Sanitizing Agents For Virus Inactivation and Disinfection
Sanitizing Agents For Virus Inactivation and Disinfection
Sanitizing Agents For Virus Inactivation and Disinfection
DOI: 10.1002/viw2.16
Qianyu Lin2 Jason Y. C. Lim1 Kun Xue1 Pek Yin Michelle Yew1 Cally Owh1
Pei Lin Chee1 Xian Jun Loh1
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
work is properly cited.
© 2020 The Authors. VIEW published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd and Shanghai Fuji Technology Consulting Co., Ltd, authorized by Professional Community of Experimental
Medicine, National Association of Health Industry and Enterprise Management (PCEM)
the rates and range of outbreaks,6 individuals can play Table 1). This is exacerbated by the lack of effective treatment
equally, or arguably even more important roles in limiting against several of these viruses.
the spread of viruses in the public and healthcare arenas.7
Human-to-human transmission of common influenza viruses
and coronaviruses can occur through virus-laden body fluids, 2.2 Surfaces spread viruses
as well as self-innoculation of the mucous membranes in the
nose, mouth, or eyes by touching contaminated dry surfaces.8 Surfaces, including our hands, play an important part in the
Depending on the type of surface and ambient conditions, spread of viruses. Viruses such as poliovirus and bacterio-
viruses can persist for as short as <5 min to greater than phage showed a much higher survival when they were trans-
28 days on inanimate surfaces.9 The use of sanitizing agents ferred by direct contact of surfaces, as opposed to droplet
for personal care and surface disinfection are clearly of aerosolization or dust containing viruses.14 Hand-to-surface
paramount importance in limiting viral transmissions, by contact of only 5 s was sufficient to transfer a significant pro-
inactivating the viruses before they have a chance to enter the portion of the virus, and viruses could then spread by touch-
human body. ing the mucosa of the nose or conjunctiva of the eye.15 The
In this review, we summarize the various types of sanitiz- chance of spread is in turn directly correlated with the viral
ing agents used in commercially available formulations sci- survival time on the surface, which shows considerable vari-
entifically demonstrated for their virucidal properties to inac- ation between different viruses. For example, among differ-
tivate viruses in suspension and on surfaces. Viruses that ent soft surfaces tested, enteric viruses were shown to sur-
require vectors for transmission, such as the chikungunya and vive on wool blankets for the longest period of time, poster
dengue viruses, are not considered. These “virucidal” agents card for the shortest period of time, and cotton fabric for
can either destroy viruses or alter their surface structures to an intermediate period of time.13 A very recent study has
prevent them from infecting potential host cells (Section 2). found that the Covid-19 coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) can per-
They differ from “antiviral” compounds10 which inhibits sist longest on propylene plastic surfaces and stainless steel,
virus replication in host cells. The effective dose of each san- with viable viruses found up to 72 hr after initial application
itizing agent, exposure time for effective virucidal activity, though at a greatly reduced viral titer.16 Much shorter persis-
suitability for usage under domestic or healthcare/hospital tence was observed on copper surfaces, with no viable viruses
settings and mechanisms of action are considered. We also observed after 4 hr. While the closely-related SARS-CoV-
explore what has been scientifically shown for some common 1 coronavirus showed no significant statistical differences in
myths believed to inactivate viruses and prevent their spread. half-life on these surfaces, SARS-CoV-2 could persist consid-
Finally, we present promising new research directions, mate- erably longer on cardboard surfaces: 24 hr were required for
rials, and strategies that have been shown to inactivate viruses no viable SARS-CoV-2 to be detected, compared with just 8
but have yet to reach widespread commercial availability. hr for SARS-CoV-1.
A reduction of viral infectivity by 4 log units correlates to a structural damage to the phage, including damage to capsid
99.99% reduction in the viral titer. The log unit reduction and proteins.24 However, the disinfectant might also need to
percent (%) reduction are used interchangeably in literature to penetrate to destroy the nucleic acids, as viruses such as polio
describe disinfectant efficacy. retain infectivity with the RNA alone.21 While the enveloped
Disinfection efficacy can also be influenced by environ- virus Influenza H1N1 could be inactivated by all the disin-
mental factors. If disinfection requires chemical reactions to fectants tested,25 it is much more challenging to inactivate
take place, such as for formaldehyde, then the rate of disin- small non-enveloped noroviruses, and several commonly
fection will be higher at higher temperatures. Under cold tem- available disinfectants are not able to sufficiently reduce
peratures, certain disinfectants could be ineffective as the rate infectivity.2627
of disinfection would be exceedingly low.20 Humidity is also Viruses also show resistance to disinfection due to the
another factor that could affect disinfectant penetration to the cellular materials that viruses are normally associated with.
virus. For reactions such as aldehyde disinfectants, a change Viruses are normally reliant on host cells for replication, so
in pH will also affect the disinfectant efficacy.17 they are often found together with material such as cell debris,
soil, and aerosolized droplets.20 These are called viral clump-
ing protective factors, and they can both reduce the pene-
2.4 Factors influencing virus susceptibility tration of the disinfectant to the virus, and can also interact
and reduce the activity of the disinfecting agents. This has a
There are specific unique characteristics of viruses that big impact on the disinfectants, necessitating a much higher
influence inactivation by disinfection. There are three main concentration for effective disinfection. Disinfection is com-
types of viruses with different structures, classified here monly associated with and reliant on cleaning processes, as
according to increasing difficulty of chemical disinfectant the removal of organic material impurities first can allow for
inactivation: enveloped viruses, large unenveloped viruses, a better disinfection process.28 Viruses can also aggregate in
and small unenveloped viruses (see Table 2). Larger viruses the environment, for example, upon exposure to disinfectants,
are generally more sensitive to disinfectants, although there thereby making it more difficult for disinfectants to penetrate
are exceptions.21 A few disinfectant solutions tested were all and access the viruses.29
effective against the enveloped viruses Herpes Simplex Virus
and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) type 1, although
less effective against the small non-enveloped human cox- 3 COM M ERCIALLY AVA ILABL E
sackie virus.22 Enveloped viruses contain a lipid envelope VIRUCIDA L SANITIZING AGEN T S
that is required for infection, and therefore interfering with the
envelope could potentially reduce virus infectivity. Lipophilic 3.1 Alcohols
disinfectants can often be used to inactivate enveloped
viruses. In contrast, non-enveloped viruses utilize a protein Alcohols, specifically isopropyl alcohol (otherwise known
coat for infection, and therefore inactivation often requires as isopropanol and propan-2-ol) and ethyl alcohol (ethanol),
denaturation of the redundant viral capsid proteins or essential are capable of inactivating a wide spectrum of bacterial,
replicative proteins.23 Disinfectants that disrupt proteins such fungi, and viral activities. These actives play an impor-
as glutaraldehyde or sodium hypochlorite could be effective tant role in the healthcare industry for skin antisepsis and
at inactivating non-enveloped viruses.21 Sodium hypochlorite disinfecting small medical tools. Although it is shown to
was shown to inactivate the bacteriophage PAO1, and further be effective in annihilating infectious microorganisms, alco-
electron microscopy studies showed that there was extensive hols are not sporicidal30,31 and are often coupled with
4 of 26 LIN ET AL.
TABLE 2 Types of common viruses and overall resistance to disinfectants. Table modified from reference21
Type of virus[a] Common examples Resistance to disinfectants
Enveloped Herpes Simplex Virus, Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Influenza, Coronavirus Low
Large non-enveloped Adenovirus Medium
Small non-enveloped Poliovirus, coxsackievirus, parvovirus, norovirus High
other major biocidal actives to improve its disinfection Although alcohols are effective in eradicating some types
efficacy.31 of viruses, other disinfectants such as quaternary ammonium
Potent biocidal agents eradicate viruses and bacteria by var- compounds (QAC), glutaraldehyde, and hydrogen peroxide
ious mechanisms such as disrupting the structure of the cell, quickly outshine its performance.30 Therefore, disinfectants
and coagulating and/or denaturing proteins in the microorgan- with alcohol as its main active ingredients are generally not
isms. Although few studies have been done to fully understand used to disinfect critical equipment or environment in the
the biocidal activity of alcohol, it is often believed that alco- healthcare settings.30 The use of isopropyl alcohol is also lim-
hols disrupts the cell membrane and denatures the proteins ited as it only inactivates lipid viruses. This greatly reduces
in general.31,32 Viruses as well as many other microorgan- the capabilities of alcohol as a broader use disinfecting agent.
isms are commonly susceptible to this mode of action. Pre- Because alcohols are flammable liquids, large amounts of
vious studies have reported that with the inclusion of water alcohol will increase the risks and dangers of it as a disinfect-
in the biocidal system, the efficacy of alcohol increases as ing agent. The flash point of a higher concentration of alco-
water would facilitate quicker denaturing of proteins.30,31,33 hol solution is lower than that of a lower concentration.32,40
Additionally, the inclusion of water significantly increase the According to Boyce, 70% ethyl alcohol has a flash point
effectiveness of the alcohols as it delays the evaporation of the at 20.5◦ C, while the flash point of 30% ethyl alcohol is at
alcohol and increase its exposure to viruses and bacteria. 29◦ C.32 Furthermore, prolonged and repeated usage of alco-
Generally, the efficacy of alcohols in eradicating microor- hol compromises the integrity of materials such as plastics and
ganisms is optimum between 60% and 90% by solution in dyes. Materials with constant exposure to alcohol may expe-
water (v/v).30,33 In one of the studies, it was reported that rience discoloration, cracking, and swelling due to the effects
80% ethyl alcohol was effective at eradicating hepatitis B of alcohol. Another difficulty with the use of alcohol is that
virus under 2 min and 70% isopropyl alcohol of that within it evaporates quickly when exposed to air, therefore reducing
10 min.34 However, the virucidal activity of alcohol depends the contact time with the virus. Achieving maximum disinfec-
greatly on its concentration of the actives and the type of test tion is difficult unless the tools are immersed in a bath for a
viruses. Ethyl alcohol is effective against enveloped viruses period of time.
and a few non-enveloped viruses. Studies have shown that Even though the capabilities of alcohol are limited, the
ethyl alcohol inactivates enveloped virus such as herpes and active is still commonly used in various disinfectant proce-
influenza to select non-enveloped viruses such as adenovirus, dures. It is imperative to note that together with other proper-
rhinovirus, and rotavirus.30 Isopropyl alcohol, however, was ties of alcohol, its role as a disinfectant is still irreplaceable.
reported to be effective against enveloped viruses but ineffec- Alcohols are often used as an effective disinfectant for ther-
tive against similar non-enveloped viruses.30 The differential mometer, non-critical tools, and non-invasive probes in the
virucidal action could potentially be a result of the lipophilic hospital30 . Non-critical surfaces of medical instruments that
nature of isopropyl alcohol as compared to ethanol.31 The are reusable are also disinfected with alcohol. Another advan-
efficacy of alcohols to inactivate viruses is heavily depen- tage of using alcohol as a disinfectant is that it is user friendly.
dent on the surface properties of the microorganism. Iso- Alcohol solutions are non-staining, evaporates quickly, low
propyl alcohol, by nature lipophilic, interacts favorably with toxicity compared to other forms of disinfectant, and have a
enveloped viruses and disrupts their activity effectively. The mild acceptable odor. These characteristics are critical in the
envelope layer of viruses mainly comprises lipid bilayers, healthcare settings as it contributes to the efficiency and the
which causes the membrane to be sensitive to the chem- necessary sanitization in the system.
ical and physical conditions.35 Non-enveloped viruses are
generally known to be more resilient to disinfectants com-
pared to enveloped viruses, and this includes alcohols. Stud- 3.2 Surfactants
ies have been shown that both alcohols are potent virucidal
agents against enveloped viruses such as Hepatitis B virus34 , Surfactants are amphiphilic moieties possessing both
Herpes virus36 ,SARS-CoV,37 and human immunodeficiency hydrophilic and lipophilic segments41 and are further classi-
virus (HIV)38 , but not non-enveloped viruses such as Hepati- fied into cationic,42 anionic,43 non-ionic,44 and zwitterionic45
tis A virus34 and polio virus.39 surfactants. They are often the active ingredients found in
LIN ET AL. 5 of 26
hypochlorite could inactivate Norwalk virus, a type of at 50 ppm was found to disinfect HIV in saline alone, but a
norovirus, at a concentration of 160 ppm after 30 s exposure, 50-fold higher concentration of 2500 ppm was required to
as quantified by RT-PCR.77 Sodium hypochlorite could also disinfect in the presence of 10% plasma, and 5,000 ppm
inactivate the norovirus surrogates, feline calicivirus and (0.5%) was required in the presence of blood.83 Sodium
murine norovirus, to greater than a 5 log10 reduction of dichloroisocyanurate at 10,000 ppm shows disinfectant activ-
infectivity with a concentration of 2700 ppm and 1 min.78 ity in the presence of 70% serum, while sodium hypochlorite
Sodium hypochlorite at 0.5% concentration with 1 min only shows similar activity in presence of 20% serum.85 This
contact time was able to deactivate the Hepatitis A virus, is postulated to be because only 50% of the total chlorine is
while another oxidizing agent peracetic acid was unable in the available hypochlorite/hypochlorous acid component
to do so.79 form that can be neutralized by serum, while the rest of
Sodium hypochlorite at high concentrations of 1000 ppm the chlorine can be progressively pushed toward hypochlo-
is regularly used for clinical disinfection. However, it has rite/hypochlorous acid to maintain the chemical equilibrium.
an odor and can be irritating to mucous membranes at high
concentrations. Less concentrated hypochlorous acid solu-
tions are less stable to environmental factors such as temper- 3.3.3 Hydrogen peroxide
ature and light, and the oxidizing potential can be used up by
impurities.80 In terms of application, a concentrated stock of Hydrogen peroxide is a strong broad spectrum inactivation
5% sodium hypochlorite that is more stable is typically rec- agent. It decomposes to form water, oxygen and the highly
ommended to be diluted 100× to 0.05% before use so as to reactive hydroxyl free radicals, which can cleave or crosslink
mostly avoid the downsides of concentrated sodium hypochlo- a large range of biomolecules including proteins, nucleic acids
rite during the disinfection process. The most common oxidiz- and lipids.17 A 13% solution with a 5 min contact time was
ing agent disinfectant in the United States is aqueous solutions able to inactivate to greater than 5 log10 reduction both the
of 5.25–6.15% sodium hypochlorite, also known as household enveloped virus Herpes Simplex virus, and the non-enveloped
bleach.81 virus poliovirus, showing a similar broad spectrum virucidal
Sodium hypochlorite is sensitive to the presence of organic activity.86 . An accelerated hydrogen peroxide-based (AHP)
material, and a significantly higher concentration is required disinfectant at a concentration of 0.5% and a contact time of
to achieve the same disinfectant efficacy. While 100 ppm 1 min showed a log10 reduction in infectivity of over 4 for
sodium hypochlorite can effectively disinfect a clean surface both enveloped and non-enveloped viruses, including HIV,
of HIV-1 virus in 30 s, the activity is reduced in the presence coronavirus 229E, poliovirus, and rotavirus (Wa).87 The AHP
of organic material. A higher concentration of 500 ppm and solution at concentration 0.5% was tested with another set of
1–2 min is required in the presence of 80% serum, and around enveloped and non-enveloped viruses, and showed effective
10,000 ppm (1%) is required in the presence of 80% blood.82 inactivation of the enveloped Sindbis virus and non-enveloped
Sodium hypochlorite at 50 ppm was found to disinfect reovirus within 5 min.88
HIV in saline alone, but a 50-fold higher concentration of Hydrogen peroxide was also effective against noroviruses,
2,500 ppm was required to disinfect in the presence of 10% although at generally higher concentrations than sodium
plasma, and 5,000 ppm (1%) was required in the presence hypochlorite. At a concentration of 0.18% and 5 min contact
of blood.83 In a review guidance for clinicians, noncritical time, the AHP disinfectant was able to inactivate feline
surfaces that are contaminated with blood or other tissues calicivirus, and at 3.5% and 10 min contact time, the AHP
are suggested to be cleaned first to remove organic material disinfectant was able to inactivate surrogate murine norovirus
before spot decontaminating with sodium hypochlorite to greater than 5log10 reduction.78 A 2.1% liquid hydrogen
solution.84 peroxide solution with 10 min exposure could inactivate
murine norovirus and bacteriophage Phi X174 on stainless
steel surfaces by 4 log10 units.89 A disinfectant comprising
3.3.2 Sodium dichloroisocyanurate of hydrogen peroxide and peracetic acid could inactivate
surrogate feline Calicivirus by 99.9% at an effective peroxide
Compared to sodium hypochlorite, sodium dichloroisocyanu- concentration of 0.1% and 15 min contact time.90
rate has disinfectant activity that persists for longer, is more Even when reused, a 7 % solution with a contact time of
tolerant to the presence of organic material, and has a higher 5 min was able to show an almost 5 log10 reduction in infec-
disinfectant efficacy overall. Sodium dichloroisocyanurate tivity of poliovirus, showing that some disinfectant activity
could inactivate the bacteriophage Phi6, an Ebola surro- was still present.91 A sonicated hydrogen peroxide system
gate, at 0.5% concentration in 10 min on multiple different with a cartridge containing hydrogen peroxide at 31.5% and
surfaces, while sodium hypochlorite could not inactivate 2 min contact time showed that it could attain a mean log10
sufficiently on nitrile surface.28 Sodium dichloroisocyanurate reduction of 5.20 for human papillomavirus (HPV).92
LIN ET AL. 9 of 26
TABLE 3 Comparison/summary table for virus review in suspension tests without organic load
Reduction of
activity (log10 ) OR
Concen- Reduction of virus Tempe-
tration Exposure titer (%) OR rature
Class Sanitizing agent Safety Application settings Advantages/Disadvantages (%) Virus time PFU/ml× (o C) Ref
Alcohols Ethyl alcohol Safe, non-irritant Hospital and home Pros: broad-spectrum and 70.0 Poliovirus (Sabin 1an) 1 min 0.4 37 39]
be effective
70.0 Feline Calicivirus (F9) 1 min 0.5±0.6 - 137
(HIV) - I
virus (TGEV)
Isopropyl alcohol Safe, non-irritant Hospital and home Pros: broad-spectrum and 70.0 Murine Norovirus (CW3) 1 min 2.6±0.3 R.T. 137
TABLE 3 (Continued)
Reduction of
activity (log10 ) OR
Concen- Reduction of virus Tempe-
tration Exposure titer (%) OR rature
Class Sanitizing agent Safety Application settings Advantages/Disadvantages (%) Virus time PFU/ml× (o C) Ref
Cationic Surfactants Benzalkonium chloride Generally safe Hospital, industrial, Odorless, colorless, and 0.2 Human Adenovirus 1 min 0.25 R.T. 22
(Isolate MC)
(Isolate MA)
(Isolate ED)
(Isolate CR)
11 of 26
TABLE 3 (Continued)
Reduction of
12 of 26
activity (log10 ) OR
Concen- Reduction of virus Tempe-
tration Exposure titer (%) OR rature
Class Sanitizing agent Safety Application settings Advantages/Disadvantages (%) Virus time PFU/ml× (o C) Ref
Didecyldimethyl Generally safe Hospital, industrial, Odorless, colorless, and 0.0025 Canine coronavirus (Strain S378) 3 days >4.0 37 9
Mono; bis (tri-methyl Generally safe Hospital, industrial, Odorless, colorless, and 0.02 Equine herpesvirus type 1 10 min > 99.99% 23 - 25 46
Anionic Surfactants Sodium linear Generally safe Usually used as a Low cost. Virucidal effects 0.0125 Equine herpesvirus type 1 10 min >99.99% 23 - 25 46
0.05 Equine herpesvirus type 1 10min >99.99% 0 46
Non-ionic Nonylphenoxy- High cytotoxicity Mostly used as High cytotoxicity and 0.01 Herpes Simplex Viruses - 1 1 min <500× 37 44
surfactants 44
Polysorbate-20 Lower cytotoxicity Mostly used as Lower cytotoxicity, formulation 1 Herpes Simplex Viruses - 1 1 min 4.3*106 × 37
(Tween-20) as compared to emulsifiers can be used without dilution
amide or ester
1 Herpes Simplex Viruses - 2 1 min 5.4*105 × 37 44
Halogenated Povidone-iodine Generally safe, Hospitals, Long-lasting slow release of 0.23 Influenza A subtype H1N1 15 s 5.67 ± 0.43 20.0 141
function and
0.23 MERS-CoV 15 s 4.40 ± 0.79 20.0 141
TABLE 3 (Continued)
Reduction of
activity (log10 ) OR
Concen- Reduction of virus Tempe-
tration Exposure titer (%) OR rature
Class Sanitizing agent Safety Application settings Advantages/Disadvantages (%) Virus time PFU/ml× (o C) Ref
Chlorohexidine Low skin Handwashes, Ineffective against non-enveloped 0.02 Murine hepatitis virus 10 min 0.7 – 0.8 23 143
digluconate irritability, safe, mouthwashes and viruses. Less potent and 108
0.12 Herpes-simplex virus Type 1 30 s 97 % A.T.
good skin oral gels, slower-acting than
persistence disinfectants in povidone-iodine 0.12 Cytomegalovirus strain AD169 30 s > 99.7 % A.T. 108
0.12 Influenza A 1 min > 98 % A.T. 108
Chloroxylenol Generally safe Household Can cause skin irritation, highly 0.24 Herpes-simplex virus Type 1 1 min > 4.60 20 22
Aldehydes Formaldehyde Carcinogenic and Preservative, Pros: wide-spectrum activity 0.7 Murine hepatitis virus 10 min > 3.45 23 143
2.0 Vaccinia virus (ATTC VR-1536) 2h 4.9 4 114
Glutaraldehyde irritant. Needs to Clinical settings Pros: broad spectrum 0.5 SARS-CoV isolate FFM-1 2 min > 5.0 A.T. 144
Oxidising Sodium hypochlorite Non-flammable. Cleaning and Pros: Broad spectrum, no toxic 0.01 HIV-1 30s 3.75 20 82
as well as allergic contact dermatitis,104 necessitating careful
medical monitoring.
Reduction of virus Tempe-
(o C)
The origins of the broad virucidal efficiencies of povidone-
iodine has still yet to be fully elucidated, and is likely to occur
activity (log10 ) OR
titer (%) OR
can inhibit the activity of viral enzymes (e.g. neuraminidase)
essential for virus release from host cells, preventing its spread
15 min
2 min
1 min
to other uninfected cells.98 For enveloped viruses, it has also
Pros: Broad-spectrum, fast-acting, 0.005
organic matter
3.5.3 Chloroxylenol
bactericidal activity than glutaraldehyde.129 While OPA’s During the course of pursuing these options, it is of high
bactericidal properties are well-documented,130 its efficacies imperative to consider the efficacies of these alternatives to
against viruses is less well established (Table 3). A study ensure that ineffective options do not lull consumers into a
in 2006 using stainless steel careers showed that a 0.55% false sense of security.
OPA solution could gave 4.84 log10 reduction in adenovirus
8 after 1 min exposure.131 0.3% and 0.5% OPA solutions
gave > 3 log10 reduction in the respective infectivities of 4.1 Essential Oils
surrogate hepatits B and C viruses on glass surfaces after a 1
min exposure.132 To assess the effectiveness of OPA against Commonly used in a variety of skincare products to treat der-
coronaviruses, a study using the surrogate mouse hepatitis matological issues such as acne, essential oils were known to
virus on stainless stell surfaces showed 1.7 log10 reduction in be both topically safe and able to combat a variety of skin-
infectivity after 1 min contact with 0.55% OPA.133 However, associated pathogens. Yet, their explored germicidal activi-
the same concentration of OPA was found to be ineffective ties are mostly bacteria-related, and hence cannot be directly
against a suspension of human papillomavirus type 16 after extrapolated into effective disinfection of all viruses.147
a 45 min incubation.134 There us a current dearth of studies In terms of research into the anti-viral or viral inhibiting
on the effectiveness of OPA against suspended viruses, and efficacies of common essential oils, several oils have been
more studies are required to establish the general virucidal proven effective against select viruses, such as the herpes
efficicacy of OPA against a wider variety of viruses. simplex virus type-1 or the bovine viral diarrhea virus.148
OPA has numerous advantages over glutaraldehyde. First, The operative mechanism of action, however, varies greatly
it is chemically stable between pH 3 and 9 and does not require between the different essential oils, and, depending on the
any further activation prior to usage. Second, it does not have stage of inactivation, render them effective against only cer-
a strong perceivable odour and does not irritate the skin, eyes, tain specific strains.149
or nasal mucosa.135 As a result, exposure monitoring is not Through the study of star anise oil and some essential oil
required for its usage, unlike glutaraldehyde. Furthermore, its constituents, for example, it was identified that the oil itself,
excellent material compatibility129 allows its usage as a disin- as well as the specific compounds trans-anethole, farnesol
fectant in many clinical settings such as for endoscopes135,136 and 𝛽-caryophyllene were capable of direct inactivation of
and urological instruments. However, OPA can stain exposed the herpes virus, potentially through the disruption of the
skin grey, and hence has to be rinsed off with copious quanti- virion envelope, prior to host cell infection.149 Other reports
ties of water, or used with personal protective equipment (e.g. indicate that anti-viral activities of essential oils do happen
gloves and eye protection). For this reason, it is not used as a through similar mechanisms, including the virucidal effects
common household disinfectant. of sesquiterpenes against various enveloped viruses,150 and
the inhibitive effects of eugenol against the herpes simplex
virus.151 Due to the lack of research investigating the spe-
4 M Y T H S A BOU T V I RU C I DA L cific virucidal actions of these compounds against the selected
AGENTS viruses, it is unsafe to assume that effective sanitization can
occur broadly over all recommended types of essential oils.
The practice of maintaining adequate personal hygiene and When considering several of the aforementioned cases as
environmental sanitation can be considered to be the single examples, most of which act upon the virion envelope, it is
most consistent strategy that has been employed throughout possible to conclude that they would be rendered ineffective
the evolution of healthcare methods in combating the vari- in the disinfection of non-enveloped virus species.
ous epidemics the world has faced.146 Advisories issued by At the same time, it is also important to note that their pur-
governmental agencies and the healthcare sectors alike have ported antiviral activities may not be directly relevant to the
stressed its importance, ingraining in the minds of a wide purposes of sanitization or disinfection. Antiviral activities
audience the need for the procurement of viable sanitizing such as the inhibition of viral replication or gene expressions,
agents. while potentially effective in the treatment of viral infections,
The global outbreaks of highly infectious viruses such as may not necessarily be what the user is expecting in terms of
the SARS-CoV-2 have thus understandably seen rises in the a topical or surface disinfectant.
mass purchasing of sanitizers and disinfectants, resulting in
the issues of maintaining adequate supplies around several
countries in the world. Without this option, a segment of the 4.2 Antibiotics
population has turned to the possibility of do-it-yourself for-
mulations or alternative products that, along with the rise of The development of global anti-microbial resistance due to
social media, have largely been proliferated on the internet. the over-prescription of antibiotics is indicative of their high
LIN ET AL. 17 of 26
exposure to the public community. This could potentially upon a reduction of UV intensity, the virucidal action of
allow for growth in public sentiment with regards to the belief UVGI can be compensated through the increase of exposure
that antibiotics are capable of treating a variety of diseases, time.161 When tested for four different strains of airborne
including those caused by various viruses. An early survey of bacteriophages: ssRNA (MS2, ATCC 15597-B1), ssDNA
the public in the Netherlands showed that almost half of the (ΦX-174, ATCC 13706-B1), dsRNA (phi 6 with envelope
population incorrectly believed in the ability of antibiotics in lipid, ATCC 21781-B1), and dsDNA (T7, ATCC 11303-B1),
treating infections caused by viruses. In the same study, 90.9% it was reported that the required UVGI dose required was
believed in the need for antibiotic treatment when faced with approximately increased twofold when attempting to increase
pneumonia, and another study in a different area reported a 90% inactivation to 99% inactivation.162 In the same study, it
94.2% of the population sharing this belief.152153 This set of was also observed that certain strains of viruses were more
patient beliefs could have a negative impact on the decisions vulnerable to UVGI than others. The UVGI doses required
of healthcare professionals due to the pressure of catering to were, in increasing order, 339–423 μWs/cm2 for ssRNA, 444–
patient demands, even though it was shown to have no effect 494 μWs/cm2 for ssDNA, 662–863 μWs/cm2 for dsRNA, and
on the patient recovery and satisfaction.154 910–1196 μWs/cm2 for dsDNA.162 A similar ranking was
In fact, statistical evidence has shown that the inappropri- reported when it came to observing the sensitivities of similar
ate use of antibiotics prescribed by medical professionals has virus classes on a surface medium (as opposed to aerosol).158
been observed to be high even up till recent years, where it was The susceptibility of viruses to this method was thought to be
estimated that up to 30% of antibiotic prescriptions among dependent on several factors, such as physical size, molecular
outpatients may have been inappropriate.155 This could have weight, DNA conformation, repair enzyme, and chromophore
potentially stemmed from a variety of reasons, including per- presence, clumping propensity, etc., which could all affect the
ceived patient expectation154 and misdiagnoses due to the UV dose required.163
similarities in the manifestations of clinical symptoms.156 As As such, while there is a high potential for UVGI to serve
such, the correction of patient beliefs is still fundamental in as a virucidal technique, and even solar radiation to play a
the prevention of antibiotic overuse in such clinical settings. major role in environmental virucidal activity under appro-
priate conditions,164 it is important to consider the set of cir-
cumstances under which these are true.
4.3 Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI)
There has been a long history of the employment of ultraviolet 4.4 Vitamin C
light in the elimination of microbial pathogens, whereupon its
efficacy has been regarded highly enough for it to see use even A popular dietary supplement, Vitamin C has had a history of
in the disinfection in the laboratory and healthcare settings.157 being recommended in popular literature for the purposes of
It can thus be anticipated that there will be the resulting per- treating respiratory infections.165 While earlier studies have
petuation of the notion that UVGI will be an effective agent in demonstrated its ability to prevent and alleviate the symp-
the combating of viruses. While this belief does hold merit, it toms of virus-induced respiratory infections, its mechanism of
is important to examine the restrictive conditions under which action, as well as its virucidal potency, were not examined.165
this does hold true. Prior to this, Vitamin C was the subject of various stud-
First, as the efficacy of UVGI is dependent on the absorp- ies that investigated and concluded on its potential to inac-
tion by the target DNA, which has a maximum absorption tivate the poliomyelitis virus under in vivo settings, but the
wavelength of 260 nm, microorganisms have been found to route of its administration was either through injections166
be selectively vulnerable to the exposure to light at wave- or nasal instillation.167 It was however reported that, in this
lengths specifically at or in close range of 253.7 nm.158 When case, the dosage required was sufficiently low to be achieved
tested against the strain of bacteriophage virus ΦX-174, it via supplementation.168 Another in vivo study of viral inac-
was shown that the wavelength could be increased to up to tivation involving the herpes virus also was achieved via
280nm without significant reduction of virucidal efficiency, injection.169 Apart from these, various other studies involving
but a significant decrease was observed upon the increase to different virus strains, such as rabies170 and enteroviruses171 ,
301 nm.159 have reported in vitro viral inactivation.
Second, it has been shown that the germicidal activity of The sum of gathered literature so far suggests, however, that
UVGI is compliant with the Bunsen–Roscoe reciprocity law, the desired properties of ascorbic acid are achieved mainly
where it was established that the efficiency of inactivation is through a combination of its ability to inactivate the virus,
dependent on UV dose, which is the product of UV inten- inhibit intracellular virus replication, as well as the other ben-
sity (mW/cm2 ) and exposure time (seconds).160 The result- eficial effects of the vitamins, which in turn render it capa-
ing implications in the translation into application mean that, ble of alleviating the severity of a range of virus-related
18 of 26 LIN ET AL.
diseases.168 While indicative of the potential of the use of the hypertonic saline nebulization of children with respiratory
vitamin C to supplement medical therapy, this does not nec- syncytial virus bronchiolitis showed no significant alleviation
essarily imply its potency as a virucidal disinfecting agent. of their symptoms.176
The studies regarding saline solutions thus far, however,
have mostly been investigations into its clinical effects, which,
4.5 Garlic while somewhat suggestive of its potential in symptom reduc-
tion, are not sufficient to prove if it does possess virucidal
The basis of some of these myths stems from their com- behavior for disinfection purposes.
mon association with antimicrobial properties. Garlic is com-
monly associated with fairly broad-spectrum antimicrobial
effects, exhibiting antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and even 5 NEW RESEARCH DIRECTIONS
antiprotozoal activities. Its constituents that render it effec- TOWARDS VIRUCIDA L AGENTS
tive against viruses have been discovered to include allicin, A N D M AT E R I A L S
diallyl trisulfide, and ajoene.172,173 It has displayed antivi-
ral effects against a variety of viruses, including influenza A To expand the repertoire of virucidal compounds available,
and B, rhinovirus, HIV, herpes simplex 2, cytomegalovirus, there has been considerable research effort to develop new
viral pneumonia, and rotavirus.174 In specifically consider- active materials which exhibit broad spectrum virucidal
ing its virucidal range, garlic has been shown to be effec- activities, yet pose low toxicities to humans. Three main
tive against herpes simplex virus type 1 and the parainfluenza types of virucidal agents are receiving significant research
virus type 3.173 The virucidal effects of garlic and its active attention: small discrete virucidal molecules (Section 5.1),
compounds do not cover the entire range of virus strains, and metal nanomaterials (Section 5.2), and virucidal polymers
they have been shown to be ineffective against certain types, (Section 5.3). There is a considerable push towards utilizing
such as the coxsackievirus.175 High concentrations of garlic naturally-occurring molecules to exploit their intrinsic
extract have also been shown to be toxic to cells, therefore cau- virucidal properties as much as possible. In this section,
tion is advised when garlic is attempted to be used.175 Thus, we will give a broad overview of emerging directions
prior to turning to garlic as a viable alternative to conventional towards virucidal agents and materials, which are not yet
disinfectants, it is imperative to consider the strain of microbes commercially available, and/or their virucidal properties are
to be eliminated, as well as whether garlic can be applied in a only demonstrated under controlled lab settings and not yet
safe yet effective manner. conclusively proven under real-life usage conditions.
Apart from the aforementioned, there have also been various 𝛽-cyclodextrins (𝛽CDs) are naturally-occurring macrocyclic
other myths circulating in the online community with regards molecules comprising of 7 covalently-joined glucopyranose
to the prevention of the infections, especially with the case of units, possessing a hydrophilic exterior and a hydrophobic
the latest COVID-19 pandemic, leading to the need for the interior cavity which can encapsulate non-polar molecules
clarification that has been conducted by the WHO and the in water. A family of sulfonated 𝛽CDs was recently studied
official media of various countries. As mentioned in the pre- for their virucidal activities (Figure 7A), which differed in
vious segment, another commonly perpetuated belief is the the length of the flexible alkyl groups between the anionic
inability of rinsing of the nose with saline solution, or gar- sulfonate groups (CD1 and CD2), as well as rigidity of
gling with salt water, to treat viral infections. Possibly due to the spacer unit (CD3).177 CD1 displayed broad-spectrum
its location of action, this is commonly associated with the virucidal activity against many viruses from different fam-
treatment of upper respiratory tract infections and has a his- ilies, including from herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2),
torical basis in the ancient practices from India.176 respiratory syncytial virus types A and B, human metap-
Upon investigation of its in vivo efficacy, it was shown neumovirus and human parainfluenza virus type A, while
that hypertonic saline nasal irrigation was capable of reduc- being ineffective against enterovirus D68 and influenza
ing the duration of illness by 22%, over the counter medicine virus H3N2. The long alkyl linker of CD1 appeared to
use by 36% and illness in household members by 35%. Thirty be the key to its high virucidal activity, giving complete
percent more individuals also saw a reduction in viral shed- HSV-2 inactivation within 15 minutes, and whose virucidal
ding by ≥0.5 log10 per day, which could serve as a reason activity was not affected by dilution. Compared to CD1, a
for the lowered transmission rates.176 The result shown, how- shorter linker in CD2 and a more rigid one in CD3 made the
ever, was not necessarily always positive, as some studies into cyclodextrin derivatives less effective. It was proposed that
LIN ET AL. 19 of 26
Silver and its salts have had a long history of use as anti-
septics and disinfectants, and their broad-spectrum biocidal
properties are well established.181 Silver dihydrogen citrate,
for instance, can reduce the infectivity of feline calicivirus, a
surrogate for the human norovirus (which causes diarrhea and
vomiting), by > 4 log10 units after 1 and 30 min in suspension
and on glass surfaces, respectively.182 Silver nanoparticles
(AgNPs) are a class of silver nanomaterials and are defined
as dispersions of silver particles between 10 and 100 nm
in size. Generally, AgNPs are effective biocides in small
doses,183 although their potential toxicities to humans are still
under intense debate.184,185 Modern methods have enabled
AgNPs of well-defined shapes, particle sizes, and polydisper-
sity to be synthesized,186 which are important parameters that
F I G U R E 7 Structures of novel virucidal molecules: (A) dictate their eventual biocidal activities, biological fate and
𝛽-cyclodextrin alkyl sulfonates177 and (B) 1,3-bis(bithiazolyl)-
The virucidal properties of AgNPs are still largely unex-
plored, but initial reports are encouraging. AgNPs can inhibit
CD1’s best virucidal activity against HSV-2 stemmed from viruses by a number of mechanisms, including binding to and
its ability to bind to most numbers of glycoprotein B found interacting with viral surface proteins,185 as well as denatur-
on the viral surface, blocking the proteins‘ fusion loop and ing enzymes by reacting with amino, carboxyl, imidazole,
induces conformational changes to these proteins. and sulfhydryl groups.188 In a study using 30–50 nm AgNPs
In addition to cyclodextrin derivatives, macrocyclic surface-coated with polyvinylpyrrolidone against various
calix[4]arene derivatives also showed promising viru- strains of HIV-1, the AgNPs were found to bind onto surface
cidal activities. 1,3-bis(bithiazolyl)-tetra-para-sulfonato- glycoproteins (gp120) and chemically modifies it by denatur-
calix[4]arene (C[4]S-BTZ) (Figure 7B) was shown to ing its disulfide-bonded domains.189 This prevents the virus
show better virucidal activities against human coronavirus from binding to receptor proteins on potential host cells which
HCoV-229E than the frequently used antiseptic, chlorhex- are necessary for viral entry and infection. Dilute AgNP solu-
idine (CHX) (Section 3.5).107 Firstly, C[4]S-BTZ were not tions could elicit significant virucidal activity, as inhibition
cytotoxic towards L-132 cells, whereas CHX and HXM of 50 % of viral infectivity could be attained at AgNP con-
showed notable toxicities with IC50 values of 4.3 × 10−6 centrations of ≤ 0.91 mg/mL. Compared to commonly-used
and 3.8 × 10−5 mol/L, respectively. In addition, C[4]S-BTZ biocidal silver nitrate and silver sulfadiazine, the AgNPs were
demonstrated a faster virucidal rate as compared to CHX107 . found to be more effective against the HIV-1 strains, suggest-
At a concentration of 10−3 mol/L, a 5 min-incubation of ing that the release of Ag0 atomic clusters from the AgNPs is
HcoV-229E with C[4]S-BTZ reduced viral titers by 2.7 log10 more potent virucide than Ag+ itself. Such destruction of viral
units, as compared to just 1.4 log10 reduction for the same surface glycoproteins has also been suggested to account for
concentration and duration of CHX. the virucidal effects of AgNPs against the Influenza virus.190
Interestingly, some compounds found in food were found AgNPs have also been incorporated into polymer films com-
to exhibit virucidal activities. Cinnamaldehyde, an organic prising of poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate),
compound that is responsible for cinnamon’s flavor and a biopolymeric material, which achieved the dual function
odor, was effective against norovirus surrogates and hepati- of stabilizing the AgNPs and bringing about virucidal
tis A virus178 . Carvacrol, a natural monoterpene derivative of behavior against norovirus surrogates.191 AgNP-containing
cymene, also known as a natural food additive was found to products are appearing increasingly in the market, including
20 of 26 LIN ET AL.
Covid-19 patients in China.209 Clearly, methods and disin- towards a broad range of viruses with fast-action and high
fectants capable of disinfecting the air are thus valuable in potency but still suitable for long-term use, exhibiting good
limiting viral transmissions, especially within indoor environ- biocompatibility and mild effects towards surfaces. A poten-
ments. tial direction may be to develop potent disinfectant agents
Methods for disinfecting indoor air is currently an active from natural compounds218 as they may have less toxicity
field of research, though much more remains to be under- allowing the product to be child-safe219 and also safe for
stood, and no perfect solutions yet exist. While UVGI can be long-term usage. New generation sanitizers with viral inacti-
effective and efficient in inactivating viruses in aerosols,210 vation mechanisms that can enhance and balance broad dis-
it can also lead to significant skin and eye discomfort.211 infection efficacy with biocompatibility are thus likely to
Photocatalyst (silver ion-doped TiO2 )-coated air filters212 and have good potential in becoming the preferred choice of
ionisers213 have also been recently studied and demonstrated consumers.
to be effective in removing viable viruses from the air, though
they are not expected to be stand-alone solutions. Thus far, CO N F L I C T O F I N T E R E ST
very few chemical disinfecting agents have been studied for The authors declare no conflict of interest.
inactivating airborne viruses.
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