Trekking: 1. in What Way You Can Apply The Physiological Parameters During Trekking?
Trekking: 1. in What Way You Can Apply The Physiological Parameters During Trekking?
Trekking: 1. in What Way You Can Apply The Physiological Parameters During Trekking?
1. In what way you can apply the physiological parameters during trekking?
Trekking often linked to risks posed by its surroundings. So, uderstanding physiological parameters like
heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature is important to recreation like trekking as it will give us
knowledge on how to use basic tracking tips to minimize risks.
If I would encounter unexpected incidents during trekking, the first thing that I would do is to calm
myself. I would not panic as possible as I can because it might affect the way I'll handle the situation.
Then, I would ask for help especially when I can't handle the situation anymore.
3. Does health and eating behavior affect your FITT goals? Why?
Definitely. Health and eating behavior affects our FITT goal as it is inclines in fitness plan or physical
activity that we practice on our daily basis.
4. Share your experience in hiking. State the name of places, the date, who are you with, and what are
the problems that you have encountered and what are your solutions?
I haven't try hiking yet, so I can't say any details about it. But, I been actually wishing to try it because it
looks fun and exciting.
Trekking is another term for walking. The term trekking, on the other hand, has come to be associated
with the type of walking that takes you up, down, across, and around mountains. Mountaineering
referred to as climbing mountain. It is more physically exhausting than hiking or trekking, regardless of
how long the trip lasts (it can last anywhere from a few hours to several days).