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Ruffian's Beginner Guide

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Ruffian's Beginner Guide

So you're new to everybody's RPG and frustrated at the game's complexity, or your inability to push
stages or win any PVP matches. If so, then you're a beginner and might find this guide to be of use.
Below you will find a list of things to do to effectively hit 5k stages easily within the first couple weeks
of play.

1) Complete in-game tutorial

Completing the tutorial won't take you long, just complete as quickly as possible then move on.

2) Upgrade your knight to 5-stars

You will find that you will not possess the necessary materials to upgrade your knight. That is okay;
just this once you should use Jewels–a premium currency earned in-game–to purchase the required
"Ancient Stone." I also suggest spending 1k jewels to purchase the 500k gold pack to get the
required gold for the upgrade. Alternatively, you can wait until you have earned the necessary gold
from pushing stages.

3) Gearing your knight

Now that you have a 5-star knight, remove every other hero from your team. For now, you will only
need your knight. You will need 3 cloth pieces–Chest, Shoes, and Gloves–this is for cooldown
reduction which will later increase the effectiveness of your knight. The other pieces should be plate.

Utilizing the synthesis feature, combine two pieces to increase an item piece from common (white) to
uncommon (green). Try to get all your armor pieces (3 cloth and 2 plates) to yellow quality +1. With a
weapon yellow +5.

*Note: when upgrading gear prioritize your weapon, as your weapon dictates how far you will be able
to push. After you have a knight with an S rarity +5 paladin's sword, and S rarity +1 armor, now
begin to add a mage.

4)Repeat process for your mage

I suggest using jewels again for your mage. The mage will use all cloth pieces, and so gearing is
fairly straightforward. Remember to only add your mage after reaching the milestone I've listed
above! Alternatively, you may add the mage earlier but I suggest at least have your paladin's sword
at +5

5)Gear you will need on all your characters

Every character will use the wizard accessories for cooldown reduction!

You will need to 2x crit chance rune, and 4x crit damage rune.

Good luck, if you follow the advice outlined here you will be at 2k stages in your first day of play. If
you enjoy the game consider being hardcore and have the game up at all times throughout the day
and night.
Banxi's Tips Ahoy!
Assorted tips for advanced players Edit

Just my 2 cents on assorted topics

NOTE: Due to recent changes on gameplay mechanics many of the tips on this guide are outdated.
As soon as things are stable again I will update all info.

This is way to complex to make it short so... Plan you gear in terms of late game scaling. Completely
ignore classes armor type, etc.

3 examples:

 ponder using cloth on a tank. They give willpower/cooldown and magic defense. Thus solving
some of your tanks main weaknesses. He will also be scaling on a balanced physical and
magical defense build (he actually needs more magical defense then physical since tank skill
5 nerfs physical damage and his physical damage resistance can be buffed via dust)
 on leather classes, try using cloth chest and boots. For magical defense and extra cooldown.
All leather classes need max cooldown because they're either support or damage dealers.
 World dungeon gear isn't always the best solution. If you have a damage dealer like a mage
or an archer, consider using regular cloth / leather gloves. They might not give you as much
HP, but they give critical rate. And for a damage dealer critical rate is way more important.
Remember that PvP and PvE needs differ. For instance a tank can be built in two different ways:
 PvE - A PvE Tank rarely gets the chance to use its skills. So you don't care if hes stunned or
not. His attack speed, damage and willpower aren't the most relevant stats. He's a raw
meatshield delaying the enemy in order for your mid/backline to maw down the opponent.
Therefore you should use plate head, legs and either chest or gloves with 2 slots of cloth
(gloves, legs or chest) to balance his magic resistance and cooldown
 PvP - On PvP you want your tank to add utility to the team, since most times he survives long
enough to use his stuns and survival skills. But in order to do that he needs willpower or he'll
be constantly stunlocked on the frontline. In this case its better to use 1 plate slot with
toughness, 2 chain pieces with willpower and 2 cloth pieces with both cooldown and magical
resistance. This combo allows you to balance magical and physical resistance, cooldown,
willpower, ensures max toughness on a proper runeset and gives you a margin on rings to
build up some attack speed.
Keep in mind that trinkets scale alot less on magical and physical defense then armor. And they are
very hard to push past lvl 30 because they share the same materials as runes. Take that into
account when planning a balanced magical/physical defense build.

Stage info
 Necro/warlock/darkmage blind skill can also nerf monster toughness but only has time to be
cast if you build up momentum;
 At high stages monster willpower reduces the efficiency of stuns considerably, so use
stunners to get there but prepare to replace some of them later for extra DPS and a healer;
 Unless you want to reduce cast speed, don't go past ~0.4s attack speed, it won't increase
your auto-attacks;

Current Stage Meta

Base build is:

 1 Tank (endurance)
 1 Archer (burst and AoE hybrid damage - stage push)
 1 Necro (anti dragon and stun - all purpose)
 1 Buffer (buff, stun and penetration damage - all purpose)
 1 Mage (AoE magic damage, burst magic damage, stun and speed debuff - anti dungeon
From this base you should either reinforce with extra DPS (faster comebacks), extra necro/buffer
(additional crowd control during pushes) or an healer with high shields (additional survivability during

The Slow Tank

Unlike all other classes your main tank should not have attack speed on stages. You want him as
slow as possible so that he doesn't go to the enemy, but rather the enemy amasses on him, creating
an nice AoE and penetration shots pocket. By the way, aoe and penetration shots are mostly
magical damage, and the melee classes amassing on your tank tend to be vulnerable to it.

The downside might be that you have to deactivate his offensive abilities so that his stun and
protection skills are cast fast enough and don't stay forever on the ready to cast area due to the high
global cooldown.

This tactic will only work while your frontline has a single character that is overgeared compared to
the other two. But your goal is to have 3 of those to buy as much time as possible for your mid/back
line to fire skills. At this point (3 well geared heroes on the front) you can start working on their attack

Archers ready

The single best stage pusher is an Archer. Period. The sooner you accept this, the better. He’s also
the fastest backline killer ingame. He does, however, have less survivability then a Knight.

While on pvp you want to protect your damage penetration classes (archer, buffer, knight) usually by
ensuring they are not in your oponents line of fire (using tank on front top and buffer or archer on
back bottom), on stages the exact opposite happens:

 Put your main meatshield front top;

 Put your archer back top;
 Check what happens each time he fires skill 1.
By lining up like this you just made your skill 1 way more effective. Because enemy melee amassing
on your tank are all hit by the penetration shot and, as you see it going away, it hits the enemy mid
and backliners due to its point of origin.

When you get more tanks the archer best position is still either top or bottom. Even though arrow
rain (skill 5) isn't as effective as used in a middle position, your magic arrow (skill 1) is still you main
source of burst damage and it's penetration factor ensures it's a endgame skill no matter your
opponents mitigation. As for multishot (skill 2) it doesn't really matter where you put your archer,
especially when you get all 9 targets.

Also when you have more then one well equiped hero on the frontline be sure to check who usually
dies last on the backrow - if the top or the bottom slot. Adapt your placement on the field to take
advantage of this playing around with back and frontrow alignment. Battles become ultrafast, so you
really need to have the archer on the last man standing spot (a simple top/bottom swap at later
levels can mean the difference between going back 200/500 levels or 2000/3000 levels after a wipe).

The same overall strategy applies to a buffer - but be warned, on late game stages buffer wont even
have time to use it's penetration skill.

Mind control – building momentum

Buffer Mind control is the single best ability to have on stage pushes. Get it as high as you can.

Le Warlock parade

Second best skill? Necro Blind. Best anti-dragon weapon ingame. Better then toughness, magic
resist or stun altogether. His DPS gets nerfed badly (and now, most importantly, its toughness).

And since the game rebalance patch, USE NECRO. They might still be subpar at dps, but they are
cheap to build (give them cooldown), have an amazing debuff for PVE & PVP (blind AKA frontline
killer), and have a stun with a 2 meter range (black hole)... If you cast a 2 meter skill on a frontline
target, even the backline target on his row gets stunned. Better then Nespresso. What else?

Perma buff

Mind control, necro debuff, archer speed, etc… sweetspot is once they become permanent. Buffs
don’t go away in between stages so you need max colldown and have enough buff levels ensure
they are always up.

How to push - Deep dives

Due to recent patches it no longer makes sense to attempt to make lasting pushes on silver leveled
heroes. Its now more effective to consistently use buff and wins momentum to get to your max stage
level and attempt to push, rebirthing after a wipe. This way you consistently gain gold, rebirth points
and gems.

In order to do this effectively you need to hit a few key milestones:

- ARCHER: High level WD bow + high crit chance + high level skills 1 and 2;
- TANK: 1 High level physical defense gear with toughness + 1 high level magical defense gear with
cooldown + max thoughness + high level Giant Growth

- BUFFER: High level mind control - archer critical rate should be 170% and hit rate 160% when
Mind Control is up;

- NECRO: nothing special, only has to have at least Blind and Black Hole on autocast;

- ARTIFACTS: 70%+ healing artifacts; High level speedy shoes (the higher the level the more push
attempts you do and the more rebirth points you farm);

- RUNES: Level 30 or higher runes. 2x Crit Rate / Attack Speed / Cooldown + 4x Hit Rate /

Force pushing

If you have multiple sources of stun and at least 1 necro, one effective tactic to keep pushing is to
ensure you fallback to a Dragon to regain momentum. In short, you spread your troops around, get
your necro on the top or bottom backrow spot, and hope the dragon aims his first shot at the
frontrow. That gives you enough time for your stuns to cooldown and your necro to debuff dragons
attack and toughness with Blind (skill 2).

During your current push your max stage stayed at:

03, 07, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 39, 43, 47, 51, 55, 59, 63, 67, 71, 75, 79, 83, 87, 91, 95, 99 - do
nothing, you'll automaticaly fallback to dragon levels

02, 06, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38, 42, 46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 70, 74, 78, 82, 86, 90, 94, 98 -
rebirth, this is the only series of 4 where you can't fallback to a dragon

01, 05, 09, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37, 41, 45, 49, 53, 57, 61, 65, 69, 73, 77, 81, 85, 89, 93, 97 - use 1
pvp, dungeon, guild battle or infinity dungeon and you'll fallback to a dragon.

00, 04, 08, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 68, 72, 76, 80, 84, 88, 92, 96 - From
200-500 or 700-1000 open team management and submit, even if you change nothing. Pre 200 or
700, relog. At max stage 200 or 700 you land instantly on a dragon when you check ok on the team

Numbers in bold are the max stage you get when you wipe on elite mobs

Managing Speedy Shoes

After a certain point (around lvl 20 shoes) it's usually a bad call to upgrade your speedy shoes the
second you get the resources to do it. You'll have to start managing the upgrades.

Odd me up: keep speedy shoes at an odd level - the number of stages skipped by speedy shoes =
it's level + 1. So by keeping them at an odd upgrade level, you are able to skip all elite mob fights
until you reach your max stage. I.E.: Speedy shoes lvl 9 skips 10 stages. you start the game on
stage 1 so it's 1, 11, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91, 101,...
Multiples of 4: if you are using the force push tactic to progress faster the ideal speedy shoes level
is 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 39,... Simply put, sometimes you are able to beat a Dragon but
very little of your team remains and you end up wiping on the next level. By keeping speedy shoes at
the suggested levels, even if that happens you fallback to a dragon again.
Carefull after level 48: After speedy shoes level 48 (49 level skipped) you loose the ability to skip
the elite mob prior to your max stage. pushing can become harder...

Transitional runes

Cooltime/crit damage/hit rate rune is very important for stage pushes. They are not final runes so
shouldn’t be pushed past 30. But 1 or 2 of them brigde the gap between a starting and a final
runeset. Your goal is to ease out of them as you build up all 9 characters gear. But that takes huge
amounts of time and investment. And these runes ensure you have solid skill cooldown and that it
hits the opponent. They also allow you to focus on final gear on mid and backliner instead of
depending on cooldown rings (that make your mid-back heroes lacking attack speed and overly
exposed to archers multishot due to lack of physical defense).

Secondary stats

- Toughness is very important but on stages hit rate is even more important – missing a stun or a
high cooldown damage skill... sucks.

- Maximum cooldown with some attack speed is a must – having max cooldown on a crowd control
team is great, but utterly inefficient if you haven’t built up attack speed and your skills get
accumulated on the ready to cast area. As it stands attack speed not only increases your auto-attack
but, most importantly, it reduces the global cooldown on your casts until they eventually become
instant. My advice… use rings for it on mid and backliners.

- Be dependent on high hit rate crowd control and steady damage. Be independent of critical hits (at
least until very late game). Multiple sources of crowd control add randomness to fights. And that’s
usually a good thing when your headbutting your top stage over and over again. Eventually you land
that 0.01% chance combo that makes you pass that stage.

- Do not push to many hit/though runes and especially do not spread develop them (focus on 30 to
50 on each). Unlike other secondary stats, Hit Rate is for stages and stages alone. And on stages
you can get up to 50% permanent buff to Hit Rate from a buffer. So your actual Hit Rate goal is
around 140% and not 160% (can be 110% but if you wipe you'll loose mind control and you will be
facing 170% evasion mobs with a 110% Hit Rate)

Revive book > Ancient Scroll

On stages revive book is more important than ancient scroll. Simply put you want dead characters to
come back to life with maximum hp possible so you don’t loose the buff momentum on back and mid
lane. While you transition stages cooldown timers keep going, so your buffer and healer
heals/shields should cover for whatever is missing on your alive characters. But they rarely are
enough to bring dead characters to full HP.

Oh and as far as ancient artifacts go… they do work and they are a must.

Assorted cookies
- Do weekly pushes with silver lvl 1500 heroes. Ideally during weekly pvp end day so you are buffed
for that reward as well.

And take advantage of those pushes, using the extra gems it generates for big investments such as
pushing a weapon or a rune to 50.

- Convince your guildmates to focus on shared research #1 and #2. Its very effective at frontline

- Why rush stages? For 1, the free gold gets a huge boost. For 2, the gem influx gets better and
better the more you push. Those dragon kills land you 100 more gems per kill. Might not seem much
at first but at stage 56k the dragon lands you 11,6k gems… and that number keeps increasing. For
3, when you get distracted and forget to rebirth at the right level (it's bound to happen, you know it)
at least you get alot more rebirth points from it.


Take regular looks at your damage report under different circumstances (reset counter when stage
pushing, reset after a wipe, on a pvp battle, on a specific dungeon).

That damage report is a good indicator on what role different classes play on your build. If your
necro or tank aren't doing that much damage, disable they're offensive skills. It should speed the
casting time of their usefull skills because there is less of a traffic jam on their "ready to cast" area.

A good rule of thumb for skills on critical classes like the tank (survival skills), buffer (mind control)
and Necro (stun + blind) is:

- Attack speed 3 sec to 1,5 sec: use only two skills on autocast;
- Attack speed 1,5 sec or lower: use 3 skills on autocast;
- Attack speed near 0.15 sec cap: Add a 4th autocast if it doesn't delay your critical skills


When you have duplicate classes on your team make sure they aren’t overriding. If you have 2
healers or 2 buffers, there is absolutely no point in having the exact same gear on both. The skills
will be synced in battle and that’s a waste. So use gear level or dust to make sure they desync buffs,
stuns, debuffs, etc. Dual necro stun desynced is one of the most powerful weapons ingame…
#Stunlock #FoundMyKnightCryingOnTheOtherRoom

Long fights naturally desync skills. The main problem is on a pvp match, on a dungeon, or on a
stage wipe the skill cooldowns reset and start from scratch, and that makes skills stuns/debuffs etc
overlap, making one of them go to waste. That also creates a window of opportunity for the
opponent to evade stunlocks.
1st – Get a weapon to 50.

While doing this, focus on converting materials to increase a single piece of armor to 50 on two
characters. For cloth/leather do either a cooldown or a critical rate piece. For chain/plate start with a
toughness or a critical rate piece (do critical rate only if your teams main dps is a warrior/knight). Do
not spread develop armor. Focus on each piece up to 50 because, unlike secondary stat runes,
armor behaves like weapons: the closer you are to 50 the higher the scaling.

2nd – If your first weapon wasn’t a bow, get a bow to 50. You'll need it for both pvp and stage

3rd – Get 3 runes to 50.

If you prefer, you can spread develop secondary stat runes because the growth is flat, not scaled -
aim for lvl 40 on all 6. It's a matter of personal choice. Just make sure those are actually your final
runes if you're spread developing.

4th – Get your archer gear up to critical rate/attackspeed/cooldown cap and give him 140% hit rate.

5th – Buff your tank with 1 lvl 50 plate and 1 level 50 cloth piece;

6th – Get a second DPS weapon to 50 (if you haven't already done so) and get him to the same
caps as your main DPS

7th – Finish remaining runes to 50.

8th – Start working on a second tank, a third DPS and the rest of your team.

- Your most solid damage dealer on a dungeon is a mage – especially on dungeon 3. Nothing beats
the sheer burst speed of mage skill 2 on single target ingame pve (and at killing world dungeon

- PVP focused teams tend to have more success on dungeon 2 because it’s the dungeon where a
pvp runeset works better.

- The hit rate and critical rate requirements of dungeons are considerably smaller compared to
stages. The same goes for world bosses. Take that into account when choosing what runes to use
on dungeons.

- Swap gears, swap hero places, swap gems. Play around because placement matters and can land
you 70 to 100 more levels. Try a backline knight if that’s your main dps source. Do crazy stuff. The
simple fact that a buffer is on center backrow position (dies faster) or top/bottom backrow position
(usually lasts 1 more attack) can give you 20 more levels of progress on dungeon 1 because he
lands a stun in-between that extra attack.
Dungeon 1 – Use sheer speed and dps runeset. Glass cannon is the best way to push it. Archer is
decent. Mage is ideal. Frontline Knight doesn’t survive long enough to be meaningful due to poison.
Dungeon 2 – Use PvP build. Knight is decent. Mage and archer are very close and ideal.
Dungeon 3 – Use your PvP runeset with 1 rune swaped out for extra cooldown, attack speed and
crit damage. Mage is godlike DPS here, able to push you way past lvl 400 alone.

Haven’t tested warrior so can’t comment on that.

- tier 1 materials cap at 50% drop rate on Dungeon level 333


If you are going to stay away from the game leaving it running for a long period of time (i.e.: sleep):

- Take your boots off;

- Rebirth with a needle and piggy bank on;

- Enjoy the gold gain next morning;

- Do 24 hours auto-extract if your main farm time is above stage 5K;

- Do 2 or 3 Major Gems cubes;

- Put a single level on each miner;

- Pump your heroes up with the overnight silver income... and only then do infinity dungeon.

Avoid using more then 2 minor pots on it (i occasionally use power & blow). It's still a gem for gold
trade, so it's a bad deal.

PVP Edit
Rank Matters!

You can be put in vs anyone within a 30 point range from you (up or down) but that’s not the only
factor on the matchmaker. See that little medal on the current standings? You have a much higher
chance to be paired VS other players with the same medal.

How to measure performance on pvp

With the exception of the top 3 players on the server, all others can know if they are performing right
if they have a high win ratio on the attack log and a very low win % on the defense log. It indicates
you know when to stop hitting but aren’t underplaying you PVP position.
Ticket cap

Ticket slots can be buffed from 7 to 9 via guildmaster research.


PVP distributions to minimize penetration damage

X = Empty Slot

H = Hero Slot

H = Hero Protected from Penetration Shots

2 slots




3 slots (credit to Argonne on midlane option)



4 slots (1 frontline)



4 slots (2 frontline damage share)



4 slots (Tank (T) / Knight or Warrior (M))




(haven't tested this in a while but armor/class type = a taunt. With the exception of frontrow
placement, if you have a plate/chain class on midrow and a cloth/leather class on the same row, the
enemy will prioritize the chain/plate armor. If this hasn't changed, use it to your advantage to avoid
penetration shots)

5 slots



8 slots




ps.: From 5 slots onward there are way to many scenarios to consider.

Argonne's 3-Hero Domination Guide

**UPDATE as of August 14th 2018.**

Due to recent hero re-balancing the 3-Hero Formation described below is now more vulnerable in
PvP and not the most effective in PvE. The principle of focusing your investments your critical
heroes and gear is still valid.

Specific changes I would suggest would be:

1. Remove priority from Healer and replace him with a Warlock which you add to the team much
2. Archer should be built from beginning along with Buffer, Mage and Knight.
3. WD Bow should be the first Weapon you take to level 50 with Archer as your intended core
DPS hero
4. Get a Max Cooldown Warlock ASAP
5. Aim for the following combo at a minimum (Warlock, Buffer, Archer, Tank) Optional: Mage &

This guide is meant to be a brief introduction to a strategy based on the concept of limiting team size
to concentrate investments and eliminate common early game waste that that can actually slow you
down at best and limit your end game potential at worst. While counter-intuitive given the nine-hero
roster limit, the three hero strategy can progress quickly and efficiently from the beginning of the
game, and has been proven a competitive option even among the current top players (7/29/18 -
Stage ~ 25,000) while minimizing wasted expenditure. This guide is fully geared towards how to
manage your hero lineup and investment in gear to maximize success in a 3-Hero strategy. For all
other beginner questions please reference the existing beginners guide and beginners guide to

It should be noted that this strategy is my adaptation of a strategy/formation that I first saw used by
Bimbromir (Kift Server). I switched to a 3-hero line up after developing a full 9-hero team, and
looking back I regret the gold/jewels/resources that I spent on additional heroes and duplicate gear
that now sits wasted on the sideline providing no value. While this strategy can be viable for both
Free2Play or Pay2Win, this guide is designed to walk a Free2Play player though the early stages
with no or minimal real money investments.


Why a 3-Hero Formation? Edit

This section is intended for anyone who always asks "why should I use this strategy". If you just want
to follow my guide blindly I'm honored and you can skip down to the next section. If you want to stick
around I'll walk you through some of the main reasons why a 3-Hero formation is great.

Cost Edit
It can be very costly to full upgrade the gear on even a single hero all the way to the maximum level
of S-Class +50 reinforcements. To complete a maxed out 9-hero formation would either take years
of farming or a ton of in-app investment of real money. If you have the bankroll to fully gear out 9
heroes then this guide may not be for you, but for anyone else this is the best way to quickly get a
strong team, and still probably the fastest way for you to start the long grind to eventually have a full
9-hero roster.

*For reference, details on the full cost of upgrading weapons and gear to level 50 can be found in
Banxi's spreadsheet which is linked on the home page

Power Edit
Due to the accelerated scaling of primary stats (Damage, Vitality, Magic Defense, Physical Defense)
on equipment between level 30-50 it is most beneficial to choose a single weapon (and a single
piece of equipment for each other type of advanced crafting material) to upgrade past level 30.
Based on the significant power advantage provided by the %Damage boost on World-Dungeon
weapons, it is further a must that you choose a world dungeon weapon as the one you push past
level 30. A single knight with a +50 weapon can easily outclass an entire team of heroes with +34
weapons, so your best bet is to choose one hero to max out for DPS

Consistency Edit
Once you've gotten one strong hero to weapon level +50 (or as high as your budget will afford) you
will begin to notice that supporting this hero with spells from other heroes (Buffer, Healer)
significantly increases the hero's performance in battle. Any time your Buffer or Healer casts healing,
shields or buffs on any other hero begins to be a waste. Due to the semi-random nature of Buffer
and Healer support casting, the only way to ensure they focus on your main DPS hero is to remove
all other from the field.

*Once you've upgraded your Buffer and Healer enough that they can target 4+ heroes with each of
their support skills, then you can start adding back and developing your other heroes without
sacrificing any power or consistency.

Progression Overview Edit

Before we go any further I'll outline the standard progression from a fresh start to Mid/Late game
using the 3-Hero Domination strategy. While the end goal is a 3-Hero line up, depending on your
situation and preferences you may actually use 5 different heroes as you develop.

Your final target is a lineup consisting of the following heroes.

Final Lineup Edit

 1 Knight
 1 Buffer
 1 Healer
As you start out, your buffer and healer will be weak providers of DPS, and their ability to provide
strong support will be limited. Both require a full set of gear and significant gold investments in skills
to become viable. Therefore I suggest you begin with a lineup focused on direct DPS and not

Beginning Lineup Edit

 1 Knight
 1 Mage
 1 Archer (optional)
As you progress, these three heroes can provide you with significant DPS and a variety of skills that
will help you through different situations (Stages, Boss Stages, Dungeons and PvP). Once you build
a strong beginning lineup with fully promoted heroes and gear between levels 10-15 It is time to
develop your first supporting hero: The Buffer.

Intermediate Lineup Edit

 1 Knight
 1 Mage
 1 Buffer
Continue to build this lineup, and once you can afford to fully gear your buffer with Max-Cooltime and
some gold invested into skills its finally time to begin developing your second supporting hero: The

Final Lineup Edit

 1 Knight
 1 Buffer
 1 Healer
This will be your team until you can maximize your Knight (primary DPS) and upgrade your Buffer
and Healer enough to support a fourth hero consistently!

Early Game Edit

Goal: Your goal for early game should be to develop a strong 3-Hero team for pushing early stages
with 3 relatively equal DPS'ers.

At the beginning of the game you should be solely focused on promoting your Kift knight from 2-
Stars up to the full 5-Stars and providing him with S-Class Gear /w +5 reinforcements ASAP. Since
he starts the game with a free promotion you will progress fastest by focusing your efforts on him. At
this time feel free to continue using all of the heroes that the game gives you to start, just make sure
you have your Kift knight and a cheap mage to start promoting and gearing up. [Optional: You can
also use an archer if you really like them or want to]

Knight (Kift) - Item Build Edit

 Paladin Sword
 Full set of Plate Armor
 Full set of Wizard/Mage Trinkets
While you will eventually want to outfit Kift entirely in Plate armor since it offers the best survivability,
it is acceptable to place non-plate armor on Kift if you get lucky with drop rates and find Chain,
Leather or even Cloth armor that is 1 or 2 classes above your current Plate gear. It is even
acceptable to reinforce this gear to +5 of its current class, but unless it is Cloth or Leather gear
(which can be later used for your Healer or Buffer) I would refrain from synthesizing it to a higher

Once you finish promoting your Kift knight to 5-Stars, you should shift your attention to your Mage. I
used the cheapest mage I could find, Brica, and would advise you to do the same since any hero
can have their base stats maximized at a later time. There are other uses for jewels early game that
provide much larger and more immediate returns than maximized base stats. You should already
have begun place any "found" cloth gear on your Mage.

Mage (Brica) - Item Build Edit

 Wizard Staff
 Full set of Cloth Armor
 Full set of Wizard/Mage Trinkets
As you begin to promote your wizard feel free to begin spending gold and materials to reinforce your
Mage's gear. Given the scaling costs of reinforcements at higher levels it may sometimes be more
cost efficient to start catching your mage up to your Kift knight.
Optional #1: If you are feeling the desire to accelerate your early game, the best investment by far is
to purchase the promotion materials required to immediately take one of your heroes to 5-Stars. If
you are going this route, my preference is to purchase the "Souls of the Dead" to promote your first
mage all the way to 5-Stars, preferably when they are on sale in the World Map Shop. Souls are
more challenging to farm early game than Dragon Hearts, and the Dragon's Den Dungeon provides
2 other valuable resources that are worth farming, so you will quickly find yourself with more Dragon
Hearts than you need.
Optional #2: If you randomly find a really good Bow, think you would be more comfortable with a
third hero early, or just Really. Like. Archers. Feel free to include one in your initial lineup.
Fortunately most of the trinkets and armor you'll develop on an Archer will be re-usable on your
Buffer, so don't feel too bad investing gold to level these. The one watch out here is your bow. Since
Buffers require staffs/wands make sure not to invest too heavily in the bow at this point since it will
be replaced early in the mid game.

If you decide to go this route, I would suggest the following build for your Archer to maximize the
amount of gear that can be recycled.

Archer - Item Build Edit

 Bow
 Leather Helmet and Pants; Cloth Chest, Boots and Gloves
 Full set of Wizard/Mage Trinkets
Once you have leveled this 2 or 3 Hero line up to S-class gear with 10-15 levels of reinforcement it is
time to begin thinking about your Mid Game

Mid Game Edit

Once you get all 2(3) of your beginning heroes up to level 10-15 S-Class gear its time to start
thinking about moving towards your final line up. At this point you should be strong enough to easily
take out at least a few World Dungeons, so you should be doing so as often as possible in hopes of
landing some Plate, Leather and Cloth reward items. You should not level any non-reward gear
above level 15 in any circumstances (except for Trinkets, Runes and standard Plate/Cloth gloves
which are arguably better than the reward type). Any investment now of this much gold or even
worse Jewels of Blessing will be a waste. Your primary target now should be getting strong enough
to face World Dungeon 9 in order to win your first reward weapon, the Staff of the Sun.
Once you find your first reward weapon it must become your primary focus. Reinforcing this weapon
to level 30 will be invaluable in your next target which is securing your first Excalibur drop, the World
Dungeon sword reward weapon. Finding your first Staff of the Sun is also your cue to start preparing
your buffer. As soon as your Staff of the Sun is strong enough to replace your Mage's weapon, take
your old staff and all your Archer's leather armor and give them to your buffer. This should provide
an instant injection into damage and survival and allow you to usher in your Intermediate Lineup

Intermediate Lineup Edit

 1 Knight
 1 Mage
 1 Buffer
With this lineup your Buffer's attack stat won't be a critical factor so focus on leveling world dungeon
armor on all 3 characters, the Staff of the Sun on your Mage and CoolTime/skill levels for your
Buffer. The initial skills you should focus for your Buffer are listed below.
Remember to keep a close eye on the thresholds to increase target count for all Buffer and Healer

Initial Buffer Skill Set Edit

 Regeneration to Level 125 (3 Targets)
 Bloodlust to Level 100 (4 Targets)
 Mind Control to Level 100 (4 Targets)
You may not reach these levels before finding your first Excalibur, but making these investments
should put you on the right path for this.If you are still having trouble proceeding, step back and drop
a few more reinforcement levels into your final rune set or your Knight's set of trinkets as these
should help you move forward.
Finding your first Excalibur is a good signal that you have reach the beginning of the end of the Mid
Game. Regardless of any other gear level, your focus now should be leveling your Excalibur your
first to reinforcement level 30, and then all the way up to level 50 using any and all Reinforced
Titanium Ingots that you can forge. Once your Excalibur is 5 levels ahead of the Staff of the Sun you
have entered the Late Game.

Late Game Edit

At this point you will realize that your Knight is dealing far more DPS than your Mage, so it is time
replace your Mage with your favorite Healer, and move all of the Mage's gear over, leaving you with
your Final Lineup

Final Lineup Edit

 1 Knight
 1 Buffer
 1 Healer
With your final lineup installed our remaining priorities, loosely in order should be as follows:
 Knight weapon to Level 50
 Buffer/Healer Max Cooldown Stat (80%)
 Buffer/Healer able to survive long enough to cast spells
 Healer God Shield, Holy Shield and Heal to Level 100 (2 Targets)
 Max Toughness (160%) on your Knight, High Toughness on your Buffer & Healer (80%-
 Max Cooldown (80%), Crit Rate (170%) and High Crit Damage (2,500%-4,000%) on your
 Healer God Shield, Holy Shield and Heal to Level 200 (3 Targets)
 Buffer Sleep level 125 (4 Targets)
 All Buffer/Healer Spells up to 4 Targets
Work in Progress

Beyond Late Game Edit

 Purchase 4th - 6th Heroes
 Keep an eye out for strong hero types, and your current team weaknesses which can guide
your hero selection process
 Continue to upgrade Healer/Buffer skills to support larger team
 Max Toughness on all "Non-Plate" heroes
 Max Cooldown on all Heroes
 Max Crit Rate on all DPSers
Work in Progress

Credits and References Edit

 BimbromirWork in Progress

Coming Soon Edit

Argonne's 1-Healer No Weapon Meta
"Did you think that the 9-Healer Meta was the tits? '3-Hero' not XXXXTreme enough for you? Try
Argonne's new 1-Healer No Weapon Meta for the ultimate Everybody's RPG experience."
"Guaranteed to trigger the shit out of all your friends as your +100,000,000 rebirth levels healer rips
their team to shreds with her bare hands....."
"Pew Pew Pew blasting health lasers out of her f'ing hands"

Regular Dungeons
The PVP Dungeons are found under the PVP Menu Tab. In reality, there is no PVP aspect to it, but
it is very beneficial. Players face a mini-boss in these dungeons and each time they win a higher
level dungeon unlocks. The rewards for these dungeons are promotion materials which are very
beneficial if you want to save on gems. At higher levels the drop percentages increase (the
percentage for the second reward, enchanted flower, dragon's wing and black blood, are caped at
70%) and it becomes easier to obtain the promotion materials. All of the bosses have unique
techniques. The Misty Swamp one has a self heal and does percentage health damage. The Ancient
Dragon's Nest one has a self heal as well. The Burning Hell one has a skill which makes him
immune to physical damage, in the higher stages is the skill permanent active. Some speculations
on how accurate the drop rates are. It appears that dragon hearts drop more than they should while
soul of the dead drops far less than it should.
Misty Swamp

PVP Menu: Dungeon Tab


Strange Egg, Enchanted Flower, Ancient Stone

Ancient Dragon's Nest

PVP Menu: Dungeon Tab


Dragon's Tooth, Dragon's Wing, Dragon Heart

Burning Hell
PVP Menu: Dungeon Tab

Devil's Essence, Black Blood, The Soul of the Dead

World Dungeons
There are currently 13 World Dungeons. They have a 3 day cooldown between times you beat it.
You can get the best gear and weapons in the game by beating the bosses. Drop rate is 5%. You
can buy tickets to try the dungeons again using green diamonds and honor points.

Beginners Guide To Heroes

Here is a Quick Beginners Guide to Heroes Edit

There are 9 Hero Classes in this game, four of them are mainly magic damage classes and five of
them mainly physical damage classes. In the late game some of the classes are able to deal mixed

You start the game with Kift the Knight at 2 Stars. Which makes his stats twice as powerful as the
rest of your heroes. So if you make his weapon better, it impacts his power/damage a lot more than
if you upgraded other 1 star heroes weapons. The only classes I would not recommend early is
buffer and necro. The weakest classes currently in the game are warrior and necro and the best are
knight and mage. Here are the pros/cons of the nine classes

Assassin: Edit

The assassin is a good damage dealer in the late game but you need to get him to five stars to
access the last skill (poison cloud) that makes him good. It used to be great but self-heal skill and
poison cloud got nerfed a while back. Assassin is able to wear 2nd best tier armor (chain). You need
to promote him or he wont be as good in the beginning as the other heroes.

Warrior: Edit

The warrior is a pure Physical Damage class. He is able to wear every type of armor except the
plate one. His early game isn't as good as the one of the knight because he isn't able to wear the
best armor but his late game is okayish due to his skill set. He has a small self heal and a stun.
Warrior got buffed but still isn't a top tier hero.

Tanker: Edit

The tanker is able to wear the best armor in game. His best use is in the frontline to soak up as
much damage as possible because his damage overall is pretty bad. His only way to dish out a ton
of damage is with his skill number five (Spike aura). He got nerfed but still is pretty good.
Furthermore he has a stun skill which can't be upgraded.
Knight: Edit

The Knight is a great damage dealer, all of his skills are focused on damage. He is able to wear the
best armor in game which makes him pretty tanky. To maximize his damage output focus on Critical
Rate/Damage. One of his advantages is that he does 50% physical/50% magic damage when you
upgrade him fully. Knight is one of the top 2 classes in game currently.

Archer: Edit

The archer is a great late game class if you invest enough to get his skills/weapon really high. One
of his strength is that he is able to do penetration damage. In the late game he is the best at ignoring
enemy's defensive stats. His other strength is his damage distribution. He is able to dish out 50%
physical and 50% magical damage. His draw back is that his early game is weak as attack
speed/cooldown is long like every other hero. He is able to wear Leather armor.

Mage: Edit

The mage is the strongest Magic Damage Dealer in game. His great consistent magic damage make
him an impactful character through out early to late game. He is able to wear cloth armor. Some
folks think Mage is the best class in the game. If you want to unleash his full potential focus on
critical rate/critdamage and the cool down of his skills.

Necro: Edit

The necro isn't as strong as the mage comparing there damage output. His second skill (blind) make
him great in the late game. Its strong debuff to the enemy's attack can save your team. He is able to
wear cloth armor. Necro got buffed recently but still isn't viable most of the time. Some consider it
one of the two worst classes.

Healer: Edit

The healer is great at healing and protecting the team. But for this to work properly you will have to
invest a lot of gold in his skills and upgrade his weapon. He is able to wear Cloth armor. Heal and
God Shield are AMAZING if you invest a lot of levels in them.

Buffer: Edit

The buffer has a great late game, but a really bad early game because you need to invest a lot of
gold to make him work. In addition to his great skill set he is also able to do some penetration
damage. He is able to wear Leather armor.

Beginners Guide
This is the Beginners Guide to Everybody's RPG. You can play this game on Android and iOS. This
guide should get you going and help you climb to floor 500 and beat that Evil Dragon Boss. The rest
is up to you.
The game is an Idle fantasy game where you climb floors and beat stronger and stronger mobs and
bosses. The game starts off simple and gets complex in the end game. Development is still on going
and new features are still in development.

The Goal of this beginners guide is to get you to floor 500. I've listed a bunch of basic questions you
might have below. You start off with 5 heroes given to you in the tutorial. Kift the knight being the
strongest of the heroes. You are given a lot of gems/jewels to buy new heroes. You'll have to
increase your strength a lot (1 million battle power) to beat that dragon. So upgrade your armor,
weapons, and get some good heroes!

Basic Questions

10 Steps To Getting To Floor 500 Edit

1. Upgrade your weapons! You can buy materials with gold in the bag store. You can make
better weapons with synthesis. This will boost your power the most of anything to help you
keep climbing!
2. Upgrade your armor for your Kift if you want to keep him on your team. He is your best hero
you got for free. If you make his armor strong too, he can get you to floor 300 easy. Upgrade
your first line of heroes armor first as they take most of the damage.
3. Buy more heroes. You can buy any gem/jewel hero and get them to max stats, so don't worry
about buying just the 2000 gem characters. But the sooner you get your heroes to max stats,
the more powerful they are.
4. Promote your heroes to higher star levels. Your Kift is 2 stars. Which means he is 2x as
powerful as anyone else on your team. To promote your heroes, you need to farm rare
materials from dungeons and save up money. Go to hero, double click on the hero you want
to promote, and click the promote button to see what you need to promote that hero.
5. Upgrade your runes. They apply to all nine of your heroes, so its like doing 1 upgrades instead
of 1 every time you upgrade it. Look for attack, vitality, and defense runes early on.
6. Don't spend gold on skills. They don't make a big difference early on.
7. Play PVP all the time, you earn honor points which can be used to increase a stat called
power level. Which makes your investment in silver quests even better.
8. Do Silver Quests and use that silver to upgrade your heroes stats temporarily on that run.
9. Rebirth all the time. It allows you to earn rebirth points which give permanent boosts to your
hero stats.
10. Have Fun!

What Is the World Map? Edit

The world map is where you can see other players climbing the floors who are in your server. You
will have around 20-50 people there and those folks can help you take on world dungeons in teams
of 4. There are 13 world dungeons that give rare loot, rare upgrade materials, etc. You will also find
vendors, material farmers who put stuff in your warehouse and a mine you can invest in after you
reach floor 500.

How do I get more Heroes? Edit

The game has over 50 heroes right now in 9 classes and more will be added soon-ish. You go to the
hero tab and click on the helmet on the top left which gives a list of the heroes starting with the ones
you already own. Each category is stored by how much they cost from cheap to expensive in
(jewels). As of this patch, all heroes can be upgraded to max stats in the end, so pick whoever looks
coolest for the class you want.

What are the Best Starting Heroes? Edit

The Knight the game gives you to start with who is already upgraded to 2 Stars is your strongest
hero. If you max out the armor and weapons to Rank A + 5, you will be able to climb near 500 just
with that. I think any class you buy will help you get closer to beating the dragon. The best choices
currently like early game is more knights and mages.

How do I get more Gems/Jewels? Edit

Everyday you get a scaling reward of gems that increase for every day you login consecutively. Log
on and check your mail to get them. In addition to buying it from the shop and getting achievements,
all players get gems whenever there is a big update where they pause the game. Also, players are
rewarded at the end of each day and season for participating in PVP.

Where should I spend my Jewels/Gems? Edit

There are so many stores in this game, it can be confusing. You can use your Jewels/gems and
spend them on these things:
1. Buying Heroes in the Hero Tab.
2. Upgrading Heroes who aren't Max Stats, to Max Stats status. If you buy a 2000 jewel/gem
hero. It is already maxed out.
3. There is a vendor on the world store who sales stuff everyday and sometimes the deals are
good. You can spend jewels and gold there.
4. You can craft potions that can help you beat world dungeons.
5. You can spend gems after floor 500 and invest in a mine to generate more gold.
6. You can upgrade your inventory slots in the bag menu.
7. You can upgrade your rune slots in the bag menu.
8. You can upgrade your artifact slots in the artifact menu.
9. You can upgrade your kingdom warehouse inventory in the world map menu.
10. You can auto-level up your heroes for 20 jewels from the silver coin quests.
11. You can buy rare artifacts.
12. Finally there is a gem/jewel store on the last tab on the right.

How do I get gold? Edit

Every time you clear a level, you will get a small amount of gold, around 100. In addition to that, you
can also buy gold using gems in the Gem Shop. When you clear a level you didn't cleared before (a
new level) you get around 500.

Where should I spend my gold? Edit

The main place you should spend your gold on between floor 1 and 100 is upgrading your weapon
and armor for your heroes. There are special skills that each hero have that require gold but the
investment is so high, it isn't worth it to upgrade that early. You can also use your gold to promote
your heroes if you have the rare materials needed to promote them. This can boost your stats a lot
but you might have to buy the rare materials with gems/jewels or get lucky while doing regular
Focus your money first on the top Damage dealer which is usually Kift if you don't buy a new hero.
Get his weapon upgraded as soon as you can. You upgrade weapons and armors by going to the
bag menu. Clicking on the item and clicking reinforce. It will show you the two materials you need to
upgrade and a probability of it being successful. If you don't have the materials, you can click the
plus button to buy them with gold. Once your weapon is strong. Focus on your armor to stay alive
longer. If you want to upgrade to an even stronger weapon, you can use synthesis to create a new
stronger weapon or armor. Here is the link to the Synthesis page to understand how to do it.

What are World Dungeons? Edit

There are 13 world dungeons where you fight big bosses with 3 other teams of 9 heroes. These
world dungeons can give you rare armor/weapons, and rare upgrade materials. You can use potions
you can craft to buff your heroes for the fight. You can only do world dungeons once every 3 days
per boss.
Tip: Do not use World Map Dungeon Reset Ticket until you can beat all World Bosses.

What and where is the Mine? Edit

Upon completing stage 500 a new feature called the mine is unlocked. It can be accessed from the
World Map Menu right above the second world boss. The mine will generate gold and ores online
and only gold offline. There are three miners which cost 100, 200, and 500 gems respectively. After
the initial unlock with gems it takes gold to upgrade the miners. The money you get back isn't that
great unless you play for a long time. The main reason for the mine is to farm rare ores to use to
create materials to upgrade Rank s + 30 gear.

What is the point of PVP? Edit

PVP is a great way of earning gems/jewels and the only way of earning Honor points at the current
moment. Your win/lose ratio doesn't matter. You just want to pvp as much as possible as every 5
wins gets your 30 gems. There are daily and weekly ranking rewards too. You start off on beginners
pvp until you get to floor 300. Daily rewards can range from 100 jewels/gems and honor points to
1000 jewels/honor points for expert pvp. See the Honor Points question on what to do with honor

How do I get Rare Materials to Promote my heroes to 5

Stars? Edit

Promoting your hero can make a big difference in your power but getting the rare materials is hard.
You can farm the rare materials from the regular dungeons which is located on the pvp tab. There
are 3 different rare materials: ancient stone, dragon hearts and soul of the dead. As you beat each
dungeon, the probability of getting the rare material will go up, so keep beating those dungeons!
Sometimes on the world map, the vendor has a sale on the rare materials for 1500 gems/jewels.
You can always buy 10 rare materials for 1000 gems/jewels in the bag store.

To see what you need to promote your hero, go to the hero tab and double click on the hero. Find
the promote button and see what it needs to get to the next level. You also get new skills when you
get to Star 3 and Star 5. Some of the best skills are when you get a hero to Star 5.

Tip: Be patient and wait for rare materials to appear on sale, while waiting farm the required gold.
How Do I Upgrade My Armor And Weapons And
Accessories? Edit

Go to the bag menu. Click on the weapon or armor you want to upgrade. Click on reinforce and it will
list what you need. You can buy it with gold if you don't have it.

What’s that Stupid Face on my Screen? Edit

The portrait you see on your screen is the reigning champion of the (Season PvP). You can change
your settings so that it only shows it when you are able to get honor points. See next question.

How do I get more Honor Points? Edit

Look at the question about PVP. Honor points are used to upgrade how many dungeon tickets you
have. How many pvp tickets you have and a stat called power up level which can boost your stats
more via silver coins for that run.

Should I Upgrade Power Level Up? Edit

Yes. At Level 6, You get a 20% boost to stats for free via silver quests. At Level 12 you get a 35%
boost. This will allow you to climb to more floors, get more gems/jewels, more gold and rarer drops.

What are Runes and What are the Best Early Game Ones? Edit

Runes are stones with stats on them that you can equip that all your party members get that stat.
The game gives you two to start out with and the runes start dropping on floors 400+. Upgrade runes
is one of the fastest ways to increase your stats of your whole team. The best runes early game are
ones that have vitality, attack, and physical defense stats on it. Upgrade those first.

How do I change My Name/Photo? Edit

Look the top right and click on the button the bring down the menu. Click on the face and you will
see your profile. Click on your photo to change it. You can change your name a second time for 500
gems/jewels. First time is free when you do beginners pvp in tutorial.

What are the Silver Quests All About? Edit

This is something you can tap away at to get silver coins to use to temporary boost the stats of your
party. You start off doing a simple fishing needle quest and go on from there.

What is Rebirth all about? Edit

Rebirth means you start from floor 1 again. If you increased your stats via silver quests, it will go
back to zero again. The benefit of rebirth is grinding gold is a lot faster on lower floors and you get
something called rebirth points which you can invest in your heroes to provide small boosts in stats
on a permanent basis.

When Should I Rebirth? Edit

The most efficient way to farm both gold and rebirth is to rebirth around 1/3 your total max floor. You
should start noticing it taking longer and longer for your heroes to beat each floor. So gold slows
down. Around 1/3 the way in, you start making less gold per min then if you just rebirth. You get
more rebirth points the higher you go but the amount of time getting there isn't worth it unless you
are making a full run to try to beat your max floor level.

What’s the best Pay To Win Packages I can buy? Edit

 Daily Package B for 30d $9: 400 gems + 20 honor points for 30d (get 12000 gems and 600
honor over 1 month)
 Medium/Expensive $26: 3x Speed for 28 days

General Tips Edit

1. 3x speed is worth watching an Ad for.
2. Don’t waste upgrade stones on regular armor and weapons. It is more effective to reinforce to
+5 pieces of equipment. Save upgrade stones for jewelry.
3. You can save extra equipment and runes in the second layout button.

This is the description and some basic tips on artifacts. Artifacts are abilities you can upgrade that
help you out in the game. Some are really good and others take a long time to be good. You earn
the materials to upgrade artifacts by doing regular dungeons on the pvp page.


Ancient Scroll Edit

When you increase this artifact, you get a % heal every floor you beat. It is better healing early on vs
what the healer can do on average. Keep upgrading this artifact as much as you can.

Book Of Revival Edit

When your whole team dies. you go back 5 floors. If you invest in this artifact, you get extra health
on top until you die again. This is worth investing in.

Piggy Bank Edit

You get more silver every time you complete a silver quest. This is worth investing in if you are using
silver coins to temporarily increase your team's stats for that run. In combination with Scroll rune,
and Fishing Needle, and stat called power level, it can be a powerful tool to buff your team by 30-
50% over a long run.

Rune Engraved Scroll Edit

This makes it cheaper to open up silver quests. This in combination with Piggy Bank, Fishing
Needle, and the stat power level can easily buff your team for your run about 30-50%. Each level
decreases the opening cost by an extra percent.

The Rune Engraved Scroll has a maximum level of 50.

Huge Bag Edit

The useless artifact. Don't buy this. It increases silver earned by killing mobs on floors. But
compared to silver quests, it is so small.

Magic Clock Edit

This artifact increases the speed of the game by 1%. It increases by 1% every time you level it up. It
is worth investing in and getting to its max level at 50. I would max this as fast as possible.

The Magic Clock has a maximum level of 50.

Ancient Sword Edit

This increases the attack power while climbing floors. It is seen on screen but not shown in the stats.
It impacts warriors and assassins. This does not apply to PvP.

Ancient Bow Edit

This increases the attack power of archers while climbing floors. It is seen on screens but not shown
in the stats. This does not apply to PvP.

Ancient Staff Edit

This increases the attack power of mages, healers, and buffers. It is seen on screens but not shown
in the stats. This does not apply to PvP.

Speedy Shoes Edit

Allows you to skip floors which allows you to climb faster. You miss the gold on the floors you skip
but you earn gold faster as the higher you climb, the better the gold. This is a great artifact to spend
gems on and I would recommend buying it after you beat Floor 500.

The Speedy Shoes have a maximum level of 50.

Golden Fishing Needle Edit

This allows you to start the run with the first silver quest at a higher level. When you buy the artifact,
you start off with Level 100 and it goes up by 100 each time you upgrade this artifact. This in
combination with piggy bank, scroll runes, and the stat power level can easily buff your team by 50%
over the run.
World Map Dungeon Timer Edit

This allows you to shorten the amount of time before you can do the world dungeon again. You only
get 5 minutes less per level upgraded with this artifact. So it is better off for end-game.

Hero's Book Edit

Increases heroes' maximum silver level-up by 100 per level past 1,000 silver levels.

Mage Hand Edit

5% chance per level of auto-tapping treasure chests.

PVP Rewards
PVP can be found in the PVP menu tab. There are three different types of PVP: General PVP,
Season PVP, and Daily PVP. Daily PVP can be broken into three different types: Beginner,
Intermediate, and Expert. PVP is a great way to earn honor and a steady flow of gems. Although at
the moment General PVP only rewards very small amounts of gold and therefore it is not worth
spending your PVP Tickets on it. PVP is calculated based on points acquired. Wins give +5 points,
while losses give -3 points.
Season PVP

Refreshes every 7 days


1st: Jewels: 4000 Honor Point: 2000

2nd-3rd: Jewels: 3000 Honor Point: 1500

4-20: Jewels: 2000 Honor Point: 1000

21-50: Jewels: 1000 Honor Point: 500

51-200: Jewels: 600 Honor Point: 300

201+: Jewels: 300 Honor Point: 100

Daily PVP

Refreshes Daily



1st: Jewels: 300 Honor Point: 100

2nd-3rd: Jewels: 250 Honor Point: 80

4-20: Jewels: 200 Honor Point: 60

21-50: Jewels: 150 Honor Point: 40

51-200: Jewels: 100 Honor Point: 30

201+: Jewels: 50 Honor Point: 20



1st: Jewels: 400 Honor Point: 150

2nd-3rd: Jewels: 300 Honor Point: 100

4-20: Jewels: 250 Honor Point: 80

21-50: Jewels: 200 Honor Point: 60

51-200: Jewels: 150 Honor Point: 40

201+: Jewels: 100 Honor Point: 30



1st: Jewels: 500 Honor Point:200

2nd-3rd: Jewels: 400 Honor Point: 150

4-20: Jewels: 350 Honor Point: 100

21-50: Jewels: 300 Honor Point: 80

51-200: Jewels: 200 Honor Point: 60

201+: Jewels: 150 Honor Point: 40

The Mine
After you beat floor 500. You can purchase 3 miners to work on a mine to starting farming gold and
rare materials.

Here is what it looks like when you enter the mine.

You can invest in 3 different miners in this game.
The mine is located across the blue tent near World Dungeon Boss 3. They all cost green diamonds
to start. Afterwards you can upgrade them with gold to get a steady return of gold even if you are
offline. The best miner to upgrade to Level 50 is miner 3. It gets complicated after that. The more
important thing is that the miners get you rare ores and materials you need to upgrade your
weapons/armor/etc past Rank S + 30. The return on investment for gold is not great at first but if you
play the game long term its worth pumping a level per day. So think of the mine as an investment in
those ores.

When you get back online, go to the mine and click on the box on the right of the screen and you will
collect all the gold that was collected when you were offline.

Here is a link to an uncompleted Mine spreadsheet for the public wiki. You can copy it and make
your own or add to the spreadsheet

Rynar's Newbie Guide

AIN'T Edit

This game is an IDLE Game. Meaning you just wait and let it run before you can do anything with it.
Most people find this game boring. But for busy people, this is for them. Just letting it run and then
checking it from time to time.
Also, here is the discord link. https://discord.gg/aPwutCA

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) Edit

Q: Who is the best hero to buy?

A: No one. They're literally all the same. They only vary with the price, looks, and animation.

Q: But the 2000 jewel hero is soooooo much better than the 200 jewel hero

A: No they are not. If you bought a less than 2000 jewel hero, you have the ability to maximize its
stats for the price of 2000 - (price of the hero). Meaning, if you bought a 200 jewel hero, you can
maximize its stats for 1800 more jewel.

Q: I have so many jewels should I buy anything from jewel shop? Should I buy gold using jewel?
Should I rebirth twice?

A: NO. Never buy those. Save those jewels for your mid-game. You can get gold by just doing
stages and pushing max stage. New stages that you've never reached before gives you more gold.
You're gonna need jewels SOOOO bad for upgrading a WD Weapon. (World Dungeon Weapon)

Q: When should I rebirth?

A: When you're stuck for an ample amount of time within the same stage over and over.

Q: Should I equally reinforce my heroes? Like get them 10 points each so they're equal?

A: If you have OCD, I can't blame you. But in

Q: How to get runes????

A: You can get runes via drop and from the free shop.

Q: Should I get every hero?

A: This is a newbie guide. I'm gonna have to say no. Your core hero should be Knight, Archer,
Warlock, Mage, Buffer. Only 5. I'll get into details as to why should you only have 5 and why is there
no healer or tank. But you could buy a tank, it's just not recommendable at this early stage.

Q: How do I get honor points?

A: You get honor points from daily pvp, weekly pvp, honoring the top guy on the weekly pvp.

Q: I have considerably many honor points, should I buy chests?

A: Yes but, not at this stage. This is a newbie guide, focus on using your honor points to upgrade
your power level.

Q: What and where is power level?

A: Power level is an effective way of making your heroes stronger. It increases your heroes'
reinforcement stats and their silver level stats.
Q: Should I worry about silver quests?

A: Nope. Leveling up your heroes at this point is useless. Because your heroes scale faster with
equipment when you're new.

Q: Wow I now have gold to invest, what should I do? WOW! There is a Special Market selling a S
Weapon for 300k! Should I buy?

A: NO. Use your gold for synthesizing equipments. To synthesize, make a +5 body part, make
another +5 body part, then choose the body part you wanna synthesize. Tap synthesize, it will ask
for another +5 body part. Choose the other +5 body part and synthesize. Same with weapon, helms,


A: No. You must not be bothered by gems right now. Also, Gems = Thing you put on your gears.
Jewels = In game currency. If your bag is full, you can cube 4 A Quality gems to get 1 S Quality
gem. You should keep good S Quality gems. Go and ask the chat if that S Quality gem is good.
Sometimes you get a random S Quality gem drop by sheer luck. Never extract them.

Q: Should I buy Dragon's Heart, Soul of the Dead, and Ancient Stone to promote my heroes?(These
are the materials used to promote a hero)

A: Yes. But not for all of them. You can buy them for your Knight, Archer, and Buffer(IMO), then you
can wait for the dungeon drops. If you're impatient, you can buy them for all your 5 or 6 heroes.

Now that FAQs are out of the way (I think), I'm gonna give you advice and tips (straight outta Fishy's

Detailed Explanation and Tips (SRAIGHT OUTTA FISHY'S

Why in the hell should I only use 5 or 6 heroes this early? Shouldn't it be

better to use 9 already!? The more the merrier! Edit

Ok buddy. Listen, in this game, QUALITY > QUANTITY. It will be faster to progress with less heroes
since you have to use lesser gold. Think about it, if you have 9 heroes, you will need to invest in all
of them. But if you have only 5 or 6 heroes, you can use the supposed gold for those "3 other
heroes" into your 5 or 6 heroes. Plus, there are buffs from buffer that will only cover 3 heroes. Yes,
upgrading those buff skills will target 9 heroes in the future, but that will be IN THE FUTURE. Invest
those gold into other things like reinforcing your equipment. That's it.

For early stages, you should promote your Knight. ASAP. It doesn't matter which Knight it is. You
can go and buy a Knight if you don't like the given Knight. But ONLY 1 KNIGHT. Why? as I said,
QUALITY > QUANTITY. Plus, your knight will be your TANK for the first 10k stages. Sounds crazy,
right? It's true. Knights can withstand and soak the damages pre 10k. But post 10k will be time for
the Tank to step it up. Should you get a Tank at the very beginning? You can, but I will not
recommend it.
Why no HEALER? Healers are literally useless at the beginning. You have a buffer that will heal and
buff your other heroes, and healers need huge gold investments to be useful. The only thing useful
for a healer is their "God Shield" which is the last skill. You have to pay a huge amount of gold to be
able to upgrade the God Shield and make it cover all your heroes. Because by default, God Shield
will only be used for 1 hero. Upgrading it will also increase the amount of hero it will cover.


Don't worry about upgrading skills. You should never invest on every skill there is. You won't be
using every single skill of your hero. Why? Because you will be only using 2 or 3 skills for some
hero, but not all heroes. For example, you will be using skills 1 and 2 for your Archer in the mid-
game. You will only use skills 2 and 4 for your Warlocks in the mid-game. Tanks will only use 3, 4,
and 5th skills mid-game. Why? Because mobs beyond 10k will hurt your heroes so much. The
progression is way too fast. You will have to out-damage the mobs in order to keep pushing stages.
"But will it be better to activate all skills for more damage?" NOPE. Because the queue and casting
time will hurt your chances of pushing the stage. You're screwed if you wipe. Lucky if you recover.

For Archers, invest in 1st and 2nd.

For Knights, idk to be honest this was made after the new patch. But recommended to upgrade skills
3, 4, and 5.

For Warlocks, skills 2 and 4. Upgrade 5 just a bit then never touch it again.

For Tanks, skills 3, 4 and 5.

For Buffer, 1, 2, 4, and 5. Your buffer is literally there to buff.

For Mage: All of them are being used. Especially skill 2. Skill 2 is your auto-attack for mage.

You don't necessarily have to upgrade it all at once. You should be upgrading them semi-seriously
post 10k. You should be optimizing your gears pre 10k stages. Investing on those skills doesn't
mean you'll have to deactivate the skills that aren't being used.


There are various ways to get gold. First is just to push stages. Second is by doing the infinity
dungeon(It's located at the world map, there's a cave looking at the left side.) You get more gold the
stronger you get. It's like pushing stages but hardcore stuff. Third is at the free shop. There are
bunch of free stuff there every 24hrs more or less.


For gear optimization, this is the first rule. EVERYONE GETS ALL WIZARD ACCESSORIES. Yes.
Wizard Necklace, Wizard Trinket, and Wizard Rings. Why? Because of the cooldown mainly. But
also the crit rate and crit damage. But mostly the cooldown. You should max the cooldown of your
heroes ASAP. That's the thing you should focus besides optimizing your gears. Work on making all
your gears +15. All of them. For every single one of them. It's your strategy if you want to +15 the
equipment on 1 hero first, or balance them so they're not too far apart. Honestly, I would do the 2nd.
Make them all +5 greens, then +5 oranges, then +5 violets. That's what I'd do. Don't socket them.
You're wasting gems. You should socket them mid-game when your gears are optimized.
Here are the gears that I run for my heroes'

For Archer: Leather Helm, Cloth Chest, Leather Pants, Cloth Pants, Cloth Gloves/Leather Gloves.
All of them are WDs, except for the Leather Gloves.

For Tank: Cloth Boots and Gloves, all WD Plate. All of them are WDs.

For Buffer: Same as Archer, but non WD cloth gloves.

For Warlock and Mage:


For early mid game, this is where the tables will slightly turn. Because you'll start to get some World
Dungeon Gears. Not all WD(World Dungeon) Gears are better for your hero. But WD Weapons?
They're what you need. If you get strong enough to fight higher dungeons, go and fight them. If you
drop a weapon, immediately use it. Make it +30 ASAP using bare gold if you can. But if you can't,
use JoBs(Jewel of Blessings. You can get these from world dungeon bosses. It's a 100% Drop.) But
only use JoBs when your WD Bow is +22 already via bare gold upgrade. Yes it's a 5% chance, but
JoBs are much harder to get than gold. If you have no WD Bot yet, just push your Bow to +18 and
wait for that WD Bow. Same with WD Staff. Make your mage's staff +18(JUST THE MAGE. NOT
THE WARLOCK AND BUFFER) if you have no WD Staff. Upgrade to +50 whichever comes out first.
WD Bow or WD Staff.

Beyond +30, you will now have to use these J E W E L S. Yes. You're gonna buy the reinforcement
items using jewels. Straight. Including JoBs if you're upgrading from +31 to +50.

JoBs(Jewel of Blessings) and SoulDust. Edit

Just don't touch them L U L. You don't need to use them. YET. Keep them, don't extract them.


1. Bag Space.
2. Soul of the Dead, Ancient Stone, Dragon Heart. These are tier 3 materials used to promote
your heroes. Buy them if they're on sale at the special market if you can.
3. Rune Slots
4. Heroes
5. Maximizing Hero Stats
6. Artifact Slot


As of 11/8/18, the rune setup is 4x CHT and 2x CAC. What the hell are those amirite?

CHT = Crit Damage / Hit Rate / Tough Rate

CAC = Crit Rate / Attack Speed / Cooldown

Just look at the base description. It should be Crit Damage or Crit Rate. That's all you need to know.
Almost everytime I see a newbie, they always wanna join a guild asap. Don't find a guild yet. Get
strong and when you get around 3k stages, find a guild. Most guilds in this game are dead. If you
can find a good and active guild at the very start, good for you. How to see if a guild is active? Click
on the guild, you should see their heroes. Click on their guild icon at the top left, click on members.
You should see how many hours ago their members went online the last time.

For artifacts, you will need to maximize Magic Clock ASAP. Yes. That's the first thing you should
maximize. You can upgrade Ancient Scroll while at it.

The artifacts that you will be needing at the early game are:

1. Ancient Scroll
2. Revive Book
3. Magic Clock
4. Piggy Bank(For future use)
5. Ancient Bow
6. Ancient Staff
7. Ancient Sword
No point in getting Speedy Shoes for now. But beyond 1k, I think you should get it for faster rebirth,
faster hero reinforcing.

Assassin's Skill Re-balancing

Let's talk about this issue

Sorry i was too lazy to add the picture here but you can check in game. My assassin in pvp was
never on top 5 list for dps damage dealer. Because the physical defense of the tanks are always
high so he often placed top 5 in squads behind 2 mages, buffer and healer (then you know how
weak he is) until he achived his poison cloud, his damage output go like from just 4xb to 2xxb.. i
can say that 'poison cloud' is 100% broken

Sorry for the multiple comment but i just want to make it clear here
So after the PvP, i've ungeared my assassin.
So guess what, he still did a lot of damage with just the poison cloud, his
damage was even higher than Silly with +17 weapon,+11 power jewerly. He
was top 1 in dps damage dealer at the time he achived his poison cloud but
then he was quickly pushed away from the top because i've already ungeared
all of his weapon
I've added the picture this time
HungPhan/ I agree with your opinion.
I thinks that nuffing of assassin's skills is necessary.
My plan is buffing other job first.
It will be applying 2.6.0 patch(Guild Content Version).
To nerf assassin's skill, I want to give to you guys a choice of buffed other heroes and enough
I will do my best for balancing.
Thank you.

I agree with Alolan about single targeting of poison cloud. A kinda poisoning dagger
Simple solution is limit amoout of assasin per team, but its so undemocratical:P.
Also assasins should be not allowed to wear:
- chain armour
- colonels equipemnt
- wizard equipment
Besides dont kill assasin make him more vonurable.

Bimbro, I just attacked you with my 6 assassins and guess what - you kicked my ass
assins asses just by one knight :) and forbidding them to wear half of the equipment? I
dont think this is the way.... Keep on mind there will always be superiour build like in
every game. It will just change over the time with the development of the game.

Btw Nomad - do you have an option to make a simulation of changes before making
changes alive? e.g. comparing 6 assassins to 6 knights with several sets of

complaints like this may be seen more often in future towards each of the characters...

It looks like assasin in heavy armour and with colonels are nearly eqaul to tanks. With 80%
cooldown they are better than mages. I like assasins and Id like to use them as well, but its not
good when they are more efficent in job of other classes. Imo its better weaken them somehow
reasonably, than completly criple.


I think, that nerf is reasonable, because in a few weeks if you will open this game, all
that you will see is comps from 6 assassins and 2 buffers. Problem of poison cloud is
not that it dmging on area. If you will make it single target ability, the problem will not be
solved. It doesnt matter, cuz this spell is don't need any of equipment. You can just max
it and deal 10% of opponent Hp every sec. Without anything. Sooooo...., if this spell will
be single target, all players, who overused assassing will dominating on a few seconds
longer, killing you full +20 tanks one by one. Because poison cloud don't care about
your geat. It make straight 5-15% of your hp. And that is the problem, which must be
Make it depended by gear, or smth like that. Cut its stats and buff warriors. Dark mages
and archers dont really need that buff.

All those who wrote that assassing shouldnt be nerf, just like to play meta and thats all.
They spend all their money on them. That is only their mistake.

Metatron/ We haven't make yet the simulation option like that.

But It seem to need to make it ASAP to test for the game balancing to easy.
In the near future we will consider this option.
Thank you your opinion.

Hi nomad games I want to report a bug in the game

When my wifi was gone I was synthesis a item but don't happen nothing and the item lose 2
times that happen to me that means that I lose gold

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