A Robust Extended Kalman Filter For The Estimation of Time Varying Power System Harmonics in Noise
A Robust Extended Kalman Filter For The Estimation of Time Varying Power System Harmonics in Noise
A Robust Extended Kalman Filter For The Estimation of Time Varying Power System Harmonics in Noise
Abstract- Measurement of time varying harmonics has adalines and neural network [5,6], recursive Newton and
assumed great importance for power quality estimation in Gauss-Newton type algorithms [7-9]], Kalman filters [10-
micro and smart grid environments. It is well known that the 12], mathematical transformation [13,14], phasor
power signals undergo dynamic transitions during power measurements [15], etc. Apart from these techniques some
quality and fault type disturbances. Also accurate estimation of the time-frequency techniques proposed in recent years
of amplitude, phase and frequency of a sinusoid in the
for power quality and harmonic estimation use the Wavelet
presence of harmonics/inter harmonics and noise plays an
transform [16-18], S-Transform [19], besides the Gabor
important role in wide variety of power system applications,
transform, and the Wigner-Ville function (WDF).
like protection, power quality control and state monitoring.
One of the widely used approach like the Fourier linear Extended Kalman filter (EKF) is basically a powerful
combiners become ineffective to track the sudden changes in estimator keeping in view of state estimations. Optimum
the power harmonic amplitude and phase angles in the value of mean and covariance in terms of minimum mean
presence noise and distortions. This paper, therefore, square error can be obtained by the EKF for linear systems.
presents a new adaptive robust Kalman filter (REKF) for In the case of EKF, the probability distribution fimction
estimating the fundamental and harmonic phasors and
(pdf) is propagated linearly around the operating point at
frequency in a distributed generation systems suitable for
each instant of time and the approximation error between
the detection of islanding, non islanding and switching events.
the Iinearised model and the original nonlinear system may
The REKF is based on linear H-infinity technique to avoid
become significant when there are large deviations of the
the error divergence due to linearization and Jacobian
estimated state from the real nonlinear one, particularly
formulation in the usual extended Kalman filter (EKF)
.Further the noise covariance matrices of the robust Kalman
when the signal contain time varying harmonics. Thus an
filter are tuned iteratively to produce faster convergence and
adaptive robust extended Kalman filter based on certain H
speed of accuracy in tracking time varying harmonic infinity filter concepts is presented in this paper to provide
phasors. a more accurate estimation of time varying harmonic
components obtained from power system network. The
Keywords-harmonics; Kalman; linearization; Jacobian; principles and algorithms of the EKF are described as
covariance. follows:
The abundant utilization of power electronics based The observed power, voltage or current signal is assumed
devices in power systems gives rise to harmonic pollution to comprise a decaying dc component, fundamental and
resulting in severe power quality problems. Further, many harmonics of order N and is represented by,
adverse effects like more losses in power distribution y(t) set) + v(t)
networks, overheating of electric drives, malfimction of
relays and circuit breakers , severe waveform distortions, where yet) is the time-varying voltage or current signal at
etc. are the consequence of harmonic pollution. Thus the
time t, vet) is the random noise and s(t) is the signal
voltage and current waveforms in the above cases may
comprise a combination of fundamental frequency, integral model given by,
2 )a"cosnWof + b"sinnwot)
harmonics, and high frequency transients. Besides due to -aocl
power network disturbances nonstationary time varying s(t)= adee + (2)
integral harmonics with varying amplitude and phase
angles can occur, requiring their dynamic estimation. Thus where an and b n are the direct and quadrature
it is essential that the harmonics generated in a power
network should be monitored by estimating its amplitude components of the nth order harmonic, ade and a de are
and phase in a high noise environment. Various estimation the magnitude and time constant of the decaying dc
methods have been proposed: Fast Fourier transforms [1], component.
least square error technique [2,3], adaptive notch filter [4],
described as follows: -
pC O,k -I +e;
and for k>O C Ok (14)
A. Ro bust Extended KalmanFilter (REKF) p +l
The value of p is chosen as 0.98 and is a forgetting factor.
The complete discrete version of the robust extended
Kalman filter is described below: Thus the filter stability is guaranteed and the error
divergence is bounded by using this formulation.
X klk-I =f( X k-I )+ Wk (4) However, statistical properties of the process and
measurement noise covariances Q, and R are needed to
zk=h(Xk )+Vk (5)
be known for the successful implementation of the robust
Xk = [adc ,a ,al , b l' a2, b 2,······· ..········,an, bn] T
a extended Kalman filter. The convergence of the robust
EKF can be degraded if these parameters are either known
zk = [1,k" com,sinkw,cos2kw,sin2kw " ....... ""'
apriori or are adapted depending on the error at every
coskrw,sinlaw] xXk iteration.
T The innovation error sequence is written as
�lk.I =Fk Pk.IFk +Q k (6) A
and xk1k_1 = E[wk1k_IJ ,
Taking the variance on both the sides of the above
T -I equation, the expression for error covariance is obtained as
Pk1k-1 = E[(Xk - Xklk-I )(Xk - Xk1k_l) S 1, (7) T
+ Rk
&>0 ee,k =
HkPklk-1Hk (16)
1\ 1\ 1\
Xk Xklk-l + KJZk -14 Xklk-l )
= (10)
Further the equation ( 18 ) is approximated as
-1 T -1 -1 (19 )
r k =
( Cklk-l + Hk Rk Hk ) (11)
Fk 122x22=
-2_ O --c'�00�2
CO ----040�
- 0 0
� -o
6 OO�-c7
C00-� o�8 OO�90�0�' cc!0.OO (f)
'" (a)
.2 1
� O. 8 L-"'-___'_:_:_'_:_---c'--c--...L_:_'_:_---c'--c-�- c'----c"-:--..c'
� 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
0 .8 rr----.-....-----,
-- ---,-....-----,--,--,---
-- ----,---,
I �i\!+'_--------c'�!\,
f",\ �, ------1
iE i:
i I
� 02�
' ·___'_:_:_'_:_---c'_-...L_:_'_:_---c'_-L_c'----c"_..c'
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
(c) Frequency
. !o--
0 --c,�00 =-0----,c!
""0...., 0,...3�00�""40
2 ..., CO-----='
50 60
-O ----C0
"" 8=00
O --,� �
9 001000
0.55 !
Fig. I Estimation of Fundamental and Harmonic Components
Property Harmonic MAE RMSE
2_5 '
5th 0.0200 0.0274 1------- �:��::ed
Fig. 2. Estimation of fundamental and hannonic components of damped
0. 1406
3rd 0.0229 0. 3955 0.0174
0. 1352
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