CHAPTER 1 Review Questions
CHAPTER 1 Review Questions
CHAPTER 1 Review Questions
48. The major force behind the new connectedness in marketing is:
a. technology.
b. globalization.
c. social consciousness.
d. privatization.
Answer: (a) Difficulty: (1) Page: 25
49. _______________ is the vast and burgeoning global web of computer networks
which links computer users of all types around the world.
a. Micronet
b. The Internet
transportation connect three primary areas. Which of the following WOULD NOT
be among those areas? (Select the one that DOES NOT fit.)
51. Under which of the following marketing connections would “connecting through
52. If the United States—and the world—has become a “salad bowl” of diverse ethnic,
cultural, social, and locational groups, then one could say that:
a. consumer groups have blended to the extent that a marketer can not tell one
d. because consumers are maintaining their diversity, they are forming themselves
56. Dell Computer recently ran advertisements telling how it partners with Microsoft
and Intel to provide customized e-business solutions. This would be an example of
which of the following?
a. mix network
b. supply management
c. relationship channel
d. strategic alliance (liên minh chiến lược)
Answer: (d) Difficulty: (3) Page: 32
57. Which of the following phrases would best describe the current attitude about
connections with the world around us?
a. “Let the buyer beware.”
b. “America First.”
c. “Think Locally, Act Globally.”
d. “Outsource Everything.”
Answer: (c) Difficulty: (2) Page: 33
58. If a university or college posts antismoking and antidrinking materials at strategic
locations, takes out ads in the university or college newspaper, and enlists the aid
of campus groups to aid with these social problems, this would be an example of
which of the following?
a. a social marketing campaign
b. an ethical marketing campaign
c. a relationship marketing campaign
d. a sales promotional marketing campaign
Answer: (a) Difficulty: (1) Page: 35
59. With respect to connections with customers, be sales and product centered, serve any
customer, and make standardized products would be examples of which form of
a. the new marketing thinking
b. the old marketing thinking
c. global marketing
d. relationship marketing thinking
Answer: (b) Difficulty: (2) Page: 36, Table 1-1
60. Marketing locally and globally, conducting e-commerce in marketspaces, and
60 assuming social and environmental responsibility would be examples of which form
of thinking?
a. the new marketing thinking
b. the old marketing thinking
c. global marketing
d. relationship marketing thinking
Answer: (a) Difficulty: (2) Page: 36, Table 1-1
61. Selling Marketing is the delivery of customer satisfaction at a profit. F
Answer: (False) Difficulty: (2) Page: 4
62. The twofold goal of marketing is to attract new customers by promising superior
value and to keep and grow current customers by delivering satisfaction. T
Answer: (True) Difficulty: (2) Page: 4
63. Marketing is really not only selling and advertising. F
Answer: (False) Difficulty: (2) Page: 5
64. Selling Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups
obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and values
with others. F
Answer: (False) Difficulty: (2) Page: 5
65. The first of the core marketing concepts that should be explored by the marketer
wishing to do business is needs, wants, and demands. T
Answer: (True) Difficulty: (2) Page: 5, 6, Figure 1-1
66. A need is a state of felt deprivation.
Answer: (False) Difficulty: (2) Page: 5
67. Human wants that are backed by buying power are called demands. T
Answer: (True) Difficulty: (1) Page: 5
76. If a company used $10 million on television advertising, a sales force of 200 people,
and had a marketing department to coordinate and further marketing efforts, the
company would be employing the marketing practice of interpreneurial marketing. F
Answer: (False) Difficulty: (3) Page: 17
77. The primary concept used in selling unsought goods such as encyclopedias or
insurance is the product concept selling concept. F
Answer: (False) Difficulty: (2) Page: 20
78. The selling concept takes an “inside-out” perspective toward the exchange process. T
80. Connecting more selectively, connecting for life, and connecting directly are all
81. Keeping old customers would be a part of the old marketing thinking as applied to
82. Marketing locally and globally would be part of the new marketing thinking as
Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain
what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and values with
others. Economic roles include: meeting needs, wants, and demands (of a variety of
types); creating products; creating value and satisfaction; aiding in the facilitation of
meeting social needs of consumers; increasing consumer choice, and providing fair
84. List and briefly discuss the core marketing concepts. All of these concepts are
The core marketing concepts
can be seen in Figure 1-1. They
are listed as: a) needs,
wants, and demands; b)
products, services, and
experiences; c) value,
satisfaction, and
quality; d) exchange,
transactions, and relationships;
and e) markets. These key
are linked and form the basis by
which marketing is understood
and practiced.
Difficulty: (2) Page: 5-14,
Figure 1-1 and associated text
85. List and briefly discuss
three ways Nike has
demonstrated that they care
about their
Nike seems to care as much
about its customers’ lives as
their bodies. Ways that the
company demonstrates that it
cares are:
(a) It doesn’t just promote
sales, it promotes sports for the
benefit of all.
(b) Nike invests in a wide
range of lesser-known sports,
even though they provide less
lucrative marketing
(c) Nike is focusing on
innovations (especially those
demanded by the consumers).
(d) Nike is developing new
product lines (especially those
demanded by the consumers).
(e) The company is creating
sub-brands that often focus
outside traditional Nike
boundaries (such as hiking
shoes and gear).
(f) Nike is de-emphasizing the
swoosh (the emphasis is on
quality and consumer fit
rather than bigness and
advertising muscle).
(g) Nike is entering new
markets aggressively (especially
All of these moves were
prompted by suggestions and
recommendations from
Difficulty: (2) Page: 9, 10,
Marketing at Work 1-1
86. Define and describe the
marketing management
Marketing management is the
analysis, planning,
implementation, and control of
programs designed to create,
build, and maintain beneficial
exchanges with target buyers
for the purpose of achieving
organizational objectives. As
shown in the discussion
provided in the chapter,
marketing management seeks to
manage demand efficiently and
effectively so as to help
consumers obtain value in their
transactions with the company.
By doing this correctly, the
company earns a profit for its
labors. Marketing management
recognizes that customers have
a lifetime value and seek to
maintain the customer
relationship as an important
organizational objective.
Difficulty: (2) Page: 15
The core marketing concepts can be seen in Figure 1-1. They are listed as: a) needs,
wants, and demands; b) products, services, and experiences; c) value, satisfaction, and
are linked and form the basis by which marketing is understood and practiced.
Difficulty: (2) Page: 5-14, Figure 1-1 and associated text
85. List and briefly discuss three ways Nike has demonstrated that they care
about their customers.
Nike seems to care as much about its customers’ lives as their bodies. Ways that the
(a) It doesn’t just promote sales, it promotes sports for the benefit of all.
(b) Nike invests in a wide range of lesser-known sports, even though they provide less
(d) Nike is developing new product lines (especially those demanded by the
(e) The company is creating sub-brands that often focus outside traditional Nike
(f) Nike is de-emphasizing the swoosh (the emphasis is on quality and consumer fit
programs designed to create, build, and maintain beneficial exchanges with target
effectively so as to help consumers obtain value in their transactions with the company.
By doing this correctly, the company earns a profit for its labors. Marketing
recognizes that customers have a lifetime value and seek to maintain the customer
89. The new connected millennium has brought about changes for the marketing
3). Connections with the World Around Us—considerations are global connections,
90. Marketing connections are in transition. Compare and contrast the old
marketing thinking versus the new marketing thinking using the connection forms
suggested in the chapter.
91. You have just been hired by Blue Flash Water Corporation to administer a
relationship marketing program for the company. The company manufactures and
and convenience stores in the southwestern United States. The company’s desire is to
build strong economic and social ties to customers by promising and consistently
delivering high-quality products, good service, and fair prices. In order to do this, Blue
Flash wants you to build a marketing network for them. Write down your ideas on
what a
marketing network is, how it might relate to the concept of relationship marketing, and
designate the components of a what you perceive to be a marketing network for Blue
Students should be allowed to
be creative with this question.
This question should not be
attempted unless the students
have been exposed to the
concepts of relationship
marketing and a marketing
network. If they have, the
question’s answers should be
somewhat similar to the
information indicated below.
According to the text, beyond
creating short-term transactions,
marketers need to build
long-term relationships with
valued customers, distributors,
dealers, and suppliers.
Today, companies want to build
a unique company asset called a
marketing network. A
marketing network consists of
the company and all its
supporting stakeholders. These
would be the customers,
employees, suppliers,
distributors, retailers, ad
agencies, and
others with whom it has built
mutually profitable business
relationships. Tools that the
marketer might use to develop
stronger bonds with consumers
might be to add or increase
financial benefits, social
benefits, structural ties, and
make sure that all customers are
profitable customers. The idea
behind relationship marketing
through a marketing
network is that if a company
builds a good network of
relationships with key
stakeholders, profits will follow
for all.
Students should describe
customers (for the bottled water
market), consider how
dedicated employees might aid
in the formation of
relationships, consider where
company gets its purified water
(suppliers), how it distributes
the water, the retailers
(outlets) that carry the product,
and the ad agencies that have
designed themes for the
water (how could the Blue
Flash name be used). Structure
can be given to this
arrangement at the discretion of
the instructor. The objective is
to get the student familiar
with the components of a
relationship marketing effort
and the stakeholders of a
marketing network.
Difficulty: (2) Page: 12 and
associated text
Students should be allowed to be creative with this question. This question should not
attempted unless the students have been exposed to the concepts of relationship
marketing and a marketing network. If they have, the question’s answers should be
somewhat similar to the information indicated below.
According to the text, beyond creating short-term transactions, marketers need to build
Today, companies want to build a unique company asset called a marketing network.
marketing network consists of the company and all its supporting stakeholders. These
others with whom it has built mutually profitable business relationships. Tools that the
marketer might use to develop stronger bonds with consumers might be to add or
financial benefits, social benefits, structural ties, and make sure that all customers are
Students should describe customers (for the bottled water market), consider how
dedicated employees might aid in the formation of relationships, consider where the
company gets its purified water (suppliers), how it distributes the water, the retailers
(outlets) that carry the product, and the ad agencies that have designed themes for the
water (how could the Blue Flash name be used). Structure can be given to this
arrangement at the discretion of the instructor. The objective is to get the student
with the components of a relationship marketing effort and the stakeholders of a
marketing network.