Gds Leave Covid07292021175835
Gds Leave Covid07292021175835
Gds Leave Covid07292021175835
Government of Ind ia
Ministry of Com mu nrcations
Department of Posts
(Establishment Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marq
New Delhi - I 10 001
(i) Sanction of paid leave at credit of GDS
Total paid leave sanctioned as per (i), (ii) and (iii) above shall
not exceed 30 days.
(d ) In
cases where the period left with the GDS before he/she is
discharged on attaining 65 years of age is less than two years, he/she
shall be able to avail paid leave/emergency leave not yet due only to the
extent of leave expected to be credited in his/her account till his/her
attaining 65 years of age.
(e) In cases where the GDS who has availed paid leave/emergency
leave not yet due get discharged before the leave availed are adjusted
against the future entitlement of leave, recovery from his/her
Severance/Graturty may be made. As for GDS who have not completed
10 years of engagement period and thus not entitled for Severance
Gratuity, wi I have to deposit amount equivalent lo the leave not
adjusted before d ischarge.
U nde rta ki ng
3. In casc the GDS concerned is not satisfied with the decision of leave
sanctioning authority, he/she may represent to next higher authority.
The next higher authority will decide the representation within 15 days of
4. These orders shall cover all the period of absence of GDS due to
covrd 19 related circumstances since imposition of first lockdown i,c.
24.03.2020 and shall remain in force till end of Covid 19 pandemic
declaration by government a uthorities.
(Tarun Mitta l)
Assistant Director General(PE 1& SCT)/LO
Co py to
1. PS to MoC / MoSC
2 Staff Officeri Sr PPS to Secretary (Posts)/ Director General Postal
3 Members of Postal Services Board
4 Sr. DD(Vig ) & CVO / All Deputy Directors General
s Director (Staff)
6 All recognized service associations
7. Portal Upload team,
Post website
CEPT Mysore
-6v p
- for uploading this order on India
(Ta ru n Mittal)
Assastant Director General(PE 1& SCT)/LO