Cost of Capital Meaning, Concept, Definition
Cost of Capital Meaning, Concept, Definition
Cost of Capital Meaning, Concept, Definition
Cost of capital for a firm may be defined as the cost of obtained funds, i.e
the average rate of return that the investors in
A firm would expect for supplying funds .in the words of Hunt, William and
Donaldson, “cost of capital may be defined as the rate that must be earned on net
proceeds to provide the cost elements of the burden at the time they are due”.
James c.van Horne defines cost of capital as “a cut off rate for the allocation of
capital to investments of projects. It is the rate of return on a project that will leave
unchanged the market price of stock”
Thus, we can say that cost of capital is that minimum rate of return which a firm,
must and is expected to earn on its investments so as to maintain the market value
of its shares.
The concept of cost of capital is very important in the financial management. It
plays a crucial role in both capital budgeting as well as decisions relating to
planning of capital structure. Cost of capital concept can also be used as a basis for
evaluating the performance of a firm and it further helps management in taking so
many other financial decisions.
In other words of James T.S PosterField “the concept of cost of capital has
assumed growing importance largely because of the need to devise a rational
mechanism for making the investment decisions of firm. Capital budgeting
decisions can be made by considering cost of capital. According to the present
value method of capital budgeting , if present value of expected returns from
investment is greater than or equal to the cost to the cost of investment, the project
may be accepted ;otherwise ; the project may be rejected.
A company may raise debt in a variety of ways. It may borrow funds from
financial institutions or public either in the form of public deposits or
debentures for a specified period of time at a certain rate of interest. A
debenture or bond may be issued at par or at a discount or premium. The
contractual rate of interest forms the basis for the calculating the cost of
any form of debt. For example, a company issues Rs.1,00,000 10%
debentures at par ; the before tax cost of this debt issue will also be 10%.
By way of formula, before-tax-cost of debt may be calculated as:
Kdb : I/P
Where I= Interest
P= Issue price or current market value or paid up
par value
Issue price= par value+ prem. on issue of debt- discount
on issue of debt- floating charges
Kpr = D+1/n(RV-NP)
1/2(RV +NP)
Where D= Preference dividend
P 0 = Either net proceeds or Market value or Paid up par value
KE = D/P *100 0
KE = D /P *100 + G
1 0
Weighted average cost of capital is the average cost of capital of various sources of
financing. Wt average cost of capital is also known as composite cost of capital,
overall cost of capital or average cost of capital. Once the specific cost of
individual source of finance it’s determined, we can compute the wt average cost
of capital by putting weights to the specific costs of capital in proportion of the
various sources of funds to the total. The weights may be giving either by using
book value of the source or market price of the source.the market value weights is
preferred to book value weighs because market value represents true value of the
investors. However,the market value weights suffer from the following
limitations :
2) with the use of market value weights, equity capital gets greater importance.
a) X ltd issues Rs 50000 8%debentures at par. The tax rate application to the
company is 50%.compute the cost of debt capital.
A company plans to issue 1000 new shares of Rs 100 each at par. the flotation
cost are expected to be 5% of the share price . The company pays a dividend of
Rs 10 per share initially and growth in dividends is expected to be 5%.compute
cost of issue of new equity shares?
b) If current market price of equity share is Rs 150. Calculate the cost of equity
share capital?
A firm cost of equity is 15 % the average tax rate of shareholder is 40% and it is
expected that 2% is brokerage cost that shareholder will have to pay while
investing their dividends in alternative securities. What is cost of retained