Equator,
resulting in almost exactly 12 hour
days and 12 hour nights.

The Equator passes through 14

countries, including Uganda,
Kenya, Somalia, Indonesia,
Ecuador, Colombia, and Brazil.

There are imaginary lines of the

globe: the latittude and longitude.
What are those again?

Great! Latitude and Longitude teacher.

Often called parallels, circles
of latitude or simple latitude.
Can you read the definition.

Latitudes are imaginary circles

parallel to the Equator. They are
named after the angle created by a
line connecting the latitude and the
center of the Earth, and the line
Latitudes specify the north-south connecting the Equator and the
position of a location on the globe. center of the Earth.
Locations in the Northern
Hemisphere are identified by
northern latitudes and are
assigned a suffix of N for north.
Southern Hemisphere locations,
on the other hand, are on southern
latitudes and are assigned a suffix
of S for south.

The Equator represents 0°

latitude, while the North and
South Poles represent 90° North
and 90° South latitudes.

Earth's Axis Is Imaginary

In astronomy, an axis refers to the
imaginary line that an object,
usually a planet, rotates around.

Earth's rotational axis is an

imaginary straight line that runs
through the North and South Pole.

Looking at the left side of the

picture, are those words familiar?

Very good! Yes teacher. Those are five special

lines of latitude.
In addition to the Equator, there
are four other major latitudes that
are usually found on maps and

First is the Arctic Circle.

Please read its definition.

The Arctic Circle is the latitude 66°

On the other hand, the Antarctic 34′ North. All locations falling North of
Circle is the latitude 66° 34′ south. this latitude are said to be in the
Any locations falling south of this Arctic Circle.
latitude are said to be in the
Antarctic Circle.

Places in both the Arctic and

Antarctic circles experience
extreme weather, and experience
the Midnight Sun.

Another special lines of latitude

are the Tropic of cancer and
Tropic of Capricorn.
May I request everyone to please
read the definition.
The latitude 23° 26′ North is also
known as the Tropic of Cancer. It
marks the northern-most position on
the Earth, where the Sun is directly
overhead at least once a year. This
happens during the June Solstice,
when the Earth’s Northern
Hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun.

The Tropic of Capricorn is the

latitude that lies at 23° 26′ South of
the Equator. It is the southern-most
Another imaginary lines of the position on the globe, where the sun
globe also is the Longitude. is directly overhead during
Kindly read. the December Solstice.

Longitudes are geographical

positioning markers that run from the
geographical North Pole to the
geographical South Pole, intersecting
Longitudes are therefore the Equator. They meet at both
imaginary circles that intersect the Poles, and specify the east-west
North and South Poles, and the position of a location.
Equator. Half of a longitudinal
circle is known as a Meridian.
Meridians are perpendicular to
every latitude.

Today, the meridian line through

Greenwich, England is considered
as the reference point for
longitudes. This line is also known
as the Prime Meridian.
What is Prime Meridian?
Can someone read the definition?

The Prime Meridian is set as 0°

longitude and it divides the Earth into
the Eastern and the Western
Hemisphere. All the other longitudes
are measured, and named after the
Since a sphere has 360 degrees, angle they make with respect to the

the Earth is divided into 360 side of the Earth) is the

longitudes. The meridian opposite 180° longitude and is
the Prime Meridian (on the other known as the anti
meridian. center of the Earth from the
intersection of the Meridian and the
Modern timekeeping systems use Equator.
longitudes as references to keep
time. Time zones are defined by
the Prime Meridian and the

Is everything tackled on the

discussion are all clear?

1.1. Simple Q and A

So let`s see if you really
understand the lesson. Let`s have
a review.
What are the major imaginary
lines of the globe?

Very good!
Yes teacher.
Next, what are the 5 special lines
of latitude?

Seems like you`re ready for our
test. Latitude and Longitude teacher. Higher Q and A

Why are there imaginary lines
on the globe? The five special lines of latitude are
Anyone who would like to Equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of
answer? Capricorn, Arctic Circle and Antarctic
Circle teacher.

(Students have varied answers)

Very good class!
The imaginary line around the globe
are very important because are
drawn for navigation and geographic

C. Application Choose your leader and

Okay based again on your lollipop the group presenter.
colors, that would be your group
for our today’s activity. Anyone from each group
come here in front to get their These lines are helpful in determining
materials. location of an object around the
Inside these envelopes are the
Activity Sheets and Materials (see By these lines the distances are
attachments) needed in your measured in degrees.
activities that you need to finish for
10 minutes only and 3 minutes for
the presentation of the output.

So you will be graded by this

Rubric. Please read first. (Member will go in front)

If you have any questions, don’t

hesitate to ask me. You may start
doing your activity. Remember that
your time is counted.

(Teacher will roam around) Yes teacher.

Okay 10 minutes is done! Post your (Students will read the rubric)
outputs now and start presenting it for
3 minutes only.
(Students will start their
Okay let us clap our hands for a
job well done. Now, let us
check your work. activity)

(Students will present their outputs)

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