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ME5204 Finite Element Analysis: Class 7: Piecewise Linear Finite Elements and Properties of The Stiffness Matrix

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ME5204 Finite Element Analysis

Class 7: Piecewise linear finite elements and properties of the

stiffness matrix

August 23, 2021

Piecewise linear finite element space

I The examples that we saw previously used basis functions

which are cases of the picewise linear finite element space.
I In the general case V h is n-dimensional. The domain [0,1] is
partitioned into n non-overlapping sub-intervals.
I The typical interval is denoted by [xA , xA+1 ], where xA < xA+1
and A = 1, 2, .... n. Also x1 = 0 and xn+1 = 1. The xA ’s are
called nodes. The sub-intervals are referred to as elements.
I It is not required that the length of the elements be equal. The
mesh parameter h is generally taken as the length of the largest
I The shape functions are defined as follows:
For 2 ≤ A ≤ n

 x − xA−1

 , xA−1 ≤ x ≤ xA
 hA−1

NA (x) = xA+1 − x (1)
 , xA ≤ x ≤ xA+1

 hA
0, elsewhere

I Whereas for the boundary nodes,

x2 − x
N1 (x) = , x1 ≤ x ≤ x2 (2)
x − xn
Nn+1 (x) = , xn ≤ x ≤ xn+1 (3)
Figure: Basis functions for piece-wise linear finite element space
I These shape functions are called.“hat”, or “roof” functions for
obvious reasons.
I It is noted that NA (xB ) = δAB , where δAB is the Kronecker
delta i.e., δAB = 1 if A = B, and δAB = 0 if A 6= B.
I To further clarify, NA takes the value 1 at xA and is zero at all
other nodes.
I A typical member wh ∈ V h has the form ΣnA=1 cA NA . It
appears as shown in the figure below.
Figure: A typical member wh ∈ V h
I On each element w h is a linear polynomial in x.
I It is instantly clear that w h has discontinuous slope across each
element boundary.
I It is noted that the essential boundary condition w h (1) = 0 is
I It is also noted that wh is zero if and only if each cA = 0, A =
1, 2, ....., n.
I Typical members of δ h are obtained by adding gh = g Nn+1 to
typical members of V h . This ensures that uh (1) = g.
I The piece-wise linear finite element functions are the simplest
and most widely used finite element functions for 1-D problems.
Properties of K

I It is noted that the shape functions are zero outside a

neighborhood of node A. As a result many of the entries of K
are zero.
If B > A + 1,
Z 1
KAB = NA,x NB,x dx = 0. (4)

I Clearly by symmetry also true for A > B + 1.

I Thus the non-zero entries are located in a band across the
main diagonal. K is banded. Banded matrices deliver
significant computational savings.
Figure: If B>A+1, then the non-zero portions of NB and NA , do not
Figure: banded structure of K
Properties of K

I A n × n matrix is called positive definite if

cT Ac ≥ 0, for all n-vectors c and

cT Ac = 0, implies c = 0. (5)

I It maybe shown that a symmetric positive definite matrix

possesses a unique inverse.
I It is also noted that the eigenvalues of a positive definite
matrix are real and positive.
I Proposition The n × n stiffness matrix K is positive definite.
I Proof:
Let cA A = 1, 2, .... , n, be the components of c, an arbitrary
vector. These cA ’s can be used to construct a member of V h ,
wh = ΣnA=1 cA NA , where NA ’s are the basis functions of V h .

cT Kc = ΣnA,B=1 cA KAB cB (6)

= ΣnA,B=1 cA a(NA , NB )cB (7)
= a ΣnA=1 cA NA , ΣnB=1 cB NB (8)

= a(w h , w h ) (9)
Z 1
= (w,xh )2 dx (10)
≥ 0 (11)

I Assume cT Kc = 0. Now by previous result,

Z 1
(w,xh )2 dx = 0 (12)

Consequently w h must be a constant. Since wh ∈ V h , wh (1)

= 0. Combining these facts, we conclude that wh (x) = 0 for
all x ∈ [0,1]. This is possible only if cA = 0 for all A = 1, 2,
...., n. Thus c = 0.
Hence proved.
I In Summary:
K is,
a. Symmetric
b. Banded
c. Positive-definite

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