Criminal Justice Responses To Terrorism: Handbook On
Criminal Justice Responses To Terrorism: Handbook On
Criminal Justice Responses To Terrorism: Handbook On
Criminal Justice
Responses to Terrorism
Handbook on
Criminal Justice Responses to Terrorism
New York, 2009
The Handbook on Criminal Justice Responses to Terrorism was finalized drawing on texts prepared by Yvon
Dandurand (Dean of Research and Industry Liaison, University of the Fraser Valley, Canada; and Senior
Associate, International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy) under a consultancy
contract for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
The draft text was reviewed at an expert group meeting held at UNODC headquarters in Vienna on 1 and
2 October 2007. UNODC wishes to acknowledge the valuable contributions received from the following
experts who participated in that meeting: Christian Ahlund, Andrea Bianchi, Marvin Carvajal Perez, Anne
Charbord, Michael De Feo, Helen Duffy, Anton du Plessis, Mark Ellis, John Grieve, Tiyanjana Maluwa,
Joanne Mariner, Veronica Milinchuk, Vivienne O’Connor, Robin Palmer, Andrew Powell, Cathy Powell,
Colette Rausch, Rachid Sadouk, Mark Shaw, Masamba Sita and Jayampathy Wickramaratne.
This publication was financed drawing on funds provided by the following countries, having made voluntary
contributions to the UNODC Global Project on Strengthening the Legal Regime against Terrorism: Austria,
Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Neth-
erlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland and United States of America.
I. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Part Two
Key components of an effective criminal justice response to terrorism
I. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
C. Obligation to extradite or prosecute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
D. Extradition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
E. Mutual legal assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
F. Increasing a system’s capacity for international cooperation. . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Part Three
Criminal justice accountability and oversight mechanisms
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Part one
Introduction and
legal context
I. Introduction
An effective and prevention-focused response to terrorism should include a strong criminal
justice element: one that is guided by a normative legal framework and embedded in the
core principles of the rule of law, due process and respect for human rights. Perpetrators
of terrorist acts as defined in the universal legal instruments against terrorism are crimi-
nals, and they should therefore be dealt with by the criminal justice process as it is the
most appropriate and fair mechanism to ensure that justice is achieved and that the rights
of the accused are protected. In addition to this core function, criminal justice approaches
to terrorism also provide for effective prevention mechanisms, including interventions that
target the funding of terrorists and terrorist organizations and allow for the interception
of conspiracies to commit attacks and the prohibition of incitement to terrorism.
UNODC is cognizant of the need for a holistic approach to address the complex issue
of terrorism, i.e. one which, in addition to criminal justice responses, also includes instru-
ments and frameworks that address the socio-economic and political conditions conducive
to the spread of terrorism from a prevention perspective. These, however, are not being
addressed in the present Handbook on Criminal Justice Responses to Terrorism, which focuses
on criminal justice responses only.
The Handbook aims to provide law enforcement and criminal justice officials with an
accessible guide to assist them in dealing with some of the key issues that they face in
their efforts to respond to terrorist and related crimes. The Handbook will also be of use
to policymakers and political leaders in the shaping of new or enhanced counter-terrorism
laws, policies and practices. It reviews the many challenges encountered by the various
components of the criminal justice system in the prevention, investigation, prosecution
and detention of alleged or convicted perpetrators of terrorist crimes. It offers guidance
based on international standards and generally accepted good practices.
As a practical tool, the Handbook can be used to facilitate the implementation of the
universal legal instruments against terrorism within the context of accepted criminal justice
and rule-of-law principles and practices, particularly as these apply in the fight against
terrorism. It can be used to support a review of the capacity of a criminal justice system
in a particular country, guide policy development or support training initiatives.
The Handbook forms part of a set of technical assistance tools that have been developed
by UNODC. Other tools specifically related to the ratification and implementation of the
universal legal instruments against terrorism are also available from UNODC. They include
the updated Legislative Guide to the Universal Legal Regime against Terrorism;1 the Guide
for the Legislative Incorporation and Implementation of the Universal Anti-Terrorism
Instruments; Preventing Terrorist Acts: a Criminal Justice Strategy Integrating Rule of
Law Standards in Implementation of United Nations Anti-Terrorism Instruments; and the
electronic legal resources on international terrorism.
In addition, a number of other tools are available from UNODC to assist in strengthening
the rule of law and national criminal justice systems, including the Compendium of United
Nations Standards and Norms in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, as well as the
Criminal Justice Assessment Toolkit, which proposes a standardized and cross-referenced set
of tools designed to assist practitioners in conducting comprehensive assessments of
criminal justice systems. These and other tools are listed in the annex to the Handbook,
together with information on how they can be obtained.
The Handbook is divided into three parts. Part one presents, in general terms, the role of
criminal justice systems in the fight against terrorism, as well as the international legal
framework that should govern this role. Part two considers each main component of the
criminal justice system and the issues and challenges relating to counter-terrorism. It
contains chapters dealing with the challenges faced by policymakers, law enforcement
agencies, prosecutors, defence counsel, the judiciary and correctional authorities, and ends
with a general discussion (which is applicable to all components of the criminal justice
system) of the imperative to protect victims’ rights. Part three describes accountability
and oversight mechanisms for all of these components.
United Nations publication, Sales No. E.04.V.7.
II. Importance of an effective rule of
law-based criminal justice response
to terrorism
Terrorism is a complex and ever-changing phenomenon. Its motivations, financing and
support mechanisms, methods of attack and choice of targets are constantly evolving, thus
adding to the complexity of an effective strategy to counter it. Moreover, its increasingly
transnational nature requires enhanced criminal justice cooperation among States to deny
safe havens to those who commit or attempt to commit terrorist crimes. Terrorism has
truly become a global threat that requires a global and prevention-focused response. This
should include a broad range of short- and long-term initiatives, ranging from addressing
underlying conditions conducive to the spread of terrorism to building state capacity to
prevent and combat it.
To the extent that counter-terrorist activities are grounded in an efficient criminal justice
process that respects the principles of rule of law and human rights, they can offer a peace-
ful, accountable and legitimate response to terrorism. This kind of criminal justice response
to terrorism can help avoid an escalation of violence and the use of force outside the
protections and procedural guarantees offered by the due process of law. It can reinforce
a society’s commitment to the rule of law and human rights, even when under terrorist
The role of the criminal justice system in countering terrorism is a challenging one. Indeed,
the primary objective of counter-terrorism strategies must be to prevent terrorist incidents
from taking place. The reality, however, is that many criminal justice systems are currently
better at responding to and punishing crimes after the fact than at preventing them in
the first place. Often, existing criminal justice practices are ineffective when it comes to
preventing terrorist conspiracies from achieving their aim. A forward-looking, preventive
criminal justice strategy against terrorist violence requires a comprehensive system of
substantive offences, investigative powers and techniques, evidentiary rules and inter-
national cooperation. The goal is to proactively integrate substantive and procedural
mechanisms to reduce the incidence and severity of terrorist violence, and to do so within
the strict constraints and protections of the criminal justice system and the rule of law.
Criminal justice systems have approached these challenges differently, depending on their
legal tradition, their level of development, their relative institutional sophistication and
their own circumstances. In some instances, a perceived urgent need to respond to a
specific threat has led States to improvise new approaches and, in so doing, stretch the
limits of their criminal law and due processes to the extreme. Furthermore, many criminal
justice systems have to devote considerable efforts to increasing the effectiveness of their
terrorism prevention measures and, in particular, their ability to cooperate at the inter-
national level with various counter-terrorism initiatives. This has resulted in additional
stress being placed on the already limited capacity of many criminal justice systems and
has perhaps weakened or compromised their ability to function within basic rule of law
and human rights principles.
The United Nations has responded to requests by Member States for assistance to enhance
their criminal justice capacity to respond to terrorism. UNODC is one of the United
Nations main providers of technical assistance in this regard. In addition to the specialized
services to strengthen the international legal regime against terrorism, provided by its
Terrorism Prevention Branch, UNODC can draw on its specialized technical competence
in crime prevention, criminal justice and rule-of-law issues; its wealth of experience in
promoting and facilitating international cooperation in criminal matters; its expertise and
experience in assisting countries to build up and enhance the capacity of national criminal
justice systems; its operational capacity and field presence; and the programmatic synergy
of its efforts for dealing with drug control, transnational organized crime, money-laundering
and corruption.
The report of the Secretary-General to the Security Council on the rule of law and
transitional justice in conflict and post-conflict societies reiterates that the “rule of law”
is a concept that lies at the very heart of the mission of the United Nations: “It refers to
a principle of governance in which all persons, institutions and entities, public and private,
including the State itself, are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally
enforced and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international
human rights norms and standards.”2
Terrorism threatens both the rule of law and the fundamental freedoms of citizens and
entire societies. At the same time, inappropriate counter-terrorism responses may also
undermine important rule of law and human rights principles. Resolutions adopted by
consensus over the past few years by the General Assembly3 and the Commission on
Human Rights4 have reaffirmed the threshold requirement that counter-terrorism measures
must comply with international law, including international human rights, refugee and
humanitarian law. They have also conveyed a strong message that respecting human rights
while countering terrorism is not only a matter of legal obligation but also essential to
the ultimate success of any counter-terrorism strategy.5 In its resolution 1456 (2003), the
Security Council reaffirmed the same general principle: “States must ensure that any
measures taken to combat terrorism comply with all their obligations under international
law, and should adopt such measures in accordance with international law, in particular
international human rights, refugee and humanitarian law.”6 The Security Council reiter-
ated that obligation in paragraph 4 of its resolution 1624 (2005).
S/2004/616, para. 6.
General Assembly resolution 59/191. See also General Assembly resolution 60/158.
Commission on Human Rights resolution 2004/87.
Edward J. Flynn, “Counter-terrorism and human rights: the view from the United Nations”, European
Human Rights Law Review, No. 1, 2005, p. 30.
See also Security Council resolution 1566 (2004).
Other international and regional organizations have also formally affirmed the crucial
importance of respecting the rule of law and human rights in preventing terrorism. For
example, article 15 of the Inter-American Convention against Terrorism,7 states that the
measures carried out by the States parties under the Convention shall take place with full
respect for the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms. Article 22 of the
Organization of African Unity Convention on the Prevention and Combating of Terrorism8
of 1999 stipulates that counter-terrorism measures described in the Convention must be
implemented in a manner consistent with the general principles of international law, in
particular the principles of international humanitarian law, as well as the African Charter
on Human and Peoples’ Rights.9 Finally, the Council of Europe Guidelines on Human
Rights and the Fight against Terrorism10 emphasize the need to prevent and prohibit
arbitrariness and ensure the lawfulness of all anti-terrorist measures. The Guidelines
reaffirm that all measures taken by States to fight terrorism must respect human rights
and the principle of the rule of law, while excluding any form of arbitrariness, as well as
any discriminatory or racist treatment, and must be subject to appropriate supervision.
The 2006 United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy11 also underlines the in-
extricable links between human rights and security and reaffirms the important role of
the United Nations system in strengthening the international legal architecture by promoting
the rule of law, respect for human rights and effective criminal justice systems, which
constitute the fundamental basis of the common fight against terrorism. The Strategy
incorporates a number of important measures to ensure respect for human rights for
all and for the rule of law as the fundamental basis of the fight against terrorism. The
Strategy’s plan of action includes a commitment to:
make every effort to develop and maintain an effective and rule of law-based national
criminal justice system that can ensure, in accordance with our obligations under
international law, that any person who participates in the financing, planning, prepa-
ration or perpetration of terrorist acts or in support of terrorist acts is brought to
justice, on the basis of the principle to extradite or prosecute, with due respect for
human rights and fundamental freedoms, and that such terrorist acts are established
as serious criminal offences in domestic laws and regulations.12
In the Strategy’s plan of action, the General Assembly recognizes that States might require
assistance in developing and maintaining effective and rule of law-based criminal justice
systems and encourages them to resort to the technical assistance delivered, inter alia, by
UNODC. The assistance provided must comply with the United Nations guidance note
of April 2008 on a United Nations approach to rule-of-law assistance, which applies
A/56/1002-S/2002/745, annex.
United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2219, No. 39464.
Ibid., vol. 1520, No. 26363.
Council of Europe Guidelines on Human Rights and the Fight against Terrorism, adopted by the
Committee of Ministers on 11 July 2002 at the 804th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies.
General Assembly resolution 60/288.
General Assembly resolution 60/288, annex, section IV, para. 4.
The criminal justice response to terrorism is therefore essentially framed by national law,
which itself must comply with various aspects of international law. There are several
components of international law that are directly relevant to the criminal justice response
to terrorism. In addition to treaty-based obligations stemming from their ratification of
the universal legal instruments against terrorism and several legally binding obligations
imposed through the relevant Security Council resolutions on counter-terrorism, States
also have a number of legal obligations under other branches of international law, including
international human rights, humanitarian, refugee and customary law. These legal regimes
are complementary bodies of law that share a common goal, namely, the protection of
the lives, health and dignity of persons. While international humanitarian law applies only
in times of armed conflict, human rights law applies at all times: in times of peace and
in times of armed conflict. The concurrent application of these two bodies of law has
been expressly recognized by various international tribunals and national courts.14 More
detailed information on the various relevant aspects of international law, including inter-
national criminal law, international humanitarian law, international refugee law and
international human rights law will also be made available in the UNODC publication,
currently in preparation, on frequently asked questions on international law aspects of
countering terrorism.
It is the responsibility of all practitioners to ensure that criminal justice practices are
in compliance with national law and applicable international law. Monitoring that
compliance—and taking action to address non-compliance—typically falls within the ambit
of legal judicial institutions (including the defence bar and prosecution services) and
various institutional oversight mechanisms. Civil society and public media must also
remain vigilant and assume their own responsibility in this regard.
The International Criminal Court, created in 1998 by the Treaty of Rome, is granted jurisdiction over
the crime of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression. Jurisdiction over acts
of terrorism was rejected during the negotiations that resulted in the Court’s creation.
Emanuela-Chiara Gillard, ICRC Legal Adviser, International Committee of the Red Cross, statement
at the International Association of Refugee Law Judges World Conference, held in Stockholm on 21-23 April
However, the lack of a broad definition of terrorism does not present a legal challenge to
practitioners. Since 1963, the international community has elaborated a comprehensive
set of universal legal instruments to prevent terrorist acts. They consist of more than a
dozen conventions and protocols covering almost every conceivable kind of terrorist act.
Those legal instruments (16 in total as of 2008), together with several Security Council
resolutions relating to terrorism (most notably, resolutions 1267 (1999), 1373 (2001) and
1540 (2004), see below), make up what is commonly referred to as the universal legal
regime against terrorism.
The universal legal instruments were developed under the auspices of the United Nations
and its specialized agencies, in particular the International Civil Aviation Organization,
the International Maritime Organization and the International Atomic Energy Agency,
and are open to participation by all Member States. They are based on a condemnation
of international terrorism as endangering international security and world peace. The most
recent instruments were adopted in 2005 in the form of substantive changes to three
of first 13 instruments, including the Amendment to the Convention on the Physical
Protection of Nuclear Material17 and amendments to both the Protocol of 2005 to
the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime
General Assembly resolution 49/60, annex.
Security Council resolution 1566 (2004), para. 3.
Adopted on 8 July 2005 by the Conference to Consider and Adopt Proposed Amendments to the
Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material.
Navigation18 and the Protocol of 2005 to the Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful
Acts against the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on the Continental Shelf.19
These instruments create, inter alia, obligations for States parties to adopt substantive
criminal and procedural criminal law measures to counter various acts of terrorism, as
well as administrative measures to combat the financing of terrorism. The goal of these
instruments is to ensure that criminal justice practitioners are equipped with effective
mechanisms to lawfully prevent and punish acts of terrorism. These measures are designed
to have both a preventive and a dissuasive impact on terrorism.
In some instances, the universal instruments expressly require compliance with various
aspects of human rights law. The International Convention for the Suppression of the
Financing of Terrorism,20 for example, includes several such requirements as well as an
article (art. 21) that makes it clear that the Convention does not affect other rights, obli-
gations and responsibilities of States under international law.
The universal instruments do not define terrorist offences as crimes under international
law. They simply create an obligation for States parties to criminalize the offences in
question under their domestic law, exercise jurisdiction over offenders under prescribed
conditions and provide for international cooperation mechanisms that enable States parties
to either prosecute or extradite the alleged offender.
Adopted on 14 October 2005 by the Diplomatic Conference on the Revision of the SUA Treaties (LEG/
Adopted on 14 October 2005 by the Diplomatic Conference on the Revision of the SUA Treaties (LEG/
United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2178, No. 38349.
1963 Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed On Board Aircraft
앫 Authorizes the aircraft commander to impose reasonable measures, including restraint, on any
person he or she has reason to believe has committed or is about to commit such an act, where
necessary to protect the safety of the aircraft.
앫 Requires contracting States to take custody of offenders and to return control of the aircraft to the
lawful commander.
앫 Makes it an offence for any person on board an aircraft in flight to “unlawfully, by force or threat
thereof, or any other form of intimidation, [to] seize or exercise control of that aircraft” or to
attempt to do so.
앫 Requires parties that have custody of offenders to either extradite the offender or submit the case
for prosecution.
앫 Requires parties to assist each other in connection with criminal proceedings brought under the
1971 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation
앫 Makes it an offence for any person unlawfully and intentionally to perform an act of violence
against a person on board an aircraft in flight, if that act is likely to endanger the safety of the
aircraft; to place an explosive device on an aircraft; to attempt such acts; or to be an accomplice of
a person who performs or attempts to perform such acts.
앫 Requires parties that have custody of offenders to either extradite the offender or submit the case
for prosecution.
1973 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons,
including Diplomatic Agents
앫 Defines an “internationally protected person” as a Head of State, Minister for Foreign Affairs, rep-
resentative or official of a State or international organization who is entitled to special protection
in a foreign State, and his or her family.
앫 Requires parties to criminalize and make punishable “by appropriate penalties which take into
account their grave nature” the intentional murder, kidnapping or other attack upon the person or
liberty of an internationally protected person, a violent attack upon the official premises, the
private accommodations or the means of transport of such person; a threat or attempt to commit
such an attack; and an act “constituting participation as an accomplice”
앫 Provides that “any person who seizes or detains and threatens to kill, to injure or to continue to
detain another person in order to compel a third party, namely, a State, an international inter-
governmental organization, a natural or juridical person, or a group of persons, to do or abstain
from doing any act as an explicit or implicit condition for the release of the hostage commits the
offence of taking of hostages within the meaning of this Convention”.
앫 Criminalizes the unlawful possession, use, transfer or theft of nuclear material and threats to use
nuclear material to cause death, serious injury or substantial property damage.
앫 Amendments to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material add the following:
Make it legally binding for States parties to protect nuclear facilities and material in peaceful
domestic use, storage and transport;
Provides for expanded cooperation between and among States regarding rapid measures to
locate and recover stolen or smuggled nuclear material, mitigate any radiological consequences
or sabotage and prevent and combat related offences.
1988 Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil
Aviation, supplementary to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety
of Civil Aviation
앫 Extends the provisions of the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of
Civil Aviation to encompass terrorist acts at airports serving international civil aviation.
1988 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation
앫 Establishes a legal regime applicable to acts against the safety of international maritime navigation
that is similar to the regimes established for international aviation.
앫 Makes it an offence for a person unlawfully and intentionally to seize or exercise control over a ship
by force, threat or intimidation; to perform an act of violence against a person on board a ship if
that act is likely to endanger the safe navigation of the ship; to place a destructive device or
substance aboard a ship; or commit other acts against the safety of ships.
앫 The Protocol of 2005 to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety
of Maritime Navigation criminalizes the use of a ship to further an act of terrorism; the transport
of various materials with the knowledge or intent that they will be used to cause death or seri-
ous injury or damage; the transport on board a ship of persons who have committed an act of
1988 Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on the
Continental Shelf
앫 Establishes a legal regime applicable to acts against fixed platforms on the continental shelf that is
similar to the regimes established against international aviation.
앫 The Protocol of 2005 to the Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of
Fixed Platforms Located on the Continental Shelf adapted the changes to the Convention for the
Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation to the context of fixed
platforms located on the continental shelf.
1991 Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection
앫 Designed to control and limit the use of unmarked and undetectable plastic explosives (negotiated
subsequent to the 1988 bombing of Pan Am flight 103).
앫 Parties are obligated to ensure effective control, in their respective territories, over “unmarked
plastic explosives”.
앫 Creates a regime of expanded jurisdiction over the unlawful and intentional use of explosives and
other lethal devices in, into or against various defined public places with intent to kill or cause seri-
ous bodily injury, or with intent to cause extensive destruction of the public place.
앫 Requires parties to take steps to prevent and counteract the direct and indirect financing of
앫 Commits States to hold those who finance terrorism criminally, civilly or administratively liable for
such acts.
앫 Provides for the identification, freezing and seizure of funds allocated for terrorist activities, as well
as for the sharing of the forfeited funds with other States on a case-by-case basis. Bank secrecy is no
longer adequate justification for refusing to cooperate.
앫 Covers a broad range of acts and possible targets including nuclear power plants and nuclear
앫 Covers threats and attempts to commit such crimes or to participate in them as an accomplice.
앫 Encourages States to cooperate in preventing terrorist attacks by sharing information and assisting
each other in connection with criminal investigations and extradition proceedings.
앫 Deals with both crisis situations (assisting States to solve the situation) and post-crisis situations
(rendering nuclear material safe through the International Atomic Energy Agency).
Another core part of the global legal regime to counter terrorism is a series of
Security Council resolutions relating to terrorism, many of which were adopted under the
authority of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, which empowers the
Security Council to adopt resolutions that are legally binding on all United Nations
Member States.
Most prominent among those resolutions is resolution 1373 (2001), adopted immediately
following the terrorist attacks on the United States of America on 11 September 2001,
which imposes extensive counter-terrorism legal obligations on all States. Its binding pro-
visions require every country to freeze the financial assets of those who commit or attempt
to commit acts of terrorism and their supporters, deny them travel or safe haven and
prevent terrorist recruitment and weapons supply. In its resolution, the Council also estab-
lished that all States shall “ensure that any person who participates in the financing,
planning, preparation or perpetration of terrorist acts or in supporting terrorist acts is
brought to justice and ensure that, in addition to any other measures against them, such
terrorist acts are established as serious criminal offences in domestic laws and regulations
and that the punishment duly reflects the seriousness of such terrorist acts”.21
Furthermore, resolution 1373 (2001) obliges countries to afford one another “the greatest
measure of assistance” in investigating and prosecuting terrorist acts and calls upon Mem-
ber States to sign and ratify the international conventions and protocols against terrorism.
In resolution 1373 (2001), the Council also created the Counter-Terrorism Committee.
Later, the Security Council, through resolution 1535 (2004), established the Counter-
Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate to support the work of the Committee.
Security Council resolution 1373 (2001) was preceded and followed up by several other
Council resolutions relating to terrorism, including resolutions 1267 (1999), 1456 (2003),
Security Council resolution 1373 (2001), para. 2 (e).
1535 (2004), 1540 (2004) and 1566 (2004). Resolution 1267 (1999) deals with the
imposition of sanctions against the Taliban and Al-Qaida (including freezing of assets, an
arms embargo and a travel ban). It has subsequently been followed up and expanded by
resolutions 1333 (2000), 1390 (2002), 1455 (2003), 1526 (2004), 1617 (2005), 1735
(2006) and 1822 (2008).
On 28 April 2004, the Security Council adopted resolution 1540 (2004) under Chapter
VII of the Charter of the United Nations, obliging States, inter alia, to refrain from sup-
porting by any means non-State actors that attempt to develop, acquire, manufacture,
possess, transport, transfer or use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons and their deliv-
ery systems. In resolution 1540 (2004) the Council imposed binding obligations on all
States to establish domestic controls to prevent the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and
biological weapons and their means of delivery, including by establishing appropriate
controls over related materials.
In summary, the legal regime created by the universal instruments and relevant Security
Council resolutions on counter-terrorism offers a wide array of criminal justice tools to
address serious crimes committed by terrorists. It is based on the premise that perpetra-
tors of terrorist crimes should be brought to trial by their national Governments or should
be extradited to a country willing to bring them to trial. The well-known principle of aut
dedere, aut judicare (extradite or prosecute) is meant to make the world inhospitable to
terrorists (and those who finance and support them) by denying them safe havens. The
regime also provides the legal framework for terrorism prevention through deterrence and
a context for pursuing other prevention measures in conformity with the rule of law.
The international community has come to recognize how hindered domestic authorities
are when they confront criminals and terrorists who conduct their illegal activities in
situations in which national borders serve as insulation from investigation and prosecution.
The universal instruments against terrorism provide essential tools for extradition and
mutual legal assistance that enable national authorities to cooperate with each other to
ensure that there are no safe havens for terrorist suspects protecting them from
prosecution and extradition.
The Security Council, in its resolution 1373 (2001) called upon States to increase coop-
eration and fully implement the relevant international conventions and protocols (para. 3
(e)) and decided that States shall deny safe haven to those who finance, plan, support or
commit terrorist acts, or provide safe havens (para. 2 (c)). The resolution also requires
States to afford one another the greatest measure of assistance in connection with criminal
investigations or criminal proceedings relating to the financing or support of terrorist acts,
including assistance in obtaining evidence in their possession necessary for proceedings
(para. 2 (f)).
Indeed, the need for international cooperation in the fight against terrorism has been
reiterated in numerous international instruments and declarations. The United Nations
Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy enumerates the many levels on which that cooperation
must take place and highlights the various commitments of Member States in working
together to combat terrorism. The Strategy expresses the international community’s resolve
to cooperate fully in the fight against terrorism, in accordance with its obligations under
international law, in order to find, deny safe haven and bring to justice, on the basis of
the principle of extradite or prosecute, any person who supports, facilitates, participates
or attempts to participate in the financing, planning, preparation or perpetration of
terrorist acts or provides safe havens. In the Strategy, Member States resolve to undertake
the following measures:
All these measures require a sufficient criminal justice capacity to engage in various forms
of international cooperation in a way that complies with new international standards.
Developing such a capacity may involve legal reforms, the introduction of complex pro-
cedural reforms and, generally, the development of a much greater investigation and
prosecution capacity at the national level as well as the strengthening of the capacity to
cooperate at the international level.
The main mechanisms supporting international cooperation are mutual legal assistance,
extradition, transfer of prisoners, transfer of proceedings in criminal matters, international
United Nations, Treaty Series, vols. 2225, 2237, 2241 and 2326, No. 39574.
cooperation for the purposes of confiscation of criminal proceeds and asset recovery. These
mechanisms, while essentially governed by domestic law, are supported by regional or
international agreements or arrangements, including the universal legal instruments against
terrorism, the Organized Crime Convention and the United Nations Convention against
Corruption.23 All these mechanisms are evolving rapidly to keep pace with new technolo-
gies. That evolution reflects the new determination of Member States to work more closely
with each other to face the growing threats of organized crime, corruption and
Terrorism therefore needs to be countered with all the legitimate means at the disposal
of the State. Yet, counter-terrorism measures that ignore or damage human rights are
self-defeating and unacceptable in a society guided by the rule of law and democratic
values. Human rights are universal values and legal guarantees that protect individuals
and groups against actions and omissions, caused primarily by State action, that interfere
with fundamental freedoms, entitlements and human dignity. Human rights are universal,
interdependent and indivisible. Counter-terrorism efforts and enforceable human rights
standards are not only compatible; they are mutually reinforcing.
“Upholding human rights is not at odds with battling terrorism: on the contrary, the moral
vision of human rights—the deep respect for the dignity of each person—is among our most
powerful weapons against it.”
Former Secretary-General
Kofi Annan, September 2003
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights25 is built on the fundamental principle that
human rights are based on the “inherent dignity … of all members of the human family”
and are the “foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world”. Security of the
individual is a basic human right and, accordingly, the protection of individuals is a fun-
damental obligation of Governments. Article 3 of the Declaration states that “Everyone
Ibid., vol. 2349, No. 42146.
See also M. Joutsen, “The Evolution of Cooperation in Criminal Matters within the European Union:
the Record so Far”, in K. Aromaa and T. Viljanen (eds.), International Key Issues in Crime Prevention and Criminal
Justice (Helsinki, HEUNI, 2006), pp. 67-91.
General Assembly resolution 217 A (III).
has the right to life, liberty and security of person”. The International Covenant on Civil
and Political Rights26 provides, in its article 6, that “Every human being has the inherent
right to life. This right shall be protected by law. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of
his life.”
The two principal instruments deriving from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
are the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International
Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.27 The two covenants were adopted
in 1966 and entered into force in 1976.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has inspired a number of other human rights
conventions. They include conventions to prevent and prohibit specific abuses such as
racism (the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial
Discrimination28) and torture (the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman
or Degrading Treatment or Punishment29). Other instruments have been adopted to protect
especially vulnerable populations or classes of persons, such as the Convention relating
to the Status of Refugees.30
United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 999, No. 14668.
General Assembly resolution 2200 A (XXI), annex.
United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 660, No. 9464.
Ibid., vol. 1465, No. 24841.
Ibid., vol. 189, No. 2545.
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights details the basic civil and politi-
cal rights of individuals, and duties attached to the State, including the following:
The Covenant forbids torture and inhuman or degrading treatment, slavery, arbitrary
arrest and detention and propaganda advocating either war or hatred based on race, reli-
gion, national origin or language. It prohibits discrimination on any basis, such as race,
sex, colour, national origin or language.
In the case of human rights treaties, States parties to a particular treaty have obligations
under that treaty. However, international human rights law is not limited to the enumera-
tion of rights within treaties. It also includes rights and freedoms that have become part
of customary international law, which means that they bind all States, whether or not they
are party to a particular treaty. For example, many of the rights set out in the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, as well as some of the rights defined in the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, reflect norms of customary international law.
Customary international law is an important source of law. It is particularly relevant as
it relates to human rights law as well as counter-terrorism. It consists of
rules of law derived from the consistent conduct of States acting out of the belief
that the law required them to act that way. It results from a general and consistent
practice of States followed out of a sense of legal obligation, so much so that it
becomes custom. Customary international law must be derived from a clear consensus
among States as exhibited both by widespread conduct and a discernible sense of
The notion of ius cogens refers to particular elements of customary international law based
on a principle of international law that are so fundamental that no State may opt out by
way of treaty or otherwise. In other words, they are regarded as being peremptory in
nature and as enjoying a non-derogable character. The prohibitions against torture, slavery,
genocide, racial discrimination and crimes against humanity are widely recognized as
peremptory norms.
The adoption of many human rights instruments has led to the establishment of special
monitoring bodies with a mandate to receive and investigate complaints of violations of
individual rights and to adjudicate or at least report on them. For instance, a Special
Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Office for Democratic Institutions and Human
Rights, Countering Terrorism, Protecting Human Rights: a Manual (Warsaw, ODIHR, 2007), p. 55.
while countering terrorism was given a mandate under the Human Rights Council to
investigate and report on the causes and consequences of violations of human rights in
relation to counter-terrorism measures. National and regional mechanisms have also been
established to respond to alleged violations.
A number of the guarantees contained in the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights and other human rights treaties relate, in one way or another, to counter-terrorism
measures. Ensuring both the protection of human rights and the effective use of counter-
terrorism measures often raises some practical challenges. Several of those challenges as
they relate to the criminal justice system are considered in part three of the present
Handbook. There is, however, enough flexibility within the international human rights legal
framework to deal with those complex issues. For example, in exceptional circumstances,
a State may lawfully impose some restrictions upon the enjoyment of certain human rights.
Human rights law creates a possibility of recourse to limitations in relation to certain
rights and, in a very limited set of circumstances, of derogating from certain human rights
States may legitimately limit the exercise of certain rights. For example, when necessary
in a democratic society, the exercise of freedom of expression, freedom of association or
freedom of assembly may be legitimately limited by a State in the pursuit of a legitimate
purpose, as long as that limitation respects certain conditions. The right to liberty is
another example of a limited right. The right is asserted in the International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights in a way that also spells out specific limits that may apply.
The principles of necessity and proportionality must be respected.
The permissible legitimate purposes for limiting the exercise of certain rights may include
national security, public safety, public order, health, morals and the human rights and
freedoms of others. In cases involving terrorist threats, public safety and/or national security
are the purposes most likely to be invoked to justify measures limiting certain rights.
In time of public emergency which threatens the life of the nation and the existence
of which is officially proclaimed, the States Parties to the present Covenant may take
measures derogating from their obligations under the present Covenant to the extent
strictly required by the exigencies of the situation, provided that such measures are
not inconsistent with their other obligations under international law and do not
involve discrimination solely on the ground of race, colour, sex, language, religion
or social origin.
Under the Covenant, the mere presence of a terrorist threat does not necessarily constitute
a “public emergency”. Emergencies must therefore be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
The provisions of the Covenant allowing for certain derogations in a public emergency
are to be interpreted restrictively. The derogation is an authorized and limited prerogative
of a State in order to allow it to respond adequately to a threat to the life of the nation.
The derogating State must still justify its actions under law.
Any derogation under article 4, paragraph 1, of the Covenant must be necessary and
proportional. As stated in article 4, any derogation of rights in times of emergency may
be only “to the extent strictly required by the exigencies of the situation”. Key to that
requirement is the temporary nature of any derogation and the obligation of States to
restore normalcy as quickly as possible.
A State party derogating from its obligations under the Covenant must make an official
proclamation of the existence of the public emergency threatening the life of the nation
and immediately notify other States parties to the Covenant. Procedures should exist
under national law for the proclamation of a state of emergency.
However, there are certain human rights set out in international treaties that cannot be
derogated from, not even in situations of a “public emergency which threatens the life of
the nation”. Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Covenant identifies the following non-derogable
rights: the right to life; the prohibition of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading
treatment or punishment; the prohibition against slavery and servitude; freedom from
imprisonment for failure to fulfil a contract; freedom from retrospective penalties; the right
to be recognized as a person before the law; and freedom of thought, conscience and
Article 7
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Article 8
No one shall be held in slavery; slavery and the slave-trade in all their forms shall be prohibited. No one
shall be held in servitude. No one shall be required to perform forced or compulsory labour.
Article 11
No one shall be imprisoned merely on the ground of inability to fulfil a contractual obligation.
Article 15
No one shall be held guilty of any criminal offence on account of any act or omission which did not
constitute a criminal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was
Article 16
Everyone shall have the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.
Article 18
Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Freedom to manifest
one’s religion or beliefs may be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are
necessary to protect public safety, order, health, or morals or the fundamental rights and freedoms of
The Human Rights Committee of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner
for Human Rights has also identified rights and freedoms under customary international
law that may not be derogated from, including the following:
앫 The right of all persons deprived of their liberty to be treated with humanity and
with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person;
앫 The prohibitions against abductions and unacknowledged detentions; the interna-
tional protection of the rights of persons belonging to minorities;
앫 The deportation or forcible transfer of populations without grounds recognized
under international law; the prohibition against taking hostages;
In its resolution 60/158 of 16 December 2005, the General Assembly reaffirmed the
obligation of States, in accordance with article 4 of the International Covenant on Civil
and Political Rights, to respect certain rights as non-derogable in any circumstances. The
Assembly recalled, in regard to all other Covenant rights, that any measures derogating
from the provisions of the Covenant must be in accordance with that article in all cases,
and underlined the exceptional and temporary nature of any such derogations. The Assem-
bly called upon States to raise awareness about the importance of these obligations among
national authorities involved in combating terrorism.
In its resolution 60/158, the General Assembly also urged States to fully respect non-
refoulement obligations under international refugee and human rights law and, at the
same time, to review, with full respect for those obligations and other legal safeguards,
the validity of a refugee status decision in an individual case if credible and relevant
evidence comes to light that indicates that the person in question has committed any
criminal acts, including terrorist acts, falling under the exclusion clauses under inter-
national refugee law.
Article 1 of the Charter of the United Nations states that one of the purposes of the
United Nations is to achieve international cooperation in promoting and encouraging
respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to
race, sex, language or religion. Principles of equality and non-discrimination are essential
to combating and preventing terrorism. The need to counter terrorism should not become
a pretext for allowing discrimination and intolerance to flourish.
Care must be taken to ensure that counter-terrorism measures do not amount to a form
of discrimination. The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination of the
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has issued a state-
ment recalling that the prohibition of racial discrimination is a peremptory norm of inter-
national law from which no derogation is permitted, and requesting States and interna-
tional organizations to ensure that counter-terrorism measures do not discriminate, in
purpose or effect, on grounds of race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin.
In 2001, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
issued a statement containing the following observation:
Any discussion on security safeguards should start from the assumption that refugees
are themselves escaping persecution and violence, including terrorist acts, and are
not the perpetrators of such acts. Another starting point is that the international
refugee instruments do not provide a safe haven to terrorists and do not protect
them from criminal prosecution. On the contrary, they render the identification of
persons engaged in terrorist activities possible and necessary, foresee their exclusion
from refugee status and do not shield them against either criminal prosecution or
European Commission against Racism and Intolerance General Policy Recommendation No. 8, on
combating racism while fighting terrorism, adopted on 17 March 2004.
United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 606, No. 8791.
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, “Addressing security concerns without
undermining refugee protection: UNHCR’s perspective”, statement issued on 29 November 2001; available at
There should be no avenue for terrorists to secure access to territory, whether to find a
safe haven, avoid prosecution or to carry out further attacks. Security Council resolution
1373 (2001) touches upon a number of issues related to immigration and refugee status.
States are required to prevent the movement of terrorists by implementing effective border
controls and to take measures to secure the integrity of identity papers and travel docu-
ments (para. 2 (g)). States are also called upon to take measures to ensure that refugee
status is not granted to asylum seekers who have planned, facilitated or participated in
terrorist acts (para. 3 (f)) and to ensure that refugee status is not abused by perpetrators,
organizers or facilitators of terrorist acts.
Those requirements do not create new obligations under international refugee law. They
simply recognize that appropriate mechanisms need to be put in place in the field of
asylum, as they have been in other fields. At the same time, care should be taken to ensure
a proper balance with the principles of refugee protection. All persons have a right to
seek asylum. Public safety and security measures should not have the effect of criminal-
izing refugees. The Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, when properly imple-
mented, is sufficient to ensure that international refugee protection is not extended to
those who have induced, facilitated or perpetrated serious crimes, a category that includes
terrorist acts.
“Equating asylum with a safe haven for terrorists is not only legally wrong and thus far
unsupported by facts, but it serves to vilify refugees in the public mind and promotes the
singling out of persons of particular races or religions for discrimination and hate-based
“Since 11 September, a number of immigrant and refugee communities have suffered attacks
and harassment based on perceived ethnicity or religion, heightening social tensions. While
there are some asylum-seekers and refugees who have been, or will be, associated with serious
crime, this does not mean that the majority should be damned by association with the few.”
UNHCR Guidelines on International Protection: Application of the Exclusion Clauses: Article 1F of
the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (HCR/GIP/03/05).
Since issues of exclusion can be complicated, UNHCR advocates that they should continue
to be dealt with through the regular asylum procedure, which allows for a full factual and
legal assessment of the individual case by qualified personnel. According to UNHCR:
Non-admission at borders and barring access to the asylum procedure not only
endangers bona fide asylum-seekers but could serve, ironically, as an incentive to
terrorism by encouraging those involved to seek entry through illegal means, thereby
removing the possibility of identification through the interview process accompanying
asylum adjudications.34
Finally, when a person has already been granted refugee status, that status may be can-
celled where there are grounds for considering that the person should not have been
granted such a status at the time of the decision. For instance, the individual may not
have met the inclusion criteria at the time that the decision was made, or an exclusion
clause of the Convention should have been applied; this can obviously include evidence
that the person was involved in a terrorist conspiracy.
Expulsion of refugees
Expulsion and exclusion are two different processes. Excluded persons do not deserve
international refugee protection. They are excluded from refugee status because of the
severity of crimes that they have committed in the past. It protects the institution of
asylum from abuse. Expulsion is a different matter: it deals with the danger that a refugee
may constitute to the country of refuge.
International law, in particular articles 32 and 33, paragraph 2, of the Convention relating
to the Status of Refugees provide for the expulsion of recognized refugees on “grounds
of national security or public order”. Expulsion aims to protect the country of refuge and
hinges on the appreciation of a present or future threat. However, expulsion or return
(“refoulement”) of refugees in any manner whatsoever to the frontiers of territories where
their life or freedom would be threatened on account of race, religion, nationality, mem-
bership of a particular social group or political opinion is not permitted under the Con-
vention (art. 33, para. 1).
UNHCR has expressed a concern that States may be inclined to expel groups or
individuals based on religious, ethnic or national origin, or political affiliation, on the mere
assumption that they may be involved in terrorism. Expulsion decisions must be reached
in accordance with a due process of law that substantiates the security threat and allows
the individual to provide any evidence that might counter the allegations. Article 32, para-
graph 2, of the Convention states that “except where compelling reasons of national
security otherwise require, the refugee shall be allowed to submit evidence to clear himself,
and to appeal to and be represented for the purpose before competent authority or a
person or persons specially designated by the competent authority”.
It should be noted that the two Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions specifi-
cally prohibit acts or threats of violence the primary purpose of which is to spread terror
among the civilian population.43
United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 75, Nos. 970-973.
United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1125, Nos. 17512 and 17513.
Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May
Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects (United Nations, Treaty Series, vol.
1342, No. 22495).
United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 249, No. 3511.
United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2187, No. 38544.
United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1316, No. 21931.
Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection
of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I) of 8 June 1977, art. 75, para. 2 (c); and Protocol
Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-
International Armed Conflicts (Protocol II) of 8 June 1977, art. 4, para. 2 (c).
Protocol I, art. 51, para. 2; Protocol II, art. 13, para. 2.
Many of the international conventions and protocols related to the prevention and
suppression of terrorism contain clauses of exception in relation to the military and times
of war, stating that activities of armed forces during an armed conflict, governed by inter-
national humanitarian law, are not governed by the conventions. Article 19, paragraph 2,
of the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings,44 for example,
states the following:
The activities of armed forces during an armed conflict, as those terms are under-
stood under international humanitarian law, which are governed by that law, are not
governed by this Convention, and the activities undertaken by military forces of a
State in the exercise of their official duties, inasmuch as they are governed by other
rules of international law, are not governed by this Convention.
It should be understood that the application of international humanitarian law does not
in any way prevent or obstruct a criminal justice response to terrorist acts, including the
criminalization of incitement, conspiracy and the financing of terrorist acts. It does not
prevent offenders from being held accountable by the criminal justice system. The Inter-
national Committee of the Red Cross has frequently reaffirmed that compliance with
international humanitarian law is in no manner an obstacle to the struggle against terror-
ism. In fact, full respect for international humanitarian law in counter-terrorism activities
is a positive contribution to the eradication of terrorism.
In paragraph 4 of its resolution 1373 (2001), the Security Council noted with concern
the close connection between international terrorism and transnational organized crime,
illicit drugs, money-laundering, illegal arms-trafficking, and illegal movement of nuclear,
chemical, biological and other potentially deadly materials. That and other political state-
ments referred to the possibility that alliances and various types of complicity and
collaboration existed or might be formed between terrorist groups and conventional crimi-
nal organizations. Some have argued that those fears are exaggerated, while others claim
that the threat is very real. The debate has received a considerable amount of attention
both within and outside the United Nations.
Notwithstanding the debate about the nature of the link between organized crime and
terrorism, it has become quite clear that Member States believe that they can strengthen
their actions against terrorism by focusing their attention on other forms of criminal activity
that precede or accompany terrorist crimes.
United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2149, No. 37517.
There are, at minimum, two ways in which terrorists tend to be instrumentally involved
in common criminality. First, in the absence of other financial means, terrorists become
involved in various forms of lucrative conventional crimes, acquisitive or predatory, in
order to support themselves and finance their main activities. Second, in the absence of
normal access to some of the means that they require to conduct their terrorist activities,
terrorists become involved in various crimes in order to procure such means. Various forms
of human exploitation and conventional crime, including participating in and exploiting
various illicit markets, become prerequisites for the conduct of successful terrorist
Those are some of the reasons why it is increasingly important to try to better understand
the manner in which terrorist organizations support their activities through the commis-
sion of other crimes. Ultimately, the objective is to develop strategies to prevent and
disrupt such criminal activities in order to prevent terrorism.
In building the capacity of their own criminal justice systems to combat terrorism, States
must keep in mind that terrorist groups are frequently involved in various forms of crime
and that their conspiracies can sometimes be thwarted and effectively disrupted by focus-
ing on related criminal activities. Furthermore, it does not make much sense for a State
to attempt to build the capacity of its justice system to fight terrorism while ignoring the
many other major challenges, including transnational organized crime and corruption, that
these same systems must address at the same time.
One should note that many of the proven methods and strategies for combating organized
crime are also relevant to the fight against terrorism. That makes sense for the following
reasons: the intent and purposes of terrorist groups are criminal in nature;
terrorist acts are crimes; terrorist groups frequently engage in criminal activities that are
not in themselves “terrorist” in nature but that are nevertheless essential to the success
of their enterprises; and the methods that the two types of groups—terrorists and
organized criminal groups—use to intimidate people and to obstruct justice are often
indistinguishable from each other.
In that context, experts agree that full use should be made of all appropriate international
instruments to prevent and prosecute terrorism-related crimes. In particular, Member
States can consider availing themselves of the mutual legal assistance and extradition
provisions of those instruments, and of the dispositions and the international cooperation
regime established by the States parties to the Organized Crime Convention and the
Convention against Corruption.
Part two
Key components of an
effective criminal justice
response to terrorism
I. Introduction
An effective rule of law-based criminal justice response to terrorism involves more than
the mere ratification and implementation of the universal instruments against terrorism.
In addition to the appropriate laws, policies and practices, criminal justice practitioners
need ongoing capacity-building and specialized training to enable them to respond effec-
tively to the increasingly complex nature of terrorist crimes.
Developing the capacity of a State’s criminal justice system to respond to terrorism requires
an approach that is integrated, coherent, sector-wide, human rights-based and sustainable.
It is clear that an effective response to terrorism requires a justice system capable of
functioning in an integrated fashion and relying on the strong contribution of all of its
components, from the police, to the prosecution and defence bar, to the judiciary and
the correctional system. States require a comprehensive capacity-building approach, which
may involve law reform initiatives, increasing the overall capacity of justice institutions,
increasing public credibility of these institutions and curbing corruption. Effective co-
ordination horizontally, across the system, remains one of the essential preconditions to
the success of any such initiative.45
Since its foundation, the United Nations has been active in the development and promo-
tion of internationally recognized principles in crime prevention and criminal justice. Those
standards and norms, which will be referred to extensively in the present guide, have
contributed substantially to the promotion of more effective and fair criminal justice
measures.46 They can be utilized at the national level by fostering in-depth assessments
leading to the adoption of necessary criminal justice reforms. They can help design national
strategies for legal reform and for strengthening the rule of law. In effect, they also con-
stitute best practices that can be adapted by States to meet national needs and reflect
local circumstances. Part two of the Handbook considers some of the major challenges
and issues faced by each component of a criminal justice system as part of the effort of
responding to terrorism. It contains six chapters, dealing, respectively, with the issues and
challenges encountered by policymakers and legislators, law enforcement agencies, legal
counsel and the Bar, the prosecutors, the judiciary and the correctional systems. Applicable
norms and standards are reviewed, and the adaptations of the system that may be neces-
sitated by the special challenges associated with the prevention of terrorism are
M. Shaw and Y. Dandurand (eds.), Maximizing the Effectiveness of the Technical Assistance Provided in the
Fields of Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (Helsinki, HEUNI, 2006).
See the Compendium of United Nations Standards and Norms in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
(New York, 2006).
II. Role of policymakers and legislators
Policymakers and legislators must provide the policy and legal frameworks within which
the criminal justice system exercises its counter-terrorism function. International law pro-
vides guidance for policy development and articulates the many obligations of States with
respect to international cooperation, upholding the rule of law and protecting fundamental
rights and freedoms.
This chapter of the Handbook examines the requirement for the legislative incorporation
of international obligations, including the requirement to criminalize various types of
conduct. It also refers to the need to periodically review legislation, together with its
underlying policy framework, to ensure that they achieve their purposes with respect for
the rule of law and human rights principles.
With respect to a State’s formal obligations under the universal legal regime against
terrorism, the State, following the ratification of the universal instruments, must proceed
with their legislative incorporation based on a comprehensive review of its existing national
law. This is necessary not only for the effective implementation of counter-terrorism meas-
ures but also for creating the legal basis to guide the work of criminal justice
Some States, because of domestic law or as a matter of policy, will not adopt a treaty
until legislation is in place that permits the fulfilment of all its international obligations.
The treaty has no domestic application until implemented by a domestic law. This is often
referred to as the “dualist tradition”, in which international law and domestic law are
considered two separate systems. Legislation is required to introduce the international
obligation into the domestic legal order.
implementation of the treaty. The clearest example of this relates to the criminalization
of various conducts as required by the global instruments against terrorism. None of those
instruments specifies penalties for the offences in question. Domestic legislation is thus
Each State must opt for what it considers the most appropriate implementation
mechanism. When the ratification of the pertinent universal instrument creates a binding
obligation, the legal framework can be established by one of the following means:
앫 A comprehensive review of national criminal law and its relevant provisions,
followed by amending legislation;
앫 The inclusion in a State’s criminal law of a special section of its criminal code;
sometimes, this a good option for a State that has the intention of undertaking
broader reforms to its criminal law;
앫 The adoption of an autonomous law containing all the elements required by inter-
national conventions.
The third option may appear as the simplest and most attractive solution but may eventu-
ally lead to difficulties of implementation and interpretation if insufficient efforts are made
to ensure that the new law is fully congruent with other national legislation.
The Terrorism Prevention Branch of UNODC has produced two guides for use by policy-
makers, legal drafters and legislators: the updated Legislative Guide to the Universal Legal
Regime against Terrorism47 and the Guide for the Legislative Incorporation and Implementation
of the Universal Anti-Terrorism Instruments.48 The Commonwealth Secretariat has also
produced two useful tools to help policymakers plan the legislative implementation of the
universal conventions against terrorism: the Model Legislative Provisions on Measures to
Combat Terrorism and the Implementation Kits for the International Counter-Terrorism
B. Criminalization
Effective criminalization of various acts associated with terrorist activities is a prerequisite
to intervention by the criminal justice system. Criminalization is not only a legal obliga-
tion for States parties to the various instruments against terrorism but also a prerequisite
for effective international cooperation. States parties are expected to establish under their
domestic law a number of offences called for by the conventions and protocols relating
to terrorism and other related forms of crime. They must also ensure that those offences
are punishable by appropriate penalties that take into account the gravity of the offences.
States must define the material and mental elements of the offences in accordance with
their general criminal law. While doing so, they must also ensure that the new criminal
law provisions comply with their other obligations under international law, in particular
international human rights, refugee law and humanitarian law.
The universal instruments against terrorism require the criminalization of a certain number
of acts in the areas that they regulate. The table below summarizes some of the offences
that must be established under national law, if they do not already exist. The offences can
be grouped into five categories: (1) offences related to civil aviation; (2) offences based
United Nations publication, Sales No. E.08.V.9.
Available at
on the victim’s status; (3) offences related to dangerous materials; (4) offences related to
vessels, fixed platforms and harbour installations; and (5) offences related to the financing
of terrorism. In addition, both the universal instruments against terrorism and Security
Council resolution 1373 (2001) require the criminalization of certain ancillary offences
relating to the planning and preparation of terrorist acts, as well as participation in those
The issue of the extent of participation that gives rise to criminal liability in relation to
terrorism is essential. The universal instruments require punishment of both the
perpetrators and accomplices of completed or attempted offences and, for specific offences,
persons who organize, direct or threaten to commit terrorist acts.
In the definition of terrorist acts or terrorism-related crimes, States must observe the basic
human rights principle of legality (nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege), which requires
precision and clarity when drafting laws and prohibits the ex post facto adoption of a law
or the retroactive criminalization of a conduct. This principle of general inter-national law
is enshrined and made expressly non-derogable in article 4 of the International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights and the provisions of regional human rights treaties. It pro-
hibits not only the application of ex post facto laws, but also requires that the crimnalized
conduct be described in precise and unambiguous language that narrowly defines the
punishable offence and distinguishes it from conduct that is either not punishable or is
punishable by other penalties. Accordingly, the principle of legality also entails the principle
of certainty, which means that the law must be reasonably predictable in its application
and consequences.
The offences of conspiracy and criminal association are obvious models for preventive
intervention against the planning and preparation of criminal acts. Criminal responsibility
at a time preceding actual violence can be established in law through the continental law
concept of association de malfaiteurs and/or the common law concept of “conspiracy”, both
of which prohibit agreements to commit crime. For these offences to be complete, the
intended harmful act need not be attempted or accomplished, although some laws require
the commission of a preparatory step to carry out the group’s purposes.
Criminalizing conspiracies to commit a terrorist act (even when the terrorist act has not
yet been carried out), depending on the national law and the legal tradition, may raise
all kinds of evidentiary difficulties. However, it is possible to criminalize financial prepara-
tions of terrorist acts, as now required of States parties to the International Convention
for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism. This relatively new approach introduces
a deliberate strategy to permit intervention before a terrorist atrocity has been committed
or attempted. Instead of defining a violent offence that can be punished only if it succeeds
or is attempted, article 2 of the Convention requires the criminalization of the non-violent
financial preparations that precede nearly every terrorist attack.
One must remember that the right to freedom of association is central to a democratic
society; it is a platform for the exercise and defence of other rights, such as political
participation and cultural rights. It is true that the right to freedom of association may
be subject to derogations and limitations under most human rights treaties. However, in
addition to the respect of the principles of necessity and proportionality in limiting these
rights, specific precautions are also important in order to ensure that the limitations in
question are narrowly defined and are not used to limit the rights of legitimate opposition
parties, trade unions or human rights defenders. Any decision to proscribe a group or
association needs to be carried out on a case-by-case basis and must be subject to judicial
Preventing terrorists and terrorist organizations from funding their activities and planned
attacks is an essential component of any successful global counter-terrorism campaign.
International efforts to combat transnational financial crime and terrorist financing have
evolved considerably in recent years. During the 1990s, most of these efforts were spear-
headed by a number of intergovernmental organizations, most notably the Financial Action
Task Force (FATF), the FATF-style regional bodies and the International Monetary
Global efforts to combat terrorist financing were enhanced in 1999 through the Inter-
national Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism. Article 2,
paragraph 1, of the Convention provides that “any person commits an offence within the
meaning of this Convention if that person by any means, directly or indirectly, unlawfully
and wilfully, provides or collects funds with the intention that they should be used or in
the knowledge that they are to be used, in full or in part, in order to carry out [certain
defined acts]”.
According to the Convention’s definition, the mens rea, or element of intention, behind
the financing of terrorism has two aspects: the act must be committed wilfully and the
offender must intend to use the funds to finance acts of terrorism or know that they will
be used for that purpose.
The Convention also obliges States parties to hold legal persons liable under specific
circumstances. Article 5 obliges each State party to take the necessary measures to enable
a legal entity located in its territory or organized under its laws to be held liable when a
person responsible for the management or control of that legal entity has, in that capacity,
committed an offence as set forth in article 2. Such liability may be criminal, civil or
administrative, although recent practice leans more towards establishing criminal corporate
liability whenever possible.49
In the same vein, the Security Council, in paragraph 1 (b) of its resolution 1373 (1999),
required States to criminalize the wilful provision or collection, by any means, directly or
indirectly, of funds by their nationals or in their territories with the intention that the
funds should be used, or in the knowledge that they are to be used, in order to carry out
terrorist acts.
Incitement to terrorism
The Security Council, in its resolution 1624 (2005), called upon all States to adopt such
measures as may be necessary and appropriate and in accordance with their obligations
under international law to:
(a) Prohibit by law incitement to commit a terrorist act or acts;
(b) Prevent such conduct;
(c) Deny safe haven to any persons with respect to whom there is credible and
relevant information giving serious reasons for considering that they have been guilty
of such conduct.
In that resolution, the Security Council also called upon all States to continue international
efforts to enhance dialogue and broaden understanding among civilizations, in an effort
to prevent the indiscriminate targeting of different religions and cultures, and to take all
measures as may be necessary and appropriate and in accordance with their obligations
under international law to counter incitement of terrorist acts motivated by extremism
and intolerance and to prevent the subversion of educational, cultural and religious insti-
tutions by terrorists and their supporters.
The FATF Forty Recommendations on Money-Laundering, recommendation 2 (b).
The Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism provides one model
for analysing the above-mentioned questions. Its article 5, on public provocation to com-
mit a terrorist offence, defines “provocation to commit a terrorist offence”: “the distribu-
tion, or otherwise making available, of a message to the public, with the intent to incite
the commission of a terrorist offence, where such conduct, whether or not directly advo-
cating terrorist offences, causes a danger that one or more such offences may be
None of the criminalized terrorist acts can, under any circumstance, be justified by
considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or other,
similar nature. The corpus of international counter-terrorism instruments rests on an
unequivocal condemnation of this type of crime, with no concession to any possibility of
ideological justification.
C. Procedural law
Criminal procedural law constitutes one of the main safeguards of the rule of law and
offers concrete legal safeguards to the rights of all those who come in contact with the
criminal justice system. It plays the dual role of social protection through the prosecution
process and protection of the accused by permitting the accused to defend himself or
herself. It ensures the reliability of the criminal justice process and, in particular, the
criminal trial, thus ensuring a fair justice system.
Effective action against terrorism may sometimes require specific amendments to proce-
dural law. Such changes are often called for by the universal instruments against terrorism
or are required in order to comply with various other State obligations under international
law. A workable criminal justice response to terrorism almost certainly requires a review
of existing procedural law, including its evidentiary requirements, in order to empower
the criminal justice system to fulfil its security and social protection duties while uphold-
ing its commitment to the rule of law and human rights.
The determination of Member States to take strong action against terrorism has raised a
number of issues in relation to the need to strengthen procedural safeguards to protect
individual rights. In deploying their counter-terrorism strategies, States must continue to
adhere to the rule of law, including the basic principles, standards and obligations under
criminal and constitutional law that define the boundaries of permissible and legitimate
criminal justice activities against terrorism. Those boundaries tend to be articulated to a
large extent in various aspects of criminal procedural law and laws regulating police pow-
ers. Careful attention must therefore be paid when special counter-terrorism laws repre-
senting a departure from criminal law traditions are adopted.
The case law of international courts and tribunals, as well as domestic courts, show that
some counter-terrorism measures have resulted in prolonged detention without charge,
denial of the right to challenge the lawfulness of detention, denial of access to legal
representation, illegal deportations, monitoring of conversation with lawyer, and incom-
municado detention.50
A preventive strategy demands that lawful investigative and evidentiary mechanisms facili-
tate prosecutorial intervention before terrorist tragedies occur, while respecting the pro-
cedural protections embedded in the rule of law. For example, it would be an exercise in
frustration to criminalize planning and preparation for terrorist attacks, and then not to
permit the covert investigative techniques necessary to produce evidence of such plans
and preparations.
Police powers
Police functions, powers and procedures are normally defined and limited by statute.
Relevant legislation may include a police act, a code of criminal procedure and a criminal
code. A police act typically encompasses organizational elements as well as the relevant
powers of a police force, particularly in the public order realm. The police powers relating
to investigation are likely to be found in the domestic criminal procedure code. In many
instances in recent years, some of these powers have been enhanced by special legislation,
often legislation adopted as a result of a terrorist incident or threat.
Countering Terrorism, Protecting Human Rights: a Manual, p. 21.
Some experts argue that many of the investigative powers that Governments could use to
penetrate terrorist organizations and defeat their plans—surveillance, informants, searches,
seizures, wiretaps, arrests, interrogations, detentions—are too tightly restricted by a web
of laws, judicial precedents and administrative rules. They argue that new legis-lation is
necessary to make police powers more flexible and useful while simultaneously setting
boundaries to minimize overuse or abuse.51 (Some of these questions are addressed in
Chapter III, on the role of law enforcement.)
Actions to effectively prevent the financing of terrorist activities require not only the
criminalization of certain conduct, but also implementation of procedures relating to the
freezing, seizing and confiscation provisions as required by the treaty obligations of the
International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism.52 Article 8
of the Convention requires the following of States parties:
“(a) Each State party shall take appropriate measures, in accordance with its
domestic legal principles, for the identification, detection and freezing or seizure of
any funds used or allocated for the purpose of committing the offences set forth in
article 2 as well as the proceeds derived from such offences, for purposes of possible
“(b) Each State party shall take appropriate measures, in accordance with its domes-
tic legal principles, for the forfeiture of funds used or allocated for the purpose of
committing the offences set forth in article 2 and the proceeds derived from such
Unlike the broader freezing obligations under the freezing regimes imposed by the Security
Council (see discussion below), the freezing, seizing and confiscation provisions of the
International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism adopt the
more traditional approach to the confiscation of criminal assets, based on the instrumen-
tality and proceeds of crime principles.
Because terrorist violence is typically committed for ideological purposes rather than for
profit, the Convention is not primarily a reactive tool to forfeit the proceeds of successful
offences. The Convention focuses on reducing the incidence of terrorist acts by freezing,
seizing and confiscating economic instrumentalities before they are used to support the
commission of violent acts. This preventive purpose is emphasized in article 2, paragraph
3, of the Convention: “For an act to constitute an offence set forth in paragraph 1, it
shall not be necessary that the funds were actually used to carry out an offence referred
to in paragraph 1, subparagraphs (a) or (b)”.
Some terrorist groups and incidents have been financed by various forms of common
criminality. For example, the Madrid train bombings of 11 March 2004 were financed by
property offences and drug dealing. However, the interdiction of terrorist financing, unlike
money-laundering, would not be effective if limited to funds of illegal origin. To achieve
its preventive purpose, the Convention requires that the provisional measures of freezing
and seizing and the penalty of confiscation apply to any funds, whether their origin is
lawful or unlawful, if those funds are provided or collected for use in terrorist acts.
S. Taylor, “Rights, Liberty and Security: Recalibrating the Balance after September 11”, in Martin G.
(ed.), The New Era of Terrorism: Selected Readings (Sage Publications, 2004), p. 220.
For examples of model legislation, see International Monetary Fund, Suppressing the Financing of
Terrorism: a Handbook for Legislative Drafting (Washington, D.C., International Monetary Fund, 2003).
Freezing obligations also arise from two principal relevant resolutions of the Security
Council: resolutions 1267 (1999) and 1373 (2001). Those resolutions impose wider-
reaching freezing obligations based on membership of a particular group or the reasonable
belief that a person or group has committed or attempted to commit a terrorist act. In
its resolution 1267 (1999), the Security Council demanded that the Taliban cease certain
actions supporting terrorism and turn over Osama bin Laden to a country where he would
be brought to justice. In order to enforce that demand, it decided that all States shall
freeze funds and other financial resources, including funds derived or generated from
property owned or controlled directly or indirectly by the Taliban, or by any undertaking
owned or controlled by the Taliban, as designated by the Committee established pursuant
to that resolution.
Non-compliance with resolution 1267 (1999) by the Taliban led the Security Council, in
December 2000, to expand, through its resolution 1333 (2000), the freezing obligations
to cover also assets belonging to individuals and entities associated with Osama bin Laden
and Al-Qaida. The sanctions regime was further refined by the Security Council in
its resolution 1390 (2002), in which the Security Council decided that States shall take
the following measures with respect to Osama bin Laden, members of the Al-Qaida
organization and the Taliban and other individuals, groups, undertakings and entities
associated with them:
Freeze without delay the funds and other financial assets or economic resources of
these individuals, groups, undertakings and entities, including funds derived from
property owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by them or by persons acting
on their behalf or at their direction, and ensure that neither these nor any other
funds, financial assets or economic resources are made available, directly or indirectly,
for such persons’ benefit, by their nationals or by any persons within their
In its resolution 1267 (1999) the Security Council also decided to establish the Al-Qaida
and Taliban Sanctions Committee, consisting of all the Council members, which maintains
a list of targeted individuals and entities, known as the “Consolidated List” because it
consolidates alphabetically organized lists of Taliban-associated individuals, Taliban-
associated entities, Al-Qaida-associated individuals and Al-Qaida-associated entities.53 The
Committee also maintains a list of individuals and entities removed from the Consolidated
The potential indefinite freezing of lawfully acquired property, based upon a determination
by a political body, continues to be the subject of controversy.55 Several listed individuals
have brought judicial challenges based upon international and regional human rights law,
constitutional provisions and domestic procedural law. A summary of relevant litigation is
found in the periodic reports of the Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team
of the Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee.56
The Consolidated List is available at
A list of individuals and entities removed from the Consolidated List is available at
Watson Institute for International Studies of Brown University, “Strengthening Targeted Sanctions
Through Fair and Clear Procedures”, white paper prepared by the Watson Institute’s Targeted Sanctions Project;
the European Convention on Human Rights (2006), “Due Process and United Nations Security Council
Counter-Terrorism Sanctions”, report to the Council of Europe; B. Fassbinder, “Targeted Sanctions and Due
Process”, study commissioned by the Office of Legal Affairs of the Secretariat.
Available at
In paragraph 1 (c) of its resolution 1373 (2001), the Council created freezing obligations
aimed at funds and other financial assets or economic resources of persons who commit,
or attempt to commit, terrorist acts; of entities owned or controlled directly or indirectly
by such persons; and of persons and entities acting on behalf of, or at the direction of
such persons and entities.
The resolution neither specifies particular individuals or entities whose funds must be
frozen because they are involved with terrorist acts nor establishes a listing mechanism.
It also does not define “terrorist act”. The European Court of First Instance has
commented on difficulties in applying paragraph 1 (c) of resolution 1373 (2001) owing
to the absence of a universally accepted definition of the concepts of “terrorism” and
“terrorist act” in international law.57
Some countries and regional organizations create their own lists of foreign and domestic
persons and entities that commit, attempt to commit or support terrorist acts and whose
funds must be frozen. The Council of the European Union adopted common positions
1999/727/CFSP and 2001/931/CFSP and subsequent common positions and implemented
regulations to give effect to Security Council resolutions 1267 (1999) and 1373 (2001)
and their respective successor resolutions.
For countries seeking a template for the drafting of legislation on asset restraint and related
issues, such as confiscation, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and the
International Monetary Fund have developed model legislation on money-laundering and
financing of terrorism.58
Witnesses and informants play an essential role in the investigation and prosecution of
terrorist activities. Protecting them is often crucial to the success of the criminal justice
process. A number of procedural measures can be considered in order to better protect
witnesses and informants whose assistance is essential to the prevention, investigation and
prosecution of terrorist crimes. These measures must ensure an appropriate balance
between the need to protect the safety of witnesses and the obligation to safeguard the
defendants’ right to a fair trial.
See the decision of the European Court of First Instance in Organisation des Modjahedines du peuple
d’Iran v. Council (T-228/02).
The model legislation is available at
“The ability of a witness to give testimony in a judicial setting or to cooperate with law
enforcement investigations without fear of intimidation or reprisal is essential to maintaining
the rule of law.”
N. Piancete, “Analytical Report”, in Council of Europe, Terrorism: Protection of Witnesses and Collaborators
of Justice (Strasbourg, France, Council of Europe, 2006), p. 22.
Council of Europe, Combating Organised Crime: Best Practice Surveys of the Council of Europe (Strasbourg,
France, Council of Europe, 2004), p. 22.
For instance, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia considers delaying the
disclosure of witness identity prior to trial as a measure that can be taken by the court to achieve the appropri-
ate level of protection for a particular witness.
For an examination of the rich body of case law yielding important principles of international human
rights law on witness anonymity, see D. Lusty, “Anonymous Accusers: an Historical and Comparative Analysis
of Secret Witnesses in Criminal Trials”, The Sydney Law Review, 24, 2002, p. 363.
Council of Europe, Combating Organised Crime: Best Practice Surveys of the Council of Europe, p. 19.
It is also often possible to grant partial anonymity to witnesses at risk. The defendant is
given an opportunity to question the witnesses directly, but the witnesses do not have to
state their names and addresses. In such cases, only the trial judge is informed of their
identity. Some disguise preventing the accused from recognizing the witness, a measure
used primarily to protect the identity of undercover police officers, is sometimes used to
protect witnesses.
The European Court of Human Rights has often accepted the legality of the use of
anonymous informants during preliminary investigations, but it has also emphasized that
the use at the trial of the information thus obtained presents a problem with respect to
fairness.64 Even when permitted by law, the procedure for granting partial or full
anonymity to a witness tends to be rarely used because, in practice, it can limit the admis-
sibility of various elements of the testimony.65 In some cases, if the examination of a
witness in the presence of a defendant poses imminent danger to the health and safety
of the witness, the witness can be heard in the absence of the defendant in order to
prevent both direct verbal or physical threats to the witness as well as more subtle intimi-
dation by the defendant, such as threatening looks or gestures.66
Anonymous testimonies raise certain issues about the rights of the defendants to a fair
trial. The European Court of Human Rights has set some limits on the use of anonymous
testimony.67 The judge must know the identity of the witness and have heard the witness’s
testimony under oath and determined that it is credible and must have considered the
reasons for the request of anonymity; the interests of the defence must be weighed against
those of the witnesses, and the defendants and their counsel must have an opportunity
to ask the witness questions; a condemnation cannot be based on the strength of the
testimony of that witness alone.68 According to the European Court of Human Rights,
the admissibility of such anonymous testimony depends on the circumstances of the case
and three principles that emerge from case law:69 Is anonymity justified by compelling
reasons? Have the resulting limitations on the effective exercise of the rights of the defence
been adequately compensated for? Was the conviction exclusively or substantially based
on such an anonymous testimony? Special rules on anonymity have been legislated in
Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the Republic of Moldova.70
Under the legislation of some States (e.g. Republic of Moldova), the testimony of an
anonymous witness must be corroborated in order for it to be considered valid.
Ibid., p. 31.
Ibid., p. 20.
Ibid., p. 20.
European Court of Human Rights, Visser v. the Netherlands, 14 February 2002.
X. Lameyre and M. Cardoso, “La délation en droit pénal français, une pratique qui ne dit pas son
nom”, in J. P. Brodeur and F. Jobard (eds.), Citoyens et délateurs—La délation peut-elle être civique ? (Paris,
Éditions Autrement, 2005), p. 152.
Council of Europe, Terrorism: Special Investigation Techniques (Strasbourg, France, Council of Europe,
2005), p. 31; The European Court of Human Rights, through its judgements, has played an important role by
“establishing legal limits within which the battle against organized crime in Europe must be waged”, in particular
with respect to the use of undercover agents and anonymous witnesses: see C. Fignaut and L. Paoli (eds.),
Organized Crime in Europe—Concepts, Patterns and Control Policies in the European Union and Beyond (Dordrecht,
the Netherlands, Springer, 2004), p. 628.
N. Piancete, “Analytical Report”, p. 19.
The International Criminal Defence Attorneys Association, in its submission to the Pre-
paratory Commission for the International Criminal Court on rules of procedure and
evidence, stated that “complete witness anonymity is only appropriate in instances where
the individual is an informant who aided in the discovery of admissible evidence, but is
not testifying against the accused in the proceeding”.71
The need to take decisive action to protect human security may lead a State to urgently
adopt new counter-terrorism measures, sometimes without having had a chance to fully
examine their implications from a human rights or rule-of-law perspective.
Legislative reforms are sometimes adopted on an emergency basis. Hence, it is important
to conduct periodic reviews of legislation, particularly when the pressing circumstances
that led to the adoption of the legislation have subsided.
International Criminal Defence Attorneys Association, “Protection of Witnesses”, position paper
submitted to the Preparatory Commission for the International Criminal Court on rules of procedure and
evidence, 26 July-13 August 1999, p. 2.
III. Role of law enforcement
The police and other law enforcement officials face particular challenges in responding
to terrorism within a rule-of-law and human rights framework. Capacity limitations often
emerge when the police face a terrorist conspiracy, particularly one that is inter-national
in nature. Given the difficulties involved in detecting, investigating and controlling terrorist
activities, let alone preventing terrorist violence, police agencies must consider ways of
enhancing their technical, human and strategic capacity to respond to terrorism. Given
the international dimension of many terrorist activities, police services must also develop
their capacity for law enforcement cooperation. Finally, because of the complexity and the
sensitivity of counter-terrorist operations, it is important for all law enforcement agencies
to establish sound mechanisms for governance and leadership, accountability and the
protection of integrity.
Duty of police
“In the performance of their duty, law enforcement officials shall respect and protect human
dignity and maintain and uphold the human rights of all persons.”
In countering terrorism, the police are required to work closely with the military and
intelligence services. There is a risk that this may blur the distinction between the police
and the army, contribute to the militarization of the police, and weaken civilian control
and oversight of the police. Unless the integrity and independence of police are protected,
the fight against terrorism may lead to the politicization of the police, which could under-
mine its legitimacy and credibility in the eyes of the population. For that reason, States
must clearly define and circumscribe the function of the police in counter-terrorism
The police need to carry out their function in a non-arbitrary and impartial
manner, without political interference. While that requires a degree of operational inde-
pendence, safeguards are important because too much autonomy may lead to abuses of
authority. To maintain that delicate balance, the police need to operate in an environment
of transparency and must be held accountable for their actions.
This chapter considers a number of crucial issues, including the use of effective and
legitimate investigation methods, the use of the powers of arrest and detention, the use
of effective and legitimate interrogation techniques and the prevention of various forms
of obstruction of justice. Special attention will be given to witness protection, the inves-
tigation of money-laundering and financing of terrorism offences and international law
enforcement cooperation.
A. Methods of investigation
The clandestine nature of terrorist conspiracies and activities and the typical mode of
operation of terrorist organizations require specialized investigation methods. Several inter-
national and regional human rights bodies have highlighted the risk of discrimination
presented by some law enforcement methods used to counter terrorism. Generally speak-
ing, the use of police investigation methods that may compromise the rights of individuals
can be justified only on reasonable grounds based on the principles of necessity and
proportionality. In determining whether the police are justified, in special circumstances,
in departing from normal and approved police practices, one can use the following criteria
and interpret them as restrictively as possible:
Necessity: Is the measure really necessary and are there not other, less invasive or
harmful measures that could be used to achieve the same aim?
Effectiveness: Has it been proven or is there a reasonable, objective basis to believe
that the measure can achieve the ends for which it has been conceived?
Harm: To what extent is the measure affecting the rights of individuals?
Secondary effect: Is the measure likely to produce any undesirable secondary effects,
including possibly affecting the overall capacity of the police to work effectively with
a particular community or the willingness of the community to cooperate with the
police? Is the measure likely to contribute to the stigmatization of certain groups?
European Court of Human Rights, 13 December 2005, Timishev v. Russia, para. 42.
While profiles based on factors that are statistically proven to correlate with certain crimi-
nal conduct may be effective tools when law enforcement resources are limited, the use
of broad profiles that reflect unexamined generalizations or stereotypes is extremely prob-
lematic. Profiling based on stereotypical assumptions that persons of a certain “race”,
national or ethnic origin or religion are particularly likely to commit crime may lead to
practices that are incompatible with the principle of non-discrimination. The Special
Rapporteur has expressed his grave concern that law enforcement authorities in various
General recommendation XXX on discrimination against non-citizens, adopted by the Committee on
the Elimination of Racial Discrimination at its sixty-fifth session (Official Records of the General Assembly,
Fifty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 18 (A/59/18), chap. VIII, para. 10).
States have adopted counter-terrorism practices that are based on terrorist profiles that
include characteristics such as a person’s presumed race, ethnicity, national origin or
The Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and funda-
mental freedoms while countering terrorism has also noted that terrorist profiles based
on national or ethnic origin and religion are also being used, for example, in the context
of immigration controls. The practice of terrorist profiling raises concerns with respect to
a number of human rights. Data mining initiatives based on broad terrorist profiles that
include group characteristics such as religion and national origin may constitute a
disproportionate and thus arbitrary interference with the right to privacy, which is
guaranteed by article 17 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The
Special Rapporteur expressed a concern that profiling based on stereotypical assumptions
may bolster sentiments of hostility and xenophobia in the general public towards persons
of certain ethnic or religious backgrounds.
States must strengthen border controls as one way of identifying security threats at the
point of entry. However, in the view of the United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees, profiling and screening solely on the basis of religious or racial characteristics
is discriminatory and inappropriate.34 Early identification of terrorist suspects can be facili-
tated through various security checks and through enhanced cooperation between border
guards, intelligence services and immigration and asylum authorities of the States con-
cerned, as well as with organizations such as the International Criminal Police
Organization (INTERPOL) and the European Police Office (Europol).
To prevent racial and other unjustifiable profiling practices, it may be necessary for a State
to adopt legislation to specifically prohibit it. National legislation prohibiting racial dis-
crimination should specifically cover the activity of the police. It may also be useful for
a State to review its legislation to determine whether it sufficiently defines “reasonable
suspicion standards” with respect to various police investigation and intervention practices.
If the law does not already provide a “reasonable suspicion standard”, it may be necessary
to introduce one whereby powers relating to control, surveillance and investigation activi-
ties can be exercised only on the basis of a suspicion that is founded on objective
It may be necessary, when there are credible reports of unacceptable profiling and target-
ing practices, to conduct an audit of police practices to review policies, training curricula,
supervisory methods and operational protocols. When administrative mechanisms to carry
out such an audit do not exist, it may be necessary to establish an independent authority
to carry out such a review. A review of police statistics and data broken down by language,
religion or nationality may provide an initial assessment of potential discriminatory
Police practices can be improved by providing training on racial profiling and existing
standards establishing a “reasonable suspicion”. It is also essential to ensure effective
investigations by an independent body or a civilian oversight mechanism of alleged cases
of racial discrimination or racially motivated misconduct by the police, and to ensure that
the perpetrators of those acts are adequately punished. Finally, measures must be taken
to make it possible and safe for victims of racial and other forms of unacceptable profiling
and discrimination to report those incidents to the authorities.73
Specific recommendations are offered by the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance in
its ECRI General Policy Recommendation No. 11 on combating racism and racial discrimination in policing,
adopted on 29 June 2007.
Gathering intelligence
The acquisition, analysis and use of information about terrorist groups are essential to
prevent acts of terrorism. Information may be collected through open and covert sources
and may be obtained from other police agencies at home or abroad. Information-gathering
can be improved through technology but also by cultivating relationships with other stake-
holders, such as the community, other law enforcement agencies, intelligence agencies and
foreign Governments.
Article 17 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights prohibits States
parties from interfering with the privacy of those within the State’s jurisdiction, and it
requires States to protect those persons by law against arbitrary or unlawful interference
with their privacy. Recent counter-terrorism strategies have included efforts to collect,
analyse and use information about large numbers of individuals. Many States have sig-
nificantly expanded the surveillance powers and capacity of their law enforcement
agencies (including wiretapping, use of tracking devices and monitoring of Internet
communications). Those authorized law enforcement practices have the potential to limit
the privacy of the individuals concerned. Their use also raises questions about how the
data collected are to be protected, stored and, when necessary, shared with other
The nature of terrorist threats necessitates the gathering and analysis of information that
is not confined by territorial borders or organizational structure.74 The sharing of informa-
tion and intelligence between security and law enforcement agencies is an important means
of preventing terrorist acts and other major criminal offences. Efforts to increase such
exchanges have produced some positive results but have also shown that, in many instances,
the domestic and international legal frameworks governing such exchanges are
Some progress is being made at the bilateral, subregional and regional levels to ensure
that current exchange mechanisms meet the needs of judicial and law enforcement coop-
eration, while providing the necessary safeguards for the protection of personal data and
individual privacy rights. The Treaty of Prüm, of 27 May 2005, whose original
signatories were Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and
Eveline R. Hertzberger, Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Cooperation in the European Union (Turin, UNICRI,
2007), p. 27.
Spain and which has been included in the legal framework of the European Union, is an
example of an initiative designed to help States improve the sharing of information for
preventing and combating terrorist crimes, cross-border crime and illegal immigration.75
Reference is also to be made to the 2006 Council of the European Union framework
decision on simplifying the exchange of information and intelligence between law enforce-
ment authorities of the Member States of the European Union,76 which lays out the basic
principles for the effective and expeditious exchange of information and intelligence for
the purpose of conducting criminal investigations or criminal intelligence operations. Each
State has a responsibility to provide the legal and regulatory frameworks that will guide
these exchanges across systems and to ensure that they do not compromise the integrity
of the criminal justice process or the criminal justice agencies involved.
When attempting to break up criminal and terrorist conspiracies and prevent terrorist
crimes, the police often need to rely on the testimonies of co-defendants and accomplices
willing to cooperate and provide evidence against their former associates.77 Although some
may argue that there is insufficient evidence about the effectiveness of that particular
approach,78 the use of criminal informants and accomplices is usually considered essential
to the successful detection and prosecution of terrorism and organized crime.79 As a result,
various international agreements and conventions actively promote these methods.80
National laws are sometimes also necessary to authorize these practices and to determine
how and when evidence obtained through such sources can be used against the
Formal agreements are often struck between the informant and the police clarifying the
obligations of both parties. In most countries, however, there remains a need to provide
a tighter framework for the management of informants, in the form of guidelines,
statutory regulations and increased independent oversight.
Ibid., pp. 89-90.
Council of the European Union framework decision 2006/960/JHA of 18 December 2006 on simplifying
the exchange of information and intelligence between law enforcement authorities of the member States of the
European Union (Official Journal of the European Union, L 386, 29 December 2006).
Council of Europe, Combating Organised Crime: Best Practice Surveys of the Council of Europe, p. 22; A.
J. Schreiber, “Dealing with the Devil: an examination of the FBI’s troubled relationship with its confidential
informants”, Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems, vol. 34, No. 4 (2001), pp. 301-368.
N. R. Fyfe and J. Sheptycki, Facilitating Witness Co-operation in Organised Crime Cases: An International
Review, Home Office Online Report 27/0 (London, Home Office, 2005); also N. R. Fyfe and J. Sheptycki,
“International trends in the facilitation of witness co-operation in organized crime cases”, European Journal of
Criminology, vol. 3, No. 3 (2006), pp. 319-355.
For example, J. P. Laborde, État de droit et crime organisé (Paris, Dalloz, 2005).
For example, the Organized Crime Convention and Council of Europe recommendation Rec(2001)11
of the Committee of Ministers to member States concerning guiding principles on the fight against organized
crime, adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 19 September 2001.
New technological developments and modern methods of investigation have created new
issues with respect to the legitimacy of these methods and the protection of the rights of
the individuals involved in the course of an investigation. The police, prosecutors and the
courts have a duty to ensure that these methods are used lawfully and in accordance with
applicable human rights standards.
Prosecutors must be very vigilant in their use of evidence obtained through such “modern”
methods. The legal basis for cooperation in criminal matters for officers acting under cover
or under an assumed identity is not always strong. For prosecutors and courts, there are
questions about the admissibility of evidence collected in other States through methods
that are not necessarily acceptable in their own State and about the use of evidence
obtained by officials in another State in violation of the law of that State. The verification
of the legitimacy of evidence obtained as a result of international police cooperation is
certainly not without procedural and practical difficulties.
The lawful application of the powers to arrest and detain must be restricted by law to
specific conditions that are described clearly in the law and for which subsequent account-
ability is required. The key human rights principles that must guide the lawful application
of the powers to arrest and detain are the following:
앫 The arrest and the detention must be lawful and not arbitrary;
앫 The arrest and detention must be in accordance with procedures established by
General Assembly resolution 43/173, annex.
앫 Individuals who have been arrested or are being detained must be treated in
accordance with the principle of presumption of innocence and should be detained
separately from convicted persons;
앫 Specific and precise time limits should be set by law for the prompt appearance
of the arrested/detained person before a judicial authority;
앫 The arrested/detained person must have access to legal counsel and must be able
to communicate with counsel in full confidentiality;
앫 The arrested/detained person must be informed of the reasons for the arrest/
detention, the charges against him/her, in a language that he or she can
앫 The arrested/detained person must be informed of his/her rights, including the
right to legal counsel;
앫 The date, time and reason for the arrest, the identity of the person arrested or
detained, the identity of the person(s) who performed the arrest and the time and
date of the person’s first appearance before a judicial authority must all be duly
앫 The arrested/detained person has the right to access to the outside world;
앫 The arrested/detained person has the right to take proceedings before a court, in
order for the court to decide on the lawfulness of the arrest and/or the detention
(habeas corpus).
The “reasonableness” of the suspicion on which an arrest must be based forms an essential
part of the safeguard against arbitrary arrest and detention
European Court of Human Rights, Fox, Campbell and Hartley v. the United Kingdom,
30 August 1990, paragraphs 32 and 34.
Arrest on the basis of ethnic profiling contradicts the principle that an arrest should never
be arbitrary. That rejection of arbitrariness implies that someone should not be arrested
or stopped or searched, for discriminatory reasons.
Article 9, paragraph 3, of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights requires
that, in criminal cases, any person arrested or detained has to be brought promptly before
a judge or other officer authorized by law to exercise judicial power. The person who is
being arrested is entitled to take proceedings before a court in order for that court to
decide without delay on the lawfulness of the arrest/detention and to order the release of
that person if the detention is unlawful.
“No law enforcement official may inflict, instigate or tolerate any act of torture or other cruel,
inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, nor may any law enforcement official invoke
superior orders or exceptional circumstances such as a state of war or a threat of war, a threat
to national security, internal political instability or any other public emergency as a justifica-
tion of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”
There is no precise or universally authoritative answer to the question of how many hours
or days the rule of law permits a person to be detained before being charged or released.
However, the Human Rights Committee of the Office of the United Nations High
Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), established to monitor compliance with the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, stated, in its general comment
No. 8 of 1982, that more precise time limits were fixed by law in most States parties and,
in the view of the Committee, delays must not exceed a few days.
A person who is arrested is entitled to be informed of his or her rights, to know what
he/she is being accused of, and to consult with counsel immediately following arrest. In
the case of a foreign national, the universal anti-terrorism conventions and protocols and
the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations82 all require that the person has the right
to communicate with and be visited by a representative of the State of which he or she
is a national. In the case of a stateless person, the person has the right to communicate
with the International Committee of the Red Cross and be visited by a representative of
the State in whose territory that person habitually resides and to be informed of his or
her rights.
United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 596, No. 8638.
Concerning the right to assistance from a defence lawyer, the Human Rights
Committee has expressed concern about counter-terrorism measures that deny detainees
access to counsel immediately following arrest.83 The need for a measure providing for a
time limit—which must be short—for granting such access can be justified but must be
in conformity with the requirements of articles 9 and 14 of the International Covenant.
Many countries will find it necessary to carefully review their policies, operational proce-
dures, policy directives and training programmes related to police practices regarding arrest
and temporary detention of suspects.
The Body of Principles, in its principle 23, also provide guidance concerning recording
the conduct of the interrogation/interview: “The duration of any interrogation of a detained
or imprisoned person and of the intervals between interrogations as well as the identity
of the officials who conducted the interrogations and other persons present shall be
recorded and certified in such form as may be prescribed by law.”
There is an absolute prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treat-
ment. Article 7 of the International Covenant states that “no one shall be subjected to
torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” A comprehensive
definition of “torture” is provided in the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel,
Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
Report of the Secretary-General on the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while
countering terrorism (A/58/266).
Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials, article 6 (General Assembly resolution 34/169,
Information obtained through torture or other forms of coercion should not be accepted
as evidence in court. Principle 27 of the Body of Principles for the Protection of All
Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment stipulates that “non-compliance
with these principles in obtaining evidence shall be taken into account in determining the
admissibility of such evidence against a detained or imprisoned person”.
In recent years, the question of torture and ill-treatment has come up in many contexts
with respect to counter-terrorism measures. On 22 November 2001, the Committee against
Torture of OHCHR issued a statement to States parties to the Convention against Torture
and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment to remind them of
the “non-derogable nature of most of the obligations undertaken by them” in ratifying
the Convention against Torture. The Committee has repeatedly expressed its concern that
interrogation techniques incompatible with article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil
and Political Rights are still allegedly used and the “necessity defence” argument, which
is not recognized under the Covenant, is often invoked and retained as a justification for
interrogation methods that amount to a form of torture.
“The requirements of the investigation and the undeniable difficulties inherent in the fight
against crime, particularly with regard to terrorism, cannot result in limits being placed on the
protection to be afforded in respect of the physical integrity of individuals.”
European Court of Human Rights, Tomasi v. France, 27 August 1992, para. 115.
An issue of concern with respect to the interrogation of detained terrorist suspects is the
fear that impermissible coercive measures will be used, even if they do not reach the level
of “severe pain or suffering” prohibited by the Convention against Torture. Measures
creating discomfort may be unavoidable for custodial purposes and to ensure the safety
of the guarding or interrogating personnel. However, if the discomfort is not justified by
legitimate custodial and safety needs and its purpose is to overbear the will of the person
being interrogated to secure information, it is impermissible under article 14, paragraph
3 (g) of the International Covenant.
and intimidation,85 jury tampering and intimidation of justice officials.86 Measures must
be in place to prevent all forms of obstruction of justice and to deal severely with all
attempts to obstruct the criminal justice process.
The particular situation of vulnerable groups and communities within a society requires
attention. These groups can become subject to community-wide intimidation by terrorist
and criminal groups. It is therefore important to address this kind of intimidation in order
to prevent terrorism. Broader strategies are often required to protect whole
communities against intimidation and retaliation by terrorist organizations and their sym-
pathizers. The issue of community intimidation,87 which is often related to various forms
of discrimination, must be approached from a broad perspective. The communities that
are targeted, intimidated and exploited by terrorist groups must feel safe enough to co-
operate with the authorities. Members of such communities must believe that they will
not be left on their own should they muster the courage to inform the authorities. Above
all, it is important to ensure that counter-terrorism practices do not render these com-
munities even more vulnerable to intimidation and coercion by radical or terrorist
Community-wide intimidation involves “acts that are intended to create a general sense
of fear and an attitude of non-cooperation with police and prosecutors within a particular
community”.88 This can become particularly important for some communities when ter-
rorist supporters attempt to compromise potential witnesses and expose them to potential
prosecution for associating with terrorist elements.89 Fear of reprisal and fear of ostracism
play a role. Community-wide intimidation is especially frustrating for the police and pros-
ecutors because, while no actionable threat is ever made in a given case, witnesses and
victims are still effectively discouraged from testifying.90
Experts distinguish between “low-level” intimidation and the very serious and often life-
threatening experience of other witnesses and their families, often in relation to
organized criminal or terrorist groups. The number of witnesses who are exposed to the
most serious threats is relatively small in comparison to the number of witnesses who face
low-level intimidation, but it is the former group that tends to receive the most attention
from law enforcement and justice officials. Both forms are encountered in the way in
which terrorist and criminal groups typically maintain entire groups or communities in
fear of reprisals and retaliation.
S. Roadcap, “Obstruction of justice”, American Criminal Law Review, vol. 41, vol. 2 (2004), pp.
J. P. Laborde, État de droit et crime organisé …, p. 33.
For example, K. M. Healey, “Victim and witness intimidation: new developments and emerging
responses”, NIJ Research in Action (Washington, D.C., National Institute of Justice, October 1995); N. R. Fyfe
and H. McKay, “Desperately seeking safety”, British Journal of Criminology, vol. 40, No. 4 (2000), pp. 675-691;
N. R. Fyfe, Protecting Intimidated Witnesses (Hampshire, Ashgate, 2001), p. 18.
K. Dedel, Witness Intimidation, Problem-Oriented Guides for Police, Problem-Specific Guides Series,
No. 42 (Washington, D.C., United States Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services,
2006), p. 4.
Y. Dandurand and V. Chin, “Human security objectives and the fight against transnational organized
crime”, The Current Stage in Transnational Organized Crime: World and Japan, Kan Ueda, ed., Human Security
and Transnational Organized Crime Series (Kyoto, Nihon Hyouronsya, 2007), vol. 2, pp. 149-171.
P. Finn and K. M. Healey, Preventing Gang- and Drug-related Witness Intimidation, National Institute of
Justice Issues and Practices (Washington, D.C., United States Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs,
1996), p. 4.
To further complicate matters, indirect witness intimidation can also occur in at least two
앫 It can be committed by a third party—someone who was not directly involved in
the crime being investigated or prosecuted;
앫 It can target someone close to the witnesses instead of the witnesses themselves
(e.g. intimidating the spouse of a witness or other family members), sometimes
even when those individuals live in a different country.
The various types of obstruction of justice must be clearly defined and criminalized in
law and include provisions for severe punishment. The police have a duty to investigate
and help prosecute all forms of obstructions of justice. These offences must be taken
seriously, as they jeopardize the integrity of criminal justice process as a whole.
The sheer complexity of witness intimidation means that a range of measures is required
to tackle the problem.93 The risk of intimidation can be reduced by minimizing the risk
of witnesses being identified when they report a crime or a conspiracy or offer a statement
and by protecting their anonymity and privacy. Protection programmes and measures are
often in place for witnesses who are exposed to serious danger, but far less attention is
given to addressing low-level threats or community-wide forms of intimidation.94
A second tier of protection includes practical measures such as offering witnesses the use
of alarms, calling devices and other crime prevention devices; offering quick access to
police assistance and other services; conducting a security audit of an individual’s home;
Anne-Marie Boisvert, La protection des collaborateurs de la justice: éléments de mise à jour de la politique
québécoise; rapport final présenté au ministre de la Sécurité publique (Quebec, 2005), p. 8.
Council of Europe, Combating Organised Crime …, p. 20.
N. R. Fyfe, Protecting Intimidated Witnesses …, p. 47.
Australia, Victoria, Office of Policy Integrity, Review of the Victoria Police Witness Protection Program; report
of the Director, Police Integrity (Melbourne, Victorian Government Printer, 2005), p. 8.
giving witnesses the option of visiting the police station instead of being interviewed where
they live or work and other means of reducing the likelihood of contact between them
and offenders; transporting them to and from work, school or the court; keeping witnesses
separate from offenders whenever they must be at the police station or in the courthouse;
offering them emergency or short-term relocation as required; or seeking “no-contact”
court orders on their behalf.95 In any given case, a combination of several of these meas-
ures is usually required. As the witness’s situation evolves, the risk may change and must
be reassessed, and a different set of measures may become necessary.
The effective protection of witnesses and collaborators of justice requires a police capacity
to assess the risk faced by those individuals and to respond quickly to direct threats.
Witness protection programmes can also offer a way to safeguard the investigation and
the criminal trial and ensure the security of the witnesses. Their main objective is to
safeguard the lives and personal security of witnesses and collaborators of justice and
people close to them. The programmes include procedures for the physical protection of
witnesses and collaborators of justice such as, to the extent necessary and feasible, relo-
cating them, providing them with new identity documents and permitting, where appro-
priate, non-disclosure or limitations on the disclosure of information concerning the new
identity and whereabouts of such persons. Even if it is not uncommon for a witness to
be rewarded for cooperation with law enforcement authorities (financially, by charge reduc-
tion as a result of plea bargaining or by leniency at the time of sentencing), witness
protection programmes are not some kind of reward for the witness for cooperating with
the authorities.96
K. Dedel, Witness Intimidation ….
Although it is not hard to understand how it may be necessary for the authorities to provide an incen-
tive for cooperation, this must be done cautiously. The presence of certain incentives can in fact compromise
the value of the testimony or its credibility.
International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences, Monitoring Centre on Organized Crime
and European Police Office, Harmonisation of Witness Protection Legislation: final proposal of the ISISC-OPCO-
EUROPOL working group on minimum requirements for potential legislation at European Union Level, explanatory
report (Siracusa, Italy, 2005).
The successful investigation and prosecution of terrorism financing require the quick
identification of relevant information from banks, other financial institutions and
commercial or other businesses. The tracing and confiscation of assets, both within a
jurisdiction and internationally, are made difficult by the complexity of the banking and
financial sector. Technological advances are complicating those efforts. Because many such
transactions are transnational, changes to bilateral treaties or national legal frameworks
are required to allow for the lawful and expeditious exchange of that information across
borders between prosecution services or between other law enforcement authorities. In
that regard, the existence of unregulated offshore centres presents some practical problems
from the point of view of international cooperation among prosecution services. Difficul-
ties are frequently encountered in dealing with the differences in company law and other
regulatory norms involved. There are also issues with cyberpayments, “virtual banks”
operating in underregulated offshore jurisdictions and shell companies operating outside
of the territory of the offshore centres.
The international community has acted on many fronts to respond to the growing com-
plexity and the international nature of the rapidly evolving methods of money-laundering
and financing of terrorism. The emphasis has been on promoting international cooperation
and establishing a coordinated and effective international regime to combat money-
laundering and counter financing of terrorism. The specific obligations of countries in
relation to that regime vary depending on their adherence to various treaties. Those
obligations are quite complex and can overwhelm countries with limited resources and
relatively underdeveloped financial, legal and regulatory institutions.
Within that global regime, because of the relative ease with which proceeds of crime and
terrorist funds can be moved around the world, countries with weak mechanisms to
counter money-laundering and counter the financing of terrorism are left especially
vulnerable to criminal activities. A State must now have an effective national regime in
order to avoid having its financial institutions and businesses targeted by money-launderers,
terrorist supporters and other criminals. Furthermore, the international regime to counter
money-laundering and counter the financing of terrorism is only as strong as its weakest
links, and the countries which constitute weak links in that international chain of control
are more likely to be targeted by criminals and terrorists.
Participants at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Expert Workshop
on Enhancing Legal Cooperation in Criminal Matters Related to Terrorism suggested the
adoption of a non-conviction-based civil forfeiture regime as well as direct methods of
execution of mutual legal assistance requests for restraining terrorist assets.98
A number of emerging practices in this area are worth considering for strengthening the
capacity of the police to intercept criminal assets and to prevent the financing of terrorism,99
including the following:
앫 The use of investigative strategies that target the assets of organized crime and
terrorist groups through interconnected financial investigations;
앫 The development of arrangements and a capacity to engage in active and ongoing
exchanges of relevant financial intelligence information and analyses;
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Overview of the OSCE Expert Workshop on
Enhancing Legal Cooperation in Criminal Matters Relating to Terrorism, Vienna, April 2005.
Group of Eight, “G8 best practice principles on tracing, freezing and confiscation of assets”, 2004,
available at
G. Community engagement
The role of the police in preventing terrorism can be greatly supported by the quality of
the relationship it maintains with the local population and with the various ethnic and
cultural communities involved. Good relationships can lead to cooperation.
Some countries have placed the police under statutory obligation to promote equality and
prevent racial discrimination in carrying out its functions. A variety of methods can be
used to help the police improve its relations with ethnic and other potentially vulnerable
community groups. Those methods include recruiting members of underrepresented
minority groups in the police and ensuring that they have equal opportunities for progres-
sion in their careers; training the police in cultural diversity and in policing a diverse
society; establishing frameworks for dialogue and cooperation between the police and
members of minority groups; and giving police access to interpreters and others who can
facilitate communication between the police and members of minority groups.
In some cases, the police can actively engage in a dialogue with various community groups
or discuss with them their role in the prevention of terrorism. Many community groups
will welcome the opportunity to share with the police some of their concerns about the
perceived detrimental impact of various counter-terrorism measures on their lives.
The media can also play an important role in helping the police communicate more
honestly and more effectively with the public at large and with minority groups. The police
must develop good relationships with the media and must communicate with the media
in a manner that does not perpetuate hostility or prejudice towards members of certain
Adel Maged, “International legal cooperation: an essential tool in the war against terrorism”, Terrorism
and the Military: International Legal Implications, W. P. Heere, ed. (The Hague, Asser Press, 2003), p. 157.
The global instruments against terrorism and the Organized Crime Convention and the
Convention against Corruption provide a strong basis for international law enforcement
cooperation and suggest some of the elements that must be developed as part of a national
capacity for effective investigation and prosecution of such crimes.
In cases involving transnational offences, States with jurisdiction need to coordinate their
respective investigations in order to more effectively target terrorist groups and their inter-
national activities. Coordination of cross-border investigations and prosecutions is still rare
and tends to require considerable preparation through formal channels.
The importance of operational cooperation across borders among law enforcement agen-
cies investigating and prosecuting terrorist crimes and conspiracies is addressed in a
number of international instruments.101 Nevertheless, practical problems in the organiza-
tion of joint investigations include the lack of common standards and accepted practices,
the actual supervision of the investigation, the prevention of intelligence leaks and the
absence of mechanisms for quickly solving these problems.102
When a case requires international cooperation, national differences in the law regulating
police powers, the use of special investigation techniques, the use of collaborators and
informants or the admissibility of certain types of evidence can seriously hinder law
enforcement collaboration. Major efforts have been made, through the implementation of
the Organized Crime Convention and other international cooperation initiatives to identify
such obstacles and remedy the situation. These efforts are also relevant to the prevention
of terrorist acts, and their use by law enforcement and intelligence agencies within the
framework of ongoing cooperation has drawn some close attention.103
Article 19 of the Organized Crime Convention requires States parties to consider concluding bilateral
or multilateral agreements or arrangements whereby, in relation to matters that are the subject of investigations,
prosecutions or judicial proceedings in one or more States, the competent authorities concerned may establish
joint investigative bodies. See also similar language in article 49 of the Convention against Corruption.
See T. Schalken, “On joint investigation teams, Europol and supervision of their joint actions”, European
Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, vol. 10, No. 1 (2002), pp. 70-82.
The European Court of Human Rights has endorsed the use of such techniques in the fight against
terrorism (Klass and Others v. Germany) and, within the Council of Europe, a draft recommendation of the
Committee of Ministers to member States that seeks to promote the use of special investigative techniques in
relation to serious crime, including terrorism, is being drafted. See P. De Koster, “Part 1: analytical report”,
Terrorism: Special Investigation Techniques (Strasbourg, Council of Europe Publishing, 2005), pp. 7-43.
These international legal instruments are meant to ensure that each party adopts such
legislative and other measures as may be necessary to trace, identify, freeze, seize and
confiscate criminal assets, manage those assets and extend the widest possible
cooperation to other States parties in relation to tracing, freezing, seizing or confiscating
proceeds of crime. Cooperating States must also possess a similar capability with respect
to assets of licit or illicit origin that are used or are to be used for the financing of
The Lyon Group established by the Group of Eight has put forward a set of best practice
principles on the tracing, freezing and confiscation of crime-related assets, including assets
related to terrorism.100 Those principles underscore the need for multidisciplinary co-
operation between legal, law enforcement, and financial and accountancy experts within
and across jurisdictions, and they underline the need for specialized competent authorities
to deal with complex cooperation issues.
A number of countries, including Belgium, Ireland and the United Kingdom, have estab-
lished specialized units to deal with complex confiscation cooperation issues, and an
informal network has been established among those units to facilitate their work.
In cases where terrorist conspiracies occur in several countries at the same time, or when
transnational terrorist groups are involved, States with jurisdiction usually find it important
to coordinate their investigations, prosecutions and mutual assistance measures to
effectively target these groups and their international activities.
The establishment of joint investigative teams represents a major new trend in the develop-
ment of an effective capacity to investigate and prosecute transnational crimes, including
terrorism. It offers one of the most promising new forms of international cooperation
against organized crime, corruption and terrorism, even though legal issues, as well as
issues of attitude and trust among law enforcement agencies, or even procedural questions
still require close attention.
There are also practical problems in the organization and operation of joint investigations,
including the lack of common standards and accepted practices, issues around the super-
vision of the investigation, and the absence of mechanisms for quickly solving these prob-
lems. For joint investigative teams to become an effective tool for international
United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, article 14; United Nations
Convention against Corruption, chapter V, articles 51-59.
cooperation, States must put in place the required legal framework, both at the national
and international levels, although such a framework need not necessarily be very
A few States members of the European Union have created joint investigation teams to
deal with potential terrorist activities and other complex criminal cases requiring interna-
tional investigation and coordinated law enforcement action. The teams are composed of
magistrates and police officers from two or more countries who act as judicial police with
powers to carry out searches, interrogations and telephone interceptions within the par-
ticipating countries.
Once a relationship of confidence and trust has been established between law enforcement
agencies, they can engage in ongoing exchanges of information and intelligence. Several
agencies have entered into formal information- and intelligence-sharing agreements. Some
do so within the framework of international structures such as INTERPOL and Europol,
two non-operational organizations whose primary focus is to provide channels for infor-
mation exchange among law enforcements agencies. Some of those arrangements remain
superficial and have yet to produce appreciable results, while others are more promising.
Providing real-time access to databases is still rare, as is the linkage of databases, despite
the availability of encryption and other technologies allowing agencies to share such infor-
mation securely. The data do not always circulate freely within a State, let alone across
international borders, and there are numerous outstanding issues concerning privacy and
the confidentiality of information.
In many States, immense progress has been achieved at the national level in terms of
securely sharing criminal records and other data among law enforcement agencies in real
time and with the appropriate human rights safeguards. The most significant obstacle to
the international exchange of law enforcement data is the lack of the necessary national
and international legislative frameworks to support lawful and effective exchanges of data
while protecting the privacy of the individuals involved.
In some instances, the sharing of data will continue to be problematic. For example, it is
clear that the sharing of data on asylum seekers is often not advisable unless there is a
legislated national framework to guide related law enforcement practices. UNHCR,
recognizing the fact that the sharing of data between States is crucial in combating
terrorism, has made the following recommendations:
States should, though, also take into account the well-established principle that infor-
mation on asylum-seekers should not be shared with the country of origin. This
could endanger the safety of the bona fide asylum-seeker and/or family members
remaining in the country of origin. Best State practice indeed incorporates a strict
confidentiality policy. Should it exceptionally be deemed necessary to contact the
authorities in the country of origin, in case there is suspicion of terrorist involvement
and the required information may only be obtained from these authorities, there
should be no disclosure of the fact that the individual has applied for asylum.34
Some progress has been made at the bilateral, subregional and regional levels to ensure
that current exchange mechanisms fulfil the requirements for law enforcement cooperation
while providing all the necessary safeguards for the protection of personal data and indi-
vidual privacy rights. For example, the European Schengen Information System allows
participating national law enforcement agencies to share data on many key issues with
their colleagues in other countries almost instantaneously. For most observers, the strength
of the arrangements enabled by the Schengen conventions lies in the fact that they allow
for highly practical law enforcement cooperation and information exchange at a level that
is unique in the world. Europol also produces annual situation reports on organized crime
based on the compilation of data provided by all member States. A long-term goal is the
establishment of compatible criminal intelligence systems among Member States and the
sharing of criminal intelligence data through secure computer networks with controlled
access. That process may include setting up a database of pending investigations, making
it possible to prevent overlaps between investigations and to involve several competent
authorities in the same investigation.
For example, in January 2007, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe
recommended that Member States use, in accordance with national law, INTERPOL’s
three main counter-terrorism tools: a global police communications system called the
“I-24/7”; databases containing essential police information (including names, stolen
vehicles, stolen travel documents and DNA and fingerprint data); and real-time operational
support for police services via the command and coordination centre at the General
Council of Europe, Recommendation CM/Rec(2007)1 of the Committee of Ministers to member States
regarding cooperation against terrorism between the Council of Europe and its member States, and the
International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO-Interpol), adopted by the Committee of Ministers on
18 January 2007.
Developing a capacity to protect witnesses and even relocate them in another country
must often be considered. Article 24, paragraph 3, of the Organized Crime Convention
requires States parties to consider entering into agreements or arrangements with other
States for the relocation of witnesses.
In Europe, a major effort has been made to develop legal instruments establishing com-
mon criteria for the design and implementation of a set of effective legal and practical
protection measures and assistance programmes for different categories of witnesses,
victims and collaborators of justice. The objective is to develop such instruments while
preserving an acceptable balance between the protection measures and the human rights
and fundamental freedoms of all parties involved. There is no legally binding European
legal instrument that specifically and comprehensively deals with witness protection.107
However, a number of significant recommendations of the Committee of Ministers of the
Council of Europe have been adopted to deal specifically with witness protection and the
rights of witnesses.108
In general, the following measures have been found to support international collaboration
in the field of witness protection:
For some examples of what is usually covered in such arrangements, see United Nations Office on
Drugs and Crime, Good Practices for the Protection of Witnesses in Criminal Proceedings Involving Organized Crime
(New York, 2008), pp. 82-84.
For a summary of the various European legal instruments developed, see Stjepan Glušcic and others,
Protecting Witnesses of Serious Crime: Training Manual for Law Enforcement and Judiciary (Strasbourg, Council of
Europe Publishing, 2006), pp. 38-48. See also Council of Europe, The Fight against Terrorism: Council of Europe
Standards, 2nd ed. (Strasbourg, Council of Europe Publishing, 2004); and Council of Europe, specific terms of
reference for the Committee of Experts on the Protection of Witnesses and Collaborators of Justice, adopted in
May 2004, available at the website of the Council of Europe at
See, for example, Council of Europe, Recommendation Rec(2005)9 of the Committee of Ministers to
member States on the protection of witnesses and collaborators of justice, adopted by the Committee of Min-
isters on 20 April 2005; see also Council of Europe, explanatory report to recommendation Rec(2005)9 of the
Committee of Ministers to member States on the protection of witnesses and collaborators of justice, 2005.
See “Witness protection”, in Council of Europe, Combating Organised Crime …, pp. 15-42. International
cooperation in this area, as noted by a best practice survey conducted by the Council of Europe, “is highly
important, since many Member States are too small to guarantee safety for witnesses at risk who are relocated
within their borders” (p. 15).
Europol has developed two documents: “Basic principles of European Union police co-
operation in the field of witness protection” and “Common criteria for taking a witness
into a protection programme”. Europol also offers training each year on witness protection
and the handling of informants.
Small States often face unique difficulties in offering effective protection to witnesses and
can benefit from cooperating with each other in developing their witness protection
I. Extraordinary measures
All measures taken by law enforcement agencies to combat terrorism must be lawful. In
that respect, some specific law enforcement activities against terrorism have raised serious
concerns and human rights issues. Some States have engaged in extraordinary law enforce-
ment measures that are problematic, including shooting without warning, targeted killings
and extraordinary renditions. These so-called “exceptional measures” have underscored
the need to ensure that, in adopting measures aimed at preventing and controlling acts
of terrorism, States adhere to the rule of law, including the basic principles, standards
and obligations of criminal and international law that define the boundaries of permissible
and legitimate State action against terrorism and the various forms of serious crime in
which terrorists and other criminal groups are involved. States may never act in breach
of peremptory norms of international law or in breach of international humanitarian
All States have a positive obligation to ensure that their territory is not used to transfer
persons to places where they are likely to be killed or subjected to torture, including by
taking all practical steps to determine whether there are grounds to believe that actions
taken by foreign entities in their territory involve such practices.
The need to take protective measures against the phenomenon of suicide bombers has
driven certain countries to tolerate exceptions to internationally recognized human rights.
Member States of the Caribbean Community, for example, have established the Agreement establishing
the Regional Justice Protection Programme (1999), outlining the need to prevent any interference in the admin-
istration of justice through the intimidation or elimination of witnesses, jurors, judicial and legal officers and
law enforcement personnel and their associates. The Agreement also provides for the establishment of a regional
centre to administer the cooperation programme.
The Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and funda-
mental freedoms while countering terrorism expressed concern about legal strategies
employed by many States to extend the powers of policemen to take action against poten-
tial suicide bombers. He reiterated that the use of lethal force by law enforcement officers
must be regulated within the framework of human rights law and its strict standard of
necessity. The “defence of necessity” that is invoked by law enforcement officials applies
only when there is an imminent danger.
The Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials, adopted by the General Assembly
in its resolution 34/169 of 17 December 1979, and the Basic Principles on the Use of
Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials,112 adopted at the Eighth United Nations
Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, succinctly stress
the limited role of lethal force in all enforcement operations. Principle 9 of the Basic
Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials states that in
any event, intentional lethal use of firearms may only be made when strictly unavoidable
in order to protect life. These instruments are adequate also with respect to the preven-
tion of suicide attacks as a form of terrorism. Principle 10 of the Basic Principles states
the following:
Law enforcement officials shall identify themselves as such and give a clear warning
of their intent to use firearms, with sufficient time for the warning to be observed,
unless to do so would unduly place the law enforcement officials at risk or would
create a risk of death or serious harm to other persons, or would be clearly inap-
propriate or pointless in the circumstances of the incident.
Targeted killings
The right to life is non-derogable, and lethal force taken in the context of counter-terrorism
must be necessary and proportional. The Human Rights Commission has expressed con-
cerns with respect to the alleged use of the so-called “targeted killings” of suspected ter-
rorists.113 In some cases, the practice appears to have been used in part as a deterrent or
punishment, thus raising issues related to article 6, paragraph 1, of the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which states the following: “Every human being
has the inherent right to life. This right shall be protected by law. No one shall be arbi-
trarily deprived of his life.”
Report of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions (E/CN.4/2006/53,
paras. 44-54).
Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Havana, 27
August-7 September 1990: report prepared by the Secretariat (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.91.IV.2),
chap. I, sect. B.2, annex.
Edward J. Flynn, “Counter-terrorism and human rights: the view from the United Nations”, European
Human Rights Law Review, No. 1, 2005, p. 34.
Principles on the Effective Prevention and Investigation of Extra-legal, Arbitrary and Summary
Executions (Economic and Social Council resolution 1989/65, annex).
IV. Role of prosecutors
The effective prosecution of terrorist offences, wherever they are committed and wherever
the perpetrator takes refuge, is crucial in order to deny safe haven to the perpetrators of
such crimes. In the case of international or transnational crime and terrorism, this raises
the issue of establishing and exercising jurisdictions, the questions of prosecutorial capacity
and independence and the issue of the need to address various obstacles to international
cooperation in the prosecution of terrorist offences.
The role of prosecutors in prosecuting terrorist offences is more or less the same as their
role in the prosecution of any criminal offence. However, in the case of international
crimes or any offence that has a transnational aspect, jurisdictional issues and various
impediments to effective international cooperation often complicate matters.
The two main mechanisms supporting international cooperation among prosecutors are
extradition and mutual legal assistance. These mechanisms are based on a number of legal
foundations, including bilateral and multilateral agreements or arrangements. All these
mechanisms are evolving rapidly to keep pace with new criminal methods and criminal
exploitation of new technologies. Their evolution reflects the new determination of States
to work more closely with each other to face the growing threats of organized crime,
corruption and terrorism.115
The quality of the legal training offered to professional prosecutors varies greatly
from State to State. As is reiterated in the preamble to the Guidelines on the Role of
Prosecutors, it continues to be important for States to ensure that prosecutors possess
the professional qualifications required for the accomplishment of their functions, through
improved methods of recruitment and legal and professional training, and through the
provision of all necessary means for the proper performance of their role in combating
Y. Dandurand, “Strategies and practical measures to strengthen the capacity of prosecution services in
dealing with transnational organized crime, terrorism and corruption”, Crime, Law and Social Change, vol. 47,
Nos. 4-5 (2007), pp. 225-246; Y. Dandurand, G. Colombo and N. Passas, “Measures and mechanisms to
strengthen international cooperation among prosecution services”, Crime, Law and Social Change, vol. 47, Nos.
4-5 (2007), pp. 261-289.
Guidelines on the Role of Prosecutors (Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and
the Treatment of Offenders, Havana, 27 August-7 September 1990: report prepared by the Secretariat (United Nations
publication, Sales No. E.91.IV.2), chap. I, sect. C.26, annex); available at
The essence of the role of prosecutors in upholding the rule of law is captured in part
by the Guidelines on the Role of Prosecutors, which affirms the following:
“11. Prosecutors shall perform an active role in criminal proceedings, including
institution of prosecution and, where authorized by law or consistent with local
practice, in the investigation of crime, supervision over the legality of these investiga-
tions, supervision of the execution of court decisions and the exercise of other
functions as representatives of the public interest.
“12. Prosecutors shall, in accordance with the law, perform their duties fairly,
consistently and expeditiously, and respect and protect human dignity and uphold
human rights, thus contributing to ensuring due process and the smooth functioning
of the criminal justice system.”117
Prosecution services are a vital part of States’ efforts to affirm the rule of law through
the fair, consistent, impartial and effective enforcement of the law. Without the commit-
ment of prosecutors to human rights and to upholding the rule of law, the criminal justice
system and governing institutions risk falling into disrepute and losing credibility and
moral authority.118
Prosecutors are also important guarantors of the rule of law inasmuch as they accept the
role of combating impunity and ensuring the lawfulness of State actions. By tackling
impunity for human rights abuses wherever they arise, prosecutors not only reinforce
respect for the rule of law at the national level, but they also help consolidate the principle
of rule of law at the international level.
Prosecutors must remain vigilant and ensure that the actions of the police, corrections
and other law enforcement authorities are lawful and respectful of human rights. They do
so partly by bringing to the attention of the courts any instance of unlawful or corrupt
behaviour by agents of the State or other officials in positions of authority and by vigor-
ously prosecuting such offenders to the full extent of the law. In cases involving the cor-
ruption of public officials, the role of prosecutors is particularly important and delicate.
The debilitating effects of corruption on the rule of law are all too obvious. Corruption
within the justice system itself is a concern, as are the implications of such corruption
for upholding the rule of law and preserving the integrity of the criminal investigation
and prosecution processes. Corruption not only affects the credibility and effectiveness of
a justice system in a general sense; it also compromises international cooperation in crimi-
nal matters, defeats coordination efforts and places witnesses, victims and justice officials
at risk. Preventing corruption is one of the most important ways in which prosecutors
Ibid., paras. 11-12.
Y. Dandurand, “The role of prosecutors in promoting and strengthening the rule of law”, Crime, Law
and Social Change, vol. 47, Nos. 4-5 (2007), pp. 247-259.
protect the rule of law and the integrity of social and economic institutions. Article 15
of the Guidelines on the Role of Prosecutors specifies that prosecutors shall give due
attention to the prosecution of crimes committed by public officials, particularly corrup-
tion, abuse of power, grave violations of human rights and other crimes recognized by
international law and, where authorized by law or consistent with local practice, the
investigation of such offences.
The obligation to prosecute does not, however, mean that an allegation that,
following an investigation, is established as unfounded has to be brought before a court.
The constitutional law and substantive and procedural rules of the country concerned
will determine to what extent the prosecution must be pursued. Nevertheless, the universal
instruments require States parties to initiate the prosecution process for a serious offence
under domestic law.
D. Extradition
Extradition is the procedure whereby a sovereign State, referred to as the “requested
State”, agrees to hand over an individual to another sovereign State, referred to as the
“requesting State”, for prosecution or, if that person has already been tried and convicted,
for enforcement of the sentence.
Under the requirement of dual criminality, extradition is possible only when the act is
punishable under the law of both the requested and the requesting States. The name of
the offence and the elements that make it criminal need not be precisely the same,
provided that the fugitive could be punished for the act in both States.119 For that reason,
the criminalization of defined terrorist acts and their incorporation into national criminal
law is a central element of the relevant universal legal instruments against terrorism.
For a discussion of the implications of dual criminality for international cooperation in relation to ter-
rorist offences, see Legislative Guide to the Universal Legal Regime against Terrorism (United Nations publication,
Sales No. E.08.V.9), p. 40.
As noted above, when a person accused of having committed a terrorist offence is present
in the territory of a State party and the authorities of the State party are satisfied that
the circumstances so warrant, the State must, in accordance with its law, take the person
into custody or take other measures to enable any criminal or extradition proceedings to
be instituted. That is to be done independent of whether the crime was committed on its
territory and whether the State has received a request for provisional arrest pending a
formal request for extradition. The universal instruments against terrorism do not make
the extradition of the offender mandatory but define it as one possible course of action.
The obligation to submit the individual to prosecution depends on a decision not to
States need to continue to enhance their treaty network and modernize their extradition
treaties. In many instances, changes to national extradition legislation are required as a
procedural or enabling framework in support of the implementation of the relevant inter-
national treaties. In cases where a State can extradite in the absence of a treaty, national
legislation is often useful as a supplementary, comprehensive and self-standing framework
for surrendering fugitives to requesting States. UNODC has prepared a model law on
extradition to assist interested Member States in drafting such legislation.120
Recent trends in extradition treaties have focused on relaxing the strict application of
certain grounds for refusal of extradition requests. In addition, the principle of mutual
recognition is increasingly perceived as a means of improving judicial cooperation between
countries with different legal systems and replacing cumbersome procedures with swift
procedures that recognize the integrity of other legal systems. For example, mutual rec-
ognition of arrest warrants, whereby an arrest warrant issued by a competent authority
in one State is recognized as valid and is enforced by another State (a practice also referred
to as the “backing of warrants”), expedites the extradition process. Several countries now
have bilateral arrangements for extradition.
Another example is provided by the European arrest warrant, which since the beginning
of 2004 has effectively replaced extradition procedures by a system of surrender between
judicial authorities in countries covered by the scheme. The European arrest warrant allows
requests for the arrest or surrender of a person to be executed with the minimum of
formalities for the purpose of conducting criminal prosecutions, executing custodial
sentences or executing detention orders.
Model Treaty on Extradition, adopted by the General Assembly in its resolution 45/116 of 14 December
1990, and subsequently amended by the General Assembly in its resolution 52/88 of 12 December 1997;
Compendium of United Nations Standards and Norms in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (New York, 2006),
pp. 163-173. See also the Revised Manuals on the Model Treaty on Extradition and on the Model Treaty on
Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (E/CN.15/2004/CRP.11), available at
Report of the Informal Expert Working Group on Effective Extradition Casework Practice (Vienna, 2004),
pp. 8-15, available at
Measures to strengthen the rule of law and promote human rights are also directly relevant
to enhancing international cooperation in the area of extradition. For example,
a State is more likely to cooperate with another State in an extradition case if it has
assurances that the accused will have the right to a fair trial and due process.
The Council of Europe Guidelines on Human Rights and the Fight against
Terrorism make it explicit that extradition should not be granted if there are serious
reasons to believe that the person whose extradition has been requested will be subjected
to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or when that person has suffered or risks
suffering denial of justice by the requesting State. In the latter case, there is an important
role for prosecutors, who have a duty to establish whether there is indeed a risk of denial
of justice or torture. They must also determine whether an extradition request has been
submitted for the purpose of prosecuting or punishing a person on account of that
person’s race, religion, nationality or political opinions.
Several of the universal legal instruments include similar provisions. Article 15 of the
International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism provides a
good example; it expressly permits States to refuse extradition or mutual legal assistance
if there are reasonable grounds that the requesting State is acting for the purpose of
prosecuting or punishing a person on prohibited grounds of discrimination.
International refugee law does not preclude the extradition for prosecution purposes of
recognized refugees, much less that of asylum seekers. However, extradition should be
granted only after the corresponding legal proceedings have been completed and if it has
been shown that the extradition is not being requested solely or principally as a means
of returning a person to a country for purposes which in fact amount to persecution.
Articles in universal instruments negotiated since the adoption in 1997 of the International
Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings provide that for the purposes of
extradition or mutual legal assistance, none of the defined offences shall be regarded as
a political offence, an offence connected with a political offence or an offence inspired by
political motives. Historically, refusal of requests for international cooperation on those
grounds had created obstacles to extradition and mutual assistance with respect to
terrorism-related offences, almost all of which are connected with political activity or
inspired by a political motive. It was possible to eliminate the “political offence exception”
because accompanying legislative articles ensured that there was no obligation to provide
cooperation in cases in which there were substantial grounds to believe that an extradition
request was being made for the purpose of persecuting a person on account of that
person’s race, religion, nationality, ethnic origin or political opinion.
UNHCR recommends that the retention of this safeguard be mandatory rather than
optional. In the case of a pending asylum procedure, it is recommended that further
consideration of the asylum claim be deferred until the proceedings in the extradition
process enable an informed decision to be made on whether exclusion from refugee status
is justified. If the asylum-seeker is found to be excludable, a decision on the extradition
could be taken without reassessing the persecution element. If the asylum-seeker is not
excluded and it is assessed that extradition would, indeed, amount to return to persecu-
tion, prosecution in the country of asylum is, in the view of UNHCR, the appropriate
response, based on the principle aut dedere, aut judicare.34
To achieve that objective, States most frequently make use of bilateral and multilateral
treaties on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, in addition to existing informal
cooperation mechanisms. Those instruments assist the work of criminal justice officials in
several ways. For example, they enable the authorities to obtain evidence abroad, through
a procedure that is admissible under their domestic law, in order to summon witnesses,
trace individuals, secure the production of documents and other evidentiary items and
issue warrants.121
See the Model Treaty on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (General Assembly resolution 45/117,
annex, and resolution 53/112, annex I. See also the Revised Manuals on the Model Treaty on Extradition and
on the Model Treaty on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters. A Model Law on Mutual Assistance in Criminal
Matters (2007) is available at
Offences defined in the universal instruments against terrorism may not, for the purposes
of mutual legal assistance, be regarded as political offences, as offences related to political
offences or as offences inspired by political motives. Accordingly, a request for mutual
assistance based on any such offence may not be refused on the sole ground that it con-
cerns a political offence, an offence connected with a political offence or an offence
inspired by political motives.
The mutual legal assistance provisions contained in the universal instruments provide
a State party with a legal basis for transmitting to another State party information or
evidence that it deems important to combating terrorist offences, even if the other State
has not made any request for assistance and is totally unaware of the existence of such
information or evidence. Indeed, Security Council resolution 1373 (2001) obliges States
to offer each other such assistance.
At the operational level, designating a single central authority for all incoming and out-
going legal assistance and extradition requests is crucial to international cooperation in
criminal matters. In this way, a State can coordinate its own requests for assistance and
stand ready to respond expeditiously to requests from other States. Increasingly, mutual
legal assistance treaties, such as the Organized Crime Convention and the
Convention against Corruption, require that States parties designate a central authority
(generally the Ministry of Justice) to which requests can be sent, thus providing an alter-
native to diplomatic channels. Nevertheless, the role of the central authorities need not
necessarily be an exclusive one. Direct exchanges of information and cooperation, to the
extent permitted by domestic law, should also be encouraged.
As an outcome to the meeting of the United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime
Prevention Informal Expert Working Group on Mutual Legal Assistance Casework Best
Practice, held in Vienna in December 2001,122 the Working Group recommended a number
of best practices that States can use to facilitate mutual legal assistance:
앫 Minimizing the grounds upon which assistance may be refused (e.g. finding ways
to minimize the consequences of the principle of ne bis in idem as grounds for
앫 Reducing limitations on the use of evidence in response to a request for mutual
assistance and streamlining the grounds upon which and the process whereby
limitations are imposed;
Report of the Informal Expert Working Group on Mutual Legal Assistance Casework Best Practice
(Vienna, 2001), available at
앫 Making efforts to ensure that requests are executed in compliance with procedures
and formalities specified by the requesting State to ensure that the request achieves
its purpose;
앫 Improving the protection of confidential data and information;
앫 Ensuring the confidentiality of requests for assistance received when possible and,
when not possible, advising the requesting State that its request may not be kept
앫 Making efforts to ensure that requests are executed within the deadlines specified
by the requesting State;
앫 Coordinating multijurisdictional cases among the jurisdictions involved;
앫 Ensuring that their legal framework does not provide fortuitous opportunities for
third parties to unduly delay cooperation or completely block the execution of a
request for assistance on technical grounds.
The Working Group suggested that cooperation could be expedited through the use of
alternatives to formal mutual assistance requests, such as informal police channels and
communication mechanisms, in particular if evidence is voluntarily given or publicly avail-
able, or through the use of joint investigation teams with a capacity to directly transmit
and satisfy informal requests for assistance.
The Working Group also identified a number of practical ways to promote international
cooperation, including the following:
The possibility of transferring proceedings in criminal matters from one State to another
offers another interesting option upon which to build stronger international cooperation.
Such a transfer can be used to increase the likelihood of the success of a prosecution, if
for example another State appears to be in a better position to conduct the proceedings.
It can also be used to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the prosecution in a
State that is initiating proceedings in lieu of extradition. Finally, it can be a useful method
for consolidating the prosecution in one jurisdiction and increasing its efficiency and
likelihood of success in cases involving several jurisdictions.
States can simplify their procedures for recognizing court orders relating to freezing,
forfeiture and seizure of criminal assets. In the European Union, for example, a set of
framework decisions agreed upon in 2001 and 2003 established rules enabling Member
States to recognize and execute in their territory a freezing order issued by a judicial
authority of another Member State in the context of criminal proceedings.123
Article 8 of the 1988 Convention, article 21 of the Organized Crime Convention and
article 47 of the Convention against Corruption contain provisions enabling States parties
to transfer proceedings where such transfer is in the interests of the proper administration
of justice. The United Nations has prepared a Model Treaty on the Transfer of
Proceedings in Criminal Matters.124
Council of the European Union framework decision 2001/500/JHA of 26 June 2001 on money-
laundering, the identification, tracing, freezing, seizing and confiscation of instrumentalities and the proceeds of
crime (Official Journal of the European Communities, L 182, 5 July 2001); Council of the European Union frame-
work decision 2003/577/JHA of 22 July 2003 on the execution in the European Union of orders freezing property
or evidence (Official Journal of the European Union, L 196, 2 August 2003). In May 2005, a comprehensive
regional framework for international cooperation in such matters was also adopted in the Council of Europe
Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime and on the Financing
of Terrorism (Council of Europe, Treaty Series, No. 198).
General Assembly resolution 45/118, annex.
These instruments recognize that individuals have a right to legal assistance when their
fundamental rights to liberty and life are at stake. The Basic Principles on the Role of
Lawyers,126 adopted by the Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime
and the Treatment of Offenders, establishes as its first principle that all persons are entitled
to call upon the assistance of a lawyer of their choice to protect and establish their rights
and to defend them in all stages of criminal proceedings.
The Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers place further responsibility upon Govern-
ments and the legal profession to ensure access to counsel for everyone, irrespective of
their means or background, as a means of ensuring that the right to equality before the
law is upheld. As a logical extension, States are required to provide legal aid in the case
of indigent defendants. However, the issue of the ability of the State to institute such
schemes cannot be ignored. Many States require mandatory assistance by legal counsel
in capital cases or cases that involve long prison sentences.
As mentioned above, article 14 of the ICCPR establishes the right of all persons accused
of having committed a crime to be tried in their presence and to defend themselves in
person or through legal assistance of their own choosing. They also have a right to be
informed, if they do not have legal assistance, of the right to obtain legal assistance. Where
the interests of justice so require, they have a right to receive free legal assistance.
First United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Geneva, 22 August-3
September 1955: report prepared by the Secretariat (United Nations publication, Sales No. 1956.IV.4), annex I.A;
and Economic and Social Council resolution 2076 (LXII).
Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers (Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and
the Treatment of Offenders, Havana, 27 August-7 September 1990: report prepared by the Secretariat (United Nations
publication, Sales No. E.91.IV.2), chap. I, sect. B.3, annex).
In criminal trials, where the prosecution has the power of the State behind it, the principle
of equality of arms is an essential guarantee of the right to defend oneself. The principle
ensures that the defence has a reasonable opportunity to prepare and present its case on
a footing equal to that of the prosecution. It encompasses the right to adequate time and
facilities to prepare the defence, including the disclosure by the prosecution of material
See European Court of Human Rights, judgements in the cases of Ofner and Hopfinger against Austria
(Applications Nos. 524/59 and 617/59).
information.128 Equality of arms also includes the right to legal counsel, the right to call
and examine witnesses and the right to be present at the trial. The principle would be
violated if, for example, the accused was not given access to information necessary for
the preparation of the defence, was denied access to expert witnesses or was excluded
from an appeal hearing where the prosecutor was present.
The challenge is how to balance the legitimate requirements for the confidentiality of
certain informants and the safety of sources with the right of the accused to a fair trial.
Practice and jurisprudence show that tribunals recognize the need for the State (prosecu-
tion) to protect witnesses and certain information. Nowhere is this more evident than in
cases involving terrorists and terrorist organizations. However, blanket permission to the
State for such confidentiality would have a detrimental effect on fair trial guarantees. The
right approach is for a tribunal, justified by the prosecution, to determine on a
case-by-case basis why defence rights should be abridged in this way.
Notice of the right to counsel and the right to choose defence counsel
The accused facing a terrorist criminal trial must be notified of his or her right to be
defended by counsel.129 This right is applicable whether or not the accused has been
arrested or detained before trial. In order for the notice to be effective, it must be given
sufficiently in advance of the trial to allow adequate time to prepare a defence. The accused
should generally be able to choose his or her own counsel, because of the special role of
trust and confidence between the lawyer and the client.130 However, the accused does not
have an unrestricted right to choose assigned counsel, especially if the State is paying the
See for example, the case of Foucher v. France, judgement of the European Court of Human Rights of
18 March 1997.
See Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers, principle 5; statute of the International Tribunal for the
Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the
Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991, article 21, paragraph 4 (d); Rome Statute of the International
Criminal Court (United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2187, No. 38544), article 55, paragraph 2 (c). See also the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, article 14, paragraph 3 (d).
See the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, article 14, paragraph 3 (d); Basic Principles
on the Role of Lawyers, principle 1.
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, article 14, paragraph 3 (d).
C. Exceptional measures
Access to a lawyer is as important for the right to fair trial as it is for the right
to liberty. Prompt access to a lawyer is central to the administration of justice and the
effective prosecution of offenders. As such, it is an essential element of fair trial guarantees.
In the absence of access to a lawyer, the right to fair trial may be meaningless. Effective
access to a lawyer means access must be confidential. For example, failure to guarantee
confidentiality may make a detainee feel intimidated and not disclose ill-treatment. Never-
theless, effective counter-terrorism practices may sometimes justify certain restrictions
to the right of defence, in particular with regard to the arrangements for access to and
contacts with counsel, arrangements for the counsel’s access to the case file and the use
of anonymous testimony.
Such restrictions to the right of defence must be strictly proportionate to their purpose,
and compensatory measures to protect the interests of the accused must be taken in order
to maintain the fairness of the proceedings and ensure that procedural rights are not
drained of their substance.132
The right of detained or imprisoned persons to communicate with their legal counsel is
a very important one; it is a fundamental right that relates directly to the right of
Other special measures are sometimes considered in order to reconcile the right to counsel
with the special circumstances created by the need to prevent acts of terrorism. In some
cases, it may be advisable to consider establishing a security clearance system for lawyers
Guidelines of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on human rights and the fight
against terrorism (A/57/313, annex I).
For example, see European Court of Human Rights, Erdem v. Germany, judgement of 5 July 2001.
who will have access to special files or information or to establish in consultation with
the defence bar a list of lawyers who have had either the special training, the security
clearance or both to make them more effective at exercising their duties and defending
certain individuals accused of terrorist acts under difficult and challenging circumstances.
Defence lawyers must also have the means to seek and obtain special protection measures
for themselves and for witnesses (lay or expert) who are required to mount an effective
defence of their client.
VI. Role of the judiciary
The courts play a pivotal role in promoting the rule of law. Thus, it is necessary to protect
the independence of the judiciary. The right to a competent, independent and impartial
tribunal is articulated in article 10 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and
article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as in regional
treaties and conventions including the European Convention for the Protection of Human
Rights and Fundamental Freedoms134 (article 6), the American Convention on Human
Rights (article 8) and the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights135 (article 7).
An independent, impartial, honest and competent judiciary is integral to upholding the
rule of law and engendering public confidence.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights contains the right to a fair and public hear-
ing by an independent and impartial tribunal (article 10) and the right of the accused to
be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he
has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence (article 11). In addition, the Basic
Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary, adopted by the Seventh United Nations
Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, envisage judges
with full authority to act, free from pressures and threats, adequately paid and equipped
to carry out their duties.136 Although that set of standards does not carry the force of law,
it provides a model for lawmakers everywhere, who are encouraged to write them into
their national constitutions and to enact them into law.
The Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary cover freedom of expression
and association; the qualifications, selection and training of judges; conditions of service
and tenure; and discipline, suspension and removal of judges. Many countries have for-
mally adopted the Basic Principles and report regularly to the United Nations on their
progress and problems, sometimes seeking help with legal education or the monitoring of
The present chapter examines more closely the question of the independence, impartiality
and integrity of the judiciary and its significance from the point of view of ensuring the
rights of the accused to a fair trial. It also touches on the procedural guarantees that must
be upheld by courts, as well as the question of the security of the courts.
United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 213, No. 2889.
United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1520, No. 26363.
Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary (Seventh United Nations Congress on the Prevention
of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Milan, 26 August-6 September 1985: report prepared by the Secretariat (United
Nations publication, Sales No. E.86.IV.1), chap. I, sect. D.2, annex).
See the procedures for the effective implementation of the Basic Principles on the Independence of
the Judiciary (Economic and Social Council resolution 1989/60, annex); see also the Bangalore Principles of
Judicial Conduct (E/CN.4/2003/65, annex, available at
galore_principles.pdf; United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Commentary on the Bangalore Principles of
Judicial Conduct (2007), available at
The Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary set out the elements of the
independence of the judiciary in its principles 1-7. As a basic condition, the independence
of the judiciary must be guaranteed by the State and enshrined in the constitution or
State law.
The judiciary must decide matters impartially, on the basis of facts and the application
of law, without any restrictions, improper influences, inducements, pressures, threats or
interferences. The courts themselves have exclusive authority to decide whether they have
jurisdiction over a matter. There must be no unwarranted interference with the judicial
process, including the assignment of judges, by the legislative and executive branches of
The Government may not displace the jurisdiction of the ordinary courts through the
creation of a tribunal that does not follow established legal procedures. Accused persons
have the right to be tried by ordinary courts or tribunals using established legal procedures.
Alternative processes such as truth commissions and special tribunals may be established.
However, such entities cannot be ad hoc. They must be duly established by law and must
afford the minimum guarantees established by international law. The judiciary has the
authority and the obligation to ensure that judicial proceedings are conducted fairly and
that the rights of all parties are respected.
Article 14, paragraph 2, of the International Covenant states that everyone charged with
a criminal offence shall have the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty accord-
ing to law.
Human Rights Committee, González del Río v. Peru, Human Rights Committee Communication No.
263/1987 (CCPR/C/46/D/263/1987), para. 5.2.
In recent years in the context of counter-terrorism measures, United Nations human rights
mechanisms have reflected deep concern over the use of military and other special
tribunals. The mechanisms underscore that, even under states of emergency, the right to
fair trial must be respected. The Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and
lawyers has sent urgent appeals and issued statements in several cases involving allegations
of terrorism.139 The Special Rapporteur and the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention
have expressed concerns over the use of military courts and special military commissions
to try non-citizens suspected of having links with a terrorist organization, including with
respect to the issues of observance by such mechanisms of the principle of equality before
the law, fair trial procedures, the selection of those who sit on such commission and courts
and appeal procedures contrary to the principle of judicial independence.140
In its general comment No. 13, on administration of justice, the Human Rights Commit-
tee stated that the use of military courts to try civilians could present serious problems
in relation to the provision of fair trials: “Quite often the reason for the establishment of
such courts is to enable exceptional procedures to be applied which do not comply with
normal standards of justice … The trying of civilians by such courts should be very
exceptional and take place under conditions which genuinely afford the full guarantees
stipulated in article 14 [of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights].141
The Human Rights Committee has held that the basic fair trial requirements of article
14 of the International Covenant apply equally to military tribunals and ordinary tribunals.
Of particular importance, those tribunals must satisfy the obligations of independence and
impartiality. The Committee, noting the existence in certain countries of military tribunals
that try civilians, has pointed out that the trying of civilians by such courts should be
very exceptional and take place under conditions which genuinely afford the full guarantees
stipulated in article 14.
Human Rights Committee, General Comment No. 13 on equality before the courts and the right to
a fair and public hearing by an independent court established by law (art. 14), available at http://www2.ohchr.
“All persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated with humanity and with respect for the
inherent dignity of the human person.”
Numerous international standards have been developed to ensure that the human rights
of prisoners are protected and that their treatment has the priority aim of ensuring their
social reintegration. Those standards include the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treat-
ment of Prisoners, the Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons under Any
Form of Detention or Imprisonment, the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for
the Administration of Juvenile Justice (Beijing Rules),142 the United Nations Rules for the
Protection of Juveniles Deprived of Their Liberty,143 and the Code of Conduct for Law
Enforcement Officials,144 among many other international and regional documents.
“The imperatives of the fight against terrorism may nevertheless require that a person
deprived of his/her liberty for terrorist activities be submitted to more severe restric-
tions than those applied to other prisoners, in particular with regard to:
General Assembly resolution 40/33, annex.
General Assembly resolution 45/113, annex.
General Assembly resolution 34/169, annex.
Pretrial detention should be a measure of last resort implemented only to protect society
or ensure that a serious offender attends trial at a future date. Time spent on remand
should be kept to a minimum and should be applied against any sentence that may
eventually be imposed.
Article 10 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights makes it clear that
accused persons should be held separately from convicted offenders and be subject to
separate treatment appropriate to their status as unconvicted persons.
Individuals who are captured during military operations and are accused of a terrorism-
related offence must be dealt with in accordance with the Third and Fourth Geneva
Conventions, which contain rules to regulate the detention regime.145 The Third Geneva
Convention contains a comprehensive set of rules determining the treatment and material
conditions of detention of members of armed forces taken prisoner. The protection those
rules afford prisoners of war is sometimes denied to so-called “illegal combatants” by
denying their status as prisoners of war. That can weaken the best-known and strongest
pillar of the international humanitarian system.146 If illegal combatants are treated as civil-
ians, they must be treated in accordance with the Fourth Geneva Convention on the
protection, in wartime, of civilian persons. The Convention does not grant any immunity
to civilians who have committed serious crimes and does not prevent them from being
put on trial, as long as it is a fair trial.
As mentioned above, persons suspected of terrorist activities who are detained pending
trial are entitled to regular reviews of the lawfulness of their detention by a court, and
access to legal counsel can help them enforce that right.
See the discussion of international humanitarian law in Chapter 3 of this Handbook.
Hans-Peter Gasser, “Acts of terror, ‘terrorism’ and international humanitarian law”, International Review
of the Red Cross, vol. 84, No. 847 (2002), p. 568.
The essential elements of what constitutes torture as defined in article 1 of the Convention
against Torture are the infliction of severe mental or physical pain or suffering, by, or with
the consent or acquiescence of, State authorities, for a specific purpose such as gaining
information, punishment or intimidation.
Cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment are also legal terms, referring to
ill-treatment that is not necessarily inflicted for a specific purpose but which is conducted
with the intent of exposing individuals to conditions that amount to or result in ill-
treatment. Exposing a person to conditions reasonably believed to constitute ill-treatment
entail responsibility for inflicting that ill-treatment. Degrading treatment may involve
pain or suffering that is less severe than that inflicted in the course of torture or cruel or
inhuman treatment and usually involves humiliation and debasement of the victim. The
essential elements that constitute ill-treatment not amounting to torture are thus reduced
to intentional exposure to significant mental or physical pain or suffering, by or with the
consent or acquiescence of the State authorities.
Article 11 of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment provides that each State party shall keep under systematic review
interrogation rules, instructions, methods and practices as well as arrangements for the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, article 10, paragraph 1.
custody and treatment of persons subjected to any form of arrest, detention or imprison-
ment in any territory under its jurisdiction, with a view to preventing any cases of
Article 12 of the Convention requires a State party to ensure that its competent authori-
ties proceed to a prompt and impartial investigation, wherever there is reasonable ground
to believe that an act of torture has been committed in any territory under its
Article 13 of the Convention requires a State party to ensure that any individual who
alleges he has been subjected to torture in any territory under its jurisdiction has the right
to complain to, and to have his case promptly and impartially examined by, its competent
authorities. Steps shall be taken to ensure that the complainant and witnesses are protected
against all ill-treatment or intimidation as a consequence of his complaint or any evidence
In terms of protecting a person’s legal rights and safeguarding him/her against ill-treatment
and torture, there are a number of fundamental safeguards that should apply from the
outset of a person’s detention:
앫 The right to inform a close relative or someone else of the detained person’s choice
of his/her situation immediately148
앫 The right to immediate access to a lawyer149
앫 The right to a medical examination and the right of access to a doctor, ideally of
the detainee’s own choice, at all times, in addition to any official medical
앫 The right to be brought “promptly” before a judge for a determination of the
legality of the detention and whether it may continue151
앫 The right to be informed immediately about the reasons for arrest and rights under
the law, in a language they understand152
Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, rule 92; Body of Principles for the Protection
of All Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment, principle 16.
Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment,
principle 17.
Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, rule 91; Body of Principles for the Protection
of All Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment, principle 24; European Committee for the
Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, 2nd General Report on the CPT’s
activities, covering the period 1 January to 31 December 1991 (Strasbourg, Council of Europe, 1992), available
at; Council of Europe, Recommendation Rec(2001)10 of the Committee
of Ministers to member States on the European Code of Police Ethics, article 57.
Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment,
principle 11. While there is no precise definition for “promptly”, more than 72 hours is often considered
excessive and is the maximum established by the model code of criminal procedure (draft, 30 May 2006), article
125 bis.
Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment,
principles 10, 13 and 14.
Investigation of torture
Istanbul Protocol
The Commission on Human Rights, in its resolution 2000/43, and the General Assembly, in its resolu-
tion 55/89, drew the attention of Governments to the Principles on the Effective Investigation and
Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (Istanbul
Protocol) and strongly encouraged Governments to reflect upon the Principles as a useful tool in com-
bating torture.
“1. The purposes of effective investigation and documentation of torture and other cruel, inhu-
man or degrading treatment or punishment (hereafter “torture or other ill-treatment”) include the
“(a) Clarification of the facts and establishment and acknowledgment of individual and State
responsibility for victims and their families;
“(b) Identification of measures needed to prevent recurrence;
“(c) Facilitation of prosecution and/or, as appropriate, disciplinary sanctions for those indicated
by the investigation as being responsible and demonstration of the need for full reparation and
redress from the State, including fair and adequate financial compensation and provision of the
means for medical care and rehabilitation.
“2. States shall ensure that complaints and reports of torture or ill treatment are promptly and effec-
tively investigated. Even in the absence of an express complaint, an investigation should be undertaken
if there are other indications that torture or ill-treatment might have occurred. The investigators, who
shall be independent of the suspected perpetrators and the agency they serve, shall be competent and
impartial. They shall have access to, or be empowered to commission investigations by, impartial medi-
cal or other experts. The methods used to carry out such investigations shall meet the highest profes-
sional standards and the findings shall be made public.
“3. (a) The investigative authority shall have the power and obligation to obtain all the information
necessary to the inquiry. The persons conducting the investigation shall have at their disposal all
the necessary budgetary and technical resources for effective investigation. They shall also have
the authority to oblige all those acting in an official capacity allegedly involved in torture or ill-
treatment to appear and testify. The same shall apply to any witness. To this end, the investiga-
tive authority shall be entitled to issue summonses to witnesses, including any officials allegedly
involved, and to demand the production of evidence.
“(b) Alleged victims of torture or ill-treatment, witnesses, those conducting the investigation
and their families shall be protected from violence, threats of violence or any other form of intim-
idation that may arise pursuant to the investigation. Those potentially implicated in torture or
ill-treatment shall be removed from any position of control or power, whether direct or indirect,
over complainants, witnesses and their families, as well as those conducting the investigation.
“4. Alleged victims of torture or ill-treatment and their legal representatives shall be informed of,
and have access to, any hearing, as well as to all information relevant to the investigation, and shall be
entitled to present other evidence.
“5. (a) In cases in which the established investigative procedures are inadequate because of insuf-
ficient expertise or suspected bias, or because of the apparent existence of a pattern of abuse, or
for other substantial reasons, States shall ensure that investigations are undertaken through an
independent commission of inquiry or similar procedure. Members of such a commission shall be
chosen for their recognized impartiality, competence and independence as individuals. In particu-
lar, they shall be independent of any suspected perpetrators and the institutions or agencies they
may serve. The commission shall have the authority to obtain all information necessary to the
inquiry and shall conduct the inquiry as provided for under these Principles. Under certain circum-
stances, professional ethics may require information to be kept confidential. These requirements
should be respected.
“(b) A written report, made within a reasonable time, shall include the scope of the inquiry,
procedures and methods used to evaluate evidence as well as conclusions and recommendations
based on findings of fact and on applicable law. Upon completion, the report shall be made
public. It shall also describe in detail specific events that were found to have occurred and the
evidence upon which such findings were based and list the names of witnesses who testified,
with the exception of those whose identities have been withheld for their own protection. The
State shall, within a reasonable period of time, reply to the report of the investigation and, as
appropriate, indicate steps to be taken in response.
“6. (a) Medical experts involved in the investigation of torture or ill treatment shall behave at all
times in conformity with the highest ethical standards and, in particular, shall obtain informed
consent before any examination is undertaken. The examination must conform to established
standards of medical practice. In particular, examinations shall be conducted in private under the
control of the medical expert and outside the presence of security agents and other government
“(b) The medical expert should promptly prepare an accurate written report.”
The situation of people suspected of terrorism may be very different from that of other
inmates. Exceptional security measures may often be justified. The proper classification
of prisoners based on risk assessment is one of the most important steps prison managers
must take to ensure safety and security in their prisons. The security measures to which
prisoners are subject should be the minimum necessary to achieve their secure custody.
Detainees and prisoners who are held in relation to terrorist activities or conspiracies may
need special protection measures to ensure their safety. That often involves various forms
of segregation or solitary detention.
Some special safety and protection measures are necessary when a witness or an informant
is being detained. Witnesses who are incarcerated can be particularly vulnerable, and their
protection poses some distinct challenges to the authorities,153 the most common relating
to the presence of other inmates who want to prevent them from testifying or who may
themselves intimidate or harm the witnesses. Co-mingling of protected witnesses with the
general inmate population is generally inadvisable because it creates opportunities for
violence, threats and intimidation. Co-mingling occurs not only during incarceration but
also during transportation to court or in the court lock-ups.
Witness safety issues relating to communication with the outside world (such as by
telephone or letters) and visits must be examined carefully. Weaknesses in information
management systems, at either the institution or the court level, can significantly add to
the risks faced by the protected witness. Dangerous mistakes can also occur because of
poor communication between prison authorities and professionals from other agencies
who share a responsibility for the protection of the witnesses.
Intimidation of protected witnesses who are detained can be very hard to detect, particu-
larly indirect intimidation. There is often a need to take measures to protect the families
of custodial witnesses.154 In some instances, the corruption or the intimidation of prison
personnel can introduce a major element of risk for the witnesses who are being detained.
It is therefore often necessary to limit the circle of individual staff members who have
access to the protected inmates and to information about them. In some instances, detained
witnesses may be transferred to another province, state or country for their protection,
provided that the necessary agreements between the jurisdictions exist.
S. Cooley, Jailhouse Witness Protection Task Force: Final Report (Los Angeles, District Attorney’s Office,
Australia, Parliamentary Joint Committee on the National Crime Authority, Witness Protection (Can-
berra, Australian Government Publishing Service, 1988), p. xii.
The International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings156 and the Inter-
national Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism deal with the
transfer of persons who are being detained or serving sentences. Thus, “[a] person who
is being detained or is serving a sentence in the territory of one State party whose
presence in another State party is requested for purposes of identification, testimony or
otherwise providing assistance in obtaining evidence for the investigation or prosecution
of offences set forth in [the relevant articles of the two Conventions] may be transferred”,157
provided that the following conditions are met: the person must freely give his or her
informed consent and the competent authorities of both States must agree to that transfer,
subject to such conditions as those States deem appropriate.
For the purposes of this procedure, the State to which the transfer is made has the authority
and obligation to keep the person concerned in custody unless otherwise requested or
authorized by the State from which the person was transferred. It must also discharge
without delay its obligation to return the person to the custody of the State from which
the person was transferred as agreed beforehand or as otherwise agreed by the competent
authorities of both States. Furthermore, it may not require the State from which the
person was transferred to initiate extradition proceedings for the return of the person.
Various guarantees are provided. The person transferred has to receive credit for service
of the sentence being served in the State from which he or she was transferred for time
spent in the custody of the State to which he or she was transferred. Unless the State
from which a person is to be transferred so agrees, that person, whatever his or her
Model Agreement on the Transfer of Foreign Prisoners and recommendations on the treatment of
foreign prisoners (Seventh United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Milan,
26 August-6 September 1985: report prepared by the Secretariat (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.86.IV.1),
chap. I, sect. D.1, annexes I and II).
United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2149, No. 37517.
International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings, article 13; International Conven-
tion for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism, article 16.
nationality, may not be prosecuted or detained or subjected to any other restriction of his
or her personal liberty in the territory of the State to which that person is transferred in
respect of acts or convictions prior to his or her departure from the territory of the State
from which he or she was transferred.
The transfer must always be lawful and provide the necessary procedural safeguards to
protect the rights of the individuals involved. The obligations of States under article 7 of
the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights prevents them from expelling,
transferring or otherwise removing a prisoner if that may expose him or her to the danger
of torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
In the context of counter-terrorism, some States have made use of diplomatic assurances,
memorandums of understanding and other forms of diplomatic agreement to justify the
return or irregular transfer of individuals suspected of terrorist activity to countries where
they may face a real risk of torture or other serious human rights abuse.
In its opinion on the international legal obligations of Council of Europe member States
in respect of secret detention facilities and inter-State transport of prisoners, the European
Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) emphasized the
“The assessment of the reality of the risk must be carried out very rigorously. The
risk assessment will depend upon the circumstances, meaning both the rights which
risk being violated and the situation in the receiving State. The diplomatic assurances
which are usually provided by the requesting State in order to exclude human rights
breaches in its territory after the extradition or deportation is carried out may be
appropriate as concerns risks of application of the death penalty or for fair trial
violations, because such risks can in most instances be monitored satisfactorily. On
the other hand, as regards the risk of torture, monitoring is impracticable in the vast
majority of conceivable cases, especially bearing in mind the fact that, even after
conviction in a criminal case, a State may torture a prisoner for the purpose of
obtaining information. At the same time, it is impracticable to have a “life-long”
responsibility for people who are removed out of the country.”158
This situation raises the question of the value of diplomatic assurances. These arrange-
ments do not, by themselves, provide sufficient protection against torture or other serious
human rights abuses. However, as was pointed by the Venice Commission, the acceptance
of such assurances is in principle the expression of the necessary good faith and mutual
trust between friendly States. Nevertheless, for the assurances to be sufficient to fulfil the
duty of a State, the terms need to be unequivocal and reflect the scope of the obligation
by which the issuing State is legally bound.
F. Preventive detention
In recent years, there have been numerous reports, in the context of counter-terrorism
measures, of situations in which individuals were detained for a long period of time without
ever being charged for a specific offence, without access to counsel, access to courts or
information on the reasons for their arrest and detention. The Human Rights Committee
Council of Europe, European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission), Opinion
on the international legal obligations of Council of Europe member States in respect of secret detention facilities
and inter-State transport of prisoners, adopted at the 66th plenary session, Venice, 17-18 March 2006.
has severely criticized those practices. The Committee issued a general comment on the
lawfulness of preventive detention in 1982: “If so-called preventive detention is used, for
reasons of public security, it must be controlled by these same provisions, i.e. it must not
be arbitrary, and must be based on grounds and procedures established by law, infor-
mation of the reasons must be given and court control of the detention must be available
as well as compensation in the case of a breach”.159
Most forms of preventive detention and administrative detention without a judicial order
are contrary to fundamental human rights.160
Administrative and preventive detention often lack the safeguards that are integral to the
criminal justice system. For administrative detention to comply with human rights prin-
ciples, it must be executed on such grounds and in accordance with such procedures as
are established by law.
Arbitrary detention is never justifiable. The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, in its
reports to the Commission on Human Rights, expressed grave concerns about several
instances in arbitrary detention where detainees had no right or means to challenge their
unlawful detention. The Commission, in turn, reaffirmed that no justification can be used
in any circumstances, whether conflict, war or state of exception, to abrogate the right to
challenge unlawful detention.
G. Complaint procedures
Most prison legislation provides for a set of written procedures that allow prisoners to
register any complaints they have regarding their treatment in prison. Prisoners should be
given written information about the complaints procedures, prison rules and regulations,
as part of an information pack on entry to prison. The procedures should be clearly laid
out in a way that can be understood both by prisoners and by the staff who deal directly
with the prisoners.
Human Rights Committee, General Comment No. 8 on the right to liberty and security of persons
(art. 9), para. 4, available at
Edward J. Flynn, “Counter-terrorism and human rights …, p. 40. See also Ben Power, “Preventative
detention of terrorist suspects: a review of the law in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom”, paper pre-
pared for the 21st International Conference of the International Society for the Reform of Criminal Law,
Vancouver, Canada, 22-26 June 2007, p. 2.
E/CN.4/2005/6, para. 77.
Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, rules 35 and 36.
There must also be a procedure in place by which prisoners can make confidential writ-
ten complaints to a person or institution independent of the prison administration, such
as a prison ombudsman, a judge or magistrate, if they feel that the prison administration
is failing to respond to their complaints or if they are lodging a complaint against a dis-
ciplinary decision. There must be effective processes in place for hearing appeals, com-
plaints, allegations and grievances against the decisions made by the prison
Principle 33 of the Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons under Any Form
of Detention or Imprisonment states the following:
“1. A detained or imprisoned person or his counsel shall have the right to make a
request or complaint regarding his treatment, in particular in case of torture or other
cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, to the authorities responsible for the admin-
istration of the place of detention and to higher authorities and, when necessary, to
appropriate authorities vested with reviewing or remedial powers.
“2. In those cases where neither the detained or imprisoned person nor his counsel
has the possibility to exercise his rights under paragraph 1 of the present principle,
a member of the family of the detained or imprisoned person or any other person
who has knowledge of the case may exercise such rights.
“3. Confidentiality concerning the request or complaint shall be maintained if so
requested by the complainant.
“4. Every request or complaint shall be promptly dealt with and replied to without
undue delay. If the request or complaint is rejected or, in case of inordinate delay,
the complainant shall be entitled to bring it before a judicial or other authority.
Neither the detained or imprisoned person nor any complainant under paragraph 1
of the present principle shall suffer prejudice for making a request or complaint.”
VIII. Role of the criminal justice system in
protecting the rights of victims of
terrorist crimes
States have a duty to provide protection and assistance to victims of crime, including acts
of terrorism. This victim-centred approach has become an increasingly important and
recognized part of contemporary criminal justice practice. There are a number of ways in
which individuals can become victims of terrorist crimes. Terrorist attacks typically target
the civilian population and in the process victimize large numbers of individuals. Victimi-
zation may take various forms: the death of a large number of civilians, material losses,
physical injury and psychological trauma for surviving victims, and long-term damage to
quality of life. The criminal justice system has to be able to deal with the various forms
of victimization.
The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy directly addresses the issue of
victims of terrorist acts. It lists measures to address the conditions conducive to the spread
of terrorism, including measures to counter the “dehumanization of victims of terrorism
in all its forms and manifestations”. The Strategy encourages the creation of national
systems of assistance, which would “promote the needs of victims of terrorism and their
families and facilitate the normalization of their lives”.
앫 The duty to provide victims with equal and effective access to justice irrespective
of who may be the ultimate bearer of responsibility for the violation;
앫 The duty to afford appropriate remedies to victims;
앫 The duty to provide for or facilitate reparation to victims.
Numerous international declarations reaffirm the duty of States to provide a remedy for
victims of human rights abuses and violations of international humanitarian law.163 A
comprehensive articulation of this duty is found in the Declaration of Basic Principles of
Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power.164 The Declaration is the most compre-
hensive instrument on justice for victims. It provides guidance on measures that should
be taken at the national, regional and international levels to improve access to justice and
fair treatment, restitution, compensation, protection and assistance for victims of crime
and abuse of power. In adopting the Declaration, the General Assembly called upon
Member States to take the necessary steps to give effect to the provisions of the Declara-
tion. In its resolution 2005/20 of 2005, the Economic and Social Council adopted the
Guidelines on Justice in Matters involving Child Victims and Witnesses of Crime.
Also in 2005, the Commission on Human Rights adopted the Basic Principles and Guide-
lines on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of Inter-
national Human Rights Law and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law.165
In addition, in April 2005, the Commission on Human Rights took note of the revised
Set of Principles for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights through Action to
Combat Impunity.166 That set of principles includes the right to know, the right to justice,
the right to reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence.
The Organized Crime Convention and the Convention against Corruption also contain
various provisions concerning victim protection and victim assistance, including inter-
national cooperation in protecting and assisting victims.167
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, article 2, paragraph 3.
See, for example, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, article 8; Declaration on the Protection
of All Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punish-
ment (General Assembly resolution 3452 (XXX), annex), article 11.
General Assembly resolution 40/34, annex.
Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross Viola-
tions of International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law (General
Assembly resolution 60/147, annex), available at
United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, articles 24 and 25; United Nations
Convention against Corruption, article 32.
That definition essentially captures all situations where people are victimized as a result
of the crimes committed by terrorist organizations. When the victimization is the result
of violations of human rights law or international humanitarian law or refugee law, the
definition provided in paragraph 8 of the Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right
to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of International Human
Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law is also relevant:
[V]ictims are persons who individually or collectively suffered harm, including physi-
cal or mental injury, emotional suffering, economic loss or substantial impairment
of their fundamental rights, through acts or omissions that constitute gross violations
of international human rights law, or serious violations of international humanitarian
law. Where appropriate, and in accordance with domestic law, the term “victim” also
includes the immediate family or dependants of the direct victim and persons who
have suffered harm in intervening to assist victims in distress or to prevent
Victims of terrorist crimes must be treated with compassion and respect for their dignity.
They are entitled to access to the mechanisms of justice and to prompt redress, as
provided for by national legislation, for the harm that they have suffered. Judicial and
administrative mechanisms should be established and strengthened where necessary to
enable victims to obtain redress through formal or informal procedures that are expedi-
tious, fair, inexpensive and accessible.
앫 Inform victims of their role in the criminal justice process; the nature of the co-
operation that is expected from them; and the scope, timing and progress of the
criminal proceedings, as well as the outcome of the proceedings;
앫 Allow the views and concerns of victims to be presented and considered at appro-
priate stages of the proceedings where their personal interests are affected, without
prejudice to the accused and consistent with the relevant procedures of the national
criminal justice system;
앫 Provide proper assistance to victims throughout the judicial proceedings;
앫 Minimize inconvenience to victims, protect their privacy when necessary, and
ensure their safety and that of their families;
앫 Protect victims from potential intimidation and retaliation;
앫 Avoid unnecessary delay in the disposition of cases and the execution of orders
or decrees granting awards to victims;
앫 Offer victims the necessary material, medical, psychological and social assistance
through governmental, voluntary and community-based means;
앫 Offer victims access to restitution and compensation.
In many countries, experience has shown that an effective way to address the many needs
of crime victims is to establish programmes that provide social, psychological, emotional
and financial support and effectively help victims within criminal justice and social institu-
tions. In addition to provisions allowing victims to bring civil claims against perpetrators,
some countries have enacted national legislation recognizing victims’ rights to compensa-
tion and to participation in criminal proceedings. Those possibilities enhance recognition
of the suffering of victims. Allowing victim participation in criminal proceedings and
recognizing the right of victims to be informed of progress in the case serves to rebalance
a criminal justice system that would otherwise heavily favour perpetrators and
Criminal justice officials and policymakers can help ensure that criminal justice systems
are responsive to the needs of victims and respectful of their rights by doing the
Effective counter-terrorism responses rely on effective and credible law enforcement agen-
cies that enjoy the trust and confidence of the population. Civilian oversight of the police
in the context of counter-terrorism strategies will ensure greater transparency of those
counter-terrorism policies and enhance public trust in them. Ensuring police integrity is
fundamental to good governance and is essential in gaining public trust and achieving
public safety. Moreover, because the police are often the most visible and most directly
encountered part of government, the level of confidence and trust of a nation in its police
often reflects the trust and confidence held in its Government.
Standards are less likely to be compromised if they are being monitored. Thus, public
confidence and trust in the police can be enhanced and maintained through clear account-
ability, effective oversight and transparent integrity.
In setting international standards for policing, the General Assembly in its resolution
34/169 of 17 December 1979, adopted the Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Offi-
cials. The Code establishes the following duties for law enforcement officials:
앫 Fulfil at all times the duty imposed upon them by law, by serving the community
and by protecting all persons against illegal acts;
앫 Respect and protect human dignity and maintain and uphold the human rights of
all persons;
앫 Use force only when strictly necessary and to the extent required for the perform-
ance of their duty;
앫 Keep matters of a confidential nature confidential;
앫 Not inflict, instigate or tolerate any act of torture or other cruel, inhuman or
degrading treatment or punishment;
앫 Ensure the full protection and health of persons in their custody;
앫 Abstain from any act of corruption;
앫 To the best of their capability, prevent and rigorously oppose any violations of the
The Code is supported by the Guidelines for the Effective Implementation of the Code
of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials,168 which call for the Code to be introduced
Economic and Social Council resolution 2002/13, annex.
into national legislation and practice. The Guidelines also emphasize the importance of
key drivers in the institutionalization of police integrity, including the selection, education
and training of law enforcement officials, their salaries, working conditions, discipline and
supervision, and the need for mechanisms for the receipt and processing of complaints
by members of the public. The Code and the Guidelines are invaluable in establishing
benchmarks for the oversight capacity and integrity of police systems.
The police can be held accountable through a number of different and often complemen-
tary mechanisms, including the media, political accountability, criminal courts, internal
discipline, civil actions, and specialized mechanisms for complaints and oversight.
앫 Having in place a sound governance structure and processes for the police, includ-
ing a legislated framework to guide its operation and police boards or
앫 Managing for performance and accountability by establishing internal reporting
mechanisms for critical incidents and use of force, on outside activities and employ-
ment of offices and on gifts and potential conflicts of interest;
앫 Ensuring that effective supervisory practices are adhered to;
앫 Developing performance targets, performance indicators and sound financial
reporting practices;
앫 Having in place a fair and effective disciplinary process;
앫 Establishing a citizen complaints review mechanism and/or a civilian oversight
mechanism (e.g. a police auditor).
Police officers may be held accountable in a number of ways. They may be made account-
able for their performance and productivity, for example, by making use of targets or
objectives set by government or the local community. But, more important, the police
must be held accountable for how they exercise the power entrusted in them. One can
distinguish at least four levels of accountability to which the police must be subjected:
앫 Holding police agencies accountable for the services that they deliver (performance
and quality of services);
앫 Holding police agencies accountable for the resources at their disposal and how
they utilize them;
A. Osse, Understanding Policing: A Resource for Human Rights Activists (Amsterdam, Amnesty Inter-
national, 2006), p. 117.
앫 Holding individual officers accountable for how they conduct themselves, how they
treat citizens and whether they respect citizens’ rights;
앫 Holding police managers accountable for how they deal with incidents of officer
Disciplinary mechanisms
Police officers can be engaged in various forms of misconduct having varying degree of
seriousness and different kinds of consequences. Such misconduct can include criminal
behaviour, mistreatment of prisoners or suspects, tampering or fabrication of evidence,
inappropriate use of informants, unauthorized disclosure of information, false testimony,
acceptance of bribes and various other forms of corruption. Appropriate and fair mecha-
nisms need to be in place to deal with all potential forms of police misconduct.
T. Prenzler and C. Ronken, “Models of police oversight: a critique”, Policing and Society, vol. 11, 2001,
p. 152.
II. Oversight of lawyers and prosecutors
Given the crucial role that they play in criminal justice systems and, in particular, in
shaping the response of those systems to terrorism, lawyers and prosecutors must be kept
accountable by maintaining the highest standards of probity and professional integrity.
Independent and effective mechanisms must also be in place to monitor the application
of those standards.
Principle 14 of the Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers makes it clear that “lawyers
in protecting the rights of their clients and in promoting the cause of justice, shall seek
to uphold human rights and fundamental freedoms recognized by national and interna-
tional law and shall at all times act freely and diligently in accordance with the law and
recognized standards and ethics of the legal profession”. According to the Basic Principles,
lawyers must always loyally respect the interests of their clients.
Codes of professional conduct for lawyers must be established by the legal profession
through its appropriate organs, or by means of legislation, in accordance with national
law and custom and recognized international standards and norms. Principles 27-29 of
the Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers also provide guidance on the conduct of
disciplinary proceedings when charges or complaints are made against lawyers:
“27. Charges or complaints made against lawyers in their professional capacity shall
be processed expeditiously and fairly under appropriate procedures. Lawyers shall
have the right to a fair hearing, including the right to be assisted by a lawyer of their
“28. Disciplinary proceedings against lawyers shall be brought before an impartial
disciplinary committee established by the legal profession, before an independent
statutory authority, or before a court, and shall be subject to an independent judicial
“29. All disciplinary proceedings shall be determined in accordance with the code
of professional conduct and other recognized standards and ethics of the legal
profession and in the light of these principles.”
Prosecutors must, in accordance with the law, perform their duties fairly, consistently and
expeditiously and respect and protect human dignity and uphold human rights.
Guideline No. 13 of the Guidelines on the Role of Prosecutors, makes some of those
duties explicit:
Guideline No. 21 of the Guidelines on the Role of Prosecutors stipulates that “disciplinary
offences of prosecutors shall be based on law or lawful regulations. Complaints against
prosecutors which allege that they acted in a manner clearly out of the range of profes-
sional standards shall be processed expeditiously and fairly under appropriate procedures.
Prosecutors shall have the right to a fair hearing. The decision shall be subject to
independent review.”
Guideline No. 22 adds that “disciplinary proceedings against prosecutors shall guarantee
an objective evaluation and decision. They shall be determined in accordance with the
law, the code of professional conduct and other established standards and ethics and in
the light of the present Guidelines.”
Guideline No. 17 states that “in countries where prosecutors are vested with
discretionary functions, the law or published rules or regulations shall provide guidelines
to enhance fairness and consistency of approach in taking decisions in the prosecution
process, including institution or waiver of prosecution”. In many States, prosecutors
continue to have some broad discretionary powers, which are balanced by a requirement
for greater public accountability. The establishment and publication of prosecutorial priori-
ties, guidelines and codes of ethics are essential steps toward greater transparency and
accountability with respect to prosecutors and the decisions that they make.
Given the limited resources at their disposal and the rapidly increasing costs of prosecu-
tion, prosecutors must frequently make decisions based partly on cost considerations rather
than strictly on legal considerations. The high cost of international cases, the complexity
of cases and, in some cases, the evidentiary material involved render a certain amount of
discretionary decision-making inevitable in these matters. Rule-of-law considerations must
nevertheless guide decision-making, and that can present difficult challenges for prosecu-
tion services and their managers. Prosecutorial decisions, particularly where there is room
for considerable discretion, create room for corruption and discrimination unless those
decisions are subjected to public scrutiny and review by appropriate authorities.
“17. A charge or complaint made against a judge in his/her judicial and professional
capacity shall be processed expeditiously and fairly under an appropriate procedure.
The judge shall have the right to a fair hearing. The examination of the matter at
its initial stage shall be kept confidential, unless otherwise requested by the judge.
“18. Judges shall be subject to suspension or removal only for reasons of incapacity
or behaviour that renders them unfit to discharge their duties.
“19. All disciplinary, suspension or removal proceedings shall be determined in
accordance with established standards of judicial conduct.
“20. Decisions in disciplinary, suspension or removal proceedings should be subject
to an independent review. This principle may not apply to the decisions of the
highest court and those of the legislature in impeachment or similar proceedings.”
As noted above, the Bangalore Principles of Judicial Conduct171 establish the standards
for the ethical conduct of judges and provide guidance to judges, as well as a framework
for the regulation of judicial conduct and the response to incidents of judicial
E/CN.4/2003/65, annex.
IV. Prison oversight and inspections
The nature of inspections carried out in prisons varies from country to country. However,
most correctional systems provide for both an internal and an external inspection process.
National external inspection bodies may include commissions or persons appointed by
the Government, human rights commissions, inspection bodies appointed by the Parlia-
ment, ombudsmen and lay inspection bodies (sometimes referred to as monitoring boards).
In some countries, there is a special judge with responsibility for prison inspections. In
other countries, there are supervision boards at the local level, often headed by a judge.
55. There shall be a regular inspection of penal institutions and services by qualified and
experienced inspectors appointed by a competent authority. Their task shall be in particular
to ensure that these institutions are administered in accordance with existing laws and
regulations and with a view to bringing about the objectives of penal and correctional
Inspectors appointed by the ministry responsible may carry out internal inspections, as
may bodies responsible for administrative inspections. Prison inspections may also be
carried out by external bodies responsible for inspections in a variety of activities outside
prisons. Such inspections may relate to sanitation, preparation of food, medical services,
health and safety in prison industries and fire prevention, among other things. Such
inspection bodies may belong to ministries other than the ministry responsible for prisons,
which helps ensure the independence and objectivity of the inspection and reporting.
Inspections may also be carried out by international and regional bodies such as the
Special Rapporteur of the Human Rights Council on torture and other cruel, inhuman
or degrading treatment or punishment, the European Committee for the Prevention of
Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment of the Council of Europe
and the International Committee of the Red Cross.
The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy underscores the international
community’s recognition that an effective and durable counter-terrorism strategy must
focus on several key areas, including addressing the conditions conducive to the spread
of terrorism, the development of the capacity of States to prevent and combat terrorism,
and unwavering respect for human rights, due process and the rule of law. The Strategy
neatly brings those essential elements together in a single document, with global support.
Strengthening the capacity of the criminal justice systems of Member States to appropri-
ately investigate, prosecute and adjudicate terrorist cases is an important component of
this comprehensive strategy.
Strong criminal justice systems, underpinned by appropriate laws and specialized capacity,
are essential to enabling States to comply with their legal obligations under the universal
regime against terrorism, including the legal instruments to which they are party and the
legally binding obligations stemming from the relevant Security Council resolutions.
Indeed, the improved capacity of national criminal justice systems to deal with complex
crimes such as terrorism will have positive implications for the system as a whole. The
capacity of criminal justice systems to fight terrorism is nearly undistinguishable from its
general capacity to respond to other serious crimes within the framework of the rule of
law and international human rights law. Even in a situation of relative emergency created
by a specific terrorist threat, it is not possible to build the capacity of a justice system to
fight terrorist activities without addressing its overall capacity to function as a fair, efficient
and accountable system.
The present Handbook on Criminal Justice Responses to Terrorism provides some basic guid-
ance to policymakers and practitioners on how to go about building the capacity of their
justice system to prevent and counter terrorism. It does not cover every aspect of the task
in detail and it does not provide easy, one-size-fits-all recipes. However, when used in
combination with other assistance tools, it should provide a useful starting point. A list
of other useful tools is contained in the annex.
(b) Guide for the Legislative Incorporation and Implementation of the Universal
Anti-Terrorism Instruments
(available at;
(i) Model Law on Extradition (prepared jointly with the Treaty and Legal
Assistance Branch of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)
(available at;
(j) Mutual Legal Assistance Request Writer Tool (prepared by the Treaty and
Legal Assistance Branch of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)
(available at;
Vienna International Centre, PO Box 500, 1400 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +(43-1) 26060-0, Fax: +(43-1) 26060-5866,
Handbook on
Criminal Justice
Responses to Terrorism