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Priti Pranita Khatua
A Thesis ON

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the awar
d of the degree
Priti Pranita Khatua


CHENNAI - 600 018
May-June 2010


I hereby declare that the information presented here is tru

e to the best of my knowledge. Also, the report has not be
en published any where else.

Priti Pranita Khatua

The project of this magnitude would not have been completed singly. Fir
stly I want to give my hearty thanks to all mighty who made the world an
d me also.
There are many other people without whom the completion of the projec
t would not have been possible. Some have contributed towards this dire
ctly while other have provided indirectly.
It gives me immense pleasure to thank
Mr.Swapline Dutta.(Store Manager) and Mr. Sobhan Banerjee (HR) f
or providing me training in his reputed organization and giving me a ch
ance to have the experience of actual retail operations.
I am indebted to
Mr.Bishnath jha (Department Manager)of BIG BAZAAR for his guida
nce and cooperation in completing this project.
Last but not the least I would like to convey my heartiest gratitude to all
Members of BIG BAZAAR who helped a lot.

Priti Pra
nita Khatua
Company profile

Pantaloon Retail (India) Limited, is India’s leading retailer that operates multiple retail formats i
n both the value and lifestyle segment of the Indian consumer market. Headquartered in Mumba
i (Bombay), the company operates over 10 million square feet of retail space, has over 1000 stor
es across 61 cities in India and employs over 30,000 people.

The company’s leading formats include Pantaloons, a chain of fashion outlets, Big Bazaar, a un
iquely Indian hypermarket chain, Food Bazaar, a supermarket chain, blends the look, touch and
feel of Indian bazaars with aspects of modern retail like choice, convenience and quality and Ce
ntral, a chain of seamless destination malls. Some of its other formats include, Depot, Shoe Fact
ory, Brand Factory, Blue Sky, Fashion Station, aLL, Top 10, mBazaar and Star and Sitara. The c
ompany also operates an online portal, futurebazaar.com. A subsidiary company, Home Solutio
ns Retail (India) Limited, operates Home Town, a large-format home solutions store, Collection
i, selling home furniture products and E-Zone focused on catering to the consumer electronics se

Pantaloon Retail was recently awarded the International Retailer of the Year 2007 by the US-ba
sed National Retail Federation (NRF) and the Emerging Market Retailer of the Year 2007 at the
World Retail Congress held in Barcelona.

Pantaloon Retail is the flagship company of Future Group, a business group catering to the entir
e Indian consumption space. Pantaloon is not just an organization - it is an institution, a centre o
f learning & development. We believe that knowledge is the only weapon at our disposal and ou
r quest for it is focused, systematic and unwavering.

At Pantaloon, we take pride in challenging conventions and thinking out of the box, in travelling
on the road less traveled. Our corporate doctrine ‘Rewrite Rules, Retain Values’ is derived from
this spirit.

Over the years, the company has accelerated growth through its ability to lead chang
e. A number of its pioneering concepts have now emerged as industry standards. For
instance, the company integrated backwards into garment manufacturing even as it e
xpanded its retail presence at the front end, well before any other Indian retail company attempt
ed this. It was the first to introduce the concept of the retail departmental store for the entire fam
ily through Pantaloons in 1997. The company was the first to launch a hypermarket in India wit
h Big Bazaar, a large discount store that it commissioned in Kolkata in October 2001. And the c
ompany introduced the country to the Food Bazaar, a unique 'bazaar' within a hypermarket, whi
ch was launched in July 2002 in Mumbai. Embracing our leadership value, the company launch
ed all in July 2005 in Mumbai, making us the first retailer in India to open a fashion store for plu
s size men and women.

Today we are the fastest growing retail company in India. The number of stores is going to incre
ase many folds year on year along with the new formats coming up. The way we work is distinc
tly "Pantaloon". Our courage to dream and to turn our dreams into reality – that change people’s
lives, is our biggest advantage. Pantaloon is an invitation to join a place where there are no boun
daries to what you can achieve. It means never having to stop asking questions; it means never h
aving to stop raising the bar. It is an opportunity to take risks, and it is this passion that makes o
ur dreams a reality.Come enter a world where we promise you good days and bad days, but neve
r a dull moment!
Future Group
Future Group is one of the country’s leading business groups present in retail, asset m
anagement, consumer finance, insurance, retail media, retail spaces and logistics. The group’s fl
agship company, Pantaloon Retail (India) Limited operates over 10 million square feet of retail s
pace, has over 1,000 stores and employs over 30,000 people. Future Group is present in 61 cities
and 65 rural locations in India. Some of its leading retail formats include, Pantaloons, Big Bazaa
r, Central, Food Bazaar, Home Town, eZone, Depot, Future Money and online retail format, fut
Future Group companies includes, Future Capital Holdings, Future Generali India Indus League
Clothing and Galaxy Entertainment that manages Sports Bar, Brew Bar and Bowling Co. Future
Capital Holdings, the group’s financial arm, focuses on asset management and consumer credit. I
t manages assets worth over $1 billion that are being invested in developing retail real estate and
consumer-related brands and hotels.
The group’s joint venture partners include Italian insurance major, Generali, French retailer ETA
M group, US-based stationary products retailer, Staples Inc and UK-based Lee Cooper and Indi
a-based Talwalkar’s, Blue Foods and Liberty Shoes.Future Group’s vision is to, “deliver Everyth
ing, Everywhere, Every time to Every Indian Consumer in the most profitable manner.” The gro
up considers ‘Indian-ness’ as a core value and its corporate credo is- Rewrite rules, Retain values.

Major Milestones

Co Launch of BARE, the Indian jeans brand.

ar P
te L
of P
r, I
r br
19 Initial public offer (IPO) was made in the month of May.

19 The Pantaloon Shoppe – exclusive menswear store in franchisee form

94 at launched across the nation. The company starts the distribution of
branded garments through multi-brand retail outlets across the natio

19 John Miller – Formal shirt brand launched.


19 Pantaloons – India’s family store launched in Kolkata.


20 Big Bazaar, ‘Is se sasta aur accha kahi nahin’ - India’s first hypermar
01 ket chain launched.

20 Food Bazaar, the supermarket chain is launched.


20 Central – ‘Shop, Eat, Celebrate In The Heart Of Our City’ - India’s firs
04 t seamless mall is launched in Bangalore.

20 Fashion Station - the popular fashion chain is launched

aLL – ‘a little larger’ - exclusive stores for plus-size individuals is laun

20 Future Capital Holdings, the company’s financial arm launches real es

06 tate funds Kshitij and Horizon and private equity fund Indivision. Plan
s forays into insurance and consumer credit.
Multiple retail formats including Collection i, Furniture Bazaar, Shoe F
actory, EZone, Depot and futurebazaar.com are launched across the
Group enters into joint venture agreements with ETAM Group and Ge
Our culture

At Pantaloon, Empowerment is what you acquire and Freedom at Work is what you get. We beli
eve our most valuable assets are our People. Young in spirit, adventurous in action, with an avera
ge age of 27 years, our skilled & qualified professionals work in an environment where change is
the only constant.
Powered by the desire to create path-breaking practices and held together by values, work in this
people intensive industry is driven by softer issues. In our world, making a difference to Custom
ers’ lives is a Passion and performance is the key that makes it possible. Out of the Box thinking
has become a way of life at Pantaloon and living with the change, a habit.
Leadership is a value that is followed by one and all at Pantaloon. Leadership is the quality that
motivates us to never stop learning, stretching to reach the next challenge, knowing that we will
be rewarded along the way. In the quest of creating an Indian model of retailing, Pantaloon has ta
ken initiatives to launch many retail formats that have come headed for serve as a benchmark in t
he industry. Believing in leadership has given us the optimism to change and be successful at it.
We do not predict the future, but create it.
At Pantaloon you will get an opportunity to handle multiple responsibilities, and therein, the groo
ming to play a larger role in the future. Work is a unique mix of preserving our core Indian value
s and yet providing customers with a service, on par with international standards.
At Pantaloon you will work with some of the brightest people from different spheres of industry.
We believe it’s a place where you can live your dreams and pursue a career that reflects your skil
ls and passions.

New discoveries in retail

In the financial year 2006-07, the company’s retail businesses discovered new categories across f
ormats, new sets of consumers and fresher and contemporary merchandise. We have been able to
offer more in the established businesses and gain favourable acceptance with new concepts. In ad
dition, concerted expansion plans saw retail space increase to over 5.2 million square feet at the e
nd of 2006-07. This expansion mode was characterized by a twopronged approach. By dominatin
g the cities the company was already present in and by bringing the benefits of modern retail to t
owns and cities like Mangalore, Palakkad, Surat, Indore, Kanpur, Haldia, Agra, Coimbatore, Jaip
ur and Panipat. The company has also undertaken significant private label initiatives in food, in g
eneral merchandise and in the consumer durables and electronics
categories. Strategic alliances have also been forged with established domestic and international
brands. However, the most significant development was the internal realignment the company un
dertook within each of its retail businesses. To embark on a more detailed approach towards valu
e creation and increasing efficiency, the company reviewed its business operations and adopted a
more focused approach by creating an integrated support unit or Line of Business.
Augmenting the retail front-end team, Line of Business (LoB) units have been
created in the three most critical businesses – food, fashion and general merchandi
se. Formed during the second half of 2006-07 these business units focus on introducin
g optimum operational efficiencies. Thus, these units ensure that back - end measures are approp
riately taken care of and the right kind of merchandise reaches the stores in the best possible time,
at the right price. These teams focus on product consolidation and suitability, margin improveme
nt, and vendor rationalization, thereby ensuring that the sourcing benefits are made available to t
he front - end team.The company’s efforts over the next couple of years would entail a combinati
on of expansion and process upgradation and implementation.
The emphasis will be on the next discoveries to be made in the retail space that will lead to expa
nsion. At the same time, there will be an increased focus on micro detailing aspects including pro
cess, product and operational efficiencies thereby contributing positively to the company’s botto

discovering more value

In 2006-2007, more Indians discovered the value of shopping in Big Bazaar. And with the launc
h of each store, we discovered more value in terms of operational efficiency. Big Baazaar launch
ed 27 new stores in 22 cities, covering over 1.40 million square feet. As of June 2007, there were
56 Big Bazaar stores across 43 cities. While Big Bazaar continued to expand in the large cities, it
also tapped consumption potential in smaller cities like Agra, Allahabad, Coimbatore, Surat, Pani
pat, Palakkad, Kanpur and olhapur.
The year under review also witnessed realigning of business teams with shared
experience in category management, sourcing, front-end operations and business planning. In ad
dition, separate teams have been formed to look into all aspects of new store launches and to man
age mature stores. This provides more flexibility and focus in expansion plans.

The increase in SKUs in existing categories and the introduction of new categories encouraged th
e opening of larger stores or Super Centres, measuring 100,000 square feet or more. There are no
w 5 Big Bazaar Super Centres. Considering this scale of expansion, technology plays a significan
t facilitating role. The introduction of SAP in 2005-06 and its roll out during the year, positively i
mpacted the business.

Big Bazaar has initiated the process of Auto Replenishments Systems, thus improvin
g operational efficiencies and productivity. The company has also rationalized nearly
250 vendors through better vendor management in terms of potential to expand, and for inclusion
and upgradation to the online B2B platform. The company plans to open over 60 stores across In
dia in FY 2008, and the opening of the 100th Big Bazaar store will mark the fastestever expansio
n by a hypermarket format.
Human Resources
Discovering talent diversity
The company strongly believes that its sustainable competitive advantage lies in the values that it
cherishes, the culture that it imbibes and spirit of enterprise that resides within the organization.
Talent management therefore continues to be the core focus for the company. Considering the
multiple businesses and rapid expansion expected across the business, the company saw merit in
taking a fresh guard to the way in which business would run in order to meet the next leg of expa
During the year 2006-07, the company conducted an extensive review of in-house talent manage
ment, which involved mapping every managerial position in the organization for their skill sets, c
ompetence and attitudinal aspects as well as taking an inventory check of the existing talent base
and addressing their development needs. Development Centres were created with in-house assess
ors, which further aided in identifying potential resources and helped chalk out post assessment d
evelopment plans.
Continuing with its policy of strategic alliances, the company is collaborating on joint degree pro
grams with 15 management schools, design institutes and institutes of higher learning in areas lik
e food business, supply chain management, design experience management etc. This ‘Seekho’ pr
ogramme for external and internal candidates has ensured a steady stream of mid level, well train
ed retail professionals every year.
The company’s ‘Gurukool’ programme provides the front-end employees an opportunity to imbi
be the company’s values and a sense of ownership to the company. The company has also create
d an Employee Growth Trust Fund that was launched during the last financial year for the senior

Equal Opportunity
The company believes that in order to build a sustainable business environment, the composition
of its talent base needs to reflect the diversity that exists in our country and among its customers.
Therefore the company ensures that the proportional representation of different communities in t
he Indian population is mirrored in its employee profile. The majority of employees in the compa
ny come from socially and economically marginalized sections of the society. Close to 46% of th
e employees in the organization are women and the average age within the organization is 27 yea
The effectiveness of its talent management initiatives is reflected in the fact that the annual rate o
f attrition is 8.12%, much below industry levels. The company plans to strengthen its employee p
latform to about 30,000 people by FY 08, from nearly 18,000 people as on FY 07.

Human Resource Initiatives

Pantaloon Retail believes that one of its sustainable competitive advantages will conti
nue to be the people who are part of the organization. Being in service industry, the Company pla
ces a lot of focus is placed on attracting, training, incentivising and retaining talent. The vision is
"To provide an environment that creates happy people who have a meaningful life and add valu
e to business and society." With over 18000 employees at an average age of 27 years, the Compa
ny prides itself on being a young and energetic organization, driven through the 'The Pantaloon
People Management System'. This is
built on 5 pillars of people based growth, namely - Culture Building, Performance Management t
hrough Balanced Scorecard, People Processes, Management Processes and Leadership Brilliance.
Training A competent Learning & Development Team is responsible for training employees at
all the levels across the countr y, focusing on primary and secondary research into various aspect
s of retail and assessment of training needs across Knowledge, Skills & Attitude areas. The emph
asis is on creating product and process knowledge through well defined programs like Praaram
bh and Parikrama. For the critical front line staff, the Company's unique outbound residential tr
aining program Gurukool focuses on integrating the mind, body and soul and brings about meas
urable attitudinal and behavioral changes.

The program has covered nearly 4,500 employees. The SMILE initiative for training of new Stor
e Manager's has been created and disseminated to over 100 store managers by this team

Future Group Manifesto

“Future” – the word which signifies optimism, growth, achievement, streng
th, beauty, rewards and perfection. Future encourages us to explore areas
yet unexplored, write rules yet unwritten; create new opportunities and ne
w successes. To strive for a glorious future brings to us our strength, our a
bility to learn, unlearn and re-learn, our ability to evolve.
We, in Future Group, will not wait for the Future to unfold itself but create
future scenarios in the consumer space and facilitate consumption bec
ause consumption is development. Thereby, we will effect socio-economic
development for our customers, employees, shareholders, associates and

Our customers will not just get what they need, but also get them where,
how and when they need.
We will not just post satisfactory results, we will write success stories.
We will not just operate efficiently in the Indian economy, we will evolve it.
We will not just spot trends, we will set trends by marrying our understan
ding of the Indian consumer to their needs of tomorrow.

It is this understanding that has helped us succeed. And it is this that will h
elp us succeed in the Future. We shall keep relearning. And in this process,
do just one thing.

Rewrite Rules. Retain Values.

Group Vision
• Future Group shall deliver Everything, Everywhere, Every time
for Every Indian Consumer in the most profitable manner.

Group Mission

• We share the vision and belief that our customers and stakeholders sha
ll be served only by creating and executing future scenarios in the cons
umption space leading to economic development.

• We will be the trendsetters in evolving delivery formats, creating retail

realty, making consumption affordable for all customer segments – for
classes and for masses.

• We shall infuse Indian brands with confidence and renewed ambition.

• We shall be efficient, cost- conscious and committed to quality in whate

ver we do. We shall ensure that our positive attitude, sincerity, humility
and united determination shall be the driving force to make us successf

Core Values


Confidence in ourselves.

To be a leader, both in thought and business.

Respect & Humility:

To respect every individual and be humble in our conduct.


Leading to purposeful thinking.


To be open and receptive to new ideas, knowledge and information.

Valuing and Nurturing Relationships:

To build long term relationships.

Simplicity & Positivity:

Simplicity and positivity in our thought, business and action.


To be flexible and adaptable, to meet challenges.

To respect and understand the universal laws of nature.
The organization structure for Big bazaar is flat in nature. For Big bazaar, the
divisions are apparel, non apparel and the new business division, which inclu
des gold, footwear and the shop-in-shops. For Food Bazaar, a separate teem
has been created which again works independently.

About 1,800 people work for Big bazaar directly. Support and ancillary servic
es comprise another 400 people. A new trainee is put through a basic three d
ay training program before going on the shop floor. Evaluation is done every
six months.

Saving is key to the Indian middle class consumer. The store, which would be
created, had to offer value to the consumer. Keeping this in mind, the concep
t of Big bazaar was created.

In India, when a customer needs some thing for the home, a typical thought
is to seek it from the bazaar. A bazaar is a place where a complete range of p
roducts is always available to the consumer. This is true across India. As the
store would offer a large mix of products at a discounted price, the name Big
bazaar was finalized. The idea was to re-create a complete bazaar, with a lar
ge product offering (at times modified to suit local needs) and to offer a good
depth and width in terms of range. The mind to market for the first store was
just six months.

Price was the basic value proposition at Big bazaar. The Big bazaar outlets so
ld a variety of products at prices, which were 5 to 60 percent lower than the
market price. The line

“Isse sasta aur achha kahin nahin” emphaised this.


A retailer or retail store is any business enterprise whose sales volume com

es primarily from retailing. Retail organizations exhibit great variety and new

forms keep emerging. There are store retailers, non store retailers, and retail

organizations. Consumers today can shop for goods and services in a wide va

riety of stores. The best-known type of retailer is the department store. Japan

ese department stores such as Takashimaya and Mitsukoshi attract millions o

f shoppers each year. These stores feature art galleries, cooking classes, and

children’s playgrounds.
A retailer is at the end of the distributive channel. He provides goods a

nd service to the ultimate consumers. This he does through his small organiz

ation, with the help of a few personnel. In an individual retail store there is no

t much scope for organization except in the sense that the shopkeeper has to

organize apportions his time and resources. The need for organization becom

es essential as soon as he hires people o enters into partnership or takes the

help of members of his family in running his store. A retailer deals in an assor

tment of goods to cater to the needs of consumers. His objective is to make

maximum profit out of his enterprise. With that end

in view he has to pursue a policy to achieve his objective. This policy is

called retailing mix. A retailing mix is the package of goods and services that

store offers to the customers for sale. It is the combination of all efforts plann

ed by the retailer and embodies the adjustment of the retail store to the mar

ket environment. Retailing mix, a communication mix and a distribution mix.

The maximum satisfaction to the customers is achieved by a proper blend of

all three.

The success of the retail stores, therefore, depends on customers’ reac

tion to the retailing mix which influences the profits of the store, its volume o

f turnover, its share of the market, its image and status and finally its surviva


Retailing is the set of business activities that adds value to the products and
services sold to the consumer for their personal or family use.

a "retailer" buys goods or products in large quantities from manufacturers or

importers, either directly or through a wholesaler, and then sells smaller qua

ntities to the end-user. Retail establishments are often called shops or stores.

Retailers are at the end of the supply chain. Manufacturing marketers see the

process of retailing as a necessary part of their overall distribution strategy.

The term "retailer" is also applied where a service provider services the need

s of a large number of individuals, such as a public utility, like electric power.

The World of Organized Retailing

• Retailers are using sophisticated communications and information syst

ems to manage their business. The use of new technologies helps retai

lers reduce their operations costs, while better serving their customers.

• To compete against non-store retailers, stores are now becoming more

than just places to buy products. They are offering entertaining and ed

ucational experiences for their customers.

• In this dynamic environment, entrepreneurs are launching new compan

ies and concepts and becoming industry leaders, while traditional fir

ms have had to rethink their business.

• Retail managers today must make complex decisions on selecting targ

et markets and retail locations, determining what merchandise and ser

vices to offer, negotiating with supplier and distributing merchandise to

stores, training and motivating sales associates, and deciding how to pr

ice, promote and present merchandise.


The retail mix is the combination of factors retail used to satisfied customer n

eeds and influences their purchase decision. Its include the type of merchand

ise and services offered, merchandise pricing, advertising, promotional progr

ams store design merchandise display, assistance to customer provided by s

alespeople, and convenience of the store’s location.

• Retail mix is the term used to describe the various elements and metho

ds required to formulate and execute retail marketing strategy.

• Retail managers must determine the optimum mix of retailing activities

and co-ordinate the elements of the mix.

• The aim of such coordination is for each store to have a distinct retail i

mage in consumers’ mind.

• The mix may vary greatly according to the type of the retailer is in, an

d the type of product/services.

While many elements may make up a firm’s retail mix, the essential element

s may include:
• Store location,

• merchandise assortments

• Store ambience,

• customer service,

• price,

• Communication with customer

• Personal selling

• Store image

• Store design

• Sales incentives

• People

• Process

• Physical evidence

Composition of retail mix

• Place

• Product

• Price
• Promotion

• People

• Process
• Physical Environment
Key element

1)Place (store location) 2)Product (merchand


• Target market Product development

• Channel structure Product management

• Channel management Product features and benefits

• Retailer image Branding

• Retail logistics Packaging

• Retail distribution

3)Price 4)Promotion

• Costs Developing promotional mixe

• Profitability Advertising management

• Value for money Sales promotion

• Competitiveness Sales management

• Incentives Public relations

• Quality Direct marketing

• Status

• After-sales services

5)People element 6)Process element

• Staff capability Order processing

• Efficiency Database management

• Availability Service delivery

• Effectiveness Queuing system

• Customer interaction Standardisation

• Internal marketing

Retail mix planning

Retail mix plan consists of:

• Setting objectives

• Systematic way of identifying a range of options.

• Formulation of plans for achieving goals

• Logical sequence of retailing activities.

Importance of Retail mix planning

• Hostile and complex retail environment

• External and internal retail organisation factors interact

− Maximising revenue

− Maximising profit

− Maximising return on investment

− Minimising costs

• Each element has conflicting needs

• All these variables interact

• All these variables result in optimum compromise.

Approaches to planning

Top down approach

• Retail management sets goals and plans for all levels of management.

Bottom up approach
• Various units prepare own goals and plans sent up for approval.

It is the effective blending of all the elements of retail mix activities wit

hin the retail organization that determines the success of retail management.

Discuss this statement and explain with retail examples how the elements of

retail mix could be blended to ensure the success of retail operation.



To study the effectiveness of retailing mix in the store.


1. To identify the performance of store operations.

2. To understand the quality of services maintained in the store.

3. To determine the performance of sales persons in the store.

4. To understand the availability of products in the store.

5. To identify the effectiveness of atmospherics in the store.


• Type of research
• Type of data
Primary data
• Data collection method
Data is collected through structured questio
• Sampling
Convenient sampling
• Sample size

• Data analysis technique
• Data analysis tool


Q1. In a month how many times you visit big ba

a) Once 7
b) Twice 23
c) Thrice 8
d) More than thrice 25
e) As per requirement 37


Out of 100 respondent, 37% people visit the store when they have some req
uirement and 25% are visited more than thrice, 23% visited two times in mon
th and 7% & 8% people visited one and three times in a month respectively.
Most of them regularly visit big bazaar.
Maximum number of people visited store frequently.

Q2. Your shopping experience in big bazaar is a

a) outstanding 1
b) Excellent 21
c) Good 43
d) Average 32
e) Bad 3

Out of 100 respondent, 43% people has good shopping experience in big baz
aar,32% has average and 21% people has excellent. But 1% has outstanding
shopping experience and 3% has bad shopping experience.

Maximum numbers of people has a better experience of sh

opping in big bazaar.

Q3. Brands and products availability in big bazaar i

a) outstanding 3
b) Excellent 28
c) Good 44
d) Average 22
e) Bad 3

Out of 100 respondents, Over all 31% customer are satisfied by the availabili
ty of brand and products in big bazaar,66% customer product availability is a
verage rest said it is bad.

Some people think there is no good brands and products availability in big ba
zaar. Especially in apparels.

Q4. Ambience & atmosphere inside the store is !

a) outstanding 5
b) Excellent 27
c) Good 41
d) Average 21
e) Bad 6


Out of 100 respondents, Ambience & atmosphere inside the store is good fee
l by 41% customers, 27% feel it is excellent and only 3% feel outstanding. Bu
t 27% customers are not satisfied by the ambience & atmosphere inside the
store of big bazaar.

Due to much noisy and unpleasant environment some of the custom

er irritates. Atmosphere is really good.

Q5. Discounts and offers served in big bazaar is !

a) outstanding 7
b) Excellent 32
c) Good 36
d) Average 23
e) Bad 2

Out of 100 respondents, Discounts and offers served in big bazaar is good sai
d by 36% customers, 32% feel it is excellent and only 7% feel outstanding. B
ut 25% customers are not satisfied by Discounts and offers served in the big

• Maximum Customers are satisfied by Discounts and offers serv

ed in the big bazaar.

• Discounts and offers served in the big bazaar are excellent.(Es

pecially in Big day)

Q6. Home delivery services of big bazaar is !

a) outstanding 7
b) Excellent 19
c) Good 38
d) Average 28
e) Bad 8

Out of 100 respondents, Maximum number of respondent i.e. 64% is satisfied

by Home delivery services of big bazaar rest 36% is not satisfied.

Some customer never used this facility.

Q7. Location 0f big bazaar in your city is !

a) outstanding 29
b) Excellent 32
c) Good 22
d) Average 13
e) Bad 4


Out of 100 respondents, 61% is highly satisfied with location of big bazaar in
city, 22% is satisfied and only 17% is not satisfied.

Location of big bazaar is outstanding. It is situated central business

district (CBD).
Q8. Product display and signage in the store is !
a) outstanding 8
b) Excellent 36
c) Good 40
d) Average 14
e) Bad 2

Product display and signage in the store is highly satisfactory according to 44
% of the respondent, satisfactory according 40% of the respondent rest 16%
are not satisfied with it.

Customers are satisfied with Product display and signage in the stor

Q9. In offer days the shopping experience in the st

ore is!
a) outstanding 3
b) Excellent 29
c) Good 39
d) Average 25
e) Bad 4

Out of 100 respondent, 39% people has good shopping experience in big baz
aar, 25% has average and 29% people has excellent. But 3% has outstanding
shopping experience and 4% has bad shopping experience.

Maximum numbers of people has a better experience of sh

opping in offer days.

Some customer do not enter in store due to heavy rush.

Q10. How do you feel about sales persons and pro

a) Outstanding 4
b) Excellent 21
c) Good 49
d) Average 23
e) Bad 3


74% of the respondents are satisfied by the sales persons and promoters in t
he store rest 26% respondents are not satisfied by the sales persons and pro
moters in the store.

Sales persons and promoters behave well with customer.

Q11.The parking facility in bag bazaar is!
a) outstanding 17
b) Excellent 29
c) Good 32
d) Average 17
e) Bad 5

78% of the respondents are satisfied by the parking facility in bag bazaar, res
t 22% respondents are not satisfied by the parking facility in bag bazaar.

Maximum customer satisfied with the parking facility in bag bazaar.

Q12. The quality of the product served by big bazaa

r is!
a) outstanding 3
b) Excellent 19
c) Good 47
d) Average 26
e) Bad 5

21% of the respondents are highly satisfied with the quality of the products a
t big bazaar, rest 74% are said the quality of the products in big bazaar is av
eraged, only 5% said its not good.

Maximum number of people is not satisfied with quality of the produ

Q13. The cleanliness and hygiene maintained in the
store is !
a) outstanding 13
b) Excellent 41
c) Good 28
d) Average 13
e) Bad 5


According to maximum number of respondent i.e. 82% feels that cleanliness

and hygiene maintained in the store is up to the mark rest 18% feel it is not u
p to the mark.
Cleanliness and hygiene maintained in the store is up to the mark.

Q14. Are you satisfied with the billing facility at the

a) YES 72
b) NO 28

72% of the respondents are satisfied by the billing facility in the store, rest 2
8 % are not satisfied.

Some customer are not satisfied by billing facility(Especially in offer day a

nd rush hours ).
Q15. Is it easy to move with the trolley in the store?
a) YES 74
b) NO 26

According to 74% of the respondents it is easy to move in the store with troll
ey only 26% said it is not.

The space management in the store is up to mark.

Q16. Do you feel that shopping in big bazaar has m

ade you a

more knowledgeable conscious and aware customer?

a) YES 63
b) NO 37


According to 63% of the respondents they feel that shopping in big bazaar ha
s made more knowledgeable conscious and aware customer, and 37% they a
re already knowledgeable conscious and aware customer.

“Big bazaar has made customer a more knowledgeable conscious an

d aware customer”
Q17.Do you feel that big bazaar provide you value for
a) YES 85
b) NO 15

Out of 100 respondent, 85% of the respondents feel that big bazaar provide y
ou value for money, 15% feel not.

“discovering more value”

The above statement is true spotted by the above data.


• Store performing well in attracting the customers.

• Big bazaar provides better shopping experience.

• Brands and products availability in big bazaar is not up to the mark. Especially in apparel


• Noisy and unpleasant environment is irritates customer. Air conditioning is really good.

• Discounts and offers doing well in the store.

• In offer days the store management is good.

• Home delivery services are not used by customer.

• Product display and signage is good.

• Quality in products is not up to the mark.

• Location of big bazaar is outstanding. It is situated central business district (CBD)

• Parking facility in big bazaar is good.

• Cleanliness and hygiene maintained in the store is up to the mark

• “discovering more value”

The above statement is true spotted by the above data.

• Create awareness & manage home delivery services properly.

• There should be proper assortment of various product categories.

• Proper signage should be there so that customer can locate the produc

ts easily.

• Cleanliness and hygiene should be maintained regularly.

• Proper training should be provided to sales person so that they can dea

l with the customer efficiently.

• Various schemes and offers can be provided to them and attract new c

ustomers (Use pull strategy).

• No. of cash counter needs to be increased keeping in view customer tra

ffic intensity.

• Quality in products should be increased up to mark.

Limitations of the study

1. Time limit is the major constraint.

2. Some respondents refuse to co-operate.

3. Some respondents replied half heartedly.

4. Some respondents gave incomplete information.

5. The survey was conducted in very general way as no other variable such as their educatio

n level, occupation and sex.



Research methodology (C.R. Kothari)

Retailing Management (Levy & weitz)





Dear sir/ Madam,

I Priti Pranita Khatua conducting a survey on “Effectiveness of retailing mix in B
ig Bazaar’’

This survey is a part of my partial fulfillment of PGDM (RM) course. Please provide
relevant information by filling this questionnaire to make my survey more comprehensive. All det
ails from your part will be kept confidential.

Name:- …………………………………………………………..

Sex:- a) Male b) Female

Contact no.:- …………………………………………………………

Q1. In a month how many times you visit big bazaar ?

a) Ones b) twice c) Thrice

d) more than thrice e) As per requirement

Q2. Your shopping experience in big bazaar is always!

a) Outstanding b) Excellent c)

d) Average e) Bad

Q3. Brands and products availability in big bazaar is !

a) Outstanding b) Excellent c)G

d) Average e) Bad

Q4. Ambience & atmosphere inside the store is !

a) Outstanding b) Excellent c)G


d) Average e) Bad

Q5. Discounts and offers served in big bazaar is !

a) Outstanding b) Excellent c)G


d) Average e) Bad

Q6. Home delivery services of big bazaar is !

a) Outstanding b) Excellent c)G


d) Average e) Bad

Q7. Location 0f big bazaar in your city is !

a) Outstanding b) Excellent c)G

d) Average e) Bad

Q8. Product display and signage in the store is !

a) Outstanding b) Excellent c)G


d) Average e) Bad

Q9. In offer days the shopping experience in the store is!

a) Outstanding b) Excellent c)G


d) Average e) Bad

Q10. Is it easy to move with the trolley in the store?

a) Yes b) No

Q11. How do you feel about sales persons and promoters ?

a) Outstanding b) Excellent c)G


d) Average e) Bad
Q12. Are you satisfied with the billing facility at the store ?

a) Yes b) No

Q13.The parking facility in bag bazaar is!

a) Outstanding b) Excellent c)G


d) Average e) Bad

Q14. The quality of the product served by big bazaar is !

a) Outstanding b) Excellent c)G


d) Average e) Bad

Q15. The cleanliness and hygiene maintained in the store is !

a) Outstanding b) Excellent c)G


d) Average e) Bad

Q16. Do you feel that shopping in big bazaar has made you a more knowledgeable c
onscious and aware customer?
a) Yes b) no

Q17.Do you feel that bag bazaar provide you value for money?

a)yes b)No


• Thanking you for filling up this questionnaire


Big Bazaar, Jail road Buxi Bazaar
Pin : 753005
Phone : 0681–3052032

Zonal Office :
Pantaloon Retail (India) Limited,
03-097,Fourth Floor,Block No - BG, Plot No.5,
Action Area - 1B, Block By Block Shopping Mall,
P.O. - New Town, (Near Indian Oil Petrol Pump)
Kolkata - 700 156
Tel: +91 033-3091 7500/51
Fax: +91 033-3091 7502
e-mail: east.region@pantaloon.com

Regd. Office :
Knowledge House, Shayam Nagar,
Off. Jogeshwari-Vikhroli Link Road,
Jogeshwari East, Mumbai 400060. India
Ph +91 22 66442200, Fax +91 22 66442201

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