Software Testing QB
Software Testing QB
Software Testing QB
1. Explain the Equivalence class partitioning of Black Box testing with example.
2. Explain the Boundary value analysis of Black Box testing with example.
3. Write a note on COTS Components.
4. Explain Random Testing.
5. Discuss the cause and effect graphing of black box testing.
6. Write a note on state transition testing.
7. Explain how to evaluate test adequacy criteria in white box test approach.
8. Write a note on following
i. Loop Testing
ii. Mutation Testing
9. Explain briefly about path and cyclomatic complexity.
10. Explain with an example how to represent the control flow graph.
1. Suppose you are a test manager, what are the milestone you should select for unit
test plan, an integration test plan, and a system test plan?
2. Suggest appropriate measurements for monitoring testing cost
3. Suggest appropriate measurements for monitoring defects/faults and failures
4. Which groups do you think should contribute to membership of a configuration
control board? Why?
5. What is a role of a tester in supporting the monitoring and controlling of testing?
6. Discuss the critical views in controlling and monitoring?
7. Explain the major activities of SCM?
8. What should be included in a milestone report for testing? Who should be
included on distribution list?
9. Discuss in detail about review types and the need for review policies?
10. How will you report Review results?