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A Prospective Study of Clinico-Radiological Assesment and Management of Obstructive Jaundice in Mmimsr, Mullana

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International Surgery Journal

Wilku KS et al. Int Surg J. 2021 Oct;8(10):2892-2900

http://www.ijsurgery.com pISSN 2349-3305 | eISSN 2349-2902

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2349-2902.isj20213694
Original Research Article

A prospective study of clinico-radiological assesment and management

of obstructive jaundice in Mmimsr, Mullana
Karaninder Singh Wilku, Himank Gandhi*

Department of Surgery, Sri Guru Ram Das Institutes of Medical Sciences and Research, Vallah, Sri Amritsar,Punjab,

Received: 22 December 2020

Revised: 14 September 2021
Accepted: 15 September 2021

Dr. Himank Gandhi,
E-mail: himank.stumped.co.in

Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Background: Obstructive jaundice poses diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. This study was undertaken to highlight
the clinical and radiological assessment of obstructive jaundice in our setting and to approach for early diagnosis and
treatment before irreversible tissue insult sets in.
Methods: Present study was prospective study conducted at Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of Medical Sciences
and Research, Mullana, Ambala. Data were collected on prescribed proforma and analyzed stastically.
Results: A total of 50 patients were studied. It is more common in productive adult with the mean age of 51.04±12.40
years. The male to female ratio was 1:1.08. Majority of the patients were having benign pathology (62%) and
choledocholithiasis was the commonest benign cause. Abdominal ultrasound was the diagnostic imaging done in all
patients and revealed dilated CBD (>1 cm) in 78% cases, dilated IHBR in 96%of cases and multiple CBD stones in
78.3% of cases. CT was reserved for suspected malignant and MRCP was planned in stone or benign causes. 70%
patients were selected for ERCP and 62% of patients underwent definitive open procedure viz choledocholithotomy
(40%), hepaticojejunostomy (12%).
Conclusions: Obstructive jaundice in our study was more prevalent in females and the cause is mostly CBD stones.
The result suggests that early diagnosis and treatment plays vital role in the prognosis of patients with obstructive

Keywords: Obstructive jaundice, ERCP, Hepaticojejunostomy, Dilated CBD, Dilated IHBR

INTRODUCTION Obstructive jaundice is a common surgical problem that

occurs when there is an obstruction to the passage of
Jaundice or icterus is a yellowish staining of the skin, conjugated bilirubin from liver cells to intestine. Jaundice
sclera and mucous membranes and is clinically apparent due to biliary obstruction may be caused by heterogeneous
when the bilirubin level exceeds 2mg/dl (34.2 μmol/L). It group of diseases that include both benign and malignant
indicates excessive levels of bilirubin in the blood which conditions.2-5 Causes of jaundice can be classified into pre-
gets deposited in these tissues. It is most apparent in hepatic, hepatic or post hepatic. It is among the most
natural sunlight and is most noticeable on the face, trunk, challenging conditions that contributes significantly to
and sclerae in fair-skinned patients whereas in dark- high morbidity and mortality.2,3 Early diagnosis is very
skinned patients, it is noticeable on the hard palate, sclerae, important especially in malignant cases, as resection is
and conjunctivae. Pseudo jaundice may be found from only possible at this stage.1,6
carotinemia, uremia, and quinacrine.1

International Surgery Journal | October 2021 | Vol 8 | Issue 10 Page 2892

Wilku KS et al. Int Surg J. 2021 Oct;8(10):2892-2900

Obstructive jaundice is a clinical diagnosis that requires Exclusion criteria

both clinical and diagnostic work up to elucidate the
precise etiology. Therefore, a multi-disciplinary approach Age less than 10 years and more than 70 years, associated
that requires the clinician, radiologist, endoscopist and co-morbidities like COPD, IHD etc, patients not fit for any
interventional radiologist will lead to a better outcome. 4 form of biliary decompression, hepatitis B antigen and anti
HCV antibody positive status, psychiatric disorder and
Untreated obstructive jaundice can lead to serious advanced pregnancy.
infection that spreads to other parts of the body. Immediate
medical care should be sought for serious symptoms such Ethical clearance
as high fever, severe abdominal pain, abdominal swelling
and nausea. Hence, prompt and accurate diagnosis is The study was approved by the Institutional Ethics
needed for management of obstructive jaundice.7,8 Committee.

The study was aimed to find out the various causes of Statistical analysis
obstructive jaundice and efficacy of various modes of
detection and treatment of obstructive jaundice. The data was entered into a spreadsheet (Excel, Microsoft
corp.) and then transferred to statistical software,
METHODS Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 21
for data analysis. We used chi square test to compare
The study was a prospective study carried out in the continuous variables and Mann Whitney test to compare
Department of Surgery at Maharishi Markandeshwar medians. P value <0.05 was considered statistically
Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Mullana, significant and p<0.01 was considered highly significant.
Ambala from October 2014 to July 2016.
Study size
Sample collection
The sample size for the study was 50.
Total fifty patients with clinically apparent obstructive
jaundice (deep jaundice, pruritus, clay colored stool) were Sample size
carefully and randomly selected by applying specific
inclusion and exclusion criteria. Assumptions

Each selected patient than clinically radiologically and Precision=5.00%, prevalence=3.30%, population
biochemically evaluated for the cause of obstruction and size=infinite 95% Confidence interval specified limits
extent of jaundice, then was categorized for various [0%-8.3%] (these limits equal prevalence plus or minus
available treatment options for relief of obstructive precision), Estimated sample size=n = 50, 95% Binomial
jaundice. Exact Confidence Interval with n=50 and n * prevalence=2
observed events: [0.488143% - 13.7138%].
Inclusion criteria
All patients of either sex with age range of 10-70 years,
with obstructive jaundice (benign or malignant). As it is evident from Table 1, majority of patient in present
study was productive adult with the mean age of
51.04±12.40 years.

Table 1: Demography- age and sex distributionwith obstructive jaundice.

Number of patients
Group Frequency (%) Mean±SD X2 P value
Male 24 48 52.96+15.20
Female 26 52 49.27+9.05 0.08 0.78

Table 2: Demography-age group distribution with obstructive jaundice.

Group (years) Number of patients (N=50) Frequency (%) X2 P value

10-20 1 2
20-30 2 4
22.7 0.00
30-40 3 6
40-50 14 28

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Group (years) Number of patients (N=50) Frequency (%) X2 P value

50-60 18 36
60-70 12 24
Total (50) 50 100

Table 3: Etiology of patients with obstructive jaundice.

Group Number of patients (N=50) Frequency (%) X2 P value

Malignant 19 38
2.88 0.09
Non malignant 31 62

Table 4: Pathology of patients with obstructive jaundice.

Group Number of patients (N=50) Frequency (%) X2 P value

Choledocholithiasis 23 46
Periampulary carcinoma 4 8
Cholangiocarcinoma 3 6
Carcinoma head of pancreas 4 8
Worm 2 4
Hydatid cyst 1 2
Secondries in liver 8 16 78.4 0.00
Benign CBD Stricture 1 2
Carcinoma Gall bladder with
6 12
liver secondaries
Choledochal cyst 2 4
Iatrogenic 2 4
Total 50 100

The male to female ratio was 1:1.08 and female patients As evident by table 4, choledocholithiasis (46%)
were predominent with younger age group (52%, mean significantly proved to be the overall predominant cause of
age 49.27±9.05) then male (48%, mean age obstructive jaundice in our study population (X2=78.4,
52.96±15.20years) although the difference was not found p=0.00). Among malignant causes, secondaries in liver
to be significant. (X2=0.08, p=0.78) with lymph node at porta hepatis (16%) obstructing
common hepatic duct turned out to be a more significant
Considering age distribution of patients having obstructive and common etiology than carcinoma head of pancreas
jaundice, the age range was 12-70 years and majority of and periampullary carcinoma (8% each). Worm (4%) and
patients (64%) were observed in age group of 40-60 years benign CBD stricture (2%) were rare benign causes of
followed by (24%) in age group of 60-70 years. Only (6%) lower CBD obstruction. 4% of cases had iatrogenic CBD
of patients were below 30 years of age and the difference injury following laparoscopic cholecystectomy, as a cause
in pattern of age distribution was found to be highly of obstructive jaundice, indicating the role of vigilance and
significant. (X2=22.7, p value=0.00) proper precautions while performing such procedures.
Even tense hydatid cyst, can compress mid CBD, to cause
Table 5: USG abdomen-pathology detected (N=50). obstructive jaundice (one case, 2%).

Number of USG abdomen was the common and base line radiological
Group Frequency (%)
patients modality performed in all selected cases (100%) in our
USG 50 100 study. Contrast CT was reserved for suspected malignant
CECT 20 40 etiology of obstructive jaundice so could be performed in
MRCP 30 60 as many as 40% of cases only. Similarly, MRCP was
ERCP 35 70 planned and performed in 60% of cases having stone or
benign causes of obstructive jaundice to non-invasively
confirmation of diagnosis. Majority of patients underwent
As evident from table 3, majority of the patients were
ERCP (70%), who had probability of either diagnostic or
having benign pathology (62%) as compared to malignant
therapeutic intervention.
obstructive jaundice (38%) and the difference was not
found to be very significant. (X2=2.88, p=0.09)

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Table 7: CECT abdomen- pathology detected.

Number of
Group patients Frequency (%) X2 P value
Periampullary carcinoma 4 20
Carcinoma head of pancreas 4 20
Cholangiocarcinoma 3 15
Carcinoma gall bladder with secondaries in 6.14 0.29
6 30
Hydatid cyst 1 5
Secondaries in liver with primary unknown 2 10

Table 8: MRCP abdomen- pathology detected.

Number of
Group Frequency (%) X2 P value
patients (N=30)
Choledocholithiasis 23 76.67
Worm 2 6.67
60.3 0.00
Choledochal cyst 2 6.67
Iatrogenic 2 6.67
Cbd stricture 1 3.33

Table 9: Patients selected for ERCP.

Number of
Group patients Frequency (%) X2 P value
Choledocholithiasis 13 37.1
Periampullary carcinoma 4 11.4
CA head pancreas 4 11.4
Cholangiocarcinoma/ 3 8.5
20.8 0.00
Worm 2 5.7
Extrinsic compression 8 22.8
CBD stricture 1 2.8
Total 35 100

Table 10: Intervention done in various patients of obstructive jaundice.

Number of
Group patients X2 P value
USG guided cholecystostomy/
1 2
Palliative PTBD
3 0.22
procedure Open cholecystostomy/ PTBD 1 2
Palliative bypass 4 8
Whipples procedure 4 8
Definative Choledocholithotomy 20 40
27.5 0.00
surgery Hepaticojejunostomy 6 12
Cysto-pericystectomy 1 2
Total ERCP 35 70
Failed/conversion to surgery 8 22.86
ERCP(N=35) Biopsy taken 11 31.43 62.3 0.00
ERCP with papillotomy with
9 25.71

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Number of
Group patients X2 P value
ERCP with dormia basket stone
3 8.57
ERCP with worm extraction 2 5.71

As evident from table 6, choledocholithiasis (46%) was 40% of patients of choledocholithiasis. In four (8%) cases
found to be the predominant single cause of obstructive of periampullary carcinoma and carcinoma head pancreas,
jaundice in association with cholelithiasis in 58%. Whipple’s procedure was performed.
Surprisingly, among patient with malignant obstructive Hepaticojejunostomy could be offered in 6 patients (12%),
jaundice (38%), the Carcinoma gall bladder with which included 2 patients of resectable
secondaries at porta was detected as the cause of cholangiocarcinoma, 2 patients of choledochal cyst and 2
obstruction and jaundice in as many as 12% of cases as patients of CBD injury. Cysto-pericystectomy could be
compared to cholangiocarcinoma of distal CBD (6%). The done in one (2%) case of hydatid cyst. The management
obstructive jaundice due to cystic compression also could protocols were guided according to the etiology and
be demonstrated nicely in few cases (6%). In as many as showed significant difference in their distribution pattern
22% cases, ultrasound could not clearly delineate lower (X2 =27.5, p value=0.00).
CBD pathology, may be obscured by bowel gases. This
difference in pattern distribution of detected pathology on ERCP with sphincterotomy and stenting was performed in
USG was found to be highly significant. (X2=104, p 25.71% patients which included 8 patients with liver
value=0.00) (X2=104, p value=0.00), secondaries and lymph node at porta hepatis and 1 case of
benign stricture. ERCP with dormia basket extraction of
CECT abdomen could be performed only in 20 (40%) of CBD stones, especially multiple and lower CBD stone,
those selected patients who were labeled as probable was performed in 9 patients of whom only three (8.57%)
malignant obstructive jaundice. CECT clearly had successful outcome and remaining six (17.14%) were
differentiated the unclear pathology of lower CBD on planned for open surgery. ERCP allowed diagnostic
ultrasound as periampullary carcinoma (20%) or biopsy in all 11 patients (31.43%), which included 4 cases
carcinoma head of pancreas (20%). Rest other findings of each of carcinoma head of pancreas and periampullary
ultrasound abdomen in such cases were consistent on carcinoma and three cases of cholangiocarcinoma with
CECT. significant distribution pattern (X2=62.3, p value=0.00).
USG guided cholecystostomy was performed in one case
As was the original plan, MRCP could be performed other of cholangiocarcinoma, to relieve severe jaundice.
than suspected benign i.e. 30 (60%) pathology of
obstructive jaundice specially in cases where stones were DISCUSSION
the culprit. MRCP significantly detected
choledocholithiasis in 76.67% patients (X2=60.3, p Majority of patients in present study were productive adult
value=0.00). MRCP could also diagnose rare causes like with the mean age of 51.04±12.40 years. 38 % patients
worm (6.67%) and benign CBD stricture (3.33%), which were in age group of 20-50 years. 36% were in age group
were unclear on ultrasound. The difference in distribution of 50-60 years. Shetty et al studied 50 patients and found
of pathology in MRCP was highly significant (X2=60.3, p that 22% patients were in age group of 20-50 years while
value=0.00). Obaidi et al in 2007 performed a study on 80 patients and
found 31% patients were in age group of 20-50 years.
As evident from table 9, among all study cases most of the Irabor et al 2012 and Jabur et al 2014 also found similar
patients 35 patients (70%) were selected for ERCP for mean age of presentation 52.8 years and 49.3 years
either diagnostic confirmation or therapeutic purposes. respectively in their studies. Thus, it is evident, that
Significant number of cases were detected as obstructive jaundice affects younger age group, which
choledocholithiasis (37.1%) on ERCP (X2=20.8, p have an eventual impact on the financial and social burden
value=0.00) when compared to other benign causes. ERCP of the family, as they constitute the main earning members.
could also help in guiding dormia basket extraction and The study is in concordance with the above series. On the
sphincterotomy in them and allowed biopsy in other hand, Iqbal et al 2008 reported 72% patients in age
periampullary carcinoma and carcinoma head pancreas in group of 50-70 years with a mean age of presentation of
11.4% each. ERCP visualized and extracted worms in as 62 years. The disparity in the age distribution may depend
many as 5.7% of cases. Extrinsic compression and CBD on the etiology of obstructive jaundice, with malignancy
stricture was visualized via dye study during ERCP, with more common in the upper extremes of ages.9-13
a significant difference (X2=20.8, p value=0.00).
Male to female ratio in present study was 1:1.08. Females
When definitive procedures performed for obstructive were slightly higher in numbers than males (52% versus
jaundice, choledocholithotomy was performed in majority 48%) with younger mean age (49.27±9.05 versus

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Wilku KS et al. Int Surg J. 2021 Oct;8(10):2892-2900

52.96±15.20 years). In a study conducted by Distler et al higher incidence of carcinoma head of pancreas as 40%,
in 2010, there were 151 males and 191 females with a male 37.9% and 32% respectively, which is the most common
to female ratio of 1:1.27. Jabur et al and Chalya et al also cause of obstructive jaundice if older age group population
conducted their study on 111 and 116 patients and found a is taken into account, which was done on the above series.
male to female ratio of 1:1.4 (46 males and 65 females) Nearly all series reported an equal incidence of
and 1:1.3 (50 males and 66 females) respectively. Iqbal et choloangiocarcinoma viz Ling et al 2014 (8.3%), Chalya
al in 2006 also performed a study on 50 patients and found et al 2011 (6.8%) and Iqbal et al (4.0%) as the present
a male to female ratio of 1:1. Thus, relative predominance study (6%). Carcinoma gall bladder was seen in 12 % cases
of female patients with obstructive jaundice could be in the present study. Garcea et al 2011 and Saddique et al
because gall stones are more common in fat, fertile, 2007 also reported the incidence of carcinoma gall bladder
flatulent, and female of forty thereby leading to obstructive as 14.2% and 12.5%. It is only when 80% of the liver is
jaundice secondary to choledocholithiasis. Whereas Ling damaged by secondaries in the liver, that produces
et al 2014 and Umeshchandra et al 2015 showed slightly hepatocellular jaundice and it is only when metastsis to
more predominance of males in their study that could be node at porta hepatis compresses CHD that produces
justified by the diverse geographical distribution and may obstructive jaundice, even when there is not much of
low sample size.6,9,13-16 metastasis to the liver.6,9,15,16,18,19

In the present study, majority of the patients were having Worm is a very rare cause of obstructive jaundice and
benign pathology (62%) as compared to malignant should be taken into consideration in endemic areas. Only
obstructive jaundice (38%). (p=0.09). Suthar et al and one study conducted by Ling et al 2014 reported the
Rishi et al also found the predominance of benign incidence of worms as 1.6%. Even tense hydatid cyst, can
pathology (72% and 56% respectively). Dixon et al in compress mid CBD, to cause obstructive jaundice and was
1983, noted in their study that 75% patients with seen in one case (2%) in the present study. Benign CBD
obstructive jaundice were having benign cause. The stricture (2%) is also a rare cause of lower CBD
present study is in agreement with the above series. On the obstruction. Umeshchandra et al 2015 also reported the
other hand, Garcea et al and Saddique et al concluded incidnece of CBD stricture as 3.33%.15,16
malignant cause of obstructive jaundice to be more
common. As evident from present study, Choledochal cyst, due to anomalous pancreato-biliary duct
choledocholithiasis (46%) significantly proved to be the junction (APBDJ) affected 4% patients in the present
overall predominant cause of obstructive jaundice in our study. Umeshchandra et al 2015 performed a study in 30
study population (X2=78.4, p=0.00). Ling et al 2014 patients and reported the incidnece of choledochal cyst as
performed his study in 360 patients and reported incidence 3.33% and Iqbal et al 2008 reported similar incidence of
of choledocholithiasis as 56.4%. Garcea et al 2011 and 4%. A study by Suthar et al 2015 reported higher incidence
Iqbal et al 2008 also concluded in their study the incidence of choledochal cyst (14.7%).9,16,20
of choledocholithiasis as 41.7% and 40% respectively. The
difference in the geographical location and the sample size Iatrogenic CBD injury following surgery leading to
of the different studies constitute the difference in the obstructive jaundice seen in 4% of cases in our study that
etiological cause but it is quite clear that choledocholithisis alarms us to be vigilant while performing such procedures.
is more common benign etiological cause in younger age Garcea et al 2011, in his study of 1026 patients, also
group, while malignant biliary tract obstruction is more reported slightly lower incidence of iatrogenic injury
common in older age group.15,17-21 (1.6%).19

Among malignant causes, secondaries in liver with lymph As evident from present study, most patients with
node at porta hepatis (16%) obstructing common hepatic obstructive jaundice had stable vital parameters on
duct turned out to be a more significant and common presentation to hospital with mean pulse rate of
etiology than carcinoma head of pancreas and 97.84±18.80 and mean systolic BP 106.84±17.94. The
periampullary carcinoma (8% each). However, if the extremes in values, correspond to cholangitis or secondary
ampulla and lower CBD are taken together, maliganant pancreatitis. 18% of the patients hadhypotension. Mairiang
ampullary pathology is equal to the incidence of et al studied 130 patients and reported a nearly similar
secondaries in node at porta hepatis. Umeshchandra et al incidence of hypotension.22
2015 and Saddique et al concluded in their study an
incidence of 10% and 8.3% respectively. Umesh et al and Evaluation of obstructive jaundice
Ling et al performed their study in 30 and 360 patients and
found the incidence of periampullary carcinoma to be The mean hemoglobin of present study was slightly lower
6.67% and 6.6% respectively, which in nearly equal to the than normal (10.86±2.05 gm%,) while mean INR was
present study (8%). Ling et al also concluded the incidence 1.61±0.42 and mean PCV found to be 32.57±6.13
of carcinoma head of pancreas as a malignant cause of reflecting poor nutrition and coagulation profile, in such
obstructive jaundice in 12.2% which is nearly similar to patients, secondary to liver insult. Deranged values of Hb
the present study (8%). However, Umeshchandra et al (6.90gm %), PCV (21%) and INR (3) could be correlated
2015, Chalya et al 2011 and Iqbal et al 2008 reported a with acute renal failure seen in one case at the time of

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hospitalization also. In our study we reported that 72% of bilirubin between 10-20 mg percent while Weston et al
the patients had PCV >30 and 28% of our patients had found the total bilirubin levels between 10-20 mg percent
PCV <30. in majority 62%. Rise in the total bilirubin level between
10-20 mg%, is a usual trend which satisfies the definition
Malik et al 2007 studied 140 patients and found that the of obstructive jaundice. The mean total bilirubin was
mean hemoglobin was 9.7±2.55 gm%, which is in 9±4.04 mg% while mean alkaline phosphatase was
concordance with the present study. Shetty et al 2016 724.46±604.45 IU/L (range 198-2800 IU/L) in our study.
studied 50 patients and found that 34% patients had The extremes of values corresponded to complete
hemoglobin <10 gm% which is comparable to the present obstruction or mild partial initial obstruction. The mean
study (28%). The low hemoglobin status may be serum albumin (2.11±0.77 gm %) of study population was
secondary to the disease or may be in patients from rural below normal (3.5-5.0 mg %) and reflected the degree of
background of a developing nation. Dixon et al in studied derangement of liver synthesis. Umeshchandra et al, Irabor
373 patients and concluded that 82% of the patients had et al and Malik et al reported highermean total bilirubin
PCV >30 and only 18% of them had PCV<30. The study and mean alkaline phosphatase 14.85 mg%, 14.2 mg%,
is comparable to the present study. Irabor et al in 16.25 mg% and 266.78 IU/L, 900 IU/L, 809.5 IU/L
performed a study in 7 patients and found that 14.2% respectively. thatcould bejustified as the late presentation
patients had PCV >30 and majority of them 85.7% had and more rapid, progressive and complete obstruction in
PCV <30. The reciprocal results as compared to the their series as compared to present study. 16,23,24,26,27,28
present study are because of the small sample size.
Hemoglobin is one third of packed cell volume and As evident from present study, the mean creatinine in
hematocrit usually reflects the hemoglobin, unless the study population was 1.58±0.66 mg%, slightly above the
patient has hemoconcentration or hemodilution. 17,23-25 normal range (04-1.4 mg%), indicating the nephrotoxic
action of bilirubin on renal tubules, which is further
In the present study, 74% of the patients had TLC >11000 aggravated by dehydration. 34% of our patients had
cells/mm3whereas in study conducted by Shetty et al in 50 creatinine between 1.4-2 mg% and 14% had creatinine >2
patients, 46% patients found to be with TLC >11000 mg%. Weston et al in 2008 studied 156 patients and
cells/mm3. Dixon et al in studied 373 patients and reported concluded that 5% patients had serum creatinine between
28% patients with TLC >11000 cells/mm3. The higher 1.4-2.0 mg% and only 1% had creatinine >2 mg%. The
frequency of total leucocyte count in the present study is degree of derangement of serum creatinine is dependent on
due to more cases of choledocholithiasis who presented the severity of jaundice, the associated sepsis and the
late in our study. Malik et al 2007 studied 140 patients and dehydration and may vary with different series. The mean
reported the mean total leucocyte count as 14700±5650 urea in the present study was 56.36±28.69 mg%, while
cells/mm3, which is comparable to the present study Malik et al reported a mean serum urea of 75.5±23 mg%
(14070±4292.15 cells/mm3), as he also reported the most and creatinine1.45±0.7 mg%. The present study is in
common cause of obstructive jaundice as concordance with the above series. Urine urobilinogen and
choledocholithiasis. 48% of patients in present study had urine bile salts/pigments were found to be significantly
deranged INR >1.5. Irabor et al studied 30 patients and absent in 32%, (X2=6.48, p value=0.01) of patients
reported deranged INR >1.5 in 20%, while Weston et al in suggestive of complete obstruction in these patients in
reported abnormal INR >1.5 in 24.3%. The deranged present study.23,26
coagulation profile reflects the damaged synthetic function
of liver for factors II, VII, IX, X due to back pressure We could also found that 66% patients suffered from
changes and congestive hepatomegaly and biliary hyponatremia, while 56% patients had hypokalemia.
cirrhosis.10,12,17,23,26 Mairiang et al in 1990 studied 130 patients and found
hyponatraemia and hypokalemia in 56% and 63%
Status of liver function respectively, which is comparable with the present study.
The cause of hyponatraemia and hypokalemia is
As evident from present study, as many as 32% patients associated derangement of renal function and sepsis and its
had significant rise in total bilirubin between 10-20 mg% correction is an important predictor of successful outcome
(X2=14.6, p value=0.00) whereas majority (68%) of in treatment of obstructive jaundice.22
patients presented with total bilirubin level <10 mg%
which indirectly reflected the duration of disease and its Radiological assessment
extent and severity. On the other hand, significant rise in
direct bilirubin was noted only in few cases (18% and USG abdomen was the common and base line radiological
X2=7.72, p value=0.02) as compared to (82%) patients modality performed in all selected cases (100%) in our
who were having direct bilirubin level <5 mg% (50%) or study. Contrast CT was reserved for suspected malignant
between 5-10 mg% (32%). Similar results were observed etiology of obstructive jaundice so could be performed in
in study done by Shetty et al in 2016 that 38% of his as many as 40% of cases only. Similarly, MRCP was
patients had total bilirubin levels between 10-20 mg/dl and planned and performed in 60% of cases having stone or
30% patients had even total bilirubin >20 mg%. Mansfield benign causes of obstructive jaundice. Majority of patients
et al studied 111 patients and reported that 36% had total underwent ERCP (70%), who had probablity of either

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Wilku KS et al. Int Surg J. 2021 Oct;8(10):2892-2900

diagnostic or therapeutic intervention. Petrscu et al studied were recruited for this clinic-radiological assessment and
63 patients and among them, CECT was done in 52.3% management of obstructive jaundice. As the morbidity of
and MRCP was done in 47.6%. Khushwah et al and such cases was higher in this rural part of north India and
Goyani et al, in their study, performed USG and MRCP in studies have documented the impact of suffering was
all 100% patients, while Singh et al 2014 performed USG, higher for the society as majority of patients were from
CECT and MRCP in all 100% patients.8,30,31,32 productive age group, it was desirable and worthwhile to
attempt a clinical study taking 50 cases of obstructive
Management of obstructive jaundice jaundice to find out the severity, etiology and various
presentations along with prompt and correct management
The management protocols were guided according to the policy for better outcome of these cases. An attempt was
etiology and showed significant difference in their also made to study some specific aspects of diagnosis,
distribution pattern (X2=27.5, p value=0.00) in present hospital stay i.e. deviation from work and time taken for
study. Chalya et al and Saddique et al studied 116 and 24 recovery in those patients at our centre.
patients and reported incidence of CBD excision and
hepaticojejunostomy as 12.5% and 16.6% respectively. CONCLUSION
The present study is in agreement with the above series.
Choledocholithotomy was performed in majority 40%of Jaundice due to choledocholithiasis is the commonest
patients of CBD stones. Saddique et al studied 24 patients cause of obstructive jaundice and usually affects
and reported incidence of choledocholithiotomy as 37.5%. productive adults thereby constitutes a major health
Chalya et al and Keighley et al reported a lower incidence problem in North India. Most of patients with malignant
of choledocholithotomy (16.4% and 18.6% respectively) obstructive jaundice present late with advanced disease.
as they had more number of malignant obstructive USG, CT scan, MRCP and ERCP are important diagnostic
jaundice, while Dixon et al reported a higher incidence of modalities for evaluation of patient with obstructive
choledocholithotomy. In four (8%) cases in present study jaundice with ERCP having the additional advantage of
who were detected periampullary carcinoma and being therapeutic as well. The result of this study suggests
carcinoma head pancreas, Whipple’s procedure was that early diagnosis and treatment plays a vital role in the
performed. Saddique et al also offered whipples procedure prognosis of patients with obstructive jaundice.
in 8.3% cases. Chalya et al, Dixon et al and Keighley et al
reported a lower incidence of whipples procedure (5.5%, Funding: No funding sources
1.6%, 4.2% respectively) probably due to more number of Conflict of interest: None declared
non-resectable cases in their study. On the other hand they Ethical approval: The study was approved by the
reported higher incidence of palliative hepatobiliary Institutional Ethics Committee
bypass (58.2%, 22.2% and 37.2%) as compared to present
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