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Childrens Choir Communion

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Communion Love is the Answer

Anima Christi 1. Morning comes and I must go, day is breaking yonder. After
all the places I have been. Now I’m going home.
Soul of Christ, sanctify me, body of Christ, save me water
from the side of Christ, wash me. Passion of Christ, give me 2. I have been to seek the sky, to travel on the highway and
strength. the time has come, I don’t know why. I am going home

Hear me, Jesus. Hide me in thy wounds that I may never leave *Where is the answer to so many questions I don’t know? So I
thy side. From all the evil that surrounds me, defend me. And began another journey. Where is the meaning for my world? I
when the call of death arrives, bid me come to thee. That I see the answer now
may praise thee with thy saints forever.
3. Thou we came by different roads, now we walk together.
Give thanks Stay beside me all our days, strangers nevermore.

Give thanks with a grateful heart. Give thanks to the holy one. 4. Through the cool of summer rains, by the heart side fire. I’ll
Give thanks because he’s given Jesus Christ his son (2x) be with you when nothing remains. I am home to stay.

And now let them weak say I am strong. Let the poor say I am **For love is the answer to so many questions now I know.
rich. Because of what the Lord has done for us (2x) And I can stop my endless wondering. Love gives the meaning
for my world. I see the answer now.
In My Heart
Coda: Love gives the meaning for my world. And I see the
*In my heart I know my Savoir lives I can hear him calling answer now. Love is the answer. Love..
tenderly my name. Over sin and death he has prevailed in his
glory, in his new life we partake. No Man is an Island

1. I know he lives as he has promised for me, he’s risen that 1. No man is an island, no man stands alone. Each man’s joy is
from fear I may be free not even death can separate me from joy to me, each man’s grief is my own.
him whose love and might remain in me.
2. I saw people gather. I heard the music start. The songs that
2. For I have seen and touched him risen to all the world will I they were singing is ringing in my heart
proclaim his majesty with joy I sing to tell his story that in our
hearts may live his memory. *We need one another, so I will defend, each man as my
brother, each man as my friend.
3. And all the earth shall bow before him his blessed name all
will adore on bended knee his truth shall reign, so shall his Your Heart Today
justice in Christ my savoir let all glory be.
1. Where there is fear I can allay, where there is pain I can
I am the Bread of Life heal, where there are wounds, I can bind, and hunger I can
*And I will raise Him up (4x) on the last day.
*Lord, grant me courage. Lord, grant me strength, grant me
1. I am the bread of life, you who come to me shall not compassion that, I may be your heart today.
hunger; you who believe in me shall not thirst. you cannot
come to Me unless the Father draw you. 2. Where there is hate I can confront, where there are yokes I
can release, Where there are captives I can free and anger, I
2. The bread that I will give is My flesh for the life of the can appease.
world, and you who eat of this bread, you shall live forever,
you shall live forever. Bridge: When comes the day I dread to see our broken world,
compel me from my cell grown cold that your people I may
3. Unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink His behold
blood, you shall not have life within you.
Coda: And when I’ve done all that I could, yet there are
4. For My flesh is food indeed and My blood is drink indeed. hearts. I cannot move, Lord, give me hope that I may be your
You who eat of My flesh and drink of My blood abide in Me. heart today.
All My Days Send Your Spirit

*Till the end of my days, O Lord, I will bless Your name. Sing 1. Father, we gather in joy today, praising the victory Christ
Your praise, give You thanks, all my days has made. And awaiting the One which you said you’d send: A
Spirit to dwell among men.
1. You have made me little less than a God and I lavished my
heart with Your love. With dignity and honor You’ve clothed 2. We anticipate gladly your promised one to continue the
me; given me rule over all. work started by your Son. Spirit to guide how we live each
day, and a Spirit to teach us to pray. Teach us to pray.
2. You have blessed me with good things and plenty and
surrounded my table with friends. Their love and their *Send Your Spirit, Lord, as we sing Your praises joyfully.
laughter enriched me; together we’ll sing your praise. Sweep across the earth, make known to every land Your
majesty. Come fill our minds, unbind our hearts, ignite a fire
3. Your son and your moon give me light and the stars show that burns eternally. Send Your Spirit, Lord, dwell among us,
the way through the night. Your rivers and springs have and set us free.
refreshed me; I will sing your praise.
3. Change us and mold us to do your will. Live in us, breath in
Beatitudes us, speak through us, fill us with courage to tell of Your joyful
news, Make us instruments of Your truth.
*Let your light shine to fill your nights and days, all will see
the deeds you do and give your Father praise. Let your light Bridge: Love without measure, hope that conquers fear,
shine to fill your nights and days, all will see the deeds you do Where there’s compassion, You are near. Where there is
and give your Father praise. darkness, You are our light. Within us a fire that burns as we
conquer the night. End our night.
1. Blest are you the poor who trust the Father with your lives,
for within your heart is born the Kingdom of the Lord. Blest Send Your Spirit, Lord, as we sing Your praises joyfully. Sweep
are you the sorrowing who know your Father Wise, for within across the earth, make known to every land Your majesty.
your heart is born the Kingdom of the Lord Come fill our minds, unbind our hearts, ignite a fire that burns
2. Blest are you the lowly ones who know your need to share.
For within your heart is born the heaven of the Lord. Blest are Send Your Spirit, Lord, Send Your Spirit, Lord,
you whose searching souls will draw you to god’s care. For (dwell among us!)
within your heart is born the heaven of the Lord.
Send Your Spirit, Lord, Send Your Spirit, Lord,
Far Greater Love (dwell among us!)

1. Who would have known this would be a history so torn Send Your Spirit, Lord, dwell within us, and set us free.
with wars? The sky seems grayer on our hearts; it’s grayer in
our hearts. New Life

2. I could have sworn it would end in misery, but the world is *New life, new life, you came to bring us new life. New life,
turning still, and we’re also learning somewhere hidden out new life, we find such joy in your abundant life.
there, something’s greater than our hearts.
1. You are the source of our great joy, the fountain of all life.
*The storms of life we shake our ground; a greater peace still You give us living water, you bid us come and drink. We come
dwells in our hearts. The dreams we build may fall apart, a to you, we bless you Lord, we glorify your name. We praise
deeper hope still runs in our heart. Fear no harm, we are you Lord, we worship you, we thank you for your gift of new
ruled by a far greater love, a far greater love. life.

3. Who would have known life would be such a mystery? For 2. You are the source of our new life, in your life we see light.
the world is yearning still and our hearts keep burning. We You show us to your goodness, you bid us taste and see. We
dare to believe there’s something greater than our hearts. come to you, we bless you Lord, we glorify your name. We
praise you Lord, we worship you, we thank you for your gift of
Coda: We’re never alone. All else may go wrong, still will new life.
there be a love far greater than our hearts.
I Thank My God You are Near

*I thank my God each time I thank of you. And when I pray *Yahweh, I know You are near, standing always at my side.
for you I pray with joy. You guard me form the foe and You lead me in ways
1. Now there is one thing I am sure of. He who began his work
in you. Will see that it is truly finished, when the day of Jesus 1. Lord, You have searched my heart and You know when I sit
comes! and when I stand. Your hand is upon me, protecting me from
death; keeping me from harm.
2. That I should feel like this towards you seems only natural
to me. For you have shared with me my labours, the gospel 2. Where can I run from Your love? If I climb to the heavens
privileged with me! You are there. If I fly to the sunrise or sail beyond the sea, still
I find You there.
3. Since you have borne with me my burdens, I now bear you
within my heart. And God all knows how I miss you, I love you Tell the World of His Love
just as Christ loves me!
For God so loved the world, He gave us His only Son, Jesus
I Will Sing Forever Christ our Saviour, His Most Precious One. He has sent us His
message of love and sends those who hear, to bring the
(Oooh. Mamayedo bapbareba zhiva pweyorap bareya. message to everyone in a voice loud and clear.
Morevazhim be bap bayevo reva. Mamayedobap bareba
zhiva pweyorap bareya. Hulele bap ba novara do bap bara.) *Let us tell the world of His love. The greatest love the world
has known. Search the world for those who walked astray and
*I will sing forever of Your love, O Lord. I will celebrate the lead them home. Fill the world’s darkest corners with His light
wonder of Your name. For the word that You speak is a song from up above. Walk every step, every mile, every road and
of forgiveness, and a song of gentle mercy and of peace. tell the world, tell the world of His love.

(Mamayedo babareba. Mamayedo bapbareba.) God is My Refuge

1. Let us wake at the morning and be filled with Your love, 1. God is my refuge, my trust and my deliverer, a help close at
and sing songs of praise all our days. For Your love is as high hand in times of distress. So, I will lift my eyes unto the
as the heavens above us. And Your faithfulness, as certain as mountain, from whence come my help? From the Lord,
the dawn. Enthrone on high, He is my rock and my salvation, I’ll stand
**I will sing forever of Your love, O Lord. For You are my
refuge and my strength. You fill the world with Your life giving 2. Salvation belong to Our God. He likes upon the firmed and
Spirit that speaks Your Word, Your Word of mercy and of unto the Lord, Faith and strength to be our God forever and
peace. ever. Amen.

And I will sing forever of Your love, O Lord. Yes, I will sing Power of Love
forever of Your love, O Lord.
1. Lord I come to You, let my heart be changed; renewed,
(Mamayedo bapbareba. Mamayedo bapbareba zhiva flowing from the grace that I found in You. And Lord I’ve
pweyorap bareya. Hulele bap ba Novara do bap bara.) come to know the weaknesses I see in me will be stripped
away, by the power of Your love.
The Spirit is a Movin’
*Hold me close, let Your love surround me. Bring me near;
*The Spirit is a movin’ all over, all over, this land.
draw me to Your side. And as I wait I’ll rise up like the eagle
1. People are gatherin’ the church is born. The spirit is a and I will soar with You, Your Spirit leads me on in the power
blowin’ of the world. We born of the offering spirit comes His of Your love.
fire is burning in His people now.
2. Lord, unveil my eyes; Let me see You face to face, the
2. All men are dreaming dreams and young men and women knowledge of Your love as You live in me. Lord renew my
see the life. Field the spirit we are sent we are called as
mind as Your will unfolds in my life in living every day, in
brothers we are called to work.
power of Your love.
Still You Love Me My Heart’s Thanksgiving

1. Lord, You know my thoughts, You hear my word, You see *As I sing mg heart’s thanksgiving, and my eyes look
my every move, You read my mind, You feel my heart, You heavenward, how the stars You flung like jewels, bid Your
save my soul. welcome, shine Your light. As I marvel at Your moonrise, I’m
in awe, yet I ask, “What am I that You should love me, and
* I cannot hide from You nor run from You nor pretend that I hold me as Your dearest love of all?”
don’t know You. For You, O Lord, means everything to me.
Though I’m unworthy, still, you love me. 1. You crown me with honor and glory, and You set all things
under my feet. You have made me a littl’ less than angels,
2. Lord, You guide my will, You gave me strength, You take my even if I fly often away.
fears and doubts, You are my hope, You like my dreams you
feel my life. 2. In my anxious and brow-beaten moments, You comfort me,
fill me with peace. When my foes threaten, dare, and
You Fill My Heart surround me, You’re my strength, You’re my light and my
1. You fill my heart full sighs, breathless they dance in the sky.
And when You whisper Your sad lullaby, tears fill my eyes. 3. How exalted Your name is, O Yahweh, and how lofty the
work of Your hands! Yet how closely, how dearly You draw
2. You feel my night full with stars, restless my soul seeks
me, to Your love, Your divine majesty!
Your eyes. Soon as it shimmers, Your smile in the night,
dreams fall into flight. Lord We Touch You Today

*I long to be Your child, Your song to fill this dark night, light 1. Lord, we touch You today (2x). You gave us Your life, You
for the lost in this lonely exile. I need to hear Your word, to be gave us Your love. Lord, we touch You today.
near You in this scarred world. One little sound is a song if it
soars in Your heart. * To live is to die, is to laugh, is to cry. To live is to live with all
your heart. To live is to walk, and to talk in Your Word, and to
3. I’ll fill Your word full with love, roses shall reign from the live is to sing in Your love.
sky. And as they scatter, gathered the flowers. He shall reign
in our lives. 2. Lord, we give You our heart (2x). You gave us Your life, You
gave us Your love. Lord, we give You our heart.
**As long as you’re His child, His song shall fill your dark
night, light when you’re lost in this lonely exile. We need to 3. Lord, we’ve touched You today (2x). You gave us Your
hear His word. Would you bleed to heal His scarred world? death, You gave us Your life. Lord, we’ve touched you today.
Your little thorn is rose if it grows in His heart.
4. Lord, we sing in Your love (2x). We share in Your life, we
Coda: As long as you believe, Roses shall rain from the skies. share in Your love. Lord, we sing in Your love.

Here I am Lord All the Ends of the Earth

1. I, the Lord of sea and sky. I have heard my people cry. All *All the ends of the earth, all you creatures of the sea, lift up
who dwell in dark and sin my hand will save. I, who made the your eyes to the wonders of the Lord. For the lord of the
stars of night, I will make their darkness bright. Who will bear earth, the master of the sea has come with justice for the
my light to them, whom shall I send? world.

*Here I am, Lord, is it I, Lord? I have heard You calling in the 1. Break into songs at the deeds of the Lord. The wonders He
night. I will go, Lord, if You lead me. I will hold your people in has done in every age.
my heart.
2. Heaven and earth shall rejoice in His might. Every heart,
2. I, the Lord of snow and rain, I have borne my people’s pain. every nation call Him Lord.
I have wept for love of them, they turn away. I will break their
hearts of stone, give them hearts for love alone, I will speak 3. The Lord has made his salvation known faithful to his
my word to them, whom shall I send? promises of old. Let the ends of the earth, let the sea and all it
holds make music before our King.
If I Could Touch You Children of Easter Morning

1. If I could touch You, I’d hear Your broken palms. If I could 1. We are the children of Easter morning. We sing the
hold you in my arms, I’d call a moonbeam to dispel this celebrate our new lives, the dawn of our eternal morning, the
darkest night. If I could touch You, I would. fulfilment of our ageless desires. We sing with joy in our
hearts overflowing, we sing to beckon those who dwell in the
2. If I could hear You, your words of anguish, if You’ll just dark. We’ll keep on singing till all men celebrate this Easter
whisper in my ear the sadness weighing down, Your heart morn.
that no man sees. If You just call me, if I could hear You, I
would. 2. We are the children of Easter morning. We sing to proclaim
the Lord’s might, now there’s meaning to a life of dying for
*Long have I waited for You to hear my cry. Long have I the Lord, our God has conquered the night. With joy we
waited for You to answer My plea. What you do to your dedicate our lives to the service of the God of Life whose
brethren, you do it for me, I am in the brokenness and goodness we’ve known until our lives be themselves our song
woundedness of man. of Easter morn.

** Yes, you can touch me. I’m in the least of your brethren *May our simple lives be a song of praise to the goodness of
I’m in the weak and small. I need your hands to bear My the Lord. May the Lord delight in this song we sing, this song
weary arms. I need Your touch to heal My wounded palms. we sing with joy. If we had to sing just one song to the Lord,
Yes, you can touch me. creator of life, may our lives be that song, resounding in
praise to the goodness and glory of God.
Yes, you can hear me. I’m in the least of your brethren I’m in
the weak and small. I need your hands to bear My weary Coda: We’ll keep on singing till all men celebrate this Easter
arms. I need Your touch to heal My wounded palms. Yes, you morn, this Easter morn.
can hear me. Yes, you can touch me.
One God
My Soul Finds Rest
1. Millions of stars placed in sky by one God, millions of men
*My soul finds rest in God alone. My salvation comes from lift up their eyes to one god; So many children calling to Him
Him. He alone is my rock, my salvation, my fortress, I shall by many a different name: One father loving each the same.
never be afraid, I shall never be afraid.
2. Many the ways all of us pray to one God; many the paths
1. Trust in Him at all times, O people of God; pour out your winding the way to one God. Walk with me brothers, there
hearts to Him. He is our refuge and he is our hope. are no strangers, after his work is done, for your god and my
God are one.
2. Rest your heart not in riches now honor of the world.
Weighed out with the heart of God, these blow to What So Ever You Do
nothingness, vanish like breath.
*What so ever You do to the least of my brothers that You do
3. You Yourself, Lord, have said “I am your strength, I am your unto me.
deliverer, loving and merciful, Father of all.”
1. When I was hungry You gave me to eat. When I was thirsty
On Eagle’s Wings You gave me to drink. Now enter into the home of my Father.
2. When I was hopeless You open Your door. When I was
1. You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord abide in His
naked You gave me Your coat. Now enter into the home of
shadow for life. Say to the Lord “My refuge, my rock in whom
my Father.
I trust”.
3. When I was weary You help me find rest. When I was
* And He will raise you up on eagle’s wings. Bear you on the
anxious You calmed all my fears. Now enter into the home of
breath of dawn, make you to shine like a sun and hold you in
my Father.
the palm of His hands.
4. When I was little You thought me to read. When I was
2. The snare of the fowler will never capture you and famine
lonely You gave me Your love. Now enter into the home of
will bring you no fear. Under His wings your Refuge, His
my Father.
faithfulness your shield.
Lift Up Your Hands to God Happiness

1. Life is not that all that bad my friend. If you believe in 1. Happiness is where you are and what you want to be. If
yourself, if you believe there’s someone who walks through you look you’re sure to find the rainbow of your dreams.
life with you, you’ll never be alone, just learn to reach out and Tomorrow’s fuller than a thousand yesterdays with the vision
open heart. Lift up your hands to God and He’ll show you the of a new day in your heart.
2. If the clouds should darken you may turn your hopes on
*And He said: Cast your burdens upon Me, those who are high. Sorrow isn’t meant to shake you from your way life. Just
heavily laden. Come to Me all of you who are tired of carrying keep on looking for the answer to it all with the vision of the
heavy loads. For the yoke i will give you is easy and my new day in your heart.
burden is light. Come to Me, and I will give you rest.
3. Bitter sands may cross the desert of your everyday. You can
2. When you feel the world is tumbling down on you, and you blow away the fears that always will be there. If you can look
have no one that you can hold on to; just face the rising sun beyond the neon and the glass, you will find a new day in
and you’ll see hope and there’s no need to run, lift up your your heart.
hands to God and He’ll makes feel alright.
Teach My Heart
In Him Alone
O Lord, my God, teach my heart where and how to seek You.
*In Him alone is our hope; in Him alone is our strength. In Teach my heart where and how to find You.
Him alone are we justified, in Him alone are we saved? You are my God and my Lord and I’ve never seen You. You’ve
(Descant: In him alone is our hope, Unto Him I pour out my made me and remade me and bestowed on me all the good
heart. He alone will save me, with His Love and Mercy.) things I have.
And still I do not know You. I have not done that for which I
1. What have we to offer that does not fade or wither. Can was made.
the world ever satisfy the emptiness in our hearts in vain we
deny. O, Lord, my God, teach my heart where and how to seek You.
Teach my heart where and how to find You, for I cannot see
2. When will you cease running in search of hollow meaning. You unless You teach me, or find You unless You show
Let his love feed the hunger in your soul till it overflows with Yourself to me.
joy you yearn to know.
Let me seek You in my desire. Let me desire You in my
You are Mine seeking. Let me find You by my loving You now. Let me love
You when I find you.
1. I will come to you in the silence. I will lift you from all your
fear. You will hear My voice, I claim you as My choice be still, Teach me, Lord. Teach my heart where and how to find You.
and I know I am here.
I Love the Lord
2. I am hope for all who are hopeless. I am eyes for all who
long to see. In the shadows of the night, I will be your light. *I love the Lord, He is filled with compassion. He turned to
Come and rest in Me. me on the day that I called. From the snares of the dark, O
Lord, save my life, be my strength.
*Do not be afraid I am with you. I have called you each by
name. Come and follow Me, I will bring you home. I love you 1. Gracious is the Lord and just; our God is mercy, rest to the
and you are Mine. weary. Return, my soul, to the Lord, our God who bids tears
away. I love the Lord.
3. I am strength for all the despairing, healing for the ones
who dwell in shame. All the blind will see, the lame will all run 2. How can I repay the Lord, for all the goodness He has
free. And all will know My name. shown me? I will raise the cup of salvation and call on His
name. I love the Lord.
4. I am the Word that leads all to freedom. I am the peace the
world cannot give. I will call your name, embracing all your 3. I shall live my vows to You; before Your people, I am Your
pain. Stand up, now walk and leave. servant. I will offer You my sacrifice of praise and of pray’r. I
love the Lord.
God of Silence To Fill the World with Love

1. The God of silence beckons me to journey to my heart, 1. In the morning of my life I shall look to the sunrise, at the
where he awaits. O Lord, I hear You calling tenderly to you I moment in my life. When the world is new and the blessing I
come to gaze at the beauty of Your face I cannot see. shall ask is that God will grant me, to be brave and strong and
true, and to fill the world with love my whole life through.
To rest in Your embrace I cannot feel. To dwell in Your love
hurting but sweet. To be with You; to glimpse eternity 2. In the noon time of my life I shall look to the sunshine, at
the moment in my life when the sky is blue. And the blessing I
*God of night, fount of all my delight, show Your light, that shall ask shall remain unchanging, to be brave and strong and
my heart, like Yours, burn bright. true and to fill the world with love my whole life through.

2. Be still the torment of the night will not encumber you, if 3. In the evening of my life I shall look to the sunset at the
you believe. My child, this darkness isn’t emptiness for here I moment in my life, when the sky is blue. And the blessing I
mold your heart unto My image painfully you long to see. shall ask shall remain unchanging to be brave and strong and
true, did I fill the world with love my whole life through.
The self you yearn to be, but fear to know, the world form
which you flee in Me find home. All these I give you, if you Prayer of Rupert Mayer
remain in Me.
1. Lord, what You will let it be so, where You will there we will
**I am ever here. My child, you need not fear. The dark will go? What is Your will? Help us to know.
set you free and bring your heart to Me.
2. Lord, when You will the time is right. In You there’s joy in
Coda: The God of silence beckons me to journey to my heart
strife. For Your will I’ll give my life.
where He awaits me.
*To ease Your burden brings no spin, to forego all for You is
Pilgrim’s Theme (Greater Scheme of Things)
gain, as long as I in You remain.
1. Tired of weaving dreams too loose for me to wear, tired of
Coda: Because You will it, it is best. Because You will it, we are
watching clouds repeat their dance on air, tired of getting tied
blessed. Till Your hands our hearts find rest, our hearts find
to doing what’s required. Is life a mere routine in the greater
rest. Till in Your hands our hearts find rest.
scheme of things?
Iesu Panis Vitae (Tinapay ng Buhay)
2. Through with taking roads someone else designed; through
with chasing stars that soon forget to shine, through one *Iesu, Panis Vitae, Donum Patris. Iesu, Fons Vitae, Fons Vitae
more day. What’s new? Does my life still mean a thing in the Aquae. Cibus et potus noster, cibus et potus noster in itinere,
greater scheme of things? in itinere ad domus Dei.

*I think I’ll follow the voice that calls within, dance to the 1. Mula sa lupa, sumibol Kang masigla. Matapos Kang yurakan
silent song it sings. I hope to find my place, so my life can fall ng mga masasama, sumilang ang liwanag ng mga nawawala.
in place. I know in time I’ll find my place in the greater Tinapay ng buhay, pagkain ng dukha.
scheme of things.
2. Jesus, food divine, be our strength each day so we don’t
3. Each must go his way, but how can I decide? Which path I tire as we witness to your love and care to those in greater
should take? Who will be my guide? I need some kind of star need both near and far away. May we lead them back to You,
to lead me somewhere far, to find a higher dream in the all those who’ve gone astray.
greater scheme of things.
3. En la vida Jesus, sea nuestro Consuelo sea nuestro amigo y
4. The road before me bends; I don’t know what I’ll find. Will I companero. Siempre podamos respondser a su llmada,
meet a friend or ghost I left behind? Should I even be siempre dispuesto hacer tu voluntad
surprised that You’re with me in disguise? For it’s Your Hand I
have seen in the greater scheme of things. 4. Pagkain ng buhay, handog ng Ama, Bukal ka ng buhay, batis
ng biyaya. Maging pagkain naming at inumn ng tanan sa
Bridge: For Yours is he voice in my deepest dreams You are paglalakabay namin sa tahanan ng Ama.
the heart, the very heart of the greater scheme of things.
The Servant Song Saint Pedro Calungsod

1. Will you let me be your servant? Let me be as Christ to you. 1. There was once a lad from Visayas who left his land, in
Pray that I may have the grace to let you be my servant too. search for graceless halls. He spread God’s word with lips
untiring. He is the servant of the Lord.
2. We are pilgrims on a journey. We are trav’llers on the road.
We are here to help each other walk the mile and bear the *Oh, Saint Pedro Calungsod, faithful child of God be to us a
load. guide lead us to the light of Jesus Christ. Oh, Saint Pedro
Calungsod, our inspire and in our darkest hour look down on
3. I will hold the Christ light for you in the night-time of your us from where you are.
fear. I will hold my hand out to you, speak the peace you long
to hear. 2. Steed fastly you walked were Jesus trod. Never mindful of
what’s left behind. We in trust the young to your watchful
4. I will weep when you are weeping. When you laugh, I’ll care walk with them and never leave their side
laugh with you. I will share your joy and sorrow till we’ve seen
this journey through. Coda: Oh look down on us from where you are
Oh, look down on us from where you are
5. When we sing to God in heaven, we shall find such Saint Pedro Calungsod.
harmony, borne of all we’ve known together of Christ’s love
and agony.

Isang Panalangin Awit ng Isang Alagad

Bumubulong ang langit sa ating mga puso, nagpapaalala na 1. Panginoon ko, ang buhay Mong bigay ay minsan lang
ang Diyos ay pakinggan. Maging tunay sa paglilingkod sa magdaraan sa ‘kin. Kaya bilang isang pag-aalay ang buhay
kapwa at bayan buhayin natin ang pagmamahalan. ko’y ihahandog sa’Yo.

Kay dilim man ng ating landasin, ‘wag bibitiw, wag lisanin. *Katulad ko’y marami ang tinawag Mo upang humayo’t
Iyong alalahanin pagsubok ay lilipas din. Nasa ating kamay maglingkod sa ngalan Mo. Tanging hiling at lagi ng dasal
ang tunay na pag-asa. Sa gabay ng Ama na lagi nating kasama. maging palad sana’y tanggapin.

Isang panalangin, isang panalangin ko’y mamalas, kaunlaran 2. Turuan Mong maging bukas palad at matutong mamuhay
ng bayang Pilipinas. At sa bawat Pilipino dalangin ay maging ng banal. Kaya’t bilang isang pag-aalay ang buhay ko’y
maliwanag ang bukas at manalig sa D’yos sundin Kanyang ihahandog sa’Yo.
landas. Isang panalangin ko’y maging ganap ang kapayapaan
sa mundo. **Tanging pangarap ko’y sana’y bigyang daan. Sa landas ko’y
hawiin ang buhawin ng gulo. Ang ulap na nagsisilbing dilim sa
langit ko, tunawin at gawing ulan, laan sa buhay kong tigang.
Mula sa pagkakasadlak ako’y muling ibangon Mo. /At umasa
Kang maglilingkod sa’Yo.(2x) At umasa Ka, at umasa Ka, at
umasa kang maglilingkod sa’Yo.

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