Guidelines For MTP
Guidelines For MTP
Guidelines For MTP
A Master’s Thesis provides opportunities for students to plan, complete, interpret, and report
research. Thesis projects must not have been published previously, and must be conducted and
written under the supervision faculty member. The completion of a Master’s Thesis constitutes
two semester hours of credit. Master’s Thesis should be the result of work that is independently
conducted, and that represents original research and critical analysis.
The work should demonstrate the following from the student concerning the field of study:
• Awareness and understanding of important current work in the field
• Ability to plan a research activity
• Knowledge and motivation to carry out the planned research activity
• Ability to analyze the results of the research
• Ability to draw reasonable conclusions from the research
• Ability to complete a written description of the work in the form of a well-written, properly
organized thesis
• Ability to complete a thesis with potential for presentation at and/or participation in International
Conferences and/or publication in SCI/SSCI/ESCI or Scopus Indexed Journals.
The contents of report needs to be incremental refinement of Report-2 (MTP-2) clearly reflecting
the work carried after MTP 2 in line with the initial plan of action made during MTP-1.
Dear Students,
Please note the following regarding the end semester evaluation.
You are required to submit a copy of your draft thesis (duly signed by you) for evaluation
by (date to be announced). Notification will be made about where to submit and format to
be followed.
The thesis will be marked as "GO" or "NO_GO" by your supervisor(s) and Course
coordinator. Thesis must contain information around the following:
Reasoning and appropriate past work to describe or explain the problem at hand
2. Knowledge of the scientific process integrating and synthesizing information to
formulate research questions and hypotheses
3. Logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions,
conclusions, or approaches to the problem at hand
4. An extensive analysis of the findings and how far they align with the research
Only thesis marked "GO" will be allowed to take the end semester evaluation.
Thesis marked "NO_GO" will have to be marked "GO" to qualify for evaluation.
Evaluation for such cases can take place in a gap of 15-20 days depending on the
availability of examiners.
Share the draft with your supervisor(s) for correction by the designated date. Only thesis marked
"GO" will be scheduled for final evaluation.
The “No Go” marked students will have to obtain “Go” signal from supervisor(s) after
incorporating the suggested concerns. Evaluations of such candidates are usually done in groups in
a gap of 15 days depending on the availability of panel members.
General Guidelines for final submission
1) Report has to be submitted at least 3 days before the presentation or the scheduled date to the
concerned supervisor for their inputs and necessary changes. Report will be evaluated for the
minimum level of content for acceptance to present the work thereafter. The report should be duly
forwarded by the concerned supervisor.
2) For the end semester, students are required to submit their final reports latest by 20/April/2022 in
the Google classroom created for the said purpose (The report should include an introduction,
literature review, research gaps, research objectives, the problem statement, methodology, results
and discussions, conclusions, future research directions and references). All the reports of the
students will be compiled and sent to all the faculty members for evaluation, as well as for
suggesting changes (if any). The same will be considered as a mid-term evaluation. The said
evaluation process will finish by 22/April/2022 and the compiled feedback will be sent to the
students individually latest by 23/April/2022.
3) Students will incorporate the required changes and will be asked for a live presentation on 29th
and 30th April 2022. This will be considered as their end-term and final presentation. After the live
presentation(s) faculty members are required to evaluate the students and award the marks as panel
members as well as supervisor(s) marks to the students working under their supervision.
4) The final outcome from MTP should be an accepted or first revision submitted peer-reviewed and
indexed Conference paper/ Book chapter/ Journal paper (Journal/ Book Chapter/ Conference must be
indexed in SCI/ SSCI/ ESCI or Scopus). Students with such outcome during the final submission of
the thesis will be evaluated out of 100, the rest of the students will be evaluated out of 90 (i.e. 10%
weightage will be given to journal/book chapter/conference paper as indicated above). The list of
journals indexed in SCI/SSCI/ESCI or Scopus can be found from the attached link given below.
Students are required to check the link before submitting it to any journal for publication