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Teach Yourself, How To Love Yourself. Rewrite Ur Story, and Change The Lies That Someone Has Told U

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Teach yourself, how to love yourself.

Rewrite ur story, and change the lies that someone has told u

You deserve to find inner peace because you’ve been through enough and you’ve fought the
toughest battles

Everything happens for a reason, sometimes you just need to breathe, trust and let go.

I hope you find it within yourself to quit

I hope you find it in your heart to muster the strength to quit that relationship that isn’t going
anywhere. Quit the attention you give to someone else who doesn’t care to give you theirs. Quit the
person who doesn’t respect you enough to even answer. Quit settling. Quit thinking you can love
someone into liking you.
I hope you quit your past and stop letting it dictate your future. I hope you quit holding onto your
mistakes and not giving yourself the forgiveness you deserve.
I hope you quit everything and everyone in your life who doesn’t deserve you.
I hope you find the courage to quit dating if you aren’t ready and take time learning to love yourself.
I hope you finally decide to quit hating yourself. I hope you quit trying to change who you are to
appease others.
I hope you finally find the courage to quit the job you hate. Quit the people who are taking
advantage of you. Quit doing something that makes someone else happy and go find something
that makes you happy. Quit living according to someone else’s standard and go create your own.
Quit killing yourself to make someone else’s life easier because I know what it’s like to be miserable
and be busting your ass when you know in your heart something isn’t right.
I hope you quit holding things off until tomorrow. I hope you quit saying, ‘you’ll be happy when.’
Quit thinking you don’t deserve happiness right now and go out and get it.
I hope you quit your fears and do that thing that scares you. Go to that place, meet those people, get
on that plane and quit thinking you need to come back.
Quit thinking you don’t deserve the best of everything.
Quit pushing that one person or thing away because you’re afraid to be happy. Quit thinking you’re
better off alone.
I hope you quit unhappiness. Quit negative people. Quit doing everything you are doing that isn’t
bringing you ultimate happiness.
Quit before it’s too late. Quit settling."

Travel is where you heart leaves your head. Your mind astute, ready to go.

she was the kind of girl who was a chaos of contradictions from one second to the next, for her mind
was never free. sometimes bright like the sun, sometimes calm like the moon, sometimes stormy like
the ocean, and sometimes all three

Find someone who understands and loves you through your anxiety.
Find someone who will reassure you, even if it means doing it every day or every hour.
Find someone who isn’t tired by your mind because sweet girl, no-one is more exhausted by it than
Find someone who will do everything in their power not to be the cause of that anxiety, and if they
are — find someone who will do everything to ease it.
Find someone who will be your calm in the storm, your rock, your steady.
Find someone who will make you feel as if you can tell them anything, no matter what time of day or
night. Find someone who will hold you so close to their chest that you feel their warmth radiate
throughout you like a safety blanket.
Find someone who will listen to the mess of your thoughts, who will not tell you that you’re “over-
reacting” or “paranoid” or “overly sensitive” or any other number of things which make you feel bad
for feeling bad. 
Find someone who will be the hand pulling you to the surface when you feel as if you are drowning
and will shield you when the hurricane hits.
Find someone who is not afraid of the darkness, but someone who will be your light. 
Find someone who doesn’t need to be told when you’re feeling anxious. Someone who knows it
merely by your twisted features and the picking at your skin. Find someone who understands that
you won’t tell him you want him to accompany you to that horrible appointment, but you need it
more than anything. Someone who will suggest coffee dates after events which cripple you because
he knows that is your happy place.
Find someone who will make you feel heard, important, adored. 
Find someone who knows that anxiety isn’t who you are. It’s just a part of you.
Find someone who will never make you ask for help or support or just a hand to hold because they
are there, always. Because they understand. Because they love you.
Find that person, sweet girl, because you deserve it.
You deserve more than to feel like a burden.

You will not find a love that is perfect, but you will find a love that is real

You will not find a love that is perfect, but you will find a love that reminds you that goodness exists

you will not find a love that is perfect, but you will find a love that is light, that isn’t heavy to carry

You will finally understand that love was always meant to be soft. That it was always meant to be

you will not find a love that is perfect — but you will find a love that reminds you just how worthy
you always were

The right person makes consistent deposits into your heart and sees you as a long term investment.
The wrong person makes withdrawals and leaves you emotionally and mentally bankrupt

Be with someone who is proud of you, someone you can laugh with, someone who listens to you,
understands you, who treats you well and makes you a priority
When you are attracted to people, it's because of the details. Their kindness. Their eyes. The fact that
they can get you to laugh when you need it the most

Love isn’t having butterflies all the time, I think love is calm. Love is comfortable

Be with someone who will take care of you. not materialistically, but take care of your soul, your well-
being, your heart, and everything that’s you

Find someone who makes you laugh, allows you to be silly & be yourself loves you when you’re at
your best but loves you more when you’re not

“Find what fuels you. find where your inspiration dwells. live there. grow there. love there. breathe
there. you don’t need to prove your worth. you don’t need to impress anyone. you can be anyone
there, even yourself. find what moves you. what gives you the fire to keep going and never stop
searching even if it kills you.

People are in such a rush to fall in love. We base our relationships off a physical connection rather
than an emotional one. We force ourselves to like someone so we won’t be alone. We settle for
those that don’t quite satisfy our wants and needs. Stop looking for love, let it find you. The best
things in life are worth waiting for and love is definitely one of them. Sometimes it happens
overnight and sometimes it takes years but you have to have patience. Learn to love yourself so that
you don’t feel like you need to be loved by someone else in order to feel complete

Wait for someone that makes you smile so hard that your cheeks hurt and loves you so much that
you can feel it through their fingertips when they brush the hair out of your eyes and lean in to kiss

Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go

One day, you will find that pairing soul. It will be a feeling beyond your imagination. You just can't
help it but to adore them. You will feel your whole heart melt for this person. This beautiful soul will
bring joy, laughter, calmness and so much inspiration, that you will finally see hope in front of you.
For once, you can actually say, Pm in love. I can see a future with this person. I can share my life with
this person. Maybe this one is not a lesson. Maybe this one is what they call a soulmate

All relationships have one law: never make the one you love feel alone, especially when you are there

Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day

I hope you find the type of love that never stops saying thank you.

A soulmate isn’t someone who completes you. No, a soulmate is someone who inspires you to
complete yourself.

A soulmate is someone who does not judge you for your flaws. A soulmate is someone who sees
your jagged edges, who sees the parts of you that have been weathered by love and by life, who
sees the wars that you fight, and who chooses to stand beside you. A soulmate is someone who
watches as you confront your scars from the inside; always encouraging you to heal on your own
time, in your own way; always encouraging you to keep going.

A soulmate is someone who challenges you to challenge yourself. Someone who sees the potential
that courses through your bones, and who lets you know exactly what you are capable of. They help
you to open your eyes, to come to terms with the fact that you are powerful beyond measure. They
see you in ways that you have never been able to see yourself, and they are not afraid to inspire you
until you finally see it too.

See, a soulmate is someone who is not afraid of your growth. They do not feel the need to close you
off, to protect you from becoming as big as you were always meant to be. They do not feel
inadequate when they see you soar, when they see something new within you spark. A soulmate is
someone who will never vilify you for changing, for doing the things you have always held yourself
back from doing, because a soulmate knows that you are building yourself into someone you are
proud of, and that is so beautiful to them — that is what they have always hoped for you.

So no, a soulmate does not complete you — they inspire you to complete yourself. A soulmate is the
person who supports your direction, who motivates and encourages you to stretch, to change, to
reinvent yourself until you are happy. A soulmate is someone who loves you with so much
conviction, and so much heart, that it is nearly impossible to doubt just how capable you are of
becoming exactly who you have always wanted to be.

Be with people who know your worth. You don’t need too many people to be happy

You deserve to be in spaces and relationships that make you happy. That feed your soul and you
grow. You are worthy of connections that are loving, nourishing, kind and authentic. So before you
settle for anything less than, remind yourself that the places you visit, and the people you journey
with through life, should make you feel safe, loved, and enough

 it is a beautiful thing to chase the things that make you feel free

It’s all about falling in love with yourself and sharing that love with someone who appreciates you,
rather than looking for love to compensate for a self love deficit

Self care is also being honest with yourself about your negative habits and mistakes. It's also taking
ownership of your faults and growing from them. Self care is diverting from a negative space to a
positive one. Creating light and balance. Blooming. Watering your own flowers. Being gentle but
honest with yourself.

how beautiful to find a heart that loves you, without asking you for anything, but to be okay
I am a stronger believer that whoever is meant to be in your life will always gravitate back to you, no
matter how far they wander

sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not worry, not obsess. just have faith that
everything will work out for the best

The less you care the happier you will be.

 Every day we have plenty of opportunities to get angry, stressed or offended. But what you’re doing
when you indulge these negative emotions is giving something outside yourself power over your
happiness. You can choose to not let little things upset you

Find balance in your life. Work hard but don’t let work take over your life, you will lose yourself. Love,
but love for the right reasons. Life is too short for anything mediocre. Know who you are and know
that you are worthy of reaching your dreams and that it is never too late to start creating that life
you have always dreamed of. Do not compare yourself to others, that’s just deadly. No two souls are
the same. You are your own person, you are beautiful and you are unique. Put your trust in the
universe. Some things are just meant to happen, and some are not. Let go of whatever is stealing
your happiness, it’s hard but it is worth it. Embrace change. Embrace life. Everything happens for a
reason, sometimes you just need to breathe, trust and let go

Wait for the person who pursues you, the one who will make an ordinary moment seem magical, the
kind of person who brings out the best in you and makes you want to be a better person. Wait for
the person who will be your best friend, the only person who will drop everything to be with you at
any time no matter what the circumstances, for the person who makes you smile like no one else and
when they smile you know they need you. Wait for the person who wants to show you off to the
world when you are in sweat and a t-shirt, but appreciates it when you get dressed up for them. And
most of all wait for the person who will put you at the center of their universe, because that’s where
you belong

be with someone who will take care of you. not materialistically, but take care of your soul, your well-
being, your heart, and everything that’s you

dipertemukan oleh keadaan, dipisahkan juga oleh keadaan, tak banyak bicara hanya tindakan,
tak sempat bercerita sudah dipisahkan

merelakan seseorang yang kita sayang untuk bahagia bersama orang lain is another level of pain

Aku akan tetap diam diam mencintaimu sampai rasa ini hilang dengan sendirinya

Aku pergi bukan tak suka lagi. Hanya tak mau membebani perasaanmu yg tak menyukaiku

Untuk orang yang aku anggap sebagai teman, sebenarnya aku ingin memilikimu

Sebentar tp membuat kenangan yg susah di lupa

Sampai saat ini aku tak tau siapa yg ada di hatimu, tapi aku menjanjikan hatiku untukmu

Membiarkan mu mencintai org lain adalah salah satu caraku membuatmu bahagia

Dia hanya bercanda,seharusnya kau tertawa bukan menaruh rasa,Sewajarnya kau terhibur
bukan terluka

Mengucapakan selamat tinggal bukan berarti meninggalkan, namun berusaha membiasakan diri
dengan tanpa. Karena kesungguhan yg sesungguhnya tidak benar benar sungguh ikhlas.

ku tau kau singgah,sepatutnya ku beri kopi bukan hati

Mencintai seseorang bukanlah suatu kejahatan, namun kalau kamu menyimpan 2 orang dalam 1
hatimu apa masih bisa dikatakan cinta yang baik?

Jika kamu benar" tulus mencintaiku lantas kenapa sifatmu menyuruhku untuk meninggalkanmu

Saat semuanya telah mencapai batasnya, berhentilah menggapainya. Jangan menangis terhadap
orang yang tidak menghargai air matamu. Always remember that!!!

Bukannya mudah menyerah, tapi bijaksana mengerti kapan harus berhenti

dia dengan bangganya menceritakan seseorang yang menurut dia special di hadapan ku yg
sedang mencintainya

mengapa lebih suka senja yg hanya memberikan satu warna sedangkan pelangi punya banyak
warna untuk di berikan...

Jangan jadikan seseorang sebagai prioritas utamamu sementara kamu hanya jadi pilihannya saja

Terlalu menjadikanmu rumah, sampai aku lupa diri ternyata kamu tamu

Tuhan menghadirkan kehilangan bukan untuk di tangisi, tetapi untuk mengajari agar jangan
terlalu dalam mencintai seseorang

karena pada dasarnya, mencintai manusia adalah seni paling sederhana untuk terluka.

Kamu gak salah cuma aku aja yg terlalu berharap...

Aku pernah menjadi matahari untuk dia yang menginginkan hujan

Cinta bukan tentang siapa yang kita kenal paling lama, bukan yang datang pertama atau paling
perhatian, tapi tentang siapa yang datang dan tidak pergi

Jatuh cinta yang paling melelahkan adalah ketika kita jatuh cinta sendirian. Jatuh cinta memang
tidak salah, tapi yang salah jatuh cinta pada orang yang mungkin masih menunggu orang lain

Ujian yang cukup berat adalah ketika berharap lebih kepada seseorang,namun pada akhirnya
harapan itu sendirilah yang akan menyakitimu
Belum berani mengutarakan. Ending yg tertebak. Rasa sepihak. Memendam dan menahan
adalah tindakan terbaik untuk melupakan

jika aku ditanya, apa yg istimewa dari dia? Jawaban nya tidak ada. Hanya saja, tidak ada yang
istimewa jika tanpa dia

cinta bisa membutakan, tapi akal yang sehat tidak akan pernah buta dengan kenyataan

Jangan pernah menyia-nyiakan orang yang selalu ada untukmu yang lebih mementingkan dirimu
dari pada dirinya sendiri

bedakan, siapa yang datang di waktu luang dan siapa yang meluangkan waktu untuk datang

Maaf aku terlalu banyak berharap kepadamu ku kira hadirmu akan membuat ku tenang ternyata
hadirmu hanya untuk ku kenang

Biarkan doa-doa itu bertarung di atas langit, dan biarlah istikharah yang akan menentukan

Hey kamu baik baik ya disana, percayalah sebelumnya aku pernah menjadi orang yang paling
Cemas sebelum menjadi orang yang paling Ikhlas:( Memang benar tidak ada yang namanya
Ikhlas, yang ada hanyalah Terpaksa lalu mulai Terbiasa

Melihat mu diam diam,mendoa kan mu setiap hari,dan mencintai mu secara rahasia

Cinta itu tentang dua orang yg sama2 berusaha, kalo salah satunya mau usaha, dan satu nya
lagi nyerah jalan terbaik ya ikhlas

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