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Reclamation and Utilisation of Foundry Waste Sand

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Reclamation and Utilisation of Foundry Waste Sand

Sourav K a y a f and B.K.Chakrabarti"

Department of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering, National Institute of Foundry & Forge
Technology, Ranchi-834003. India.

( R e c e i v e d September 20, 2007; final form October 2, 2 0 0 7 )

ABSTRACT The foundry industry generates a number of

byproducts of which the largest volume is "spent sand".
The reclaimed sand was subjected to sand moulding Molding sand is mixed with binder and additives. The
by using sodium silicate and clay as binder. The effect characteristics of the residuals vary from foundry to
of reclamation with wet and dry process on the foundry, and depend on the type of metal being poured,
performance of the foundry waste sand had been tested the type of casting process, the technology employed,
in the laboratory scale. The performance of the sands and the type of finishing process. Foundry waste sand is
were investigated through measurement of compressive, physically suitable for many applications /I-7/ although
shear strength and permeability number of the mould long-term environmental effects are not well
specimens. documented. The beneficial use of waste sand requires
Based on the present experimental results, it was specific physical and chemical characterization of the
observed that the wet reclaimed sand showed superior waste material. Results of waste characterization should
performance to the dry as far as compressive strength identify hazardous wastes, determine disposal needs and
was concerned when sodium silicate was used as the other issues.
binder. In the case of clay binder both dry as well as wet Economic and environmental concerns dominate the
reclaimed sands were found to have comparable issue of recycling foundry sand. The presently accepted
compressive strength. practice of spent sand disposal in landfills is becoming
an economic burden for foundries as land filling
Key words: Foundry waste sand, reclamation, becoming costly and regulations grow stricter. Further-
utilization, characteristics. more, technical and economic feasibility issues are
raised for foundries that want to beneficially use their
spent sands. The foundry waste sands can be put to
1. INTRODUCTION work by reclamation or other constructive use. In the
process, money saved may be put into producing
The rising cost of fresh sand and increasing castings.
difficulty in disposing of solid waste are combining to Currently, there are no universally accepted
force foundry men to pay more attention than ever definitions for the terms recycling, reclamation,
before to the developments in sand reclamation and and reuse. Recycling of materials implies that there
reuse. exists a commercially demonstrated processing or

' Ex.M.Tech Student, National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology, Ranchi-834003. India.
** B.K.Chakrabarti , Professor. Department of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering, National Institute of Foundry &
Forge Technology,Ranchi-834003. India, e-mail: bijoy_2000in@yahoo.com. Fax: (0651)2290860

Vol.27,No. 1, 2008 Reclamation and Utilisation of Foundry Waste Sand

manufacturing technology, which uses the material as a binders. Wet reclamation is particularly well suited to
raw material. Reclamation requires specialized reclaim such sands.
machinery that recovers a quality portion of the spent Beneficial reuse for the foundry spent sands has
sand applicable to further use in mold or core making. been reported /1-7,10,11/ to be in the areas of land fill,
"Beneficial use' is any further use, other than the structural fill, road base, bricks, pavers, flowable fill,
original use, of a discarded material or by-product that Portland cement, mortars, asphalt concrete etc.
would other wise becomes waste. In the present work spent sand was collected from
The reclamation /6-12/ of spent foundry sand is a the nearby industry and was subjected to laboratory
complex problem driven by economics. It has been said scale reclamation process (details are described in the
that sand reclamation is not one process but a experimental section). The spent and reclaimed sand
combination of processes. Whether reclamation is was characterized through various techniques, viz, loss
economically feasible depends on how well the foundry on ignition, density measurement, chemical composition
is able to process its various sources of spent sand. analysis, determination of grain fineness number etc.
The approach to reclamation must begin by The sand grains were also characterized in terms of their
identifying all sources of spent sand in the foundry, and grain shape and size through optical microscopy.
determining the quantity and characteristics of the sand The reclaimed sand grains were then utilized to
from each of those sources. The next step is to make sand specimens by normal foundry techniques
determine the least amount of processing necessary to /13,14 /. The sample specimens were then subjected to
each of these sources, which will render the sand usable compressive, shear strength, and permeability
in the foundry. measurement to assess the performance. The objective
There are three prime reasons for reclamation to be of the present work was to see the effect of reclamation
done. on the performances of the sands.
In many reclaimed sand trials, when the sand has
been cleaned properly, the casting quality is as good, if
not better, than new sand. The reclamation is effective 2. EXPERIMENTAL FOR SAND
when the grain size distribution is similar to the original RECLAMATION
new sand distribution, thus new make-up sand should be
2.1: Dry Reclamation
purchased to the same specifications and not with any
special distribution to make up for the inadequacies of 10 kg of spent sand lumps was taken and put in the
the reclamation equipment. container of the ball mill along with 2 kg of ceramic
In dry reclamation process /7-9,l 1 / fines, free clay, balls of appropriate sizes. Then the ball mill was rotated
fractured sand grains and iron oxide particles etc., are very slowly (about 5 rpm) along with the spent sand
removed from the used sand. However, since it is not lumps for 5 minutes. During this process lumps were
possible, by this process, to remove clay, organic and broken and the hardened binder was also separated out
carbonaceous materials completely from the sand from the sand. The sand was collected from the ball mill
grains, dry reclamation does not restore the original and was screened (-1.5mm +0.05mm). Due to this
quality of the sands. screening the dust, fines and metallic particles present in
In wet reclamation process /6-8/, clay bonded the sand were removed.
molding sand can be reclaimed very effectively, since
the residual clay goes into suspension readily. High
2.2. Wet reclamation
water requirements for the system along with even
stricter Environment Protection Agency (EPA) The sand lumps of about 10 kg were placed in a big
regulations on wastewater disposal have restricted the container with 10 litres of water added, scrubbed by a
use of wet reclamation. The technique has received wooden rod from time to time to break the lumps and to
renewed investigation because of the growing interest in disperse the sand grains, binders etc and the sand was
the use of inorganic binders, particularly silicate allowed to remain in water for about 48 hours. The sand

Kayal and Chakrabarti High Temeprature Materials and Sciences

was recovered by decanting and removing the water, Si 2 0: 93-94%; ), which may support the needs where
dissolved binder etc. The wet dispersed sand was then such mineral oxide supplement is required. Low %
dried in an oven at 388K for lhour and screened alkali content ( N a 2 0 0.45% and K 2 0:0.02%) in wet
(-1.5mm +0.05mm). The weight of the retained sand reclaimed sands justified washing out of Na & Κ during
was taken. wet reclamation process. Other constituents such as
CaO, MgO etc were negligible, which suggests that the
spent sands used did not have the slags pertaining to
2.3 Characterization of sands
cupola & Arc furnaces. It had been confirmed through
The spent sand, dry reclaimed sand, wet reclaimed compositional analysis of sand samples brought at
and new sand was characterized by measurement of different times that the composition of the spent sand
composition, loss on ignition test (LOI), density and varied, which depends on the variant sources of the
AFS grain fineness number. Standard test specimens sands.
were prepared in batches using various quantities of
binder in laboratory type mixer. Two batches of Table 1
experiments were conducted. In one batch different sets Chemical composition of various sands
of specimen samples were prepared using different
Mass Percentage %
quantities of sodium silicate, whereas in another batch
sample specimens were prepared using various New Spent Wet Dry
quantities of bentonite as binder. The green sand Sand Sand Reclaimed Reclaimed
mixtures were prepared in Simson type batch muller. Sand Sand
The test specimens prepared for strength measurement Si02 97.11 93.78 95.61 94.62
were of cylindrical shape of diameter 0.051metre and
AI2O3 1.13 1.04 1.15 1.87
height 0.051 metre prepared by standard foundry
practice /13,14/ using three ram technique. The Fe203 0.5 2.01 1.37 0.76

specimens prepared with Na 2 Si0 3 were subjected to Ti02 0.15 0.17 0.12 0.16
carbon dioxide gassing treatment for 30seconds. CaO 0.11 0.046 0.039 0.035
Measurement of compressive strength was carried out MgO 0.02 0.023 0.017 0.052
by the standard sand testing procedures /13/. The grain 1.04
Na20 0.65 0.984 0.45
shape and the nature of the sands were investigated
K20 0.07 0.045 0.02 0.012
through optical microscopic studies.
In order to investigate the performance of the LOI 0.31 2.00 1.25 1.5
reclaimed sands finally a mould was prepared using the Density(kg/m ) 2.66 2.635 2.610 2.645
wet reclaimed sands, 5% clay as binder and 4% water. X10 3
After skin drying the mould and storing in the ambient
conditions for 24hours gray cast iron was cast. Results of grain fineness number (GFN) and the
sieve analysis are shown in Tables 2-4, respectively. It
was found that the grain fineness number of wet
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS reclaimed sands was 49.29, which was comparable to
GFN value of fresh sands as 51. The Sieve analysis
The results of compositional analysis, LOI, density illustrates that major sand grains were in the size grades
of the sands are shown in Table 1. The low < 2% LOI of 0.71mm to 0.18mm which constituted consecutive 4-
value suggests that spent sand was mostly of sodium 5 sieves. In the fresh sands, wet reclaimed and dry
silicate & clay bonded sands; sands containing organic reclaimed sands the size grades of 0.71mm to 0.18mm
binders show higher LOI values. were found to be about 97%, 87% and 76%
Compositional analysis showed that these spent respectively. And the rest of the sand grains were
sands may be a good source of Si0 2 , AI2O3, Fe 2 0 3 (viz, mostly below the size grades of 0.18 mm.

Vol.27,No. 1, 2008 Reclamation and Utilisation of Foundry Waste Sand

Table 2 Table 4
Calculation of AFS grain fineness number of fresh sand Calculation of AFS grain fineness number of dry
reclaimed sand
Sand Amount of 50 gms Multiplier Product
retained sample retained of Sand Amount of 50 gms Multiplier Product
on sieve sieve retained sample retained of
(mm) Gms Mass on sieve sieve
Percentag (mm) Gms Mass
e % Percentag
1.4 0 0 6 0 e (%)
1 0.3 0.6 9 5.4 1.4 0.0 0.0 6 00
0.71 0.4 0.8 15 12 1 0.3 0.6 9 5.4
0.5 10.1 20.2 25 505 0.71 1.2 2.4 15 36
0.355 0.6 1.2 35 42 0.5 9.8 19.6 25 490
0.25 8.1 16.2 45 729 0.355 1.4 2.8 35 98
0.18 29.3 58.6 60 3516 0.25 3.4 6.8 45 306
0.125 0.2 0.4 81 32.4 0.18 21.9 43.8 60 2628
0.09 0.5 1 118 118 0.125 6.1 12.2 81 988.2
0.063 0.2 0.4 164 65.6 0.09 4.1 8.2 118 967.6
Pan 0.1 0.2 275 55 0.063 0.3 0.6 164 98.4
Total % retained = 99.6 Total product = 5080.4 Pan 1,3 2.6 275 715
AFS GFN of fresh sand = 5080.4/99.6 = 51 Total % retained = 99.6 Total product = 6332.6
AFS GFN of dry reclaimed sand = 6332.6/99.6 = 63.58
Table 3

Calculation of AFS grain fineness number of weight The sand grain size plays an important role in the

reclaimed sand molding properties such as compactibility, binder

\ requirement, surface finish etc. It was suggested by Jain
Sand Amount of 50 gms Multiplier Product
/13/ and Heine /14/ that if the sand grain size in the
retained sample retained of
consecutive 4-5 sieves contained about 80 to 95% of the
on sieve sieve
sand grains then it is expected that it will have better
(mm) Gms MassPerc
compacts and will have less erosion. The grain size
entage %
distribution also shows the presence of adequate amount
1.4 0 0 6 0
of finer grains which are expected to give better
1 0.7 1.4 9 12.6 compaction of mold, better surface finish, less metal
0.71 10.2 20.4 15 306 penetration and better compressive strength.
0.5 8.5 17 25 425 Sands were subjected to molding using 3%, 4%, 5%
0.355 0.5 1 35 35 and 6% N a 2 S i 0 3 as binder and hardening by C 0 2 .
0.25 1.8 3.6 45 162 Mould specimens were then subjected to measurement
0.18 22.3 44.6 60 2676 of compressive and shear strength and permeability. The
0.125 3.7 7.4 81 599.4 trend of change of green compressive strengths (GCS)
0.09 1.2 2.4 118 283.2 with binder was shown in the Fig. 1. It was observed
0.063 0.4 0.8 164 131.2 that GCS of wet reclaimed sands almost resembles that
Pan 0.5 1 275 275 of new sands; where as GCS of dry reclaimed sands
Total % retained = 99.6 Total product = 4905.4 were far below that of wet reclaimed sands & new
AFS grain fineness number of wet reclaimed sand = sands. This might be due to typical granulometry as
4905.4/99.6 = 49.25 shown in Table-4 and due to residual burnt binders in

Kayal and Chakrabarti High Temeprature Materials and Sciences

the dry reclaimed sands. Burnt binder might be the that they may be utilized as backing sand. The shear
inhibitor for proper bond development and may be strength and permeability of the sodium silicate bonded
responsible for low GCS of dry reclaimed sands. Higher specimens were shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 respectively.
GCS values for wet reclaimed sand suggested that they The trend in change of shear strength almost resembled
may be utilized as facing sand as well as core sands, to that of GCS. The permeability decreased with
where as low strength of dry reclaimed sand suggests increase in sodium silicate content.

4H 5*
% Sodium Silicate used —

Fig. 1: Compressive strength using sodium silicate as binder


I 15000

4« 5%
% Sodium silicate

Fig. 2: Shear strength using sodium silicate as binder

Vol.27,No. 1, 2008 Reclamation and Utilisation of Foundry Waste Sand


2g 300

§ 250

4% 5%
% Sodium silicate added

Fig. 3: Permeability using sodium silicate

A similar effort was made to study the effect of clay wet reclaimed sand residual clay content was 0.8%. It
binder on the strength development on the reclaimed was observed that in the batches containing 6% and 7%
sands. The green compressive strength, green shear bentonite all the sands had comparable GCS as shown
strength and permeability were measured for new sands, in Fig. 4. Therefore, it may be suggested that both dry
wet and dry reclaimed sands by using 4%, 5%, 6% and and wet reclaimed sand may equally be utilized for
7% bentonite clay and 5% water; in each case the foundry use especially in green molding process using
mixing time was 5 minutes. The trend of change of GCS bentonite clay depending on the requirements. The
is shown in Fig. 4. It was observed that the green trends in change in shear strength and permeability were
compressive strength of dry reclaimed sand was more at shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 respectively.
lower additions of clay (e,g. 4% and 5% ) in comparison Shear strength followed an almost similar pattern to
to that of the new sand and wet reclaimed sand, which that of compressive strength. The permeability values
of course was nullified with further additions of the clay indicated the state of compaction which simultaneously
binder (e,g. 6% and 7%). The reason might be due to the depends on the number and size of the pores. The
residual clay content of the dry reclaimed sand, which volume of pores in such granular materials depends on
was 2.8% and was responsible for higher GCS of the the mode of packing, including the effect of additives,
specimens at lower clay binder additions. But in case of binders, mulling time, bulk density etc.

Kayal and Chakrabarti High Temeprature Materials and Sciences

Fig. 4: Compressive strength using bentonite


5% 6%
% Sodium silicate added —

Fig. 5: Shear strength using bentonite

Vol.27,No. 1, 2008 Reclamation and Utilisation of Foundry Waste Sand




100 1 . τ
4% 5% 6% 7%
% Bentonite added >

Fig. 6: Permeability using bentonite as binder

Fig .7: Surface characteristics of spent sand, 30X Fig -8: Surface characteristics of wet reclaimed sand,

Kayal and Chakrabarti High Temeprature Materials and Sciences

4. C O N C L U S I O N S

The work identified several issues. Variations in

composition of the spent sands from plant to plant
depends on the generating sources of the sands. A
typical foundry can generate from 8 to 30 individual
waste products, including spent molding sand, core sand
waste, cupola slag, arc furnace slag, scrubber sludge,
bag house dust, shot blast fines and others.
Identification of each generation point is important to
understand the reuse possibilities of the spent sand,
depending on the composition & physicochemical

Fig .9: Surface characteristics of dry reclaimed sand, Based on the investigations and experimental results,
30X it was observed that the wet reclaimed sand shows
superior performance to the dry reclaimed sands as far
as compressive strength was concerned when sodium
In order to study the differences in surface silicate was used as the binder. In the case of clay binder
characteristics of these sands, samples of spent sand, it was observed that both dry as well as wet reclaimed
wet and dry reclaimed sands were subjected to optical sands had comparable compressive strength. The
microscopic investigations at 30X magnification. permeability values indicate the state of compaction
Figures 7-9 show the microphotographs. The which simultaneously depends on the number and size
microscopic photo of spent sand shown in Fig. 7 of the pores. The volume of pores in such granular
illustrated that sand grains were agglomerated and materials depends on the mode of packing, including the
binder appeared to be covered most of the surfaces of effect of additives, binders, mulling time, bulk density
the grains. Some of the burnt binder films were visible. etc.
The wet reclaimed sand grains as shown in Fig. 8 It may be said that there may not be one particular
appeared crystalline in nature, round to sub angular in reclamation process that will satisfy all foundry
shape and washed off the binder. Some of the burnt demands since there are many variable factors, which
sand grains were also visible in wet reclaimed sands. controls the reclamation process in foundry. In brief the
The dry reclaimed sands shown in Fig. 9 illustrated that variable factors may be
grains were more of rounded in shapes and majority of
i) type of sand used
the sand grains were covered with binder layers.
ii) type of binder that has to be removed from the sand
Presence of burnt binder film was visible. However, at
to be reclaimed
this stage it needs mention that when the reclamation is
iii) type of binder to be reused
done in industries the sand grains faces much more
iv) type of metal to be poured etc.
stringent manufacturing conditions which consequently
affects the grain shape and granulometry and the All these factors greatly influence the economics of
performances of the sands are expected accordingly. sand reclamation for a particular foundry. Accordingly
In order to study the effect of sand on the casting the selection of the appropriate reclamation equipment
quality a mould was prepared with wet reclaimed sand is also a big task.
using sodium silicate as binder. Gray cast iron was used It could be concluded that all non-hazardous foundry
and the casting was made. It was observed that the waste sands need not to end up in landfill. These wastes
casting finish was uniformly good using wet reclaimed can be put to work by reuse, reclamation or by other
sand grains. means of constructive use.

Vol.27,No. 1, 2008 Reclamation and Utilisation of Foundry Waste Sand

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 7. M.E. Smith, W.A. Stephens and T.P. Kunes

"Making your foundry's waste work for you:
The authors are thankful to M/S. Heavy Engineering constructive use and reclamation", J. Modern
Corporation Ltd, Ranchi, India, for providing the Casting, May, 43-45 (1982).
required spent sand for the research work. 8. M.L. Philbin, "Sand reclamation 1995: is it time
for your foundry", J. Modern Casting, Aug, 25-29
REFERENCES 9. H.M. Ulfers and J.W. Highfield, AFS
Transactions, 104, 717-720 (1996).
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2. P. Carey and G. Sturtz, J. Foundry Management Transactions, 100, 201-08 (1992).
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3. T.J. Snyder, A. Braham, H.U. Bahia and P.J. J. Modern Casting, Feb, 34-38 (1981).
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Trainer and T.R. Stolzenburge, AFS Transactions, 14. R.W. Heine, C. Rosenthal and C.R. Lper,
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