Let's Celebrate: Our Teachers
Let's Celebrate: Our Teachers
Let's Celebrate: Our Teachers
teacher Happy
➤ Celebrating the ➤ SCHOOL IS COOL: ➤ Our panel of experts share
bravehearts – our Students celebrate handy tips and tricks for
TODAY’S teachers. PLUS: Stories their teachers with acing e-classes
Newspaper in
Pics: Istock
Let’s celebrate
the transition to the virtual mode. It was “Change your strategies and adapt”
also during this time that I learnt how NEHA KAKKAR, teacher, Mondrian House, Dehradun
important self-motivation is. Every “Biggest challenge as a math teacher is to coordinate
challenge taken up with with students. To find out how much they are actually
positive spirit gives you practising, given work with pen and paper was difficult.
our teachers
fruitful results. The But we devised new ways and strategies that worked. We
pandemic showed us the were a little strict about deadlines, giving priority to
utility and success of online discipline and class attendance, and also grading
‘Blended Learning’ for on the basis of class
future education.” performances; and using
online tools like Jamboard,
t has been an ‘interesting’ two years. And while we have all settled in the “new normal”, this Quizziz app, Geometry
Geogebra etc.
Teachers’ Day, we ask our teachers: “How are you feeling?” Because while reams have been
dedicated to managing children’s stress, not much is talked about the challenges of our “Slow and steady”
The biggest challenge was… SIDDHARTHA SHANKER
A closely-fought space where adapting to
teachers. Many became overnight tech wizards, while others kept their chin up to motivate MISRA, teacher, class XI-XII, City
Montessori School, Gomti Nagar
online teaching at 26.5% was the
biggest challenge – a little ahead of
their students – to ensure that the course of learning never stops. It’s this spirit of survival, the Extn, Lucknow
“This phase completely
students not completing their work tenacity of our teachers that we celebrate today through Times NIE Teacher Wellness Survey 2021. changed the way of
TEACHING (21.2%). Maintaining work-life learning. Being a
26.5% balance was another big challenge We got together an issue that is full of good counsel, has stories of hope, appreciation and tips to computer science teacher, it was easy for me to teach
that teachers faced in 2020-21
empower our teachers. Happy Teachers’ Day! We owe you one… effectively. Students who are self-motivated are doing
much better in this system. But this mode is incomplete
LACK OF CONTACT: 19.2% without parent’s participation.”
DR BLOSSOM BUST THAT massage your wrists in circular
movements, pull each finger and
press at the tip of the finger, then
massage between the fingers.
Repeat once and in the end just
68.7% said that shake your hands. This technique
principal, Mamta Modern School, Delhi their school held Nearly 48.5% respondents releases all the tension from your
“We have completed an entire year numerous claimed that their eye
lot of reimagining was body. Do it daily before bedtime.
in front of our laptops. With experi-
ence, we became more empowered
as far as technology was concerned.
workshops to help
teachers out
nline teaching has led to a remarkable
decrease in the much-needed rest for
the eyes.
health deteriorated
during the course of
the last two years, with
done in the education
sector as Covid-19 hit
us all. This tremendous
Essential oils have the power to
relax and calm you. Lavender and
One of the very special learning experi- 30.8% saying their
48.5% journey that teachers took is
My fitness routine… sandalwood oils are great
ences was the ‘teachers forum’ being organised in our Screen time affects vision power went up, and likely to have added additional de-stressors. Lavender
A healthy 47.2%
school so that they could share Excessive screen time leads to dry eyes 21.7% got spectacles stress in their lives. I would like will uplift your mood,
chose walking or
their innovative teaching because of reduction in the tear film and that to thank all the teachers for their calm your anxiety and
WEIGHT GAIN: 21.3% running (even if
pedagogies and learning leads to tired, gritty, uncomfortable burning continuous efforts by sharing a few WALKING/ since it has a sedative
styles to engage the learn- FATIGUE: 20.2% indoors) over
eyes, which increase by the end of the day BAD POSTURE: 6.7% stress management ideas. any other effect, it will help you
ers. Our evenings became
quite fruitful, as every day
and is often accompanied by headaches. The BAD EATING HABITS: 3.3%
A whopping
TRIED LION EXERCISE? exercise, but 47.2% to sleep better. Exam
American Academy of Ophthalmology reports When you are too stressed, yoga was a stress is another one
we had teachers presenting that near-sightedness has doubled 74.7% admitted try this. Now, how to do to add to the already
close second
their lesson plans innovative- since 1971 – and now stands at 42%. that their health that? Open your eyes wide, full kitty, so use basil
ly.” Some Asian figures are alarming – was impacted stick your tongue out and YOGA: 31.3% essential oil to improve your
nearly 90% of teenagers and adults are negatively in make a loud noise. OTHER: 17% concentration in those busy days.
near-sighted. According to studies, 2020-21 Yes, it works! CYCLING: 3.7% MAKE TIME FOR SELF-CARE: It is
POSITIVE THINKING there is evidence that shows that
increase in indoor activities have been
Teachers used this time
important to follow a good skin
care routine, because if you look
My mental health has… a major contributing factor. HEALING: Take
any hand cream,
to work on their fitness fresh, you will feel fresh. So, follow
cleansing, toning and moisturising
goals. A thumping
A healthy 41.8% admitted that they IMPROVED,
Tips on how to handle this: rub it between 82.7% answered ‘yes’ to twice a day, morning and at night.
1. Lead by example – cut down your own good idea, as it flushes away the tears and your palms for making a “conscious Women teachers can use some
actually worked on their mental SINCE I
WORKED ON screen time and engage with your child. A ultimately, leads to a red irritable eye activating all the effort to stay fit”. uplifting fragrance and light make-
health. Though a 22.5% chose to tick family activity will reduce screen time. 4. Increased outdoor activity has been reflexes in up to feel cheerful and nice. Men
don’t know/can’t say MYSELF Exercise is one of the
2. Take frequent breaks. shown to reduce the progression of near- your body. can use subtle fragrance to feel
41.8% 3. Washing the eyes frequently is NOT a sightedness. Then
most potent ways to
beat stress pepped up at work.
“Overcome your fears” JACQUELINE MITCHELL,
THE POWER cure all your
stress and to
middle school coordinator, Christ Church School, Byculla, Mumbai
“You will face many defeats in your life, but never let yourself
be defeated, said Maya Angelou. This pandemic has taught
OF ROUTINE energy. But do
this very slowly
by making no
sound. Never T
eachers play
me to overcome my fears. Adapting to new technology for
he last two years, all of us had the rush through a pranayama, as the effec- Nutritionist role when one talks
my classes, I faced many challenges. I used Google and You same problems: stress, anxiety, and tiveness goes away. about nation-building.
Tube like never before to increase my knowledge and bring worry. We were literally in the same DEEP BREATHING. 5 MINUTES And let us acknowledge that teaching is
out my creative side. This made me feel powerful within.” boat. But whether the stress stresses you This is mindful breathing where you breathe certainly not an easy task, as it takes plenty
out is in your hands. The one thing that will in and out slowly. Keep a hand on your of mental and physical energy. So, what
3 The bottomline is you have to do your
karma: either by being stressed or
choosing to be happy. The choice is
times. This will increase your
positive vibrations.
out dinners for the week or have
freezer meals, stick to your plan.
Changes of meal plans mostly
“I was overwhelmed when a parent told me: “Ganju ma’am,
our family looks forward to see your smiling face and hear
your ‘Good morning, children!”. It fills our day with good
“Look for the silver lining” ESHA, teacher, yours. End with Dhyan. There’s leads to impulse ordering. energy too.’ Children appreciate the extra efforts
classes IX-X, Doon Heritage, Dehradun
“Online teaching has its perils – the most relatable one was 4 The basic idea is that you have
to maintain positivity inside your
body. Here’s a five-step routine that
no set time. Start
slow and increase
your time.
Always keep healthy snacks
with you. Prepare prior to
your time of cravings.
teachers make.”
DEEPA RADHAKRISHNAN, teacher, classes X-XI,
managing students virtually. Still, the EuroSchool North Campus, Bengaluru
pandemic made all of us familiar with anyone can follow (in the For teachers, it’s Make certain your
“There was a lot of positive response from
online tools and how much easier morning, preferably out- important to remain positive meals have a balance of
students and parents. All the technical challenges
they have made our lives. doors): to spread positivity among fruit, vegetables,
were taken care of eventually and I enjoyed
Teachers’ productivity increased. ANULOM VILOM. their students. Only if you carbohydrate,
learning many new things in technology,
We also had a chance to grow as 8-10 MINUTES are feeling positive from protein,
implemented many of the firsts successfully with
individuals and had enrolled Consider this within, will you vitamins
the team. The willingness to learn has
in various courses.” pranayama a be able to and some
been my motivating force.”
treatment to do so. fats.
TO GURUS, A teacher imparts knowledge, provides us with positive
WITH LOVE insights and acts as a guiding light. They are a student’s
best companion and mentor. To conclude, a very happy
teacher’s day to all my teachers from the past and present.
TEACHERS WHO WENT THAT pandemic-tested
EXTRA MILE TO SERVE teachers across the
THEIR COMMUNITIES globe had to adapt
overnight even as they bat-
tled Covid-19, lockdown stress
ASHOK SATPATHY, science teacher, Zilla Government School, were excited to explore the ‘New A situation unforseen. dividing the class into three groups;
Bhadrak, Odisha Normal’, but it was heart-wrenching Gripped with near panic and fear, each group got points on dancing,
to witness childhood restrained. The I puzzle and mull over how to teach virtually, behaviour, class work. At the end of the
“SETTING UP MORE CLASSROOMS AND irony was asking students to use Mind-boggling, it is a complete mystery. semester, the group with the most points
BASIC AMENITIES WERE MY GOALS” mobile phones/laptops, something I rise to the occasion with full gusto, won but everyone got books!
n When I joined a government school at we have otherwise discouraged. It Motivated by my little ones, who love me so. NANDINI SINGLA,
Kanamana, the place lacked basic amenities and has been a tough journey, but if I am an educator, a mentor, class V,
had only two classrooms. Villagers were not mentors stay happy and motivated, No pandemic can take that away Sri Venkateshwar
keen to send their kids to school. I tried to our kids will follow suit. I am proud to be a teacher as I learn and International School,
improve things by setting up three more classrooms, VASUDHA GUPTA, primary teacher, OVERCAME evolve each day. Dwarka, Delhi
getting electricity, clean drinking water. The work continues. Lotus Valley International School, SARGAM HANS, primary teacher, Lotus
AJITH KUMAR SETHY, headmaster, Kanamana school, Odisha Noida ALL ODDS Valley International School, Noida
My wonderful teachers, I will
forever be thankful to you all for
all the new concepts you have
recently lost my husband to cancer. After lying low for a
while, I have resumed online (book reading)
Special needs children sailed through taught, for all the skills you have
helped me nurture, for the endless possi-
bilities you have opened my eyes to, and
AND classes; it is helping me ‘resume’ living. My
book club for kids also includes fun, creative
writing classes, so, we are doing that too.
If there is one thing children with special
for the ocean of opportunities you have
given me.
pear and she had to prepare the seek her tick marks. She starts cor-
breakfast, all alone. She start- recting them. Our handwriting an- a great impact on student’s life. Teachers were like
ed the scooter and it fancied an emp- noyed her much for it was more like the lantern in a dark forest of negativity, loss of
ty tank. She managed to catch the mandarin than math. She peeps out loved ones and being away from family. Technology is just
local train. There goes the first bell. of the window to treat her eyes with a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and
She hurries up to the assembly. She en- some greenery. Oops! it has started to motivating them, the teacher is the most important. A good
ters the class with a gorgeous grin drizzle. What about the clothes that teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way
though her scorching headache is she has left out. Her head bursts out. for others. The best teachers teach from the heart, not from
killing her inside. She wished us good After a very tiring day, she returns the book. May the profession of teachers are not the most
morning despite having a bad day. home just to start her monot- TEACHERS ARE PRECIOUS earning one but the most respect earning. Teachers are
She stood upright undeterred by her onous home chores and run be- the one who gives rise to other professions. If teachers
swollen knee. She decorated the hind the same groove. This GIFTS TO OUR WORLD were not there no profession would exist. You are the
blackboard with math. Our chit- is how a day is in a female spark, the inspiration, the guide, the candle to my
eachers gift good students and good students are
chats made her mood worse. Our teacher's life. Let's take time life. There is a famous quote by Dr APJ Abdul
screams displeased her. The paper to appreciate their constant ef- gifts to the world! Teachers help me find my mis- Kalam “If a country has to be corruption free I
planes landed right near her feet and forts for all the sacrifices they takes and correct them, they motivate me, they strongly feel that teachers that there are three so-
it didn't bother her. She handled it make and teach us from "ABC make my talents peep out and most importantly they cietal members who can make a difference they are
all with a sad smile. Here she goes " to "Autobiography"! are the mother of teaching. I salute every teacher who father, mother and teacher. “Even in the sacred books
to feel the coziness of her seat, for KATHERINE OLIVIA R, class XI, always puts their effort from the dawn to the dusk of like Gita Teacher are to be placed above all in the
the first time since dawn. There en- Bethel MHSS, Velachery the day to make us understand the concepts even dur- world even above god and parent. They may
ing this pandemic. All the effort and hard work you not be the ones to hold you the first in your
have invested to bring out the best in us cannot be re- world but they will hold your hand through
paid in words. We can only feel grateful to have a teacher life what not may be the situation. They
like you are. You inspired me to achieve my dreams and reach my not only teach about what is there in books
goals and the remarkable thing is that you inspired me to be like you. but even around the world and best attrib-
Thank you for supporting and enlightening me all the way through ute in life. I learn to aim for success and
my past, present and future. Thank you, teachers. Have a wonderful accept failure with courage. Thank you
Teachers Day.
K J DIVYADARSHINI, class VII, MVM, Irungattukottai PANKTI, class X, PSBB MIllenium School, GBKM
A good teacher
good teacher is like a candle, it con-
sumes itself to light the way for others.
The best teachers are the ones that
change their minds. Teaching is one of the
honorable jobs to ever exist. Our teachers are
very kind and helpful to us always. A teacher
is a great source of knowledge, prosperity and
enlightenment by which anybody can be ben-
efited. Teachers are the gift from God who
makes our career and guide us towards
success. Teachers contribution to a
child's life is enormous. Because
a child has to spend most of his time
in school.
A good teacher gives life to children.
A good teacher understands what qual-
ities are necessary for a child to suc-
ceed in life. I like all my teachers.
Thanks for continually inspir-
ing me to do my best. You are
helping me to strive for goals, I
found guidance, friendship, dis-
cipline and love, everything, in
one person and that person is
you. Happy Teacher's day.
Billabong high international School,
W having a person-
al guide every-
thing to us? Just being
with us most of the day,
motivating us. Think
about that. In my view, I
honestly cry “THE
It is my honour to
write about our dear
teachers on this wonder-
ful occasion of Teachers
Day. Teachers need to
catch 22 in these covid
times. These times, they
need to enlighten our
knowledge online, pre-
senting PPTs, adjusting
our mischief and adding
up all these numbers, they
also need to give more ef-
fort they put on us than to
their families. Our teach-
ers are trying their best to
engage us with activities,
competitions and tons of
You are our
of Dark-
ness of Ig-
I feel re-
a n d
recharged when I listen to
my teacher’s voice, see
their faces and interact
with them. They make me
feel that I am not isolated
or outcasted. I love my
teachers a lot that I gar-
land my sincere and heart-
felt wishes for their up-
coming years. I would like
to complete my write-up
with a quote and painting
dedicated to my teachers.
“Teachers have three
loves: love of learning, In Association with
love of learners, and the
love of bringing the first
two loves together”
Thank you
YAZHINI M, class VI,
PSBB Millennium School
TO GURUS, I am blessed to have teachers who besides studies have
WITH LOVE also imparted many life lessons to me, for which I will be
forever grateful to them. On Teachers Day, I convey my
gratitude to the teachers for making me a better person.
V NIKHILASREE, class X, Atkinson Senior Secondary School, Vijayawada
...and when is
the right time
to press
ing circles” or “chat with
someone when you are feel-
ing alone”, helplines to call
when quarantined or isolated,
are all helpful to prevent and al-
SUPPORT leviate the exhaustion.
We started “coffee ➤ It’s important to recognise that
this exhaustion is not just about
mornings” with work but due to the increased think-
single parents to ing and planning required to meet the needs
just chit-chat about of a household and keep the family equilibrium while managing
how they are coping
with this period. Our aim is
other tasks. If we can help each other, burnouts can be mitigated.
— DR KAVITA ARORA, psychiatrist, Children First
to make life easier for all.
SHRUTI, teacher, Shiv Nadar
School, Noida
Focus on what you can control
■ Classroom learning experience
20-20-20 eagle eye rule ■ Your words, actions and relationship
with students ■ Boundaries: Till what
ith continuous on-
For students who are
W line classes, follow
the 20-20-20 rule.
Look 20 feet away for 20
● A warm compress
on the lids twice a
time you get emails, assessments.