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Evan Moor Smart Start Stem K

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Writing: Ttfany Rivera Barbara Allman Content Editing: Lisa Vitaist Mathews Copy Ealing: Laurie Westrich Art Direction: Yuki Meyer Cover Design: Yuki Meyer ilustration: Ann tosa Production: Yuki Meyer Jessica Onken De Smart Start \ TE Science Technology Engineering Mathematics Pare coy @ EMC 9026 Evan-Moor. Visit teaching-standards.com ‘to view a correlation of this book. This isa free service eed Cee Congratulations on your purchase of some of the finest teaching materials in the world. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or stored in any retrieval system without the written permission of publisher. EVAN-ANOOR CORP. phone 1-800-777-4962, fax 1-800-777-4332. Entire contents © 2018 EVAN-MOOR CORP. ‘16 Lower Ragsdale Drive, Monterey, CA 92940-5748. Printed in China. (0PSiA: Ala Pai ise Li, Kowoon, Hong Kong [6/2018] @bambibook.com {9 fb.com/bambibook.com Contents General Materials List . 5 How to Use This Book 6 Enea Shapes, Sizes, and More .. amas 8 Concept: Objects have properties such as shape, color, size, and texture. Skills: Demonstrate understanding of size, shape, and texture; Comparisons; Visual discrimination; Fine motor skils; Letter formation; Inference Recognize shapes; Matching STEM Challenge: Fruit Basket Solids and Liquids .......... Concept: Solid and liquid are states of matter. Skills: Demonstrate understanding of solids and liquids; Visual discrimination; Letter formation; Fine motor skills; Cause and effect; Comparisons STEM Challenge: Stay Cool Does the Magnet Stick? ... Concept: Objects have observable properties. Skills: Demonstrate understanding of magnetic forces on objects; Fine motor skills; Visual discrimination; Demonstrate understanding of which objects are probably made of metal STEM Challenge: Magnet Painting Wheels Do the Work .. Concept: A wheel and axle is a simple machine that makes work easier. Skills: Identifying wheels; Visual discrimination; Fine motor skills; Demonstrate understanding that wheels make work easier; Inference ‘STEM Challenge: Gumdrop Wheel What Plants Need ... Concept: Plants are living things that have basic needs. Skills: Demonstrate understanding of what a healthy plant looks like; Visual discrimination; Fine motor skills; Letter formation; Demonstrate understanding of what plants need to live; Inference ‘STEM Challenge: Thirsty Planis What Animals Need Concept: Animals are living things that have basic needs. Skills: Demonstrate understanding of animals’ basic needs; Visual discrimination; Letter formation; Fine motor skis; Demonstrate understanding of living things’ shelters STEM Challenge: Bunny Cage I'm Growing! .. Concept: People are living things that change and grow Skills: Visual discrimination; Inference; Demonstrate understanding of how people grow and change; Inference; Fine motor skills: Sequencing STEM Challenge: Big Kid Bed Trees Have Parts . Concept: Plants have parts that help them grow and slay healthy. Skills: Demonstrate understanding of the parts of a plant; Visual discrimination; Letter formation; Fine motor skills; Making connections; Inference; Categorizing STEM Challenge: Tall Apple Tree Animals Have Parts Concept: Animals have parts that help ther Skills: Demonstrate understanding of animal coverings and body parts; Visual discrimination; Inference; Fine motor skills; Colors STEM Challenge: Animal Footprints From Egg to Frog Concept: Living things change and grow. Skills: Demonstrate understanding of a frog’s body parts; Visual discrimination; Letter formation; Picture and word meaning; Demonstrate understanding ofa frog's lifecycle; Sequencing ‘STEM Challenge: Lily Pad Dinosaurs . ‘Concept: Dinosaurs were living things that once lived on Earth. Skills: Visual discrimination; Inference; Comparing; Fine motor skills STEM Challenge: Dino Fossils, Four Seasons Concept: Earth has four seasons, Skills: Demonstrate understanding of weather changes during the four seasons; Visual discrimination; Fine motor skils; Sequencing; Letter formation ‘STEM Challenge: Leaky Roof ‘Concept: Most of Earth is covered by water. Skills: Demonstrate understanding of bodies of water; Visual discrimination; Letter formation; Word and picture meaning STEM Challenge: Crocodile Lake Looking for Rocks ... Concept: Rocks are part of Earth’s land, Skills: Visual discrimination; Inference; Comparing; Categorizing; Inference; Following directions; Colors ‘STEM Challenge: Rock Tower STEM Certificate ... Answer Key General Materials List © aluminum foil © popsicle sticks apple * rocks . © blueberries (10) * rubber bands ; © cardboard sand or sandpaper ¢ clay or putty * scissors F : ¢ cotton balls shoe box © digital camera (optional) stapler © glue © straws ay © gumdrops ® string * magnet ¢ stuffed animal, baby doll, or other toy ¢ marshmallows (mini and regular) © styrofoam cups (5) * metal objects: paper clip, * tape pin, screw, boll, etc. . © timer or stopwatch @bambibook.com { fb.com/bambibo: ° paint e © tissue boxes © paper Pap © toothpicks © paper plate ®@ Roper e © tub or bucket © paper towel rolls * water @ © pennies (22) * wax paper © plastic cups (25) @ © playdough © Evan-Moor Corp. * EMC 9926 * Smart Start: STEM 5 * wood skewers How to Use This Book STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math The STEM activities and challenges in this book are designed to be fun! : Children are invited to think creatively and explore different ideas to solve 1 problems. They engage in questioning, problem solving, collaboration, and hands-on projects. Parents act as facilitators, guiding their children through the problem-solving process and providing encouragement. The lessons in this book will help children understand science concepts and provide a foundation for completing the STEM challenges. Children who have opportunities to do STEM challenges learn to think critically and develop skills to become problem solvers who can find solutions to real-world problems. : ECONO ry Read the science text and the science Fmrsiye vi story to your child, Discuss how the win illustrations or photos help your child eeiene better understand the science concept. 1 can fet rough oe sooth "hot ed et. Help your child make connections between the science concept in the story and his or her own life. wos yoog!qUIDG/WOs'Gy IY _WOYoOGIqUIDG The written activities practice science concepts as well as basic skills such as. writing, matching, and sequencing. Provide your child with support by mcner | mms reading the directions and answering ° ° e@ ! ‘any questions he or she may have. 1 Iny qh may a G 6 & 6 ‘Smart Start: STEM + EMC 9926 + © Evan-Moor Corp. Sus Read the STEM story to your child, Discuss the illustration and the problem in the story. Ask your child to share his or her ideas about how to solve the problem. Grower euro Use the information in the STEM Challenge to help you facilitate your child’s experience. « Read the Objective, the Challenge, and the Suggested ‘Materials list. Then set up a place for your child to work. Feel free to add any materials you feel are appropriate for the challenge. * Explain the Objective and the Challenge to your child. Then guide your child through the steps of the STEM Process. It is important to note that there is not a “right” ‘answer fo a STEM Challenge. Children should be encouraged fo explore their ideas and their creativity. The STEM Journal is based on the engineering design process. Provide support by reading the labels and any other text to your child. Explain to your child in simple terms ‘hat planning, creating, testing, and recording are all part of completing a STEM Challenge. ‘© Evan-Moor Corp. * EMC 9926 + Smart Start: STEM @bambibook.com {i fb.com/bambibook.com Shapes, Sizes, ana More Read the text below to explain that objects come ' in different shapes, colors, sizes, and textures. Then read the science story to your child. Everything in our world has a shape, a color, and a size. It also feels a certain way when we touch it. It can feel rough or smooth. That’s called texture. . Talk with Your Child As your child looks at the pictures above, ask questions such as: How would the rocks feel if you touched them? What color is the broccoli? What color is the apple? Is the kiwi big or small? Can it fit in the palm of your hand? Help your child further describe the pictures above using words that tell about texture, such as smooth, bumpy, scratchy, soft, etc. s Gem Smart Start STEM + EMO 6926+ © Evan tor Corp wos yoog!quDg/WoD'Gy IY Woo YoOGqUIDG @ Concept: Objects have properties such as shape, color, size, and texture. Fruits with Friends My name is Edward, and I have an apple. My apple is red, round, and smooth. My friend Emma has a strawberry. Her strawberry is small, red, heart-shaped, and bumpy. Piper has an orange. It is orange-colored, round, and bumpy. Jordan has a plum. The plum is purple, round, and smooth. Our fruits have different colors, shapes, sizes, and textures. But one thing about them is the same—they are all good to eat! © Evan-Moor Corp. EMC 9026 + Smart Start: STEM Games @bambibook.com 9 fb.com/bambibook.com Shapes, Sizes, and More Read. Circle the correct answer. ® eo 6 © Which fruit is bigger? Which fruit has a different shape? © 3 @ eG Which fruit is smaller? Which fruit is bumpy? wos yoog!quDG/WOD'Gy IY _WODYoOGqUIDG @ 10 QAR ‘Smart Start: STEM + EMC 9926 + © Evan-Moor Corp, Shapes, Sizes, and More St formation; Inference Draw an X on the fruit that is different. Then trace the word that tells why it is different. © J04 _e © © @bambibook.com {i fb.com/bambibook.com © Evan-Moor Corp. * EMC 9926 + Smart Siart: STEM GOA 11 Matching; Fine motor s Draw a line to match the shape with a food item. wos yoog!quIDG/WoD'Gy IY Woo Yooq:quIDG @ square circle triangle 12 Simatt Start STEM + EMC 9925 © Evan-Moor Corp. Look at the picture and read the story. @bambibook.com One sunny day, Mariah wanted to pick some blueberries for her grandma. But the blueberry bush was on the other side of a bridge. A mean troll lived under the bridge. The troll only liked soft things. He slept on a soft pillow, he ate soft foods, and he touched soft plants. Help Mariah build a basket that the troll will not want to touch. Make the outside of the basket rough or bumpy and the inside soft or smooth to hold the blueberries. © Evan-Moor Corp. * EMC 9926 « Smart Start: STEM 43 wos yoog!quIDg/WoD'Gy IJ _WOD4C0GIqUIDG @ Shapes, Sizes, and More Fruit Basket STEM Challenge Objective Design and construct a fruit basket that has different textures Challenge Suggested © Basket! must have Materials ahandle © straws * paper * Basket must be rough or * popsicle sticks * tape bumpy on the outside and soft or smooth on the inside cottonibals . + :glde © Boskat must hold 10 blueberries 10 blueberries for string at least 10 seconds sandansandoapier STEM Process 8 Ask 6 Plan * What materials are rough or bumpy? 1. Look at the materials you have. 2. In the Plan box on the next page, draw a picture of the fruit basket you will build with the materials, * What materials are soft or smooth? * What shape will you make your basket? * What color, shape, and texture is a blueberry? Use the materials to build the basket 1. Put blueberries in the basket. Can the basket you drew. hold the blueberries for at least 10 seconds? 2. Is the outside of the basket rough or bumpy? Will the troll want to touch the outside of the basket? 3. In the Test box on the next page, draw a picture to show one thing that happened during the test. ‘Smart Start: STEM + EMC 9926 + © Evan-Moor Corp. Shapes, Sizes, and More STEM Journal at Basket @bambibook.com { fb.com/bambibook.com Create: Use materials to build your project. Test © Evan-Moor Corp. + EMC 9926 + Smart Start: STEM Loa 15 Solids and Liquids Read the text below to explain that water can change from a liquid to a solid and back again. Then read the science story to your child. Water is a liquid. A liquid flows from one place to another. You can pour liquid water into a cup. ° 5 3 x _ Ice is water, too, but it is a solid. It is hard. When liquid water gets very, very cold, it becomes solid ice. 3 : , . Fs 3 Asolid is something that has . a shape. It does not flow. But es when the solid ice gets warm, <— ae it melts and turns into liquid again. Talk with Your Child Talk to your child about the liquids he or she drinks, such as water or milk. Then point out that solids such as popsicles and ice cubes are frozen liquids. Ask your child to point to each picture above and tell you what it shows. 16 Q@oamrto ‘Smart Start: STEM * EMC 9926 © Evan-Moor Corp. Concept: Solid and liquid are states of matte AALS i} Making Ice Cubes Marissa decided to make ice cubes. First, she poured water into a tray. She was careful not to spill the water. Water spills because it is a liquid. Then Marissa put the tray into the freezer. Later, the water had turned to ice. It was still water, but it was a solid. Marissa put some ice cubes in a cup and went outside. Soon, the cubes were gone and the cup was filled with water. The ice had melted! The solid water had changed back to a liquid. ‘© Evan-Moor Corp. + EMC 9926 + Smart Start: STEM Ene 17 @bambibook.com {i fb.com/bambibook.com wos yoog!quDg/Wos'Gy IY Woo YooGIqUIDG Solids and Liquids Answer the question. Color for yes. Color ® for no. Is this ice cube a solid? Ors @rm ‘Skills: Demonstrate understanding of solids and liquids; Visual discrimination Is this water a liquid? Ores G)no ” Be Can water change from solid to liquid? Om Qm Gani 48 ogee IMS Qo Be “3 Can water change from liquid to solid? © ves G3) no ‘Smart Start: STEM + EMC 9926 + © Evan-Moor Corp. Skills: Demonstrate understanding of Solids and Liquids aeGicriec Trace the word. Then circle the picture that matches the word. ARS Y ; see ‘ , 0) A >» freeze ease © Evan-Moor Corp. * EMC 9926 + Smart Start: STEM Physical Science JMET) Q @bambibook.com { fb.com/bambibook.com wos yoog!qUDG/WoD'Gy IY Woo YooG!qUIDG @ Solids and Liquids Match the pictures to show what happens when things melt. e e [= io ee _ .G p> 20 QSamiesors ‘Smart Start: STEM + EMC 9926 + © Evan-Moor Corp Solids and Liquids Stay Cool Look at the picture and read the story. @bambibook.com Sebastian’s sister is making lemonade for him and his friends. The fresh lemons she is squeezing smell delicious. Soon, his sister will bring out cups and a jug of lemonade full of ice, but Sebastian can’t wait. He puts an ice cube in a cup and brings it outside. He sets it on the Picnic table and joins his friends to play soccer. Make a tent that will give Sebastian’s cup of ice some shade and keep it from melting too quickly. ‘© Evan-Moor Corp. + EMC 9926 + Smart Start: STEM 24 Solids and Liquids STEM Challenge Stay Cool Objective Design and construct a tent that will slow Challenge Place two cups, each with a single ice cube in it, in a sunny location. One cup will be uncovered, and one cup Suggested Materials * tape down the melting of * popsicle sticks an ice cube. will be covered with a tent. * ploydough timer or watch Paper ‘straws STEM Process © Ask 6 Plan * Is an ice cube liquid water or solid water? 1. Look at the materials you have. ‘* What can make solid water change to 2. In the Plan box on the next page, draw liquid water? «a picture of the tent you will build with © Can liquid water change to solid water? the materials. * What are some ways to keep solid water from changing to liquid water? 6 Create 6 Test Use the materials to build the 1. Put one ice cube in a cup. Place another ice cube tent you drew. in a different cup. 2. Place the cups on a sunny windowsill or in another place they will receive sunlight. Place your tent over one of the cups of ice, Does the tent stay standing? wos yooqiquiog @ woo yoogiquung/ woods 1B 3. Look in your cups every 5 minutes. In the Test box on the next page, draw what the ice looks like each time you check it, 22 QoAcieeos Smart Siar STEM * EMC 0926 + © Evan-Moor Corp. Solids ana Liquids Stay Cool Plan Create: Use materials to build your project. 15 minutes @bambibook.com i fb.com/bambibook.com © Evan-Moor Corp.» EMC 9926 Smart Start: STEM. fone 23

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