Organisational Behaviour Importance and Fields of Study
Organisational Behaviour Importance and Fields of Study
Organisational Behaviour Importance and Fields of Study
1. Learning Outcome
2. Introduction
3. Importance of OB
4. Contribution of Various Field in OB
5. Summary
1. Learning Outcome:
After completing this Lesson, the students will be able to:
Describe the importance of OB in modern business.
Discuss the contributions of various disciplines in theory building of OB.
2. Introduction
The study of organizational behaviour is one of the most important elements in the
management. Organizational behaviour aims at helping managers and supervisors in different
ways. It plays an important role in all facets of managing an organization. OB is related with the
identification, analysis and applying the knowledge regarding how individuals behave
individually and in a group. In addition to this it also aim at analyzing how individuals as well
as groups influence the organizational systems. The prime objective of OB is to maintain
healthy and sound interpersonal relationships in the organizations. OB focuses on all those
factors which have bearing on the individuals and group dynamics in the organization.
Literature of OB provides a knowledge of information and techniques which may help in
selecting, training and retaining employees in such a manner that both employees and
organizations are benefited from each other.
3. Importance of OB
The study of Ob has three facets- Individual behaviour, organisation and the interface between
the two. Each individual when join the organisation brings also the set of beliefs, values,
attitudes and other personal attributes. These all variables interact with each other in order to
establish an organisational setting. It is specifically concerned with work related behaviour of
human beings. Organizational behaviour is the study of attitudes and behaviour of individuals
and groups working in an organization. Organisation behaviour not only studies individual
behaviour but, it also examines the behaviour of group of people working together to achieve a
common goal. The main purpose of organisation behaviour is to bring about efficiency in the
organisations and improvise the quality of work life and reduce work stress by implementing
theories and models of OB. In business world, organisation behaviour has emerged as
indispensible field because it helps the managers in developing better understanding of their
relationships with the subordinates. Such an understanding can help future managers achieve a
successful career in this field. The theory of OB advocates that researchers, managers,
psychologists and social scientists must understand the impact of an individual’s personal
characteristics, his cultural background, education, social groups and other situational factors on
his behaviour. Managers who are leading a team must be able to understand, explain and
modify the behaviour of employees working under their supervision. The basic concepts of OB
such as value system, emotional intelligence, job design, organisational culture and work
environment are the important factors that help in explaining and modifying the human
behaviour. Therefore, it becomes very important for the managers to use the theories and
models postulated by OB to understand, predict and control the behaviour of employees.
Following points will further bring out the importance of OB in the field of management.
1) Organisation behaviour gives the overall idea: The attitude and behaviour of every
individual reflects their job related behaviour and performance. The study of organisation
behaviour enables the organisation to forecast in advance that the overall man power and
resources are enough to attain the organisation goal or not.
2) Multidisciplinary in nature: The nature of OB is multidisciplinary. This means that it is
helpful for managing all facets of the organisation. Organisation behaviour provides
various methods, techniques, theories, and models which can be successfully implemented
every discipline.
3) Focus on individual behaviour: The primary focus of organisational behaviour is to study
the behaviour of individuals in an organisational setting. Individual behaviour of an
employee includes his responses to the external and internal stimuli. Such responses are
reflected in an individual’s psychological system. Individual behaviour aims at explaining
the causes of behaviour of human beings so that such knowledge can be used in moulding
their behaviour and attitude according to the demand of work. Organisation behaviour is
one of the subjects which are used for the betterment of employees at work to increase the
4) Motivating the employees: The manager in any business organisation is responsible for
getting the work done through others. This is possible only if he can motivate his
employees to perform better. OB helps the managers in understanding the concepts and
applications of motivation. This understanding enables him to decide what strategies he
should adopt to motivate his employees. Organisational behaviour describes the causes of
behaviour. It also helps in explaining the weak areas of performance which need
improvement and suggest the different methods to improve the performance.
5) OB is useful in making organisational strategies: organisational behaviour is also useful
in making and directing the strategies to achieve short terms as well as long term goals.
6) Works for the welfare of humans: Organisational behaviour is a humanistic approach
which works for welfare of humans working in organisation. OB gives priority to workers’
attitudes, their beliefs, perceptions, abilities, career aspirations, needs and motives,
individual differences because all these variables directly or indirectly influence
performance of the organisation.
7) Scientific in nature: In the field of OB, various scientific methods are used for surveying
the attitudes and behaviour of individuals as well as groups. The results are also interpreted
in a scientific manner. Due to scientific approach, organisation behaviour gets the due
importance and is recognised as an important discipline to study.
8) OB helps in improving interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships: OB helps an
individual in gaining a better insight into the intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships.
It enables an individual to understand him and others in a better way. Such a practice will
considerably improve the interpersonal relationships. Few concepts of OB like perception,
attitude, leadership, and transactional analysis and conflict management aim at improving
interpersonal behaviour as well as style of functioning in the organisation.
9) Maintaining cordial industrial relations: The field of OB is very useful in maintaining
cordial industrial relations in the organisation. Sometimes employee suddenly go on strike,
the basic issue behind the same may not be demand for more wages, promotions, higher
bonus. Reluctance of management to talk with the union members may provoke them to
call a strike. In other words, generally personal reasons as compared to the technical are
majorly responsible for the restrained relationships between management and workers. OB
is very useful in understanding the causes behind the problems, analyse the course of action
required and control its consequences. It serves as a basis for modern human resource
10) Usefulness of OB in career management: The field of OB is very useful in building one’s
career in the field of management. It is very helpful for the one who want to learn how to
understand, predict, describe and control the behaviour of others and want to apply this
knowledge in a useful manner.
11) Skill Development: An important requirement for entering into, surviving, and succeeding
in the modern workplace is to have appropriate skills. The knowledge of theories and
models of organizational behaviour have gained importance in the modern workplace
because of their relevance in developing interpersonal skills of employees. Interpersonal
skills generally refer to skills required to motivate others, communicating effectively, cross
cultural abilities and leadership skills.
12) Enhancing Organizational and Individual Effectiveness: An important goal of
organizational behaviour is to improve organizational effectiveness. People-oriented
management practices enable workers to use their wisdom and to receive appropriate
training. If a person develops knowledge about the concepts of how to improve
interpersonal communication, conflict resolution and teamwork, he or she will become high
performer and therefore the personal effectiveness will lead to organisational effectiveness.
2) Sociology: Sociology refers to the study of social systems in which individuals exercise
their roles towards other human beings. Sociology has contributed in the study of group
behaviour. It studies the behaviour of the individuals towards their fellow human beings.
Literature of sociology has enriched the OB discipline through the study of interpersonal
relationships, group dynamics, leadership, and communication, formation of groups, group
roles and conflict management.
3) Social psychology: social psychology combines the concepts of both psychology and
sociology. This study explains the influence of people on one another. The most important
area of social psychology contributing in the OB discipline is change management. How to
reduce the change? Why do people resist the change? How to overcome the resistance?
Such questions are successfully addressed by the change management theory of social
psychology. In addition to this social psychology is very helpful in developing effective
communication patterns, group processes and effectiveness of group-decision making.
4) Anthropology: Anthropology is the study of relationship between the man and the
environment. Particularly anthropologists study the culture because; it has significant
influence on human behaviour. Culture guides human beings about how to behave and what
to learn. Culture is the set of ideas and believes shared by a group. It can also be referred as
learned behaviour. Every organisation develops a distinct culture. Some organisations
develop closed culture, become secretive, publically introvert do not allow participation of
employees. On the other hand, some organisations follow open culture. Such organisations
owe their responsibility towards the environment and society. They prefer participative style
of management. Culture of the organisation influences the behaviour of an employee in
many ways. His judgement of good or bad, right or wrong, style of functioning and
everything else is culture driven. Anthropology is the study of humans and their societies in
the past and present. Its main components, social anthropology and cultural anthropology
describe the workings of societies around the world. Linguistic anthropology investigates
the influence of language in social life. Biological or physical anthropology which are
related with long-term development of the human organism. Anthropology shows the
understanding in the effects of cultural on the behaviour of individuals and groups working
in the organizations. It studies the effects of value systems, norms, sentiments, cohesion and
interaction. Anthropology has influenced the employees’ behaviour through motivation,
interaction, goal setting, decision making, coordinating and controlling.
5) Political science: political science is the study of behaviour which is use to study the
behaviour of individual or group in a political environment. Political science is a social
science discipline which focuses on the systems of government, analysis of political activity
and political behaviour. It is related with the theory and practice of politics which is applied
majorly for distribution of power and resources. Political scientists have been engaged in
revealing the relationships underlying political events and conditions, and these revelations
have attempted to construct general principles about the way the world of politics
works. Political science has contributed a lot in the theory building of organizational
behaviour. It helps in gaining an insight about how and why people acquire power, their
involvement in political behaviour, decision making, conflict, the behaviour of interest
groups and coalition formation in an organisational context. Specific principles of political
science which can be clearly observed in organizational behaviour are delegation of
authority and responsibility, conflict resolution and stress management. In organizations,
people prefer concentration of power and leadership recognition. Political Science helps in
the management of men in an effective and efficient manner. Political perspectives are
analyzed for moulding and modifying the behaviour of employees at work.