2013 King Relevance of Organizal Sociologyf
2013 King Relevance of Organizal Sociologyf
2013 King Relevance of Organizal Sociologyf
DOI: 10.1177/0094306117692563
The Relevance of Organizational Sociology
Northwestern University
injustices. Scholars like Philip Selznick and Charles Perrow’s Complex Organizations: A
Mayer Zald cared about organizations in Critical Essay, James Coleman’s The Asymmet-
part because they believed that well- ric Society, and Philip Selznick’s TVA and the
functioning organizations could help com- Grass Roots. Today most organizational
munities realize their aspirations. But it was scholars, including me, write articles, not
also hard to ignore the reality that organiza- books. Although articles are suitable for
tions, especially those created for business communicating an empirical finding, they
purposes, could also be tools of exploitation are less suited than books for dealing with
and class dominance. The work of organiza- deep investigations of important historical
tional scholars like Alvin Gouldner, Michael topics.
Burawoy, and other neo-Marxists reminded It is, therefore, exciting whenever a new
us that organizational bureaucracies were book is published by a leading organization-
potentially corrupting structures that pri- al scholar that presents a fresh take on the
marily benefitted the wealthy and powerful. role of organizations in society. This is what
When Charles Perrow wrote of living in an Gerald Davis offers in The Vanishing Ameri-
‘‘organizational society,’’ he described can Corporation: Navigating the Hazards of
a world in which organizations were the a New Economy, which is written for a general
dominant institutions of modern life, con- audience but manages to be highly relevant
trolling political and economic power and to sociologists interested in big, historical
creating a ubiquitous backdrop for most questions. Davis’s main thesis is pretty
social interactions. Certain organizations— straightforward: the public corporation is
especially the public corporations that pro- in decline in the United States, and this
vided employment to the masses—exerted will have profound consequences for how
special influence. Not only did these large, we organize social and economic life.
public institutions form the backbone of Readers who have followed Davis’s work
employment, but the executives and direc- for the past couple of decades will not be
tors who oversaw these companies were surprised by his punchline that public
the political and economic elite that main- corporations have been stripped of their for-
tained the stability of our capitalist and dem- mer economic power. His previous book,
ocratic institutions. Although sociologists Managed by the Markets, was an exploration
have often been quick to point out the poten- of how financial markets reshaped firms,
tial for the abuse of the power that large reducing them to assets that could be
corporations grant the elite, those same insti- bought, sold, liquidated, and made expend-
tutions have added to the regularity and nor- able whenever their purposes ceased to be
malcy of social life. relevant to value-maximizing shareholders.
Inasmuch as organizational sociology has The logical consequence of the financiali-
drifted from its original intent to understand zation of markets is that corporations are no
humankind’s relationship to society via longer the trusted institutions they once
organizations—as tools for collective pur- were and the social contract between corpo-
pose but also potential sources of domination rations and employees has been completely
of the very humans who created them—it has broken. Whereas public corporations used
become less relevant to the broader disci- to dominate the economy, their number is
pline of which it is a part. shrinking rapidly, down from over 8,000
As both a participant in and observer of public corporations in 1995 to just over
this subfield, I also think there is a tactical 4,000 in 2014. The largest corporations no
reason for the disconnect between organiza- longer employ the vast number of people
tional sociology and the rest of the discipline. they once did. In 1972, all of the top five larg-
Organizational sociologists write fewer est corporations by market capitalization had
books than they did in the past and fewer over 100,000 employees, but in 2012, among
books than sociologists in other subfields. the top five largest corporations only
Classic works of organizational sociology Walmart exceeded that mark (with 2.2 mil-
that attempted to address these big historical lion employees globally). Apple, which has
questions about organizations’ place in soci- the largest market cap, only had 76,000
ety often came in the form of books, like employees. Instead of offering permanent
corporate agenda was thoroughly moderate. weakened the moderating force on the cor-
The recent memory of unrest before and dur- porate elite. It’s not surprising that the rise
ing the Great Depression and a mobilized of the New Left was accompanied by a surge
labor force after the war motivated the corpo- of neoconservatism in the United States.
rate elite to find solutions that would pacify Despite these reservations, Davis and
the working class. But Mizruchi also finds Mizruchi are overwhelmingly persuasive in
evidence that many corporate elites viewed their argument that corporations have
themselves, especially in the post-war envi- declined in economic, social, and political
ronment, as leaders of free society who significance. For organizational sociologists,
sought to lead responsibly. They saw corpo- the question we must answer is, what organi-
rations not just as mechanisms for creating zational models will replace corporations as
wealth but also as institutions serving the the predominant form? Davis has some
public good. things to say about this, although much of
But by the 1980s the elite became divided, his speculation about local economies and
partly due to the decline of labor union pow- community gardens seems idealistic to me.
er but also because the takeover wave threat- Can we really expect that our future econo-
ened managerial autonomy. Deregulation my will be made up of do-it-yourself, grass
unleashed financial forces and undermined roots-led community organizations? I don’t
managerialism as a governing ethos. As think so, and I’m not sure that Davis does
corporations shrank, so did the power of either. The answer to what comes next is
their elite. The unified corporate agenda dis- probably far more obvious and less exciting.
sipated. ‘‘The result was a new era, in which Organizations will thrive as they always
the moderate, pragmatic, and well-orga- have—bureaucracies as modeled by man-
nized elite that had been present at the top agement science—but perhaps they will be
of the corporate world since at least the smaller and more likely to be private (and
1940s began to disappear’’ (p. 221). hence more unequal, less accountable, and
Corporations, inasmuch as they seek to less responsible to their communities).
influence politics, are now islands unto The message of Patricia Bromley’s and
themselves, pursuing their narrow self- John Meyer’s Hyper-Organization: Global
interests. New elites have embraced ideolog- Organizational Expansion is in some ways
ical conservatism and are less likely to seek the very opposite of Davis’s. Organizations
political compromises. If Mizruchi is correct, are becoming more prevalent than ever. For
the current partisan divide may be partly these authors, public corporations are but
explained by the retreat of the corporate elite one type of organization, and whether they
from policymaking. are the dominant legal form is quite irrele-
Davis’s and Mizruchi’s views of corpora- vant. (Although, notably, they show that
tions as quasi-benevolent institutions will the number of multinational corporations
surely irritate scholars whose research has has increased dramatically from 7,000 in
documented the numerous ways in which 1970 to 63,000 in 2010.) Many more organiza-
corporations and the corporate elite have tions populate the earth today than fifty
failed to promote the public good. Davis years ago, and the growth of organizations
and Mizruchi may be guilty of being nostal- is not limited to the business world. Non-
gic about managerialism. Davis, in particu- governmental organizations have proliferat-
lar, seems to discount the role that labor ed at a more rapid rate than even that of
unions played in fighting for every little ben- business, and governments have become
efit they received from corporations. The more organizationally complex during this
decline of employee benefits is surely a result same time period. Bromley and Meyer
of the decline of labor union power. Mizruchi extend John Meyer’s career-long obsession
also seems to undervalue the changes in pol- with a rationalizing world culture made up
itics from the Old Left—one dominated by of ‘‘organizations [as the] fundamental units
labor unions and New Deal Democrats—to of order’’ transitioning from a society ‘‘dom-
the New Left, which accompanied the inated by structures like states, family firms,
rise of civil rights and identity politics. This trading empires, and traditional profes-
major political shift in leftist politics likely sions’’ (p. 9). The organizations of ‘‘late
leaders, over the last couple of decades the Anteby’s depiction of business schools as
MBA has replaced it. If we want to under- training grounds for organizational expan-
stand the motivating philosophy behind the sion would be troubling to idealists. Clearly,
global growth in organizations, we only there is a lot of value in the education given
need to wander into business schools and to students at places like HBS, which help
see how students and their instructors students learn how to think about problems
approach their training. Michel Anteby’s related to coordination, scaling, leadership,
Manufacturing Morals: The Values of Silence and strategic decision-making. There is an
in Business School Education does exactly effort across departments to take discipline-
this. The book is a fascinating insider’s relevant knowledge from fields like econom-
view of one of the most influential business ics, psychology, sociology, and organization-
schools in the world. Anteby did the al behavior and turn it into practical guide-
research for this book while teaching at lines about the best way to manage organiza-
Harvard Business School. ‘‘Few organiza- tions. But what is missing from this picture
tions aim to produce a shared perspective isn’t what organizations do but rather what
or set of morals as deliberately and consis- they ought to do. There is very little discus-
tently as’’ HBS (as it is usually called). sion in business schools, except in the stray
The question Anteby seeks to answer is business ethics class, about the values and
one that is not only central to organizational morals of organizations.
sociology but also germane to this broader Anteby’s book treats vocal silence as an
discussion of the dissemination of a world intentional strategy for the development of
culture of organizations: can an organization higher-order moral decision-making. Rather
routinize training in a particular set of morals than attempting to steer students’ values
or values? The answer is nuanced. He claims directly, by leaving choices with moral trade-
that HBS is able to convey a particular set of offs open to discussion, students are better
morals to its students and faculty; it does so prepared to make those decisions themselves
without directly communicating them but once they enter the managerial workforce.
rather by creating a ‘‘vocal silence’’ around But another interpretation of this effort is
standards of appropriate conduct. Moral that it gives students and managers permis-
codes are passed on implicitly: ‘‘the ways sion to avoid discussions of values altogeth-
other members talk about the organization er. As Anteby notes, the values that are
or convey particular expectations to each most embedded in the students’ daily scripts
other all indicate what conduct is consid- are those of ‘‘civility’’ and ‘‘decency.’’
ered proper’’ (p. 8). By signaling what is My own experience at a business school
‘‘doable,’’ rather than what a person ought resonates with his. Business school students
to do, the individual is given discretion in above all seek to be polite with one another,
how to apply that moral code to any given which means that certain topics that might
situation. be fodder in other schools of higher educa-
Anteby talks about how this vocal silence tion are strictly off limits in business schools.
operates at every level of the organization, Or if they are discussed, as for example when
from the day he is initiated as a faculty mem- a class dissects a case about a business deci-
ber to the interpersonal experiences he has sion to enrich demographic diversity in the
with students in and out of class. His ‘‘work- workforce, they are strictly approached as
ing ethnography’’ fleshes out an institution decisions related to maximizing shareholder
that is a mystery to many of us. That said, value or enhancing one’s own career options.
as I read the book, I found that the most inter- The problems with this are numerous,
esting parts had less to do with the routiniza- including that choosing to maximize share-
tion of morals and more to do with the moral holder value is itself a value that comes
content of business schools, more generally. with potential negative externalities (to bor-
If business schools are the main purveyors row the economists’ parlance) and potential
of our new world culture of organizations, tradeoffs with other moral choices.
then the content they teach ought to be indic- More detrimentally, if business schools are
ative of what types of organizations we will the breeding grounds for the future leaders
see in the future. of global organizational expansion, then
what models for organizing are they given? we must ask ourselves if we have the tools
What kinds of organizations will we have and theoretical frameworks to address these
in the future with such a limited moral issues. For better or worse, the future of orga-
framework? nizational sociology has become tied to this
Bringing Anteby’s book to bear on Brom- engine of organizational expansion. If we
ley’s and Meyer’s view of education as the are not engaged with historically important
root of organizational expansion creates questions, such as those addressed by Davis,
more questions than answers. Business Mizruchi, and Bromley and Meyer, we will
schools offer training about the best way to not be well equipped to offer useful perspec-
implement a decision, but they have little to tives about the future of organizing.
say about what types of decisions are It seems unquestionable that the org-
good for society. They have little to offer if anizational world is constantly evolving.
we’re considering how organizations’ values Old organizational forms—like public corpo-
affect public goods and resolve social prob- rations—outlive their usefulness and even-
lems. The future of organizing, then, seems tually are replaced by something else. But
strangely uninterested in the problems that what that something else is requires a sort
organizations are built to resolve. of creativity of thought that our own scholar-
And perhaps this is where organizational ship might be incapable of offering in its cur-
sociologists ought to have something to say. rent form. If organizational sociology wants
If public corporations are disappearing for to be relevant, not only to the discipline but
their lack of functionality and because the also to those who will build the organizations
elites that once steered them are disconnect- of the future, then we must be willing to step
ed, then there is clearly an opportunity for outside of our own small corners of the acad-
organizational innovation. Sociologists, less emy and ask big questions about the past,
tied to a strict normative imperative of max- present, and future of organizing.
imizing wealth than economists are, are well
positioned to offer insights about the future
of organizing. Doing so would surely make Reference
the work of organizational sociologists King, Brayden G., Teppo Felin, and David
more relevant to sociology as well, inasmuch A. Whetten. 2010. ‘‘Finding the Organization
as it would reconnect our subfield with soci- in Organizational Theory: A Meta-Theory of
ology’s fundamental concerns about improv- the Organization as a Social Actor.’’ Organiza-
tion Science 21:290–305.
ing communities and societies.
To bring the discussion back to where this
essay began, as organizational sociologists