A Contribution The Dicyrtomidae (Collembola) of Hawaii: Richard J. Snider
A Contribution The Dicyrtomidae (Collembola) of Hawaii: Richard J. Snider
A Contribution The Dicyrtomidae (Collembola) of Hawaii: Richard J. Snider
Printed in Great Britain Pergamon Press plc
01990 The Norwcgian Academy of Science and L e t t e r s
Snider. K.J . 1990. A contribution t o the Dicyrtomidae (Collembola) of Hawaii.-Zool. Scr. 19:
Ten new species in three subgenera of Dicyrtonia arc described from the Hawaiian Islands.
Specimens were received from collcctions made on Hawaii. Maui, Kauai and Oahu. Species
definitions are based on chactotaxy of head, legs and the circumanal region. In addition, presence
o r absence of latcral spines (neosminthurid sctae) on the parafurcular lobes may assist in grouping
species within subgenera. Previous records of dicyrtomids from Hawaii include only one species,
Ptenorlirix (Pupirioidos) duhia (Folsom). The following new species are described: Ptenorhrix
(Ptenothrix) hawaiicneis sp.n., Pfenorlirix (Papirioides) kauuiensis sp.n., P. (Pupirioides) serruiu
sp.n., Ilicyrtomu (C’ulvutorninu) sylvestrurilis sp.n., L). (Culvutotninu) hrevifihru sp.n., D. (C‘ulva-
tornir~cc)tesssseluru sp.n., D. (Culvu/ornina) longidigiiu sp.n., D. (Calvaiomina)bellingeri sp.n., D.
(Culvutomitiu) made.stris sp.n.. and D. (Culvutoniinu) microdentutu sp.n.
H..I. Snider, Uepartmeni o] Zoologv, Michipti Stare Univesiiy, Eust Lansing, MI 48824, U.S.A .
Table I . Ncw species from Huwuii described in this pup‘’‘ Table 11, C‘ircirmunul untipur(rJirrcu1ur .rerujhrmiilue wlirre ( + ) = hlurit
spine. ( - ) = wta-like. (i-) = sharp &pineund ( 0 ) = .setu uhsent; 312 = 3
Family Dicyrtomidae spines. 2 . s ~ t u - l i kS~f 0. = 5 spines und Of5 = spines uh.sen/
~~~~ . -... . ~ _ _
Tribe Ptcnothricini Species Anogcnital sctac I’arafurcular
Prenorhrix (f‘tmothri.r) huwuiiensis, sp.n. ... .
Ptenothrix (Pupirioide.5) kauaiensis. sp.n.
M M ’ N N’ A 0 T H 3
‘ L
Ptetiothrix (I’upirioidrs) serrutu, sp.n.
hu wuiirwsis + + + O + + + + + 015
Tribe Dieyrtornini
huuaiensis + + + o - + + - - 015
serrutu + + + o + - - c - + 015
“formosanu group” sy 1vestru tilis + + + + - - + - + 510
Dicyr/omlr (C’uivutominu)sylvestru/ili.s, sp.n. hrevijihru + + + + - o + + + 312
Dicyrromu (Culvutrmiinu) brevifihru, sp.n. tesselutu + + + - - ( I + + + 312
Dicyrtomu (C‘ulvutomiriu) tesst~lutu.sp.n. longidigitu + + + * - - + - + 312
Dicyrtomu ((‘ulvutominu)lorigiciigitu, sp. n . hrlliri,y~ri + + + + - - + * + 312
Uicyrtotnu (Chlvutominu)hellingeri. sp.n. mudr~srris + - + + + - + O + 510
“riifi‘secris group” microden/u/cr + - + - + - + - + 510
Dicyrtomu ((‘ulvurorninu) mudestris, sp.n .
Dicyr/onru (Culi~utorninu)microdentutu, sp.n
“Pseudodicyrtominm group” from the “rufescens group” taken with their interpretation. Presence or absence of
and “forrnosana group” on the basis of the ventral dental bothriothrix A and D is a strong characteristic and along
setae; 4-2-1-1-1 . . . 1 for the former and 4-2-1-1 . . . 1 with the number and type of spines on the metatibia can
for the latter two groups. Betsch (1980) said that the be used to clearly separate Ptenothricini from Dicyrto-
“Pseudodicyrtomina group” would seem to be equivalent mini. In addition, at the generic or subgcneric level, the
to Pupirioides with respect to Ptenothrix. So far, the following characteristics used by them for North Ameri-
collections from Hawaii have not produced any speci- can species cannot bc applied successfully to Pacific
mens from the “Pseudodicyrtomina group”. species: antennal subannulation, number of unpaired
Currently we rely upon three modern works to position facial setae [extreme variation between Dicyrtornu.
higher categories within Dicyrtomidac. First, Richards Dicyrtornina. Calvutornina and Ptenothrix, (Snider,
(1968) separated Bothriovulsus, Papiriodes and Ptenoth- 198Su,h)], or claw structure.
rix into the tribe Ptenothricini on the basis of bothriothrix Even though a strong argument can be presented for
D being present and antennal segments 111 and IV being separation of subgenera into genera a s presented by
subannulated. He placed Dicyrtomu and Dicyrfomina in Betsch (1980), a more conservative system incorporating
the tribe Dieyrtomini based on lack of bothriothrix D and his ideas and Christiansen & Bellinger (1981) and Yosii
subannulations on antennal segment IV. His opinions (1969) is used here. Ten new species are described from
were predicated on thcsis research concluded 12 years Hawaii. Their separation from each other and from
earlier (Richards, 1956). Very little editing between the- species described earlier from the Pacific-tropical area
sis publication and 1968 had taken place. It is, therefore, relies heavily on anogenital chaetotaxy.
not surprising that the papers by Yosii (lY6O,lY66,1969), Table I lists the new species and, where appropriate,
Yosii & Ashraf (1965) and Yosii & Lee (1963) were not the “group” to which they belong. Types are deposited in
included in his final analysis. While he cited Stach (1957) the Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii. In addition,
for elevating Dicyrtomidae to family level, he did not Table I1 summarizes the anogenital chaetotaxy used for
mention t h e genera Pseudodicyrtornina (Stach, 1957) or species division.
Gihherathrix (Uchida, 1 9 5 2 ~ )In. spite of these omissions,
his analysis o f genera was strongly presented. Many
critical morphological characteristics commonly used Account of species
today are a direct result of his research.
Betsch (1980) presented an overview of the Dicyrtomi- Ptenothrix (Ptenothrix) hawaiiensis sp.n. (Figs 1-31)
dae. He combined the work of Richards (1968), Yosii
(1960, 1966, 1969), Yosii & Lee (1963) and Yosii & Material exumined. Holotype ( 9 )and paratype on didcs. Hawaii,
Hawaii County, Lava Tree State Park, beating vegetation, 20 January
Ashraf (1965) to produce analytical reviews of each genus IYX2, K. A. Christiansen. Maui, Maui County, Koolau Gap, Halcakala
and an updated version of Richards’ (1968) taxonomic Crater. 7000 feet clcv., moss on rock. 7 February 1964, Tsuda.
key to genera. Betsch believed that Calvatornina and
other subgenera should be elevated to generic status. H e Description
pointed out that Calvatorninu formed a homogeneous
Holotropical group, while Dicyrtornina was Holarctic in Color. (Description based on specimens mounted on
distribution. slides in Hoyer’s medium.) Background opaque to white
Christiansen & Bellinger (1981) did not include the with blue pigment distributed in the following patterns.
work o f Betsch (1980) in their treatment of the North Antenna uniformly blue. Vertex of head with blue macu-
American collembolan fauna. As a result they took a lae, dark blue-black patch between ocelli; frons and gena
conservative view of the family. They preferred to use a with irregular blue mosaics. Great abdomen with blue
hybridization of Richards (1968) and Gisin (1960) which mosaics forming irregular lateral patterns. Legs with blue
reduced Bothriovulsus, Dicyrtornina and Ptenorhrix to banding at intervals. Furcula light blue. Lesser abdomen
subgenera under Dicyrtomu. Some exception must be blue with flecks of blue-black (Fig. 1).
Zoologicu Scriptu 19
Dicyrtornidne (Collembola) of’Hawaii 75
14 15
li 10 20 21
Figs 2-22. Ptenothrix (Ptenothrix) hawaiiensis sp.n.-2. Left eyepatch.-.?. Antenna1 segment 1 . d . Outcr maxillary lobe.--5. L a b r u m . 4 . Dorsal
setae of head.-7. Median facial setae.-8. Foretibiotarsus. anterior surface.--9. Foretibiotarsus, posterior surface.--10. Foreclaw.-/l.
Mcsocoxa.-/2. Mesotrochantcr.--I3. Mesofeniur.--I4. Mesotibiotarsus. anterior surface.-fS. Mesotibiotarsus. posterior surface.--16.
Mesoclaw.-/7. Metacoxa.--IS. Metatrochiinter.-lY. Metafemur.-20. Metatibiotarsus, anterior surface.-2-1. Metatibiotarsus, posterior
surface .-22. Metaclaw .
Zoologicu Scriptu 19
Dicyrtomidae (Cullembola) of Hawaii 77
Figs 2.ZG.11. Ptenothrix (Plenorhrix) huwuiiensis sp.n.-23. Collophorc, latcral vicw.-24. Corpus of retinaculurn.-25. Mucro.-26. Dens, ventral
surface.-27. Dens, dorsal surfacc and detail.-211. Manubrium, dorsal surface.-29. Parafurcular setac.--30. Anal papilla.-31. Anterior body
s c t x and bothriotrix A .
Antenna uniformly purple. Legs banded with purple Mesoleg. Coxa with 3 anterior setae and 1 “courte
(Fig. 32). 6pine” (Fig. 44); trochanter with 4 anterior and 1 pos-
terior setae, D2 seta much reduced (Fig. 45); femur with
Morphology. Eyes 8 8; ocelli D and H subequal and 112 anterior and posterior “courtes epines” , cup sensillum on
diameter of others (Fig. 33). Mean antenna1 ratio outer margin (Fig. 46); tibiotarsus with 5 cup sensilla and
4: 19:24:6; ANT I with 5 dorsal and 2 ventral setae (Fig. 3 “courtes epines” on anterior surface (Fig. 47), no
34); ANT TI with 2 dorsal and 1 ventral cup sensilla; ANT
111 divided into 7 subsegments, armed with cup sensilla,
subapical sensilla exposed, lying in shallow depressions;
ANT IV divided into 5 subsegments. Outer maxillary
lobe consists of simple palp and sublobal hair (Fig. 35).
Labrum with setal pattern 6/7,2,4 (Fig. 36). Dorsal setae
of head short, spine-like, a-seta reduced; facial setae not
truly blunt, arranged as 1-1-2-2-1-1, lower frons with
1 + 1 oval organ (Fig. 37).
Foreleg. Coxa with 1 seta, no oval organ (Fig. 38);
trochanter 2 anterior and 2 posterior setae (Fig. 39);
femur with basal posterior and distal anterior oval organs,
cup sensillum on outer margin (Fig. 40); tibiotarsus with 4
cup sensilla and 3 oval organs (almost “courtes @pines”)
on anterior surface (Fig. 41), oval organ lacking on
posterior surface (Fig. 42); pretarsus with anterior and
posterior setulae; unguis lacks tunica, with basal lateral
teeth, 2 inner teeth, well developed; unguiculus with
corner tooth, subapical filament reaching beyond tip of Fig. 32. Prenorhrix (Pupirioidrs) kauuiensis sp.n., habitus. Total length
unguis, knobbed (Fig. 43). of entire animal up to 1.5 m m .
Zoologica S c r i p 19
78 R. J . Snider
' i
33 34
Fig.s f'tmorhriu (f'upirioides) kuuuiensis sp.n.-.3.3. Left eycpatch.-.34. Antcnnal segment l.-.35. Outer maxillary lobe.-.36. I,abrum.-.?7.
Median facial sctiic.-.W. Forecoxa.-.W. Foretrochantcr.--40. F o r c f c m u r . 4 1 . Foretibiotarsus, anterior surfacc.-42. Forctibiotarsus, posterior
surfacc.4.1. F o r c c l a w . 4 4 . Mcsocoxa.4-5. Mcsotrochantcr.46. M c s o f c m u r . 4 7 . Mcsotibiotarsus, antcrior s u r f a c c . 4 8 . Mcsotibiotarsus,
posterior surfacc.--.lY. Mcsoclaw.,SO. Mctacoxa-SI. Mctatrochantcr.-S2. Mctafcrnur.-SS. Mctatibiotnrsus, anterior surfacc.-S4. Mctatibio-
tarsus. posterior surface.--5.5. Metaclaw.
Zoologicu Scriptu 19
Dicyrtomidae (Collembola) of Hawaii 79
Fix.s 5 6 4 5 . l’/cm/hrix (Papirioidrs) krriruicri.si.s sp.n.-S6. Collophorc, lateral view.-S7. Corpus of rctinacu1um.-SK. Manubrium, dorsal
surfacc.-FY. Dens. ventral s u r f a c e . 4 0 . Dens. dorsal surface and d c t a i l . 4 l . M u c r o . 4 2 . Anal papilla, f c r n a l e . 4 3 . Female subanal
appendage . 4 3 . Dorsal chactotaxy of a h d o m c n . d . 5 . Parafurcular sctac
“courtes epines” on posterior surface (Fig. 48); pretarsus Female subanal appendage acuminate, curved (Fig. 63).
with anterior and posterior setulae; unguis similar to Bothriothrix D present. Trunk setae AA and CC small,
foreclaw, unguiculus with subapical filament reaching setaceous; BB, EE, GG, HH spine-like. Dorsal projec-
well beyond tip of unguis, knobbed (Fig. 49). tion not well defined (Fig. 64). Parafurcular setae seti-
Metaleg. Coxa with 4 anterior setae and 1 “courte form, except 1 spine-like anterior example (Fig. 65).
Cpine” (Fig. SO); trochanter with 5 anterior and 1 pos- Length up to 1.5 mm.
terior setae, D2 seta reduced (Fig. 51); femur with an-
terior and posterior “courtes Cpines” and outer cup sen- Diagnosis. Ptenothrix (Papirioides) kauaiensis sp .n .
silla (Fig. 52); tibiotarsus with 5 cup sensilla and 3 appears to stand alone in the subgenus by having the
“courtes epines” on anterior surface (Fig. 53), posterior unguicular subapical filament knobbed on all legs.
surface with 2 heavily serrate differentiated setae (Fig. Further, the female subanal appendage is acuminate and
54); pretarsus with anterior and posterior setulae; unguis curving; other species have short blunt setae. Among the
with basal lateral teeth, 2 inner teeth; unguiculus with Hawaiian representatives of the genus, the spine-like
strong corner tooth, subapical filament reaching tip of trunk macrochaetae, unguicular filaments and subanal
unguiculus, knobbed (Fig. 55). appendages will separate kauaiensis from all others. Until
Great abdomen. Collophore with 1 + 1 subapical and more material becomes available, placement in Papir-
1 1 lateral setae (Fig. 56), sacs warty. Corpus of tenacu- ioides sp. must remain in doubt. The low, poorly defined
lum with 4 setulae, ramus with 3 teeth and basal horn (Fig. hump and strong Ptenothrix sp. characteristics seem to
57). Manubrium with 8 + 8 dorsal setae (Fig. 58). Dens position this species nearer that subgenus.
with 3-2-1 . . . 1 Ve setae (Fig. 59), dorsal E and L setae
serrate (Fig. 60), EI/E2= 0.7M.90 and E2/E3= 2.00-
2.80. Mucro with inner and outer teeth, outer file irregu- Ptenothrix (Pupirioides)serrutu sp.n. (Figs 66-100)
lar and conical, inner even and rounded (Fig. 61). Circu-
manal setae M, M’, and N spine-like and smooth, seta sa Marcrial uxamirzed. Holotypc ( 9 ) and 5 paratypes o n slide; Hawaii,
Honolulu County, Oahu. Mt. Tantalus, tO00 fcct clcv., pan trap,
normal; other setae follow pattern (Fig. 62) Novcmbcr 1966, J . Vockeroth. Additional paratypcs (all o n slides);
Maui County, Maui, Halcakala Crater. Koalua Gap, 7000 feet elev.,
M N T H G A. sa moss o n rock, 7 Fcbruary 1964, Tsuda, collector, 6 specimens o n slide I ,
3 2 - t - t - - - 2 spccimcns o n slidc 2; Maui, lao Valley State Park, approximately I
Zoolofiicu Scriptu 19
80 R. .I.
milc from “needle”. scruti forest and fcrns and grass, under bark o l cup sensilla on outer margin (Fig. 81); tibiotarsus with 5
fallen trees and stones. 3 February 1982, K. A . Christianscn, I spcci- cup sensilla on outer margin and 3 “courtes Cpines” on
mcn; Honolulu County. Oehu, Wnimca Arborcturn. IS0 feet clcv.,
. ” domcsticatcd plant section, on dccorativc lava rock in pools,
H,nw‘iiian anterior surface (Fig. 82), posterior surface with 1 cup
27 Fcbruary 19x2. K . A . Christianscn. sensillum and no “courte Cpine” (Fig. 83); pretarsus with
inner and outer setulae; unguis lacking tunica, with basal
Llescription lateral teeth and 2 well-developed inner teeth; unguiculus
with corner tooth, subapical filament reaching tip of
Color. (Description based on specimens mounted on unguis (Fig. 84).
slides in Hoyer’s medium.) Background yellow; antenna Metaleg. Coxa with 4 anterior setae and 1 “courte
purple-blue except distal and basal quarters of ANT TI, epine” (Fig. 8s); trochanter with 5 anterior and 1 pos-
which are light; band of purple on lower frons, with terior setae, D2 normal (Fig. 86); femur with basal pos-
irregular mosaics concentrated on gena; macula of blue terior oval organ and anterior distal “courte Cpine” and
between eyepatches, otherwise light. Body irregularly outer cup sensilla (Fig. 87); tibiotarsus with 5 cup sensilla
mottled, with faint wash of blue, middorsal line on an- and 3 “courtes epines” on anterior surface (Fig. 88),
terior half, lower anal valves bluish, upper valve distally posterior surface with 2 heavily serrate differential setae
blue. Legs banded. Manubrium-dens purple-blue, be- (Fig. 89); pretarsus with anterior and posterior setulae;
coming darker distally; mucro blue (Fig. 66). unguis with basal lateral teeth, 2 outer teeth, and 2 well-
developed inner teeth; unguiculus with corner tooth,
Morphology. Eyes 8 + 8; ocellus D smaller than others lamella slightly more expanded than on foreclaw or
(Fig. 67). Mean antenna ratio 1 :4.5:5: 1; ANT I with 5 mesoclaw, subapical filament reaching tip of unguis (Fig.
dorsal and 2 ventral setae (Fig. 68); ANT I1 with 1 dorsal 90).
and 2 ventral cup sensilla; ANT Ill divided into 7 distal Great abdomen. Collophore with 1 + 1 subapical and 1
subsegments, armed with cup sensilla, subapical sensilla + 1 lateral sctae (Fig. 91), sacs warty. Corpus of tenacu-
exposed, lying in shallow depressiohs; ANT IV divided lum with 5 4 setulae, ramus with 3 teeth and basal horn
into 5 subsegments. Outer maxillary lobe consists of +
(Fig. 92). Manubrium with 8 8 dorsal setae (Fig. 93).
simple palp and 1 sublobal hair (Fig. 69). Labrum with Dens with 3 , 2, 1 , 1 . . . 1 Ve setae, dorsal E and L setae
setal pattern 6/7,2,4 (Fig. 70). Dorsal setae of head short, serrate (Fig. 94), EI/E2 = l.S(k2.35 and ED/E2= 2.60-
spine-like (Fig. 71); 5-7 unpaired facial setae (Fig. 72) 3.40 (Fig. 95). Mucro with numerous fine inner and outer
1 + 1 “courtes epines” and 1 1 oval organs on lower teeth (Fig. 96). Circumanal setae M, M’ and N spine-like
frons. and smooth, seta sa normal; other setae follow pattern
Foreleg. Coxa with 1 anterior seta (Fig. 73); trochanter
M N T H G A(, sa
with 2 anterior and 2 posterior setae (Fig. 74); femur with
basal posterior and distal anterior oval organs (anterior
3 2 - + - + -
qualifies as “courte Cpine”), cup sensillum on outer mar- (Fig. 97). Female subanal appendage straight, short,
gin (Fig. 7.5); tibiotarsus with 4 cup sensilla and 1 “courte blunt (Fig. 98). Bothriothrix D present. Trunk setae,
6pine” on anterior surface (Fig. 76), oval organ lacking large, strong, only DD spine-like. Dorsal projection well
on posterior surface (Fig. 77); pretarsus with anterior and defined, low (Fig. 99). Parafurcular setae setiform (Fig.
posterior setulae; unguis lacks tunica, with basal lateral 100). Length up to 2.2 mm.
teeth, 2 inner teeth; unguiculus with corner tooth, subapi-
cal filament just reaching beyond tip of unguis (Fig. 78). Diagnosis. Ptenothrix (Papirioides) serratu sp.n. unlike
Mesoleg. Coxa with 3 anterior setae and 1 “courte kauaiensis, lacks knobbed subapical filaments on the
epine” (Fig. 79); trochanter with 4 anterior and 1 pos- unguiculi and has a greater number of unpaired facial
terior setae, D2 seta normal (Fig. 80); femur with basal setae. Ptenothrix (Papirioides) duhia (Folsom, 1932) is
posterior oval organ and distal anterior “courte Cpine”, easily separated from serrata on the basis of color pattern,
anal setae and prominent hump. Further, duhiu has a 1-
1-1-1-2-1-1 facial setal formula, while serrata has 1-1-1-
2-1-1-1. Another difference is found in the setae of ANT
I; dubiu has 4 spine-like dorsal setae and 2 posterior,
serrata has 5 dorsal, normal setae. The only other species
that superficially resembles serrata is Ptenothrix (Pupir-
ioides) mirabilis (Denis, 1929) from China. That species
has individuals that exhibit both the presence and absence
of dorsal humps. Furthermore, the dorsal setae of the
dens lack serrations in mirahilis.
Zoologica S c r i p I9
Dicyrtomidue (Collembolu) of Hawuii 81
67 % 71
F3 79
76 77 90 82 83 89
Figs 67-90. P¬hri,t (Pupirioides) serrufu s p . n . 4 7 . Right e y e p a t c h . 4 8 . Antcnnal segment I . d Y . Outer maxillary lobe.-70. Labrum.-7I.
Dorsal sctac of head.-72. Median facial sctac.-73. Forecoxa.-74. Foretrochanter.-7.5. Forefemur.-76. Foretibiotarsus, anterior surface.-77.
Forctibiotarsus, posterior surface.-78. Foreclaw.-7Y. Mesocoxa.4U. Mcsotrochanter.41. M c s o f e m u r . 4 2 . Mcsotibiotarsus, anterior
surfacc.4.7. Mcsotibiotarsus, posterior s u r f a c c . 4 4 . M e s o c l a w . 4 5 . M c t a c o x a . 4 6 . Mctatrochanter.47. M c t a f e m u r . 4 8 . Mctatibiotarsus,
anterior s u r f a c c . 4 9 . Mctatibiotarsus, posterior surface.--90. Metaclaw.
Zoologicu Scriptu I9
R. J . Snider
1 I
1 I
\ 97 100
F ~ g sYl-100. I’tcrrothrix (Puprrioidcs) .serrutu sp.n.-Y/. Collophorc.-Y2. Corpus of rctinaculum.-9.?’. Manuhrium. dorsal surface.-94. Dens.-
9.7. Dcntal sctac E,-E2.-96. Mucro.--Y7. Anal papilla. fernalc.-W Fcmalc subanal appendage.-YY. Chactotaxy of abdomen, lateral vicw.-/OO.
Parafurcular sctae.
Wailua River. crossing on paved road. inland from Experiment Station, lying in shallow depressions; ANT IV not subsegmented.
rotten wood, soil and vegetation. 18 January 1967, 4 spccimcns o n slide
and 5 in ethanol: Mauna Kapu, Waianac Mountains, litter under Dorsal setae of head small, not spine-like; 5 unpaired
Cu.siturinusp.. 20 October 1966, P. F. Bellinger. median facial setae and oval organs lacking (Fig. 105);
outcr maxillary lobe consists of simple palp and 1 sublobal
Description hair (Fig. 106). Labrum with setal pattern 6/5, 5 , 4 (Fig.
Color. Background cream to light yellow with purple Foreleg. Coxa without scta or oval organ (Fig. 108);
pigment dusting and irregular polygons. Head with intcr- trochanter with 3 anterior and 1 posterior setae (Fig. 109);
ocular macula of light purple; light polygons o n frons with femur with posterior oval organ and distal anterior
macula between antennal bases and slightly below; purple “courte @pine”,and outer cup sensilla (Fig. 110); tibiotar-
increases on gena and becomes heaviest on post-gena; sus with 4 cup scnsilla and 1 “courte epine” on anterior
antenna with ANT I light purple, ANT IT becoming dark
distally, ANT 111 and IV dark purple. Body with thoracic
segmentation outlined in light purplc; dorsally with a faint
colorless stripe originating at the first thoracic segment
and terminating 3/4 distance of abdomen; posterior ab-
dominal region light purple with setal sockets colorless;
laterally thorax to abdomen with dark purple, inter-
sperscd with irregular maculac; lesser abdomen dusted
with light purplc; legs light purplc; furcula cream with
light purplc dusting at base of dens (Figs 101, 102).
Morphology. Eyes 8 8; ocellus D 1/2 diameter of E, all
other ocelli cubequal (Fig. 103). Mean antennal ratio
4 : 13: 18:4; ANT 1 with 4 dorsal and 3 ventral setae (Fig. 102 ‘%&2
104); ANT 11 with 2 dorsal and 1 ventral cup sensilla; Figs 101-102. Dicyrtornu (Culvutomina) vzudtWris sp.n.-101. Habitus,
ANT I11 not subsegmented, subapical sensilla exposed, latcral view.-IO2. Habitus, dorsal view. Total length up t o 1 mm.
Zoolo~rcrr >Scrrptu19
Dicyrtomidue (Collembola) of Huwuii 83
b 7 p 10.7-129. Dicyrfoma (Calvumnina)mudrstris sp.n.--lO.?. Left eycpatch.-l04. Antenna1 segment I.-1M. Facial setac.--lM. Outer maxillary
lobc.--107. Labrum.--IOX. Forccoxa.-109. Forctrochantcr.-ll0. Forcfemur.--ill. Forctibiotarsus, anterior surfacc.-l12. Forctibiotarsus,
posterior surfacc.-l13. Foreclaw.--ill. Mesocoxa.--llS. Mcsotrochantcr.-116. Mcsofemur.--117. Mcsotibiotarsus, anterior surfacc.-!IR.
Mcsotibiotarsus, posterior surface.-l 19. Mcsoclaw.-l20. Mctacoxa.-lZ/. Mctatrochanter.-122. Metafemur.--I2.?. Mctatibiotarsus, antcrior
surfacc.-124. Mctatibiotarsus. posterior surface.--125. Metaclaw.--I26. Collophore.-l27. Manubrium, dorsal surface.-128. Dens, ventral
surface.-129. Dens, dorsal surface.
Zoologica Scriptu I9
84 R. J . Snider
surface (Fig. I 1 I ) , posterior surface with 1 “courte epine” Color. (Description based on specimens mounted on
(Fig. 112); prctarsus with anterior and posterior setula; slides in Hoyer’s medium.) Background yellow to opaque
unguis with 1 outer tooth, tunica and pseudonychia; with purple distributed in the following patterns. Head
unguiculus with well-developed corner tooth, subapical with rose-purple reaching below eyepatches, dark macula
filament 1/2 length of inner margin of unguis, reaching between eyes, remaining area yellow-cream; antenna
beyond its tip (Fig. 113). rose-purple basally becoming darker distally. Body with
Mesoleg. Coxa with 2 anterior and 1 posterior setae purple-brown reaching laterally, sometimes dorsum very
(Fig. 114); trochantcr with 4 anterior and 1 posterior setae light, giving the appearance of lateral stripes; lesser abdo-
(Fig. 115); femur with posterior oval organ and distal men cream; legs with light dusting of rose-purple (Fig.
“courte kpine” and outer cup sensillurn (Fig. 116); tibio- 135).
tarsus with 4 cup sensilla and 3 “courtes Cpines” on
anterior surface (Fig. 117), posterior surface with 1 Morphology. Eyes 8 + 8, ocelli subequal (Fig. 136).
“courte epine” (Fig. 11 8); pretarsus with anterior and Mean antcnnal ratio 4: 20 :23 :5 ; ANT I with 5 dorsal and
posterior setulae; unguis with outer tooth, 1 inner tooth, 2 ventral setae (Fig. 137); ANT I1 with 2 dorsal and I
tunica and pseudonychia; unguiculus with corner tooth, ventral cup sensilla; ANT I11 not subsegmented, armed
subapical filament short, 1/5 length of inner margin of with cup sensilla, subapical sensilla exposed, lying in
unguis (Fig. 119). shallow depressions; ANT IV not divided into sub-
Metaleg. Coxa with 3 anterior setae and 1 “courte segments. Outer maxillary lobe consists of simple palp
epine” (Fig. 120); trochanter with 4 anterior and 1 pos- and 1 sublobal hair (Fig. 138). Labrum with setal pattern
terior setac (Fig. 121); femur with posterior oval organ 6/S, 5 , 4. Dorsal setae of head reduced; 5-7 unpaired
and distal “courte epine”, outer cup sensillum (Fig. 122); facial setae (Fig. 139).
tibiotarsus with 5 cup sensilla and 3 “courtes kpines” on Foreleg. Coxa with 1 seta (Fig. 141); trochanter with 2
anterior surface (Fig. 123) posterior surface with 1 anterior and 2 posterior setulae (Fig. 141); femur with 5
“courte Cpine” (Fig. 124); pretarsus with anterior and anterior and’s posterior setae, 2 posterior setulae, outer
posterior setulae; unguis with outer tooth, 1 inner tooth, cup sensillurn, posterior basal oval organ elongated, an-
tunica and pseudonychia; unguiculus with corner tooth terior distal “courte @pine”(Fig. 142); tibiotarsus with 4
(sometimes 2) and occasionally a distal tooth (sometimes cup sensilla and 3 “courtes Cpines” on anterior surface
2j, subapical filament 1/4 length of inner margin of unguis (Fig. 143), 1 “courte Cpine” on posterior surface (Fig.
(Fig. 125). 144); prctarsus with anterior and posterior setulae; unguis
Great abdomen. Collophore with 1 1 subapical and with pseudonychia, tunica, outer tooth, 2 small inner
1 + 1 lateral setae (Fig. 126), sacs warty. Corpus of teeth; unguiculus with small corner tooth, subapical fila-
tenaculum with 4 setulae, ramus with 3 teeth and basal ment tapering, about length of lamella, reaching beyond
horn. Manubrium with 10 + 10 dorsal setae (Fig. 127). tip of unguis (Fig. 145).
Dens with 4,2, I , I . , I Ve setae (Fig. IZS), dorsal E and
Loolopcii .k rcptu 19
Dicyrtomidue (Collembolu) Of’ Hawaii 85
T;iblc IV. Morplio/ogicu/ dij~cvenrcvberween Dicyrtoma (Calvatomina) sylvcstratilis .sp.tt. . Dicyrtoma (C:alvatoniina) solomonensis (Yosii ), und
Dicyrtonis (Calvatomina) modcsta ( Yosii)
.sJlveSri.urili.s .solomoncn.sis rYIode.sru
~ - __ ~ ~ ~ .~ __ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ - ~~ ~ ~
Macrochactac M. N . N ’ blunt, of N ‘ 112 length of” and blunt N ’ 112 length of N and sctaccous N’112 length 01 N and almost
equal length setacenus
G a c t a sctaccous Ycs Yes N o , blunt
A ? scta smallcr than A4 Suhcqunl Yes Y cs
Dorsal dcntal sctac 71.. IOE, D, rcduccd ( D , 11.1 10I2, IOE. D , normal ( D I and D: IOL. OE, D, normal (D, and Dz
lc11gth of D2) su bcq uil I ) su bcq ual)
Mesoleg. Coxa with 3 setae and 1 ”courte Cpine” (Fig. Dicyrtoma (Calvatomina) brev$bra sp-n. (Figs 168-192)
146); trochanter with 3 anterior and 1 posterior sctae (Fig.
Ma/eriul exuminerf. Holotype ( 9 ) and 2 paratypc on slidcs. Hawaii,
147); femur with 7 anterior setae and 2 posterior setulae, Kalawao County, Molokai, vicinity of Kalahuapuco lookout, scrub
outer cup sensillum, posterior basal oval organ elongated, forcst, 12 January 19x3, K . A . Christianscn. holotypc; Hawaii County,
anterior distal “courte Cpine” (Fig. 148); tibiotarsus with Hawaii. Kukuihaclc, unidentified bird’s nest. 14 Dcccnihcr 1961. Wil-
son, collector, paratypc. Honolulu County, Oahu, Manoa Falls trail,
5 cup sensilla and 3 “courtes epines” on anterior surface flats near beginning. litter. 23 September 1966, P. F. Bcllingcr.
(Fig. 149), 1 “courte Cpine” on posterior surface (Fig.
150); pretarsus with anterior and posterior setulae; unguis Doscription
with pseudonychia, tunica, outer tooth, 2 inner teeth;
unguiculus with corner tooth, subapical filament short, Color. (Description based on specimen preserved in etha-
reaching tip of unguiculus (Fig. 151). nol.) Background white with dark blue pattern. ANT 1
Metaleg. Coxa with 3 setae and 1 “courte Cpine” (Fig. with distal blue ring; ANT 11 light blue, becoming dark
152); trochanter with 4 anterior and 1 posterior sctae (Fig. blue distally; ANT I11 light blue basal 1/4, dark blue
153); femur with 8 anterior and 2 posterior setac, 1 distally; ANT IV dark blue. Vertex of head light blue with
posterior setula, posterior oval organ elongated, distal interocular macula dark blue, extending just below anten-
anterior “courtc epine” and outer “courte Cpine” (Fig. nal bases; upper frons with light blue macula, lower frons
154); tibiotarsus with 5 cup sensilla and 3 “courtes Cpines” to labrum blue, surrounding area white; gena with dark
on anterior surface (Fig. ISS), posterior surface with I bluc forming a stripe that extends to occiput. with a stripe
“courte epine” (Fig. 156); pretarsus with anterior and of blue extending from antennal bases to mouthparts.
posterior setulae: unguis with pseudonychia, tunica. Thoracic segments laterally blue, forming horizontal
outer tooth, 2 inner teeth; unguiculus, with corner tooth, stripes dorsally, segments lined with white and scattered
subapical filament short, reaching beyond tip of unguis white maculae. Abdomen dark bluc with dark blue stripe
(Fig. 157). originating at thorax and terminating at apex before anal
Great abdomen. Collophore with 1 + 1 subapical and valves, this stripe is bordered with white; laterally with
1 + 1 lateral setae, sacs warty. Corpus o f tenaculum with scattered white maculae roughly forming a square; anal
4 setae, ramus with 3 teeth and basal horn (Fig. 158). valves dorsally light with dark apical macula. Manubrium
Manubrium with 9 9 dorsal setae (Fig. 159). Dens with light blue, dens white. Collophore light blue. Legs with
4,2,1. 1 . . . 1 Ve setae (Fig. 160), dorsal E and L setae all coxa and trochanter dark blue, femur dark blue distally,
smooth (Fig. 161), EI/E2= 1.20-1.40, E3/E1 = 1.30 (Fig. otherwise white, tibiotarsus light blue distal 3/4 (Figs
162). Mucro with numerous inner and outer teeth (Fig. 168-1 70).
163). Circumanal setae follow pattern for subgenus
Morphology. Eyes8 + 8, ocelli subequal (Fig. 171). Mean
M N A,) T H G and L M’
antennal ratio 4 : 15:21 :5; ANT I with 5 dorsal and 2
+ + - - + - + + ventral setae (Fig. 172); ANT I1 with 2 dorsal and 1
(Fig. 164); female subanal appendage straight, slightly ventral cup sensilla; ANT TI1 not subsegmented, armed
curved and sharply tapered at apex. Parafurcular setae with cup sensilla, subapical sensilla exposed. lying in
spine-like and ciliated (Fig. 165). Bothriothrix A and C shallow depressions; ANT TV not divided into subseg-
very reduced, B normal (Fig. 166). Body setae fine in ments. Dorsal setae of head reduced; 5 unpaired facial
thoracic region, becoming spine-like posteriorly (Fig. setae (Fig. 173).
167). Length up to 1 . 1 mm. Foreleg. (Only claw adequate for description.) Pretar-
sus with anterior and posterior setulae; unguis with pseu-
Diagnosis. Dicyrtorna (Culvutomina) sylvestratilis sp.n. in donychia, tunica, 1 outer tooth and single inner tooth;
many respects resembles Dicyrtoma (Culvutomina) solo- unguiculus without corner tooth, subapical filament
rnotietzsis (Yosii, 1969) and Dicyrtoma (Calvatomirzu) tapering beyond tip of unguis (Fig. 174).
modrsfu (Yosii, l969), both from the Solomon Islands. Mesoleg. Coxa with 3 anterior setae; femur with 5
Clearly they share the same labral setal pattern, 4 tentacu- anterior and 5 posterior setae, with outer cup sensillurn,
lar sctae, 1 + 1 and 1 + 1 collophore setae, Ve setal anterior and posterior setulae (Fig. 175); (tibiotarsus
pattern 4 , 2 , 1 , 1 . . . 1 and inner margin of unguis with 1 , inadequate); pretarsus with anterior and posterior setu-
2, 2, teeth. However the circumanal macrochaetae pat- lac; unguis with pseudonychia, tunica, 2 outer teeth and 2
tern niay be used to separate the 3 species as shown in fine inner teeth; unguiculus with corner tooth, subapical
Table IV. filament tapering beyond tip of unguis (Fig. 176).
Zoologicu Scriptu 19
86 K. J . Snider
Dicyrtomidue (Collemholu) o j Hawaii 87
Metaleg. Coxa with 4 anterior setae (Fig. 177); tro- Color. (Description based on specimens mounted on
chanter with 4 anterior and 1 posterior setae (Fig. 178); slides in Hoyer’s medium.) Background yellow with pur-
femur with 8 anterior and 3 posterior setae, basal oval ple pigment laid down in irregular polygons. Antenna
organ, distal setula and outer cup sensillum (Fig. 179); purple. Vertex of head with dark purple macula between
tibiotarsus with 5 cup sensilla and 3 “courtes @pines”on eyepatches, light purple stripe connected to dark macula
anterior surface (Fig. lXO), posterior surface with 1 of frontal interocular area; lateral purple band on gena
“courte dpine” (Fig. 181); pretarsus with antcrior and with light suffusion of purple. Body with dark purple
posterior setulae; unguis with pseudonychia, tunica, 2 lateral bands that join near the postero-dorsal area, anal
outer teeth and 2 inner tine teeth; unguiculus with corner papilla light purple. Legs with light purple, distal portion
tooth, subapical filament tapering, short and fine, reach- of femur darker. Furcula light purple on manubrium and
ing beyond tip of unguis (Fig. 182). dens, mucro with small amounts of purple (Fig. 193).
Great abdomen. Collophore with 1 + 1 subapical and
1 1 lateral setae, sacs warty (Fig. 183). Corpus of Morphology. Eyes 8 8, ocelli approximately subequal+
tenaculum with 4 setae, ramus with 3 teeth and basal horn (Fig. 194). Mean antenna1 ratio 4: 18.5:24:6.5; ANT I
(Fig. 184). Manubrium with 9 + 9 dorsal setae and 1 + 1 with 5 dorsal and 2 ventral setae (Fig. 195); ANT I1 with 2
cup sensilla (Fig. 185). Dens with 4 , 2 , 1, 1 . . . 1 Ve setae
dorsal and 1 ventral cup sensilla; ANT 111 not subseg-
(Fig. 186), dorsal E and L setae smooth (Fig. 187), EI/E2 mented, armed with cup sensilla, subapical sensilla ex-
= 0.81, E3/E2 = 1.60 (Fig. 188). Mucro with numerous posed, lying in shallow depressions; ANT IV not subseg-
inner and outer teeth (Fig. 189). Circumanal setae follow mented. Outer maxillary lobe consists of simple palp and
the pattern for the genus 1 sublobal hair (Fig. 196). Labrum with setal pattern 6 / 5 ,
5 , 4. Dorsal setae of head reduced; 5-6 unpaired facial
M N A,, ‘T H G and L M’ setae (Fig. 197).
+ + - - + + + + Foreleg. Coxa with 1 anterior seta (Fig. 198); tro-
chanter with 2 anterior and 1 posterior setae (Fig. 199);
(Fig. 190). N’ short, spine-like; female subanal append- femur with 5 anterior and 5 posterior setae, outer cup
age acuminate, slightly curved (Fig. 191). Parafureular sensillum, posterior setula and basal oval organ (Fig.
area with 3 spine-like, ciliated setae and 2 setaceous (Fig. 200); tibiotarsus with 5 cup sensilla and 3 “courtes epines”
Figs 130-134. Ilicyrtomu (C’ulvtrrominu) rnadesrris sp.n-/30. Mucro.-/31. Anal papilla, dorsal view.-1.<2. Anal papilla, latcrnl vicw.-1.3.3.
Fcinalc subanal appendagc.-/34. Parafurcular sctac.
Figs 136-167. Dicyrtornu ( C h l v a ~ o m i n nsy/vc,sirutilis
) sp.n.-/.?6. Left cycpatch.-137. Antcnnal scgmcnt I .-/SK. Outer maxillary lobe.-/.W.
Facial scta.-/40. Forccoxa.--14/. Foretrochantcr.-/42. Forcfemur.-/43. Forctibiotarsus, anterior surfacc.-/44. Foretibiotarsus, posterior
surface.-/4.5. Foreclaw.--146. Mesocoxa.-/47. Mesotrochanter.-/48. Mcsofcmur.--I4Y. Mcsotibiotarsus. anterior surfacc.--150. Mesotihio-
tarsus, posterior surface.-/5/. Mcsoclaw.--ISZ. Mctacoxa.-/S.?. Metatrochantcr.-154. Mctafemur.-/55. Mctatihiotarsus, anterior surfkc.-
1.56. Mctatihiotarsus. posterior surfacc.-l57. Metaclaw.-ZW. Corpus of rctinaculum.--15Y. Manubrium. dorsal surfacc.-I60. Dens, ventral
surfacc.-/6/. Dens, dorsal surfacc.-Z62. Dental sctac EI-E3.--163. Mucro.-/64. Anal papilla, fcmalc.-/65. Parafurcular sctac.-166.
Bothriotrix A-B.--167. Body sctae, thoracic region.
Zoologica Scriptu 19
88 R . J . Snider
Q i
/ ?/ '0, I70
181 180
/ y' 179
Zoologica Scripru 19
Dicyrtornidae (Collemhola) o f Hawaii 89
(Fig. 235); female subanal appendage acuminate, curving Table V. Morphological d i j & w z c e s heiween Dicyrtoma (Calvatomina)
(Fig. 236). Parafucular setal pattern 5 spine-like, ciliated longidigita s p . n . , Dicyrtoma (Calvatomina) brevifibra .sp.n., Dicyrtoma
(Calvatomina) sylvestratilis sp.n. and Dicyrtoma (Calvatomina)
setae (Fig. 237). Bothriothrix A , B, C normal, D missing. tesselat a sp .n .
Body setae fine in thoracic region, becoming spine-like
posteriorly. Length up to 1 mm. lorigidigita hreviJihra sylvestrurilis resselata
. .... .. ~~ ~
Morphology. Eyes 8 + 8, subequal (Fig. 239). ANT I with Diagnosis. Dicyrtoma (Calvatomina)longidigita sp.n. is a
5 dorsal and 2 ventral setae (Fig. 240); ANT I1 with 2 member of Yosii’s (1969) “formosana group”. It can be
dorsal and 1 ventral cup sensilla; ANT 111 not subseg- separated from formosana by having circumanal setae H
mented, with cup sensilla and distal sensilla exposed, spine-like and M’ blunt, spine-like; solomonensis and
lying in depressions; ANT IV not subsegmented. Outer modesta have the same circumanal setal pattern as longi-
maxillary lobe consists of simple palp and 1 sublobal hair digita, separation is possible on the basis of color pattern
(Fig. 241). Labrum not seen. Dorsal setae of head short, and shape of the claws. The Hawaiian species that come
fine; 5 unpaired facial setae (Fig. 242). closest to longidigita are hrevifihra, sylvestrutilis and tesse-
Foreleg. Coxa, trochanter and femur not clear or ob- lata. Separation of the 4 species can be accomplished
scured in preparation; tibiotarsus with 3 cup sensilla and 1 using the charwteristics listed in Table V.
(visible) “courte epine” on anterior surface (Fig. 243),
posterior surface without “courte epine” (Fig. 244); pre-
tarsus with anterior and posterior setulae; unguiculus Dicyrtoma (Calvatomina)bellingeri sp.n. (Figs 257-289)
with pseudonychia, tunica, up to 2 outer teeth and 2 inner
teeth; unguiculus with 2 corner teeth, subapical filament Maferial examined. Holotype ( 9 ) and 3 paratypes prcscrvcd in
ethanol, 2 paratypes o n slides. Hawaii, Kauai County, Kauai, Na Pali
heavy, tapering, longer than unguiculus (Fig. 245). Wilderness Area, Hanakoa Campsite, forest, near stream, sifting litter,
Mesoleg. Coxa, trochanter, and femur not clear or 22 March 1986, K . A. Christianscn.
obscured in preparation; tibiotarsus with 5 cup sensilla
and 2 “courtes epines” on anterior surface (Fig. 246), Description
posterior surface without visible “courte epine” (Fig.
247); pretarsus with anterior and posterior setulae; unguis Color. Background opaque to white with brown-purple
with pseudonychia, tunica, outer tooth and 2 inner teeth; pigment laid down in irregular polygons. Antenna distally
unguiculus with strong corner tooth and small second dark purple-blue, becoming lighter basally. Vertex of
tooth, subapical filament heavy, tapering, longer than head with light purple macula between eyepatches and
unguiculus (Fig. 248). flanked by smaller, darker maculae. Frons with purple
Metaleg. Coxa, trochanter and femur not clear or mosaics forming an irregular band extended to postgenal
obscured; tibiotarsus with 5 cup sensilla and 3 “courtes area. Lower frons with medial macula, frontal oral area
epines” on anterior surface (Fig. 249), no visible “courte bordered with purple mosaics. Body with purple lateral
Zoologicu Scnptu 19
Dicyrtomidae (Collembola) of Hawuii 91
Figs lY4-22.5. Dicyrroma (Calvutornina)tesselatu sp.n.-lY4. Left eyepatch.-lY5. Antenna1 segment I.-lY6. Outcr maxillary lobc.-l97. Facial
sctae.--198. Forccoxa.--IYY. Foretrochanter.-200. Forefemur.-201. Foretibiotarsus, anterior surface.-202. Forctibiotarsus, posterior
surfacc.-203. Foreclaw.-204. Mesocoxa.-205. Mcsotrochantcr.-2W. Mesofemur.-207. Mcsotibiotarsus, anterior surface.-208. Mesotibio-
tarsus. posterior surface.-209. Mesoclaw.-210. Metacoxa.-2f l . Metatrochanter.-212. Metafcmur.-2I3. Metatibiotarsus, anterior surface.-
214. Metatibiotarsus. posterior-surface.-2l5. Metaclaw.-2f6. Collophore.-2f 7.Corpus of retinaculum.-218. Manubrium. lateral view.-219.
Dens, ventral surface.-220. Dens, dorsal surface.-22/. Dental setae E,-E,.-222. Mucro.-223. Anal papilla, female.-224. Female subanal
appcndage.-225. Parafurcular sctae.
Zoologica Scripta IY
02 R. J . Snider
232 233 234 237
Figs 227-237. Ilicyrtorna (Cblvutorninu) rnirrodcnratu sp.n.-227. Left eycpatch.-228. Foreclaw.-22Y. Mctaclaw.-230. Collophore. lateral
vicw.-2SI. Corpus of rctinaculum.-232. Manubrium, lateral view.-2.?3. Dental setac E,-E3.-234. Mucro.-235. Anal papilla, female.-236.
Female subanal appendage.-237. Parafurcular setae.
239 240
- 6
Figs 239-2S6. Dicyrioma (Culvaiomina) longidigiia sp.n.-239. Right eyepatch.-240. Antcnnal segment 1.-24/. Outer maxillary lobc.-242.
Facial sctac.-243. Foretibiotarsus. anterior surfacc.-244. Forctibiotarsus, posterior surface.-245. Forcclaw.-246. Mesotibiotarsus, anterior
surfacc.-247. Mcsotibiotarsus. posterior surface.-248. Mesoclaw.-249. Mctatibiotarsus, anterior surface.-250. Mctatibiotarsus, posterior
aurfacc.-251. Metaclaw.-252. Mucro.-253. Anal papilla. femalc.-254. Fcmalc subanal appendagc.-255. Parafurcular sctae.-2.56. Dorsal
setae of abdomen.
276); tibiotarsus with 5 cup sensilla, 3 “courtes @pines”on and 2 inner teeth; unguiculus with 2 corner teeth, subapi-
anterior surface (Fig. 277), 1 “courte dpine” o n posterior cal filament short, fine, reaching tip of unguis, outer
surface (Fig. 278); pretarsus with anterior and posterior lamella expanded greater than meso-unguiculus (Fig.
setulae; unguis with pseudonychia, tunica, outer tooth, 279).
Great abdomen. Collophore with 1 1 subapical and
1 1 lateral setae, sacs warty (Fig. 280). Corpus of
tenaculum with 4 setae, ramus with 3 teeth and basal horn
(Fig. 281). Manubrium with 11 + 11 dorsal setae (Fig.
282). Dens with 4 , 2 , 1 , 1 . . . 1 Ve setae (Fig. 283), dorsal
E and L setae smooth DI-D3 subequal (Fig. 284), EI/E2
= 1.20, E3/E2 = 1.25 (Fig. 285). Mucro with numerous,
regularly spaced inner and outer teeth (Fig. 286). Circu-
manal setae follow the pattern
M N A(, T H G and L M’ N’
+ + - - + f . + + +
F i p 2S7. 258. Dicyriornu (Calvaiorninn) bellingeri sp.n.-257. Habitus,
lateral view.-25#. Habitus. dorsal view. Total lcngth up to 0.85 mm. (Fig. 287); female subanal appendage heavy, sharp,
Zoulrigicn Scripla 19
94 R . J . Snider
I 1 263
:’ B Q
267 ‘I
_--- 273
271 272
28 1 -’,--- Y’
.... . . - - -
277 278
Zoologica Scripta I9
Dicyrtomidae (Collembola) of Hawaii 95
tapered and curved at apex. Parafurcular setal pattern 3 & Weiner (1987) have presented differences between
spine-like and 2 setaceous (Fig. 288). Bothriothrix A, B, number, shape and pattern of dorsal setae found on the
C normal, D missing. Body setae fine in thoracic region, great abdomen which clearly separate Ptenothrix and
becoming spine-like posteriorly (Fig. 289). Length up to Bothriovulsus.
0.85 mm. During this study, differences between Ptenothrix spp.
and Papirioides spp. appeared so slight that at the sugges-
Diagnosis. Dicyrtoma (Calvatomina) hellingeri sp.n. is a tion of Betsch (in lift.), Papirioides was reduced to a
member of Yosii”s (1969) “formosana group”. It can subgenus of Ptenothrix. Ptenothrix (Ptenothrix)hawaiien-
easily be separated from those published species on the sis sp.n. exhibited the characteristic pattern of 1 , 1 blunt,
basis of circumanal setae pattern and claw morphology. unpaired, median facial setae. This has been suggested as
Among members of the Hawaiian fauna, bellingeri has a indicative of Holotropical Ptenothrix spp. (Yosii 1969;
unique color pattern that will distinguish it from all Betsch 1980) and used by Christiansen & Bellinger (1981)
others. The circumanal setal pattern is similar to syfvestra- for North American identification of the genus.
tilis, however, the parafurcular setal pattern is S/O for that However, contrary to Christiansen and Bellinger,
species and 312 for hellingeri. Snider (19850, h ) has shown that two species described
from the southeastern United States had facial setal
patterns composed of seta-like elements in the arrange-
Comments on systematics ment of: 1, 1, 1 , 2, 1 , 1, 1, 3 for Ptenothrix (Ptenothrix)
renateae (Snider) and 1 , 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 4 for Ptenothrix
The tribe Ptenothricini defined by Richards (1968) is (Ptenothrix) castanea (Snider). Likewise, Ptenothrix (Pte-
cornposed of genera exhibiting bothriothrix D and two nothrix)vittuta (Folsom) from North America and Japan
differentiated setac on tibiotarsus P?. The Hawaiian has 1, 1, 1 , 2 , 1, 1, 1, 3 setae similar to renuteae.
fauna consists of two subgenera represented by: Ptenoth- Among the Hawaiian species Ptenothrix (Papirioides)
rix (Ptenothrix) hawaiiensis sp. n., Pteraothrix (Papir- kauaiensis sp.n. had facial setae in the pattern: 1, 1 , 2 , 2 ,
ioides) kauaierisis sp.n., serrata sp.n. and duhia. Besides 1 , 1 , 2, 3 with the first two setae blunt, similar to P.
the characteristics cited above, Richards (1968) used the hawaiiensis; while Ptenothrix (Papirioides) serrata had
presence or absence of subannulation of antenna1 seg- the pattern: 1, 1, 1 , 2, 1, 1, I , 2 with all setae similar.
ments 111 and IV in his diagnosis. Betsch (1980) dis- Unlcss more new convincing morphological character-
counted this feature. H e found that subannulation istics are found, the presence or absence of blunt,
appeared in stored specimens of Ptenothrix, Dicyrtoma unpaired facial setae becomes doubtful for absolute gen-
and Dicyrtomina. eric separation.
Richards ( 1968) separated Ptenothrix and Papirioides The relationship of Papirioides to Ptenothrix is very
from Bothriovulsus sp. by the presence of bothriothrix A. close. They share almost all morphological features. This
This appears to be a significant characteristic for division problem was recognized by Stach (1465) and Richards
of Ptenothrix from Bothriovulsus. More recently Betsch (1968). However, the abdominal dorsal posterior pro-
Figs 290-2’93. Comparison of Prrnothrix (Papirioides) spp. with abdominal protuberances and Pfenorhrix (Ptenothrix) hawaiiensis sp.n.-2W.
Ptcwofkrix (Papirioides)duhiu. abdominal protuberance .-2YI. Ptenothrix (Pupirioides)serrufu, abdominal protuberance, dorsal view, collapsed.-
2Y2. Prcviotlirix (Papirioides) kuuairnsis, abdominal protuberance.-2YS. Pfenothrix (Pupirioides) hawuiwnsis, dorsal view of posterior abdomen.
Arrows indicate setae associated with abdominal protUbCrdnce.
96 R . J . Snider
Thus Dicyrtornina, Gihheruthrix and Calvatominu be-
come subgeneric designations. To separate them as gen-
the pseudonychia, seems questionable at best.
Zoogeographic considerations
Tablc VI. Ptcnothrix (Ptcnothrix) spp. listed by region of the Holorropic realm. Note rhuf A& = uriul .sera
A,) is blunt. AoS = setuceous und R = 2 bhmt, utipcured fuciul setue. S =facial serae sharp, setu-like
Neotropical Oriental Australian Ethiopian
~~ ~ ~ ... ~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~.
~ ~ -. . . . . ..
Zoologica Scripu I 9
Dicyrtomiriue (Collemholu) of Hawuii 97
Table V1 I . llistrihrttion by region of’ Ptenothrix (Papirioidcs) spp. l’ablc VIII. Ptcnothrix (Papirioidcs) . s ~ / J/runtul
. setulpurferns of’heud
urc~rtirr~hc~rc.rrl/rr jacohsoni duhiu I-I-1-1-2-1-1
j a w hs on i kuuuiensis 1-1 -2-1- 1-1 -1 ( 3 )
nrirnbilk serrutu 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
rriwii Unknown
Solomon la.
Solomon Is.
Solomon Is.
Hawaiian Is.
Hawaiian Is.
India, Burma. Sri Lanka
Japan (Europe) Pucrto Rico
0kin a w a Java
Hawaiian I s .
Hawaiian Is.
Hawaiian Is.
Solomon Is.
Pucrto Rico
Solomon Is.
Hawaiian Is.
Hawaiian Is.
Zoologicu Scripa 19
98 R. J . Snider
exception is sylvestratilis with S / O . This species resembles ington produced the hahitus drawings for Dicyrronur (Cu/vatoniinu)
solomonensis and rnodestu from the Soloman Islands. Rrevrfihru n.sp. Many thanks arc offered to Dr J.-M. Bctsch for hclpful
suggestions about systematics and zoogcography.
The Hawaiian D. (Calvatominu) spp. appear to be
endemic to specific islands with a possible exception of
hrevifihru which was found on the islands of Hawaii,
Oahu and Molokai. Thc other species are found o n the
following islands: Kauai-hellingeri, rnadestris, rnicro- A r k K. Kr Guimaracs A . E. 1976. ftmorhrix irtirigar sp.n. da Rcgiao
derituta, and sylvestratilis; Hawaii-fongidigifa; and Oahu- Amazonica. Descricno e notas biologicas (Collembola:
fesseluta. Collections are either too few or too small to Symphypleona).-Arcis Soc. Biol. Rio de J. 18: 11-16.
Bctsch, J . M. 1080. Elements pour une monographic des Collcmbolcs
draw strong conclusions about Hawaiian Island distri- Syniphyplioncs (Hexapodcs, Aptdrygotcs).-Mini. Mur. natn.
bution. H 6 t . nut., Paris (SCr. A), 116: 1-237.
In view of the Hawaiian species, some speculation Retsch, J . M. and Weiner. W . M. 10x7. I,c gcnrc Bothriovul,~ut
Richards, I968 (Collcmbola. Symphyplconn). Intcret phylctiquc ct
about Pacific dicyrtomids and their dispersal can be place au sein dcs Dicyrtomidnc.--h;uul\a h22-620.
offered. Richards (1968) has said that the Dicyrtomidae Carpenter, G . H. 1904. Collcmbola.-F~iirn~i Hawaiimsis 3: 209-303.
originated before the Cretaceous in the northern hemi- Christiansen. K. A . & Bellingcr P. F. 1981. 771eCollcmhokr of “Jrfb
Arrwricci Norrli of the Kio Grande. Purr 1: Familie.\ Neelidae and
sphere. He reasoned that today’s climate where the plesi- Sniinrkuridae. Grin nell Col legc , Iowa.
morphic genus Ptenothrix occurs was similar to that found Dclamarc Dcboutteville. C‘, & Mnssoud Z. 1963. Collcmbolcs
during the Cretaceous in the far north. The apomorphic SyinphyplCones.-Bio1. Arnc’r. Arrslr. 2: 169-289.
Dcnis, J. R. 1929. Sccondc note sur Ics Collcmbolcs d‘Extrcme-
Dicyrloma, Dicyrtomina and Calvatorninn have a nearly Orient.-Boll. Lab. Zool. gen. agr. Poriici 22: 305-320.
cosmopolitan distribution. At the time of his writing, Denis, J . K. 1931, Collcmboles dc Costa Rica avec titic contribution au
Richards (1968) stated that the Ptenothricini was re- species de 1’order.-Boll. Lab. Z o o / . gen. agr. Portlei 25: 69-170.
Denis, J . R . 1933. Collembolcs dc Cmta Rica avcc unc contribution au
stricted to the Holarctic and Oriental regions. species dc I’ordrc (3‘ note).-Boll. Luh. Zoo/. gerr. ugr. l’or/ic,i 27:
If present distribution patterns are examined, it is 222-322.
obvious that the northern Holarctic point of origin is a Folsom. J. W. 1896. Two new species of /’upiriu.s.-Can. Enr. 28: I 19-
reasonable theory. Currently there are 58 species of Folwm, J . W. 1924. East Indian Collcmholn.--Uu//. M u s . cornp. Zoo/.
Ptenothrix (Ptmothrix) published. Of those, 41 can be . 505-5 17.
H u r ~ ’65:
classified as Holarctic with 5 strictly western Palearctic, 19 . em. Soc. 8
Folsom, J . W. 1932. Hawaiian C o l l c n i b o l a . ~ P r o c Ilaw~uii.
5 I-xo.
eastern Palearctic and 14 Nearctic; 3 species are found in Gisin, H. IY50. Collemholenfuuna Europas: 1-312. Museum of Natural
both subregions and 1 of those in the Holotropic realm. History. Geneva.
There are 17 species found only in the Holotropic realm, Handschin. E. 1928. Collcmbola from Mexico.-J. /,inn. Soc. 30: 533-
with 2 Holarctic species (atra and rnarrnoratu) found in Hut tier , W . I 965. Wicder bcsc h rei bung v i m Dicyrtvrnu ruJtvcens
the Neotropical region. (Reutcr, 1890); nebst cinigcn allgcmcincn taxonomixhcn Remcr-
The scven species of Ptenothrix (Papirioides) are split kungcn (Collcinbola).~Norul.enr. 4.5: 47-52.
Huthcr, W. 1967. Bcitragc zur Kcnntnis der Collcmholcn-fauna dcs
between three species restricted to the eastern Palearctic, Sudans. 11. Allgemcincr Tcil und Synipliyplcona.--Serickenber~.
three species in the Australian and one species (jacoh- hid.48: 22 1-267.
soni) found in both the eastern Palearctic and Oriental Murphy, D. H . 1960. Collembola Symphyplcona from the Gambia, with
ii note o n thc biogeography of some characteristic savanna forms.-
regions. Oddly, the three Australian region species have Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 134: 557-594.
low abdominal protuberances as in the Chinese mirahifis. Richards, W. R. 1956. Evolution and classification of the Sminthuridac
In view of jucohsoni being found in both the Palearctic (Collembola). Ph.D. dissertation, University o f Illinois. Urbana,
and Oriental regions, the Hawaiian species with similar Richards, W. R. 1968. Generic classification, cvolution and biogcogra-
morphology to rnirahilis must be more ancient. However, phy o f the Sminthuridac o f the world (Collcmbola).-Me~i. m r .
SOC. (‘un. -5.3: 1-54.
they were probably introduced through the Oriental re-
Snider, K. J . 1985~.Dicyr/ornu (Prenofhrir) rc’nuleae, new species from
gion to Hawaii via the Malayan, Papuan and Polynesian the Savannah River Plant and Georgia (Collcmbola:
subregions. Dicyrtomidac).-l;/a. E m . 68: 561-566.
Judging from the distribution of D. (Calvutornina) Snider, R. J . 19856. Ilicyrtorna (I-’tenothrix)cu.sturiea, new species from
the Savannah River Plant (Collcmbola: Dicyrtoininae).-Flu. Ent.
spp., their origins were in the Palearctic with greater 6H 5x2-587.
dispersal and evolution in the Oriental and Australian Soto-Adames, F. N. 1988. Nucvors dicirtomidos dc Puerto Rico
regions. However, they are not, so far, found in Australia (Insecta :Collcmbola : Dicyrtomidac).-Curih/i. J . Sci. 24 (I-2): 60-
or New Zcaland. If we follow Richards’ (1968) reasoning, Stach, J . 1957. The aptcrygotcn fauna of Poland in relation to the world-
they represent a subgenus that is phylogcnetically be- fauna of this group of insects. Families: Neclidac and
tween Ptenothrix and D. (Dicyrtomina) spp. Dicyrtornidac.-Pol.skrr Akad. Nuuk. Inst. Zoo/. 1-1 13.
Stach, J . 1965. O n somc Collembola of North Vietnam-Acra zool.
Thus, zoogeographically we have the ancient Ptenoth- crucov. 10: 345-372.
ricini originating and adapting t o ever-changing climates, Uchida, H. 1944. Collcmbola von Mikroncsien.--Bid/. Tokyo Sci. Mus.
moving slowly southward. Meanwhile the apomorphic 71: 1-23.
Uchida, H . 1 9 5 2 ~ . A new genus o f Sminthuridac from Japan
Dicyrtomini. equally old, spread more rapidly south- (Collcmbol~1).-M/4~ki 24: 1-23.
ward, as well ;is east and west, to the tropical regions. Uchida, H. 19526. Mi llaneous notes on Aptcrygota-Bid. Inst.
Fur. Lit. Sci. Univ. Hirosaki 10: 31-34.
Uchida, H. 1953. O n three new species and a new form of Japanese
Sminthuridae (Ins. Collcm.), with special rcfcrcncc to the dental
sctae.-Annotnes zool. jap. 26: 1-13.
Acknowledgements Uchida, H. 1954. Some Collembola newly recorded from Japan. Insrcfu
Matsurnurarru 18: 61-65.
I thank Drs Kenneth A. C‘hristianscn ;ind Peter F. Bcllingcr for their Uchida, H. 1955. Synopsis of the Aptcrygota of Japan and its vicinity.
loan of specimens. criticism and encouragement. Mr Pctcr H. Carr- I.-Bull. biogeogr. SOC.Jup. 16-19: 197-203.
Zvolofiica Scriptu I 9
Dicyrtomidw (Collemhola) o j Hawaii 99
Uchida. H . 19S7ri. On some sminthurid collenibolans from Yosii, R . 1965. On some Collcmbola of Japan and adjaccnt countries,-
Holi~aido.-/rr.sccrrr Mu/,sutrzi/ruriu2 / . 22-30. C’oritr. hiol. Lab. tiyo/o Univ. 19: 1-71,
Cchida. H. 1957h. A new species o f I’upirioitlus (Insecta: Collcnibola), Yosii, R. 1966. On some Collembola o f Afganistan, India, and Ceylon,
unrccordcd gcnus from Japan.-Zoo/. Mug. 66: 17-20. collected by thc Kuphc-Expedition. I96O.--Hes. Kyoto Univ. Sci.
Uchida. H. 1059. Synopsis of the Aptcrygota o f Japan and its vicinity. Esp. Karukorum- Hintfukush 8: 3 3 3 4 ) s .
VII1.--Sci. rep. Hirosuki Utri\i. 6: 22-36. Yosii, R . 1969. Dic;yr/ortzina a n d I’tetinthrix (Insecta: Collcmbola) of thc
Womcrslcy. H . 1932. The Collcnibola-Symphypleon~iof Australia: :I Solomon Islands.-Zool. Trans. 1int7. Soc. 48: 217-236.
prcliminary ;~ccount.--J. ( ’ D I I I I . scierir. i t i d . R m . Airs/. 34: 1 4 7 . Yosii. R . & Ashraf. M. 1965. On some Collemhola of West Pakistan
Wormcrslcy. H . 1939. f’rinii/ir.u irrsects o ] Soirdi Airsrrrilicr. South Aus- Il.-Puki.s/un .I . Rm. 17: 24-30,
tralian Branch of the British Science Guild, Adelaide. Yosii. R . & Lee, C . 1963. O n somc Collcmhola of Korea, with notes o n
l’o<ii. K . 1060. On some <‘ollcmhola o f New Calcdoni;i. New Britain the genus I’reriotliri.~.-C‘ontr. hiol. I.uh. tiyoto Univ. 15: 1-37.
and Solomon Islantis.-Bii//. O.srrkn Mirs. r i u 1 . Hisr. 12: 9-38. Zimmcrman. B. C . 1948. Collcmbola. In I n. s ~ c roJHuwuii,
~ Vol. 2:43-
71. LJnivcrsity o f Hawaii Press. Honolulu.
Zoologicu Scriptu I9