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First City Providential College: Bgy. Narra, Francisco Homes Subd., City of San Jose Del Monte Bulacan

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Bgy. Narra, Francisco Homes Subd., City of San Jose Del Monte Bulacan

I. Objectives:
At the end of 60-minute instructional time, at least 80% of the total number of
learners should be able to attain at least 80% performance level to:
b) appreciate the value of equality by treating the people around us with
equal importance;
c) write a testimonio.

II. Subject Matter

A. Learning Outcome Number: 2
B. Topic: Testimonio
C. Lesson Number:
D. Transfer Goals:
E. Knowledge
Testimonio is a Spanish term understood as “witness account”. It is a first-
person account by the person (narrator) who has faced instances of social and
political inequality, oppression, or any specific form of marginalization.
F. Instructional Devices
 Bigbook containing the Language Enhancement Activities (LEA), Note-
taking and Paraphrasing (NTAP), objectives and guide questions
 Printed handouts containing the model output
 Television for the presentation of the lesson
G. References
 https://centerforinterculturaldialogue.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/kc45-

III. Procedure
A. Routine
 Greetings
 Check the attendance and cleanliness of the room
 Recitation of Classroom Behavior and Disciplined Standards (CBDS)
B. Subject
Learning Enhancement Activities
 Grammar Review
Directions: Choose the word inside the parentheses that would best
complete the sentences.

Inequality is one of the social 1(issue, issues) that the world is

facing today. If we will all fight against it, we would be able to 2(remove,
removed) discrimination and 3(creates, create) a place ideal for all of us to
live in.
Answer key: 1. problems, 2. remove, 3. create

 Vocabulary Building Activity


ball of fire
Meaning: a person who is especially hard-working, high achieving,
ambitious or active
Tagalog translation: isang taong masipag, matagumapay at may pangarap


inequality (n) /ˌinəˈkwälədē/

Meaning: difference in size, degree, circumstances, etc.: lack of equality
Synonym/s: unevenness
Antonym/s: balance
Tagalog translation: hindi pantay; pagkakaiba

oppression (n) /əˈpreSHən/

Meaning: prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or exercise of authority
Synonym/s: hardship
Antonym/s: kindness
Tagalog translation: pahirap, pighati

marginalization (n) /ˌmärjənələˈzāSHən,ˌmärjənəˌlīˈzāSHən/

Meaning: treatment of a person, group, or concept as insignificant or
Synonym/s: rejection
Antonym/s: inclusion
Tagalog translation: mababang pagtrato sa isang tao

Example sentence:
The government should be a ball of fire in resolving the issue of
inequality in our society by making a way to remove marginalization
among people in the remote areas who are also experiencing oppression
form prominent people.

 Note-Taking and Paraphrasing

Directions: Paraphrase the paragraph below.
Equality is the state of being treated the same regardless of status at
birth. Everyone deserves to be given equal opportunity without
discrimination based on sex, race, language or religion until we prove
ourselves to be unworthy through criminality. Equality, in a sense, is a
math function. We are all on each side of the equation. We may not ask for
anything that we are unwilling to grant others. It is important for us to
realize that none are greater than or smaller than the rest.
C. Development of the New Lesson
1. Prior Knowledge
2. Motivation
The teacher asks, “Have you ever experienced an event in your life where
you were treated differently from others?”
3. Articulation of Purpose, Learning Outcome and Objectives
The teachers says, “Equality is ensuring individuals or groups of
individuals are not treated differently or less favorably, on the basis of
their specific protected characteristic, including areas of race, gender,
disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation and age.
As intelligent FCPCians who are expected to demonstrate
communicative competence based on the k-12 curriculum desired
outcomes, we should treat other people with fairness for us to attain the
Learning Outcome number 2 which states that students must show
sociolinguistic competence in expressing beliefs, views, values and
That is why at the end of today’s lesson, I do expect all of you to
analyze how a testimonio is written, appreciate the value of equality by
treating the people around us with equal importance and write a
4. Presentation of the New Lesson
The teacher:
 tells the class to form groups with three members as they are to
participate in the interactive discussion by triad
 gives the model output to the students titled “I Found Motivation in
my Struggles”
 lets the class read the model output for 3 minutes silently.

I Found Motivation in my Struggles

I was born in Caloocan City in 1991. I grew up in a family

with a very simple life. My father was a construction worker while my
ma’am worked as a housemaid. I have six siblings, two girls and three
boys. I am the youngest. In 1993, we transferred to Bulacan. We rented
a house for 5 years then we transferred again to another place where
we lived as informal settler. I was the only one who was able finish
studies since my elder siblings had to work to help the family. Life had
never been easy for all of us. In 2002, my family decided to go back in
our province in Isabela where I experienced being treated differently
because of our social status. During our stay there, my father worked
as a farmer and my mother was a plain housewife.
The school was three kilometers away from our barrio and
because we don’t have money for the transportation, we walked
everyday to get to school. It was very hard specially during rainy days.
Most of the time, we would arrive late in school. Some teachers
understood our situation while some didn’t. I could still remember the
teachers who would scold us for being late and the way they look at us
because majority of us were only wearing muddy slippers as we cannot
afford to buy a shoe and our road was not cemented then because the
LGU was not spending fund in our barrio for we only have few
residents there. We are a burden to them.
Sometimes if we had money for the transportation we would
try to catch a jeepney but they were not stopping at us because maybe
they thought that we don’t have the money to give as payment. In
school, we felt that we were not treated equally. Some treat us different
maybe because of the way we looked. We didn’t have the fair and
flawless skin like others. We didn’t have the nicest school uniforms.
We didn’t have school materials like others had and many more. Also,
When I finished high school, I almost wasn’t able to pursue college
because we didn’t have the money to sustain my education. I could still
remember my mother saying, “We cannot send you to school anymore.” and
I said, “Mother, if I will not study how can I improve our life? You might be
spending much money for my studies but you have to think of the future. If I
get to finish college. I will be able to give you an abundant life. Because of my
persistence, I was able to convince my family to send me to college. I
promised that I will work while I’m studying to help them in my expenses. I
was the only one who continued college in our barrio because the others had
to work already. The people in our barrio were against my dream to finish
college. They said that I will just waste money because I won’t be able to
finish my studies. They said that instead of studying, I should be working so I
could help my family. These things that I heard from them fell on deaf ears. I
ignored all their negative comments and worked hard in my studies.

These experiences served as my inspiration in life. I did everything I

can to reach my dreams in life because I believed that through this, I would
be able to improve our life which I did. When I finished my studies, I worked
immediately and supported the family in the best way I can and gave my
family the life they deserved. Thus, we should not let unwanted happenings
in our life affect us rather we should view them as motivation to keep us from
aiming high. We all have the power to change our life if we our driven enough
by our passion.

 asks the following comprehension questions:

1. What is the issue being talked about in the context?
2. What were the key information that supported the writer’s
unfortunate experiences?
3. How did the writer address his/her struggles in life?
4. How did the text end?
5. What do you think is the purpose of the context? How did you
say so?
 presents the standards in writing a critique paper using a poem for the
students to follow in writing a testimonio.

How can One State their Unwanted Experiences

There had been many issues in our society

and one of it was inequality.
The ones who experienced it first hand
have their own written testimonio that you might not withstand.

In writing a testimonio, you should have an introduction

that contains the background information.
Think for a topic from an impactful situation
where you had experienced inequality, marginalization and oppression.

The next part is called the body of the paragraph which contains the
but you should avoid adding mythical elements into real accounts and
make it seem like a fiction.
To make it more realistic, one must demonstrate human qualities in
themselves so readers can imagine themselves in the situation.
These can be written using a dialogue, poetry and metaphor for a more
colorful illustration.
By the time you reach the conclusion,
you should present the injustice as potentially avoidable and with
possible solution
so that readers will not believe that the problem is impossible to end
and get intimidated
to take action against the problem presented.

 makes the students analyze how to write a testimonio paper by

emphasizing the underlined terms in the poem; and
 organize the lifted key words into a matrix and make the students
analyze the standards in writing a testimonio paper:
Introduction Body Conclusion
- background - information - present the
information make use of injustice as
- impactful dialogue, potentially
situations about poetry and avoidable
inequality, metaphor but with
marginalization - avoid possible
and oppression adding

D. Generalization
The teachers asks, “How do we write a testimonio paper?”
E. Formative Assessment
 Oral Assessment
The teachers asks, “What do you think is the essence of academic writing
in dealing with issues in our society?”
F. Learning Assessment
The teacher will call one to two group/s to read in front of the class their
organized output done during the lesson proper and let the remaining students to
critique the presented outputs using the standards and criteria.
Criteria 4 3 2 1
The introduction
The introduction The introduction The introduction
contains a
contains an contains quite contains an
Introduction impactful topic impactful topic unimpactful
impactful topic
Structure and about about topic about
Content inequality/margi inequality/margi inequality/margi
nalization/oppres nalization/oppres nalization/oppres
sion. sion. sion.
The body
The body does The body quite The body
not contain contains contains
mythical mythical mythical
elements that elements that elements that
Body elements that
makes it seem makes it seem makes it seem
Structure makes it seem
like it’s fiction like it’s fiction like it’s fiction
like it’s fiction
and it uses and it uses but it uses
and it uses
dialogue/poetry/ dialogue/poetry/ dialogue/poetry/
metaphor. metaphor. metaphor.
The conclusion
The conclusion The conclusion The conclusion
presented the
presented the presented the presented the
problem as
problem as problem as problem as
Conclusion something that
something something something
Structure unavoidable but
unavoidable but unavoidable but unavoidable and
could be
could be could quite be couldn’t be
resolved. resolved. resolved.
There are 6 or
There are no There are 2-3 There are 4-5
Grammar grammatical grammatical grammatical
Conventions errors in the errors in the errors in the
errors in the
article. article. article.

G. Prompt
Make a 5 paragraph essay about an event in your life which you
experienced inequality/marginalization/oppression.

Prepared by:

Angelica T. Delizo
III-BSEd English

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