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Knowing My Values

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Activity 2: Knowing My Values

A. What is your result?

B. Self-Development Exercise 1.

From the 10 Why do you Recall a moment How might you react
values chosen believe that this in your life when if this value was not
above, think value is you really lived being honored by
about the three important to you? this value. What others? Describe
that are most behaviors did you your feelings,
important to exhibit that thoughts and
you? Write them support this actions.
in the spaces value?
1. Community Being able to live Each time I have My family is actually
involvement among the masses the opportunity to opposed to what I do,
enables me to put visit the community which obviously hurts
the theories I study where we usually me. However, after
into practice in integrate, I make speaking with my
order to advance an effort to peers, I've realized
the movement for maximize the time that it will take time for
genuine societal and live this value. my family to
liberation. As much as understand the
possible, I strive to significance of what I
end the culture do and the path I'm
known as taking. All that is
"barkadismo," in needed is
which individuals tireless persuasion.
prefer to converse
with peers over
themselves in the
lives of the
masses; in this
way, we would
effectively be able
to understand their
struggles under the
current society.
2. Continuous It is critical for me Every day, I strive As much as I
learning to constantly to do the best I can recognize constructive
remind myself that with everything I criticism, I also feel
I still have a lot to do. This includes like giving it in order to
learn in everything encouraging others advance the common
I do, treating to offer good. However, when
continuous constructive people perceive me
learning as a life- criticism, which is as antagonizing them,
long process that an integral part of I believe there is
enables me to my continuous much work to be done
overcome my learning and in our education
contradictions and improvement. As a system and society to
stay on the path I result, I gladly change the way
chose. accept objective objective criticism is
criticisms and put viewed as an
their suggestions antagonistic rather
into practice, than a caring action.
abandoning my Thus, to the extent
antagonistic possible, I try to instill
approach to in them an
criticism. appreciation for the
value of both giving
and receiving criticism
for the greater good.
3. Making a As a youth, I am Every day, I Today's macho-feudal
difference innately drawn to overcome my and patriarchal
the struggle with contradictions by society views youth as
others for the constantly learning nothing more than
change that the and improving children crying out for
citizens of our myself in order to candy. However, as I
current society present myself to previously stated,
necessitates. I my fellow youth history has repeatedly
believe that history and demonstrate demonstrated the
has demonstrated that we have the strength that we, as
the critical role of power to initiate youth, possess in
youth as catalysts change not just for overthrowing that
of change. today, but for oppressive and
future generations. exploitative tradition.
As I visit Thus, we continue to
communities and struggle for the
live among the people, because the
masses, I attempt people, and only the
to arm myself with people, are the driving
the necessary force behind the
theories and making of history.
practices that will
enable me to
organize them and
help them advance
the change for
which they have

C. Self-Development Exercise 2

From your selected What behaviors or What could you What could you
values or the values actions do you stop doing to better start doing to help
listed below, already support this value? you
choose up to three demonstrate which demonstrate this
that you would like support this value more fully?
to live more fully. intention?
1. Balance Although I am having I don't believe I can Perhaps if my
(home/work) difficulty balancing strike a balance environment is
my affiliations and between the two, conducive for
home, especially in especially now that I sustainable
light of the current have a lot to manage productivity, I could
system's disregard in terms of start managing my
for personal time, I affiliations. However, priorities. However,
make an effort to I could always allow given the
pursue it whenever myself to circumstances, all I
the opportunity have unstructured could do is to hustle
presents itself. On time to do whatever I and struggle. I/we
some days, I don't pleased and/or more simply don’t have the
have a schedule and time to rest. privilege.
do whatever I want.
Or, if I have a
schedule to adhere
to, I ensure that at
least an hour of self-
time is included.
2. Listening When someone has I could refrain from Before I do anything
something to say and meddling with their else, I'll ask if they
I believe their story in order to just want someone to
intentions are provide my listen to anything
sincere, I gladly lend observations without that's on their mind,
my ears and try to first asking if they or if they want some
put myself in their actually want my advice from me.
position. opinion.
3. Reliability I grew raised being Even when I am I may try to remind
self-sufficient, so already struggling, I myself that there are
when I need could cease saying, always individuals
something, I try to "I can still accomplish willing to lend a
solve it on my own it." helpful hand around
before seeking me.
assistance. As time
goes on, I've realized
that this is incredibly
bad for me because I
close doors anytime
someone offers
assistance. As a
result, I'm gradually
learning to rely on

D. Are your values reflected in your answers to the questions on Lorenzo’s Oil Activity? Cite
specific situations to support your answer.

Both the ideals I hold dear and the values I wish to live out more fully were depicted in
the film and expressed in my responses to the activity related to it. When Michaela and Gus
Odone, as well as Lorenzo, lived in different nations with different races, they demonstrated
their ideals of community involvement, continuous learning, and making a difference. They have
been involved in the culture, tradition, problems, and overall life of the people in this way.
Michaela and Gus Odone, on the other hand, could have thought of the values I chose
as ones I desire to live out more fully. Michaela, in particular, who got obsessed with "curing"
Lorenzo's illness, lost her sense of balance between her life and her son's, in addition to losing
her capacity to listen to and understand other people's perspectives on the subject. She's
become so self-reliant that she's shut off other people who only want to help.

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