Hse Management System
Hse Management System
Hse Management System
GRI Standards :
102-16 : Values, principles, standards, and norms of behavior
Sanofi has implemented a Health, Safety, and Environmental (HSE) management system.
It covers all Sanofi operations (research, development, medical, manufacturing, supply chain, sales
and marketing, support functions) at any locations (factories, offices and warehouses). This also
includes activities carried out by contractors and subcontractors on behalf of Sanofi.
This system is designed to protect the health and safety of each employee working at Sanofi, to
develop and to utilize safe industrial processes, and to limit the environmental impacts of Sanofi
activities and products.
The Global HSE Department defines and develops an internal framework based on the HSE policy,
internal requirements, standards, procedures and operational tools applicable across all Sanofi
operations. It also oversees compliance with regulations.
Training programs have been set up to fully implement this framework on all levels of hierarchy. HSE
performance is measured using reporting tools, self-inspections, and audits, to evaluate the system’s
effectiveness and review the goals and methods used as part of a continuous improvement
The HSE management system is continuously being improved. The HSE policy is signed by the
Chief Executive Officer, to demonstrate the Company’s strong commitment to addressing HSE
The HSE Policy establishes a framework for the actions that Sanofi implements for both employees
and external partners. The HSE policy applies to all of Sanofi’s activities.
Copies of the Policy are posted and displayed in key locations and also on the company intranet.
For more information, please refer to our HSE policy in the Document Center
In order to meet the HSE challenges and to accompany Sanofi’s evolution, the HSE organization is
based on the following principles :
• Support of specific skills throughout the organization ;
• Greater proximity to sites and businesses activities ;
• Collaborative and transversal mode of operation, in interface with other business lines.
The Global HSE Organization is based on 3 pillars under the management of one Global HSE Head.
In compliance with Sanofi commitments as defined in its code of ethics, the main missions of the
Global HSE team are to :
• Define and implement action plans, documents (Global Policies, requirements, Operational
standards and guidance), processes, methods, tools to prevent and limit HSE risks and
impacts ;
• Ensure that current and emerging scientific, technical and regulatory issues as well as best
practices are captured and communicated ;
• Point out significant HSE risks (operational including business interruption, financial, legal,
reputational), alert relevant people and implement adequate mitigation plan ;
• Participate to merger and acquisition operations as well as assessment of environmental risks
and management of risks directly retained or indirectly retained regarding given guarantees ;
• Support all sites and organizations in each business and along all the value chain
(Engineering, Procurement, devices, suppliers, etc.) to carry out plans to achieve continuous
HSE progress ;
• Strengthen the HSE network and job family by developing core expertise and competencies
as needed within Sanofi in relation to applicable regulations and HSE challenges.
The Sanofi HSE Management System is a set of requirements and standards arranged into a
Improve Operate
Operational controls, procedures and processes are implemented to ensure safe work practices and
effective control of risks.
HSE results and KPIs are monitored on an ongoing basis to measure the performance against
objectives and targets.
Audit are performed to evaluate the system effectiveness.
Processes and programs are in place to ensure adequate document management, employees’
competencies and communication towards achieving the desired level of HSE performance.
The process for risk identification and management is a pillar to the global Health, Safety and
Environment Management System. Its main purpose is to identify hazards and risks, assessing their
Following the kind of activity performed, specific programs are implemented to ensure a full HSE risk
prevention in the following areas : Road Safety, Office Safety, Laboratory Safety, Warehouse safety,
Management of Chemicals substances risks, Management of biological risk, Management of
radiation. Documented procedures establish standard work practices, maintenance of infrastructures
and equipment as well as safe operating parameters.
Operating control requirements related to Safety, Occupational Health and Hygiene as well as
Environment are described in the Sanofi HSE Key requirements.
HSE performance and management systems are factored into the selection of contractors or
suppliers on a risk basis taking into account the nature of their activities.
Contractors and suppliers are required to manage HSE in line with Sanofi’s HSE Policy.
Commensurate with risk, the selection of any new or significant key supplier or contractor includes
a review of HSE criteria and an HSE assessment. Appropriate information is exchanged concerning
the products and processes.
Sanofi has developed, maintains, and periodically tests definitive plans and procedures for
responding to emergency situations involving people, assets and the environment. Each site
conducts a vulnerability assessment to identify all real and potential HSE related crisis / emergency
Sanofi has developed processes to ensure that employees are properly trained on HSE topics and
specific missions. The HSE Training Academy aims at developing core expertise and competencies
in relation to applicable regulations, scientific and technological advances in the framework of HSE
Sanofi is a global life sciences company committed to improve access to healthcare and supporting
the people it serves throughout the continuum of care. For the development of its activities the
Company applies the same preventative approach with respect to their potential impact to the health
& safety of its employees and contractors and/or to the environment in which Sanofi operates.
This approach to prevent risks and to minimize the impact of operations is deeply enrooted in
Sanofi’s way of doing : we could not be dedicated to make a difference on patients’ daily life,
wherever they live and enable them to enjoy a healthier life without putting our efforts also in
guaranteeing the protection of employees and third parties personnel as well as the conservation of
our natural environment.
This approach configures our HSE management culture focused in minimizing workplace risks and
environmental impact throughout our business lifecycle. In this context, all Sanofi employees are
invited to follow these principles, which underpin our Business Strategy as well in our following
company business values : team work, courage, respect, integrity.
We truly believe that Sanofi cannot obtain a good business performance without an excellent
management of the HSE aspects of our activity. To emphasize this aspect of our business, we
created HSE Culture Program, aimed at helping managers to acquire the necessary knowledge and
skills to properly control the risks that employees are exposed to in their work environment. This
program helps us improving our HSE performance by raising awareness of the HSE issues and by
emphasizing the role and responsibilities of managers in driving performance.
For more information, please refer to the “Document d’enregistrement universel” in the Document