A Detailed Lesson Plan in Social Studies 6
A Detailed Lesson Plan in Social Studies 6
A Detailed Lesson Plan in Social Studies 6
(Expository Method)
I. Objectives:
Through the use of varied activities, the Grade 4 students with at least 75%
accuracy should be able to:
b. Identify the different imaginary lines of the globe;
III. Procedure:
Teacher Students
A. Approach
1. Prayer
Good morning class!
Good Morning Teacher!
2. House Rules
Before you take you seats kindly (Students will arrange their chairs
pick up the pieces of papers on properly and pick up the pieces of
the floor and arrange your chairs papers)
properly. Thank you Teacher.
Very good!
4. Motivation
As you can see, I have here some
lollipops. I want each of you to get Yes teacher.
one. You are not allowed to open
the lollipop unless I said it, okay? (Students will get a lollipop)
Very good! These are imaginary lines that are
How about question 1? horizontally positioned in the globe.
Answer: It is the latitude teacher.
Great! These are imaginary lines that are
What about question 2? vertically positioned in the globe.
Answer: It is the longitude teacher.
Great! What is the reference line in
How about question 4? determining the latitude?
Answer: The reference line in
determining the latitude ma’am is the
What about question 5? Word 5: CROPIT FO RECCAN
Answer: It is Tropic of Cancer
Let`s start.
Yes teacher.
I want you to look at the picture.
What do you observe?
Very good!
Yes teacher.
Next, what are the 5 special lines
of latitude?
Seems like you`re ready for our
test. Latitude and Longitude teacher.
Okay 10 minutes is done! Post your (Students will read the rubric)
outputs now and start presenting it for
3 minutes only.
(Students will start their
Okay let us clap our hands for a
job well done. Now, let us
check your work. activity)