De Quervain's Tendinosis
De Quervain's Tendinosis
De Quervain's Tendinosis
- Stenosing tenosynovitis of first dorsal
compartment of wrist
Physical examination:
● Finkelstein test
● Stress test
Provocative test
Finkelstein's test
- Examiner grasps the thumb and ulnar
deviates the hand sharply
- A positive test is indicated by sharp,
local pain over the radial aspect of the
Provocative test
Eichhoff's test
- the examiner grasp and ulnar
deviate the hand when the person
has their thumb held within their fist.
- positive result: sharp pain occurs
along the distal radius
- false positive results, while a
Finkelstein's test performed by a
skilled practitioner is unlikely to
produce a false positive.
Provocative test:
Wrist hyperflexion and abduction of the thumb (WHAT) test
- the wrist is hyperflexed and the thumb abducted in full MP and IP extension, resisted against the
therapist’s index finger (increasing abduction resistance to thumb)
◦ thumb spica splint (forearm is in the neutral position with the wrist extended to 25 degrees and the
thumb in functional position)
◦ avoid excessive stretch to tendon sheath during movement in order to prevent further irritation to the
MRI is very sensitive and specific and useful for detecting mild disease where ultrasound may be
equivocal. The presence or absence of intertendinous septum can be assessed. Findings include:
● Tendinosis
○ Tendon enlargement maximal at radial styloid and often greater at the medial aspect of the
○ Slightly increased intratendinous T1 and T2 signal compared to other tendons
○ Striated appearance of tendons due to multiple enlarged slips
● Longitudinal tendon tear
○ Linear high T2 signal due to fluid within the split
○ More common in APL