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Ten Principles of Grammar Facilitation For Children With Specific Language Impairments

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Clinical Focus

Ten Principles of Grammar Facilitation

for Children With Specific Language

Marc E. Fey
University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City

Steven H. Long
Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI

Lizbeth H. Finestack
University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City

Although they often have significant difficulties to present and justify 10 principles that we regard
in other areas, most children with specific as essential for planning adequate interventions
language impairment (SLI) have special difficul- for children with language-learning problems.
ties with the understanding and use of grammar. These principles are relevant for all children with
Therefore, most of these children will require an problems in the use of grammar, but they are
intervention program that targets comprehension especially appropriate for 3- to 8-year-old
or production of grammatical form. Language children with SLI. Although all of our examples
interventionists are faced with the difficult task of are from English, the principles we have chosen
developing comprehensive intervention pro- are sufficiently broad to cut across many
grams that address the children’s grammatical linguistic and cultural boundaries.
deficits while remaining sensitive to their other
existing and predictable social, behavioral, and Key Words: specific language impairment,
academic problems. The purpose of this article is language intervention, grammar

ompared to their age-level peers, children with Although linguistic functions are most severely dis-
specific language impairment (SLI) may have turbed, children with SLI also have been shown to perform
deficits in any or all domains of language (Bishop, poorly on many tasks of cognitive functioning, including
1992; Johnston, 1988; Leonard, 1998). This includes symbolic play, haptic recognition, temporal processing of
phonology (Leonard, 1982; Roberts, Rescorla, Giroux, & auditory and visual signals, and mental rotation. Several of
Stevens, 1998), lexical and relational semantics (Ellis these tasks do not appear to reflect underlying verbal
Weismer & Hesketh, 1996; Kail & Leonard, 1986; Leonard abilities (see Johnston, 1994). These children also are
et al., 1982; Leonard, 1975; McGregor & Leonard, 1995; reported frequently to be generally clumsy or slow and to
McGregor & Waxman, 1998; Oetting, Rice, & Swank, 1995; have problems on visual discrimination tasks (Miller, Kail,
Schwartz & Leonard, 1985), syntax (Fletcher, 1992; Leonard, & Tomblin, 2001; Powell & Bishop, 1992;
Morehead & Ingram, 1973), morphology (Bedore & Windsor & Hwang, 1999).
Leonard, 1998; Leonard, 1989; Leonard & Bortolini, 1998; The language impairments of children with SLI
Leonard, Bortolini, Caselli, & Sabbadini, 1993; Miller & typically are noted first in conversational contexts during
Leonard, 1998; Rice, 1994; Rice, Buhr, & Nemeth, 1990), the preschool years. They also manifest themselves in
and pragmatics (Brinton, Fujiki, & Higbee, 1998; Brinton, older children in the comprehension and production of
Fujiki, & McKee, 1998; Craig, 1991; Craig & Evans, 1993). textual forms, such as narrative and exposition, in both
These problems exist in the absence of mental retardation or spoken and written modalities (Gillam, McFadden, & van
of frank neurological, sensory, or psychosocial factors that Kleeck, 1995; Liles, Duffy, Merritt, & Purcell, 1995; Scott,
might adequately explain the extreme difficulties these 1995). Because of their verbal and nonverbal deficits,
children exhibit in language acquisition and development. children with language impairments are at great risk for
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology • Vol. 12 • 3–15 • February 2003 • © American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Fey et al.: Grammar Facilitation 3
school failure. For example, they may have problems in this article is to present 10 principles that we regard as
social and behavioral adjustment in school (Beitchman et essential in developing state-of-the-art grammatical
al., 1986; Brinton, Fujiki, Campbell Spencer, & Robinson, interventions for children with SLI and to offer some
1997; Brinton, Fujiki, & Higbee, 1998; Brinton, Fujiki, & examples of how those principles might be implemented
McKee, 1998; Redmond & Rice, 1998; Rice, 1993; clinically. These principles are listed in Table 1.
Windsor, 1995). They are also highly likely to have Our own theoretical position on SLI is most consistent
problems in learning to read and write (Catts, 1991, 1993; with general processing limitation hypotheses, such as the
Catts, Fey, Zhang, & Tomblin, 2001; Fey, Catts, & so-called surface account of Leonard (1998). Leonard’s
Larrivee, 1995; Padget, 1988). hypothesis holds that children with SLI develop adult-like
Despite investigators’ awareness of deficits in many representations of morphosyntactic forms more slowly than
different areas of linguistic and nonlinguistic functioning, do children with typical language because they are gener-
use of grammar clearly has received the most theoretical ally slow in processing of language and other types of
and empirical attention to date. This focus on grammar information and sensory–motor operations (Leonard, 1998;
and, especially, grammatical morphology is well deserved, Miller et al., 2001). Their problems with language are more
because this is the one area in which developmental significant than deficits in other areas because of the rapid
patterns of children with SLI have been shown to differ sensory, perceptual, and computational processing required
consistently from those of younger, typically developing for language acquisition. According to this view, language
children who are matched on some linguistic criterion, difficulties should be greatest for language forms that are
such as mean length of utterance (MLU; Leonard, 1994, weak in phonetic form, sparsely or irregularly represented
1998; Rice & Wexler, 1996; Rice, Wexler, & Hershberger, on the surface, opaque with respect to their underlying
1998). The profile of atypical syntax and morphology semantic properties, and/or complex with respect to their
learning is characterized by late onset of grammatical linguistic computational requirements. For English-
forms and by protracted periods from first uses to mastery speaking children, this includes virtually all bound and free
of these same forms (Johnston & Schery, 1976; Rice et al., grammatical morphology. Not all morphemes should pose
1998). Thus, at the same time that children with SLI are the same degree of difficulty for children with SLI,
omitting grammatical morphemes, such as articles, however, because not all grammatical morphemes are
copulas, auxiliaries, and regular tense inflections, they may
occasionally use sentences that are longer and syntactically
more complex than those commonly found among younger TABLE 1. Ten principles of grammatical intervention for
children with SLI.
typical children at the same stage of morphological
development (Johnston & Kamhi, 1984; Leonard, 1972).
Because of the pervasiveness of delays in grammar and 1. The basic goal of all grammatical interventions should be
to help the child to achieve greater facility in the
the especially slow development of grammatical morphol- comprehension and use of syntax and morphology in the
ogy among children with SLI, language interventionists service of conversation, narration, exposition, and other
frequently are called upon to develop language intervention textual genres in both written and oral modalities.
programs to facilitate grammatical development in these 2. Grammatical form should rarely, if ever, be the only
children. Although this task appears circumscribed on the aspect of language and communication that is targeted
surface, it is always far more complex in reality. We in a language intervention program.
believe that effective intervention requires clinicians to 3. Select intermediate goals in an effort to stimulate the
follow four steps. They must carefully (a) examine the child’s language acquisition processes rather than to
teach specific language forms.
child’s existing speech and language patterns, (b) evaluate
4. The specific goals of grammatical intervention must be
the linguistic knowledge presumed to underlie those based on the child’s “functional readiness” and need for
patterns, (c) evaluate the impact of these patterns on the the targeted forms.
child’s current social–behavioral–cognitive performance, 5. Manipulate the social, physical, and linguistic context to
and (d) evaluate the potential impact of the child’s existing create more frequent opportunities for grammatical
speech and language problems on future deficits in targets.
language, social, academic, and cognitive development, 6. Exploit different textual genres and the written modality
and behavioral adjustment. Failure to consider this broad to develop appropriate contexts for specific intervention
assortment of factors can oversimplify the problem for the targets.
child, the child’s family, and the interventionist. Interven- 7. Manipulate the discourse so that targeted features are
rendered more salient in pragmatically felicitous
tion based on such oversimplification is not likely to serve contexts.
what we regard as the primary purpose or basic goal of
8. Systematically contrast forms used by the child with
language intervention: to facilitate communication func- more mature forms from the adult grammar, using
tioning and to minimize the existing or potential social, sentence recasts.
behavioral, and academic penalties associated with 9. Avoid telegraphic speech, always presenting gram-
children’s language deficits (Fey et al., 1995). matical models in well-formed phrases and sentences.
One problem confronting language interventionists, 10. Use elicited imitation to make target forms more salient
then, is how best to facilitate the child’s development of and to give the child practice with phonological patterns
grammar in a manner that is mindful of other problems the that are difficult to access or produce.
child has or can be projected to develop. The purpose of

4 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology • Vol. 12 • 3–15 • February 2003

equally weak, sparsely or irregularly distributed, or Principle 1. The basic goal of all grammatical
semantically opaque, nor are they equivalent in their interventions should be to help the child to achieve
computational processing requirements. To be successful, greater facility in the comprehension and use of
then, grammatical intervention should function to increase syntax and morphology in the service of
the frequency, saliency, meaningfulness, and opportunity conversation, narration, exposition, and other
to make use of target grammatical constructions in prag- textual genres in both written and oral modalities.
matically felicitous contexts. Our own theoretical position This first principle reflects more of a general clinical
notwithstanding, we believe the 10 principles in Table 1 philosophy than the assumptions of any particular develop-
should apply for any individual who holds the basic mental theory. By this principle, if facilitation of grammati-
assumption that language-specific features of grammar can cal performance is selected as a basic goal of intervention, a
be facilitated through intervention. clinician must decide that improvements in grammatical
The principles presented here also are relevant for performance will have a positive influence on the child’s
children of all ages, although our focus is clearly on development in communication and/or in other areas of life
children from preschool through approximately the second functioning (Fey, 1986; Gillam et al., 1995; Nelson, 1989;
grade (3–8 years). The principles are grouped into those Scott, 1995). To some clinicians, this may mean that
involving the selection of goals (i.e., Principles 1–4) and intervention is best carried out in contexts in which the
those related to intervention procedures and activities (i.e., need for the forms arises naturally. For example, interven-
Principles 5–10). We view the first six principles discussed tionists who practice milieu language-teaching approaches
as crucial intervention elements that generally are not (cf. Kaiser, Yoder, & Keetz, 1992) carry out grammar
considered controversial within the field of language facilitation in children’s homes and classrooms rather than
intervention; therefore, less empirical support is offered for in a room specifically designed for clinical purposes. More
these principles. However, the last four principles dis- dramatically, proponents of whole language focus their
cussed have received greater focus by the research commu- efforts on the production of meaningful textual units, such
nity; thus, more supporting data are provided. as narratives. In most whole language approaches, no
specific goals are ever selected and some clinicians appear
Principles Related to Goal Selection not even to select intermediate objectives. Contrary to most
other approaches, isolation of specific linguistic targets for
The first task for the language interventionist is to decide direct instruction is contraindicated in whole language,
on the general and specific areas on which the intervention because such didactic tasks typically emphasize language
program will be focused. Fey (1986) proposed that goals are form to the relative exclusion of the meaning found in
best conceived as a set of hierarchical objectives, beginning coherent, cohesive text (Hoffman, Norris, & Monjure,
most broadly with basic goals, which provide a general focus 1993, 1996; see Gillam et al., 1995, for a different whole
for the intervention. For example, a child with a specific language perspective).
developmental phonological disorder would have a basic In our view, even highly decontextualized grammatical
goal of improving intelligibility. Similarly, a child with a intervention methods may be appropriate or even necessary
deficit in morphosyntax would have the basic goals of in some cases (Connell, 1986a, 1986b, 1987; Connell &
acquiring grammatical forms currently absent from the Stone, 1992; Fey, Cleave, Long, & Hughes, 1993; see
child’s system and of mastering those forms currently used Principle 10 below). Still, by Principle 1, success can be
inconsistently. Subordinate to the basic goals are intermedi- claimed only when the intervention facilitates the child’s
ate goals. Intermediate goals reflect theoretically or empiri- use of grammatical targets in meaningful oral or written
cally derived categories of linguistic targets with which the communication activities.
child is having problems. Thus, a child who substitutes stops
for fricatives might have an intermediate goal to maintain the
continuant feature or to eliminate the stopping of all affected Principle 2. Grammatical form should rarely, if
fricatives. A child with problems on bound and free gram- ever, be the only aspect of language and
matical morphology might have auxiliary forms and nomina- communication that is targeted in a language
tive case pronouns as intermediate goals. Specific goals, in intervention program.
contrast, reflect the individual sounds or grammatical forms Principle 2 is drawn from two assumptions. First, as we
that compose the intermediate-level categories or classes. discussed at the outset, even children with highly specific
Thus, the clinician may choose to focus intervention on the and disproportionate deficits in grammatical comprehension
production of /s/ and /f/ or /T/ to achieve the intermediate and production (e.g., van der Lely & Ullman, 2001) tend to
goal of continuance. If production of auxiliary verbs is an have problems in other linguistic and nonlinguistic areas that
intermediate goal, the clinician may choose to focus on will require careful clinical attention (Bishop, Bright, James,
certain specific exemplars, such as is and are, or do and does, Bishop, & Van Der Lely, 2000; Miller et al., 2001). Prin-
rather than targeting all types of auxiliaries at the same time. ciple 2 recognizes that these problems must be addressed as
The main point here is that there are many degrees of an adjunct to or as an inherent part of intervention that is
freedom in the selection of intervention goals, and designed to facilitate grammatical performance.
clinicians should set about the goal-selection task in a Second, intervention that successfully facilitates
principled manner. Four principles strike us as being most grammar will not necessarily result in spontaneous
critical in this process.

Fey et al.: Grammar Facilitation 5

improvements in other areas of deficiency. This is a Principle 3. Select intermediate goals in an effort to
controversial assumption. There are strong arguments that stimulate the child’s language acquisition processes
inability to use morphosyntactic form flexibly interferes rather than to teach specific language forms.
with performance in other areas (Johnston, 1988; Panagos When children with SLI are identified, they typically
& Prelock, 1982). Thus, one might hypothesize from are able to produce and/or comprehend some language,
several different theoretical perspectives that early success- suggesting that these children do possess language-learning
ful facilitation of grammar would reduce or eliminate resources that enable them to learn from the ambient
problems in the other areas as well. environment. More important, these observations suggest
The evidence in support of such a hypothesis, however, is that a basic goal of intervention should be to stimulate the
not strong. In the area of phonology, three studies (Hoffman child’s existing resources and/or trigger changes in the
et al., 1993, 1996; Matheny & Panagos, 1978) have found child’s grammatical system so that the child can learn more
that language interventions leading to improvements in efficiently and rapidly from the ambient environment
grammatical production also resulted in significant gains in (Bates, Thal, & MacWhinney, 1991; Cleave & Fey, 1997;
phonological production, even when no phonological Rice, Wexler, & Cleave, 1995). In other words, rather than
intervention procedures were used. In contrast to these using methods that help the child to learn specific language
reports, Fey et al. (1994) failed to observe improvements in targets within intervention sessions in response to clini-
phonology among a group of children with SLI who had cally delivered stimuli, clinicians should seek methods that
completed a successful grammatical intervention. The 27 will help children learn language more effectively both
participants with phonological impairments in that study inside and outside the intervention context.
were culled from a group of 4- to 6-year-old children with One way of doing this may be to select intermediate
language impairments (mostly SLI). Thus, these children’s goals that reflect grammatical categories, principles, and
problems had persisted much longer and were more severe operations. If intervention could lead the child to such a
than those of the children studied by Hoffman and his broad intervention target, then the language-specific
colleagues (Hoffman et al., 1993, 1996). Half of the children manifestations of the target should be more readily
had received a 5-month grammatical intervention that led to accessible and learnable by the child. For example, a
more complex and more well-formed sentence productions in clinician might target the entire class of nominative case
spontaneous conversations with their parents (Fey et al., pronouns (e.g., we, he, she, they) for a child who substi-
1993). Contrary to clinical expectations, however, the gains tutes the accusative (e.g., me, him, her, them) forms in
in phonology made by the children who received the subject position. Or, a clinician might focus on the use of
grammatical intervention were no greater than the gains ordinal adjuncts to organize narratives chronologically
made by control participants who received no intervention (e.g., first, next, last) for a child who fails to use these
over the treatment period. Thus, there was no observable forms in story production or in reporting events.
relationship between improvements in grammatical and Theoretical proposals in linguistics often suggest
phonological production. broader, more abstract relationships among specific
This lack of generalization from grammar to other areas morphosyntactic forms than those found in the categories
may extend farther than phonology. Intervention targeting of structural grammars. Consequently, the potential for
speech and language form has long been presented to generalized learning might be even greater than assumed
preschool children under the assumption that this would previously. For example, on the basis of a principles and
minimize the risks of later academic and behavioral parameters approach, such as Hyams (1986), a clinician
problems. There are very few studies that have addressed might select changes in parameter settings, such as the null
the long-term outcomes of early language intervention, and subject parameter. Because of the setting of this parameter
none of these have done so in an adequate manner. On the in English, grammatical subjects are obligatory, even if
basis of the weak evidence that is available, however, Fey they bear no semantic content (e.g., It is raining; There’s a
et al. (1995) argued that standard interventions focusing on snake over there). Other languages, with the opposite
preschool and kindergarten children’s speech and language setting of the null subject parameter, such as Italian and
in conversation do not eliminate and probably do not Spanish, allow sentences with no overt grammatical
minimize the risks of later social and literacy deficits subject (e.g., Raining. A snake over there). If a clinician
among preschool children with SLI. could help an English-speaking child to trigger the appro-
In sum, children with SLI who have deficits in grammar priate setting in this parameter, the child would be in an
often will need intervention targeting other areas of appropriate position to learn a broad array of forms and
weakness. In some cases with young children, this may operations related to grammatical subjects, such as (a)
involve little more than using literacy materials, like obligatory use of grammatical subjects, (b) nominative
storybooks, as the source of appropriate grammatical case pronouns (he/she vs. him/her), (c) auxiliary forms
models or to increase the number of opportunities to use (e.g., do/does; am/are/is), (d) subject–auxiliary inversion
target forms (see Principle 6 below). In other cases, for interrogatives, and (e) subject–verb agreement (e.g.,
intervention might include indirect or direct efforts to Seth walks home).
enhance social (e.g., Schuele, Rice, & Wilcox, 1995), As a final example, a clinician might take the position
lexical (McGregor & Leonard, 1994), conversational that a child’s problems with morphosyntax are due, in part,
(Brinton & Fujiki, 1995), narrative (Hoffman et al., 1993, to prosodic constraints on output. Such a position can be
1996), and literacy (Scott, 1995) skills. predicated on the finding from numerous studies indicating

6 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology • Vol. 12 • 3–15 • February 2003

that English-speaking children, including those with SLI, Thus, it is clear that specific goals may be reached even
are most likely to omit weakly stressed syllables when they when they are forms that are never attested in the child’s
immediately precede (and do not simultaneously follow) output prior to intervention. On the other hand, Fey and
strong syllables (Gerken & McGregor, 1998; Leonard & Loeb (2002) studied the effects of yes–no question recasts
Bortolini, 1998; McGregor & Leonard, 1994; Sahlen, containing the auxiliaries, is and will, on the development
Reuterskiold Wagner, Nettelbladt, & Radeborg, 1999). of children who were not yet using any auxiliaries (e.g.,
This bias toward strong–weak, or trochaic, metrical Child: daddy drive. Adult: Is daddy driving?). They found
patterns appears to contribute to the finding that pronouns no evidence that these recasts facilitated auxiliary use for
and articles are omitted more frequently in subject position children with SLI or for children with typical language. It
than in object position. For example, a child would be may be that the recasts used by Fey and Loeb would have
more likely to omit the article and pronoun in the following been effective for children already producing at least one
sentences (strong syllables are capitalized): “a BOY ate nontargeted auxiliary in some contexts.
COOKies” or “he LIKES them” than in the sentences, “he Nelson et al. (1996) demonstrated that targets that were
ATE a COOKie” or “we THINK he’s FUNny”. An partially mastered prior to intervention were rapidly
appropriate intermediate goal from this theoretical position acquired even without direct intervention. These findings
would be to facilitate the production of weak syllables that led Nelson et al. (1996) to suggest that partially mastered
immediately precede strong syllables. Meeting this targets may not require direct intervention attention. This
objective could decrease the frequency with which forms conclusion appears premature, however. For example,
that frequently fall in such positions (e.g., articles, pro- Connell and Stone (1992) argued that the primary diffi-
nouns, auxiliaries, copulas) are omitted (see Shea & Tyler, culty for children with SLI is not the acquisition of
2001, for a related intervention example). Principle 3 grammatical rules, which these children may learn ad-
encourages clinicians to seek ways in which specific equately in comprehension. According to these investiga-
attainments within the intervention context result in tors, the problem lies in an inability to access the phono-
system-wide grammatical changes. It is not known which, logical representations for grammatical forms quickly and
if any, of the types of intermediate intervention targets we consistently enough so that they appear regularly in output.
have provided as examples lead to the broadest and most Therefore, to reach levels of mastery of already acquired
efficient learning outside the primary clinical context. The grammatical forms, these children may require many
answer to this question depends in large part on the validity opportunities to produce the targets. These opportunities
of the theoretical relationships assumed to exist among the can be provided through intervention.
specific forms that the intermediate target comprises. In Leonard (1994) reported cases in which children with
other words, clinicians’ hypotheses with respect to inter- SLI overregularized the use of -ed (e.g., breaked), yet still
mediate goals can be no better than the theoretical assump- produced the past tense morpheme in as few as 9% of
tions on which they are based. obligatory contexts. Whereas Connell and Stone (1992)
might explain such a finding on the basis of the child’s
retrieval and other output processes, Leonard’s (1994)
Principle 4. The specific goals of grammatical hypothesis was based on the child’s failure to develop
intervention must be based on the child’s appropriate representations for the past tense. He sug-
“functional readiness” and need for the targeted gested that children with SLI may insert the bare stem
forms (Bates et al., 1991; Johnston, 1985). form (e.g., walk, play) into their morphological paradigms
Principle 4 suggests that clinicians should expect where the past tense form (e.g., walk + ed, play + ed)
intervention effects only for those forms for which the should reside. Thus, when a child seeks a past tense form
child is cognitively, socially, and linguistically prepared. If for a particular verb, the bare stem is found and produced
the child does not currently produce messages obligating instead of the appropriately inflected form. To overcome
the use of targeted forms, it is unlikely that intervention this misidentification of bare stem forms as past tense
can help the child develop a productive rule that then is forms, Leonard (1994) argued that children with SLI need
implemented in functional contexts. On the basis of this more exemplars of target forms in input than do children
principle, appropriate specific goals would be (a) gram- developing typically. Again, intervention could be
matical forms and operations that the child uses correctly designed to provide such opportunities.
on occasion but either omits or uses incorrectly on other Finally, according to the extended optional infinitive
occasions (i.e., partially mastered forms) or (b) develop- theory of Rice and her colleagues (Rice & Wexler, 1996;
mentally appropriate forms that the child never uses, Rice et al., 1995, 1998), the especially protracted period
despite producing sentences and texts that call for their use during which children waffle between accurate use and
(i.e., forms that the child may know to some extent but omission of tense-related forms is a phenotypic marker of
rarely or never uses). the disorder. Although some children with SLI may never
Camarata and Nelson and their colleagues (Camarata, master the use of tense-related morphology, others are
Nelson, & Camarata, 1992, 1994; Nelson, Camarata, presumed to reach mastery through a process of maturation.
Welsh, Butkovsky, & Camarata, 1996) have demonstrated Given these theoretical proposals and the evidence on
that, with intervention, 4- to 6-year-old children with SLI which they are based, it seems unlikely that most children
can learn to produce absent but developmentally appropri- with SLI can master the spontaneous use of partially
ate grammatical forms, sometimes after a single session. acquired morphemes without specific clinical focus on

Fey et al.: Grammar Facilitation 7

these forms or on intermediate goals to which these acts, minimizing their effectiveness as models. To address
morphemes are subordinated. Consequently, at present, it this concern, puppets or dolls that sometimes “get mixed
seems well justified to focus intervention on partially up” and need to be corrected by the child can be excellent
mastered forms as well as on unused forms for which the conspirators in such cases.
child demonstrates cognitive and linguistic readiness and As an example of these techniques, making a peanut
functional need. butter sandwich could be an excellent activity for a child
working on negative forms. Instead of typical ingredients,
however, the clinician might have on hand things like
Principles Related to Intervention noodles, cheese, dog food, or even a pencil, as ingredients for
Procedures and Activities the sandwich. Such unlikely choices will create opportunities
The remaining six principles pertain to intervention for sentences like, “You can’t eat that,” “That wouldn’t taste
procedures, or techniques, that are presumed to have a good,” or “We don’t need noodles/cheese/hot dogs.” When
causal effect on the development of grammatical forms and the proper ingredients are used and the activity has been
the activities, or social/linguistic contexts, within which the completed, recapping the entire process can create numerous
procedures can best be implemented. It should be clear that obligatory contexts for the target forms in a very short time.
we make no claims that these procedures are necessary to
ensure eventual development of the grammatical forms Clinician: “We used/ate/needed peanut butter. We also
targeted in intervention among children with SLI. On the used cheese.”
other hand, we believe that these principles, taken together, Child: “No, we not use cheese.”
lead to the creation of environmental conditions that are
sufficient to hasten the acquisition of new forms and the Clinician: “Right, we didn’t use cheese. What about dog
development and mastery of forms already acquired in food?”
these children.
Principle 6. Exploit different textual genres and
Principle 5. Manipulate the social, physical, and the written modality to develop appropriate
linguistic context to create more frequent contexts for specific intervention targets.
opportunities for grammatical targets. Principle 6 builds upon Principle 5 in three important
Many grammatical targets are difficult to address ways. First, there is evidence that individuals who perform
because they do not occur frequently in typical clinical well during conversations with the support of a cooperative
settings. In these cases, the clinician must plan and modify partner often exhibit grammatical weaknesses in other
activities that will increase the need for target productions genres, such as narratives, or in the written modality
to levels well beyond those found in the ambient environ- (Gillam & Johnston, 1992; MacLachlan & Chapman,
ment. Ideally, the child will seize clinician-designed 1988; Scott, 1995). Thus, clinicians interested in the
opportunities to produce an utterance and, in so doing, will grammatical deficits of children with SLI must adequately
either use the target form or make an error in its use. These challenge these children’s systems in evaluations and in
cases give the clinician the chance to operate on the child’s intervention (Lahey, 1990; Nippold & Schwartz, 1996).
utterance by producing corrective or noncorrective recasts Failure to do so would violate Principle 1, which requires
(see Principle 8 below). Even when the child fails to grammatical intervention to result in grammatical gains
communicate or communicates using some unanticipated that significantly influence the child’s ability to communi-
grammatical option, however, these contexts give the cate in different genres in both oral and written modes.
clinician a chance to produce pragmatically appropriate Second, for many forms, obligatory contexts occur more
models of target structures for the child’s benefit. frequently in some genres and modalities than others. For
There are a number of different ways to manipulate example, Leadholm and Miller (1992) reported that in
activities to increase the number of opportunities for the narratives, preschoolers produce past tense forms approxi-
child’s specific target form. In many, the clinician takes on mately two times more often and possessives three times
the role of the saboteur, disrupting the physical environ- more often than they do in conversation. Moreover, Hsieh,
ment and routines within the environment. Devices that Leonard, and Swanson (1999) reported that third person
may be used by the clinician include (a) violation of singular forms (3S; e.g., Lincoln looks funny) were
routine events, (b) withholding of objects and turns (or infrequent in both conversation and story contexts. On the
giving extremely small portions, increasing the need for basis of this evidence, listening to and creating stories most
another child act), (c) violation of object function or likely will provide more opportunities for clinician models
manipulation, and (d) intentional misplacement of objects and for the child to produce -ed and possessive -s. For 3S,
(Lucas, 1980). Similarly, the clinician can create felicitous simple expository texts probably would be more suitable
contexts for many forms by becoming less cooperative as a than conversation during play or narratives, because the
conversationalist. Misnaming objects or describing events simple present is more common in informational discourse
incorrectly can reduce the child’s grammatical options (e.g., “What does a fireman/a mailman/mommy do?”).
dramatically, resulting in some meaningful attempt at the Third, using similar logic, clinicians can exploit
target structures. Some clinicians worry that children will language modality to the child’s benefit. For example, for
see them as silly or error-prone when they perform these older children learning higher level language forms,

8 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology • Vol. 12 • 3–15 • February 2003

written language can and should be utilized in listening and Child: We do that now.
production activities. For example, certain forms, like Clinician: Oh, no, you won’t.
appositives (e.g., “John, the barber”), nonfinite adverbial
clauses (e.g., “Bleeding from his nose, Jack wandered Child: Yeah.
home”), and passives (e.g., “The mouse was eaten by the Clinician: You won’t do it. WE will.
cat”) are rare in the oral mode but occur more frequently in
Child: No, WE will.
written texts (Perera, 1986; Scott, 1995). Principles 5 and 6
encourage clinicians to take advantage of these natural Clinician: Oh, you will, huh? Okay, you do it now.
tendencies for some grammatical forms to occur more I will do it later.
often in certain contexts than in others.
In keeping with Principle 6, this type of contrastive
discourse is easily generated by creating stories that
Principle 7. Manipulate the discourse so that highlight the child’s target forms (Cleave & Fey, 1997; Fey
targeted features are rendered more salient in et al., 1993). In addition, these contexts can be created
pragmatically felicitous contexts. during shared reading of published literature by disagree-
The most straightforward way to increase the salience ing with assertions made in the text.
of grammatical intervention targets, especially grammatical It should be noted that additional stress, achieved
morphemes, is to stress them by making them longer and through manipulation of the discourse, will be most helpful
louder and producing them with more dynamic pitch if one assumes that children with SLI have weak or
changes. This makes the grammatical targets stand out, but missing representations of the target morphemes. However,
it also can result in sentences that sound anomalous, as in if the problem of grammatical production is believed to
the following examples. stem from the metrical context in which the forms occur,
then little benefit should be expected to occur unless
That boy is working hard. children practice the forms in contexts in which they are
weakly stressed and bear a limited informational load or
The seed will grow into a flower. pragmatic force. In fact, practice with the grammatical
morphemes when they are represented by weakly stressed
It is possible, however, to manipulate the linguistic forms followed by strongly stressed forms may be useful,
context in ways that increase the phonetic substance of if not necessary, to speed mastery of the forms in produc-
grammatical morphemes in pragmatically acceptable ways tion (see Principle 10 below).
(cf. Bedore & Leonard, 1995; Cleave & Fey, 1997). Two
techniques are especially useful in this regard. First, the
Principle 8. Systematically contrast forms used by
clinician can present models in elliptical contexts in which the child with more mature forms from the adult
target forms appear in sentence- or phrase-final position. grammar, using sentence recasts.
That boy is working hard. He really IS. Increasing the frequency and perceptual salience of
target syntactic and morphologic forms in input probably is
The seed will grow into a flower. We just know it will. not sufficient to facilitate grammatical learning and use for
Who can mix the batter? John can. many children with SLI. In addition, steps must be taken to
clarify the relationship between the target forms and their
In these contexts, the targets typically are lengthened semantic/pragmatic/grammatical function (Bates et al.,
and may receive nuclear stress, especially in speech to 1991; Bunce & Watkins, 1995; Johnston, 1985). This can
young children (Hsieh et al., 1999). be done effectively by contrasting the child’s current, less
The second technique forces a contrast between one mature production (e.g., sentences with grammatical
assertion and another so that the target form is highly morphemes omitted) with a more mature adult alternative.
informative and, therefore, naturally receives greater stress. The most thoroughly studied method for contrasting a
child’s current form with a target form is the use of
sentence recasts in the child’s input (Baker & Nelson,
Don’t put it INSIDE the fence. Put it OUTSIDE. 1984; Camarata et al., 1992; Nelson, 1977, 1989; Nelson et
I like the BLUE dress. Suzy likes the PINK one. al., 1996; Nelson, Welsh, Camarata, Butkovsky, &
You want THAT fast car. We want THIS fast car. Camarata, 1995). Recasts maintain the meaning of
children’s utterances while modifying their structure. Their
John WASN’T laughing, but Suzy WAS. effectiveness hinges on four assumptions. First, because
recasts are based on the child’s own utterances, they are
These contrastive episodes are easy to create if the highly focused on the objects and relationships to which
clinician disagrees with or teases the child in a playful way the child is attending. Second, because recasts are similar
and allows the child to disagree as well (see also Principle in so many respects to the child’s original, or platform,
5). Note from the following example how this technique utterance, they are easy for the child to parse and compre-
can be used to create contexts in which the child needs the hend. Third, because recasts pose such limited sentence-
target form or some alternative to it. processing challenges, the child is more likely to notice the

Fey et al.: Grammar Facilitation 9

target features that distinguish the recast from the platform no evidence that these noncorrective interrogative recasts
sentence. Fourth, under conditions of joint caregiver–child facilitated auxiliary development for children with SLI or
attention, the sometimes subtle relationship between target younger children developing typically. There are a number of
features and semantic/pragmatic/grammatical functions possible explanations for this lack of efficacy. Two strong
may be rendered more transparent. Thus, an intervention possibilities, however, are (a) that the interrogative recasts
that increases the frequency of recasts and focuses them on did not correct the children’s auxiliary omissions and (b) that
grammatical forms for which a child was “functionally the interrogative recasts made too many changes in the
ready” would be fully consistent with all of the principles children’s utterances (i.e., they were too complex).
put forward in this article. Consequently, such an interven- Another area of uncertainty involves the frequency with
tion should be effective in enhancing children’s acquisition which recasts must occur to spark acquisition of grammati-
and development of the targeted grammatical forms. cal forms among children with SLI. Careful examination of
There is a large body of evidence that supports this data from Fey, Cleave, and Long, (1997); Fey et al. (1993);
conclusion and the assumptions on which it is based. For Fey, Krulik, Loeb, and Proctor-Williams (1999); and
example, several investigators have observed that recasts Proctor-Williams, Fey, and Loeb (2001), as well as data
facilitate the production of both previously unused and from Camarata et al. (1994); Conti-Ramsden (1990); and
partially mastered forms (Camarata et al., 1992, 1994; Farrar, Conti-Ramsden, Hutcheson, and Grove (1995), suggests
1990, 1992; Nelson et al., 1996). They also have been shown that the overall rate of recasts must be approximately twice
to affect the acquisition of relatively early-developing as well per minute or more to receive uptake by children with SLI.
as late-developing structures among children who are This rate is approximately two times that commonly found
typically developing (Baker & Nelson, 1984; Farrar, 1990, in the environments of young children (Fey et al., 1999).
1992; Nelson, 1977) and among those with SLI (Camarata et Recasts have special appeal because they can be used in
al., 1992, 1994; Nelson et al., 1995, 1996). naturally occurring contexts that do not intrude on the child’s
There may be some clear limits to the effectiveness of agenda. Thus, they can be used effectively by parents in
some forms of recasts, however. For example, recasts can homes or, conceivably, by teachers and teacher aides in
vary according to the level of complexity of the adult’s classrooms. In intervention studies, Fey et al. (1993, 1997)
contrasting sentence and in the extent to which the adult’s have shown that parents can be trained to increase their use
recast corrects the child’s previous utterance. The simplest of sentence recasts to two per minute or higher in parent–
recasts add or modify grammatical details of a single child conversations during play, at least when their children
clausal constituent (e.g., subject, verb, object). More are in the relatively early stages of language development.
complex sentence recasts modify more than one clausal
constituent, or add or embed new clauses into the child’s
core utterance. These different possibilities are illustrated Principle 9. Avoid telegraphic speech, always
in the following three episodes. presenting grammatical models in well-formed
phrases and sentences.
(1) Child: Our dog bite that man. In grammatical interventions targeting semantic (e.g.,
Clinician: Yeah, your dog bit that man. agent–action, possessor–possessed) and syntactic (e.g.,
subject–verb, verb–object) relations, it is common for
(2) Child: Our dog bit that man.
clinicians to model target forms in telegraphic form,
Clinician: No, your dog didn’t bite that man. stripped of grammatical functors (Gray & Ryan, 1974;
(3) Child: Our dog bit that man. Waryas & Stremel-Campbell, 1983). The logic behind this
technique is simple: By filtering out grammatical functors,
Clinician: Your dog bit the man who was teasing him. the clinician can eliminate potentially distracting elements
and highlight relationships that obtain between the content
Nelson, Bonvillian, Denninger, Kaplan, and Baker (1984) words in the sentences. Although this seems logical, and
observed a relationship between early parental use of simple some evidence indicates the approach may be viable (Loeb
recasts and later child use of auxiliaries. No such relationship & Armstrong, 2001), we believe that other evidence argues
was found between complex recasts and child auxiliary use. strongly against the practice. Five of the reasons to avoid
As Examples 2 and 3 above show, recasts do not necessarily telegraphic speech in favor of well-formed and naturally
correct the child’s previous utterance. Nevertheless, there is produced grammatical models are reviewed here.
some evidence that corrective recasts contingent on First, the comprehension abilities of children with SLI
children’s grammatical errors may be most facilitative. For may exceed their expressive abilities. In these cases, tele-
example, Saxton (1997) found that typically developing graphic models may remove grammatical morphemes the
children were far more likely to correct their ungrammatical child already understands and utilizes in comprehension, thus
sentences immediately after corrective adult recasts than after limiting the child’s potential. Second, there is evidence that
adult input that was not corrective or contingent on child children developing typically and children with language
errors. Additionally, Fey and Loeb (2002) attempted to foster impairments are sensitive to grammatical morphemes in the
development of auxiliaries among children not yet producing speech stream even before they produce them and possibly
them. Child declarative utterances that omitted auxiliaries before they fully comprehend them (Duchan & Erickson,
(e.g., “me [will] get it”) were followed systematically with 1976; McNamara, Carter, McIntosh, & Gerken, 1998;
interrogative recasts (e.g., “Oh, will you get it?”). They found Shipley, Smith, & Gleitman, 1969). For example, Duchan

10 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology • Vol. 12 • 3–15 • February 2003

and Erickson found that children with mental retardation who 1997; Connell, 1986a, 1986b, 1987; Connell & Stone,
had MLUs between 1 and 2 understood semantic relations 1992). We view imitation not as the means through which
better in well-formed constructions than in telegraphic forms, the child learns language (e.g., stimulus–response learning)
although this difference was not statistically significant. but as a mechanism that can ensure the child’s attention to
Well-formed sentences were understood significantly better and production of grammatical features that may be
than sentences in which functors were replaced by nonsense difficult for the child to perceive and/or produce (e.g.,
syllables (e.g., “daddy um fallum”), however. Thus, there is weak syllables that precede strong syllables). Connell and
no evidence that comprehension is facilitated by the use of Stone made the additional argument that imitative practice
telegraphic speech, and there is evidence that grammatical assists the child with SLI in gaining access to the phono-
functors are not interpreted as noise, even if their grammati- logical forms of target grammatical morphemes.
cal roles are not fully appreciated. Imitation can be used as part of a grammar facilitation
A third reason for avoiding telegraphic models in favor of approach administered by a clinician (Cleave & Fey, 1997;
well-formed ones is that, in telegraphic speech, weak Fey et al., 1993, 1997). Rather than teaching each gram-
syllables are associated with content words only. This may matical form in isolation, each form (e.g., -ed) is systemati-
compound the difficulty children with SLI have in learning to cally contrasted with another semantically and/or
use weakly stressed function words, a task in which these morphosyntactically related form. This yields sequences
children already are known to be especially deficient (Bedore such as the following:
& Leonard, 1995). Fourth, the sparseness or irregularity of
grammatical morphology is associated with slower morpho- Clinician: (holding Dad doll and a dirty plate)
logical acquisition and mastery (Bedore & Leonard, 1995; Say, “Daddy will wash a plate.”
Berman, 1986; Dromi, Leonard, & Shteiman, 1993; Leonard, Child: Daddy will wash a plate.
Sabbadini, Leonard, & Volterra, 1987). For example,
languages such as Hebrew and Italian have morphological Clinician: (makes Dad doll wash dishes)
paradigms that include far more forms than do those of Say, “Daddy washed the plate”
English but are far more consistent and regular. Whether they Child: Daddy washed the plate.
have typical language or SLI, children learn English bound
morphology more slowly than do children acquiring these This imitative practice of alternating targets is designed
morphologically rich languages. Thus, although telegraphic to focus the child’s attention on the target (e.g., will, -ed),
input is presumed to simplify the learning task, it may make to give the child practice in realizing the segmental and
learning even more difficult by making regular bound and metrical features of the target, and to clarify the relation-
free grammatical morphemes in input seem even less regular, ship between the target form and its underlying meaning or
if not truly optional. grammatical function.
Finally, there is evidence that grammatical functors are Contrastive imitation practice has been part of highly
used by young children as cues to the grammatical class of efficacious interventions in studies in which it was the
words that the child does not yet know (Maratsos, 1982; primary intervention procedure (Connell, 1986a, 1986b,
Maratsos, Kuczaj, Fox, & Chalkley, 1979). For example, a 1987; Connell & Stone, 1992) and in investigations in which
word ending in -ing or -ed or following words like is, will, it was only a small part of a broader intervention (Fey et al.,
and didn’t has a high probability of being a verb. Repeated 1993, 1997). Nevertheless, the value of elicited imitation in
alternations of phonetic strings in these morphosyntactic language intervention has been questioned by many clini-
contexts should help the child to recognize that the word is cians and investigators for decades (Camarata et al., 1994;
a verb. Stripping these content words of these grammatical Courtright & Courtright, 1976, 1979; Nelson et al., 1996).
functors to “highlight” grammatical relations may have the Most recently, Camarata et al. (1994) and Nelson et al.
unfortunate and opposite consequence of removing the (1996) suggested that, for most forms, growth recasts in
very distributional cues children can use to assign new conversational contexts are preferable to elicited imitation
forms to their appropriate grammatical categories. In sum, procedures to facilitate children’s acquisition or development
there now seem to be no good reasons for stripping phrases of grammatical form. In studies such as these, we believe that
and sentences of grammatical morphemes and numerous imitation approaches were not evaluated in their most potent
reasons to ensure they are included in adult stimuli, even form—that is, when they are consistent with Principle 7 and
when the child is at a developmental point when these are used to contrast competing grammatical targets. Until
morphemes are sometimes or always omitted. such comparisons are made, approaches that use imitation
and recasting in isolation or in combination (e.g., Fey et al.,
1993, 1997) are still justifiable on empirical and logical
Principle 10. Use elicited imitation to make target grounds. This is especially so when imitative practice is only
forms more salient and to give the child practice part of a broader program that exemplifies the other prin-
with phonological patterns that are difficult to ciples discussed in this article.
access or produce.
Elicited imitation is a far more intrusive technique than
recasting that has been used to contrast linguistic elements Conclusion
and to highlight the relationship between form and function In this article, we have claimed that most children with
for children with language impairments (Cleave & Fey, SLI are not as specifically impaired as the label used to

Fey et al.: Grammar Facilitation 11

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In the November 2002 issue of AJLSP, the article, “Typical and Atypical Language Devel-
opment in Infants and Toddlers Adopted From Eastern Europe,” by Sharon Glennen and M.
Gay Masters, contained errors in Table 3 (p. 105). Under the heading Expressive Vocabulary,
the +/– SD values for ages 22–24 months should have been 8.6–126.66 and the values for ages
25–27 months should have been 12.25–110.93.

We regret any inconvenience or confusion that this misprint may have caused.

Fey et al.: Grammar Facilitation 15

Ten Principles of Grammar Facilitation for Children With Specific Language

Marc E. Fey, Steven H. Long, and Lizbeth H. Finestack

Am J Speech Lang Pathol 2003;12;3-15
DOI: 10.1044/1058-0360(2003/048)

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