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Technological Advances in Fine Abrasive Processes

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Keynote Papers

Technological Advances in Fine Abrasive Processes

R. Komanduri (11, D.A. Lucca (21, and Y. Tani* (2)

Mechanical b Aerospace Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, USA
*Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan


Fine abrasives, be they loose or fixed, are invariably used in the production of components of the highest
quality in terms of form and finish accuracy, and surface integrity. While optical, mechanical, and
electronic applications of advanced ceramics, glasses, and semiconductors may require high form and
finish accuracies (e.g., roughnesses in the angstrom range), the depth and nature of the subsurface
damage resultant from processing may be equally important. For economic manufacture and for improved
reliability of brittle materials, an understanding of the mechanisms of material removal in fine abrasive
processes, as well as the nature of damage imparted, are essential prerequisites. Knowledge of the
removal mechanisms and nature of damage can enable process improvement and minimize, if not
altogether eliminate, surface and subsurface damage. This paper focuses on. fine abrasive processes
with emphasis on material removal in brittle workmaterials. Generally, indentation models are used to
simulate abrasion and polishing. An attempt is made to rationalize various models by linking conventional
machining, grinding, ultraprecision machining, and indentation sliding as a cognate transition for material
removal operations, Whereas chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) has become the process of choice for
finishing semiconductors, the various models developed thus far, although very significant, have
addressed isolated aspects of the process and/or neglected certain issues. To use analytical models as
predictive tools for finishing of brittle materials, it is necessary to integrate existing understanding into a
comprehensive model of the process. This paper reports on some significant technological advances in
fine abrasive processes which have been made.

Kevwords: grinding, polishing, finishing, abrasives, ceramics, glass, silicon

"The smaller the particles of the substance (abrasives), the smaller will be the
scratches by which they continually fret and wear away the glass until it is polished..."

............ Sir Isaac Newton in Opticks (1695)

1. INTRODUCTION 1964). Consequently, the mechanisms of material removal

in polishing have attracted the attention of such stalwarts
Fine abrasives have been in use for polishing since as Sir Isaac Newton (1695), Lord Rayleigh (1901), Sir
antiquity as evidenced by innumerable marvelous stone George Beilby (1921), recently by Late Professor Bowden
monuments around the world as well as the natural erosion and Professor Tabor of Cambridge University (1950), and
of them over centuries due to rain, wind, and sand erosion, more recently by one of our ClRP colleagues, Len Samuels
and the chemical interactions associated with the of Australia (1971), to mention a few. It may be noted that
environment (pollution) (Komanduri and Lucca, 1997). surfaces produced on ground glass for optical applications
Fine abrasives are generally obtained by comminution, a need to be smooth only to a certain degree (a fraction of
process by which brittle materials are reduced in size, the wavelength, h of the incident light) for it to specularly
e.g., from large size abrasives to fine size abrasives. reflect light. Thus, a surface which negligibly scatters light
Consequently, there has been a limit on the fine size that need not be smooth on an atomic scale. With high
can be obtained (- a few pm) and the associated defect emphasis on precision in Japan, many universities there
structure inherited during the size reduction process. had for quite some time (some to this day) Departments of
Today, new advances in materials syntheses have Precision Engineering. They also have a professional
enabled production of ultrafine abrasives in the nanometric society dedicated to this area, namely, Japan Society for
range without the need for comminution. They are used in a Precision Engineering (JSPE) since 1947. The journal
variety of forms including loose abrasives (polishing, Precision Enaineerinqwas launched with the help of many
lapping), bonded abrasives (grinding wheels), and coated of our ClRP colleagues in 1979, and is now maintained by
abrasives for producing components of various shapes, the American Society for Precision Engineering (ASPE)
sizes, accuracy, finish, and surface integrity. The which was started in 1986.
requirements range from high resolution, high reliability,
high response, high throughput, and high integration for Since material removal in fine abrasive processes is
electronic components (VLSI); to high durability, high extremely small, on the order of submicrometers or less,
strength, and high reliability for structural components; to our distinguishedcolleague, Norio Taniguchi (1974) coined
high reflectivity for optical components; to high magnetic the term "Nanotechnology" as a target of ultraprecision
permeability for magnetic materials. processing. In 1983, at the ClRP General Assembly in
Harrogate a keynote paper was presented on the "Current
The initial technological uses of fine abrasives have been
Status and Future Trends in Ultra Precision Machining and
predominantly for optical applications such as Ultrafine Materials Processing," by Professor Taniguchi
microscopes and telescopes, and for polishing of surfaces
(1983). An elegant introduction to Professor Taniguchi's
for metallurgical investigation of microstructures (Holland,

Annals of the CIRP Vol. 46/2/1997 545

Machmmg Machina tools Measurina instruments
accuracy (pccessuq ecuipmnt) (inspection squimnt)

Fig. 1 The development of achievable machining accuracy (after Taniguchi, 1983)

presentation was made by our distinguishedcolleague and Surface roughness on the order of a 10 A rms is obtained
former President of CIRP, Professor Pat McKeown of the today relatively easily on a range of surface geometries,
Cranfield Unit for Precision Engineering (CUPE) of the UK. such as planar, round or, parabolic (concave or convex).
Taniguchi, in this paper, reviewed the historical progress Subsequently, Professor McKeown of CUPE developed an
of machining accuracy achieved during this century under extremely rigid, very precise state-of-the art grinding
the general classification of conventional machining (CM), machine (Nanocentre 600) (1990) incorporating Professor
precision machining (PM), and ultraprecision machining Nakagawa's electrolytic in-process dressing (ELID)
(UPM) and also included various inspection equipment (Ohmori and Nakagawa, 1990,1995; Ohmori and
used for the measurement of accuracy [Fig. I]. By Takahashi, 1994) for grinding a range of hardened steels,
continuously incorporating the advances made in UPM in ceramics, and glasses.
the previous years to P.M first, and ultimately to CM the
achievable accuracies continue to increase. For example, It may be pointed out that the terms polishing, finishing,
Taniguchi predicted that by 2000 A. D., machining lapping, and honing are all used for precision finishing with
accuracies in conventional machining would reach 1 pm, differences in the emphasis on the requirements. For
while in precision machining (PM) and in ultra precision example, traditionally, polishing was meant to imply best
machining (UPM) would reach 0.01 pm and 0.001 pm, finish without regard for shape or form accuracy, e.g., in
respectively. It is amazing that his predictions made in the preparation of metallurgical samples where the
1983 are in fact in line with the advances taking place objective is to remove the scratches so that
currently in the machine tool industry. Taniguchi also microstructure can be observed after etching. It is also
addressed problems to be solved in the meantime towards used for removing the damage, such as microcracks,
achieving true accuracies of 0.1 pm 0.05 pm for finishing voids, etc., caused by the previous manufacturing
operation, such as grinding. Conventional lapping in
electronic, optical, and magnetic materials. They include
leveling up the inherent precision of all elements/sub- contrast is used not for finish but for form accuracy, such
systems, such as straightness, flatness, and squareness as flatness in the case of flat objects or sphericity in the
of the tool/work motions; adaptive accuracy control of case of balls. The term honing is used, similar to lapping,
machine tool motions; and application of quality control for form and shape accuracy and for generating the
techniques and systems at the highest levels of accuracy. topography to 'trap' the lubricant. Finishing is a general
The development of deterministic prediction capability, term used to describe any or all of these processes.
which our distinguished colleague Jim Bryan (1984) at the Today, in view of our ability to generate extremely fine
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) had been finish and form accuracy by a range of processes, these
advocating from early on to achieve machine accuracy terms are used somewhat interchangeably and may not
capability of 50 nm, was also pursued. adhere strictly to these definitions by researchers as well
as practitioners.
Traditionally, si.ngle or multiple point tools with
geometrically defined edges, such as turning and milling Several Keynote papers which have been presented at the
tools have been considered for roughing and semi- CIRP General Assemblies in the past by our distinguished
finishing, and abrasives either in loose or bonded form colleagues, have related to the technology of finishing with
whose geometry varies continuously in an unpredictable fine abrasives. In view of their special importance, some of
manner during the process are considered for finishing. those references are incorporated in the keynote paper:
However, this myth was laid to rest by the development of Taniguchi, N., 1983, Current Status in, and Future
rigid, ultraprecision machine tools for mirror finishing of Trends of Ultraprecision Machining and Ultrafine
nonferrous materials using a single crystal diamond tool. Materials Processing, Annals of CIRP, 32/2: 573-582.

Keynote Papers


by bonded
I 1 UltraprecisionGrinding
abrasives 2 Honing
3 Magnetic Field Assisted Polishing
4 Coated Abrasive Machining
I- 5 Barrelling

by loose

Machining by
free abrasives I
6 Lapping
7 Ultrasonic Machining
8 Polishing
9 Viscoelastic Flow Machining
10 ChemicaCMechanical Polishing (CMP)
Machining by 11 Single Point Diamond Turning
single point tool
12 Etching
Chemical processes
[ - ,
13 Chemical Polishing
Photo-chemical processes 14 Photo Etching
Electro-chemical processes 15 (Electrolytic Polishing)
r 16 Electric Discharge Machining
t Electric
17 Electron Beam Machining
18 Ion Beam Machining

L Optical
19 Plasma Machining
20 Laser Beam Machining

Fig. 2 Classification of material removal processes in terms of the energy source used (after Nogawa, 1988)
Konig, W., Tonshoff, H.K., Fromlowitz, J. and Dennis, incorporated here as references. However, the authors
P., 1986, Belt Grinding, Annals of CIRP, 35/2: 487-494. apologize for any inadvertent omission of papers by our
esteemed colleagues.
Inasaki, 1.,1987, Grinding of Hard and Brittle Materials,
Annals of CIRP, 36/2: 463-471. Figure 2 gives a classification of various material removal
processes in terms of the energy source used (after
McKeown, P.A.,1987, The Role of Precision Engineering Nogawa, 1988). They involve both mechanical material
in Manufacturing of the Future, Annals of CIRP, 3612: removal, such as single point and multiple point cutting
495-502. tools as well as with abrasives (bonded, coated, and
Salje, E., and Paulmann, R., 1988, Relations Between loose) as well as non-mechanical techniques. The
Abrasive Processes, Annals of CIRP, 37/2: 641-648. techniques involving non-mechanical material removal for
fine finishing include, several types of beam machining
Tbnshoff, H.K., v. Schmieden, W., Inasaki, I., Konig, processes (laser beam, electron beam, ion beam,
W., and Spur, G., 1990, Abrasive Machining of Silicon, molecular beam), electrical discharge machining, electro-
Annals of CIRP, 39/2: 621-635. chemical machining, chemical machining, etc. They are
Ikawa, N., Donaldson, R.R., Komanduri, R., Konig, W., considered as outside the scope of finishing with fine
McKeown, P.A., Moriwaki, T., and Stowers, I.F., 1991, abrasives, and hence are not covered in this article.
Instead, the readers are referred to the excellent keynote
Ultraprecision Metal Cutting , the Past, the Present, and
the Future, Annals of CIRP, 4012: 587-594. . papers by Taniguchi (1983, 1993) and other specialized
articles on this subject (e.g. Taniguchi, 1989).
T6nshoff, H.K., Peters, J., Inasaki, I., and Paul, T.,
1992, Modelling and Simulation of Grinding Processes, There are many advances taking place in the finishing of
Annals of CIRP, 41/2: 677-688. materials with fine abrasives, including, the processes,
the abrasives and their bonding, the machine tools
Venkatesh, V.C., Inasaki, I., Tbnshoff, H.K., (rigidity, precision, speed, power, feed back controls,
Nakagawa, T., and Marinescu, ID., 1995, Observations etc.), and the environment. It would be difficult, if not
on Polishing and Ultra Precision Machining of impossible, to cover all the advances in these areas in one
Semiconductor Substrate Materials, Annals of CIRP, paper. Hence, an attempt is made to give an appreciation
44/2: 611-618. of some of the rapid advances taking place in this field with
a few illustrations rather than attempting to be all inclusive.
Malkin, S., and Hwang, T.W., 1996, Grinding
Mechanisms for Ceramics, Annals of CIRP, 45/2: 569- Generally, indentation models are used to simulate
580. abrasion and polishing. An attempt will be made in this
paper to link conventional machining, grinding,
Also, at least three monographs were written on this topic ultraprecision machining, and indentation as a cognate
by our distinguished colleagues. They are "Principles of transition for material removal operations as one varies the
Machining by Cutting, Abrasion, and Erosion," by Jan scale of cut depth and tool geometry.
Kaczmarek (1976); "Principles of Abrasive Processing,"
by Milton Shaw (1996); and "Grinding Technology," by S. Chemo-mechanical polishing (CMP) is becoming an
Malkin (1989). In addition, many technical papers were indispensable process for finishing hard, brittle materials
published in the Annals of CIRP over the years on various for optical, electronic, and structural applications. While
topics related to the subject matter, many of which relating some valuable models were developed towards
to ultraprecision finishing with fine abrasives are

r 1 I Hiah 1
High-function work materials for + integration
optical devices (mirrors, lenses),
Ultra-precision machine tools electronic, electromagnetic Ultra- + High
(CNC control, rigid, high and structural applications precision reliability
precision, motion accuracy Functional
and resolution, high loop + surface
properties High parts
stiffness, feed back control) (finish, form, response (electronic

Ultra-Precision -
nd accuracy.
+ High
sensors, etc.)

Finishing Surface
(fine abrasives of various
materials, uniformity of grain
- integrty
(absenceof +
sub-surface - Ferro-
size, grinding wheel (type and with Fine defects like magnetic

bond), polishing compounds, +microcracks, High Pa-
carrier fluids) Abrasives metallurgical -+ permeability

I I stresses,
? residuaI High
Ultra-precision sub-surface Optical

High-level clean environment measurement damage) High
(temperature, humidity, vibration, (Ta IySurf, Ultra- ccuracy, form,
and dust control) TalyRond, precision and finish
TalyStep, finishing
ZYGO, WYKO, properties properties High
X-ray, p-Raman, evaluation specific to reliability Structural
SEM, TEM, the material
AFM, AES, etc.) strength and
toughness I 1

M:;-a;;g + Machining control

and assessment + Machining
+- Required
of product
-+ 4 product

Fig. 3 Conceptual diagram of ultraprecision finishing with fine abrasives (after Nogawa, 1988)

understanding the process, most of them dealt with 1. High precision, vibration-free, rigid machine tool
isolated aspects of the process and ignored the chemical 2. High loop stiffness between the tool and the
aspects of CMP. Also, erosion of the individual colloidal workpiece
silica particles on the silica layer (formed during chemical
action) has to be considered instead of, or, in addition to 3. High resolution motion control
abrasion. More efforts are needed in the direction of 4. Submicron grain size abrasive of uniform grain size’
developing a comprehensive model taking into account bonded into a wheel or in the f o m of a coated
various aspects of CMP to take advantage of this unique abrasive or as free abrasive
process. Also, chemo-mechanical polishing is becoming
the process of choice for the finishing stage of many brittle 5. In-process dressing in the case of grinding, and new
materials with stringent requirements of finish, accuracy, dressing techniques for different bonding systems,
and surface integrity. Hence, research efforts should be e.g., EDM, ECM, microblasting, wire brushing, laser
directed in this important field of activity in addition to the dressing, chemical etching
mechanical aspects. 6. Thermal stability
In view of the peculiarities of the workmaterials (advanced 8. Ultraprecision metrology system integrated into the
ceramics, optical glasses, semiconductor materials, etc.), machine tool but isolated from the response of the
the stringent requirements of these materials in practice, machine tool during machining
the need to remove very small amounts of material (atomic 9. High level of clean environment including
bits) to minimize or eliminate brittle fracture, the very high temperature, vibration, humidity, and dust control
surface finish and form accuracy requirements, and the
required surface integrity (i.e., minimal or no surface or Figure 3 is a conceptual diagram of ultraprecision
near surface damage including metallurgical changes, machining (UPM) using fine abrasives, adopted from
residual stresses, defects such as microcracks), it is Nogawa (1988). The central block is the ultraprecision
necessary to consider the entire ultraprecision machining machining process with fine abrasives, the central theme
process as a system and not as individual components. It of this paper. To its left are arrows coming into the block
is this approach that enabled Jim Bryan and his colleagues indicating the type of machine tools (grinding, polishing,
at LLNL to conceive, design, and build submicron diamond lapping, etc.), including their characteristics, such as
turning machines and develop this technology to finish stiffness and damping characteristics, precision, motion
surfaces that surpassed precision grinding technology of accuracy and resolution, speed and power capability, feed
the time by orders of magnitude (Bryan and Loewen, 1974; back control system, on machine metrology frame; the
Bryan, 1979; Donaldson, 1979). A similar systems types of abrasives (material, size and method of bonding)
approach is needed for all precision machining systems as or tools for cutting; the metrology frame in the machine
well as sub-systems using fine abrasives. Although tool; and the environment (clean room, temperature
specific requirements may vary from process to process, control, vibration control, dust free). The arrow from the
for ultraprecision finishing with fine abrasives, we are top into the main block is the condition of the workmaterial
typically interested in an integrated system with the (material type, size, shape, initial condition, method of
following considerations: processing, etc.), the arrows from the bottom into the
block are the ultraprecision measurement and evaluation
of properties, and the arrows on the right pointing away way, tool positioning information is not affected by the
from the block are the surface and subsurface features changes in strain due to movement of the machine slides.
(roughness, residual stresses, geometry, accuracy, The entire machine tool is located in a temperature
metallurgical damage, cracks, etc.) and the ultimate controlled (<0.005 K variation) room and operated
properties required (or retained) for various functional remotely. The most critical components of the machine
applications (structural, optical, magnetic, electronic, tool are cooled with a constant temperature water system.
Moore built a diamond tuming and grinding machine [Fig. 5)
In the following, some aspects of ultraprecison machining for the production of aspheric optical and infrared
systems, namely, the machine tools, the abrasives and components. It uses an oil shower to control the
the workmaterials will be briefly reviewed as examples. For +
temperature to within 0.006 K. Similarly, in Japan, Ueda
a complete review, one may refer to appropriate papers et al. (1991) at Toshiba developed an ultraprecision CNC
published in the Annals of ClRP and other relevant journals machine tool for the manufacture of large aspheric mirrors
dealing in detail with the various aspects of the system up to 650 mm in diameter and 250 mm in axial length [Fig.
mentioned above. 61 . The spindle is supported by externally pressurized air
bearings. The spindle speed range is from 3,000 to 30,000
2.1 Machine Tools rpm. The spindle stiffness is 10 N/pm in the radial direction
Pioneering work on the design and construction of single and 20 N/pm in the normal direction. A laser interferometer
point diamond turning (SPDT) machines was initiated in the feedback system with 2.5 nm resolution is incorporated
1970's at LLNL. A variety of SPDT machines for finishing both in the X- and Z- slide motions. The machine tool is
laser optics used in defense applications were built. installed in a temperature controlled room (+ 1 K) with the
Following this, many machine tool builders in the U.S., machine tool chamber maintained at ?s 0.1 K. Using this
U.K., Japan, and Europe developed specialized machine tool, a concave mirror made of electroless nickel
ultraprecision machine tools for a range of optical, plated aluminum was finished to a form accuracy of < 0.1
electronic, and magnetic applications. Details on the pm PV and a 2 nm R, surface roughness. A 500 mm
evolution of single point diamond turning and grinding diameter glass-ceramic mirror with a 1000 mm radius of
technologies were covered in an earlier keynote paper by curvature was also finished using a fine grain (4 pm),
lkawa et at. (1991). Here, representative machine tools resinoid bonded diamond grinding wheel (200 mm dia) at a
built by LLNL (LODTM), Moore Special Tool Co., Toshiba, wheel speed of 10,000 rpm, with a work spindle speed of
CUPE, two machines built by the researchers at the 10 rpm and depth of cut of 1 pm. A surface roughness of
University of Osaka (a grinding machine and a float 0.6 nm Ra and a form accuracy of 0.3 pm PV were
polishing machine), and Canon's super smooth polishing obtained.
machine (CSSP) are briefly reviewed as examples.
In 1980, Dr. R.R. Donaldson and his colleagues at LLNL
designed and built the vertical spindle Large Optics
Diamond Turning Machine (LODTM) to manufacture very
precise, large diameter reflective optics for advanced
laser systems (1.5 m in diameter) by direct machining
without the need for polishing [Fig. 41. This machine

Fig. 5 Moore's M-18 Oil Shower Aspheric Generator

Fig. 4 Schematic of the vertical spindle Large Optics

DiamondTurning Machine (LODTM) at LLNL (after
Donaldson, 1979)
tool is essentially a lathe with a work zone 61 cm high and
1.63 m diameter, a load capacity of 1.4 tons, and has an
rms positioning accuracy of 28 nm. The metrology loop
consists of high-stability passive components made of Fig. 6 Toshiba's ultra precision CNC machine (after Ueda
superinvar. laser interferometers, and hiah Drecision et at., 1991)
capacitance gages. To avoid quantization irrors in the
digital control system, measurements were made with a McKeown of CUPE (1990) developed a state-of-the-art
resolution of 0.6 nm. Much of the repeatability of this ultraprecision grinding machine (Nanocentre) with a
machine comes from the fact that the mechanical support Cuproc CNC 3000 control system [Fig. 71. This is a 3-axis
structure is separated from the metrology loop. The diamond turning, grinding, polishing, and measuring
metrology frame is an unloaded structure that is machine which can finish complex profiles through 1.25 nm
kinematically mounted to the main machine frame. In this resolution interferometry, high traction friction drives, and

stiff hydrostatic bearings. It can handle workpieces up to
600 mm in diameter and 260 mm in length. It has a T- base
constructed from granite-epoxy to give excellent
dimensional stability, high stiffness, and high internal
damping. It incorporates ELID dressing, ultraprecision
truing and has a high loop stiffness between the tool and
the workmaterial. It is operated in a temperature controlled
environment. In addition, the machine tool has the
capability for oil shower temperature control on critical
machine tool elements.
Namba et al. (1987) developed an environmentally
controlled, ultraprecision float polishing machine for
finishing large sized wafers (up to 180 mm) of electronic
materials to a high finish with minimal subsurface damage
[Fig. 81. This machine has been widely used in Japan for
finishing semiconductor materials in the electronic Fig. 7 CUPE's ultraprecision grinding machine
industry. Namba and Tsuwa recognized that the key to (Nanocentre) (after McKeown et al., 1990)
making flat parts by polishing is the flatness of the lap
itself which in turn is transferred on to the worksurface study to grind various types of glasses with cup-shaped
during the polishing process. They accomplished this by resinoid bonded diamond grinding wheels (up to #3000 or
ultraprecision diamond turning the tin lap (Namba and 2-6 pm grain size) to produce extremely smooth surfaces.
Yonezawa, 1982). The structure of the machine tool is a without the need for subsequent polishing. They reported a
double-column vertical lathe. A tin lap of 460 mm OD.and surface roughness of 0.142 nm rms and 1.71 nm (PV) on a
120 mm I.D. is set on a horizontal faceplate of the main ground BK7 glass using a finer grain diamond (#3000) and
spindle supported by a rigid, high accuracy, and vibration a lower feed (5 pm/rev) at a wheel speed of 1200 m/min.
absorbing hydrostatic oil bearing. The spindle drive motor They concluded that super-smooth surfaces (0.2 nm rms,
(2.2 kW) is mounted off the machine to reduce vibration. and 2 nm Rmax which are better than required for optical
The main spindle (125 mm in diameter) rotates surfaces can be obtained by ultraprecision grinding
continuously up to 500 rpm. The tin lap consists of a tin without the need for any subsequent polishing.
plate glued onto a stainless steel plate with an epoxy. The
rail head having a tool post is driven horizontally by an oil
cylinder on a rigid cross rail which is also provided with an
upper spindle head for rotating a small holder. A 1 pm radial
straightness and axial deviation on the tin lap surface is
obtained by machining spiral grooves of 2 mm pitch in the
tin lap with a sharp diamond tool. The width and depth of
the grooves are 1 mm and 0.5-1.2 mm. The machine is
enclosed in a superclean unit (Class 100) to prevent dust
from collecting and interacting with the workmaterial. The
temperature of the oil supply to the hydrostatic bearing
and the polishing fluid is controlled to within 0.05 K. The
polishing fluid consists of 20% of fumed silica (7 nm) in
filtered, deionized or distilled water. During polishing, both
the main and upper spindles rotate at almost the same
revolution but in the opposite directions. The polishing
pressure is applied by the weight of the sample holder. The
samples are floated in the polishing fluid by the
hydrodynamic behavior of the fluid between the sample
and the grooved tin lap. Fig. 8 Environmentally controlled ultraprecision float
polishing machine for finishing large sized wafers of
Namba et al. (1989) also developed an ultraprecision electronic materials (after Namba et al., 1987)
surface grinder with a glass-ceramic spindle (125 mm
diameter) of zero-thermal expansion material capable of Also in Japan, Ando et at. of Canon Inc. (1992, 1995)
rotational speeds of 3500 rpm [Figs. 9(a) and 9(b)]. The developed a super-smooth polisher (CSSP) [Fig. 1O(a)] for
precision grinder has two vertical spindles with hydrostatic the finishing of aspherical surfaces used in excimer
bearings of high precision and rigidity. Extremely fine lasers, soft X-ray, and other short wavelength light
depths of cut (0.1 pm) are numerically controlled using applications. The CSSP polisher has a high resolution, on-
optical scales. Submicron flatness and nanometer surface machine coordinate measuring system that utilizes a
roughness (5 nm Rmax) were reported on optical (NBFI unique contact probe structure by which both inclination
optical glass), magnetic (Mn-Zn ferrite), and electronic and motion errors are simultaneously compensated.
materials using diamond abrasive grinding wheels. Namba
et al. (1992) using this grinder ground Mn-Zn ferrite single Fourteen axes interferometers were used to compensate
crystals at 1200 m/min using various grain size diamond for the mechanical motion errors. To improve the surface
grinding wheels (SD 200-3000 or 4 to 100 pm mean grit quality they used a local pitch polisher with a flexible tool
size) and down feeds (1-100 pm). They classified the laminated with an elastic sheet which adopts to various
material removal process into three types: 1.) brittle mode, contours. For higher contour accuracy, a super-smooth
2.) "ductile" (here it is denoted as damage-free) mode, and polishing process was developed which polishes 500 mm
3.) ductile-fracture modes. They found damage free diameter optical elements with a contour accuracy of 78
surfaces depend on the down feed and the grain size of nm and a surface roughness of 0.13 nm rms on fused
the abrasive used with lower feed and finer grain size silica, CaF2, and CVD-SIC toroidal mirrors. They developed
favoring damage-free surfaces. They developed diagrams a contour tracking tool which employs an elastic layer for
showing the conditions required for damage free grinding contour tracking performance. A polychloroprene elastic
of Mn-Zn ferrites. Namba and Abe (1993) extended this layer is sandwiched between a metal shank and the pitch

Keynote Papers



sy- \

Fig. 9(a) Ultraprecision surface grinder with a glass- /

ceramic spindle (125 mm dia. ) of zero-thermal S Y r n \ AKnSElSMlC STOPPER
expansion material (after Namba et al., 1989)
Fig. lO(a) Schematic of Canon's super-smooth polisher

(CSSP) (after Ando et al., 1992)

1 ,/
I Shank
yElasdc layer

1 I
' Pitch
Fig. 10(b) Elastic contour tracking tool used in Canon's
super-smoothpolisher (after Ando et at., 1995)
can be seen, the range of workmaterials and the
requirements for finishing, including size, shape,
geometry, finish, accuracy, and surface integrity are much
broader than in the past where concentration was mainly
on some metals and glasses for mostly optical
applications (i.e., mirrors and lenses).
A qualitative comparison of ductile metals with nominally
brittle non-metals (ceramics, glasses, semiconductors)
Fig. 9(b) Section of the ultraprecision surface grinder indicates the differences and difficulties in finishing of the
showing details (after Namba et al., 1989) later with fine abrasives compared to metals and their
layer [Fig. 10(b)] using a pitch surface molding press. In alloys [Table 11. Metals, in general, have many desirable
addition to the machines discussed above, another features from the point of. material removal by fine
example is the ultraprecision grinding machine developed abrasives, such as metallic, non-directional bonding, high
at Toyoda for the manufacture of non-axisymmetric mirrors symmetry in crystal structure, high thermal conductivity,
recently reported by Suzuki and Murakami (1995). low density, no porosity, high purity, high fracture
toughness, large strain to fracture, and high impact
2.2. Workmaterials energy. In contrast, the non-metals are characterized by
covalent (directional), or ionic bonding, low symmetry,
A wide range of workmaterials including metals and their limited or inadequate slip systems for plastic deformation,
alloys, ceramics, glasses, and semiconductors are low thermal conductivity, and low fracture toughness and
finished to a given geometry, finish, accuracy, and low breaking energy.
surface integrity to meet service requirements. In view of
the wide range of metals and their alloys in various The absence of plasticity in crystalline ceramics can also
metallurgical structures, chemical compositions, etc., and be traced to the nature of their bonding. The mechanism of
their extensive coverage in various publications, they will plastic flow in materials is due to the movement of
not be covered in any detail here. Instead, the emphasis dislocations. In metals, because of non-directional
will be on brittle materials mostly ceramics, glasses, and metallic bonding, extensive movement of dislocations can
semiconductors which are finished by fine abrasives. For take place even at low stresses. In covalent ceramics, the
example, ceramics are used for mechanical, directional bond is between specific atoms, leading to a
electromagnetic, optical, thermal, biochemical, and energy narrow dislocation and a high resistance to movement. In
oriented applications. Figures 11(a) to (d) give details of terms of microscopic parameters, it can be shown that the
the functions and types of ceramics used which are dislocation width is given by a function of the ratio of G/K
finished by fine abrasives (after Nogawa, 1988). As where G is the shear modulus and K the bulk modulus

brides. such as ZrO,. MoS,,
LaCrO,. Sic. Ti. Zr

CdSCu,S ZnO-Bi,O,-Sic

Game rcria ferrite

Pb(Zr. T i p , rue eanh prnct

Fig. 11(a) Electromagnetic functions and types of ceramics (after Nogawa, 1988)

Property Metals Non-metals

Tic, TiN. Type of atomic bond metallic ionidcovalent bond
Sic. no directionalitv directional
I crystal structure 1. high symmetry I low symmetry I
I Thermalexpansion I high I low I
Fig. 1l(b) Mechanical functions and types of ceramics Thermal conductivity high low
(after Nogawa, 1988) Density hsh low
Mode of deformation ductile brittle
I Microstructure I
CaF,, COO Heat-resistant Photo
Photo- I Intergranular
Porosity I relative simple

~ m ~ l y n o genedypores

remain because of
the consolidation
Dmesses used
high purity can be hi h punty is
obtained diacult I
LEDs, I Heat resistance 1 low to moderate I moderate to high I
Cap, GaAs,
Rare earth Toughness 210 (carbonsteel) 5.3 (S,N
i ,)
compounds: (MN/m2) 34 (A1 alloys)
EufiI,O, : Cr, Strain at fracture 50/. 02 %
Glass : optical
Nd, Y communication Weibull index P 5-20
1 Failure mechanism 1 plastic deformation I brittle fracture I
Glass fibers
Fig. 1l(c) Optical functions and types of ceramics (after
I Breakingenergy
(J/cm2) 1
I lo
I 10-2
Nogawa, 1988) Thermalshock high low

Keynote Papers

(Wyatt and Dew-Hughes, 1974). This ratio is given by G/K

= 3(1- 2v)/2(1+ 2v), where v is the Poisson's ratio. For r
metals v is about 0.3 and G/K = 0.37, whereas for
ceramics v = 0.1 and G/K = 1. Consequently, the yield
stress at which dislocations move is much higher for
ceramics than for metals, and approaches the fracture
stress. Thus, covalent ceramics are characterized by their
brittleness in the single and polycrystalline states. This GaAs I 0 ' vcc$MbC
should be the case, for example, with Si3N4 ceramic which G a S b l N /(si
is predominantly covalent. 0

In polycrystalline ionic materials, the adjacent grains are I 0

compelled to change their shape in the same manner, if / 0 O lr
void formation is to be avoided at the boundaries. von 2 loo Ionic bondin<
1lLiF, 0
Mises showed that this requires five independent slip m

I / uP0Pt
systems. A slip system is the combination of a slip plane a NaCl
and a slip direction, and an independent system is one that Y I,@??Pb Metalic banding
.- ./At A9
produces a deformation that cannot be produced by a
combination of the others. Whereas metals have many lo-' P b o 04KcL
slip systems, ionic crystals are only able to slip on a KBr
limited number of slip planes, due to the restriction that L I I
similarly charged ions must not be forced into near- 10' lo2 10'
neighbor positions such that cohesion would be lost.
Consequently, polycrystalline ionic materials are brittle Modulus o f elasticity G Pa
with cracks forming at the grain boundaries instead of Fig. 12 Variation of Vickers hardness with modulus of
plastic deformation. elasticity for a range of metallic, ionic, and
From the above, it is clear that metals should behave covalent bonded materials (after Gilman, 1973)
differently than ceramics during finishing (Komanduri, Silicon nitride (Si3N4), is considered as the candidate
1996). The former fails predominantly by plastic material for high-strength, high-temperature applications
deformation while the latter by microchipping or such as gas turbine components and for balls and rollers in
microcleavage, grain boundary cracking, and grain hybrid bearings. Si3N4 is predominantly a covalent (75 %)
dislodgments, etc. The presence of grain boundary glassy material built up of SigNq-tetrahedra joined in a three
phase in some ceramics, as in the case of Si3N4 with MgO dimensional network by sharing corners P-Si3N4. Si3N4 can
as a sintering aid, should not be overlooked in formulating be processed by sintering, reaction bonding, hot-pressing,
the mechanism of failure. Similarly, glasses, though brittle and HIP'ing. YqO3 or MgO are the common sintering aids.
like ceramics, should behave entirely different than either During the high-temperature hot-pressing of Si3N4 with
metals or ceramics as the structure in the former case is small amounts of MgO addition, a complex glassy phase is
amorphous. At room temperature, failure should occur formed at the grain boundaries. It is primarily a magnesium
predominantly by brittle fracture and above the glass silicate modified by Ca, Fe, Al, and other impurities initially
transition temperature by viscous flow. Thus many of the present in Si3N4. At temperatures -1 100°C grain boundary
models advanced on polishing of glass and ceramics sliding occurs under loading. Addition of yttria to Si3N4,
based on the application of polishing of metals should be generally leads to a crystallization in the glassy phase at
viewed with caution. Also, chemo-mechanical effects play the grain boundaries instead of pure glassy phase with
an important role in many of these processes., The key to MgO. However, the oxidation resistance of this material
the containment of the cracks due to brittle fracture with was found to be inferior to those with MgO additions
these materials is to chose "gentle" conditions during (Lange, 1974). For this reason, MgO added to Si3N4 is
processing. Since metals pose less difficulty to finish to increasingly used in high temperature applications.
the requirements for specific applications compared to
non-metals, this paper will focus on the finishing of brittle Si3N4 is produced either by conventional uniaxial hot-
materials. pressing or HIP'ing. One starts with an a-SigN4 powder to
which sintering aids, such as MgO, or Y2O3 are added.
a. Advanced Cerarnics Under a pressure of -14 MPa and temperatures in the
Advanced ceramics for structural and wear applications of range of 1650 OC to 175OoC, some of the a-SigN4 reacts
interest include alumina (Al2O3), silicon nitride (Si3N4), with the additive and a thin layer of SiO2 coats each
silicon carbide (Sic), zirconia (ZrOq), and SiAION. The particle of Si3N4, producing a liquid silicate in which the
nature of some of these materials will be briefly discussed remaining a-SigN4 dissolves and re-precipitates as
in the following. elongated P-Si3N4 grains. On completion of the a to P
transformation, the elongated P-grains are surrounded with
The nature of atomic bonding determines the hardness as residual silicate oxynitride grain boundary phase. The
well as the Young's modulus of the material. Figure 12 is elongated nature of these grains, that are typically 0.5 to 4
the variation of Vickers hardness with modulus of pm, gives hot-pressed Si3N4 its high strength.
elasticity of a range of materials (after Gilman, 1973). The
ratio of VH, for the metallic bonded materials which are The apparent limitations of the hot-pressed Si3N4 are due
ductile is about 250, while that for the covalent bonded to the nature of the grain boundary phase and not intrinsic
materials which are brittle is about 20. The ratio may vary to the Si3N4 (Leatherman and Katz, 1989). Attention has
between them for ionic materials. Thus, this ratio may play therefore been focused on controlled modification of the
an important role when considering the micro-deformation grain boundary phase, such as grain boundary
fields in the initial stages of indentation at light loads crystallization in hot-pressed Si3N4 with Y2O3 additions.
involving irreversible deformation to the onset of median While such a modification was found to provide higher
vents. Low density and low mobility of dislocations are the strength at both room and elevated temperatures
reasons for the high hardness of some of the brittle (-14OO0C) as well as better creep and oxidation
materials. In the following, a brief description of the resistance, this material was found to suffer from an
synthesis of one ceramic, namely silicon nitride is given as intermediate temperature oxidation (-1 OOO°C). This
an example. material is also found to be difficult to finish by grinding

and polishing. Consequently, complex parts made of this usually alkali silicate glasses and flints are lead alkali
material are rather expensive, once again shifting the silicates. Figure 13 shows the variation of index of
emphasis to Si3N4 with MgO additions. refraction (Na line) with dispersion for a variety of glasses
according to Schott nomenclature (Boyd and Thompson,
Relatively pure Si3N4 material was found to be elastic up to 1980).
fracture exhibiting practically no plasticity. This is in view
of the predominantly non-ionic or covalent nature of Table 2 Physical and chemical properties of some silicate
bonding. Impurities in the material seem to enter into the and borate optical glasses (after Izumitani, 1979)
grain boundary glassy phase and lower its viscosity. Thus Actd- Water-
the high-temperature mechanical properties of hot- Glass Softening Vickers resistance resistance
pressed Si3N4 appear to be controlled by the viscous grain tvpe pant hardness weight loss weight loss
boundary phase, the viscosity at a particular temperature ("C) (kg/mm2) ("/I ("/I
being controlled by impurities, and more than likely, the Silicate Glasses
hot-pressing aid. Grain boundary sliding is the suggested SF6 470 41 3 1.3 0.03
mechanism for subcritical crack growth, plasticity, and KF2 490 627 0.07 0.07
creep. FK1 475 666 1.9
b. meal Glasses BK7 61 5 707 0.08 0.13
SK2 700 707 0.70 0.05
Glass is an inorganic material supercooled from the molten SKI 6 680 689 3.3 0.58
state to a rigid condition without crystallizing. The
viscosity of glass changes drastically above the glass Borate Glasses
transition temperature, Tg. Consequently, at temperatures LaK12 670 743 1.7 0.35
above Tg, glass can flow viscoplastically, i.e., stress is LaLK3 650 762 1.9 0.70
proportional to strain rate rather than strain. The glass' LaLF2 675 803 1.3 0.25
transition temperature is not particularly high (only a few LaKl 0 670 803 1.2 0.02
hundred deg. C). Hence, it would not be too surprising to NbF1 650 a24 1 .o 0.01
find viscoplastically deformed chips in the grinding of NbSF3 650 803 0.76 0.01
glass. At room temperature, the viscosity is > 1020 MPa TaF2 685 847 0.74 0.01
sec. The modes of failure from brittle to viscoplastic can
take place at relatively low temperatures. Hence, some In three dimensions, a glass has microscopically irregular
researchers prefer to use the term viscoplastic flow or form. Under strain this irregular structure insures that the
deformation of glass instead of simply plastic deformation links are equally loaded. The void space permits very high
(Fiedler, 1988).
The basic structural unit of silicate glasses is the silicon-
oxygen tetrahedron in which a Si atom is tetrahedrally
c'oordinated to four surrounding oxygen atoms. Oxygens
shared between two tetrahedrons are called bridging
oxygens. Most glasses fall into the category of silicates
containing modifiers and intermediates. Addition of
modifiers, such as sodium oxide, Na20 to the silica
network alters the structure by cleaving the Si-0-3 bonds
to form Si-0-Na linkages. Separating the silica tetrahedra
from each other makes the glass more fluid and amenable
to melting and forming. Modifiers (or fluxes) also cause a
decrease in resistivity, an increase in thermal expansion,
and generally lower chemical stability. Various types of
glasses include soda-lime glasses, leaded glasses,
borosilicate glasses, aluminosilicate glasses, and various
refractory glasses, such as fused silica. Soda-lime glass
accounts for some 90% of, all the glasses produced. In
addition to Na20, CaO, and Si02, these glasses may
contain MgO, Al2O3, BaO, etc. Alumina increases v Value
durability and MgO prevents devitrification. Replacement Fig. 13 Variation of the index of refraction with dispersion
of alkali by boric oxide in a glass network gives a lower for a variety of glasses. The shaded area
expansion glass. Aluminosilicate glasses can be indicates the region of glass formation. (after
chemically strengthened and can withstand high Boyd and Thompson, 1980)
temperatures. Leaded glasses have a high refractive
index and can effectively shield from high energy hydrostatic compression as overloaded links buckle and
radiation. Table 2 gives physical and chemical properties permanent compressive densification occurs. The majority
of some silicate and borate glasses and Table 3 gives the of plastic deformation is of this type, since the irregular
type and chief chemical constituents for some structure permits little shear or plastic deformation by
representative optical glasses. dislocation motion.
Optical glasses are usually described by their refractive Flow of glass is directly related to the proportion of the
index at the sodium 0 line (589.3 nm) and their v value (or network modifiers which introduce non-bridging atoms into
Abbe number) which is a measure of the dispersion or an otherwise complete network. Thus flow is facilitated by
variation of index with wavelength, i.e., v = (nD-l)/(nF-nc) having a large number of non-bridging atoms which are
in which nF is the refractive index at the hydrogen F line 'loose ends' in the structure and permit flow in a manner
(486.1 nm) and n is the refractive index at the hydrogen C somewhat analogous to the half planes which terminate on
line (656.3 nm). Ttese data are incorporated by Schott into dislocations.in crystals (Marsh, 1964). It may be noted
a six-digit numbering system used to identify optical that the conventional concept of plastic flow due to
glasses. 'Glasses with index nD < 1.6 and a v value of 55 dislocation motion in silicate glasses has to be
or above are defined as crown glasses; those with a v abandoned. Plastic flow requires deformation in shear
value below - 50 are defined as flint glasses. Crowns are which necessarily involves the breaking of inter atomic

Keynote Papers

bonds and the formation of new bonds with new partners. exploded rapidly into the computer industry. The ability of
semiconductor manufacturers to incorporate extremely
Table 3 Designation and chief chemical constituents of complex electronic circuits on a single chip of Si has
some silicate and borate optical glasses (after revolutionized the design and manufacture of countless
Izumitani. 19791 products. What makes a semiconductor the basis for the
electronic devices is the capability to alter, at will, the
SF dense flint electrical properties by adding controlled amounts of
F flint Si02-Pb0-R20 impurity atoms (dopants) into its crystal structure.
LF light flint
LLF extra light flint A semiconductor is generally, a nonmetallic crystal held
KF crown flint together by ionic/covalent bonds with no free electrons
available for conduction. It is a solid in which the highest
K crown Si02-RO-R20 occupied energy band (i.e., valance band) is completely
BaSF dense barium flint 1 Si02-PbO-BaO-R20 filled and the next band (i.e., conduction band) is
BaF barium flint
BaLF liaht barium flint
1. Si0;-B203-Pb0-Ba0
completely devoid of electrons at 0 K. The valence
electrons are, however, not very tightly bound to their
atoms (energy gap is -0.66 eV for Ge and -1.1 eV for Si)
BaK barium crown Si02-Ba0-R20 and may be readily excited by thermal, electromagnetic,
BaLK light barium photonic, or other energy sources. Semiconductor
crown behavior is determined by the number of electrons in the
SSK extra dense barium
1 Si02-B203-Ba0 conduction band and the number of holes in the valance
band. The electrons or holes may be created either by
SK dense barium crown 1 energy excitation as just outlined or by the introduction of
suitable impurities in the lattice. Semiconductor materials
LaF lanthanum flint (Si02)-B203-La20- whose conductivities do not depend upon impurities are
PbO-AIpOn called intrinsic semiconductors and those which depend
on the presence of impurity atoms (e.g. P in Si in the n-
LaLF light lanthanum flint (Si02)-B203 -Lap03 type which has one extra valence electron, or Al in Si in the
-PbO-RO p-type which has one electron less or has a hole) are
LaLK light lanthanum (Si02)-B203-La203 called extrinsic semiconductors.
crown -ZrOp-RO Figure 14 shows the semiconductor elements in the
LaK lanthanum crown Periodic Table (Wyatt and Dew-Hughes, 1974). Of these,
TaSF dense tantalum) B2O3 -La203-Th02- silicon (Si) and germanium (Ge) are the most frequently
flint Ta205 used semiconductor materials. Further, Ge is finding
TaF tantalum flint application in infrared optics. The latter is due to its
excellent transmission characteristics in the infrared
TaK . tantalum crown B203.La203-Th02-RO spectral region of 2-15 pm. Compound semiconductors
BK borosilicate SiOZB2O3-R20-Ba0 also exist. They include the Ill-V compounds, e.g., AIP,
crown AIAs, Gap, AISb, GaAs, InP, GaSb, InAs, and InSb, the II-
PK DhOSDhate crown VI compounds, e.g., CdS, ZnS, ZnSe, CdTe, ZnO, and

other compounds, e.g., CdSb, ZnSb, PbS, PbTe, PbSe,

PSK dense phosphate crown AI2O3-P2O5-RO Bi2Teg, Sic, cubic BN, and Sic. Doped diamond is also
FK fluorcrown . Si02-B03-R20-RF semiconducting. GaAs is seriously being considered as a
replacement for Si. Its major advantages include higher
This process of bond formation and breakage is a speed, capability for light transmission, larger energy gap
recognized phenomena in metals and certain ionic (1.43 eV), and higher operating temperature (-200OC).Its
crystals. There is no precedent for it in covalently bonded drawbacks are availability and cost, and greater
materials even in the crystalline state, unless the material processing complications.
is strained at a temperature from 1/2 to 2/3 of its absolute Semiconductor materials have electrical conductivities
melting temperature. The atomic mechanism of between conductors on one end and insulators on the
densification strictly occurs under high hydrostatic other. Figure 15 shows the range of electrical conductivity
pressure which is typically the condition under the indenter for insulators, semiconductors, and conductors (Van
during indentation. In the case of glass, it involves simply Vlack, 1982). Conductors have resistivity in the range of
a collapse of the structure into a more close packed 10-5-1 0-6 a-cm; semiconductors from 10-2 R-cm for
arrangement by a process of minor bond rotations and extrinsic to 10 - lo5 R-cm for intrinsic semiconductors. A
changes in bond angles. That is, densification is a good insulator may have resistivity as high as 1015 R-cm.
"displacive" transformation while plastic flow is Thus one can obtain some 21 orders of magnitude.change
"reconstructive." in the resistivity as one goes from insulators to highly
In conclusion, it may be pointed out that in the case of conducting materials.
glass, the very nature of the inelastic deformation remains For electronic applications Si and Ge must be of high purity
a highly contentious issue; it is no simple matter to and melted in an atmosphere of hydrogen or helium to
establish which of the two basic, competing processes, prevent oxidation. They should also be dislocation free.
namely, shear induced flow (viscoplastic above glass Such high purities can be obtained only by zone refining
transition temperature) or pressure induced densification and zone melting techniques. A widely used technique for
(phase change or compaction of an open structure) growing single crystals is the Czochralski method of
dominates with the contact zone (Lawn and Wilshaw, crystal pulling.
Si and Ge have strong directional covalent bonds with a
c. Semiconductor Materials diamond structure. A diamond structure is composed of
The invention of the transistor in the 1940'swhich is based two fcc lattices displaced from each other by 1/4 of the
on semiconducting materials brought a major technological body diagonal. They crystallize in the diamond cubic (fcc)
revolution in the electronic industry and its applications structure and the slip system is c110> {l 11). Pure edge

cells, rectifiers, and solid state devices. Tonshoff et al.
(1990) presented a keynote paper on "Abrasive Machining
of Silicon" at the ClRP General Assembly in 1990 where
C they considered various abrasive processes such as ID
cut-off grinding, surface grinding, lapping, polishing, and
dicing for machining Si and should be referred to for
Table 4 Pro
In Si Ge
TI Pb Bi Po Lattice structure Diamond Cubic Diamond Cubic
BondType Covalent Covalent
Fig. 14 Various semiconductor elements in the Periodic ~atticeconstant A 5.4307 5.6569
Table (after Wyatt and Dew-Hughes, 1974) Density, 4/cm3 2328 5.323
Melting Point, "C 1410 937.4
Young's MO~UIUS, N/mm2 188,400 155,800
Paraffin Poisson's Ratio, v 0.28 0278
Hardness, Hv, kg/mm2 950
5 P.E.
Mica Mohs Hardness 6.5 6.3
FractureToughness, 15
Quartz MPa rnm1l2
PhenoI - Resistivity at 300 K, R cm 2.3 x lo5 46
Energy Gap, eV 1.1 0.67
I 0-9
2.3. Abrasives
Both conventional abrasives, such as A120 , SIC, ZrO,,
B4C as well as superabrasives, such as diamond and
cubic boron nitride are used extensively in finishing with
fine abrasives. In addition, for promoting chemo-
mechanical action, soft abrasives, such as MgO, Ce02
and fumed silica (- 5-7 nm in diameter) are used.
Innovations in this area include new methods of synthesis
of the abrasives in the nanograin size and their bonding for
different applications. Production of fine grain size

I 03
1 Graphite
abrasives by synthesis (chemical routes) instead of
comminution has enabled the production of nanograin size
materials. The sol-gel process is used for the precipitation
of fine powders. Either amorphous or crystalline material
can result depending on the composition, the precursors,
the handling, and heat treatments. A sol is a colloidal
suspension of particles in a solvent which is obtained by
hydrolysis of an inorganic (aluminum sulfate) or organic
precursor (tetraethyl-orthosilicate) solution. The
hydrolysis can be controlled and/or polycondensation
Fig. 15 Range of electrical conductivity for insulators, process can be initiated to yield inorganic oxide networks
semiconductors, and conductors (after Van composed of -M-0-M- linkages or hydro-gels. For the
Vlack, 1982) preparation of ultra-fine abrasive powders, the hydro-gels
are dried, calcined at required temperatures, and ground to
dislocations do not occur and only pure screw dislocations fine particle sizes. The precursor solutions commonly
with a Burgers vector at 60° to the dislocation line occur. employed in sol-gel process are numerous and vary from
At room temperature the dislocations are reluctant to move simple inorganic sulfates, chlorides and nitrates to
and hence the materials are brittle but ductility may be complex organic alkoxide solutions such as isopropoxide,
imparted at higher temperature, or by irradiating with light, butoxide, etc. Abrasive particles in the range of a few
applying an electric field, or doping with donor impurities. nanometers can be produced depending on the nature of
Table 4 lists properties of Si and Ge. Although the earliest the precursor and processing conditions. Significant work
electronic devices were fabricated with Ge, Si has became was carried out on the development of alumina based
the industry standard. The abundance of Si makes its abrasives produced by sol-gel technique by 3M Co. and
economical. Also, Si-based devices can 'operate at higher Norton Co. and is covered by a number of U.S.patents.
temperatures (-150°C for Si compared to -100 OC for Ge) Similarly, fumed silica, used extensively in the chemical
without breakdown. Silicon's important processing mechanical polishing of Si wafers, is made by a similar
advantage is that its oxide, SiO is an excellent insulator technique. Nanocrystalline diamond is produced by shock
and can be used for isolation an$ passivation purposes. In synthesis, for example, by duPont: Magnetic abrasives
contrast, germanium oxide is water soluble and unsuitable used in the magnetic float polishing (MFP) of ceramic balls
for electronic devices. Doped with arsenic, Ge is used as a (Komanduri et al., 1996a) utilizes nanosize (-10 nm
transistor element in many electronic applications. The diameter) Fe O4 particles in a water or kerosene medium to
use of Ge for IR applications has surpassed its use in which suitabb fine abrasives are added prior to polishing.
electronics. It is also finding wider applications as a The fine iron oxide particles are prevented from
detector in 'y-ray spectroscopy and in fiber optics. Si agglomeration by coating them with a suitable surfactant.
doped with B, Ge, P, or As, is used in transistors, solar

Keynote Papers

In addition to conventional metal, resin, and glass continuous layer of silica is deposited on the blade. Using
bonding, new bonding media and methods have been this technique, the authors were able to demonstrate
developed. For example, Professor Nakagawa developed chipping free dicing of Si wafers. Semba et al. (1996)
a cast iron bonded diamond grinding wheel (Nakagawa et developed a malamine bonded diamond wheel (of fine grain
al., 1986) which can be continuously dressed using the size) with high porosity for mirror finishing of die materials
electrolytic in-process dressing (ELID) technique again -
(cemented tungsten carbide, HA 90.5). They developed a
developed by him and his colleagues. Using this technique highly foamed structure to increase the porosity to > 75 %.
Nakagawa et al. (1988), demonstrated grinding of hard This increased the flexibility of the wheel, reduced swarf
material as well as grinding of mirror finished surfaces for loading, and enabled self dressing of the grinding wheel.
optical, electronic, and magnetic applications. New
machine tools with higher stiffness, accuracy, speed .Blade cover. cathode
capability, and power were developed to meet the needs
for these applications. Nakagawa's technique of CI
bonded diamond grinding wheels and ELID dressing was
also incorporated in the ultraprecision grinding machines
developed by McKeown and his colleagues at CUPE. IAsi3' , lade'
&(B , anode
lkeno et al. (1990) developed an electrophoretic
deposition technique for the production of abrasive pellets
(10 mm diameter) containing ultrafine colloidal silica
particles in the range of 10-20 nm in a sodium alginate
/ S
ia layer

,yp ...... . ..
a workpie

binder (- 4 wtY0). In this technique, ultrafine silica

particles are negatively charged in an alkaline solution
which causes homogeneous dispersion. When an electric
field is applied, the charged abrasives move to the anode
and adhere to it [Fig. 161. They used these pellets to
t - Chuck
Fig. 17 Apparatus for chipping-free dicing applying
accomplish nanometric grinding of brittle materials, such electrophoretic deposition (after lkeno et al.,
as Si wafers and sapphire without the need for an 1991)
ultraprecision grinding machine for producing extremely
smooth surfaces (c 10 nm PV). The low bond strength of
the binder (softer wheel) enabled higher removal rate Optical Polishing for Glass Lens
without loading. The surface finish obtained was found to .-2 (Mirror Finish)
be better and the removal rate higher than with xerogel r
Ern ct
DC poser supply

h - ' h

(Matte Finish)
Lapping for Various Materials
Fig. 18 Schemati,c showing various combinations of
backing material (soft or hard tools) and abrasive
(coarse or fine) for different applications resulting
in different finishes (after Kasai et al., 1990)


Kasai et al. (1990) classified lapping and polishing on the
basis of the backing material (or lap material) and
Fig. 16 Synthesis of ultra-fine colloidal silica (10-20 nm) abrasives used. Figure 18 is a schematic showing various
abrasive pellets (10 mm diameter) in a sodium combinations of backing material (soft or hard tools) and
alginate binder (-4 wt%) by an electrophoretic abrasive (coarse or fine) for different applications resulting
deposition technique (after lkeno et al., 1990) in different finishes. For example, in the finishing of Si
wafers or glass lenses, a soft backing plate and a fine
lkeno et al. (1991) extended this study to develop a similar abrasive are used while in conventional lapping giving a
concept for dicing of Si wafers without chipping [Fig. 171. matte finish, a hard backing plate (e.g., cast iron) and a
The technique employs the use of electrophoretic coarse abrasive are used. Similarly, for finishing of
deposition of ultrafine abrasives (collodial silica, 5-7 nm sapphire a hard backing plate and a fine abrasive are used
dia.) onto a conductive diamond saw blade in an electric while for finishing of die materials, a soft backing plate and
field. A bronze bonded diamond saw blade which forms a coarse abrasive are used.
the anode is mounted on a high-speed air spindle and the
blade cover forms the cathode. A groove is formed on the Figure 19 is a schematic showing the material removal
blade cover through which colloidal silica solution passes mechanisms and various polishing methods after Kasai et
continuously. When an electric field is applied, a al. (1990). The two main material removal mechanisms are

mechanical and chemical. The mechanical action can be Since these two processes are used interchangeably for
abrasion, or erosion involving plastic deformation or some applications, e.g., finishing of semiconductor
fracture. Tribological conditions may often initiate materials, SPDT is briefly reviewed for completeness.
mechanical or chemical change due to the generation of . .
1. Ultraprecision Gnndinq
frictional heat without the need for hard abrasive particles
(tribo-chemical). The chemical action can result in The technology of grinding brittle materials and
chemical reaction products or dissolution of the material. ultraprecision machining of both ductile and brittle
Often the processes can be a complex mixture of materials have advanced significantly in the past two
mechanical and chemical depending on the polishing decades. All aspects of grinding systems have advanced,
conditions as well as the abrasive-workmaterial- including new abrasives, new bonding methods, new
environment. lubricants and their supply to the grinding zone, new
machine tools, new controls, and new processes. Special
Chemical and Mechanical Polishing machine tools were built to address creep-feed grinding of
E i m ~ E m nydeamr aerospace materials such as nickel-base super alloys and
hardened steels, high-removal rate machining using high
speed, high power machine tools, and ultraprecision
grinding machines for generating the required size, form,
finish, and surface integrity. Extremely rigid, high power,
high speed, high performance machine tools were built to
handle machining of difficult-to-machine materials.
Nakagawa et al. (1986, 1988) used a modified machining
center to grind 3-D profiles on ceramics (AI2O3, Zr02 and
Si3N ) and hard metals (cemented carbide) using their cast
iron Iiber bonded diamond grinding wheels. The high

P oField
h n iAssislsd
rigidity of the machine tool and the toughness of the
grinding wheel enabled very high removal rates 42,000
mm3/min in deep grinding of alumina and 2000 mm3! /min in
!he case of high feed rate grinding of Si3N4). The grinding
ratio with the cast iron fiber bonded diamond grinding wheel
was about 1600 in the case of Si3N4 and 2200 in the case
of hot pressed Zr02 workmaterials.
Fig. 19 Schematic showing the material removal Ohmori and Nakagawa (1990, 1995) developed a highly
mechanisms and various polishing methods (after efficient grinding technique for mirror finished surface
Kasai et al., 1990) grinding of Si wafers utilizing electrolytic in-process
The following is a brief review of various precision material dressing (ELID) of micro-grain diamond abrasive in a cast
removal processes using fine abrasives (Imanaka and iron fiber bonded grinding wheel. ELID dressing with the
Okutomi, 1979; Stowers et al., 1988). All these processes new grinding wheel enabled mirror finishing on
are predominantly mechanical in nature, as material is conventional grinding machines without the need for
removed by the fine abrasives by mechanical action. subsequent polishing or use of conventional lapping. The
However, by proper choice of the abrasive-workmaterial- metal binder of the grinding wheel is preferentially removed
environment, it is possible to induce additional chemical by the ELID process to expose new grits (Fig. 20). The
action to promote chemo-mechanical finishing. Various wheel becomes the positive pole by a brush smoothly
processes under consideration include: contacting its surface. The electrode fixed below the
wheel surface is the negative pole. In the clearance of -
1. Ultraprecision Grinding 0.1 mm between the two poles, electrolysis occurs by the
2. Conventional FixedLoose Abrasive Polishing supply of the electrically conducting fluid. By continuously
dressing at a slow rate, the protrusion of the grits is
3. Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Polishing ensured. They obtained a surface finish of 48 nm Rmax
4. Float Polishing and 7 nm Ra using a 4 pm diamond abrasive in the grinding
5. Elastic Emission Machining (EEM) wheel. By using submicron diamond abrasive they could
obtain a surface finish of 8.92 nm R
,, and 1.21 nm Ra.
6. Ultrasonic MachinindGrinding
7. Erosive Jets
8. Chemical Hydrodynamic Polishing
9. Magnetic Field Assisted Finishing
10. Electrolytic Abrasive Mirror Finishing
11. Honing
12. Precision Sawing
13. Single Point Diamond Turning (SPDT)
Chemical-~olution-type Nozzle
grinding fluid
14. Microcrack-freeor Damage-free Grinding A. System construction B. Electrode detail
Single point diamond turning (SPDT) uses a single crystal Fig. 20 Schematic illustrating the principle of electrolytic
diamond as the tool instead of fine abrasives as in
in-process dressing (ELID). Ttie metal binder of
ultraprecision grinding. Consequently, it does not strictly the grinding wheel is preferentially removed by
qualify under "finishing with fine abrasives." However, electrical discharge to expose new grits (after
these two processes are somewhat similar in the sense Ohmori and Nakagawa, 1995)
that (a) the size of the chips are small and of the same
order and (b) both processes yield mirror finished surfaces Ohmori and Nakagawa (1995) extended this work using a
using specially designed high precision, rigid machine constant in-feed pressure to other workmaterials including
tools generally in a controlled environment (Shaw, 1996). monocrystalline silicon, glasses and ceramics. They

Keynote Papers

characterized the surfaces using SEM, AFM, and

subsurface damage using X-ray diffraction. Good surface
finish (2.8 nm Ra and 18 nm ,),R
, high flatness h/4 (A = Table I. specifications of the machine.
632.8 nm) for Si of 60 mm in diameter, and low subsurface
Maximum workpiece dimensions 500 mm x 500 mm
damage (< 1 pm depth) were achieved. Using constant X axis travel 1100 mm
pressure grinding and ultrafine diamond grinding wheel Y axis travel 700 mm
(#120000 and 3000000) they obtained an Ra of 3.29 A Ra Z axis travd 280 mm
and an,,R of 23.4 A for Si and an Ra of 3.25 A and an A axis rotational angle flQ
Rm, of 23.6 A for glass. 6 axis rotational angle 115'
Wheel spindle speed W O O 0 min
Zhong (1992) introduced a new method for grinding toroidal Rapid feed rate ( X . Y,2 axis) 300 mm min-I
(CVD-Sic on graphite, size: 50 x 15 x 6 mm), elliptic (SIC, Rapid rotational speed (A, B axis) 18' min-'
size: 180 x 180 x 20 mm), and circular cylindrical mirrors Axis positional resolution ( X , Y. 2 axis) 0.01 pm
(Sic, size: 180 x 180 x 20 mm) with a large radius of Angular resolution (A, 8 axis) 0.00002"
curvature (150 mm). He used a micro-displacementtable
with piezoelectric actuators to shape the grinding wheel Fig. 21(a) Toyoda's 5-axis ultraprecision grinding
and then to precisely control the relative position of the machine: machine specifications (after Suzuki
ground surface and the grinding wheel. The surface finish and Murakami, 1995)
of the mirrors ground by this method was 20-40 nm Rma,
and 2-5 nm Ra
Suzuki and Murakami of Toyoda Machine Works (1995) ~~

developed a large 5-axis (X-, Y-, Z-, and A-, B- rotational

axis on the work table) ultraprecision grinding machine for
non-axisymmetric aspheric mirrors [Figs. 21(a)-(d)]. The
overall dimensions of the machine are 3.2 m x 2.7 m x 4.4
m and the overall weight is 34 tons. The resolution of this
system is 10 nm and the rotational positioning is controlled
by a laser rotary encoder with a resolution of 0.00002°.
The machine is equipped with an on-machine measurement
and feedback control system. Fig. 21(a) gives the
specifications of the machine and Fig. 21 (b) shows
schematically the machine configuration. The maximum
workpiece size is 500 mm x 500 mm. Rigid and precise
hydrostatic oil bearings were used for the slideways and
rigid ball screws for the feed system. To achieve precise
motion of the table, the guide rails with hydrostatic Side View
bearings for vertical motion are supported by wedge type
leveling blocks [Fig. 21(c)]. By adjusting the height of
each block, the guide rails can be deformed to be straight.
In order to attain high accuracy, the required profiles are
generated by transferring the peripheral contour of the
grinding wheel to the workpiece. To avoid the influence of
grinding wheel contour error on profile accuracy, the point
of contact of the grinding wheel with the workpiece is kept
constant by five-axis control. Profile error from the
deformation of the workpiece and wear of the grinding
wheel is measured on the machine by the system shown in
Fig. 21(d) and compensated for by the NC control. Using
this machine tool, Suzuki and Murakami (1995) reported
grinding of a toroidal surface 500 mm x 100 mm made of
CVD Sic for which they obtained a profile accuracy of 0.5
pm and a surface roughness of < 5 nm rms.
librrliw irelalor/
3300 4
Front View
Nakao and Katamura (1996) developed a unique,
intelligent face grinding machine (weighing about 8.3 tons) Fig. 21(b) Toyoda's 5-axis ultraprecision grinding
to fabricate ultraflat surfaces of thin, brittle materials [Fig machine: machine configuration (after Suzuki
221. The vertical spindle machine was designed to be and Murakami, 1995)
highly rigid and thermally stable to reduce tool positioning Another interesting development deals with the
errors. Multi-layered piezo elements were used in the ultraprecision machining of 3-D shapes on brittle materials
actuators for fine positioning. Wax was used to hold the with high surface accuracy using a lathe-type
workmaterial. Thermal deformation sensors and a heater ultraprecision milling machine and pseudo ball end mills
on the column legs of the machine tool control the wheel (Takeuchi et al., 1996). The three control axes are
position in addition to spindle attitude control mechanism. mounted on a cast iron base with concrete, which is
An active knowledge based control system with sensors, supported by air and oil dampers not only to dampen
computers and actuators were used to further reduce the vibrations from the surroundings but also to absorb the
deviation. Details of the actual design process and the vibration of the machine tool during machining. They used
development of an intelligent machining center an air bearing spindle capable of 55,000 rpm. The
incorporating active compensation for thermal distortion translational axes are mounted on air bearing linear slides.
are given elsewhere (Shinno et al., 1992; Hatamura et al., The resolution of the two translational axes and the
1993). Using a #325 diamond grinding wheel (100 mm rotational axes are 1 nm and 0.0001 deg, respectively. The
diameter) at a spindle speed of 1500 rpm, feed rate of 200
machine tool is located in a temperature controlled clean
mm/min, and a depth of cut of 0.03 mm, they obtained a
room. They machined a glass mask of 1 mm diameter and
flatness of 0.5 pm over 200 x 200 mm. 30 pm in height with a surface roughness of 50 nm .),R

Perhaps, this technology can lead to micro-electro- 2. Conventional Fixed/Loose Ab rasive Polishing
mechanical (MEM) devices of the future.
Abrasive polishing could be considered the oldest
manufacturing technology. Over two millennia of
Capacltance prove craftsmanship has resulted in local optimization of these
S t r h h t edge Ball screw processes. Individual opticians and organizations have
Upper rail developed preferred combinations for abrasives, laps,
r speeds and pressures on a proprietary basis. In the optics
industry, in particular, the underlying physical reasons for
the apparently superior performance of the polishing pad
are rarely studied. Less secrecy surrounds the
manufacture of large astronomical optics and Meinel
(1 982) reports that prior to 1980, large telescope mirrors
\Guide rail ulth f i n e were finished primarily to spherical shapes using rough
deformation mechaniqp cam-guided grinding followed by loose abrasive grinding
and finally by pitch polishing. Rough grinding was done
with a cylindrically-shaped fixed abrasive (Sic or diamond)
grinding wheels. The workpiece was rotated about a
vertical axis and the vertical position of the grinding wheel
was cam-controlled. Contour accuracies of 100 pm are
typically obtained in this step with a corresponding surface
roughness of about 100 pm rms. Grinding with loose
abrasives, such as Sic, A1203 or diamond is accomplished
~y using a spherically-shaped segmented metal lap (cast
iron or brass), ceramic, or other glass-like materials. A
typical procedure involves the use of progressively finer
Transmitter Automtic M: data Analyser of abrasives (60 pm, 40 pm, 30 pm 12 pm, and 3 pm) as the
of Hc Data +

programing device figure error process progresses. Contour accuracy at the end of this
step is reported to be on the order of 25 pm or better, and
the surface roughness in the range of 1 to 3 pm rms. The

final stage utilizes a polish on a soft pitch lap using fine
' Controller to abrasives such as iron oxide (FeZO,), aluminum oxide
Receiver of measure figure (AI2O3), rare earth oxide (CeOz), or diamond. Several
HC data accurasy finishing steps are generally utilized with progressively
decreasing abrasive particle sizes ranging from 2 pm down
Tr igger IUDconverter1 to 0.8 pm. Final contour accuracy for large mirrors (2 to 5
m) is about one wavelength of visible light or 633 nm with a
surface roughness of 1-2 nm rms.

I tra-precision grinding orchin In conventional pitch polishing, pressures (load divided by

apparent area) between the pad and the glass are usually
modest, in the range of 1-3 kPa and the maximum relative
Fig. 21 (d) Toyoda's 5-axis ultraprecision grinding velocity between the pad and the glass is held to about
machine: on-machine error measurement and 0.05-0.25 d s to minimize frictional heating. Most modern
compensation system (after Suzuki and polishing machines utilize a combination of reciprocating
Murakami, 1995) and circular motions, or synchronous circular motions of
the polishing pad and the workpiece. Because abrasive
- ,Motor for vertical feedina particles become imbedded in the pitch, or synthetic
material of the polishing pad these methods are classified
as fixed abrasive polishing (or fixed abrasive grinding).
As the pitch pad moves across the glass surface, some of
the fine abrasive particles become imbedded or fixed in the
soft pitch. The smoothing or polishing action occurs by
means of a combination of scratching or wearing of
asperities on the surface of the glass, and a chemical
reaction between the water-base slurry and glassy
material. In recent years some synthetic materials, such
as polyurethane, foam, felt, and Teflon (in which there is
Fig. 22 Schematic overview of the intelligent face considerable elastic resiliency) have been successfully
grinding machine for fabrication of ultraflat used in place of pitch for polishing glasses and metals.
surfaces of thin, brittle materials (after Nakao and
Brown (1 986) has reported that hard pitch laps are usually
Katamura , 1996)
chosen for critical optical component polishing. Hard laps
Jeong et al. (1996) qombined a grinding process using an have produced the smoothest abraded surfaces,
ultraprecision grinding machine with electrolytic in-process approximately 0.2 nm rms and even as low as 0.08 nm rms
dressing (ELID) and #4000 cast iron bonded diamond on small 0.6-0.8 mm gyro mirrors. This process can
abrasive wheel and chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) routinely maintain surface contour accuracies of 25-50 nm
using ultrafine soft abrasives (SiOz). They used a hard rms. Surface removal rates for glass ranges from 1.5 n d s
lapping pad made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) instead of for polishing large optics (4 m diameter aspheric mirrors) to
softer pads commonly used. The slurry used was colloidal 20 nm/s when polishin 0.25 m diameter flats. Assuming a
silica stabilized with potassium hydroxide (21% SiO, of 10- 9
pad size of 1 x lo4 mm , this leads to a volumetric removal
20 nm particle size) diluted with deionized water, pH was rate of 0.015 mm3/s.
kept at about 10.2. A flatness of 0.3 pm/l25 mm diameter
Various polishing methods used in lapping of
and a roughness of R , 4 nm on a Si wafer was produced.
semiconductor materials can be classified into three

Keynote Papers

categories (Kasai et al., 1988). 1) close contact lapping, Elmer (now Hughes Danbury Optical Systems) for the
e.g., pitch polishing, wax polishing, metallurgical polishing, Hubble Space Telescope. Computer controlled polishing
bowl feed polishing; 2) semi-contact polishing, e.g., methods are more frequently used for aspheric, higher
conventional mechanical chemical polishing of Si wafers; cost optics than for flats and spheres. The long polishing
and 3) non-contact polishing, e.g., float polishing, elastic times put a premium on the accuracy of the preceding
emission machining, hydroplane polishing. By changing process. Large telescopes mirrors are finished by
the nature of contact from close contact to non-contact computer controlled (CNC) machining, grinding, and
one can alter the mechanism of polishing from mechanical polishing. Both the pitch polishing and CNC grinding and
to chemical. polishing are illustrated in Fig. 24. One of the machines at
the Optical Sciences Center (OSC) of the University of
A variety of lapping techniques using flexible laps have Arizona is the Large Optics Generator (LOG). This is a
also been reported. Synthetic fabric-faced laps with large bridge-type vertical spindle grinder. The LOG can
diamond paste are used to post polish single point machine single mirror glass blanks 8 m in diameter with
diamond turned optics plated with electroless Ni (Parks focal ratios as fast as f/0.8 and 2 m segments of 10-15 m
and Evans, 1994). The lap consists of a metal backing or diameter mirrors as fast as W0.35. Grinding removal rate
pin plate covered with a self-adhesive Pellon (a non-woven with a 355 mm wheel operating at 1750 rpm was 28 mm3/s.
synthetic fabric). In between the Pellon and backing plate, The contour error of the finished part was 4 pm and the
a layer of self-adhesive, closed-cell foam tape is inserted surface roughness about 2 pm rms (Parks et al., 1985).
to provide a pliable lap surface. Using diamond paste
rubbed into the Pellon and a few drops of polyglycol-based Drive dear
diamond paste extender, electroless Ni plated optics were
finished to a surface roughness of < 1 nm rms. Teflon laps
have also been used to superpolish a variety of optical
glasses to an rms surface roughness of c 0.1 nm
(Leistner, 1993). Examples include using a teflon lap with
A1203 abrasives for the finishing of BK7 glass, and with
SiO2 for single crystal Si. Recently, a lapping technique
based on a "rapidly renewable lap" has been reported
(Evans and Parks, 1995; Parks et al., 1997). The concept
involves a thin film used to carry abrasive and which
covers a stable lap structure machined to the required
figure. A surface roughness of 1 nm rms was obtained for
the final finishing of black filter glass, in which a Mylar film
was used with a foamed SIC substrate and a cerium oxide
slurry. Other examples on the use of flexible tools for
ultra-fine lapping include the use of a fluorocarbon foam
polisher with SiO2 powder which resulted in a surface Rinq locating dote CircuJar '0°'
roughness of 0.3 nm on fused quartz (Kasai et al., Fig. 23(a) High precision polishing machine using a
1990). Another example is the development of the Canon hydrodynamic fluid film (after Watanabe and
Super-Smooth Polisher (CSSP) and the use of a flexible Suzuki, 1981)
tool laminated with an elastic layer for the local pitch
polishing of aspherical surfaces (Ando et al., 1995).
Attained surface roughnesses on a toroidal mirror using Tool length
this approach include 0.13 nm rms on fused silica, 0.15 nm
rms on CVD-Sic, and 0.12 nm rms on a CaF2 aspherical
lens. Some of these are briefly discussed in this paper.
Watanabe and Suzuki (1981) developed a polishing
machine for high precision, damage free polishing of
semiconductor wafers. In this process, the wafer is
polished by hydrodynamic action without contact with the
polishing lap. The polisher is designed such that the lap
surface has alternate flat and sloping surfaces similar to a Fig. 23(b) Tool-workpiece interface of high precision
hydrodynamic thrust bearing [Figs. 23(a) and (b)]. The polishing machine (after Watanabe and Suzuki,
guide rings are provided for work rotation as well as for the 1981)
polishing lap. Using this machine, Si wafers were polished Becker and Beckstette (1988) reported a CNC polisher and
to a flatness of 0.3 pm over 76.2 mm except for the outer 3 a coordinate measuring machine with a 600 x 400 x 50 mm
mm circumference and a surface roughness of 1 nm. measuring volume used to feed error information directly
Kasai et al. (1988) developed a fully automatic polishing back to the polisher to remove contour errors. In an
machine for finishing mirror-like, damage-free, flat iterative process the system has made parts with a
surfaces of compound semiconductor wafers. This residual error of 0.7 arc-sec (3.5 prad). The CNC polisher
technique is called grogressive Eechanical and Chemical has 9 NC axes of which 6 can operate simultaneously
polishing (P-MAC polishing). In this method, the polishing under computer control. The polishing pad is
mechanism is altered progressive!y from mechanical to pneumatically applied to the surface and the contour error
chemical. GaAs (100) wafers (50 mm in dia.) were polished data is used to determine polishing dwell time necessary to
to a flatness of <2 pm for 80% of the diameter with a remove the contour error. This set of machines allows the
surface roughness of < 2 nm R m a using bromine methanol construction of strongly aspheric components with less
solution and soft polishing laps (fluoro-carbon plastic). than 1 arc sec of tangential error.

3. Comouter Numerical Control ICNC) Polishing Jones et al. (1985) reported on a machine for computer
numerical controlled generation of [Computer Controlled
A number of organizations have developed computer Optical Surfacing (CCOS)] of large aspheric optics. Like
controlled polishers (see for example Jones and Rupp, many other non-deterministic processes, the machine
1990; Becker and Beckstette, 1988) including Perkin- utilizes a small polishing pad (75-100 mm diameter) and

56 1
iteratively approaches the desired optical contour by materials). They proposed a mechanism of material
alternately polishing and then performing an removal involving erosion of the surface atoms by the
interferometric inspection. Final contour accuracy on a bombardment of abrasive particles without the introduction
large (nearly 4 m) optic was reduced from 24 to 1.9 pm. of dislocations. The removal rate thus depends on the
Final surface roughness on a 1 m optic was 1.6 nm rms. probability of bombardment of particles, kinetic energy of
the particles, impact angle, bonding energy distribution at
the topmost layers of atoms, etc., without involving the
Abrasive pertick Motion Pitch or other hardness of the abrasives.
4 soRmaterIal 7
Vessel I

!7 Diamond-turned

ickne! S S

Fig.24 A schematic view of the conventional pitch

polishing and CNC grinding/polishing processes
(after Stowers et at., 1988) Fig. 25 Schematic of the float polishing apparatus using
a diamond tumed tin lap (after Namba et at., 1987)
For large optics, a group at Steward Observatory
(Anderson et at., 1991) reduced the problem of the lap Namba and Tsuwa (1980b) extended this free abrasive
size limitation imposed by the requirement that the lap fit float polishing method to finishing metals, such as type
the local curvature of the part by the use of an adaptive 304 stainless steel, iron, chromium and nickel. A surface
lap, the basic shape of which is adjusted by edge moment roughness of 2 nm Rmax was obtained in 304 stainless
bending to fit the local part contour. Extension of the steel with MgO powder. This was obtained by terminating
technique to smaller optics has not yet been the damage-free polishing at a point prior to the
demonstrated. An obvious inversion of this approach is to appearance of the grain boundary due to anisotropy in the
bend the part during spherical polishing and let it "spring polycrystalline material.
back" to the required asphere. This approach was Namba and Tsuwa (1980c), Namba (1982), Bennett et al.
developed by Nelson (1981) for the Keck telescope and (1987), and Namba et al. (1987) have continued the
has been used subsequently for synchrotron optics. development of float polishing technology for optical
4. Float Polishing materials, including borosilicate glasses, fused silica, and
low-expansion synthetic amorphous glasses such as ULE
In 1977, Namba and Tsuwa (1977) first reported on a (Corning Glass) and Zerodur (Schott Glass). Details of the
technique, named "float polishing" for ultrafine finishing of ultraprecision polishing machine were given earlier under
sapphire single crystals. They used free abrasives (a Machine Tool Systems, Sec 2.1. The specimens are
combination of colloidal Si02 (4-7 nm grain size), Ce02, suspended in the polishing fluid by hydrodynamic action
and A1203) in deionized water on an ultraprecision,diamond due to the specially shaped diamond turned tin. lap used.
turned tin lap supported on a rigid support base [Fig. 251. The temperature of the supply oil for hydrostatic bearing
The concentration of the abrasive particles in water ranged and polishing fluid is controlled to within 0.05 K to maintain
from 2-8% by weight. Surface roughnesses of I 1 nm rms the flatness of the tin lap surface. Similarly, the
were routinely obtained. By assuming a 100 mm2 area, a temperature of the polishing fluid was maintained constant
removal rate of 1 x- mm3/s was obtained. Unique to minimize evaporation of the water. Apparent pressures
features of this method include: . between the lap and workpiece were in the range of 70-500
. A relatively soft material (tin) was used for the lap
instead of pitch or synthetics used in conventional
Pa, about an order of magnitude higher than pressures
normally used for conventional pitch polishing. Substrates
up to 180 mm diameter have been polished to a flatness of
polishing; h/20 = 0.03 p m and surface roughness of I-2A rms
A fluid gap (many times greater than the particle size) measured with a stylus, optical and x-ray scattering
was maintained between the lap and the surface to be methods.
polished to develop a hydrodynamic film; and Touge and Matsuo (1996) investigated the effect of
Very high polishing speeds (15 2 . 5 m/s)between the various lapping conditions on the polishing rate of a
lap and workpiece were used. polycrystalline Mn-Zn ferrite. They used a tin lap made by
single point diamond turning and lapped with a 0.5 to 2 pm
This method was later extended by Namba and Tsuwa diamond abrasive under a pressure of 42.7 and 90.5 kPa.
(1978, 1980a) for polishing single crystal and poly- They reported that feed, depth of cut, and nose radius of
crystalline Mn-Zn ferrites for magnetic heads for the diamond tool all affect the amount of stored area of
computers and tape recorders, using diamond, SO2, y- fluid. They classified the diamond abrasive in the lap into
A1203, Fe203, Zr02, ZnO, Cr203, and MgO for abrasives. those that are anchored in the lap and those moving freely
The material removal rate was found to be a function of the in the lapping fluid. They found the pitch size of the
size of the abrasive particles, concentration of particles in grooves on the lapping plate generated by diamond turning
the polishing slurry, and applied load. They found very had a significant effect on the removal rate which is about
good flatness (h/lO), excellent retention of the edge 9 times with a pitch of 250 pm when compared to a pitch of
geometry, and extremely low surface roughness 1 nm R, 100 pm. They correlated this with the amount of stored
for single crystal materials (and 5 nm R, for polycrystalline lapping fluidlnumber of free abrasives. The average

Keynote Papers

material removal rate with fixed and loose abrasives was controlled to within 20 nm. The removal rate, however, was
about 2.7 higher than that with only with fixed abrasive, found to vary non-linearly with concentration of abrasive in
indicating that much of the workmaterial is removed by the the slurry, over the range of concentration of 3 to 35% by
loose abrasives. weight. The interaction of the slurry and workpiece is
probably similar to that taking place in float polishing.
5. Flastic Emission Machinina ) However, the relationship between the various process
Mori et at. (1976) of Osaka University investigated the
feasibility of removing material on the order of atomic size
(which is the ultimate unit of machining) by mechanical
methods to obtain a finished surface which is not only a
complete mirror but also which is crystallographically and
physically undisturbed. Conceptually, the material removal
in conventional machining is in part due to the deformation
or fracture based on migration or multiplication of pre-
existing dislocations, or by the enlargement of cracks
originating from the pre-existing microcracks.
Consequently, the limit of the surface finish is determined f Feed
by the distance between these defects. If however, the 'Fluid lubrication
material removal can occur on atomic size units, then the
finish generated can be close to the order of atomic Fig. 26(a) Rotating sphere/workpiece interface in elastic
dimensions. Using ultrafine particles to collide with the emission machining (EEM) (after Tsuwa et al.,
work surface, it may be possible to finish the surface by 1979)
the atomic scale elastic fracture without plastic
deformation. They termed this new process Elastic
Emission Machining (EEM). Using single crystals of Si and
Crossspring rl
A1 as workmaterials they removed material by EEM using
alumina particles of 2, 8, and 20 pm size with a vibratory
collision method. They calculated the material removal
rate and examined the replica of the surface in a TEM and
surface integrity of the samples by X-ray diffraction. They
compared the kinetic energy of the powder particles with
the binding energy and the stress induced by the collision
of particles with the theoretical strength of the material
(Mori et at., 1978). Mori et at. (1976) established
theoretically and experimentally that atomic scale fracture
can be induced elastically and the finished surface can be
undisturbed crystallographically and physically.
Mori et at. (1976) and Tsuwa et al. (1'979) extended this
concept for the purpose of computer numerically
controlled (CNC) shaping and finishing of semiconductors
and glass. The primary difference between this method
and float polishing is that a rotating sphere, made from a
relatively soft polyurethane material, is used for the lap, as
compared to a relatively harder tin disc used in float
polishing, [Figs. 26 (a) and (b)]. Similarities to float
polishing include:
A fluid is maintained between the spherical lap and the
workpiece. The thickness of this gap is much larger than Fig. 26(b) Schematic of the EEM assembly used on an NC
the size of the abrasive particles used, machine (after Tsuwa et al., 1979)
Relative velocities between the workpiece and the lap parameters, such as velocity, pressure, abrasive particle
are very high (-3 m/s), and size and concentration, material removal rate, and surface
roughness are still not well understood.
Pressures between the lap and workpiece are extremely
high at 500 kPa, about 3 orders of magnitude higher than Linear material removal rates varied from 0.6 nm/s when
with float polishing. polishing GaAs with Zr02 to 23 nmls when polishing single
In the EEM process a polyurethane ball, 56 mm in crystal Si with this same abrasive. Removal rates for float
diameter, is mounted on a shaft driven by a variable speed glass with Zr02 abrasive were as high as 75 nm/s.
motor. The axis of rotation is oriented at an angle of - 4 5 O Assuming a I mm2 contact area, the removal rates range
relative to the surface of the workpiece to be polished. The from 6 x lo-' to 7.5 x mm3/s. Surface roughnesses as
workpiece is submerged in a slurry made up of Zr02 or low as 0.5 nm rms have been reported on glass and a
A1203 abrasive particles and water. Pa,rticle sizes ranged surface roughness of 2 1 nm rms was obtained when
from 20 nm to 20 pm. However, in most cases a fluid gap polishing single crystal Si. Contour accuracy over short
of about 1 pm is maintained between the bottom of the distances has been demonstrated to be better than 100
sphere and the workpiece, and abrasive particle size nm.
ranges from 0.1-0.6 pm. The slurry is circulated through Mori et at. (1983, 1985a,b) have modeled the removal
the work volume by means of a diaphragm pump, and process and concluded that it could not be the result of a
maintained at constant temperature with a heat kinetic energy exchange with the surface but must be a
surface energy phenomenon in which each abrasive
The material removal rate for the workpiece was found to particle removes a number of atoms after coming into
be linear with dwell time at a particular location, allowing contact with the surface. The type of abrasive used has
the total amount (thickness) of material removed to be been found to be critical to the removal efficiency and a

CVD process (Mori et al., 1988) for producing the grinding followed by V-groove lapping (which is basically
abrasives has been developed. In this process fine a- the same method used for making the steel balls for
quartz particles are coated with a few atomic layers of bearings) at low polishing speeds (50 rpm), high loads (10
alumina or zirconia. Mori et al. (1987a,b) compared the N per ball), and using diamond abrasives. In practice, it
mechanism of atomic removal in EEM and chemical takes considerable time (some 6-16 weeks depending on
etching. In EEM, chemical activity of the solid surface is the material and size of the balls, final specifications of the
employed instead of an etchant as in chemical etching. balls, and the manufacturing practices used) to finish a
This enables an atomistically finished surface. batch of ceramic balls. The long processing time and use
.. . . of expensive diamond abrasives result in high processing
6. Ultrasonic Machinin- costs. Furthermore, the use of diamond abrasives at high
Suzuki et al. (1993) introduced a new technique of loads can result in surface damage, such as deep pits,
ultrasonic assisted grinding of ceramics and other hard scratches, and microcracks and subsurface damage,
materials using a non-rotational tool for producing holes or such as the large lateral and radiavmedian cracks. These
cavities with sharp inner edges or comers. In this method surface defects may bring about the catastrophic failure of
a fixed abrasive type grinding tool (electroplated diamond Si3N4 balls by the propagation of large brittle fracture.
tool #loo-#800 grit size) is vibrated by a complex To minimize the surface damage, “gentle”/”flexible”
ultrasonic transducer longitudinally at 29.4 kHz frequency polishing conditions are required, namely, a low level of
and 6 pm in amplitude and torsionally at 19.4 kHz controlled force and abrasives not much harder than the
frequency and 32 pm in amplitude at the same time. The workmaterial. Higher removal rates and shorter polishing
complex ultrasonic vibration keeps the grinding force low cycles can be obtained by high polishing speeds. This is
and stable for a long time in grinding ceramics even without accomplished by a new and effective process known as
rotating the tool. Workmaterials used are alumina, optical magnetic float polishing (MFP). This process was
glass, and sintered carbide. originally developed by Tani and Kawata (1984) and
7. Frosive Jets improved significantly by adding a float to produce uniform
and higher polishing force by Umehara (1988) and
Finnie (1958, 1960) and Hashish (1984) have reported on Umehara and Kato in Japan (1990, 1994), Childs et al. in
the machining of metals, glasses and ceramic materials by the UK (1992,1994a,b, 1995), and Komanduri et al. in the
utilizing abrasives suspended in jets of water or air [Fig. USA (1996a; Bhagavatula and Komanduri, 1996; Umehara
271. The removal mechanism is one of pure erosion and Komanduri, 1996; Raghunandan et al., 1997;
powered by the inertia of the abrasive particles and the Raghunandan and Komanduri, 1997; Jiang and Komanduri,
hydrodynamic forces applied by the moving fluid. Plastic 1997a,b). The material removal rate by magnetic float
flow is reported even with brittle materials when fine polishing is about 50 times higher than the conventional V-
abrasives (1000 mesh) impinge on the surface at 70° from groove lapping, owing to the use of higher polishing
the normal. Removal rates with glass were found to be 0.75 speeds (up to 10,000 rpm) compared to lapping (50 rpm).
mm3/s when impacting the workpiece with 10 g/s of SIC Further, the resulting surface and subsurface damage on
abrasive traveling at 150 m/s. The use of coarser the finished ceramic balls can be minimized in MFP due to
abrasives (120 mesh) resulted in brittle fracture of the the application of extremely low polishing load (-1 N/ball)
glass surface. The use of erosive jets for precision and damage-free chemo-mechanical polishing.
surface figuring does not appear to have been reported in
the literature. This may be the due to the observations The salient features of the magnetic abrasive finishing
techniques are the following :
1. Very high finish and accuracy can be obtained,
2. Very little or no surface damage is imparted, such as
microcracks, to the ceramic parts, during the finishing
operation due to extremely low forces involved,
3. Finishing operations can be significantly faster than by
conventional techniques. This is due to higher spindle
speeds possible by this technique,
4. Smaller polishing batches can be handled. Very few
ceramic balls are needed in a batch for polishing, unlike
Fig. 27 Material removal in erosive jet machining (after in conventional polishing where a large number is
Finnie, 1960 and Hashish, 1984) required for alignment and accuracy requirements.
that a rippled surface texture is nearly always produced in Number of balls depend on the size of the balls as the
the case of metals when cutting with erosive jets. float pad can be changed’to suit the size of the balls,

8. Chemical Hvdrodvnamic Polishing 5. Fewer polishing steps are needed. The balls can be
processed from the rough to finished state in one
A variation of float polishing has been used by Gormley et operation by varying the strength of the magnetic field
al. (1981) and lves et at. (1988) to obtain smooth, damage- intensity, and the type and size of the abrasives used.
free surfaces on semiconductor crystab of GaAs, InP, It is, therefore, not necessary to change the polishing
and HgCdTe. These materials were etched in a mixture of machines for roughing and finishing, and
methanol, ethylene glycol, and bromine. No abrasive
particles were mixed with the etchant fluid. The smoothest 6. The equipment can be easily adapted in the existing
surfaces were obtained in InP and GaAs with a linear equipment without the need for high capital investment.
material removal rate of 150 nm/s. Assuming a 100 mm2 Although the magnetic abrasive finishing process had
contact area, this leads to a 1.5 x mm3/s removal originated in the U.S. in the 194O’s, it was in the late 50’s
rate. and 60s that much of the initial development took place, in
. .
9. Maanetic Field Assisted Finishing the former U.S.S.R. by Baron and his associates (Baron,
1975; Sakulevich and Kozuro, 1977, 1978; Konovalov and
In conventional finishing of ceramic balls for bearing Sulev, 1967; Konovalov and Sakulevich, 1974) and in
applications, the common manufacturing practice is to use Bulgaria by Makedonski et al. (1974). These researchers

Keynote Papers

showed that the technique could be applied for the ceramic balls are produced by the MFP technique because
finishing of a wide range of products mostly heavy a low buoyant force is applied via the flexible float. The
workpieces. In the late 198O's, Japanese researchers function of the acrylic float is to produce more uniform and
(chiefly Professors Kato and Umehara of Tohoku larger polishing pressure (the larger buoyant force near
University, Professor Nakagawa and his associates of the magnetic poles can be transmitted to the polishing
University of Tokyo and Dr. Shinmura of Utsunomia area by this float). An urethane rubber sheet is glued to
University) followed this work and conducted research for the inner guide ring to protect it from wear. The material of
finish polishing of value added products. For example, the drive shaft is austenitic stainless steel (a non-
Takazawa, Shinmura, and Hatano of Japan (Takazawa et magnetic material).
al., 1983, 1985) have conducted extensive research on
the magnetic abrasive finishing of rollers and the Jiang and Komanduri (1997a) used MFP to finish 9.5 mm
associated equipment. They studied the principles of diameter Si3N4 balls. They used a polishing shaft driven
operation, finishing characteristics under different by a high-speed, high-precision air bearing spindle with a
conditions, and various applications of magnetic abrasive stepless speed regulation up to 10,000 rpm. The magnetic
finishing. Shinmura et at. (1990) later extended these field was measured by Gaussnesla meter. The pH value
studies and designed various equipment for internal of the polishing environment was measured by a
finishing of tubes, external finishing of rods, finishing of pH/Temperature meter. The polishing load was set up by
flat surfaces etc. Childs et al. (1992) concentrated on the measuring the normal force with a Kistler piezoelectric
design of the magnetic fluid grinding apparatus and on the dynamometer connected to a charge amplifier and a
magnetic fluid grinding mechanics to predict the motion of display. To calculate material removal rates, the weight
the balls as it is forced by the drive shaft through the reduction in the balls was measured by noting the weight
magnetic fluid in the cell and the onset of skidding (Childs before and after polishing at every stage using a precision
et al., 1994b). Komanduri et al. (1996a) concentrated on balance. The surface finish of the polished balls was
the design of the MFP apparatus using FEM analysis; the analyzed using a Form TalySurf 120L, Zygo laser
chemo-mechanical polishing effects (Gibbs free energy interference microscope, an atomic force microscope
analysis) of the various reaction products that can be (Digital Instruments Nanoscope Ill), and an ABT-32
formed between the workmaterial, abrasive, and the scanning electron microscope. The sphericity of the balls
environment; and the overall technology for finishing hot- was measured using a TalyRond 250. Figures 31(a), (b)
pressed Si3N4 balls for hybrid bearing applications (Jiang and (c) are surface roughness data of the polished surface
and Komanduri, 1997b). taken with a stylus profilometer (Talysurf), laser
interferometric microscope (Zygo) and AFM. Figures 32(a)
The magnetic float polishing technique is based on the and (b) show roundness traces of the as-received and
magneto-hydrodynamic behavior of a magnetic fluid that finished balls. It may be noted that the as-received balls
can levitate a non-magnetic float and abrasives of Si3N4.had a ring of .-5mm wide x 200 pm deep band at
suspended in it by a magnetic field (Rosenweig, 1985). The the parting line due to the HIP'ing process. The initial
forces applied by the abrasive to the part are extremely diameter was 13.4 mm and had to be finished to 12.7 mm,
small (1 Nhall) and highly controllable. Raghunandan et al. The total polishing time for finishing a batch of balls was
(1997a) investigated the MFP of Si3N4 balls. Figs. 28(a) about 20 hours of polishing time. The surface finish
and (b) show an overall schematic and a photograph of the obtained was 4 nm Ra and 40 nm Rmax. The best
magnetic float polishing apparatus used. A bank o! sphericity obtained of the Si3N4 balls was 0.15 to 0.2 pm.
permanent magnets (Nd-Fe-B) are arranged alternate N Finished surfaces relatively free of scratches, pits, etc
and S below an aluminum chamber which is filled with the were obtained.
required amount of magnetic fluid and appropriate abrasive
(5-10% by volume). The magnetic fluid is a colloidal
dispersion of extremely fine (100 to 150 A) subdomain
ferromagnetic particles, usually magnetite (Fe304), in a
carrier fluid, such as water or hydrocarbons (e.g.,
kerosene). Water during the polishing process not only
acts as a coolant but also participates in the chemical
reaction with the workmaterial; oil plays only the role of a
coolant with no chemical action; and in dry polishing, the
TT-I Spindle
frictional heat generated accelerates the flow of the glassy
surface layer. It is made stable against particle
agglomeration by the addition of surfactants. In this
investigation a water base ferrofluid was used. Figure 29 ' Drive Shaft
shows an FEM simulation of the MFP process
(Raghunandan et at., 1997a), and Fig. 30 shows the Guide Ring
displacement of the abrasive particles in a magnetic fluid
under the action of a magnetic field (Umehara, 1994). Magnetic Fluid
When a magnetic field is applied, the Fe304 particles in the and Abrasives
ferrofluid are attracted downward to the area of higher Rubber Ring
magnetic field and an upward buoyant force is exerted on Ceramic Ball
all non-magnetic materials to push them to the area of Float
lower magnetic field. The abrasive grains, the ceramic
Aluminum Base
balls, and the acrylic float inside the chamber, all being
nonmagnetic materials, are levitated by the magnetic
buoyant force. The drive shaft is fed down to contact the Magnet
balls (3-point contact is obtained by contact of the balls Steel Yoke
with the shaft at the top, float at the bottom and the ball
chamber on the side) and presses them down to reach the
desired force level. The balls are polished by the abrasive Fig. 28(a) Schematic of the magnetic float polishing
grains under the action of the magnetic buoyancy force apparatus for finishing advanced ceramic balls
when the spindle rotates. Damage-free surface on (after Komanduri, 1996b).

pressure is exerted by the magnetic field (Rosenweig,
1985). Figure 33(a) is a schematic of the magnetic
abrasive finishing process. The magnetic abrasives are
linked to each other magnetically between the magnetic
poles N and S along the lines of magnetic force, forming
flexible magnetic abrasive brushes. A cylindrical
workpiece, such as a ceramic bearing roller, is clamped to
the chuck of the spindle providing a rotary motion. Axial
vibratory motion is introduced in the magnetic field by the
oscillating motion of the magnetic poles, surface and edge
finishing can be accomplished by the magnetic abrasive
brushes [Fig. 33(b)]. The rollers can be magnetic or non-
magnetic. Hence, this technique is equally applicable to
both steel and ceramic rollers. The process is highly
efficient and the removal rate and finish depend on the
workpiece circumferential speed, magnetic flux density,
working clearance, workpiece material, size of the
magnetic abrasive conglomerate including the type of
abrasive used, its grain size and volume fraction in the
conglomerate. The size of the magnetic abrasive
conglomerates is about 50 to 100 pm and the abrasives
are in the 1 to 10 pm range. Typical conditions used for
finishing of steel rollers are the following: roller speed 200
ft/min, magnetic flux density 1.2 T, working clearance 10.2
mm, vibrational frequency 15 Hz, vibrational amplitude
1.52 mm, mean diameter of magnetic abrasive .particles
Fig. 28(b) Photograph of the magnetic float polishing 100 pm. Under these conditions, stainless steel rollers
apparatus (after Komanduri, 1996b). can be mirror finish ground from an initial R, of 0.22 pm to
final Ra of 7.6 nm in 30 sec. For finishing Si3N4 rollers B4C,
SIC, followed by Cr203 abrasives in a ferromagnetic
material conglomerate are used for the roughing, semi-
finishing, and finishing, respectively.
10. Electrolvtic Abrasive Mirror Finishing
Maehata et al. (1987) has reviewed electrolytic assisted
abrasive polishing of metal mirrors. They have reported
that large workpieces of stainless and carbon steel can be
easily mirror-finished in a short time and with high
efficiency. In the process the removal of metal is
performed mainly by electrolytic dissolution with the aid of
grain (abrasive) action and is proportional to the working .
current and time (i.e., subject to Faraday's law). The
generation of surface roughness is mainly the result of
grain action. The final roughness is determined by the
density of abrasives, their motion (feed rate), and their
edge angles rather than by their grain size. Removal rates
on the order of 0.1 mm3/s are reported and final surface
roughness values of 10 100 nm rms. The process had
not been applied to aspheric shapes, however, cylindrical
surfaces were polished with a contour accuracy of < 1 pm.
The EAMF apparatus is illustrated in Fig. 34.
Fig. 29 Contour map of the magnetic field intensity of the 11. Honing
magnetic float polishing process simulated by Honing is a finishing operation using bonded abrasives in
FEM (after Rzghunandan et al., 1997a) the form of a stone to imDrove dimensional and form
accuracy in addition to finish of the parts (Kaczmarek,
1976). It is generally used for finishing of inside walls of
cylinders and considered as an alternative to internal
grinding of large diameter bores of I.C. engines or tong
hydraulic cylinders (Shaw, 1996). Honing is also used for
finishing external surfaces and flat surfaces. It is a low
velocity (speeds < 100 d m i n ) finishing process; 'much
lower than in grinding. As it is generally the last operation
performed on the surface of a part, honing generates
functional characteristics specified for a surface, such as
geometric form accuracy, dimensional accuracy, and
finish and involves corrections of errors carried over from
the previous operations. The motion of the tool involves
Fig. 30 Displacement Of abrasive particles in a magnetic both rotary and reciprocating actions. Sometimes an
under the action Of a magnetic field oscillatory motion is superimposed. Consequently, a
(Umehara, 1994) crosshatch lay pattern with an included anale between 20°
In the' magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF) process, and 60° is generated. The valleys acts as reservoirs for
magnetic-abrasiveagglomerate is used where the finishing the lubricants in the case of cylinders used in

Keynote Papers

reciprocating motion and the peaks carry the load (Dallas, a)

1976; Indge, 1991). Typically, several honing sticks or
stones are mounted on a honing head. Since the abrasives
are in continuous balanced contact with the workmaterial,
there is less deflection of the work and consequently
. .
. b

higher accuracy can be achieved. Any type of abrasive, 4 b

A b

b 1

L 1

.r .n ..

I . a-

-. .
a. .2.
1 . ..
I 1
0.2 pm

-. .
a n
100 prn

-. ..

a n

C a (5 pm) abrasive
R. 3.a ~n
RI.0.029 pm 1
. c

I ..
Fig. 32 Roundness traces of the (a) as-received and (b)
finished balls (after Jiang and Komanduri, 1997a)

Magnetic Poles
Vibratory Motion ,/

/ Magnetic Abrasives
Rotating Workpiece
Fig. 33(a) Schematic of the magnetic abrasive finishing
(MAF) process (after Fox et al., 1994)
including AO
,I , Sic, diamond, and cBN of any grain size
can be used. I%e, harder abrasives are used for finishing
of hard materials while coarse, softer abrasives are used
for roughing or semifinishing of softer workmaterials. The
Fig.31 Surface roughness data of the polished surface length of the stroke is shorter than that of the work
of a Si3N4 ball taken with (a) stylus profilometer surface, for during the honing operation, the hone should
(Talysurf), (b) laser interferometric microscope not leave the workpiece. An important advantage of honing
(Zygo) and (c) AFM. (after Jiang and Komanduri, is it enables very high dimensional accuracy almost
1997a) ndependent of the kinematic and dynamic properties of the

abrasive due to large hydrostatic pressure, this can lead
to chipping of the workmaterial on either side of the
diamond disc. This may necessitate subsequent polishing
to remove the damage or to discarding the wafer as scrap,
both of which are costly.
13. Sinale Point Diamond Turnina (SPD v
Single point diamond turning is a well established
technology for the fabrication of metal mirrors and
aspheric optics (see for example, Saito, 1976, 1978a,b).
The design of the machine tool for this application was a
revolutionary advancement of the conventional machine
tool technology to nanometer precision. Air-bearing
spindles, pneumatic slides, high rigidity, high precision
machine tools, feed back control, and temperature
controlled environment are some of the features that
enabled this technology. The salient feature of the SPDT
process is the ability to directly control the contour as well
Fig. 33(b) Photograph of magnetic abrasive finishing as the surface roughness through direct numerical control
showing the magnetic abrasive brushes (after (DNC). SPDT utilizes large single crystal diamond tools
Fox et al., 1994) with a fine edge radius (-20 nm). Donaldson (1979) reports

on the fabrication of 1.6 m diameter Cu aspheric optic with
i a final surface roughness of 9 nm rms and contour
accuracy of 25 nm. When machining non-ferrous
materials, such as Cu and Al, surface roughness values <
1 nm rms can be achieved. This technology is now being
extended for precision finishing of brittle materials. As we
are interested in the finishing of brittle materials, some of
the highlights of SPDT of these materials will be briefly
Gerchman and McLain (1988) investigated ultraprecison
machining of single crystal and polycrystalline Ge using a
Rank Pneumo MSG-325, two axis CNC lathe. The cutting
tool was a single point diamond tool with a -25O rake with a
Fig. 34 Schematic of electrolytic abrasive mirror finishing nose radius of 0.63 mm. The spindle speed was 1500 rpm,
(EAMF) (after Maehata et al., 1987) the feed was 2.54 mm/min, and the depth of cut was 0.75
pm. The surface roughness obtained was - 6 nm R .,
machine tool. As the number of grains involved is very
high, high removal rates are, achieved. Since very fine Nakasuji et al. (1990) investigated turning of Ge, Si, and
chips are generated, the heat generated during the LiNbO, on an ultraprecision lathe with a single crystal
process is minimal. Consequently, surface integrity is diamond tool of rake angle varying from 0 to -25O and nose
maintained. radius varying from 0.5 mm to 1 mm. In all.cases the
negative rake angle tools enabled higher cut depths before
12. Precision Sawing . the occurrence of brittle fracture. They obtained a surface
roughness, PV of 0.02 pm for Ge, 0.04 pm for Si and 0.03
Precision sawing is used for cut-off operations, such as to 0.1 pm for LiNbOg.
sawing of ceramics, glasses, and semiconductors either
using a fine wire or a thin disc. Examples of sawing include Shibata et al. (1994,1996) machined Si on an
slicing of silicon rods into wafers or cutting of wafers to ultraprecision lathe (Hitachi DPL-100) with a single crystal
size. In wire sawing, a fine wire (steel = 125- 250 pm) with diamond tool of nose radius 0.8 mm, a negative rake angle
a single layer of copper coated diamond grits over its of -40°. The large negative rake angle provides the
entire length is used. Fine wire sawing (with the wire needed high hydrostatic pressure to cause plastic
uncoated) is sometime performed in a fine abrasive slurry deformation under the tool. The Si workpiece (11 mm in
(Fujisawa et al., 1983). As was previously discussed in diameter) was fastened on the chuck of the lathe. Turing
Sec. 2.3, lkeno et al. (1991) developed a chipping-free was carried out at a depth of cut of 100 and 500 nm at a
dicing technology applying electrophoretic deposition of feed rate of 10 mrn/rev and a speed of 3.3 m/sec.
ultrafine abrasives. They successfully diced Si wafers Kerosene was used as the cutting fluid. The
without chipping and obtained optically smooth surfaces. crystallographic orientation of the turned surface and
cutting directions were the (001) plane and [110] direction
Thin discs are generally metal discs (brass or bronze) with respectively. At 100 nm cut depth, a mirror finished
a single layer of copper coated diamond grits on its surface of surface roughness 20 nm , , ,R measured with
periphery. Silicon rods are cut into wafers with an ID cut- a TalyStep was obtained. They reported that the sample
off wheel which is made of a thin spring steel (- 125 pm) bent in a convex shape towards the turned surface due to
annular ring, the inner periphery of which is coated with a residual strain in the surface layer caused by turning.
single layer of copper coated diamond grits (Brinksmeier Consequently, the flatness was about 1 pm PV. The chips
and von Schmeiden, 1987). The blade should be as thin as generated at 100 nm cut depth were reported to be
possible to reduce the kerf width but thick enough to retain continuous [Fig. 351. Examination in the TEM indicated
stiffness and stability during the operation. For details, that their structure is amorphous. TEM examination of the
refer to Brinksmeier et al. (1987) and the keynote paper machined surface indicated the damaged layer can be
"Abrasive Machining of Silicon" by Tonshoff et al. (1990). divided into two parts, the upper layer (-150 nm) devoid of
The in-feed of the blade into brittle workmaterials, such as crystallographic contrast (amorphous) which is
Si wafers determines if median cracks will be formed and independent of cut depth and the lower layer with many
propagated into the workmaterial. In addition, if lateral dislocations whose thickness was found to depend on the
cracks form following plastic deformation underneath the

Keynote Papers

cut depth. They concluded that a phase transformation condition of the stress field and the workmaterial
may have been involved in the observed phenomenon. orientation that determines whether a chip is removed by
plastic deformation or cleavage fracture. The critical value
may depend on the density of the defects in the
workmaterial (microcracks vs. dislocations). As the
density of defects which act as nuclei for crack
propagation is not high for brittle materials, the critical
value of fracture depends on the size of the stress field. In
contrast, the density of dislocations may be sufficiently
high to cause plastic deformation even in a small stress
field. Consequently, the critical value for plastic
deformation may not show as significant a size effect as in
brittle fracture. Therefore, the stress state and the defect
distribution may have to be controlled in order to obtain
chip removal not by brittle fracture but involving plastic
Fig. 35 SEM photograph indicating the appearance of
continuous chips obtained by turning Si at 100 nm Nakasuji et al. (1990) further point out that plastic
cutting depth (after Shibata et al. (1994) deformation may be necessary to obtain mirror smooth
surfaces in brittle materials. However, it is not necessary
Kunz et al. (1996) investigated single point diamond that chips be deformed in a ductile manner (Syn et al.,
machining of Si (100). They used a single crystal diamond 1988). In fact, plastic deformation needs to take place
tool of -25O rake and 64 pm nose radius. The final feed rate only in the region near the finished surface. Fortunately,
was 0.95 pmhev. They found subsurface damage of 1-3 because of the radius of the tool and/or the use of large
pm due to the presence of dislocations networks even negative rake tools, the material immediately beneath the
though the surface roughness was 5 nm rms. Damage-free tool is under a significant hydrostatic pressure and
material was obtained only after chemo-mechanical consequently is subjected to plastic deformation. As long
polishing. as the stresses are not high enough to cause median
vents, the surfaces generated can be quite smooth with
Venkatesh et al. (1997) investigated machining of single evidence of plastic deformation just underneath the
crystal Si using a single crystal diamond tool of zero rake machined surface. In other words, evidence of a smooth
and 0.75 mm nose radius. They reported a surface surface is no indication that chips are formed in a ductile
roughness of 1 nm R, at a depth of cut of 1 pm, feed of 0.4 manner in brittle materials as in the case of metals.
mdmin and a speed of 400 dmin. Professor Shaw (1995, 1996) pointed out that it is a
14. Microcrack-free or Damaae-free Grinding misnomer to call the process "ductile-regime"cutting under
conditions (very small undeformed chip thickness) where
It has been observed by many researchers that the there may be no subsurface cracks and the surface is
tendency for subsurface microcracks to develop in the mirror finished. It would, therefore, be beneficial to
case of brittle materials decreases with decrease in the delineate what is implied or understood by the term,
undeformed chip thickness and to almost disappear below "ductile" machining of brittle materials. This way any
a critical value of cut depth. This has been thought to be confusion regarding, or mystery surrounding the
due to the material being less brittle below a certain value terminology can be minimized, if not eliminated.
and has therefore been termed "ductile" mode
grindingcutting. This is because at very shallow depths of If the term means that below a cut depth (the so-called
cut or down feed on an extremely rigid, high precision "critical depth of cut" or, below a critical load), it would be
machine tool, the stresses generated with most blunt tools feasible to remove material without initiating residual
may not reach the values required to generate median cracks at or near the surface that would compromise on
vents in brittle materials. The term "blunt" is used here not the mechanical properties of the material, then the use
to imply that the tool is worn but to point out that most tools of the term appears reasonable. Alternately, the material
are blunt when the edge radius of the tool is larger than the may be removed, whatever manner is appropriate,
cut depth. The sharpest edge radius that can be produced leaving essentially microcrack-free surfaces.
on tool is in the range of 20-70 nm. If the depth of cut is If the term means that plastic deformation, or better yet,
less than this value, the material is removed with the irreversible deformation, in brittle materials occurs
radius of the tool and not by the rake face. The material underneath the tool similar to an indenter at low loads, it
under these conditions behaves in an elastic-plastic is also reasonable. This is because the indentation
manner without fracture. Alternately, it has been argued process involves the use of a blunt tool (radius in the
that at very shallow depths of cut with blunt indenters, the case of a spherical indenter and large included angle in
energy required to propagate cracks may be larger than the case of pyramidal indenter) that causes very large
the energy required for plastic yielding, so plasticity may component of hydrostatic pressure which inhibits brittle
become the dominant material removal mechanism (Tabor, failure and promotes irreversible deformation
1970, 1986; Puttick et al., 1979, 1980). immediately underneath the indenter. Thus when one
In reporting on the diamond turning of brittle materials for observes smooth surfaces in the grooves in brittle
optical components, Nakasuji et al. (1990) discuss the materials, they may be due to plastic deformation
ductile-brittle transition as follows. In material removal of a underneath the tool due to high hydrostatic pressures.
homogeneous material, the slip plane or cleavage plane In the case of ultraprecision machining of brittle
coincides with the plane of maximum shear or tensile materials, such as Si or optical glasses large negative
stress. Plastic deformation takes place when the resolved rake tools are invariably used andor the edge radius is
shear stress in the easy slip direction exceeds a certain
generally a significant fraction of the cut depth. Only
critical value inherent to the workmaterial before cleavage under these conditions would it be possible to machine
takes place. Similarly, cleavage fracture takes place when Si or various types of glasses without causing cracks.
the resolved tensile stress normal to the cleavage plane However, in this mechanism, as Shaw (1996) rightly
exceeds a certain value prior to slip. The type of chip pointed out, a relatively large volume of material has to
formed is determined by the predominant criterion in a be brought to fully plastic state in order for a relatively
particular cutting condition. Thus there can be a critical

small amount of material to escape as a chip. This is one optic and a precision stage was used to adjust for the
of the reasons attributed for the rapid increase in the asphericity. Cutting speeds of up to 60 m/s are
specific energy with uncut chip thickness at extremely achievable; however a surface speed of 16 m/s is more
low cut depths. typical for grinding. Machine stiffness is > 100 MN/m in the
If the term means that chips are removed from the brittle X direction (workpiece to grinding wheel carriage) and 18
MN/m in the Y direction(paralle1 to the grinding direction).
material by plastic deformation ahead of the tool similar Experiments were conducted on fused silica (Herasil),
to conventional machining of metals using positive rake BK7, LaK8, SK2, SF5, SF10, and ceramic glass (Zerodur).
tools with a concentrated shear zone or plane, one has Slope errors of 10 arc-sec (50 prad) have been achieved.
to exercise extreme caution. Puttick et al. (1994) Surface roughness values of 1.5 to 3.2 nm rms (parallel
reported that the debris of Si tumed by a diamond tool by and traverse to cutting direction) have been achieved.
ultraprecision machining consisted of ragged platelets
and fine particles down to a few nanometers in size (not Hashimoto (1988) presented a review of "ductile" regime
long continuous chips). grinding at Nikon. Rough grinding with #400 grit diamond
has given roughness values of 10-20 pm R, x. Using
It appears that surfaces apparently free of cracks or resinoid bonded wheels with Sic abrasives &ey have
near surfaces with dislocations are taken as evidence achieved surface roughness values of 100 nm Rmax. A
for "ductile" machining of brittle materials. The former is cam-guided machine was used to make a 35-mm lens with
due to "gentle" conditions used and the later due to 3 pm accuracy. They performed rough grinding with a
indentation by a blunt indenter. Hence, caution again metal bonded diamond wheel followed by a resinoid bonded
should be exercised for this type of interpretation. diamond wheel. Flat-topped abrasive grains rather than the
Based on this, it would be more appropriate to term this randomly fractured shapes resulting from dressing a
process as microcrack-free grinding or damage-free grinding wheel with a single point diamond were
grinding. recommended. Grinding conditions for BK7 were as
follows: 50 rpm for the workpiece, 3000 rpm for the grinding
Wills-Moren (1982, 1988, 1989) has reported damage-free wheel, 40 pm/rev feed, 1 pm depth of cut. Using a #I3000
or micracrack-free grinding using a facing lathe with an air grit diamond in a metal bonded wheel, the author could
bearing spindle of high axial stiffness (618 MN/m). It is achieve a roughness of 50 nm R ,, and a profile accuracy
equipped with a piezoelectric driven tool holder capable of of 0.5 pm.
cuts with 1 nm increments. The machine has been used to
machine spiral grooves (0.4 mm pitch) in BK7 glass with a lzumitani (1979) conducted extensive experiments on
depth of cut varying sinusoidally from 0 to 400 nm. The polishing, lapping, and diamond grinding of various optical
"critical depth of cut" was less than 100 nm with BK7 and glasses. Table 2 in Sec. 2.2 gives physical and chemical
between 100-200 nm for Zerodur. A coolant and grinding properties of some optical glasses he used whose general
fluid are separately fed to the wheel to prevent thermal designations (type and chemical constitution) are given in
growth and to lubricate the grinding zone, respectively. A Table 3. Figure 36 shows the variation of polishing rate
surface roughness value of 2.4 nm rms has been achieved with micro-Vickers hardness for various types of silicate
on TiC-AI2O3 ( H i = 1850) surface. Best results were
obtained with resinoid bonded diamond wheels when great
care was taken in truing and dressing.
0.5 >
Silicate glasses
-- 0 Borate glasses

Miyashita (1988) and Yoshioka et at., (1982, 1984, 1985)

report that historically grinding has used the brittle mode of
material removal. This results in considerable difficulty in
-1 0.4 --
3 0.35--
understanding and compensating for the wheel wear, and
predicting the material removal rate. Because of the a
mutual wear of both the surface being ground and the
0.3 --
wheel itself, the entire process is difficult to control to high
accuracy. A transition from brittle mode to 'ductile' mode
grinding was reported by reduGing the down feed rate per n
0.25 --
pass from 1.7 pm to 0.2 pm with quartz crystal. 0.2 I
Conventional single point dressing uses a depth of cut of
10-100 pm which results i n brittle mode dressing of the 350 450 550 650 750 850
grinding wheel. Current practice also utilizes self- Microvickers Hardness (kglmm')
sharpening of the grinding wheel which means brittle mode
failure of the wheel. This also results in highly Fig. 36 Variation of polishing rate with micro-Vickers
unpredictable wheel wear. Miyashita suggests truing the hardness for various silicate and borate optical
wheel by microtruing with a depth of cut of 0.2 pm which glasses (after Izumitani, 1979)
utilizes a microtrued regulating wheel. A surface
roughness of 40 nm R, when using 800-1500 mesh and beorate glasses adopted from lzumitani (1979).
diamond abrasives was achieved. Utilizing the microtrued lzumitani combined the data for both types of glasses and
wheel they obtained removal rates of 2 x mm3/s with concluded that there was no correlation between the two
resultant surface roughness values of 100 nm rms and properties. A careful reexamination (note the linear
contour accuracies of 200 nm. They have also ground variation) of the data after separating the silicate glasses
quartz crystal workpieces to a final surface roughness of 2 from borate glasses, and after considering the softening
nm rms. points, the relationship appears more obvious (note the
best fit lines are added in this review). In the case of
Fielder (1988) refers to the material removal process in the silicate glasses (KF2, FKI, BK7 and SK16), the polishing
case of glasses not involving brittle fracture as rate decreases with increasing hardness (see Table 2)
viscoplastic grinding. He described the construction of an while for the borate glasses (LaK12, LaLK3, LaLF2,
Aspheric Lens Generator (ALG). The axisymmetric LaK10, CdFI , TaF2), the polishing rate varies less steeply
workpiece was mounted to an air spindle on an air bearing even though the microhardness varies (from 650 to 803
rotary table. The vertical axis of the grinding wheel was kg/mm2). This is because the softening points of the
mounted on an air bearing spindle attached to a double borate glasses are nearly the same and in the range of
slide. A coarse slide sets the radius of curvature of the 650-670°C. As it is the hardness at the softening

Keynote Papers

temperature that should be considered (and not room

temperature hardness), both hardness and softness have
to be considered in developing the relationship for the
polishing rate. Also, the chemical nature of the glass has
to be considered as the nature of bonding between the
glass and the water as well as the reaction with the
abrasive depends on this. Figure 37 shows the variation of
the polishing rate with the softening point for both silicate

0 Silicate glasses SK16
0.45 -- 0 Borate glasses 0 LaK12


0.4 I
% 0.35
c 0.3
0.2 ! I

450 500 550 600 650 700

Softening Temperature( "C)
Fig. 37 Variation of polishing rate with softening
temperature for various silicate and borate optical
glasses (after Izumitani, 1979)
glasses and borate glasses. The author again states that
there is no correlation between them by combining the data
for both types of glasses. Actually, by separating the
silicate glasses from borate glasses again a clear relation
can be seen (the best fit lines are again added in this
revew). For example, for the silicate glasses the softening
point varies widely from 47OoC for SK6 to 7OO0C for SK2.
The polishing rate for these glasses can be seen to
decrease linearly with increase in the softening point
(except SK16). In the case of borate glasses, the
variation in the softening point is in a very narrow range
(from 650-685OC). Hence, one would expect only a slight
decrease in the polishing rate with softening point and this
in fact can be observed from the experimental results by
noting a steep line. In fact, many models of glass finishing
assume that there is no correlation of the polishing rate
with the hardness of the glass 0'. the softening
temperature based on this work. For example, Brown and
Fuchs (1989) point out that lzumitani had laid to rest the
theories of abrasion and thermally induced flow by showing
that there is no correlation between the polishing rate of
glasses and the hardness or softening point. In light of the
present interpretation, this may have to be reconsidered.
Puttick et al. (1989) extensively investigated the
machining of brittle materials including Si and various
glasses, such as soda-lime glass and fused quartz. They
emphasized the significance of stiffness and precision
requirements of the machine tool system used for the
ultraprecision machining of brittle materials at fine depths Fig. 38 The single point diamond machining of glass
of cut. They showed some fascinating photographs of the (Spectrosil): (a) general view of spiral swarf
machined surfaces of fused quartz (Spectrosil) where adhering to machined grooves (b) detail of
many areas contained an interesting type of swa.rf detachment of spiral ribbons from single pass
adhering to the sides of the grooves [Fig. 381. For machined grooves, (c) machined grooves
example, they showed a ribbon detaching from the side of showing detached ribbon outside original groove
a machined groove. They also showed numerous ribbons (Puttick et al., 1989)
detaching from one side of the grooves only, leaving a been formed not in front of the grooves but on the sides of
striped structure or tearing a ragged foil alongside the the grooves as Puttick et al. comment on some of these
original groove or two filaments of the workmaterial peeling strips. In situ machining studies on glass conducted
off in opposite directions. Finally, they showed many inside an environmental scanning electron microscope at
strips in a state of incipient detachment with loops fixed at
Oklahoma State University indicated that many of these
both ends. They actually considered that these filaments filaments may have been formed at the sides of the
are generated in the grooves ahead d the tool. Based on a
grooves due to side flow and subsequent motion of the tool
critical re-examination of the photographs of these ribbons in the direction of cutting. The delamination and
on the machined grooves, it appears that they may have subsequent separation of the filaments led Puttick et al. to

57 1
conclude that the material (on the sides of the machined conventional machining) are used. This is because the
grooves) is in a state of longitudinal compressive residual hydrostatic pressure may not reach such high levels
stress and subjected to buckling. Puttick et at. proposed a required with positive rake tools and even if they do, it
model to explain this effect. The mechanism of material would be limited to extremely shallow depths. This is
removal in micromachining of glass, according to Puttick perhaps the reason why large negative rake tools are used
et at. is accomplished by at least two distinct processes, in practice in machining Si. It may be possible to check
namely, groove formation and subsequent swarf removal, this concept with molecular dynamics simulation of Si with
though their relative importance may vary between an atomically sharp and a radiused tool for comparison.
materials. The fact that the two are not concurrent is
particularly noteworthy. It appears that the groove 4.1 Factors Affectina Material Removat in Finishina of
formation is due to indentation and the swarf formation is Brittle Materials
due to side flow during indentation and subsequent sliding. In finishing of brittle materials, the material response is an
Pyramidal indenters such as Vickers or Knoop indenters important factor that affects the quality of the surface
are typically classified as sharp, whereas spherical generated. The material response in turn depends on the
indenters are characterized as blunt in the indentation magnitude and size of the stress field as well as the
hardness testing field. If we consider sliding of these response of the workmaterial-abrasive-environment
indenters over a surface to simulate machining, grinding, combination under the conditions of the process.
or abrasion then all these shapes are in fact blunt. For Yoshikawa (1967) conducted pioneering studies on the
example, a Vickers indenter with 136 deg. included angle brittle-ductile behavior of crystal surfaces in finishing. He
would be equivalent to a high negative‘rake angle of -68 considered the size of the stress field in terms of “working
deg. A Knoop indenter with an included angle of 172.5 units” and classified it into four domains as shown in Fig.
deg. in one direction would be equivalent to a negative 39. Each domain is characterized by the defect structure
rake angle of -86.25 deg. and an included angle of 130 which either pre-exists or has been generated by the
deg. in the other direction would be equivalent to a processing method.
negative rake angle of -65 deg. A conical indenter with an
included angle of 120 deg. would be equivalent to a Domain
negative rake tool of -10 deg. Finally, a spherical indenter
would be equivalent to a varying high negative rake angle
from close to -90 deg. at the tool-workmaterial interface to
the angle subtended at the depth of cut line. Thus, both
radius and the depth of cut of the spherical indenter are t.Crack Void
Grain boundary layer
important in determining the tool/workpiece interface Dislocotion
geometry. -I Micr0-cr ack
I t e r s t i t i a l atom
Grinding of hard and brittle materials have been studied I I I 1 I I I
extensively (see for example Inasaki, 1986, 1987; Malkin
and Hwang, 1996). Recently, Jahanmir et at. (1 992) made
a concise assessment of ceramic machining practice.
These and other relevant papers should be referred to for
further details.
It has been reported that crack-free hardness indentation
is possible on single crystals of Ge and Si, at extremely
low loads (-0.05 N). Gerk and Tabor (1978) attributed this
in part t0.a structural transformation could occur under the
conditions of indentation or machining. Ge has a diamond
cubic structure with a four-fold coordination. Under high In Domain I, the material removal is considered only on
hydrostatic pressures, -1 15-120 kbars, the crystal the order of a few atoms or molecules. Material removal
structure of Ge is found to change to a six-fold on this order could not possibly occur by pure
coordination, and become metallic. Puttick et at. (1 994) mechanical action. Chemical action enhanced by
proposed a mechanism of material removal in Si involving mechanical stress and temperature may play an
extrusion of heavily deformed material ahead of a large important role in the material removal process in this
radius tool and/or high negative rake tool. This could be domain.
the case with Si which under high hydrostatic pressure
may undergo a metallic phase transformation and exhibit In Domain 11, where no dislocations or cracks exist, a
plastic behavior. crystal should behave mechanically as an ideal crystal.
Theoretical considerations indicate that under a given
The indentation hardness of Ge is -80 kbars, which is load the crSistal surface in this domain should give rise
comparable to the pressure at which the transition is seen to the generation of dislocations prior to brittle fracture.
to occur. Si also shows similar behavior. The After the generation of dislocations, the crystal is
semiconductor-metal transition in this case occurs at a assumed to behave as in Domain Ill.
pressure of 190 kbar; the indentation hardness is -120
kbar. Thus both the transition pressure and hardness In Domain Ill, with only dislocations present, plastic
value are again .comparable and are -50 % greater for Si deformation occurs first, some amount of which will allow
than for Ge. Gerk and Tabor proposed that the material cracks to nucleate in the deformation zone.
around the indenter would become sufficiently ductile (due In Domain IV, the defects due to cracks are the
to its in situ metallic transformation) to sustain plastic flow. dominant factors in material removal.
In other words, both Ge and Si may exhibit metallic
behavior including extensive ability to deform plastically. If Of course, this classification is for an ideal single phase
this is the case then it is unlikely that Si or Ge would material with no pre-existing defect structure, such as
exhibit similar ductile behavior if positive rake tools or point defects, dislocations, grain boundaries, presence of
sharp tools (edge radius << than cut depth, as in a second phase, microcracks, or voids. The presence of

Keynote Papers

these defects will alter the mode of material removal in all determined more by stress trajectory patterns. One
the domains. However, it appears reasonable to assume therefore, has to be extremely cautious before using
that at extremely fine depths of removal (angstrom range), classical dislocation concepts to describe the flow
elastic removal of the material on the surface by erosion or properties of solids with intrinsically rigid bonding. The
chemo-mechanical action may play a dominant role in departure from the ideal behavior is apparent in certain
"gentle" grinding and polishing, followed by plastic materials which show a greater tendency toward
deformation/microfracture depending on the conditions of deformation in hydrostatic stress than in shear. Fused
polishing. silica, for example, undergoes densification when
subjected to confining pressures (Ernsberger, 1968).
4.2. indentation and lndentation SIidina
- of Brittle Materials Compaction modes can accommodate the volume of the
Perhaps the most widespread use of indentation testing in impression with relatively little stress mismatch at the
the context of brittle materials, in addition to hardness deformation zone boundary. Also, many crystalline solids
measurements, is the evaluation of fracture toughness undergo pressure induced phase transformations, which
(Lawn and Wilshaw, 1975). Palmquist (1962) recognized may be either expansive or compactive.
that cracks generated during indentation must indicate a The shear events are critically important in acting as
measure of the toughness of a material. He, therefore, embryonic nuclei for crack formation. It has been
suggested that the average length of the cracks observed that most of the crack development occurs not
emanating from the corners of a Vickers indenter might be on loading but on unloading of the indenter, indicating that
a measure of relative.toughness. Thus one seeks to relate it is the irreversible component of the contact stress field
the fracture resistance of a ,material to the scale of the which provides the dominant driving force for fracture. In
crack pattern (critical crack size). For example, in the cutting, abrasion, polishing and other similar processes,
case of pyramidal indenters, cracks would form on the the workmaterial is indented by the tool and the tool leaves
surface and at the corners of the indenter. the indent soon after, thereby offering a potential for the
In the simulation of nanometric cutting, grinding, or crack formation where median vents may have been
polishing etc., it is important to focus attention on the early formed a few instants earlier. Measurement of the elastic
stages of indentation under sliding conditions, namely, the recovery after indentation is of interest since it can shed
elastic-plastic deformation under the indenter prior to the light on the partition of input deformation energy into
onset of median vents that can potentially lead to median reversible and irreversible components and for the
cracks once the indenter moves forward. Due to the characterization of the elastic-plastic field in the
inclined loading of the surface, there is a strong tensile development of a fracture mechanics formulation. The
component behind the point of contact [Fig. 401. It is this parameter of interest here is the ratio of hardness to
tensile component that can lead to material removal by elastic modulus, H/E (rigidity).
brittle fracture. Brittleness should also be a measure of the competing
actions between deformation and fracture processes, as
manifested for instance, in the ductile-brittle transition.
t "YF The ratio of hardness to toughness, H/K,, can be used as
an appropriate index of brittleness. This way, the relative
susceptibilities to flow and fracture in terms of indentation
threshold conditions can be determined. Marshall et al.
Constant (1982) have shown that the critical indentation size, a, is
shear stress proportional to (E/H)(K,/H)*. Physically, this represents
the scale of damage above which the mechanical
I\ '\,+Tension response is essentially fracture dominated and below
which it is deformation dominated (Marshall and Lawn
Constant (1986). For an understanding of the mechanism of material
maximum removal in brittle materials with fine abrasives generating
shear stress microcrack-free surfaces, we are interested in the physics
\. of the process at a scale below a., As pointed out earlier,
this is referred to by some researchers as "ductile" regime
Fig. 40 Resultant stress field due to inclined loading of a 4.3 Material Removal Mechanisms in Brittle Materials
surface showing both compressive and tensile Jnvolvina Microfracture
stress components (after Suh, 1986)
Generally, during roughing and semi-finishing of nominally
It is implicit in all continuum-based plasticity models that brittle materials be it by machining, grinding, 'or polishing,
the deformation process during indentation is volume much of the material is removed by brittle fracture. This
conserving, a consequence of which is that a state of enables high removal rates and results in an energetically
residual stress must exist around the indentation site. more efficient process, provided these defects do not
Closer examination of the deformation region beneath the extend below the finished surface and that there is
contact area reveals some important departures from the sufficient material left for finishing them to the desired
idealized picture as outlined below (Marshall and Lawn, form, size, accuracy, and finish. An appreciation of the
1986). mechanism of material removal by this mode can be
obtained by comparing this process with the indentation-
First, the deformation process is by no means uniformly sliding analysis conducted by Lawn et al. (1977, 1980).
distributed within the plastic zone, but is manifested (at
least in part) as an accumulation of discrete shear events. Consider indentation of a brittle material. The various
These events are akin to the dislocation slip processes stages of indentation (loading and unloading) are as
which occur on preferential glide planes in softer materials follows [Fig. 411: (a) The material under the indenter is
but differ in two important respects: 1) they occur at stress initially subjected to elastic deformation. As indentation
levels close to the theoretical shear strength of the continues, the material below is subjected to a state of
structure in the more covalent materials, and 2) the shear high hydrostatic pressure and hence a small inelastic
surfaces are not necessarily crystallographic but are (irreversible or plastic) deformation zone is produced; (b)
At some threshold, a deformation-induced flaw suddenly

develops into a median vent (which can subsequently the hydrostatic pressure is a prerequisite for plastic flow to
develop into a median crack during unloading), on a plane occur in brittle materials at room temperature. Such
of symmetry containing the contact axis at the plastic- conditions generally exist at light loads under the indenter
elastic boundary; (c) An increase in load causes further, in indentation testing. In the indentation problems an
stable growth of the median vent; (d) On unloading, the assumption is made that spherical symmetry of the
median vent begins to close (but not heal): (e) In the "bottom half" of a spherical cavity is maintained in the
course of indenter removal, sideways extending cracks, deformation zone. Immediately below the indenter the
termed, lateral vents, begin to initiate near the base of the material is considered to behave as a radially expanding
"core", exerting a uniform hydrostatic pressure on its
surroundings; encasing the core is an ideally "plastic
region" within which flow occurs according to some yield
INCREASING LOAD REMOVAL OF LOAD criterion: beyond the plastic region lies the elastic matrix
[Fig. 421 (Johnson, 1970).
I t


i etorma t lo< 1/ Sharp poinl
Load omlied
Unloading crack ,

b t
Small median Laleral I

C i
Growlh of Larger lateral
cracks leading Fig. 42 Model for elastic-plastic indention of brittle
materials. Dark region denotes "hydrostatic
core", shaded region denotes "plastic zone", and
surrounding region denotes " elastic matrix "
(after Johnson, 1970)
Lawn et al. (1980) developed an elastic/plastic indentation
model for the evolution of medianhadial crack system. It is
Fig. 41 Various stages of indentation showing plastic based on a model in which the elastic/plastic field beneath
deformation underneath the indenter, median the indenter is resolved into elastic and residual
vent formation during loading, growth of the components. The elastic component being reversible,
median vent into a median crack, and formation of assumes a secondary role in the fracture process;
lateral cracks ultimately reaching the surface although it does enhance the downward (median)
resulting in material removal during unloading extension during the loading half-cycle, it, suppresses
(after Lawn and Wilshaw, 1975) surface (radial) extension to the extent that significant
growth continues during unloading. The residual
plastic deformation zone below the contact and spread out component (i.e., the plastic) provides the primary driving
laterally on a plane closely parallel to the specimen force for the crack configuration in the final stages of
surface. This is the consequence of a residual tensile evolution, where the crack tends to a near-half penny
stress field due to the presence of a zone of permanent geometry. The origin of the irreversible field thus lies in the
deformation constrained by the surrounding field of elastic accommodation of an expanding plastic hardness
strain. Residual stresses are identified as the primary impression by the surrounding elastic matrix. The
driving force for lateral cracks. Immediate reloading of the equilibrium crack growth is found to relate to the hardness-
indenter leads to closure of the lateral vents, and to-modulus ratio as well as toughness. Lawn et al.
reopening of the median vents; (f) Upon complete removal, developed a relation between the relative plastic zone
the lateral vents continue their extension towards the radius to the hardness-to-modulus ratio and the indenter
specimen surface and may eventually lead to the removal angle.
of material by chipping. The driving force for crack Lawn and Evans (1977) also developed a model for the
formation is provided generally by the residual stress field crack initiation in the elastic/plastic indentation fields.
which results from a mismatch in the elastic-plastic Using an approximation for the tensile stress distribution in
deformation (Marshall et al., 1982). the elastic/plastic field, in conjunction with the principle of
geometric similarity, Lawn and Evans determined the
4.4 Material Removal Mechanisms in Brittle Materials critical conditions for the growth of penny-like, "median
without Microfracture cracks" from subsurface flaws. This analysis provides a
It is well known from plasticity theory that while the yield functional relationship between the size of the critical flaw
strength of a material is determined by the deviatoric and the indentation load necessary to make this flaw.
stress state, the magnitude of the hydrostatic stress extend. The parameters of the workmaterial involved in the
determines the extent of plastic deformation prior to analysis include the intrinsic deformation/fracture
fracture. In other words, hydrostatic stress determines the parameters, hardness, and fracture toughness. Such a
strain at fracture. Bridgman (1953) showed that many relationship would establish the upper bound in the case of
brittle materials are capable of ductile behavior but only microcrack free finishing and establish the process
under high hydrostatic pressures. Thus, a high value of parameters for finishing different workmaterials. Hagan

Keynote Papers

(1979) proposed an alternate mechanism for subsurface deformation and elastic deformation followed by the
flaws that does not depend on the existence of pre- formation of median cracks will result. This can result in
existing subsurface cracks. Instead, these flaws are brittle microfracture. As it is not possible to generate an
generated during the indentation process due to the atomically sharp tool, it should be difficult to test this
interaction of dislocations in the case of crystalline hypothesis. However, it may be possible to simulate by
materials, or inhomogeneous deformation in the case of MD (molecular dynamics) simulation of nanometric cutting
some glassy materials which play an important role in the with tools with finite edge radii and tools which are
nucleation and growth of the subsurface cracks required atomically sharp.
for the model of Lawn and Evans.
For the case of conventional machining, the tool geometry
In ultraprecision machining, be it single point diamond is such that the rake angle is generally positive or close to
turning, grinding, or polishing, it is important to identify the zero. With a positive rake angle tool, the cutting force is
conditions that involve the full development of plasticity generally about twice the thrust force. The deformation
underneath the tool or abrasive grain (indenter) prior to the ahead of the tool is either in a concentrated shear plane or
ensuing fracture by median cracks. Although load (critical in a narrow zone [Fig. 44(a)]. In grinding, although one
load) or depth of indentation or cut (critical depth of cut), cannot identify a definite rake angle as it is unknown and
can be easily measured, it is the state of stress which varies continuously due to wear and self-sharpening
determines whether fracture will occur. The geometry of action (friability), it is generally agreed that the tool
the tool or abrasive grain, coupled with the depth of cut presents a large negative rake. Also, the cutting force is
and workpiece material properties determine the resulting about half that of the thrust force [Fig. 44(b)]. Large
force system which acts at the surface and which negative rake angle cutting tools have been used to
determines whether fracture will occur or not. simulate grinding (Komanduri, 1971). In ultraprecision
4.5 Material Removal Mechanisms from Conventional machining at depths of cut smaller than the tool edge
Machinina to Indentation radius, the tool presents a large negative rake angle to the
workmaterial and the radius of the tool edge acts as an
In ultraprecision machining or grinding of brittle materials indenter [Fig. 44(c)]. The final progression in this series
at small depths of cut, most tools used have large edge which represents a rotation of the resultant force vector
radii (relative to the depth of the layer removed) and large downward toward the workpiece surface (Lucca et al.,
negative rake angles. For example, in the single point 1991) is indentation sliding of a blunt indenter across the
machining of Si, negative rake angles as high as -30' or workpiece surface. This situation could represent the
higher are typically used. It is the severe negative rake case when a tool is rigidly supported and cuts the
angle which provides the necessary hydrostatic pressures workpiece under a stress state such that no median vents
for enabling plastic deformation of the workmaterial are generated but material underneath the tool is
beneath the tool radius to occur. One should not liken this plastically deformed due to large hydrostatic pressures
type of plastic deformation with the concentrated plastic [Fig. 44(d)]. It is apparent when one considers the force
deformation which occurs ahead of the tool in the case of
conventional machining of metals with positive rake tools.
Plastic deformation in the case of brittle materials with
large negative rake tools is energy intensive and
inefficient compared to machining metals with positive
rake tools. Figure 43 is a molecular dynamics simulation

Fig. 44 The progression of tool/workpiece interactions

which result in a rotation of the force system
downward toward the workpiece surface: (a)
Fig. 43 Molecular dynamics simulation of cutting with a conventional cutting, (b) grinding, (c)
large negative rake angle tool (Komanduri et al., ultraprecision machining at small depths of cut,
1997) and (d) indentation sliding
with a large negative rake tool (after Komanduri et al., system which results over a range of toollworkpiece
1997). Examine the highly inefficient material removal. interactions, there is an obvious progression from
Also, note the significant deformation underneath the tool conventional machining with positive rake tools, to
due to the indentation effect. If one were to use positive grinding, to ultraprecision machining, and finally to
rake tools or very sharp tools, i.e., an edge radius small indentation sliding. It appears that an indentation sliding
compared to the depth of cut, one may not induce model would be appropriate when considering machining
adequate hydrostatic pressure to cause any plastic

brittle materials with tools of large edge radius relative to surface finish. Hence, for finishing of brittle materials,
the cut depth or large negative rake tools. chemo-mechanical action is an attractive alternate
material removal mechanism especially during the final
5. CHEMO-MECHANICAL POLISHING stages of polishing.
It is interesting to note that there are several terms used to Mechano-chemical polishing was first demonstrated by
describe the process of chemo-mechanicalpolishing. The Yasunaga et al. (1974, 1977, 1978, 1979) for polishing of
first one is called chemo-mechanical or mechano- single crystals of sapphire, Si, and quartz using soft
chemical polishing (Vora et al., 1982), the second one is abrasives. They used SiO2 for polishing sapphire; BaCO3
called tribo-chemical polishing (Heinicke, 1984; Fischer, Ce02, and CaC03 for polishing Si single crystals; and
1988), and the third one is called chemical-mechanical
Fe304 and MgO for polishing quartz crystals, and
polishing (Nanz and Camilletti, 1995). These distinctions demonstrated that darnage-free, smooth surfaces can be
are made by researchers as well as practitioners mainly to generated by this technique. Chemo-mechanical action
place proper emphasis on a particular factor that plays a was used to advantage in polishing without causing any
major role in the material removal process. For example, in detrimental effects to a range of workmaterials including
chemo-mechanical polishing (CMP), the driving factor for sapphire, Si, Sic, quartz, gallium arsenide, and various
material removal is chemical action which is followed by ferrites (Namba and Tsuwa, 1977, 1978; Karaki-Doy, 1993;
mechanical action for the removal of the reaction product. Kashiwagura et al., 1983; Kawata and Tani, 1993; Kikuchi

In contrast, in mechano-chemical polishing, the emphasis et at., 1990, 1992).
is on mechanical followed by chemical action. Tribo-
chemical polishing involves the formation of a reaction
layer due to friction without the need for specific abrasive Direction of Movement
particles. In chemical-mechanical polishing, a specific
fluid is introduced to form a reaction with the workmaterial
(similar to tribo-chemical) and this reaction product is
subsequently removed by the mechanical action of the
abrasive. CMP is the most common operation used in the
finishing of Si wafers in semiconductor industry. The
difference between chemo-mechanical and chemical-
mechanical polishing is that in the former, a reaction
product is formed between the abrasive and the Hard Workpiece
workmaterial under the conditions of polishing and the
reaction product is subsequently removed by the Fig. 45 Schematic of the chemo-mechanical action
mechanical action of the abrasive particles. These between abrasive, workmaterial, and the
particles can be softer than the workmaterial, for the environment (Yasunaga et al, 1978)
material removal is not by abrasive action. In chemical-
mechanical polishing, the reaction is between the fluid and Chemo-mechanical polishing is expected to overcome
the workmaterial and the abrasive removes the reaction many problems of surface damage associated with hard
product by mechanical action. However, some abrasives, including pitting due to brittle fracture,
researchers use these terms interchangeably, and dislodgment of grains, scratching due to abrasion, etc.,
therefore care should be exercised in identifying the exact resulting in smooth, damage-free surfaces. However, if
process. chemo-mechanical reaction products remain on the
surface or diffuse into the workmaterial, they may affect
The chemo-mechanical process initiates a chemical the performance and reliability of the product in
reaction between a given abrasive and the workmaterial. subsequent use. It is therefore necessary to ensure that
The environment used can facilitate the chemical action. chemo-mechanical action generates the reaction product
The reaction product thus formed is generally brittle and but this reaction product is completely removed from the
subsequently removed by the abrasive action as wear workmaterial, i.e., at the surface as well as the
debris or polishing debris. This results in the production of subsurface. In the following, two examples of chemo-
a smooth surface. However, the presence of defects, mechanical polishing, namely, finishing of Si3N4 and Si
such as pits, or grooves from an earlier semi-finishing wafers are given.
operation can still exist in the final operation unless all the
defects are removed by this operation. Alternately, these 5.1 Chemo-Mechanical Polishina ICMPI of Si3N4
defects should be gradually minimized as one progresses
from roughing, to semi-finishing, to finishing. Hence, the Chromium oxide (Cr 0 3 )is found to be an excellent
history of polishing is a very important consideration in the abrasive for polishing of Si3N4. As the hardness of Cr203
final finishing of brittle materials. is nearly the same as that of Si3N4, it appears that the
mechanism of material removal would favor chemical
Chemo-mechanical action depends on the availability for a action over mechanical abrasion.
short duration of a certain threshold pressure and
temperature at the contact zone to initiate a chemical Vora et al. (1982, 1983) and Uematsu et at. (1993)
reaction by the interaction of a suitable abrasive, demonstrated the feasibility of polishing Si3N4 to a fine
workmaterial, and environment [Fig. 451 (Yasunaga et al., finish by mechano-chemical polishing with iron oxides
1978). The exact values depend on the type of reaction (both Fe2O3 and FegO4). A chemical reaction between
product that can form. The process produces a weaker iron oxide and Si3N4 at the areas of contact was assumed
reaction product compared to either the abrasive or the which is promoted by a local mechanical effect associated
workmaterial. In this way, a higher removal rate can be with nonequilibrium conditions, such as high temperature
accomplished without causing damage due to brittle and high pressure, although the nature of this reaction was
fracture to the brittle workmaterial. Also, abrasives softer not investigated. Suga et al. (1989) also investigated
than the workmaterial can be used in cases where a polishing of Si3N4 using several abrasives including
reaction product can be formed between the abrasive and CaC03, MgO, Si02, Fe2O3, Fe304, and Cr2O3 and
the workmaterial since hardness is of no consequence but concluded that Cr2O3 is a more suitable abrasive for the
material removal depends on chemical affinity. mechano-chemical polishing of Si3N4. In a later
Consequently, no scratching or groove formation is investigation, Kikuchi et at. (1990,1992) found Cr2O3 to be
expected with these abrasives leading to a very smooth a suitable abrasive for mechano-chemicalpolishing of Sic
as well. They proposed that Cr2O3 may be operating

Keynote Papers

catalytically thereby enhancing the ,surface oxidation this hypothesis. Thus, it is reasonable to assume that the
during polishing. It may also lower the activation energy oxidation of Si3N4 in water proceeds by the following
and/or the starting temperature for the reaction. The tribo- reaction:
chemical form of wear mentioned earlier is interpreted as
due the removal of material, molecule by molecule, instead Si3N4 + 6 H20 + 3 9 0 2 + 4 NH3
of the classical removal of entire particles by brittle The action of Cr in Cr20g in its 3+ state alone on Si3N4 can
fracture (Fischer, 1988). be represented by
Singhal (1975) studied the effect of water vapor on the Si3N4 + 2 Cr203 + 3 Si02 + 4 CrN
oxidation of hot pressed Si3Nq and interpreted its
formation as due to the following reactions: The combined action of CrpOg and water can be
represented by
Si3N4 + 6 H20 + 3 SiO2 + 4 NH3
Si3N4 + Cr203 + 3 H20 + 3 Si02 + 2 CrN + 2 NH3
The dissolution of SiOp in water is given by :
Further, Cr203, with Cr in its 2' oxidation state can react
Si02 + 2 H20 + Si(OH)4 with silica in the presence of water to form chromium
Kanno et al. (1983) found the formation of NH3 in the milling silicate (Earnshaw and Harrington, 1973).
of SigN4 powder in water confirming Singhal's 2 Cr203 + 2Si02 + 2Cr2 SiO4 + 0 2
interpretation. Fischer and Tomizawa (1 985) and
Tomizawa and Fischer (1 986) studied wear of Si3N4 in This reaction also evolves oxygen, partly replenishing the
water and concluded that wear is due to tribo-chemical amount that was spent during the previous reactions.
dissolution of the material via the formation of Si02 and the Therefore, oxygen is made continuously available even in
dissolution of the Si02 in water to form silicic acid, i.e., no water for oxidation. The reaction of water with silica is
solid wear particles are generated. Thus Si02 is dissolved represented by the following:
in water more rapidly than amorphous Si02 particles. 3 Si02+ 6 H20 + 3 Si(OH)4
Fischer and Tomizawa also found the debris to be white in
dry sliding of Si3N4 (NBD 200, which is black in color) This reaction produces a hydrated layer of silica forming
indicating the formation of SiOp particles but found no wear silicic acid (H2Si03) as a reaction product.
debris in sliding in water. However, when the water was
evaporated, particles of Si02 were found to be Bhagavatula and Komanduri (1996) investigated the
precipitated. mechanism of chemo-mechanical polishing of Si3N4
workmaterial with Cr 0, abrasive in MFP and MAF. They
Sugita et al. (1984) studied the mechanism of material showed evidence c$ the chemo-mechanical action by
. removal during rubbing of Si3N4 in water. They found the examining the wear debris generated in polishing using an
wear debris in water to be amorphous. They interpreted SEM with an X-ray microanalyzer and a low angle X-ray
the results as due to oxidation of Si3N4 which diffraction apparatus. The analysis showed conclusively
subsequently changed to amorphous hydrate SiO2:xHpO that Cr2O3 does participate in the chemo-mechanical
during rubbing in water. The amorphous hydrate was polishing of Si3N4 forming chromium nitride and chromium
removed from the rubbing interface as a result of sliding. silicate, thus establishing the role of Cr2O3 not as a mere
Akazawa and Kato (1988) and Akazawa et al. (1986) catalyst as some researchers suggested but of one
investigated the wear properties of Si3N4 in rolling contact actively taking part in the chemical reactions during
and rolling-sliding contact. They identified one type of wear chemo-mechanical polishing [Figs. 46(a) and (b)]. They
debris to be glassy film with Si02 structure. Similar results proposed a new model of the chemo-mechanicalpolishing
were reported by Jahanmir and Fischer (1987), Kapsa and of Si3N4 workmaterial in air and in water environments with
Kanemura (1988), Gee (1992), Fischer and Mullins (1993), Cr2O3 abrasive. This model is based on the formation of
Jahanmir (1993). such reaction products as chromium silicate and chromium
nitrate in addition to the formation of silica layer on Si3N4
Although it is widely believed that advanced ceramics can surface as well as the gaseous reaction products, such as
be finished by chemo-mechanical action by proper choice NH, (in water) and nitrogen (in air).
of the abrasive and the environment, the exact mechanism
of this action has not been well established. Some Chemo-mechanical action between a given workmaterial,
plausible explanations have been offered including the the abrasive, and the environment can be studied using
formation of silicates, spinals, oxidation of Si3N 4 thermodynamic analysis (Gibbs free energy of formation).
with/without catalytic action of Cr2O3, and less chemical
stability of CqO3 compared to Al2O3. For example, consider the case of polishing of Si3N4 with
Ce02 abrasive in water, i.e., the case of magnetic float
The chemo-mechanical polishing of Si3N4 workmaterial polishing. Figure 47(a) shows the variation of the mole
with Cr20g abrasive in MFP was studied both analytically fraction of various species with temperature at equilibrium
and experimentally (Bhagavatula and Komanduri, 1996). based on the thermodynamic calculations of the chemical
The flash temperatures generated at the real areas of reaction system consisting of 1 rnol of Si3N4 and 1 rnol of
contact during polishing can be relatively high ( -1 OOO°C) H20. It can be seen that at low temperatures < 3OO0C,
(Hou and Komanduri, 1997 a,b). Also, the flash times ammonia [NH3(g)] formation is promoted while at higher
range from 1-15 p e c depending on the flash temperature temperatures, H2(g) and N2(g) gases are evolved. The
under consideration, which in turn depends on the contact 3 0 2 mole fraction as well as Si3N4 mole fraction, however,
pressure, the sliding velocity, and the friction coefficient seems to be somewhat independent of temperature
between the abrasive and the workmaterial. The longer indicating very little effect, if any, of temperature on the
flash times are associated with the lower temperatures and removal rate under these conditions. When one considers
vice versa. The reactions involved in chemo-mechanical the variation of various chemical species with temperature
polishing are essentially the adsorption of hydroxyl ions to for 1 mol of Si3N4 and increasing amounts of H20, one
the surface of Si3N4 and oxidation of the surface, which sees that with an increase in the mole fraction of H20,'the
forms initially a silica layer which further reacts with water amount of Si02 increases and the amount of Si3N4
to form a hydrated silica layer. When the nitrogen ions pair correspondingly decreases both accounting for an
up with hydrogen ions present in water, NH3 results. increase in the material removal due to chemo-mechanical
Generation of NH3 gas has been detected by previous polishing. This shows the beneficial role of H20 in CMP. In
investigators (Kanno et al., 1983) thus lending support to

a similar manner, NH3(g), H2(g), and N2(g) gases also
increase with increases in the mole content of H20. mol









0.0 T
0 400 600 800 loo0 c

Fig. 47(a) Variation of the species mole fraction with

temperature at equilibrium based on the
chemical reaction system of 1 rnol Si3N4 and 1
Fig. 46(a) SEM micrograph and EDX mapping of Cr and Si mol H20 in the chemo-mechanical polishing of
of a typical particle from the wear debris in Si3N4 with Ce02, (after Jiang and Komanduri,
polishing Si3N4 with Cr2O3 abrasive showing 1997b)
simultaneous existence of Cr and Si
(suggesting the formation of CrSi). Compare
the morphology of the wear particle with that of
the Cr and Si mapping (after Bhagavatula and
Komanduri, 1996)

0 200 400 600 800 I000 c

Fig. 47(b) Variation of reaction products with temperature
of the chemical system consisting of 1 mol
Si3N4 and 1 mol Ce02 (after Jiang aiid
Fig. 46(b) X-Ray diffraction analysis of the wear debris Komanduri, 1997b)
showing the presence of Cr2SiO4 and CrN (after
Bhagavatula and Komanduri, 1996) increasing, close to 300 mm in diameter, to reduce
manufacturing costs. If planarization is not performed
Figure 47(b) shows the variation of the reaction products metal circuit lines would become coated with an intermetal
with temperature at equilibrium based on the insulative layer such that the upper surface of the
thermodynamic calculations of the chemical reaction interlayer dielectric comes to exhibit non-planar "steps".
system consisting of 1 mot of Si3N4 and 1 mol of Ce02. These step variations are undesirable for they limit the
CeO2 is not stable and with increase in temperature depth of focus of the high numerical aperture lenses used
converts to CeOl.83, CeOl.72, and Ce2O3. It can be seen by optical projection lithography equipment, and also
that the 3 0 2 mole fraction is independent of temperature because metal can thin over steep topographies. CMP has
up to -3OOOC and increases gradually up to 1000°C. been widely accepted as the manufacturing process of
However, as the mole fraction of Ce02 is increased, the choice that can achieve both local and global planarization
amount of SiOp increases and the amount of SigN4 for ultra-large scale integrated circuits (ULSI). However,
decreases both accounting for the increase in the material for CMP application to modern ULSl fabricatipn,
removal rate due to CMP (Jiang and Komanduri, 1997b). cleanliness, planarity, and uniformity (the so-called CPU
factors) are essential, and the technical requirements for
5.2 Chemical Mechanical Polishina (CMP) of Si Wafers these CPU factors are becoming increasingly stringent
CMP of Si wafers is a basic processing technology for the with time (Hayashi et aL1996).
production of flat, defect free, highly reflective surfaces.
Such wafers are vital as the sfarting material for In CMP planarization,the wafers are pressed face down by
subsequent processing steps in integrated circuit carriers and rotated against a polishing pad covered with a
fabrication. As the device dimensions are scaled down to layer of slurry. A schematic representation of the CMP
the lower end of the submicron (0.1-0.5 p n ) range, local process is illustrated in Fig. 48. The pad is used to hold
and global planarization are assuming increasing the slurry particles, transmit load to the particlelwafer
importance for device fabrication as well as for interface, and conform precisely to the wafer being
interconnects (Warnock, 1991, 1994). At the same time, polished. The most widely used technique for polishing is
the size of the incoming wafers to be finished are based on the use of an aqueous colloidal silica suspension
(5-7 nm diameter) with a pH between 8.5-1 1. The polishing

Keynote Papers

process proceeds by a combination of initial chemical Pad conditioning Rotating pad conditioner to clean the
reaction of Si with the aqueous solution to form a thin silica pad of old slurry and lift the pad fibers for
layer and the subsequent mechanical removal of the further processing
reaction products by the polishing slurry.
Various models dealing with the mechanism of material
removal in CMP will be briefly discussed below.
Waferchuck & d
As pointed out earlier, CMP relies on both chemical action
of the slurry with the surface of the wafer and the
subsequent mechanical action by the abrasives for
removing the reacted species. From a thermodynamic
point of 'view, Si is unstable in aqueous solutions and
should dissolve in water with the formation of H2 gas.
However, the formation of a coherent oxide layer prevents
further dissolution. For that reason, etching of Si can only
occur in a solution in which the oxidation products are
soluble. This requires the use of an acidic solution
containing HF, in which SiF:-,can be formed or relatively
strong alkaline media in which the oxidized Si forms
Fig. 48 Schematic of a CMP process for planarization soluble silicates. In the pH range from 7-11, the etch rate
(Hayashi et a1.,1996) is negligible. However, when the oxide layer is removed
The role of hydrodynamic lubrication of the fluid film is mechanically, Si can dissolve in pure water similar to the
distribution of the slurry, lowering of the friction force, and etching process in KOH.
removal of the eroded material in the form of chips, and Both in pure water and in concentrated KOH solution, the
removal of the heat generated by the CMP process. For following overall reaction takes place for the chemical
abrasion process to take place, the slurry particles should dissolution reaction
be in direct contact with both the pad and the surface of
the wafer during the polishing process. Since the hardness Si + 2H20 + 20H + H2Si0z-+ H2
is a determining factor in how deeply a particle (slurry
or, the water molecules hydrolyze the sizable bridging
carried particles in the case of CMP) penetrates into a
bonds according to the rate dependent reaction.(H-O-H) +
surface, the harder the deformed material, the less it is
(-Si-0-Si-) + (-Si-OH,HO-Si-) to form terminal hydroxyl
penetrated under a given load. Thus, the depth of
groups. Below a pH of 11, this reaction becomes
penetration into the pad surface (made of polyurethane
extremely slow as silicates form coherent oxide layers at
which is softer) has to be greater than into the surface of
lower pH. When the silicates are mechanically removed (in
the wafer. During CMP, the slurry particles move between
this case by the flow of polishing slurry containing fine
the wafer and the pad and the kinetic energy of the
fumed silica particles), a better interaction between Si and
particles will erode the surface of the wafer.
water is possible and the concentration of dissolution
CMP of Si wafers involves simultaneous and intimate intermediates becomes higher. Even though the chemical
contact between the wafer surface and a pad charged with action is very crucial, it is paradoxical that it is hardly
a layer of colloidal silica slurry. The relative motion considered in the analytical modeling. In fact, the overall
between the wafer and the pad, combined with applied mechanism of polishing is still not well understood and our
pressure and chemical activity of the slurry results in the understanding of this technology rests essentially at an
erosion of wafer surface. Specifically, when a particle empirical level.
embedded in the fibers of the pad has sufficient strength
Venkatesh et al., (1995) presented various aspects of
and energy to overcome the fracture toughness of
polishing and ultraprecision machining of semiconductor
polished material, the particles strike the wafer surface
materials including possible material removal
resulting in the removal of material from the surface. It
mechanisms. Nanz and Camilletti (1995) reviewed various
thus, appears as an erosion process although most
models developed for chemical-mechanical polishing
modeling considers it as an abrasion process and uses
(CMP) of Si wafers. In brief, these models can be
Preston's equation.
classified into the following:
The variables in the CMP of the Si wafer polishing include
1. Abrasion model (Preston, 1927)
the following: size and number of wafers per load,
2. Chemical model (Cook, 1990)
accuracy and finish required, pad speed, carrier speed,
3. Fluid mechanics/erosion model (Runnels, 1994)
pad (material, geometry, and stiffness), abrasive content
4. Tribological model ( Runnels and Eyman, 1994)
in the slurry, slurry flow rate, distance between the pad
and the wafer, size and material of the abrasive, pressure The abrasion model originally developed for glass polishing
of the slurry fluid, viscosity of the slurry, pad conditioning (Preston, 1927) is commonly applied to CMP of Si wafer
method, density of the slurry fluid, etc. polishing, perhaps for lack of alternate models. It is an
empirical equation whose validity for CMP has never been
Typical polishing conditions used for CMP of Si wafers are
challenged (Tseng and Wang, 1997). The equation, now
given below:
commonly termed Preston's equation, incorporates the
Polishing media fumed silica (5-7 nm) suspension dis- applied pressure (hardness of the Si wafer) and the
persed in aqueous potassium hydroxide relative sliding velocity of the wafer with respect to the pad
(pH - 10.3) distributed across the pad as the main contributors to the removal rate, RR, as
Pad speed 20 rpm
Wafer size 200 mm RR=Cp P V
Pressure 27-76 kPa The experimentally obtained RR is used in the equation to
Carrier speed 10-50 rpm obtain the value of the constant, Cp which is termed
Pad material Polyurethane impregnated polyester Preston's constant. The work done in a given time t, is
Particle content 20 %m fumed silica (5-7 nm) in the slurry given by pAPVt, where p is the coefficient of friction and A
Slurry flow rate 50 mVmin is the area of contact. Here, pP is the specific traction
Viscosity 109~ force of the pad on the wafer. It may be noted that this
model does not take into account the CMP process at all;

consequently it has no physical basis. Even though this bonding occurs between the hydroxylated molecules on
model is used extensively, the results obtained using this the two surfaces and these are carried away by the moving
model are often not satisfactory and the differences are silica particles. A fresh surface layer is then exposed
hidden in the proportionality constant. Also, the effect of ready for the reaction to proceed. The reaction rate
various processes involved in CMP are also shrouded in increases with temperature and the pH of the solution. The
this constant. pH is adjusted between 9.7 and 11 to obtain acceptable
removal rates. Chemical activity may be affected by the
If abrasion is the dominant material removal mechanism
(which may not be the case in CMP), the work done in
removing material is proportional to the tangential force
which results from the loaded pad on the wafer and the
sliding velocity. More precisely, it is the integral of the
products of the tangential forces exerted by the individual
abrasive particles on the wafer and the corresponding
sliding velocities of the particles. Since the tangential
force is typically not determined but the normal load is
known, Preston's equation incorporates the normal force
with the ratio of the tangential force to the normal force
assumed to be a constant and included in the proportional
constant. For simple sliding, one can take the coefficient
of friction p = F/N where F is the tangential force and N is
the normal force. In contrast, in cutting and abrasion,
Coulomb's conditions do not exist and the F/N ratio is
expected to change with the rake angle and the
processing conditions.
Runnels and Eyman (1994) took into account the normal
and shear stresses that are involved in polishing, and
modified Preston's equation as RR = C,,o?.tV. The normal
stress, on originates from the pressure imposed by the
polishing arm while the shear stress, z arises from the
slurry flow across the wafer surface resulting from the
relative velocity between the rotating pad and the carrier I
Cook (1990) perceived the removal process as a traveling
indenter plowing across the wafer surface. The abrasive
particles transported in by the turbulent slurry encroach
upon and indent into the wafer surface. The indentation
process is considered Hertzian and the resulting stresses
are calculated from the theory of elasticity. A question
arises as to whether the material removal from the Si wafer
by the silica is by abrasion or by erosion. As the polishing
slurry flows, it appears that the most probable mechanism
is erosion and not abrasion. If this is the case, no Fig. 49(a) Mechanics of slurry particle/wafer surface
mechanism incorporating erosion has been developed for contact (top) and schematic representation of
CMP of Si wafer polishing. the contact between slurry particle of radius R
Liu et at. (1996) developed a model based on statistical and wafer surface from the engagement point
methods and elasticity theory to determine the removal (point c) to some depth of penetration (bottom)
rate in CMP. Figure 49(a) is a schematic of the slurry (after Liu et al., 1996)
particle/wafer surface contact and the contact between a hydrostatic pressure which in turn is related to the applied
slurry particle and the wafer surface. This model, similar to load and velocity. According to Cook (1990), the rate of
Preston's model takes into account the applied pressure surface removal during polishing is determined by the
and the relative velocity between the pad and the wafer on following: 1) the rate of molecular water diffusion into the
the removal rate. In addition, it is capable of delineating glass or silica surface in the case of Si wafer, 2)
the role of mechanical properties of the slurry particles and subsequent glass or silica dissolution under the load
the film to be polished. They found the removal rate to be imposed by the polishing particles, 3) the adsorption rate
dependent on the elastic moduli of slurry particles and the of dissolution products onto the surface of the polishing
polished film. grain, 4) the rate of silica deposition back onto the glass or
Cook (1990) considered the chemical processes involved silica surface, and 5) the aqueous corrosion rate between
in the polishing of glass and extended it to the polishing of particle impacts. Cook developed simple equations for the
Si wafers. He considered the central chemical process approximate calculation of the depth to which water
which occurs by the interaction of the glass surface or diffuses below a glass surface during the polishing of silica
silica layer in the case of Si wafer and the polishing particle by silica particles as well as Ce02 particles to compare the
with water and other chemicals in solution. He thus number of collisions needed to remove one molecule of
considered the aqueous corrosion chemistry involved in SiO, during polishing. These equations can be
the process. For example, the water in the slurry incorporated in the development of a comprehensive
chemically reacts with the Si02, resulting in model of CMP.

i Si-0-Si I + HO
, + 2 E Si - OH The abrasion model (Preston equation), when applicable,
may be applied only to the cases where the pad (actually
The diffusivity of water in SiO, being low, only the the abrasive in the pad) is in direct contact with the wafer.
molecules on the surface of the wafer and the silica In an attempt to link the chemical effects modeled on the
particles in the slurry participate in the reaction. Hydrogen particle scale to process conditions modeled at the wafer

Keynote Papers

scale, Runnels and Rentein (1993) and Runnels (1994) (increased normal load, decreased velocity) partial
approached the removal mechanism in CMP from the asperity contact occurs. At minimal separation distance,
principles of fluid mechanics based on two-dimensional rate is high as asperity contact dominates.
Navier-Stokes equation, i.e., flow of the polishing slurry at
the velocity of the fluid between the pad and the wafer. The Solid-solid interface involving a fluid (polishing slurry)
modeling geometry for the fluid mechanics/erosion depends on:
process and details of the erosion feature are given in Fig. 1. Direct contact where the load between the two
49(b). The hydrodynamic layer thickness, h is assumed to surfaces is supported almost entirely through solid
be between 10-50 pm as found from the wafer-scale structure
modeling studies (Runnels and Eyman, 1994). The
stresses induced by the flowing slurry on feature surfaces 2. Semi-direct contact where there remains some solid
were computed and used in the erosion models. However, contact but the fluid between the surfaces also
they did not relate the fluid motion (silica particle impact) to partially supports the load
actual material breaking mechanisms from the principles of 3. Hydrodynamic lubrication where the load is supported
solid mechanics. As the fluid layer thickness increases only by a fluid layer, and thus the nature of stress
with increase in velocity, the removal rate decreases transferal is markedly different than that of solid
because the contact area is reduced and the modified contact.
surface is not removed efficiently. Also, at very high
pressures, the removal rate may actually decrease Figure 49(c) is a schematic representation of the
because of inadequate supply of slurry reaching the wafer tribological modeling of CMP after Runnels and Eyman
surface. (1994). This model takes into account the curvature of the
wafer as well as its attack angle. The converging flow of
the slurry under the wafer supports the load of the wafer
Union of Rd
similar to that in a bearing. The wafer carrier is mounted on
r I 1 a gimble mechanism which allows the carrier to adjust
inlet during polishing to prevent the wafer sagging on the pad.
The model focuses on the flow of the slurry in the gap.

Fig. 49(c) Schematic representation of the tribological

modeling of CMP (after Runnels and Eyman,
Fig. 49(b) The modeling geometry for the fluid
mechanics/erosion process (top) and details of Yu et al., (1993) considered the statistical nature of pad
the erosion feature(bottom) (after Runnels, asperities. Since the pad and the wafer are rough on a
1994) microlevel, the actual area of pad-wafer contact is small
relative to the apparent area. The actual area is taken by
At high velocities the wafer may glide on the pad at an considering the plastic deformation of the pad asperities.
angle, i.e., inclined pad, with a thin layer of slurry The contact properties, such as contact load, area, and
separating the two solid surfaces. In this case, the load is effective Young’s modulus are determined from Hertz’s
entirely supported by the fluid pressure built in this equation. The statistical model assumes that each pad
converging fluid film. A tribological model, using asperity is spherical at its peak and the variations in
hydrodynamic lubrication of bearings has been developed asperity height and radius are normally distributed. The
by Runnels (1994) which assumes that the pad and the statistical nature of the asperities is used to characterize
wafer are planar surfaces in ielative motion, separated by the surface roughness of the pads and pad-wafer contact
a wedge shaped film of slurry, which is an incompressible properties are then calculated. Although this model
viscous fluid under laminar flow. The thickness of the fluid reflects the effects of pad properties such as roughness
layer, h, for a plane slider bearing is given by and elasticity, it does not explain the non-uniformity in the
h = Kh (pV/PA)’” wafer scale.

where p is the kinematic viscosity of the slurry, and Kh is a It is clear from a review of the literature that very useful
constant. The fluid film thickness where polishing occurs CMP models were developed by researchers using
is estimated to be in the range of 60-100 pm. isolated phenomena. Consequently, several mechanisms
of CMP of Si wafers were proposed. The first one uses the
The total pressure on the wafer surface is assumed to be normal load and sliding velocity (the so-called Preston
the sum of the asperity contact pressure and the equation). A similar model uses a statistical methods and
hydrodynamic pressure. When the wafer/pad separation elasticity theory to describe the material removal. It
distance is large (low normal load, high velocity), the considers the effects of applied pressure and relative
pressure is mostly hydrodynamic and the rate is very low velocity between the pad and the wafer and is capable of
(hydroplaning). At intermediate separation distance delineating the role of the moduli of slurry particles and

58 1
polishing film. The second model uses the chemical They found surface roughnesses of 1 nm rms as evaluated
aspects of CMP, the third model uses the fluid flow using the x-ray reflectivity method which has nanometer
(polishing slurry) between the pad and the wafer surface scale lateral resolution. The same surfaces measured with
(fluid mechanics approach) and erosion, and the fourth an interferometric microscope with a lateral spatial
one uses the effects of polishing pad roughness and resolution of 1 pm gave surface roughnesses of 0.3 nm
dynamic interactions between the pad and wafer. A rms. Also, differences in measured roughness parameters
statistical model of pad surface roughness is used. using a stylus instrument, optical profiler and AFM in the
measurement of polished hardened tool steel surfaces
With the need to finish large sized Si wafers (up to 300 mm) have been reported by De Chiffre et al. (1996). Tables 6(a)
to better flatness and finish economically, it is necessary and 6(b) show the range of reported average surface
to seek better physical understanding of the process. The
model developed should be capable of not only to predict Table 5 Resolution and range of some instruments used
the removal rates accurately during CMP but also to to examine smooth surfaces (after Lonardo et al.,
monitor and control the process. Even though a chemical 1996;Whitehouse, 1994)
model was developed it is not used in the development of
the analytical equations in other models. It is time to Resolution (nm) Range Im)
consider a comprehensive model taking into account
individual phenomena. The chemical aspect and the Instrument Lateral Vertical Lateral Vertical
erosion aspect of CMP have to be considered in the Stylus 100-250 0.3 >I00 1
development of a plausible mechanism of material removal
in CMP of Si wafers. One feasible approach, in spite of, or lnterferometric 500 0.1 7 0.1
because of, many variables is dimensional analysis. Some microscope
preliminary work in this direction at OSU indicates that a
model can be developed that would include the Reynolds AFM' 2 <o. 1 0.1 0.005
number, the Euler's number, and other dimensionless STM 2.5 0.2 0.1 0.0001
parameters. The Reynolds .number should address the
fluid mechanics approach of the flow of the polishing slurry Nomarski >500 - - -
while the Euler's number should address both the microscope
mechanical abrasive action of the abrasive particles on
the wafer surface under normal load and the erosion of the
SEM 10 2 - 0.002
- 0.0001
wafer surface under the impact of the silica particles in the
polishing slurry.
TEM 2 2,000
roughnesses, Ra, Rq, Rmax for a variety of fine abrasive
6.AlTAINABLE ACCURACIES AND SURFACE INTEGRITY processes (both fixed and loose). Where possible, data
The ultimate performance of the fine abrasive processes taken with instrumentation with the finest lateral spatial
can be determined by their achievable surface finish, form resolution is used.
accuracy, and resulting surface integrity. These a. Fixed abrasive Drocesseg
requirements vary with the individual technological
application. For example, requirements for form and finish Grinding with fine abrasives of both ductile and brittle
may be most important for metal optics with subsurface materials is currently being used to generate surface
damage a lesser concern, whereas for the processing of roughnesses in the nanometer range. Nakagawa's fine
semiconductors, requirements for surface roughness may grinding machine with in-process dressing (ELID) and
be easier met than for flatness or subsurface damage. micro-grain cast iron fiber bonded diamond grinding whee!
Below, a sampling of various fine abrasive processes is an example (Ohmori and Nakagawa, 1990). Reported
including both fixed and loose abrasive processes have results for Si3N4 include surface roughnesses as low as
been surveyed for reported performance with regards to 6.2 nm Ra (1994),and 3.2 nm Ra (Bandyopadhyay et al.,
surface finish, form accuracy and resulting subsurface 1996). In another study, single crystal Si was ground to an
damage. This compilation that follows is by no means Ra of 2.8 nm and BK7 glass to an R, of 2.4 nm using a
meant to be comprehensive, but rather to be a sampling of #40000 wheel, and when constant pressure grinding was
various processes and their performances as reported in employed with ultrafine grit wheels (#3000000 metallic
the recent literature. bond wheel with 5 nm diamond grits), a roughness of 0.33
nm Ra for both Si and BK7 glass was achieved (Ohmori and
6.1. Surface Rouahness Nakagawa, 1995). The ELID technique has also been
The current performance of many of the fine abrasive used together with chemical mechanical grinding which
processes in terms of achievable surface roughness is used an ultrafine grit wheel composed of 7 to 40 nm silica
such that methods used for characterizing the topography abrasives. This integrated planarization technique enabled
must be carefully considered when reporting achieved a 6 inch Si wafer to be finished to a surface roughness of 4
results. There have been several seminal keynote papers nm Rmax (Jeong et al., 1996).
on the measurement of the roughness of smooth surfaces Another example is Namba's ultraprecision grinder with a
including that by Vorburger (1 987) and recently by glass-ceramic spindle operated in a controlled
Lonardo et al. (1996). Rapid advancements have taken environment (Namba et al., 1989). Using this machine, a
place in the past decade in our ability to measure smooth variety of optical glasses were ground to a surface
surfaces. In particular, the introduction of the atomic roughness of < 0.2 nrn Ra, as measured with an AFM
force microscope has allowed a convenient measure' of (Namba and Abe, 1993). Results on Mn-Zn ferrite single
microtopography unconstrained by limited lateral spatial crystals produced by the grinder using a 2-6 pm grain size
resolution. A brief summary of the lateral and vertical diamond wheel in a single pass were 0.6 nm Ra, as
resolution and range of some of the instruments used to measured with an interferometric microscope, and 2.7 nm
examine smooth surfaces is shown in Table 5. Ra, as measured with an STM (Namba et al., 1992).
The differences in measured topographies of very smooth The fine grinding of Sic toroidal mirrors has produced
surfaces by using instruments with different lateral spatial roughnesses in the range of 2-5 nm Rae Suzuki (1995)has
resolution has been demonstrated. Sakata et al. (1993) reported on obtaining a roughness of 4 nm Ra on a CVD-
evaluated the microroughness of mechano-chemically Sic toroidal surface (500 mm x 100 mm) ground with metal
polished (100) Si surfaces by x-ray Fresnel reflectivity.

Keynote Papers

Table 6(a) Reported surface roughness results for fixed abrasive processes

Process Workpiece I I (2)

I ; :I ; Reference


Fine Grinding
ELlD with micro-grain cast iron 6.2
bonded wheels
3.2 Bandyopadhyay
(1 996)
single crystal Si 0.33-2.8 Ohmori (1995)
BK7 0.33-2.4
ELlD with chemomechanical grinding single crystal Si Jeong (1 996)
Ultraprecision grinder wlglass- optical glasses Namba (1993)
ceramic spindle
Mn-Zn ferrite Namba (1 992)
Grinding w/metal bonded wheels + Sic Suzuki (1 995)
diamond abrasives
Cast iron fiber bonded diamond Sic 2-5 Zhong (1 992,
wheels 19941

Fine grain diamond wheels (1 -2 pm) A1203-TiC 30 Matsuo (1 997)

Mn-Zn ferrite . 20
Si3N4 4-9 lchida (1 993)
3-6 pm diamond wheels Si 11 Puttick (1 994)
Grinding w/electrophoretically Si c8 lkeno (1 990)
deposited abrasive pellets
sapphire 22
Double-sidedlapping w/resin bond high purity A1 alloy 20 Tomita (1 996)
Coated abrasive tape texturing Al alloy whndercoat 14-17 Yanagi (1 992)
Grinding w/directionally aligned SIC hardened steel 4 Yamaguchi
wheel (1 995)
Superfinishinn w/cBN hardened steel c30 Onchi (1 995)
Superfinishing w/fused alumina hardened steel
I 6o I I Puthanangady

bonded wheels with fine grain diamond abrasives. Other magnetic disk substrate was performed on a double-sided
grinding studies on Sic toroidal mirrors using cast iron lapping machine using a grinding stone with a resin bond,
fiber-bonded diamond abrasive wheels with in-process composed of a mixture of PVA, melamine and phenol
dressing yielded values of 2-5 nm R a (Zhqng, 1992), and resins. Using a 3 pm Sic abrasive, the A1 was ground to
using cast iron fiber bonded diamond cup wheels an R, of 20 nm (Tomita and Eda, 1996). An interesting
roughness of 2-4 nm Ra were obtained (Zhong and comparison can be made by considering the fixed abrasive
Venkatesh, 1994). process used for the subsequent texturing of thin film
magnetic disk substrates. Using a coated abrasive tape
Studies on the grinding of ceramics with very fine grain with a 3 pm diameter A1203 abrasive, Al alloy substrates
diamond abrasives have demonstrated the ability to with undercoat were given a radial texture resulting in an
produce similar surface roughnesses. Matsuo et al. R, of 14-17 nm (Yanagi et al., 1992). Yamaguchi and
(1997) reported on the effect of grain size on surface Horaguchi (1995) have reported on the use of a
roughness in the grinding of ceramics with superfine grain directionally aligned Sic whisker wheel, in which hardened
diamond wheels. Surface roughnesses of -30 nm Rmax
were obtained on A1203-TiC and 20 nm Rmax on Mn-Zn
die steel was ground to a surface roughness of 4 nm Ra. In
addition to grinding, results on the superfinishing of
Ferrite using 1 pm mean grain diameter abrasives. Also, hardened steel have also been reported. Hardened steel
the grinding of Si3N4 with a 1.47 pm average grain size bearing races were ground with the use of a cBN stone with
diamond wheel was shown to achieve a roughness of 4-9 a porous structure to a surface roughness of less than 30
nm Rmax (Ichida et al., 1993). nm R a (Onchi et al., 1995), and using a 500 grit fused
Examples of the fine grinding of Si include the study of alumina abrasive, a surface roughness of about 60 nm R a
Puttick et al. (1994) in which a surface roughness on Si of on hardened steel was obtained (Puthanangady and
1 1 nm Ra was reported. lkeno et al. (1990) performed Malkin, 1995).
nanometer grinding using abrasive pellets made by b. Loose abrasive orocesses
electrophoretic deposition of 10-20 nm ultrafine silica
grains, and produced surface roughnesses of less than 8 The fine abrasive processes using loose abrasive can be
nm PV on Si and 22 nm PV on sapphire. roughly classified into three categories: 1) polishing, 2)
lapping, and 3) field-assisted processes. All three types
Table 6(a) shows that while fine grinding of brittle materials
of processes have been shown to be capable of producing
has demonstrated average surface roughnesses of fine finishes on both ductile and brittle materials.
typically e l 0 nm, with sub-nanometer roughnesses Significant interest of late has been focused on magnetic
possible, the fixed abrasive fine finishing of metals yields
field assisted finishing for both ductile and brittle
a broader range of roughness results. A study of the materials. The finishing of Si3N4 balls and rollers for high
ultraprecision grinding of a high-purity A1 alloy for use as a

Table 6(b) Reported surface roughness results for loose abrasive processes

I Process Workpiece

Magnetic fluid grinding
w/SiC abrasives Si3N4 ball
alumina plates
1 Umehara (1994)

w/diamond abrasives SiaN4 balls Childs (1994b)

Magnetic float polishing
wlAI2O3 abrasives Si3N4 balls Komanduri

1 1
w/CqOg abrasives 9.1
w/CeO2 abrasives 4.0 40 Jiang (1997b)
w/SiC abrasives acrylic resin 40 Tani (1984)
Magnetic abrasive finishing Si3N4 rollers 40 Shinmura (1990)
w/diamond abrasives
Magnetic abrasive finishing stainless steel rods 7.6 Fox (1994)
brass tubes 40 Umehara (1995)
Lithium Niobate 20 lkeno (1991)
deDosition + diamond blade
Polishing using electrophoretic BK7 40 Suzuki (1994)
deposition + elastic tool
Lapping w/sintered cast iron plate tungsten carbide Hagiuda (1981)
witti cBN abrasives
Lapping w/tin lap with diamond poly Mn-Zn ferrite Touge (1996)
Lapping w/tin lap + various fine single crystal sapphire Narnba (1978)
single crystal Mn-Zn
poly Mn-Zn
Lapping wheel WAOW bonding single crystal Si Tani (1986)
Kawata (1993)
BK7, lime glass, AIN
Synthetic fabric-faced lap w/diamond electroless Ni Parks (1994)
Teflon lap w/A1203 abrasives BK7 Leistner (1993)
w/SiO;! sinale ctvstal Si
Lap wMylar film + foamed Sic black filter glass Parks (1997)

II Lapping w/fluorocarbon foam

polisher w/SiO:, powder
Polishing w/flexible tool w/elastic
fused silica

fused silica
Kasai (1990)

Ando (1995)

(100) Si-oxide surface Sakata (1993)
(100) Si/oxide interface
polySi Yasseen (1997)
SIC Yamoaka (1994)
Vitali I1996)
Mechanical polishing w/0.33 pm Ni-Zn ferrite Xie (1996)
diamond abrasives
pure Cu

Polishing w/cloth polisher + fine AlSl 304 stainless steel Namba (1980b)
Float polishing fused silica, glass ceramic 0.1-0.2 Namba (1987)
natural quartz Soares (1994)
Float Dolishina w/fluorocarbontool GaAs Kasai 11988)

Keynote Papers

temperature bearing applications has received particular approach, lapping of cemented tungsten carbide with a
attention (Komanduri, 1996a). Umehara (1994) has composite plate of cast iron and cBN abrasives resulted in
employed magnetic fluid grinding with Sic abrasive to a surface roughness of 100 nm Rmax. The approach of
finish Si3N4 balls to a surface roughness of 100 nm Rmax. involving both fixed and loose grains to perform material
In a study aimed at identifying the material removal removal has also been reported. The high precision
mechanisms of the magnetic fluid grinding of Si3N4 balls, -
lapping of polycrystalline Mn-Zn Ferrite with 0.5 2.0 Bm
Childs et al. (1994a) report the achievement of an Ra of 25 diamond abrasives was performed using a tin lap (Touge
nm. In the magnetic float polishing of Si3N4 balls, and Matsuo, 1996). It was observed that the surface
Komanduri (Raghunandan et al., 1997a) found that use of characteristics, as measured by AFM, differed
Cr2O3 abrasive particles resulted in a significantly higher significantly depending on whether only fixed abrasives or
removal rate and improved surface finish over that in which both fixed and loose abrasives were used. Final surfaces
A1203 abrasives were used. This was shown to be due to generated by only fixed grains had surface roughnesses
chemo-mechanical action between the Si3N4 and Cr2O3. as low as 0.9 nm Ra. In an early study on the ultra-fine
Surface roughness values achieved were 35.8 nm Ra finishing of single and polycrystal Mn-Zn and single crystal
using A1203 abrasives and 9.1 nm Ra using Cr2O3 sapphire, Namba and Tsuwa (1978) reported on using a tin
abrasives. Jiang and Komanduri (1997b) have used lap and various fine particles to obtain a surface
chemo-mechanical polishing as the last stage of magnetic roughness of less than 1 nm RZ on single crystal sapphire,
float polishing and obtained a surface finish of 4 nm Ra and less than 1 nm R, for single crystal Mn-Zn, and 5 nm R, for
40 nm Rma. A study on the magnetic abrasive finishing of polycrystalline Mn-Zn.
Si3N4 rollers using diamond abrasives showed achievable
surface roughnesses of 40 nm Ra (Shinmura et al., 1990). The development of techniques which utilize a lapping
However, the same Si3N4 rollers without using diamond wheel with low bonding strength to aid in the self-dressing
of the wheel and provide a compliant backing for the
abrasive but instead using conventional abrasives
followed by chemo-mechanical polishing with Cr2O3 individual abrasive grains enabling uniformity of the grain
depth of cut have also been investigated. Tani and
resulted in 5.6 nm Ra (Komanduri, 1996a). The finishing of
alumina plates by magnetic fluid grinding resulted in a Kawata (1986) reported on the use of a lapping process
surface roughness of 60 nm Ra (Umehara and Komanduri, using a "liquid-bonded wheel" which consisted of silicon
oxide or silicon carbide abrasive grains, 5 pm in size,
bonded with an alkaline solution of diethanolamine.
Work on the magnetic assisted finishing of ductile Surface roughness of 20 nm RZ was obtained on single
materials has also been performed. In a study on the crystal Si. In another study, the lapping of Si and various
magnetic abrasive finishing of non-magnetic stainless brittle materials including BK7 glass, soda-lime glass, and
steel rods to simulate non-magnetic Si3N4 a surface aluminum nitride was performed using a lapping disc
roughness of 7.6 nm Ra was reported (Fox et al., 1994) and possessing a high concentration of abrasives and low
the finishing of the internal surface of long brass tubes bonding strength (Kawata and Tani, 1993). A surface
yielded surface roughnesses of 40 nm Ra (Umehara et al., roughness of 2-3nm Ra was obtained for single crystal Si
1995). Tani and Kawata (1984), in an early study on the wafers using a disc of silicon oxide, zirconium oxide, or
magnetic field assisted polishing of acrylic resin reported a calcium carbonate abrasives and a colloidal silica lapping
surface roughness of c 40 nm Rmap fluid. It was hypothesized that the abrasive grains may
undergo a mechano-chemical action with the Si. Surface
Another field-assisted finishing technique, described roughnesses of c 10 nm Ra were obtained for other brittle
earlier, is the use of electrophoretic deposition of ultrafine materials included in the study.
abrasives onto a conductive diamond saw blade in an
electric field (Ikeno et al., 1991) for chipping-free dicing. As discussed earlier, a variety of lapping techniques using
Lithium niobate was cut using this technique resulting in a flexible laps have also been reported. Using diamond
surface roughness of 20 nm Rmax. Suzuki et al. (1994) paste rubbed into self-adhesive Pellon (a non-woven
also employed electrophoretic deposition technique to synthetic fabric) and a few drops of polyglycol-based
polish 3-surfaces in an electric field employing an diamond paste extender, the electroless Ni plated optics
electrically conductive elastic tool. Using a tool consisting were finished to a surface roughness of c 1 nm nns. Teflon
of a semi-spherical elastic polymer wrapped with carbon laps have also been used to superpolish a variety of
fabric, BK7 glass was finished to a surface roughness 40- optical glasses to an rms surface roughness of less than
nm Ra. 0.1 nm (Leistner, 1993). Examples include using a teflon
lap with A1203 abrasive for the finishing of BK7 glass, and
Traditionally, lapping refers to a process which uses hard with Si02 for single crystal Si. Recently, a lapping
tooling, relatively coarse abrasives and results in surface technique based on a "rapidly renewable lap" has been
roughnesses which are typically larger than polishing. reported (Parks et al., 1997). The concept involves a thin
With the introduction of flexible tools used for ultra-fine film used to carry abrasive and which covers a stable lap
lapping and the combination, for example, of a tin lap with structure machined to the required figure. A surface
the use of fine abrasive particles and a hydrodynamic film, roughness of 1 nm rms was obtained for the final finishing
the distinction between lapping and polishing becomes of black filter glass, in which a Mylar film was used with a
less clear. One approach to attempt to delineate the foamed SIC substrate and a cerium oxide slurry. Other
various non-field-assisted loose abrasive processes is to examples on the use of flexible tools for ultra-fine lapping
focus on the type of tool/workpiece contact in the removal include the use of a fluorocarbon foam polisher with Si02
zone, where the cases of close contact (mechanical powder which resulted in a surface roughness of 0.3 nm
loading), non-contact (fluid film separation), and a mixed Rmax on fused quartz (Kasai et al., 1990). Another
condition containing some of both loading conditions are example is the development of the Canon Super-Smooth
considered. Chemical effects between tool and workpiece Polisher (CSSP) described earlier and the use of a flexible
may or may not be present for all three situations. tool laminated with an elastic layer for the local pitch
One can first consider surfaces generated by lapping polishing of aspherical surfaces (Ando et al., 1995).
where the dominate tooVworkpiece interaction is "close Attained surface roughnesses on a toroidal mirror using
contact". In the work of Hagiuda et al. (1981), a sintered this approach include 0.13 nm rms on fused silica, 0.15 nm
cast iron lapping plate was manufactured with fixed rms on CVD-Sic, and 0.12 nm rms on a CaF2 aspherical
abrasives (diamond or cBN) such that the abrasives were lens.
premixed in the matrix cast iron powder. Using this

Consideration of the fine abrasive processes (using loose of 160 nm for a wafer 60 mm in diameter (Ohmori and
abrasives) in which there may be some combination of Nakagawa, 1995). Using the ultraprecision surface grinder
close contact and fluid film contact can be focused on the with a glass-ceramic spindle previously discussed, Namba
more conventional mechano-chemical or chemo- et al. (1989) report that NbFl optical glass was ground flat
mechanical polishing. These techniques have been used to 200 nm over an 18 mm square. Contour accuracies for
to obtain very low roughness surfaces on both brittle and grinding with metal bonded wheels have also been
ductile materials, a few examples of which follow. Using reported. Suzuki (1995) used fine grain diamond wheels to
standard mechano-chemical polishing with a suspension grind a CVD-SIC toroidal surface of 500 mm by 100 mm to a
of silica particles in an alkaline solution, (100) Si surfaces profile accuracy of 0.5 pm.
were prepared and the resulting surface roughness of both
the oxide top surface and the Si/oxide interface were Magnetic fluid grinding of Si3N4 balls has resulted in
measured by x-ray reflectivity measurements (Sakata et reported range of sphericity from f 1 pm using diamond
al., 1993). Reported roughness results were 0.8 1.1 nm abrasive (Childs et al., 1995) to 0.14 pm using Sic
abrasives (Umehara, 1994) and 0.15 p m using
rms for the oxide top surface, and 1.1-2.8 nm rms for the
Si/oxide interface. Polysilicon films are routinely polished conventional abrasives followed by chemo-mechanical
by chemo-mechanical polishing. Average surface polishing (Jiang and Komanduri, 1997a). Magnetic fluid
roughnesses of 1.7-1.9 nm have been reported (Yasseen, grinding was also used to finish alumina plates to a
1997). flatness of 500 nm over 25.4 mm (Umehara and
Komanduri, 1996).
Both hard and soft brittle materials can be routinely
polished by conventional techniques to low surface Studies on ultra-fine lapping demonstrate an achieved
roughness. Examples include a SIC X-ray mirror polished flatness of 30 nm over 7 mm in the early work of Namba on
to 0.47-0.6 nm rms (Yamoaka et al., 1994), and an average single crystal sapphire (Namba and Tsuwa, 1978), and with
surface roughness of 1.3 nm Ra obtained for the soft the use of a lapping process employing the "liquid-bonded
semiconductor CdS by conventional low load chemo- wheel" previously discussed, Tani achieved a surface
mechanical polishing (Vitali et al., 1996). Conventional flatness of 500 nm over a 3 inch diameter single crystal Si
mechanical polishing using 0.33 pm diamond abrasives wafer (Tani and Kata, 1986). The Canon Super-Smooth
yielded surface roughnesses of 6.19 nm rms on Ni-Zn Polisher (CSSP) was used to pitch polish 500 mm diameter
ferrite (Xie, 1996), and roughnesses on pure copper were toroidal mirrors to a contour accuracy of 78 nm PV on
found to be similar, viz., 8.22 nm rms. Namba (1980b) fused silica and 60 nm PV on CVD-SIC. It also resulted in a
reported on the ultra-fine polishing of AlSl 304 stainless 77 nrfi PV accuracy on a 200 mm diameter CaF2 aspherical
steel with a cloth polisher with a polishing fluid with water lens (Ando et al., 1995).
and 7 nm particles of Si02, Fe2O3 or MgO powder after Flatnesses achieved from polishing a broad range of
lapping with 3 pm diamond powder and tin lap with results materials have also been reported. Using the P-MAC
of 2 nm R,. Typical surface roughnesses of Ni-P plated process with a fluorocarbon plastic polishing tool and
films on AI-Mg computer disk substrates after polishing are bromine methanol solution, 2 in. diameter GaAs wafers
1-2 nm R, (Dornfeld and Liu, 1993). were polished flat to less than 2 pm over 80% of the wafer
Float polishing or hydrodynamic film polishing belongs to diameter (Kasai el al., 1988) and InP wafers were chemo-
the category of fine loose abrasive processes where there mechanically polished to a flatness of 2 pm over 100 mm
is little or no mechanical contact between tool and diameter (Wang et al., 1994 ). A flatness of 150 nm over
workpiece. Low surface roughness results have been 100 mm achieved by polishing a Sic X-ray mirror has also
reported for glasses and semiconductors. Namba et al. been reported (Yamoaka et al., 1994). Results for float
(1987) report surfaces of 0.1 0.2 nm rms on fused silica polishing include a flatness deviation of less than 1 pm
over a 3 inch diameter Si wafer (Watanabe and Suzuki,
and glass ceramic, and natural quartz was float polished to
a roughness of 0.2 nm rms (Soares et al., 1994). Results 1981), and a PV flatness of 30 nm on 100 mm diameter
on semiconductors are similar. Kasai et al. (1988) report 6K7 and Zerodur (Namba et al., 1987)
on using a technique for progressive mechanical and Total thickness variation (TTV) is another important
chemical polishing (P-MAC) with the final processing being measure of the achievable accuracy of the wafer polishing
polishing with a fluorocarbon plastic polishing tool and process. In the chemo-mechanical polishing of CVD -
bromine methanol solution. Two inch diameter GaAs Si02, a TTV of +/- 20 nm over a 6 inch wafer was achieved
wafers were finished to a surface roughness of less than 2 using a "hydro chuck consisting of a quartz plate with a
nm Rmax. Watanabe and Suzuki (1981) developed a water supported surface (Hayashi et al., 1996).
hydrodynamic polishing technique which resulted in an
achieved surface roughness on Si of 1 nm. 6.3. Surface lntearity
6.2. Form Accuracv Whereas some information on the resulting subsurface
damage due to fine abrasive finishing exists, when
Fine abrasive processes (both fixed and loose) have been compared to the data available on surface finish and form
shown to yield accuracies of form (figure) in the nanometer accuracies, much less has been reported on the resulting
range. In general, one can consider the achievable condition of the subsurface. In part, this is due to the fact
flatness and the contour accuracy. A wide range of that the length scales of the damage (micrometers down to
reported values for achievable form accuracy exists in the nanometers), make measurements a formidable task. Still
literature and is evidence that achievable accuracies are however, significant progress on the assessment of both
clearly dependent on not only the type of process and the extent and type of damage caused by fine abrasive
workpiece material, but also the specific machine. In the finishing has been made.
case of ultraprecision aspheric optics, it may in fact be the
uncertainty in the metrological system that limits the Several ClRP keynote papers have addressed the
achievable accuracy. Some examples are given below for importance of the assessment of the surface integrity
the form accuracies which have been reported for fine which results after machining. Tcinshoff and Brinksmeier
abrasive processes (both fixed and loose). (1980) presented a review of the mechanical and thermal
effects on machined surfaces by residual stress and
For the case of fine grinding with the combination of ELlD microhardness measurements. Brinksmeier (1989,
and micro-grain cast iron fiber bonded wheels, reports of Brinksmeier et al., 1984) presented an extensive review of
achievable flatness in Si wafers include a flatness of 300 non-destructive methods used .for evaluating surface
nm over a 6 inch wafer (Jeong et al., 1996), and a flatness
integrity. A report on a cooperative work conducted in the bonds. ELID technique was used to dress the metal
STC S (Tonshoff et al., 1987) presents a review of different bonded wheels. They found the mean depth of damage in
measurement techniques for the detection of cracks. In a both the diamond turned and the ground specimens was in
seminal keynote paper on the abrasive machining of the range of 100-400 nm, however in the ground
silicon, Tonshoff et al. (1990) presented a listing of some specimens, the damage depth was very variable. In the
of the methods currently being used for the assessment of ground specimens the damage was seen to consist of 1)
subsurface damage. This keynote paper also presents a regions of well defined dislocation loops on several slip
careful review of five methods used for measuring systems, 2) regions with a very high density of irregular
subsurface damage in semiconductor materials. In dislocation arrays, 3) occasional microcracks up to 500
particular, high resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD), p- nm deep which did not always intersect the surface, and 4)
Raman spectroscopy, total reflection X-ray fluorescence patches of amorphous silicon. Cross-sections of the
spectroscopy (TXRF), photothermal microscopy, and ground specimen are shown in Figs. 51(a) and (b). In

Fig. 50 Dislocations introduced by the grinding process

of a Si wafer clearly discerned by the use of a Fig. 51(a) Cross-section of a ground Si (111) crystal
"Yang"- base etch (after Tonshoff et al., 1994) showing spacing of feed marks (after Puttick et
al., 1994)
etching methods were reviewed. A typical technique for
assessing damage introduced into Si wafers is by etching.
As shown in Fig. 50, Tonshoff et al. (1994) demonstrated
that dislocations introduced by the grinding process of a Si
wafer could clearly be discerned by the use of a "Yang"-
base etch.
In addition to the techniques mentioned above, recent
studies have reported on the use of a broad variety of
techniques for measurement of subsurface damage, some
having nanometer scale depth resolution. As examples,
the use of cross-sectional transmission electron
microscopy (XTEM) has been reported for assessing
damage in nanomachined single crystal Si (Puttick et al.,
1994) and in mechanically polished CdTe (Nouruzi-
Khorasani, 1990). Atomic level resolution can be obtained
with the use of cross sectional high resolution
transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) which was
used to examine crystalline damage introduced to (100) Si
by lapping and single point diamond machining (Kunz,
1996). Bowen (1993) presented a characterization
technique based on grazing incidence x-ray reflectivity
(GIXR) which can be used for the measurement of film Fig. 51(b) Surface crack and dislocations on a ground Si
thickness of semiconductors and magnetic multilayers (111) crystal (after Puttick et al., 1994)
and has sub-nanometer resolution. Additional techniques
including scanning photo-luminescence(PL) (Laczik et al., another investigation on the fine grinding of single crystal
1996a,b), photoacoustic spectroscopy (Soares, 1994), Si, Ohmori and Nakagawa (1995) evaluated the
ion channeling (Lucca et al., 1995), reflection high energy subsurface damage through X-ray topography, angle
electron diffraction (RHEED) (Vitali et al., 1996), and X-ray polishing and step etching. Using ultrafine grain metallic
topography (Ohmori and Nakagawa, 1995) are further bond wheels with ELID, single crystal Si was ground. X-
reported on below. ray topography revealed that cracks existed even in mirror
The subsurface damage resulting from the fine grinding of surfaces ground to several nanometers Ra. By using
single crystal Si has been reported by several angle polishing and etching, the depths of the resulting
investigators. Examples include the work of Puttick et al. cracks were measured. Crack depths of 1.3 pm and 0.4
(1994), and Ohmori and Nakagawa (1995). Puttick et al. p m were reported for #2000 and #8000 wheels
employed XTEM to surfaces which had been single point respectively. A total damage depth less than 1 pm was
diamond turned and precision ground with a diamond revealed with the use of step etching.
abrasive wheel. The grinding was performed on the CUPE A variety of approaches for the assessment of subsurface
seven axis grinder using cup diamond wheels with 3-6 pm damage in polished compound semiconductors have been
diamond abrasives bonded with either resin or metal reported. Several examples follow. Lucca and Maggiore
(1997) have reported on the measurement of subsurface polishing procedures were reported. For conventional
lattice disorder in mechanically polished and chemo- lapping using a cast iron plate and a water/600 grade SIC
mechanically polished CdS and ZnSe. They employed ion slurry, an intense banded deformation for the first 4 pm of
beam channeling using a combination of incident beam the subsurface was found, followed by a more isotropic
energies and detector positions to obtain a quantitative distribution of dislocations decreasing in density to a
measure of lattice disorder. Damage was reported both as depth of about 20 pm. For lapping with 3 pm diamond
the depth of an equivalent amorphous layer and an actual paste, heavy damage was confined to a region less than 3
physical damage depth. Damage depths due to pm deep with the total extent of damage not extending
"obstruction-type'' defects (amorphous or amorphous-like further than 4 pm. Polishing with 50 nm alumina mixed with
regions) were found to be 105 nm (CdS) and 377 nm (ZnSe) water yielded high damage less than 500 nm deep, with a
for mechanical polishing with 0.25 mm diamond abrasives, few dislocations extending beyond 1 pm. Polishing with 50
and 49 nm (CdS) and 135 nm (ZnSe) for chemo-mechanical nm alumina mixed with ethanediol resulted in high damage
polishing with a slurry of sodium hypochloride and colloidal extending to less than 30 nm into the CdTe and beyond
silica. Differences in defect densities of the bulk CdS and 500 nm no damage observed. Finally, when polishing was
ZnSe crystals was proposed as a possible cause for the performed with a SytonlHpOp slurry, the morphology of the
substantial differences in damage depths for the two damage away from the surface was found to be different
materials polished under the same conditions. For 0.25 pm from the preceding cases. A distribution of small
mechanically polished ZnSe, indications were found that dislocation loops extending I pm into the surface was
"distortion-type'' defects (dislocations, dislocation loops, observed.
stacking faults, etc.) extended as deep as 1.4 pm. These
results indicate that it is simply not sufficient to refer to a
"damage depth" since as was shown here, as well as in
other studies on subsurface damage, various "types" of
damage may have quite different spatial extent into the
subsurface. These results are summarized in Table 7
which also shows damage depths obtained for diamond
turned CdS surfaces. Vitali et al. (1996) have measured
the depth of the near-surface damaged layer of chemo-
mechanically polished CdS by RHEED. By varying the
glancing angle of the incident electron beam relative to the
surface, they were able to probe different depths, and
observe the angle (i.e., depth) at which the obtained
diffraction pattern indicated undamaged material. Using
this approach, the damaged layer was estimated to be
about 10-20 nm thick. They reported on the successful
solid state recrystallization of this damaged layer to single
crystal material by the use of low power pulsed laser
Table 7 Subsurface Damage Depths for Fine Finishing of
CdS and ZnSe Measured by Ion Channeling
(after Lucca and Maggiore, 1997)
Eq. Amorphous Damage Depth
Process Laver Inm) (nm) Fig. 52 Cross-sectional HRTEM image of a Si(100)
surface polished using 50 nm diameter silica grit
(0001) (100) (0001) (100) (after Kunz et al., 1996)
The defects introduced into the subsurface of Si wafers by
1 pm mech. polish 21 53 147 424 polishing have been examined by HRTEM as reported by
1/4 pm mech. polish 13 46 105 377 Kunz et al. (Kunz et al., 1996). As shown in Fig. 52, they
found that when polishing was performed with 50 nm
chemo-mech. polish 2 4 49 135 diameter silica particles suspended in a pH 10 ammonium
machined along (1070) 50 217 hydroxide slurry no detectable damage could be observed.
depth of cut = 0.1 pm Changes introduced to the near surface stoichiometry or
to the electrical or magnetic properties of the subsurface
machined along (1150) 25 120
depth of cut = 0.1 bm can also be thought of as "damage" if the functionality of
the surface is affected by these changes. As an example,
Other studies on polished semiconductors include the Kinoshita et al. (1976) in an early work demonstrated that
work of Laczik et al. (1996a,b) who utilized the although lapping of Mn-Zn resulted in a surface damage
photoluminescence response of InP to obtain a measure layer not more than a few micrometers deep, assessment
of damage introduced by polishing. Scanning PL together of the surface revealed that the magnetic domain structure
with chemical angle polishing was used to investigate change extended more than 100 times deeper.
subsurface damage in "commercially polished" InP wafers. 7. CONCLUSIONS
Three distinct regions below the surface were observed:
1.) a "good" or undamaged zone, extending about 10 nm 1. In this paper an attempt was made to review various
into the wafer from the surface, 2.) a damaged zone technological aspects of fine abrasive processes. These
extending from about 10 nm to 70 nm consisting of include the machine tools, abrasives, workmaterials
dislocations and microcracks, and 3.) underlying bulk (chiefly, advanced ceramics, glasses, and semi-
material. The study was inconclusive as to whether the conductors), and various processes developed to obtain
"good" zone in the first 10 nm of the surface was truly nanometric finish, sub-micrometric accuracy, and minimal
undamaged or whether damage was present which was not subsurface deformation. It may be pointed out that it is not
revealed by PL. The subsurface damage introduced into sufficient to advance one or two aspects of the finishing
CdTe by polishing was examined by XTEM in another study process, e.g., abrasives, or machine tools. The total
(Nouruzi-Khorasani, 1990). Results of five different process as an integrated system needs to be considered.

Keynote Papers

By incorporating various advancements in the system, most important for metal optics with subsurface damage a
there is a synergistic benefit gained that is responsible for lesser concern, in the processing of semiconductors,
extending the limits of accuracies, finish, and geometry, requirements for surface roughness may be easier met
and enabling the processes to be economically than for flatness or subsurface damage.
8. The current performance of many of the fine abrasive
2. Techniques such as fine grinding using nanocrystalline processes in terms of achievable surface roughness is
size abrasives, nanometric cutting using single crystal such that methods used for characterizing the topography
diamond tools, float polishing using a diamond turned tin must be carefully considered when reporting achieved
lap, CNC polishing using loose abrasives, lapping using results.
nanometer-sized fumed silica and appropriate chemical
conditions for the polishing Si wafers, magnetic field 9. Reported results on subsurface damage indicate that it
assisted polishing, and elastic emission machining are is not sufficient to refer to a "damage depth" since various
some of the techniques recently developed to accomplish "types" of damage may have quite different spatial extent.
this task. The extent of the damage depends on the local
tooVworkpiece contact, and may also be dependent on
3. In the finishing of brittle materials, features specific to workpiece material factors such as defect density.
these materials have to be considered in developing Reported damage depths resulting from fine abrasive
appropriate models for the material removal. For example, processes are seen to span a wide spatial range.
glasses are amorphous, while most ceramics are
covalently or ionically bonded crystalline materials. 10. It is a matter of pride and a time to recognize that many
Hence they have limited slip systems and plastic of the significant developments in the ultraprecision
deformation by dislocations may not be the preferred mode machining, grinding, and polishing of both ductile and
of deformation. However, under very high hydrostatic brittle materials are due to the efforts of many of our
pressures, most materials can deform plastically. Thus, in distinguished colleagues of CIRP. Both technological and
addition to the brittle fracture mode commonly experienced scientific contributions were made by them over the years
with brittle materials under heavier loads, plastic that enabled Prof. Taniguchi's'predictions to be realized.
deformation under the tooVabrasive (or indenter) due to a ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
variety of effects must be considered. These include: high
hydrostatic pressure, densification of the material due to This paper is respectfully dedicated to the memory of our
its amorphous (or lack of long range order) nature in the distinguished colleague and dear friend, Late Professor
case of glasses, structural transformations in the case of Hideo Tsuwa of Osaka University who made seminal
some semiconductors (Si, Ge) subjected to high contributions in the field of finishing with fine abrasives
hydrostatic pressure, and chemo-mechanicalaction under
a given workmaterial-abrasive combination in a given
environment and appropriate conditions of finishing need
to be considered.
4. TooVworkpiece interactions involved in machining and
grinding processes can be related by noting the continual
rotation of the resultant force system towards the
workpiece surface as one progresses from conventional
machining with positive rake angle tools, to grinding, to
. ultraprecision machining at depths of cut smaller than the
edge radius of the tool, to indentation sliding of a blunt
indenter along the workpiece surface. An indentation
sliding model may be appropriate when developing
mechanical models for the machining of brittle materials
with tools of large edge radius relative to the cut depth or
large negative rake tools.
5. The development of useful models for microcrack-free
finishing of brittle materials must consider nanoindentation
and sliding at loads low enough so as to not initiate median Dedicated to Late Professor H. Tsuwa
cracks. The structure and properties of the workmaterials, This keynote paper is based on many fine contributions of
the geometry of the indenter, and the loading conditions all our CIRP colleagues and other researchers whose work
play an important role in determining the state of stress. has been referred to in this paper. The authors would like
The magnitude of hydrostatic pressure determines the to acknowledge their valuable contributions. The authors
consequent ability of brittle materials to undergo strain also thank Drs. C.J. Evans, I. Inasaki, N. Umehara, Y.
without initiating cracks. Namba, T. Shinmura, and Y. lchida for providing
6. While various important models have been developed information on their work. Special thanks are also due to
for chemical mechanical polishing (CMP), need exits for a Prof. P. McKeown and Dr. I. Stowers for many valuable
comprehensive model that takes into account the various discussions on this topic. Special thanks are extended to
physical parameters involved in the process. Such a Prof. E. Brinksmeier, President of the STC G for his
model would enable prediction of the material removal rate valuable contributions. The authors (RK and DAL) also
during CMP and control of the process. Dimensional thank the National Science Foundation for support of this
analysis may allow the number of variables involved to be work. In particular they extend thanks to Drs. B.M.
reduced and the physical phenomenbn to be more clearly Kramer, M. Leu, and J. Lee of the Division of Design,
discerned. Manufacture, and Industrial Innovation (DMII). RK would
like to thank Dr. W. Coblenz of DARPA and Dr. J. Larsen
7. The ultimate performance of fine abrasive processes Basse of the Surface Engineering and Tribology Program
can be determined by their achievable surface finish, form at NSF, and acknowledge the support of the NSFs US-
accuracy, and resulting surface integrity. These Japan Co-Operative Program and the DOD EPSCoR
requirements vary with the individual technological Program on Finishing of Advanced Ceramics.
application. Whereas for example, form and finish may be

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454. SOC.143: 716-721.
Komanduri, R., 1971, Some Aspects of Machining (108) Lonardo, P.M., Trumpold, H., De Chiffre, L., 1996,
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Advances in Fine Abrasive Processes, MAE 31-43.

Keynote Papers

(113) Makedonski, B.G., Kotshemidov, A.D., 1974. (131) Mori, Y., Yamauchi, K., Endo, K., 1988, Mechanism
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Engineering in Manufacturing of the Future, Annals Applications of Ultra-Fine Finishing, Annals of CIRP,
of CIRP, 3612: 495-501. 2711: 511-516.
(121) McKeown, P.A., Carlisle, K., Shore, P., Read, (138) Namba, Y., Tsuwa, H., 1980a, Float Polishing of Mn-
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123) Miyashita, M., 1988, Review on Ultraprecision (140) Namba, Y., Tsuwa, H., 1980c, Ultrafine Finishing of
Grinding Technology, Ultraprecision in Ceramics and Metals by Float Polishing, Laser
Manufacturing Engineering, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Induced Damage in Optical Materials, NBS Special
Germany, 41-57. Publication No. 620, Boulder, CO, 171.
124) Mori, Y., Ikawa, N., Okuda, T., Yamagata, K., 1976, (141) Namba, Y., 1982, Float Polishing and Defects of
Numerically Controlled Elastic Emission Machining, Fused Silica, in Laser Induced Damage in Optical
Technology Reports of the Osaka University, 26: Materials, Gaithersburg, MD, U.S. Dept. of
283-294. Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 130.
(125) Mori, Y., Ikawa, N., Sugiyama, K., 1978, Elastic (142) Namba, Y., Yonezawa, T., 1982, Polishing Method,
Emission Machining Stress Field and Fracture U. S. Patent No. 4358295.
Mechanism, Technology Reports of the Osaka (143) Namba, Y., Tsuwa, H., Wada, R., 1987, Ultra-
University, 28: 525-534. Precision Float Polishing Machine, Annals of CIRP,
(126) Mori, Y., Ikawa, N., Okuda, T., Sugiyama, K., 3611: 21 1-214.
Yamauchi, K., 1983, Numerically Controlled Elastic (144) Namba, Y., Wada, R., Unno, K., Tsuboi, A., 1989,
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Keynote Papers

(190) Stowers, I.F., Komanduri, R., Baird, E.D., 1988, (207) Taniguchi, N., 1983, Current Status in, and Future
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Elastic Conductive Tool by Utilizing Electrophoresis
Phenomenon, Proc. of the 7th Int Conf on (213) Tonshoff, H.K., Brinksmeier, E., Hetz, F., 1987,
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(214) Tonshoff, H.K., v. Schmieden, W., Inasaki, I.,
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