Fixed/Recurring Deposit: Type of Account
Fixed/Recurring Deposit: Type of Account
Fixed/Recurring Deposit: Type of Account
Type of Account:
Fixed Deposit Recurring Deposit Tax Saver FD FD Plus* NRE Deposit NRO Deposit FCNR Deposit RFC Deposit
*Cannot be closed prior to maturity
For Office Use
Customer Onboar
Primary Applicant
Name* P R E F I X F I R S T M I D D L E
Customer ID*
f Joint Applicants 0 If more than one joint applicant, use TDJ01 form for joint applicant.
***If PAN is not available, please fill up Form 60 or 61 separately. PAN/Form 60/61 is not required for NRE/FCNR deposits
FD/RD Account O
*To avail Senior
en Rate of Interest, ensure your Date of Birth is updated in Bank Account. Special rate available for Staff and Senior ens are not applicable for NRE/NRO/FCNR/RFC deposits
Mode of Opera * *I would need Fixed Deposit in the form of (Tick one): Receipt Physical Advice e-Advice
Interest payout (Tick one): C e (Reinvestment) Monthly (MIC) Quarterly (QIC) Half-yearly* Simple (Payout) *Applicable for Overseas Indians only
Auto Renewal: Y N (No auto renewal for Recurring Deposits, FD Plus & Tax Saver FD) No. of
Issue DD Signature
Applicant Signature
Notr: 1) Interest payment is subject to RBI guideline fr efer the latest interest rate chart at the branch or visit 3) Interest pa ce.
4) No interest would be paid if the NRE/FCNR deposit is prematurely closed before 1 year and also subject to terms and c
Amount `/FC
Mode of Payment : Cash Debit my/ our A/C A/C No. (as per mode of oper )
To open account with cash, customer can deposit cash upto `49,999/- in account opening branch only
Cheque No. Dated D D M M Y Y Y Y Cheque should be crossed A/C payee and drawn payable to “Axis Bank Ltd A/c <Applicant Name>”
Nomina a1 Form)* (Only f )
to receive the amount of deposit on behalf of the nominee in the event of my/our minor’s death during the minority of the nominee
Signature of Witness*** ____________________________________________________________ Signature of Primary Applicant** ___________________________________________________
Name _____________________________________________________________________________ Name ____________________________________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________________
Date _______________________, Place ________________________ Signature of the Joint Applicant(s)
*Strike out if nominee is not a minor **Where deposit is made in the name of a minor y a person lawfully of the minor.
*** In case of thumb impr e **** I hereby decline to presently nominate any individual and I understand & acknowledge the risk & consequences associated en by me
Signature of Primary Applicant* Signature of 1st Joint Applicant Signature of 2nd Joint Applicant Signature of 3rd Joint Applicant
Contact details upda equired Y N If No, please proceed to filling the declar
If no , I confirm if found otherwise, bank reserves the right to consolidate the customer IDs as it may decide, without any prior no e to me
Following fields Are Applicable for new customers or any KYC M for ess, contact details given below will be updated in all account held with the bank)
# If minor/ senior en, please provide proof of DOB **If minor please fill Minor Declar stands for ‘third gender’
PAN*** or FORM 60/61 ***If PAN is not available, please fill up A orm 60 or 61
Address Details
Same as primary holder Please note the address below
Communica Address*
Landmark* City*
Landmark* City*
Customer Profile )
Annual Turnover/Income <1 > 1-5 > 5-10 > 10-15 > 15-25 > 25-50 >50
(Net Credits in `lakhs)* odes as applicable for Non Individuals in case of HUF
If No, please provide KYC documents (A tocopies of the following documents and produce the original copies of these document for v )
I proof Document Type ID No. Issuing Authority Place of Issue
Address proof Document Type ID No. Issuing Authority Place of Issue
Declara ture
I do hereby solemnly declare that the informa ovided above is up to date correct and I hereby submit my recent photograph and self-a tocopy of the KYC documents
I do hereby give my consent to receive such inf ough Email Y N SMS Y N Phone Calls Y N
A eclara )
Form 60 [Please fill the latest version of Form 60 as separate annexure]
Form of Declara to be filed by a person who dose not have a permanent account number and who makes payment in cash in respect of tr
specified in clauses (a) to (h) of rule 114B.
I _________________________________________________, do hereby declare that what is stated above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Verified today, the _________________
_________________________ day of ___________________20__
Close Rela e Declara (To be filled by the applicant’s close r e if the applicant dose not have any address proof)
I hereby confirm that Mr. / Mrs. (Applicant Name*) ______________________________________________________________who is desirous of opening an account with your Bank is my
(R *) __________________________________________________________ he / She is residing with me since _______________________________(Month*) ________________ (year*) at
the below ess:
Building Name* ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City* ___________________________________________
State* __________________________________ Country* _______________________________________ PIN Code* ________________ Telephone Number* ____________________________________
The applicant dose not hold a documentary address proof in his / her independent name. Since the applicant is residing with me, the address proof in my name is being
Provided to the bank for the purpose of address v v wards receiving any correspondence form the bank in the name of applicant at my
abov ess. I enclose herewith the below:
1. Self-a ocument Name*) ______________________________________________as Iden Proof
2. Self-a ocument Name*) ______________________________________________ as Address Proof
Name of the Declarant __________________________ Customer ID (If _______________________________
Signature Mismatch Declara (in case of major mismatch customer needs to submit an affidavit)
The signature on the ID proof / Address / Cheque provided is different form my signature in the Account Opening Form. Please consider the signature on the Account opening Form as my
updated signature in your Bank records .
I agree to indemnify and keep indemnified the Bank at all form and against all cost, charges document, (including y fees) suffered and/or incurred by for any act done
or to be done on account of the above declar
Minor Declara
Type of Guardian : Father Mother Court Appointed Testamentary Guardian
I hereby declare that the date of birth of the minor who is my ______________________ is _______/ _______/ ______ and I am
his/her natural and lawful guardian/ guardian appointed by court order, dated ______/ _______/ ______(copy enclosed).
I shall represent the said minor in all future tr of any on the above account the said minor
majority. indemnify the Bank against the claim of the above minor for any withdrawal/tr made by me in his/her
account. Signature