The document discusses the structural organization and taxonomy of different animal species. It covers topics like characteristics of different phyla and classes, examples of specific animal species, and matching questions about animal groups and their traits. Multiple choice questions test understanding of concepts like symmetry, body structure, and defining features of phyla like Chordata, Arthropoda, and Mollusca.
The document discusses the structural organization and taxonomy of different animal species. It covers topics like characteristics of different phyla and classes, examples of specific animal species, and matching questions about animal groups and their traits. Multiple choice questions test understanding of concepts like symmetry, body structure, and defining features of phyla like Chordata, Arthropoda, and Mollusca.
The document discusses the structural organization and taxonomy of different animal species. It covers topics like characteristics of different phyla and classes, examples of specific animal species, and matching questions about animal groups and their traits. Multiple choice questions test understanding of concepts like symmetry, body structure, and defining features of phyla like Chordata, Arthropoda, and Mollusca.
The document discusses the structural organization and taxonomy of different animal species. It covers topics like characteristics of different phyla and classes, examples of specific animal species, and matching questions about animal groups and their traits. Multiple choice questions test understanding of concepts like symmetry, body structure, and defining features of phyla like Chordata, Arthropoda, and Mollusca.
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1. Monkey or birds are
a) Insectivorous b) frugivorous c) sanguivorous d) deterivorous 2. Epidermal scale is the characteristic feature of class reptilia. Which of the following class is without epidermal scale? a) Pisces b) Aves c) Mammalia d) Amphibia 3. Two common characters found in centipede, cockroach, and crab are a) Jointed legs and chitinous exoskeleton b) Green gland and tracheae c) Book lungs and antennae d) Compound eyes and anal cerci 4. What is common about Trypanosoma, Noctiluca, Monocystis and Giardia? a) They have flagella b) They produce spores c) These are all parasites d) These are all unicellular protists 5. Polyp phase is absent in a) Hydra b) Aurelia c) Physalia d) Obelia 6. Pseudocoelom occurs in a) Ascaris b) Taenia solim c) Fasciola hepatica d) planaria 7. An example for animal with triaxial symmetry a) Obelia b) Metridium c) Cucumaria d) Pheretima 8. All triploblastic animal have primarily a) Bilateral symmetrical b) true coelom c) reproduction with sexual dimorphism d) regeneration power 9. Which of the following classes exhibit polymorphism? a) Hydrozoa b) scyphozoa c) calcaria d) polychaeta 10. Platyhelminthes are generally parasites; which of the following class is exempted? a) Trematoda b) monopostnocoyla c) turbellaria d) cestoda
11. Which one is mismatched?
a) Hydra vulgaris – sea water b) Hydra gangetica – fresh water c) Obelia – sea water d) Physalia – sea water 12. A poisonous lizard is a) Heloderma b) Ancistrodon c) Chamaeleon d) Varanus 13. Which of the following statement is true? a) All living members of class cyclostomata are parasites on some fishes b) There are about 2, 000 species in the class Osteichthyes c) Ciona belongs to the subphylum cephalochordate d) Arthropods are diplobastic animals 14. What is common between parrot, platypus and kangaroo? a) Ovoparity b) Homoiothermy c) Toothless jaws d) Functional Post-anal tail 15. Which one of the following phyla is correctly matched with its two general characteristics? a) Mollusca - Normally oviparous and development b) Arthropoda - Body divided into head, throax and abdomen and respiration by tracheae c) Chordata - Notochord at some stage and separate anal and urinary openings to the outside d) Echinodermata - Pentamerous radial symmetry and mostly internal fertilization 16. Which one of the following pairs of animals comprises ‘Jawless fishes’? a) Guppies and hag fishes b) Lampreys and eels b) Mackerals and Rohu d) Lampreys and hag fishes 17. Which one of the following kinds of animals are triploblastic? a) Corals b) Flat worms c) Sponges d) Ctenophores 18. Lamprey is not a fish since it does not have a) Closed blood vascular system b) Fins c) Body scales d) Cranium and vertebral column 19. Structure common to Housefly and Cockroach is a) Chitinous exoskeleton b) Two pairs of wings c) Filamentous antennae d) Sponging mouth parts 20. Redial symmetry occurs in a) Porifera and Coelenterata b) Coelenterata and Echinodermata c) Coelenterata and platyhelminthes d) Arthropoda and Mollusca 21. Echinoderms are headless, brainless and heartless. Yet they are placed at the top of invertebrates becuse of presence of a) Enterocoel b) Exclusive marine forms c) High power of regeneration d) Great power of reproduction 22. Which is correct? a) Platypus lays eggs b) camel has biconcave RBCs c) Rat has cloaca d) Bat has feathers 23. Which is an insect a) Mite b) Prawn c) Moth d) Scorpion 24. Which one has a brood pouch for caring of eggs? a) Anabas b) Scoliodon c) Hippocampus d) Cuttle fish 25. In which of the following binary fission is not seen? a) Plasmodium b) Amoeba c) Euglena d) Paramecium 26. Sea anemone belongs to the phylum a) Porifera b) echinodermata c) coelenterate d) Protista 27. An egg laying mammal is a) Kangaroo b) Platypus c) Koala d) WhaleMatch the followings 28. Set – I Set – II a) Latimeria i) Discontinuous distribution b) Zygaena ii) Remora c) Echeneis iii) Aestivation d) Protopterus Iv) Ureotelic e) Dipnoi v) Rhipidistia a) 1-iv, 2-v, 3-ii, 4-i, 5-iii b) 1-v, 2-iv, 3-ii, 4-i, 5-iii c) 1-v, 2-iv, 3-ii, 4-iii, 5-i d) 1-v, 2-iv, 3-iii, 4-ii, 5-i 29. When children play bare footed in pools of dirty water and flood water, they may suffer from disease like a) Leptospirosis and bilharzias b) malaria, amoebic dysentery & leptospirosis c) Bilharzia, infective hepatitis and diarrhoea d) guinea worm inflection, elephantiasis and amoebic dysentery 30. Among the following the colonial insects are a) Locusts b) Mosquitoes c) White ants d) Bed bug