Isotopic Composition of Lead in Mexican Mineral Deposits
Isotopic Composition of Lead in Mexican Mineral Deposits
Isotopic Composition of Lead in Mexican Mineral Deposits
of Lead in MexicanMineral Deposits
GEORGF.L. CU•{•ING, STEVI-I•N E. K•sr.•R, ANt) D. Ki•sTtc
108 ø 96 ø
Cuale and Campo Morado (which representphaseI
alongwith the sedimentarydepositsat Plomosasand
• •
',•. Dos
Marlas:-1:. 30 Tascatito) are part of a group of similar deposits
(Salas,1975; Cserna,1976a) foundwithin the Meso-
zoic submarinevolcaniccomplexof western Mexico.
/ Plom•• .•Puerto
'- ,
"• Remnants of this complex are abundant along the
'o-3 •' 'r'• 3 west coast of northern Mexico and in Baja Cali-
fornia, which separatedfrom the northern Mexico
•,, mainlandin late Cenozoictime (Gastil and Krum-
menacher, 1975). Similar rocks, possibly moved
eastwardby tectonicactivity (Cserna, 1970, 1976a),
Paz- 34
31 ,Llera - 19
have been recognizedin isolated outcropsbetween
Taxco and Fresnillo (Campa et al., 1975). These
Mesozoic submarinevolcanic complexesrange in
age from Triassic to at least Late Cretaceousand it
is possiblethat severaldistinctcomplexesare repre-
11 imapo
sented. The volcaniclastic sediments in the immediate
vicinity of the Campo Morado and Cuale districts
20 o-- • Etzatlan
-24 are probablyUpper Jurassicto Lower Cretaceousin
i- ß Massive sulfide
age (Macomber, 1962: Lorinczi and Miranda, 1978)
/k Sedlmenlary
-17 and the depositsthemselvesare similarto the Kuroko
Cerro Oalores- 2
II- X Limestone Replacement
+ Vein
Marada - 9
depositsof Japan (Ishihara, 1974).
Ill- 0
Limesfane Replacement
During submarine volcanic activity in western
ß Veto
Mexico. sedimentationtook placein centraland east-
iV' []
of IsalOplcally
ern Mexico. It began with clastic depositsand
evolvedupward to extensivethickly beddedcarbonate
sediments(Imlay, 1944; Smith, 1970). The Plo-
FIG. 1. Locationsof mineral depositsincludedin this study.
The symbolsrepresent
thetypeandprobable ageof eachde- mosas-Tascatitodeposits,which occupy an isolated
posit. The numbered depositsare: 1, Dos Marias; 2, outcrop of Mesozoicsedimentsin northern Mexico,
CerroDolores;3, SantaEulalia;4, Plomosas
(Chihuahua); probablyformed at approximatelythe sametime as
5, Coyuca;6, Cosala;7, Cuale;8, E1 Pavo; 9, Campo
Morado; 10, Tascatito; 11, Tigre; 12, Tayoltita; 13, their enclosingrocks.althoughopinionon their exact
Pachuca;14,Ojuela;15,Naica; 16,Copala;17,Taxco; 18, origin is divided (Escandon, 1974; Reid, 1972).
Plomosas(Sinaloa); 19, Llera; 20, Puerto Rico; 21, During latest Cretaceoustime, uplift in the western
Charcas;22, Angangueo;23, Encantada;24, Etzatlan;25,
Real de Angeles;26, Parral; 27, Zacatecas;
28, Velardefia; Mexican volcanicbelt accompanied by intrusive ac-
29, Zimapan;30, Fresnillo;31, E1 Diente; 32, Reforma; tivity (Cserna 1956, 1960, 1970; Henry, 1975) shed
33, Avino; 34, SantaMaria de la Paz. Exact locations
and clastic sediments westward over central Mexico and
sampledata are givenin Table 1.
the carbonatedepositingseasretreatedeastward. By
ducers,are amongthe largestpreciousmetalvein the close of Mesozoic time, Mexico was almost en-
districts in the world. None of the massivesulfide tirely emergent and about to undergo deformation
or sedimentary depositscomparein presentlyknown and the Cenozoicvolcanic-intrusivecyclethat formed
size to the vein and limestonereplacementdeposits. mostof its presentlyknown mineral wealth.
Porphyrycopperdeposits, whichare abundant in The earliest mineralizing event in the Cenozoic
northernMexico(Sillitoe,1976),havebeenomitted evolution of Mexico (phaseII, Fig. 1, Table 1) was
fromthis studybecause theylackabundant lead. the emplacement of a chain of late Eoceneintrusions
into the thick Mesozoic sediments of eastern Mexico.
As can be seenin Figure 1, the depositsstudied
here exhibit a systematicdistributionin northern Mineralizing centerswith someK-Ar age data in-
Mexico. Massive sulfide depositsare confinedto clude Concepciondel Oro-Providencia (Buseck,
the west coast. Vein depositsextendfrom the west 1966; Ohmotoet al., 1966), Charcas(Butler, 1972),
coast to central Mexico and limestone replacement and Zimapan-La Xegra (Gaytan, 1973). The un-
depositsextendfrom centralMexico to the east.The dated mineralized centers at Santa Maria de La Paz,
distributionof thesedeposittypesreflectsthe Meso- E1 Diente,and Reformaprobablyalso belongto this
zoic and Cenozoic geologic evolution of northern group. Vein mineralizationat Tayoltita formed at
Mexico and their formation can be divided, for the almostexactlythis time (Smith and Hall, 1974) in
purposesof this discussion, into four phases(see the older volcanic rocks in western Mexico. It is
Fig. 1 and Table 1). The massivesulfidedepositsat likely that the nearby and generallysimilar Cosala,
Copala, Plomosas (Sinaloa), and Tigre deposits possiblyeasternMexico (Cserna,1971). Larger ex-
formed at that time as well. posuresof the Precambrianrocksin northern Mexico
By about 35 m.y., or Oligocenetime, the western are limitedto the northwest(just beyondthe western
part of northern Mexico underwentterrestrial rhyo- edgeof Fig. 1) and the area southof Cerro Dolores,
litic volcanism(phase III, Fig. 1, Table 1). Mc- and isolatedexposuresare found in easternMexico
Dowell and Keizer (1977) have dated this phase extending southwardfrom the vicinity of E1 Dierite
between32 and 23 m.y. in the area betweenOjuela to Taxco. The larger exposuresin northwestern
and Tayoltita, and Gross (1975) reportsan age of Mexico have been shown by Anderson and Silver
37 ---+
3 m.y. for the lowermostvolcanicunit at Guana- (1975) to be 1,600 to 1,800m.y. in ageand thosein
j uato, just south of Zacatecas. With the exception easternand southernMexicorangefrom 800 to 1,300
of the previouslymentionedlate Eocenedeposits,all m.y. (Cserna, 1971).
of the Cenozoicdepositsin Figure 1 probablyformed Lead Isotopic Compositionof Mexican
at this time, althoughradiometricdocumentationfor Mineral Deposits
this generalizationis almost entirely lacking. In
western Mexico, the vein depositsat Parral, Fres- ,4nalyticalproceduresand measurement
nillo, Zacatecas,and Real de Angelesare largely in Lead isotopemeasurements were carried out on a
Mesozoic volcaniclastic rocks. To the east where
Micromass-30mass spectrometerwith on-line data
Cretaceous limestone is abundant, similar mineraliz- reductionutilizing a Hewlett-Packard9825A calcu-
ing processesapparentlygeneratedlimestone-replace- lator. Two-secondintegration of ion currents for
ment depositsat Santa Eulalia, Naica, and Ojuela. each of the Pb isotopesand a baselinewere read in
Somedeposits,suchas Pachuca,occupythe remnants sequence, with 10 to 15 sweepsconstitutinga data
of apparentlygeneticallyrelated volcanicpiles that set. Data were correctedfor amplifiertime constant
developedon limestonebasement. In general,these effects,and cubic spline interpolationwas used to
phase III vein and limestonereplacementdeposits determineratios. The averageratios (with respect
formed in a zone parallel to and betweenthe late to gø4Pb)were obtainedfor eachset, and a pooled
Eocene (phase II) Concepciondel Oro-Zimapan weightedmean of 5 to 10 data sets constitutedthe
limestonereplacement andTayoltitavein zones(Fig. final ratios for the sample. The standarderrors on
1). the final meanvalueswere typicallyabout0.03 per-
Concomitant with the start of rhyoliticvolcanism cent. The errors are clearly correlateddue to the
in westernMexico at about 35 m.y., alkalinemag- methodof data acquisition,the correlationcoefficient
maticactivitytookplacein easternMexicoalongthe beingat least0.5. Sampleswere about2 #g in size
extensionof the Rio Grande rift zone from E1 Paso, and wererun at a temperature
of 1,400øCusingthe
Texas, to near Llera (Barker, 1977). Although silicagel-phosphoric acidtechnique.Replicateanaly-
this zone producedlargely fluorite mineralization sesof National Bureauof StandardssampleSRM
(Kesler,1977), basemetaldeposits includingPuerto 981 indicatea massdiscrimination of very closeto
Rico, Encantada,and Llera fall alongthe trend and 0.1 percentper massunit differenceand this correc-
could have formed at this time. These are here
tion hasbeenappliedto all datapresentedhere. Re-
designatedphaseIV deposits. Note that they are producibilityof the massdiscriminationmeasurement
thoughtto be the sameage as phaseIII depositsbut is 0.03 percent (2v) per mass unit differenceas
to be relatedto a differentsuiteof igneousrocks. determined fromthe standardanalyses.
In summary,we identifyfour phasesof mineraliza- Several samplesof the current study were run in
tion for the depositsstudiedhere, the first duringa duplicateand thesedatamay be analyzedfor internal
rather poorlydefinedtime interval,possiblyUpper reproducibility. The averagestandarddeviationfor
Jurassicto Lower Cretaceous(135-100 m.y. ago), the 9 samplesfor which duplicatesetswere measured
while the last three stagesoccurredin the interval in Table 1 is 0.07 percentand is independentof mass
from late Eoceneto early Oligoceneor somewhat difference. The latter feature of the data is difficult
later (50-25 m.y.ago). Althoughpart of the range to understand, since variable mass discrimination
of agesfor the Cenozoic deposits representsuncer- would be expectedto be a major contributorto the
tainty in the interpretationof the geologicevidence, ultimateprecisionas indicatedby the replicatemeas-
theredo appearto be as yet unquantified
differences urementson the standard. The constancyof the
in theagesof someof theCenozoic oredeposits. standarddeviationmay be at leastin part due to the
The pre-Mesozoicbasementon which this mineral- relatively small number of duplicatesavailablefor
ization took place rangedfrom probableMesozoic comparison.
seafloorbeneaththe westernvolcaniccomplexto a A furthercheckon the measurement precisionand
fragmented Precambrian continent in central and accuracyis providedby the group of data from the
CenozoicDeposits,PhasesII, III, IV
Eocene (?) deposits,Phase II
Vein deposits
Tayoltita 21-760 18.690 15.612 38.569
CV-10 18.672 15.603 38.600
CopMa CSL-G 18.750 15.653 38.644
18.684 15.603 38.596
Tigre TiG 18.676 15.626 38.597
(Sinaloa) PL-SN 18.737 15.637 38.594
Reforma REF 18.891 15.656 38.845
E1 Diente ED 18.865 15.657 38.847
Transitional vein-limestonereplacementdeposits
Zim•pan DIC-77 18.834 15.661 38.780
Charcas CHR-7 18.750 15.625 38.679
La Paz LP-EP-512 18.926 15.658 38.876
18.936 15.678 38.937
Cosala CSL-LA 18.641 15.603 38.530
18.655 15.616 38.581
CL•VH 18.629 15.603 38.537
Oligocene(?) deposits,PhaseIII
Vein deposits
Parral DIC-23 18.805 15.637 38.695
DIC-25 18.817 15.637 38.692
DIC-12 18.821 15.642 38.693
Avino AV 18.928 15.639 38.703
18.909 15.628 38.747
ZacAtecas ZAC-SB 18.823 15.629 38.706
Fresnillo FRR 18.826 15.632 38.714
V-2-1 18.846 15.656 38.813
18.851 15.661 38.825
F-V-2-1 18.829 15.624 38.684
FG-9-2 18.825 15.645 38.721
F-ES-5 18.847 15.637 38.766
18.848 15.643 38.791
F-45-2 18.838 15.660 38.818
F-2031-8 18.833 15.659 38.781
Real de Angeles DH-E-9-218 18.809 15.626 38.707
Etzatlan 76-ETZ-CAL 18.770 15.634 38.653
18.775 15.640 38.680
Pachuca PCH-PR-400 18.712 15.629 38.654
Angangueo ANG 18.751 15.630 38.640
Taxco TAX-5 18.748 15.658 38.747
786(J) 18.739 15.643 38.691
787(SA-I) 18.731 15.625 38.642
792(SA-EC) 18.723 15.623 38.626
788(H) 18.730 15.638 38.695
Coyucade C. CM-X 18.577 15.603 38.467
TAnI,•: 1.--(Continued)
Deposit Samplenumber
Dos M arias DM 18.452 15.604 38.300
18.451 15.601 38.289
18.470 15.626 38.366
Santa Eulalia DIC-35G 18.542 15.629 38.477
DIC-36 18.521 15.611 38.426
DIC-37SE 18.532 15.623 38.435
Naica DIC-1 18.715 15.648 38.579
Ojuela OA-2 18.715 15.647 38.651
E1 Pavo M-EP-LY 18.657 15.632 38.567
Cerro Dolores CDL-SJ 18.517 15.630 38.526
Transitional vein-limestonereplacementdeposits
Velardefia V-SN 18.836 15.627 38.665
18.811 15.612 38.635
Oligocene(?), alkaline-related
Puerto Rico 29-1 18.748 15.642 38.765
Eneantm:la 5-EN 18.768 15.625 38.729
Llera LLR 18.736 15.654 38.713
relationshipof the data to 2 of the more recentlypro-
posed terrestrial lead isotope growth curves. The
massivesulfidedepositsof Mesozoicage,Cuale (7 on
the figures) and Campo Morado (9), which are
probablyabout135m.y. old,yieldan agecloseto 100
m.y.usingthe CuremingandRichards(1975) param-
eters, or slightly lessthan 50 m.y. from the Stacey
and Kramers (1975) growth curve. They do not
seelnto conformvery closelyto the compositionex-
pectedfor the "average" orebodyimplied by either
model. On the other hand the data from the Meso-
• 38.8-
15.'70 A
[] Veins
© Montos --. 15.65 • 1415
[] Cserno et el. (1977)
(• Vein
• Manto
i i i i
38.6 18.5 18.6 18.7 18.8 18.9
18.[ 18.•
FIG. 2. Isotopiccomposition
of lead in the Fresnillo de-
positshowing:(1) thecloseagreementbetween our analyses 38J
and thoseof Csernaet al. (1977) and (2) the very small
compositional rangeexhibitedby all 9 analysesfrom Fres-
nillo. The ellipseshowsour estimatederror (1 p). Because ERROR LIMITS
19 [] ß
deposits,the Mesozoicmassivesulfidedepositsat 38.7
17 21
Cuale and Campo Morado are similar isotopically
but widelyseparated geographically.Avino fitsmost •8
readilywith cluster! but is alsotoo far from it to be +
included. 38.6
= 18.706+ 0.0002.S (kin). 18.4
0.412, which is significantat the 97.5 percentlevel. Fro. 3. Isotopic composition of lead in mineral deposits
from northern Mexico. Symbols correspond to those in
Interpretation of the lead isotopedata Figure 1. Numbers designate individual deposits listed in
Table 1. The compositionsplotted here are averagesof any
Figure 3 showsthe lead isotopecompositionsof duplicate analysesor sampleslisted in Table 1, following the
thesenorthernMexican depositsand Figure 4 the conclusionsregarding Figure 2 as explained in the text.
(10) suggests
oftheMeso-•, 15.65
zoic depositsoriginatedby processes
too complexto 2 4 08_...•-
• '-'"-
In viewofthis, •0• •-•--•--•o 25 0
we will defer further discussion of the Mesozoic de-
posits until more analysesare available and concen- 18.5
18.7' 18.8
trate the remainderof this paper on the Cenozoicde-
The Cenozoic depositslie near the Stacey and
Kramers growth curve with apparent ages ranging
from 150 m.y. to about -160 m.y. Although we
have suggestedabove that there are severalphases
involved in the formation of the Cenozoic ore de-
wouldnotlikelybe 38.8 /
radiogeniccomponent.Accordingto Figure 5, the
radiogeniccomponentcould be derived from either
pelagicsedimentor noncratonized(upper crustal)
continent,with the positionof point B in Figure 5A
makingthe continentalalternativemore attractive.
Possible evidence for the involvement of Precam-
brian continentalmaterial in the developmentof the
Mexican lead ores is found in the two-stagemodel
agesmentionedabove,where we deduceda two-stage
modelinvolvingthe averageageof the deposits,about
30 m.y., and an earlier eventat about 1,450m.y. It
is of some interest that when we calculate the inter-
sectionof the line AoB with the Staceyand Kramers
growth curve we obtain 33 m.y. and 1,438 m.y., in
excellentagreementwith the two-stagemodelcalcu-
lations. The fact that the anomalous lead line for
our Mexican data is very shortand nearly parallelto
the growth curve meansthat theseintersections have
very large errors. Nevertheless,this result implies
• 38.C
that the Mexicanleadwasderivedin part from a Pre-
cambrian source and that the U/Pb ratio in the
original sourceof theseorescorresponds to the value
used in the constructionof the Stacey and Kramers
growth curve,namelyt• = 9.74.
Precambrian basement rocks could have affected
the isotopiccompositionof lead in northern Mexican
206Pb/2ø4pb lead depositseither by contributingsedimentto be
partially melted with the downthrustplate of western
Fro. 5. This figure shows the relationshipbetween the
Cenozoicbestfit line (A-B, Fig. 4) and the compositional Mexico or by releasingleadto magmasor hydrother-
fields occupiedby oceanicvolcanicrocks (OV), pelagic mal solutionsthat passedthroughthe basementrocks
sediments(PS), noncratonized continentand derivedsedi-
ment (NC), and maturearcs (MA) after Doe and Zartman prior to or during mineralization. The possibility
(1979). Line OT is the oceanicvolcanictrend referredto that the Precambrian basement contributed lead
by Church(1976) and Kay (1976). Point X is discussed directly to circulating hydrothermalsolutionsseems
in the text.
unlikely becauseso many of the depositsformed in
Mesozoic and Cenozoic wall rocks, thousands of feet
have been involved in the formation of the Mexican aboveany possiblePrecambrianbasement. In some
oceanic of these deposits,such as Naica, the mineralizing
volcanicrocks, noncratonizedcontinentand derived solutionwas far too saline (Erwood et al., 1979) to
sediments,aswell asthe compositionalfieldobserved havecirculatedfar enoughthroughthe wall rocksto
for mature island arcs such as Japan. Within the have leached Precambrian basement rocks. Selection
oceanicvolcanicfield, we have plottedthe location is less easy between the other two alternatives,
(OT) of the oceanic
volcanictrend as indicatedby namely,Cenozoicpartialmeltingof downthrustsedi-
Church(1976). Recentstudies by Church(1976) ment derived from Precambrian basement or contri-
and Kay (1976) havesuggested that the Cascadesbution of lead from Precambrian basement to Ceno-
and Aleutian volcanicrocks fall on relatively steep zoic (and Mesozoic) magmas passing upward
mixinglinesbetweenpointX on the OT line and throughthe basement.We preferthe second,magma
continent-derived sediment in the area of B. In con- contamination,
hypothesislargelybecauseit provides
trast, the pooledMexican Cenozoicdata (A-B) an explanationfor the observedregionalvariation in
delineatea line of muchlower slopethat coincidesin lead isotopiccompositions exhibitedby the mineral
part with the maturearc field of Doe and Zartman deposits. For instance,areassuchas northernChi-
(1979) but extendsto distinctlymore radiogenichuahua(A, Fig. 1), wheredepositsof both Mesozoic
compositions.Thus, the compositions in Figure 5 and Cenozoicagehavethe lowestlead isotoperatios,
indicate that the Mexican lead data could be ac- are mosteasilyexplainedas beingunderlainby Preo
countedfor by the sameprocessthat forms lead in cambriah crustwithan unusually lowU/Pb ratio.
maturearcsbut with a significantadditionof a more Referenceto Figure 3 showsthat U/Th ratios in
sucha basementmay have varied more widely than to be secondaryisochronswith t• equalto about 1,800
did U/Pb ratios, since the scatter of points on the m.y. About 80 percent of our data from northern
vs 2øøPb/2ø4Pb diagram is in excessof Mexico, which should be in the southern continuation
our experimentalerror (MSWD = 1.22 on 54 D.F.). of Zartman's area Ib, fall within I in Zartman's
Once theseMesozoicand Cenozoicmagmascontami- figure 1, with the remaininganalysesextendinginto
nated with lead from the Precambrian crust reached his area II. As notedpreviously,our data fall on a
the upper crust, they couldcontributelead to the ore probable two-stage linear array indicating a t• of
depositseither by evolvingdirectly a magmatichy- about 1,400m.y. suggesting similaritiesto the model
drothermal solution (as at Naica) or by releasing obtainedfor Zartman'sarea Ib. The disturbingas-
lead to circulating hydrothermal solutions (with a pect of this comparison,however, is the absenceof
large meteoriccomponent),suchas probablyformed linear arrays in our data for individual districts.
many of the vein deposits. As long as the lead iso- Althoughthiscouldbe a resultof our havingsampled
tope compositionof the Mesozoic and/or Cenozoic mostlylarge depositswithout obtainingrepresenta-
rocks was relatively homogeneous within individual tion from peripheraldeposits,the homogeneity of the
mineralized districts, both processeswould produce Fresnillo and Taxco data do not supportthis inter-
the sameresult. The fact that the lead isotopecom- pretation (becauseseveralorebodiesrepresentedin
positions of the ore depositsin northern Mexico thesegroupsare small). Thus, althoughour data
exhibit a relativelylimited spreadindicatesthat the showmuchgreater similarityon this basisto Zart-
Precambrian crust had a similarly restricted range man's area II (in which individual districts exhibit
of compositionsin Cenozoictime or that it was the little or no lead isotopiccompositional
subordinatecomponentof the Precambrian crust- Mexicandataplot withinthe compositional rangeof
Cenozoic mantle lead mixture. Zartman's area I and well outside his area II.
If our explanationfor the developmentof the lead Our tentative conclusion from these observations is
isotopecompositionsis correct, it followsthat north- that northern Mexico representsthe southerncon-
ern Mexico is underlain by Precambrianbasement tinuationof Zartman'sarea Ib. The mechanism by
rangingin age from about 1,000 m.y. to 1,800 m.y. whichleadwasincorporated into the ore deposits
and averagingabout1,400m.y., in agreementwith the sultedin a more completemixing of lead in Mexico
two-stage model calculation. One direct test of the than it did to the north and a wider rangeof base-
involvement of Precambrian basement rocks in the ment agesis involvedin this part of Mexicothan in
formationof the Mexican lead depositswould be to Zartman'sarea Ib. This, in turn, suggests that the
look for differencesin the isotopiccompositions of Precambrianlead componentfound in the Mexican
depositsknownto be underlainby basementof dif- oreswas introducedby magmacontamination, rather
ferentages(e.g., 800 to 1,300m.y. and 1,600to 1,800 than by mineralizing solutions circulatingthrough
m.y., as previouslynoted). Unfortunately,we sim- Precambrian basement rock.
ply do not know the distribution of Precambrian
rocks of these ages beneath the area of northern Conclusions
Mexico in which most of our depositsare located.
We have tested the data for differences between de-
posits to the north and south of the trans-Mexican Our analyticalresultsindicatethat the isotopic
composition of leadin Mexicanmineraldeposits falls
volcanicbelt, a major Quaternaryvolcanochainthat
crosses Mexico at about 21ø N latitude. No differ- within a surprisingly restricted
range. The 30 Ceno-
ence was noted, which implies that the basement zoicdeposits
we haveanalyzeddefinea lineararray
beneaththe ore depositsis similar in both areas. that can be explained asa resultof an approximately
two-stageprocess. During the first stage lead was
removedfrom the mantle between 1,800 and 1,000
Comparisonwith Related Depositsin m.y. ago to form the Precambriancrust underlying
Northern North America northernMexico. In the secondstage,it was re-
Zartman (1974) has divided the western United mobilizedin Cenozoic time alongwith lead formed
Statesinto three provinceson the basisof the lead by decay of uranium and thorium in the Precam-
isotopiccompositionof its oresand rocks. The area brian crust and combined with lead from the Ceno-
to the north of northernMexico, includingNew zoic mantleto form the lead deposits.This line of
Mexico, Arizona, and parts of southernCalifornia, reasoning,if correct,suggeststhat most of northern
makesup Zartman'sarea Ib in whichlead isotope Mexicois underlainby Precambrian crustaveraging
analysesfor rock provincesand mineral districtsfall 1,400m.y.but includingrocksof a substantial
alonglineararrays(Staceyet al., 1968)interpretedof ages.
and JoseLuis Lee Moreno,headof the Geochemistry Anderson,T. H., and Silver, L. T., 1975,Extent and develop-
Section, we were able to obtain field support and ment of the craton under part of the Sierra Madre Occi-
dental, northwestern Mexico [abs.]: Geol. Soc. America
valuablegeologicguidance. Numerousother govern- Abstracts with Programs, v. 7, no. 2, p. 141.
ment and industrygeologists,includingGerman Ar- Barker, D. S., 1977, The northern trans-Pecosmagmatic
riaga, JorgeA. Benitez,TerenceBottrill, D. F. Cool- prorance. An introduction and comparisonwith the Kenya
rift: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 88, p. 1421-1427.
baugh,Arturo GGmez,Zoltan de Cserna,Juan Hol- Beales, F. W., and Lozej, G. P., 1975, Limestone host-rock
guin F., Javier LGpez Avila, G. K. Lowther, Jorge paleoecologicalsetting and contols of ore at three Mexican
E. Ordofiez, R. Pesquera,H. L., Sobel,and Lee R. silver-lead mines: Internat. SedimentologyCongress,9th,
Theme 9, Nice, France, p. 9-16.
Stoiserprovidedhelpfuldiscussionsof the geologyof Buseck, R. R., 1966, Contact metasomatismand ore deposi-
Mexican mineral deposits. In additionto the numer- tion--Concepciondel Oro, Mexico: EcoN. GEo,-.,v. 61, p.
ous geologistsand engineersmentionedhere, in the Butler, J. H., 1972, Geology of the Charcasmineral district,
text and in Appendix I, guidanceat specificprop- San Luis Potosi: unpub.Ph.D. dissert.,Colorado School
ties was obtainedfrom Jose Cerillo Chowell, Luis Mines, 121 p.
Campa,M. F., Flores, R., and McGehee,R. V., 1975, Meta-
Machado,and Luis H. Cajero-Mufioz(Santa Maria morphic basement rocks underlying the Tertiary volcanic
de La Paz); Raul Torres and Joaquin Galvan sequence of south-central Mexico labs.I: Geol. Soc.
America Abstracts with Programs, v. 7, no. 2, p. 151.
(Velardefia); Ezael Rocha (Cuale); Jorge Gaitan Church, S. E., 1976, The CascadeMountains revisited: a
(Cosala and Copala); Ralf M. Kleine (Avino); re-evaluation in light of new lead isotope data: Earth
Sergio Velasquez (Fresnillo); Marcos Vasquez and Planet. Sci. Letters, v. 29, p. 175-188.
ConstantinoOvalle (Taxco); Enrique Gracia Milan, Cserna, Zoltan de, 1956, TectGnica de la Sierra Madre
Oriental de M•xico, entre TorreGny Monterrey: Internat.
Nephtali Bravo, and Saul Martos (Naica); Fran- Geol. Cong.,20th, Mexico City, mon.,87 p.
ciscoRaul Ortega (San Franciscodel Oro); Jorge 1960, Orogenesisin time and spacein Mexico: Geol.
Rundschau,v. 50, p. 595--605.
Martinez Chavez and Fernando Torres-Leyud -- 1970(1971), Mesozoicsedimentation, magmaticactivity
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Locationsfor SamplesIncludedin This Study
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northernCoahuila,Mexico: EcoN. GEo,-.,v. 72, p. 204-218. State is given in parenthesesafter deposit's name.
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Mexico: EcoN. GEo,-.,v. 73, p. 180-191. pendedappropriatereferencesto their geologyhere.
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