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Thrilling Tales 2nd Edition (Savage Worlds)

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This document provides information on pulp adventure campaigns including characters, equipment, villains and adventure ideas set in the 1930s.

Thrilling Tales, an adventure product from Adamant Entertainment.

Savage Worlds, a tabletop roleplaying game system from Pinnacle Entertainment Group.


Line Developer:
This game references the Savage
Gareth-Michael Skarka Worlds game system, available from
Pinnacle Entertainment Group at
Written by: www.peginc.com. Savage Worlds and
all associated logos and trademarks
Gareth-Michael Skarka are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertain-
Shannon Kalvar ment Group. Used with permission.
Walt Ciechanowski Pinnacle makes no representation or
warranty as to the quality, viability, or
Sandy Antunes suitability for purposes of this product.
Chris Welsh
Jeb Boyt Some material from Necessary Evil,
Savage Worlds Pulp GM’s Toolkit,
and Slipstream copyright Pinnacle
Art Courtesy of: Entertainment Group, Inc. and used
Jupiter Media, Inc. with permission.

Otherworld Creations, Inc. Materials from Ravaged Earth: The

Graffix Multimedia, Inc. World of High Powered Pulp is copy-
Time Tunnel, Inc. right Reality Blurs, L.L.C. and is used
with permission.

Editing &
Graphic Design:
Gareth-Michael Skarka


support is released every month in PDF! Visit our website at
for details.

Thrilling Tales and all other Adamant Entertainment product names and their respective logos
are trademarks of Adamant Entertainment in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Adamant
Entertainment characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are property
of Adamant Entertainment. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United
States of America. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events included
herein is pureply coincidental.

Printed in the United States of America

Table of Contents
Chapter One: Pulp Adventure 4

Chapter Two: A TimeLine of the 1930s 15

CHapter Three: Characters 2o

CHAPTER FOUR: Equipment 67



CHAPTER SEVEN: Pulp Villains - THE NAZIS 1o2

CHAPTER NINE: Pulp Villains -Perils of the orient 142

Chapter Ten: Adventure Generator 17o

Chapter Eleven: The Crimson Emperor -- 185
a 5 part serial plot-point campaign

Chapter One:

Pulp Adventure
The fiendish Manchurian doctor With a resounding crash, the window
casually kicked over the wicker shattered as a green-clad figure
basket, and three deadly vipers burst through, twin 45s blazing. The
slithered out, winding their way snakes were obliterated in an instant,
across the marble floor towards the blown like rubber toys across the
chair where the young woman was floor. “Right here, Doctor Sin,” the
bound, helpless to the danger that Green Falcon laughed. He levelled
approached. his guns at the insidious devil of
“Your time is running out, Ms. Van
Meter,” Tsung-Chi Sin said, his voice Suddenly, he felt the sting of a bullet
like a silken strangling cord. “I grazing his shoulder, slicing through
cannot control my pets once they’ve the green overcoat, and moments
scented their prey. Tell me: Where later heard the crack of the pistol’s
is the Green Falcon?” report...from behind him! He spun
to see Rita Van Meter, his own
girlfriend, standing by the chair ,
ropes pooled at her feet. In her
hands she clutched a smoking
revolver, and her eyes were glazed
in a vacant stare.

A chilling laugh filled the

chamber. “You fool...you forget
that I am a master of mesmerism.
This entire scene was a trap,
played purely for your benefit.
Now, you will die at the lovely
hand of Ms. Van Meter...or you
will be forced to kill her!”

The Green Falcon’s mind raced,

as Rita’s finger tightened on the

There were pulps for every taste.
INTRODUCTION Detective pulps, science-fiction
pulps, western pulps, sports pulps,
romance pulps and more. There
Second Edition. In these pages,
were pulps devoted to the exploits
we convert three years worth of
of everyday heroes, and pulps that
PDF releases in the d20 pulp line
were spiced with the macabre and
published by Adamant Entertainment
unusual. They all had one thing in
to the Savage Worlds rules system.
common: they delivered escapist
entertainment, printed on cheap pulp
The contents of this rulebook, along
paper sandwiched between slick,
with a copy of the Savage Worlds
gaudy color covers. There was
rulebook published by Pinnacle
something for everyone.
Entertainment Group, are all that you
need to run a pulse-pounding pulp
The pulp magazine was a twentieth
roleplaying game using the Savage
century publishing sensation, the
Worlds system.
roots of the form can be traced back
to the mid-nineteeth century, with
So, hang on tight, because the first
the invention of the dime novel:
thing we’re going to tell you is that
serial fiction printed on newspaper
there is no such thing as the “pulp
that was aimed at the middle
and lower classes. “Low-brow”
entertainment that offered lurid
What is Pulp? stories full of action, suspense and
Strictly speaking, there is no such thrills.
thing as the “pulp genre.” Pulp was
a medium, a method of delivery, With the birth of the new century,
not a genre in and of itself. Saying and the growing literacy of the
“pulp genre” makes about as much public, the market for serial fiction
sense as saying “television genre” exploded, leading to the creation of
(or, for that matter, “cinematic” as a the pulp magazine, with brightly-
genre, which is another misnamed colored covers designed to lure
term used by gamers, but I digress). potential readers in a market
that quickly became filled with
The Pulps were the magazines of competitors.
popular fiction, delivering stories of
adventure, action and romance in The pulps reached their heyday in
several genres from their birth in the the years between World Wars One
first years of the twentieth century to and Two, especially during the Great
their demise in the mid-1950s. They Depression of the 1930s. In a world
represented the greatest explosion that seemed increasingly hopeless
of mass entertainment by way of the and hard, the pulps offered an escape
written word that had been seen until from the bleakness of everyday life,
the creation of the Internet. priced so that anyone could get away
for a few brief
hours. Gone were
the breadlines and
the dust bowl of
their hard-scrabble
lives, replaced
by the thrill of
soaring through
the clouds with air
aces, or travelling
to far-off worlds,
or galloping
after a band of
desperadoes, guns

The most popular

of the pulps
featured crime
fighting heroes.
The pulps, along with radio
The average American saw during
(which often produced dramatic
Prohibition (1920 to 1933) the rise of
presentations based on the stories
a powerful criminal class that could
printed in the pulps) became the
flaunt authority as they wished,
prime source of entertainment for
becoming rich and powerful in the
the American people before the
process. They saw government and
advent of television. Stories which
business become corrupted by these
relied upon the audience’s own
new criminals and their money....
imaginations to envision. In some
and most importantly, the average
ways, a purer form than the passive
American felt helpless to stop it.
process of watching television or a
The lure of the crime-fighter in
pulp stories was obvious: a simple
The pulps didn’t last, however.
wish-fulfilment of fighting back,
Paper shortages during the Second
of taking control of a situation that
World War dealt a crippling blow
seemed out of control. It is the same
to the form, which limped along
basic human need that later fueled
for another decade or so after the
the popularity of superhero comics
war had ended, and finally died out,
and even later still, action movies.
replaced by the television, the comic
Putting oneself in the imaginary role
book and the paperback novel.
of a hero who takes action against
those things which you feel helpless
So, if there is no such thing as the
to affect.
“pulp genre”, then what are we
talking about?
or official) brought in to puzzle out a
Pulp Genres baffling crime. The tale progresses
with the detective figuring out the
When gamers speak of the “pulp answers to the questions of Who,
genre,” what they’re really talking What, Where, Why and How, most
about is an amalgam of several genre likely facing peril of some kind as
elements taken from the various they get closer and closer to The
genres of pulp stories, radio shows, Truth, which they inevitably do by
cliffhanger film serials and later the end of the tale.
“post-modern pulps” like the Indiana Detective stories of the pulp era
Jones films and The Rocketeer. usually ended with the criminal
brought to justice. It was later that
The following section is a the focus shifted and the unravelling
breakdown of the most popular of the mystery became more
genres from which these elements important than the result.
are lifted. It is not an exhaustive list
of every pulp genre--only those that Hero pulps are the tales that most
often provide fodder for the RPG gamers think of when they hear the
interpretations of the pulps. For word “pulp,” and as such make up
example, Sports pulps were very the majority of the RPG-created
popular, but you don’t often see “pulp genre.” They are tales of
gamers clamoring to play a golf pro larger-than-life heroes, proto-
in a tense tournament! superheroes, if you will, facing
larger-than-life villains and solving
bizarre and unusual crimes. Doc
Savage, The Shadow, The Spider,
Crimefighting The Avenger, all of these are famous
examples of the Hero pulp.
By far, the most common and
popular genre in the pulps was the
Since the hero pulps led directly into
crimefighting genre, which itself can
the creation of the superhero comic
be broken down into several distinct
book, it is easy to see the genre
sub-genres, the most popular of
as, essentially, low-powered (or
which were the Detective Mystery
no-powered) superheroics. There
and the Hero pulp.
are, however, major differences.
Believability, for one. The Hero
The Detective Mystery has survived
pulps, however strange or unusual
into the present day as a staple of the
the topic, held at their core a level
mystery section of every bookstore-
of “this could happen.” Superhero
-A hero or heroine whose purpose is
comics, with their demi-godlike
to solve mysteries, usually involving
powers and huge battles, are by their
very nature more farfetched. Think
of the difference between early
The formula of these tales usually
James Bond films and more recent
involves a detective (either private
ones--the early films, even with the
gadgets, had an air of reality about AIR HERO
them, albeit stretched, to be sure.
The later films, with orbital heat-rays For readers in the early twentieth
and spy-car duels have ventured far century, air travel was a novelty. It
into the realm of superheroics. was seen during the Depression as
a romantic escape from earthbound
The byword of the Hero pulps was problems. The pilot was a dashing
“exotic.” Strange crimes, far-off heroic figure, and the pulps provided
locations, cutting-edge (for the many such heroes to thrill readers.
1930s) technology, etc. The Hero
pulps were the pinnacle of escapism, Many of the air heroes of the pulps
and the more exotic things that they were World War I flying aces,
could show the reader, the better. fighting against the Germans in what
This wasn’t limited to pure fiction, at the time was known as “the Great
either. The writers would be careful War.” These pulps were adventure
to include real elements as well--for tales set during wartime, and
example, Walter Gibson, the author provided enough actual aeronautical
of most of The Shadow novels was a detail to whet the appetite of would-
part-time professional magician, and be pilots.
would often include real magicians
tricks in his fictional hero’s arsenal. There were tales set in the present
If Doc Savage author Lester Dent as well. The contemporary air
had recently read some interesting heroes flew aircraft at the cutting
things about the Yukon, you could be edge of aviation (and beyond)--the
sure that Doc and his men would be period equivalent of a Tom Clancy
visiting the Yukon in an upcoming technothriller.
Air hero pulps weren’t limited to
As mentioned previously, the Hero simple adventure tales of the air war,
pulp provides the largest amount or tales of daredevils touring air
of inspiration to pulp
RPGs, and so will form
the basis of the Random
Adventure Generator
which appears in
Chapter Ten.

shows, however -- the most popular to remove the insulting elements
of the air hero pulps, G-8 and His and retain the heart--adventure and
Battle Aces, combined the Air hero excitement in far-off lands.
formula with the Hero pulp and even
Horror, featuring the World War
One aces fighting off flying armies
of zombies, giant bats, supervillains
and more. ESPionage
The period between the World
Wars was rife with intrigue. Some
FOREIGN historians have said that the World
Wars can be viewed as a single
ADVENTURE conflict, with an intermission where
nations gathered their strength and
Similar to the exotic elements of the maneuvered for the next round.
Hero pulps, but without the focus
on crime-fighting, this genre tells The Espionage pulps were often
tales of action and adventure in reluctant to deal with real-life
distant locations. These tales could politics, and so usually shrouded
be stories of globe-trotting fortune their tales behind fictional nations.
hunters, military adventures of Bolsheviks from places like
the Foreign Legion, or rough-and- “Bulkavia”, rather than Russians.
tumble tales of life as a merchant Fascist leaders of secret world-
seaman in the South Pacific. spanning empires, rather than Nazi
Germany. As the thirties drew to
The focus of these stories was a close, however, and war seemed
always on the location, and the more and more immenent, the gloves
strange things and people that came off and real-world issues
could be found there. By today’s appeared on the pulp pages.
standards, a great deal of this genre’s
tales are not exactly enlightened in Whether they were facing real or
their viewpoints--the stories are full fictional menaces, the heroes of
of ignorant, animalistic savages, the Espionage pulps are a familiar
shifty, untrustworthy foreigners, archetype to modern readers. James
seductive half-naked women, and the Bond is their direct descendant, and
like. The hero is the embodiment of the usual Espionage pulp could, with
the “civilized white man in a world very little tinkering, be made into a
of danger”, and to modern eyes, it serviceable 007 adventure.
can be pretty offensive.

That said, though, the Indiana Jones

films and Tomb Raider games draw
heavily on the elements of this
genre, so it is more than possible
Horror Weird Menace
The horror pulp genre has gotten Everybody loves a good villain.
quite a bit of attention in the RPG This was also true of pulp readers,
hobby, due to games based upon and so it was inevitable that
one of the most famous horror pulp magazines devoted to villainy would
writers, Howard Phillips Lovecraft. start to appear.

Not all pulp horror was concerned Inspired by the gothic romances of
with mind-shattering nameless the 19th century, and the infamous
things from beyond space and time, Grand Guignol theatre of Paris
however. Even that particular (which shocked audiences with
variety (which has been termed realistic scenes of horror and
Lovecraftian, for obvious reasons), bloodshed), these pulps were dark
was limited largely to the pages of a reflections of the Hero pulps. The
single magazine: Weird Tales. There magazine would focus on the
were other horror pulps, though: exploits of the featured villain, who
Terror Tales, Strange Stories, Ghost would always be defeated by the
Stories, among others. often bland, unremarkable hero, yet
would always escape justice at the
The stories ran the usual gamut of end, to return in the next issue.
horror elements: vampires, ghosts,
werewolves, mad killers, voodoo, The stories delighted in detailed
gothic castles, etc. Tales were descriptions of torture and fiendish
usually one-shots with no recurring plots, usually performed on a
characters--it’s easier to kill off scantily-clad damsel in distress, or
protagonists that way, increasing the on the hero himself. Mild by today’s
scare factor. There were, however, standards, they were shocking stuff
the occasional series of tales that at the time, with stories that flirted
would center around an occult with sadism and “adult themes.”
investigator of some sort, who would They were often sold “under the
encounter a supernatural threat and counter”, rather than displayed
defeat it by the end of the tale, ready openly, and were definitely part
to move on to the next. This form of the reason that pulps began to
of story is ironically much more develop a reputation for salacious
“game-able” than the Lovecraftian thrills.
variety, and yet Lovecraft still
forms the basis of most pulp-horror The villains of these stories were
gaming. the draw: always brilliant and
unredeemably evil, and usually
given some sort of weird gimmick,
whether a costumed secret identity
(Doctor Satan) or being inscrutable

and foreign (Doctor Fu Manchu, involved women in various stages
the most famous alumnus of this of undress (prominently displayed
particular school). on the cover, naturally), and often
threatened with a sado-sexual “fate
worse than death.” Again, almost
Spicy laughably tame to twenty-first
century eyes, but scandalous in the
Another “under the counter” genre, thirties.
Spicy pulps were simply tales from
any of the other pulp genres with The “damsel in distress” element of
“adult themes” added. Usually this Spicy pulps certainly finds its way

into the other genres, albeit with less over quite a bit with the Lost World
of a concentration on whips! genre (q.v.) -- Lost cities and secret
civilizations were a common staple
One of the best things about this of this genre.
genre was the magazine titles,
which put “Spicy” in the name to
let prospective readers know that
titillation awaited within. This led Science
to such stalwarts as Spicy Mystery,
Spicy Detective, and Spicy Western. Fiction
Pulp fans have often joked about an
imaginary entry into this field, Spicy Science fiction was, essentially, an
Zeppelin Stories! invention of the pulps. Born of the
earlier form, the “scientific romance”
of the nineteenth century, the science
fiction story (a term coined by pulp
Jungle Stories publisher Hugo Gernsback in his
Science Wonder Stories magazine in
This genre was made famous by June of 1929) was tailor-made for
the Tarzan stories of Edgar Rice the pulp format. Of all of the pulp
Burroughs, which first appeared in genres, it is the one that has thrived
All Story Magazine. There were beyond the medium that created it.
plenty of imitators, however, and
soon the market was flooded with The science fiction stories of
tales of Ki-Gor and Kazar and the pulps leaned heavily toward
Sheena, Queen of the Jungle. spectacle. There weren’t a lot of
thoughtful examinations of the
Not all Jungle stories were tales of impact of technology upon human
Noble Savages, however. There civilization and culture...but there
were tales of intrepid explorers, big were a lot of rocket ships, alien
game hunters, treasure hunters and invasions, two-fisted scientists
more, crossing over with the Foreign blazing away at Bug Eyed Monsters
Adventure genre. Remember that with ray-guns, etc. In most cases
at the time, there were areas of the the science made no sense, but the
globe that were largely unexplored- readers didn’t care. If it sounded
-and many of those were in the like it had the ring of science to it,
tractless interiors of the jungles of that was good enough!
Africa, South America, the South
Pacific and Asia. These unknown That is the biggest difference
regions were ripe for adventure between pulp science fiction and
in the minds of the readers of the modern variety. Even in the most
Thirties. far-fetched space operas of today,
attempts are made at a certain
The Jungle Story pulps also crossed degree of “realism”--perhaps not
scientific accuracy, but at the very
least internal consistency of the magazines would occasionally print
genre elements. We all know that contemporary westerns, set in the
“Warp drive” is ridiculous, but we 1930s.
also know that there is a consistently
stated exposition of how it works This strange mix of Cowboys,
within the fictional world. Not Indians, Radios and Tommyguns was
so with pulp sci-fi. There was no especially evident in the cliffhanger
attempt made to justify anything. serial films of the time, and naturally
The science was often flat-out was reflected in print as well. For
wrong, but breathlessly described a jaw-dropping experience, track
nonetheless. The rocket is powered down a DVD copy of the 1935 Gene
by “Atomic Radio Turbines” --- Autry serial The Phantom Empire,
what the heck does that mean? which featured the singing cowboy
Who cares! On to the next exciting star fighting the super-science of the
chapter! underground city of Maurania!

As with all pulp genres, there was a

great deal of cross over. You could
see science-fiction meet horror in LOST WORLD
tales of alien invasion and body-
snatching, or thrilling to the exploits The Lost World genre also grew
of science fiction heroes like Captain out of the scientific romances of the
Future. nineteenth century. These stories
usually featured a location that, by
virtue of its isolation from the rest
of the world, developed separately.
Western Lost Worlds could be found within
the hollow earth (reached by caves),
Westerns were a popular pulp genre in jungles inexplicably found in the
as well, and not just period tales middle of the Antarctic (warmed by
of gunslingers and Indian raiding the presence of active volcanoes),
parties. In one of the stranger hidden islands in the South Pacific,
creations of the pulp era, the western or deep within primordial African
Lost Worlds are often
populated by remnants of Earth
civilizations long past...Ancient
Rome, Vikings, Lost African
tribes, Sunken Atlantis. Some
are populated by creatures
whose evolution progressed
differently than their more
familiar cousins (intelligent,
talking species of apes were
always a popular choice here).
Naturally, Lost Worlds almost
always featured dinosaurs, who
have survived extinction due to
the isolated environment...and,
let’s be honest: because they’re

The stories of Lost Worlds

usually involved the adventures
of a member of our society
upon finding themselves in this
strange place, but on occasion
(in tales that crossed-over
with the Jungle Stories genre),
would be tales of Lost World

Other genres from the pulps are also
useful for RPG purposes, but usually
form the basis of entire games
already: Notably the Swords &
Sorcery genre, which thrived during
the pulp publishing era, and directly
led to the creation of the role-playing
game hobby in the first place; and
the Planetary Romance genre, which
forms the basis of another Adamant
Entertainment release: MARS:
Savage Worlds Edition.

Chapter TWO:

A Timeline
of the 1930S
The pulps are very much a product • Over 1,300 American banks
of their times, and GMs looking for fail and unemployment exceeds
ways to bring that feeling across in a 4 million as the Depression sinks
pulp campaign should try whenever lower.
possible to include events that place
the adventure in a historical context. • In Jamaica, Rastafarians proclaim
Ethiopian emperor Haile Selassie as
Historical detail can make a setting the new Messiah.
more “real” to players, and can also
provide GMs with inspirations for • A Fire in the Ohio State
adventures. Penitentiary near Columbus kills

• Chicago Tribune journalist Alfred

193o Liddle is shot. Newspapers promise
$55,000 reward for information.
• The Nazi party places second in Liddle is later found to have had
German elections, but Adolf Hitler contacts to organized crime
is kept from his seat in the Reichstag
because he is an Austrian citizen. • British Airship R101 crashes
in France en-route to India on its
• In South Africa, white women maiden voyage.
can now vote, but blacks are still
excluded under the regime that
would soon be called apartheid. 1931
• Pluto, the ninth planet, is • The Scottsboro affair begins when
discovered by astronomers. nine black men are arrested on false
rape charges at a train stop in Paint
• President Herbert Hoover signs Rock, Alabama.
the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act,
weakening the already failing global • A 34-year-old Baptist preacher
economy. named Elijah Poole joins the Na-
tion of Islam and becomes Elijah
Muhammad, leader of the Black
Muslims. 15
• Chicago mobster Al Capone is
convicted of income tax evasion. 1932
Capone is sentenced to 11 years in
jail and a $50,000 fine. • Mohandas Gandhi begins fasting
to protest British treatment of India’s
• Unemployed Americans march untouchable caste. After just 6 days,
on the White House, demanding a he wins concessions.
national program of employment at
a minimum wage. They are turned • Franklin Delano Roosevelt,
away. pledging a ``New Deal,’’ is elected
president for the first of his four
• Japan occupies Manchuria (which terms.
they call Manchukuo), beginning
a period of Sino-Japanese conflict • Wall Street’s Dow Jones Industrial
which doesn’t end until Japan’s hits its Depression-era low, 41.22.
defeat at the end of the Second
World War. • Physicists Sir John Douglas
Cockcroft and Ernest Walton split
• “The Star Spangled Banner,’’ the atom for the first time.
originally written in 1814 by Francis
Scott Key, becomes the American • The Great Depression continues to
national anthem by order of take a heavy toll: in this year alone,
Congress. 1,161 banks fail, nearly 20,000
business go bankrupt, and 21,000
• In China, the Yangtze River bursts people commit suicide.
a dam, causing massive flooding,
famine, destruction and death. • The son of noted aviator Charles
Lindbergh is kidnapped and dies.
• Construction of the Empire State Richard Bruno Hauptmann is
Building is completed in New York arrested for the crime, beginning the
City “Trial of the Century.”

• In organized crime, the so-called

“Castellemmarese War” ends with
the assassination of Joe “The Boss” 1933
Masseria, briefly leaving Salvatore
Maranzano as capo di tutti capi • Prohibition ends in the United
(“boss of all bosses”)--undisputed States.
leader of the American Mafia.
Maranzano is himself assassinated • Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor
less than 6 months later, leading of Germany. By the end of the year,
to the establishment of the Five Hitler has proclaimed the Third
Families, a national commission Reich, opened the first concentration
headed by Charlie “Lucky” Luciano. camp at Dachau, eliminated all

political parties other than National • The FCC is created to oversee
Socialism, and consolidated his U.S. telephone, telegraph, and radio
dictatorial rule. communications.

• President Franklin Roosevelt • The National Labor Relations

begins to record his ``fireside chats’’ Board is created to regulate
for weekly radio broadcast. collective bargaining between labor
and management.
• Giuseppe Zangara attempts to
assassinate President-elect Franklin • Baseball’s Negro National League
D. Roosevelt, but instead kills pitcher Leroy Robert ``Satchel’’
Chicago, Illinois Mayor Anton J. Paige breaks Dizzy Dean’s 30-game
Cermak. winning streak.

• The federal government passes • Bank robbers Clyde Barrow and

a flurry of innovative social Bonnie Parker die in a shower of
legislation, as part of Roosevelt’s police bullets near Shreveport,
“New Deal.” Louisiana.

• Fiorella La Guardia elected mayor • Alcatraz becomes a prison.

of New York.
• Surgeon R.K. Wilson allegedly
• US airship Akron crashes near takes a photograph of the Loch Ness
New York - 74 dead Monster.

• Karl Jansky announces the • The FBI guns down John Dillinger
detection of radio waves from the and Baby-Face Nelson.
centre of the galaxy.
• Japan renounces the Washington
Naval Treaty of 1922 and the
London Naval Treaty of 1930.
• The “Dust Bowl” hits the US
Midwest, blowing 300 million 1935
tons of topsoil into the Atlantic,
devastating farmland in Kansas, • The Nuremberg laws, enacted by
Texas, Colorado, and Oklahoma. Germany’s Nazi party, make anti-
Semitism the law of the land.
• General Lazaro Cardenas,
elected president of Mexico, begins • FBI kills Barker gang, including
a program of agrarian reform, Ma Barker, in a shootout
redistributing land and building the
power of organized labor. • Congress passes the National
Labor Relations Act (the Wagner • Richard Bruno Hauptmann is
Act), reasserting workers’ right to executed for the kidnapping and
collective bargaining. Dissidents death of the Lindbergh baby.
within the AFL create the CIO.
• A major heat wave strikes the
• Irish Protestants in Belfast riot Midwestern United States, hundreds
against Catholics, provoking of high temperature records are set.
retaliation from Catholics in the Irish
Free State. • In baseball, Joe DiMaggio joins
the New York Yankees, who win the
• The Social Security Act becomes World Series, 4-2, against the New
law in the US. York Giants.

• America’s first public housing • Franklin Delano Roosevelt is re-

projects are established on New elected president.
York’s Lower East Side.
• Edward VIII of the United
• Italy invades Ethiopia. Kingdom abdicates, announcing
his intention to marry American
• Hitler publicly begins to re-arm divorcee Wallis Simpson. Rumour
Germany, creating the Luftwaffe in asserts that he was asked to step
violation of the Versailles Treaty. down due to his pro-Fascist, pro-
Nazi leanings.

1936 1937
• The Spanish Civil War begins. • Howard Hughes sets a new air
Hundreds of Americans volunteer record by flying from Los Angeles
for ``Lincoln Brigades’’ to help fight to New York City in 7 hours, 28
General Francisco Franco’s fascists. minutes and 25 seconds.
• In India, statesman Jawaharlal • After staging a series of sit-down
Nehru is elected president of the strikes, the United Auto Workers win
Indian National Congress. official recognition from General
• In violation of the Locarno
Pact and the Treaty of Versailles, • Pro-Franco German forces attack
Germany reoccupies the Rhineland. the Spanish city of Guernica. Pablo
Picasso paints his cubist masterpiece
• Joseph Stalin begins a “great as a reflection upon the destruction.
purge” to liquidate his enemies. By
1939, over 8 million are dead and • Amelia Earhart and her aircraft
perhaps 10 million imprisoned. disappear mysteriously over the
18 Pacific.
• The Golden Gate Bridge opens in
San Francisco. 1939
• Sino-Japanese War: Japan invades • Hitler’s Germany invades Poland,
China. Shanghai is occupied. which falls in a month. France and
250,000 civilians and prisoners are Great Britain declare war.
slaughtered in the Nanjing Massacre.
• Dictator Francisco Franco
conquers Madrid, ending the Spanish
Civil War
• Ho Chi Minh creates the Viet
• In its most violent display of Minh party to oppose colonialism in
anti-Semitism yet, German Nazis the French colony ``Indochina.’’
attack Jewish people and property
in Kristallnacht (so named for the • The SS St. Louis, a ship carrying
sounds of breaking glass). a cargo of 963 Jewish refugees, is
denied permission to land in Florida
• The Dies Committee (AKA the after already having been turned
House UnAmerican Activities away from Cuba. Forced to return to
Committee), charged with Europe, most of its passengers later
stamping out Nazi activity in the die in Nazi concentration camps.
United States, changes its focus to
Communist activity instead. • Based on recent research, Albert
Einstein writes a letter to President
• In the Halloween radio broadcast Roosevelt regarding the possibility
“War of the Worlds,” Orson Welles of using uranium to initiate a nuclear
panics Americans who believe that chain reaction, the fundamental
Martians are actually invading Earth. process behind the atomic bomb.

• Under the presidency of Lazaro • In Munich, Adolf Hitler

Cardenas, Mexico nationalizes its narrowly escapes an assassination
petroleum industries. attempt while celebrating the 16th
anniversary of the Beer Hall Putsch
• Anschluss: Hitler annexes on November 8th.
Austria. German troops march into
Sudetenland. • Gone With the Wind, starring
Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh,
• Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs premieres. The Wizard of Oz,
is Walt Disney’s first full-length another blockbuster of this year,
animated film. opens before Christmas.

• Howard Hughes sets a new record

by completing a 91 hour airplane
flight around the world.
Chapter Three:

Characters in THRILLING TALES featuring Doc Savage, The Shadow,
are created using the standard G-8 and Tarzan teaming up to fight
Savage Worlds rules. Refer to the evil together, there were hero groups
Savage Worlds rulebook for details. in the pulps--the Secret Six, for
Characters are the basis for any
good pulp story. Two words: The trick to putting together a group
Broad strokes. While many other is to ensure that each character is a
RPGs advise, correctly, that specialist, with as little cross-over
characters be well-rounded and with the other characters as possible.
deep, with complex motivations Give everyone something that they
and non-stereotypical personalities, can do that the others cannot. If you
THRILLING TALES is founded have one investigative specialist,
on strongly archetypal characters. If then don’t allow someone else to
you cannot define your character in create a character who focuses on
a sentence, preferably a short one, investigation. Give everyone their
you should trim back some of the chance to shine. Specialists also
fat until you can. Over the course of make more sense in a group than a
the game, depth can be added, and haphazard collection of polymath
the character will develop a rich and heroes, each of whom is a brilliant
colorful cast of friends and enemies, Jack-of-all-Trades (One wonders
but a starting character should be why such heroes would need to team
extremely iconic. up at all).

The most successful pulp magazines For this method, players should
were the ones that revolved around start with Seasoned characters (as
the adventures of a single hero, often described in the Savage Worlds
with a cadre of assistants. This can rulebook), although Game Masters
make things problematic in a role- may find that smaller groups -- four
playing setting. Gamers usually our fewer -- may be comprised of
prefer to play heroes, not sidekicks. more experienced Veterans.

There are two ways to address this The second method is a bit closer to
in your game. One way is to go the source material: run a hero and
ahead and put together a group of his assistants. In the Doc Savage
heroes working together. While stories, Doc’s assistants are all
it is true that you never saw teams experts in their individual fields--
specialists who each are heroes in more. In this sort of campaign,
their own right. The Spider stories the “focus hero” should be of
often featured his assistants going Heroic or Legendary level, with the
off on their own--and on more than assistants being a group of Seasoned
one occasion saving The Spider characters.
The players will have to be
The only difference between this comfortable with the fact that one
and the group advice given above character is going to placed above
is that there is one character who the others. However, this really isn’t
is everything the others are, and that different than playing a game

set in a military hierarchy (whether On the pages that follow, we present
a World War II game, or a game set common archetypes from the pulps,
on a Starfleet vessel), which gamers both heroic and villanous.
do all the time. If the players have
no problems with that, just go ahead Gamemasters and players of
and do it. THRILLING TALES are
encouraged to discuss their
If they bristle slightly at this, another campaigns in advance of play, to
solution is to have every player determine the sort of game they wish
create an assistant (following the it to be, and so that the players may
guidelines for groups) and then have create charactres of an appropriate
the main hero created as a character nature. This allows the characters to
that is shared--played by all players. be tailored directly to the game, and
The hero is run by a different player will prevent the Gamemaster from
in each scene (usually a scene having to contend, for example, with
where their regular character is not a player bringing a Big Game Hunter
present). into Film Noir-influenced mystery
In a Hero & Sidekicks campaign,
the sidekicks should be rewarded,
in-game, for behavior that reinforces
the common elements of this genre
-- for more information on this style
of play, see Chapter Five: Pulp
Gaming Rules.

Ace Reporter
Penny stared, awed, at the vast fleet sneaks into where she shouldn’t,
of airships hidden within the volcano and relentlessly follows the story
airbase. to its conclusion. In the end, she’ll
alert the authorities and get that
“There’s enough firepower headline.
here to sink a battleship!”
she exclaimed in hushed The Ace Reporter
tones, “Enough to can join in any
level a small city! I pulp adventure--
need to take these whether the other
photos back to the heroes want her
bureau to prove there or not.
I was right!” Part ally and
She removed sometimes
the lenscap adversary,
of her trusty the story
Rolleiflex comes
and first.
lined up Reporters
the shot. are smart,
“Pulizter, here charismatic,
I come!” she and-- most
whispered for of all-- lucky.
luck. It’s a tough world
out there, and
Unfortunately, the flash of the someone has to get the facts! The
camera caught the attention of a public has a right to know, and if it
guard. “Look, up on the paraphet! takes a little breaking-and entering,
She’s back! Get her!” stowing away, or sabotage, then
that’s what you’ll do. Plus Reporters
The Ace Reporter is an archetype of have contacts and allies in even the
the pulp genre. Examples include most remote of places, and can get
Lois Lane, Polly Perkins, Buzz help at the most surprising of times.
Benson, Katie Blayne, Ed Lowery,
“Daffy” Dill, Claude Burke, and While the Ace Reporter is an able
Daisy Dare. hero in her own right, she also works
well standing beside other heroes.
An Ace Reporter is similar to an In fact, Ace Reporters are naturals
Investigator, minus all that tedious when forming a team, since they
lab work and research. Instead, know (or can find out) just about
the Ace Reporter follows leads, everything and everyone. And, for

Suggested Skills:
Investigation, Knowledge,
Notice, Persuasion, Streetwise,

Suggested Edges:
Alertness, Attractive, Charmer*,
Investigator, Moxie*, Photographic

younger players, a Junior Reporter is Suggested Hindrances:

a dandy sidekick with a special trick Curious, Doubting Thomas
or two to help pull their own weight.

Ready to solve the world’s

mysteries, armed only with a pen, a
pistol, and the power of the press?
Ace Reporter, get that story!

* Indicates a new Edge or Hindrance which can be found within this book.

Air Ace
The engine screamed as Ayres, Bill Barnes, and the hero of
“Barnstormer” Burton pushed the the film Sky Captain & The World of
plane into a power dive. At these Tomorrow.
speeds, the wings of a lesser aircraft
would have been torn off, sending The 1930s, the heyday of the pulp
the pilot to his doom, but Burton was magazines, was a time of extreme
confident that his custom work on the enthusiasm about aviation--
Silver Swan would hold up--at least travelling by air had not yet become
long enough to ditch the two Air commonplace, and was seen during
Pirates who were currently roaring the Depression as a romantic escape
after him, weapons blazing. from earthbound problems. The
pilot was seen as a dashing heroic
At the last possible second, Burton figure, and the pulps provided many
pulled back hard on the control stick, such heroes to thrill readers.
and the Silver Swan leapt skyward
again, at a nearly impossible angle. Many of the air heroes of the pulps
As he spiralled the plane into a tight were World War I flying aces,
barrel roll, Burton heard fighting against the Germans in
the explosions what at the time was known
as the vile as “the Great War.” The
Air Pirates stories weren’t limited to
tried and simple adventure tales
failed to of the air war, however-
match the -the most popular of the
maneuver. air hero pulps, G-8,
featured flying armies
The Air of zombies, giant
Ace is an bats, supervillains
archetype and more.
of the pulp
include G-8
and his Battle

The contemporary air heroes flew aircraft at the
cutting edge of aviation (and beyond)--in tales
that were the period equivalent of near-future
Science Fiction.

Air Aces are the daredevil defenders of the

skies, and their adventures should focus on
aviation-based threats and far-flung travel-
-everything from dogfights with air pirates
to infiltratiing the flying fortress of a world-

Guts, Knowl-
edge (Aeronau-
tics), Piloting,
Repair, Shoot-

Ace, Level-
Headed, Quick,

Code of Honor,
Enemy, Over-

* Indicates a new Edge or Hindrance which can be found within this book.
Big Game Hunter
Jeremiah Cole was a very ambitious I sat outside one of the newer mines
man and he wasn’t about to let some as Mr. Cole’s associates kept the
jungle savage ruin his diamond natives moving. I remained in
mining operation. That’s why he the bushes, keeping an eye on the
called me in. mine. I didn’t have to wait long.
The ground shook
Normally, I don’t hunt intelligent as a small herd
prey. Closest I came was a of elephants
giant albino gorilla stampeded
a few months back, near the
and I still bear a mine,
scar across my cheek overturning
from a flint knife it the trucks and
fashioned. Heck, smashing equipment.
I’ve hunted quite a
few exotic animals
in my time, usually
accompanied by
some egghead or
searching for lost
civilizations or
hidden treasure. I
enjoy the hunt,
but I never
considered myself
a hit man.

Mr. Cole wouldn’t

take “no” for an
answer. He just kept upping
the fee until he found my
price. So here I am, in
the heart of some African
jungle, waiting for the
jungle protector who
was upset at Mr. Cole’s
treatment of the natives. I
don’t do politics.

Everybody scattered. I stayed put, he is often the strong man that
readying my rifle. My patience accompanies the main hero.
paid off, for the one who sent the
elephants soon swung into view. My The Big Game Hunter is also often a
jaw dropped. villain. He is a poacher, disregarding
local laws and ignoring local
I don’t know what I was expecting. traditions in search of his prey. In
Mr. Cole had been very vague on this role he represents the unwanted
details, and now I know why. I “colonial” interests that pillage the
was expecting a native warrior, land. This makes him a frequent
or maybe a colonial who’d gone enemy of the Noble Savage.
native. Instead, I was staring at the
most stunning woman I’d ever seen,
dressed in animal skins that left little
to the imagination. Suggested Skills:
Climbing, Intimidation, Area Knowl-
Still, a job’s a job, and I regretted edge (Jungle), Notice, Shooting,
having to pull the trigger. Stealth, Survival, Tracking.

The Big Game Hunter is an Suggested Edges:

archetype of the Pulp genre. He Alertness, Giant Killer, Man Without
travels to untamed forests and Fear*, Marksman, No Mercy, Trade-
jungles around the world, searching mark Weapon, Woodsman.
for exotic trophies.
Suggested Hindrances:
The Big Game Hunter often Arrogant, Bloodthirsty, Greedy,
doubles as a guide, leading others
through thick jungles. In the Pulps,

* Indicates a new Edge or Hindrance which can be found within this book.

The four thugs didn’t know what they The Boxer is a student of the
were doing when they stepped in pugilistic arts, the dominate western
front of Bill McGraw. style of unarmed combat. A Boxer is
dedicated to improving his fighting
They might have been tough guys in ability, style, and technique. A
Panama City, but Iron Jaw McGraw Boxer might be working as a dock
had been worker
beating or cab
punks driver or
like them enforcer
in rings while
and working
alleys toward
for his next
years. fight.
McGraw Police
had officers,
battled soldiers,
for sailors
years in and
boxing others
matches might be
from amateur
New boxers.
to New Boxing
Orleans was a
and up the Pacific coast from growing and popular sport during the
Tijuana to Skagway. He had fought Pulp era, and although most sporting
in lighted rings, vacant sandlots, and contests were conducted with gloves
on the decks of ships at sea. under the official Queensberry rules,
many organized bareknuckled fights
As the thugs closed around him, still took place.
McGraw cocked his ham-sized fists
and said, “Boyos, I don’t know what Many Pulp characters were skilled
the Jaguar said before sending you boxers. Robert E. Howard was a
out against me, but you’re now about boxer himself and wrote stories
to receive a lesson in the fighting about pugilistic heroes such as
arts.” Dennis Dorgan, Kirby Karnes, and
Mike Brennon.

Suggested Skills:
Fighting, Gambling, Guts, Intimida-
tion, Knowledge (Tactics), Street-
wise, Taunt.

Suggested Edges:
Ambidextrous, Block, Brawny,
Bring It On!*, Combat Reflexes,
Dodge, Fast Healer, First Strike,
Frenzy, Iron Jaw*, Nerves of Steel,
Tough as Nails.

Suggested Hindrances:
All Thumbs, Obligations *, Poverty,

* Indicates a new Edge or Hindrance which can be found within this book.

Femme Fatale
So there I was, scouting out the
Chinese countryside in my trusty
P-40, looking for a Communist
airfield. It still feels queer playing
a mercenary; it wasn’t that long ago
I was a stunt pilot in a flying circus.
Thanks to the Depression, I was out
of job when beer became legal. I
spent a long time feeling sorry for
myself when an old buddy of mine
from the Great War said that the
Chinese Nationals were looking for
some American pilots to help them
root out the Communists. Feels
good to be in the air again.

The clouds were low as I flew over

a number of abandoned farms. The
absence of people was a good sign
that there was some military activity
nearby. I also noticed that the fields as the bullets ripped through my tail
were no longer producing crops and and I heard my engine stall. I was
the telltale signs of wheel ruts in the going to have to bail. As I prepared
ground told me everything I needed. to eject myself, the plane pulled
I bet some of the new-looking barns alongside me. The pilot removed
housed airplanes. Jackpot. hat and goggles and I was staring
at the most stunningly gorgeous
I was about to head back when a woman I’d ever seen. I’d bet my life
plane dropped out of the clouds it was Brigid Brophy, the Huntress...
above me. I didn’t recognize the another mercenary pilot. She blew
model but I was pretty sure it was me a kiss before rolling away,
Russian. I pulled back on the stick leaving me to my fate. It’s funny.
and headed into the clouds myself I’ve heard plenty of stories about
as bullets sprayed past me. I didn’t her ruthlessness and skill, but as I
want to stay in the clouds long, jumped, I found myself wishing I’d
so once I felt I put some distance see her again.
between me and the airfield I
dropped down. I breathed a sigh of The Femme Fatale is an archetype
relief as I headed back to base. of the Pulp genre. From the Nazi
Temptress to the Amazon Queen,
That’s when the plane dropped down these women pursue evil goals
behind me. I didn’t have a chance while stealing the hearts of heroes.
Examples include Catwoman, Sala Suggested Skills:
(from the Phantom), and Dr. Elsa Driving, Persuasion, Stealth, Street-
Schneider (from Indiana Jones and wise, Taunt.
the Last Crusade).
Suggested Edges:
The Femme Fatale of the pulps is Attractive, Jack-of-all-trades, Char-
a strong-willed, confident woman ismatic, Charmer*, Connections,
who is beautiful and deadly. She Strong Willed
is the antithesis of the docile wife
and mother. Femmes Fatales crave Suggested Hindrances:
excitement and adventure, and have Arrogant, Greedy,
often been wronged at some point Overconfident,
in the past. It is this injustice that Vengeful,
drives their cravings. Wanted.

There are many types of Femme

Fatale. Some are merely hedonistic
mercenaries, more playful than
destructive. Some are true master
criminals, engaging in insidious
plots alongside Mad Scientists
and Masterminds. Finally, some
Femmes Fatales are rulers of an
exotic or alien locale.

Most of the Femme Fatale’s abilities

have no effect on characters not
normally attracted to her (mainly
other women). While this is
potentially a fatal flaw, it
fits in perfectly with the
pulp genre. While the
Femme Fatale is a
master at manipulating
men, women generally
see right through
them. Whether
these women can
convince their
male allies
otherwise is
another matter!

* Indicates a new Edge or Hindrance which can be found within this book.
Fortune Hunter
They said I was crazy. They were and made our way inside. The
wrong. walls were covered in Dravidian
characters that had a distinctive
I’d always maintained that Egyptian look to them. Robert
Antarctica was the lost continent of and I joked about the chicken or
Lemuria, the birthplace of African the egg argument. I thought I saw
and Asian civilization. I’d spent a reference to the goddess Kali
hundreds of hours researching every and decided to have a closer look.
major library in the world, looking Behind my back, Robert noticed an
for every reference I could find. emerald embedded in the wall
My colleagues scoffed at me and and started prying it from
did everything they could to the wall. I turned around
dissuade others from joining as I heard a thud and a
me on the expedition of a grunt. Robert was
lifetime. dead, his body pinned
against the opposite
Yet here we were, standing at wall by an ancient spear.
the base of an ancient step Apparently, the gods
pyramid frozen within of this temple
the ice. After a wanted to be left
day of meticulous undisturbed.
chipping and
melting, I had After a brief
uncovered a prayer for
stone block Robert, I
with ancient continued
Dravidian inward. I’d
characters be more
on it. What a careful
find! I could when I found
hardly contain the treasure.
my enthusiasm as
we went to work The Fortune
hollowing out the Hunter is an
main entrance. archetype
Somewhere deep of the Pulp
inside laid a king’s genre. He
treasure. I just is the explorer
knew it. of ancient ruins,
searching for treasure,
We broke through whether for the benefit
the ice wall of society or his own
gain. Examples
include Allan
Quatermain, Indiana
Jones, and Lara

The Fortune Hunter

is a researcher,
archaeologist, and
explorer. He is
equally at home in
the library or an
ancient tomb. He is
dedicated to seeking
out lost treasures
and is willing to do
most of the heavy
work himself. More
so than other Pulp
archetypes, the
Fortune Hunter is a
team player, willing
to hire experts to
help him uncover
lost ruins.

Suggested Skills:
Climbing, Guts,
Knowledge (Archaeology), Knowl- Suggested Hindrances:
edge (History), Lockpicking, Notice, Bad Luck, Curious, Glass Jaw*,
Survival. Greedy, Heroic, Phobia (snakes,
Suggested Edges:
Connections, Deus Ex Machina*,
Font of Information*, Investigator,

* Indicates a new Edge or Hindrance which can be found within this book.
The Chief of Police frantically the trigger randomly assaulted New
grabbed for the bullhorn, squinting York’s finest. As the thunder of heavy
to block out the flashing red and caliber munitions stopped it was
blue lights that lit up the crime quickly trailed by shaky laughter on
scene like Macy’s at Christmas the wind. Chief O’Hara sat up and
time. Half his precincts were here looked around. Twelve hours had
in full force, and most of passed since they first got word
the others at half or better. of children held hostage, and
There was a veritable sea of no progress had been
squad cars and paddy made.
wagons surrounding
the 5th street library O’Hara spotted a
and the psycho holding the commotion- two men in hats
entire P.S. 201 class field and coats were speaking
trip hostage there. with a number of
He triggered his officers; when
the bullhorn the cops nodded
and opened and took off
his mouth running,
to speak, O’Hara nearly
when he was had a fit. He
interrupted watched as
by a nearby the officers
shout. spoke to
“He’s going others, and
again!” could not
believe it
Everyone who when shortly
heard quickly the entire
dropped behind line of cars
open squad car began to pull
doors or dove back. O’Hara
for cover behind stormed over to
the wagons as the strangers,
the BHUDDA- who were
BHUDDA- heading in his
BHUDDA of a direction.
heavy machine gun roared from
the roof of the library. Chunks of “What in the name of the Big Apple
concrete and squad cars kicked up is going on here?!” he shouted.
into the air as the madman behind The two men met his gaze with a

coolness that was unsettling. O’Hara It’s an unfriendly world out there,
nearly jumped out of his skin when a and it’s only getting worse- your
voice from behind him spoke: “I’m Nation is looking for the best and the
what’s going on here.” The Police brightest to come to her aid- will you
Chief spun on his heel and looked heed the call?
up into a pair of blue eyes that made
the strangers seem friendly. A hand Suggested Skills:
holding a badge flashed in front of Driving, Fighting, Guts, Intimida-
his eyes, and the newcomer said, tion, Investigation, Knowledge
“Andrew Franklin, Federal Agent. (Law), Notice, Persuasion, Shooting,
O’Hara, you’ve done a miserable Streetwise.
job containing the situation- this is
my crime scene now.” Suggested Edges:
Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Com-
The G-Man, slang for ‘Government mand, Connections, Investigator,
Man’, is a federal agent typically Strong Willed.
with the F.B.I. In the world of the
pulps the G-Man was known by his Suggested Hindrances:
trench coat and fedora, traveling Code of Honor, Obligations, Over-
in packs and toting Tommy-guns. confident, Vow.
G-Men were the subject of several
entire magazines, and the nation
thrilled to their exploits. From
breaking up Nazi sympathizers to
enforcing Prohibition, the G-Man
did whatever his nation called on
him to do to keep her safe on her
own shores.

Working for the Government has its

perks- the G-Man has an enhanced
jurisdiction, granting him powers
of law enforcement that typically
outstrip those of local cops; he also
is generally better equipped with the
latest in crime-fighting technology.
The G-Man starts off as a part of a
unit, learning the ropes. As he proves
himself and grows in experience, the
G-Man will find himself with more
and more responsibility, and given
more and more sensitive missions.

Mack polished off his second drink
GumShoe and nodded his head. He folded his
hands in his lap and leaned back in
Mack Brolin sloshed gin over two his chair. “Mrs. Smith, discrete is
sticky shot glasses and slid half the my middle name. However, before we
pair across his desk to the weeping go into any more particulars about
blonde in front of him. He hated this case, can I ask you to place that
this part of his job- hell, he would cute revolver on the desk, and keep
have to think harder than he wanted your hands where I can see them?”
too to find a part he did like, lately.
Normally he would stay as far away Smith’s face clouded over as she
from cheating husband cases as complied, her hands moving slowly
he could and still pay the bills- but as Mack raised his own, pointing his
Andrea Smith was the leggiest, .38 in her direction. Mack smiled at
blondest…healthiest dame who’d her frustrated expression.
come through his door in years,
and as close as Mack was to his .38 “I don’t keep that big mirror in the
special, it didn’t exactly keep him corner to look at my pretty mug,
warm at night. Mrs. Smith. Now, why don’t you tell
me your real reason for coming here
He’d been in the business long tonight?”
enough to know something was
screwy- wives as put together as
Mrs. Smith didn’t get cheated on
very often. He watched her knock
back his offered drink and then
followed suit. She blew her
nose daintily and then refilled
their glasses for him, setting
down her pocketbook next
to the bottle. Her
pocketbook with the
silver handles. Mack
added ten percent to
the figure he had in
his head.

“Mr. Brolin, Johnny

Chin is my dry
cleaner- he told me
you were very discrete.
Can I count on you to be

Mack felt a bit of alarm as the Suggested Skills:
beauty in front of him smiled just as Driving, Fighting, Guts, Investi-
her features began to blur. gation, Area Knowledge, Notice,
Shooting, Streetwise.
“Clever, Mr. Brolin- Chin told me
your were clever too. But he also Suggested Edges:
told me you couldn’t resist blondes Alertness, Connections, Investigator,
or gin. I hope you don’t mind, I Level Headed, Moxie*.
added a little something special to
yours.” Suggested Hindrances:
Bad Luck, Curious, Enemy, Heroic.
All the alarms were going off as
Mack’s piece fell from his nerveless
fingers and he slumped forward.
His vision faded out, as did his last
thoughts of the evening. “Damn…
second time this month…”

The Gumshoe, P.I., Detective;

they all refer to the tough-as-nails,
rough around the edges, hard boiled
investigator of the pulps. A file
cabinet filled with cases, a weather-
beaten desk, a name on the door and
a reputation for getting his man-
many times this is all a Gumshoe has
to call his own- but while his life is
often unglamorous, it is hardly ever

The Gumshoe can be a person’s last

hope- when the police don’t seem
to care and you haven’t a friend in
the world, you can call on him- his
door is always open. Just don’t be
surprised to see a chalk outline or
two on the way up the stairs.

* Indicates a new Edge or Hindrance which can be found within this book.
Gun Moll
Sally sat in the corner of the speak- herself to him. She started by giv-
easy, trying not to draw attention to ing him a safe place to sleep and
herself. Mickey, her booze-running alibis for cops. Later, she helped
partner and sometimes lover, was Mickey and his associates scope out
nowhere to be seen. He told Sally banks and small stores. Eventually,
that he couldn’t be with her tonight, she worked her way up to getaway
that he had a card game with some driver. Mickey was appreciative,
friends. especially
Sally at first, but
knew over time
better; he started
there to see her
was a as just
new one of the
singer guys.
at the
night- Don
club walked
across over and
town placed a
that full glass
Mickey next to her
fan- half empty
cied, one. She
and he smiled.
didn’t The boy
mind was so
wast- eager to
ing his be in her
eve- presence
ning that he
sipping juice and seltzer water to see wouldn’t even wait until she was
her. ready for another gin. Don was a
fresh-faced kid, his mind all jumbled
Sally sighed as she sipped her gin. up with romantic notions of booze
She remembered an earlier time, running, no doubt poisoned by the
when she first met Mickey. He was fantastic stories he heard while serv-
everything she never wanted in a ing the booze runners. Yet there was
man, rough, tough and danger- something else.
ous. She fell for him immediately,
convinced that she just had to prove “I wish you could convince Mickey

to take me on, Miss Sally,” Don said life of crime. Well-known historical
awkwardly. “I wouldn’t be any trou- Gun Molls include Bonnie Parker
ble, and I’m good behind the wheel.” (of Bonnie and Clyde fame) and Ma
Sally shook her head. She’d heard
this story before. Don was smitten Historically, Gun Molls were a
with her, and he wanted Mickey to varied lot. Some were simply
take him on so that he could be with paramours of Mobsters, while
Sally. She sipped her gin again. He others took more active roles in
was a cute boy, and after the way the criminal life. In the Pulps,
Mickey dismissed her tonight for Gun Molls had more thrilling
some new songbird Sally wouldn’t and glamorous lifestyles. It is
mind teaching Don a few things. this literary model on which the
But she couldn’t do that. Don had a Advanced Class is based. While
full, respectable life ahead of him if the Mobster represents the tough,
he steered clear of Mickey’s type. If thuggish soldier of the underworld,
Don had come along a couple years the Gun Moll works behind the
earlier, Sally may have run away scenes, acting as a spy and providing
with him and the criminal life. But logistical support.
now, it was too late for that. Sally
steeled herself and gave Don a cold,
hard look. Suggested Skills:
Guts, Knowledge (crime),
“You know Mickey’s my man and Lockpicking, Persuasion, Shooting,
I’ve got no time for someone else, es- Stealth, Streetwise.
pecially one so wet behind the ears.
Now scram before I tell Mickey that Suggested Edges:
you’ve been eyeing his dame.” Attractive, Charismatic, Common
Bond, Connections, Thief
Don’s face flushed an embarrassed
red as he stammered an apology
and scurried away. Sally shrugged Suggested Hindrances:
and emptied the new glass down her Greedy, Loyal, Obligations, Wanted.
throat. It was all for the best. Re-

In many ways, the Gun Moll is the

Mobster’s partner in crime. She is
fully aware of and participates in the
Mobster’s activities, filling a critical
support role. Some women become
Gun Molls because they’ve fallen in
love with a Mobster. Others become
Gun Molls for the sheer thrill of a

Mad Scientist
Doctor Schreck threw the main I shall activate the wave generator,
switch, and the infernal machine and every cretinous moron in this
sparked to life, lights winking on and city will become my mindless slave!”
off in a mad language that only the He began to laugh then...a ragged,
demented scientist could understand. tortured sound that seemingly
Great arcs of electric current roped crawled from somewhere deep within
out between giant brass electrodes, his soul, rising in pitch and intensity
filling the air with the distinct odor until, nearly a hysterical scream, it
of ozone. almost drowned
out the
The hair on the back of the Green sound
Falcon’s neck stood on end, not of the
because of the charge in the air, but
rather at the realization of the
depth of the danger that Schreck
posed to New York City.

“Excellent... Excellent!”
exclaimed Doctor Schreck.
“Everything is proceeding
according to plan.” he whirled
to face the Green Falcon, the
blue-white light of
the sparking
matched by
the insane
gleam in
his eyes.

a fool to
try and
interfere, Falcon.” he
said. The Green Falcon
strained against the bonds
that held him in the chair,
but to no avail.
“Once my invention
reaches it’s full charge,

buzzing and crackling machinery. Scientist can range from the sad,
deluded individual who has forgotten
The Green Falcon knew that he that science should serve humankind,
needed to act...and SOON. to the raving lunatic who wants to
avenge himself on those who did not
The Mad Scientist is an archetype appreciate his genius.
of the pulp genre--an insane genius
seeking to dominate the world Suggested Skills:
through technological terror. Investigation, Knowledge (science),
Examples include Doctor Satan, Knowledge (several other scientific
The Scorpion, and dozens of generic specialties), Repair, Weird Science.
madmen with vaguely Prussian or
Eastern-European-sounding names. Suggested Edges:
Arcane Background (Weird Science)
In many ways, the Mad Scientist Deus Ex Machina*, Gadgeteer, Just
is the flip-side of the Paragon. The Thing*, McGyver, Rich.
Where the Paragon represents the
possibilities of science, the Mad Suggested Hindrances:
Scientist is the fear of science run Arrogant, Big Mouth, Delusional,
rampant over humanity. The Mad Overconfident, Vengeful, Wanted.

* Indicates a new Edge or Hindrance which can be found within this book.
Man of Mystery
Vincenzo DiNapoli, better known as “Let the Grocer go, Vinnie.” A voice
“Vinnie the Hook” stood back and drifted out of the fog that obscured
watched as his boys went to work the other end of the darkened
on the poor schlub who had decided alleyway. Vinnie’s heart nearly
to testify against the Boss in his stopped. He knew that voice.
upcoming trial. Rocko and Tony
were good boys, eager to please and Rocko and Tony let the Grocer drop
skilled at their work. Their work to the ground as they drew their
was hurting people. guns, searching for the source of the
voice. Vinnie tried to warn them--to
They were standing at the back tell them to drop their guns, but his
of a blind alley, hidden from the voice caught in his throat as a figure
street, where they could beat the emerged from the fog. A dark green
Grocery Store owner without trenchcoat whirled around the figure
interruption. Vincenzo watched with like a vampire’s cape, and cold grey
little interest--he was there to make eyes glittered from beneath the brim
sure the message of a matching fedora and a domino
was delivered, mask. “Good,” the voice continued,
nothing more. “I was hoping that you’d resist.”
Suddenly, he
felt the hairs Twin chromed 45’s leapt suddenly
on the back into view and began to
of his neck bark a death-chant in
stand up. the confines of the
alley. The Green
Falcon had come to

The Man of Mystery is an archetype Lastly, the Man of Mystery was
of the pulp genre. Examples cloaked in fear. In every case, the
include The Shadow, The Spider, character’s main form of attack
The Phantom, Captain Satan, and a involved striking fear into the hearts
legion of similar ominously-named of criminals before bringing them
imitators. to justice. The Man of Mystery
was not content to stop or even kill
The Man of Mystery is similar in criminals--they would first make
most respects to an Investigator-- sure that the criminals knew the
however the Man of Mystery comes same kind of fear that they had
with added doses of strangeness, inflicted upon their own victims. It
violence and fear. was fear as karmic justice.

Strangeness comes in the subject Suggested Skills:

matter--the mystery men of the pulps Fighting, Guts, Intimidation,
didn’t solve run-of-the-mill crimes, Investigation, Area Knowledge,
or even puzzling murder mysteries. Notice, Persuasion, Shooting,
They were faced with hidden Stealth, Streetwise, Taunt, Tracking.
criminal empires run by hooded
madmen, zombies created by evil
scientists, occult ritual murders, and Suggested Edges:
more. Not the beat of the average Alertness, Ambidextrous, Bring
Private Eye. It On!*, Combat Reflexes,
Connections, Dodge, Followers,
Men of Mystery were often more Hard to Kill, Jack-Of-All-Trades,
violent than their gumshoe cousins- Level Headed, Man Without Fear*,
-operating as masked vigilantes No Mercy, Photographic Memory*,
outside of the law allowed for Quick Draw, Strong Willed.
higher criminal body-counts, which
the readers of the pulp magazines
relished. Suggested Hindrances:
Bloodthirsty, Enemy, Heroic, Venge-
ful, Vow, Wanted.

* Indicates a new Edge or Hindrance which can be found within this book.
I felt myself roughly led, half-car- “On occasion,” came the measured
ried, from the dungeon where my un- reply.
known captors had placed me. The
air within the black cloth hood that The hood was jerked from my head,
they had forced over my head was flooding my eyes with sudden light.
close, and I could see nothing. The As I blinked to clear my vision, the
only sound that I could hear, muffled figure seated before me came into
by the layer of cloth, were the echo- focus.
ing footfalls of my guards as they
dragged me towards some unknown Green eyes glittered with a wicked
destination. intelligence,
and a cruel,
Suddenly, I sensual
was forced mouth
to my knees curled into
on what felt a horrible,
like a stone knowing
floor. smile. I
felt the cold
“I trust you chill of
have not hopelessness
been mis- engulf me.
treated?” A
voice echoed I was in the
in the cham- clutches of
ber. It was a none other
voice of au- than the
thority--the fiend known
silken tones only as The
of power. Emperor of
“I do not Crime.
wish for my
guests to suffer.”
The Mastermind is an archetype of
“Guests?” I scoffed, my voice the pulp genre. Examples include
sounding uncomfortably feeble to my the insidious Dr. Fu Manchu, John
own ears. “Do you always throw Sunlight, Shiwan Khan and Doctor
your ‘guests’ into cells and deny Death.
them food and water?”

Every hero needs a good villain. Suggested Skills:
King Arthur had Mordred...Sherlock Guts, Intimidation, Investigation,
Holmes had Doctor Moriarty. This Knowledge (many specialties),
Advanced Class fills that need. Notice, Persuasion, Stealth,
A Mastermind stands head and Streetwise, Taunt.
shoulders above the average villain-
-they are the pinnacle of the criminal
world. Often possessing abilities Suggested Edges:
equal to or greater than the heroes Command, Connections, Fervor,
they oppose, the Mastermind is often Followers, Font of Information*,
only defeated through their own Halls of Power*, Hard to Kill, Nine
hubris...and often escape to plague Lives*, No Mercy, Photographic
the heroes again and again. Memory*, Rich/Filthy Rich.

In the heyday of the pulps, villains

were so popular, that some became Suggested Hindrances:
the “heroes” of their own magazines! Arrogant, Bloodthirsty, Greedy, Out-
sider, Vengeful, Vow, Wanted.

* Indicates a new Edge or Hindrance which can be found within this book.

“Look deeply into my eyes...” magician, a long-time friend of his
Morgan the Mystic focused his gaze Captain, muttered to the girl, waving
upon the woman seated in the stark his hands theatrically in front of
metal chair of the third precinct’s her face. She hadn’t said a word
interrogation room. since she’d been brought in. First,
Murphy thought she was playing
Detective Matt Murphy rolled his dumb...now, though, he was guessing
eyes and fetched a cigarette out of that it was shock--perhaps the
the pack in his jacket pocket. The realization of what she had done.
dame was guilty, and this was an
open-and-shut case. She was found Suddenly, the girl’s eyes closed, and
standing over the District Attorney’s she slumped in the chair, unconcious.
body, smoking pistol in her well- Morgan the Mystic drew himself up
manicured hand. No motive--there to his full height, and turned to face
wasn’t any indication that a wealthy the stocky detective.
socialite like Francine Farmer had
any interaction with the DA outside “It’s just as I suspected, Detective
of the occasional society fundraiser. Murphy,” the magician said.
Of course,
when you’re
not much
need for
a motive.
But still,
the Captain
thought it
to bring
in this

took a drag
on the
cigarette as
the stage

“Francine Farmer has already The Mesmerist may follow the
been the subject of an extensive practices developed by Dr. Franz
amount of hypnosis. She did kill the Anton Mesmer in the 18th Century,
District Attorney, but she was used some may see it as the science of
as an unwitting pawn. She no more etheric magnetism, and others may
could control her actions than you base their abilities on practices from
could stop your heart from beating. India, classical Greece, or another
There’s only one man I know of who occult source. Many Mesmerists see
has that kind of hypnotic power....” their abilities as the result of greater
mind influencing a smaller mind.
Murphy dropped his cigarette. “You Most firmly believe that a person
don’t mean--” of loose character cannot become a
powerful hypnotist.
“Yes,” replied Morgan. “The
insidious Doctor Tsung-chi Sin, the
devil of Chinatown.” Suggested Skills:
Intimidation, Knowledge (hypnosis),
The Mesmerist is an archetype of the Knowledge (psychology), Notice,
pulp genre. Examples include the Persuasion, Psionics.
Green Lama, Chandu the magician
and Don Diavolo, the Scarlet
Wizard. Suggested Edges:
Arcane Background (Psionics),
The Mesmerist is a trained hypnotist Arcane Resistance (Psionics),
and an expert in the use of his own Danger Sense, Mentalist, Soul Drain,
animal magnetism to sway the will Strong Willed
of others. A Mesmerist may work
as a private counselor or as a stage
magician or assist in solving crimes. Suggested Hindrances:
Some use their abilities to help solve Cautious, Glass Jaw*, Pacifist.
the problems of others. Others seek
only to enhance their own wealth
and reputation.

* Indicates a new Edge or Hindrance which can be found within this book.
It was almost nine o’clock when too-convincingly. With alcohol legal
I entered the club, hoping to hear again, all I had to fall back on was my
my Betty sing. I had to hand it to numbers racket. I was never much of
Manny; only a few years ago, this a businessman; I used what worked.
place was an unmarked speakeasy in Now that things didn’t work that way
the basement of a hotel. Now, with anymore, I was lost. Truth be told,
Prohibition over and the G-Men off I was surviving more on what I’d
his back, Manny really turned this socked away in the past than in new
place into a classy joint. business. It was almost enough to
make me go legitimate. I sighed and
Betty wasn’t on stage yet, so I walked emptied my glass. “Manny wanted to
over to the bar. Eric eyed me as I see me?”
approached as he wiped a glass.
Without a word, he turned around Eric leaned over the bar a bit, not
and grabbed a bottle of scotch off that anyone hear would care. Eric
the shelf. I sat
on a stool in the
corner just as
Eric poured a
shot in front of

“How’s business,
Joey?” Eric asked
Eric used to work
for me in the good
old days, running
booze from
across the border.
Those days were
gone now, and
I had to let Eric
go. Fortunately,
Manny needed
some extra help
expanding his

“Same old
story,” I lied not-
was always careful with his words. I It is almost impossible to think about
appreciated that. “Manny’s shipments the Pulp Era without thinking about
are becoming more expensive lately. the Mobster. Whether they are used
He’d like to know why and you’re as little more than muscle or gangland
the best at extracting that kind of intrigue, the Mobster is a critical
information.” He poured me another element in many Pulps. They are the
drink. quintessential “bad guys.”

I gave Eric a small grin. What he

was really saying was that someone Suggested Skills:
was disrupting Manny’s supply line Driving, Fighting, Gambling, Guts,
and trying to extort higher prices Intimidation, Lockpicking, Shooting,
from him. Manny apparently had Streetwise.
a possible lead, tied up in the back,
and he wanted me to extract the Suggested Edges:
information from him. After all, I was Connections, Halls of Power*, No
still one of the best leg breakers in the Mercy, Rock and Roll!, Thief.
city. I downed my second drink.
Suggested Hindrances:
“Manny’s in the back?” I asked. Bloodthirsty, Enemy, Obligations*,
Eric nodded and took back the glass, Mean, Vengeful, Wanted.
wiping it down for the next customer.
I sighed as I slid off the stool. I once
commanded ten men, and now I was
going back to my roots. Still, a job is
a job and Manny was an old friend.
Before I left the club tonight, I would
make sure the canary would sing.

* Indicates a new Edge or Hindrance which can be found within this book.
Noble Savage
Kamba crept silently along the advancing on his men, spear in in
upper branches of the tree, watching hand.
the column of men hack their way
through the jungle beneath him, “Gott im Himmel! It is Kamba--
machetes clearing a wide swath Lion-man of the Congo! “
ahead of them.
The order to fire never escaped
The night-birds had cried their Eberhardt’s lips. He found himself
alarm at this intrusion, and for once, staring, dumbfounded, at a 3-foot
their agitation was justified. Kamba length of spear protruding from his
had discovered the bodies of the chest.
Tumutu villagers that these men had
tortured to death. The intruders had Kamba drew his knife and stalked
pried from them the secret of the forward with dire purpose. The
location of the Lost City. secret of the Lost City would die with
these men.
Kamba did not know the tribe of
these intruders, but as they marched The Noble Savage is an archetype
through the jungle, each marked by of the pulp genre. Examples include
the emblem of a crooked cross, his Ki-Gor, Ozar the Aztec, Sheena:
instinct told him that the secrets of Queen of the Jungle, and, of course,
the Lost City could not be allowed to the forefather of them all, Edgar
fall into the hands of such men. Rice Burroughs’ Tarzan of the Apes,
who first appeared in All-Story
He grabbed his spear in both hands, Magazine in October 1912.
and lept from the branch, bursting
through the leafy canopy to land in The Noble Savage is a person from
a fighting crouch directly in front a “civilized culture” (as defined
of the column of men. His green by late-19th/early 20th century
eyes flashed dangerously, and a low, standards) who, though incredible
animal growl rumbled from deep circumstances, was raised by
within him. creatures of the animal kingdom--
trained to survive in the wilderness
The men at the head of the column and attaining the pinnacle of human
dropped their machetes, and the physical potential.
hired pack-bearers fled, all shouting
“Kamba! Kamba!” Pulp tales featuring the Noble
Savage usually involved the
Sturmbannfuehrer Eberhardt, the character presented as the King of
man in command of the expedition, their savage domain, protecting the
heard the shouts of the porters, natural world from the machinations
and saw the golden-maned figure
of some villain or another, although Suggested Edges:
on occasion, the Noble Savage’s Acrobat, Alertness, Ambidextrous,
adventures would taken them to the Beast Bond, Beast Master, Brawny,
civilized world, where they would Combat Reflexes, First Strike,
inevitably demonstrate their innate Fleet-footed, Frenzy, Giant Killer,
superiority in any environment. Hard to Kill, Quick, Strong Willed,
Suggested Skills:
Climbing, Fighting, Guts, Suggested Hindrances:
Intimidation, Area Knowledge, Heroic, Outsider, Savage*
Notice, Riding, Stealth, Survival,
Swimming, Throwing, Tracking.

* Indicates a new Edge or Hindrance which can be found within this book.
I watched in amazement as Erasmus second, and then his face lit with
Quinn finished the last delicate a realization. “Never mind, Jack,”
adjustments to the device lying on he said with a broad grin, “I just
the laboratory bench in front of him. remembered -- I can.”
With hands like a surgeon (which, I
was later to learn, is one of the many ..and with that, he rushed out the
degrees held by the man), he door.
soldered the last connections
into place. The Paragon is an
archetype of the
“There.” He pulp genre--a
stood and two-fisted
stretched his scientific
back, stiff after detective jack-
the hours of of-all-trades.
work put into the Examples
invention. include Doc
Savage, Captain
“This projector Hazzard and
should fire Buckaroo Banzai.
a strong
enough The character embodies
electro the popular view
magnetic of science and
blast to scientists in the
disable days before the Atomic
Satan’s Age led to science
Robot. We becoming a source of
just need anxiety and distrust. The
to get close Paragon was the brilliant
enough.” embodiment of the American ideal:
strong, square-dealing, forthright,
Quinn scooped up the device and morally pure, educated, clever and
hurried for the door. I nearly ran resourceful.
into him as he stopped suddenly,
whirling around to face me. “Wait,” Paragons should be the focus
he said. “Do you know how to fly an character of a campaign--usually
autogyro?” I responded that I did their stories were adventures of a
not. single hero and a team of expert
assistants, all of whom were heroes
Quinn pondered the issue for a split- in their own right, albeit shining less

brightly than the central star. Suggested Skills:
Fighting, Guts, Healing,
The tales were often globe-trotting, Investigation, Knowledge (Science),
usually beginning in the comfortable Knowledge (Medecine), Knowlege
surroundings of the United States (several other specialities), Notice,
before taking readers to far-off, Piloting, Repair, Shooting, Weird
exotic lands. Their adventures were Science.
action-packed and fast-paced (as
was standard for the hero pulps), and Suggested Edges:
science (or at the very least, some Arcane Background (Weird
sort of invention) always played a Science), Brawny, Combat Reflexes,
part, whether as the focus of the tale, Command, Followers, Font of
or as part of the tools used by the Information*, Gadgeteer, Inspire,
Paragon to solve whatever problem Jack-Of-All-Trades, Just The
was to be faced in that issue. Thing*, Level Headed, Natural
Leader, Rich/Filthy Rich, Scholar,
Sidekick, Two-Fisted

Suggested Hindrances:
Code of Honor, Enemy, Heroic,
Overconfident, Vow.

* Indicates a new Edge or Hindrance which can be found within this book.

Rocket Ranger
“The Moon Men have kidnapped Ace buckled the pack in place.
Polly, Ace! They say that they’ll “Stand back, Bucky---I’m off to
shoot down any aircraft that tries to rescue Polly. Have lunch ready for
follow them! Holy Socks! What’re us when we get back,” he said with
we gonna do?” Bucky Brown cried, a wink.
pointing to the receding shape of the
Moon Men’s Flying Saucer, currently With a quick twist of a control knob
racing away to the hidden location on his belt, Ace rocketed into the sky,
of their invasion base somewhere in and was out of sight within seconds.
the Deserts of Utah.

Ace Adams leveled a flint-hard glare

in the saucer’s direction. “Good
thing I won’t be following them by
plane, then...eh, Bucky? Get me my
Rocket Pack.”

The newsboy grinned and

hurried to retrieve the
fantastic device from the
trunk of the Packard.
He marvelled at its
design: a gleaming
chrome chassis
featuring two
attached to
two sturdy
shoulder straps and a
control belt.

When he returned with the pack, Ace

had already strapped on his special
aero-helmet, which protected the
daredevil from the fantastic speeds
generated by the pack, and helped
him steer in flight via its unique
aerodynamic shape.

The life of a Rocket Ranger is one The Rocket Ranger archetype can be
of speed and danger. Harnessing found in many sources, including the
the power of controlled explosions classic Rocket Man serials of the 1940s,
is a difficult science to master, and the Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon
the risk involved deters all but the comic strips and radio programs of the
most stalwart heroes. The select few 1930s, and latter-day homages such as
who dare to fly without an Dave Stevens’
airplane are respected comic book
for their skill and (and later
daring. film) The

Suggested Skills:
Fighting, Guts,
Knowledge (aeronautics),
Notice, Piloting, Repair,

Suggested Edges:
Ace, Alertness, Gadget (Rocket
Pack)*, Luck, Steady Hands.

Suggested Hindrances:
Curious, Heroic, Overconfident.

* Indicates a new Edge or Hindrance which can be

found within this book. 57
Trusted Sidekick
So there I was, standing outside with for his pistol. I jumped over his
the car in my chauffeur uniform while companion and punched him square
the Scarlet Avenger was inside the in the nose. His gun fell out of his
warehouse across the street, doubtless limp hand right before he did.
teaching the cretins inside a lesson or
two about kidnapping the mayor’s I smiled in satisfaction. Whoever
daughter. I’d asked to join her, but said Queensbury rules couldn’t
she insisted that I remain with the car have practical applications? My
running just in case things went badly. celebration was interrupted by the
I’ve served the Scarlet Avenger long sound of shattered glass as a third
enough to know that was a distinct ruffian violently exited
possibility. a third story window.
I guess the Scarlet
My ears perked up as another sedan Avenger was having a
pulled up near the warehouse. Two little fun as well.
ruffians emerged and I feared that
might complicate things
a bit for the Scarlet
Avenger. I put out my
pipe and crossed the
street, doing my best to
appear confused.

“Excuse me, gentlemen,”

I asked in the Queen’s
English, “could you direct me
to the Parkview Hotel on Broad
Street? I seem to have gotten
rather lost!”

The ruffian closest to me wasn’t

amused. He made a fist. “Scram,
limey. We ain’t got time for
foreigners who can’t read

“My apologies.” I bowed

politely and then followed it
with a right cross to his jaw. As
he crumbled, his friend put his
hand inside his jacket, reaching

The Pulp Genre is full of Trusted Suggested Skills:
Sidekicks, men and women who aid Driving, Fighting, Guts, Area
the central hero in completing his Knowledge, Notice, Streetwise,
adventures. Trusted Sidekicks are the Tracking.
butlers, chauffeurs, pilots, and wards
of the main hero. They often have Suggested Edges:
abilities helpful to the central hero in Common Bond, Jack-of-All-Trades,
his adventures. Mr. Fix It, Nick of Time*

Kato, the Green Hornet’s driver- Suggested Hindrances:

Trusted Sidekick, was an incredible Cautious, Loyal, Outsider.
martial artist. Magersfontein Lugg,
British detective Albert Campion’s
manservant, was a street tough
former burglar. Lothar, Mandrake the
Magician’s best friend, is considered
the strongest man in the world. Many
of these sidekicks were foreign-born,
adding an exotic element to the
Trusted Sidekick.

* Indicates a new Edge or Hindrance which can be found within this book.

Making A hero
You will need a copy of the core
Savage Worlds rulebook to create a

The steps to creating a character for

the same as that detailed in the core
rules :

Step One: Choose a Race (with

the odd exception particular to a
specific campaign, this race will
be Human).

Step Two: Define your

characters’ Traits (Attributes Using the standard rules for
and Skills) and figure your advancement on page 37 of the
Derived statistics Savage Worlds Explorer Edition,
each character will be given a
Step Three: Pick Edges and number of Advances, which let a
Hindrances character do one of the following:

Step Four: Choose your Gear. • Gain a new Edge.

• Increase a skill that is equal to
or greater than its linked attribute
by one die type.
• Increase two skills that are
Player Characters for THRILLING lower than their linked attributes
TALES, however, have an additional by one die type each.
step added to character creation: a • Buy a new skill at d4.
starting character begins at higher • Incerase one attribute by a die
rank than normal, depending on the type, once per rank, with a limit
structure of the campaign: of d12.

Hero Team (4+ members): Seasoned.

Hero Team (2-3 members): Veteran

Hero plus Sidekicks: Legendary shared hero, Seasoned Sidekicks

A starting character in THRILLING
TALES has the following Advances: New Hindrances
Seasoned: 6 Advances The core hindrances of Savage
Veteran: 10 Advances Worlds are used for THRILLING
Legendary: 16 Advances TALES, along with the following
new options:

Cocky (Minor)
The character is a braggart, and
must spend the first round of any
combat announcing how great he
is, or what he’s going to do to any
and all opponents. This ten-
dency to boast can be overcome
by spending a Bennie.

A villain with this hindrance

never delivers a finishing blow
to a foe, but instead will always
somehow leaves the foe the op-
portunity to escape.(leaving them
to die, placing them in a death-
trap of some kind, or ordering
their minions to handle it, etc.)

Glass Jaw(Major)
You don’t handle physical pain
and injury well and thus suffer a
–2 penalty on all soak rolls

Obligations (Minor/Major)
The character has duties which
demand a portion of their time
and resources. This can range
from familial obligations (an
elderly relative in your care, for
example, or keeping tabs on the
family’s investments) to sworn
allegiance to an organization
(FBI agents are obligated, as
are Mobsters, but to different
groups). Failure to fulfill such
obligations will have serious re-
percussions -- the severity of the
repercussions determine whether New EDges
the Hindrance is a minor or major
BriLLiant Scientist
A character with Obligations and (Power)
Connections to the same orga- Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane
nization has a special relation- Background (Weird Science), Smarts
ship with the group in question d8+, Repair d8+, Weird Science d8+
and gains a +2 or +4 bonus to The character is one of the
Persuasion rolls (depending upon brightest minds in his field. Each
whether their obligations are raise the character gets on his
minor or major). In essence, the activation roll reduces the cost
Connection has a vested interest of the power by 1 Power Point.
in the character and is more This edge applies to all inventions
likely to want to see them created by the character.
Bring it on!
Savage (Major) Requirements: Seasoned, Fighting
The character is unfamiliar with d10+
the trappings of the modern The character is a master of de-
world. The character receives fending against multiple attack-
a -2 penalty on all Common ers. Opponents get no Gang Up
Knowledge rolls regarding the bonus against this character.
modern world, and on all rolls in-
volving familiarity with modern
technology (Driving, Piloting, Charmer
etc.) (Social)
Requirements: Attractive, Persua-
sion d8+
Shellshock (Minor) The character is stunning, and
The character recovers slowly knows how to get the best out
from the shock and trauma of of people by using his or her
combat, whether due to a delicate charms.
nature or horrible memories of This character may use Persua-
The Great War. The character sion as a Test of Will against
suffers a -2 penalty to Spirit rolls members of the opposite sex, pit-
to recover from being Shaken. ting their looks and charm against
a foe’s Smarts. The character can
add Charisma bonuses to the roll
as well. Note that this Edge is
more appropriate for villains than
Deus Ex Machina
Requirements: Seasoned
The character can snatch vic-
tory from the jaws of defeat. By
spending a Bennie, the character
can escape probable death by cre-
ating an excape route, once per
adventure. This escape route can
be coincidental, such as a steam
ship that just happens to be pass-
ing by, or simply convenient, like
a column that collapses across a
molten stream to provide an exit
from a crumbling temple.

Any PCs that are with this

character can also take advantage
of the escape route by spending a
Bennie. The fate of NPCs is left
up to the GM.

DIRTY Fighter
Requirements: Seasoned
The character will do anything
it takes to win a fight. Note that
this Edge is more appropriate for
villains than heroes.

A Dirty Fighter is particularly

good at Trick Maneuvers (see
Savage Worlds section on
combat), gaining a +2 bonus with

Font of INformation
Requirements: Seasoned, Smarts
The character has picked up many
odd bits of information during
his travels. The character may Gadget
make a Common Knowledge (Background)
roll at +2 to see whether he Requirements: Seasoned
knows some relevant information The character has the use of a
about anything -- local notable single Weird Science device--as
people, legendary items, or if they had access to the Arcane
noteworthy places --regardless of Background (Weird Science).
how specialized or obscure the
knowledge. The device is designed as per a
normal Weird Science gizmo,
Failsafe but utlizes another skill rather
(Power) than Weird Science for use (for
Requirements: Veteran, Arcane example, Piloting or Shooting).
Background (Weird Science), Smarts
d10+. Repair d10+. Weird Science This edge is for character con-
d10+ cepts where the hero has access
The character designs his inven- to a gizmo, but is not the scien-
tions with failsafes to prevent tist who built it --for example, a
malfunctions. The devices down-on-his-luck air circus pilot
only ever fail on a critical who finds a high-tech rocket
failure. This edge ap- pack.
plies to all inventions
created by the charac-

Photo still taken from Film

Serial: Radar Men From The
Moon, available in mp4 format
from Adamant Entertainment
at RPGNow.com.
Halls of Power Man Without Fear
(Social) (Social)
Requirements: Veteran Requirements: Seasoned, Guts
The character’s influence reaches d10+
the highest levels of power. The The character receives a +2
character cannot be found guilty bonus on Guts checks and Tests
of any crime in a court of law. If of Will.
brought to trial, the case will be
thrown out on a technicality, or Moxie
an escape will be arranged by (Background)
contacts within the authorities Requirements: Spirit d8+
themselves. The character is a bundle of
determination, spirit and resolve.
In addition, contacts will inform They never give up in the face of
the character of any actions being adversity. Whenever you spend
taken against them by anyone who a Bennie to re-roll a failed test,
shares that information with the you may apply a +2 bonus to the
authorities. attempt.

This edge is intended primarily for

Villains, but some GMs may allow Nick of Time
it for outlaw heroes like the Man (Weird)
of Mystery who operate with the Requirements: Seasoned, and a
tacit approval of the police, etc. Sidekick or Assistant to a higher-
ranked character
Iron Jaw The character posesses the un-
(Combat) canny ability to arrive when the
Requirements: Vigor d8+ Main Hero needs him most. By
The character can shrug off the spending a Bennie, the character
mightiest of blows, receiving a +2 can arrive in the scene while
bonus to Soak rolls. there is still time to affect the out-
come and rescue the Hero. With
Just the Thing each additional Bennie spent,
(Weird) the character may bring along
Requirements: Wild Card, Luck another character to help (the
Once per session, the character other players may provide those
may “suddenly remember” that Bennies).
he has a useful piece of gear on
his person. The item must be The player creates an explanation
able to be carried on the charac- for their last-minute arrival, with
ter’s person, and the GM is the the approval of the GM, in the
final arbiter of what can be found. finest tradition of the pulps.

Nine Lives Dirty Fighter edge. The character
(Weird) is a master of dirty tricks -- by
Requirements: Veteran, Vigor d8+, describing the trick and spending
Villain a Benny, the character can
The villain (for this edge is lim- automatically get the Drop on
ited to villainous use) possesses any single opponent, allowing
the ability to return from what the character to be on Hold, and
was thought to be certain death. giving a +4 to attack and damage
If the villain dies, they may if they choose to strike. This
‘cash in’ their remaining Bennies Edge is more appropriate for
(minimum of 3, but if they have villains than heroes.
more, they must spend them all)
and survive somehow (thrown Trademark vehicle
clear of the explosion, washing (Professional)
up on a desert island after been Requirements: Seasoned; Driving,
thrown overboard, coming to in Boating or Piloting at d10+, Ace
a hospital when they’ve already The character has a vehicle
been declared dead, etc.) that they are closely associated
with -- a vehicle that they know
Gamemasters will find that inside and out. While using this
they need to use the “Obscure vehicle, the character gains a +1
death” method when using this on all rolls to operate the vehicle
ability--keeping the final fate of (Driving, Piloting or Boating, as
the villain a mystery. Whenever appropriate), in addition to the
possible, the situation should bonuses bestowed by the Ace
be described in such a way that edge.
verification is difficult if not
impossible (a villain who is shot Additionally, the character also re-
can fall out a nearby window, for cieves a +2 bonus to Shooting rolls
example). made with the vehicles’ weapons (if
any), and a +2 bonus to all Repair
rolls to fix the vehicle.
Photographic Memory
(Background) If the Trademark Vehicle is
Requirements: Smarts d10+ destroyed, stolen or otherwise re-
The character is able to remem- moved from the game, the charac-
ber everything they see, hear or ter can designate a replacement as
read, down to the tiniest detail. the new Trademark Vehicle, but the
vehicle in question must be used
Really Dirty Fighter for two full adventures before the
(Combat) benefits of the Edge may be used.
Requirements: Seasoned, Dirty
An improved version of the the
Chapter Four:

This chapter details weapons and vehicles of the pulp era that do not already
appear in the Savage Worlds core rulebook. Mundane equipment is not cov-
ered, as guides to America in the 1930s can be found on many internet sites
(for example, at the university of Virginia : http://xroads.virginia.edu/~1930s/
front.html , and the University of Kansas : http://vlib.iue.it/history/USA/
ERAS/20TH/1930s.html ).

Pulp Weapons
This section offers a few “classic” damage or range). Core book weap-
guns available during the 1930s that ons (such as the Colt M1911 and the
better reflect the pulp genre than Tommy Gun) are not reproduced
those in the core book. GMs can here.
emulate almost any other weapon
simply by choosing a
similar weapon from the
list below and modifying
one or more elements (such as

Weapon Range Damage RoF Cost Weight Shots Notes

Astra 400 12/24/48 2d6 1 $20 4 6 --

Beretta 1935 12/24/48 2d6+1 1 $50 4 7 AP1
Browing HP 1935 12/24/48 2d6+1 1 $55 4 8 AP1
Bulldog Revolver 12/24/48 2d6 1 $20 3 6 --
Colt Detective .38 12/24/48 2d6 1 $25 4 6 AP1
Luger P-08 12/24/48 2d6 1 $30 3 8 --
Mauser C96 10/20/40 2d6+1 1 $45 4 10 --
Nambu Type 14 12/24/48 2d6-1 1 $25 4 8 --
Smith & Wesson 10 12/24/48 2d6+1 1 $40 4 6 AP2
Walther PPK 12/24/48 2d6 1 $40 3 8 AP1
Webley Revolver 12/24/48 2d6+1 1 $35 4 6 AP2
Arasaka Type 38 24/48/95 2d8 1 $120 7 6 --
Mauser M32 12/24/48 2d6+1 3 $100 8 10/20 Auto
MP38 12/24/48 2d6 3 $100 10 32 Auto
Springfield M1903 24/48/95 2d8 1 $120 10 5 AP1
Star Si35 12/24/48 2d6 3 $85 13 30 Auto

Astra 400 Pistol Beretta Model 1934 Pistol

This Spanish pistol is also used by This pistol is the standard Italian
the French military. It was copied military sidearm.
and used in the Spanish Civil War.

Browning High Power Model 1935 Luger P-08 Pistol
Pistol This well-made pistol is the standard
This Belgian pistol was actually sidearm of the German military.
developed by an American. This Due to the high quality of its manu-
popular sidearm is destined to be facture, all Lugers are considered
used by both the Axis and the Allies mastercraft weapons and gain a +1
in the coming war. bonus to attack rolls.

Bulldog Revolver Mauser C96 Pistol

This pocket pistol was developed by The Mauser has a very distinc-
Webley. It was widely exported and tive look, garnering the nickname
uses a larger round than the similar “Broomhandle” due to the shape
Colt Detective Special. of its handle. Although a German
weapon, it was also manufactured in
China and Spain.

Colt .38 Detective Special Revolver

This snub-nosed revolver is a popu-
lar favorite with detectives due to its
lighter weight and compact size. It Nambu Type 14
is easy to conceal in one’s pocket. The Japanese-made Nambu Type
14, introduced in 1925, was a com-
mon sidearm for officers of both the
Imperial Japanese Army and Navy. It
suffered from a weak caliber of am-
munition and such poor design that
it would often backfire or break in
combat. On a roll of 1, (snake eyes
for a Wild Card), a Type 14 explodes
in the user’s hand, causing him or
her d4 damage.

Smith & Wesson Model 10 Police Mauser M32 Submachine Gun
Revolver The first widely used true machine
This popular American revolver is pistol; the 7.62mm M32 is an auto-
used by police and military officers. matic fire version of the C96. The
weapon is nearly impossible to fire
without the stock in place -- with-
out the stock, the firer suffers a -4
penalty to hit.

Walther PPK Pistol

This pistol is popular with European
police forces, and later made famous
by a certain British secret agent.
MP38 Submachine Gun
This is a common submachine gun
used by German soldiers. It will
feature prominently in the 1939
invasion of Poland.

Webley Revolver
This popular British revolver is the
standard sidearm of British officers.

Arasaka Type 38 Rifle

This is the standard rifle of the Japanese army.

Springfield US M1903 Rifle
This bolt-action rifle was the standard rifle of the American army until 1936,
when it was replaced by the M1 Garand.

Star Si35 Submachine Gun

This Spanish submachine gun was developed during the Spanish Civil War.
It had an adjustable speed of 300rpm and 700rpm, but switching was consid-
ered too unwieldy for combat and would cause both Britain and America to
pass on it at the outset of World War II.

Pulp Vehicles
This section provides a short list of due to their steel construction, and
vehicles from the 1920s and 1930s. this also accounts for their increased
It is important to note that affordable Toughness
versions of most
vehicles, es-
pecially those
built before
the mid-30s,
were ragtops/
and therefore
provided less
protection from
those inside.
Pulp vehicles
are harder to
maneuver than
their modern
Alfa Romeo 6C version designed to be so lightweight
This Italian car won the Mille Miglia that it lacks doors (the body slopes
(Thousand Miles) race two years in downward to enable easy access).
a row. Acc/TS: 10/40; Toughness 8(2)
Acc/TS 13/52; Toughness 10(2) Crew 1+1; Cost $350
Crew: 1+1; Cost $3000
Bentley 8-Litre
Only 100 of these cars were ever
made before Bentley was taken over
by Rolls-Royce. The Bentley 8-litre
is a marvel of its time, ironically de-
signed to compete with Rolls-Royce
in the luxury car market.
Acc/TS 10/48; Toughness 12 (3)
Crew 1+3; Cost $10,000
Auburn Speedster
True to its name, the Auburn Speed-
ster’s design screams “speed.” It
was guaranteed a top speed of over
100mph. The version statted here is
the convertible design, with a low V
Acc/TS 15/55; Toughness 10 (3)
Crew 1+2; Cost $3500

BMW 328
This sports car would eventually win
the Mille Miglia in 1940. Its design
would be a strong influence on the
Acc/TS 15/55; Toughness 10(2)
Crew 1+1 (+2 with rumble seat)
Cost $3500
Austin Seven Special
This British automobile was created
as an affordable car with a simple
design. The Special is a two seater

Chrysler Airflow Duesenberg Model J
Built to reflect the car of the future, The most unusual feature of this
the Chrysler Airflow was so revolu- American luxury car is the trunk,
tionary that it hurt sales. Its spacious which is quite literally strapped
design was tested in a wind tunnel. to the back of the car. Its elegant
Acc/TS 10/40 Toughness 14 (3) design made it a popular choice for
Crew 1+5; Cost $900 film stars.
Acc/TS 10/48; Toughness 14 (2)
Crew 1+5; Cost $8000

Cord 810
Built by Auburn, this “coffin-nosed”
vehicle caused a sensation at the Ford Model A
1936 New York Auto Show (al- The successor to the Model T, the
though orders weren’t filled until Ford Model A was more powerful
1937). About 3000 of these cars and boasted four choices of color.
were built before production ceased. The Model A came in many styles.
Acc/TS 14/56; Toughness 12 (2) The example presented here is the
Crew: 1+3 Cost $3000 standard coupe design.
Acc/TS 8/30; Toughness 10 (3)
Crew 1+3 Cost $350

Ford Model T vehicle. Unlike the similarly themed
The “Tin Lizzie” introduced the Chrysler Airflow, the Zephyr proved
concept of the automobile assembly to be very popular.
line. For a decade (1915-1925) the Acc/TS 10/40; Toughness 14(3)
Model T was only available in black, Crew 1+5; Cost $850
but Model Ts of different colors were
produced before that and in its last
two years of production. Perhaps the
most annoying feature of the Model
T was its lack of windshield wipers.
Acc/TS 7/28; Toughness 8 (2)
Crew 1+3 Cost $25

Packard Twelve Victoria

Packard was another top-of-the
line luxury car manufacturer. The
Twelve series, with its long hood
covering a 12 cylinder engine, was
considered to be its finest work. The
elegant Victoria was the first con-
vertible model.
Hudson Terraplane Acc/TS 12/50; Toughness 14(3)
The most notable feature of this Crew1+5; Cost $8500
inexpensive, reliable American car
is its ornate wraparound grill design.
The Terraplane was one of the first
affordable enclosed automobiles on
the market.
Acc/TS 10/40; Toughness 12 (3)
Crew 1+4; Cost $750

Pierce-Arrow Model 41 LeBaron

Pierce-Arrow automobiles were
favored by the elite in Hollywood
and around the world. The opulent
LeBaron, like the Duesenberg, had a
Lincoln Zephyr trunk strapped on the rear.
The stylish Zephyr inspired the in- Acc/TS 10/48; Toughness 14(2)
dustry to imitate it. Designed as an Crew 1+5 Cost $9000
entry level Lincoln, the Zephyr was
conceived as a fast, aerodynamic

Rolls-Royce Phantom III Delahaye T165 Roadster
The Phantom III was the final Rolls- A top-line luxury roadster, designed
Royce developed before World War by Italians for a French manufac-
II, and the last car worked on by turer, only 400 of these were ever
Henry Royce himself. It boasted an made.
aluminum V-12 engine and an inde- Acc/TS 15/55; Toughness 12 (2)
pendent suspension in the front. Crew 1+2; Cost $5000
Acc/TS 12/50; Toughness 15 (2)
Crew 1+4; Cost $10,000

Studebaker Dictator
The Dictator was designed as a
reliable, affordable car. It was the
cheapest of the Studebaker line, and
popular outside the country (where
it was renamed the “Director,” as
“Dictator” was an obviously unfash-
ionable term in Europe).
Acc/TS: 10/40; Toughness 10(2)
Crew: 1+5; Cost $700

The precursor of the modern-day helicopter, autogyros used a rotor to
generate lift, but otherwise flew like an airplane. They were much more
manueverable than standard aircraft, but were not able to hover or land
Acc/TS 5/20; Climb 10; Toughness 10(2); Crew 2; Cost: $10,000
Weapons: None

Bellanca Airbus
Also known as the “Flying W”, the distinctive silhouette of the plane is
derived from the aerodynamically shaped triangular lifting struts extend-
ing down from the bottom of the fuselage and continuing up to a point
outboard the main wing.
Acc/TS18/72; Climb 20; Toughness 15(2); Crew 2+8; Cost: $20,000
Weapons: None

Boeing 247
This passenger airplane counted a flight attendant amongst its crew. It also
boasted new features such as autopilot and retractable landing gear.
Acc/TS 15/58; Climb 20; Toughness 15(2); Crew 3+16; Cost: $30,000

Curtiss F9C-2 Sparrowhawk
This small but fast fighter was made exclusively for the Navy’s airship pro-
gram by Curtiss Aeroplane & Motor Company, Buffalo, NY. First delivered
in 1932, the Sparrowhawk
featured a hook mounted
on top of the plane to
catch the trapeze be-
neath the airship. Once
suspended, the plane
could be raised into the
ship’s interior. Armament
consists of two .30-caliber
machine guns fixed on its
Acc/TS 12/48; Climb 20;
Toughness 10 (1); Crew
1; Cost: Military
Weapons: Twin machineguns (Fixed Forward -- Range: 24/48/96 Damage:
2d8 ROF 3 Weight 25 Ammo 150 Notes: AP 2; Vehicle)

Curtiss P-36
The precursor to the popular World War II P-40, the P-36 was an American
military fighter plane that saw extensive use in the British and French armed
forces. Armament consists of one .30 caliber machine gun and one .50
caliber machine gun
mounted in the front.
Acc/TS 15/52;
Climb 20; Tough-
ness 10 (2); Crew
1+1; Cost: Military
Weapons: Twin
machineguns (Fixed
Forward -- Range:
24/48/96 Dam-
age: 2d8 ROF 3
Weight 25 Ammo
150 Notes: AP 2;

Douglas DC-3
The DC-2 was the main competitor to the Boeing 247. Built a year later,
it was faster and could accommodate more passengers. The DC-3 was the
result of even further improvements, including sleeping berths on some mod-

els and an on-board
kitchen. The DC-3
made practical trans-
continental flights
possible, requiring
only one refueling
Acc/TS 18/70;
Climb 20 Tough-
ness 15 (2); Crew:
3+20; Cost: $35,000
Weapons: None

Dornier Do-24
The Do-24 is a tri-motor flying boat originally ordered by the Dutch Navy
to patrol the islands of the Dutch Indies. The vessel was found in the
Dutch and German
services, as well
as in private stock,
among corporations
or few extremely
wealthy individuals.
Acc/TS 18/70;
Climb 20 Tough-
ness 15 (2); Crew:
2+12; Cost:
Weapons: None

Gee Bee R-1

The distinctive fat racing
plane built by the Granville
Brothers and made famous
to pulp fans by its appear-
ance as Cliff Secord’s plane
in the comic book and film
versions of “The Rocke-
teer.” The Gee Bee is little
more than a huge engine
with wings, and a cramped
Acc/TS 28/110; Climb 25 Toughness 10 (2); Crew: 1; Cost: $25,000 79
Weapons: None
Grumman G-21 “Goose”The Grumman Goose is perhaps the worlds’
most famous flying boat. Originally envisioned as a shuttle for Long Island
millionaires to fly to Manhattan for business, the Goose rapidly became
the utility plane of
choice for several
small air companies,
as well as a primary
rescue plane for the
Coast Guard and
other agencies. Its
amphibious nature,
generous interior
space, and rugged
construction made it a popular choice for independent air merchants in the
South Pacific and Caribbean. The Goose is probably best remembered by
pulp gamers as the aircraft used by Jake in the short-lived TV series “Tales of
the Gold Monkey”
Acc/TS 18/72; Climb 20 Toughness 15 (2); Crew: 2+8; Cost: $25,000
Weapons: None

Ford Trimotor
This popular civil transport airplane was nicknamed the “Tin Goose.” It gets
its designation from the fact that it has three engines. Ford is an automobile
company, and the
aircraft engines
were built by other
companies. Ford
Trimotors were sold
all over the world.
Acc/TS 15/65;
Climb 20 Tough-
ness 13 (2); Crew:
3+8; Cost: $25,000
Weapons: None

Junkers JU-52
Nicknamed “Tante Ju” (Auntie Ju) by German troops, the Junkers Ju-52 was
the most famous transport of the Third Reich. The Ju-52 served as an airliner
for many nations, including the German Lufthansa and eventually entered
service as a troop transport for the Reich. The Ju-52 was slow and very
lightly armed against fighters, but was used from the 30s right through to the
end of the war.
Acc/TS 18/70; Climb 20 Toughness 20 (2); Crew: 3+18; Cost: Military
Weapons: Machinegun (dorsal 360)-- Range:30/60/120 Damage: 2d8 ROF 3
Weight 25 Ammo 150 Notes: AP 2; Vehicle)
Junkers JU-87D Stuka
Stuka is the abbreviation of the German word Sturzkampfflugzeug, which
designated all dive bombers. The main fighter/bomber used by the Luftwaffe,
the Stuka would play a major
role in the Blitzkrieg that swept
across Poland, northern Europe
and France. In the later years of
the war, the Ju 87 had a success-
ful second life as an antitank
weapon, striking armor columns
from above.
Acc/TS 25/120; Climb 25
Toughness 10 (2); Crew:2; Cost:
Weapons:3 machinegun (2 for-
ward, 1 rear-- Range: 30/60/120
Damage: 2d8 ROF 3 Weight
25 Ammo 150 Notes: AP 2;
Vehicle), 4 wing-mounted bombs
(3d8, Medium Burst Template,
AP5, HW), 1 heavy bomb under fuselage (4d8, Medium Burst Template,
AP9, HW).

Messerschmitt Bf109
One of the best air superiority fighters ever built, the Messerschmitt was the
predator of the skies. The Bf109 was the Luftwaffe’s standard single-seat
fighter from 1935-1943 and was able to outfight or outrun virtually all oppo-
sition. The fighter was used primarily for intercept and bomber escort duties.
The Messerschmitt was equipped with two 7.92 mm machine guns
and two 20 mm cannons.
Acc/TS 30/130; Climb 25 Toughness 10 (2); Crew:1; Cost: Military
Weapons:2 machinegun (2 forward -- Range: 30/60/120 Damage: 2d8 ROF
3 Weight 25 Ammo 150 Notes: AP 2; Vehicle), 2 20mm cannon (forward --
Range: 30/60/120 Damage: 2d10 ROF 3 Weight 35 Ammo 100 Notes: AP4,

Nakajima A1N2
The A1N2 were carrier fighters for the Imperial Japanese Navy. First intro-
duced in 1930, they
were biplanes equipped
with an arresting-cable
hook and two 7.7mm
forward-firing machine
Acc/TS 12/48; Climb
20; Toughness 10 (1);
Crew 1; Cost: Military
Weapons: Twin ma-
chineguns (Fixed For-
ward -- Range: 24/48/96 Damage: 2d8 ROF 3 Weight 25 Ammo 150 Notes:
AP 2; Vehicle)

Sikorsky S-38
Also known as “The
Explorer’s Air Yacht,”
the S-38 was a flying
boat fitted with wheels
in the pontoons, so that
it could land on water or
ground. They saw ser-
vice with Pan American
Airways and the U. S.
Army. Numerous private
individuals bought and
flew the S-38 as well, including Howard Hughes (as seen in the film “the
Acc/TS 18/70; Climb 20 Toughness 12 (2); Crew: 2+10; Cost: $30,000
Weapons: None

LZ-129 Hindenberg
The Hindenberg is provided as an example of a 1930s zeppelin. The number
of passengers listed is for transatlantic flights; the full complement would
be 72. GMs should be aware that the Hindenberg disaster would never have
happened if the zeppelin were fueled by helium, as intended. Pulp versions
of this airship (especially those designed by Mad Scientists) would probably
use helium.
Acc/TS 5/32; Climb 14 Toughness 15 (2); Crew: 50+70; Cost: $750,000
Weapons: None

Type VII A U-Boat
Another iconic Nazi vehicle, the U-boats traveled the Atlantic in predatory
“wolfpacks”, harassed shipping, delivered Nazi spies onto unsuspecting
enemy beaches, and carried secret archeological discoveries to hidden island
fortresses! There were many types of U-boat -- the statistics provided here
correspond to the Type VIIA, provided as an example. This model carried an
88mm deck gun and 11 torpedoes.
Acc/TS 4/12 surface, 2/8 submerged Toughness 14 (3); Crew: 45; Cost:
Military. Weapons: Deck gun (Range: 50/100/200 Damage: 3d10 ROF
1 Weight 40 Ammo 150 Notes: AP 10; Vehicle), Torpedoes (Range
100/200/300 Damage 4d8 Med Burst Template, AP15, Vehicle)

Chapter Five:

Pulp Gaming Rules

Heroic Survival
THRILLING TALES is a pulp So in this setting, No matter how
setting, and pulps were filled with they are “killed,” Wild Cards will
swashbuckling tales of adventure. always survive. To reflect this,
The heroes are daring, and their the following rules replace the
exploits amazing--but for all the usual Savage Worlds rules for
action, heroes seldom die, and many Incapacitation. Heroes only ever
of the biggest villains keep coming suffer short-term injuries. At GM
back. discretion, villains injuries can last
longer, to be “healed off-screen” to
come back another day.

Raise: The victim is stunned. He still has 3 wounds, but is not
Incapacitated. He is Shaken and suffers a temporary impairment as
well. Roll 2d6 on the Injury Table in the Savage Worlds rulebook.
The effects are short-term and cease when combat ends.

Success: The victim is unconscious. He regains consciousness with

a successful Healing roll or after an hour has passed. Roll 2d6 on the
Injury Table. The effects last until all wounds are healed.

Failure: The victim is unconscious. He regains consciousness with a

Healing roll at –2 (one roll only) or after 2d6 hours have passed. Roll
2d6 on the Injury Table. The effects go away when all wounds are
healed. With nonlethal damage, treat this as a Success except the hero
is unconscious for 1d4 hours.

Critical Failure: The victim is in a coma. He regains consciousness

with a Healing roll at –4 (one roll only) or after 1d6 days have
passed. Roll 2d6 on the Injury Table. The effects go away when all
wounds are healed. With nonlethal damage, treat this as a Success
except the hero is unconscious for 2d6 hours.

Leaping from the sidecar of a
Stunts speeding motorcycle onto an airship
at the last second as it lifts off from
Bennies are a useful part of Savage
the platform -- now that is a stunt
Worlds play, giving players
action, and should be rewarded.
the ability to reroll in dramatic
situations. In a THRILLING
In game terms, a stunt is an action
TALES campaign, players should
where the player purposefully
have access to more bennies than
makes the action more difficult for
they would under the normal rules.
themselves. In the above example,
This is addressed by stunts.
the player would have had the option
to get on board the airship, but
Any character who attempts a stunt
instead announced that the character
action should be rewarded with a
had gotten there too late, and instead
described the stunt action. In a way,
the player is taking on the role of
What is a stunt action? A stunt
action is any action which
is performed in a
flashier manner
than one would
normally observe.
Get on board an
airship before it
lifts off from
the platform
is an action.

the Game Master
for a moment,
changing the
situation for his
or her character
in such a way
that a more
difficult solution is

A stunt action
should always
require a roll,
at a minimum
-2 penalty. The
Game Master is
the final arbiter of
the roll penalty of
a particular stunt
action. Pulling off
nearly impossible
stunts (-6 or more
to the roll) may even result in the small things in a story – usually
hero earning more than one bennie, something only the Game Master
at the GM’s discretion. can do.

Why do the players need access to Declarations can’t be used to

more bennies than normal? Read drastically change the plot or to
on. win a conflict. Declaring “The
Mob Enforcer drops dead of a heart
attack” is not only likely to be
rejected by the Game Master, but it
Story Declarations wouldn’t even be that much fun to
begin with.
In addition to their normal usage
as described in the Savage Worlds What this can be very useful for
core rules, bennies can be used in is convenient coincidences. For
THRILLING TALES to make example, you can declare that the
Story Declarations. contents of a storeroom contain
just the right chemicals you need
A player may spend a benny and to build a makeshift explosive, or
declare certain details about the you can declare what’s hidden in
setting and the story. If the Game your pockets or the fact that you
Master accepts it, it will be true. This know someone in a foreign city. Is
gives the player the ability to direct there an interesting scene happening
over there that your character might at least one). In THRILLING
miss? Spend a benny to declare you TALES, we refer to this character
arrive at a dramatically appropriate as the Henchman. Henchman are
moment! the “level bosses” of the game --they
are are usually encountered by the
The key limit to Story Declaration heroes long before they ever get to
is you cannot contradict previously the villain...and often before they
established information... unless you even realize that the Villain exists!
come up with some plausible reason
why that information was never true Henchmen are a step above your
to begin with! standard Extra, but a step below
Wild Cards. They’re useful for
The GM has final say on Story giving the heroes a tougher
Declaration, but generally, if what opponent, but without all the
you propose makes the game more difficulty of facing another Wild
interesting, odds are in your favor. Card. A Henchman is created as a
normal Extra, but with the ability to
If a proposed declaration isn’t use a Wild Die when rolling.
approved, you keep the benny, and
the change doesn’t happen. Mooks are another new type of
character for Savage Worlds. They
are the level below Extras. Mooks
HeNCHMEN & Mooks are the faceless cannon-fodder who
get thrown at the heroes in combat.
Savage Worlds already features two The villain will throw these at the
character types: The Wild Cards (the heroes in an effort to slow their
players, important villains, monsters, progress, with the off chance that
etc.) and Extras (everybody else). one or more Mooks might get lucky
In keeping with the pulp genre, and do some damage.
additional varieties to this mix: Mooks are just like Extras, but with
Henchmen and Mooks. the following special rules:

Villains in THRILLING TALES • Every Trait is average (d6).

should be the equal (and preferably
more powerful) than the player • They only possess four skills,
characters. They are the big threat, and each skill is rated at d6.
the focus of the adventure. As such,
they are created as Wild Cards, as • They have no edges and no
described in the core rules. hindrances.

However, a villain will typically • Mooks are never Shaken.

have one prized Lieutenant If you equal or exceed their
(occasionally more, but usually Toughness, they’re out of the
Mooks will willingly lay down their Mooks do not have to be limited
lives for the main villain. To reflect to only the service of a villain. If
this, Any Mook within 1” of a villain a Game Master so desires, she can
becomes a pawn, sacrificing his life throw Mooks at the player-characters
so his master can live. Any attack in any situation where a large-
made against the villain is instead scale combat is called for. They
made against the Mook, as he leaps could represent wave after wave of
into the way of the attack, to protect marauding South Sea Pirates, or the
the life of his master. gibbering cultists who worship the
dark hidden gods of Chaos, or even
a criminal gang operating within the
campaign city.

& Gloating
Characters in pulp stories
are a talkative bunch.
Heroes and villains
always seem to have
time to banter back and
forth, even in the midst of
combat! To reflect this,
any character may speak
during a round as a free

In addition, one of
the familiar recurring
elements of pulp stories is
the propensity for villains
to spill their guts and tell
the hero every detail of
their plan, once they think
they’re in the clear.

To reflect this, any villain

who has captured the
hero (or otherwise is in a
situation where they feel
that there is no way that
their plan can be stopped)
must make a Test of Will
(their Smarts vs the hero’s
Smarts, with the villain
receiving a -2 penalty to
the roll) to avoid revealing
their entire plan. If the
Test is made, but the roll
was still within 4 points
of the hero’s, the villain
will still reveal some (but
not all) of the plan. The
temptation to gloat is
simply too irresistable.

Chapter Six:

Pulp Villains
The pulps were a time of stalwart colored covers, and sold for a dime.
heroes, larger-than-life characters On occasion, however, other villains
who would, in time, give birth to the appeared. Villains as fantastic as the
archetype of the modern superhero. heroes they confounded. Villains
It was a time of stark contrasts: that were nearly equal to the heroes
Good vs. Evil on a grand scale. in power and in their uniqueness.

For every hero, there were dozens These are the villains that we
of villains. The villains were often remember. The hordes of cookie-
a never-ending supply of run-of- cutter crooks fade into obscurity, but
the-mill gangsters and crooks, ready the arch-fiends remain. Sherlock
to be defeated on a monthly basis, Holmes needs his Moriarty, after all.
sandwiched between lurid, brightly- Doc Savage had his John Sunlight,

and the Shadow had Shiwan Khan.
Some villains became so popular DOCTOR SIN
that they were given their own
magazines, where they were the Doctor Tsung-Chi Sin is known
central character: The Insidious Wu as the Devil of Chinatown. He is
Fang....The Octopus...Doctor Death. notorious for his skill as a Mesmerist
and as a poisoner and torturer. He
The player-characters in your own runs a criminal empire centered in
pulp-era campaigns should face such the Chinatown district of the player-
threats. Don’t give them an enemy characters home city, where his
to fight....Give them a Nemesis. The influence extends into nearly every
villains that appear in these pages criminal enterprise. If it’s illegal,
will give you a good start, and your and happening in the city, it is said
players will curse you for it! that Doctor Sin has his fingers in it.

In this chapter, we present several Doctor Sin is a cold, ruthless killer,

sample villains for you to use for with a voice like a silken strangling
your own adventures, and cord. He can be charming
then turn our attention when he has to be,
to deeper exploration and relies upon lies
of three classic pulp and subterfuge as a
villain categories: matter of course. If
The Nazis, Perils of backed into a corner,
the Orient, and the he will not hesitate to
Thugee. endanger innocents to
cover his escape.

Doctor Sin has a vast army of Parry:8; Toughess: 5
minions at his disposal. These Hindrances: Arrrogant, Mean,
range from rank-and-file servants Overconfident, Stubborn, Vengeful
who perform mundane duties (Major).
such as messengers, to specialists Edges: Arcane Background
who are secretly on the Doctor’s (Psionics), Block, Combat Reflexes,
payroll. Adventurers who are facing Command, Filthy Rich, Followers,
Doctor Sin should never be able to Fervor, Improved Dodge, Improved
completely trust that the NPCs that Level Headed, Mentalist, New
they encounter are not part of the Power, Nine Lives, Power Points.
Devil of Chinatown’s vast empire. Powers: Armor (hard skin),
Barrier (telekenetic force), Boost/
Most feared of all of Doctor Sin’s Lower Trait (hypnosis), Deflection
minions are the cadre of fanatical (telekenetic force), Entangle
assassins called the Qing Ri (hypnotic paralysis), Fear (hypnotic
(pronounced “ching ree”). These suggestion), Invisibility (cloud men’s
are orphans from some of the worst minds), Puppet (hypnotic mind
slums on Earth, taken in by Sin as control), Smite (chi infusion), Speak
children and trained as the most Language (mental attunement),
efficient and remorseless killers the Telekenesis, 40 Power Points.
world has ever seen. Gear: Varies.

A Qing Ri can be identified by heavy

scarring where most of his right QiNG RI ASSASSINS
ear used to be: the final test of the Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6,
assassin’s dedication, which occurs Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d8.
during the “graduation ceremony” Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting
when the Qing Ri is 18, involves the d6, Guts d8, Intimidation d6,
prospective member having their Lockpicking d8, Notice d8, Shooting
right ear nailed to a ceremonial post. d6, Stealth d8, Swimming d6,
The Qing Ri is then handed a knife, Throwing d8
with which to free himself. Any Charisma: +0; Pace: 6;
one who cries out is killed instantly Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
by his brothers. Those who pass Hindrances: Ugly
the test become full members of the Edges: Acrobat, Quick Draw, Thief.
brotherhood. Gear: Twin Qing Ri swords (Str
+d6+2, AP2), Throwing Stars
(3/6/12, Str +d4), Smoke Pellets
Doctor Sin (2/4/8, small burst template, -6 to see
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12, or attack through template, lasts 3
Spirit d12, Strength d8, Vigor d8 rounds).
Skills: Fighting d10, Guts d12,
Intimidation d10, Notice d8, Psionics
d12, Taunt d10, Throwing d8
Charisma: -3; Pace: 6;
Adventure Hooks plans for a new aircraft. This will
lead them to the thieves, and from
• Doctor Sin has decided to expand there, to Doctor Sin and his Nazi
his operations, allying himself with accomplices.
another force of evil: The Nazis. He
has struck an arrangement: He will • The Devil of Chinatown is
provide the Nazis with industrial using his powers of mesmerism
secrets (which his operatives will to brainwash innocent people into
steal), and in return, the Nazis will committing crimes upon his behalf.
allow Sin to smuggle opium from A rash of crimes committed by
New York to Los Angeles via their normal, upstanding citizens alerts the
zeppelin, Die Walkuriye, which is Player-Characters to the problem.
making a promotional world-wide In each case, the perpetrator of the
tour. The Nazis believe that helping crime has had some connection with
the Devil of Chinatown spready his one of Doctor Sin’s front businesses
drugs throughout the United States (a housewife who has her husband’s
with further weaken “a decadent and suits pressed at a Chinatown laundry,
morally corrupt society”, leaving it a banker who ate lunch at a nearby
ripe for Nazi takeover. Chinese restaurant, etc.) The trail
will lead back to Doctor Sin.
The Player-Characters will first enter
the plot by investigating the theft of • This option is best used after
the Player-Characters have use bizarre methods: releasing a
encounterered Doctor Sin on at least venomous snake, scorpion or spider
one other adventure: The insidious into the character’s bedroom; setting
Doctor has decided to remove a elaborate traps that shoot poisoned
thorn from his side...and that thorn darts; etc.
is the Player-Characters themselves!
Doctor Sin orders the Qing Ri to If these methods fail, the Qing
assassinate the heroes. In finest pulp Ri will then make a personal
fashion, the assassins will not simply appearance, infiltrating the
walk up to the heroes on the street character’s inner sanctum, and
and shoot them, but will, of course, striking like shadows in the night!

centered in a hidden mountain
The Master fortress high in the Himalayas.
From this impregnable headquarters,
of The World he runs most of the opium and
white slavery trade in Asia. His
The villain known only as The operations stretch into every corner
Master of the World has his origins of the globe.
shrouded in mystery. He appears to He will ally himself with others,
be of European descent, but claims if such an alliance suits his needs,
to be one of the Hidden Masters but is quick to betray his alllies the
spoken of in Tibetan legend. He moment that he detects an advantage
rules a vast criminal empire, in such betrayal.

Characters who face The Master Adventure Hooks
of the World will find him to be a
charming sociopath, who will act the • The local Chinese Tongs
consummate host, wining and dining who run criminal operations in
them as he asks for details about the Chinatown of the Player-
current goings-on in the modern Characters’ home city are being
world (given his self-imposed attacked, which is is sparking a
solitude in the Himalayas, he misses violent gang war. The action
hearing about the minutiae of is being taken by The Master of
modern life: men’s fashion, popular the World and his minions, in
music and film, stocks and bonds, an effort to expand his influence
etc. His mood can turn abruptly, into the city and use Chinatown
however, and he is likely to order as his center of operations. This
someone executed by slow torture, is an excellent way to introduce
for example, if they displease him in the Master of the World into your
any way. campaign.

The Master of • The daughter of a wealthy

the World socialite is kidnapped while
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, mountain climbing in the
Spirit d12, Strength d8, Vigor d10 Himalayas. Depending upon
Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d12, the whims of the gamemaster,
Intimidation d12, Notice d10, this situation could result in a
Persusasion d8, Shooting d8, Taunt straightforward rescue operation,
d10, Throwing d8 with the Player-Characters
Charisma:+2 ; Pace: 6; tracking her to the mountain
Parry:6; Toughess: 7 fortress of the Master of the
Hindrances: Overconfident, World, or perhaps something
Vengeful (Major), Wanted. more complex: The daughter
Edges: Ambidextrous, Berserk, inexplicably returns to America,
Charismatic, Combat Reflexes, unable to recall what has
Command, Fervor, Filthy Rich, happened to her. The Master of
Followers, Jack-of-all-Trades, the World, however, has used
Marksman, Strong-Willed. a powder created from a rare
Gear: varies. Himalayan plant as a mind-
control drug, and trained the
unsuspecting socialite as a hidden
assassin, to strike at any target
the Master designates!

“Vinnie Five-Angels”
Vincenzo Pentangeli, known on the
street as “Vinnie Five-Angels”, is a
highly-placed enforcer for the local
Mafia in your campaign’s main city.
His primary job for the Mob is as a
Troubleshooter -- if there’s trouble,
Vinnie is sent, and he shoots it.
He’s very good at what he does,
and this has made him a valuable
member of the organization, and
increased his power within it. He
currently is the number two man,
behind the Boss -- the old man who
is the titular head of the family-- but
whispers on the street are starting
to say that Five-Angels is the real
power behind the throne.

“Vinne Five-Angels”
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8,
Spirit d10, Strength d8, Vigor d10
Skills: Driving d8, Fighting d8, Guts
d12, Intimidation d10, Notice d8,
Shooting d8, Streetwise d10, Taunt
Adventure Hooks
• A Mob War rages on the
Charisma:0 ; Pace: 6;
streets of the City, as two (or
Parry:6; Toughess: 7
more) organized crime gangs
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty,
battle for control of illicit
Obligations (Mafia), Wanted.
business (smuggling, gambling,
Edges: Alertness, Command,
prostitution) in the area. Crime
Connection, Dead Shot, Followers,
is on the rise, and this will
Rock and Roll.
naturally draw the attention of
Gear: Tommy Gun
the Player Characters. After a
few run-ins with mob-related

crime, the PCs will be identified Mob, leading to a “civil war” in
as a threat, and the family that the city’s underworld, with gang
Pentangeli works for will send bosses declaring their allegiance
him out to remove the threat. to one side or the other. Can the
Player Characters take down the
• Criminal power in the city Mob before the city is torn apart?
has been consolidated behind
a single family-- the one with
Vinnie as a member. Now the
time has come to make his move.
Pentangeli decides to stage a
coup and take control of the

Otto VoN Ubel Von Übel was a Prussian noble
who was wounded during the
Otto Von Übel represents a surprise Napoleonic Wars, as he lay dying
to throw at your characters -- a on the battlefield, he fell victim to
German villain who not only has the predations of a vampire. The
no connection to the Nazis, but also vampire, whose name Von Übel
turns out to be an honest-to-god never learned, was a weak creature,
vampire! more content with scavenging
than in hunting
his own prey --
Von Übel used
his dying effort
to kill the
creature, but
not before it
had worked its
terrible magic.
Otto Von Übel
rose again as a
creature of the

Von Übel is
interested in
only one thing
-- power and
wealth. He
rose in power
in Germany as
an industrialist,
but when the
Nazi regime
began to
industry, the
vampire left
Germany to
pursue his
wealth in the
Brave New
World of

He is a businessman without wolves and rats. This requires
morals or scruples. He is not above an action and a Smarts roll at
blackmail or strong-arm tactics to -2. If successful, 1d6 wolves or
get what he wants, and his company, 1d6 swarms of rats come from
International Holdings, Ltd., is the surrounding wilds in 1d6+2
weathering the Depression rather rounds.
well as a result. • Claws: Str +d4
• Improved Frenzy: Von Übel
Players will most likely assume may make two attacks per round
that Von Übel is one of the “Fat Cat without penalty.
Businessman” villains (those that • Invulnerability: Von Übel can
don’t immediately assume that he’s only be harmed by his weaknesses
a Nazi spy, of course). Von Übel (q.v.). He may be Shaken by other
has managed to avoid detection as attacks, but never Wounded.
a vampire for over 130 years so far • Level Headed: As per the Edge.
-- his reputation is as an eccentric • Mist: Von Übel can turn into a
recluse. The heroes will certainly be mist. This requires an action and a
surprised when the truth is revealed! Smarts roll at -2.
• Sire: Anyone slain by a vampire
Otto Von Ubel has a 50% chance of rising as a
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12, vampire themselves in 1d4 days.
Spirit d10, Strength d12+3, Vigor • Undead: +2 Toughness, +2
d12 to recover from being Shaken.
Skills: Fighting d10, Guts d10, Called shots do no extra damage
Intimidation d12, Notice d10, (except to the heart -- see
Shooting d8, Throwing d8 weaknesses). No wound penalties.
Charisma:0 ; Pace: 6; Weaknesses:
Parry:7; Toughess: 10 • Sunlight: Von Übel catches fire
Hindrances: See Weaknesses if any part of his skin is exposed to
Edges: See Special Abilities direct sunlight. After that he takes
Special Abilities: 2d10 damage per round until he is
• Change Form: As an action, dust. Armor does not protect.
Von Übel can change into a wolf • Holy Symbol: A character with
or a bat with a Smarts roll at -2. a holy symbol may keep Von
Changing back requires a Smarts Übel at bay -- if Von Übel wants
roll. to directly attack the character,
• Charm: Von Übel can use the he must beat the character in an
Puppet power on any target using opposed test of Spirits.
his Smarts as his arcane skill. He • Holy Water: Von Übel is
can cast and maintain the power fatigued if sprinkled with holy
indefinitely, but can only effect water. If he is submerged, he
one target at a time. combusts as if it were direct
• Children of the Night: Von sunlight.
Übel can summon and control • Invitation: Von Übel cannot

enter a private dwelling without will unveil the Nazi plot, but will
being invited. He can enter public also begin to discover that the
domains as he pleases. agents that they are uncovering
• Stake Through the Heart: If are soon turning up dead, or
Von Übel is hit with a wooden disappearing under mysterious
stake and a called shot to the heart circumstances. The PCs will be
(-4), he must make a Vigor roll caught between the Vampire and
versus the damage. If successful, the Reich as the two sides battle
he takes damage normally. If he each other!
fails, he disintegrates to dust.
• As a twist on the above,
Von Übel is served by a group of perhaps Von Übel has instead
lesser vampires that he has created. come to the attention of the
He recognized their use early United States Government....a
on, and sends them on errands to wealthy German industrialist,
procure him victims for feeding, or with a reputation as a recluse?
to do violence against his business Sounds like a job for G-Men to
opponents (He knows that the investigate. Players expecting
chances of them being traced back to uncover a dastardly Nazi plot
to him is negligable, as they turn to instead have to contend with Evil
dust when destroyed!) from Beyond the Grave!

For example statistics for one of his • The Player Characters become
minions, use the Young Vampire involved in a murder mystery
entry in the Savage Worlds core -- terror has struck a construction
book. site, as several workers have
been killed. Each has apparently
fallen to his death from the
Adventure Hooks girders of the skyscraper while
staying late...but there are
• Von Übel, as a prominent oddities surrounding the events.
businessman of German descent, First, each of the men killed was
has come to the attention of the a vocal proponent of unionizing
Nazis, who wish to bend him to negotiate better wages from
to their will and use his businss their employers, International
as a Fifth Column operation Holdings, Inc. Second, despite
within the United States. When the trauma of falling from such
he rebuffed their efforts, they great heights, there has been no
decided to use stronger tactics. blood found at the scene.

The Player Characters are drawn

into events when sabotage attacks
occur at several International
Holdings businesses. The PCs
Chapter Seven:

Pulp Villains -
The Nazis
The Green Falcon hung precariously “You’re forgetting something.” The
by his fingers from the metal Green Falcon said calmly. “The
gantry. Below him, the distant poison gas is flammable....and so
ground was visible through the open is hydrogen.” His hand came back
maintenance bay of the zeppelin. into view, gripping a chromed .45.
Above him, the barrel of a gun,
held in the leather-clad hands of SS The weapon spat death in the
Major Reinhardt Kritzinger. enclosed space, as the Green Falcon
let go of the gantry and fell, still
The Nazi cocked the Luger, ready to firing. Bullets ripped through the
fire at the helpless form that dangled gas bags all around the Nazi, and
below him. “So this is the end of the ricocheted off the metal supports,
famous Grünfalke. Pathetic. You throwing sparks.
will die unknown, unmourned...
and a failure. The delivery of the The Hindenberg erupted into a
poison gas via this airship is already huge ball of flame over Lakehurst,
complete. We will release it, and the New Jersey...and the secret cargo
prevailing winds will carry it into of poison was consumed in the
New York City. The death toll will be conflagration.
tremendous...and the shock of it will
completely break the spirit of this ...and what of the Green Falcon?
mongrel nation.”
Well that is another tale....
Kritzinger grinned maniacally as he
saw one of the Green Falcon’s hands
lose its grip and slip off the gantry.

This chapter is in no way an effort to downplay the very real evil
represented by the Nazi ideology--nor does it intend disrespect to the
memory of the millions killed by the Nazi regime. It is simply an
examination of two-dimensional villains as portrayed in the pulp genre.
Real-life Nazis are a serious subject. Pulp Nazis are scene-chewing Evil
Villains. This chapter deals with the latter.

Perhaps no other group makes as anti-Semitism, national pride and
perfect a villain for pulp RPG cam- militarism.
paigns as the Nazis. They are the
embodiment of evil, and suited for The Thule Society sponsored a
any tale, whether it is a straightfor- miniscule political party, the German
ward tale Worker’s Party
of espio- -- in reality
nage, or little more
a far- than the
fetched strong arm
story of of the Thules,
occult powers and super- thugs that they could use
science. against other groups. All of
that changed with the arrival of
Ironically, for much of the Adolf Hitler.
run of the pulps themselves,
the Nazis weren’t featured as Hitler was born in 1889 in Austria.
villains that often, until late in the An undistinguished student, Hitler
thirties when conflict with them be- had several unsuccessful attempts
gan to seem inevitable. The earlier to become a student of art in the
pulps avoided real-world politics, in Vienna College of Fine Art, and was
favor of featuring obviously fascist forced to take several menial jobs
villains from made-up nations. performing manual labor.

Jewish citizens were very prominent

The Rise of the Nazis in the cultivated society of Vienna,
and Hitler saw them as blocking his
In the years following World War I, rightful ascendance as a great artist.
Germany was ruled by a democratic This anti-Semitism, coupled with a
Republic. The Weimar Republic was growing fascination with the Aryan
an unstable government, and was ideal of German culture, would
constantly under attack from both shaped Hitler’s political opinions.
left-wing and right-wing reactionary
political parties, fighting to shape During the First World War, Hitler
the future of the country and wrest served as a corporal in the German
control away from the Republic. army. He fought bravely, being
awarded the Iron Cross, and was
Many of these reactionary wounded in combat. During his
organizations were occult societies hospitalization, he heard of the
formed during the previous German defeat. He believed that
century. Among these were the Germany had been betrayed from
New Templars, the Runic Order, within.
and the Thule Society, an occult
group obsessed with racial purity, When he was discharged from the

hospital, he found himself, like many meetings and disrupt the meetings
of his comrades, unemployed. Like of other parties, such as the Com-
many disaffected veterans, he joined munists.
one of the paramilitary, political In November 1923, Hitler and his
organizations—the German Workers’ S.A., joined by other militant re-
Party. actionaries, tried to overthrow the
Weimar Republic. They carried out
By 1920, the German Workers’ Party a coup d’etat in Munich, but the Ba-
changed its name to the National varian government suppressed them.
Socialist German Working- In April 1924, Hitler was put
men’s Party (abbrevi- on trial and was sen-
ated as the Nazi tenced to five years’
Party). By his imprisonment
skill as a fi- at Landsberg
ery orator prison, but
and ef- in a typical
ficient display of
orga- the leni-
nizer, ency the
Hitler Weimar
became Republic
the showed to
Führer the right-
(leader) wing, he
of the Par- was released
ty in 1921. after serving
only 9 months.
The Party adopted
an emblem, the swas- While in prison, Hitler
tika -- an ancient symbol used laid down the basic ideas behind the
by Buddhists and western occultists. Nazi movement in his book, Mein
Through the party’s newspaper, Hit- Kampf (My Struggle).
ler fiercely denounced the Treaty of
Versailles and the socialists who had, Hitler divided mankind into two
he believed, delivered a ‘stab in the groups: the Aryans (the master-
back’ to Germany in 1918. race) and the non-Aryans (the slave
races). The Germans, he asserted,
Under Hitler, the party which had were Aryans, and destined to rule the
begun as a strong-arm group to world. Hitler said that the Jews were
protect the interests of the Thule So- the most vicious of the slave races,
ciety, organized its own strong-arm having caused the German defeat in
group -- the Sturmabteilung (also World War I by encouraging the so-
known as the S.A., Stormtroopers, cialists in the November Revolution
or Brownshirts) to protect the Nazi in 1918 which overthrew the Kaiser.

Hitler suggested if Ger-
mans wanted their nation
to be strong again, they
had to believe in the
Führer -- Hitler
himself. He would
remove the Jews
from Germany so that
they would not pollute
the German blood by
intermarriage. Then he
would replace the parlia-
mentary government by
Nazi rule—the rule of an
elite who accepted orders
from Hitler alone.
The Nazis would nationalize the
big business, provide employment dropped to 14. Despite the poor
for all workers, implement land re- election results, the Nazi Party still
forms for peasants and destroy the showed a sturdy growth in these
chains placed upon the German peo- years. By 1929, the total party mem-
ple by the Jewish capitalists. Hitler bership was 178,000.
claimed that he would make Germa-
ny economically self-sufficient. He The Nazis began to receive financial
would abolish the humiliating Treaty support from industrialists who saw
of Versailles, bring about the union the Nazis as an anti-socialist and
of all Germans in a single German anti-communist tool which could be
state (the Gross-deutschland) and, in used to keep the left-wing in check.
order to provide for additional liv-
ing space for the nourishment of the Hitler strengthened his control of the
future generations (‘Lebensraum’), party by forming his personal body-
Hitler proposed to conquer eastern guard, the Schutzstaffel (“Defense
Europe. Unit”), also known as the SS or
With a party platform which ap-
pealed to many Germans, the Nazis With the Great Depression, the Nazis
took part in the national elections. saw their opportunity. In October
However, in times of economic pros- 1929, the New York Stock Market
perity, the Nazis could make little suddenly collapsed. American inves-
headway. tors recalled their short-term loans
from Germany, sending the economy
In the election of May 1924, only into a tailspin. In early 1931, one
32 Nazis were elected to the Reich- of Germany’s three largest banks
stag. In December 1924, the number collapsed. The German economy

depended largely on American loans. another in November. However,
Without American loans, produc- in this election, the Communists
tion dropped drastically, and exports made tremendous gains and won
dried up. By 1932, a quarter of the 100 seats in the Reichstag. Many
working population of Germany was influential businessmen and
unemployed. landlords became alarmed at the
spectre of a Communist Revolution
Faced with economic hardship, the in Germany, and so the conservative
Germans lost any faith they might Nationalists decided that their cause
have in the democratic Republic. It could be served by supporting Hitler,
was not surprising that they turned a staunch anti-communist.
to extreme parties for desperate
remedies. In the general election of On January 28, 1933, Von
September 1930, the Nazis won 6.5 Hindenburg invited Hitler to be the
million votes, took 107 seats in the Chancellor of Germany.
Reichstag and became the second
largest party in the country. The It took Hitler only eighteen months
Communists obtained 4.5 million to concentrate all of the power into
votes and 77 seats. Although the his own hands.
Social Democrats remained the larg-
est party, it had lost much popularity The first thing he did was to arrange
and support. for an election so as to secure a
pro-Nazi majority in the Reichstag.
The unpopularity of the government To prepare for Nazi success in the
was shown in the presidential election, Hitler appointed party
election of April 1932. The member Hermann Goering as
Republican coalition put forward Minister of Interior of Prussia and
Von Hindenburg. He was re-elected ordered the S.A. and S.S. to launch
with nineteen million votes. But assaults on the anti-Nazi political
Hitler, who also entered himself for parties.
election, won thirteen and a half
million votes. On 27 February, the Reichstag
building was burned down and the
In the next six months, the Communists were falsely accused
government tried to get a Reichstag of using the fire as a signal for
majority by holding two elections. Communist insurrection. In the
The first took place in July. In that guise of defending the country from
election, the votes for the Nazis an alleged Communist Revolution,
more than doubled. The Nazis won Hitler asked for emergency power
230 Reichstag seats and became the from President Hindenburg.
largest single party in the Reichstag.
In a wave of hysteria over the per-
Disappointed by the results of ceived Communist threat, President
the election, the government held Hindenburg signed a decree sus-

pending the civil liberties guaranteed and the Centre Party. As a result, in
under the Constitution. Henceforth, March 1933, the Nazis outvoted the
the German citizens had no per- Social Democrats by 444 to 94 and
sonal liberty, no freedom of speech, passed the Enabling Bill which gave
no freedom of assembly, and no Hitler unlimited power to draft and
freedom of expression. They were pass any laws without the Reichstag.
subject to house searches and arrest The German Constitution was de-
and could be tried by the special stroyed.
People’s Courts. Hitler made use of Hitler wasted no time in consolidat-
this presidential emergency power ing his power. The Law of Recon-
to immediately arrest five thousand struction of the Reich (January 1934)
Communist officials. abolished the state legislatures and
subordinated them to the central
In the Reichstag election that fol- government at Berlin. Trade Union
lowed, the Nazis banned the Com- offices were raided by the S.A. and
munist and Socialist newspapers. S.S. troops. Soon afterward, all po-
The Nazis also made use of the radio litical parties except the Nazi Party
stations to broadcast propaganda. were declared illegal.
The Stormtroopers marched in the
streets in a show of force to influ- The time then came for Hitler to deal
ence the election. Still, less than with his political rivals within the
one half of the electorate party. Ernst Roehm,
(43.9%) voted for the Chief of Staff
Hitler, so that only of the S.A., was
with the aid of the Hitler’s chief
Nationalists (8%)
was Hitler able
to obtain a bare
majority in the

Hitler wanted
to transfer all
power of the
Reichstag to
himself, but
any change
in the Consti-
tution required
a two-thirds majority in
the Reichstag. Thus Hitler ar-
rested 81 Communist deputies,
and bribed the Nationalist Party

political rival. Roehm had at his When President Von Hindenburg
command 2 million Storm-troopers died in August 1934, Hitler
(S.A.). This constituted a great threat announced that he would combine
to Hitler’s political position, since in himself the offices of President
he feared that The S.A. might absorb and Chancellor. He used a combined
the smaller German Army, leaving title, Führer und Reichskangler
Roehm in command of the nations (Leader and Reich Chancellor and
entire military force. Therefore, Supreme Commander-in-Chief).
Hitler decided to get rid of Roehm Army officers took the oath of
and the S.A. allegiance to Hitler personally.
Hitler’s personal dictatorship was
On 29th June, 1934. Hitler, now complete. The Third Reich was
accompanied by the Schutzstaffel officially proclaimed.
(SS), personally arrested Ernst
Roehm. During the next 24 hours
200 other senior SA officers were The Third Reich
arrested. Many were shot as soon
as they were captured but Hitler The Nazi control of Germany was
decided that Roehm should be absolute. The entire nation was
allowed to commit suicide but, when indoctrinated to the Nazi ideology.
Roehm refused, he was killed by two Those who did not adhere to the
SS men. new directives found themselves
the subjects of state-sponsored
The purge of the SA was kept secret harassment, arrest, imprisonment or
until it was announced by Hitler on execution.
13th July. It was during this speech
that Hitler gave the purge its name: Education, from kindergarten to
Night of the Long Knives. university, was geared towards the
total immersion of Germany’s youth
Hitler claimed that 61 had been in the tenets of the Nazi ideology.
executed while 13 had been shot Boys (10-18 years old) were sent to
resisting arrest and three had the Hitler Youth, girls (10-18 years
committed suicide. Some historians old) to the Hitler Maidens. School
have argued that as many as 400 textbooks were re-written along Nazi
people were killed during the purge. lines and University professors were
In his speech Hitler explained why required to wear swastika and take
he had not relied on the courts to an oath of allegiance to Hitler.
deal with the conspirators: “In this
hour I was responsible for the fate Dissent within Germany was
of the German people, and thereby handled by the secret state police
I become the supreme judge of the (Geheime Staatspolizei - abbreviated
German people. I gave the order to to Gestapo), an organization which
shoot the ringleaders in this treason.” began as the political department
of the Prussian police during the
Weimar Republic. With Hitler’s rise Although throughout Germany the
to power, Hermann Goering became concentration camps came under the
the interior minister of Prussia, control of the SS, the Gestapo had
taking over the Prussian political the power to send its victims to them
police and naming Rudolf Diels as and could determine the prisoners’
its executive director. fate.

The suspension of civil liberties By September 1935, the famous

following the Reichstag fire in Nuremberg Laws were issued. The
1933 gave the Gestapo complete Laws, in effect, deprived Jews of
freedom to impose “protective German citizenship and forbade
custody” (Schutzhaft) and to prevent them to marry ‘Aryans’. Jews were
undesirable political activities. When excluded from participation in the
Goering was made Prime Minister of German political and cultural life.
Prussia on 11 April1933, the Gestapo Severe hardships were inflicted on
was separated entirely from the Jews in their daily life (e.g. the need
overall police structure. to sit in a separate part of the bus).

Heinrich Himmler eventually As time went on, the treatment of

established SS control over the the Jews became worse and worse.
political police and concentration They had their property confiscated,
camps in all Germany, including personal liberty deprived and
Prussia, where, as Goering’s deputy, eventually were forcibly relocated to
he took over the Gestapo on 20 ghettos, where they were confined.
April,1934. The persecution grew exponentially
worse, and eventually the ghettos
were emptied into the concentration countries into the Reich. Hitler
camps. It is estimated that 6 million then planned to conquer France and
Jews perished under Nazi rule during Soviet Union before moving on
the rule of the Third Reich. to Britain. Italy would be run as a
client state, under the fascist dictator
During the mid-thirties, the Nazis Benito Mussolini.
began to re-militarize Germany,
in anticipation of their planned The first step was to rebuild the
conquest of Europe. The plan German army, which had been
required the nullification of the kept small by the terms of the
Treaty of Versailles and the Treaty of Versailles. The Nazi
annexation of all German-speaking industrial machine began to build

aircraft and armor, under cover of new ministry is composed entirely
supposedly civilian projects like the of Nazis. France invited Italy and
development of new tractors and the England to examine the events,
nationalized airline. but Italy declines stating that they
“regard the events in Austria as the
Hitler announced that he would outcome of a pre�existent state of
add 36 new divisions to Germany’s affairs and as the free expression
Armed Forces. In 1936, German of the feelings and good will of the
soldiers marched into the Austrian people, unequivocally
demilitarized Rhineland. The confirmed by the imposing public
Treaty of Versailles was completely demonstrations with which the
destroyed, as neither France nor events were greeted.”
Britain lifted a finger to stop the
German invasion. On March 15th, delirious crowds
greeted Hitler as he paraded
As early as 1933, Hitler had been triumphantly through Vienna, and
pushing for the annexation of on April 10th, Hitler held his own
Austria. The Austrian chancellor, election, and 99 percent of Austrians
Englebert Dollfuss, responded by voted in favor of the annexation
outlawing the Austrian Nazi Party. (Anschluss).
The party continued to operate France and Britain protested, but
illegally, with German support, and weakly. British Prime Minister
on July 25, 1934, Austrian Nazis Chamberlain claimed that Germany
occupied the Parliament building and was required to consult with
murdered Dollfuss. England, France and Italy before
acting, but this demand is ignored
Dollfuss’ successor, Kurt von by Hitler. Realizing the threat that
Schuschnigg, was pressured by the Germany’s new position placed
Germans into making concessions, upon Czechoslovakia (now nearly
which included lifting the ban on surrounded by the Third Reich),
the Austrian Nazi Party and the Chamberlain assured the Czechs that
placement of pro-Nazi ministers England would support them.
in key positions. In one final
desperate move on March 9, 1938, However, by the fall of 1938,
Schuschnigg called for a popular England, France and Italy would
vote on Austrian independence. force the Czechs into handing
Hitler’s response to this was to territory over to the Germans, and
demand that the vote be postponed by the close of the decade, the
and that Schuschnigg resign...and Third Reich’s invasion of the rest
three days later, he sent German of Czechoslovakia and invasion of
troops into Austria. Poland began the Second World
War (which brought the pulp era to
A Nazi puppet is sworn into office a close).
as Austria’s Chancellor, and the


The pages that follow contain The Schutzstaffel represent a tougher

NPCs that represent the most and more fanatical variety of the
common archetypal uses of Nazis Nazi goon. Use these guys when
as represented in pulp stories, you want to provide more of a
cliffhanger films and modern challenge to your player-characters.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6,
Nazi Soldier (Wehrmacht) Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8.
Skills: Driving d8, Fighting d8,
The average Nazi rank-and-file Guts d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d8,
goon, ready to goose-step, seig heil Shooting d8
and get socked in the jaw by our Charisma: -4, Pace:6;
stalwart heroes. Toughness: 7
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Loyal
For the purposes of pulp gaming, the Edges: Combat Reflexes, Dodge,
Wehrmacht soldier is essentially the Rock and Roll
equivalent of an orc in a standard Gear: Helmet (+3), MP38 (12/24/48
fantasy game. He’s there to follow Damage 2d6 ROF 3 Shots 32), Four
orders, and will fight fiercely against grenades (5/10/20, Damage 3d6-2,
any opposition, only surrendering med. burst template), Knife (Str+d4)
in the face of overwhelming power.
All Nazi Soldiers are
Mooks (see Chapter

Attributes: Agility
d6, Smarts d6, Spirit
d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Driving d6,
Fighting d6, Guts d6,
Shooting d6
Charisma: +0;
Pace: 6; Toughness:
Gear: Helmet (+3),
MP38 (12/24/48
Damage 2d6 ROF
3 Shots 32), Four
grenades (5/10/20,
3d6-2, med. burst
Nazi Officer

Now we’re getting to

the true pulp villains.
Use officers as the main
villains for adventures
featuring the Third Reich.
When your player-
characters are more
powerful, use a Nazi
officer as the henchman
of an even more powerful
and insidious villain!

Attributes: Agility d8,

Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Strength d8, Vigor d8.
Skills: Fighting d6, Guts
d6, Intimidation d8,
Knowledge (Tactics) d6,
Notice d6, Shooting d8,
Taunt d6
Charisma: -2, Pace:6;
Parry: 5 Toughness: 7
Hindrances: Loyal,
Edges: Command, Hold
the Line, Strong Willed
Gear: Luger P08 (12/24/48 Damage
2d6, ROF 1, Shots 8)

Gestapo Goon
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6,
This instrument of the secret state Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d8.
police should be an omnipresent Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d6,
threat any time that your player- Investigation d8, Intimidation d8,
characters travel into areas that lie Notice d6, Shooting d6
under the control of the Reich. The Charisma: -2, Pace:6;
heroes should be watched at every Parry: 5 Toughness: 6
step, wondering when the Gestapo Hindrances: Loyal, Mean
will strike suddenly, and whisk them Edges: --
away to a windowless interrogation Gear: Luger P08 (12/24/48 Damage
room...or worse. 2d6, ROF 1, Shots 8)
Nazi Scientist

“Nuzzink in ze vurld can schtopp me

NOW! Bwah-ha-ha-ha-haaaa!!!”

You know the type. The Nazi

scientist is bent on world domination
via technological superiority...and,
in pulp adventures, that means Giant
Killer Robots, Flying Saucers, Secret
Mind Control Devices and the ever-
present Death Ray.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12,

Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6.
Skills: Driving d6, Fighting d6, Guts
d6, Healing d6, Knowledge (any
two sciences) d12, Intimidation d8,
Nazi Spy
Notice d8, Repair d10, Shooting d6,
Weird Sciecne d12
Another iconic Nazi villain, the
Charisma: +0, Pace:6;
Spy operates as a Fifth Column
Parry: 5 Toughness: 5
within a target nation, engaging in
Hindrances: Arrogant, Delusional
espionage or sabotage on the orders
Edges: Arcane Background (Weird
of his or her superiors. Spies are
Science), Gadgeteer, Mr. Fix It,
tasked with stealing military secrets,
McGyver, Power Points, Rapid
assassinating political targets and
many other dastardly deeds, unless
Gizmos: Armor (shield belt),
your player-characters can track
Bolt(Death Ray), Puppet(hypno-ray),
them down and uncover the hidden
Stun (shock gloves),30 Power Points.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8,

Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d8.
Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d6,
Investigation d8, Notice d6,
Shooting d6, Streetwise d6
Charisma: +2, Pace:6;
Parry: 5 Toughness: 7
Hindrances: Loyal, Obligations
Edges: Charismatic
Gear: Luger P08 (12/24/48 Damage
2d6, ROF 1, Shots 8)

Nazi Sorcerer
Hitler’s obsession with
the occult is a matter of
historical record--even
the Nazi party itself
began as the political
arm of an occult society,
the Thule Gesellschaft.
In 1935, Heinrich
Himmler founded the
Studiengesellschaft fur
Deutches Ahnenerbe
(Society for Research
into the Spiritual Roots
of Germany’s Ancestral
Heritage), known simply
as the Ahnenerbe. The
official purpose of the
organization was to travel
the world searching for
evidence of the ancient
Aryans. Records exist
that indicate that the
Ahnenerbe also studied
the occult sciences.

The Nazi Sorcerer is

an operative of the
Ahnenerbe, well-versed
in magical practices (most
likely based on the Nordic
runes or other Germanic

Attributes: Agility d6, Parry: 5 Toughness: 5

Smarts d12, Spirit d12, Strength d8, Hindrances: Mean, Overconfident,
Vigor d6. Stubborn, Vengeful.
Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d10, Edges: Arcane Background (Magic),
Healing d6, Knowledge (occult) Command, Fervor, Level Headed,
d12, Intimidation d8, Notice d8, New Power, Power Points, Wizard
Spellcasting d12, Taunt d10 Powers: Armor, Bolt, Deflection,
Charisma: -3, Pace:6; Entangle, Fly, Obscure, Puppet,
Smite 40 Power Points
Nazi Temptress

One of the stranger

archetypes to develop
during the pulp era,
and which continues
to the present day
(for example, in The
Last Crusade and
Hellboy), is that of
the Nazi Temptress:
an evil agent of the
Third Reich who uses
her feminine wiles in
an attempt to seduce
our stalwart hero. The
archetype in the pulps
was often simply
an excuse to engage
in some blatant

the Temptress is
irredeemably evil,
serving as an example Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8,
of Beauty actually being the Beast. Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6.
In these cases, the allure of the Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d6, Notice
character is set in stark contrast to d6, Persuasion d8, Shooting d6,
her horrible acts. In other cases, Taunt d8
however, she can be swayed Charisma: +4, Pace:6;
(naturally, having never met the Parry: 5 Toughness: 7
“right guy”) and convinced to betray Hindrances: Quirk (Sadist)
the Nazi cause at a suitably dramatic Edges: Charmer, Very Attractive
moment in the adventure. Gear: Luger P08 (12/24/048
Damage 2d6, ROF 1, Shots 8),
Riding Crop (Str+d4)

Take That, FRITZ! Espionage Adventures
The style of adventure that keeps its
(Nazi Plot Ideas) feet most firmly in the real-world
soil, espionage adventures either pit
The Nazis make excellent villains your player characters against the
for use in your pulp campaign secret machinations of Nazi agents
adventures, largely because of the within another nation, or conversely
expectations of the players. You send the player-characters in to
say “pulp” to the average gamer, infiltrate the Reich itself.
and you can be sure that he or she
is anticipating landing a solid right The most time-honored of these plot
hook on the jaw of a vile Nazi, while ideas is where the heroes must stop
saving New York City from certain Nazi spies. The plot line usually
destruction. goes along these lines: Nazi agents
have stolen the plans for some
You should be careful not to over- super-secret military technology (it
use the Third Reich, however. They always seems to be either plans for
lose their effectiveness as villains if a prototype aircraft or a bomb-sight
the players start to suffer from “Nazi for some reason), and the player-
Fatigue.” characters must catch the spies
before they can successfully smuggle
Remember that during the 1930s, the technology out of the country.
the Reich was involved in a
build-up to war readiness. Nazi A variation on this is the discovery
operations should be largely covert... that a Nazi agent is operating in
Gamemasters shouldn’t have Nazi a position of power. The player-
troops travelling via rocket-pack characters are armed with the
to invade the United States, unless knowledge that the agent exists,
you’re intending for your campaign but are unaware of the agent’s
to veer in alternate history...which is identity. The adventure focuses
not to say that there isn’t fun to be on uncovering the spy. This sort
had with that sort of campaign. Just of adventure is more suited to
be sure that your players are aware campaigns that are less fantastic and
that’s what you’re going for. After more realistic in feel.
all, the baseline pulp campaign is
assumed to take place in at least Espionage adventures can be set
a close approximation of the real within the Reich as well, with
world. Don’t stretch your player’s player-characters sent in to steal
suspension of disbelief unless you’ve secret plans themselves (turning the
been up front about your intentions standard plot described above on its
from the beginning. ear). Adventures within the Reich
should be frought with the danger of
discovery -- player-characters should
be hunted by agents of the Gestapo
every step of the way. secret military escapades: after all,
the Flying Tigers engaged in war
Another iteration of the infiltration with Japan long before the United
plot has the player-characters States officially followed suit. A
travelling into the Reich to rescue campaign featuring the player-
someone from the grip of the characters as a private mercenary
Nazis. Perhaps a Jewish scientist unit fighting on the side of freedom
held against his will and forced and right (something along the line
to work on a doomsday weapon, of Sky Captain’s Flying Legion)
or an American spy who has been could easily engage the Nazis.
captured by the Gestapo...either way Combat could occur on secret island
the player-characters must find their bases, military expeditions deep
way into Germany, avoid capture in the jungle...anywhere were a
themselves, and participate in a “little war” could be fought without
break-out. attracting the attention of the rest of
the world.
Enjoyably, these sorts of missions
almost always seem to feature Fantastic Adventures
the prisoner being held in some Most pulp campaigns, however, are
Bavarian castle, which provides going to contain elements of the
the Gamemaster with the perfect fantastic. It’s fun, after all, and one
opportunity to run the pulp RPG of the things that attracts gamers to
equivalent of a standard “dungeon- the style of play. Primarily, there
crawl” adventure! are two directions that a GM can
take when adding elements of the
Military Adventures fantastic: Science Fiction and the
Generally speaking, open conflict Supernatural (although enterprising
with the Nazis doesn’t really occur GMs can combine the two for some
until the start of the Second World truly mind-boggling concepts!)
War, which marks the end of the
pulp era. Given that, there isn’t Science Fictional elements usually
much opportunity for adventures take the form of technological
featuring military action against the advances (either already in the
Reich. possession of the Nazis, under
development by Nazi mad scientists,
Pulp magazines of the time got or the subject of Nazi theft).
around this by cooking up wars with
thinly-veiled fictional fascists, or Historically, the Nazis spent a great
by setting military action during the deal of time and money investigating
First World War (for example, G-8 and devloping new technologies (the
and His Flying Aces). V-1 and V-2 Rockets, for example),
so the introduction of fantastic
However, there is nothing preventing technology is not as far a stretch
Gamemasters from engaging in as it would be otherwise. It is a
relatively small leap from the V-2 to fodder for adventures. Claimed
Nazi spacecraft, after all. by Germany in the 1930s, and
christened Neuschwabenland (New
German atomic research is another Swabia), the South Pole has long
great idea to spring upon player- been the subject of conspiracy
characters, since they have the theories about the Reich’s activities
benefit of historical hindsight to there. Perhaps your player-
know how close the Reich was to characters can discover Nazi efforts
developing nuclear weapons, and to find the long-rumored entrance
what would have happened had they into the Hollow Earth, where
done so before the U.S. representatives of the Third Reich
hope to form an alliance with the
Even more fantastic, yet still subterranean empire that rules the
based in historical fact, is the idea World Below. Can your heroes stop
of a German heat ray. After the the alliance before dinosaur-mounted
end of World War II, American troops come spilling out of the New
investigators found papers discussing York City subways?
the possibility of deploying a solar
mirror in orbit, which could focus The Reich was equally interested
the sun’s rays upon ground targets in Tibet, believing it to be one of
like a child cooking ants with a the homes of the original Aryans.
magnifying glass. Discovering Ernst Schäffer, a German hunter
secret Nazi plans to build such a and biologist, participated in two
device, and destroying it, would expeditions to Tibet, in 1934 and
make a suitably exciting adventure 1936. The Ahnenerbe sponsored him
for any hero. to lead a third expedition in 1938.

The Nazi fascination with Antarctica Their mission was to make contact
also can provide Gamemasters with with the Aryan forefathers in

Shambhala and Agharti (two hidden Holy Grail and acquired the Spear of
subterranean cities said to exist Destiny.
beneath the Himalayas). The cities
were said to be the guardians of The Holy Grail, the cup supposedly
secret occult powers and super- used at the Last Supper, and which
science, and the missions sought is said to have caught Christ’s
their aid in harnessing those powers blood as it fell from the cross, was
for the Nazi cause. the subject of a search by Nazi
archaeologist Otto Rahn. Rahn
According to the stories, groups of believed that the Grail had been
Tibetans purportedly came back to carried to the South of France by the
Germany and started lodges known Cathars in the 13th century. Rahn
as “the Society of Green Men.” It received a commission in the SS
doesn’t take much effort on the part from Himmler himself, and searched
of the Gamemaster to work these for the Grail, before inexplicably
rumors into plots involving super- resigning his commission in 1939
science, the occult, or both. and disappearing. What had he
discovered, and what happened to
The plot ideas even get jucier when him?
you take into account that of the
two hidden cities, Shambhalla (also The Spear of Destiny is the spear
known as Shangri-la) was associated of the Roman centurian Cassius
with higher cosmic powers, while Longinus, who is said to have
Agharti was associated with more used it to pierce the side of Christ.
primal energies. It’s easy to place Legend has it that the Spear made
them in the roles of a “good” hidden whomever possessed it invincible.
city and an “evil” one. Perhaps the Stories are told of it passing down
Society of Green Men are Agharti through history, in the possession
Adepts aiding the Reich, and the of such men as Louis IX of France,
player-characters have to discover Charlemagne and Napoleon. A
the hidden city of Shambhalla and spear, either the actual Spear of
ask for their assistance in combating Destiny or a false relic (depending
their ancient rivals. upon who you listen to), was on
display at the Vienna Hofmuseum,
Of course, today’s gamers are more and was confiscated by the Nazis
than familiar with the concept of after their annexation of Austria.
the Nazis looking for supernatural
assistance, thanks to the Indiana It was shipped via an armored SS
Jones films. train to Nuremberg on October 13th,
1938, where it remained for six years
Whereas the search for the Ark of in St. Catherine’s Church before
the Covenant never was an actual being moved to an underground
Nazi archaeological project, the vault for protection. Some stories
Reich did actively search for the say that the Spear was taken to the

SS Castle at Wewelsberg. collection of a small New England
university. Or perhaps a Nazi
During the final days of the war scientific experiment causes some
in Europe, the United States 7th kind of dimensional rift, and Things
Army took possession of the Spear Even Worse Than Nazis come
in the name of the United States through.
government. Within 90 minutes
of the United States capturing the Plots involving the Nazis meddling
Spear, Adolf Hitler committed with this sort of power should be
suicide. The Spear was returned to marked by an unbelieving arrogance.
the Royal House of Hapsburg shortly At no point should a Nazi villain
thereafter, where it now rests, once ever assume that he is in over
again, in the Vienna Hofmuseum. his head. The firm belief in their
(Although rumors persist that the status as the Master Race should be
Spear is a copy, with the true Spear the villain’s achilles heel in these
either being kept by the United situations (and, in some cases, the
States, or perhaps by agents of the very cause of the danger in the first
Reich). place!).

Gamemasters looking to play on Gamemasters can also mix the

this particular theme can have Nazis with traditional supernatural
Ahnenerbe-sponsored archaeological pulp elements, such as mummies,
expeditions to the far corners of the werewolves, ghosts and vampires.
globe: Egypt, Africa, South America; See the Hellboy graphic novel
searching for anything from occult series (and film) for suggestions on
artifacts to Lost Cities. This allows methods for doing this. The sudden
adventures which cross the lines realization that the SS officer whom
into standard pulp genres like jungle they’ve been facing is actually a
stories, fortune hunting, or Lost sorcerous vampire should be enough
Worlds. to put pause to even the most
headstrong hero!
Which leaves us with another
standard Nazi adventure plot,
wherein the forces of the Third
Reich dabble in Things That Man
Was Not Meant to Know.

Obviously, the Nazi Sorcerer is

the best archetype to use for such
adventures, but an occult angle
can be added to almost any other
variety of plot. Perhaps Nazi agents
are looking to steal the copy of the
Necronomicon held in the library

Chapter Eight:

Pulp Villains -
INTRODUCTION They are the Thugee, a cult
of murders whose history and
They strangle unsuspecting travelers myth stretch back to the time of
on dark country roads. They glide Herodotus. They terrorized India’s
though New York’s glittering streets roadways for at least six hundred
clinging to shadows, carrying fear years. Each year they killed
and death in their yellow scarves. travelers by the tens of thousands.
They dance and debauch, brutal Eventually a single man stood up to
thugs masking their villainy behind a them, ferreted them out of the dark
façade of ancient mysticism. places, and hung them high for all
to see.

The British Empire hung thousands deeds Thugee lived ordinary lives,
of Thugee in the period between had families, and contributed to their
1830 and 1850. Thousands more communities. In other words, they
fled rather than pay for their crimes. were everything we imagine a secret
By the end of the 19th century the society to be: lethal, organized, and
terrible cult vanished from India. completely invisible to the outside
In the fictional world of the pulps, world.
though, the cult persisted into
the modern world. Charismatic In the real world it took a man of
conmen use its rituals to disguise remarkable dedication to bring them
their sinister schemes. Remnants down. In the world of the pulps it
of the original Thugee continue will take more than that: it will take
their murderous rites. Rebels and courage, determination, and a fistful
terrorists hide their very modern of bullets.
ambitions under the strangling cord
and the pick-axe. The English word “thug” comes
from the Hindu word thag, meaning
Do you dare oppose them? Or will a cheater or a thief. In general use a
you too fall to a cunning smile and thug is a ruffian, a tough who does
a swiftly applied yellow strangling what his betters tell him. Gangsters
cord? employ thugs to beat people to a
pulp. Smarmy business men with
The Thugee connections to gangsters hire these
slope-browed simians to intimidate
The historic Thugee’s saga reads weak-willed customers.
like something out of an adventure
novel. It has shining heroes, villains Originally, though, the word
so vile they barely qualify as human, described something far more
and a nasty intersection between dangerous than a class of criminal
religious fervor and material interest. bottom feeders. Thugs terrorized
Its sensational and scandalous India for centuries, murdering
nature inspired several best sellers, travelers and stealing the property.
not to mention a judicial campaign Thugee, their system of beliefs and
reaching into India’s darkest practices, organized a network of
shadows. assassins, informers, merchants,
and politicians unrivaled in human
In many ways, the Thugee provided history. This network turned
the model writers used to create religious murder into a profitable
cults in pulp fiction. They organized enterprise, capable of literally
themselves into hereditary gangs. mustering an army and ignoring
These gangs operated in secret and authorities until one man finally
communicated among themselves brought them to justice.
using a indecipherable cant. When
not engaged in their murderous
This chapter starts by describing the Princes and kings gave it tacit
historical Thugee cult and its grizzly assistance in return for vast wealth.
end. It then goes on to describe Its members, both Hindu and
three different fictional versions Muslim, engaged in wholesale
of the Thugee. The first outlines a murder during the summer months
loosely organized group of psychotic then returned to their ordinary lives.
killers under the command of a They passed the cult’s wealth and
criminal mastermind. The second its terrible secrets to their children,
suggests a possible continuation of indoctrinating their sons in murder
the original Thugee cult, assuming before their eighteenth birthday.
their goddess actually interceded to
protect a her followers. The third Herodotus mentioned a people
outlines a hybrid between these two known for strangling their victims
approaches, describing a rebel fascist in his Histories, written in the fifth
organization structured using the century BCE. Nineteen hundred
ideas of the original Thugee cult. years later, in the 14th century CE,
a “Thug” financed a mercenary
The Historical army to repel an Afghani invasion
in northern India. Four hundred
Thugee years after that, the British
suddenly took an interest in the
The Indian “thugs” came to the unexplained disappearance of
attention of the East India Company 40,000 people every year from
during the 1820s through Captain India’s roads. They found, to their
William Sleeman’s Herculean horror, a loosely organized group
efforts. This young British captain capable of murdering everyone in
boldly assaulted a
centuries old institution
of murder and robbery
without consent from
the local authorities.
Ignoring centuries
of Company policy
he interfered in local
affairs, hunted down
bandits, and eventually
changed life for Indians
throughout the sub-

The organization
Captain Sleeman
destroyed operated
throughout India.

a caravan or plucking one traveler Thugs did not attack their foes in
out of a crowd and killing him. screaming waves, waving knives and
The thugs participated in a cult shooting guns. Instead they joined
called “Thugee”. In theory the cult their victims as fellow travelers.
worshiped Kali in her aspect as They could journey with a potential
goddess of destruction. Hindus and victim for months, usually posing as
Muslim’s participated in the cult, guards or entertainers, before finding
despite the obvious religious conflict the perfect moment to strike. When
between monotheistic beliefs and that moment came they attacked on a
Kali worship. pre-arranged signal. Two thugs held
the target, kicking him repeatedly in
Practically speaking, though, Thugee the genitals as a distraction, while
and the thugs were a family business. a senior thug strangled him with a
Fathers and uncles inducted young yellow scarf.
men into the practice early then
passed on their positions as they After completing their rituals and
retired. They disposed of their ill- burying the bodies in unmarked
gotten gains though centuries old graves, the thugs disposed of the
channels, funding kingdoms and victims’ possessions by selling them
armies throughout the sub-continent. to established governments. This
influx of wealth supported several
Thugs lived ordinary lives during of the larger central Indian states,
most of the year; many became giving the thugs somewhere to hide
respected members of their while they prepared to resume their
communities. They practiced trades, ordinary lives.
ran businesses, raised families: all
of the things expected of normal Among themselves the thugs spoke a
citizens. However, they also took secret language. Although clearly of
long “trips” into India every year. Hindi origin, this language differed
For three or more months they from its root language enough to
stalked the countryside in search of prevent casual interception. Even
the proper targets. so, they did not speak it in public,
reserving it instead for their planning
Selecting a target required careful sessions and communications
consultation of omens and proper within the cult while not out seeking
ritual practice. It also involved an victims.
element of practical assessment.
The thugs rarely moved unless they The Thugee cult continued almost
outnumbered their target by at least unopposed until 1820. In that year
three to one. Reliable accounts a captain in the British Army, one
describe them murdering caravans William Sleeman, discovered their
of 100 or more, so they obviously existence. For the next twenty years
traveled in groups of at least 300 at he hunted down thugs wherever he
times. could find them. He might not have

succeeded, but early in his operation for almost one hundred years.
he captured several cult leaders. The Characters might encounter him in
kind of person willing to casually any one of a number of disguises or
murder hundreds of innocents also, meet him after his capture in their
to the good captain’s benefit, will quest to destroy the Thugee.
also usually turn on his compatriots
in return for considerations. These Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8,
leaders helped Captain Sleeman Spirit d10, Strength d8, Vigor d8
round up and hang thousands of their Skills: Climbing d10, Fighting
fellow thugs despite sometimes stiff d8, Guts d8, Intimidation d8,
local opposition. Lockpicking d8, Notice d10,
Shooting d8, Stealth d12, Swimming
For all practical purposes the cult d6, Throwing d10.
ceased to exist by 1840, though Charisma +0; Pace 8
the East India Company continued Parry: 7; Toughness: 6
to issue regulations about they Hindrances: Obligations (Thugee)
into the middle of the 19th century. Edges: Block, Combat Reflexes,
Captain Sleeman’s exploits and Dodge, Fleet Footed, Level Headed,
the confessions of several Thugee Quick Draw, Thief.
leaders became best-selling novels Gear: Knife (Str +d4), Yellow
after suffering various degrees of Strangling Scarf (after successful
fictionalization. The real events strike Str +d6 every round unless
were, after all, almost too much for victim makes opposed Str roll)
an educated readership to believe.
Captain William
Characters Sleeman
Any campaign involving the Sleeman came to India as a police
historical Thugee cult should officer and left a Major-General after
touch upon at least the following a twenty year campaign against the
characters: Thugee. At the start of his career he
is a well-built, intelligent young man
Ameer Ali fired by high ideals and a sense of
Ameer Ali, a Thugee member righteousness. By the end he suffers
and leader, confessed to over from the dehabilitating effects of
six hundred killings during his living in a tropical environment for
years as a cult member. His two decades, though he still carries
recorded, then fictionalized, himself with great dignity.
confessions became the basis for
“The Confessions of a Thug”, an Characters who encounter rhim early
instant best-seller in 19th century in his career will find him accessible
Britian. Charming, sophisticated, and charming as he tries to recruit
and intelligent, his complete lack of them to his cause. Later in his career
moral compunctions about murder Mr. Sleeman’s wife smoothes over
or betrayal fascinated readers his hard edges and occasional bouts
of temper as he nears the end of his Adventure Hooks
long quest. The historical Thugee might appear
in any number of stories:
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10,
Spirit d10, Strength d8, Vigor d8 1) Characters in a historical
Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d8, campaign could become
Intimidation d8, Investigation d10, involved with Captain
Notice d12, Shooting d8, Streetwise Sleeman during his early
d8, Survival d8 days as a policeman. His
Charisma +0; Pace 6 fanatical devotion to
Parry: 6; Toughness: 6 changing India will put him
Hindrances: Curious, Doubting at odds with the Company
Thomas, Enemy (Thugee Cult) executives, the local
Edges:Alertness, Combat Reflexes, authorities, and the Thugee
Level Headed, Man Without Fear. themselves.
Gear: Webley Service Pistol
(12/24/48, Damage 2d6+1 ROF 1 2) In the later part of his
Shots 6 AP2) campaign Sleeman becomes
a very public and important
figure. The characters may
find themselves assigned to
protect him as the Thugee,
practiced deceivers and
assassins, make a final
effort to remove their

3) Indian characters may

take on the role of Thugee
defending their ancient
and honorable calling from
interference by the colonial
powers. In between bouts
of murder they will have
to defend their leaders,
mislead the authorities, and
perhaps even assassinate
the meddling Englishman
who brought all of this

The Thugee Cult of about these new murders caught
people’s attention. Each young man
Personality had a yellow scarf wrapped around
his neck. Each one also had his head
After the destruction of the historical smashed in by something big, heavy,
thugs English and Indian conmen and sharp.
began to use its rituals and traditions
as a cover. They took popular At first the authorities ignored the
accounts of the Thugee, mixed threat. After all, dozens of madmen
it with their own agendas, and and anarchists used the yellow
produced an amalgam of East and scarves every year in a vain hope to
West even more terrifying than the confuse investigations. Two years
original. into the crime spree, though, a group
of constables turned up dead. Their
The “Thugee” use popular fear of strangled and mutilated bodies,
their name and outright murder to posed in mockery of some ancient
bully people into handing over their Indian sexual text, incited public
material wealth. They have a highly outrage and belated official action.
decentralized structure in which each
leader only knows one other leader. Scotland Yard took four weeks
The “Grand Priest” knows all of the to track down and apprehend the
cells but none of their leaders know criminals. The investigation lead
him by his real name or face. them though sordid opium dens,
the Thames warehouses, and
In 1892 Duncan Turnbull went to into London’s darkest heart. In a
the bar in London for the third time. stunning raid they captured twelve
The charges of criminal misconduct, men and a vast assortment of Indian
fraud, and murder were enough to paraphernalia. Under interrogation
insure his speedy removal from the men claimed descent from the
society. Then, in a daring move original Thugee cult, long though
assisted by three accomplishes, he exterminated. They even produced
escaped from prison on the date papers proving the claim, though
of his sentencing. On the run and these papers later proved to be
beyond the law he cooked up a grand forgeries.
The investigators closed the case
After leaving his accomplices after the raid and confessions. They
where the authorities could find filed it away as a bit of left over
them Duncan vanished. A year business from the British Empire’s
later, rumors circulated though the early years. A month later, rumors
underworld of coves showing up in again surfaced of more men and
shadowed alleyways. Though dead women murdered by strangulation.
bodies, especially those of young Close investigation, though, revealed
men, appeared daily, something no foundation to the accusations.

He decided, at the
spur of the moment,
to re-invent himself.
Using his skills as a
confidence man and
actor, along with
things he learned
reading trashy novels
in jail, he created a
new persona “Mr.
William Sleeman,
Importer.” In order
to finance this change
he contracted a
number of down and
out Indian criminals.
To make his story
more believable
he provided the
men with false
documents “proving”
their descent from
A decade later, in New York, the the ancient Thugee
cult surfaced again. This time families.
the aggressive New York Police
Department had its hands full with Upon this flimsy foundation
gang wars, turf battles between “William Sleeman” built an
political factions, and the constant international criminal empire.
pressure of new immigrants from Independently organized cells of
Europe and Asia. Since it looked thugs murdered travelers, tourists,
like one group of odd-colored men and immigrants in vast numbers.
murder other odd-colored men, their They would travel to a new city
captains decided to ignore it. or burrough each season, murder
and rob, then return home to their
The streets of New York proved a cover-lives as upright citizens.
fertile place for the burgeoning cult. All of the stolen goods moved
It recruited men from the lowest though Sleeman’s import business,
rungs of society, gave them wealth, effectively laundering them while
and taught them to kill. Eventually simultaneously tying the enterprise
cells began to grow in other cities, into the local business community.
some as far west as Chicago.
When Sleeman lost the first cell he
The new Thugee came into being relocated from the familiar environs
when Duncan Turnbull vanished. of London to New York City. There

he found a seething immigrant Loot is left in large blind drops,
population, an inattentive police from which it mysteriously vanishes
force, and lax import/export laws. within a few days.
In short, nearly perfect ground for
his efforts. Disaffected men, cut When not actively engaged in their
off from their traditional moral and murderous trade the cult members
ethical authorities, happily signed live ordinary lives. Most own
on with his “thugs” in an attempt to small shops specializing in the
make something of themselves. garment trade or groceries. None
acknowledge other cult members on
Cult Members the street, though they meet once a
The cult recruits members month to perform stylized rituals to
exclusively from the lowest of the Dark Goddess Kali.
the low. Cell leaders seek out the
unenfranchised, the newly arrived, Unlike the real Thugee this cult
and those who have potential does not select its targets though an
but cannot quite make it on their elaborate system of omen-reading.
own. They set these men up Instead they use purely pragmatic
with legitimate, if low earning, criteria for selecting victims. Their
businesses. They give them newfound faith and techniques
language training. They help them cannot cover over their lowly
to put their children into schools and origins.
schedule medical care for those who
need it. Cult Encounters
Though it would be convenient cult
In return the cell inducts them into members do not wander around in
the business. The new members Indian turbans with necklaces of
learn a secret language made of up human skulls around their necks.
“Indian sounding” words that has They dress conservatively, either
no real rhyme or reason. One week in the well-tended clothes of a
every three months they go on a trip factory worker or the middle of the
to an out of town location where road shirt and jacket of successful
they watch older cult members stalk, businessmen. They present a
strangle, and rob anyone who looks friendly, even cooperative, face until
like a good target. Once they have they lull the target.
participated in enough murders the
cult leader inducts them into the When the target feels perfectly safe
society. they strike. One member attempts a
choking attack from the rear while at
No cult member knows much about least one other distracts the target by
the other cells. The cell leader, an pummeling him. If the target breaks
appointed position, only sees their free the thugs flee by the fastest
leader once per year and then on a possible route.
day chosen by the “Grand Leader”.
Characters Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12,
Any campaign involving the Thugee Spirit d12, Strength d8, Vigor d6.
cult of personality might encounter Skills: Driving d6, Fighting d6, Guts
the following character: d10, Intimidation d8, Notice d8,
Shooting d8.
Charisma: +2, Pace:6;
Duncan Turnbull aka Parry: 5 Toughness: 5
‘William Sleeman’ Hindrances: Overconfident,
Mr. Sleeman openly immigrated to Vengeful.
the United States in 1896, bringing Edges: Charismatic, Charmer,
with him an active import business Command, Connections, Fervor,
specializing in fine artifacts from Halls of Power, Level Headed, No
around the world. His constant Mercy.
supply and cheap prices made him Gear:Luger P08 (12/24/048
an instant favorite with the cash Damage 2d6, ROF 1, Shots 8),
conscious but status climbing upper- Yellow Strangling Scarf (after
middle class and criminal elements. successful strike Str +d6 every round
The more established old money unless victim makes opposed Str
families continued to use their own roll)
dealers. Within a year he built up
four cells, and has since established
another dozen scattered throughout
the states. He then hires pawn- Adventure Hooks
brokers and locals to pick up the The cult of personality could easily
stolen goods and sells the loot in become a main campaign villain.
cities far away from where they were Cleaning out a cell could take an
first nicked. entire adventure; defeating Duncan
himself would tax even the most
In person Duncan’s almost hypnotic psychopathic adventurers.
voice and aura of confidence lure
people into a hazy daze from which 1. The characters encounter
they emerge after several hours. a Thugee group while
His flashing dark eyes and sardonic traveling between two
wit put even the most hardened other adventure sites. The
investigators at ease, even when he Thugee attack them in
directs his mockery towards them. the middle of the night,
Connections in the upper reaches of leaving one or more of
government and society prevent any the character’s in critical
serious investigation of his activities, condition. This brutal
even if he were revealed as a Thugee introduction to the Thugee
strangler. could spark a long (or
short) set of adventures in
which our heroes search out
their foes, only to discover

they have vanished back The Thugee:
into the darkness.
Ancient Survivors
2. One of the character’s long-
standing friends dies while In the beginning Black Kali chose
on a business trip. Some from among the people those who
time later, in another part could worship her as she desired.
of the US, the character’s To these men she taught the art of
see a signature item (e.g. reading omens, the skills of the
a unique engraved pen or strangling cord, and the words
broach) for sale in a pawn which none other could hear. Her
shop window. The shop chosen children did as their goddess
owner is not a cult member commanded and all was good.
but he bought the item in a
lot from Sleeman Imports. Over thousands of years, though, her
children lost their way. Many fell
3. The characters begin into decadent practices, murdering
to do business with without recourse to the proper
Mr. Sleeman or one rituals. They lost the knowledge
of his representatives, of true omens, instead taking every
selling items of dubious turn of a leaf or sudden shower as a
providence to the importer sign from the goddess herself. Some
in return for good cash. became no better than common
Eventually a crusading thieves, killing for their own glory
police officer comes to rather than the goddesses.
speak with them, inquiring
about their activities. The Eventually Black Kali stretched
officer’s investigation, forth her hands. With one taloned
though brushing up against fist she grasped a an Englishman’s
the characters’ activities, heart. With another she smote the
really focuses on Sleeman’s pretender’s minds, making them
import/export business blind to their oaths of loyally. With
and its connection to a a third she opened the eyes of the
small ring of murderers the last remaining man of faith. To this
policeman uncovered. last man she gave a list of names;
the names of Thugee who might be
brought to see the light.

As the Englisman slaughtered his

way though the false Thugee, the
faithful man (named Dhuliji Lahiri)
raced ahead to save those who
the goddess named. He drew the
faithful into the deep jungle where

they lived in a small village while In 1860 the Thugee resumed their
the fires burned out. murderous ways. Quietly, in groups
of no more than thirty, they gathered
The Thugee emerged from seclusion to hear Lahiri’s instructions. Once
once the British turned their properly motivated they stalked the
attention to other matters. Mr. Lahiri roadways, selecting targets using the
caused them to scatter throughout ancient omens and murdering them
the country under an injunction in the old ways.
to commit no crimes for the next
decade. They established new Three generations of strangers
identities, business, and families. have come into the business since
Some emigrated to Europe; others those fateful first days. The group
stayed in their homeland or went east maintains its emotional fervor and
to the Americas. discipline, though some of the
fourth generation may fall to greed’s
temptation. After all, each strangler among the members of his family.
group possesses the accumulated This allows him to retain central
wealth of thousands of victims; a fat control and maintains orthodoxy. It
target for an ambitious man. also angers many of the younger
thugs, especially those who live in
In order to avoid the failure of the the United States or Europe.
first cults, the High Priest maintains
iron control over group activities.
He declares the hunts, disposes of Cult Environs
the loot, and determines who will Cult members do not jeopardize
advance or fall from grace. The their cover by storing cult materials
later sentence carries with it deadly in their homes. A home invasion or
repercussions. After all, those who legitimate search of such a place will
turn against the goddess cannot be turn up nothing of importance.
allowed to live.
However, the local cult members
The Thugee communicate among all pay to support a small, secluded
themselves using a variation on shrine to Kali. The shrine will
the language spoken by the fallen always be at least thirty miles from
cult. They also send messages, even any cult member’s home. Here
telegrams, in this elaborate code. they gather once a season to receive
messages from the grand temple
and the High Priest, to perform
Cult Members their secret rituals, and to bask in
All members of the ancient survivors Kali’s glory. Failure to attend a
come from the families who meeting results in the local leader
survived Sleeman’s purge. Each disciplining the member either by
proudly traces their linage back to verbal reprimand or by killing one of
a single man chosen by the goddess his family members.
herself for deliverance.
The local shrines communicate
In the intervening decades the cult’s with the main shrine in India via
spread from its mountain fastness special couriers. These couriers
has necessitated some thinning of carry messages to the shrines,
the chosen bloodlines. Once a thug leaving them at times when no cult
moves out into the world the High member is in attendance. Each
Priest expects him to marry local courier receives extensive training in
and raise his family as a part of the subterfuge and conditioning to resist
growing cult. Females must petition questioning. Should he be captured
the High Priest for permission to he will try to destroy his messages
marry; males may marry whomever before ending his own life.
their father selects for them.
The Thugee built their primary
The High Priest also chooses and temple on the site of the village Kali
sends a local group’s leader from reveled to them. Isolated by jungle
and mountains, it functions as an Spirit d12, Strength d6, Vigor d6.
impenetrable fortress for them to Skills: Fighting d10, Guts d10,
retreat into in times of need. The Intimidation d8, Knowledge (Occult)
lavish temple itself houses almost d10, Notice d8, Shooting d6.
one hundred thugs; the village Charisma: +2, Pace:5;
supports another three hundred. The Parry: 5 Toughness: 5
couriers and local leaders come from Hindrances: Delusional (communes
the families living in the temple, with Kali) Elderly, Vow (to Kali)
so as to insure their loyalty to the Edges: Charismatic, Command,
higher cause. Fervor, Frenzy
Gear:Strangling cord (after
successful strike Str +d6 every round
Cult Encounters unless victim makes opposed Str
The ancient survivors engage in roll)
ritual murder rather than whole-
sale banditry. They use the same
tactics as the historical Thugee James Sinha
(strangulation and mass attacks James grew up in New York City.
from surprise) and make liberal use He played with men who now
of their ability to bluff and confuse make their livings as gangsters,
targets. confidence men, shop keepers, and
factory workers as a boy. As a man,
the contract between their growing
Characters wealth and his cult mandated simple
Any campaign involving the ancient lifestyle galls him. Why should a
survivors should include some or all strapping young man like himself,
of the following characters: blessed with good looks and the wits
God gave a man, live in poverty
Dhuliji Lahiri while sending riches to some old
The now ancient Dhuliji Lahiri still man back in the old country? His
presides over the reformed Thugee questions resonate with the new
cult from the jungle-bound temple generation of Thugee even as their
in India. He communes with his elders try to teach them the ways of
goddess daily, though he does not the cord and pick-axe.
always share the results of his
visions. His withered frame and Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6,
lank white hair speak to the decades Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d8.
of his service to his goddess. The Skills: Driving d8, Fighting d10,
immense strength with which he can Guts d10, Intimidation d8, Notice
turn a strangling cord manifestly d8, Shooting d6, Streetwise d10
demonstrates her favor. The other Charisma: +2, Pace:6;
thugs worship him almost as much Parry: 7 Toughness: 7
as they do their goddess. Hindrances: Arrogant, Obligations
(to Thugee), Greedy
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Edges: Attractive, Brawny, Combat
Reflexes, First Strike, Nerves of Adventure Hooks
Steel. The ancient survivors might become
Gear:Strangling cord (after a major campaign villain but they
successful strike Str +d6 every round work best as a shadowy threat.
unless victim makes opposed Str Characters encountering them might
roll), Colt .45 (12/24/48 Damage not even realize they are anything
2d6+1 ROF 1 Shots 7 AP1) more than a slightly exotic street
gang. Only later, when the cult plays
its hand, should they begin to realize
Ajita Lahiri it might be even more sinister than
Even though mocha-skinned Ajita they initially imagined.
comes from the direct line of the
High Priest she cannot inherit a Some examples of this kind of story
position of power in the cult. By include:
tradition she should have married,
settled down, and built a cover 1. Low level characters
identity for some local cult leader. operating in New York (or
Instead the smoky-eyed beauty another large city) might
talked her father into making encounter James Sinha as
her a courier. So she travels the he breaks away from the
world, amusing her self with the main Thugee cult. His
businessmen she meets, and delivers group of young, dissatisfied
messages to out of the way towns thugs apply their murderous
where she cannot show her face. methods to local crime.
Fortunately her skills as disguise and Just as the characters
deception match her arresting looks close in on them, the elder
and charm. thugs remove the younger
entirely, leaving behind
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, their strangled bodies and
Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6. a vast sum of money as
Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d6, Notice reparation.
d6, Persuasion d10, Stealth d8,
Shooting d6, Taunt d8 2. One of the male characters
Charisma: +4, Pace:6; might encounter Ajita
Parry: 5 Toughness: 7 during her travels. Their
Hindrances: Obligations (Thugee) interlude together at first
Edges: Charmer, Very Attractive seems like a throw-away
Gear: Strangling cord (after scene. A little later, the
successful strike Str +d6 every round character finds himself
unless victim makes opposed Str under attack by assassins
roll) of Indian descent. It turns
out the High Priest is well
aware of his daughters
activities and prefers to
“silence” men she spends The Thugee:
time with.
Insurgent Fighters
3. In a game with some occult
overtones the characters Historically the Thugee avoid direct
may become involved interference in politics. However,
with one of the ritual the British intrusion of their morality
murders. After all, the into Indian affairs inevitably lead
Thugee murder as a form of to a backlash against them. In
worship, an act which could this case, even though the Thugee
call forth dark powers. themselves vanished a number of
Occult investigators might patriotic men recreated the cult with
be dragged from murder the expressed purpose of driving the
site to murder site until British from the sub-continent.
they eventually uncover
the cult’s methods of These thugs us the old methods of
operations. deception and strangulation to rid
their homeland of the oppressive
4. The cult kidnaps one of the outsiders. Their carefully target
characters’ close friends or murders serve to destabilize and
family members (usually terrify the foreign population. The
a beautiful woman or girl) British respond by increasing
as a special sacrifice. In their security and applying even
order to get her back the more pressure, leading to an ever
characters can race the escalating cycle of violence from
kidnappers, fail to catch which neither side will back down.
them at a port, and then
travel to India in order to
save her before the time of Mr. Sleeman unleashed a tide of
sacrifice. Eventually they change when he destroyed the
wind up trekking though Thugee. His obsession catalyzed
the jungle and storming the a shift in British policy from
main temple. accommodation and trade to outright
political and military domination.
The Indian Rajah responded in a
typically incoherent fashion. Some
capitulated, others accommodated,
a rare few resisted but quickly fell
to the superior coordination and
firepower brought to bear on them.

The duty of resistance therefore fell

to the common men. Indians of
many castes decried their domination

by outsiders with
no respect for their
ancient ways. Most
simply complained.
A few took up
arms, leading
doomed rebellions.
The smartest
reached back into
recent history for

This inspiration
came in the form
of several popular
novels released
in Britain during
and after Mr.
Sleeman’s efforts.
They detailed
a complicated,
dangerous secret
cult with brutally
effective methods. popular history to force otherwise
These murderers slaughtered Indians unwilling collaborators into the fold.
by the thousands for centuries By the turn of the century this
without being discovered. Their highly organized society of killers
methods, properly updated, would works on a steady agenda. They
undoubtedly work just as well in the assault government officials, civilian
modern world. contractors, and travelers in large
numbers. Captured operatives are
From this initial idea sprang one murdered in their prison cells, left
of the most effective resistance dangling from the ceiling on yellow
and terrorist organizations ever silk scarves. Local community
imagined. Operatives working in members who talk to the authorities
coordinated teams began a wholesale usually vanish, or suffer in anguish
slaughter of British officials and as some beloved family member
foreign civilians. The murders vanishes in their place.
used the strangling cords and spoke
in gibberish, but only as a smoke The thugee network fuels its efforts
screen to cover the modern methods with robbery and murder for hire.
of mayhem they espoused. Many The surprisingly public contacts
openly admitted their membership, flaunt their affiliations, selling stolen
using the terror inspired by the good almost openly though away
from the British Rajah’s military local group then lead it to its target.
force. Most of these public contacts
truly know little of the organization;
they receive their funds and pass Cult Environs
messages though dead drops of The cult can strike anywhere.
various sorts. Unlike the real Thugee, they engage
in mass assaults and direct attacks,
though they also use the tried and
Cult Members true ruses that made the Thugee so
The modern insurgency gets its famous.
members from those who wish to
overthrow the British rule of India. The individual members live simply,
Anarchists, communist, patriots, and usually in single room huts in the
psychotics all find a place among slums surrounding large cities. The
them. They come from many command lives just as meanly but
castes and places, bound together in stays in isolated jungle villages
common cause. where the authorities rarely venture.
These villages hold no more than
The insurgency members never forty men and a handful of women
engage in their crimes near their kept on for their services.
own homes. Taking a page from the
thugs old techniques, they always
travel a considerable distance before Cult Encounters
executing a mission. This distance Characters can encounter this group
helps to shield them from detection, in one of three ways: as a screaming
as well as making it more difficult horde of insurgents, as traditional
to trace them if they somehow get thugee, and as assassins in the night.
The insurgent thugee operations
When home they maintain a façade involve large groups of semi-literate
of normal activity. Almost all of Indians whipped into a pseudo-
the “cultists” work as seasonal religious frenzy. A single thugee
laborers, giving them an excuse to leader uses religious iconography
travel frequently and maintain a and hokey rituals to convience a
low-profile lifestyle suitable to their large group of angry men that they
needs. Most do not have families, as are Kali’s chosen. After a suitable
the risks they take exacts a heavy toll period the leader unleashes this mob
on their time and livelihoods. in an orgy of violence directed at
any forigners in the area. He then
The insurgency leadership works at vanishes back into the jungles until
a fever pitch. Most have abandoned he reappears somewhere else to start
their ordinary lives, instead choosing the cycle all over again.
to live in secluded jungle villages.
From these locations they send out Traditional thugee thievery supports
tactical leaders who “activate” a this cycle with both funds and
materials. Bands of operatives priest leads the congregation in
wander India’s lonely back-country chanting and prayers to the goddess
roads looking for travelers to waylay. Kali. When the time comes he will
They prefer to target Europeans but take up the strangler’s noose and
will happily murder natives as well. help set things right. Fortunately the
These operatives use the traditional time will come soon.
methods but supplement them with
firearms, chemical weapons, and Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8,
explosives. Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d8.
Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d6, Notice
The assassins also adopt modern d6, Knowledge (occult) d4, Stealth
methods but with a far more lethal d8, Shooting d6, Taunt d6
intent. These thugee come out of Charisma: 0; Pace:6;
the jungle and usually strike under Parry: 6 Toughness:7
the cover of a screaming horde. As Hindrances: Delusional (True
the authorities try to deal with the Believer) Obligations (Thugee)
chaos caused by a sudden uprising Edges: Brawny
the assassins sneak in and strike with Gear: Strangling cord (after
surgical skill. They murder leaders, successful strike Str +d6 every round
plant false documents, destroy unless victim makes opposed Str
hardened targets, and generally roll)
wreak havoc in the government
infrastructure. These thugee also
take responsibility for murdering any Boli Verma
captured operatives and will commit Soft spoken and intense, Boli easily
suicide rather than accept capture. passes himself off as a deal in rare
goods and occasional middleman
Characters for individuals in search of an
Encounters with the modern elegant beauty for the evening. His
insurgents could involve any one of soft voice becomes strident, even
the following characters: commanding, when it issues from
behind the elaborate mask he wears
Devendara Pattanayak at the secret meetings. There he
By day ebon-skinned Devendara allows his oratory skills free reign,
works in a stone quarry, cutting out cajoling and inflaming the simple
stone blocks that will eventually men who come to hear him speak.
become tables and sculptures for When the time is right he will
the British authorities. At night he unleash his hounds then disappear
engages in wrestling matches and back into the jungle from whence he
other sports in an attempt to work came.
out his frustrations. He also attends
meetings of an ancient society, the Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10,
cult of the Thugee, where a masked Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6.
Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d8,
Notice d6, Knowledge (occult) d8, Adventure Hooks
Persuasion d6, Stealth d8, Shooting Although masquerading as a
d6 religious organization the modern
Charisma: +2; Pace:6; insurgents are nothing more than
Parry: 6 Toughness:7 anarchists and provocateurs.
Hindrances: Delusional (True Characters might encounter them in
Believer) Obligations (Thugee) any of the following ways:
Gear: Strangling cord (after 1. They could simply stumble
successful strike Str +d6 every round across one of the meetings
unless victim makes opposed Str or a hidden village. The
roll) thugs immediately respond
with lethal force, even
Hidhan Nagchaudhuri before the characters
Working as a house servant, discover anything, leading
especially one skilled in the fine art to an escalating series
of being unobtrusive, allows Hidhan of dramatic encounters
to scout out his targets long before culminating in the
the covering riots begin. His precise destruction of one or both
English and gentle manners put the groups.
targets at their ease while his keen
mind plans out the details of their 2. The characters take a
demise. His only weakness is his contract to protect a British
addiction to challenge; he cannot magistrate as he travels
resist a little extra fun while on the from one Indian province
way out from an assignment. to another. Naturally the
thugs attack, leading to a
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, long chase sequence though
Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8. jungles and mountains
Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d8, Notice and a dramatic last minute
d6, Knowledge (English society) d6, rescue.
Stealth d8, Shooting d6
Charisma:+2 ; Pace:6; 3. Characters engaged in
Parry: 6 Toughness:7 other business wake up to
Hindrances: Delusional (True find the city burning down
Believer) Obligations (Thugee) with them in it. Mobs
Edges: Charming, Connections screaming “Kali, Kali,
(servants in many households) Kali” race around, dragging
Gear: Strangling cord (after foreigners out of their beds
successful strike Str +d6 every round and strangling them in
unless victim makes opposed Str public. The characters can
roll) choose to cower like beaten
dogs or attempt to stop the
Chapter Nine:

Pulp Villains -
Perils of the Orient
The pit was twenty feet deep, its was pulled into a leer of eager
stone walls smoothed to an almost anticipation.
glass-like consistency. The bottom
was littered with bits of bone and Something moved along the wall of
strange clumps of what looked like the pit, crawling out from a burrow
dirty cotton. Hsien was in the centre gouged in the floor. Brandon leaned
of the pit, crumpled in a ball, his forward, his curiosity overcoming
legs broken in the fall, screaming even the horror of the situation. It
like a banshee. Brandon looked up was some kind of animal, but he
to find the exotic Chinese woman couldn’t decide what. A rat? Some
and Wu Sin standing on the far side kind of dog? Maybe some kind
of the pit, both of them staring down of Chinese jaguar? He could see
at Hsien. The woman’s face was a the thing pushing aside the bones
mixture of disgust and expectancy, that partially covered its hole,
the Jade Talon’s could make out legs pawing at the
obstruction, legs that were covered
in thick black hair. Hsien’s screams
became even more frantic

as the slaver saw the movement. I used my humble skill with the
He crawled desperately toward the sciences of chemistry and electro-
smooth walls, dragging his broken magnetism to, shall we say, unlock
limbs behind him. its full potential.’

Brandon cringed away as the thing Hsien’s screams rose to an

emerged fully from its burrow. impossible pitch as the spider
Disbelief caused his mind to recoil finally reached him. The sight of the
from what he had seen, disgust spider’s fangs stabbing down into
boiled within his stomach. It was the man’s abdomen finally broke the
impossible, it couldn’t have been terrible fascination that had taken
what he thought it was! hold of Brandon. He looked up from
the pit, staring into Wu Sin’s cruel
‘Detective Brandon, does my eyes.
pet offend your delicate western
sensibilities?’ the Jade Talon mocked ‘You’re a madman!’ the detective
him. Brandon fought down his spat.
revulsion, forcing himself to look
back at the spectacle unfolding in The Jade Talon smiled at Brandon’s
the pit. He hadn’t imagined it, the outburst. ‘Perhaps, Detective
hideous thing was still there, slowly, Brandon, but very soon I will be in
remorselessly scuttling across the control of this entire city, from the
floor toward Hsien. As big as a boar, lowest street beggar to the most
its legs as thick and long as a man’s decadent socialite. This city, and
arm, its fangs the size of daggers, its every thing in it will live or die by
loathsome body covered in coarse the will of Wu Sin.’
black hair, the thing was a gigantic
tarantula. Hsien’s hands pawed Brandon tried to pull free from
hopelessly at the smooth walls, his guards, to seize the smirking
trying to pull himself up from the Chinaman and throw him into his
spider’s lair. own spider pit. One of the dacoits
that had been holding Liu Hsien
‘Few western eyes have seen what smashed a fist into Brandon’s head,
you are seeing now, Detective stunning him and quieting his
Brandon,’ Wu Sin told him. Now struggles. The skeletal Celestial
that he had forced himself to look, nodded as he watched his guards
Brandon found himself unable to subdue the unruly detective.
tear his eyes away from the hideous
spectacle. ‘These spiders are found ‘Unfortunately, my spider will be
only in a few mountain valleys deep eating with Brother Hsien for several
in the hinterlands of Mongolia.’ A weeks,’ the Jade Talon apologized. ‘I
note of pride insinuated itself into am afraid that we will need to make
the Jade Talon’s voice. ‘Of course, different accommodations for you,
they don’t grow as big as my pet. Detective Brandon.’ Wu Sin paused

as the woman standing beside him These are the Perils of the Orient, the
touched his arm. He nodded again. sinister villains who swarmed across
the pages of pulp magazines from
‘It appears my sister has taken an the very beginning in the late 1800’s
interest in you, Detective Brandon,’ to the very end in the 1950’s. They
the Jade Talon hissed. Brandon did worked their evil in the cinemas of
not like the grim humour he saw on the day and even radio was not free
Wu Sin’s thin face. ‘After a few hours from their twisted machinations.
in her tender care, you will come to They would carry on into the
wish I had another spider.’ successors of the pulp magazines
–comic books – and would even
bring their particular brand of
villainy to an upstart medium called
Introduction television well beyond the hey-day
of the pulps that spawned them.
From the exotic, mysterious East
they come to menace western It was called the ‘Yellow Peril’ and
civilization, to challenge all that it was a staple of popular fiction by
decent, God-fearing men hold the 1930’s. The formula changed
virtuous. With hatchet and knife, depending upon the medium and the
pistol and poison, they strike from capabilities of the creator. At its most
the shadows. All the cruelty and base, a Yellow Peril story was one
ruthlessness of ancient races lurks that preyed upon and exploited the
behind their sallow faces and almond fears and ignorance of its audience,
eyes. playing upon racial stereotypes of
the time as a way of enhancing its
Like a creeping scourge they slither own impact.
into the great cities of the world,
to plot and plan their insidious Such stories were often rife with
schemes. Some seek only to plunder their own ignorance, penned by men
the people of the West, to slake who perhaps had never even seen
their greed with the dark rewards a Chinese, much less been farther
of crime. Others come to steal not east than St Louis. Yet, with only
wealth but knowledge, stopping at the slightest of research, perhaps
nothing to take the secrets of the limited to consultation of a few
world’s great thinkers and intellects magazine articles, an experienced
and carry that wisdom back with pulpster could bluff his way through
them into the East. The worst, an entire novella, depending upon
however, have still more nefarious the greater ignorance of his audience
goals in mind: nothing less than the to get away with his own. The exotic
destruction of western civilization, aura of the almost mythical Orient,
to cast down the old order and combined with the oft-times racist
rebuild it in the image of the Orient’s fears of the day, served to create
imperial dynasties. a great demand for Yellow Peril

stories, and their popularity ensured The French had made a colony of
that virtually every great pulp Vietnam, for instance, while the
hero of the day would find himself British were defacto rulers of Burma
running against some inscrutable and the Dutch held what is now
villain dressed in a mandarin’s garb. Indonesia. Fu Manchu was driven to
his grandiose plans for conquest and
Some authors, however, treated empire-building as a reaction to this
their subject with a great deal more unrestrained Western imperialism.
care and dignity, though today these
stories are almost universally lumped Rohmer used him not merely to
together with their cruder imitators. evoke the fears of his audience, their
Certainly the greatest writer distrust of the ‘inscrutable Oriental’
associated with Yellow Peril fiction but to also shine a light at what
was Sax Rohmer, who penned his the ‘White Peril’ was doing to the
first novel about his famous creation, cultures and people of the Orient.
the insidious Dr Fu Manchu, in 1913 As Rohmer often pointed out in his
with The Mystery of Dr Fu-Manchu books, and as many of his detractors
and concluding only in 1959 with fail to understand, what Fu Manchu
Emperor Fu Manchu and Rohmer’s was trying to do in Europe and
death. America was no different than what
Europeans and Americans were
Fu Manchu certainly shared in the already doing in places like Hong
villainous qualities that were the Kong and the Philippines. Far from
trademark of his predecessors and being a one-dimensional racist
countless descendents, but combined heavy, in the hands of Rohmer,
with a depth of character that made the Yellow Peril became a mirror
him every bit as three-dimensional to show the ugly reflection of
and unique as a Sherlock Holmes or colonialism and cultural imperialism.
a Captain Nemo. Fu Manchu wasn’t Rohmer, who was an Orientologist
the standard cackling megalomaniac and had studied quite exhaustively
that populated most Yellow Peril the cultures of the East, always took
fiction, but rather was in many ways care to maintain a degree of moral
a flawed hero, but for one thing he’d relativism with Fu Manchu. He is
have been on the side of the angels not so much the villain because he is
rather than civilization’s mortal evil, but because he is ‘on the other
adversary. team’.

In Fu Manchu’s case, the thing Other Yellow Perils stood

that drove him to villainy was not somewhere between the stereotypical
his own ambition, but those of the menaces of Poverty Row serials and
European powers. In the time that the multi-faceted Dr Fu Manchu,
the first Fu Manchu stories were with his underlying social and
written, much of the Orient was political symbolism. These were
controlled by European nations. exotic villains who, while still

certainly Oriental, provided their employing hatchets instead of gats
menace out of good old fashioned and adorning their hideouts with
bad guy motivation – greed, expensive rugs and jade sculpture, at
megalomania and revenge. These their core these characters were often
characters were handled without the little different than the gangsters and
racist overtones of their less cultured mad scientists The Shadow also had
counterparts, what made them evil to contend with. The great Shiwan
was not their culture or background, Khan, one of The Shadow’s arch-
but their own individual failings – rivals, was evil because of who he
just like any other villain. A good himself was, not due to some wicked
example of this would be the many quality inherent in the Mongolian
Oriental villains that came against race, as a less sensitive Yellow Peril
The Shadow, especially when Walter purveyor would no doubt have
B Gibson was behind the Maxwell suggested. To further illustrate the
Grant pseudonym. While lurking point, oftentimes The Shadow would
in the back alleys of Chinatown, find Chinese allies to contend with
his Oriental foes, rallying tongs to society has embraced. In these pages
oppose some nefarious crime lord will be presented some of the most
operating in their midst. common themes that were evoked
in the pulps – from Mongol warriors
Game Masters will no doubt want dreaming of a new empire to sinister
to include Oriental villains at some Tibetan monks with terrible powers
point or another in their campaign, of mysticism and mesmerism, all the
if for no reason than for the same usual suspects have been rounded up
reason they appeared every few and presented for your consideration.
months in the pages of The Shadow
– to break up the monotony of The reader may feel, at times, that
mobsters and mad scientists. GMs the fine line between excess and
more familiar with the pulp era will understanding has been crossed, but
want to include them simply because it should be borne in mind that the
of how large a part the ‘Yellow Peril’ characters presented here are not
played in the fiction of the day. And, representative of their entire culture,
of course, there is the simple fact any more than a murderous Thug is
that even today the East is still an indicative of India’s vast population
exotic land of mystery and adventure or a jack-booted Nazi represents the
to those living in the West, and by entire German ethnic group. A game
utilizing characters from the East, a centred around the themes of heroics
GM can evoke some of that mystery and adventure will, by definition,
and wonder. As has hopefully focus upon the unusual and the
been illustrated, there is nothing extraordinary – and you will find the
inherently racist in presenting Perils of the Orient to be both.
Oriental foes in a campaign. Every
people and culture will produce its The Mastermind
bad apples, and the ancient cultures
of the East are no exception. It is Revisited
when the theme is over-simplified,
playing into stereotypes, when it Any discussion of pulp Oriental
is extended to such a degree that it villains begins with the Mastermind,
seems every Chinese in New York is the criminal fiend who manipulates
an agent of the Black Dragon Tong, both the faceless legions of his
that the GM is straying into the minions and the stalwart heroes
excesses that made much of this sort arrayed against him like pieces
of fiction reprehensible. on some vast chessboard. He is
the heart of the beast, the great
Perils of the Orient walks a fine intellect behind the campaign of
line between the historical excesses robberies, murders and kidnappings
of Yellow Peril fiction and the more that has gripped the city in fear.
respectable appreciation for the The Mastermind is representative
cultures of China and Japan that of villains like Fu Manchu, Yen
a more enlightened and informed Sin, Wu Fang and Shiwan Khan.

Presented properly, a Mastermind himself as a patriot trying to expand
can become the focus of an entire the prestige and power of his
campaign, as the players try to homeland (under his own brilliant
thwart his machinations. But to do guidance, naturally) or he might be
so, the GM should carefully consider the fanatical agent of some strange
the Mastermind’s motives, methods Eastern sect, sent to avenge some
and assets. slight against his temple. Such
Masterminds will often be extremely
No two Masterminds are alike, and principled men, which again makes
even within the bottommost dregs them distinct from the usual mobster
of the pulps, there were wild (and and madman.
often ridiculous) variations upon the
basic theme. Generally speaking, Regardless of motive, regardless
however, there are two main types of even of their cultural and social
Mastermind. The first is the simple backgrounds, Oriental Masterminds
criminal. Certainly his ambitions in pulp stories shared several
– and his greed – are far in excess distinct character traits. Perhaps
of the common mobster or tong the most dramatic was a blood
boss, but still, at the end of the day, chilling nonchalance toward human
the Mastermind is focused upon life and suffering. Masterminds
gathering more wealth and extending would regularly remonstrate their
his criminal empire. underlings with hideous mutilations
for the slightest infraction, with
The second sort of Mastermind is an a swift and brutal death being the
entirely different
creature. While
certainly not
above using the
criminal scum of
the underworld
to achieve his
ends, this sort of
Mastermind is an
idealist who does
not see himself
as a criminal.
The idealist
Mastermind will
have a much
less mundane
objective than
his criminal
He might see

price for anything more severe. have an entire array of exotic ways
Torture, something mobsters would of committing murder, perhaps even
use infrequently, is a staple of the several of their own creation if they
Mastermind and where the methods are given a few levels in the Mad
of the average gangster would be Scientist advanced class. This is,
limited to brass knuckles and a blow perhaps, the most important habit
torch, the tortures employed by a of the Mastermind to develop since
Mastermind would be elaborate it will often be the first sign to the
affairs, as ingenious as they were heroes that their unseen adversary
insidious. is something more than the usual
Another quality shared by almost
all Oriental Masterminds was Doctor Sin, who appeared in Chapter
an extreme sense of honour. A 6, is a reasonable approximation of
Mastermind will be very reluctant to an Oriental Mastermind.
give his word, but when he can be
forced to give it, he will keep it. Of
course, such agreements are kept to East Meets West
the letter rather than to the spirit and
a GM should pay particular attention When gold was discovered in
to whatever oath his players might California, one of the largest
exact from a Mastermind. Insisting migrations from the East began.
that they be released from the Waves of immigrants from China
Mastermind’s Mongolian dungeons, and Japan began to arrive in the
for example, might result in the cities of the western coast of the
heroes being deposited in the middle United States. Trying to find a better
of the Gobi desert without food or life, to make their fortune in the gold
water – the Mastermind has kept fields, most of these immigrants
his word, after all. So long as the found instead back-breaking toil,
letter of any agreement is kept, crushing poverty and racism every
a Mastermind’s honour will be bit as extreme as the rigid class
satisfied. systems of their homelands.

Oriental Masterminds, regardless Chinese immigrants in particular

of their motivations, will always became a common fixture in the
use at least one exotic method of American landscape of the late
dealing death to their enemies. 1800’s, providing a source of
From a covey of Ninja assassins, to cheap labour that was ruthlessly
special Cambodian snake venom, exploited by big business, especially
to deadly Indonesian tarantulas, an the railroad industry. For their
Oriental Mastermind will always efforts, these immigrants faced
have some unique way of killing racial segregation and intolerance
those who stand in his way. The far in excess of even what was
more resourceful Masterminds will inflicted upon the former slaves
of the South. Chinese immigrants
were subject to ‘Exclusion Acts’ Due to the severe restrictions
which prevented them from voting placed upon them, Chinatowns
or becoming citizens, extra taxes quickly found they had no more
simply for being Chinese, and room to grow. Despite attempts to
ruthless oppression at nearly every outlaw immigration from China,
level. The ‘importation’ of Chinese, the flow of Chinese into America
Japanese and Mongolian women was continued almost unabated. Forced
outlawed in many states, ostensibly to live in specific neighbourhoods,
to combat prostitution but with Chinatowns became exceedingly
the overall intention to prevent the crowded and overpopulated. One
Oriental population from increasing. way in which the enterprising early
Throughout it all, the Chinese bore residents of these areas attempted
the injustice imposed on them by the to alleviate the cramped condition
American government with all the was to expand their neighbourhoods
stoicism dictated by their Confucian in the only way segregation laws
philosophy, trying their best to allowed.
succeed even in a land that made it
clear they were not wanted. Almost every Chinatown developed
a complex and vast network of
One of the effects of the segregation tunnels beneath them, complete with
policies implemented across America their own shops and businesses.
and in many European nations was Some of these tunnels even extended
the creation of Chinatowns in many beyond the surface confines of
cities. Chinese and other Oriental Chinatown, something that was
immigrants were severely restricted taken advantage of by all manner
by law as to where they could settle of smugglers and criminals. This
and purchase property. Much like underground activity, combined with
the ‘Red Light’ districts of the day, the xenophobic prejudices of the
the intention was to confine these general population, gave Chinatowns
‘undesirable’ elements within one a particularly unsavoury and
part of the city, and the borders of sinister reputation. Many became
these Chinese districts were often renowned as lawless pits of vice and
brutally enforced, if not by the wickedness, rife with bordellos and
official law-keepers then by vigilante opium dens, ruled by murderous
mobs. This forced segregation tongs.
resulted in neighbourhoods that
reflected the architecture and culture This attitude towards Chinatowns
of China or Japan rather than lasted for decades, it was not until
America. Signs in shop windows 1943 and WWII that the ‘Chinese
would be written Cantonese more Exclusion Act’ was repealed, and
often than English and the tones Chinatowns from New York to LA
of Oriental languages would echo were often the setting for tales of
through the streets. murder and intrigue in the pages
of the pulps. Chinatowns (and the

more infrequent Japantowns) made with knives, blackjacks and garrottes
valuable bases of operation for than they will pistols or other
Oriental Masterminds, allowing firearms. It is a rare tong indeed that
them to blend into the local has the resources and modernization
population and providing them with in place to outfit its enforcers with
a ready source of foot soldiers to Tommy guns and other automatic
further their nefarious plans. While weapons. One weapon that pulp
historical tongs were secret societies tongs seemed to have a particular
created by Chinese immigrants place for was the hatchet, a small
for mutual security and assistance, hand axe used by tong assassins to
the tongs in the pulps were almost brutally eliminate those who had
always presented as organized earned the ire of their organization.
criminal fraternities, something An Oriental mastermind operating
like Chinese versions of the Mafia. out of a Chinatown will often take
Their activities would normally over one or more tongs, then try to
be restricted to the boundaries eliminate or unite any other gangs
of Chinatown, but a particularly operating out of the district. These
troublesome hero could sometimes masterminds need not be the ‘threat
cause a tong to venture beyond their to civilization’ variety, as often as
own territory. not the sort of mastermind who
controls and uses tongs has a much
Although historically, the tongs in more ‘western’ mindset and much
most American Chinatowns were less grandiose objectives – often
becoming much more mellow in content with ‘merely’ establishing a
the 1930’s, curbing the murder and city-wide criminal empire.
mayhem that had characterized the
tong wars that raged in Californian Tong Soldier
Chinatowns for sixty years, the tongs Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6,
that appeared in the pages of the Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d8.
pulps were particularly vicious and Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d8,
bloodthirsty, ready to kill at the drop Guts d6, Intimidation d6, ,Notice d6,
of a hat. Usually while maintaining Knowledge (Chinatown) d8, Stealth
the serene smile of a Celestial. d8, Shooting d6, Throwing d6
Charisma: -4; Pace:6;
Tong members, as presented in the Parry: 6 Toughness:6
pulps, tend to be very savage and Hindrances: Bloodthirsty,
uncompromising, while at the same Obligations (Tong)
time displaying a marked cowardly Edges: Acrobat, Quick Draw
streak. Once things go bad, the thugs Gear: Fu Hatchet (Str +d6)
of a tong will quickly disperse,
scurrying back to their underground
tunnels and disappearing into the Veteran Tong Soldier
Oriental populace of Chinatown. Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8,
They will more often be equipped Spirit d10, Strength d8, Vigor d8.

Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d10, The Dragon Lady
Guts d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d8,
Knowledge (Chinatown) d8, Stealth
d12, Shooting d6, Streetwise d10, The Femme Fatale is excellent for
Throwing d10 representing another fixture of pulp
Charisma: 0; Pace:8; stories – the sensuous Asian crime
Parry: 7 Toughness:6 boss commonly described as ‘the
Hindrances: Obligations (Tong) Dragon Lady’.
Edges:Acrobat, Block, Combat
Reflexes, Dodge, Fleet Footed, Level While it is true that most Oriental
Headed, Quick Draw cultures at the time placed severe
Gear: Hatchet (Str +d6), Two restrictions on the role women could
Peacemaker revolvers (12/24/48 play in society, there were some
Damage 2d6+1, ROF 1 Shots 6) women who were too independent
and too resourceful to quietly accept
the place society had allowed for
Tong Assassin them. The Dowager Empress of
Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, China is one example of a Chinese
Spirit d10, Strength d8, Vigor d8. woman who wielded extreme power
Skills: Climbing d10, Fighting during her reign, manipulating
d10, Guts d8, Intimidation d8, both Chinese and Western elements
Lockpicking d10, Notice d10, within her empire to her own benefit,
Knowledge (Chinatown) d12, most notoriously during the so-called
Spellcasting d8, Stealth d12, ‘Boxer Rebellion’ of the 1890’s.
Shooting d8, Streetwise d10,
Throwing d10 China Mary, a historical character
Charisma: 0; Pace:8; who operated out of Tombstone,
Parry: 7 Toughness:6 Arizona during the town’s heyday
Hindrances: Obligations (Tong) in the 1880’s is another example
Edges:Acrobat, Arcane Background of a powerful, female Chinese.
(Magic), Block, Combat Reflexes, China Mary essentially ran
Dodge, Fleet Footed, Level Headed, Tombstone’s Hoptown, operating
Quick Draw bordellos, opium dens and even
Gear: Hatchet (Str +d6), Do some legitimate businesses such
(Chinese Sword) Str +d8 as restaurants and laundries. Such
Powers: The Tong Assassin have 15 was her power in Hoptown, that
Power Points and now the following no Chinese could be hired or paid
powers: boost trait (mental without the arrangement going
discipline), deflection (iron hand through China Mary. She was a very
block), fly (wire fu), quickness (kung impulsive and headstrong woman,
fu) smite (chi infusion), and speed once running off with a blacksmith
(super speed). to Tuscon only to be brought back to
her husband by a bounty hunter.

In fiction, the Dragon Lady had point of breaking any agreements
much in common with fiendish or promises previously made.
masterminds like Dr Fu Manchu or Henchmen of a Dragon Lady were
Wu Fang. She could be expected even more prone to feeling the lash,
to be merciless, intelligent and and even petty failures might result
resourceful. Even more than her in mutilation or death on the order of
male counterparts, a Dragon Lady their mistress. One thing guaranteed
would also be quick to anger and to earn a Dragon Lady’s murderous
exceedingly vindictive, even to the attentions was anything approaching

insubordination. Perhaps because The Mysterious
of the male-dominated cultural
background, a Dragon Lady would Orient
be very quick to eliminate any
challenge to her authority. The lands of the Orient were places
of mystery and adventure in the
Dragon Ladies were uniformly pages of the pulps. Here were
attractive, and were quite skilled at vast, uncharted regions where
using their sensuous, exotic looks lost civilizations and hidden cities
to best effect. Many a pulp hero felt might yet be found. The ancient
himself drawn toward temptation civilizations of the East had
in the arms of a Dragon Lady. A developed into exotic and inscrutable
Dragon Lady’s affections might be cultures that no Westerner could ever
feigned, and often were, in order hope to truly understand. Fortunes
to gain some useful service from a could be made in these strange lands,
man who could not be bought – for but danger was never far behind.
money that is. However, a Dragon
Lady was equally prone toward Historically, the 1930’s was a time
irrational attractions, usually with of great change and turmoil in the
a pulp hero working toward the Orient. Western powers governed
destruction of her organization. The large portions of Asia. The British
object of a Dragon Lady’s genuine Empire encompassed Burma and
affection would be safe from harm, Malaya, as well as the Chinese
even when sparing the hero was at port city of Hong Kong. Vietnam
odds with the best interest of the was ruled as French Indo-China
Dragon Lady’s plans. But woe to any by France. The Dutch Republic
other woman in the hero’s life, for a had possessions in Java and the
Dragon Lady would be exceptionally other islands which constituted its
inventive in removing such rivals. colony of the Dutch East Indies.
Following the Spanish-American
War, the United States adopted the
Dragon Lady Philippines as a territory.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10,
Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d6. China herself was a land of
Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d8, anarchy and strife. Following the
Knowledge (Chinatown) d10, Notice destruction of the Imperial dynasty,
d6, Persuasion d10, Shooting d6, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek’s
Taunt d8 Nationalists maintained official
Charisma: +4, Pace:6; control over China, but beyond
Parry: 5 Toughness: 7 the great cities, real dominion
Hindrances: Overconfident over the land rested in the hands
Edges: Charmer, Very Attractive of military warlords. The problem
Gear: Varies. of maintaining control over the
remote regions of China would only

grow worse as Mao Tse-Tung’s Mongolia, the land that had given
communists grew in number and birth to the mighty Mongol Empire,
power in the north of the country, an empire that had stretched from
incited into rebellion by Soviet China to the Nile, was undergoing its
support. Manchuria, one of China’s violent entry into the modern world.
most ancient provinces was invaded The echoes of Genghis Khan which
by Japan in 1932, initiating a conflict carried on in the god-kings who had
in Asia that would only really end ruled Mongolia for centuries were
with the close of WWII. Renaming being swept away by the new Soviet-
the region ‘Manchuko’ and placing backed communist government.
Emperor Pyui as their puppet Even with the Soviet army
governor of the conquered realm, marching freely through the wastes
the Japanese would use Manchuria of Mongolia, the land was still a
as a spring board for their ambitions breeding ground for bandits and
elsewhere. robber princes of every description.
In far flung corners, the followers supplementing the crude abilities of
of god-kings such as Seng Chen westernized Orientals with the more
Gegen and Bodgo Gegen could still specialized skills of their ancient
be found, adhering to the old ways in traditions. Pulp writers were often
defiance of their communist rulers. quite free with the nature of the
followers an Oriental mastermind
Forbidden Tibet, a mysterious might gather to himself. A Chinese
mountain world of ice and snow, mastermind, for instance, might
ruled by its priest-lords was even include Mongolian warriors and
more an enigma than any of the Burmese Dacoits among his retinue,
other lands of the East. Here was while a Japanese spy master might
the domain of the lamas and their make use of savage jungle natives
strange eastern mysticism. Here was or even Indian stranglers. The only
the lost world where no Westerner hard and fast rule was that these
was permitted to walk. Tales of the characterful killers be exotic and
Abominable Snowman had already evocative of the public perception of
reached Europeans, and the strange the ‘mysterious Orient’.
world of Tibet seemed the logical
hiding place of such a sinister
creature. It would not be until the Enemies From
German Ahnenerbe SS mounted an the east
expedition to this mountain kingdom What follows are profiles and
that Western eyes would behold its descriptions of some of the more
ancient splendours. common Oriental villains that
featured in the pages of the pulps.
Of all the nations of the Orient, it They can be used as a sampling
is Japan that exists as a stable and of the sort of exotic ‘specialists’ a
independent society. The Japanese criminal mastermind might employ.
Empire has rapidly modernized, It is a good idea to develop at
boasting an impressive navy and a least one type of ‘specialist’ when
well-equipped and highly trained designing a mastermind as this
army. By the 1930’s, in addition will create a ‘signature’ henchman
to the Pacific possessions lost by type, allowing players to quickly
Germany in WWI, Japan’s Empire recognize the hand of their Oriental
includes Korea and Manchuria, lands nemesis without ever setting eyes on
that will provide the raw resources the villain himself. More powerful
for the even greater expansions and resourceful masterminds might
envisioned by the militarist faction include several types of ‘specialists’,
within the Japanese Diet. Dr Fu Manchu for example was
often portrayed as drawing his
In the pages of the pulps, Oriental agents from across the globe and
villains operating in the West would might include any number of
often bring minions and henchmen different nationalities among his
with them from their homelands, men, however there should always

be a prevalent type of minion, one often be equipped with grapples or
that is employed more often than any climbing claws to facilitate entry
other. Again, drawing examples from into upper floor windows and may
literature of the time, Dr Fu Manchu go barefoot to increase their agility
commonly employed Dacoits while while climbing. The weapons
Shiwan Khan would use Mongol favoured by a pulp Dacoit will
warriors. almost always be knives, especially
throwing knives, though they will
DacoitS sometimes employ strangler’s
Real Dacoits are armed robbers, a cords as well. A pulp Dacoit is
class of bandits in India who are characterized by unswerving
characterized by the ferocity of loyalty as well, thinking nothing of
their attacks (no doubt hoping to sacrificing his life if there is a chance
scare their victims into submission of furthering his master’s plans.
and eliminate the need to use the
weapons they carry). In the pages Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8,
of the pulps, however, Dacoits were Spirit d10, Strength d8, Vigor d8
quite different. Due no doubt to the Skills: Climbing d10, Fighting
influence of Sax Rohmer, Dacoits d8, Guts d8, Intimidation d8,
were more often from Burma rather Lockpicking d8, Notice d10,
than India. While still fierce and Shooting d8, Stealth d12, Swimming
armed, Dacoits also became masters d6, Throwing d10.
of stealth and acrobatics, able to Charisma -4; Pace 8
sneak into homes and infiltrate Parry: 7; Toughness: 6
government buildings without Hindrances: Bloodthirsty
making a sound. Pulp Dacoits will Edges: Block, Combat Reflexes,
Dodge, Fleet
Footed, Level
Quick Draw,
Gear: Knife
(Str +d4),
Cord (after
strike Str
+d6 every
round unless
victim makes
opposed Str

Parry: 7; Toughness: 7
Mongolian WarriorS
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty
In the era of the pulps, the last
Edges: Block, Combat Reflexes,
vestiges of the ancient Mongolian
Dodge, Hard to Kill, Level Headed,
culture would sometimes be brought
No Mercy
into the cities of the Western world.
Gear: Sword (Str +d8), Spear (Str
The prospect of a new Genghis Khan
+d6), Bow (12/24/48 Damage 2d6,
ascending from the fragmented lands
ROF 1).
of the Orient to forge a new Mongol
Empire was a theme repeated often
in pulp stories, serials and films. Ninja
Among the most potent weapons Although almost unknown in the era
such a would-be god-king might of the pulps, Ninja have become a
command were Mongolian warriors. fixture of many modern ‘neo-pulp’
story dealing with Oriental themes.
The Mongolian warrior of the pulps Ninja are assassin-spies from Japan,
was a powerful, strong soldier, experts at stealth and murder. The
steeped in the military traditions of origins of the ninja stretch back into
the ancient past. Sword and spear, the misty past of feudal Japan when
bow and arrow, these were the peasant farmers found it necessary
weapons the Mongolian warrior to protect themselves from roving
would use to serve his master and bands of bandits and samurai.
destroy those who would oppose
his rise to power. Often dressed in Unable to compete on an equal
lacquered armour, armed with his footing with well-armed bandits and
medieval weapons, a Mongolian well-trained samurai, the peasants
warrior created a very vivid employed guerrilla tactics to defend
and memorable minion for any their villages and farms. Over the
mastermind he served. Although centuries, such skills were honed to
skilled at shadowing a target, a an amazing degree and incorporated
Mongolian warrior showed little unique martial arts techniques.
patience for tactics in general, Because ninja were peasants, and
almost always taking the most direct therefore not bound by the strict
route to eliminate an enemy. Even code of honour the samurai lived
more fiercely loyal than a Dacoit, a by, Japanese lords often used them
Mongolian warrior would rather die for espionage, infiltration and
than fail his divine master. assassination, all duties that were
beneath the dignity of a samurai. A
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, ninja in a pulp setting will be used
Spirit d10, Strength d10, Vigor d10 for similar duties by the mastermind
Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d10, he or she serves.
Guts d10, Intimidation d8, Notice
d6, Shooting d8, Throwing d10. Ninja, while extremely professional,
Charisma -4; Pace 6 will not display the suicidal kind
of loyalty shown by Dacoits or
Mongolian warriors. If things go Martial Artist
bad, a ninja’s first thoughts will be In the days of the pulps, the exotic
of escape, though he might return unarmed combat techniques
at a more opportune time to avenge developed in the Orient were still
the dishonour of being routed by things of wonder and mystery, with
his enemies. The main thing to bear all sorts of wild and imaginative
in mind is that a ninja will always attributes assigned to them by a
strike when circumstances are most largely ignorant western world.
in his favour. At this time, almost superhuman
abilities such as dodging bullets
Ninja in fiction will typically wear and killing a man with a sinister
all black suits with a head covering ‘death touch’ were held as common
that leaves only the eyes exposed. elements of these strange and sinister
They employ a wide variety of tools fighting styles practised in the East.
and weapons in carrying out their Of the numerous schools of the
assignments, from smoke bombs, martial arts, only Japanese karate
grappling claws, throwing stars and and judo were widely known in the
the shinobigatana sword to caltrops East. Indeed, many pulpsters would
and firecrackers. Anything that might refer to Chinese martial artists as
help confuse, disorient and impair ‘judo masters’ as a way of conveying
an enemy can be expected to find and explaining the extraordinary
its way into a ninja’s bag of tricks. abilities they employed. It would
Under no circumstances will a ninja not be until well after WWII and
even consider fighting fair. the exposure of western soldiers
to Oriental cultures that a greater
understanding of these remarkable
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, arts would become more common,
Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d8. leading directly into the Kung-Fu
Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting phenomenon of the 1960’s and ‘70’s.
d6, Guts d8, Intimidation d6,
Lockpicking d8, Notice d8, Shooting Any Oriental Mastermind worth
d6, Stealth d8, Swimming d6, his salt will probably have at least
Throwing d8 one Martial Artist in his entourage,
Charisma: +0; Pace: 6; perhaps as a valued lieutenant or a
Parry: 6; Toughness: 6 deceivingly unimposing bodyguard.
Hindrances: -- A Martial Artist can also fulfil the
Edges: Acrobat, Quick Draw, Thief. role assassin or spy, using his unique
Gear: Shinobigatana (Str +d6, skills to confound the conventions
AP2), Shuriken (3/6/12, Str +d4), of western authorities. The below
Smoke Pellets (2/4/8, small burst profile depicts an experienced and
template, -6 to see or attack through talented Martial Artist who could
template, lasts 3 rounds). serve as a ranking member of a
mastermind’s organization.

Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, the jungle, only the brutal struggle
Spirit d10, Strength d8, Vigor d8. between man and unforgiving nature.
Skills: Climbing d10, Fighting The people who dwell in these
d10, Guts d8, Intimidation d8, places are rugged and hard, survivors
Lockpicking d10, Notice d10, who have become as primeval as the
Spellcasting d8, Stealth d12, land they inhabit.
Shooting d8, Streetwise d10,
Throwing d10 Tales of headhunters and wild men
Charisma: -2; Pace:8; never failed to captivate western
Parry: 7 Toughness:6 audiences, and when such savages
Hindrances: Outsider were depicted in the misty lands
Edges:Acrobat, Arcane Background of the Orient, the captivation was
(Magic), Block, Combat Reflexes, made all the more enthralling. One
Dodge, Fleet Footed, Level Headed, of the earliest of these ‘primitives’
Quick Draw to appear in popular fiction was the
Gear: 2 Nunchaku (Str +d6) character of Tonga in Sir Arthur
Powers: The Martial Artist has 15 Conan Doyle’s The Sign of Four,
Power Points and now the following one of the earliest of the Sherlock
powers: boost trait (mental Holmes stories. Tonga was depicted
discipline), deflection (iron hand as hailing from the Andaman Islands,
block), fly (wire fu), quickness (kung a sharp-toothed pygmy killer who
fu) smite (chi infusion), and speed employed a blowgun in his murders.
(super speed). The example of Tonga carried on
for decades, filling the pages of the
pulps with innumerable imitators.
Jungle Tribesmen Everyone from the Shadow to Doc
While many of the civilizations in Savage would have their wits and
the Orient boast centuries of culture courage tested by these savage
and history, philosophical and throwbacks to a more primordial
scientific development, there also age. Perhaps the best known of the
exist, even today, isolated societies pulp-age savages are the Tcho-Tcho
that continue to subsist at almost people created by horror writer H. P.
stone age levels. These isolated Lovecraft. Presented as diminutive,
tribes linger in some of the most barely-human cannibals, the Tcho-
remote and unforgiving lands it is Tcho exemplified the bestial ferocity
possible to imagine: the festering of an earlier epoch, an atavistic
swamps of New Guinea, the fever- reminder of mankind’s repulsive
ridden jungles of Vietnam, the past.
sweltering hill-country of Burma’s
remote interior. These are lands that A Mastermind who makes use of
test a man every day, demanding Jungle Tribesmen often presents
his every effort be devoted to the himself as a god, or at least
simple task of staying alive. There is an instrument of a god’s will.
no time for poetry and invention in Superstition and fear are the only

things that can bind such primitives Black Monk
to the command of an outsider. The mystics of Tibet and Nepal were
Their uses are limited, clearly their source many pulp writers plundered
ability to understand or interact when in need of a ‘scientific’
with the modern world is limited at explanation for magical effects
best. However, for brutal, merciless in a story. Yoga, Buddhism, and
killers, it is hard to imagine anything even Confucian philosophy were
more horrible than the snarling laced with exotic, almost arcane,
visage of a dwarfish cannibal as he trappings in the pages of the pulps.
scurries silently up the side of a fire- The extraordinary feats described
escape. Normally, a Mastermind will in travellers’ tales brought back by
tend to have only a single Tribesman those who had visited the Orient
in his entourage, but more ambitious were expanded upon until the
ones could conceivable have spirited Buddhist monasteries high in the
an entire clan from their jungle Himalayas became synonymous with
homes. A wise Mastermind employs astral projection, levitation, telepathy
these fiends with caution, however. and even stranger accomplishments
Any sign of weakness on his part of mental awareness and spiritual
could get the Tribesmen wondering discipline.
about his claims of divinity…
Naturally, the pulps made ready use
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, of public perceptions of the arcane
Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d8. arts of the East. The Shadow’s
Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d8, amazing abilities to ‘cloud men’s
Guts d6, Intimidation d6, ,Notice d6, minds’ was attributed to studying
Knowledge (Jungle) d8, Stealth d8, under Tibetan monks. More often,
Shooting d6, Throwing d6 however, the mystic arts developed
Charisma: -4; Pace:6; in the hermitages of Mongolia and
Parry: 6 Toughness:6 Nepal were depicted in a more
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Savage sinister light. The Shadow’s nemesis,
Edges: Acrobat, First Strike Shiwan Khan, for example, was a
Gear: Spear (Str +d6) master of these exotic techniques of
hypnosis and telepathy.

In the fiction of Robert E Howard,

renowned creator of Conan of
Cimmeria, an entire black order of
evil Buddhist monks was based in
the remote wastes of Mongolia, a
twisted society of depraved minds
that had unlocked secrets mankind
was never meant to know, capable
even of torturing the physical
body into new and horrible shapes,
villain. To really give heroes a
workout, perhaps several Black
Monks have journeyed from their
hidden monasteries to plague the
civilized world.

The important thing for the GM

to bear in mind is the motivation
behind a Black Monk’s excursion
into the western world. Black
Monks have forsaken the needs
and desires of common men, and
they have little to share in the
base motives of lesser criminals.
Fulfilling prophecy, seeking to
reclaim lost relics, or revenge
transforming one trespasser into their against the defilers of ancient tombs
domain into a living werewolf. are just some of the purposes that
can drive a Black Monk.
In the occult works of the time, two
mystical kingdoms were held to be Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10,
hidden within the vastness of the Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d10.
Himalayas: Shambhalah and Agharti. Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d12,
While Shambhalah was presented Intimidation d8, ,Notice d8, Psionics
as a utopian ideal of morality and d10, Stealth d8, Shooting d6,
good, Agharti was a sinister and Throwing d6
wicked place where sorcerers delved Charisma: +0; Pace:6;
into the lost wisdom of vanquished Parry: 9 Toughness:7
civilizations in their quest to Hindrances: Outsider, Vow
dominate the entire world. These Edges:Arcane Background
adepts of Agharti would sometimes (Psionics), Improved Block,
venture in the outer world, spying on Improved Dodge, Jack-of-all-Trades,
the lands they plotted against. Mentalist, New Power, Power
Points, Scholar
Black Monks represent these Gear: Nangun (Str +d4)
nefarious mystics from the forbidden Powers: Deflection(super block),
East. Masters of mental disciplines Environmental Protection (mind
and powers far beyond anything over matter), Healing (internal
known in the West, a Black medecine), Invisibility (cloud men’s
Monk presents a truly formidable minds), Quickness (reflexes), Speed
challenge. While appropriate to (martial training), Stun (nerve
be used as a master criminal in his points). 25 Power Points.
own right, a Black Monk might find
himself as an ally or agent of another

Oriental Armory several weapons associated with
Dacoits in the pulps.
Do – The Do is a straight sword used Damage: Str +d6
in China, roughly the same size and
shape as the western broadsword. Keris – The wavy-bladed Keris is a
Damage: Str +d8 large knife used by the people of the
Phillipines, Java and Thailand. It is a
Fu – The Fu is a Chinese combat stabbing rather than slashing weapon
axe. It is used one-handed and a and hideously leathal in the hands of
skilled practitioner will typically a skilled fighter.
employ one in either hand. The Fu Damage: Str +d6
is the preferred weapon of Tong
assassins, though most are forced to Naginata – The Naginata is a
employ the hatchets that are more Japanese spear with a curved steel
common in western cities. blade. It is a slashing rather than
Damage: Str +d6 stabbing weapon and historically
was used by infantry to defend
Gou – The Gou is another Chinese against mounted samurai in a fashion
sword. Unlike the Do, it is not a similar to the European pike.
straight sword, but has a hooked Damage: Str +d8
blade that is designed to slash
enemies. Nangun – The Nangun is a Chinese
Damage: Str +d6+2 combat staff made from wax wood.
The weapon can deliver brutal, bone-
Katana – The Katana is the famed shattering strikes that can quickly
sword of the samurai of Japan. subdue an adversary.
With the increasing militarization Damage: Str +d4
of Japan, the Katana is once again
being seen as a status symbol and Nunchaku – Developed by
Japanese officers will carry hastily Okinawan and Japanese peasant
made, mass produced Katanas with farmers as a way of getting around
them into the coming world war. The laws that prohibited the possession
Katana is a slashing weapon honed of edged weapons, the Nunchaku
to an incredibility fine edge, more consists of a pair of sticks attached
akin to a giant razor than a sword. at one end by a length of chain
Damage: Str +d6+2 AP2 or rope. In the hands of a skilled
practitioner, Nunchaku can be used
Katar – The Katar is a punch dagger to deliver a rapid and disorienting
used by thieves and assassins in flurry of strikes and even overcome
India, Burma and Indonesia. These the reach of adversaries with swords
weapons are small and designed for and spears.
concealment, delivering a deadly Damage: Str +d6, Ignores Parry &
surprise when hidden within a Cover bonus
clenched fist. The Katar is one of
Qiang – In China, the spear is held Tulwar – Although a weapon
as the ‘king of weapons’. The Qiang originating in India and which
consists of a leaf-shaped steel blade spread west into Afghanistan and
fitted to a seven foot long wooden Persia rather than east into Burma
shaft. A tassel of horse-hair is and Thailand, the curved Tulwar
attached just beneath the blade, both nevertheless was frequently found
to disorient an enemy and to soak up in use by ceremonial guards in the
blood once the weapon is stabbed lair of many a fiendish Oriental
into the body of an opponent. Mastermind. Although the curved
Damage: Str +d8 blade is designed for slashing an
enemy, the sharp point of the weapon
Sai – Typically Sais will be used can also be used for stabbing.
as a pair, one held in either hand. Damage: Str +d10
The weapon is a blunt dagger that
originates in Okinawa. It is a largely
defensive weapon, used to disarm
enemies by means of catching an Horrors of the
attacker’s blade with one of the blunt Orient
projections that frame the central
blade of the Sai. They are sometimes
depicted as being used in more The villains of the East did not
offensive styles. come alone when they turned their
Damage: Str +d4, Parry +1 cruel eyes on the West. The fiendish
nightmares of an entire continent and
Shinobigatana – Shorter than thousands of years of civilization
the Katana used by samurai, the and culture came with them. No
Shinobigatana is a razor-edged Oriental villain worth his salt did
sword employed by Ninja, typically not have some hideous and revolting
constructed with baser materials and creature lurking within his lair, ready
less craftsmanship than the elaborate to deliver a horrible death to those
artistry involved in fabrication of a unfortunates who earned the villain’s
Katana. ire. Poisonous vermin of every
Damage: Str +d6 AP2 description slithered and crawled
through the pages of a Yellow Peril
Shuriken – Coming in a wide story, from venomous lizards to
variety of shapes, sizes and enormous centipedes and spiders.
materials, Shuriken are small blades An Oriental villain was often quite
that can be thrown at enemies inventive when employing such
or used in hand-to-hand combat. inhuman assassins, designing cages
Traditionally they were fabricated that would slowly lower a victim
from household materials such as into a pit of snakes or a pungent
needles and coins. Typical shapes perfume that would draw a giant
include nail-like spikes, bladed stars scorpion across half a city in search
and razor-edged discs. of its odorous target.
Range 3/6/12, Damage Str +d4
Sometimes the inhuman agents encountered.
of an Oriental villain were even
more bizarre. Trained crocodiles, Some of the mystics and god-kings
intelligent apes, gigantic lizards, of Mongolia have captured these
nothing was too strange or wild for snakes in the past and used them
the pages of the pulps to present as deadly guardians within treasure
to readers. Indeed, the stranger the vaults and tombs. The floor of the
better was often the rule of the day. chamber in which the snakes are
placed is covered with a thin layer
Below are a few unusual creatures of sand. Since the snakes move by
from the Orient that will fit in quite burrowing through the sand, and
well even in a campaign that is since their scales blend in perfectly,
running with a restrained element of the lethal vipers are all but invisible
the fantastic. to someone who does not know
what to look for. Less scrupulous
individuals sometimes use the
Allghoi Khorkhoi Allghoi Khorkhoi as a method for
The infamous ‘Mongolian Death terror, the superstitious dread with
Worm’ is a feared inhabitant of the which the Mongolians regard this
Gobi Desert. Despite its name, the snake cannot be understated. A fierce
creature is not actually a worm at warrior who would happily wade
all, but a highly venomous primitive into machine gun fire can be reduced
viper. Small, nearly blind, and quite to a whimpering child simply with
sluggish, the Allghoi Khorkhoi relies the threat of the Allghoi Khorkhoi.
upon its uncanny camouflaged scales
and deadly venom to subdue prey The Allghoi Khorkhoi is a good
and protect itself from predators. In representative of the type of
the Gobi, they prey upon insects and poisonous creatures an Oriental
small lizards, lurking just beneath villain might keep as pets, guardians,
the sand until the snake detects the or executioners.
vibrations of the creature’s approach.
It then launches itself from the Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts
sand, stabbing its poisonous fangs d4(A), Spirit d6, Strength d4, Vigor
into the prey. Because the snake d4
hunts by vibrations in the sand Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d6, Notice
rather than sight or smell, it will d12, Stealth d12
often attack animals much too large Pace: 6, Parry: 6, Toughness: 2
for it to devour, including human Natural Tools: Bite (str)
beings. It is this propensity to attack Special Abilities:
anything that comes close to it that • Poison: The Mongolian
has made the Allghoi Khorkhoi Deathworm’s bite is poisonous. A
such a menace to the inhabitants of character bitten must make a Vigor
the Gobi. Fortunately, the serpents roll. With success, the bite area
are extremely rare and seldom swells and becomes numb. The

Victim becomes Exhausted until populations of the valleys, reclaimed
healed. With a failure, the victim from the swamps for use as rice
becomes Incapacitated and must fields. As a result, the lizards have
make a second Vigor roll or die in become extinct in many of their
2d6 minutes. former territories.
• Vibration Sense: The
Mongolian deathworm doesn’t The Buru is a throwback to the
need to see or smell to attack. time of the great reptiles and just
They can sense their prey by the sort of unusual creature a hero
vibrations. might find haunting the lair of an
• Quick: The snake is fast, able to Oriental villain. While normally
discard action cards of 5 or lower inoffensive to humans, the lizards
and draw another. can be ‘trained’ after a fashion to
• Size -2: The Mongolian act as guards for a villain who is
Deathworm is 3 to 4 feet in length, patient and resourceful enough to
but only a few inches thick. accommodate them. The intelligence
• Small: Anyone attacking a of a Buru is quite limited, the
Mongolian Deathworm must reptiles are pure instinct. They can
subtract 2 from their attack rolls. be tricked into a heightened state of
alertness by the simple expedient
of aggravating their keen sense of
smell. By feeding the Burus a diet
Buru of specific pungent variety, a villain
The Buru is a large semi-aquatic can cause the lizards to associate
lizard that hails from the remote the smell with food. Treating a
valleys of the Himalayas. It is corridor or chamber so that it exudes
blue-black in colour, fading to an this food smell will aggravate any
off-white along the belly. The scales hungry Burus placed in it, causing
are small and fine except along the them to become increasingly
back, which is covered in a layer aggressive and agitated. Especially
of tougher, plate-like scales. The brutal villains might also douse
lizards grow to over 15’ in length, a captive in the scent of a Buru’s
sporting long, whip-like tails and normal diet, then loose the lizards to
enormous clawed feet. While its hunt down the unfortunate. By the
body resembles that of monitor time the slow-witted Burus realise
lizards such as the Komodo dragon, that what they have tracked down
the Buru’s head is narrower and isn’t a tasty melon but a stringy
sharper, its powerful jaws filled with G-man, it will be much too late to do
flat molars rather than sharp fangs. the victim much good.
A herbivore, the Buru dwells in
swamps and marshland, spending Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4
much of its time in the water except (A), Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor
when sunning itself in the early d10
morning. Much of the Buru’s habitat Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d6, Notice
has been destroyed by the native
d6, Swim d8 rarely a dirty grey. The creature’s
Pace: 3; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9 (2) immense strength and endurance are
Special Abilities renowned, it is capable of carrying
• Armor +2: Thick skins. off livestock and, in tradition,
• Aquatic: Pace 5 Tibetan women. While the Tibetan
• Bite: Str+d6. traditions blur the line between the
• Size +3: A Buru is 15’ long Yeti’s existence as a real animal or
a demon of the mountains, scientific
speculation has sometimes pointed
toward Gigantopithecus a giant ape
Abominable that inhabited China in prehistoric
The mysterious creature that The Abominable Snowman was
reputedly haunts the Himalayas first a fixture of popular media during
came to the attention of Western the pulp period. The Yeti menaced
civilization in 1925 with reports explorers in the pages of pulp
from a British mountaineering magazines such as Weird Tales
expedition. Some of the Sherpa and even Doc Savage as well as
guides pointed out a strange object adventurers in radio programs
climbing down the lower slopes. such as ‘Escape’. The creature was
Although it was hard to make out depicted as savage and ferocious,
details, the shape was undeniably echoing the ‘killer ape’ popularized
bipedal and the movement distinctly on the silver screen, but also
unnatural and inhuman. The story presented as something more than
was soon carried in newspapers merely an animal. The Yeti is a
across the world, the Tibetan word creature with intelligence and the
yeti mistranslated by the British ability to reason, not a simple brute
press as ‘Abominable Snowman’. governed by instinct and natural
The fascinating enigma would grip cunning. It is this intelligence that
the imagination of the world and some Eastern mystics can exploit
ignite a controversy that continues to to gain control over a Yeti, bringing
fuel both derision and speculation. the horror down from the high
mountains and into the shadows of
The Yeti is a huge, ape-like biped, civilization.
standing between 8 and 12 feet in
height and weighing perhaps as
much as 1,000 pounds. It walks Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts
upright, like a man, and leaves d6(A), Spirit d8, Strength d12, Vigor
behind enormous footprints in the d10
ice and snow. Although popular Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d8,
culture has since depicted the Yeti Guts d6, Notice d8, Stealth d8
as possessing white fur, actual Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9 (1)
sightings and tradition depicts the Special Abilities
creature as brown, black, or more • Armor +1: Thick fur
• Claws: Str +d6
• Camoflauge: Yeti
add +4 to Stealthr
olls in snowy
• Immunity
(Cold): Yeti
suffer no damage
from cold weather
or cold-based attacks.
• Size +1: Yeti are
larger and brawnier
than humans.

Adventure Seeds • A number of prominent citizens

are discovered murdered in
The following are adventure seed hideous and bizarre fashion.
ideas using Perils of the Orient: Investigation by the Player-
Characters will reveal that all
• A cabal of Black Monks, from of the victims are shareholders
the hidden city of Agharti, have in a railroad company. Further
come to the Player Characters investigation will reveal that
home city, in order to recover the victims were the sons and
priceless Tibetan mystical daughters of the original founders
artifacts which have been brought of the company, and that the
back from the Himalayas by an company was responsible for the
unwitting explorer, under the deaths of a great many Chinese
mistaken impression that the workers during the construction
artifacts are merely curios and of its rail lines in the West.
works of art.
An Oriental Mastermind, who
The Black Monks try first to views himself as the heir to
locate the items by kidnapping Mandate of Heaven, is taking
the explorer from a reception at revenge for the ill treatment
the Geographic Society Club, of his race at the hands of the
but the items have already been westerners, as the first part of
sent to the museum. The Player his plan to consolidate support
Characters will have to uncover among the Chinese community
the plot, defend the explorer, and worldwide...and then to form a
prevent the Monks from getting World Empire, with himself on
their hands on the artifacts. the throne.
Chapter Ten:

Adventure Generator
The pages that follow feature a series determine via the tables presented,
of tables which can be used by a GM and when completed, the generator
to randomly generate the outline of will create a full outline of the
an adventure, from plot, to locations, adventure, ready to be fleshed out
to action scenes, and more. It is with statted NPCs, and waiting for
based on a Master Plot Formula that victims....er...I mean eager players.
was used by Lester Dent, the creator
of Doc Savage. The italicized Here’s how it starts:
sections are quotations directly from
Dent’s formula. 1. A DIFFERENT MURDER
Dent advocated the division of a
pulp story into four sections, which 2. A DIFFERENT THING FOR
we’ll call Acts. He then broke each VILLAIN TO BE SEEKING
Act down into the elements that he
felt were necessary to feature within 3. A DIFFERENT LOCALE
that section.
Our random adventure generator HANG LIKE A CLOUD OVER
will work the same way. For HERO
each section, there will be
a number of One of these DIFFERENT
variables things would be nice, two
which a better, three swell.
GM can

We’ll combine these suggestions
into three elements, which are
determined before you start laying
out the adventure itself. The three
elements are:

1) The Villain (who is it?)

2) The Fiendish Plot (what is the
Villain doing?)
3) The main Location. (Where does
this occur?)

Each element is arrived at by rolling

on the tables that follow.

Gangster: One of the

many members of orga-
Table 1: The Villain nized crime gangs that
D% Roll Result plagued the period.
01-04 Gangster
05-09 Occultist Occultist: A villain with
10-13 Murderer an interest or skill in
14-17 Supernatural Threat Occult matters (whether
18-21 Communist magic is real or fake is up
22-25 Cult Leader to the GM).
26-29 Ruler of Lost Civilization
30-33 Mad Scientist Murderer: Someone who
34-37 Wicked Foreigner has killed another person-
38-41 Thief -this individual may not
42-45 Assassin have been a “Villain” prior
46-49 Femme Fatale to this event, and may
50-53 Crooked Cop not fit the classical villain
54-57 Dictator modes--best used in mur-
58-61 Nazi der mystery adventures.
62-65 Business Magnate
66-69 Crime Lord Supernatural Threat: A
70-73 Pirate ghost, a mummy, a vam-
74-77 Anarchist pire, etc. (The GM will
78-81 Society Swell have to determine whether
82-85 Crooked Politician or not the supernatural
86-88 Alien Invader exists, or whether this is a
89-93 Mastermind “scooby doo” mystery)
94-97 Nemesis
98-00 Roll Twice and Combine Communist: Used almost
interchangeably with
Nazis in latter pulps. An 171
evil member of the International Business Magnate: Capitalist gone
Communist Conspiracy, looking to wrong.
subvert and conquer freedom-loving
countries. Crime Lord: The ruler of a vast
criminal empire, not neccesarily
Cult Leader: The mad leader of a connected to “classical” organized
group of fanatics. crime.

Ruler of Lost Civilization: Anything Pirate: One who steals from (and
ranging from a descendant of Genghis using) vehicles, whether on sea,
Khan trying to re-assert the Mongol land, or in the air.
Horde, to a Witch Doctor who rules a
hidden African Tribe. Anarchist: Madman dedicated to
the overthrow of civilization.
Mad Scientist: “They called me Society Swell: A member of the
Mad at the University!” They were upper class, including the rich and
right. famous.

Wicked Foreigner: Historically Crooked Politician: Power-mad

speaking, these were almost always and sticking it to the little guy.
Oriental (q.v. Fu Manchu), but any
foreign culture will do. Alien Invader: Either the actual
invaders themselves, or their earth-
Thief: A villain who specializes in bound servant trying to bring about
burglary and other forms of theft. the invasion.

Assassin: An individual whose Mastermind: The pinnacle of the

business is killing. Not a simple criminal class.
murderer, but a professional.
Nemesis: If the main hero (or team
Femme Fatale: You knew she was if there is no main hero) has a nem-
trouble when you got a look at those esis, they re-appear. If none exists,
gams.... create one--a dark reflection of the
the hero, Moriarty to Holmes...The
Crooked Cop: A man who has Joker to Batman.
turned his back on his oath to uphold
the law. Roll Twice and Combine: GMs
can either combine both rolls in a
Dictator: The power-hungry des- single villain, or feature more than
potic ruler of a nation. one villain.

Nazi: Evil Fascist. The classic pulp

villain. I hate these guys.

Table 2: Table 3:
The Fiendish Plot, Part 1 The Fiendish Plot, Part 2
D% Roll Result D% Roll Result
01-04 Manipulate 01-04 Monster
05-09 Sell 05-09 Building
10-13 Acquire 10-13 People
14-17 Kill 14-17 A Country
18-21 Control 18-21 Treasure
22-25 Steal 22-25 An Enemy
26-29 Create 26-29 An Object
30-33 Hunt 30-33 An Invention
34-37 Terrorize 34-37 A Woman
38-41 Infiltrate 38-41 A Man
42-45 Overthrow 42-45 The Hero (or team)
46-49 Obliterate 46-49 Money
50-53 Ransom 50-53 A City
54-57 Blackmail 54-57 The World
58-61 Hijack 58-61 A Vehicle
62-65 Bomb 62-65 A Business
66-69 Smuggle 66-69 A Lost World
70-73 Murder 70-73 Jewels
74-77 Rob 74-77 A Ruler
78-81 Attack 78-81 Someone famous
82-85 Rule 82-85 A rival
86-88 Take 86-88 The Law
89-93 Destroy 89-93 Innocent Victims
94-97 Extort 94-97 Hero’s Friends or Family
98-00 Roll Twice and Combine 98-00 Roll Twice and Combine

To determine the Fiendish Plot, roll decided to destroy a hidden island or

once on Table 2 and once on Table 3, secret city. Why?
and combine the results. A result of
98-00 on either table can be inter- On occasion, the rolls may not make
preted as either a second roll on both sense. (“Bomb Jewels,” for example)
tables, or just one, as the GM sees The GM is encouraged to think the
fit. result through anyway. The pulps,
after all, were known for bizarre
For example: A roll of 16 and 44 stories. Perhaps the villain plans to
would yield the result: “Kill The build a bomb using diamonds, the
Hero.” The villain has decided that hardest substance known to man?
his plans would work much better What for?
without the hero in the way. A roll
of 48 and 67 would generate: “Oblit-
erate A Lost World.” The villain has
Thinking about it for a moment, I
come up with an idea for a William
Table 4:
Randolph Hearst-style tycoon, who
Main Location
is trying to take over a small, oil-rich
D% Roll Result desert nation, looking for an artifact
01-04 City: The Docks
in a Lost City in the desert sands to
05-09 Far-off Jungle
10-13 Asian Country do it! He’s looking for the fabled
14-17 European Country Scimitar of Al-Azif, and if he finds
18-21 Third-World Country it, he will have a legitimate claim to
22-25 City: slums the throne of Qurania! If he gains
26-29 City: Chinatown control over the country, its people
30-33 Desert are doomed to a life of slavery...can
34-37 At Sea the heroes stop him?
38-41 Lost City
42-45 Secret Base
46-49 City: Entertainment District
50-53 City: Warehouses
54-57 In the Air Rolling for all three elements, I get:
58-61 City: Tenderloin District
62-65 Farmland • 00: Roll Twice and Combine.
66-69 Forest I get a 85, 22, which gives me
70-73 Another City Crooked Politician and Cult
74-77 Cross-country (train, etc) Leader, which I decide to combine
78-81 City: University into a single villain.
82-85 City: Government
86-88 City: Museums
89-93 City: Skyscrapers • 63, 81: Bomb Someone Famous
94-97 Arctic/Antarctic
98-00 Roll Twice and Combine • 47: City: Entertainment District

Wow--this is a juicy one! This one

The assumption made on this table unfolds in my mind, giving me the
is that the GM is playing a generic idea of a District Attorney who is
Hero Pulp campaign, where the secretly the head of a Cult called the
PCs are based in a big city (usually Red Hand. The Red Hand has de-
New York). Pulp campaigns set cided that America’s troubles are due
elsewhere (Lost Worlds, etc.) should to their worship of false idols, and so
have locations determined by the have decided to plant a bomb at the
GM. gala premiere of a movie--which will
wipe out most of the screen stars of
EXAMPLE OF ADVENTURE the time, who will be in attendance.
Rolling for all three elements, I get:
• 63: Business Magnate
• 87, 16: Take A Country
• 38: Lost City.
Table 5:
Now that you’ve got the set-up, we The Hook
move to the first act of the adventure.
D% Roll Result
Let’s see what Lester Dent has to say
01-11 Solicitation
about the first act:
12-20 Dead Body
21-30 Disaster
First line, or as near thereto as
31-42 Attack
possible, introduce the hero and
43-56 Bizarre Occurance
swat him with a fistful of trouble.
57-65 News
66-77 Friend in Need
We’ll call this the hook--what gets
78-90 Up To Our Necks
the PCs involved. We’ll have a table
91-96 Roll Twice
for that.
97-00 Other
Introduce ALL the other
characters as soon as possible.
Solicitation: The simplest of plot
Bring them on in action.
hooks--an NPC (unknown to the
characters) comes to the characters
For this, we’ll move to another table
and asks for their help.
which will give us the supporting
characters that will feature in the
Dead Body: The characters en-
counter a corpse, which has some
clue on it regarding the Fiendish
Hero’s endevours land him in an
actual physical conflict
Disaster: A horrible disaster oc-
Now we get to the good stuff. We’ll
curs, somehow related to the Fiend-
create the first action sequence, using
ish Plot, and draws the character’s
a table designed specifically for that.
Near the end of first 1500 words,
Attack: An attack occurs (on
there is a complete surprise twist in
someone other than the characters),
the plot development.
somehow related to the Fiendish
And to mark the end of the act, we
add a twist in the plot which spins us
Bizarre Occurance: A strange,
into the second act. You guessed it,
inexplicable event happens, some-
we’ve got a plot twist table.
how related to the Fiendish Plot. In
the tradition of the pulps, the more
outlandish and bizarre, the better-
--an early test of the Villain’s new
ray cannon, for example, turns the

sky over the city a brilliant green for Up To Our Necks: In media res:
10 minutes at Noon. The characters are involved in the
plot from the starting gun. They are
News: The characters read a story attacked, or implicated in a crime,
in the paper, or hear a story on the or the victim of a theft, or somehow
radio, that is related to the Fiendish made to suffer in a manner that is
Plot. directly related to the Fiendish Plot.

Friend in Need: Similar to the Solicita- Roll Twice: Roll twice on the Hook
tion hook, except that the NPC is a friend Table, and combine the results.
of the characters. The NPC comes to the
characters for help. Other: A Hook not represented on
this table, created by the GM.

Table 6: Supporting Characters

D% Roll Descriptor Descriptor Type
01-04 Big Neat Entertainer
05-09 Ugly Unlucky Pilot
10-13 Shifty Menacing Soldier
14-17 Secretive Weak-willed Politician
18-21 Strong Foreign Contact
22-25 Small Rich Business Owner
26-29 Trustworthy Small-time Guide
30-33 Helpless Ambitious Servant
34-37 Quirky Skilled Socialite
38-41 Troublesome Helpful Scientist
42-45 Smart Feisty Doctor
46-49 Charming Wild Criminal
50-53 Strong-willed All-American Investigator
54-57 Famous Hard-boiled Spouse
58-61 Sloppy Distinctive Expert
62-65 Dense Professional Informant
66-69 Cold Young Vehicle Operator
70-73 Impulsive Violent Thug
74-77 Clumsy Urban Fanatic
78-81 Lucky Amateur Academician
82-85 Dangerous Old Assistant
86-88 Agile Native Worker
89-93 Beautiful Evil Henchman
94-97 Weak Odd Occultist
98-00 Talented Ordinary Kid

The previous table gives you the in a “Strong, All-American Vehicle
featured supporting characters for Operator,” who I decide will be a
the adventure. Note that unless oth- pilot and owner of a small cargo
erwise specified, featured characters airline, who is being victimized by
are always Wild Card characters, the villain and his henchman.
rather than Extras.

First roll 2d4 for the number of

featured supporting characters that
will appear in the adventure. Then,
for each character, roll three times on
Table 6. This will give you two de-
scriptors and a type, which will give
you a concept for the NPC. Then,
using the standard Savage Worlds
rules, generate the NPC’s stats.


I need the featured supporting char-

acters for an adventure. I roll for the
number of supporting characters and
get a 3.

For the first Supporting Character,

I roll three percentile rolls, and
get: 58, 94, 61, which gives me a
“Sloppy, Odd Expert.” I envision
an unkempt inventor of strange
devices...someone who can help the
characters, if they can get past his

For the second Supporting Character,

I roll a 00, 72, and 06, which gives
me a “Talented, Violent Pilot.” Even
though this does not specify that this
character is the villain’s henchman, I
decide that the idea of a bloodthirsty
air ace is just too perfect a henchman
to ignore.

For the last Supporting Character, I

roll a 18, 52, and 66, which results

Table 7: Every action sequence is comprised
of four elements: Type, Participants,
Action Sequence Type
Setting, and Complications. Using
D20 Roll Result the provided tables, roll a d20, check
1-4 Chase, foot or mount the result, and assemble your action
5-10 Chase, vehicle sequence!
11-14 Fight, unarmed
15-20 Fight, Armed

Table 8: Table 1o:

Action Sequence Complications
Participants D20 Roll Result
D20 Roll Result 1-5 Bystanders
1-6 Few (1-2 per PC) 6-10 Environment
7-15 Some (3-4 per PC) 11-15 Props
16-20 Lots (5+ per PC) 16-20 New Sequence

Table 9:
Action Sequence SettinG
D20 Roll Result oll
1 Nautical setting (ship, docks, etc.)
2 Natural Setting (park , jungle, etc.)
3 Rooftops
4 City Street
5 Residential Setting
6 Entertainment Setting (theatre, stadium, nightclub, etc.)
7 Church/temple/other religious
8 Business Setting (office, factory, warehouse, market, etc.)
9 Transportational Setting (airport, train station, trains or planes)
10 Educational (museum, college, etc.)
11 Civic setting (post office, city hall)
12 Slum or Rough neighborhood
13 “Middle of Nowhere”
14 Secret/hidden location
15 Headquarters (PCs or others)
16 Military setting (base, etc.)
17 Restaurant
18 Laboratory
19 Landmark
20 Unusual setting (underwater, in space, underground, etc.)
The results are fairly self-explanatory, EXAMPLES:
with the exception of the Complica-
tions: Rolling on the Action Sequence
Tables, I get: 9, 15, 13, 13. This
Bystanders: The action sequence gives me “Chase, vehicle”, “Some
will feature non-participants who will Particpants,” “Middle of Nowhere”
get in the way. and “Props.” Mulling it over, I
decide that the characters are going
Environment: The environment in to be chased by three carloads of
which the sequence occurs causes the villain’s minions along deserted
difficulties (examples include rain, back-country roads. There are nu-
dangerous surroundings, hazardous merous obstacles which will appear
conditions). All combatants should be during the chase, which can be used
taking penalties on their actions due to try to force the other drivers into
to this. crashing (fallen trees, slow-moving
wagons, etc.).
Props: The sequence features ele-
ments of the setting which can be
used by the participants during the Giving it another try, I roll 17, 6, 18,
sequence (examples would include 10: “Fight, armed,” “Few Partici-
metal rods at a foundry, or trash cans pants,” “Laboratory” and “Environ-
in a street chase, etc.). ment.” I decide that the PCs are go-
ing to be attacked by the Henchman
New Sequence: The original action and a handful of minions, while in
sequence will lead immediately into an inventor’s lab. The place is filled
another sequence--re-roll this new with sparking electrical machinery,
sequence from the beginning. It is which will cause electrical damage
possible to have a linked chain of to anyone falling into it!
multiple sequences!

For our last example, I roll 15,

17, 15, 20: “Fight, armed,” “Lots
of Participants,” “Headquarters”
and “New Sequence.” Rolling for
the new sequence, I get 3, 7, 3, 6:
“Chase, foot or mounted,” “Some
participants,” “Rooftops” and “En-
vironment.” This one looks like a
corker! How about this: A horde of
the villain’s minions attach the PC’s
own headquarters, eventually lead-
ing to a rain-slicked rooftop chase
as either the minions or the PCs are
trying to beat a hasty retreat!

are working with the police, they
suddenly become implicated in the
Table 4: crime. If they are following clues,
Plot Twist the trail goes cold. This works both
D20 Roll Result ways, however. If they are losing,
1-2 Betrayal! they suddenly start to win.
3-9 New Location
10 Greater Villain Bizarre Occurance: Similar to the
11-13 Hidden Plot Hook of the same name. Something
14-15 Reversal! weird happens, without apparent
16-18 Bizarre Occurance explanation.
19 Deus Ex Machina
20 Other Deus Ex Machina: Help comes
from some improbable source, not
hinted at all previously. This can
apply to the villain as well--he
Betrayal!: An NPC changes his or just happens to have a underwater
her allegiance in a dramatic fashion. breathing invention when he’s appar-
ently drowned, etc.
New Location: Roll again on the
Location Table (Table 4). The plot Other: Any twist that the GM’s evil
will move to that location at the little mind can come up with.
beginning of the next act.

Greater Villain:
The villain of the
adventure is actu-
ally a henchman of an
even greater villain.
Re-roll on Table 1 to
reveal the new threat.

Hidden Plot: The

supposed plot is actu-
ally a smokescreen
for the villain’s true
purpose. Re-roll
the Fiendish Plot on
tables 2 and 3.

Reversal!: Events
shift, leading to a
direct reversal of the
PC’s fortunes. If they

THE SECOND ACT: preferably gets it in the neck
bad, to end the act.
Once you’ve generated the First Act,
it’s time to move on to the second. The difference here is that the action
Here’s what Lester Dent says about sequence should directly involve the
it: Villain, and the plot twist generated
at the end of the Act should nega-
Hero, being heroic, struggles, tively affect the PCs.
and his struggles lead up to
another physical conflict, and a THE FOURTH ACT:
surprising plot twist.
Now you’re ready for the climax.
Using the previously provided There’s really nothing left to do at
tables, generate another action this point that can be generated by
sequence and another plot twist. random rolls. Everything at this
point is up to the actions of the PCs.

THE THIRD ACT: In Dent’s words:

Same as the above. As Lester Dent The hero extricates himself

says: using HIS OWN SKILL,
training or brawn.
Hero makes some The mysteries remaining--
headway, and corners one big one held over to this
the villain or somebody point will help grip interest-
in physical conflict. -are cleared up in course of
final conflict as hero takes the
A surprising plot situation in hand.
twist, in which
the hero That’s it you should have a
rough outline now for a pulp
adventure. Just generate
the NPCs, and off you

So, looking at the results at left,
OUTLINES: here’s what I come up with: The
Nazi’s are looking for a legendary
EXAMPLE ONE: artifact. No, not the headpiece to
Villain: (59) Nazi the Staff of Ra. The Jewel of Zinj,
Fiendish Plot: (13, 18) Acquire which is said to be a phenominal
Treasure source of power. However, it is said
Location:(07) Far-off Jungle to be located in the temple at the
center of the Lost City of Zinj.
Act 1:
The Hook: (90) Up To Our Necks The PCs are at a nightclub, watching
Supporting Characters: Three the beautiful singer, Elaine Nighten-
of them: (00,04,33) Talented Neat gale, perform. Suddenly shots ring
Servant, (42,38,03) Smart Helpful out as a group of Nazi secret agents
Entertainer, (23,92, 40) Small Evil attack, led by a hideous dwarf!
Scientist, (62, 85,67) Dense Old The PCs fight them off, with the
Vehicle Operator. help of Carstairs, Elaine’s fastidi-
Action Sequence (18,15,6,4) Fight, ous ex-army servant, but not before
armed, Some particpants, Nightclub, they snatch a necklace from around
Bystanders Elaine’s neck! Elaine says that the
Plot Twist: (7) New Location necklace was a gift from her dead
(given the nightclub fight, I decide father, who was
to have the adventure start in the an arche-
PC’s home city, and then shift to the ologist. The
previously-rolled jungle location medallion
here). was suppos-
edly a map
Act 2: to the Lost
Action Sequence (15,13,1,11)Fight, City of Zinj!
armed, Some partipants, Nautical
Setting, Props.
Plot Twist: (7) New Location (Euro-
pean Country)

Act 3:
Action Sequence (19,20,
18,10) Fight, armed, Lots
of particpants, Laboratory,
Plot Twist: (2) Betrayal!

Act 4: Climax.

Elaine is able to recreate the map EXAMPLE TWO:
from memory, and the PCs (with Villain: (30) Mad Scientist
Elaine and Carstairs in tow) head off Fiendish Plot: (16, 50) Kill A City
to the jungle nation of Mubullah. Location:(89) City: Skyscrapers

In Mubullah, the PCs are taken Act 1:

upriver by a senile old river boat The Hook: (44) Bizarre Occurrance
captain. Along the way, they come Supporting Characters: Four of
under attack by hostile natives, them:
trying to prevent them from reach- (71, 56, 50) Impulsive, Hard-boiled
ing Zinj. They finally reach the Investigator; (32, 69, 41) Help-
lost city, only to discover the jewel less, Young Scientist; (99. 43, 100)
missing (I’ll probably throw another Talented, Feisty Kid and (05, 59, 90)
action sequence in here, too...lots of Ugly, Distinctive Henchman.
Indiana Jones-style traps and such). Action Sequence (20, 3 4, 2) Armed
They find a dead Nazi (killed by the Fight, Few Participants, City Street,
natives), who has a telegram on him, Bystanders.
revealing that the dwarf is a scientist Plot Twist: (12) Hidden Plot. The
working for the Nazis, and will be reroll results in (02, 15) Manipulate
experimenting on the jewel at his lab a Country.
in Berlin!
Act 2:
The PCs then travel to the heart of Action Sequence (7, 5, 19, 6)
the Third Reich, and assault the labo- Vehicle Chase, Few participants,
ratory of Herr Doktor Liebenohne...a Landmark setting, Enviromental
deformed dwarf spared by the Nazis complications.
purely because of his brilliance, Plot Twist: (7) New Location (In the
which is as twisted as his body. The Air)
fight takes place in Liebenohne’s
laboratory, filled with experimental Act 3:
weapons and other inventions. Sud- Action Sequence (14, 16, 15, 9)
denly, just as things are reaching a Fight unarmed, Lots of participants,
climax, Carstairs betrays the PCs! Headquarters setting, Enviromental
He was a Nazi agent all along! complications.
Plot Twist: (1) Betrayal!
Can the PC’s defeat Carstairs and
Liebenohne, get the Jewel of Zinj, Act 4: Climax.
and get out of Berlin with Elaine
before the Gestapo closes in?
Taking a look at the results of the
Gosh, I sure hope so.... rolls this time around, I develop the
following ideas:

A Mad Scientist is using a disinte-

grator ray to destroy buildings in the At the last moment, Albrecht grabs
city. His goal , although apparently Raven, and leaps from his carriage
one of simple destruction, is instead onto a rope ladder which dangles
to manipulate the US Government from the open hatch of an airship,
into giving a valuable contract for silently hovering over the park!
defense developments.
The PCs will have to follow -- and,
The story begins with the disappear- on board the zeppelin, they discover
ance of an entire office building in the true villain is, in fact, Raven Sin-
the middle of the night. The PCs clair herself! She used her inven-
investigate, and during their inves- tion in an effort to influence the War
tigation, encounter Jenny Jenkins, Department to give her a contract to
a brassy reporter looking into the create inventions to defend against
story. Together, the heroes and the her own attack!
reporter discover evidence that the
building was vaporized, by some The PCs will have to fight their way
sort of disintegrator. During the off the airship -- being careful not to
investigation, a sniper starts shooting ignite the hydrogen with weapons
at the PCs (a hired thug employed by fire -- and bring the beautiful but
the villain to raise the stakes of the deadly Ms. Sinclair to justice!
gambit)! The villains main hench-
man, Albrecht (a giant of a man, like
Lothar in The Rocketeer) will be
seen, but escape.

The PCs and Jenny go to the uptown

laboratory of a scientist -- the young
and beautiful Raven Sinclair -- to
get an expert opinion on the sort of
weapon being used. They arrive in
time to see Ms. Sinclair in the pres-
ence of Albrecht! When the PCs are
spotted, Albrecht will pick up Raven,
throw her into a nearby horse-drawn
carriage, and speed into the lanes of
Central Park! The PCs give chase
-- the only other carraige nearby is
driven by Mickey, a feisty 12-year-
old with the horsemanship skills of
a jockey!. The chase is on, through
the winding paths of Central Park,
trying to avoid trees, bystanders, etc.

Chapter Eleven:

The Crimson Emperor

A Plot Point Serial

1: POLITICS OF TERROR Depression angle would have to be
dropped in a campaign that took
place before 1929. Sen. Morrison’s
INTRODUCTION platform would reflect appropriate
“Politics of Terror” is the first contemporary worries (if the GM
adventure in The Crimson Emperor sets this in the 1944 election year,
serial. While it can be played on its Morrison would have a “how can
own, it is designed to connect to the we fight enemies abroad if we don’t
following adventure, “The Scorpion fight our enemies at home” theme).
Syndicate.” Notes are given below
on using both approaches. There
are many character types that would
fit in this adventure. Background
Senator Stuart Morrison is a political
Men of Mystery and other vigilantes maverick. He is running as an
would be perfect for this adventure. Independent with a groundswell of
They have ears on the street and popular support from the masses of
will be interested in saving those citizens hurt by the Depression. His
threatened by mob activity. supporters tend to gloss over his
disregard for checks and balances
Ace Reporters and journalists will when he was a governor (which
want to cover the Presidential race, Sen. Morrison describes as “cutting
and Sen. Morrison in particular. through red tape to get things done
for the people”), and they believe he
G-Men may be sent by the can effect real change as President.
government to keep an eye on mob The newspapers have nicknamed
activity in response to threats to Sen. him “Steamship Stu” for his ability
Morrison’s well-being. to disregard the political winds
against him and chug upriver on the
Gumshoes and other urban PCs may fiery coals of his own ambition and
simply get caught up in events, or popular support.
are associated with more directly
motivated PCs. While the affluent are worried about
his tax proposals, organized crime
Because of its political nature, is more concerned about the tactics
this scenario is presumed to take he’d introduce to enforce order.
place in the fall of 1936. The GM Steamship Stu has been talking a
can adapt this to other Presidential great deal about broadening the
election years, but minor adventure powers and scope of the Federal
details may need to be changed. Bureau of Investigation to take
Specifically, Senator Morrison is a down the mobs. Now, the mobs are
hero of the common people because organizing to ensure that he doesn’t
of his zeal to end the Depression, tax get elected. In Chapter One, the
the rich, and break the mobs. The mobs use street tactics to chip away
at his support, culminating in the
firebombing of a hotel. In Chapter genuine (and perhaps substitute
Two, a hit man is hired to assassinate a real historical candidate for the
Sen. Morrison while he is on the fictional senator). GMs who would
train to his next campaign stop. The still like to use the brainwashing
PCs must hinder the mob efforts angle will simply have to create their
and protect Sen. Morrison from the own reasons for sending an assassin
assassination plot. who is brainwashed to fail.

If this adventure is being used as The GM can set this adventure

part of the Serial, the hit man and his during primary season, allowing for
enforcers are brainwashed. While Morrison to be knocked off by the
they have been hired to assassinate official party candidate.
Sen. Morrison, they are conditioned
to fail. The reason why will be made
clear in a future installment.
Serial Adventure
Stand-alone As the first part of the serial,
Adventure “Politics of Terror” is run as written.
As the first part of the serial, Players should choose characters
“Politics of Terror” is very easy to that have reasons to stick together,
adapt to a standalone adventure. for they are going to share in a
Simply run the adventure as number of adventures. Serial notes
written. The only choice a Game are placed in this adventure to ensure
Master would have to make is to that the GM maintains continuity
determine whether the Hit Man among the various adventures.
really was brainwashed. GMs who
prefer a straightforward resolution
can simply make the assassination
attempt on Senator Morrison’s life

CHAPTER ONE: effort among even rival mobs to
influence this campaign. The ties
ROLLING OUT THE suggested here will be revealed in
BLOOD RED CARPET “The Scorpion Syndicate.”

In this chapter, the local mobs have Leaning on the locals

decided to make life difficult for Several low-ranking mobsters
Sen. Morrison and his supporters. will canvas the local businesses,
Things heat up on the night before encouraging storeowners and patrons
Sen. Morrison’s train is due. to steer clear of any rallies for Sen.
Depending on how the GM is Morrison. While the mobsters may
introducing the PCs to the adventure, make veiled threats, they will not do
the PCs may be victims of mob any actual harm to the storeowner
crime or a reaction to it. The or his property. This is a good
following is a list of minor mob encounter for Gumshoes and other
encounters that the GM can insert urban PCs who would otherwise not
into the adventure. Not all of them be involved. The Gumshoe could
need be used, but there should be simply be sipping a cup of coffee at
enough of them to drive the point a counter as a mobster walks in and
home that organized criminals do not harasses the owner.
want to see Sen. Morrison elected.
The only encounter that should be Harassing the Press
used is the mobster coup de grace, The local mobs will pressure Ace
the firebombing of the hotel from Reporters and newspaper editors
which Sen. Morrison is expected to to portray Sen. Morrison in an
make a campaign speech tomorrow. unflattering light. There are two
ways a GM may construct an
Foreshadowing encounter with this: proactive and
PCs with their ear on the street reactive.
may be able to anticipate some of
the below events so that they are With a proactive approach, the
on hand to prevent them. With mobsters wish to influence the
a successful Streetwise test, the reporting of Sen. Morrison’s visit.
PC will learn that the local mobs If a PC is an Ace Reporter or
are planning disturbances. An newspaper editor, he may be given
Investigation test will reveal the time an invitation to meet with a high-
and place of one of the below events. ranking mob official for dinner (the
A Raise on the Investigation test will GM may freely choose which mob;
reveal the plot to torch the hotel. if there is more than one reporter
PC, then different mobs may attempt
Serial Note: If the PCs stop the to influence each). The PC will be
hotel burning, a second attempt will gently but firmly escorted to a noted
be made by a rival mob. This will mob restaurant. The visit will be
start to suggest some coordinated cordial, but the mobster will indicate
his desire for an accurate portrayal of An appropriate PC (such as a Man
Sen. Morrison’s troubling campaign of Mystery) could come upon the
agenda. The dinner will end with an scene and help the victim out. Once
appropriate bribe and a thinly veiled the mobsters feel the tide turning,
threat should the Ace Reporter not they will flee. In either case, they
play ball. will make their threat known: stop
favoring Sen. Morrison or we’ll be
Serial Note: If the PC has met one of back, and we won’t be so soft on you
the mob bosses before and the GM next time.
chooses to use the mob boss for this
scene, then the PC should be allowed Poster Patrol
to make a Notice check. Success This encounter is designed for a Man
means that the PC feels that there of Mystery, police officer, or any
is something “off” about the mob PC walking the streets at night. The
boss (which will be revealed in “The PC comes upon the scene below and
Scorpion Syndicate”). wades into the action to protect the
campaign worker.
With a reactive approach, the
mobsters are reacting to an already This scene is similar to the mobster’s
published article or radio newscast reactive approach in “Harassing
that portrayed Sen. Morrison in a the Press.” A Morrison campaign
flattering light. The mobsters will be worker is hanging posters along the
eager to ensure that the reporter or street. Four mobsters approach him
editor in question will not make the and insist that he reconsider whom
same mistake again. The victim in he’s supporting. They will not hurt
this encounter can either be a PC or him if he hands over his remaining
NPC, as appropriate. posters and scrams. If he stands
firm, the worker is in for a beating.
Basically, the victim is attacked The mobsters won’t be as gentle
while vulnerable at night (at a with him as they would the Ace
bus stop, walking to the steps of Reporter. It is up to the PC whether
his apartment, walking down the to intervene, but the mobsters will
street from a restaurant, etc). Four offer the warning to “make sure you
mobsters suddenly accost him. They don’t vote for the wrong candidate”
are concerned about the lies and as they fight and/or flee.
inaccuracies he’s been spreading
about Sen. Morrison. They feel it’s Campaign HQ Drive-by
necessary to beat some sense into This encounter is designed for any
him. One mobster will pull a gun to PC walking the street in the early
ensure that the victim doesn’t try to evening, although an Ace Reporter
be a hero while the other three rough could be inside the storefront
him up a little. It is not their goal to interviewing campaign workers.
kill him or even seriously injure him.

A sedan drives past the building (where the speech will take place)
while a mobster with a Tommy and light a match. The flames
gun riddles the storefront with quickly engulf the room and spread
bullets. The objective is to scare, through the rest of the building.
not to harm, so the shooter will
aim high. Alternatively, a brick This fire will provide the PCs several
with a threatening note could be opportunities to play hero. Many
tossed through a window, or a small people will be trapped on the upper
firebomb could be tossed inside. floors and require rescuing. The GM
is encouraged to use falling ceilings,
Hotel Assault collapsing floors and staircases, and
This is the “big” event of the night spreading flames to full effect. Ace
and it occurs in the wee hours of the Reporters will be sent to the scene
morning. The city hotel sponsoring as soon as possible. The message
Sen. Morrison’s city campaign is clear: Senator Morrison is not
speech will be firebombed. welcome here.

The plan is simple. Night watchmen Legwork

will be bribed to “take a walk” so If the PCs try to discover who was
that a small group of mobsters can responsible for the fire, a successful
enter the hotel with gasoline cans. Streetwise or Investigation test
They proceed to spill gasoline all will reveal the mob behind it.
over the main conference room Unfortunately, there is no evidence

tying them to the crime. Serial Note: If this information leak
seems a bit sloppy, then it’s because
PCs looking for future crimes will it is. The mob wants the information
find out something interesting with known, for purposes revealed later in
a Raise on the test. One mob (not the serial.
the one responsible for the hotel
bombing) is bringing in a hit man to Research on
take out the Senator. This Hit Man Gus the ghost
is to ensure that the Senator does not Some PCs, especially Ace Reporters
make it to his next destination alive. and Men of Mystery, may wish to
Further Investigation or Streetwise research all they can on Gus the
checks along this line of inquiry Ghost. Since Gus usually operates
reveals the Hit Man to be Gus the in a different city, the PCs will have
Ghost, who is notorious in another to go to the library or dig through a
city. newsroom’s archives of out of town
papers in order to find anything
CHapter Two:
Last STop A successful Investigation check will
reveal that Gus the Ghost identifies
In this chapter, notorious mob himself as August Moore, a small-
hit man Gus the Ghost is hired time mobster who was gunned down
to assassinate Sen. Morrison. by a rival mob over a dispute with
Interestingly, Gus the Ghost resides a prostitute. Moore’s body was
in a different city, making his hiring identified and given a burial. Three
all the more interesting. Gus has weeks later, members of that rival
secured a job as a train waiter and mob involved with the hit started
plans to assassinate Sen. Morrison dying. A message scrawled on the
after he leaves the city by train. By wall in the victim’s blood would
the end of this Chapter, Gus the read, “For killing me.” Moore’s
Ghost will make his attempt and is methods were so subtle that he even
doomed to fail. slew one mobster in bed while his
moll slept next to him. She awoke
If the PCs did some legwork in the next morning to find him dead,
Chapter One, then they are already his throat slit.
aware of Gus’ plan. If not, then
the GM will have to give them Intrigued, the authorities exhumed
the information another way. The his coffin and found it empty. It
best way is for the GM to call for appeared that August Moore really
Streetwise tests. The street is abuzz did rise from the grave. The local
with rumors about Gus the Ghost newspapers immediately coined
and Senator Morrison. him “Gus the Ghost.” He became
a hit man for hire, specializing in
getting into secure locations and
using quiet methods, such as knives With the original hotel in ruins,
and garrotes, to kill his victims. Marty Bloom will make hasty
PCs with any kind of “Sixth Sense” arrangements at another hotel.
ability (like Danger Sense) will This should alarm PCs, as hasty
determine that Gus probably intends planning usually leads to large gaps
to hit Sen. Morrison while he is in security. Still, the rest of the day
alone. goes by uneventfully. At dinner,
Sen. Morrison will make his fiery,
Following the populist campaign speech. A few
Senator high-ranking mobsters are in the
Sen. Morrison will not be swayed audience, stone-faced, but no moves
by mob tactics. If anything, it only are made on the Senator.
strengthens his resolve. He will use
every opportunity to point out that During the night, Sen. Morrison
this is exactly why the FBI needs to will invite Miss Price to his room.
be reformed and why Congress must While this may raise eyebrows
pass his proposals to crack down on (Sen. Morrison is married), nothing
organized crime. life-threatening will happen to the
Senator at this time.
Three people usually accompany the
Senator on his campaign. Martin The next morning, Sen. Morrison
“Marty” Bloom is his close friend makes a final short speech and
and campaign manager. Anyone boards the train. It is here that Gus
who wants to talk to Morrison the Ghost’s plan goes into action.
usually has to get through him first.
Paul Garrett is Sen. Morrison’s Train Ride of DEATH
personal bodyguard, hired after By this point, the PCs may become
Morrison received threats while still discouraged that nothing untoward
governor. Finally, Gladys Price, is going to happen to the Senator.
news journalist, is constantly by Sen. The GM may wish to gently remind
Morrison’s side. He has given her them that the threat was that the
complete access to his campaign to Senator “will not make it to his
insure accurate reporting. next destination alive.” This should
prompt them to board or watch the
When the Senator arrives in the train.
morning by train, he will make a
brief speech on the train platform Sen. Morrison has his own privately
about the need to crack down on rented car attached to the back of the
organized crime. There are no train. He normally keeps his team
threats to his life, although PCs who with him, and he is suspicious of
make a Streetwise and a Notice anyone who tries to gain access, as
check will spot some mobsters “his enemies are everywhere.”
keeping an eye on the Senator.

Gus’ plan is simple. He has hired a seat. A Notice test will reveal
a few mobsters to ride the train as that she is anxious, as if waiting
passengers. During the first few for someone. If she is approached,
hours of the train ride, Gus will play Gladys will initially be very friendly
his role as waiter to the Senator, (she believes the PC could be the
studying the layout of Morrison’s contact with the scoop). Once
private car as well as gaining the she realizes he isn’t, she will sigh
trust of the Senator’s party. During and say that she doesn’t like to be
one of these visits, when Gus kept waiting, especially when she
sees Gladys scribbling notes, he could be with Morrison. A PC with
apologizes for not having a pen to Danger Sense or a similar ability
take their orders. Gladys helpfully will realize that she’s been baited out
does it for him, giving him a sample of the car.
of her handwriting in the process.
Marty will enter the lounge soon
PCs making a successful Notice after, clutching a piece of paper in
roll will spot that the same waiter his hand. A Notice roll will reveal
caters to the Senator’s party. If they that he seems furious with Gladys.
keep an eye on the waiter, a further He hands her the paper and demands
Notice test will enable them to see to know what is the meaning of this?
him writing something on paper (the Both of them are confused, and
forged note). smart PCs will realize that a trap is
being sprung.
Just prior to the hit, Gus will slip
Gladys a note. The message claims With Gladys and Marty out of the
to be from someone who has a way, Gus will give a silent signal to
huge scoop on Morrison and wants the mobsters. Two mobsters will
to share it with her in the lounge make their way through the train to
car. Curious, Gladys will excuse the back, while a third climbs up on
herself to meet him. As Gladys the roof. It is important to note that
waits in the lounge car, Gus carries the mobsters are also brainwashed
a forged note to Marty. This note is so that they will not harm the
in Gladys’ handwriting, a forgery, Senator (they may attack, but they
explaining that she received some are programmed to miss or flee once
disturbing news and was breaking Gus fails).
her association with them. He shares
the news with Morrison, who tells PCs who don’t follow Gladys (or
him to find her and take care of it. Marty) to the lounge car may have
Marty takes his leave. an opportunity to see the mobsters
making their way back to the Sena-
PCs who are either in the lounge car tor’s car. They try to look casual,
or at least watching who is going to so the PCs will have to make an op-
and from the back will spot Gladys posed Notice check against the mob-
heading for the lounge and taking sters’ Stealth checks. A raise on the

roll will also spot concealed weap- threat has been dealt with. Once Gus
ons. If the mobsters are approached, goes down, the mobster outside will
they will attack the PCs. They’ll en- leap off the train.
gage in fisticuffs first, only drawing
their pistols if things are going badly Even if the PCs suspect something
for them or the PCs draw first. If the weird is going on with Sen. Mor-
PCs stall the mobsters long enough, rison, they will have little time to
Garrett will join the fray. act on it. A Notice test against Sen.
Morrison will reveal that he has no
PCs who are specifically looking for idea why the assassin missed; he just
this sort of thing, or ask for an addi- considered himself lucky. Garrett
tional Notice roll, will hear the third will soon burst in with a couple of
mobster running on the roof. the conductors, ordering everyone
else out of the room. Marty and
Gus will walk into Morrison’s car to Gladys will arrive soon thereafter,
alert him of the impending attack. and Gladys will want to interview
This will spur Garrett, the body- any PCs who were involved.
guard, to exit the car to intercept the
mobsters. The mobster on the roof Epilogue
will come down on the other side so Regardless of whether this adventure
that there is no escape for the Sena- is used as a standalone adventure or
tor out back. Gus will pull a gun part of a serial, the initial outcome is
from his tray and prepare to shoot the same. The newspapers will all
Morrison. At this point, Gus’ brain- be trumpeting about how Steamship
washing forces him to fail in his Stu survived an assassination
attempt. After a couple of tries, Gus attempt. His popularity has only
becomes confused (he’s not used to increased as a result of this mob
failure). While he is confused, Mor- action. Sen. Morrison will praise the
rison pulls out his pistol and shoots PCs as friends, encouraging them
him in self-defense. to look him up if they ever need
How this plays out depends on the
PCs’ actions. If the PCs have a If running this adventure as a
chance at preventing the assassina- standalone, the GM can simply
tion, they may incapacitate Gus be- have history take its course. As an
fore he breaks the conditioning. In Independent, Sen. Morrison has a
this case, Gus will have no idea that perhaps insurmountable obstacle to
he’s brainwashed. If they arrive af- beat the Democratic and Republican
ter the second shot, they may be able candidates. Franklin Roosevelt
to hear Gus’ confusion and/or notice wins the election and history returns
that he drops his gun. to normal. A cynical GM could
have Sen. Morrison drop out of the
Morrison will draw his pistol and race for mysterious reasons or fail
shoot Gus unless it is clear that the to survive another assassination

attempt. If the primary option is Revolution” failed to take place
used, Sen. Morrison simply loses. on May 1, 1920, Stuart seized an
If running this adventure as part
of The Crimson Emperor serial, He spoke out against the
the GM should leave the election government’s treading on people’s
up in the air for now, as the next rights, which propelled him to
part of the serial takes place before the city mayor’s office. With
the general elections. Players Marty at his side, Stuart’s appeal
should be encouraged to keep the grew and he eventually became
same characters throughout the state governor. He turned his eye
serial unless circumstances deem toward the U.S. Senate just as the
otherwise. economy was collapsing, and he
was a vocal opponent of President
DRAMATIS PERSONAE Hoover. While initially a supporter
of President Roosevelt, Stuart now
Senator Stuart hopes to capture the presidency for
“Steamship Stu” Morrison himself.

Stuart Morrison is a very colorful Stuart Morrison is a scrapper. He

character. Though short in stature, backs down to no one and he cares
he makes up for it in presence and little for threats. He rails against
attitude. Steamship Stu is proud of government impotence and the crime
his humble beginnings and how he syndicates because it’s popular and
pulled himself up by the bootstraps. crucial to his election campaign.
He grew up in a slum as his mother His response to Marty’s warnings to
worked long hours in a sweatshop. tone down his rhetoric was to hire a
His father was a boxer who didn’t bodyguard and pack heat. If he has a
know when to quit and died in the weakness, it’s for attractive women.
ring when Stu was very young. While Stuart considers himself a
Stuart enlisted and fought in the family man, he can’t help pursuing
Great War, and when he came back women he meets on the campaign
he swore he’d make something of trail. Currently, reporter Gladys
himself. He joined a labor union, Price is satiating his hunger for the
during which he met Marty Bloom. time being.
The two became fast friends and
Stuart harbored a desire to attain a Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10,
leadership position within the union. Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d8
That hope was dashed when the anti- Skills: Driving d6, Fighting d6, Guts
communist “Palmer Raids” purged d10, Intimidation d6, Knowledge
the union of its current leadership (Politics) d10, Notice d6, Persuasion
and led to the dissolution of the d10, Shooting d6
union. When Attorney General Charisma +4, Pace: 6;
Palmer’s feared “Communist Parry: 5; Toughness: 6

Hindrances: Loyal, Stubborn a political speech. Paul was offered
Edges: Attractive, Charismatic, a great sum to retire from the force
Moxie and become the governor’s full-
Gear: Derringer (5/10/20, 2d6+1) time bodyguard. Paul has followed
Morrison to the Senate and now as a
presidential candidate. He is fiercely
Martin “Marty” Bloom loyal to the Senator.
Marty Bloom is Sen. Morrison’s
campaign manager and one of his Paul does tend to stand out in a
oldest friends. Marty is a balding, crowd. He is a tall, stocky man with
middle-aged man of very slight a baldhead and handlebar mustache.
build, but he makes up for it with a He likes to wear his clothes loose,
sharp mind and perseverance. Marty which gives him an unkempt
Bloom carefully orchestrates all of appearance. He has an incredible
Sen. Garrison’s important speeches. eye for detail.
Indeed, Sen. Morrison’s campaign
platform is more Marty’s creation Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6,
than his own. Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d10
Skills: Driving d8, Fighting d8, Guts
Marty Bloom is dedicated to Sen. d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d10,
Morrison and will do everything Shooting d8, Streetwise d6, Taunt d6
in his power to protect him. He Charisma -2, Pace: 6;
disapproves of Morrison’s dalliance Parry: 6; Toughness: 8
with Ms. Price and does what he can Hindrances: Mean
to keep it out of the papers. He also Edges: Alertness, Combat Reflexes
fears that this affair will give the Gear: Colt 1911 (12/24/48, 2d6+1,
reporter some control over Morrison. AP1)

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Gladys Price

Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Gladys Price is a dedicated young
Skills: Driving d6, Fighting d6, Guts journalist who is fascinated by
d6, Intimidation d6, Knowledge Senator Morrison. She first
(Politics) d8, Notice d6, Persuasion interviewed him when he was
d6, Streetwise d6 a governor and found herself
Charisma +0, Pace: 6; captivated by his presence. She has
Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 populist leanings, which garnered
Hindrances: Loyal her his respect due to her favorable
Edges: Font of Information reporting of him. When Sen.
Morrison announced his intention to
Paul Garrett run for the presidency, Gladys asked
Paul Garrett is a former soldier and to accompany him. Always happy
police officer that impressed Sen. to have favorable press, Morrison
Morrison while he was governor, readily agreed. Gladys wires regular
stopping a would-be assassin during updates on the Morrison campaign

to her newspaper, which resells the was raised in a Catholic orphanage.
column around the country. Still, he was very close to his brother
and when he died his brother swore
Gladys is an attractive young woman vengeance.
with flame red hair. While she
had no designs on the Senator, she While Harry did get vengeance
reciprocated his advances when on August’s killers, he created a
offered. She realizes that this could mystique regarding his brother’s
hurt her integrity if word got out, but death. He moved the body while
Morrison’s smooth words and the the soil was still fresh and buried
promise of a future job in the White him in the family cemetery. He
House has enabled her to continue adopted his brother’s identity and he
the affair. used methods of killing that would
unnerve potential targets.
Serial Note: Gladys Price may
return with a larger role in “the Unfortunately, someone got a hold
Crimson Veil,” the fifth and final of Harry and brainwashed him into
adventure in the serial. If the PCs taking a futile assassination job
befriend her now, they may be able against Senator Morrison. Harry has
to use her help later. no idea that he is being set up to take
a fall.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8,
Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d8 Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8,
Skills: Driving d8, Fighting d6, Guts Spirit d10, Strength d8, Vigor d8
d8, Investigation d10, Notice d8, Skills: Driving d6, Fighting d10,
Streetwise d8 Guts d8, Notice d8, Shooting d10,
Charisma +4, Pace: 6; Streetwise d10, Taunt d8
Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 Charisma -2, Pace: 6;
Hindrances: Curious Parry: 7; Toughness: 6
Edges: Very Attractive, Charmer Hindrances: Mean
Gear: Pad and Pen Edges: Combat Reflexes, Dodge,
Frenzy, Hard to Kill, Nerves of Steel
Gear: Colt 1911 (12/24/48, 2d6+1,
Harry Reynolds, AP1), several knives (Str+d4)
A.K.A. “Gus the Ghost”
There’s a logical explanation as to
Mobster Thugs
how a murdered and buried mobster
The Mobsters who appear in this
survived: he didn’t. August Moore
chapter are all Mooks, as per the
was killed. What no one knew
rules presented on page 87.
was that he had an older brother
who looked a lot like him. August
Moore’s real name was August
Reynolds. He changed it in order to
protect his relatives from any mob
repercussions. He pretended that he
II: The Scorpion City from spilling into open war,
with smaller mobs carving a niche in
Syndi cate the non-strategic areas. This truce
is very fragile, and even a perceived
Background breach will send bullets flying until
For quite some time, the seedy the dust clears and level-headedness
underworld of the City has been returns. PCs with an ear on the
dominated by two rival mobs. At street know this only too well.
times, the rivalry between the Duffy
and Marciano mobs has gotten Without warning, these rivals start
bloody. An uneasy truce keeps the working together. The PCs will

slowly discover ties between the an independent mobster who runs
mob leaders that indicate a syndicate a prostitution racket. He controls
of some sort. This syndicate everything from the streetwalker
emanates from Chinatown. The up to the high-class call girl in his
PCs must go to Chinatown in order domain. Unfortunately for him, Le
to discover the power behind this Renard has made a critical mistake.
syndicate. He turned down an offer to pay
respect (protection money) to the
Stand-alone Adventure Marciano mob, whose territory
“The Scorpion Syndicate” stands straddles his. For the last few
alone just fine. If the GM does months, the Marciano mob has been
not wish to play this as part of too busy with the Duffy mob to
the larger serial, he may make the bother with him. That’s now about
Scorpion Lady the true power behind to change.
the syndicate and allow the local
criminal underworld to revert to old Le Renard spends many evenings at
boundaries after she is defeated. the French Riviera Café, a night club
where many of his pricier girls work.
Serial Adventure Tonight will be a special evening, as
In “Politics of Terror,” the PCs may Le Renard is about to receive a visit
have discovered mysterious strings from the Scorpion Syndicate.
being pulled in the assassination
attempt on Senator Morrison. The PCs can become involved in many
hit men had been brainwashed, but ways. The default entry is through
why? The mystery continues in Mr. Simms, which is described
“The Scorpion Syndicate,” where below. PCs with an ear on the street
bitter mob rivals are suddenly may learn that something is going to
working together. As the PCs happen at the “Riviera” tonight, also
confront the Scorpion Lady in described below.
Chinatown, they will discover that
her orders come from a faraway The Matter of Miss Simms
land. When this adventure closes, This encounter will take place in
the PCs will be on their way to Tibet a Gumshoe’s office (or similar
to confront the true enemy. situation – Men of Mystery
may have secret ways of being
Chapter Three: contacted). This particular afternoon
a Mr. Norman Simms enters the PC’s
Strange Bedfellows office.
While the Duffy mob and the Mr. Simms is obviously from out
Marciano mob have staked out of town. He lacks the local accent
territory in most of the city, there and slang in his speech. He is
are some areas free of their control. comfortably dressed but not too
Armand “Le Renard” Bordeaux is fancy; he’s definitely a member of
the middle class. He looks to be Mildred Simms, used to be Duffy
middle-aged. mobster Jackie Keegan’s girl. PCs
who do some legwork (a Streetwise
A couple of months ago, Mildred or Investigation check) will learn
Simms, his daughter, started seeing that Jackie Keegan was personally
a fellow by the name of Jackie killed by Mob Boss Seamus Duffy.
Keegan. Mr. Simms felt that Jackie
was trouble, so he forbade Mildred PCs who do further legwork will
from seeing him. The discussion did discover that a “Mildred Smith”
not go well, and Mildred responded recently took a job at the French
by running away with Jackie. Mr. Riviera Café, which is comfortably
Simms has not heard from his within Marciano territory. The
daughter since. Duffy gang wouldn’t risk open war
with the Marcianos to retrieve her,
Two weeks ago, a friend of Mr. but what secrets does she hold?
Simms that resides in the City
clipped an obituary of Keegan and The Club
sent it to him. Mr. Keegan was the The French Riviera Café is a small
victim of a mob hit, confirming Mr. club that operates independently of
Simm’s suspicions. He expected to Marciano influence.
hear from his daughter now that her
mobster boyfriend was dead, but to GMs can use any typical nightclub
no avail. Mr. Simms has decided to layout. There are bouncers at the
look for Mildred on his own. Since door. The main room has a bar, a
she is an adult, he can expect no help stage, and many tables, including
from the police. He is willing to pay semi-private booths. There are a
handsomely for her return. He gives number of rooms on the second
the gumshoe Mildred’s photograph. floor for Le Renard’s girls use. Le
Renard prefers a booth near the stage
Assuming that the PC takes the and is usually accompanied by two
job, a day of legwork and an beautiful women.
Investigation or Streetwise roll will
point to the Riviera as a likely lead. When the PCs arrive, Mildred
A “Mildred Smith” has recently Simms is upstairs with a city
taken a job there as a prostitute. councilman. How the PCs approach
By the time the PC gets this Le Renard is up to them. If the
information, it will be nightfall and PCs approach him diplomatically,
the Riviera will be open for business. he will be Friendly. He will offer
to let Mildred go for his expenses
Duffy’s Interest paid and a reasonable finder’s fee.
PCs with an ear on the street may Unfortunately, the club is attacked
learn via a Streetwise test that before the PCs can close the deal.
the Duffy mob has an interest in a
runaway gun moll. This gun moll, If the PCs use a brute force or
infiltration approach, the GM rear exit. He has at least as many
should design reasonable security mobsters as the intruders, but his
measures. Two guards, one at the initially only have pistols. Rocco the
bottom and one at the top, always bartender will be the first to pull out
man the stairs to the second floor. A a Tommy gun and give back what
couple of men also patrol the main he’s getting.
hallway to ensure that there aren’t
any problems. Should the PCs be If the PCs haven’t discovered
captured by the guards and presented Mildred yet, they will have an
to Le Renard, he will be Hostile. He opportunity to spot her trying to flee.
will demand to know why they are She genuinely fears for her life, and
here. Before the PCs can get much will follow orders from any PC who
further, the club will be attacked. promises to protect her.

Double Hit By the end of the battle, most of the

At a dramatically appropriate point, mobsters should be dead and the
two sedans will pull up to the club survivors fleeing. Hopefully, the
and several mobsters come out PCs have protected Mildred. Le
shooting. They gun down the door Renard is either dead or has escaped
bouncers before entering the main out the back (if alive, he will return
room, guns blazing. in Chapter Five). Mildred will be
willing to go back to her father (if
If the PCs are in the main club, the PCs were hired by him) and is
they will have a chance to hear the willing to share her story with them.
shooting outside (Notice rolls) and
have three turns to seek cover or Body Count
prepare a defense. If the Notice After the battle, the GM should
check is missed, the PCs will have a ask for a Streetwise check. PCs
final chance to make a final Notice who make the check will notice
test to spot the mobsters entering. In something peculiar about the
this case, the PCs will have a turn to mobsters’ bodies. There are Duffy
find cover. men and Marciano men among them,
indicating that this was a joint hit.
The mobsters have orders to shoot This is highly unusual, as the two
up the club and acquire two targets, mobs would rather wipe each other
Mildred Simms and Le Renard. out than work together.
Mildred is wanted dead and Le
Renard is wanted dead or alive, so Mildred’s Story
the mobsters can afford to be sloppy. Once Mildred is taken to a safe
If the Mobsters aren’t stopped, they place, she will offer her story.
will massacre the patrons and staff. Two months ago, she met Jackie
Keegan. He wined and dined her
Le Renard will bark out orders to until she agreed to be his girl, even
his men before retreating to a secret against her father’s wishes. She
soon discovered that he was a Dealing With Legwork
member of the Duffy mob “running Players generally don’t like loose
errands” from the City to her home ends, so it is inevitable that the PCs
city. When he told her he had to go will wish to track down Seamus
back to the City, she agreed to come Duffy to discover what is going on.
with him. Life was good for a short While Chapter Four should begin
while. fairly quickly, ambitious PCs may
already be on Duffy’s tail.
A month later, things started to
change. Jackie was concerned that Streetwise or Investigation tests will
Seamus Duffy no longer seemed like tell them that Seamus has recently
his old self. He wasn’t drinking or left town. A raise on either test will
playing cards nearly as much, and inform them that Seamus has gone
spent much of his time away from to a nearby city to aid in efforts
his favorite watering hole. Jackie against Sen. Morrison’s presidential
confronted him about it, but Seamus ambitions. He will be gone at least
reassured him that everything was all a week, and he has left the Duffy
right. A couple of weeks later, while mob in the capable hands of Mac
planning moves against presidential Sheridan, his right hand man.
candidate Senator Morrison, Jackie
discovered that Seamus was working Mac is not happy with the recent
with Don Marco Marciano. This “cuddling” with the Marcianos,
seemed preposterous, since the but he does not question Seamus’
Marciano mob was responsible for decision, especially so soon after
killing Seamus’ brother (and Jackie’s Jackie Keenan had.
good friend). He confronted Seamus
once again, and this time Seamus
had enough. He gunned
Jackie down in cold blood,
within earshot of Mildred.

Mildred fled. Too scared

and embarrassed to call
home, Mildred survived
as best she could. She
ran deep into Marciano
territory and took a position
with Le Renard. Le
Renard’s club seemed like
the safest place for her,
until tonight. At this point,
she breaks down and cries.

CHapter Four with whom he’s had history. He will
attempt to brush them off, claiming
Trouble at the he has a full schedule tonight.
Docks Attempts to engage him further will
Soon after the hit on the Riviera, drop his attitude to Uncooperative
the PCs come across some more and ultimately Hostile, especially if
interesting information. The they bring up cocaine. If the PCs
Marciano mob is expecting a cocaine have warranted a Hostile attitude,
shipment on Saturday night (how Don Marco will secretly assign some
this information gets into the PC’s of his enforcers to deal with them
hands is up to the GM, based on once they leave.
the nature and occupations of the
PCs). It’s common knowledge in Dockside Antics
the underworld that Don Marco Just past midnight, three sedans pull
has traditionally refused to deal up to the docks. The occupants of
in cocaine since losing a beloved each car (mobster muscle and Joey)
cousin, Maria, to a cocaine overdose. get into a runabout (GMs can use
The Duffy mob has also shied away the small yacht statistics in the core
from selling the drug, since Don book for the boat) and approach a
Marco has no qualms about messily large steamship on the horizon. One
eliminating cocaine dealers. of the boats includes Joey Corelli,
the mob lieutenant in charge of
The PCs need to discover why Don this mission. The PCs will either
Marco has had such a sudden change have to sneak aboard one of the
in temperament. More importantly, three runabouts or secure their own
if this shipment isn’t stopped, the transportation.
Marciano mob is about to make a
huge profit. If all goes according to plan, the
mobsters will guide the boats
Legwork alongside the steamship and load
The PCs can discover when and their cargo. The drugs are divided
where the Marcianos are going to into three shipments just in case the
pick up the drugs with a successful Coast Guard (or similar authority)
Streetwise rolls. Otherwise, they tries to stop them. The Dragon
will have to keep an eye on the Man is overseeing the transaction.
docks all night and hopefully catch He is accompanied by 4-6 (GM’s
them in the act. prerogative) Dragon thugs.

The PCs may also wish to confront Assuming that the PCs interfere, the
Don Marco Marciano directly, Dragon Man and his associates will
especially if they’ve had previous fight to the death, drinking poison or
dealings with him. Don Marco’s otherwise committing suicide if they
attitude is indifferent to any PCs who are in danger of being defeated. The
approach him, including with those Mobsters aren’t nearly as devoted,
attempting to flee the moment things Chapter Five:
start going badly. If cornered, Joey
Corelli will plead for his freedom, The Crimson
offering some information in Connection
This chapter takes the PCs to the
Joey’s Information City’s Chinatown district. GM’s
Joey Corelli is a big man when he’s are encouraged to play up the ethnic
backed up by muscle and he is a atmosphere of the district, with
spineless coward without it. He’s its large red arch entrance, open
been to the big house once, and markets with exotic (or seemingly
an experience there has made him exotic) foods, sidewalk vendors,
deathly afraid of going back. He’s and restaurants (most are tourist
willing to spill his guts to ensure his restaurants that specialize in chop
freedom. suey and chow mein, there are few
“authentic” Chinese restaurants).
Joey has noticed in recent weeks
that Don Marco Marciano has been The Crimson Scorpion
spending his Sunday afternoons in The Crimson Scorpion Restaurant
Chinatown; specifically the Crimson sits around the corner from the main
Scorpion Restaurant. Joey’s also tourist streets. The restaurant caters
learned that Seamus Duffy’s been to the local Chinese population;
spending his Sundays there as well, a red neon sign identifying the
ever since the two mobs got all restaurant is written in Cantonese
cozy together. Don Marco doesn’t along with a stylized scorpion. Two
seem like the same man who once Dragon thugs guard the entrance
declared that the only time he’d ever to dissuade “foreigners” (typically
be in the same room as Seamus is at casual tourists) from entering the
his casket viewing. establishment. Around one o’clock,
a sedan will drop off Don Marco
Given this information, and the and a “guest.” Don Marco waits
presense of the Dragon Man, the PCs until the sedan pulls away and then
should be heading to the Crimson addresses the thugs. The thugs step
Scorpion the next afternoon. aside and let him enter. PCs who
make a Notice check will be shocked
to discover that Don Marco spoke
Cantonese! (If a PC happens to
speak a Chinese dialect, he will note
that Don Marco simply used a polite
greeting). Don Marco’s guest will
either be Le Renard (if he survived
Chapter Three) or Mac Sheridan.

The two men will be led to a table Double Trouble
in the back for lunch. Don Marco is When lunch is complete, they
calm and reserved, while his lunch leave the table and pass through
guest looks nervous. Don Marco the kitchen to the alley out back.
orders for them both. As their meals Directly across the alley is a door
arrive the Scorpion Lady joins them. into a warehouse (also guarded by
She is a very attractive Chinese two Dragon thugs patrolling the
woman in a crimson silk dress and alley). Inside are several Dragon
long fingernails. She engages Don thugs and a Russian scientist.
Marco in conversation while one of
the waiters stands behind the guest The Scorpion Lady introduces the
to ensure he stays seated (a Notice scientist as Dr. Grigory Janovich, a
check will reveal a shoulder holster). Tsarist who fled his country after the
They converse in English for the Russian Revolution. Dr. Janovich
guest’s benefit. will be puzzled, as he was not
expecting guests and was servicing
If the PCs managed to prevent the the machine. However, he reassures
cocaine shipment, the Scorpion the Scorpion Lady that he can
Lady will be very cross. Oddly, perform the operation.
Don Marco acts as if he’s her loyal
henchman, rather than an associate At this point, the guest gets nervous.
(the GM should amend her reaction The Scorpion Lady tells him that
based on events in Chapter Four). there is nothing to worry about as
The Scorpion Lady will then turn her she leads him to the machine (she
attention to the guest, asking Don is using hypnosis on him). The
Marco why he was brought here. machine consists of two tables with
Don Marco explains that he felt it restraining belts and a large T-shaped
wise to “ensure” his guest’s loyalty machine between them. Dr.
in future endeavors. The Scorpion Janovich leaves the room and returns
Lady isn’t so certain, cautioning with a young Chinese man who is
Don Marco that it’s best to keep the stripped to the waist (this reveals a
inner circle as small as possible. crimson scorpion tattoo on his left
The guest makes a plea on his own forearm). The doctor praises the
behalf, relishing the opportunity to Emperor for his foresight in insisting
join the Inner Circle. After a little that a subject be ready at all times.
arguing, Don Marco asks if they Both the young man and the guest
should consult the Crimson Emperor. are strapped to the table.
The mere mention of the Emperor’s Hypnosis or not, the guest is
name causes the Scorpion Lady to panicking now. He demands to
soften, assuring Don Marco that it know what is going to happen to
won’t be necessary. The guest will him. Dr. Janovich says that it’s
be allowed into the Inner Circle. unfortunate that he could not perfect
his machine before the Revolution.
Now that the guest is immobilized,
the Scorpion Lady explains that she dies, she will taunt them with,
the machine will take accurate “The Crimson Emperor of the Fu-
measurements of his face and hands. San Dynasty will rise again!”
It will then surgically alter the
Chinese man’s features to match. It If the PCs explore the warehouse,
then dawns on the guest that he is they will find a few rooms devoted
to be replaced. He screams at Don to living areas (for Dr. Janovich and
Marco for assistance, but Don Marco the duplicates). There is also a small
only laughs as he rolls up his own temple room that smells of incense
sleeve to reveal a crimson scorpion and contains the statue of a crimson
tattoo! dragon.

Unless the PCs interfere, the guest Epilogue

will be stripped of his shirt and Dr. If the PCs manage to save the guest,
Janovich will affix a facemask and he will be very grateful and will
gloves to both men. He will then promise to aid the PCs in the future
turn on the machine to do its work, a (he’ll never get the chance, since
process that will take a few hours. the Crimson Emperor will have him
Warehouse Battle
At some point, the PCs will battle If this adventure is used as a
the Scorpion Lady, Don Marco, standalone, the mystery of the
and the thugs. If they don’t do Crimson Emperor can remain hidden
so on their own, then they will for now. If the GM went with the
be encouraged when spotted by a Scorpion Lady mastermind option,
Dragon thug or two. If threatened, then Dr. Janovich will be the original
the Doctor will set his machine to scientist. Under pressure, he will
self-destruct (even with the two tell the PCs that the real Seamus
patients strapped to it) and commit Duffy and Marco Marciano are held
suicide. The self-destruct process somewhere in Chinatown. The
will take several rounds. If anyone GM can make rescuing them the
examines Dr. Janovich’s body, they final chapter. In this event, it is not
will discover a crimson scorpion on necessary to have the Scorpion Lady
his left forearm. killed. She can escape for further
Don Marco and the thugs will fight
to the death (while the PCs won’t If this adventure is used as part of
find out until later, the original Don the serial, then the PCs will want to
Marco is still very much alive and track down the Crimson Emperor.
can be recopied). The Scorpion This is the basis of “The Valley of
Lady will attempt to flee, but she Death,” the next serial in the series.
will commit suicide if cornered (this
could be played out as a colorful
chase through Chinatown). Before
DramATis Personae
Mildred Simms
Mildred is a pretty young woman
Armand “Le Renard” who fell for the wrong man.
Bordeaux Unfortunately, that man was killed
Armand Bordeaux is originally and she’s now on the run because
from Louisiana, although he plays at of what she knows. She isn’t happy
being French. He keeps to himself. turning tricks for Le Renard, but
He doesn’t like to associate with she’s grateful to have his protection.
mobsters simply because he doesn’t
see himself as one. Besides, they Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6,
have their own prostitution rings; Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
why should they get a piece of his? Skills: Driving d6, Fighting d4, Guts
In addition, the city police tend to d8, Notice d6, Streetwise d6
leave him alone, since he keeps his Charisma +2, Pace: 6;
hands clean of mob influence. In Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
the past, Armand could count on Hindrances: Wanted, Curious
the rivalry between the Duffys and Edges: Attractive
the Marcianos to give him privacy. Gear: None.
Now, he’s about to learn a brutal
lesson with the Scorpion Syndicate.
Mobster Enforcers & Muscle
Armand is an attractive man of a The mobster enforcers, muscle and
blended ethnic background. He hit men in the adventure are all
wears a short black goatee that Mooks (use the Mook rules on page
matches his well-groomed hair. He 87)
prefers white suits and speaks in a
pretentious French accent. He is Gear: Enforcers typically carry a
very friendly and almost likeable Tommy Gun (12/24/48, 2d6+1, AP1,
when in his own environment. Auto, ROF 3 Shots 50) and a pistol
(use the Colt M1911 as a default) as
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, a back-up weapon. Most enforcers
Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8 carry a knife (Str+d4) as well.
Skills: Driving d8, Fighting d6,
Guts d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, The Dragon Man
Shooting d8, Streetwise d10, Taunt The Dragon Man is one of the
d6 Crimson Emperor’s most trusted
Charisma +2, Pace: 6; henchmen. No one knows his real
Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 name. He is a slim, well-muscled
Hindrances: Arrogant, Loyal Asian man with a baldhead and “Fu
Edges: Connections, Moxie Manchu” mustache. He usually goes
Gear: Colt 1911 (12/24/48, 2d6+1, topless or wears his shirt open to
AP1) display a large crimson dragon tattoo
that coils around his torso.

The Dragon Man only speaks Mob Lieutenant
Cantonese, although he understands This stat block is for high-ranking
English. He prefers using ancient mobsters like Mac Sheridan and
weapons or no weapons at all when Joey Corelli.
fighting, but he is smart enough to
carry a pistol. When it seems he is Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8,
losing, the Dragon Man will use a Spirit d10, Strength d8, Vigor d8
knife to slit his own throat. Skills: Driving d6, Fighting d10,
Guts d8, Notice d8, Shooting d10,
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Streetwise d10, Taunt d8
Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d10 Charisma -2, Pace: 6;
Skills: Driving d6, Fighting d10, Parry: 7; Toughness: 6
Guts d8, Notice d6, Shooting d8, Hindrances: Mean
Streetwise d10, Throwing d10 Edges: Combat Reflexes, Dodge,
Charisma -2, Pace: 6; Level Headed
Parry: 9; Toughness: 8 Gear: Colt 1911 (12/24/48, 2d6+1,
Hindrances: Arrogant, Death AP1)
Wish, Mean. Obligations (Crimson
Marco Marciano
Edges: Brawny, Improved Block,
Don’t let the name fool you. This
Improved First Strike, Improved
is the duplicate of mob boss Don
Frenzy, Improved Level Headed
Marco Marciano. He looks exactly
Gear: Do Sword (Str +d8), Smith &
like him, short black hair, deep-
Wesson Revolver (12/24/48 2d6+1,
set eyes, and olive complexion;
ROF 1 Shots 6)
but beneath the skin he is one of
the Crimson Emperor’s trusted
Dragon Thugs henchmen. He is trained to
This stat block is for the unnamed mimic Don Marco’s speech and
Asian martial artists in this mannerisms, and he continually
adventure. The GM should feel free receives information from the real
to modify this if he needs to adjust Marco Marciano to play his role.
the power level. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10,
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Strength d8, Vigor d10
Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d8. Skills: Driving d8, Fighting d8,
Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d8, Guts d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d8,
Guts d6, Intimidation d6, ,Notice d6, Shooting d10, Streetwise d10, Taunt
Knowledge (Chinatown) d8, Stealth d8, Throwing d8
d8, Shooting d6, Throwing d6 Charisma -2, Pace: 6;
Charisma: -4; Pace:6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 7
Parry: 6 Toughness:6 Hindrances: Mean
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Edges: Hard to Kill, No Mercy,
Obligations (Tong) Rock and Roll!
Edges: Acrobat, Quick Draw Gear: Tommy Gun (12/24/48,
Gear: Fu Hatchet (Str +d6) 2d6+1, AP1, Auto, ROF 3 Shots 50)
The Scorpion Lady Revolutionary government and
The Scorpion Lady is a lethal martial bringing Russia into a new Tsarist
artist and talented Mesmerist in golden age.
charge of the Crimson Emperor’s Dr. Janovich is a tall, stocky man
plans in the City. She is a very with a balding head and a full beard.
attractive Chinese woman with He wears a monocle.
a cold demeanor. She is utterly
devoted to the Crimson Emperor The Dr. Janovich in this adventure
and would commit suicide before is actually a duplicate that has been
allowing herself to be captured. trained to operate and service Dr.
Janovich’s machine. As such, he is
The Scorpion Lady is not a more of a glorified technician than
duplicate. She does have a crimson an actual scientist.
scorpion tattoo, but it is on her left
shoulder blade. While the Scorpion Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10,
Lady prefers unarmed combat, she Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6.
is smart enough to know to shoot at Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d8,
pistol-wielding opponents. Knowledge (electronics) d10, Notice
d6, Repair d10, Shooting d6
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Charisma: +0, Pace:6;
Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d8. Parry: 5 Toughness: 5
Skills: Fighting d10, Guts d8, Hindrances: Overconfident
Knowledge (Chinatown) d10, Notice Edges: McGyver
d6, Persuasion d10, Psionics d8, Gear: tools, .Colt 1911 (12/24/48,
Shooting d6, Taunt d8 2d6+1, AP1)
Charisma: +2, Pace:6;
Parry: 7 Toughness: 6 The Mirror Machine: Dr.
Hindrances: Obligations (Crimson Janovich’s creation is a large
Emperor), Mean machine that rests between two
Edges: Arcane Background tables. Given a few hours, the
(Psionics), Block, First Strike, machine can copy the facial and
Frenzy, Charmer, Mentalist, Very hand features of one person onto
Attractive another. This ability requires
Powers: puppet (hypnosis), certain nervous stimulation, and
boost/lower trait (hypnosis), stun the duplicate must redo the process
(hypnosis), 10 Power Points. once a week. Dr. Janovich has also
developed a solution that, when
“Dr. Grigory Janovich” exposed to a duplicated face, will
Dr. Grigory Janovich is an older cause the face to revert to its original
Russian scientist who laments the shape (a plot device used later in this
loss of Tsarist Russia and loathes Serial).
the Communist Soviet Union. He
has joined the Crimson Emperor
in the hopes of overthrowing the
III: THe Valley of Fu-San Dynasty. They learn of an
exiled ancient Chinese leader who
Death fled into Tibet, promising to return
one day and reclaim not only his
Background throne but the entire world as well.
It is October, 1936. After
uncovering a conspiracy to replace The PCs meet intrepid explorer
key crime lords with duplicates, Sheldon Grey in London. He
the PCs do some research on the allows them to join him on an
mysterious Crimson Emperor of the expedition with Big Game Hunter

Diana Pearson in the search for the Tibet in Late 1936
abominable snowman. They travel Whether Tibet is a part of China
to the Plateau of Tibet, where they or an independent nation depends
accept the hospitality of a remote on whom you ask. The Republic
monastery during their quest. The of Tibet has been in existence after
PCs also get wrapped up in the the Chinese Revolution of 1911-12,
Chinese Civil War, as a communist but the Chinese government never
patrol is combing the plateau for a acknowledged this. While Great
secret weapon. Britain has had cordial relations
with Tibet and a 1904 treaty with
In the end, the hunt for the yeti them, the British government
leads them to more adventures in recognized China’s control over
mysterious Tibet. the region in 1906 without Tibetan
assent. Currently, Tibet is enjoying
Stand-alone Adventure relative calm thanks to the Chinese
As “Valley of Death” is very Civil War. Most of the fighting is
different from the earlier adventures concentrated in southern China,
in The Crimson Emperor, it is very leaving Tibet alone for now.
easy to run on its own or even as
the first part of a two-part Tibetan Buddhism is the dominant religion
adventure along with “Escape From in Tibet. The dominant Yellow Hat
the Crimson Palace.” In this case, Sect provides the model for most
the PCs are simply part of a yeti- monasteries in Tibet: celibacy,
hunting expedition (both Sheldon vegetarianism, prohibition of
Grey and Diana Pearson can be alcohol, higher standards of learning
substituted with appropriate PCs, if and a de-emphasis on esoteric
desired). subjects such as magic.

Serial Adventure In a Pulp setting, the Tibetan

In “The Scorpion Syndicate,” the monastery is an exotic, mysterious
PCs learned of a mysterious Chinese place (although, ironically, it shares
Emperor replacing mob leaders many parallels with its European
with duplicates. At the beginning equivalent). GMs who wish to play
of this adventure, the PCs should up Pulp stereotypes may incorporate
research the Emperor and learn of plenty of meditative scenes and have
his legendary location as well as the monks dole out cryptic proverbs
Sheldon Grey’s interest in it. The to the PCs on a regular basis. Care
PCs will encounter the effects of the and sensitivity should be applied
Crimson Mist and clues as to where here, and it should be noted that
the Crimson Emperor stands in the “Tibetan Buddhism” as portrayed
Civil War. in this adventure is designed to
reflect a Pulp feel, not an authentic
interpretation of the real world
Chapter Six: PCs will receive a response (see
Player Handout #2, on page 214).
Journey to Tibet Obviously, Mr. Grey expects the PCs
to come to London, chat with him,
In “The Scorpion Syndicate,” the and join his expedition. Hopefully
PCs heard of a Crimson Emperor the PCs will feel the same.
of the Fusan Dynasty. This chapter
presumes that the PCs will want to The journey to London via steamship
do a little research into this almost will take 5-7 days, depending on
mythological figure. If the PCs where the PCs are (most trips to
don’t decide to do this on their own, Europe take a little over four days
the GM should encourage it. from New York City or Boston). If
the PCs’ home city is on the west
It’s doubtful that any PC has ever coast, GMs may wish to put Mr.
heard of the Crimson Emperor or the Grey’s expedition three weeks out.
Fusan Dynasty, even with ranks in Transatlantic flights are still a couple
the Knowledge (history) skill. They of years away.
will need to do research in a good
local library. An Investigation check If the PCs take the bait, Mr. Grey
will uncover the information. PCs will ask them to get a hotel in
with d8 or better in an appropriate London and he will meet them
Knowledge (history, for example) at the World Explorers Club in
may use a +2 bonus to their Bloomsbury.
Investigation roll.

After several hours, the PCs will Serial Note: As the PCs disembark
come across an entry in the World from port, they will notice a
Explorer Journal, a quarterly newspaper headline (either because
publication put out by the World they purchased a newspaper or they
Explorers Club, based in London see someone else reading one) that
(see Player Handout #1, on the next announces: ASSASSINATION
page). This is the only concrete FOILED! The story goes on to read
information they can get on the that, while engaged in a Presidential
Crimson Emperor or the Fusan debate in San Francisco, Senator
Dynasty. It should become pretty Stuart Morrison was the target of an
obvious that the only way to get assassination. Luckily, the police
more information is to contact were able to take down the shooter
Sheldon Grey directly before the candidate was injured.

Invitation Via GMs using “Valley of Death” as a

Telegram standalone adventure should ignore
The fastest and cheapest way this scene.
to contact Sheldon Grey is via
telegram. Within a few hours, the
Player Handout #1
Excerpt from the World Explorers Journal, Summer 1936

Once again, renowned explorer Sheldon Grey is consider-

ing an exotic adventure to a faraway land in search of a
mysterious beast.

While Mr. Grey’s last such expedition ended in a spec-

tacular failure, he appears ready and determined to try
again. This time, he will attempt to capture the mys-
terious Abominable Snowman on the Plateau of Tibet. He
is also searching for the Palace of the Crimson Emperor
rumored to be in the same area.

“Prior to the unification of China,” Mr. Grey explains,

“there were many petty kingdoms in the region. The Crim-
son Emperor, who lived around 350 years before the birth
of the Savior, ran one of these kingdoms. The Crimson
Emperor was so ruthless and cruel that the other kingdoms
united against him, defeating his army and forcing him
into exile somewhere “in the west.” Before fleeing, the
Crimson Emperor prophesized that he would build a great
empire in the west and conquer not only the lands of
those who defeated him, but those of the entire world.

“Most scholars believe that the Crimson Emperor and a few

trusted subjects built a palace on the inhospitable Pla-
teau of Tibet. Certain Buddhist texts mention that the
Crimson Emperor later met with Alexander the Great on the
bank of the Indus River. Later, it was whispered that
the Crimson Emperor, presumably a descendant, advised
Genghis Khan. I believe that this palace exists, and who
knows how much history hides behind those walls?”

Others remain skeptical. “After the Cranston Island in-

cident, I am quite frankly shocked that Mr. Grey is so
eager to track down another mythical creature and a fic-
tional emperor to boot,” said Sir Derrick Upton, also a
member of the World Explorer’s Club. “I tried to per-
suade him to invest the expedition funds in developing
transatlantic flights. Why risk another public failure
and waste even more money?”

Currently, Mr. Grey is giving a series of lectures at

Cambridge University. He plans to lead an expedition
into Tibet to find the palace and capture an abominable
snowman once his speaking engagement terminates in Novem-

Player Handout #2

A MEETING IN LONDON hunting yeti ten years ago. Diana
Once the PCs have settled into their wants to finish what her father
accommodations, they will receive started. Doug McLeod is Pearson’s
dinner invitations from Sheldon hunting companion.
Grey at the World Explorers Club.
Grey mentions that the British
The World Explorers Club is a three Museum would be very interested
story stone building in the shadow of in any Fusan artifacts and that the
the British Museum. Membership is London zoo would love to have a
by invitation only. The Club traces yeti as a main attraction. He would
its origins back to Sir Francis Drake be very grateful if the PCs joined
although the clubhouse was built in them, as it would spare him the time
1729. and expense of filling out the rest of
the expedition. Dinner will then be
When the PCs arrive, they will be served.
met by the doorman, who asks to
see their invitation. Once he is ONWARD!
satisfied, he will show the PCs to Assuming that the PCs sign on,
the cloakroom and ask a servant to Sheldon Grey’s travel plans include
summon Mr. Grey. He will then taking the Dover ferry to France,
escort them to the parlor to wait, boarding a train to Marseille, taking
offering refreshments. The parlor is a steamship to Bombay, and finally
adorned with paintings of prominent a train to New Delhi. A chartered
club members. plane awaits them there to take the
final leg over the Himalayas into
Sheldon Grey soon enters. He is Tibet. Tsang Wing knows a village
happy to see them and tells them with a small airfield that can supply
that their journey has not been them on their trek into the Tibetan
in vain. After introductions, he Plateau.
enthusiastically leads them to a
private dining room where the PCs This leg of the journey is glossed
will be introduced to three other over in this adventure. GMs who
members of the expedition, Tsang wish to flesh out this part can add
Wing, Diana Pearson, and Doug spice to the journey with stops in
MacLeod. Cairo and Bombay. Alternatively,
the “pulpish” option would be to
Grey introduces Tsang Wing as a cut from dinner to the New Delhi
Chinese Nationalist who is familiar airfield.
with Tibet. He then introduces
Diana Pearson, who is the daughter Across the Mountains
of Richard Pearson, a former One of Sheldon Grey’s contacts
prominent member of the club (his is Winston Goldsmith, a middle-
portrait hangs in the parlor). Mr. aged pilot who offers air tours of
Pearson died in an avalanche while northern British India, especially
the Himalayans. He is happy to see Besides, they can always delay a few
his old friend and he reminds Grey days when they get to the airfield.
that he still owes him from a card
game in Bombay. Grey reminds CRASH LANDING!
him that he purchased the DC-2 for After several hours of negotiating
Goldsmith. the mountain ranges, the DC-2
makes its way onto the Plateau of
The DC-2 is a 14 passenger airplane Tibet. Sheldon Grey has selected
with ample cargo space for the a remote area of Tibet with only
expedition’s gear. Goldsmith’s isolated villages. Diana Pearson will
partner, Nareed Haandi, is a young note that her father had selected the
Indian who speaks perfect British same region. Goldsmith starts to
English. Goldsmith and Haandi are circle the area to look for a British-
not given statistics due to their short- built landing strip.
lived appearance.
PCs who make a Notice roll will
The journey across the mountains is hear the faint sounds of another
breathtaking. Goldsmith has plotted airplane nearby. Before they get a
a course through the mountains that chance to point it out, the distinctive
offers incredible views. Goldsmith sound of machinegun fire hits the
also regales the PCs with stories side of the plane. Goldsmith shouts
about his air exploits in the Great for everyone to hold on while he
War, many of which sound dubious. tries evasive maneuvers. He notes
Haandi’s stories are more interesting, that the fuel tank was hit.
as he intermingles the history and
mythology of the region. He doesn’t get much of a chance. A
second spray of gunfire penetrates
IT’s Just a Cold the cockpit, killing both Goldsmith
During the flight, Sheldon Grey and Haandi. The plane falls into a
will start acting strangely. PCs can dive. If the PCs don’t act quickly,
spot this with a Notice check. If their trip to Tibet will be cut short.
questioned, Grey will respond that There are parachutes available,
nothing is wrong. An opposed but there will be no time to strap
Notice check against his Spirit them on and jump before the plane
will indicate that he’s lying. A crashes.
Knowledge (medecine) or Healing
check will indicate that Grey is This is an opportunity for PCs with
sweating, and is in the first stages of good piloting skills to shine. The
a fever. DC-2 is about 1000 feet in the air.
Rather than using the rules for out
Sheldon Grey will laugh this off as of control aircraft in the Savage
nothing to worry about. He’s been Worlds core book, for a pulpish
in worse shape before, and they have feel it is enough to say that the DC-2
traveled too far in order to stop now. will crash in five turns unless it can
all un-strapped occupants
of the plane take 2d6
points of damage. If the
piloting PC fails, strapped
in occupants take 2d6
points of damage and un-
strapped occupants take
4d6 points of damage.

Now that the PCs have

landed, they’ll need to
exit the plane before it
sinks (3 turns). Sheldon
Grey will ask them to
salvage what they can.
What the PCs are able to
take is up to the GM, but
take into account that the
PCs are wearing heavy
snow gear (which adds
be pulled out of a dive. PCs must a –2 to their Swim rolls).
get to the cockpit (which will take 1 The shore is 18” away. The water is
round, and require an Agility check calm, but PCs will take a –1 on their
made at -2). The bodies of the crew Swim checks for every five pounds
will need to be pulled away from the of additional gear they carry.
controls, requiring a Str check. Once
a PC is in the pilot’s seat, a Piloting PCs who chose to parachute (which
check must be made. A successful requires an Agility roll to perform
check means that the airplane is successfully, with one opportunity to
stabilized, but still descending fast. reroll before hitting the ground) will
land on the shoreline of the lake as
A Piloting roll will reveal that the plane crashes into it.
they’ll never make it to the airfield
Goldsmith had planned on landing. Once they get ashore, the PCs
Notice checks will reveal that the will be subject to the severe cold.
attacking aircraft has left. A Notice It’s also getting dark. While a
roll (with +2 for those with the snowstorm obscures vision, a Notice
Piloting skill) will reveal no good roll reveals a monastery just a short
places for a landing. The best walk away. The PCs should be
chance the PCs have to survive is able to get there within an hour.
either to crash the plane into the Meanwhile -- the heroes notice that
large lake below them or parachute Sheldon Grey’s fever has gotten
out. A successful crash landing into worse and he’s starting to shiver.
the lake will require a Piloting roll
at -4. If the piloting PC succeeds,

Chapter Seven: The Monastery
As foreboding as the weather is
Unwelcome Guests outside, the Choje Monastery is
warm, colorful, and inviting. The
The Choje Monastery sits on a “monastery” is more of an outpost;
foothill overlooking the great less than forty monks reside here,
lake. The monastery is a singular in contrast to other monasteries in
structure, looking to American eyes Tibet where monks number in the
like a fortress (a PC can be forgiven thousands. All of the monks here
for mistaking it for the Fusan Palace, have undertaken a sacred vow to
although both Grey and Tsang will keep the secret of the yeti from
be quick to point out that it’s a outsiders.
monastery). The meager path that
leads to the front gates is covered in Structurally, the monastery is a large
snow, leaving the party to carefully building surrounded by a circular
walk up the hill. A large gong stands wall (the length is about 200 yards in
next to the gate. diameter). Between the building and
the wall is a yard that completely
As the PCs start to climb up the hill, surrounds the building. Large
the gates will open and a half-dozen cylindrical mandalas (prayer wheels)
men draped in heavy cloth wand line the exterior of the building, and
carrying lanterns emerge. The crash even in late hours monks can be seen
landing of the airplane has attracted turning the mandalas as they walk.
their attention, and the Lama has
ordered several monks to tend to The building resembles a step
survivors. One monk, Danu, acts pyramid, with each of five floors
as the leader. Unlike most of the being smaller than the one below it.
monks, Danu understands English. The bottom level is a storage area.
His proficiency is poor, but he can There are many grains and dried
get basic communications across. vegetables here, as well as barrels of
water. The second level is the great
Danu’s first order of business is to hall and the kitchen. The monks
determine whether the newcomers gather here to eat.
are hostile. He will ask basic
questions of intent, pitting his Notice The third level is divided into
against the PCs Spirit if they attempt many small rooms. These are the
to lie. His attitude is Neutral and monk’s quarters. The fourth level
will turn to Uncooperative if the is the temple. There are also a few
PCs are brandishing weapons. As a sand mandalas in various states
vegetarian, Danu finds the thought of completion (these are ritually
of hunting animals abhorrent. Still, destroyed once finished). The fifth
Sheldon Grey’s condition will be level, like the third, is divided into
enough to sway his judgment to many small rooms. These rooms,
allow the PCs into the monastery. however, are chapels, and each
is dedicated to a deceased monk, against outsiders sometimes clouds
leader, buddha, or Tibetan god. The his judgment. Like Danu, the Lama
fifth and smallest floor is the Lama’s speaks English, but he does so with
quarters. Atop the buiding is a stupa clarity. He welcomes them to Choje
that contains relics of the Buddha Monastery, a place of reflection in a
Choje, who founded the monastery. hostile climate.
All of the rooms are richly decorated
with tapestries and murals of The Lama will start with the usual
buddhas and gods. questions. Since it’s likely that all of
the PCs are American, he will gently
Each floor is connected not by stairs rebuke Danu’s assumption that they
but by ladders, which can easily be are British. When Diana Pearson
pulled up to prevent access. While introduces herself, the Lama has a
the defensive implications are glimmer in his eye (the PCs can spot
obvious, this is also to ensure that this with a Notice roll). If pressed,
the monks aren’t disturbed during the Lama will admit that Richard
important times. Pearson stood in this monastery a
decade ago. He hopes that Richard’s
Meeting With The Lama daughter is more prudent.
Once the monks escort the PCs
inside, Danu will insist that they If the PCs ask about the Abominable
leave their weapons in a storage Snowman, the Lama will ask them
area on the first floor. If they agree, why they seek him. The old monk
Danu’s attitude will increase one will neither confirm nor deny its
level. If they refuse, Danu will tell existence. He is averse to hunting the
them that their position indicates a creature. The yeti, should he exist,
hostile threat, and his attitude will should be allowed to live in peace,
go down even further. Once his unmolested.
attitude becomes Hostile, he will no
longer speak with the PCs. Instead, If the PCs ask about the Palace of
he sends a monk to get the Lama’s the Crimson Emperor, the Lama
opinion. By this point, Sheldon will acknowledge the legend. The
Grey can barely stand. Regardless plateau beyond the monastery and
of the outcome of the negotiations, surrounding villages is a desolate
Danu will allow the monks to take place, and it is possible that a palace
Sheldon Grey to the guest quarters ruin could hide within it. Certainly
on the second floor to treat his no living person who’s claimed
illness. to come from the Palace has ever
graced the monastery.
Lama Ranpoche will agree to meet
the PCs in the Great Hall. He will After a few minutes, the Lama will
be Friendly if Danu gave a favorable end conversation, noting that the first
report, and Neutral if not. The Lama priority is to get Sheldon Grey back
trusts Danu, but feels his prejudice to full health. He gives instructions

to the monks to prepare the guest be noticed trudging in six inches
rooms and provide food and clothing of snow behind them. The monks
if necessary. He will then ascend to travel five hundred yards into the
the temple floor to perform a final foothills, at which point Danu stops
ceremony before retiring. and bangs the gong. The monks
Night Warning
During the night, all ladders are After fifteen minutes, the monks
raised. Two monks guard the first seem concerned. They speak to
and second floors (four monks total). each other in Tibetan, although the
It will be very difficult for the PCs general gist is clear: They expected
to wander very far in the monastery a response, but no one has come.
without being noticed. If seen, they “Perhaps they didn’t hear the gong?”
will be gently reminded to return to the companion asks. “They always
bed. hear the gong,” Danu answers. The
monks try twice more, waiting for
In the middle of the night, Danu about 15 minutes after each ringing.
and a fellow monk will leave the Finally, they shrug and give up. “If
monastery. PCs who happen to be they choose to ignore the voice of
awake (or doing some snooping of peace,” Danu laments, “then the
their own) may see or hear them voice can not save them from the
(with a Notice check). The monks arm of war.”
are sliding a ladder down so they
can descend. Once they get to the While the PCs may not understand
first floor, Danu retrieves a small the full implications, what has
gong from behind some grain bins. happened is that the monks wanted
He and his companion exchange to warn the yeti that hunters were
pleasantries with the monks on here, as they’ve done throughout
duty as they venture out into the history. The monks are peaceful and
courtyard. Two more monks who desire no violence, but that does not
guard the gate open them for Danu, mean they won’t warn the yeti of the
and then close them as soon as Danu danger. Now, they are resigned to
and his companion have left. the possibility that Grey’s expedition
may succeed.
If the PCs try to get their weapons
first, they will find one of the monks If the PCs are caught tailing them,
guarding them. The monks offer Danu will be quite angry. He will
advice, but no resistance if the PCs accuse them of sneaking out under
insist. The gatekeepers will even the cover of darkness to kill. If they
open the gates for them, although protest, he will be quite defensive,
regaining entry will require some claiming that he has done his part to
Persuasion. Tracking Danu should stop them (which indirectly confirms
not be too difficult in the snow. It the existence of the yeti).
is far more difficult for them not to
Chapter Eight: she won’t be taken seriously as a
woman and Tsang wants nothing to
The Crimson Death! do with Communists. After some
deliberation, they will ask one of the
Red Dawn PCs to speak for the expedition.
The monks rise at dawn for morning
prayers and meditation. The PCs The Lama insists on seeing Captain
will be roused at this time and Yao first, to which he agrees. After
offered breakfast. They will be a few minutes of conversation and
informed that Sheldon Grey is breakfast served to the soldiers, the
sleeping, but far from recovered. Lama invites the designated PC to
join them.
During breakfast, one of the monks
positioned at the gate will sound the The Crimson Death
alarm gong. If the PCs look out the How the conversation will progress
window, they will notice a military depends upon what the PCs have
unit approaching the monastery already seen and an opposed
from along the lake. A Common Intimidation Test of Wills between
Knowledge check (with bonuses Captain Yao and the PC. Whoever
for those PCs with tactics, military wins the check will structure the
or or other appropriate Knowledge conversation.
skills) will reveal that the soldiers
are Chinese Communists. The PCs Captain Yao is very probing at first.
will also know that they are a long He asks the PC if they arrived via
way from their bases of power. The a plane his men spotted descending
force consists of 20 soldiers, two last night (the PC may draw an
lieutenants, and a captain. inference that the Communists shot
down the airplane, but that isn’t the
Danu and two monks will exit the case). If the PC mentions that the
monastery and greet the unit, much plane is at the bottom of the lake,
as they did the PCs the previous Captain Yao will regrettably sigh and
night. Captain Yao requests that his say that’s unfortunate (he wanted
unit be given sanctuary and Danu to search the plane for traces of the
grants it. The first floor is soon Crimson Death).
filled with soldiers. The Captain
politely declines the request to Captain Yao has heard that someone
discard their weapons and he notices is testing a weapon of great power in
the PC’s weapons on the floor. He Tibet. He lays the blame on British
asks to see the leader of these men. Imperialists, and he is disappointed
Danu mentions that the leader that the PCs are American.
is suffering from a fever, so Yao
replies that a second-in-command Captain Yao will insist that the PCs
will do. This creates a controversy come with his men to a village in the
among the NPCs, as Diana feels Tando Valley they stumbled across
while marching here, which shows First, there is a small mound of snow
signs of this horrible weapon. just outside the village, close to
the mountains between the village
The PCs will be able to get the sense and the monastery (a Notice roll is
that Yao is genuinely concerned necessary to spot this). If the PCs
about what he has seen.He will not excavate, they will find a discarded
be dissuaded from taking the PCs tray of fish and vegetables. A
with him to the village, especially if successfull Track check will indicate
they have scientific or investigative two sets of large footprints heading
skills. to and from the mountains. These
were made by yeti that were sprayed
The Lama will not object, but he with the Crimson Death and fled
will insist that Sheldon Grey remain back into the mountains without the
in the monastery until he is fully village tribute.
healed. The Lama will also insist
that no violence be brought into the Second, PCs who examine the
monastery, hopefully quashing any bodies notice bright red blotches
PC notions of having a shootout with all over the skin. A Knowledge
the soldiers in the monastery. (Medecine) roll reveals that the
villagers died from a very potent
The Village contact poison that irritated the skin.
The journey to the village should be
relatively uneventful. Third, there is a small Buddhist
Temple (more of a chapel) in the
As the village comes into view, center of the village. This is where
the PCs immediately notice that the longest-lived villagers finally
there are no signs of life. It is succumbed to the disease. There is
lightly snowing, yet none of the a quickly painted drawing on a mat
chimneys in the village are exuding that shows a very rough sketch of
smoke. There are no bodies in view, the village and river. A Dragon is
although a pit is visible in the center shown breathing fire over the village
of town. Although now covered by and an arrow originates from the
snow, Captain Yao mentions that the Dragon with its tip pointing upriver.
pit was still warm with the bones of The artist believed the village was
burnt bodies when his group passed attacked by a Dragon from the north.
through overnight. The remaining
villagers are dead in their homes. FireFight!
As soon as the PCs have had a
Captain Yao allows the PCs to chance to discover all three clues,
investigate as long as they are all heck breaks loose. A rival army
escorted (usually two soldiers per attacks from the south, having laid
PC). There are a few interesting in wait for ambush (if a PC happens
clues in the village regarding what to be looking for ambushes, he may
happened. spot a soldier or two with a Notice
check opposed by their Stealth). of the communists, only to have a
The rival group starts by shelling second fresh force come out of the
the village with Stokes mortars north with guns raised. The Crimson
(24/48/96, damage 4d8, AP9, Med. Captain issues a surrender order in
Burst Template). After a couple of English in the name of the Crimson
rounds of barrages, soldiers move Emperor.
forward with rifles.
Standalone: The rival soldiers are The next adventure in the Serial does
a British unit. They were asked not require any of the current NPCs
by the Tibetan government to to play. Through luck of the dice
eliminate a Communist force that’s or GM fiat, Diana Pearson, Tsang
been experimenting with chemical Wing, and Doug MacLeod may be
weapons. Once the fighting starts, it killed. It is not necessary for the
won’t matter to the British that the GM to kill any of them, but it may
Communists are not behind it. add drama to the scene.

The British unit is roughly three-

quarters the Communist unit (use the EPILOGUE
same stats for the British officers). Standalone: Assuming the
The PCs will need to attack the Communists are defeated, the PCs
Communists from within in order to are free to track the yeti to their lair
ensure a British victory. If the PCs if they so wish. Unfortunately, due
need encouragement, have Captain to the effects of the Crimson Death,
Yao accuse the PCs of being spies they will not be able to retrieve
and turn his gun on them. any live Abominable Snowmen. A
corpse would still be valuable to
Serial: The rival soldiers come from the scientific community. The real
the Palace of the Crimson Emperor. brains behind the Crimson Mist may
They were hunting for survivors of remain a mystery for now.
the crashed plane and consider the
Communist patrol an unexpected Sheldon Grey will recover in a few
bonus. They have orders to capture days. To the surprise of many, he
anyone not wearing a Chinese elects to stay at the monastery for a
communist uniform. while.

The GM can use the Chinese Serial: The PCs should be prisoners
Communist stats for the Crimson of the Crimson Emperor. If they
Guard. They are twice the size of slip past the army this time, the GM
the Communist patrol, with another should create another encounter
20 men approaching from the north. to trap them (one option is to have
GMs looking for a good cliffhanger the PCs meet a British patrol that is
ending can have the PCs hold out actually made up of disguised agents
against the first wave, loosing most of the Crimson Emperor). This will
lead directly into the next adventure.
DRAMATIS PERSONAE Hindrances: Outsider (‘gone
Sheldon Grey Edges: Danger Sense, Marksman,
A daredevil, world traveler, and for- Woodsman
tune hunter, Sheldon Grey is always Gear: Sharps Big 50 (Rifle
on the lookout for exotic treasures. 30/60/120, 2d10, Shots 1, AP2),
The son of a self-made shipping Twin Colt 1911s (12/24/48, 2d6+1,
magnate, Grey was taught from an AP1)
early age to make his own mark in
the world. Toward that end, Grey Tsang Wing
has used his inheritance to finance Tsang Wing is an educated scholar
expeditions around the world to who detests communism and the civ-
pursue forgotten treasures. il war ravaging his country. Tsang
(his family name) is a strong believer
Sheldon Grey is charming, hand- in democracy, and has studied in
some, and rakish. He has never mar- England and America to learn more
ried, preferring to travel the world about it. He is also fascinated with
and partake in adventures rather ancient Chinese culture. A casual
than settle down and raise a fam- conversation with Sheldon Grey in
ily. Lately, however, he has started London led to Tsang being hired on
to feel his age (he is approaching this expedition.
forty), and often speaks of settling
down. Few take him seriously. Tsang is in his mid-thirties, but his
youthful face leads most to under-
Sheldon Grey prefers to take charge estimate his true age. Tsang dresses
in his expeditions. He chooses in European clothes, a consequence
capable companions who will not of having lived in London for a year
threaten his authority. Although and outgrowing his old clothes.
he will listen to arguments, Grey is
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10,
quick to dismiss any challenges to
Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6.
his decisions as cowardice. It is this
Skills: Climbing d4, Fighting d6,
stubborn overconfidence that often
Guts d6, Knowledge (several, as
lands Sheldon Grey and company
needed) d10, Notice d10, Shooting
into trouble.
d6, ,
Charisma: +0; Pace:6;
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6,
Parry: 5 Toughness:5
Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d10.
Hindrances: Vow, Loyal
Skills: Climbing d6, Driving d6,
Edges: Scholar
Fighting d8, Guts d6, Notice d10,
Gear: Tsang Wing carries a .45
Shooting d10, Stealth d8, Survival
automatic pistol (12/24/48, 2d6+1,
d8, Tracking d10.
AP1) and a knife (Str +d4), although
Charisma: -2; Pace:6;
he is loathe to use either.
Parry: 6 Toughness:7

Diana Pearson Doug MacLeod
Ever since she was a child, Diana Doug McLeod is a gruff, redheaded
Pearson wanted to be just like her man of Scots-Irish descent. He dab-
father. Richard Pearson was strong, bled in some amateur fisticuffs in his
confident, and brave. He traveled to youth, but soon found himself work
exotic lands and learned to survive in in a traveling circus. The circus
hostile wildernesses. In her youth, folded with the onset of the Great
Richard had no sons and Diana was Depression, but McLeod happened
the apple of his eye. He named her to be in the right place at the right
after the Roman goddess of the hunt. time when Richard Pearson, a former
He taught her how to shoot and provider of animals for the circus,
survive in the wilderness. Unfor- needed another hand in an African
tunately, at least in young Diana’s expedition. McLeod became a loyal
eyes, he also wanted her to be a employee ever since.
proper lady. He insisted that she go
to school in England, pulling strings In a twist of fate, McLeod was
to get her there. While she was in mauled by a jaguar during a Mayan
school, Diana learned of her father’s expedition and was recuperating in
death on a Himalayan expedition. the hospital when Pearson disap-
peared in the Himalayan expedition.
Diana is coldly beautiful, but her He feels personally responsible,
eyes lack any spark. Years of hunt- believing that Pearson would still be
ing have dulled her senses to suffer- alive if he had been there. McLeod
ing, and her desire to finish what her offered his services to Diana, who
father started consumes her every appreciated having one of her
thought. Still, she is not totally father’s seasoned employees on her
unapproachable, and she will warm team. He is fiercely loyal to Diana
to any PC who shares her interest in and will not allow anything to hap-
hunting. pen to her.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6,
Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8. Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d10.
Skills: Climbing d8, Driving d6, Skills: Climbing d8, Driving d6,
Fighting d6, Guts d6, Notice d8, Fighting d10, Guts d10, Notice d6,
Riding d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d8, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Survival d8
Survival d8, Tracking d8 Charisma: -2; Pace:6;
Charisma: +0; Pace:6; Parry: 7 Toughness:8
Parry: 5 Toughness:6 Hindrances: Ugly, Loyal
Hindrances: Outsider, Vow Edges: Brawny, Combat Reflexes,
Edges: Alertness, Giant Killer, Nerves of Steel
Marksman, Moxie Gear: Sawed-off Shotgun (5/10/30,
Gear: Remington 30-06 (24/48/96, 1-3d6, ROF 1-2, Shots 2), Colt 1911
2d8, AP2, ROF 1, Shots 6), Mauser (12/24/48, 2d6+1, AP1), Machete
C96 pistol (10/20/40, 2d6+1, ROF (Str +d6).
1, Shots 10)
Lama Ranpoche puppet (hypnosis), speak
Lama Ranpoche has been the leader language (telepathy), teleport
of this monastery for almost half a (dematerialization), 30 Power Points.
century. He looks like a bald man of
sixty, although in reality he is ninety- Tibetan Monk
one. He enjoys company, but speaks The monks of the Choje Monastery
in short sentences. This is not due to wear simple robes, shave their heads,
his age; the Lama believes that every and wear yellow hats. They speak
utterance should be meaningful, and little, usually only when spoken to
he does not waste time with idle (which is difficult for the PCs, since
chatter or embellishments. none of them are likely to speak
Tibetan or one of the Indian lan-
The Lama has been protecting the guages). All of them are aware of
yeti in this area for years. Tradition- the existence of yeti, but they have
ally, the yeti have always helped vowed never to reveal that secret.
defend the monastery from outsiders. They use the rules for Mooks found
They have defended the monastery on page 87.
often from looters and fortune seek-

The Lama remembers Richard

Pearson. He visited the monastery
with an expedition ten years ago.
The Lama warned him not to hunt
for the yeti, but Pearson ignored his
request. Ranpoche heard from vil-
lagers sometime later that Pearson’s
expedition was buried in an ava-
lanche. There were no survivors.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12,

Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d6.
Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d10,
Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Psionics
d12, Stealth d6, Survival d8
Charisma: 0; Pace:6;
Parry: 5 Toughness:5
Hindrances: Obligation
(Monastery), Vow
Edges: Arcane Background
(Psionics), Mentalist, New Powers,
Power Points.
Powers: Deflection (precognition),
healing (mind over matter),

Captain Yao Jin Chinese Communist Lt.
Captain Yao Jin is a soldier who The Lieutenants are the squad lead-
probably would never have achieved ers of the Communist army. These
the rank of captain in the National stats can double as the stats for the
Army. The Communists couldn’t British officers.
afford to be choosy, and Captain
Yao proved himself worthy in battle. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6,
Captain Yao is a firm believer in Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8.
Communism and keeps tracts on his Skills: Climbing d6, Driving d6,
person at all times (he even has a Fighting d8, Guts d6, Notice d6,
Cantonese translation of Karl Marx’s Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Survival d6
The Communist Manifesto). Cap- Charisma: 0; Pace:6;
tain Yao is a strong man with chis- Parry: 6 Toughness:6
eled features and a slim mustache. Hindrances: Obligation
Edges: Combat Reflexes
As a soldier, Captain Yao appreciates Gear: Revolver (various makes,
loyalty, frankness and discipline. depending on the nationality)
He never learned to bluff, and his (12/24/48, 2d6+1)
diplomacy skills are lacking. When
asking doesn’t work, Captain Yao Chinese Communist Soldier
immediately moves to intimidation. These are the grunts of the Com-
He wants the Crimson Mist to use as munist army. They are fiercely loyal
a weapon for Communism. and devoted to the cause of Chinese
Communism. These stats can double
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, as the stats for the British soldiers, or
Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d8. the Crimson Guard, as needed. They
Skills: Climbing d8, Driving d6, use the stat rules for Mooks found on
Fighting d8, Guts d8, Intimidate d8, page 87.
Notice d8, Shooting d8, Stealth d6,
Survival d6 Possessions: The Soldiers carry
Charisma: -2; Pace:6; pistols (various makes, depending on
Parry: 6 Toughness:6 the nationality-- 12/24/48, 2d6+1),
Hindrances: Mean, Obligation rifles (24/48/96, 2d8), and knives
Edges: Hard to Kill, No Mercy (Str d4).
Gear: Browning Hi-Power
(12/24/48, 2d6+1 AP1), officer’s
sword (Str +d6)

IV: ESCApe From The control American mob bosses and
Crimson Palace influence the Presidential election.
Their investigation led them to Tibet,
where they discovered a mysterious
Background chemical weapon that has wiped
It is nearing the end of 1936. The out an entire village. Unfortunately,
PCs had uncovered a conspiracy by they have found themselves captured
the mythical Crimson Emperor to by the Crimson Emperor’s army.

Stand-alone Adventure Chapter Nine:
If this adventure is being used as a
standalone, then the GM will have to
Dastardly Scheme
contrive an opportunity for the PCs Revealed!
to wander too close to the ancient
palace and get captured. Since the In “Valley of Death,” the Crimson
Crimson Emperor wishes to remain Emperor’s soldiers captured the
secret, any threat will be neutralized PCs. Bound and stripped of their
(including sending an airplane weapons, the PCs will be taken to
to shoot down any “trespassing” the Palace of the Crimson Emperor.
aircraft. The PCs could be part of
a hunting/mapping expedition or The Palace is built into the side of
simply airplane passengers passing a crevasse in a remote area of the
over the Plateau of Tibet. Once the Tibetan Plateau. Due to the nature
PCs are brought before the Crimson of the split, the crevasse is almost
Emperor and discover his secret entirely covered by overhanging
plans, they will be treated in the rock, shielding the palace face from
same way as the Serial PCs. aerial exposure. It is also difficult
for an airplane to safely traverse the
As a standalone, the hidden palace crevasse (Pilot check at -2).
can be relocated to any part of
the world where the PCs happen The Palace is about a day’s march
to be. The GM should substitute from the Tando Valley (see “Valley
the East Asian motif for whatever of Death”) and it will be nightfall as
local ancient cultures existed (for the soldiers march up the bottom of
example, a palace buried in the the crevasse to the Palace Entrance.
mountains of Guatemala may have The overhanging rocks make the
influences from Olmec, Aztec, valley pitch black.
Toltec, Mayan, and Incan cultures).
The front of the palace is lit by
Serial Adventure enormous torches, which give
In “Valley of Death,” the PCs saw the ornately carved palace façade
the effects of the Crimson Death an eerie glow. PCs who make a
and were captured by the forces of Knowledge (Art) or Knowledge
the Crimson Emperor. During this (History) check will note various
adventure, the PCs will learn of the influences in the design, including
Crimson Emperor’s plans and escape Chinese, Tibetan, Indian, and even
his clutches. Greek. An airplane hanger is built
into the rock wall opposite the
palace, and there is an airplane
sitting outside. The aircraft has Nazi

The PCs will be led into a grand An Audience with
hall, which is the court of the
Crimson Emperor. The room is the Emperor
richly decorated with silks and After several minutes, the Crimson
frescoes. The paintings include Emperor makes his grand entrance
a map of the original boundaries (in reality, his duplicate, as the
of the Fusan Dynasty as well as heroes will eventually discover).
key figures and battles throughout He is wearing robes of red and gold
history (presumably those whom and a matching ornate headdress. A
the Crimson Emperor aided). The servant removes the hat, revealing
emperor’s chair sits on a raised a surprisingly clean-shaven man
dais with a large banner depicting (lacking the expected “Fu Manchu”
a crimson dragon wrapped around look) with short-cropped hair. A
a globe. The soldiers will force second servant removes his robes,
the PCs to their knees and warn revealing a crimson military uniform
them that it is forbidden to look at with gold trim cut and decorated in a
the emperor without his consent. European royal style.
Failure to comply is an immediate
death sentence (the guards aren’t in “You have traveled long and far
the mood for lip. Sarcasm and such to see the Crimson Emperor of the
are dealt with a rifle butt to the face. Fusan Dynasty,” he states. “Rise
Any attempts at heroics or staring at now and enjoy his hospitality.”
the Emperor before acknowledged
will be met with a bullet. If the The Crimson Emperor will ask them
GM feels negative reinforcement is to identify themselves. If necessary,
necessary, he can have one of the he will use his powers of mesmerism
NPCs, such as Doug MacLoed, test to compel truthful responses. As
the waters and get a bullet for his he hears their names, the Emperor
trouble). will smile and refer to previous
events in the serial that the PCs were
Serial Note: The next section connected with.
presumes that this chapter is part
of the Crimson Emperor serial. If At this point, the PCs may gloat
the GM is using this adventure as a about foiling his plans, especially his
standalone or as the second part of attempts to influence the election.
the Tibetan adventure, the Crimson The Emperor will smile at this,
Emperor’s responses should be letting them know that everything
adjusted accordingly. In the end, all went according to plan. As proof, he
fates are the same. The PCs know offers a copy of the PC’s local paper
too much and will be locked away trumpeting Steamship Stu Morrison
as their likenesses are used to further as the President-elect. This may
his evil scheme. confuse the PC’s at first, but the
Emperor will assure them that all of
the dirty tactics and assassination

attempts against Senator Morrison Terror,” none of the representatives
were designed to garner him are well known (in other words, no
votes. In other words, the Crimson Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, etc).
Emperor wanted Sen. Morrison to
win the election. If the PCs decide to try anything
funny, the GM should remind them
The Emperor will lament the PC’s that the dining hall is well guarded
involvement in “the Scorpion by Crimson soldiers holding subma-
Syndicate,” claiming that their chine guns. PCs who mingle will
destruction of the Mirror Machine find that the ambassadors are suit-
caused a minor setback. They can, ably impressed by the Crimson Em-
however, be assured that the Mirror peror’s conquest of America and the
Machine in this palace is in perfect potency of the Crimson Death.
working order.
Not long after the PCs arrive, the
The Emperor will allow a few more Crimson Emperor will make his
questions, but he limits his answers appearance and sit at the head of
to admitting involvement in the the table. He is accompanied by a
previous schemes. He will elaborate Frenchman in a lab coat. The Em-
further at dinner, where the PCs will peror will order wine glasses refilled
be honored guests. and offer a toast.

Guess WHo’s Coming “Gentlemen, I have promised

you control of the entire world,
to Dinner? with national boundary lines
The PCs will be escorted to an redrawn to your specifications.
elaborate dining hall and seated at a I have conquered the sleeping
well-decorated table already laden giant through its own democratic
with tasty dishes. There are already electoral process.” He pauses as the
representatives of other governments representatives break out in laughter.
chatting and drinking here. PCs may “With the use of Dr. Marcel’s weapon
make Common Knowledge checks I will strengthen my control over
to identify the ambassadors. There the United States and together we
are representatives from Germany, will crush our enemies!” With that,
Italy, Japan, and Russia here (as well he raises his glass and toasts the
as any fictional “bad guy” nations representatives.
the GM may have used in previous
adventures). PCs who make a Notice roll will
notice that Dr. Clark Marcel is not
There are also American representa- happy, but is doing his best to keep
tives here as well, including Marty his composure (in truth, Dr. Marcel
Bloom, President Morrison’s for- is just as much a prisoner as the
mer campaign manager. With the PCs).
exception of Bloom, whom Serial
PCs would know from “Politics of
The Shocking There is another prisoner as well,
Lianna Marcel. She will only share
Revelation a cell with a female PC, but she can
The Crimson Emperor will offer a also communicate with the other
second toast. This time it is directed cells through the bars. Lianna is
at the PCs. a pretty young lady who is held
captive here so that her father, Dr.
“The Crimson Mist will be unleashed Clark Marcel, will continue his work
on (insert appropriate American in providing the Crimson Emperor
Campaign City here). Naturally, with more potent versions of the
I shall need scapegoats, someone Crimson Mist. Lianna hates being
upon which to lay the blame for this used like this, and will ask the PCs
terrorist action. Divine Providence to help her find some way to help her
has brought those scapegoats to father.

To their horror, the PCs realize that Not the Face!

the representatives are toasting them. The PC is taken to the secret lab
Soon after, the PCs are escorted to where Dr. Grigory Janovich and the
their cells to await duplication. Mirror Machine await them. The
Mirror Machine consists of two ta-
bles with restraining belts and a large
T-shaped machine between them.
Chapter Ten: Characters who have been through
Prisoners of the “the Scorpion Syndicate” will recog-
Emperor nize it as a duplicate of the machine
in the Chinatown Warehouse. Simi-
Once the PCs have settled into their larly, this “Dr. Janovich” is also a
The following sections can be duplicate.
shuffled and arranged as the GM
sees fit. It is important that the For all PCs, the routine is the same.
players receive all of the information Two elite guards will escort each PC
on the checklist before proceeding to (it is up to the GM how many PCs
Chapter Eleven. are taken at once; since this encoun-
ter is supposed to go smoothly, the
more isolated the PC feels, the bet-
A Nice Cozy Cell
ter). The PC will be strapped down
& Some Company on one of the tables and a young
The first place that the PCs will be Chinese man (or woman) who is
escorted to is their new home. They stripped to the waist (a woman vol-
will be taken to the dungeon where unteer would still wear something
they will be paired off into cells. for modesty, unless the GM wishes
The cells are made of stone with to veer into “spicy” territory). Each
steel bars (and no windows), making volunteer has a crimson Crimson
an escape an unlikely proposition. tattoo on his left forearm.
The process of duplication takes sev- the Crimson Emperor, then now is a
eral hours as the machine “reads” the good time for the Crimson Emperor
victim’s face and hands and adjusts to reiterate his plan.
the volunteer’s features accordingly.
A Visit From Dr. Marcel
INterrogation Dr. Marcel is allowed to visit his
A PC who has already been du- daughter semi-regularly. If Lianna
plicated will be taken to see the has gained the trust of the PCs, then
Crimson Emperor. The meeting will she will ask her father to tell them
take place in one of the observation what he knows.
lounges that overlooks the ravine.
Two elite soldiers will escort the PC Dr. Marcel will tell the PCs that the
and remain in the room with them. duplication process is not perfect.
The PC’s duplicate will be here as The Mirror Machine manipulates
well. The purpose of the meeting is the nerves of the skin and over time
to give the new duplicate the infor- those nerves unravel and return to
mation he needs to go to America their natural state. Continuous treat-
and impersonate the PC. The Crim- ments are necessary every couple of
son Emperor will first use diplomacy months to maintain the disguise. Dr.
to encourage cooperation. After all, Marcel has accidentally discovered
he only wishes to unite the world that irritants, such as itchy powders,
under one government. There will will cause the nerves to unravel more
be no more wars, no more suffering, quickly. This also means that dupli-
and no more poverty. He will usher cate victims are usually held alive so
in a golden age. If the PC cooper- that the disguises can be kept longer.
ates, then the Crimson Emperor will
promise that he or she will be well Dr. Marcel will also reveal that the
cared for after the takeover of the Crimson Mist is a powerful weapon
world. but it must be sprayed on victims
in a semi-liquid state. It disperses
If the PC refuses to cooperate, then quickly, so releasing it too high in
he will have the guards immobilize the atmosphere will negate its ef-
the PC as he forcibly extracts infor- fects. Also, explosions or fire will
mation. He asks very basic ques- dry out essential components almost
tions about the PC’s home, friends, immediately, rendering what is left
family, job, business associates, inert. Dr. Marcel is still alive be-
membership in organizations, etc. cause he’s assured the Crimson Em-
Once the interrogation is over, the peror that he can solve these prob-
Crimson Emperor sends the PC back lems with more experimentation.
to his cell.

Serial Note: If the PCs played the Dr. Marcel hates what he is doing.
previous chapter badly and missed He takes full responsibility for all of
information regarding the plans of the deaths that his mist has caused,
and it has taken its toll. He almost their home city by their duplicates.
looks more like Lianna’s grandfather
than her father. Dr. Marcel is also a • The PCs should realize The
fatalist; he does not see any way that current President of the United
the PCs could escape the Crimson States is a duplicate.
Emperor’s clutches. If, however,
they could escape with Lianna, then
he would stop cooperating with
the Crimson Emperor (suicide is

If one of the PCs is a scientist, Dr.

Marcel may suggest that the PC
become his assistant. The Crimson
Emperor will grant the request,
enabling Dr. Marcel to teach the PC
how to make the itchy powder.

Before going to the next chapter,
the following things should have

• Every PC should have been


• Every PC should have been


• The PCs should have met

Lianna and understand why she is
kept here.

• The PCs should have met Dr.

Marcel and learned about the itchy
powder and the limitations of the
Crimson Mist.

• The PCs should understand

that, if they flee with Lianna, Dr.
Marcel will stop cooperating.

• The PCs should realize that the

Crimson Mist will be released in
Chapter Eleven: Crimson Emperor to be non-Aryan
and inferior.
A Daring Escape!
Regardless of their suspicion, the
Strange Bedfellows PCs should realize that Schulhoffer
One night, Heinrich Schulhoffer, the offers their best chance to escape.
German ambassador, visits the PCs. They should cautiously accept his
He will give the PCs an intriguing agreement. He will share the escape
offer. He knows that Dr. Marcel route with them the next time he
visits the cell often. Schulhoffer returns, when it is time to act.
is willing to free Marcel and his
daughter and escape in his transport The Escape Begins
plane. Unfortunately, the Crimson As promised, Schulhoffer returns
Emperor will not allow any of the just after the PCs have been served
ambassador’s security guards into breakfast. He jovially asks the
the palace. So Schulhoffer is willing jailor to allow him into the cell to
to offer a deal with the PCs. ask the PCs a few questions. The
jailor agrees, fishing out his keys and
His plan is simple. He will come to opening the door to the cellblock. At
visit the PCs just before Dr. Marcel this point, the German Ambassador
is escorted into the cellblock. He pulls out a silenced pistol and shoots
will take care of the guard and get the jailor in the back of the head.
the keys to open the cell doors.
When the guards arrive with Dr. As Schulhoffer unlocks the cell
Marcel, the PCs will be able to doors, he will tell the PCs that their
surprise and overwhelm them. They quickest way to escape is to use the
will then use Dr. Marcel as a hostage elevator at the end of the hall. The
to escape (Schulhoffer will provide bottom floor is a service entrance,
them with the most convenient usually guarded by four guards.
escape route). Once outside, Once the PCs deal with them, they
Schulhoffer will meet them at the should be able to run across the
airplane and transport them back to valley to the Nazi transport plane.
Germany, where he will allow them Schulhoffer also notes that one of the
to go free. keys opens the closet in the jailor’s
room which contains all of their
PCs should be naturally suspicious confiscated equipment (convenient,
of Schulhoffer’s motives. A yes, but this is pulp! GMs who do
successful Notice check (opposed by not want to let the PCs off that easily
the German’s Spirit) will reveal that may ignore the closet altogether).
Schulhoffer hopes that Dr. Marcel
can be persuaded to share his secret
of the Crimson Mist with Nazi
Germany. There is also a veneer of
racism, as Schulhoffer considers the

Unfortunately, the Crimson Emperor
What if They has grown suspicious of the suddenly
Players Come Up with departing German Ambassador and
sends another group of guards to
Something Else?
check in on the cellblock. As the
It’s entirely possible that your
PCs are heading toward the elevator,
players may not wait around
call for a Notice roll. Those who
to hear Herr Schulhoffer’s
make it hear the other elevator
offer. Gamers have a hard time
coming toward their level (and can
keeping their characters captive,
see the top of the elevator coming
even if it is a staple of the genre.
into view). There are three armed
elite guards in the elevator who will
In the event that the PCs attempt
have to be dealt with before the PCs
their own escape, the GM should
can escape down the other elevator.
feel free to encorporate elements
from this chapter into the events
(It needs to be noted here that the
surrounding the player’s own
palace elevators have a “cage”
configuration. The outer door is a
simple pull-down caged door that
In other words: Wing it.
can be left up when the car is not
there. The inner door is a simple
“pull-out” accordian door that is
only about 3 feet high (and is usually
not used). Thus, people can interact
Serial Note: The PCs may realize
and even shoot each other through
that they no longer need the
the doors).
Ambassador at this time and double-
cross him. Let them. They will still
The service tunnel is six floors
need to lay in wait for Dr. Marcel
down (there are three more levels
and convince the Nazis to take them
below that). The GM could have
once they get to the airplane.
soldiers shoot up or down at them
from higher or lower floors. This
Within half an hour, two guards
could result in a weakening of the
approach the cellblock with Dr.
elevator. GMs are encouraged to
Marcel. The PCs should have a
make the elevator trip as thrilling
tactical plan to take out the guards
and entertaining as possible.
and free Dr. Marcel (the jails provide
a convenient dumping ground for
captured guards). Service Tunnel
The four guards will be running
down the tunnel as the PCs land.
Elevator Troubles
Once the PCs have taken down the
Assuming that the PCs take out the
guards, they can exit out into the
guards and convince Dr. Marcel to
come with them, they should head
down the hallway to the elevator.
Chapter Twelve: no loyalty to the PCs and has no
qualms ordering the Nazi soldiers
Flight for to turn their guns on them). The
Freedom! transport plane has two Nazi pilots,
the German Ambassador, and two
This is the final chapter in “Escape soldiers left. The PCs will have
from the Crimson Palace.” The PCs to overcome them if they wish to
must board the Nazi plane and make commandeer the plane.
their escape. They will have to deal
with not only the Crimson Emperor’s Fly The Unfriendly Skies
men, but also the remaining Nazis Once the PCs are in the air, they will
on the plane. If the PCs can fly have to figure out where to go. PCs
south enough, they can get help from may make a Knowledge check to
British forces. realize that their best chance is to
head south toward British-controlled
Joining A Battle territory. If the PCs fail this check,
in progress then Dr. Marcel will suggest it. They
As the PCs enter the valley, they will can also use their radios to alert the
see the Nazi transport plane taxiing British that they are not Nazis.
down the runway. They will also
see several dead Nazi and Crimson While flying towards safe harbor,
soldiers. The transport plane is the PCs are followed by three of the
about to be overrun by ten armed Crimson Emperor’s fighter aircraft.
Crimson soldiers. Only a couple of The PCs can use the transport
Nazi soldiers are shooting back at plane’s machine guns to fight them
them from the airplane. off.

The PC’s greatest help is a jeep Nazi Transport Plane (Junkers

(actually a Wehrmacht Kubelwagen Ju52): Acc/TS 18/70; Climb 20
-- Acc/TS 20/40, Toughness 10(3), Toughness 20 (2); Crew: 3+18;
Crew 1+4) parked next to the service Cost: Military
entrance. This jeep has an MG-34 Weapons: Machinegun (dorsal
machine gun fitted on it (30/60/120, 360)-- Range:30/60/120 Damage:
2d8+1, AP2, ROF 3, Shots 200). 2d8 ROF 3 Weight 25 Ammo 150
The PCs can use it to hold off the Notes: AP 2; Vehicle)
Crimson soldiers as they drive up to
the transport plane. Crimson Emperor’s Fighters
(Nakajima A1N2): Acc/TS 12/48;
Schulhoffer is eagerly calling to Climb 20; Toughness 10 (1); Crew
them and will order the transport 1; Cost: Military Weapons: Twin
plane to slow down so that the PCs machineguns (Fixed Forward --
can intercept them. He will insist Range: 24/48/96 Damage: 2d8 ROF
that Dr. Marcel and his daughter 3 Weight 25 Ammo 150 Notes: AP
load first (at which point he feels 2; Vehicle)
plane group after them
before they get to
British territory.

British government
will be very interested
in the Crimson
Emperor and his plans
for world domination.
They plan to unmask the
faux President when he visits
Great Britain. The PCs should
have their wealth levels increased
for their information. If the GM
wishes, the PCs could go on to stop
their duplicates in the final adventure
of this serial, “The Crimson Veil.”

Serial: The PCs must return to their

The fighter planes are simply trying home city and find their duplicates
to down the craft, not destroy it, so before the Crimson Mist can be
the PCs will have some advantage. unleashed on their city. They also
If the plane does go down, then the need to unmask the faux president.
PCs will hopefully have radioed the These events are chronicled in “The
British, who will send airplanes to Crimson Veil.”
the rescue. The PCs and Lianna will
have to use parachutes to escape the Diana Pearson, if she is still alive,
plane before it crashes. will insist on going back to the
monastery and retrieving Sheldon
Dr. Marcel will not be going with Grey, leaving the PCs to deal with
them, regardless of the outcome. the events of “The Crimson Veil”
Realizing that his knowledge is alone.
dangerous to the world, Dr. Marcel
kisses his daughter goodbye before
biting down on a cyanide capsule.
No Healing will save him. His last
words are “I’m sorry…”

If the GM feels that the PCs take

down the Crimson’s aircraft too
quickly, he could send another three-

DRAMATIS PERSONAE Emperor is masquerading as the
President-Elect of the United States
of America. Use the below stats
“The Crimson Emperor” for either the duplicate or the true
Fu Dao, the Crimson Emperor, Emperor.
claims to be the latest descendent
of the Fusan emperors. No one Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12,
has challenged his claim. While Spirit d12, Strength d8, Vigor d8
one might expect that centuries of Skills: Fighting d10, Guts d12,
isolation and exile would produce a Intimidation d10, Notice d8, Psionics
leader mired in his own past, noth- d12, Taunt d10, Throwing d8
ing can be further from the truth. Charisma: 0; Pace: 6;
Fu Dao is very much a student of Parry:8; Toughess: 5
modern culture and believes that Hindrances: Arrrogant,
“Western ways” must be adapted in Overconfident, Vengeful (Major).
order to ensure that his new empire Edges: Arcane Background
will stand the test of time (ironically, (Psionics), Block, Combat Reflexes,
China is fated to pursue a similar Command, Filthy Rich, Followers,
course by the end of the next de- Fervor, Improved Dodge, Improved
cade). Toward that end, he wears his Level Headed, Mentalist, New
hair short, keeps his face shaved, and Power, Nine Lives, Power Points.
has adopted European military dress. Powers: Armor (hard skin),
Barrier (telekenetic force), Boost/
The one trait that the Crimson Lower Trait (hypnosis), Deflection
Emperor has inherited from his (telekenetic force), Entangle
ancestors is megalomania. He (hypnotic paralysis), Fear (hypnotic
truly believes that he is destined suggestion), Invisibility (cloud men’s
to rule, and has seized on current minds), Puppet (hypnotic mind
world events to further his goals. control), Smite (chi infusion), Speak
He is secretly funding the Chinese Language (mental attunement),
Nationals in the hopes of creating Telekenesis, 40 Power Points.
a new China beholden to him (and Gear: In his own house, the
create a balancing force against his Crimson Emperor has access to
“ally” Japan). The Emperor has also everything he needs. When wearing
forged ties with the Germans and his military uniform, he prefers to
the Italians, promising them that his carry a German mauser pistol and
ambitions lie no further than East a samurai sword (a gift from the
Asia and keeping America out of the Japanese Emperor).
war. In truth, the Emperor plans to
conquer them all in time.

The “Crimson Emperor” that the

PCs meet in this adventure is actu-
ally a duplicate. The true Crimson

“Dr. Grigory Janovich” Guts d6, Healing d6, Knowledge
Use the stats found in Part II: The (biology) d12, Knowledge
Scorpion Syndicate. (electronics) d12, Knowledge
(chemistry) d12, Notice d8, Repair
d10, Shooting d6, Weird Sciecne d12
Diana Pearson
Charisma: +0, Pace:6;
Use the stats found in Part III: The
Parry: 5 Toughness: 5
Valley of Death.
Hindrances: Loyal
Edges: Arcane Background (Weird
Doug MacLeod
Science), Gadgeteer, Mr. Fix It,
Use the stats found in Part III: The
McGyver, Power Points, Rapid
Valley of Death.
Gizmos: None currently
Dr. Clark Marcel Gear: Dr. Marcel usually carries
Dr. Clark Marcel is a noted French lab tools with him. He also has a
scientist who invented a new lethal cyanide tablet in case he gets the op-
gas during the Great War. Horrified portunity to use it.
by its affects, Dr. Marcel planned
to destroy the evidence and pretend Nerve Agitator Powder: Dr. Mar-
that it never existed. Unfortunately, cel’s counteragent to the Mirror
Dr. Marcel was noted in the Paris Machine is a fine yellow powder
community and one of the Crim- that, when it comes in contact with
son Emperor’s spies learned of his affected skin, will cause the victim
invention. The Emperor arranged to itch and revert to his normal form.
for Lianna, his daughter, to be kid- PCs with Dr. Marcel’s formula can
napped and promised Dr. Marcel that recreate a batch with Knowledge
she would remain alive only as long (chemistry) or Weird Science check.
as he agreed to produce the Crimson PCs without the formula can attempt
Mist. to recreate it as well, but with a -4 on
the roll.
Dr. Marcel is haunted by his work.
His hair is decidedly thinner and
Lianna Marcel
wrinkles mar what was once a youth-
An old proverb states: Be careful
ful face. Even his eyes are starting
what you wish for; you might get
to fail him. Dr. Marcel sees no
it. This proverb sums up Lianna.
way out of his predicament and it is
A few months ago, Lianna was
slowly killing him. He would have
the smothered daughter of a noted
taken his own life months ago if he
Parisian chemist. He frowned on her
weren’t concerned for the safety of
advancing her education, wishing
his daughter.
that she would find a good husband
and produce grandchildren. Lianna,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12,
however, wanted more out of life.
Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6.
She was an artist and spent most of
Skills: Driving d6, Fighting d6,
her time producing paintings that she
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts
d8, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor
Skills: Driving d8, Fighting
d6, Guts d8, Investigation d10,
Notice d8, Streetwise d8
Charisma +4, Pace: 6;
Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
Hindrances: Curious
Edges: Very Attractive, Charmer
Gear: Lianna keeps some
colored chalk in her pockets.

Crimson Elilte Soldier

The elite soldiers are the Palace
Guard. These are the soldiers to
use whenever the PCs are fac-
hoped would draw attention to her.
ing soldiers within the walls of the
She wanted out of her safe, comfort-
able life and into something more
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6,
Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d8.
And then the agents of the Crimson
Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting
Emperor kidnapped her from an art
d8, Guts d8, Intimidation d6,
museum and whisked her off to Ti-
Lockpicking d8, Notice d8, Shooting
bet. Now she is even more isolated
d8, Stealth d8, Swimming d6,
and, worse, she is insurance for her
Throwing d8
father’s cooperation. Unlike her
Charisma: -2 Pace: 6;
father, Lianna plans to escape.
Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
Hindrances: Mean
Lianna is an attractive woman of
Edges: Quick Draw, Rock and Roll!,
nineteen. She tries to keep her
Strong Willed.
spirits up by drawing frescoes in
Gear: The elite soldiers carry MP38
chalk on the walls of her cell. She
submachine guns (12/24/48, 2d6,
has also found that cooperation gets
ROF 3, Shots 32) and Nambu pistol
her out of the cell every once in a
(12/24/48, 2d6-1, ROF 1, Shots 8)
while, so she is careful to stay in the
good graces of her captors. Make
no mistake, though, Lianna will turn
on them in a second at a chance for

Crimson “Grunt” Soldier Nazi Soldier
These are the soldiers that the PCs The Nazi soldiers protecting the
will encounter in the valley while transport plane from the Crimson
rushing to the transport plane. They Emperor’s forces use the stats found
use the Mook stats on page 87. on page 112.

Gear: The soldiers carry Ara- Military Pilot

saka rifles (24/48/95, 2d8, ROF 1, This stat block is intended for the
Shots 6), Nambu pistols (12/24/48, Crimson fighter pilots and the Nazi
2d6-1, ROF 1, Shots 8), and knives transport pilots.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6,
Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8.
Diplomat Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d8, Notice
This stat block is designed to be used d8, Piloting d8, Shooting d8
for all of the diplomats, including Charisma: 0, Pace:6;
Ambassador Schulhoffer. Toughness: 7
Hindrances: --
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Edges: Ace
Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6.
Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d4,
Intimidation d8, Knowledge
(politics) d10, Notice d6, Persuasion
d8, Shooting d6
Charisma: +0, Pace:6;
Parry: 5 Toughness: 5
Hindrances: Overconfident
Edges: Connections
Gear: The diplomats usually carry
briefcases of important documents as
well as an appropriate pistol.

V: The Crimson Veil unity, Morrison has asked Franklin
Roosevelt to be his Vice-President
(“demoting” his running mate to
Background Secretary of War). Oddly, Roosevelt
It is January, 1937. President-elect has accepted.
Stuart Morrison is preparing to take
office. He promises to crack down What the world does not know is
on organized crime and end the that Morrison is not who he claims
economic depression. In a gesture of to be. The insidious Crimson
Emperor has orchestrated Morrison’s example to blackmail other cities
election and has disguised himself as into acquiescing to his demands,
the the former Senator. The Crimson whatever they may be.
Emperor plans to turn America into
an Empire, one that will ally itself This scenario should start with
with Germany and Japan. Chapter Fourteen. The PCs will be
imprisoned and learn of the scheme
To further his goals, the Crimson prior to making their escape. They
Emperor has developed a chemical will then confront their duplicates,
weapon, the Crimson Mist. He plans as outlined in Chapter Thirteen.
to spray this weapon over a major Finally, the PCs will confront the
American city (the campaign city) main villain. Chapter Fifteen may
and blame it on organized crime. be used as a guide in designing an
He will use this as a pretext to grab appropriate climax.
emergency powers in his inaugural
speech. Serial Adventure
In “Escape from the Crimson
Dark times are ahead unless the PCs Palace,” the PCs learned about the
can stop the machinations of the Crimson Emperor’s plans. In this
Crimson Emperor! final segment of the serial, the PCs
will have to clear their name and
Stand-alone Adventure expose the president as a fraud.
As the culmination of the serial, “the GMs who wish to add new chapters
Crimson Veil” will require some to the serial should consult the Plot
reworking in order to accommodate Complications section at the end of
standalone play. Certain elements this mini adventure. A few options
of this mini adventure, such as a are offered to extend the campaign
completely fictitious president, into a radical, yet pulpish, diversion
may be too awkward to use in a from established history. It will
standalone scenario. be up to the PCs to define this new
The easiest way to use this mini
adventure as a standalone is to
ignore the presidential angle.
Instead, the Crimson Emperor may
be played as (or replaced by) a
typical megalomaniacal pulp villain
that wishes to use the Crimson Mist
to further his nefarious plans. In
this case, he would be working with
the local mob bosses to implicate
the PCs as the perpetrators of the
crime. The Crimson Emperor
will use the Crimson Mist as an
Chapter Thirteen: Nerve Agitator Powder
The Crimson Plot PCs who have played through
“Escape from the Crimson Palace”
In “Escape from the Crimson may have access to Dr. Clark
Palace,” the PCs learned that their Marcel’s formula for Nerve Agitator
duplicates are planning to unleash a Powder. This fine yellow powder,
horrific weapon upon their city. The when applied to skin treated by the
PCs will have to hide their presence Mirror Machine, will cause the skin
while uncovering the whereabouts of to itch and revert to its natural state
their evil doppelgangers. (the pre-duplicated face).

The Crimson Emperor’s sinister plot In order for the powder to work,
is relatively simple. The Crimson the PC must apply it to the affected
Mist is being produced in an old skin. This can be achieved by
illegal brewery just outside of scoring a hit in combat if the target
town. During this production, the is not immobilized. The powder acts
duplicates are trying to maintain quickly; causing the affected area to
their covers, offering just enough itch for 2d4 turns. During this time,
evidence to the outside world that the target is at a -2 to all rolls, due to
they are here (the fact that they are the itching. The target also needs to
acting a bit strangely works to their make a Vigor check; failure makes
favor when later framing the PCs). the target unable to do anything but
Once the Crimson Mist is ready, the scratch for 1d4 turns (or the end of
duplicates will be summoned to a the itching, whichever comes first).
local private airfield where they will
fill the tanks of crop dusters with the Being an irritant, the Nerve Agitator
poison. The duplicates will fly the Powder will affect anyone who
crop dusters over the city, spraying comes in contact with it. While this
the Crimson Mist on unsuspecting potentially gives the PCs a powerful
citizens. new weapon, the powder is limited
by availability (to be determined by
The Crimson Emperor hopes to the GM; a batch typically gives 10
use this plot to declare emergency doses), range (it needs to be thrown),
powers and effectively become a and effectiveness (against skin
dictator under the guise of protecting untreated by the Mirror Machine the
America. He will implicate the PCs powder only itches for 1d4 turns).
as well as the mobs, arguing that
stronger police powers are necessary Keeping a Low Profile
to break the back of organized crime The Crimson Emperor has ordered
and that more direct federal action is the local mobs to keep an eye out
necessary to end the Depression. If for the PCs. The duplicates have
the PCs don’t stop the Crimson Mist, been given a code phrase so that the
the Crimson Emperor may very well mob will not mistake them for the
succeed. PCs. The GM should feel free to
introduce mobsters (or corrupt police area just outside the city. The
officers) to harass and engage the illegal brewery kept the Duffy mob
PCs in order to kidnap him. PCs that in business during Prohibition but
are captured in this manner will be was abandoned once the Eighteenth
taken to the tenement containing the Amendment was repealed.
Mirror Machine in Chapter Fourteen.
It is important to remember that the The brewery is well-protected by
Crimson Emperor wants the PCs to Duffy and Marciano enforcers who
be taken alive in case he has further remain out of sight. The Crimson
need of the duplicates. Mist is being placed in barrels and
stored in the back of a pickup truck.
Since the Crimson Emperor has Inside, the brewing apparatuses have
taken control of the mobs, it will be been converted to manufacture the
very difficult for the PCs to maintain mist, overseen by a duplicate of Dr.
a low profile if they go to a public Grigory Janovich.
place. There are mob agents in the
train stations, ports, and airports. The PCs could decide to destroy
They will also be prevalent in places the Crimson Mist before it leaves
where the PCs would frequent in the brewery. In this case, the GM
their normal lives. should play out the battle normally.
The PCs may be able to Intimidate
One way for the PCs to keep a low the duplicate Janovich into giving
profile is to rely on a trusted friend the location of the secret base. If
or romantic interest. It is likely not, then they will either have to
that this contact will have noticed convince their duplicates to provide
something odd about the duplicate the information or use another
and will be willing to help out his Streetwise check (at -2) to discover
or her true friend. This contact the location of the tenement in
could also smuggle the PCs around Chapter Fourteen.
in a car to get them around the
city. This contact is probably being GMs who wish to run the airfield
watched, so if the PCs aren’t careful battle regardless of what the PCs do
to be discreet and “shake the tail,” should either have the truck pulling
contacting their friend could get away as they approach or allow them
them captured early on. to Intimidate a guard into telling
them that they’re too late. The
The Underworld Angle Crimson Mist is on its way.
If the PCs look into the seedy
underbelly of the city, they may
discover information about the
Crimson Mist. A Streetwise
check will alert the PC that there
is something going on at an
abandoned brewery in a wooded
If I weren’t Me, follow one of the duplicates when
the phone call comes. This will
Where would I go? require appropriate Stealth checks
The duplicates have had at least a to keep the duplicate from noticing
week or two to utilize their stolen that he’s being watched, or Tracking
identities. They have been living to follow the duplicate across the
those lives as best they can, trying city. The duplicate rarely leaves his
not to draw too much attention to home (or office, if the job is insular
themselves as they prepare for the enough).
plot. For PCs who live solitary
lives, this isn’t much of a problem.
AIRField Assault!
Duplicates who have taken over
The private airfield is a former farm
the lifestyle of a PC with an active
just outside the city limits. The
social or professional life will have
owner runs a crop dusting operation
to make excuses to keep people
for the surrounding farms, making
from discovering their secret. Thus,
it ideal for the Crimson Emperor’s
the PC may no longer show up to
purposes. The Emperor will first
work, forget to call his girlfriend,
send mob enforcers to secure the
or skip classes. This could cause
airfield (bribing the owner to look
quite a bit of trouble for the real PC
the other way). The truck will arrive
once he tries to resume his normal
next and the mobsters will start
life; alternatively, it could alert a
filling the crop dusters (one for each
trusted friend that there is something
duplicate) with the Crimson Mist.
“wrong” with the duplicate.
Finally, the duplicates will arrive
and pilot the airplanes. If they aren’t
All of the duplicates are waiting in
stopped, the duplicates will spray the
various locations for the telephone
Crimson Mist all over the city.
call that will lead them to the airport.
At least one duplicate has been
The GM should time the attack of
taking flying lessons in order to
the Crimson Mist with the approach
determine the best path to fly. PCs
of the PCs. This will allow for at
can discover this information with
least one duplicate-piloted crop
a Investigation check, at a +2 if the
duster to get into the air, allowing for
analogous PC is making the check).
some Air Ace action (alternatively,
If the PCs contact the private airfield
the GM may wish to have the planes
and can change the owner’s attitude
being fueled if no PCs are pilots).
from Neutral to Friendly, the owner
The duplicates are armed and will
will tell them that the duplicate is a
have no qualms shooting their
natural. In the event of a failure the
originals, as the distribution of the
airfield owner will tell the duplicate
mist takes precedence over keeping
that someone is looking for him.
the PCs preserved.
If the PCs do not uncover the airfield
There should also be as many mob
information, then they will have to
enforcers as necessary to make
the battle interesting.
Some enforcers will be
stationed at the airfield
entrance; others will be
guarding the truck and
ensuring that the pilots
get off the ground. There
are also two Model-A
Fords, as well as any
PC vehicles that the
duplicates used to
arrive there.

The Crimson Mist

needs a precise
application in order to
be effective. As long
as the PCs can down a
plane before it makes
its spraying run, the
mist will harmlessly

PCs can Intimidate

captured duplicates
into giving the
location of the Mirror
Machine in Chapter
How this chapter
CHapter Fourteen: proceeds largely depends on the
circumstances. For GMs using this
Mirror Images adventure as a standalone, the PCs
should start as prisoners on one of
The Mirror Machine and the the upper floors. Even serial PCs
imprisoned originals of the who start the adventure with Chapter
duplicates are located in an Thirteen may find themselves at the
abandoned tenement building in tenement prior to the conclusion of
a depressed part of the city. The that chapter, especially if they are
tenement is a four story building. taken prisoner.
The first floor is manned by
enforcers. The upper floors contain The key objectives of this chapter
the prisoners and the Mirror are to disable the Mirror Machine,
Machine is in the basement. free the captives, and prepare to
unmask the Crimson Emperor. The his body. The Mirror Machine
GM should hold off Chapter Fifteen treatments have actually enhanced
until all of these goals are met. the spread of the cancer (an ailment
which Morrison was careful to keep
out of the hands of the press, for fear
Ground Floor that it would hurt his campaign).
The ground floor is occupied at all
times by six mob enforcers. One If the PCs participated in “Politics
apartment belongs to Dr. Janovich of Terror,” then Morrison will
and contains many paintings and recognize them. Even if he doesn’t,
relics of Tsarist Russia. All of the Morrison knows that the Crimson
staircases to the basement save one Emperor has usurped his presidency
have been boarded up. and that he will be unable to retake
it in his present condition. He also
knows that another treatment from
Upper Floors the Mirror Machine will kill him and
The upper floors have been divided that the Crimson Emperor plans on
into cells. The doors are made of taking over the Vice-President next.
strong wood (Armor +4, Toughness
10) with high quality locks (-2 Morrison is willing to undergo the
to Lockpicking rolls) All of the procedure one last time to enable a
windows have been boarded up PC to take his face, if it’s suggested.
(Toughness 8) and covered with It would enable the PC to get close
steel bars (Toughness 12). Each enough to the Crimson Emperor and
floor is guarded by at least two mob expose him as a fraud. Morrison
enforcers. suggests that the PCs approach the
Crimson Emperor during a public
There are three prisoners of note on event so that the exposure cannot be
the upper floors. The first two are covered up.
the mob bosses Marco Marciano
and Seamus Duffy. They have been Basement
imprisoned for several months but The Mirror Machine sits in the
look no worse for wear. They are basement. It consists of two
willing to negotiate any reasonable tables with restraining belts and a
offers to help them escape. The large T-shaped machine between
mobsters can easily be convinced to them. Characters that have been
help the PCs expose and eliminate through earlier parts of the serial
the Crimson Emperor. will recognize it as a duplicate of
previous machines. This is actually
The third prisoner is a different Dr. Janovich’s third machine,
matter. He is the President-elect of hastily built after the events of “the
the United States, Stuart Morrison. Scorpion Syndicate.”
Steamboat Stu is bedridden with
a mutated cancer running through
Dr. Janovich
is here as
well. This is
the actual Dr.
Janovich and
he is protected
by Crimson
martial artists
(the actual
number should
be determined
by the GM). If
his bodyguards
are defeated,
Dr. Janovich
will beg for
his freedom.
He genuinely
wants to help
his native
Russia return
to its former
glory and
he can’t do
that if he’s
dead. If this
adventure is a
standalone, or
if the PCs lack
the capacity Morrison, although Dr. Janovich or
to make more Nerve Agitator mobsters may also be duplicated).
Powder, then Dr. Janovich will offer With Dr. Janovich’s help, the
to operate the Mirror Machine or process takes a few hours and is
give them the formula in return for an automatic success. PCs trying
his release. Unfortunately for the to operate the Mirror Machine
Doctor, any deal he makes will be without Dr. Janovich’s help must
moot. The mobsters will kill him make a Knowledge (science) or a
before he can leave the city. Weird Science check to figure out
the device. This check may have a
Using the Mirror Machine bonus to the roll, or be disregarded
The PCs will probably want to use if the PC had a chance to examine
the Mirror Machine to disguise the other versions of the Mirror
a PC or two (probably Senator Machine.
Chapter Fifteen: For serial campaigns, this is the
final chapter in a long story. The
The Villain PCs are finally about to confront
Unmasked! the mastermind behind it all! GMs
should do all they can to ensure that
Once the Crimson Mist plot has this final scene is a memorable one,
been foiled and the Mirror Machine with the villain conversing with
has been disabled, the PCs will the PCs as they fight (remember,
want to unmask the Crimson the Crimson Emperor organized
Emperor. Chances are that the the mobs into a syndicate under his
Crimson Emperor is aware of the control, manipulated an election and
PC’s activities and is taking steps became President, made allies of
to insulate himself from them. hostile governments, and developed
The Crimson Emperor will only a deadly weapon). The Crimson
be vulnerable when appearing at Emperor is also upset that the PCs
events he cannot cancel, such as the just foiled his attempt to wrest
swearing-in ceremony or other state emergency powers under the guise
events. of protecting the country.

Between appearances, the Crimson Traveling to

Emperor has rented a suite at
an upscale hotel. He is always
the capital
Since the Crimson Emperor is in
accompanied by his bodyguards and
Washington, DC, the PCs will have
has extra security in the hotel.
to travel there. How they get there

is up to the PCs. The agents of the
Emperor will be watching, and the
Dramatic Climax
The GM should provide a suitable
GM is encouraged to design an
moment for the PCs to attack the
encounter or two along the way if
Crimson Emperor. A classic scene
is the taking of the Oath of Office.
The PCs, especially one disguised
The Crimson Emperor is very
as Morrison, can get on the platform
reclusive when out of the spotlight,
just as the Crimson Emperor is
using his stance against organized
putting his hand on the Bible. The
crime as a cover for his aloofness.
shocking moment is captured on
He prefers to let Vice President
Roosevelt act as his mouthpiece.
Both men are surrounded by
The Crimson Emperor is a good
recurring adversary for the PCs.
Once the ruse is up, the Crimson
The Easy way Emperor will do anything he can
The easy way for the PCs to get to (including taking hostages) to make
the Emperor is for one of the PCs his escape. He has a submarine
to disguise himself as Morrison. waiting for him in the Potomac. He
While the Crimson’s inner circle will not fight to the death even if all
may be aware of duplicates, the hope of escape is lost (a Mastermind
standard security guards will not. of his caliber won’t be in prison for
Steamboat Stu was a very colorful long).
and recognizable person in life; no
security guard would stop him and
force him to produce his credentials. What if The
By the time someone spots the Players Decide to
disguised PC, the PC should be close Take Out the Crimson
enough to use the Nerve Agitator
Emperor Discreetly?
Let them. As long as the
The Hard Way Mirror Machine has been
The hard way for the PCs to get disabled and Dr. Janovich is
to the Emperor is to use the brute out of the picture, the PCs can
force approach. This approach can try to waylay the Crimson
be effective if the PCs have help Emperor in his hotel and send
from one or both of the mobs. In him packing. With his disguise
this case, the PCs will have to fight foiled, the Emperor will have
their way in (leaving room for moral no choice but to flee. The real
ambiguity in dealing with regular President Morrison is dying and
security guards who are just doing Vice President Roosevelt will
their jobs). They will then have to take his place.
get close enough to use the powder
on the Crimson Emperor.
Epilogue A Little Help
This is the final adventure in the from the Press
serial. If the PCs fail to stop the PCs who survived “Politics of Ter-
Crimson Emperor, then the GM ror” may remember Gladys Price,
could craft a new campaign about an the reporter who shared a special
America run by a criminal master- relationship with then-Senator
mind (see Plot Complications, in the Morrison. While the default as-
next section). sumption is that the Crimson
Emperor sent her packing once he
If the PCs do stop the Crimson Em- took Morrison’s place, the GM may
peror, they may have gained a for- wish to utilize her to help the PCs.
midable arch-nemesis. The Crimson She could be investigating the
Emperor will not let any setback, strange circumstances surrounding
even one this big, prevent President Morrison’s sudden
him from hatching change in personality
further schemes. and is either in the
PC’s home city
The PCs or in Wash-
will also ington, DC
gain the trying to
grati- uncover the
tude of truth.
the real
Presi- GMs can
dent use her
Mor- to provide
rison, information
who will to assist the
die shortly PCs if they
after the plot are getting
is foiled. They stuck. She can
will also gain the also give them a
trust and gratitude of good story to ensure that
newly returned President their reputations aren’t harmed
Roosevelt. Two mob bosses may by attacking what seems to be
also owe the PCs a favor or two. the president.

PLot Complications President Morrison

The following plot complications Remains
are optional variations on the serial. The subplot regarding the real
The GM should consider each op- President Morrison’s cancer was
tion carefully before adding it to his designed to allow GMs to put history
campaign. back on track at the conclusion

Nazi Death Weapon
of the adventure. At the GM’s In “Escape from the Crimson Pal-
discretion, this need not be the case. ace,” the Nazis were interested in
The real President Morrison procuring the Crimson Mist. They
could retake his position, offering also know that the PCs were dupli-
intriguing possibilities, as the pulp cated to unleash the Crimson Mist
campaign will diverge from actual on the City. When the PCs return
history and allow all involved to to the City, they may discover Nazi
reshape the future. agents following the same leads they
are. This could lead to an interesting
GMs who wish to pursue this option three-way shoot-out at
should disregard the references the airport in Chapter Thirteen.
to President Morrison’s cancer.
The Crimson Emperor will also Alternatively, the PCs could arrive at
not conveniently ask Franklin D. the airport in Chapter Thirteen only
Roosevelt to be his Vice-President. to find that their duplicates are dead
Instead, President Morrison will and the Crimson Mist is missing. At
simply retake his position after the the same time, a German U-Boat is
Crimson Emperor is exposed. taking the weapon back to Germany
in order to be analyzed and dupli-
Under the Crimson Heel cated.
Chapter Fifteen is designed to
provide closure to the serial.
However, having an imposter as
President of the United States can
make for an interesting campaign,
especially as time moves closer
All characters appearing in this final
to World War II. The PCs would
part of the Serial have appeared in
be outlaws in their own country,
earlier parts. Use the stats as they
fighting to overthrow the corrupt
previously appeared.


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