Enterprise Architecture Languages
Enterprise Architecture Languages
Enterprise Architecture Languages
Enterprise Architecture Languages o Gateway – A decision point that can adjust the path based on
Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) conditions or events. A gateway can be exclusive or inclusive, parallel,
• This was originally developed by the Business Process Management complex, or based on data or event.
Initiative (BPMI). In 2005, the Object Management Group took over the
initiative (Lucid Software Inc., n.d.).
• This is also known as Business Process Model and Notation.
• The goal of BPMN is to support business process modeling by providing
a comprehensive standard notation to business users, while representing
the complex process semantics for technical users. Figure 3. Notation of gateways in BPMN.
• It is intended to be used by stakeholders who design, manage, and realize Source: https://www.lucidchart.com/pages/bpmn
business processes (BP). • Connecting Objects
• It has an easy to use flowchart-like notation that is independent of any o Sequence flow – This shows the order of activities to be performed.
particular implementation environment. o Message flow – This depicts messages that flow across pools, or
• It creates a standardized bridge for the gap between the business process organizational boundaries such as departments. It should not connect
design and process implementation (Object Management Group, n.d.). events or activities within a pool.
• This helps with communication leading to Extensible Markup Language o Association – This associates an artifact or text to an event, activity,
(XML). or a gateway.
Element Types in Business Process Diagrams (Lucid Software Inc., n.d.) • Swimlanes
• Flow Objects o Pool – It represents major participants in a process. A different pool
o Event – A trigger that starts, modifies, or completes a process. Event may be in a different company or department but still involved in the
types include message, timer, error, compensation, signal, cancel, process.
escalation, link, etc. An event can be classified as either "throwing" or o Lane – It is a sub-part of a pool. It shows the activities and flow for a
"catching," depending on their function. certain role or participant, defining the accountability within the
Lankhorst, M. et al. (2017). Enterprise Architecture at Work Modeling, Communication and
Analysis (4th ed.). Berlin, Germany: Springer Nature
Lucid Software Inc. (n.d.). What is Business Process Modeling Notation?. Retrieved from
https://www.lucidchart.com/pages/bpmn on December 17, 2019
Lucid Software Inc. (n.d.). What is Unified Modeling Language?. Retrieved from
https://www.lucidchart.com/pages/what-is-UML-unified-modeling-language on December
18, 2019
Object Management Group. (n.d.). Graphical Notations for Business Processes. Retrieved from
https://www.omg.org/bpmn/ on December 17, 2019
SmartDraw, LLC. (n.d.). UML Diagram. Retrieved from https://www.smartdraw.com/uml-
diagram/ on December 18, 2019
Vac, G. (2017). Architecture Description Languages. Today Software Magazine Issue 55.
Retrieved from https://www.todaysoftmag.com/article/2241/architecture-description-
languages on December 19, 2019