Expert Advisor Programming For Metatrader 5
Expert Advisor Programming For Metatrader 5
Expert Advisor Programming For Metatrader 5
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Second Edition
Andrew R. Young
Edgehill Publishing
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Disclaimer of Warranty: While we have strived to ensure that the material in this book is accurate, the
publisher bears no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of this book, and specifically disclaims all
implied warranties of of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Neither the author nor publisher
shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other non-commercial or commercial damages, including but not
limited to consequential, incidental, special, or other damages.
"MetaTrader 5," "MQL5" and "expert advisor" are trademarks of MetaQuotes Software Corp.
This book and its publisher is not in any way endorsed by or affiliated with MetaQuotes Software Corp.
For more information on this book, including updates, news and new editions, please visit our web site at
ISBN: 978-0-9826459-5-6
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
About This Book 1
Source Code Download 2
Conventions Used 2
Static Variables 30
Predefined Variables 31
Chapter 3 - Operations 33
Operations 33
Addition & Multiplication 33
Subtraction & Negation 33
Division & Modulus 34
Assignment Operations 34
Relation Operations 35
Boolean Operations 36
Chapter 5 - Functions 49
Functions 49
Default Values 50
The return Operator 52
The void Type 52
Passing Parameters by Reference 53
Overloading Functions 54
Objects 63
Summary 96
It’s been nearly eight years since the introduction of MetaTrader 5. For many years, MetaTrader 5 has been
overshadowed by the popularity of its predecessor, MetaTrader 4. Eventually, MetaQuotes implemented
some of the new features that were included in MetaTrader 5 into the MetaTrader 4 platform, and ported
many new language features from MQL5 over to MQL4. (This necessitated a re-write of my original MQL4
book, which was released in 2015 as Expert Advisor Programming for MetaTrader 4.)
In 2016, MetaQuotes added hedging to the MetaTrader 5 platform, which allowed multiple simultaneous
trades in the style that MetaTrader 4 users have long been accustomed to. Although the two platforms have
reached feature parity in many ways, MetaTrader 5 still has numerous advantages over it’s predecessor,
including improved testing tools, the ability to create charts with custom timeframes and instruments
(including cryptocurrencies), and much more.
The second edition of this book has been updated to include the new hedging positioning features, as well as
to correct grammatical and code errors from the first edition.
Over the course of this book, we will be creating a framework for the rapid development of expert advisors.
Using the object-oriented capabilities of MQL5, we will create classes and functions for common trading
operations, such as opening, closing and managing orders. We will also create classes and functions for useful
features such as money management, trailing stops, trade timers, indicators and more.
MQL5 comes with its own standard library, which provides quick access to common trading functions. The
standard library is used when generating expert advisors with MetaEditor's MQL5 Wizard. We will not be using
the MQL5 standard library in this book, although the reader is welcome to use the standard library classes in
their own projects.
The MQL5 language is very powerful and extensive. There are many things that you can do in MQL5 that we
will not be able to touch on in this book, and this book is not intended to serve as a comprehensive language
reference. Once you have grasped the fundamentals of programming in MQL5, the official MQL5 website at, as well as the MQL5 Reference, will be your guide to learning all that MQL5 is capable
This book assumes that the reader is familiar with MetaTrader 5 and Forex trading in general. The reader
should be familiar with the usage of MQL5 programs, and have a fundamental understanding of technical
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
analysis and trading systems. This book assumes no prior programming experience, although the reader will
benefit from any programming skills acquired previously in other languages.
While every attempt has been made to ensure that the information in this book is correct, it is possible that a
few errors may be present. MetaTrader 5 is still under active development, so new features may be
implemented or changed after the publication of this book. If you discover any errors in the book, please
email me at
The source code is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported license. This
means that you can use the source code in your personal projects. You can even modify it for your own use.
But you cannot use it in any commercial projects, and if you share the code, it must be attributed to the
author of this book.
Conventions Used
Fixed-width font refers to program code, file and folder names, URLs or MQL5 language elements.
Italics are for terms that are defined or used for the first time in the text, references to the MQL5 Reference,
keyboard commands, or interface elements in MetaEditor or MetaTrader.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
MQL5 Basics
MQL5 Programs
There are three types of programs you can create in MQL5:
An expert advisor is an automated trading program that can open, modify and close orders. You can only
attach one expert advisor at a time to a chart. The majority of this book will cover the creation of expert
advisors in MQL5.
An indicator displays technical analysis data on a chart or in a separate window using lines, histograms,
arrows, bars/candles or chart objects. You can attach multiple indicators to a chart. Chapter 21 will address the
creation of indicators in MQL5.
A script is a specialized program that performs a specific task. When a script is attached to a chart, it will
execute only once. You can only attach one script at a time to a chart. We will address the creation of scripts in
Chapter 21.
File Extensions
An MQ5 file (.mq5) contains the source code of an MQL5 program, such as an expert advisor, indicator, script
or library. This is the file that is created when we write an MQL5 program in MetaEditor. This file can be
opened and edited in MetaEditor or any text editor.
An EX5 file (.ex5) is a compiled executable program. When an MQ5 file is compiled in MetaEditor, an EX5 file
is produced with the same file name. This is the file that executes when you attach an MQL5 program to a
chart. EX5 files are binary files, and cannot be opened or edited.
An MQH file (.mqh) is an include file that contains source code for use in an MQL5 program. Like MQ5 files, an
MQH file can be opened and edited in MetaEditor.
An include file (.mqh) is a source code file that contains classes, functions and variables for use in an MQL5
program. Include files contain useful code that can be reused over and over again. When a program is
compiled, the contents of any include files used in the program will be "included" in the compiled program.
We will be creating many include files over the course of this book.
A library is an executable file that contains reusable functions, similar to an include file. Libraries are in EX5 or
Windows DLL format. A library executes in memory as a separate program along with your MQL5 program.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Libraries are useful if you want to make your functions available to others without making the source code
available. We will discuss libraries in more detail in Chapter 21.
An expert settings file or preset file (.set) contains trade parameters for an expert advisor. Settings files are
loaded or saved in the expert advisor Properties dialog under the Inputs tab. The Load button loads
parameters from a .set file, and the Save button saves the current parameters to a .set file. You can also
load or save parameters in the Strategy Tester under the Inputs tab, using the right-click popup menu.
File Locations
Your MetaTrader 5 data folder contains all of your MQL5 programs and files. All MQL5 programs are located
under the \MQL5 folder of your MetaTrader 5 data folder. To locate your MetaTrader 5 data folder, select Open
Data Folder from the File menu of MetaTrader or MetaEditor. The data folder will open in Windows Explorer.
Since all MQL5 programs use the same file extensions, program types are organized in sub-folders inside
MetaTrader 5's \MQL5 folder. Here are the contents of the sub-folders in the MQL5 folder:
• \Experts – This folder contains the MQ5 and EX5 files for expert advisors.
• \Indicators – This folder contains the MQ5 and EX5 files for indicators.
• \Scripts – This folder contains the MQ5 and EX5 files for scripts.
• \Libraries – This folder contains the MQ5, EX5 and DLL files for libraries.
• \Images – If your program uses bitmap images, they must be stored in this folder in .bmp format.
• \Files – Any external files that you use in your programs, other than include files, libraries, images or
other MQL programs, must be stored in this folder.
• \Presets – This is the default folder for .set files that are loaded or saved from the expert advisor
Properties dialog or from the Inputs tab in the Strategy Tester.
• \Logs – The expert advisor logs are saved in this folder. You can view these logs in the Experts tab
inside the Toolbox window in the main MetaTrader interface.
Any references to the above folders in this book assume that they are located under the \MQL5 folder of the
MetaTrader 5 data folder. So a reference to the \Experts folder would refer to the \MQL5\Experts sub-folder
of the MetaTrader 5 data folder.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
MQL5 Basics
MetaEditor is the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for MQL5 that is included with MetaTrader 5. You
can open MetaEditor from the MetaTrader interface by clicking the MetaEditor button on the Standard toolbar,
or by pressing F4 on your keyboard. You can also open MetaEditor from the Windows Start menu.
Fig. 1.1 – The MetaEditor interface. Clockwise from top left is the Navigator window, the code editor, and the Toolbox window.
MetaEditor has many useful features for creating MQL5 programs, including auto completion, parameter info
tooltips, search tools, debugging tools and more. Figure 1.2 shows the List Names feature.
Type the first letters of an MQL5 language element, variable or function name, and a drop-down list will
appear with all matching keywords. Scroll through the list with the up and down arrow keys, and select the
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
keyword to auto-complete by pressing the Enter key. You can also select the keyword from the list with the
left mouse button. You can recall the List Names drop-down box at any time by pressing Ctrl+Space on your
keyboard, or by selecting List Names from the Edit menu.
Figure 1.3 shows the Parameter Info tooltip. When filling out the
parameters of a function, the Parameter Info tooltip appears to remind you
of the function parameters. The highlighted text in the tooltip is the current
There are two additional windows inside the MetaEditor interface. The Navigator window displays the
contents of the MQL5 folder in a folder tree, allowing easy access to your MQL5 programs. The Toolbox
window contains several tabs, including the Errors tab, which displays compilation errors; the Search tab, which
displays search results; and the Articles, Code Base and Public Projects tabs, which list information from the
MQL5 website.
MetaEditor has a built-in MQL5 Reference, which is useful for looking up MQL5 functions and language
elements. Simply position the cursor over an MQL5 keyword and press F1 on your keyboard. The MQL5
Reference will open to the appropriate page. You can also open the MQL5 Reference from the Help menu.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
MQL5 Basics
MQL5 Wizard
The MQL5 Wizard is used to create a new MQL5 program. To open the MQL5 Wizard, click the New button on
the toolbar, or select New from the File menu. A window with the following options will appear:
• Expert Advisor (template) – This will create a new expert advisor file from a built-in template. The
created file is saved in the \MQL5\Experts folder or a specified subfolder.
• Expert Advisor (generate) – This allows the user to create an expert advisor without any coding. The
generated expert advisor uses the MQL5 standard library.
• Custom Indicator – This will create a new custom indicator file from a built-in template. The created
file is saved in the \MQL5\Indicators folder or a specified subfolder.
• Script – This will create a blank script file from a built-in template. The created file is saved in the \
MQL5\Scripts folder or a specified subfolder.
• Library – This will create a blank library file from a built-in template. The created file is saved in the \
MQL5\Libraries folder or a specified subfolder.
• Include (*.mqh) – This will create a blank include file from a built-in template with the .mqh
extension. The created file is saved in the \MQL5\Include folder or a specified subfolder.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
• New Class – This will create an include file with a class definition from a built-in template. The created
file is saved in the \MQL5\Experts folder, or a specified subfolder.
We will go more in-depth into the creation of programs using the MQL5 Wizard throughout the book.
To compile an MQL5 program, simply press the Compile button on the MetaEditor toolbar. The current MQ5
file and all included files will be checked for errors, and an EX5 file will be produced. Any compilation errors or
warnings will appear in the Errors tab of the Toolbox window.
Errors will need to be fixed before an EX5 file can be generated. Chapter 22 discusses debugging and fixing
program errors. Warnings should be examined, but can usually be safely ignored. A program with warnings
will still compile successfully.
MQL5 is similar to other modern programming languages such as C++, C# or Java. If you've programmed in
any modern programming language with C-style syntax, the syntax and structure of MQL5 will be very familiar
to you.
An expression or operator in MQL5 must end in a semicolon (;). An expression can span multiple lines, but
there must be a semicolon at the end of the expression. Not adding a semicolon at the end of an expression is
a common mistake that new programmers make.
// A simple expression
x = y + z;
The one exception to the semicolon rule is the compound operator. A compound operator consists of an
operator followed by a pair of brackets ({}). In the example below, the operator is the if(x == 0) expression.
There is no semicolon after the closing bracket. Any expressions within the brackets must be terminated with
a semicolon.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
MQL5 Basics
When naming variables, functions and classes, you need to use a unique and descriptive identifier. The
identifier must not be identical to another identifier in the program, not should it be the same as an MQL5
language element.
You can use letters, numbers and the underscore character (_), although the first character in an identifier
should not be a number. The maximum length for an identifier is 64 characters. This give you a lot of room to
be creative, so use identifiers that are clear and descriptive.
Identifiers are case sensitive. This means that MyIdentifier and myIdentifier are not the same!
Programmers use capitalization to distinguish between different types of variables, functions and classes. Here
is the capitalization scheme we'll use in this book:
• Global variables, objects, classes and function names will capitalize the first letter of each word. For
example: MyFunction() or MyVariable.
• Local variables and objects, which are declared inside a function, will use camel case. This is where the
first letter is lower case, and the first letters of all other words are upper case. For example:
myVariable or localObject.
• Constants are in all upper case. Use underscores to separate words, for example: MY_CONSTANT.
Comments are used to describe what a section of code does in a program. You'll want to use comments
throughout your program to keep it organized. You can also use comments to temporarily remove lines of
code from your program. Any line that is commented out is ignored by the compiler.
To add a comment, the first two characters should be a double slash ( //). This will comment a single line of
// This is a comment
To comment out multiple lines of code, use a slash-asterisk (/*) at the beginning of your comment, and an
asterisk-slash (*/) at the end of your comment.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
MetaEditor has a set of useful commenting commands. Select the lines you want to comment by highlighting
them with your mouse. In the Edit menu, under the Comments sub-menu, the Comment Lines menu item will
comment out the selected lines, while Uncomment Lines will remove comments from selected lines. The
Function Header menu item will insert a commented function header similar to those in the auto-generated
MQ5 files:
// Function header generated by Edit menu –> Comments –> Function Header
//| |
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
A variable is the basic unit of storage in any programming language. Variables hold information that is
necessary for our program to function, such as prices, indicator values or trade parameters.
Before a variable can be used, it must be declared. You declare a variable by specifying the data type and a
unique identifier. Optionally, you can initialize the variable with a value. You'll generally declare a variable at
the beginning of a program or function, or when it is first used. If you declare a variable more than once, or
not at all, you'll get a compile error.
int myNumber = 1;
In this example, the data type is int (integer), the identifier is myNumber, and we initialize it with a value of 1.
Once a variable has been declared, you can change its value by assigning a new value to it:
myNumber = 3;
The variable myNumber now has a value of 3. You can also assign the value of one variable to another variable:
int myNumber;
int yourNumber = 2;
myNumber = yourNumber;
If you do not initialize a variable with a value, it will be assigned a default empty value. For numerical types,
the initial value will be 0, and for string types it will be a null or empty string ( NULL or "").
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Data Types
When declaring a variable, the data type determines what kind of data that variable can hold. Data types in
MQL5 can be organized into three types:
• Real types are fractional numbers with a decimal point. For example: 1.35635.
• Strings are text comprised of Unicode characters. For example: "The brown fox jumped over the lazy
Integer Types
MQL5 has many integer types that hold various ranges of whole numbers. Let's start by examining the signed
integer types. A signed type can hold positive or negative numbers:
• char – The char type uses 1 byte of memory. The range of values is from -128 to 127.
• short – The short type uses 2 bytes of memory. The range of values is -32,768 to 32,767.
• int – The int type uses 4 bytes of memory. The range of values is -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
• long – The long type uses 8 bytes of memory. The range of values is -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to
So which integer type should you use? You will frequently see the int or long type used in MQL5 functions,
so those are the types you will use the most. You can use a char or short type for your variables if you wish.
There are also unsigned integer types, which do not allow negative numbers. The unsigned types use the same
amount of memory as their signed counterparts, but the maximum value is double that of the signed type.
• uchar – The uchar type uses 1 byte of memory. The range of values is 0 to 255.
• ushort – The ushort type uses 2 bytes of memory. The range of values is 0 to 65,535.
• uint – The uint type uses 4 bytes of memory. The range of values is 0 to 4,294,967,295.
• ulong – The ulong type uses 8 bytes of memory. The range of values is 0 to
Ticket numbers and other trade parameters use the ulong type, The other unsigned types are rarely used, but
you can use them for your variables if you wish.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Real Types
Real number types are used for storing numerical values with a fractional component, such as prices. There
are two real number types in MQL5. The difference between the two types is the level of accuracy when
representing fractional values.
• float – The float type uses 4 bytes of memory. It is accurate to 7 significant digits.
• double – The double type uses 8 bytes of memory. It is accurate to 15 significant digits.
You will use the double type frequently in MQL5. The float type can be used to save memory when dealing
with large arrays of real numbers, but it is not used in MQL5 functions.
String Type
The string type is used to store text. Strings must be enclosed in double quotes ( "). Here's an example of a
string type variable declaration:
If you need to use a single or double quote inside a string, use a backslash character ( \) before the quote. This
is called escaping a character.
If you need to use a backslash inside a string, use two backslash characters like this:
You can also add a new line character to a string by using the \n escape character:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
You can combine strings together using the concatenation operator (+). This combines several strings into one
The StringConcatenate() function can also be used to concatenate strings. It is more memory-efficient than
using the concatenation operator. The first parameter of the StringConcatenate() function is the string
variable to copy the concatenated string to, and the remaining parameters are the strings to concatenate:
string newString;
string insert = "concatenated";
StringConcatenate(newString,"This is another example of a ", insert, " string");
// Output: This is another example of a concatenated string.
The newString variable contains the concatenated string. Note that the strings to concatenate are separated
by commas inside the StringConcatenate() function.
Finally, if you have a very long string, you can split the string across multiple lines. You do not need to use the
concatenation operator. Each line must be enclosed with double quotes, and there must be a semicolon at the
end of the expression:
Boolean Type
The boolean (bool) type is used to store true/false values. Technically, the boolean type is an integer type,
since it takes a value of 0 (false) or 1 (true). Here's an example of a boolean type variable declaration:
If a boolean variable is not explicitly initialized with a value of true, the default value will be 0, or false. Any
non-zero value in a boolean variable will evaluate to true:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
bool myBool;
// Output: false
myBool = 5;
if(myBool == true) Print("myBool is true");
// Output: myBool is true
In the example above, we initialize the boolean variable myBool without a value. Thus, myBool is equal to 0 or
false. When we assign a value of 5 to myBool, myBool evaluates as true in a boolean operation. We'll talk
more about boolean operations in Chapter 3.
Color Type
The color type is used to store information about colors. Colors can be represented by predefined color
constants, RGB values, or hexadecimal values.
You'll use color constants the most. These are the same colors you'll use when choosing a color for an
indicator line or a chart object. You can view the full set of color constants in the MQL5 Reference under
Standard Constants... > Objects Constants > Web Colors.
The color variable lineColor is initialized using the color constant for red, clrRed. Here's an example using
the RGB value for red:
The RGB value for red is 255,0,0. An RGB constant begins with a capital C, and the RGB value is enclosed in
single quotes. Finally, here's an example using the hexadecimal value for red:
A hexadecimal value is preceded by '0x', and followed by the six-character hexadecimal value, in this case
RGB and hexadecimal values are used for custom colors – those not defined by color constants. If you are
comfortable working with RGB or hexadecimal colors, then you can define your own colors. Otherwise, you'll
find the color constants to be easy and useful.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Datetime Type
The datetime type is used for storing time and date. The time and date in a datetime variable is stored in
Unix time, which is the number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970. For example, January 1, 2012 at
midnight in Unix time is 1,325,397,600.
If you need to initialize a datetime variable to a specific date and time, use a datetime constant. A datetime
constant begins with a capital D, with the date and time in single quotes. The date and time is represented in
the format hh:mm:ss. Here's an example:
The example above initializes the variable myDate to January 1, 2012 at midnight. You can omit parts of the
datetime constant if they are not used. The following examples will demonstrate:
All of these examples will initialize the variable myDate to the same time – January 1, 2012 at midnight. Since
the hh:mm:ss part of the datetime constant is not used, we can omit it.
So what happens if you leave out the date? The compiler will substitute today's date – the date of
compilation. Assuming that today is January 1, 2012, here's what happens when we use a datetime constant
without a date:
In the first example, the variable myDate is set to today's date at midnight. In the second example, we provide
a time in the datetime constant. This sets myDate to today's date at the specified time.
MQL5 has several predefined constants for the current date and time. The __ DATE__ constant returns the date
of compilation. It is the same as using a blank datetime constant. The __DATETIME__ constant returns the
current time and date on compilation. Note that there are two underscore characters ( _) before and after each
Here's an example using the __DATE__ constant. We'll assume the current date is January 1, 2012:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
And here's an example using the __DATETIME__ constant. We'll assume the time and date of compilation is
January 1, 2012 at 03:15:05:
In Chapter 18, we will examine more ways to handle and manipulate datetime values.
A constant is an identifier whose value does not change. A constant can be used anywhere that a variable can
be used. You cannot assign a new value to a constant like you can for a variable.
There are two ways to define constants in your program. Global constants are defined in your program using
the #define preprocessor directive. Any #define directives are placed at the very beginning of your program.
Here's an example of a constant definition:
The #define directive tells the compiler that this is a constant declaration. COMPANY_NAME is the identifier. The
string "Easy Expert Forex" is the constant value. The constant value can be of any data type.
A global constant can be used anywhere in your program. Here's an example of how we can use the constant
The constant identifier COMPANY_NAME in the Print() function is replaced with the constant value "Easy
Expert Forex".
Another way of declaring a constant is to use the const specifier. By placing a const specifier before a
variable declaration, you are indicating that the value of the variable cannot be changed:
The cVar variable is set as a constant using the const specifier. If we try to assign a new value to this variable,
we'll get a compilation error.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
An array is a variable of any type that can hold multiple values. Think of an array as a numerical list. Each
number in the list corresponds to a different value. We can iterate through this list numerically, and access
each of the values by its numerical index.
int myArray[3];
myArray[0] = 1;
myArray[1] = 2;
myArray[2] = 3;
This is called a static array. A static array has a fixed size. When a static array is declared, the size of the array is
specified in square brackets ([]). In this example, the array myArray is initialized with 3 elements. The
following lines assign an integer value to each of the three elements of the array.
We can also assign the array values when first declaring the array. This line of code accomplishes the same
task as the four lines of code in the previous example:
The array values are separated by commas inside the brackets ( {}). They are assigned to the
array in the order that they appear, so the first array element is assigned a value of 1, the
second array element is assigned a value of 2, and so on. Any array elements that do not have a
value assigned to them will default to an empty value – in this case, zero.
Array indexing starts at zero. So if an array has 3 elements, the elements are numbered 0, 1 and
2. See Figure 2.1 to the right. The maximum index is always one less than the size of the array.
When accessing the elements of an array, the index is specified in square brackets. In the above
example, the first element, myArray[0], is assigned a value of 1, and the third element, Fig. 2.1 –
myArray[2] is assigned a value of 3.
Because this array has only 3 elements, if we try to access an index greater than 2, an error will
occur. For example:
int myArray[3];
myArray[3] = 4; // This will cause a compile error
Because array indexes start at 0, an index of 3 would refer to the fourth element of an array. This array has
only 3 elements, so attempting to access a fourth element will result in an "array out of range" critical error.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Static arrays cannot be resized, but if you need to resize an array, you can declare a dynamic array instead. A
dynamic array is an array that is declared without a fixed size. Dynamic arrays must be sized before they can
be used, and a dynamic array can be resized at any time. The ArrayResize() function is used to set the size
of a dynamic array.
double myDynamic[];
myDynamic[0] = 1.50;
A dynamic array is declared with empty square brackets. This tells the compiler that this is a dynamic array.
The ArrayResize() function takes the array name (myDynamic) as the first parameter, and the new size (3) as
the second parameter. In this case, we're setting the size of myDynamic to 3. After the array has been sized, we
can assign values to the array.
Dynamic arrays are used in MQL5 for storing indicator values and price data. You will frequently declare
dynamic arrays for use in MQL5 functions. The functions themselves will take care of properly sizing the array
and filling it with data. When using dynamic arrays in your own code, be sure to size them using
ArrayResize() first.
Multi-Dimensional Arrays
Up to this point, we've been declaring one-dimensional arrays. Let's take a look at a two-dimensional array:
double myDimension[3][3];
myDimension[0][1] = 1.35;
The first dimension will be the horizontal rows in our table, while the
second dimension will be the vertical columns. So in this example,
Fig. 2.2 – Multi-dimensional array indexing.
myDimension[0][0] will be the first row, first column; myDimension[1]
[2] would be the second row, third column and so forth. Two-
dimensional arrays are very useful if you have a set of data that can be organized in a table format.
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Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Only the first dimension of a multi-dimensional array can be dynamic. All other dimensions must have a static
size declared. This is useful if you're not sure how many "rows" your table should have. Let's look at an
double myDimension[][3];
int rows = 5;
The first dimension is blank, indicating that this is a dynamic array. The second dimension is set to 3 elements.
The integer variable rows is used to set the size of the first dimension of our array. We'll pass this value to the
second parameter of the ArrayResize() function. So for example, if rows = 5, then the first dimension of
our array will be set to 5 elements.
An array can have up to four dimensions, but it is rare that you will ever need more than two or three. In most
cases, a structure would be an easier method of implementing a complex data structure. We'll cover structures
later in the chapter.
The primary benefit of arrays is that it allows you to easily iterate through a complete set of data. Here's an
example where we print out the value of every element in an array:
// Output: cheese
We declare a string array named myArray, with a size of 3. We initialize all three elements in the array with the
values of "cheese", "bread" and "ale" respectively. This is followed by a for loop. The for loop initializes a
counter variable named index to 0. It will increment the value of index by 1 on each iteration of the loop. It
will keep looping as long as index is less than 3. The index variable is used as the index of the array. On the
first iteration of the loop, index will equal 0, so the Print() function will print the value of myArray[0] to the
log – in this case, "cheese". On the next iteration, index will equal 1, so the value of myArray[1] will be
printed to the log, and so on.
As mentioned earlier in the chapter, if you try to access an array element that is larger than the maximum
array index, your program will fail. When looping through an array, it is important to know the size of the
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array. The example above uses a fixed size array, so we know the size of the array beforehand. If you're using a
dynamic array, or if you don't know what size an array will be, the ArraySize() function can be used to
determine the size of an array:
int myDynamic[];
In this example, the array myDynamic has 10 elements. The ArraySize() function returns the number of
elements in the array and assigns the value to the size variable. The size variable is then used to set the
termination condition for the for loop. This loop will assign the value of i to each element of the myDynamic
We'll discuss for loops in Chapter 4. Just keep in mind that a loop can be used to iterate through all of the
elements of an array, and you will frequently be using arrays for just this purpose.
An enumeration is a special integer type that defines a list of constants representing integer values. Only the
values defined in an enumeration can be used in variables of that type.
For example, let's say we need to create an integer variable to represent the days of the week. There are only
seven days in a week, so we don't need values that are less than 0 or greater than 7. And we'd like to use
descriptive constants to specify the days of the week.
Here's an example of an enumeration that allows the user to select the day of the week:
enum DayOfWeek
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Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
We use the type identifier enum to define this as an enumeration. The name of our enumeration is DayOfWeek.
The seven days of the week are listed inside the brackets, separated by commas. The closing bracket
terminates with a semicolon.
To use our enumeration we must define a variable, using the name of our enumeration as the type identifier.
This example creates a variable named Day, and assigns the value for Monday to it:
DayOfWeek Day;
Day = Monday;
Print(Day); // Output: 1
In the first line, we use the name of our enumeration, DayOfWeek, as the type. This is an important concept to
note: When we create an enumeration, the name of the enumeration becomes a type, just like the way that
int, double or string are types. We then declare a variable of that type by using the enumeration name as
the type identifier. This concept also applies to structures and classes, which we'll discuss shortly.
We use the constants defined in our enumeration to assign a value to our Day variable. In this case, we assign
the value of the constant Monday to the Day variable. If we print the value of the Day variable to the log, the
result is 1, because the integer value of the constant Monday is 1.
What if you want the enumeration to start at a number other than zero? Perhaps you'd like the members of an
enumeration to have non-consecutive values? You can assign a value to each constant in an enumeration by
using the assignment operator (=). Here's an example:
enum yearIntervals
month = 1,
twoMonths, // 2
quarter, // 3
halfYear = 6,
year = 12,
This example was adapted from the MQL5 Reference. The name of our enumeration is yearIntervals. The
first member name is month, which is assigned a value of 1. The next two members, twoMonths and quarter,
are incremented by one and assigned the values of 2 and 3 respectively. The remaining members are assigned
their respective values.
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Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
One area where enumerations are useful is to provide the user a set of values to choose from. For example, if
you're creating a timer feature in your EA, and you want the user to choose the day of the week, you can use
the DayOfWeek enumeration defined earlier as one of your input parameters. The user will see a drop-down
list of constants in the expert advisor Properties dialog to choose from.
There are many predefined standard enumerations in MQL5. All of the standard enumerations in MQL5 begin
with ENUM_ and are all uppercase with underscore characters. You can view the standard enumerations in the
MQL5 Reference under Standard Constants, Enumerations & Structures.
A structure is a set of related variables of different types. The concept is similar to an enumeration, but the
members of a structure can be of any type. There are several predefined structures in MQL5, and we will be
using them often. You probably won't need to create your own structures very often, but it's important to
know how they work.
Let's look at an example of a structure. This structure could be used to store trade settings:
struct tradeSettings
ulong slippage;
double price;
double stopLoss;
double takeProfit;
string comment;
The type identifier struct defines this as a structure. The name of the structure is tradeSettings. There are
six member variables defined inside the brackets. Although you can assign a default value to a member
variable using the assignment operator (=), typically we assign values after an object has been initialized.
tradeSettings trade;
trade.slippage = 50;
trade.stopLoss = StopLoss * _Point;
Using our structure name tradeSettings as the type, we define an object named trade. This object allows us
to access the member variables of the structure. We'll talk more about objects in Chapter 6. To access the
structure members, we use the dot operator (.) between the object name and the member name. In this case,
we assign the value 50 to the structure member slippage, and assign a calculated stop loss value to the
structure member stopLoss.
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Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The predefined structures in MQL5 are often used to return values from the trade server. For example, the
MqlTick structure stores the most recent time, price and volume for an instrument. Here is the definition of
the MqlTick structure:
struct MqlTick
datetime time; // Time of the last prices update
double bid; // Current Bid price
double ask; // Current Ask price
double last; // Price of the last deal (Last)
ulong volume; // Volume for the current Last price
To use the MqlTick structure, we initialize an object of type MqlTick. Then we use the SymbolInfoTick()
function to fill the object with the time, price and volume data for the current symbol from the trade server:
MqlTick price;
Print(; // Returns the current Bid price
We define an object named price, using the structure name MqlTick as the type. We pass the object to the
SymbolInfoTick() function. The function returns the object, filled with the current price information from the
server. To access this price information, we use the dot operator ( .) between the object name and the
member variable name. The expression will return the current Bid price, while price.ask would
return the current Ask price.
We'll cover the MqlTick structure as well as other commonly-used structures in-depth later in the book.
The process of converting a value from one type to another is called typecasting. When you copy the contents
of a variable into another variable of a different type, the contents are casted into the proper type. This can
produce unexpected results if you're not careful.
When copying numerical values from one variable to another, there is the possibility of data loss if copying
from one type to another, smaller type. Remember our discussion of integer types on page 12. If you copy an
int value into a long variable, there is no possibility of data loss, since the long type can hold a larger range
of values.
You can freely copy smaller numerical types into larger ones. A float value copied into a double variable
would suffer no data loss. However, a double value copied into a float variable would result in the double
value being truncated. The same can result if you copy an int value into a short variable. This is especially
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
true if you are casting a floating-number type (such as a double) into an integer type. Anything after the
decimal point will be lost. This is fine if you don't need the fractional part of the number though.
If you are casting a value of a larger type into a variable of a smaller type, the compiler will warn you with the
message "possible loss of data due to type conversion." If you are certain that the value of the larger type
won't overflow the range of the smaller type, then you can safely ignore the message. Otherwise, you can
explicitly typecast the new value to make the warning go away.
For example, if you have a double value that you need to pass to a function that requires an integer value,
you'll get the "possible loss of data due to type conversion" error. You can cast the new value as an integer by
prefacing the variable with (int). For example:
The double variable difference is calculated by dividing two floating-point values. The BuyStopLoss()
function requires an integer value for the second parameter. Passing the difference variable will cause a
compiler warning. By prefacing the difference variable name with (int), we cast the value of difference
to an integer, effectively rounding the value down and avoiding the compiler error.
Input Variables
The input variables of an MQL5 program are the only variables that can be changed by the user. These
variables consist of trade settings, indicator settings, stop loss and take profit values, and so on. They are
displayed under the Inputs tab of the program's Properties window.
An input variable is preceded by the input keyword. Input variables are placed at the beginning of your
program, before any functions or other program code. Input variables can be of any type, including
enumerations. Arrays and structures cannot be used as input variables. The identifiers for input variables
should be clear and descriptive.
Here's an example of some input variables that you may see in an expert advisor:
These input variables set the period and calculation method for a moving average indicator, set a stop loss for
the order, and add a comment to the order.
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Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
You can set a user-friendly display name in the Inputs tab by appending an input variable with a comment.
The comment string will appear in the Variable column of the Inputs tab. Here are the input variables defined
above with a descriptive comment:
A static input variable can be defined by using the sinput keyword. The value of a static input variable can be
changed, but it cannot be optimized in the Strategy Tester. Static input variables are useful for logical
grouping of input parameters. Simply declare an sinput variable of the string type and include a comment:
Figure 2.3 below shows how the input variables above will appear in the Inputs tab of the Properties window:
Fig. 2.3 – The Inputs tab, showing comments in lieu of variable names.
To use an enumeration that you've created as an input variable type, you'll need to define the enumeration
before the input variable itself. We'll use the DayOfWeek enumeration that we defined earlier in the book:
enum DayOfWeek
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Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
This creates an input variable named Day, using the DayOfWeek enumeration as the type, with a default value
of Monday or 1. When the user attempts to change the value of the Day input variable, a drop-down box will
appear, containing all of the values of the enumeration.
Local Variables
A local variable is one that is declared inside a function. Local variables are allocated in memory when the
function is first run. Once the function has exited, the variable is cleared from memory.
In this example, we'll create a simple function. We'll discuss functions in more detail in Chapter 5. We will
declare a local variable inside our function. When the code in this function is run, the variable is declared and
used. When the function exits, the variable is cleared from memory:
void myFunction()
int varInt = 5;
Print(varInt); // Output: 5
The name of this function is myFunction(). This function would be called and executed from somewhere else
in our program. The variable varInt is local to this function. This is referred to as the variable scope. Local
variables cannot be referenced from outside of the function, or anywhere else in the program. They are
created when the function is run, and disposed of when the function exits.
Let's take a closer look at variable scope. A local variable's scope is limited to the block that is is declared in. A
block is defined as a function or a compound operator within a function. A block is surrounded by opening
and closing brackets ({}). Any variables declared inside a block are local only to that block. Let's take a look at
a modified example of our function:
void myFunction()
bool varBool = true;
if(varBool == true)
int varInt = 5;
Print(varInt); // Output: 5
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Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
We've added a new local variable, a boolean variable named varBool. We've also added an if operator block.
The if operator, its accompanying brackets and the code inside them are a compound operator. Any
variables declared inside the brackets are local to the if operator block.
The if expression can be read as: "If varBool contains the value of true, then execute the code inside the
brackets." In this case, the expression is true, so the code inside the brackets is run. The varInt variable is
declared, and the value is printed to the log.
The varInt variable is local to the if operator block. That means that varInt cannot be referenced outside
the block. Once the block is exited, varInt is out of scope. If we attempt to reference it from outside the if
operator block, we'll get a compilation error:
if(varBool == true)
int varInt = 5;
Print(varInt); // Output: 5
The expression varInt = 7 will produce an error on compilation. The variable varInt that we declared inside
the if operator block is out of scope. If we want to correct this code, we can simply declare the varInt
variable that is outside the if operator block:
if(varBool == true)
int varInt = 5;
Print(varInt); // Output: 5
Now we have a variable named varInt in this scope. Note that this is a different variable than the varInt
variable declared inside the if operator block, even though they both have the same name!
Here's another example: The variable varInt is declared at the top of the function, and another variable of
the same name and type is declared inside the if operator block nested inside the function.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
void myFunction()
bool varBool = true;
int varInt = 7;
if(varBool == true)
int varInt = 5;
Print(varInt); // Output: 5
Print(varInt); // Output: 7
An integer variable named varInt is declared at the top of the function, and assigned a value of 7. A second
integer variable named varInt is declared inside the if operator block and initialized with a value of 5. When
we print the value of varInt inside the if operator block, it prints a value of 5.
When the if operator block is exited, and we print the value of varInt again, this time it prints a value of 7 –
the same value that was declared at the top of the function! In other words, the varInt variable that was
declared inside the if operator block overrides the one declared in the scope of the function. By the way, if
you try to compile this, you'll get a warning message stating "declaration of 'varInt' hides local declaration..."
The example above is not considered good practice, so renaming the second varInt variable would fix the
Just to clarify things, let's see what would happen if we declared the varInt variable once outside of the if
operator block, and then referenced it inside the if operator block:
void myFunction()
bool varBool = true;
int varInt = 5;
if(varBool == true)
Print(varInt); // Output: 5
This will work as expected, because the varInt variable is declared outside of the if operator block, in the
function scope. A variable declared in a higher scope is still in scope inside any nested blocks, as long as those
nested blocks don't have a variable of the same name and type.
This may seem arbitrary and confusing, but most modern programming languages treat variable scope this
way. By requiring that variables be local only inside the block in which they are declared, programming errors
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
are prevented when variables share the same name. Also note that this is different than the way local variables
were originally handled in MQL4. In MQL4, a local variable declared inside a function was valid anywhere
inside that function, even if it was declared inside a compound operator or block.
Global Variables
A global variable is one that is declared outside of any function. Global variables are defined at the top of your
program, generally after the input variables. The scope of a global variable is the entire program.
As demonstrated in the previous section, a local variable declared inside a block will override any variable of
the same name and type in a higher scope. If you do this to a global variable, you'll get a compilation
warning: "Declaration of variable hides global declaration." There is no practical reason to override a global
variable this way, so watch for this.
The value of a global variable can be changed anywhere in the program, and those changes will be available
to all functions in the program. Here's an example:
// Global variable
int GlobalVarInt = 5;
void functionA()
GlobalVarInt = 7;
void functionB()
Print(GlobalVarInt); // Output: 7
The global variable GlobalVarInt is declared at the top of the program, and assigned a value of 5. We'll
assume that functionA() is executed first. This changes the value of GlobalVarInt to 7. When functionB()
is run, it will print the changed value of GlobalVarInt, which is now 7.
If you have a variable that needs to be accessed by several functions throughout your program, declare it as a
global variable at the top of your program. If you have a local variable whose value needs to be retained
between function calls, use a static variable instead.
Static Variables
A static variable is a local variable that remains in memory even when the program has exited the variable's
scope. We declare a static variable by prefacing it with the static modifier. Here's an example of a static
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
variable within a function. On each call of the function, the static variable is incremented by 1. The value of the
static variable is retained between function calls:
void staticFunction()
static int staticVar = 0;
staticVar++; // Increments staticVar by 1
Print(staticVar); // Output: 1, 2, 3, etc.
A static integer variable named staticVar is declared with the static modifier. On the first call of the
function, staticVar is initialized to 0. The variable is incremented by 1, and the result is printed to the log.
The first entry in the log will read 1. On the next call of the function, staticVar will have a value of 1. (Note
that it will not be reinitialized to zero!) The variable is then incremented by 1, and a value of 2 is printed to the
log, and so on.
Predefined Variables
MQL5 has several predefined variables to access commonly used values. The predefined variables are
prefaced by the underscore character (_). All of these variables have equivalent functions as well, but since
they are frequently used as function parameters, the predefined variables are easier to read.
Here is a list of commonly-used predefined variables in MQL5. All of these variables refer to the properties of
the chart that the program is currently attached to:
• _Point – The point value of the current symbol. For five-digit Forex currency pairs, the point value is
0.00001, and for three-digit currency pairs (JPY), the point value is 0.001.
• _Digits – The number of digits after the decimal point for the current symbol. For five-digit Forex
currency pairs, the number of digits is 5. JPY pairs have 3 digits.
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Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Chapter 3 - Operations
We can perform mathematical operations and assign the result to a variable. You can even use other variables
in an operation. Let's demonstrate how to perform basic mathematical operations in MQL5.
// Addition
int varAddA = 3 + 5; // Result: 8
double varAddB = 2.5 + varAddA; // Result: 10.5
// Multiplication
int varMultA = 5 * 3; // Result: 15
double varMultB = 2.5 * varMultA; // Result: 37.5
In the first example of each operation, we add or multiply two integers together and assign the result to an
int variable (varAddA and varMultA). In the second example, we add or multiply a real number (or floating-
point number) by a variable containing an integer value. The result is stored in a double variable (varAddB or
If you know that two values will be of integer types, then it's fine to store them in an integer variable. If there's
any possibility that one value will be a floating-point number, then use a real number type such as double or
// Subtraction
int varSubA = 5 – 3; // Result: 2
double varSubB = 0.5 – varSubA; // Result: -1.5
// Negation
int varNegA = -5;
double varNegB = 3.3 – varNegA; // Result: 8.3
In the subtraction example, we first subtract two integers and assign the value to an int variable, varSubA.
Then we subtract our integer variable from a floating point number, 0.5. The result is a negative floating point
number that is assigned to a double variable, varSubB.
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Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
You can specify a numerical constant as a negative number simply by placing a minus sign (-) directly in front
of it. The int variable varNegA has a value of -5 assigned to it. Next, we subtract -5 from 3.3 and assign the
result to varNegB. Since we are subtracting a negative number from a positive number, the result is an
addition operation that results in a value of 8.3.
// Division
double varDivA = 5 / 2; // Result: 2.5
int varDivB = 5 / 2; // Result: 2
// Modulus
int varMod = 5 % 2; // Result: 1
The first division example, varDivA, divides two integers and stores the result in a double variable. Note that
5 / 2 doesn't divide equally, so there is a fractional remainder. Because of the possibility of fractional
remainders, you should always use a real number type when dividing!
The second example demonstrates: We divide 5 / 2 and store the result in an int variable, varDivB. Because
integer types don't store fractional values, the value is rounded down to the nearest whole number.
The modulus example divides 5 by 2, and stores the integer remainder in varMod. You can only use the
modulus operator (%) on two integers. Therefore, it is safe to store the remainder in an int variable.
Assignment Operations
Sometimes you will need to perform a mathematical operation using a variable, and then assign the result
back to the original variable. Here's an example using addition:
int varAdd = 5;
varAdd = varAdd + 3;
Print(varAdd); // Output: 8
We declare the variable varAdd and initialize it to a value of 5. Then we add 3 to varAdd, and assign the result
back to varAdd. The result is 8. Here's a shorter way to do this:
int varAdd = 5;
varAdd += 3; // varAdd = 8
Here we combine a mathematical operator (+) with the assignment operator (=). This can be read as "Add 3
to varAdd, and assign the result back to varAdd." We can do this with other mathematical operators as well:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Relation Operations
You will often have to compare two values in a greater than, less than, equal or non-equal relationship. The
operation evaluates to a boolean result, either true or false. Let's take a look at greater than and less than
In the first example, if a is greater than b, the result is true, otherwise false. In the second example, if a is less
than b, the result is true. You can also check for equality as well:
In the first example, if a is greater than or equal to b, the result is true. In the second example, if a is less than
or equal to b, the result is true. Let's look at equal and non-equal operations:
a == b // Equal to
a != b // Not equal to
In the first example, if a is equal to b, the result is true. In the second example, if a is not equal to b, the result
is true. Note that the equality operator (==) is not the same as the assignment operator (=)! This is a common
mistake made by new programmers.
When using real numbers, it is important to normalize or round the numbers to a specific number of decimal
places. This is done using the NormalizeDouble() function. The first argument is the double value to
normalize. The second argument is the number of digits after the decimal point to round to. Here's an
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
if(normalA == normalB)
In this example, we have two double variables containing fractional values to 8 decimal places. We use the
NormalizeDouble() function to round these numbers to 4 decimal places and assign the results to their
original variables. We can then compare them in an equality statement. In this case, normalA and normalB are
equal, so the string "Equal" is printed to the log.
If we tried to perform an equality operation on two prices without normalizing the numbers, it's unlikely we
would ever get an equal result. Internally, prices and indicator values are calculated out to a large number of
significant digits. By normalizing the numbers, we can check for equality using a smaller number of digits.
Boolean Operations
A boolean operation compares two or more operations (mathematical, boolean or relation) using logical
operators, and evaluates whether the expression is true or false. There are three logical operations: AND, OR
and NOT.
Let's take a look at an example of an AND operation. An AND operation is true if all of the operations in the
expression are true. The logical operator for AND is && (two ampersands):
int a = 1;
int b = 1;
int c = 2;
if(a == b && a + b == c)
Print(true); // Result: true
First we declare and initialize three integer variables: a, b and c. We use an if operator to evaluate our
boolean operation. If the operation is true, the code inside the brackets is run.
The value of a is 1, and the value of b is 1. The expression a == b is true, so we go on to the next expression.
The addition operation a + b equals 2. The value of c is also 2, so this expression is true. The boolean
operation AND evaluates to true, so a value of true is printed to the log.
Let's see what happens if we have a false expression in our AND boolean operation:
int a = 1;
int b = 1;
int c = 3;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
if(a == b && a + b == c)
Print(false); // Result: true
In this example, we initialize the value of c to 3. Since a + b is not equal to c, the expression evaluates to
false, and thus the boolean AND operation evaluates to false. In this case, the execution skips to the else
operator, and a value of false is printed to the log.
Next, we'll examine the OR boolean operation. An OR operation is true if any of the expressions evaluates to
true. The OR operator is || (two pipes):
int a = 1;
int b = 1;
int c = 3;
if(a == b || a + b == c)
Print(true); // Result: true
This code is almost identical to the previous example, except we are using an OR operator. The expression
a == b is true, but a + b == c is not. Since at least one of the expressions is true, the boolean OR operation
evaluates to true, and a value of true is printed to the log.
Finally, we'll examine the NOT boolean operation. The NOT operator (!) is applied to a single boolean
expression. If the expression is true, the NOT operation evaluates to false, and vice versa. Essentially, the NOT
operator reverses the true/false value of a boolean expression. Here's an example:
Print(true); // Result: true
The variable not is initialized to false. The boolean expression !not evaluates to true. Thus, a value of true is
printed to the log. The NOT operator works on more complex expressions as well:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
int a = 1;
int b = 2;
if(!(a == b))
Print(true); // Result: true
The expression a == b is false. By enclosing the expression in parentheses and applying the NOT operator,
the expression evaluates to true and a value of true is printed to the log.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Conditional Operators
One of the most basic functions of any program is making decisions. Conditional operators are used to make
decisions by evaluating a true/false condition. There are three conditional operators in MQL5: the if-else
operator, the ternary operator, and the switch-case operator.
The if Operator
You've already been introduced to the if operator. The if operator is the most common conditional operator
in MQL5, and one that you'll use often. It is a compound operator, meaning that there is usually more than
one expression contained inside the operator.
The if operator evaluates a condition as true or false. The condition can be a relational or boolean operation.
If the condition is true, the expression(s) inside the compound operator are executed. If the condition is false,
control passes to the next line of code. Let's look at a simple if expression:
We declare a boolean variable named condition, and set its value to true. Next, we evaluate the boolean
condition in the if operator. In this case, condition == true, so we execute the code inside the brackets,
which prints a value of true to the log.
When an if compound operator has only one expression, you can omit the brackets and place it on the same
line as the if operator. You can even place the expression on the next line. Note that this only works with a
single expression, and that expression must be terminated with a semicolon:
// Single line
if(condition == true) Print(true);
// Multi line
if(condition == true)
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Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
You can have multiple if expressions next to each other. Each if expression will be evaluated individually. In
the example below, two if operators evaluate a relational operation. Both Print() functions will be executed,
since 2 is greater than 1 and less than 3:
int number = 2;
The else operator is the companion to the if operator. The else operator is placed after an if operator.
When the if operator evaluates to false, the expression(s) inside the else operator are executed instead:
In this example, the if operator evaluates to false, so the expression inside the else operator is run and a
value of false is printed to the log. The else operator is useful if you have a default action that you want to
be carried out when all other conditions are false.
The else operator can be combined with the if operator, allowing multiple conditions to be evaluated. When
one or more else if operators are placed in an if-else block, the first true condition will end execution of
the if-else block. An else if operator must be placed after the first if operator, and before any else
int oneOrTwo = 2;
if(oneOrTwo == 1)
Print("oneOrTwo is 1");
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
In this example, we declare an integer variable, oneOrTwo, and assign a value of 2. The condition for the if
operator, oneOrTwo == 1, is false, so we move on to the else if operator. The else if operator condition,
oneOrTwo == 2 is true, so the string "oneOrTwo is 2" is printed to the log.
The if and else if operators are evaluated in order until one of them evaluates to true. Once an if or else
if operator evaluates to true, the expression(s) inside the operator are executed, and the program resumes
execution after the if-else block. If none of the if or else if operators evaluate to true, then the
expression(s) inside the else operator will execute instead.
For example, if oneOrTwo is assigned a value of 1, the expression in the first if operator, oneOrTwo == 1, will
be true. The message "oneOrTwo is 1" will be printed to the log. The following else if and else operators
will not be evaluated. The program will resume execution after the else operator.
If all of the if and else if operators are false, the expression in the else operator is executed. In this case,
the message "oneOrTwo is not 1 or 2" will be printed to the log:
int oneOrTwo = 3;
if(oneOrTwo == 1)
Print("oneOrTwo is 1");
else if(oneOrTwo == 2)
Print("oneOrTwo is 2");
Note that the else operator is not required in any if-else block. If it is present, it must come after any if or
else if operators. You can have multiple else if operators, or none at all. It all depends on your
Ternary Operator
The ternary operator is a single-line shortcut for the if-else operator. A ternary operator consists of three
parts. The first part is the true/false condition to be evaluated. The second part is the expression to be
executed if the condition is true. The third part is the expression to be executed if the condition is false. The
result of the expression is assigned to a variable. Here's an example:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
We declare a boolean variable named condition, and set the value to true. This variable is used as the
condition for the ternary operator. A question mark ( ?) separates the condition from the expressions. The first
expression assigns a value of true to the boolean variable result. The second expression assigns a value of
false to the variable result. The expressions are separated by a colon ( :).
In this case, condition == true, so the first expression, true, is assigned to the variable result. Here's how
we would express this using the if-else operator:
We saved two lines of code using the ternary operator. Whichever you prefer to use is up to you.
Switch Operator
The switch operator compares an expression to a list of constant values using the case operator. When a
constant value is matched, the accompanying expressions are executed. Here's an example:
int x = 1;
case 1:
Print("x is 1"); // Output: x is 1
case 2:
Print("x is 2");
Print("x is not 1 or 2");
We declare an integer variable, x, and assign a value of 1. The switch operator contains the expression to
evaluate. In this case, the expression is the variable x. The case operators are labels, each assigned a different
constant value. Since x is equal to 1, the string "x is 1" will be printed to the log. The break operator ends
execution of the switch operator.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
If the expression inside the switch operator does not match any of the case operators, the optional default
operator will execute instead. For example, if x does not match any of the case operators, the expressions
after the default operator are executed instead. So if x were assigned a value of 3, the string "x is not 1
or 2" is printed to the log.
Unlike an if-else block, execution of the switch operator block does not stop when a case constant is
matched. Unless a break operator is encountered, execution will continue until all remaining expressions in
the switch operator have been executed. Here's an example:
int x = 1;
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
Print("x is 1, 2 or 3"); // Output: x is 1, 2 or 3
Print("x is not 1, 2, or 3");
Note that there are no expressions following the case 1 or case 2 labels. If either of these labels are
matched, the program will begin executing any expressions following the case labels until a break operator is
encountered, a default operator is encountered, or the switch operator ends.
In this example, the variable x has a value of 1. The expression x matches the first case label. Execution
continues past the case 3 label, to the Print() function. The string "x is 1, 2 or 3" is printed to the log,
and the break operator exits the switch block. If x did not match any of the case labels, then the expressions
in the default operator would execute instead.
The switch operator is useful is a few specific situations. In most cases, an if-else block will work just as
well, although a switch-case block may be more efficient and compact. Here's a useful example of a
switch-case block. This code will evaluate the chart period in minutes, and return a string if the chart period
matches several common chart periods:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
case 60:
printPeriod = "H1";
case 240:
printPeriod = "H4";
case 1440:
printPeriod = "D1";
printPeriod = "M" + period;
The integer variable period is assigned the period of the current chart, in minutes, using the predefined
_Period variable. The switch operator compares period to several common chart periods, including H1, H4
and D1. If period matches any of the common chart periods, the appropriate string is assigned to the string
variable printPeriod. In the event that none of these chart periods are matched, a chart period string is
constructed using the prefix "M" and the period in minutes.
For example, if period == 240, the variable printPeriod is assigned the string "H4". If period == 15, the
expression following the default operator will execute, and printPeriod is assigned the string "M15". The
variable printPeriod can be used to print a user-friendly chart period to the log or to the screen.
Loop Operators
Sometimes it is necessary for a program to repeat an action over and over again. For this, we use loop
operators. There are three loop operators in MQL: while, do-while and for.
The while loop is the simplest loop in MQL. The while operator checks for a boolean or relational condition.
If the condition is true, the code inside the brackets will execute. As long as the condition remains true, the
code inside the brackets will continue to execute in a loop. Here is an example:
while(loop == true)
Print(count); // Output: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
We start by declaring a boolean variable named loop to use as the loop condition. We also declare an integer
variable named count and initialize it to 1. The while operator checks to see if the variable loop == true. If
so, the code inside the brackets is run. We print the value of the count variable to the log. Next we check to
see if count == 5. If so, we set loop = false. Finally we increment count by 1, and check the loop condition
again. The result of this loop is that the numbers 1 - 5 are printed to the log.
When count == 5, the loop variable is set to false, and the condition for the while operator is no longer
true. Thus, the loop stops executing and control passes to the expression following the closing bracket. Let's
look at a second example, using a relational condition:
int count = 1;
while(count <= 5)
Print(count); // Output: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
This code produces the same result as the loop above. In this example, the count variable is used as the loop
condition. If count is less than or equal to 5, the loop will execute. On each execution of the loop, count will
be incremented by 1 and the result printed to the log. Once count is greater than 5, the loop will exit.
The while loop condition is checked at the beginning of the loop. If the condition is false, the loop is never
run. If you need to check the condition at the end of the loop, or you need the loop to run at least once, then
use the do-while loop.
The do-while operators check the loop condition at the end of the loop, instead of the beginning. This means
that the loop will always run at least once. Here's an example:
int count = 1;
Print(count); // Output: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
while(count < 5)
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Again, this is identical to the previous while loop example, except in this case, the value of count will be
printed to the log at least once. For example, if count == 1, the numbers 1-5 will be printed to the log. If
count == 6, the number 6 will be printed to the log.
In both the while and do-while loops, the condition to halt loop execution must occur sometime during the
loop, or independently of the loop (such as an external event). If the condition to stop the loop does not
occur, you'll end up with an infinite loop and your program will freeze. Here's an example:
while(loop == true)
This example will loop infinitely because the variable loop is always equal to true.
If you don't know how many times a loop will need to execute, or if you need to use a boolean condition as
the loop condition, then use a while or do-while loop. If you know how many times a loop needs to execute,
or if you need more advanced iteration, then use a for loop instead.
If you are using an integer variable to iterate through a loop (such as the count variable in the previous
examples), the for loop is a better choice. The for operator contains three expressions separated by
• The first expression is a variable(s) to initialize at the start of the loop. This variable is generally used
to iterate through the loop.
• The second expression is the loop condition. This is generally a relational expression. When this
expression is true, the loop executes. When it is false, the loop exits.
• The third expression is executed at the end of each loop. This is generally a mathematical expression
to increment the iterator variable.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The first expression in the for operator, int count = 1, declares an integer variable named count and
initializes it to 1. The second expression, count <= 5, is the loop condition. If count is less than or equal to 5,
the loop will execute. The third expression, count++, is executed at the end of each loop. This expression
increments the count variable by 1. Note that there are semicolons after the first and second expressions, but
not after the third expression.
Like the previous examples, this code prints the numbers 1-5 to the log. If you compare the code above to the
while loop example on the previous page, the for loop requires fewer lines of code. Just about anything you
can do with a while loop can also be done with a for loop.
You can omit any of the three expressions in the for loop, but the semicolons separating them must remain. If
you omit the second expression, the loop is considered to be constantly true, and thus becomes an infinite
You can declare multiple variables in the first expression of a for loop, as well as calculate multiple
expressions in the third expression of a for loop. The additional expressions must be separated by commas.
For example:
We declare two integer variables, a and b, and initialize them with the values of 1 and 2 respectively. The loop
will execute when a is less than or equal to 5. On each iteration of the loop, a is incremented by 1, while b is
incremented by 2. The values of a and b are printed to the log on each iteration.
Sometimes you need to exit a loop before it has finished iterating, or when a certain condition is met. The
break operator immediately exits the nearest while, do-while or for loop. It also exits the switch operator,
as explained on page 42.
Generally, the break operator is used to exit a loop when a certain condition is met. For example:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
In this example, when count == 3, the break operator is called and the for loop is exited.
The continue operator works similar to the break operator. Instead of exiting the loop entirely, the continue
operator exits the current iteration of the loop and skips to the next iteration.
int count = 1;
while(count <= 5)
if(count == 3) continue;
Print(count); // Output: 1, 2, 4, 5
This example will print the value of count to the log for every value except for 3.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Chapter 5 - Functions
A function is a block of code that performs a specific task, such as placing an order or adjusting the stop loss
of a position. We will be creating our own functions to carry out many trading-related activities in this book. In
addition, MQL5 has dozens of built-in functions that do everything from retrieving order information to
performing complex mathematical operations.
Functions are designed to be flexible and reusable. Whenever you need to perform a specific action, such as
placing an order, you call a function to perform that action. The function contains all of the code and logic
necessary to perform the task. All you need to do is pass the required parameters to the function, if necessary,
and handle any values returned by the function.
When you place an order, for example, you will call an order placement function. You will pass parameters to
the function that instruct it to place an order on the specified symbol, at the specified price with the specified
order volume. Once the function has finished executing, it will return a value such as an order confirmation.
A function declaration consists of a return type, an identifier, and an optional list of parameters. Here's an
example of a function declaration:
The name of our function is BuyStopLoss(). This function will calculate the stop loss for a buy order. The
return type is double, which means that this function will calculate a value of type double, and return that
value to our program.
This function has three parameters: pSymbol, pStopPoints and pOpenPrice. In this book, we will preface all
function parameter identifiers with a lower case "p". The parameters are separated by commas. Each
parameter must have a type and an identifier. A parameter can also have a default value. We'll discuss default
values in more detail shortly.
All three parameters are required – which means they must be passed to the function when the function is
called. The first parameter, pSymbol, is a string value representing the symbol of the instrument. The second
parameters, pStopPoints, is an integer value representing the stop loss value in points. The third parameter,
pOpenPrice, is a double value representing the order opening price.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Here is the function in its entirety. This function will be placed somewhere on the global scope of our program
– which means that it can't be inside another function. It can be placed in an include file, or even inside
another program that is included in our program:
This function will calculate the stop loss by multiplying pStopPoints by the symbol's point value, represented
by the predefined variable _Point (usually 0.00001 or 0.001), and subtracting that value from pOpenPrice.
The result is assigned to the variable stopLoss. The value of stopLoss is normalized to the number of digits
in the price using the NormalizeDouble() function, and the return operator returns the normalized value of
stopLoss to the program.
// Input variables
input int StopLoss = 500;
The input variable StopLoss is an input variable that contains the stop loss value in points. This will be
located at the beginning of our program, and will be set by the user. The double variable orderPrice is a
local variable that will contain the opening price of our order – in this case, the current Ask price.
We call the BuyStopLoss() function, and pass the current chart symbol (_Symbol), the StopLoss variable and
the orderPrice variable as the function parameters. The BuyStopLoss() function calculates the stop loss and
stores the return value in the useStopLoss variable. This variable would then be used to modify the currently
opened position and add a stop loss.
Default Values
A function parameter can be assigned a default value when the function is first declared. If a parameter has a
default value, it must be placed at the end of the parameter list. Let's add a default value to one of the
parameters in our BuyStopLoss() function:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The pOpenPrice parameter is assigned a default value of zero. Any parameter that has a default value must
be at the end of the parameter list. If you are using the default value when calling the function, the parameter
can be omitted:
In the above example, the default value of 0 will be used for the pOpenPrice parameter.
You can have multiple parameters with default values, but they must all be at the end of the parameter list. If a
function has multiple parameters with default values, and you are passing a value to a parameter with a
default value, then any parameters before it must have values passed as well. Here's an example:
MyFunction() has two parameters with default values: pDefault1 and pDefault2. If you need to pass a non-
default value to pDefault2, but not to pDefault1, then a value must be passed to pDefault1 as well:
int nonDefault = 5;
The parameter pDefault1 is passed the default value of 0, while pDefault2 is passed a value of 5. You cannot
skip parameters when calling a function, unless all remaining parameters are using their default values. Of
course, if you don't need to pass a value to pDefault1 and pDefault2, or pDefault2, then you can omit it
from the function call:
int point = 5;
In this example, pDefault1 is passed a value of 5, but pDefault2 uses its default value of 0. If you are using
the default value for pDefault1 as well, the only parameter that needs to be specified is pSymbol.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
In summary, any function parameter(s) with a default value must be at the end of the parameter list. You
cannot skip parameters when calling the function, so if a parameter with a default value is passed a different
value when calling the function, then any parameters before it must have a value passed to it as well.
Any function that returns a value must have at least one return operator. The return operator contains the
variable or expression to return to the calling program. The type of the expression must match the return type
of the function. Generally, the return operator is the last line in your function, although you may have several
return operators in your function, depending on your requirements.
The return type of a function can be of any type, including structures and enumerations. You cannot return an
array from a function, although you can return an element from an array. If you need a function to return an
array, you can pass an array to a function by reference. We'll discuss passing by reference shortly.
Here is our BuyStopLoss() function again. This function returns a value of type double. The value of the
double variable stopLoss, which is local to the function, is returned to the calling program using the return
Not every function needs to return a value. There is a special type called void, which specifies a function that
does not return a value. A void function can accept parameters, but does not need to have a return
operator. Here is an example of a function of void type with no parameters:
void TradeEmail()
string subject = "Trade placed";
string text = "A trade was placed on " + _Symbol;
This function will send an email using the mail settings specified in the Tools menu > Settings > Email tab.
Note that there is no return operator because the function is of void type.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Normally, when you pass parameters to a function, the parameters are passed by value. This means that the
value of the parameter is passed to the function, and the original variable remains unchanged.
You can also pass parameters by reference. Any changes made to a variable inside a function will be reflected
in the original variable. This is useful when you need a function to modify an array or a structure. You will
frequently pass arrays and structures by reference into MQL5 functions.
Here's an example of passing a structure by reference using the SymbolInfoTick() function. Here is the
definition of the SymbolInfoTick() function from the MQL5 Reference:
bool SymbolInfoTick(
string symbol, // symbol name
MqlTick& tick // reference to a structure
The ampersand (&) before the tick parameter means that this parameter is passed by reference. Here is how
we would use the SymbolInfoTick() function in code:
MqlTick myTick;
The first line declares an object named myTick, using the built-in MqlTick structure as the type. The MqlTick
structure stores current price information from the server. The SymbolInfoTick() function fills an MqlTick
object with the current price information of the specified symbol. The second parameter in the
SymbolInfoTick() function call, myTick, is passed by reference. The myTick structure is modified by the
function, and filled with the current price information from the trade server. The Print() function prints the
current Bid price to the log by referencing the bid variable of the myTick object.
Here's another example of passing by reference using an array. In this example, we'll pass a dynamic array to a
function by reference. We specify that a parameter is being passed by reference by prefixing the identifier with
an ampersand (&):
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The sole parameter of the FillArray() function, &array[], is passed by reference. The dynamic array passed
to the &array[] parameter will be modified by the function. Here is how we would call this function from our
int fill[];
Print(fill[0]); // Output: 1
The array fill[] now contains the values that were modified inside the FillArray() function.
Overloading Functions
Sometimes you may need to create multiple functions that perform essentially the same task. Each of these
functions will have different input parameters, but the end result is the same. Previously in MQL4, it would
have been necessary to give these functions different identifiers. MQL5 introduces function overloading, which
allows you to have multiple functions with the same name.
Each identically-named function must have different parameters, either in number or in type. Let's
demonstrate by using two trailing stop functions that we'll create later in this book. Both functions have the
same name, and do basically the same thing. The difference is that the first function has an integer parameter
named pTrailPoints, and the second has a double parameter named pTrailPrice:
bool TrailingStop(string pSymbol, int pTrailPoints, int pMinProfit = 0, int pStep = 10);
bool TrailingStop(string pSymbol, double pTrailPrice, int pMinProfit = 0, int pStep = 10);
The int parameter in the first function, pTrailPoints, accepts a trailing stop value in points. This is used to
calculate a trailing stop price, relative to the current Bid or Ask price. The double parameter in the second
function, pTrailPrice, accepts a price to be used as the trailing stop price.
By having two identically-named functions with different parameters, we have some flexibility as to how to
administer the trailing stop, depending on the trading system. Since both functions share the same name, the
programmer does not have to remember two (or more) different function names. In the end, this simply
makes life easier for the programmer.
The compiler will know which function to use based on its unique parameter signature. The first function has a
string parameter, followed by three integer parameters. The second has a string parameter, followed by a
double parameter and two integer parameters. Here's how we would call the first variant of the function:
// Input variables
input int TrailingPoints = 500;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
An int input variable named TrailingPoints allows the user to set a trailing stop in points. This value is
used as the second parameter in the TrailingStop() function call. Because the TrailingPoints variable is
of type int, the compiler knows to use the first variant of the function. Since we are using the default values
for the pMinProfit and pStep parameters, we have omitted them from the function call.
And here's how we would call the second variant of the function:
// Input variables
input int TrailingPoints = 500;
The local double variable trailingPrice will contain a price to use as the trailing stop. Since the second
parameter of the TrailingStop() function call is of type double, the compiler knows to use the second
variant of the function.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Object-oriented Programming
The concepts of object-oriented programming are abstract in nature and often confounded by technical
jargon. They can be difficult for the new programmer to grasp. But once you learn the fundamentals of OOP,
you'll find them to be incredibly useful.
Object-oriented programming is based around the concepts of classes and objects. A class is a collection of
variables and functions that perform a set of related tasks. The variables and functions contained inside a class
are referred to as the members of a class.
A class is like a blueprint for an object. Take a car, for example. A car has a steering wheel, a gear shifter, a turn
signal, headlights and so on. A class for a car object would contain all of the variables describing the car's
state (speed, gear, whether the headlights are on and off), and all of the functions to perform a specific task
(accelerating or decelerating, shifting gears, turning the headlights on and off, etc.)
An object is created using the class as a template. The class describes the car, while the object is the car itself.
Each object has a unique name, similar to how each car has a unique vehicle identification number. You can
create as many objects as necessary, just like a manufacturer can build many different cars of the same model.
The variables of an object are distinct from the variables of other objects, just like how different cars are going
different speeds on the highway.
For example, in an expert advisor you may have several indicators. For a moving average cross, you will have
at least two moving average indicators. Each moving average will have a different period setting, and may
have different calculation mode and price settings.
A moving average indicator can be represented by a class. The moving average indicator class contains all of
the variables and functions necessary to create the indicator and retrieve the current indicator value during
program execution. Using this class, we create one or more objects, each of which will have their own
identifier, settings and indicator values.
We don't have to worry about creating a dynamic series array to hold the indicator values, nor do we need to
think about initializing the indicator, storing the indicator handle and copying the indicator values from the
buffers to the array. All of these details are handled in the class implementation. All we need to do is create an
object, and use the class functions to carry out these tasks.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Classes are declared on the global scope, just like functions. A class can be placed inside your program or
inside an include file. A class declaration uses the class keyword, followed by a unique identifier. The
members of the class are placed inside the brackets, sorted by access keywords. The closing bracket of a class
declaration is terminated with a semicolon.
class CIndicator
int handle;
double main[];
double Main(int pShift=0);
void Release();
The name of the class is CIndicator. It has three public members and two protected members. Notice that
every function and variable declaration inside the class declaration is terminated with a semicolon. The closing
bracket of the class declaration itself is terminated with a semicolon as well. The public members of the
CIndicator class include the Main() function, the Release() function, and a default constructor with the
same name as our class. The protected members include the handle variable and the main[] array.
We'll discuss the CIndicator class in more detail in Chapter 17, so don't worry if you don't understand how it
works just yet. In this chapter, we will be using the CIndicator class as an example to explain the concepts of
object-oriented programming.
Access Modifiers
The labels public, private and protected are access keywords. They determine whether a variable or
function is available for use outside of a class. Here are the descriptions of the access keywords:
• Public members of a class are available for use outside of the class. This is the method by which the
program interacts with an object. Public members are generally functions that perform important
tasks. Public functions can access and modify the private and protected members of a class.
• Private members of a class are only available for use by functions inside the class. A private member
cannot be accessed outside the class. Classes that are derived from this class will not inherit these
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Object-oriented Programming
members. (We'll discuss inheritance shortly.) Private members are generally internal functions and
variables that are accessed by public members of a class.
• Protected members of a class are essentially private members that will be inherited by a derived
class. Use the protected keyword unless you're certain that you won't be deriving any classes from
the current class.
This concept of hiding class members from the rest of the program is an OOP concept referred to as
encapsulation. By hiding class members, we ensure that they won't be used or modified unnecessarily.
The CIndicator class is meant to be used as a parent class for other indicator classes, such as a moving
average indicator class. We've created this class to implement features that every indicator will use. For
example, every indicator requires a variable to store the indicator handle, so we've created an integer variable
named handle. We'll also need at least one dynamic array to hold indicator values. The first (and sometimes
only) buffer in an indicator is referred to as the main buffer, so we've declared a double array named main[].
Both of these variables are protected, which means they can't be accessed outside of our class, and can only
be accessed by public members of the class.
For the public members of our class, we've created a function named Main() to update the indicator values
and access the values in the main[] array, and a Release() function to release the indicator from memory.
Let's take a closer look at the public functions of our class. We'll start with the Main() function. This function
copies indicator data to the main[] array using the handle variable to identify the indicator, and returns the
value for the specified bar. Here is the function declaration for the Main() function:
This function declaration is placed on the global scope, after the CIndicator class declaration. Note the
CIndicator:: right before the function identifier. The double-colon operator ( ::) is the scope resolution
operator. It identifies a function as belonging to a specific scope – in this case, the scope is the CIndicator
Notice also that our protected handle and main[] variables are used as parameters for the CopyBuffer()
function. The only way we can access protected and private members of our class is through a public class
function. If you attempt to access these members from elsewhere in your program, you'll get a compilation
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The preferred way to declare class functions is the method used above. But you can also declare a function in-
line, inside the class declaration itself. This is useful for very short functions that consists of a single line or
two. Here's an example using our Release() function:
class CIndicator
void Release() { IndicatorRelease(handle); }
// ...
The Release() function is declared on a single line inside our class declaration. It consists of a call to the
IndicatorRelease() function. The contents of the function are contained within the brackets. It is not
required to have a semicolon after the closing bracket, although the compiler will not complain if you do.
When an object is created from a class, a function called the constructor is executed automatically. The
constructor is used to initialize the variables inside our object. If no constructor is explicitly defined, then the
compiler creates a default constructor to initialize the variables. This default constructor is not visible to the
In our CIndicator function, we have declared our own default constructor, also called CIndicator(). The
name of a constructor must match that of the class identifier. It is not necessary to specify a return type for a
default constructor, as the type is always void. The access level of a constructor must be public.
Here is the CIndicator() constructor declaration inside the CIndicator class declaration:
class CIndicator
// ...
And here is our explicitly defined class constructor. The only purpose of our constructor is to set our main[]
array as a series array. We'll talk more about series arrays later in the book:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Object-oriented Programming
Remember, you do not need to explicitly declare a default constructor if you do not need one. If there are
actions you want carried out automatically upon the creation of an object, then create a default constructor to
do this.
There are more advanced things you can do with constructors, such as parametric constructors and
initialization lists. There is also the destructor, which is called upon destruction of an object. Since we won't be
using those features in this book, it will be up to the reader to learn more. You can learn about constructors
and destructors in the MQL5 Reference under Language Basics > Object-Oriented programming.
Derived Classes
One of the most useful features of OOP is the concept of inheritance. In OOP, you can create a class using
another class as a template. The new class inherits all of the functions and variables of the parent class (except
for those that use the private access keyword). You can then extend upon that class by adding new functions
and variables.
This is exactly what we'll do with our CIndicator class. Remember that the CIndicator class is meant to be a
parent class for other indicator classes. The specifics of implementing a particular indicator are handled in the
derived class, while the basic variables and functions are already defined in the parent class.
Here's an example of a derived class for a moving average indicator. This class contains one function, Init(),
which initializes the moving average indicator:
The name of our derived class is CiMA. Notice the colon (:), followed by public Cindicator in the class
declaration. This specifies that the CiMA class is derived from the CIndicator class. All of the public and
protected members of the CIndicator class are now part of the CiMA class.
The public keyword specifies that all public and protected members of the base class will remain public or
protected in any classes derived from this one. You can also specify the protected or private keywords,
which changes the access level of all public and protected members of the parent class to protected or private
in any derived classes. However, you won't need to do this very often, if at all.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Here is the function declaration for our Init() function. This function passes the moving average indicator
settings to the iMA() function, which returns an indicator handle. Note the usage of the handle variable from
the CIndicator class:
Virtual Functions
Sometimes, you will need to change the way a function operates in a derived class. Or you may want to define
a function in a parent class, but take care of the implementation details in the derived class. You can
accomplish this by using virtual functions.
Let's use the example of a car again: A car class would have a function to change gears. However, the process
of changing gears in a car with a manual transmission is different than changing gears with an automatic
transmission. Therefore, we would declare a virtual gear changing function in our parent class, and then write
the actual function in our derived classes.
class Car
virtual int ShiftGears(int gear) { return(gear); }
The name of our class is Car. We've declared a single function – a virtual function named ShiftGears().
We've added an empty function body to the ShiftGears() declaration, containing only a single return
operator. The ShiftGears() function is declared with the virtual keyword. This means that the function will
be defined in the derived classes.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Object-oriented Programming
This class is named ManualCar, and is for a manual transmission vehicle. Here is where we define the
ShiftGears() function. The function is declared with the same type and parameters as the function in the
Car class. The virtual keyword is optional, and can be left out if you do not plan on deriving any new classes
from ManualCar. The body of the function is defined elsewhere, and contains the logic for shifting gears using
a manual transmission. Other classes derived from the Car class would define ShiftGears() in a similar
If a derived class has a function with the same name and parameters as a function in the parent class, the
function in the derived class will override the function in the parent class. This process of redefining functions
in derived classes is an OOP concept known as polymorphism.
The Init() function in our CiMA class can be declared as a virtual function in our CIndicator class. This
ensures that any class derived from CIndicator must implement the Init() class:
class CIndicator
int handle;
virtual int Init() { return(handle); }
The Init() function is declared as a public member of the class. The virtual keyword specifies that the
implementation of the function will be carried out in any derived classes. The body of the function is declared
on the same line. In this example, the function simply returns the value of the handle variable. When we
create a derived class based on CIndicator, the Init() function must be implemented in the new class.
Now that we've created a class for a moving average indicator, let's create an object. You create an object the
same way you create a variable, enumeration or structure: The class name is used as the type, and the object
is given a unique identifier:
CiMA objMa;
This creates an object named objMa, based on the class CiMA. When an object is created, the constructor for
that object is executed automatically. Since the CiMA class is derived from the CIndicator class, the
constructor from the CIndicator class is made available to the CiMA class, and will execute automatically
upon creation of an object based on the CiMA class. Thus, the CIndicator() constructor is called, and the
main[] array is set as a series array upon creation of the object:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Once the object is declared, we can access any public members using the dot (.) operator. The first thing we'll
need to do is initialize our indicator with the Init() function:
Remember that the Init() function was declared as a virtual function in the CIndicator class, and defined in
the CiMA class. The Init() function creates an indicator handle for the moving average indicator using the
specified settings. The indicator handle is stored in the protected variable handle, which is defined in the
CIndicator class.
Next, we'll use the Main() function to fill the main[] array with indicator values, and retrieve the indicator
value for a specific bar. Since the main[] array is a protected class member, we can only access it through a
public function such as the Main() function. This line of code prints the moving average value for the current
bar to the log:
You can create as many objects as necessary for your program. If you need a second moving average
indicator, then declare it using a different unique identifier, and access the public members of the object as
shown above. By creating classes to perform common tasks, you save time and reduce errors, as well as
reducing the amount of code in your program. The remainder of the book on expert advisors will focus on the
creation of classes to perform common trading tasks.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Preprocessor Directives
The preprocessor directives are used to set program properties, define constants, include files and import
functions. Preprocessor directives are typically declared at the very top of the program file. Let's start with the
#property preprocessor directive, which you'll see in nearly every MQL5 program.
#property Directive
The #property directive defines properties for the program, such as descriptive information, indicator, script
and library properties. We'll discuss properties for indicators, scripts and libraries in the appropriate chapters.
When you create a program using the MQL5 Wizard, the author, link and version properties will be
inserted automatically. You can also add the description property manually. These will be displayed on the
Common tab in the expert advisor Properties dialog. This is useful if you decide to distribute your program.
The #property directives will be placed at the very top of your program. They must be defined in your main
program file, as any property directives in include files will be ignored. Here's an example of the descriptive
#property directives:
And here's how these #property directives above will display in the Common tab of the expert advisor
Properties window:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Fig. 7.1 – The Common tab of the expert advisor Properties window, displaying the #property
directives defined in the source code file.
The copyright property above ("Andrew R. Young") doubles as a hyperlink. Placing the mouse over it and
clicking will take the user to the website defined in the link property.
#define Directive
The #define directive is used to define constants for use throughout the program. We addressed constants
earlier on page 17. To summarize, the #define directive specifies an identifier with a constant value. The
convention is to use all capital letters for the identifier name. Here are some examples of constants using the
#define directive:
#define PI 3.14159265
#define MAX_BARS 100
#define COMPANY_NAME "Easy Expert Forex"
To use a constant, you substitute the identifier name for the constant value. If you wanted to use the value of
Pi in your program, the identifier PI would be interpreted as 3.14159265 by the compiler:
double diameter = 5;
double circumference = PI * diameter;
Print(circumference); // Output: 15.70796325
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The example above calculates the circumference of a circle by multiplying the value of Pi by the diameter of a
There is a second variant of the #define directive called the parametric form. The parametric form of the
#define directive accepts parameters, just like a function would. You can have up to eight parameters in a
parametric #define directive. The result is an expression that is calculated and substituted in the program:
#define PI 3.14159265
#define CIRC(dia) PI * dia
The define directive CIRC(dia) takes a single argument, dia, which is the diameter of a circle. The value of
dia will be multiplied by the constant PI, and the result returned to the program.
double diameter = 5;
double circumference = CIRC(diameter);
Print(circumference); // Output: 15.70796325
The example above calculates the circumference of a circle by using the CIRC(dia) parametric constant. The
value of the diameter variable is passed to the CIRC(dia) constant as the parameter. The dia parameter is
multiplied by the PI constant, and the result is placed in the circumference variable.
If you have a simple mathematical expression that is used frequently, then the parametric form of the #define
directive can be a good substitute for writing a dedicated function. However, a function would allow for more
advanced manipulation, such as normalizing a result to a specified number of digits.
#include Directive
The #include directive specifies an include file to be included in the program. An include file contains
variables, function and classes to be used in the main program. There are two variations of the #include
#include <Trade.mqh>
#include "Trade.mqh"
The first variant of the #include directive encloses the include file name in angle brackets (<>). This indicates
that the compiler will look for the include file in the default include directory, which is the \MQL5\Include
subfolder of your MetaTrader 5 install folder. This is the preferred method of including files, and the one we
will use in this book.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The second variant of the #include directive encloses the include file name in double quotes ("). This tells the
compiler to look for the include file in the same directory as the program file. If for some reason you've stored
the include file in the same directory as your program, then use double quotes in your #include directive.
There is an additional preprocessor directive, the #import directive, which is used to import functions from
libraries and DLLs. We'll address the usage of the #import directive in Chapter 21.
Any global variables that you're using must be declared outside of any functions or event handlers. The
convention is to put them at the top of the file, after the input variables. This ensures that they won't be called
by any functions before they have been declared.
Event Handlers
An event handler is a function that is executed whenever a certain event occurs. Event handlers are the
method by which an MQL5 program runs. For example, when an incoming price quote is received by an
expert advisor, the NewTick event occurs. This causes the OnTick() event handler to execute. The OnTick()
event handler contains code that runs every time a price change occurs.
Each program type has its own event handlers. Expert advisors and indicators use the Init event to execute the
OnInit() event handler, which runs once at the start of the program. Scripts use the Start event, which is
handled by the OnStart() event handler. Indicators use the Calculate event and the OnCalculate() event
handler to execute indicator calculations. We'll go into more detail on event handlers for each program type
in the relevant chapters.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
An Example Program
Here's a brief example showing all of the elements described above and how they would fit into an MQL5
program. Not every element will be in every program – for example, an #include directive is not needed if
you're not including functions and variables from an external file. The #property directives are usually
optional. Most programs will have input variables, but global variables are optional. And you may or may not
need to create your own classes or functions.
The event handlers will vary depending on the program type. This example shows an expert advisor program
with the OnInit() and OnTick() event handlers:
// Preprocessor directives
#property copyright "Andrew R. Young"
#property link ""
#property description "An example of MQL5 program structure"
#define PI 3.14159265
// Input variables
input double Radius = 1.5;
// Global variables
double RadiusSq;
// Event handlers
int OnInit()
RadiusSq = MathPow(Radius,2);
void OnTick()
double area = CalcArea();
Print("The area of a circle with a radius of "+Radius+" is "+area);
// Functions
double CalcArea()
double result = PI * RadiusSq;
return result;
Above is a simple program that calculates the area of a circle, given the radius. The #property directives
come first, with some descriptive information about the program. A #define directive defines a constant for
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Pi. An input variable named Radius allows the user to enter the radius of a circle. Finally, a global variable
named RadiusSq is available to all functions of the program.
This program has two event handlers. The OnInit() event handler runs once at the start of the program. The
square of the Radius variable is calculated and stored in the global variable RadiusSq. After OnInit() has
run, the OnTick() event handler will run on each incoming price change.
The OnTick() event handler calls the function CalcArea(), which is defined at the bottom of our program.
The function calculates the area of a circle, and returns the result to the OnTick() function. The Print()
function will print the following string to the log, assuming that the default value for Radius is used:
That's it. We haven't added any trading functions to this program, as we simply want to demonstrate the basic
structure of an MQL5 program. In the next chapter, we'll begin creating expert advisors.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The hedging system will be familiar to MetaTrader 4 users. A trader can have multiple buy and sell positions
open on a symbol at once, each with its own stop loss or take profit price. Each trade will have to be closed
independently. Hedging was added to MetaTrader 5 in 2016, and was a much desired feature for former
MetaTrader 4 users.
As previously described, the netting position accounting system was originally the default position accounting
system for MetaTrader 5. This was done to allow MetaTrader 5 to be used with instruments other than Forex.
In the netting system, there can be only one position open at any time on a security. You can add orders to a
position, or open orders in the opposite direction to reduce or even change the direction of a position. You
can also adjust the stop loss or take profit of a position at any time.
Let's demonstrate with an example: A buy order is opened on EURUSD for 1.00 lots. This results in a net long
position of 1 lot on EURUSD. If we then open a sell order for 0.50 lots, the result is a net long position of 0.5
lots. The sell order effectively closed part of the existing long position. If we opened a second sell order of 0.5
lots, the remaining long position would be closed out, leaving us with no position.
Here's another example: We have a long position of 1 lot on EURUSD. We then open a sell order for 2.00 lots.
The result is a net short position of 1 lot. Our position changed from long to short in a single deal. Thus, it is
possible to close out an existing position and open a new position in the opposite direction with a single
When multiple orders in the same direction are added to a position, the position price is changed. The new
position price is calculated as a weighted average. For example, if we have a net long position of 1 lot on
EURUSD at 1.35712, and add a second buy order of 0.5 lots at 1.35825, the new position price would be
1.357496. If an order is opened in the opposite direction to close out part of an existing position, the position
price does not change.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Depending on the order type and the market execution type, a stop loss and take profit can be set when the
order is placed. Otherwise, the position can be modified at any time to add or change the stop loss and take
profit. If another order is placed with a different stop loss and/or take profit, the new stop loss and/or take
profit price will be applied to the entire position.
For example, a buy position of 0.75 lots is opened on EURUSD at 1.35674, with a stop loss at 1.3517 and no
take profit. A second buy order of 0.25 lots is placed with a stop loss of 1.3532 and a take profit of 1.3632. The
stop loss of the entire position is changed to 1.3532, and the take profit is changed to 1.3632.
Although it is not possible to have several open orders with different lot sizes and stop loss and/or take profit
prices using the netting system, you can use pending orders to scale out of a position at predetermined price
levels. We'll examine this in more detail in Chapter 13.
Conversely, the hedging position system allows multiple buy and sell orders at different open prices, with
individual lot size, stop loss and take profit prices set. Orders will need to be closed independently of each
other. Although it is possible to partially close a hedging position, doing so is not desirable, due to the fact
that one can stagger the close of multiple positions at different closing prices. The process of managing
hedged positions is different than the process of managing netting positions. Throughout the rest of this
book, we will lay out the differences between handling hedging positions and handling netting positions.
Market Orders
A market order is a request to open a trade at the current market price. The order type is either buy or sell. Buy
orders are opened at the current Ask price, while sell orders are opened at the current Bid price. Conversely,
when a position is closed, a buy position is closed at the current Bid price, while a sell position is closed at the
current Ask price.
The process by which an order is executed depends on the trade server's execution type. There are four
execution types in MetaTrader 5. The execution type is determined by the broker, and is indicated in the Type
field of the New Order dialog box. Most Forex brokers use either market or instant execution. ECN brokers use
exchange execution. The request execution type is intended for non-Forex instruments, and is not commonly
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Fig. 8.1 – The New Order dialog. This broker uses Instant Execution.
Instant execution is the classic execution mode familiar to MetaTrader 4 users. The trader specifies the trade
type, the symbol to trade, the trade volume, a stop loss and take profit price, and the deviation in points. If the
current market price deviates from the last quoted price by the number of points specified in the Deviation
field, a requote is triggered, and the trader is asked to accept or reject the new price. Otherwise, the trade is
placed at the current market price.
One advantage of instant execution is that the trader can specify a stop loss and take profit when placing the
order, which saves a step when trading manually. In the event of rapidly moving prices and significant price
deviation (also referred to as slippage), the trader has the option to reject the order and wait for calmer
market conditions.
The disadvantage of instant execution is slippage. When the slippage exceeds the specified deviation, the
order will not be placed, which creates difficulties when auto trading. Even if the order is placed, the stop loss
and take profit price will be a few points off relative to the order execution price.
Most brokers now use market or exchange execution. With the market execution type, the trader specifies the
trade volume and the fill policy. The trade is executed at the current market price, with no requotes. No stop
loss or take profit is placed with the market execution type. The trader will have to modify the position to add
a stop loss and take profit after the order is filled.
Exchange execution is used by ECN brokers, and allows traders to execute trades with no intermediate dealing
desk. For all intents and purposes, the exchange execution type works similarly to the market execution type.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
For the request execution type, the trader must specify the trade volume, stop loss and take profit first. Then,
the terminal requests a current market price from the trade server.
The fill policy determines the action to take when there is insufficient liquidity in the market. Fill or Kill means
that if the trade server cannot place the order for the full trade volume at the specified price, then the order is
canceled. Fill or Cancel (also called Immediate or Cancel) means that the trade server will attempt to partially
fill an order. Any remaining volume that is not filled will be canceled. Return means that the trade server will
always attempt to fill any unfilled volume.
Typically, you will not have to worry about setting the fill policy, as the trade server will default to the
appropriate setting. You can set the fill policy when auto trading if needed, and we will allow the trader to
adjust this if need be.
The OnInit() event handler runs when the Init event occurs. The Init event occurs when the program is
initialized. Normally, the OnInit() event handler runs once at the start of a program. If there are any changes
in the expert advisor properties, or if the current chart symbol or period is changed, the expert advisor will
reinitialize and the OnInit() function will run again.
If there are any actions you wish to execute once at the start of the program, place them in the OnInit()
event handler. The OnInit() event handler is not required in your program, but it is recommended. We will
use OnInit() to initialize certain variables and carry out one-time actions.
The OnDeinit() event handler runs when the Deinit event occurs. The Deinit event occurs when the program
is deinitialized. If the expert advisor properties are changed, the current chart symbol or period is changed, or
if the program is exited, the OnDeinit() event will run.
If there are any actions you wish to execute when the program ends, place them in the OnDeinit() event
handler. The OnDeinit() event handler is not required in your program. One use of the OnDeinit() event
handler is to remove objects from the chart when removing an indicator or program that has placed them.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The OnTick() event handler runs when the NewTick event occurs. The NewTick event occurs when a price
change is received from the server. Depending on current market activity, price changes can occur several
times a minute or even several times a second. Each time a price change occurs, the OnTick() event handler
will run.
The OnTick() event handler is the most important event handler in your program, and is required in your
expert advisor. Almost all of your trading system logic will occur in the OnTick() event handler, and many of
the code examples in this book will go inside the OnTick() event handler.
The OnTrade() event handler runs when the Trade event occurs. The Trade event occurs whenever there is a
change in the order pool. This includes placing and modifying orders, closing and modifying positions, and
triggering of pending orders. If there are any actions you want to execute when changes in order status occur,
then place them in the OnTrade() event handler. The OnTrade() event handler is optional.
The OnTimer() event handler runs when the Timer event occurs. The Timer event occurs when a timer defined
by the EventSetTimer() function is activated. This allows you to execute actions at specified intervals. The
OnTimer() event handler is optional. We'll discuss the usage of the OnTimer() event handler in Chapter 18.
Click the New button on the MetaEditor toolbar to open the MQL5 Wizard. Ensure that Expert Advisor
(template) is selected, and click Next. The Properties dialog allows you to enter a file name and some
descriptive information about your program. You can optionally add input variables in the Parameters window.
The path to the \MQL5\Experts folder is already included in the file name. Type the name of your expert
advisor, preserving the "Experts\" path preceding it. Figure 8.2 shows the Properties dialog.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Fig. 8.2 – The Expert Advisor properties dialog of the MQL5 Wizard.
Click Next, and you'll be prompted to insert additional event handlers. The OnTrade() event handler is
checked by default. If you need to add an event handler to your program, check it and click Finish at the
bottom. Figure 8.3 shows the event handler dialog. After clicking Finish, a new expert advisor MQ5 file is
created in the \MQL5\Experts folder, and the file is opened in MetaEditor.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Here is what an empty expert advisor template looks like with the basic event handlers added:
//| Simple Expert Advisor.mq5 |
//| Andrew Young |
//| |
#property copyright "Andrew Young"
#property link ""
#property version "1.00"
//| Expert initialization function |
int OnInit()
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
//| Expert tick function |
void OnTick()
The expert advisor file generated by the MQL5 Wizard includes three descriptive #property directives and the
OnInit(), OnDeinit() and OnTick() functions by default. If you specified any additional event handlers or
input parameters in the MQL5 Wizard, they will appear here as well.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Order Placement
The OrderSend() function is used to place, modify and close orders. The usage of the function has changed
from MQL4. Here is the function definition for OrderSend():
The OrderSend() function has two parameters: an MqlTradeRequest object that contains the order
parameters, and an MqlTradeResult object that returns the results of the order request. The ampersands (&)
in the function definition indicate that both objects are passed by reference.
struct MqlTradeRequest
ENUM_TRADE_REQUEST_ACTIONS action; // Trade operation type
ulong magic; // Magic number
ulong order; // Order ticket (for modifying pending orders)
string symbol; // Symbol
double volume; // Volume in lots
double price; // Order opening price
double stoplimit; // Stop limit price (for stop limit orders)
double sl; // Stop loss price
double tp; // Take profit price
ulong deviation; // Deviation in points
ENUM_ORDER_TYPE type; // Order type
ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING type_filling; // Execution type
ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_TIME type_time; // Expiration type
datetime expiration; // Expiration time
string comment; // Order comment
ulong position; // Position ticket (for modifying hedging orders)
ulong position_by; // Opposite position ticket (for close by)
To declare an MqlTradeRequest object, simply declare an object using MqlTradeRequest as the type:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
MqlTradeRequest request;
This creates an object named request. An MqlTradeRequest object is generally declared early in the
OnTick() event handler of your program, or as a class member. We can now assign the trade parameters to
the variables of the object using the dot (.) operator:
request.symbol = _Symbol;
request.volume = 0.5;
request.type = ORDER_TYPE_BUY;
• action – The trade operation type. Required. This variable accepts a value of the
◦ TRADE_ACTION_SLTP – The OrderSend() function will modify the stop loss and/or take profit of
the current position.
• magic – The "magic number". This number uniquely identifies orders as being placed by a certain
expert advisor. Optional.
• order – The order ticket of a previously placed pending order. Required if the action variable is set to
• symbol – The symbol of the financial security to trade, for example, "EURUSD" or _Symbol. Required.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Order Placement
• price – The order opening price. For a pending order, the price can be any valid price above or below
the current market price. For a market order, the price must be the current Ask price (for buy orders)
or the current Bid price (for sell orders). Brokers that use market or exchange execution do not require
this parameter when placing market orders. Otherwise, required if action is set to
• stoplimit – This is the limit order price for stop limit orders. The action variable must be set to
TRADE_ACTION_PENDING, and the type variable below must be set to ORDER_TYPE_BUY_STOP_LIMIT
or ORDER_TYPE_SELL_STOP_LIMIT. Required for stop limit orders.
• sl – The stop loss price. Required for market orders if the broker uses the request or instant execution
types. Also required for pending orders. If the broker uses market or exchange execution, the stop
loss is not placed.
• tp – The take profit price. Required for market orders if the broker uses the request or instant
execution types. Also required for pending orders. If the broker uses market or exchange execution,
the take profit is not placed.
• deviation – The maximum deviation in points. Required for request or instant execution of market
• type – The order type. This variable accepts a value of the ENUM_ORDER_TYPE enumeration. Required.
• type_filling – The fill policy of the order. This variable accepts a value of the
ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING enumeration. If not specified, the trade server default will be used.
◦ ORDER_FILLING_FOK – Fill or Kill. If the order cannot be filled at the requested trade volume and
price, the order will not be placed.
◦ ORDER_FILLING_IOC – Immediate or Cancel (also known as Fill or Cancel). If the order cannot be
filled at the requested trade volume and price, a partial order will be filled.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
◦ ORDER_FILLING_RETURN – Return. If an order cannot be filled at the requested trade volume and
price, the trade server will place an additional order for the unfilled volume.
• type_time – The expiration type for a pending order. This variable accepts a value of the
ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_TIME enumeration. Optional. If not specified, the trade server default (usually
Good Til Canceled) will be used.
◦ ORDER_TIME_GTC – Good Til Canceled. The pending order will not expire.
◦ ORDER_TIME_DAY – The pending order will expire at the end of the trading day.
◦ ORDER_TIME_SPECIFIED – The pending order will expire at the date and time specified in the
expiration variable below.
• expiration – The pending order expiration time. Required if the type_time variable is set to
ORDER_TIME_SPECIFIED. The value must be of datetime type, and must be set sometime in the
• position – The order ticket of a hedging position. Used only when modifying or closing a hedging
• position_by – The order ticket of an opposite hedging position to close by. We’ll cover the Close By
order operation shortly.
Let's demonstrate how the MqlTradeRequest structure can be used to place a market order. The first thing we
need to do is to declare MqlTradeRequest and MqlTradeResult objects. We'll cover the MqlTradeResult
structure in the next section:
MqlTradeRequest request;
MqlTradeResult result;
This example will place a buy market order of 1.00 lot on the current chart symbol with no stop loss or take
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_DEAL;
request.type = ORDER_TYPE_BUY;
request.symbol = _Symbol;
request.volume = 1;
request.type_filling = ORDER_FILLING_FOK;
request.price = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_ASK);
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Order Placement = 0; = 0;
request.deviation = 50;
request.magic = 43;
The action variable is set to TRADE_ACTION_DEAL, which indicates that this is a market order. The type
variable is set to ORDER_TYPE_BUY, which indicates this is a buy order. We assign the predefined _Symbol
variable to the symbol variable to indicate that we will place an order on the current chart symbol. The volume
variable is set to 1 lot. The type_filling variable sets the fill type to Fill or Kill. All execution types require
the above five variables to be specified. (If type_filling is not specified, it will default to the server's default
fill policy.)
We use the SymbolInfoDouble() function to return the current Ask price for the current chart symbol, and
assign that value to the price variable. Remember that a buy market order is placed at the current Ask price.
The sl and tp variables are both set to zero. The deviation variable sets the deviation to 50 points.
Brokers using the market or exchange execution types will ignore the price, sl, tp and deviation variables.
However, since we want our code to work on all brokers, regardless of execution type, we will assign values to
these variables for brokers that use the instant or request execution types.
You may want to specify a magic number, especially if you’re trading on a hedging account. A magic number
is an identifier set by the user that identifies orders that have been set by this expert advisors. In the example
above, we set the magic number to 43.
Notice that we don't have a stop loss or take profit defined. Since market and exchange execution brokers will
ignore the stop loss and take profit, we will add a stop loss and take profit to the position after the order has
been placed. This also ensures accurate placement of the stop loss and take profit relative to the position
opening price.
Finally, we call the OrderSend() function, passing our request and result objects as parameters. The trade
server will attempt to place the order, and return the result in the result object variables.
After we've placed a market order, we'll add a stop loss and take profit, if one has been specified. For
simplicity's sake, we'll simply assign a valid stop loss and take profit price to the sl and tp variables in this
example. The example below modifies an order for a netting position:
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_SLTP;
request.symbol = _Symbol; = 1.3500;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A = 1.3650;
The action variable is set to TRADE_ACTION_SLTP, which indicates that we will be modifying the stop loss and
take profit on the current position. The symbol variable specifies that we will modify the open position on the
current chart symbol. We've set a stop loss and take profit price that would be valid on a buy position,
assuming that the position opening price is between 1.3500 and 1.3650.
All of the above variables must be specified when modifying a position, regardless of whether the stop loss or
take profit value remains unchanged. If you do not want to set either the stop loss or take profit value, set the
appropriate variable to zero.
When modifying the stop loss or take profit price for a hedging position, you will need to specify the ticket
number of the open position to modify using the request.position parameter. You may also want to specify
a magic number, which is a unique identifier used to determine which orders were placed by your expert
advisor. In this example, we’ll use an arbitrary ticket number that we’ll assume is a valid ticket number for an
open order, and set a magic number of 43:
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_SLTP;
request.symbol = _Symbol; = 1.3500; = 1.3650;
request.position = 452365;
request.magic = 43;
To close a market order, you’ll simply place an opposite trade request on the same symbol. For netting
positions, you can close part or all of the position, or even reverse the position by specifying a larger volume
than the currently-opened position. This example will close the buy position that we placed earlier:
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_DEAL;
request.type = ORDER_TYPE_SELL;
request.symbol = _Symbol;
request.volume = 1;
request.type_filling = ORDER_FILLING_FOK;
request.price = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_BID);
request.deviation = 50;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Order Placement
For hedging positions, you’ll also need to specify the ticket number of the order by assigning it to the
request.position variable:
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_DEAL;
request.type = ORDER_TYPE_SELL;
request.symbol = _Symbol;
request.volume = 1;
request.type_filling = ORDER_FILLING_FOK;
request.price = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_BID);
request.deviation = 50;
request.position = 452365;
When adding a stop loss or take profit, or closing a market order on a hedging account, you’ll need to specify
an additional variable. The request.position variable takes the order ticket number of the market order to
modify or close. The example below will close the buy market order matching the ticket number assigned to
the request.position variable:
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_DEAL;
request.type = ORDER_TYPE_SELL;
request.symbol = _Symbol;
request.position = 5211547;
request.volume = 1;
request.type_filling = ORDER_FILLING_FOK;
request.price = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_BID);
request.deviation = 50;
Close By Operation
New in MetaTrader 5 is the close by operation, which allows you to close two opposite hedged positions at
once, effectively saving a spread. You’ll need to specify the second ticket number using the
request.position_by variable:
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_CLOSE_BY;
request.position = 452365;
request.position_by = 451256;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Next, let's demonstrate the placement of a pending order. We'll add a stop loss, take profit and expiration
time to this order. All of the variables below must be specified when placing a pending order:
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_PENDING;
request.type = ORDER_TYPE_BUY_STOP;
request.symbol = _Symbol;
request.volume = 1;
request.price = 1.3550; = 1.3500; = 1.3650;
request.type_time = ORDER_TIME_SPECIFIED;
request.expiration = D'2018.01.10 15:00';
request.type_filling = ORDER_FILLING_FOK;
request.stoplimit = 0;
The action variable is set to TRADE_ACTION_PENDING, indicating that we are placing a pending order. The
type variable is set to ORDER_TYPE_BUY_STOP, indicating a buy stop order. The symbol, volume, price, sl
and tp variables are all assigned appropriate values.
The type_time variable is set to ORDER_TIME_SPECIFIED, which indicates that the order will have an
expiration time. A datetime constant for January 10, 2018 at 15:00 is assigned to the expiration variable.
The type_filling variable sets the fill type to Fill or Kill. The stoplimit variable is only needed when placing
a stop limit order, but we'll assign a value of 0.
Let's demonstrate how to modify a pending order. You'll need the order ticket of a pending order to be able
to modify it. To retrieve the order ticket, use the OrderGetTicket() function to iterate through the order pool
and select the appropriate pending order. We'll discuss pending order management in Chapter 13. For now,
we'll assume that the ticket variable holds the correct order ticket number:
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_MODIFY;
request.order = ticket;
request.price = 1.3600; = 1.3550; = 1.3700;
request.type_time = ORDER_TIME_SPECIFIED;
request.expiration = D'2018.01.10 18:00';
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Order Placement
The action variable is set to TRADE_ACTION_MODIFY, indicating that we are modifying a current order. The
order variable is assigned the ticket number of the order that we wish to modify, which is stored in the
ticket variable. The price, sl, tp and expiration variables are assigned appropriate values, and the order
will be modified to reflect these changes.
Finally, we'll demonstrate how to remove a pending order. The only variables necessary are the action and
order variables:
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_REMOVE;
request.order = ticket;
The action variable is set to TRADE_ACTION_REMOVE, indicating that we wish to delete a pending order. As
before, the ticket number is stored in the ticket variable, and assigned to the order variable of the request
object. Calling the OrderSend() function with the above parameters will delete the pending order that
matches the ticket number in the order variable.
Here is the definition of the MqlTradeResult structure from the MQL5 Reference:
struct MqlTradeResult
uint retcode; // Return code
ulong deal; // Deal ticket
ulong order; // Order ticket
double volume; // Deal volume
double price; // Deal price
double bid; // Current Bid price
double ask; // Current Ask price
string comment; // Broker comment to operation
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
As demonstrated earlier in the chapter, we declare an MqlTradeResult object named result, and pass the
object as the second parameter of the OrderSend() function. The trade server fills the object with the results
of the trade request. After the OrderSend() function is called, we check the variables of the MqlTradeResult
object to verify that the trade was placed correctly. Depending on the type of trade operation, not all of the
MqlTradeResult variables will be filled.
The most important variable of the MqlTradeResult structure is retcode, which is the return code from the
trade server. The return code indicates whether or not the request was successful. If the trade was not placed,
the return code indicates the error condition.
Each return code is represented by a constant. The most common return codes are TRADE_RETCODE_PLACED
(10008) and TRADE_RETCODE_DONE (10009), both of which indicate that the trade was placed successfully.
Almost all other return codes indicate a problem placing the trade. The return code description will indicate
the nature of the problem.
You can find a complete list of return codes in the MQL5 Reference under Standard Constants, Enumerations
and Structures > Codes of Errors and Warnings > Trade Server Return Codes.
Depending on the return code, you may want to take various actions, such as emailing a trade confirmation or
printing an error message to the screen. Here's a simple example of how to handle the return code from the
After the OrderSend() function sends the trade request to the server and fills the variables of the result
object, we check the request.retcode variable for the return code. If the return code equals
TRADE_RETCODE_DONE or TRADE_RETCODE_PLACED, we print a message to the log indicating that the trade
was placed successfully. Otherwise, we print a message indicating that the trade was not placed, along with
the return code indicating an error state.
The deal and order variables contain the deal and order ticket numbers of the trade. The order is the initial
request to place a trade, while the deal is the confirmation that the trade is placed. For netting positions, we
won’t typically worry about ticket numbers, as we will be handling positions by the symbol name. Conversely,
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Order Placement
order ticket numbers are very important when handling hedging positions, and we will devote much effort to
retrieving and storing order ticket numbers when trading on hedging accounts.
The other variables of the result object can be used to confirm order placement or to troubleshoot a failed
order placement. The example below prints a message to the log containing the volume, price, bid and ask
values returned from the trade server:
Note that the return values of the MqlTradeResult object are broker-dependent – some brokers won’t
return values for the bid or ask, for example.
In the next chapter, we will add code to our order placement functions to assist us in troubleshooting errors,
as well as retrying order placement on recoverable errors.
If you have downloaded the source code, the file name of this expert advisor is Simple Expert
Advisor.mq5, and you can view the code in the \MQL5\Experts\Mql5Book folder. This code assumes the
account is using the netting position system. A version of this expert advisor for hedging accounts will be
explained later in this chapter.
// Input variables
input double TradeVolume=0.1;
input int StopLoss=1000;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
These are the input variables that are visible to the end user. These allow the user to adjust the trade volume,
the stop loss and take profit in points, and the period of the moving average.
// Global variables
bool glBuyPlaced, glSellPlaced;
These are global variables that are visible to our entire program. Global variables will have a gl prefix
throughout this book. The glBuyPlaced and glSellPlaced variables will determine whether a buy or sell
position was previously opened. This prevents another position from opening in the same direction after the
current position has closed at a stop loss or take profit price.
The beginning of the OnTick() event handler contains the declarations for the request and result objects.
The ZeroMemory() function ensures that the member variables of the request object are zeroed out.
// Moving average
double ma[];
int maHandle=iMA(_Symbol,0,MAPeriod,MODE_SMA,0,PRICE_CLOSE);
// Close price
double close[];
The code above initializes the arrays that hold the moving average values and the close prices. We'll discuss
price and indicator data in Chapters 16 and 17. The ma[] array holds the moving average indicator values,
while the close[] array holds the close price of each bar.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Order Placement
double currentVolume = 0;
if(openPosition == true) currentVolume = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_VOLUME);
Before opening an order, we'll need to check and see if there is a position already open. The
PositionSelect() function returns a value of true if a position is open on the current symbol. The result is
assigned to the openPosition variable. The PositionGetInteger() function with the POSITION_TYPE
parameter returns the type of the current position (buy or sell), and assigns it to the positionType variable. If
a position is currently open, the PositionGetDouble() function with the POSITION_VOLUME parameter
assigns the current position volume to the currentVolume variable. We'll discuss position information in
Chapter 12.
This is the code that checks for the buy market order condition. The close[0] array refers to the close price
for the current bar, while ma[0] is the current moving average value. If the close of the current bar is greater
than the moving average, that indicates a buy signal. But first we need to check for the existence of an open
position, and determine whether the previous order was a buy order.
If the glBuyPlaced global variable is true, this indicates that the last order placed was a buy order. Our
trading system will place one order when a trading signal occurs. When that order is closed at a stop loss or
take profit price, we will wait for a new trade signal in the opposite direction before opening another order. A
sell trading signal will set the glBuyPlaced variable to false.
We also need to check the type of the open position. If the positionType variable is not equal to the value of
the POSITION_TYPE_BUY constant, then we can assume that a buy position is not currently open. We also
need to check the openPosition variable to see if a position is currently open. We do this because the
positionType variable will contain a value of 0 if a position is not open. The integer value for
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
POSITION_TYPE_BUY just happens to be 0. So the openPosition variable is needed to confirm the existence
of a buy position.
To summarize the buy order conditions – if the close price is greater than the moving average, the last order
opened was not a buy order and a position is not currently open (or the currently open position is a sell
position), then we open a buy market order. Any existing sell position will be closed out. The reverse is true for
placing sell orders.
The request variables followed by the OrderSend() function should already be familiar to you. Note the
request.volume assignment. We add the value of the TradeVolume input variable to the value of the
currentVolume local variable. If a sell position is currently open, we want to open a larger buy order so that
the sell position is closed out, and we are left with a net long position equal to the amount entered in
If the request parameters sent to OrderSend() are valid, the boolean sent variable is set to true. We will still
need to check the return code of the result object, which we will do next. The reason we assign the return
value of OrderSend() to the sent variable is to avoid a compiler warning.
// Modify SL/TP
if(result.retcode == TRADE_RETCODE_PLACED || result.retcode == TRADE_RETCODE_DONE)
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_SLTP;
double positionOpenPrice = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_PRICE_OPEN);
glBuyPlaced = true;
glSellPlaced = false;
After the buy market order has been placed, we check to see if the trade was successful. If so, we go ahead
and modify the position to add the stop loss and take profit. The first thing to do is to check the value of the
result.retcode variable to see if the order was placed successfully. Depending on the execution type, a
return code value of TRADE_RETCODE_PLACED or TRADE_RETCODE_DONE indicates a successful order. If the
retcode variable matches either of these values, then we calculate the stop loss and take profit prices and
modify the order.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Order Placement
We assign the TRADE_ACTION_SLTP value to the request.action variable to indicate that we are modifying
the stop loss and take profit. Next, we’ll need to retrieve the opening price of the position we just opened. The
PositionSelect() function will select the currently opened position on the current symbol so that we can
retrieve information about the position. We then retrieve the position opening price using
PositionGetDouble() with the POSITION_PRICE_OPEN parameter, assigning the result to the
positionOpenPrice variable.
If the StopLoss and/or TakeProfit input variables are greater than zero, we calculate the stop loss and/or
take profit price by adding or subtracting the relevant value from the positionOpenPrice variable, and
assigning the result to or If either or contains a value
greater than zero, we call the OrderSend() function to modify our position with the new stop loss and/or take
profit prices.
Lastly, we need to set the glBuyPlaced and glSellPlaced variables. Since our buy order was placed
successfully, we will set glBuyPlaced to true. This will prevent a second buy order from opening if our buy
position is closed by stop loss or take profit. We also set glSellPlaced to false, which allows a sell position to
open if the close price crosses the moving average in the opposite direction.
Hedging Version
The hedging version of our simple expert advisor has some substantial changes that are required for
managing and placing hedging trades. The program follows the same structure as the one above, but position
information, order opening, closing and modification need to be handled differently.
The file is named Simple Expert Advisor (Hedging).mq5, and is located in the \MQL5\Experts\Mql5Book
folder. The relevant changes inside the OnTick() event handler are highlighted in bold:
// Moving average
double ma[];
int maHandle=iMA(_Symbol,0,MAPeriod,MODE_LWMA,0,PRICE_CLOSE);
// Close price
double close[];
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
glBuyTicket = ticket;
glBuyPlaced = true;
else if(PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TYPE) == POSITION_TYPE_SELL)
glSellTicket = ticket;
glSellPlaced = true;
To retrieve the currently opened position, we will need to loop through the order pool and retrieve the order
ticket number. The for loop iterates from 0 up to the number of open positions indicated by the
PositionsTotal() function, minus one. The PositionGetTicket() function retrieves the order ticket for the
specified index in the order pool. The oldest order in the order pool has an index of 0, while the newest order
has an index of PositionsTotal() - 1.
Once the ticket number is retrieved, we use the PositionSelectByTicket() function to select the order,
which then allows us to retrieve information about that order. The PositionGetInteger() function with the
POSITION_TYPE parameter retrieves the order type, either POSITION_TYPE_BUY or POSITION_TYPE_SELL.
Depending on the order type, we assign the ticket number to either our buyTicket or sellTicket local
variable. We also set the value of glBuyPlaced or glSellPlaced to true, which prevents the opening of
another order in the same direction,
Right now, we expect to only have a single buy or sell order open. Later, we’ll create a method that will return
the total count of buy and sell orders, as well as their ticket numbers.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Order Placement
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_DEAL;
request.type = ORDER_TYPE_BUY;
request.symbol = _Symbol;
request.position = sellTicket;
request.volume = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_VOLUME);
request.price = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_ASK);
request.deviation = 50;
To determine if a buy market order has been recently opened, we check the value of the glBuyPlaced
variable. If it is set to false, and the close price is greater than the moving average value, we will proceed to
place a buy market order.
Before opening a new buy market order, we’ll have to close the existing sell position. Remember that in our
netting expert advisor, we can reverse a position by simply opening an order in the opposite direction that is
larger than our current position. This will not work for hedging accounts. To close a market order on a
hedging account, we will need to place an order in the opposite direction, with a volume that is equal to or
less than the open order volume. The ticket number of the order that we wish to close will need to be
The request.position parameter is used to indicate the ticket number of the market order to close. To close
a sell market order, we assign the ticket number value in the sellTicket variable to request.position, and
assign the volume of the order to request.volume. The remaining parameters are the same settings we use
to place a buy market order.
// Modify SL/TP
if(result.retcode == TRADE_RETCODE_PLACED || result.retcode == TRADE_RETCODE_DONE)
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_SLTP;
request.position = result.order;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
double positionOpenPrice = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_PRICE_OPEN);
glSellPlaced = false;
When placing a buy market order, we clear out the request.position variable and set the request.volume
variable to the actual trade volume. Then, when we modify the stop loss and take profit price of the newly
placed buy order, we set request.position to the ticket number of that order, which is stored in
Anytime you work directly with a hedging order, you must set request.position to the ticket number, or set
it to 0 if you are opening a new order.
The two expert advisors presented in this chapter represent a simple trading system, using price and indicator
data, that alternates between buy and sell orders based on the trend. A stop loss and take profit price can be
set, and the order volume and indicator period can be adjusted.
If this all looks a little overwhelming to you right now, don't worry. The example expert advisor above shows
the process of opening, closing and modifying orders in MQL5 using simple trading signals, but the actual
implementation of this code will be hidden in classes and functions that we will create in the next few
chapters. Your job as a programmer will be to focus on your trading system logic, and let the libraries handle
the order placement and management details for you.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
First, we'll need to create an include file to hold our order placement classes. Include files are stored in the \
MQL5\Include directory by default. We will store our include files in a subfolder named Mql5Book. If you
download the source code from, the include files used in this book
will be in the \MQL5\Include\Mql5Book folder.
The #include directives in our program files will reference the Mql5Book path. The first include file we'll
create is named Trade.mqh. So the #include directive to include this file in our expert advisor programs will
#include <Mql5Book\Trade.mqh>
Assuming that there is an empty include file named Trade.mqh in the \MQL5\Include\Mql5Book folder, let's
create our trade class. The convention for class names that we'll use in this book is a capital "C", followed by a
capitalized class name. The name of our trade class will be CTrade.
Note that some of our class names will be identical to class names in the MQL5 standard library. We will not
be using the MQL5 standard library in this book, so keep in mind that any identical class names found in the
MQL5 Reference refer to the standard library, and not to the classes found in this book.
Note that the CTrade class we are creating below will be used to place market orders on netting position
accounts. Later in this chapter, we will create a derived class that will be used to place market orders on
hedging accounts. The process for placing pending orders is the same regardless of account type. We will
create pending order placement classes in Chapter 13.
CTrade Class
Let's start by creating a class declaration for our trade class. We'll add the MqlTradeRequest and
MqlTradeResult objects to our declaration, as they will be used in most of our class functions:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
class CTrade
MqlTradeRequest request;
MqlTradeResult result;
We've made the request object protected, since there is no reason for the programmer to be able to access
the request object members outside of the class. However, we will want to be able to inherit the request
object in any derived classes. We will do this later when we create a subclass to place hedging orders. The
result object is public, because the programmer may want to access the result object members outside of
the class to determine the result of the last trade.
Our first class function will place market orders. We'll name the function OpenPosition(), since it opens a
market position as opposed to a pending order. We're going to make the OpenPosition() function
protected instead of public. Later on in the chapter, we'll create public helper functions to place specific
types of orders.
class CTrade
MqlTradeRequest request;
bool OpenPosition(string pSymbol, ENUM_ORDER_TYPE pType, double pVolume,
double pStop = 0, double pProfit = 0, string pComment = NULL);
MqlTradeResult result;
The return type of the OpenPosition() function is bool. The function will return true if the order was placed
successfully, and false if it was not. This function has six parameters. You will recognize these as the request
parameters from the previous chapter. All of our function parameter variables are prefaced with a lower-case
"p" (short for "parameter"). This indicates that the variable is a function parameter that is local to the function.
• pSymbol – The symbol of the financial security to open the market order on.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The only required parameters are the symbol, the order type and the trade volume. Although the stop loss
and take profit parameters are provided, we will add the stop loss and take profit to the position after the
order has been placed. We will cover this in the next chapter.
Next, we'll define the function itself. This is done below the class declaration:
Notice the CTrade:: before OpenPosition(). The double colon (::) is the scope resolution operator, which
identifies the OpenPosition() function as being part of the CTrade class. The class name and scope
resolution operator must be present before the class function identifier.
Let's begin adding code to our empty function. We'll start by filling in the request object variables:
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_DEAL;
request.symbol = pSymbol;
request.type = pType; = pStop; = pProfit;
request.comment = pComment;
request.deviation = deviation;
request.type_filling = fillType;
request.magic = magicNumber;
This should be familiar to you from the previous chapter. TRADE_ACTION_DEAL defines the trade operation as
a market order. The function parameters are assigned to their respective request variables. The deviation,
type_filling and magic variables will be addressed later in this chapter.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Next we'll need to determine the trade volume. The purpose of this function is to open a net position of the
indicated type (buy or sell) and volume. If there is a position currently open in the opposite direction, we'll
need to close it out when opening our order. For example, if we are opening a buy position of 1 lot, and there
is a sell position of 1 lot currently opened, we'll need to open a buy position of 2 lots to result in a net buy
position of 1 lot.
To do this, we need to determine whether there is a position currently open on the selected symbol, and in
what direction. We'll use the PositionSelect() function to select the position, if one exists. If a position
exists, we'll retrieve the order type and volume of the current position:
double positionVol = 0;
long positionType = WRONG_VALUE;
if(PositionSelect(pSymbol) == true)
positionVol = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_VOLUME);
positionType = PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TYPE);
First, we declare a double variable named positionVol to hold the volume of the current position. Next, we
declare a long variable named positionType to hold the position type. This is initialized to the constant
WRONG_VALUE. The integer value of the WRONG_VALUE constant is -1. This sets the variable to a neutral state.
The reason we don't initialize positionType to 0 is because 0 is a valid position type value.
The PositionSelect() function queries whether there is a position open on the symbol contained in the
pSymbol variable. If there is a position open, the PositionSelect() function returns a value of true and
selects the current position for processing. If PositionSelect() returns true, we execute the expressions
inside the brackets.
The PositionGetDouble() function with the POSITION_VOLUME parameter returns the volume of the current
position, and assigns it to the positionVol variable. The PositionGetInteger() function with the
POSITION_TYPE parameter returns the position type and assigns it to the positionType variable.
Now that we have information on the current position, we need to calculate the appropriate trade volume. If
the current position is a buy position, and the market order type as identified by the pType variable is a sell
order (or vice versa), then we need to add the current position volume to the value of the pVolume variable to
get the total trade volume:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
There are two boolean AND operations ( &&) inside the if operator, separated by an OR operation (||). If the
market order type (the pType variable) is a buy order (ORDER_TYPE_BUY) and the position type (the
positionType variable) is a sell position (POSITION_TYPE_SELL), then we add the value of the pVolume
parameter to the value of the positionVol variable to get the total trade volume. This is assigned to the
request.volume variable. If the market order type is a sell order, and the position type is a buy position, then
the same applies.
In either case, the existing position will be closed out, and the result will be a net position of the type
indicated by the pType variable. If there is no position open, or if the currently opened position is of the same
type as the market order, then we simply assign the value of pVolume to the request.volume variable.
The last thing we need to do before placing the order is to assign the current market price to the
request.price variable. This depends on whether the order type is buy or sell. If it is a buy order, the order
opening price will be the current Ask price. If it is a sell order, the order opening price will be the current Bid
If the pType variable indicates a buy order, the SymbolInfoDouble() function retrieves the current Ask price
for the symbol indicated by the pSymbol variable. If pType indicates a sell order, then SymbolInfoDouble()
retrieves the current Bid price.
Now all we need to do is to call the OrderSend() function to place the market order.
Error Handling
When a trade error occurs, we need to notify the user so they can take appropriate action. We will also log
relevant trade information to assist in troubleshooting. Some error conditions (such as requotes, timeouts and
connection errors) are self-correcting if we simply retry the order placement again.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The first thing we need to do is check the return code from the server. As you'll recall, the MqlTradeResult
object that we pass to the OrderSend() function contains the return code from the server in the retcode
Return codes 10008 (TRADE_RETCODE_PLACED) and 10009 (TRADE_RETCODE_DONE) indicate that the trade has
been placed successfully. If any other code is returned from the server, this indicates a likely error condition.
We will create a function to check the return code and evaluate whether the return code indicates an error
condition or a successful order placement.
First, we will create an enumeration that will be used as a return value to determine whether an order was
placed successfully. This enumeration will be defined in our Trade.mqh file:
The constant CHECK_RETCODE_OK indicates that the trade operation was successful, while the constant
CHECK_RETCODE_ERROR indicates that the trade operation has failed.
Next, we'll create a function to check the return code. The CheckReturnCode() function will use the switch-
case operators to evaluate a list of return code constants. Depending on the return code passed to the
function, the switch operator will return one of the constants from the ENUM_CHECK_RETCODE enumeration
Here is the CheckReturnCode() function. This will be placed in the Trade.mqh file:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The CheckReturnCode() function accepts one parameter, a uint variable named pRetCode. This contains the
return code from the MqlTradeResult object.
We declare an integer variable named status, which will hold a value from our ENUM_CHECK_RETCODE
enumeration. The switch operator compares the value of pRetCode against a list of return code constants
indicated by the case operators. If the value of pRetCode matches any of the case operators, program
execution will continue until a break operator is reached, or the switch operator ends.
First, we check for a successful order placement. We've added several return codes that indicate a successful
order placement or a non-error condition. If the pRetCode value matches any of the return codes in this list,
the status variable is assigned the CHECK_RETCODE_OK constant. Otherwise, the default label is executed
and the status variable is assigned the CHECK_RETCODE_ERROR constant. The value of status is returned to
the program, and the function exits.
Let's return to our market order placement function and add the CheckReturnCode() function:
int checkCode = 0;
checkCode = CheckReturnCode(result.retcode);
We declare an integer variable named checkCode. This will hold the return value of the CheckReturnCode()
function. We call the OrderSend() function to place the order. Then we pass the result.retcode variable to
the CheckReturnCode() function, and store the return value in checkCode.
Next, we will check the value of the checkCode variable to determine whether the return code indicates a
successful trade or an error condition. In the event of an error, an alert will be displayed to the user:
if(checkCode == CHECK_RETCODE_ERROR)
string errDesc = TradeServerReturnCodeDescription(result.retcode);
Alert("Open market order: Error ",result.retcode," - ",errDesc);
If checkCode contains the value of CHECK_RETCODE_ERROR, we obtain an error description from the
TradeServerReturnCodeDescription() function. This function is contained in the errordescription.mqh
file, which is installed with some versions of MetaTrader 5, but is included in the source code download for
convenience. To add this file to our project, we place this #include directive at the top of our Trade.mqh file:
#include <errordescription.mqh>
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The TradeServerReturnCodeDescription() function returns a string with a description of the error code.
This is stored in the errDesc variable. The Alert() function shows the alert popup window with the return
code and description:
Fig. 10.1 – The Alert dialog, displaying an error message from our OpenPosition() function.
The LogTradeRequest() function simply prints the contents of the request and result objects to the log
for troubleshooting purposes. If a trade error occurs when developing your own trading systems, closely
examining the output of this function can help pinpoint coding errors:
void CTrade::LogTradeRequest()
Print("MqlTradeRequest - action:",request.action,", comment:",request.comment,
", deviation:",request.deviation,", expiration:",request.expiration,
", magic:",request.magic,", order:",request.order,", position:",request.position,
", position_by:",request.position_by,", price:",request.price,", ls:",,
", stoplimit:",request.stoplimit,", symbol:",request.symbol,", tp:",,
", type:",request.type,", type_filling:",request.type_filling,
", type_time:",request.type_time,", volume:",request.volume);
Print("MqlTradeResult - ask:",result.ask,", bid:",,
", comment:",result.comment,", deal:",,", order:",result.order,
", price:",result.price,", request_id:",result.request_id,
", retcode:",result.retcode,", retcode_external:",result.retcode_external,
", volume:",result.volume);
Next, we will print the order information to the log for troubleshooting purposes. If an error has occurred, this
information may be helpful. We will print the order type, the ticket number, the return code and description,
as well as the order price and the current Bid and Ask prices.
We've created a function to check the order type constant and return a descriptive string describing the order
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
This function is defined in the Trade.mqh file. It is a public function that can be used anywhere in our
program. The pType parameter contains a value of the ENUM_ORDER_TYPE enumeration. We use if-else
operators to evaluate the value of pType and assign the appropriate string value to the orderType string
variable. The string is then returned to the program. Note that we could have used the switch-case
operators here, but we wanted to keep this function simple, and it doesn't require the advanced functionality
of the switch operator that was necessary in our CheckReturnCode() function.
If we examine the experts log, here is what the Print() function output will look like for a successful buy
market order:
Open Buy order #105624: 10009 - Request is completed, Volume: 0.1, Price: 1.31095,
Bid: 1.31076, Ask: 1.31095
Finally, we will evaluate the return code to determine whether to return a true or false value to the program.
If the order was placed successfully, we will print a comment to the chart:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
if(checkCode == CHECK_RETCODE_OK)
Comment(orderType," position opened at ",
result.price," on ",pSymbol);
else return(false);
Retry On Error
We can make our expert advisor more reliable and robust by retrying the trade operation depending on the
return code. Some error conditions such as requotes, off quotes and server connection issues can be self-
correcting if we simply retry the trade operation.
To determine whether to retry the trade operation, we will modify our CheckReturnCode() function to return
a third value. We will define a third constant in our ENUM_CHECK_RETCODE enumeration named
CHECK_RETCODE_RETRY, which indicates that the error condition defined by the return code is potentially
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
We have seven return code constants assigned to the case operators highlighted in bold. These errors are
ones that we have determined are possibly self-correcting. If the pRetCode parameter matches any of these
constants, the CHECK_RETCODE_RETRY constant is assigned to the status variable.
We will have to modify our market order placement function to add the order retry logic. We will use a do-
while loop to handle the order retry functionality. The updated code is highlighted in bold:
int retryCount = 0;
int checkCode = 0;
if(pType == ORDER_TYPE_BUY) request.price = SymbolInfoDouble(pSymbol,SYMBOL_ASK);
else if(pType == ORDER_TYPE_SELL) request.price = SymbolInfoDouble(pSymbol,SYMBOL_BID);
checkCode = CheckReturnCode(result.retcode);
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Print("Server error detected, retrying...");
while(retryCount < MAX_RETRIES);
First, we declare an integer variable named retryCount. This will be the counter that keeps track of how many
times we have retried the order placement. The entire order placement and error handling code from the
previous section is placed inside a do-while loop.
The first thing we do inside the do loop is retrieve the current Bid or Ask price. Since these prices can change
between trade operations, we will always retrieve the most current price before calling the OrderSend()
After placing the order and calling the CheckReturnCode() function, we examine the checkCode variable to
determine which action to take. If the trade was successful, and checkCode contains the CHECK_RETCODE_OK
constant, then we break out of the do loop. Otherwise, if checkCode contains the CHECK_RETCODE_ERROR
constant, we display an alert and break out of the loop.
If the checkCode variable contains the CHECK_RETCODE_RETRY constant, the code in the else operator is
executed. We print a message to the log indicating that an error was detected, and the program will retry the
trade operation. The Sleep() function will pause program execution temporarily, using the value in
milliseconds indicated by the RETRY_DELAY constant. Then the retryCount variable is incremented by 1.
The while operator at the end of the loop checks the retryCount variable and compares the value to a
constant named MAX_RETRIES. The MAX_RETRIES constant is the maximum number of times to retry the order
placement. If retryCount is less than MAX_RETRIES, the do-while loop will execute again. Otherwise, the
loop will exit.
The RETRY_DELAY and MAX_RETRIES constants are defined at the beginning of the Trade.mqh include file. We
set these to a reasonable default value. You can change these if you like, or substitute them with input
variables that can be changed by the user.
#define MAX_RETRIES 5
#define RETRY_DELAY 3000
The MAX_RETRIES constant is set to retry the trade operation up to 5 times. The RETRY_DELAY is 3000
milliseconds, or 3 seconds. You can change these if you wish, and recompile any expert advisors that use this
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
If the trade operation was not successful even after several retries, we need to alert the user. This code goes
right after our do-while loop, before we print the order information to the log:
If retryCount is greater than or equal to MAX_RETRIES, we send an alert to the user's screen indicating that
the order placement failed, with the last known error code and description.
This completes the OpenPosition() function for the CTrade class. You can view the full code of the function
in the \MQL5\Include\Mql5Book\Trade.mqh file.
If your broker uses the instant execution type, you can specify a deviation in points. The deviation is the
maximum allowed slippage when placing an order. If the current market price is more than the specified
number of points away from the requested price, then the order will not be placed.
If you’re trading with a hedging account, or if your netting account trading system will be used to trade
multiple symbols, and you need a way to distinguish the trades placed by different expert advisors, you’ll want
to be able to set a magic number. The magic number is an arbitrary number, set by the user, that is assigned
to all orders placed by an expert advisor. This will be important when we are managing orders on hedging
Let’s add some class variables and functions to our CTrade class that will be used to set the deviation and
magic number values. We’ll also add a function to set the fill type, in case the programmer wishes to change
class CTrade
ulong magicNumber;
ulong deviation;
void MagicNumber(ulong pMagic);
void Deviation(ulong pDeviation);
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Our magicNumber, deviation and fillType variables are set as protected, since we do not need to be able
to access these values outside of our CTrade class. The MagicNumber(), Deviation() and FillType()
functions are public functions that allow the user to set these values at program initialization.
Let’s start with the function that allows the user to set the deviation in points. The CTrade::Deviation()
function sets the value of the deviation class variable for use in the order placement functions:
The CTrade::MagicNumber() function sets the value of the magicNumber class variable for use in our order
placement functions:
The fill type can also be set if you want to use a different fill type than the server default:
The fill type must be specified using a constant of the ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING enumeration.
Here's how we can set the deviation, magic number and fill type using the functions above in our expert
advisors. Since the values only need to be set once, the OnInit() event handler is the ideal place to set them:
#include <Mql5Book\Trade.mqh>
CTrade Trade;
// Input variables
input ulong Deviation = 300;
input ulong MagicNumber = 12345;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
We have two input variables for the user to set the deviation and magic number. Inside the OnInit() event
handler, we call the Trade.Deviation() and Trade.MagicNumber() functions and pass the values set by our
input variables, Deviation and MagicNumber. In this example above, we also set the order fill type to Return.
Let's simplify the order placement process by creating some helper functions to place buy and sell positions:
class CTrade
bool Buy(string pSymbol, double pVolume, double pStop = 0,
double pProfit = 0, string pComment = NULL);
bool Sell(string pSymbol, double pVolume, double pStop = 0,
double pProfit = 0, string pComment = NULL);
We've declared two public functions in our CTrade class: Buy() and Sell(). We'll use these classes to call our
protected OpenPosition() function. This way, we don't need to remember the enumeration constants for the
order types. Here are the function definitions:
Both functions call the OpenPosition() function with the appropriate order type constant. The Buy()
function uses the ORDER_TYPE_BUY constant for the second parameter of the OpenPosition() function, while
Sell() uses ORDER_TYPE_SELL. The remainder of the input parameters are assigned to the appropriate
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
OpenPosition() function parameters. We'll use the Buy() and Sell() functions to open market orders in
our expert advisors.
Let's revisit the simple expert advisor we created in the previous chapter. We'll substitute the request variables
and the OrderSend() function with the Buy() and Sell() functions that we just created:
#include <Mql5Book\Trade.mqh>
CTrade Trade;
// Input variables
input double TradeVolume=0.1;
input int StopLoss=1000;
input int TakeProfit=1000;
input int MAPeriod=10;
// Global variables
bool glBuyPlaced, glSellPlaced;
// Moving average
double ma[];
int maHandle=iMA(_Symbol,0,MAPeriod,MODE_LWMA,0,PRICE_CLOSE);
// Close price
double close[];
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
// Modify SL/TP
if(glBuyPlaced == true)
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_SLTP;
glSellPlaced = false;
// Modify SL/TP
if(glSellPlaced == true)
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_SLTP;
glBuyPlaced = false;
The changes are highlighted in bold. At the top of the program, we add an #include directive to include the
Trade.mqh file that contains our trade classes. Next, we create an object based on the CTrade class. We will
name this object Trade.
Moving on to the order placement code, we've replaced the request variables and the OrderSend() function
with our Trade.Buy() and Trade.Sell() class functions. The glBuyPlaced and glSellPlaced global
boolean variables will contain the result of the trade operation. If the trade was placed successfully, the value
of these variables will be true.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
After the order has been placed, we check the value of the glBuyPlaced or glSellPlaced variable. If the
value is true, we calculate the stop loss and take profit price, and add it to the position. Finally, we set the
opposite glBuyPlaced or glSellPlaced variable to false.
Note that the position modification code still uses the request and result objects defined earlier in the
program. We do not need to use these objects when placing our orders, since we now use the Trade.Buy()
and Trade.Sell() functions, which contain their own request and result objects. In the next chapter, we
will create functions that will simplify the process of modifying the position, and eliminate having to declare
these objects altogether.
These changes can be found in the file \MQL5\Experts\Mql5Book\Simple Expert Advisor with
Functions.mq5. We will be making changes to this program several more times in this book.
CTradeHedge Class
As noted earlier in the chapter, we will need to create a separate class to handle market orders for hedging
accounts. This class will inherit certain methods from the CTrade class that we are creating, as well as overload
other methods in that class. The usage of both classes will be similar – the only difference will be the return
types of those methods. Methods in the CTrade class (used for netting accounts) will return a bool, indicating
whether the trade was successful. Methods in the CTradeHedge class, on the other hand, will return a ulong
containing the order ticket number of the trade that was just placed. We can store this ticket number for later
to modify the trade.
Our CTradeHedge class will include the Trade.mqh class we created earlier, as we will require the
MqlTradeRequest and MqlTradeResult objects that we declared in that class, as well as other functions that
we will declare later. Let’s begin with our class declaration:
#include <Mql5Book\Trade.mqh>
The public CTrade that appears after the colon (:) indicates that the CTradeHedge class inherits the
functions, objects and variables of the CTrade class. In our CTrade class that we created earlier, we also
created a method named OpenPosition(), with the same parameters at the OpenPosition() method above.
The difference is that this method returns a ulong instead of a bool. The OpenPosition() method in this
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
class effectively hides the OpenPosition() function in the CTrade class. This is done for convenience, so that
the programmer does not need to call a different method just to place hedging orders.
Let’s get into the details of the CTradeHedge::OpenPosition() function. Much of the functionality is very
similar to the OpenPosition() function we declared earlier in this chapter:
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_DEAL;
request.symbol = pSymbol;
request.type = pType; = pStop; = pProfit;
request.comment = pComment;
request.volume = pVolume;
request.deviation = deviation;
request.type_filling = fillType;
request.magic = magicNumber;
This is similar to the request fields that we filled earlier in the CTrade::OpenPosition() function, with the
difference that we are setting the request.volume variable directly. We do not need to worry about reversing
the current position.
// Order loop
int retryCount = 0;
int checkCode = 0;
if(pType == ORDER_TYPE_BUY) request.price = SymbolInfoDouble(pSymbol,SYMBOL_ASK);
else if(pType == ORDER_TYPE_SELL)
request.price = SymbolInfoDouble(pSymbol,SYMBOL_BID);
checkCode = CheckReturnCode(result.retcode);
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Print("Server error detected, retrying...");
while(retryCount < MAX_RETRIES);
We’ll get right into the order placement loop, since we do not need to worry about the state of the current
position. This code is identical to the order placement code from earlier. We get either the current Bid or Ask
price, depending on the order type. We place the order, check the result, and either log an error if it occurs,
or retry the order if we determine that it is a recoverable error.
if(checkCode == CHECK_RETCODE_OK)
Comment(orderType," position #",result.order," opened at ",result.price,
" on ",pSymbol);
else return(0);
Again, this is similar to our earlier error logging and return value code. The only difference is that we are
returning the value of result.order if the trade was placed successfully. The result.order variable contains
the order ticket number of the position that we just placed. If the order was not placed successfully, we return
a value of zero.
As before, we will declare two public helper functions, Buy() and Sell(), which we will use to place buy and
sell market orders using our protected OpenPosition() function:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
ulong Buy(string pSymbol, double pVolume, double pStop = 0, double pProfit = 0,
string pComment = NULL);
ulong Sell(string pSymbol, double pVolume, double pStop = 0, double pProfit = 0,
string pComment = NULL);
And here are the function definitions for the CTradeHedge Buy() and Sell() functions:
These work identically to the Buy() and Sell() functions we declared in our CTrade class earlier, with the
exception that these functions return the ticket number of our newly placed buy or sell market order (or zero,
if an order was not placed.). As with our OpenPosition() function above, these methods overload the
similarly named functions in our CTrade class.
Let’s modify the hedging version of the simple expert advisor we created in the last chapter. First we’ll need to
add an include reference to TradeHedge.mqh:
#include <Mql5Book\TradeHedge.mqh>
CTradeHedge Trade;
We’ve creating a CTradeHedge object named Trade that will contain all of the class functions from
CTradeHedge, as well as any publicly accessible functions and objects from the CTrade class. Let’s skip ahead
to the buy order placement code in the OnTick() event handler to see our changes:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_DEAL;
request.type = ORDER_TYPE_BUY;
request.symbol = _Symbol;
request.position = sellTicket;
request.volume = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_VOLUME);
request.price = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_ASK);
request.deviation = 50;
// Modify SL/TP
if(buyTicket > 0)
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_SLTP;
request.position = buyTicket;
double positionOpenPrice = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_PRICE_OPEN);
glSellPlaced = false;
Since the Trade.Buy() method now checks for successful order execution, we can simply use the return value
in buyTicket to determine if an order has been placed. If buyTicket is greater than zero, we will proceed
with modifying the stop loss and take profit price on the order. When modifying the stop loss and take profit
price, we set request.position to the order ticket value in buyTicket, and select the order using
PositionSelectByTicket() with the value of buyTicket to retrieve the order opening price.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
In the coming chapters, we’ll replace the order information, modification and closing code with similar
functions. You can view the changes to this program in the file \MQL5\Experts\Mql5Book\Simple Expert
Advisor with Functions (Hedging).mq5.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
For a market order, the opening price is the current Bid or Ask price at the moment the order is filled. After
the order is placed, we will retrieve the position's opening price by selecting the position with the
PositionSelect() or PositionSelectByTicket() functions, and then use the PositionGetDouble()
function with the POSITION_PRICE_OPEN parameter to retrieve the open price. We then calculate the stop loss
and take profit relative to that price.
For a pending order, the opening price is the price we specify when opening the order. We will calculate the
stop loss and take profit price relative to the order opening price prior to placing the order.
Stop Loss
For a buy order, the stop loss is calculated by subtracting the stop loss value in points from the opening price.
For a sell order, the stop loss is calculated by adding the stop loss value in points to the opening price.
First, we multiply the stop loss value by the symbol's point value. For example, a Forex symbol with five digits
after the decimal point will have a point value of 0.00001. If we have specified a stop loss of 500 points, we
multiply 500 by 0.00001 to get a value of 0.005. Then we add or subtract this value from the opening price to
find the stop loss price.
The examples below assume that we are trading on a netting account. When using a hedging account, replace
PositionSelect(_Symbol) with PositionSelectByTicket(), passing in the order ticket number as the
parameter. You’ll also need to assign the order ticket number to the request.position variable.
// Input variables
input int StopLoss = 500;
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_SLTP;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
request.symbol = _Symbol;
The StopLoss input variable is defined at the beginning of the program. The code that follows is placed in the
OnTick() event handler. We'll assume that a buy position is currently open. The request.action variable
identifies this trade operation as a position modification ( TRADE_ACTION_SLTP), and the request.symbol
variable identifies the position to modify (the current chart symbol).
To calculate the stop loss price, first we retrieve the opening price of the current position. The
PositionSelect() function selects the open position on the current chart symbol for further processing.
Then, the PositionGetDouble() function with the POSITION_PRICE_OPEN parameter returns the position
open price and stores it in the variable positionPrice.
Next, we multiply the StopLoss input variable by the symbol's point value ( _Point). The result is stored in
the variable stopLossPoint. Finally, we subtract stopLossPoint from positionPrice to calculate the stop
loss price, and assign the result to the variable. The OrderSend() function will then modify the
stop loss of the position.
The stop loss calculation for a sell position is nearly identical. We are simply reversing the operation from
subtraction to addition:
For a pending order, the stop loss is calculated prior to placing the order. In this example, we'll set the buy
stop order price 100 points above the current Ask price:
// Input variables
input int StopLoss = 500;
input int PendingPrice = 100;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_PENDING;
request.type = ORDER_TYPE_BUY_STOP;
request.symbol = _Symbol;
request.volume = 1;
request.type_time = ORDER_TIME_GTC;
We have defined a PendingPrice input variable to calculate the pending order price relative to the current
Ask price. The request.action variable is set to TRADE_ACTION_PENDING, indicating that this is a pending
order operation. The request.type variable indicates that this is a buy stop order. We specify the symbol, a
trade volume, and the expiration type (ORDER_TIME_GTC), indicating that the pending order does not expire.
The pending order price (request.price) is calculated by multiplying the PendingPrice input variable by the
current symbol's point value (_Point), and adding that to the current Ask price, which is retrieved using the
SymbolInfoDouble() function. This sets the pending order price 100 points above the current Ask price.
The stopLossPoint value is calculated as before, and the stop loss price is calculated by subtracting
stopLossPoint from the pending order price (request.price). The result is assigned to the
variable, and the pending order request is then sent to the trade server.
Let's look at the stop loss calculation for a pending sell order:
The pending order price is calculated by subtracting (PendingPrice * _Point) from the current Bid price,
and the stop loss price is calculated by adding stopLossPoint to the pending order price.
The method for calculating a fixed stop loss is the same regardless of the pending order type. For buy orders,
the stop loss is placed below the pending order price, and for sell orders, the stop loss is placed above the
pending order price.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Take Profit
The take profit price is calculated the same way as a stop loss price – only in reverse. The take profit price for a
buy order is placed above the opening price, while the take profit price for a sell order is placed below the
opening price.
The examples below assume that we are trading on a netting account. When using a hedging account, replace
PositionSelect(_Symbol) with PositionSelectByTicket(), passing in the order ticket number as the
parameter. You’ll also need to assign the order ticket number to the request.position variable.
Here is the calculation of the take profit price for a buy position:
// Input variables
input int TakeProfit = 1000;
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_SLTP;
request.symbol = _Symbol;
We declare an input variable named TakeProfit, with a default take profit value of 1000 points. The following
code is similar to the stop loss modification from earlier. We select the current position and retrieve the
current position opening price first. Next we calculate the take profit price by multiplying TakeProfit by
_Point and storing the result in the takeProfitPoint variable. Then we add takeProfitPoint to
positionPrice to calculate the take profit price. The result is assigned to the variable.
And here is the code to calculate the take profit price for a sell position:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The value of takeProfitPoint is subtracted from positionPrice to get the take profit price.
For pending orders, the same logic applies. Add the take profit value to the pending order price for a pending
buy order, and subtract it for a pending sell order.
We're going to create a set of functions that will allow us to calculate a stop loss or take profit price for a buy
or sell order. This way it won't be necessary to remember the calculation for a stop loss or take profit. All you
need to specify is the symbol, the stop loss or take profit value in points, and optionally an order or position
opening price. These functions will work for both hedging and netting accounts, so we won’t need to go over
the differences for both account types.
Let's start with the stop loss functions. The function to calculate the stop loss for a buy order is called
BuyStopLoss(). This function is located in the Trade.mqh include file:
double openPrice;
if(pOpenPrice > 0) openPrice = pOpenPrice;
else openPrice = SymbolInfoDouble(pSymbol,SYMBOL_ASK);
The BuyStopLoss() function accepts three parameters: the symbol name (pSymbol), the stop loss value in
points (pStopPoints), and an optional opening price (pOpenPrice).
The first line in the function will exit the function immediately and return a value of 0 if pStopPoints is less
than or equal to 0. Next, we declare a double variable named openPrice, which will hold the order opening
price. If the order opening price is specified with pOpenPrice, then pOpenPrice will be assigned to
openPrice. Otherwise, the current Ask price for the symbol specified by pSymbol will be used.
We use the SymbolInfoDouble() function with the SYMBOL_POINT parameter to retrieve the point value for
the symbol specified by the pSymbol parameter. This is assigned to the point variable. Next, we calculate the
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
stop loss price by multiplying pStopPoints by point, and subtracting that value from openPrice. The result
is saved to the stopLoss variable.
The last step is to normalize the stop loss value to the number of digits in the symbol price. Forex symbols
have either three or five digits after the decimal point, so we will round the stop loss to the appropriate
number of digits. The SymbolInfoInteger() function with the SYMBOL_DIGITS parameter will retrieve the
digits value for pSymbol, and assign it to the long variable digits.
The NormalizeDouble() function rounds the stopLoss value to the number of digits specified by the digits
variable. The (int) before the digits variable in the NormalizeDouble() function explicitly casts the value
of digits into the int type. This is not absolutely necessary, but we insert it to avoid the "possible data loss
due to type conversion" warning. Finally, we return the normalized value of stopLoss to the program.
Let's look at the function to calculate the take profit price for a buy order. The code is nearly identical. In this
case, we are simply adding the take profit value to the opening price:
double openPrice;
if(pOpenPrice > 0) openPrice = pOpenPrice;
else openPrice = SymbolInfoDouble(pSymbol,SYMBOL_ASK);
The code for a sell stop loss and take profit calculation are similar. In the event that an opening price is not
specified, we use the current Bid price. The stop loss and take profit calculations are reversed relative to the
buy order calculations:
double openPrice;
if(pOpenPrice > 0) openPrice = pOpenPrice;
else openPrice = SymbolInfoDouble(pSymbol,SYMBOL_BID);
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The SellStopLoss() function is similar – we just add pProfitPoints to the opening price. You can view
these functions in the Trade.mqh include file.
Stop Level
One of the most common errors made by expert advisor programmers and traders is invalid stop prices. A
stop loss, take profit or pending order price must be a minimum distance away from the current Bid and Ask
prices. This minimum distance is called the stop level. (In practice, most brokers do not use stop levels
anymore, although you should check in case they do.)
The stop level is retrieved from the server using the SymbolInfoInteger() function with the
SYMBOL_TRADE_STOPS_LEVEL parameter. We'll need to multiply this value by the point value of the symbol
first. To calculate the minimum stop price for buy take profit, sell stop loss, buy stop and sell limit prices,
simply add the stop level to the current Ask price:
The SymbolInfoInteger() function with the SYMBOL_TRADE_STOPS_LEVEL parameter returns the stop level
from the server. The stop level is an integer value, so it must be converted to a price by multiplying it by
_Point. This value is stored in the stopLevel variable.
Next, the SymbolInfoDouble() function with the SYMBOL_ASK parameter returns the current Ask price. We
add the value of the stopLevel variable to the Ask price to get the minimum stop level. Any buy take profit,
sell stop loss, buy stop or sell limit price must be above this value. If not, a TRADE_RETCODE_INVALID_STOPS
return code will result.
To calculate the maximum stop price for sell take profit, buy stop loss, sell stop or buy limit prices, simply
subtract the stop level from the current Bid price:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Once you've calculated the stop level, you can compare this to your stop loss, take profit or pending order
price to see if it is valid:
This example compares a pending order price to the minimum stop level above the current Ask price. If the
request.price variable is less than or equal to minStopLevel, a message will print to the log indicating that
the price is invalid.
Once you know the minimum or maximum stop level price, you can automatically adjust an invalid price to a
valid price, simply by making it greater or less than the relevant stop level.
Before we attempt to place an order with our newly calculated stop loss or take profit price, we need to verify
the price to make sure it's not inside the stop level or otherwise invalid. We'll create a set of functions to check
stop and pending order prices above the Ask price and below the Bid price. The function to use depends on
the order type and the type of price that we're checking.
Let's create a function to check prices above the Ask price. This will be used to verify buy take profit, sell stop
loss, buy stop and sell limit order prices. If the price is below the stop level price, it will be adjusted so that it is
above the stop level, plus or minus a specified number of points.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The AdjustAboveStopLevel() function has three parameters: pSymbol, pPrice, which is the stop price to
verify, and pPoints, an optional parameter that adds an additional number of points to the stop level. This
ensures that slippage will not invalidate a price that is very close to the stop level price.
First we determine the current price by retrieving the Ask price for pSymbol, and storing it in the currPrice
variable. Next, we retrieve the symbol's point value and store it in the point variable. We retrieve the stop
level for the symbol, and multiply that value by the point variable. The result is stored in the stopLevel
variable. We calculate the stop level price by adding currPrice to stopLevel, and storing that value in the
stopPrice variable. Next, we convert the pPoints parameter to a price value by multiplying it by the
symbol's point value, and storing the result in addPoints.
If our stop price (pPrice), is greater than the stop level price (stopPrice + addPoints), we return the original
pPrice value to the program. Otherwise, we need to calculate a new stop price. We declare a variable named
newPrice, and set it to stopPrice + addPoints. This ensures that the adjusted stop price is not too close to
the stop level price. We print a message to the log indicating that the price has been adjusted. Finally, we
return the adjusted price to the program.
Next, we'll create a function to check stop prices below the Bid price. This will be used to verify sell stop, buy
limit, buy stop loss and sell take profit prices. The code is similar to the AdjustAboveStopLevel() function
The changes are highlighted in bold. We assign the current Bid price to the currPrice variable. The
stopPrice variable is calculated by subtracting stopLevel from currPrice. If the pPrice parameter is less
than stopPrice - addPoints, the original pPrice value is returned to the program. Otherwise, we calculate a
new price by assigning the result of stopPrice - addPoints to the newPrice variable. A message is printed
to the log, and the newPrice variable is returned to the program.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The above functions will automatically adjust an invalid price. But what if you just want to check if a price is
valid without adjusting it? We'll use the CheckAboveStopLevel() and CheckBelowStopLevel() functions.
These functions return a boolean value of true or false, depending on whether the price is valid or not.
Thus function is very similar to the AdjustAboveStopLevel() function. The differences are highlighted in
bold. Instead of adjusting the pPrice variable relative to the stop level price, we simply return a value of true
if the price is valid, or false if it is not. This allows the programmer to specify other actions if a price is invalid.
The CheckBelowStopLevel() function is similar, and all of the stop verification functions in this chapter, can
be viewed in the \MQL5\Include\Mql5Book\Trade.mqh file.
For a market order, the stop loss and take profit will be calculated after the order has been placed. First we will
retrieve the opening price for the current position. Then the stop loss and take profit will be calculated relative
to the opening price. The calculated stop loss and take profit prices will be verified, and finally the order will
be modified with the new stop loss and/or take profit price.
Let's refer back to our simple expert advisor program for netting accounts. We'll replace the stop loss and take
profit calculation with our stop calculation functions. The resulting prices will be checked against the stop
level and adjusted accordingly:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
// Modify SL/TP
if(glBuyPlaced == true)
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_SLTP;
double positionOpenPrice = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_PRICE_OPEN);
glSellPlaced = false;
// Modify SL/TP
if(glSellPlaced == true)
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_SLTP;
double positionOpenPrice = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_PRICE_OPEN);
glBuyPlaced = false;
The changes are highlighted in bold. First, we calculate the stop loss and take profit prices using our stop
calculation functions. Then we use our stop verification functions to adjust the price if necessary. The verified
price is assigned to the relevant request variable.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Let's take a closer look at the buy stop loss and take profit calculations:
We use the BuyStopLoss() function to calculate the stop loss relative to positionOpenPrice. The result is
assigned to the buyStopLoss variable. If the value of buyStopLoss is greater than zero, we pass the
buyStopLoss value to the AdjustBelowStopLevel() function. The result is assigned to the
variable. The same is done for the take profit, using the BuyTakeProfit() and AdjustAboveStopLevel()
The modifications to the hedging version of our simple expert advisor are similar. Simply replace the stop loss
and take profit calculation code with the code highlighted in bold above. You can view the changes in the files
Simple Expert Advisor with Functions.mq5 and Simple Expert Advisor with Functions
(Hedging).mq5 in the \MQL5\Experts\Mql5Book folder.
The examples above will automatically adjust the stop loss or take profit price if it is invalid. But what if you
simply want to check if the price is valid or not? The example below checks the stop loss price without
modifying it:
if(StopLoss > 0)
double buyStopLoss = BuyStopLoss(_Symbol,StopLoss,positionOpenPrice);
if(CheckBelowStopLevel(_Symbol,buyStopLoss) == false)
Alert("Buy stop loss price is invalid!");
else if(buyStopLoss > 0) = buyStopLoss;
The CheckBelowStopLevel() function is used to check whether the buyStopLoss price is valid. If the
function returns false, an alert is shown to the user and no more action is taken. Otherwise, if buyStopLoss
is greater than zero, the value of buyStopLoss is assigned to
The examples in this chapter use a fixed stop loss value. There are other ways of determining a stop loss price,
such as using an indicator value or a technical support/resistance level. When using an absolute price for a
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
stop loss or take profit, it is necessary to verify it before adding it to the current position. We can easily do this
using our stop verification functions.
In the example below, the variable stopLossPrice will hold the tentative price that we wish to use as a stop
loss for a buy position. We will verify it using the AdjustBelowStopLevel() function, ensuring that it is a
minimum distance from the order opening price. The MinStopLoss input variable allows the user to enforce a
minimum stop loss distance:
// Input Variables
input int MinStopLoss = 100;
The LowestLow() function retrieves the lowest low of the last 8 bars, and assigns the result to
stopLossPrice. We will cover this function in Chapter 16. We use the AdjustBelowStopLevel() function to
verify the value of stopLossPrice, and ensure that the distance between the current price and the stop loss
price is at least 100 points. The verified price is saved to the variable.
In summary, if you need to add a stop loss or take profit price to a position, or you need to open a pending
order, be sure to verify the price first. Invalid settings or prices that are too close to the current Bid or Ask
price can result in "invalid stop" errors. These can be easily avoided by building price verification into your
expert advisors.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
For netting accounts, we use the PositionSelect() function, along with the PositionGetDouble(),
PositionGetInteger() and PositionGetString() functions to retrieve information about the current
position. Here's an example of the code we've been using to retrieve the current position type:
The PositionSelect() function selects the position for the current chart symbol. Once the position has been
selected, we can use the PositionGet...() functions to retrieve information about the position. The above
example uses PositionGetInteger() with the POSITION_TYPE parameter to return the position type. You
can view all of the position property constants for all three of the PositionGet...() functions in the MQL5
Reference under Standard Constants... > Trade Constants > Position Properties.
The problem with retrieving position information in MQL5 is remembering which PositionGet..() function
to use along with the correct position property constant. We're going to create a set of easy-to-remember
functions that will retrieve information about the current position with a single function call.
Let's demonstrate with a function to retrieve a position's type. The PositionType() function selects the
current position for the specified symbol. It will then return the position type constant:
The pSymbol parameter is optional – if it is not specified, the function will use the current chart symbol. The
PositionSelect() function selects the position for the specified symbol, and return a boolean value to the
select variable. If select is true, the PositionGetInteger() function retrieves the position type and returns
it to the program. If no position is open, the function returns the WRONG_VALUE constant, or -1.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Here's another function that returns the opening price of the position. This function is very similar to the one
above, except it uses the PositionGetDouble() function with the POSITION_PRICE_OPEN parameter:
In all, we have ten functions that return information about the current position, including the volume, opening
time, stop loss, take profit, comment, current profit and more. These functions can be viewed in the \MQL5\
Include\Mql5Book\Trade.mqh file.
Let's modify our simple expert advisor with our position information functions:
// Modify SL/TP
if(glBuyPlaced == true)
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_SLTP;
glSellPlaced = false;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
We are using a single function, PositionType(), to return the current position type. If no position is open,
the function will return WRONG_VALUE. Because of this, we no longer need to check the output of the
PositionSelect() function, so we've edited the order opening condition.
Once the order is placed, we check the value of the glBuyPlaced variable. If glBuyPlaced is true, we
proceed with modifying the order. The PositionOpenPrice() function has replaced the
PositionGetDouble() function for retrieving the position opening price. Since we are retrieving information
for the current chart symbol, it is not necessary to pass a parameter to any of these functions.
Hedging Accounts
For hedging accounts, we need to retrieve position information using a ticket number. The
PositionSelectByTicket() function is used to select position information for an open market order on a
hedging account. Here’s an example of how to retrieve the position type for a hedging order. We’ll assume
that the ticket variable holds a valid order ticket number:
The PositionSelectByTicket() function takes a valid order ticket as the parameter. If an open position
matching the ticket number is successfully found, then PositionSelectByTicket() returns true. At that
point, the PositionGet...() functions can be used to retrieve information about the hedging position.
Remember that in our simple expert advisor for hedging accounts, we used a for loop to loop through the
order pool to retrieve our order tickets. We will create a class that will return the count of all open buy and sell
orders, as well as arrays that contain their ticket numbers.
We’re going to create a class named CPositions that will allow us to retrieve a count of open buy and sell
market orders, as well as arrays that will contain our ticket numbers. The CPositions class will be located in
the TradeHedge.mqh include file.
Let’s begin by declaring several protected members of our class that hold our order type counts and ticket
class CPositions
ulong BuyTickets[];
ulong SellTickets[];
ulong Tickets[];
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
int BuyCount;
int SellCount;
int TotalCount;
The arrays of type ulong will hold our ticket numbers, while the int variables will hold our order counts. The
GetOpenPositions() function is an internal function that will loop through the order pool and select the
orders that match the magic number provided. ResizeArray() is another internal function that will simplify
the process of resizing our order ticket arrays.
Let’s declare our public functions that will be used to retrieve our order counts and tickets:
class CPositions
ulong BuyTickets[];
ulong SellTickets[];
ulong Tickets[];
int BuyCount;
int SellCount;
int TotalCount;
int Buy(ulong pMagicNumber);
int Sell(ulong pMagicNumber);
int TotalPositions(ulong pMagicNumber);
The Buy() and Sell() functions return the total count of open buy or sell market orders, while
TotalPositions() returns a count of all open market orders. The pMagicNumber parameter is the magic
number that has been set for this expert advisor. We covered the usage of magic numbers in Chapter 10. If for
some reason you are not using a magic number in your expert advisor, you can set this parameter to zero.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Here are the function bodies of our Buy(), Sell() and TotalPositions() functions:
All three functions simply pass the pMagicNumber value to the GetOpenPositions() function, and return the
appropriate field in the CPositions class. We’ll review the GetOpenPositions() function shortly.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
All three functions call the GetOpenPositions() function, and copies the appropriate class array to the
pTickets[] array that is passed in by reference. By calling the GetOpenPositions() function every time we
request an updated order count or a list of ticket numbers, we ensure that we are always returning the most
current information.
ArrayResize(BuyTickets, 1);
ArrayInitialize(BuyTickets, 0);
ArrayResize(SellTickets, 1);
ArrayInitialize(SellTickets, 0);
ArrayResize(Tickets, 1);
ArrayInitialize(Tickets, 0);
int arrayIndex = ResizeArray(BuyTickets);
BuyTickets[arrayIndex] = PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TICKET);
else if(PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TYPE) == POSITION_TYPE_SELL)
int arrayIndex = ResizeArray(SellTickets);
SellTickets[arrayIndex] = PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TICKET);
int arrayIndex = ResizeArray(Tickets);
Tickets[arrayIndex] = PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TICKET);
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
First, we initialize the values of BuyCount, SellCount and TotalCount to zero, and resize the BuyTickets[],
SellTickets[] and Tickets[] arrays to a single element. These arrays are dynamic arrays, which are most
commonly used in MQL5 for holding price data. Dynamic arrays can be resized, and we’ll need to resize and
initialize them before use to prevent errors.
As described previously in Chapter 10, we’ll need to loop through the order pool and retrieve the order ticket
for each open order. We use PositionGetTicket() with a zero-based index variable to retrieve each ticket
number. The we use PositionSelectByTicket() to select the order for information retrieval. The
PositionGetInteger() function with the POSITION_MAGIC parameter retrieves the magic number of the
order. If it doesn’t match the magic number we passed into the function (using the pMagicNumber parameter),
we skip it and move on to the next order.
Next, we check the position type. Depending on the type (buy or sell), we increment the BuyCount or
SellCount variable and add the ticket number to the array. We will need to resize the array (if necessary – we
already resized it once at the beginning of the function) and then set the largest array index to the ticket
number. At the end of the loop, every order that is processed is also added to the TotalCount field as well as
the Tickets[] array.
The ResizeArray() function is an internal function that takes an array by reference, adds a new array element
to the end, and returns the resized array, along with the index of it’s largest element:
return arrayIndex;
When the ResizeArray() function returns, we simply assign the ticket number of the currently selected order
to the largest element of the resized array.
Let’s demonstrate how we can use the CPositions class to access information about open orders. The code
below is from the file /Mql5/Experts/Mql5Book/Simple Expert Advisor with Functions
(Hedging).mq5. First, we’ll need to create an object based on the CPositions class in the declarations
section at the top of the program:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
#include <Mql5Book\TradeHedge.mqh>
CTradeHedge Trade;
CPositions Positions;
Next, we’ll add an input variable for the user to set a magic number:
We’ll need to set the magic number in the OnInit() event handler:
The code below goes near the top of our OnTick() event handler, before the buy and sell order code:
if(Positions.Buy(MagicNumber) == 1)
ulong buyTickets[];
Positions.GetBuyTickets(MagicNumber, buyTickets);
buyTicket = buyTickets[0]
glBuyPlaced = true;
if(Positions.Sell(MagicNumber) == 1)
ulong sellTickets[];
Positions.GetSellTickets(MagicNumber, sellTickets);
sellTicket = sellTickets[0];
glSellPlaced = true;
In this example, we call the Positions.Buy() or Positions.Sell() functions using our MagicNumber input
variable that we defined above. If these functions indicate that a buy or sell order is open, we declare an array
of type ulong and pass that to the Positions.GetBuyTickets() or Positions.GetSellTickets() function.
The returned array should contain a valid order ticket in the first element of the array, which we assign to the
buyTicket or sellTicket variable.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Now that the ticket numbers of all open positions are available, you can get further information on your
opened positions using the position information functions that we’ll create in TradeHedge.mqh. You may
recall from earlier in this chapter that we created position information functions in the Trade.mqh file for use
with netting accounts. We will create overloaded functions for use with hedging accounts in the next section.
Once we have a ticket number, we can get information about the order using PositionSelectByTicket(),
and then by using the PositionGetDouble(), PositionGetInteger() and PositionGetString() functions
with the appropriate parameters. Just as we did for netting accounts, we have created position information
functions for use with hedging accounts.
For example, this function takes a ticket number as input and returns the order type:
We check the return value of PositionSelectByTicket(). If it is false, we return the WRONG_VALUE constant
(-1); otherwise, we return the value of PositionGetInteger() with the POSITION_TYPE parameter.
The position information functions for hedging accounts are in the TradeHedge.mqh file, and overload the
similarly named functions in the Trade.mqh file.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
class CTrade
bool ModifyPosition(string pSymbol, double pStop, double pProfit = 0);
The pProfit parameter is optional. Most likely, you will be modifying the stop loss of an order, but not always
the take profit. Here is the body of our ModifyPosition() function. Nearly all of the code in this function
should already be familiar to you:
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_SLTP;
request.symbol = pSymbol; = pStop; = pProfit;
// Order loop
int retryCount = 0;
int checkCode = 0;
bool sent = OrderSend(request,result);
checkCode = CheckReturnCode(result.retcode);
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
string errDesc = TradeServerReturnCodeDescription(result.retcode);
Alert("Max retries exceeded: Error ",result.retcode," - ",errDesc);
if(checkCode == CHECK_RETCODE_OK)
Comment("Position modified on ",pSymbol,", SL: ",,", TP: ",;
else return(false);
Here is how we use our ModifyPosition() function in an expert advisor program. After placing a market
order, we calculate and verify the stop loss and take profit prices. Then we call the ModifyPosition()
function to modify the open position:
// Modify SL/TP
if(glBuyPlaced == true)
double positionOpenPrice = PositionOpenPrice();
glSellPlaced = false;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
We've replaced the and variables with the buyStopLoss and buyTakeProfit
variables. Before modifying the position, we check to see if the buyStopLoss or buyTakeProfit variables are
greater than zero. If so, the ModifyPosition() function of our CTrade class will be called to modify the stop
loss and take profit of the current position. The above changes can be viewed in the file Simple Expert
Advisor with Functions.mq5 in the \Experts\Mql5Book folder.
Hedging Accounts
The ModifyPosition() function is overloaded in the TradeHedge.mqh file. It takes a ticket number instead of
a symbol:
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_SLTP; = pStop; = pProfit;
request.position = pTicket;
request.symbol = symbol;
// Order loop
int retryCount = 0;
int checkCode = 0;
bool sent = OrderSend(request,result);
checkCode = CheckReturnCode(result.retcode);
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
while(retryCount < MAX_RETRIES);
if(checkCode == CHECK_RETCODE_OK)
Comment("Position #",pTicket," modified on ",symbol,", SL: ",,
", TP: ",;
else return(false);
The pTicket parameter is the ticket number of the market order to modify. First, we select the order using the
PositionSelectByTicket() function. Next, we get the order symbol using PositionGetString() with the
POSITION_SYMBOL parameter, and assign it to the symbol variable. The symbol variable is used to set the
symbol of the order to modify (using request.symbol) as well as to get current price information for logging
purposes. The request.position variable is also set to the value of pTicket.
// Modify SL/TP
if(buyTicket > 0)
double positionOpenPrice = PositionOpenPrice(buyTicket);
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
glSellPlaced = false;
Closing Positions
As you may recall from Chapter 10, when a market order is opened on a netting account, we first check to see
if there is a position currently open in the opposite direction. If so, we increase the lot size of our order to
close out the current position, resulting in a net position in the opposite direction. However, sometimes you
may wish to close a position before opening an order in the opposite direction. We're going to create a
function to close an open position. You can close out part or all of a position, but we will not reverse the
direction of an open position.
The process of closing a position is the same as opening one. We specify TRADE_ACTION_DEAL as the trade
action, and fill out the symbol, type, volume and price variables of an MqlTradeRequest object. For our
position closing function, we will need to determine the volume and direction of the current position. We'll
need to ensure that the requested close volume is not greater than the current position volume. To close the
position, we'll need to place an order in the opposite direction of the current position.
The Close() function is a public function in our CTrade class. It has three parameters – the symbol of the
position to close, the close volume (optional), and an order comment (optional).
class CTrade
bool Close(string pSymbol, double pVolume = 0, string pComment = NULL);
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_DEAL;
request.symbol = pSymbol;
request.deviation = deviation;
request.type_filling = fillType;
request.magic = magicNumber;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
double closeVol = 0;
long openType = WRONG_VALUE;
if(PositionSelect(pSymbol) == true)
closeVol = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_VOLUME);
openType = PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TYPE);
else return(false);
As always, we fill out the relevant fields in the request object. We select the current position and set the
closeVol and openType variables to the position volume and trade type, respectively.
Next, we need to determine the close volume for the position. We check to see if a value has been specified
for the pVolume parameter, and whether it is valid:
If the value of pVolume is greater than the volume of the current position ( closeVol), or if pVolume has not
been specified (less than or equal to zero), then request.volume is assigned the value of closeVol. This
closes out the entire position. Otherwise, if a close volume has been specified with pVolume, then
request.volume is assigned the value of pVolume. This will partially close out the position.
Now we're going to enter our order loop. Before closing the position, we must determine the order type and
the closing price:
int retryCount = 0;
int checkCode = 0;
if(openType == POSITION_TYPE_BUY)
request.type = ORDER_TYPE_SELL;
request.price = SymbolInfoDouble(pSymbol,SYMBOL_BID);
else if(openType == POSITION_TYPE_SELL)
request.type = ORDER_TYPE_BUY;
request.price = SymbolInfoDouble(pSymbol,SYMBOL_ASK);
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The code highlighted in bold determines the new order type and price. If the currently opened position is a
buy position (POSITION_TYPE_BUY), the order type is set to ORDER_TYPE_SELL and the order price is set to the
current Bid price. If the current position is a sell position, the type is set to ORDER_TYPE_BUY and the price is
set to the current Ask price. The OrderSend() function then closes part or all of the current position.
The remaining code in the function takes care of the error handling and order retry features:
checkCode = CheckReturnCode(result.retcode);
string posType;
if(openType == POSITION_TYPE_BUY) posType = "Buy";
else if(openType == POSITION_TYPE_SELL) posType = "Sell";
if(checkCode == CHECK_RETCODE_OK)
Comment(posType," position closed on ",pSymbol," at ",result.price);
else return(false);
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Here is how we would use our Close() function in an expert advisor. For example, in our simple expert
advisor, we want to close the order if the current close price crosses the moving average. The code to close an
order will go in our expert advisor just after we retrieve the current position type, but before the order
opening conditions:
For simplicity's sake, we separated the buy and sell close conditions. If the current close price is less than the
current moving average value, and a buy position is open, we close out the current position. The same is true
if the close price is above the moving average and a sell position is currently open.
You can use the Close() function to close out part of a position. Here's a simplified example of how we can
close out half of the current position:
The PositionVolume() function will retrieve the volume of the current position, and assign the result to
posVolume. We divide posVolume by 2 to calculate half of the position, and assign the result to closeVolume.
We use closeVolume as the second parameter of the Close() function, effectively closing out half of the
If you were to close out part of the position using this method, make sure that your closing conditions are
very specific. Otherwise, the program will continue to close out half of the position over and over. Later on in
the book, we will examine the use of pending orders to scale out of positions.
Closing a position on a hedging account requires the ticket number of the market order. As we’ve done with
the other hedging functions in this chapter, we will overload the function in the Trade.mqh file with an
identically named function in TradeHedge.mqh that takes a ticket number instead of a symbol:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_DEAL;
request.position = pTicket;
request.deviation = deviation;
request.type_filling = fillType;
double closeVol = 0;
long openType = WRONG_VALUE;
string symbol;
if(PositionSelectByTicket(pTicket) == true)
closeVol = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_VOLUME);
openType = PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TYPE);
symbol = PositionGetString(POSITION_SYMBOL);
else return(false);
For brevity, we are only showing the part of the function that has changed. The order request and logging
code is identical. We set request.position to the ticket number contained in pTicket. Next, we select the
position using PositionSelectByTicket(), and use the various PositionGet...() functions to retrieve
information about this position, including the order volume, order type and symbol.
The usage of CTradeHedge::Close() is similar to CTrade::Close(), with the exception that you are passing
in a ticket number instead of a symbol.
Let’s take a look at our changed Simple Expert Advisor with Functions.mq5 file:
void OnTick()
// Moving average
double ma[];
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
int maHandle=iMA(_Symbol,0,MAPeriod,MODE_SMA,0,PRICE_CLOSE);
// Close price
double close[];
// Modify SL/TP
if(glBuyPlaced == true)
double positionOpenPrice = PositionOpenPrice();
glSellPlaced = false;
We’ve replaced the code that retrieves the open position type and opening price with our position
information functions, PositionType() and PositionOpenPrice(). Note that we do not use the
Trade.Close() function in this expert advisor, because our Trade.Buy() and Trade.Sell() functions will
reverse the position if needed. The Trade.ModifyPosition() function is then used to add a stop loss and
take profit to the order.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Hedging Accounts
Here are the modifications to the Simple Expert Advisor with Functions (Hedging).mq5:
#include <Mql5Book\TradeHedge.mqh>
CTradeHedge Trade;
CPositions Positions;
// Input variables
input int MagicNumber = 12345;
void OnInit()
void OnTick()
// Moving average
double ma[];
int maHandle=iMA(_Symbol,0,MAPeriod,MODE_LWMA,0,PRICE_CLOSE);
// Close price
double close[];
if(Positions.Buy(MagicNumber) == 1)
ulong buyTickets[];
Positions.GetBuyTickets(MagicNumber, buyTickets);
buyTicket = buyTickets[0]
glBuyPlaced = true;
if(Positions.Sell(MagicNumber) == 1)
ulong sellTickets[];
Positions.GetSellTickets(MagicNumber, sellTickets);
sellTicket = sellTickets[0];
glSellPlaced = true;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
// Modify SL/TP
if(buyTicket > 0)
double positionOpenPrice = PositionOpenPrice(buyTicket);
glSellPlaced = false;
We’ve added a CPositions class object named Positions at the top of the file. We’ve also added an input
variable for a magic number. The magic number is assigned to all new orders in the OnInit() event handler
using the Trade.MagicNumber() function.
Inside the OnTick() event handler, we use the CPositions class functions (represented by the Positions
object) to retrieve the order tickets of any currently opened positions. We’ve added the Trade.Close()
function to close any existing opposite position when opening a new position. The PositionOpenPrice()
function retrieves the order opening price for the specified ticket number. Finally, the
Trade.ModifyPosition() function sets the stop loss and take profit price for the specified ticket number.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Pending Orders
Along with the order price and volume, an optional stop loss price, take profit price and order expiration time
can be specified. There are several expiration types for pending orders. GTC (Good Til Canceled) means that
the order will not expire. Today means that the order will expire at the end of the trading day. Specified
requires the trader to specify an expiration time. At the specified date and time, the order will automatically
There are three types of pending orders: stop, limit and stop limit. Combined with the buy and sell order types,
there are a total of six types of pending orders. Stop and limit orders differ in where the order price is located
relative to the current price. The stop limit order type combines the two.
A buy stop order is placed above the current price. The deal is made when the Ask price is greater than or
equal to the order opening price. A sell stop order is placed below the current price. The deal is made when
the Bid price is less than or equal to the order opening price. A stop order is placed with the expectation that
the price will continue moving in the direction of profit.
A buy limit order is placed below the current price. The deal is made when the Ask price is less than or equal
to the order opening price. A sell limit order is placed above the current price. The deal is made when the Bid
price is greater than or equal to the order opening price. A limit order is placed with the expectation that the
price will reverse near the limit order price and continue in the direction of profit.
A stop limit order places a limit order when a stop order price is reached. This requires the trader to input two
prices, a stop order price and a limit order price. A buy stop limit order places a buy limit order below the
current price when the Ask price is greater than or equal to the stop order price. A sell stop limit order places a
sell limit order above the current price when the Bid price is less than or equal to the stop order price.
Since a sell order can be used to close a buy position, and vice versa, it is possible to use pending orders as
stop loss and take profit orders. A stop loss or take profit price that is placed on a position will close out the
entire position when the price is reached. But a pending order can be used to close out part of a position, or
even to reverse a position, when the pending order is triggered.
For example, we have a buy position open for 1 lot on EURUSD at 1.34500. If we place a sell stop order 500
points below at 1.34000, we can close out all or part of the position at this price. If we place a sell stop order
for 2 lots at 1.34000, the position will effectively reverse from a net long position of 1 lot to a net sell position
of 1 lot.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
We can use limit orders to scale out of a profitable position. Using the example above, we could place sell
limit orders for 0.5 lots each at 1.35000 and 1.35500, scaling out of our position at 500 and 1000 points
respectively. We'll talk more about scaling out of positions later in this chapter.
class CTrade
MqlTradeRequest request;
bool OpenPending(string pSymbol, ENUM_ORDER_TYPE pType, double pVolume,
double pPrice, double pStop = 0, double pProfit = 0, double pStopLimit = 0,
datetime pExpiration = 0, string pComment = NULL);
MqlTradeResult result;
The OpenPending() function has two additional parameters. pStopLimit is the stop limit price of the order,
and pExpiration is the expiration time of the order. Both parameters are optional, with a default value of 0.
The other parameters are identical to the OpenPosition() parameters, which we covered on page 98. We've
declared the OpenPending() function as private, as we will be creating public functions to access it.
Let's go over the body of the OpenPending() function. First we will fill the request object variables with our
function parameters:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Pending Orders
The TRADE_ACTION_PENDING constant indicates that we are placing a pending order. The remaining request
variables are assigned the parameters that are passed into the function. Next, we'll need to determine the
expiration time, if any:
if(pExpiration > 0)
request.expiration = pExpiration;
request.type_time = ORDER_TIME_SPECIFIED;
else request.type_time = ORDER_TIME_GTC;
If the pExpiration parameter has been specified, the value of pExpiration is assigned to the
request.expiration variable, and the request.type_time variable is set to ORDER_TIME_SPECIFIED, which
indicates that an expiration time has been specified. If pExpiration has not been specified, or has a value of
0, then request.type_time is set to ORDER_TIME_GTC, which indicates that the order does not expire.
Next, we'll place the pending order. Here is the order placement code, with the error handling code and retry
on error:
// Order loop
int retryCount = 0;
int checkCode = 0;
checkCode = CheckReturnCode(result.retcode);
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
This is similar to the code in the OpenPosition() function, except that we don't have to check for the current
Bid or Ask price. Here is the remaining code in the OpenPending() function:
if(checkCode == CHECK_RETCODE_OK)
Comment(orderType," order opened at ",request.price," on ",pSymbol);
else return(false);
As before, the function displays an error if retryCount has exceeded MAX_RETRIES. A string description of the
order type is retrieved using the CheckOrderType() function, and the return code description is retrieved
using the TradeServerReturnCodeDescription() function.
Next, we print information about the order to the log. We use a combination of request and result
variables, since the result variables do not contain much information for pending orders. The
SymbolInfoDouble() function is used to retrieve the current Bid and Ask price. Finally, we return a value of
true if the order was successful, and false if it was not.
You can view the entire OpenPending() function in the \MQL5\Include\Mql5Book\Trade.mqh file. Note that
pending orders function the same regardless of account type. Unlike the previous chapters, we will not have
to write separate functions for placing and managing pending orders for hedging accounts.
As we did for the OpenPosition() function, we will create several helper functions to access our private
OpenPending() function. Each function will open an order of the specified type:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Pending Orders
class CTrade
bool BuyStop(string pSymbol, double pVolume, double pPrice, double pStop = 0,
double pProfit = 0, datetime pExpiration = 0, string pComment = NULL);
bool SellStop(string pSymbol, double pVolume, double pPrice, double pStop = 0,
double pProfit = 0, datetime pExpiration = 0, string pComment = NULL);
bool BuyLimit(string pSymbol, double pVolume, double pPrice, double pStop = 0,
double pProfit = 0, datetime pExpiration = 0, string pComment = NULL);
bool SellLimit(string pSymbol, double pVolume, double pPrice, double pStop = 0,
double pProfit = 0, datetime pExpiration = 0, string pComment = NULL);
Note that the stop limit order functions contain the pStopLimit parameter, while the other functions do not.
Here's the body of the BuyStop() function. The function simply calls the OpenPending() function, passing
the function parameters through to OpenPending(), and specifying the ORDER_TYPE_BUY_STOP constant as
the second parameter . The return value of OpenPending() is then returned to the program:
The other stop and limit order functions are identical – save for the order type passed to the OpenPending()
function. Here is the sell stop limit order function, which contains the pStopLimit parameter:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
You can view these functions in the \MQL5\Include\Mql5Book\Trade.mqh file. We will address the usage of
these functions later in the chapter.
To process the pending order pool, we use a for loop along with the OrderGetTicket() function to select
each order in the order pool:
The for loop uses the integer variable i as the incrementor. It is initialized to 0, since the order pool index
starts at 0. The OrdersTotal() function returns the number of pending orders currently open. Since the order
pool index begins at 0, the maximum value of i needs to be one less than OrdersTotal(). An index of 0 is
the oldest order in the pool. We will start at 0 and increment by one as long as i is less than OrdersTotal().
The OrderGetTicket() function selects the order with the order pool index indicated by the i variable. We
can then use the OrderGetDouble(), OrderGetInteger() or OrderGetString() functions to retrieve
information about the current order. The OrderGetTicket() function also returns the ticket number of the
selected order. In the example above, we assign the order ticket to the ticket variable. The ticket number is
printed to the log, and the loop repeats.
Now that we know how to loop through the current order pool, we can get an accurate count of the number
of orders that are currently open by type. We're going to create a class to hold our order counting function, as
well as the variables that hold our order counts and ticket numbers. We'll call this class CPending. The
CPending class and all related functions in this chapter will be stored in the \MQL5\Include\Mql5Book\
Pending.mqh file:
class CPending
void OrderCount(string pSymbol);
int BuyLimitCount, SellLimitCount, BuyStopCount, SellStopCount,
BuyStopLimitCount, SellStopLimitCount, TotalPendingCount;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Pending Orders
ulong PendingTickets[];
The OrderCount() function of our CPending class will iterate through the order pool and count the number
of current orders. The integer variables BuyLimitCount, SellLimitCount, etc. will store the order counts, and
the PendingTickets[] array will hold the ticket numbers of the current orders. All of these members are
private – we will create public functions to access this information.
BuyStopCount++; break;
SellStopCount++; break;
BuyLimitCount++; break;
SellLimitCount++; break;
BuyStopLimitCount++; break;
SellStopLimitCount++; break;
PendingTickets[ArraySize(PendingTickets)-1] = ticket;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The first thing we do in the OrderCount() function is to initialize all of the order count variables to zero. You
can place more than one expression per line, as long as each expression is terminated by a semicolon. The
ArrayFree() function resets the PendingTickets[] array and clears its contents.
The for loop initialization and the OrderGetTicket() function have already been explained. The
OrderGetString() function with the ORDER_SYMBOL parameter retrieves the symbol of the currently selected
order and compares it to the pSymbol parameter. If the symbol does not match, we continue to the next order
in the pool. Otherwise, we process the currently selected order.
The OrderGetInteger() function with the ORDER_TYPE parameter retrieves the order type for the currently
selected order, and stores it in the type variable. The switch operator compares the type variable to a list of
order types specified with case operators. Note the (int) inside the switch operator – this casts the value of
the type variable to an integer to avoid a type conversion warning. When the correct order type is matched,
the relevant count variable is incremented, and the break operator exits the switch block.
The TotalPendingCount variable is incremented for every order for the current symbol, regardless of type.
The ArrayResize() function resizes the PendingTickets[] array to match the current number of orders
indicated by TotalPendingCount. Finally, the currently selected order ticket is stored in the highest index of
the array.
The result of the OrderCount() function is that the relevant count variables are filled with the number of
open pending orders of each type for the selected symbol. The TotalPendingCount variable tallies all open
orders for the selected symbol. Finally, the PendingTickets[] array contains the ticket numbers of all open
pending orders for the selected symbol.
Now we'll need to create public functions to access our counter variables and the PendingTickets[] array.
Here are the public members of our CPending class:
class CPending
int BuyLimit(string pSymbol);
int SellLimit(string pSymbol);
int BuyStop(string pSymbol);
int SellStop(string pSymbol);
int BuyStopLimit(string pSymbol);
int SellStopLimit(string pSymbol);
int TotalPending(string pSymbol);
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Pending Orders
The seven functions with the int return type return the count for the specified order type. The GetTickets()
function copies the PendingTickets[] array into a second array that the programmer will then process.
Let's take a look at the function body for the BuyLimit() function. All seven of these functions call the private
OrderCount() function. After the function has run, the appropriate count variable is returned to the program:
The BuyLimit() function returns the number of buy limit orders that are currently open on the symbol
specified by pSymbol. The remaining six count functions are similar. The only difference is the count variable
that is returned by the function. You can view these functions in the \MQL5\Include\Mql5Book\Pending.mqh
Now let's examine the GetTickets() function. This will call the OrderCount() function and then copy the
PendingTickets[] array to a second array passed to the function by reference:
The ampersand (&) before the pTickets[] parameter indicates that this is an array passed by reference. The
array will be modified by the function, and those modifications will be present throughout the rest of the
program. The ArrayCopy() function copies the PendingTickets[] array to the array specified by the
pTickets parameter. Here is how we would use the GetTickets() function in our program:
// Global variables
CPending Pending;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
First, we declare an object named Pending based on the CPending class at the top of the program. The
remainder of the code belongs in the OnTick() event handler, or a function called from it.
The tickets[] array will hold the pending ticket numbers. The GetTickets() function fills the tickets[]
array with the ticket numbers of all of the unfilled pending orders for the current chart symbol. A for loop is
used to iterate through the ticket numbers in the tickets[] array. The iterator variable i starts at 0. The
maximum value of i is determined by the ArraySize() function, which returns the number of elements in the
tickets[] array.
Inside the for loop, we assign the value of tickets[i] to the ticket variable. The ticket variable is passed
to the OrderSelect() function, which selects the order for further processing. The OrderGetInteger(),
OrderGetDouble() and OrderGetString() functions can now be used to retrieve information about the
We use the OrderGetInteger() and OrderGetDouble() functions to retrieve information about the currently
selected order, including the order type, volume, opening price, stop loss and take profit. Finally, we print this
information to the log.
When iterating through the pending order pool in this manner, you will be retrieving information about each
order and using that information to make decisions, such as whether to modify or close an order.
Just like the position information functions in the last chapter, we're going to create a set of easy-to-
remember functions to retrieve order information. Instead of using the OrderGet...() functions, we will
create short functions to retrieve this information using only a ticket number.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Pending Orders
Let's start with the order type. The OrderGetInteger() function with the ORDER_TYPE parameter returns an
order type constant from the ENUM_ORDER_TYPE enumeration. The order must be selected first using the
OrderSelect() function. The function below will retrieve the order type using only the ticket number:
The OrderSelect() function selects the order indicated by the ticket number passed into the pTicket
parameter. If the order does not exist, the function returns WRONG_VALUE, or -1. Otherwise, the order type is
retrieved with the OrderGetInteger() function and returned to the program.
Let's look at another function that uses the OrderGetDouble() function. This function will return the current
volume of the order:
The OrderGetDouble() function returns the current volume of the order if the ticket number selected by
OrderSelect() is valid. Finally, let's look at a function that uses OrderGetString():
This function returns the order comment. If the order ticket passed to the OrderSelect() function is not
valid, then a value of NULL is returned.
There are several more functions that use the OrderSelect() and OrderGet...() functions. You can view
them in the \MQL5\Include\Mql5Book\Pending.mqh file. The parameters for the OrderGet...() functions
can be viewed in the MQL5 Reference under Standard Constants... > Trade Constants > Order Properties.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Let's use the order information functions we've defined in the Pending.mqh file in the code example from
page 165:
ulong tickets[];
We've replaced the OrderGet...() functions with the order information functions that we've defined. We've
also eliminated the OrderSelect() function, as it is no longer necessary.
To summarize, we've created the CPending class with seven public order counting functions ( BuyLimit(),
SellLimit(), etc.) that will return the number of open pending orders of that type for the specified symbol.
The GetTickets() function will return an array that contains the ticket numbers of all pending orders
currently open on the specified symbol. Using the array returned by the GetTickets() function, we can
retrieve the ticket numbers of the open pending orders. With the ticket number, we can retrieve information
about the order using the order information functions such as OrderType(), OrderOpenPrice() or
When modifying a pending order, it is necessary to specify the current value of any price that will not be
changed. For example, if you are changing the opening price of a pending order, and the order currently has a
stop loss and take profit price, then you will need to retrieve the current stop loss and take profit prices and
pass them to the OrderSend() function.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Pending Orders
Let's demonstrate a simple pending order modification. In this example, we will be changing the opening
price of a pending order. The stop loss and take profit will not be changed. No expiration time was placed
with the order. We'll assume that the variable newPrice holds the new pending order price:
double newPrice;
ulong tickets[];
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_MODIFY;
request.order = ticket;
request.price = newPrice; = OrderStopLoss(ticket); = OrderTakeProfit(ticket);
request.expiration = 0;
request.type_time = ORDER_TIME_GTC;
You'll recognize the GetTickets() function and the for loop from the previous section. We'll assume that
there is a single pending order open on the current chart symbol, and this code will modify the opening price
to the value stored in newPrice.
The TRADE_ACTION_MODIFY constant identifies this as a pending order modification. When modifying an
order, we must specify an order ticket using the request.order variable. Any changes to the price, stop loss,
take profit or expiration are assigned to the appropriate variables. If there are no changes, then we must
assign the current values to those variables.
Since the order opening price is being changed, we assign the value of the newPrice variable to
request.price. We use our OrderStopLoss() and OrderTakeProfit() functions to retrieve the current
stop loss and take profit prices, and assign those prices to the and variables. This
ensures that the stop loss and take profit prices will not be modified. For completeness, we specify a value of
0 for request.expiration, and set request.type_time to ORDER_TIME_GTC, indicating that the order does
not expire. The OrderSend() function sends the updated pending order price to the server for modification.
The stop loss, take profit and expiration time remain unchanged.
Here's another example where we'll modify the stop loss and take profit prices of a pending order. The order
opening price will remain unchanged. The stop loss will be adjusted 500 points below the order opening price,
and the take profit will be set to zero:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
// Global variables
input int StopLoss = 500;
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_MODIFY;
request.order = ticket;
request.price = OrderOpenPrice(ticket); = OrderOpenPrice(ticket) - (StopLoss * _Point); = 0;
request.expiration = 0;
request.type_time = ORDER_TIME_GTC;
The lines in bold indicate the changes from the previous example. The request.price variable is set to the
current order opening price. The variable is set to the order opening price, minus the number of
points indicated in the StopLoss variable. The variable is set to 0, indicating that there will be no
take profit on the modified order. If there is currently a take profit price on the order, it will be reset to 0.
The ModifyPending() function will modify the opening price, stop loss, take profit or expiration time on an
order. The order ticket, price, stop loss and take profit are the required parameters. If the price will not be
changed, a value of 0 will be passed to the pPrice parameter. If the stop loss, take profit or expiration time
are set and will not be changed, then it will be necessary to pass the current values to the ModifyPending()
class CTrade
bool ModifyPending(ulong pTicket, double pPrice, double pStop, double pProfit,
datetime pExpiration = 0);
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Pending Orders
The function is public, which means that we will be calling it directly. Here is the first part of the
ModifyPending() function, where we set the request variables:
if(pExpiration > 0)
request.expiration = pExpiration;
request.type_time = ORDER_TIME_SPECIFIED;
else request.type_time = ORDER_TIME_GTC;
The trade action is set to TRADE_ACTION_MODIFY, and the pTicket, pStop and pProfit parameter values are
assigned to the appropriate request variables. Next, we use the OrderSelect() function to select the order
ticket indicated by pTicket. If the pPrice parameter is greater than zero, we assign the value of pPrice to
request.price. Otherwise, we retrieve the current open price and assign that value to request.price.
If the value of pExpiration is greater than zero, we assign the new order expiration time to
request.expiration, and set request.type_time to ORDER_TIME_SPECIFIED. Otherwise, we set
request.type_time to ORDER_TIME_GTC, which indicates that the order will not have an expiration time.
The rest of the function contains our order modification and error handling code:
int retryCount = 0;
int checkCode = 0;
checkCode = CheckReturnCode(result.retcode);
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
string errDesc = TradeServerReturnCodeDescription(result.retcode);
if(checkCode == CHECK_RETCODE_OK)
Comment("Pending order ",pTicket," modified,",
" Price: ",OrderGetDouble(ORDER_PRICE_OPEN),", SL: ",,
", TP: ",;
else return(false);
Here's how we would use our ModifyPending() function in an expert advisor program. This example will
modify the order opening price, but leave the stop loss and take profit alone:
double newPrice;
ulong ticket;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Pending Orders
The newPrice variable will hold the new order opening price, while the ticket variable contains the order
ticket number. We'll assume they both contain valid values. We use the OrderStopLoss() and
OrderTakeProfit() functions to retrieve the current stop loss and take profit values for the specified order
ticket, and store those values in curSL and curTP respectively. The parameters are passed to the
ModifyPending() function, and the order is updated with the new pending order price.
Here's a second example where we modify the stop loss and take profit, but leave the order price alone:
We'll assume that the newSL and newTP variables hold valid stop loss and take profit prices. In the
ModifyPending() function call, we use a 0 for the pPrice parameter to indicate that the order opening price
will not be changed.
In both of the examples above, the pExpiration parameter uses the default value of 0. If an expiration time
has been specified with the order, you will need to pass the expiration time to the ModifyPending() function
when modifying the order.
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_MODIFY;
request.order = ticket;
The above code will delete the pending order that matches the ticket variable. Note that once a pending
order is filled, it becomes part of the position and must be closed using the position closing methods in the
previous chapter.
We'll create a function to delete a pending order, with the same error handling and retry code as the previous
function. Here is the function declaration in the CTrade class declaration:
class CTrade
bool Delete(ulong pTicket);
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
And here is the function itself. The Delete() function requires only one parameter – the ticket number of the
pending order to delete:
// Order loop
int retryCount = 0;
int checkCode = 0;
checkCode = CheckReturnCode(result.retcode);
if(checkCode == CHECK_RETCODE_OK)
Comment("Pending order ",pTicket," deleted");
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Pending Orders
else return(false);
To use the Delete() function, simply pass the ticket number of the order to delete to the pTicket parameter:
ulong tickets[];
This example will delete every pending order that is open on the current chart.
#include <Mql5Book\Trade.mqh>
CTrade Trade;
#include <Mql5Book\Pending.mqh>
CPending Pending;
// Input variables
input int AddPoints = 100;
input double TradeVolume=0.1;
input int StopLoss=1000;
input int TakeProfit=1000;
// Global variables
bool glBuyPlaced, glSellPlaced;
datetime glLastBarTime;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
int copy = CopyRates(_Symbol,_Period,0,3,rates);
stopLoss = SellStopLoss(_Symbol,StopLoss,orderPrice);
takeProfit = SellTakeProfit(_Symbol,TakeProfit,orderPrice);
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Pending Orders
#include <Mql5Book\Trade.mqh>
CTrade Trade;
#include <Mql5Book\Pending.mqh>
CPending Pending;
// Input variables
input int AddPoints = 100;
input double TradeVolume=0.1;
input int StopLoss=1000;
input int TakeProfit=1000;
// Global variables
bool glBuyPlaced, glSellPlaced;
datetime glLastBarTime;
First, we include our Trade.mqh and Pending.mqh files from the \MQL5\Include\Mql5Book folder. We create
the Trade and Pending objects based on our CTrade and CPending classes. We add an input variable named
AddPoints, which adds or subtracts the specified number of points from the previous bar's high or low price.
Input variables to set the trade volume, stop loss and take profit are also included. The global datetime
variable glLastBarTime holds the timestamp of the most recent bar.
void OnTick()
// Time and price data
MqlRates rates[];
int copy = CopyRates(_Symbol,_Period,0,3,rates);
We use the rates[] array of the MqlRates structure type to hold the high, low and time values of each bar.
We will cover the MqlRates structure in Chapter 15. The newBar variable holds a boolean value determining
whether a new bar has opened (i.e. a change in the current bar's timestamp has occurred). The new bar
feature will be covered in Chapter 18.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
if(newBar == true)
// Get pending order tickets
ulong tickets[];
int numTickets = ArraySize(tickets);
If the value of the newBar variable is true, indicating that a new bar has opened, we will begin with the order
placement code. First, we use the GetTickets() function from our CPending class to retrieve the open order
tickets. These are stored in the tickets[] array. The ArraySize() function returns the number of elements in
the tickets[] array and stores that value in the numTickets variable. If the number of open orders is greater
than zero, as determined by the numTickets variable, we iterate through the order pool using a for loop and
delete all open orders using the Trade.Delete() function.
stopLoss = SellStopLoss(_Symbol,StopLoss,orderPrice);
takeProfit = SellTakeProfit(_Symbol,TakeProfit,orderPrice);
The orderPrice variable holds the pending order opening price. We add or subtract the AddPoints value
(multiplied first by the symbol's _Point value) from the previous bar's high or low price (rates[1].high and
rates[1].low). We check and adjust the order price if necessary using the AdjustAboveStopLevel() and
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Pending Orders
AdjustBelowStopLevel() functions. Then we calculate the stop loss and take profit relative to the order
opening price. Finally, we place the pending stop orders using the BuyStop() and SellStop() functions of
our CTrade class.
You can view the code of this expert advisor in the \Experts\Mql5Book\Pending Expert Advisor.mq5 file.
For example, if you want to close out half of a buy position at 500 points of profit and the rest at 1000 points,
place a sell limit order 500 points above the position opening price for half of the position's lot size. The take
profit price of the position will take care of the rest. Here's an example:
// Input variables
input double TradeVolume=0.2;
input int StopLoss=500;
input int TakeProfit1=500;
input int TakeProfit2=1000;
// Modify SL/TP
if(glBuyPlaced == true)
do Sleep(100); while(PositionSelect(_Symbol) == false);
double positionOpenPrice = PositionOpenPrice();
glSellPlaced = false;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The example above opens a buy position, sets a stop loss and a take profit of 1000 points, and then places a
sell limit order – equal to half the lot size of the buy position – 500 points above the opening price of the buy
position. We use two input variables for the take profit values. TakeProfit1 determines the price for the sell
limit order, and TakeProfit2 is the take profit price of the buy position. The TakeProfit2 variable is passed
to the BuyTakeProfit() function to calculate the take profit price of the buy position.
To calculate the sell limit order price, we add the value of TakeProfit1 (multiplied by the _Point variable) to
the position opening price (positionOpenPrice), and store the result in the partialClose variable. We
calculate the volume of the sell limit order by dividing the TradeVolume input variable by 2, and storing the
result in the partialVolume variable. We use the SellLimit() function to open a sell limit order of 0.1 lots,
500 points above the position opening price.
When the sell limit order is triggered, half of the current position will be closed. The remainder of the position
will close at the position's take profit price. This method can be used to add any number of partial close levels
to a position. Be sure not to set your pending order volume(s) to be greater than the position volume, or else
you will open a position in the opposite direction!
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Trailing Stops
The trailing stop typically follows the current price by a specified number of points. For example, if a trailing
stop is set to 500 points, then the stop loss begins moving once the current price is at least 500 points away
from the stop loss price. We can delay a trailing stop by requiring that a minimum level of profit be reached
first. And while a trailing stop typically follows the price point by point, we can trail the stop in larger
Let's examine how to implement a simple trailing stop. To calculate the trailing stop price, we add or subtract
the trailing stop in points from the current Bid or Ask price. If the distance between the position's current stop
loss and the current price is greater than the trailing stop in points, we modify the position's stop loss to
match the trailing stop price.
The code below will add a simple trailing stop to an expert advisor. This code would be placed below the
order placement code, near the end of the OnTick() event handler:
// Input variables
input int TrailingStop = 500;
if(posType == POSITION_TYPE_BUY)
trailStopPrice = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_BID) - trailStop;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
An input variable named TrailingStop is used to set the trailing stop in points. The default value of 500 sets
a trailing stop of 500 points (0.00500 or 0.500). The PositionSelect() function inside the if operator
determines whether there is a position open on the current chart symbol, and selects that position for further
processing. If the PositionSelect() function returns true, and the TrailingStop setting is greater than
zero, we proceed with checking the trailing stop.
The request.action variable is set to TRADE_ACTION_SLTP, since we are performing a position modification.
The request.symbol variable sets the current chart symbol as the position to modify. We retrieve the
position type using the PositionGetInteger() function with the POSITION_TYPE parameter and store the
result in the posType variable. The current stop loss is retrieved using the PositionGetDouble() function
with the POSITION_SL parameter and stored in currentStop. We convert the TrailingStop input variable to
a price value by multiplying it by the symbol's point value. We store this value in the trailStop variable. We
also declare a variable named trailStopPrice. We will calculate the value of this variable shortly.
An if-else block checks the position type. If the position is a buy position, we calculate the trailing stop price
by subtracting trailStop from the current Bid price, and storing the result in the trailStopPrice variable.
Then we compare trailStopPrice to the current stop loss, stored in the currentStop variable. If the trailing
stop price is greater than the current stop loss price, this indicates that we need to move the stop to the
trailing stop price. The variable is set to trailStopPrice, and the OrderSend() function
modifies the stop loss.
For a sell position, the trailing stop price (trailStopPrice) is calculated by adding the trailStop value to
the current Ask price. If the trailing stop price is less than the current stop loss price, we modify the position's
stop loss to the trailing stop price.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Trailing Stops
Minimum Profit
Let's add some modifications to our simple trailing stop. For example, maybe you want the trailing stop to
kick in only after a minimum amount of profit has been achieved. To do this, we'll add a minimum profit
setting to our expert advisor. First we determine the profit of the current position in points. Then we compare
this to the minimum profit setting. If the position's current profit in points is greater than the minimum profit,
then the trailing stop will activate. The changes are highlighted in bold:
// Input variables
input int TrailingStop = 500;
input int MinimumProfit = 200;
double trailStopPrice;
double currentProfit;
if(posType == POSITION_TYPE_BUY)
trailStopPrice = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_BID) - trailStop;
currentProfit = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_BID) - openPrice;
if(trailStopPrice > currentStop && currentProfit >= minProfit)
{ = trailStopPrice;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
We've added an input variable named MinimumProfit. The default value of 200 means that the minimum
profit of the current position must be at least 200 points (0.00200 or 0.200). We retrieve the position opening
price using the PositionGetDouble() function with the POSITION_PRICE_OPEN parameter, and store the
result in the openPrice variable. We convert the MinimumProfit setting to a price value by multiplying it by
the current symbol's _Point value, and storing the result in the minProfit variable. A variable named
currentProfit is declared, and will be calculated shortly.
If the current position is a buy position, we calculate the current profit by subtracting the order opening price
(openPrice) from the current Bid price, and storing the result in the currentProfit variable. If
currentProfit is greater than minProfit, and the current stop loss price is less than the trailing stop price,
we modify the stop loss and set it to the trailing stop price.
For a sell position, we calculate the current profit by subtracting the current Ask price from the order opening
price. If the current profit is greater than the minimum profit, and the current stop loss price is greater than
the trailing stop price, we modify the stop loss.
One final modification to the trailing stop is to add a step value. The code above will modify the trailing stop
on every minor price change in the direction of profit. This can be a little overwhelming for the trade server, so
we will enforce a minimum step of 10 points and allow the user to specify a larger step value:
// Input variables
input int TrailingStop = 500;
input int MinimumProfit = 200;
input int Step = 10;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Trailing Stops
double trailStopPrice;
double currentProfit;
if(posType == POSITION_TYPE_BUY)
trailStopPrice = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_BID) - trailStop;
currentProfit = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_BID) - openPrice;
if(trailStopPrice > currentStop + step && currentProfit >= minProfit)
{ = trailStopPrice;
else if(posType == POSITION_TYPE_SELL)
trailStopPrice = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_ASK) + trailStop;
currentProfit = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_ASK) + openPrice;
if(trailStopPrice < currentStop - step && currentProfit >= minProfit)
{ = trailStopPrice;
We've added an input variable named Step, with a default value of 10 points. If Step is set to anything less
than 10, we will set the value of Step to 10. We convert Step to a point value by multiplying it by the symbol's
_Point value, and storing the result in the variable step. When checking the trailing stop condition, we add or
subtract the step value from the currentStop variable. This ensures that the trailing stop moves in 10 point
Here are the include directives and class declaration from the top of the TrailingStops.mqh file:
#include <errordescription.mqh>
#include "Trade.mqh"
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
class CTrailing
MqlTradeRequest request;
MqlTradeResult result;
bool TrailingStop(string pSymbol, int pTrailPoints, int pMinProfit = 0,
int pStep = 10);
We are including the errordescription.mqh file from the \MQL5\Include folder, and the Trade.mqh file
from the current folder. The CTrailing class declaration contains the request and result objects that we
have covered in previous chapters. Let's take a look at our trailing stop function parameters:
bool TrailingStop(string pSymbol, int pTrailPoints, int pMinProfit = 0, int pStep = 10);
The pSymbol parameter is the symbol of the position that we are trailing the stop for. pTrailPoints is the
trailing stop in points. pMinProfit is the minimum profit in points, with a default value of 0. Finally, pStep is
the step value in points. A default value of 10 points ensures that the trailing stop will only update on
significant prices moves (i.e. more than a fraction of a pip).
The code for the CTrailing::TrailingStop() function can be viewed in the TrailingStops.mqh file. If
you've studied the previous section, it should look very familiar to you. Here's how we would use our
CTrailing class in an expert advisor:
// Input variables
input bool UseTrailingStop = false;
input int TrailingStop = 0;
input int MinimumProfit = 0;
input int Step = 0;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Trailing Stops
We include our TrailingStops.mqh file and initialize the Trail object based on our CTrailing class. The
input variables section contains the variables needed for our trailing stop feature. We have a bool variable
named UseTrailingStop to turn the trailing stop on and off. TrailingStop sets the trailing stop in points.
MinimumProfit is the minimum position profit in points, and Step moves the trailing stop in increments.
Our trailing stop code is placed near the end of the OnTick() event handler. If the UseTrailingStop input
variable is true, and our PositionType() function returns a valid position type, the TrailingStop() function
of our CTrailing class will be called, and the trailing stop for the current position will be modified if
We're going to create another function that will trail the stop loss based on a specified price. If the price is
greater (or less) than the current stop loss, the stop loss will be trailed to that price. We will use the same
function name as the TrailingStop() function that we defined in the previous section. The only difference
will be the function parameters. (As you may recall from Chapter 4, this is called function overloading.)
Here is the CTrailing class declaration containing both of our trailing stop functions. Notice the difference
between the parameters of the two functions. The first TrailingStop() function, described in the previous
section, has an int parameter named pTrailPoints. The second TrailingStop() function replaces that
with a double parameter named pTrailPrice:
class CTrailing
MqlTradeRequest request;
MqlTradeResult result;
The pTrailPrice parameter is the price that we will trail the stop to. If this price meets our minimum profit
and step conditions, and it is closer to the current price than the current stop loss, then the stop will be
moved to that price.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Here's an example using the Parabolic Stop and Reverse indicator. The PSAR is used to set a stop loss that
progressively moves closer to the high or low of the current bar. When the PSAR value gets too close, or the
trend reverses, the PSAR will reverse direction. If the PSAR price is below the current bar, then we will trail the
stop for an open buy position. If the PSAR price is above the most current bar, then we will trail the stop for
an open sell position:
// Input variables
input bool UseTrailingStop = false;
input int MinimumProfit = 0;
input int Step = 0;
// PSAR indicator
double sar[];
// Trailing stop
if(UseTrailingStop == true && sarSignal == true)
The input variables include the UseTrailingStop, MinimumProfit and Step settings for the trailing stop.
(Note that we've omitted the TrailingStop variable, as the PSAR price will determine the trailing stop
distance). The SARStep and SARMaximum input variables are the settings for the PSAR indicator. The remaining
code belongs in the OnTick() event handler, or a function called from it.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Trailing Stops
The close[] array will hold the close price for each bar, while the sar[] array holds the PSAR indicator
values. Before modifying the trailing stop, we need to check the PSAR price relative to the close price. If the
PSAR is below the close price and the current position is a buy – or if the PSAR is above the close price and
the current position is a sell – then the sarSignal variable is set to true.
If UseTrailingStop and sarSignal are both true, we pass the PSAR value of the most recently closed bar
(sar[1]) to the TrailingStop() function, and the stop loss will be adjusted to the PSAR price if the
MinimumProfit and Step conditions are met. The second parameter of the TrailingStop() function must
be of type double. If the second parameter is an integer value, the compile will assume that we are passing a
fixed trailing stop value, and will use the other TrailingStop() function instead.
As long as the PSAR is positioned correctly relative to the current close price, and the minimum profit and/or
step conditions are met, the stop loss will be updated to match the PSAR price. You can do this with other
indicators as well. Just be sure to check that the indicator value is not above the price if you're trailing a buy
position, or vice versa for a sell.
The principle behind a break even stop is similar to a trailing stop. First, check to see if the trade has reached a
specified minimum profit. If so, check to see if the stop loss is less (or greater) than the position opening price.
If so, the stop loss is moved to the order opening price. You can use a break even stop alongside a trailing
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
stop. Just be sure to adjust the minimum profit setting for both stop types so that the trailing stop does not
activate before the break even stop.
// Input variables
input bool UseBreakEven = false;
input int BreakEven = 0;
input int LockProfit = 0;
if(posType == POSITION_TYPE_BUY)
double currentPrice = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_BID);
double breakEvenPrice = openPrice + (LockProfit * _Point);
double currentProfit = currentPrice - openPrice;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Trailing Stops
The BreakEven input parameter is the number of points of profit required for the stop to be moved to the
break even price. The LockProfit parameter adds or subtracts the specified number of points to the break
even price. So for example, if you want to move the stop loss to break even + 50 points, simply set
LockProfit to 50.
The break even stop code goes near the end of the OnTick() event handler, after the order placement code.
If the UseBreakEven input parameter is true, BreakEven is greater than zero, and there is a position currently
open, we will check for a break even stop condition.
We retrieve the current position's type, stop loss and opening price, and store these values in the variables
posType, currentStop and openPrice respectively. If the current position is a buy position, we retrieve the
current Bid price and store the value in currentPrice. Then we calculate the break even price by adding
LockProfit (multiplied by _Point) to the openPrice value, and storing the result in breakEvenPrice. Next,
we calculate the current position profit by subtracting the position open price ( openPrice) from the Bid
(currentPrice), and storing the result in currentProfit.
Finally, we check for the break even condition. If the current stop loss ( currentStop) is less than the break
even price (breakEvenPrice), and the current position profit (currentProfit) is greater than BreakEven
(multiplied by _Point), then we move the stop loss to the break even price.
We've added a BreakEven() function to our CTrailing class. Here is the function declaration:
The pSymbol and pBreakEven parameters are required. The pLockProfit parameter is optional. Here's how
we would use our BreakEven() function in an expert advisor:
#include <Mql5Book/TrailingStops.mqh>
CTrailing Trail;
// Input variables
input bool UseBreakEven = false;
input int BreakEven = 0;
input int LockProfit = 0;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The break even code goes near the end of the OnTick() event handler. All we need to do is check that
UseBreakEven is set to true, and that a position is currently open. We use our PositionType() function to
check for an open position. The BreakEven() function checks the rest.
You can view the code for the BreakEven() function in the \MQL5\Include\Mql5Book\TrailingStops.mqh
We’ve added overloads for the TrailingStop() and BreakEven() functions in the CTrailing class that
accept a ticket number as the first parameter. Here are the function declarations for our TrailingStop() and
BreakEven() functions for hedging accounts:
class CTrailing
MqlTradeRequest request;
MqlTradeResult result;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Trailing Stops
Let’s review the changes using the trailing stop by points function. The changes in the remaining functions are
nearly identical:
double trailStopPrice;
double currentProfit;
// Order loop
int retryCount = 0;
int checkRes = 0;
if(posType == POSITION_TYPE_BUY)
trailStopPrice = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol,SYMBOL_BID) - trailStop;
trailStopPrice = NormalizeDouble(trailStopPrice,digits);
currentProfit = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol,SYMBOL_BID) - openPrice;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
checkRes = CheckReturnCode(result.retcode);
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Trailing Stops
The first parameter in the trailing stop functions for hedging accounts, pTicket, accepts a ticket number for
an open market order. We use the PositionSelectByTicket() function to select the order for retrieving
order information. Since we need to retrieve information for the current trade symbol, we use the
PositionGetString() function with the POSITION_SYMBOL parameter to get the symbol for the selected
order. The only other change is to log the ticket number of the order in case of an error.
We can combine the trailing stop functions with the order information functions in the CPositions class to
adjust the trailing stop for all open market orders:
// Object declarations
#include <Mql5Book\TradeHedge.mqh>
#include <Mql5Book\TrailingStops.mqh>
CPositions Positions;
CTrailing Trail;
// Input variables
input bool UseTrailingStop = false;
input int TrailingStop = 0;
input int MinimumProfit = 0;
input int Step = 0;
In this example, we use the Positions.GetTickets() function to fill the tickets[] array with all of the
open market order tickets. Next, we use the ArraySize() function in MQL5 to return the number of elements
in the tickets[] array. For each element in the array, we call the Trail.TrailingStop() function to check
and modify the trailing stop for the order.
The remaining trailing stop and break even functions described in this section are similar in use to the one
above. You can view the code for these functions in the \MQL5\Include\Mql5Book\TrailingStops.mqh file.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Further Examples
In Chapter 19, we will create several expert advisors that use the trailing stop and break even functions
described in this chapter. If you want to see these used in context in a complete expert advisor program, take
a look at the Bands RSI Countertrend and Moving Average Cross programs in the \MQL5\Experts\Mql5Book
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
We verify the trade size by checking it against the minimum and maximum trade volumes allowed by the
broker, as well as ensuring that it conforms to the broker's step value. Here's an example of how we would
check the trade volume for correctness:
// Input variables
input double TradeVolume = 0.12;
double tradeSize;
if(TradeVolume < minVolume) tradeSize = minVolume;
else if(TradeVolume > maxVolume) tradeSize = maxVolume;
else tradeSize = MathRound(TradeVolume / stepVolume) * stepVolume;
The TradeVolume input variable holds our trade size. The code below it goes in the OnTick() event handler
before any order is placed. It will usually be placed in a function, so it can be reused over and over again.
The SymbolInfoDouble() function retrieves information about the specified symbol from the trade server. In
the example above, we use SymbolInfoDouble() to retrieve the minimum trade volume, the maximum trade
volume, and the step size. For Forex brokers, the step size is generally 0.01 or 0.1. You can view the
SymbolInfo...() parameter constants in the MQL5 Reference under Standard Constants... > Environment
State > Symbol Properties.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Next, we declare a variable named tradeSize, which will hold our verified trade volume. We check
TradeVolume against the minimum volume. If TradeVolume is less than the minimum volume, we adjust it to
the minimum volume size. We do the same for the maximum volume. Then we check TradeVolume against
the step size.
We divide TradeVolume by the step size (stepVolume), round the result to the nearest integer using
MathRound(), then multiply by the step size again. If the original trade volume conforms to the step size, this
calculation will have no effect. Otherwise, the trade volume will be rounded to the nearest valid step size. In
the example above, if stepVolume is 0.1 and TradeVolume is 0.12, the value of TradeVolume would be
rounded to 0.1. Finally, we will normalize the trade volume to the number of digits in the step size.
Let's create a function that we can use to verify and automatically adjust the trade volume if necessary. We're
going to create a new include file to hold all of the trade volume and money management related functions
that we're going to create in this chapter. The include file is named MoneyManagement.mqh, and will be
located in the \MQL5\Include\Mql5Book folder.
Here is our trade volume verification function, located in the MoneyManagement.mqh include file:
double tradeSize;
if(pVolume < minVolume) tradeSize = minVolume;
else if(pVolume > maxVolume) tradeSize = maxVolume;
else tradeSize = MathRound(pVolume / stepVolume) * stepVolume;
The pSymbol parameter is the trade symbol, and pVolume is the trade volume to verify. This function will
return the adjusted trade volume to the program.
Money Management
Money management is a method of optimally adjusting position size according to risk. Most traders use the
same fixed trade volume for every trade. This can result in trades that are too large or too small for the
amount of money that is being risked.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
To calculate an optimal trade size, we will use the distance of the stop loss price from the trade entry price as
well as a percentage of the current balance to determine the maximum risk per trade. A good guideline is to
limit your risk per trade to 2-3% of your current balance. If for some reason we cannot calculate a trade
volume (i.e. a stop loss or percentage has not been specified), we will fall back to a specified fixed trade
Let's create a function for our money management routine. The function will go in the MoneyManagement.mqh
include file, and will be named MoneyManagement():
#define MAX_PERCENT 10
tradeSize = pFixedVol;
tradeSize = VerifyVolume(pSymbol,tradeSize);
The pSymbol parameter is the trade symbol, pFixedVol is the default trade volume, pPercent is the
percentage of the current balance to use, and pStopPoints is the stop loss distance in points. The tradeSize
variable will hold our calculated trade volume. First, we check to see if pPercent and pStopPoints are both
greater than zero. If not, then we cannot calculate the trade volume, and will fall back on the default trade
volume specified by pFixedVol.
If pPercent and pStopPoints are valid, then we will proceed with calculating the trade volume. First, we
compare pPercent to the maximum volume. As mentioned before, it is recommended to limit your risk to no
more than 2-3% of your balance. The MAX_PERCENT constant, defined at the top of our MoneyManagement.mqh
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
file, specifies a maximum risk of 10 percent. If pPercent exceeds this, then it will be adjusted to no more than
10 percent.
Next, we calculate the amount of margin to risk. We retrieve the account balance using the
AccountInfoDouble() function with the ACCOUNT_BALANCE parameter. We multiply this by pPercent (divided
by 100 to obtain a fractional value), and store the result in the margin variable. Then we retrieve the tick size
of the symbol from the trade server using the SymbolInfoDouble() function with the
SYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_VALUE parameter, and store the result in the tickSize variable. The tick size is the
amount of profit or loss represented by a single point move.
To calculate our trade volume, we divide the margin to risk ( margin) by the stop loss in points (pStopLoss),
and divide that result by tickSize. Then we pass our calculated trade volume to the VerifyVolume()
function. The verified result is returned to the program.
Let's clarify this with an example: We want to place an order risking no more than 2% of our account balance
of $5000. The initial stop loss will be placed 500 points away from the order opening price. The symbol is
EURUSD and we're using mini lots, so the tick size will be $1 per point. 2% of $5000 is $100, so this value will
be saved in the margin variable. The value of the tickSize variable will be $1.
$100 divided by 500 points is 0.2. Every point of movement will equal approximately $0.20 of profit or loss. 0.2
divided by $1 equals 0.2, so our trade volume will be 0.2 lots. If this trade of 0.2 lots hits its initial stop loss 500
points away, the loss will be approximately $100. If the stop loss distance is 200 points away, the trade volume
will be 0.5 lots, but the maximum loss is still $100.
Here's an example of how we can use our money management function in an expert advisor:
// Include directive
#include <Mql5Book/MoneyManagement.mqh>
// Input variables
input double RiskPercent = 2;
input double FixedVolume = 0.1;
input int StopLoss = 500;
To use our money management function, we need to include the MoneyManagement.mqh file in our expert
advisor. The RiskPercent input variable is our trade risk as a percentage of the current trade balance. If you
do not want to use money management, set this to zero. FixedVolume is the fixed trade volume to use if
RiskPercent or StopLoss is zero.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The tradeSize variable will hold our calculated trade volume. The MoneyManagement() function will take the
specified input variables and return the calculated and verified trade volume. We can then pass the tradeSize
variable to one of our order placement functions as defined in the previous chapters.
The examples above assume a fixed stop loss that is specified by an input variable. What if you want to use a
dynamic stop loss price, such as an indicator value or a support/resistance price? We will need to calculate the
distance between the desired order opening price (either a pending order price, or the current Bid or Ask
price) and the desired stop loss price.
For example, we want to open a buy position. The current Ask price is 1.39426, and the stop loss price we
want to use is 1.38600. The difference between the two is 826 points. We'll create a function that will
determine the difference in points between the desired opening price and the stop loss price:
The pStopPrice parameter is our desired stop loss price, and pOrderPrice is our desired order opening
price. First, the function calculates the difference between pStopPrice and pOrderPrice, and returns the
absolute value using the MathAbs() function. We store the result in the stopDiff variable. Next we retrieve
the symbol's point value and store it in the variable getPoint. Finally, we divide stopDiff by getPoint to
find the stop loss distance in points.
Here's an example of how we can do this in code. We'll assume that the stopLossPrice variable is equal to
1.38600, and that the current Ask price is 1.39426:
The stopLossPrice variable contains our desired stop loss price of 1.38600, while the currentPrice variable
holds the current Ask price of 1.39426. The stopLossDistance variable will hold the return value of the
StopPriceToPoints() function, which is 826. We then pass stopLossDistance as the last parameter of the
MoneyManagement() function. Assuming a RiskPercent value of 2% and a balance of $5000 using standard
lots, the trade volume will be 0.08 lots.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
As long as you have specified an initial stop loss, the MoneyManagement() function can be used to limit your
trade risk to a specified percentage of your account balance. You can even use a dynamic stop loss by using
the StopPriceToPoints() function to calculate the stop loss in points. As your account balance grows or
shrinks, the trade size will increase or decrease accordingly.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The ask and bid variables hold the current Bid and Ask prices for the current chart symbol.
But remembering which SymbolInfo...() function to use, along with the correct ENUM_SYMBOL_INFO_...
identifier can be troublesome. We'll create two quick functions to retrieve the current Bid and Ask prices:
Both function contain one parameter, pSymbol, with a default value of NULL. The constant NULL refers to an
empty string. If no symbol is specified for the pSymbol parameter, the function will use the current chart
symbol (_Symbol). The specified symbol is passed to the SymbolInfoDouble() function, and the result is
returned to the program.
Let's rewrite our previous code example with our new functions:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Both functions return the current Bid or Ask price for the current chart symbol.
Another method of retrieving the current prices is to use the SymbolInfoTick() function and an object of the
MqlTick structure type. MqlTick is a structure containing variables to hold the current bid, ask, time, volume
and last deal prices:
struct MqlTick
datetime time; // Time of the last prices update
double bid; // Current Bid price
double ask; // Current Ask price
double last; // Price of the last deal (Last)
ulong volume; // Volume for the current Last price
The information above is from the MQL5 Reference. To use the MqlTick structure to retrieve the current prices,
first create an object using MqlTick as the type. Then, pass the object to the SymbolInfoTick() function.
Here is the function definition for SymbolInfoTick() from the MQL5 Reference:
The tick parameter is an MqlTick object passed by reference. The member variables of the object are filled
with the most recent price data. Here's an example of how we can use SymbolInfoTick() and MqlTick to
retrieve the current prices:
MqlTick price;
We declare an object named price, using MqlTick as the type. We pass the price object to the
SymbolInfoTick() function, specifying the current chart symbol for the first parameter. The function returns
the price object with the member variables filled with the current price and time information. The examples
below that show the current Ask and Bid prices, as well as the most recent server time, being retrieved using
the member variables of the price object.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
It's up to you whether you want to use SymbolInfoTick() to retrieve the current price information. The
Bid() and Ask() functions that we defined earlier in the chapter are a lot easier though.
Bar Data
As mentioned at the beginning of the chapter, MQL4 has predefined arrays that hold the open, close, high,
low, time and volume data for each bar on the chart. In MQL5, we will have to create and fill those arrays
ourselves. There are several Copy...() functions we can use to retrieve bar data. Let's begin with
MqlRates is a structure that contains variables that hold price, time, volume and spread information for each
bar. It is used as an array type. Here is the structure definition for MqlRates from the MQL5 Reference:
struct MqlRates
datetime time; // Period start time
double open; // Open price
double high; // The highest price of the period
double low; // The lowest price of the period
double close; // Close price
long tick_volume; // Tick volume
int spread; // Spread
long real_volume; // Trade volume
To use the MqlRates structure, we declare an array object of type MqlRates and pass the object to the
CopyRates() function to fill the array with data. There are several variants of the CopyRates() function, but
we will only concern ourselves with the first one, which requires us to specify a start position and the number
of bars of data to copy:
int CopyRates(
string symbol_name, // symbol name
ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe, // period
int start_pos, // start position
int count, // data count to copy
MqlRates rates_array[] // target array to copy
The symbol_name parameter is the chart symbol to use, timeframe is the chart period to use, start_pos is
the index of the starting bar (0 is the most recent bar), count is the number of bars to copy into the array, and
rates_array[] is our MqlRates object.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Let's demonstrate how to use MqlRates and CopyRates() to copy bar data into an array object. We will
typically only need data for the most recent bars – three is a good number.
MqlRates bar[];
First we declare the array object bar[], using MqlRates as the type. Next, we use the ArraySetAsSeries()
function to index the bar[] array for a price series. For a series array, the most recent element is indexed at 0.
As we increase the array index, we move back in time. A non-series array would be the opposite of this. It is
important to always use the ArraySetAsSeries() function to set an array as series before you copy price or
indicator data to it.
Next, we call the CopyRates() function. We use the current chart symbol (_Symbol) and period (_Period). We
start copying at index 0, or the most recent bar. We will copy 3 bars worth of data. The last parameter is the
name of our bar[] array, which will hold our bar data.
To access the bar data, we reference the bar[] array with the appropriate index inside the brackets. We then
use the dot (.) operator to access the member variables of the array object. For example, to retrieve the close
price of the last bar, we use bar[1].close.
We can simplify this a bit by creating a class that will retrieve the bar data for us. We will name the class
CBars. This class, and the other functions that we'll create in this chapter, will go in a new include file named
Price.mqh, located in the \MQL5\Include\Mql5Book\ folder. Here is the class declaration for CBars:
class CBars
MqlRates bar[];
void Update(string pSymbol, ENUM_TIMEFRAMES pPeriod);
All of the members of the CBars class will be public. The bar[] array will hold our price data. The
CBars(void) function is our class constructor, a function that runs automatically every time an object is
created. Here is the constructor for the CBars class:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The CBars class constructor sets the bar[] array as a series array. This is done automatically anytime we
create an object based on the class. The Update() function calls the CopyRates() function and fills the bar[]
array with data. Here is the function declaration for CBars::Update():
At least once in the OnTick() event handler of our program, we will call the Update() function to fill the
bar[] array with the most recent data. The MAX_BARS constant defines the number of bars worth of data to
copy whenever we call the Update() function. We've set it to 100 bars.
Now we'll need to add a few user-friendly functions to retrieve the prices. Here is a function that will retrieve
the close price for the indicated bar:
The function simply retrieves the value of bar[].close for the specified index value. The default value for the
pShift parameter is 0, so if no parameter is passed to the function, it will retrieve the price for the current
We have several more functions to retrieve the high, low, open, time and volume information. Here is the
complete CBars function declaration with all of the necessary functions:
class CBars
MqlRates bar[];
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Note that our function names correspond to each of the variables in the MqlRates structure. Let's
demonstrate how we can use the CBars class in an expert advisor. First we'll need to create an object based
on the CBars class. Then the Update() function will need to be called before we can access the price data.
Finally, we use either the price retrieval functions or the bar[] array to retrieve the prices:
// Include directives
#include <Mql5Book/Price.mqh>
CBars Price;
We include the Price.mqh file and create an object named Price, based on our CBars class. In the OnTick()
event handler, before we access any price data, we call the Price.Update() function to retrieve the bar data
for the current chart symbol and period.
Next, we illustrate two ways of accessing the price data. The easiest way is to use the price retrieval functions
that we defined in the CBars class. The close variable contains the current bar's close price, and is retrieved
using the Price.Close() function. The alsoClose variable also contains the current bar's close price, and is
retrieved using the bar[] array with the close member variable.
The file \MQL5\Experts\Mql5Book\Simple Expert Advisor with Functions.mq5 has been updated to
use the CBars functions to access the close price:
// Include directives
#include <Mql5Book\Price.mqh>
CBars Price;
int maHandle=iMA(_Symbol,0,MAPeriod,MODE_LWMA,0,PRICE_CLOSE);
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
// Update prices
If you just need to copy a single data series into an array, you can use one of the following functions instead:
These work similar to the CopyRates() function. First, declare an array of the appropriate type. The type
required for each function is listed above before the function name. Next, set it as a series array using
ArraySetAsSeries(). Then use the appropriate Copy..() function to copy data into the array.
We'll demonstrate using the CopyClose() function. Here is the function definition for CopyClose():
int CopyClose(
string symbol_name, // symbol name
ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe, // period
int start_pos, // start position
int count, // data count to copy
double close_array[] // target array to copy
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The parameters are nearly identical to CopyRates(). There are several variants of the function that allow you
to specify start and end dates as well. You can view these in the MQL5 Reference under Timeseries and
Indicator Access. Here's an example of the usage of the CopyClose() function:
double close[];
We declare an array of type double named close[] that will hold our close prices. Next, we set it as a series
array using ArraySetAsSeries(). Finally, the CopyClose() function copies three bars worth of data into the
close[] array. To retrieve the current bar's value, we reference the zero index of the close[] array.
The other Copy...() functions work the same, except that the array type will differ. Refer to the MQL5
Reference for details. If you only need a single price series, then these functions may work better for you. We
will be using the CBars class that we created in the previous section for the remainder of this book.
Assuming that you have your price data already copied into an array, the ArrayMaximum() and
ArrayMinimum() functions can be used to find the highest or lowest value of a price series. Here's how we
can find the lowest low of the last 10 bars:
double low[];
First we declare the low[] array that will hold our price data. We set the array as series, and use the
CopyLow() functions to copy 100 bars of low price data for the current chart symbol and period into our
low[] array.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The ArrayMinimum() function takes as its first parameter the array to search. The second parameter is the
starting position, and the third is the number of bars to search. Starting at the current bar, we look back 10
bars to find the lowest low. The ArrayMinimum() function returns the index value of the bar with the lowest
low. We save this value in the minIdx variable. A call to low[minIdx] will return the lowest low price located
by the ArrayMinimum() function.
You can use ArrayMinimum() or ArrayMaximum() on any one-dimensional numeric array. Most commonly,
we will be searching for the highest high and lowest low of the last X bars. We can create some simple
functions that will return the highest high or lowest low of a specified bar range:
This function returns the highest high price for the specified bar range. The pSymbol parameter is the symbol
to use, and pPeriod is the chart period to use. The pBars parameter is the number of bars to search, and
pStart is the start location. The default value of pStart is 0, which is the current bar.
We declare the high[] array and set it as series, and then use the CopyHigh() function to copy the high
prices into our array. The pStart parameter determines where we start copying the data from, while the
pBars parameter determines the amount of data in our array. Note the line after the CopyHigh() function – if
the copying fails for some reason, we return a -1 to the calling program to indicate an error.
When we call the ArrayMaximum() function, we only need to specify the array name, since it already contains
all of the data that we need to search. The index of the array that contains the highest high is saved to the
maxIdx variable. We then use high[maxIdx] to retrieve the highest high and return that to the calling
There is also a LowestLow() function that operates identically to the HighestHigh() function above. Both
functions can be viewed in the \MQL5\Include\Mql5Book\Price.mqh include file.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
For example, if you have a trading system where you need to check the close price against an indicator line,
you will retrieve the price of the most recently closed bar and compare it to the indicator value of the same
bar. Our simple expert advisor that we created earlier in the book compared the close price of the current bar
to the current moving average value:
But perhaps you want to wait until the bar closes before opening the order. In that case, we will need to check
the moving average and close values of the previous bar. The array index of the current bar is 0, so the index
of the previous bar would be 1:
We could define our order opening condition even more explicitly by making sure that the close price crossed
the moving average within the last bar. One way of doing this is to check if the previous bar's close price was
below the moving average value:
Because a buy position will only open if the close price is greater than the moving average for the most
current bar, and the close price was less than the moving average for the previous bar, we no longer need to
check the value of the glBuyPlaced variable. This works best if you have a trading condition that always
indicates either a bullish or bearish trading signal at all times.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Candle Patterns
Another use of price data is to detect candle patterns. Many traders use Japanese
candlestick patterns such as the doji, engulfing, harami, hammers/shooting stars, and so
forth. We use price data to identify these patterns on a chart.
Let's take the engulfing pattern, for example. An engulfing pattern is a reversal pattern
where the body of a candle is longer than the body of the previous candle, and the
direction is reversed. For example, you may see an engulfing candle at the bottom of a
downtrend. The previous candle will be bearish, while the most recent candle will be Fig. 16.1 –
bullish. The open of the most recent candle will be roughly equal to the close of the Bullish Engulfing
previous candle, and the close of the most recent candle will be above the previous candle's
When trading a candle pattern, we will look for a confirmation candle in the direction of the anticipated trend.
In the case of our engulfing bullish reversal pattern, we are looking for a bullish candle following our bullish
engulfing candle.
Let's express this as a trading condition. Assuming that we have two arrays, close[] and open[], filled with
price data, here's how we would locate a bullish engulfing pattern in an expert advisor:
if(close[3] < open[3] && close[2] > open[3] && close[1] > open[1])
Print("Bullish engulfing reversal pattern detected");
We start three candles back with the bearish candle. The condition close[3] < open[3] means that the
candle is bearish – in other words, the close was lower than the open. Next, we check the engulfing candle.
The open price of a candle is usually identical (or very close) to the close price of the previous candle, so we
won't bother checking the open of the engulfing candle. The important thing to check is whether the close is
greater than the previous bar's open, or close[2] > open[3]. If so, then we have an engulfing candle.
Finally, if close[1] > open[1], then the most recent candle is bullish. If all three candles match the
condition, then a message prints to the log indicating that a bullish engulfing pattern was detected on the
chart. Of course, you could open a buy position as well.
By comparing the open and close values of a bar, you can determine whether a candle is bullish or bearish.
You can also detect candle patterns by examining the open, high, low and close values of consecutive candles.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
// Input variables
input int MAPeriod = 10;
input int MAShift = 0;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
In the OnTick() event handler, we initialize the ma[] array, which will hold our moving average data. The
ArraySetAsSeries() function sets the ma[] array as a series array. The iMA() function takes the input
variables and calculates the indicator for the specified symbol and chart period. Every built-in MetaTrader
indicator has a similar function. You can view them in the MQL5 Reference under Technical Indicators.
int iMA(
string symbol, // symbol name
ENUM_TIMEFRAMES period, // period
int ma_period, // averaging period
int ma_shift, // horizontal shift
ENUM_MA_METHOD ma_method, // smoothing type
ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price // type of price or handle
Every technical indicator function begins with the symbol and period parameters. The remaining parameters
depend on the indicator. The moving average indicator has four parameters that can be adjusted. Some
indicators have just one or two parameters, and a few have none at all. Here are the input variables for the
moving average indicator again:
// Input variables
input int MAPeriod = 10;
input int MAShift = 0;
Note the type of each parameter. For example, the ma_method parameter of the iMA() function uses the
ENUM_MA_METHOD type. Therefore, the corresponding input parameter must be of the same type. In this case,
the MAMethod input variable uses the ENUM_MA_METHOD type, so this is the value that we will pass to the
ma_method parameter.
By looking at the function declaration for the specific technical indicator function you need to use, you can
determine the input parameters you'll need to add to your expert advisor. Note that the four input variables
for the moving average indicator match the parameters for the iMA() function.
The iMA() function, as well as all other indicator functions, returns an indicator handle, which is a unique
identifier for the indicator. This handle is used for all actions related to the indicator, including copying data
and removing the indicator from use.
The CopyBuffer() function is used to copy the data from the specified indicator buffer into an array. The
array can then be used to access the indicator data. CopyBuffer() works similar to the Copy...() functions
in the previous chapter. Here is the function definition for the CopyBuffer() function:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
int CopyBuffer(
int indicator_handle, // indicator handle
int buffer_num, // indicator buffer number
int start_pos, // start position
int count, // amount of bars to copy
double buffer // target array to copy to
The indicator_handle parameter accepts the indicator handle that is returned by the iMA() or other
indicator function. The buffer_num parameter is the number of the indicator buffer that you want to copy
data from. Most indicators have only one buffer, although some have two, three or more. More on this in a
minute. The remaining parameters should be familiar to you. The start_pos parameter is the start position to
begin copying from, count is the number of bars to copy, and buffer is the name of the array to copy to.
The iMA() function returns an indicator handle, and saves it to the maHandle variable. The CopyBuffer()
function takes the maHandle value as its first parameter. The buffer number is zero, since the moving average
has only one line. We start at the most recent bar (index of 0) and copy 3 bars worth of data to the ma[] array.
The ma[] array is now filled with data and ready to use. A call to ma[0] will return the moving average value
for the current bar.
Let's take a look at a second indicator that only uses a single buffer. The RSI indicator is very popular, and is
often used to locate price extremes. Here is the function definition for the RSI indicator:
int iRSI(
string symbol, // symbol name
ENUM_TIMEFRAMES period, // period
int ma_period, // averaging period
ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price // type of price or handle
Just like the iMA() function, the first two parameters are symbol and period. The RSI takes two input
parameters, one for the averaging period (ma_period) and another for the price series (applied_price). By
the way, any indicator function that has the applied_price parameter can be passed an indicator handle
instead, meaning that you can use a price series derived from another indicator.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
// Input parameters
input int RSIPeriod = 10;
We declare the input variables RSIPeriod and RSIPrice with the appropriate types at the beginning of our
program. Inside the OnTick() event handler, we declare the rsi[] array and set it as a series array. We pass
our input parameters to the iRSI() function and save the indicator handle to the handle variable. Finally, we
pass the handle variable to the CopyBuffer() function and three bars worth of data is copied to the rsi[]
The rsi and lastRsi variables are assigned the RSI values for the current bar and the previous bar. You could
compare these variables to determine whether the RSI is rising or falling, for example.
Multi-Buffer Indicators
When using indicators with multiple lines (and multiple buffers), we'll need to use several arrays and
CopyBuffer() functions to get all of the data into our program. Let's start with the stochastic indicator. The
stochastic is an oscillator similar to the RSI. Along with the main stochastic line, a second signal line is also
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Fig. 17.3 – The stochastic indicator. The red dashed line is the signal line.
// Input parameters
input int KPeriod = 10;
input int DPeriod = 3;
input int Slowing = 3;
input ENUM_MA_METHOD StochMethod = MODE_SMA;
The stochastic indicator has five input parameters and two buffers. We declare the arrays main[] and
signal[] to hold the stochastic indicator data. Both arrays are set as series arrays using the
ArraySetAsSeries() function. The iStochastic() function initializes the indicator and returns the indicator
handle to the handle variable. Here is the function definition for iStochastic():
int iStochastic(
string symbol, // symbol name
ENUM_TIMEFRAMES period, // period
int Kperiod, // K-period
int Dperiod, // D-period
int slowing, // final smoothing
ENUM_MA_METHOD ma_method, // type of smoothing
ENUM_STO_PRICE price_field // stochastic calculation method
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Compare the input variables above to the parameters for the iStochastic() function, and note the types for
the ma_method and price_field parameters. The ENUM_STO_PRICE enumeration is used to set the calculation
method for the stochastic indicator (either low/high or close/close).
If you look at the iStochastic() entry in the MQL5 Reference, you'll see this note in the description:
The buffer numbers: 0 - MAIN_LINE, 1 – SIGNAL_LINE.
These are the buffer numbers for the two stochastic indicator lines. We pass the buffer number to the
buffer_num parameter of the CopyBuffer() function. The CopyBuffer() function will copy the data from
that indicator buffer into the specified array. We'll need to do this for each buffer in the indicator:
The buffer numbers are highlighted in bold. The contents of buffer 0 ( MAIN_LINE) are copied into the main[]
array, and the contents of buffer 1 (SIGNAL_LINE) are copied into the signal[] array. The main[] array holds
the values for the main stochastic line (also called the %K line), while the signal[] array holds the values for
the signal line (also called the %D line).
The procedure for adding any multi-buffer indicator is the same. Note the buffer numbers in the MQL5
Reference entry for the relevant indicator function. Then declare the appropriate number of arrays, set them as
series, initialize the indicator and copy each of the buffers to the corresponding array.
All of the built-in indicators that we addressed in the previous section have a few things in common. Every
indicator uses at least one array to hold the buffer data. That array needs to be set as a series array. We need a
variable to hold the indicator handle. And we need a way to copy the buffer data and access the array. Finally,
we need to be able to remove the indicator from our program if necessary.
Our indicator base class will accomplish all of these tasks. We're going to name our base class CIndicator. It
will be placed in the \MQL5\Include\Mql5Book\Indicators.mqh include file. This file will be used to hold all
of our indicator related classes and functions.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
class CIndicator
int handle;
double main[];
double Main(int pShift=0);
void Release();
virtual int Init() { return(handle); }
The CIndicator class has two protected variables and four public functions. The protected keyword means
that the variable contents are only accessible inside the CIndicator class and in derived classes. The handle
variable will contain the indicator handle, and the main[] array will hold the buffer data.
There are four public functions. The CIndicator() function is the class constructor. When an object based on
this class is created, the constructor is run automatically. Let's take a look at the CIndicator class constructor:
The class constructor simply sets the main[] array as a series using the ArraySetAsSeries() function. Every
time we create an object based on the CIndicator class, the main[] array is declared and set as a series
Assuming that we already have a valid indicator handle, the Main() function copies the buffer data to the
main[] array, and accesses the data for the bar specified by the pShift parameter. Before returning the value,
we use the NormalizeDouble() function to round the value to the number of significant digits in the symbol
price. We'll write a function that will create the indicator handle when we start creating derived classes.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Next, we have the Release() function. This function simply releases the indicator from memory if we no
longer need it:
void CIndicator::Release(void)
And finally, the Init() function is a virtual function whose functionality will be defined in our derived classes.
By declaring the function as virtual, we are telling the compiler that the programmer must define the
Init() function in any derived classes. We'll discuss virtual functions later in the chapter:
Derived Classes
The CIndicator class will be the basis for derived classes that will be used to initialize and retrieve data from
MetaTrader's built-in indicators. Since the implementation of each indicator will be different, we will need to
create a separate class for every indicator that we want to use.
Let's start with the moving average indicator. The moving average has just one buffer, so we can create a
derived class with a minimum of effort. Here is the class declaration for the CiMA class:
The CiMA class has one public function, Init(), which is used to initialize the indicator. Note the : public
CIndicator after the class name. This indicates that the CiMA class is derived from CIndicator. The CiMA
class inherits all of the public and protected functions and variables from the CIndicator class.
Remember that the Init() function is declared as a virtual function in CIndicator. This means that any
derived classes of CIndicator must implement the Init() function. If the programmer attempts to compile
the program without implementing the Init() function, an error will occur.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The Init() class simply calls the iMA() function, and saves the indicator handle to the handle variable that
was declared in the CIndicator class. Now all we need to do is access the moving average data using the
Main() function that was declared in CIndicator.
Here is how we would use the CiMA class (and its parent class, CIndicator) in an expert advisor:
// Input variables
input int MAPeriod = 10;
input ENUM_MA_METHOD MAMethod = 0;
input int MAShift = 0;
At the top of our expert advisor source code file, we create an object based on the CiMA class. We name this
object MA. The input variables necessary for adjusting the moving average settings are also declared near the
top of the file.
The Init() function is called from the OnInit() event handler. Remember that OnInit() runs once, when
the expert advisor is first initialized. We only need to initialize the indicator once, so placing it in OnInit() will
work just fine. You can also place it in the OnTick() event handler with no ill effects.
To retrieve the current bar's moving average value, we simply need to call the Main() function with the bar
index as an optional parameter. Since we called Main() without a parameter, it will return the value for the
current bar. To retrieve the value for the previous bar, for example, we would call MA.Main(1). The \MQL5\
Experts\Mql5Book\Simple Expert Advisor with Functions.mq5 file has been updated with the CiMA
class to access the moving average data.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Input variables aside, we can initialize an indicator in just two lines of code: the object declaration at the
beginning of the file, and the Init() function to initialize the indicator. We can then access the indicator
values using easy-to-remember functions.
Let's create a second indicator class, using an indicator with multiple buffers. We discussed the stochastic
indicator earlier in the chapter, which has two buffers. We will need to declare any additional buffer arrays in
our class declaration. The class constructor will set the additional arrays as series arrays. Finally, we'll need to
add functions to access the additional arrays. Here is the class declaration for the CiStochastic class:
int Init(string pSymbol, ENUM_TIMEFRAMES pTimeframe, int pKPeriod, int pDPeriod,
int pSlowing, ENUM_MA_METHOD pMAMethod, ENUM_STO_PRICE pPrice);
double Signal(int pShift=0);
Along with the Init() function that was declared as a virtual function in the CIndicator class, the
CiStochastic class has a few additional members. A private array named signal[] will hold the indicator
values for the signal or %D line. The public Signal() function will be used to access this data. We've also
added a class constructor:
Just like the constructor for the CIndicator class, the CiStochastic constructor simply sets the signal[]
array as a series array. We will need to do this for every indicator that has more than one buffer.
Here are the function declarations for the Init() and Signal() functions:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The Init() function passes the input parameters to the iStochastic() function and saves the indicator
handle to the handle variable. The Signal() function copies the data from buffer 1 of the stochastic indicator
to the signal[] array and returns the value for the specified bar. We will need to add a similar function for
every additional indicator buffer in our multi-buffer indicator classes.
We add the stochastic indicator to our expert advisor the same way we added the moving average – declare
an object, initialize the indicator, and access the indicator data:
// Input variables
input int KPeriod = 10;
input int DPeriod = 3;
input int Slowing = 3;
input ENUM_MA_METHOD StochMethod = MODE_SMA;
We added the stochastic indicator to our expert advisor using only a few lines of code. We declared an object
based on the CiStochastic class named Stoch. We initialized the indicator in the OnInit() event handler
using Init(). And we have two functions, Main() and Signal(), to retrieve the indicator data. The
currentStoch and currentSignal variables contain the %K and %D line values for the current bar.
Object Initialization
To sharpen your understanding of how derived classes work, let's walk through the creation of our
CiStochastic object. First, we initialize the object:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
CiStochastic Stoch;
The program initializes the protected and public members of the CIndicator class. The variables and objects
listed below will be part of the CiStochastic class, and the public members can be accessed through the
Stoch object:
class CIndicator
int handle;
double main[];
double Main(int pShift=0);
void Release();
Next, the CIndicator class constructor executes. The main[] array is set as a series array:
int Init(string pSymbol, ENUM_TIMEFRAMES pTimeframe, int pKPeriod, int pDPeriod,
int pSlowing, ENUM_MA_METHOD pMAMethod, ENUM_STO_PRICE pPrice);
double Signal(int pShift=0);
Then, the class constructor for the CiStochastic class executes. The signal[] array is set as a series array:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The Stoch object is ready to use. The handle variable, as well as the main[] and signal[] arrays, are
protected or private members that are not accessible to the programmer. We interact with these members
using our public functions, Init(), Main(), Signal() and Release().
The \MQL5\Include\Mql5Book\Indicators.mqh file contains classes for the most popular built-in indicators
for MetaTrader 5. If you need to create a class for an indicator that is not listed, you can do so using the
techniques listed in this chapter.
Custom Indicators
You can also use custom indicators in your expert advisors. To use a custom indicator, you will need to
determine the number of buffers in the indicator, as well as their usage. You will also need to determine the
names and types of the indicator parameters.
You can download custom indicators online through the MQL5 Codebase, the MQL5 Market, or from
MetaTrader-related forums and websites. It will be much easier to work with a custom indicator if you have
the MQ5 file for it. Even if you only have the EX5, it is still possible to use the indicator in your project, though
it will take a bit more detective work.
Let's use one of the custom indicators that come standard with MetaTrader 5. The Custom Indicators tree in
the Navigator window has an Examples subtree containing custom indicator examples of many built-in
MetaTrader indicators, as well as a few extras. We'll use the BB custom indicator, which plots Bollinger Bands
on the chart.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The first parameter of the SetIndexBuffer() function is the buffer number. The indicator has three lines, but
the code shows four buffers! Note the INDICATOR_CALCULATIONS parameter for buffer 3. This indicates that
this buffer is used for internal calculations only. We'll need to do a bit more searching to figure out what each
buffer does.
Look just below it in the file and you'll see three PlotIndexSetString() functions. These are used to set the
labels in the data window:
PlotIndexSetString(0,PLOT_LABEL,"Bands("+string(ExtBandsPeriod)+") Middle");
PlotIndexSetString(1,PLOT_LABEL,"Bands("+string(ExtBandsPeriod)+") Upper");
PlotIndexSetString(2,PLOT_LABEL,"Bands("+string(ExtBandsPeriod)+") Lower");
From these, we can infer that buffer 0 is the middle line, buffer 1 is the upper band, and buffer 2 is the lower
band. Now that we know our buffer numbers, let's figure out the input parameters for the Bollinger Bands
indicator. We can find the input variables right near the top of the file:
We have three input parameters – two int variables for the period and shift, and a double variable for the
deviation. Feel free to copy and paste the input variables from the custom indicator file to your expert advisor
file. You can change the names of the input variables in your program if you wish.
The iCustom() function works similarly to the built-in indicator functions examined previously in this chapter.
Here is the function definition from the MQL5 Reference:
int iCustom(
string symbol, // symbol name
ENUM_TIMEFRAMES period, // period
string name // folder/custom indicator_name
... // list of indicator input parameters
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Just like the other technical indicator functions, the iCustom() parameters begin with symbol and period.
The name parameter is for the indicator name, minus the file extension. The indicator file must be located in
the \MQL5\Indicators folder. If the file is located in a subfolder, then the subfolder name must precede the
indicator name, separated by a double slash (\\). For example, the BB indicator is located in the \MQL5\
Indicators\Examples folder. So the value for the name parameter would be "Examples\\BB". (Remember
that the double slash (\\) is the escape character for a backslash!)
The . . . in the iCustom() function definition is where the input parameters for the custom indicator go. The
BB custom indicator has three input parameters. We need to pass those parameters to the iCustom()
function in the order that they appear in the indicator file:
We would need to pass three parameters of type int, int and double to the iCustom() function. Here's an
example of how we would use the iCustom() function to add the BB indicator to an expert advisor:
// Input variables
input int BandsPeriod = 20; // Period
input int BandsShift = 0; // Shift
input double BandsDeviation = 2; // Deviation
The input variables are presented in the order that they appear in the BB indicator file. We've renamed them
to BandsPeriod, BandsShift, and BandsDeviation. Next, we declare the three arrays that we will use to hold
the indicator data (upper[], lower[] and middle[]), and set them as series arrays. The iCustom() function
initializes the BB indicator and returns our indicator handle, saving it in the bbHandle variable. Note that we
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
use "Examples\\BB" for the name parameter in the iCustom() function, since the BB indicator is located in
the \Indicators\Examples subfolder.
Note the BandsPeriod, BandsShift, and BandsDeviation parameters in the iCustom() function call. You
must pass all of the input parameters of the custom indicator in the order that they appear to the iCustom()
function. The parameters must also be of the appropriate data type – the majority of indicators use either int,
double or string types. If you do not wish to add an input variable for a particular custom indicator
parameter, then simply pass a default value. For example, if you don't plan on ever changing the BandsShift
parameter for the BB indicator, then simply substitute 0 for BandsShift in the iCustom() function call.
Finally, we use the CopyBuffer() function to copy the data from the indicator buffers to our arrays. If you do
not plan on using an indicator line, then you do not need to copy data for it. For example, if you don't plan on
using the middle line of the BB indicator, then simply omit the middle[] array and the ArraySetAsSeries()
and CopyBuffer() functions that reference it.
You can add any custom indicator to your expert advisor using the procedure above. First, note the buffer
numbers for the corresponding lines/plots in the custom indicator that you wish to use. Next, note the input
parameter names and their types. Add the input parameters to your expert advisor, renaming or omitting
them as you wish. Pass the input parameters (or appropriate default values) to the iCustom() function along
with the indicator name. Finally, use the CopyBuffer() function to copy the buffer data to the series array(s)
you've prepared.
For the built-in indicators, we have created classes that make adding them to your expert advisors very easy.
Unfortunately, the implementation of custom indicators in MQL5 make is difficult to do the same for custom
indicators. As you've seen above, the iCustom() function allows for a flexible number of input parameters. We
cannot do the same when creating classes in MQL5.
There is a second method of adding indicators to an MQL5 program, the IndicatorCreate() function, that
uses a fixed number of parameters and an object of the MqlParam structure type to pass the input parameters.
But using this method introduces a greater amount of complexity with no real gain in simplicity or
functionality. Therefore, we will not be covering this method in this book.
In summary, if you wish to add custom indicators to your expert advisor, you will need to use the iCustom()
function to return an indicator handle, and then use the CopyBuffer() function to copy the buffer data to
your series arrays as described in the previous section.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The section on Price-Based Trading Signals in the previous chapter addressed the first category. A trading
signal can be created when the price is above or below an indicator line. In this chapter, we discussed the
Bollinger Bands indicator. We can use this indicator as an example of a price/indicator relationship.
The Bollinger Bands can be used to open trades at price extremes – for example, when the price moves
outside the bands. We can express these trading conditions like so:
We use the Close() function of our CBars class created in the previous chapter to represent the current close
price. The bbUpper and bbLower variables represent the upper and lower Bollinger bands respectively. If the
current close price is above the upper band and no buy position is currently open, then we would open a buy
position. The same is true for a sell if the close is below the lower band.
You can use two or more indicator lines to create a trading signal. For example, the moving average cross is
one of the most basic trading strategies around. It uses two moving averages, one fast and one slow. When
the fast moving average is above the slow moving average a buy signal is implied, and vice versa for sell.
For example, lets use a 10 period exponential moving average for the fast MA, and a 30 period simple moving
average for the slow MA:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
When the 10 EMA (the fastMA variable) is greater than the 30 SMA (the slowMA variable), a buy signal occurs.
When the opposite is true, a sell signal occurs.
You can also use indicators of different types, provided they are all drawn in the same window. For example,
you may wish to use a moving average with the Bollinger bands in the earlier example instead of the price:
In this example, we check if the moving average value of the previous bar ( ma[1]) is greater than the upper
bollinger band (bbUpper). If so, a buy signal occurs.
You can also compare two lines of the same indicator, such as the main and signal lines of the stochastic
The stoch[] array represents the main or %K line of the indicator, while the signal[] array is the %D line. If
the %K line is greater than the %D line, this indicates a bullish condition.
For trending indicators, you may wish to base trading decisions upon the direction in which the indicator is
trending. You can do this by checking the indicator value of a recent bar against the value of a previous bar.
For example, if we want a buy signal to occur when a moving average is sloping upward, we can compare the
value of the most recently closed bar to the value of the previous bar:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
This example checks to see if the moving average value of the most recently closed bar ( ma[1]) is greater than
the value of the previous bar (ma[2]). If so, the moving average is trending upward, and a buy signal occurs.
You can do this with any indicator that trends up or down with the price, including oscillators such as RSI and
Many indicators, namely oscillators, appear in a separate chart window. They are not plotted according to
price, but rather respond to changes in price. The RSI, for example, has a minimum value of 0 and a maximum
value of 100. When the RSI value is below 30, that indicates an oversold condition, and when it is above 70,
that indicates an overbought condition. We can check for these overbought and oversold conditions simply
by comparing the current RSI value to a fixed value. The example below checks for an oversold condition as
part of a buy signal:
If the RSI value of the most recently closed bar is less than or equal to the oversold level of 30, that indicates a
buy signal.
Histogram indicators such as the MACD oscillate around a zero line. Ascending values above zero indicate a
bullish trend, while descending values below zero indicate bearish price movement. You may wish to base a
trading signal around the indicator value relative to zero:
If the MACD value of the most recently closed bar is greater than zero, then a buy condition is indicated.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
You may come up with more elaborate indicator conditions than these. But nearly all indicator-based trading
conditions are a combination of relationships between indicator readings and/or prices. To combine multiple
price and indicator conditions for a trading signal, simply use boolean AND or OR operations between the
In the expression above, if the close price is less than the lower Bollinger band and either the RSI is less than
30, or the stochastic is less than its signal line, we open a buy position. When combining AND and OR
operations, use parentheses to establish which expressions will be evaluated first.
In an expert advisor that has multiple indicators, you may wish to turn individual indicators on and off. To do
so, we need to add a boolean input variable that will allow the user to deactivate an indicator if necessary. It
will also be necessary to modify the trading condition to allow for both on and off states.
For example, let's create an expert advisor that uses the Bollinger Bands and an RSI. If the price is below the
lower band and the RSI is in oversold territory (below 30), then we will open a buy position. We will add an
input variable to turn the RSI condition on and off:
// Input variables
input bool UseRSI = true;
In the example above, we add an input variable named UseRSI. This turn the RSI trade condition on and off.
Inside the if operator, we check for both true and false states. If UseRSI == true, we check to see if the rsi
value is less than 30. If so, and if the other conditions are true, we open a buy position. If UseRSI == false,
and the other conditions are true, we also open a buy position.
The parentheses establish the order in which the conditions are evaluated. The inner set of parentheses
contain the operation (rsi <= 30 && UseRSI == true). This is evaluated first. If this condition is false, we
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
then evaluate the condition inside the outer set of parentheses, UseRSI == false. Note the OR operator (||)
separating both operations. If one of these conditions evaluates as true, then the entire expression inside the
parentheses is true.
Remember that the indicator "on" state is inside the innermost set of parentheses, and is evaluated first. The
indicator "off" state is inside the outermost set of parentheses, and is separated from the "on" condition by an
OR operator (||). Combining AND and OR operations using parentheses to establish order of evaluation
allows you to create complex trading conditions. When doing so, be sure to watch your opening and closing
parentheses to make sure that you do not leave one out, add one too many, or nest them incorrectly.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
When trading on the open of a new bar, we will use the closing price and indicator values of the previous bar
when making trade decisions. If you're looking at a chart of historical trades, keep in mind that the trade
criteria is based on the previous bar, and not the bar that the trade opened on!
Note that the Strategy Tester has an Open prices only execution mode that mimics this behavior. If your
strategy only opens and closes orders on the open of a new bar, then you can use Open prices only to perform
quick and accurate testing of your expert advisor.
Let's create a class that will keep track of the timestamp of the current bar and allow us to determine when a
new bar has opened. We'll create this class in a new include file named \MQL5\Include\Mql5Book\
Timer.mqh. All of the classes and functions in this chapter will go in this file.
class CNewBar
datetime Time[], LastTime;
void CNewBar();
bool CheckNewBar(string pSymbol, ENUM_TIMEFRAMES pTimeframe);
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
We have two private variables in our class. The Time[] array stores the timestamp for the current bar, and the
LastTime variable contains the timestamp for the most recently checked bar. Note that we declared both
variables on the same line, since they share the same type. We will compare these two values to determine if a
new bar has opened. Our class also contains a constructor and the CheckNewBar() function. The class
constructor simply sets the Time[] array as a series array:
void CNewBar::CNewBar(void)
The CheckNewBar() function is used to check for the open of a new bar. Here is the function declaration:
The function takes two parameters, the symbol and the period of the chart we are using. We initialize two
boolean variables, firstRun and newBar, and explicitly set them to false. The CopyTime() function updates
the Time[] array with the timestamp of the most recent bar.
We check the LastTime class variable to see if it has a value assigned to it. The first time this function runs,
LastTime will be equal to zero, and we will set the firstRun variable to true. This indicates that we have just
attached the expert advisor to the chart. Since we do not want the expert advisor to trade intrabar, this is a
necessary check to ensure that we don't attempt to open an order right away.
Next, we check to see if Time[0] > LastTime. If this is the first time we've run this function, then this
expression will be true. This expression will also evaluate to true every time a new bar opens. If the timestamp
of the current bar has changed, we check to see if firstRun is set to false. If so, we set newBar to true. We
update the LastTime variable with the current bar's timestamp, and return the value of newBar to the
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The execution of CheckNewBar() works like this: When the expert advisor is first attached to a chart, the
function will return a value of false because firstRun will be set to true. On each subsequent check of the
function, firstRun will always be false. When the current bar's timestamp (Time[0]) is greater than
LastTime, we set newBar to true, update the value of LastTime, and return a value of true to the program.
This indicates that a new bar has opened, and we can check our trading conditions.
// Input variables
input bool TradeOnNewBar = true;
if(TradeOnNewBar == true)
newBar = NewBar.CheckNewBar(_Symbol,_Period);
barShift = 1;
if(newBar == true)
// Order placement code
We declare an object based on the CNewBar class named NewBar. The TradeOnNewBar input variable allows us
to select between trading on a new bar, or trading on every tick. In the OnTick() event handler, we declare a
local bool variable named newBar and initialize it to true, and an int variable named barShift.
If TradeOnNewBar is set to true, we call our CheckNewBar() function and save the return value to the newBar
variable. Most of the time, this value will be false. We will also set the value of barShift to 1. If
TradeOnNewBar is set to false, then newBar will be true, and barShift will be 0.
If newBar is true, we go ahead and check our order placement conditions. Any code that you want to run
only at the open of a new bar will go inside these brackets. This includes all order opening conditions and
possibly your closing conditions as well.
When using the CNewBar class to check for the open of a new bar, the barShift variable will be used to set
the bar index of any price or indicator values. For example, we'll use the moving average and close price
functions that we've defined in previous chapters:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The close and ma variables will be assigned the value for the current bar ( barShift = 0) if TradeOnNewBar is
set to false, or the value of the previous bar (barShift = 1) if TradeOnNewBar is set to true.
For example, let's say we have two datetime variables, date1 and date2. We know that date1 is equal to July
12, 2012 at 3:00, and date2 is equal to July 14, 2012 at 22:00. If we wanted to know which date is earlier, we
can compare the two :
The correct result is "date1 is sooner". Another advantage of working with datetime values is that if you
want to add or subtract hours, days or any period of time, you can simply add or subtract the appropriate
number of seconds to or from the datetime value. For example, we'll add 24 hours to the date1 variable
There are 86,400 seconds in a 24 hour period. By adding 86400 to a datetime value, we have advanced the
date by exactly 24 hours. The date1 variable now has a value equal to July 13, 2012 at 3:00.
A datetime value is not human-readable, although the MetaTrader 5 terminal will automatically convert
datetime values to a readable string constant when printing them to the log. If you need to convert a
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
datetime value to a string for other purposes, the TimeToString() function will convert a datetime variable
to a string in the format hh:mm. In this example, we will convert date2 using the
TimeToString() function:
The TimeToString() function converts the date2 variable to a string, and saves the result to the convert
variable. If we print out the value of convert, it will be 2012.07.14 22:00.
We can create a datetime value by constructing a string in the format hh:mm:ss, and converting
it to a datetime variable using the StringToTime() function. For example if we want to convert the string
2012.07.14 22:00 to a datetime value, we pass the string to the StringToTime() function:
The dtDate variable is assigned a datetime value equivalent to 2012.07.14 22:00. We can also create a
datetime constant by enclosing the string in single quotes and prefacing it with a capital D. This datetime
constant can be assigned directly to a datetime variable:
This method allows for more flexibility when constructing the datetime constant string. For example, you
could use as your date format and leave off the time. The datetime constant topic in the MQL5
Reference under Language Basics > Data Types > Integer Types > Datetime Type has more information on
formatting a datetime constant.
Finally, we can use the MqlDateTime structure. This structure allows us to retrieve specific information from a
datetime variable, such as the hour or the day of the week.
struct MqlDateTime
int year; // Year
int mon; // Month
int day; // Day
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Using the MqlDateTime structure, we can retrieve any date or time element from a datetime value. We can
retrieve the hour, minute or day and assign that value to an integer variable. We can even retrieve the day of
the week or the day of the year. We can also assign values to these variables to construct a datetime value.
The TimeToStruct() function is used to convert a datetime value to an object of the MqlDateTime type. The
first parameter of the function is the datetime value to convert. The second parameter is the MqlDateTime
object to load the values into. Here's an example:
MqlDateTime timeStruct;
First, we construct a datetime variable, dtTime, using a datetime constant. Next, we declare an object of type
MqlDateTime named timeStruct. We use the TimeToStruct() function to convert the datetime value in
dtTime to the MqlDateTime structure. Finally, we show how to retrieve the day, hour and day of week from
the timeStruct object. The day is 15, the hour is 16, and the dayOfWeek is 1 for Monday.
We can also create an MqlDateTime object, assign values to its member variables, and construct a datetime
value using the StructToTime() function. The day_of_week and day_of_year variables are not used when
creating a datetime value using an MqlDateTime object. Here's an example of how to create a datetime
value using the StructToTime() function:
MqlDateTime timeStruct;
timeStruct.year = 2012;
timeStruct.mon = 10; = 20;
timeStruct.hour = 2;
timeStruct.min = 30;
timeStruct.sec = 0;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Be sure to explicitly assign values to all of the variables of the MqlDateTime object, or else you may not get
the results you expect! The StructToTime() function converts the timeStruct object to a datetime value,
and stores the result in the dtTime variable. If we print out the dtTime variable, we can see the values that we
assigned to the timeStruct object:
What happens if you don't assign a value to an MqlDateTime object variable, or if you assign a value that is
MqlDateTime timeStruct;
timeStruct.hour = 0;
timeStruct.min = 0;
timeStruct.sec = 0;
dtTime = StructToTime(timeStruct);
The year must be specified, or else the StructToTime() function returns nothing. If the month or day are less
than 1, they default to a value of 1. If the month is larger than the maximum value of 12, it defaults to
December (12). If the day is larger than the number of days in the month, it either defaults to 31 if there are
31 days in the month, or else the excess value overflows into the following month. Needless to say, you
should not overflow the day variable, or else your date may end up several days off. Invalid hour or minute
values will default to their minimum and maximum of 0 and 59 respectively.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Let's create a function that will create a datetime value for the current date. We'll specify the hour and
minute, and the function will return a value for that time for the current date. An MqlDateTime object will be
used to create our datetime value.
All of the code in this chapter will go in the \MQL5\Include\Mql5Book\Timer.mqh include file. Here is the
code for the CreateDateTime() function:
timeStruct.hour = pHour;
timeStruct.min = pMinute;
First, we create an MqlDateTime object named timeStruct. We use the TimeToStruct() function to fill the
member variables with the current date and time using the TimeCurrent() function. Next, we assign the
pHour and pMinute parameter values to the hour and min variables of the timeStruct object. Finally, we use
StructToTime() to construct our new datetime value and assign the result to the useTime variable. The
value of useTime is returned to the program.
Once we have a datetime value for a specified time, we can easily manipulate this value if necessary. For
example, we want our trade timer to start at 20:00 each day. We will stop trading for the day at 8:00 the
following day. First, we will use our CreateDateTime() function to create datetime values for the start and
end time:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The problem here is that our end time is earlier than our start time. Assuming that today is October 22, and
we want our timer to start at 20:00, we'll need to advance the end time by 24 hours to get the correct time.
You'll recall from earlier in the chapter that 24 hours is equal to 86400 seconds. We can simply add this value
to endTime to get the correct time.
Instead of having to remember that 86400 seconds equals a day, let's define some constants that we can
easily refer to if we need to add or subtract time from a datetime variable. These will go at the top of our
Timer.mqh include file:
#define TIME_ADD_MINUTE 60
#define TIME_ADD_HOUR 3600
#define TIME_ADD_DAY 86400
#define TIME_ADD_WEEK 604800
Using these constants, we can easily add or subtract the specified time period. Let's add 24 hours to our
endTime variable:
endTime += TIME_ADD_DAY;
Now our start and end times are correct relative to each other.
Let's examine the simplest type of trade timer. This timer will take two datetime values and determine
whether the current time falls between those values. If so, our trade timer is active and trading can commence.
If the current time is outside those values, then our trade timer is inactive, and trades will not be placed.
The CTimer class will hold our timer-related functions. We will start with one function – the CheckTimer()
function, which will check two datetime variables to see if trading is allowed. We'll add other class members
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
class CTimer
bool CheckTimer(datetime pStartTime, datetime pEndTime, bool pLocalTime = false);
datetime currentTime;
if(pLocalTime == true) currentTime = TimeLocal();
else currentTime = TimeCurrent();
The pStartTime parameter holds the trading start time, while the pEndTime parameter holds the trading end
time. The pLocalTime parameter is a boolean value that determines whether we use local or server time.
First, we check to see if pStartTime is greater than or equal to pEndTime. If so, we know that our start and
end times are invalid, so we show an error message and exit with a value of false. Otherwise, we continue
checking our timer condition.
We declare a datetime variable named currentTime that will hold the current time. If pLocalTime is true,
we will use the local computer time. If it is false, we use the server time. The TimeLocal() and
TimeCurrent() functions retrieve the current time from the local computer or the server, respectively.
Normally, we will use the server time, but it is a simple addition to allow the user to use local time, so we have
added the option.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Once the currentTime variable has been assigned the current time, we compare it to our trading start and
end times. If currentTime >= pStartTime and currentTime < pEndTime, then the trade timer is active. We
will set the timerOn variable to true and return that value to the program.
Let's demonstrate how to create a simple trade timer using CheckTimer(). We'll be using two datetime input
variables. The MetaTrader 5 interface makes it easy to input a valid datetime value. We'll set a start and end
time, and use the CheckTimer() function to check for a valid trade condition:
#include <Mql5Book/Timer.mqh>
CTimer Timer;
if(timerOn == true)
// Order placement code
First, we include the Timer.mqh file and declare the Timer object, based on our CTimer class. The input
variables StartTime and EndTime have a valid start and end time entered. In the OnTick() event handler, we
call the CheckTimer() function and pass our StartTime and EndTime input variables to it. (We've passed a
value of false for the pLocalTime parameter, meaning that we'll use server time to determine the current
If the current time is between the start and end times, the boolean timerOn variable is set to true. When we
check our order opening conditions, we check if timerOn is true. If so, we proceed with checking the order
The problems with using datetime input variables to set our start and end times is that they have to be
constantly updated. What if you just wanted to trade the same hours each day, for example?
Most savvy Forex traders know that certain hours of the day are more conducive to trading. The open of the
London session through the end of the New York session is the most active trading period of the day. We can
improve the performance of our expert advisors by limiting our trading to these hours.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
We'll create a timer that will allow us to trade the same hours each day. We set a start and end hour and
minute, and unless we decide to change our trading hours we need not edit it again. Our daily timer operates
by the same principles as our simple timer in the last section. We create two datetime values using our
CreateDateTime() function. We compare our start and end times, and increment or decrement them by one
day as necessary. If the current time falls between the start and end times, trading is enabled.
Let's add our daily timer function to the CTimer class. We're also going to add two private datetime variables
– StartTime and EndTime – to the CTimer class. These will be used to save our current start and end times,
just in case we need to retrieve them elsewhere in our program:
class CTimer
datetime StartTime, EndTime;
bool CheckTimer(datetime pStartTime, datetime pEndTime, bool pLocalTime = false);
bool DailyTimer(int pStartHour, int pStartMinute, int pEndHour, int pEndMinute,
bool pLocalTime = false);
StartTime = CreateDateTime(pStartHour,pStartMinute);
EndTime = CreateDateTime(pEndHour,pEndMinute);
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
For this function, we input the start and end hour and minute using the int variables pStartHour,
pStartMinute, pEndHour and pEndMinute. We also include the pLocalTime parameter for selecting between
server and local time. After assigning the current time to the currentTime variable, we call the
CreateDateTime() function and pass the pStartHour, pStartMinute, pEndHour and pEndMinute variables.
The resulting datetime values are stored in StartTime and EndTime respectively.
Next, we determine whether we need to increment or decrement the start and/or end time values. First, we
check to see if the EndTime value is less than the StartTime value. If so, we subtract one day from the start
time (using the TIME_ADD_DAY constant) so that the value of StartTime is sooner than the value of EndTime.
If the value of currentTime is greater than EndTime, the timer has already expired and we need to set it for
the next day. We increment both StartTime and EndTime by one day, so that the timer is set for the
following day. Finally, we pass the StartTime and EndTime values to the CheckTimer() function, along with
our pLocalTime parameter. The result is saved to the timerOn variable, which is returned to the program.
Let's demonstrate how we can use the daily timer in our expert advisor program:
#include <Mql5Book/Timer.mqh>
CTimer Timer;
if(timerOn == true)
// Order placement code
We've added an input variable named UseTimer to turn the timer on and off. We have inputs for start and
end hour and minute, as well as for local/server time.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
In the OnTick() event handler, we declare a boolean variable named timerOn (not to be confused with the
local variable of the same name in our DailyTimer() function!) The value of this variable determines whether
we can trade or not. We will initialize it to true. If the UseTimer input variable is set to true, we call the
DailyTimer() function. The result of the function is saved to the timerOn variable. If timerOn is true, trading
will commence, and if it is false, we will wait until the start of the next trading day.
One issue from a user perspective is knowing whether or not trading is enabled by the timer. Let's create a
short function that writes a comment to the chart as well as to the log, to inform the user when the timer has
started and stopped. The function is named PrintTimerMessage(), and we will make it a private member of
the CTimer class. We will also declare a private variable named TimerStarted that will hold our on/off state:
class CTimer
datetime StartTime, EndTime;
bool TimerStarted;
void PrintTimerMessage(bool pTimerOn);
bool CheckTimer(datetime pStartTime, datetime pEndTime, bool pLocalTime = false);
bool DailyTimer(int pStartHour, int pStartMinute, int pEndHour, int pEndMinute,
bool pLocalTime = false);
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The function type is void, since we do not need this function to return a value. The pTimerOn parameter takes
the value of our timerOn variable from the DailyTimer() function. If pTimerOn is true, we check to see if the
timer is active and print a message to the log and to the screen.
Now all we need to do is add this to the end of our Fig. 18.1 – A chart comment generated by the
PrintTimerMessage() function.
DailyTimer() function:
The result is that we will have one message printed to the log when the timer activates, and another when the
timer deactivates. The message will also be printed to the comment area of the chart, and will remain there
until it is overwritten by another comment.
The trade timers we've created so far take a single start and end time. The daily timer is sufficient for most
traders, but if you need more flexibility in setting your trade timer, we've created the BlockTimer() function.
We call it the "block timer" because the user will set several blocks of time that the expert advisor will be
allowed to trade each week. This allows the user to avoid volatile market events such as the non-farm payroll
We will specify the days to start and stop trading by using the ENUM_DAY_OF_WEEK enumeration. The user will
select the day of the week and specify a start and end hour and minute in the expert advisor inputs. For each
block of time, we need a start day, start hour, start minute, end day, end hour and end minute. We'll also need
a boolean variable to indicate whether to use that timer block.
A fixed number of timer blocks will need to be specified in the inputs, according to the trader's needs. Five
blocks should be enough for most traders. Due to the number of variables required for each timer block, we
will create a structure that will hold all of them. We will create an array based on this structure that will hold all
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
of the variables for each timer block. This array will be passed to the BlockTimer() function, which will
determine whether trading should be enabled.
Here is the structure that we will define in the Timer.mqh include file. This will be declared on the global
scope, at the top of the file:
struct TimerBlock
bool enabled; // Enable or disable timer block
int start_day; // Start day (1: Monday... 5: Friday)
int start_hour; // Start hour
int start_min; // Start minute
int end_day; // End day
int end_hour; // End hour
int end_min; // End minute
Let's demonstrate how we will use this structure to fill an array object with timer information. First, we will
declare the input variables in our expert advisor. We will add two timer blocks, each with the necessary inputs:
Each timer block has a boolean variable to turn the timer block on and off ( UseTimer), a StartDay and
EndDay variable of type ENUM_DAY_OF_WEEK, and the StartHour, StartMinute, EndHour and EndMinute
integer variables. Note the Block1 and Block2 variables with the sinput modifier. These are static input
variables that are used for informational and formatting purposes. The comment following the variable
identifier is displayed in the input window in MetaTrader:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Fig. 18.2 – The block timer inputs as they appear in the expert advisor Inputs tab.
Now that we have our input variables declared, we will declare our TimerBlock structure object on the global
TimerBlock block[2];
This declares an array object named block, with two elements. Next, we need to load our input values into
this array. This will take quite a bit of code, but there's no easy way around this. We will copy the input
variables into the array inside the OnInit() event handler:
block[1].enabled = UseTimer2;
block[1].start_day = StartDay2;
block[1].start_hour = StartHour2;
block[1].start_min = StartMinute2;
block[1].end_day = EndDay2;
block[1].end_hour = EndHour2;
block[1].end_min = EndMinute2;
All of the input variables from the first timer block are copied into the member variables of the block[] array
at element 0. The same is done for the second timer block at element 1. Now that the input values are copied
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
into our block[] array, let's pass them to our timer function. This is the easy part, and it works just like the
other timer functions in this chapter:
Inside the OnTick() event handler, we check the timer state before we check our order conditions. If the
current time falls inside one of our timer blocks, the value of timerOn will be set to true. We can then check
the order opening conditions and perform any actions that occur when our timer is active.
int dayShift = pBlock[i].start_day - today.day_of_week;
if(dayShift != 0) StartTime += TIME_ADD_DAY * dayShift;
dayShift = pBlock[i].end_day - today.day_of_week;
if(dayShift != 0) EndTime += TIME_ADD_DAY * dayShift;
timerOn = CheckTimer(StartTime,EndTime,pLocalTime);
if(timerOn == true) break;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The BlockTimer() function has two parameters: The pBlock[] parameter takes an array object of the
TimerBlock structure type passed by reference, and the pLocalTime parameter is a boolean variable that
determines whether to use server or local time.
First, we declare the variables that will be used in our function. An MqlDateTime object named today will be
used to retrieve the day of the week for the current date. The timerCount variable will hold the size of the
pBlock[] array, which we retrieve by using the ArraySize() function. A for loop will be used to process the
timer blocks. The number of timer blocks is determined by the timerCount variable. We will calculate the start
and end times for each timer block, and determine whether the current time falls within those times. If so, we
break out of the loop and return a value of true to the calling program.
Inside the for loop, the first thing we check is the enabled variable of the current timer block. If it is true, we
continue calculating the start and end time. We use the CreateDateTime() function to calculate the
StartTime and EndTime variables using the start_hour, start_min, end_hour and end_min variables of the
pBlock[] object.
Next, we calculate the correct date based on the day of the week indicated for the start and end time. We use
TimeToStruct() to convert the StartTime and EndTime values to an MqlDateTime structure. The result is
stored in the today object. The today.day_of_week variable will hold the current day of the week. If the
current day of the week differs from the start_day or end_day value of the pBlock[] object, we calculate the
difference and store it to the dayShift variable. The dayShift variable is multiplied by the TIME_ADD_DAY
constant, and added or subtracted from the StartTime or EndTime variables. The result is that StartTime
and EndTime are set to the correct time and date relative to the current week.
After the start and end times for the current timer block have been determined, we use the CheckTimer()
function to see if the current time falls within the start time and end time of the current timer block. If the
function returns true, we break out of the for loop. The PrintTimerMessage() function will print an
informative message to the chart and the log, and the value of timerOn is returned to the program.
Programming a flexible trade timer is the most complex thing we've had to do so far. With the timer functions
we've defined in this chapter, you should be able to implement a trade timer that is flexible enough for your
A final bit of code to add: If for some reason you need to check the current start or end time that the trade
timer is using, use the GetStartTime() and GetEndTime() functions. These functions retrieve the
appropriate datetime variable and return it to the program. Since these are very short functions, we can
declare the entire function in the class declaration:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
class CTimer
datetime StartTime, EndTime;
datetime GetStartTime() {return(StartTime);};
datetime GetEndTime() {return(EndTime);};
For clarity, we've removed the other functions and variables from the CTimer class for this example. Note the
return statement inside the brackets after the function name. This is the function body. The sole purpose of
GetStartTime() and GetEndTime() is to return the value of the StartTime or EndTime variable to the
program. If you have a short function whose only purpose is to return a value, then you can place the body
right in the class declaration.
The OnTick() event handler executes only when a change in price is received from the terminal. The
OnTimer() event, on the other hand, can execute every X number of seconds. If you want your trading
strategy to perform an action at regular intervals, place that code in the OnTimer() event handler.
To use the OnTimer() event handler, we need to set the timer interval using the EventSetTimer() function.
This function is typically declared inside the OnInit() event handler or in a class constructor. For example, if
we want the expert advisor to perform an action once every 60 seconds, here is how we set the event timer:
int OnInit()
This will execute the OnTimer() event handler every 60 seconds, if one exists in your program. The MQL5
Wizard can be used to add the OnTimer() event to your source file when creating it, but you can always add
it later. The OnTimer() event handler is of type void with no parameters:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
void OnTimer()
If for some reason you need to stop your event timer, the EventKillTimer() will remove the event timer,
and the OnTimer() event handler will no longer run. This is typically declared in the OnDeinit() event
handler or a class destructor, although it should work anywhere in the program:
The EventKillTimer() function takes no parameters, and does not return a value.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Creating A Template
MetaEditor 5 doesn't allow the use of custom templates like MetaEditor 4 does. So to save time, we will need
to create our own template, which we will use when creating our expert advisors. When we create a new
expert advisor, we'll simply open this file and save it under a new name.
The template will we'll be using is named MQL Book Template.mq5. To prevent this file from being
overwritten, navigate to the \MQL5\Experts\Mql5Book folder in Windows Explorer and locate the MQL Book
Template.mq5 file. Right-click on the file and select Properties. Put a check mark in the Read-only attribute.
When attempting to save a read-only file, MetaEditor will alert you and prompt you to save it to a new file.
Here is our template file. We'll go through it a section at a time. First is our #include directives and object
// Trade
#include <Mql5Book\Trade.mqh>
CTrade Trade;
// Price
#include <Mql5Book\Price.mqh>
CBars Price;
// Money management
#include <Mql5Book\MoneyManagement.mqh>
// Trailing stops
#include <Mql5Book\TrailingStops.mqh>
CTrailing Trail;
// Timer
#include <Mql5Book\Timer.mqh>
CTimer Timer;
CNewBar NewBar;
// Indicators
#include <Mql5Book\Indicators.mqh>
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
We include six files from the \MQL5\Include\Mql5Book directory. We've also declared several objects for the
classes in those files. The Trade object contains our order placement functions. The Price object is for price
data functions. Trail contains the trailing stop functions, and Timer and NewBar contain the trade timer and
new bar functions. If you need to add indicators to your expert advisor, you will create indicator objects here,
ideally under the #include directive for the Indicators.mqh file.
//| Expert information |
//| Input variables |
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The #property directives describe our program, and will appear in the Common tab in the expert advisor
Properties dialog. The input section includes settings for our most commonly-used features, including money
management, trailing and break even stop, and trade timer. The optional features all have boolean input
variables to switch the feature on an off. Note the sinput variables – these divide our input variables into
clearly defined sections in the Inputs window.
Next, we have our global variables and the OnInit() event handler:
//| Global variables |
//| Expert initialization function |
int OnInit()
The glBuyPlaced and glSellPlaced variables keep track of whether a position was previously opened in the
specified direction. In most trading systems we only want to open one position on a new trade signal, and not
open another one until a trade signal appears in the opposite direction, or a condition occurs where we set
either of these variables to false. The OnInit() event handler contains code that will run once when the
program is first started. Above, we set the trade slippage.
//| Expert tick function |
void OnTick()
// Check for new bar
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
if(TradeOnNewBar == true)
newBar = NewBar.CheckNewBar(_Symbol,_Period);
barShift = 1;
// Timer
bool timerOn = true;
if(UseTimer == true)
timerOn = Timer.DailyTimer(StartHour,StartMinute,EndHour,EndMinute,UseLocalTime);
// Update prices
The first section of code checks for the opening of a new bar. We declare a boolean variable named newBar
and initialize it to true. The barShift variable is initialized to zero. If the TradeOnNewBar input variable is set
to true, we call the CheckNewBar() function and save the result to newBar, and set the barShift variable to
1. Otherwise, newBar remains set to true, barShift remains zero, and intrabar trading is enabled.
After that is the timer code. We define a boolean variable named timerOn and initialize it to true. If the
UseTimer input variable is set to true, we check the DailyTimer() function, and assign the return value to
timerOn. Otherwise, the value of timerOn remains true. If we are using bar data in our expert advisor, the
Price.Update() function updates the Bar object with price and time data.
Next is our order placement code with our money management feature:
// Order placement
if(newBar == true && timerOn == true)
// Money management
double tradeSize;
if(UseMoneyManagement == true)
tradeSize = MoneyManagement(_Symbol,FixedVolume,RiskPercent,StopLoss);
else tradeSize = VerifyVolume(_Symbol,FixedVolume);
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
if(glBuyPlaced == true)
double openPrice = PositionOpenPrice(_Symbol);
We check the value of the newBar and timerOn variables to determine whether to check the trading
conditions. If both are true, we proceed. The money management code is next. If the UseMoneyManagement
input variable is true, we calculate the trade volume and save it to the tradeSize variable. Otherwise, we use
the VerifyVolume() function to verify the FixedVolume setting and save the result to the tradeSize
The buy order conditions are next. We've inserted two trade conditions, the position type and the value of
glBuyPlaced. The PositionType() function will return the current position type, or -1 if there is no position
open. Since we don't want to open an order if a position is already open, we only open an order if no buy
position is open. The glBuyPlaced variable determines whether a buy position was previously open for this
trade signal. We'll need to add more conditions to this if operator, but this is the minimum for now.
If the trade conditions are true, the Buy() function of the Trade object will place our order and set the
glBuyPlaced variable to true if the order was placed successfully. If glBuyPlaced is true, then we proceed to
modify the position.
We retrieve the position opening price and store that value in the openPrice variable. Next, we call the
BuyStopLoss() function and save the value to the buyStop variable. The AdjustBelowStopLevel() function
verifies the buyStop price and adjusts it if necessary. The same is done for the buyProfit variable. If buyStop
or buyProfit is greater than zero, we call the ModifyPosition() function to add the stop loss and take
profit to the buy position. Finally, the glSellPlaced variable is set to false.
The sell order placement code is very similar. Here is is for completeness:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
if(glSellPlaced == true)
do Sleep(100); while(PositionSelect(_Symbol) == false);
double openPrice = PositionOpenPrice(_Symbol);
After the sell order placement code, the final closing bracket finishes our order placement block. Remember
that anything inside these brackets is only run if a new bar has just opened, the timer is active, or both
features are disabled.
Finally, we have the break even and trailing stop code, and the end of the OnTick() event handler:
// Break even
if(UseBreakEven == true && PositionType(_Symbol) != -1)
// Trailing stop
if(UseTrailingStop == true && PositionType(_Symbol) != -1)
} // End of OnTick()
We have just created an expert advisor template that includes money management, a trade timer, a new bar
check, a trailing stop, break even stop, error handling, price verification and more. Now all we need to do is
add our indicators and our order opening and closing conditions.
We're going to create two expert advisors using this template. The first is a moving average cross, which is a
trend trading system. The other will use the Bollinger Bands and RSI to create a counter-trend trading system.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
We’ll also create a template for hedging accounts, with a few minor differences. Instead of using the
Trade.mqh include file, we’ll use the TradeHedge.mqh file, and create objects for the CTradeHedge and
CPositions classes:
#include <Mql5Book\TradeHedge.mqh>
CTradeHedge Trade;
CPositions Positions;
Since we’ll be using a MagicNumber input variable to distinguish our trades, let’s add that to the top of the
input variables:
The buy and sell conditions differ slightly. We’ll check for an open order using the CPositions order count
functions, and assign the order ticket to the glBuyTicket variable. We’ll use that ticket number to get the
order opening price and to modify the order:
if(Positions.Buy(MagicNumber) == 0)
glBuyTicket = Trade.Buy(_Symbol,tradeSize);
if(glBuyTicket > 0)
double openPrice = PositionOpenPrice(glBuyTicket);
For the trailing stop and break even stop, we’ll get an array of ticket numbers and process the trailing or break
even stop for each open order:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
// Break even
if(UseBreakEven == true && numTickets > 0)
for(int i = 0; i < numTickets; i++)
Trail.BreakEven(tickets[i], BreakEvenProfit, LockProfit);
// Trailing stop
if(UseTrailingStop == true && numTickets > 0)
for(int i = 0; i < numTickets; i++)
Trail.TrailingStop(tickets[i], TrailingStop, MinimumProfit, Step);
You’ll obviously want to modify the order opening and closing conditions, and you may want to allow multiple
orders to be open at a time. Use the CPositions class functions to keep track of and manage your open
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
#include <MqlBook\Indicators.mqh>
CiMA FastMA;
CiMA SlowMA;
The object that will be used for the fast MA is named FastMA, and of course, the object for the slow MA is
named SlowMA. Next, we need to add the settings for the moving averages. The variable names for the fast
MA settings are prefixed by "Fast", while those for the slow MA are prefixed by "Slow":
We have a 10 period SMA and a 20 period SMA set up by default. Next, we need to initialize the indicators.
We do this in the OnInit() event handler:
int OnInit()
Now all we need to do is use the Main() function of the FastMA and SlowMA objects to retrieve the moving
average values. We do this in the if operators that hold the buy and sell order conditions:
if(glBuyPlaced == true)
double openPrice = PositionOpenPrice(_Symbol);
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
If the fast MA is greater than the slow MA, no buy position is currently open, and glBuyPlaced is false, we
open a buy order. Note the use of the barShift variable for the Main() function parameter. If
TradeOnNewBar is set to true, barShift will always be 1. Therefore, we will be checking the value of the last
bar, instead of the current bar. If TradeOnNewBar is set to false, barShift will be zero, and we will check the
value of the current bar.
That's it! We now have a functioning moving average cross with money management, trailing stop, break even
stop and trade timer. You can view the code in the Moving Average Cross.mq5 file in the \MQL5\Experts\
Mql5Book folder.
A moving average cross expert advisor for hedging accounts is included in the \MQL5\Experts\Mql5Book
folder. The changes are similar to those described under the Hedging Accounts Template topic above.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
below 30, we would open a buy order. If the price is above the upper band and the RSI is above 70, we would
open a sell order.
#include <Mql5Book\Indicators.mqh>
CiBollinger Bands;
We'll add the indicator Init() functions to the OnInit() event handler:
int OnInit()
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
If the close price of the current bar is less than the lower Bollinger band price, and the RSI reading is below 30,
we open a buy order. If the close is greater than the upper Bollinger band, and the RSI is above 70, we open a
sell order.
When testing this out in the Strategy Tester, we can see that there is room for improvement. For one, the
orders usually enter too soon. Instead of waiting for the price to move back inside the bands, the order opens
immediately. Secondly, this strategy could benefit by adding to an open position as new trade signals appear
in the same direction.
Let's redefine our trading conditions: First, we look for the price to move outside of the bands, accompanied
by an overbought or oversold condition on the RSI. Then we wait for the price to move back inside the bands,
at which time we open the order.
We'll need to check for the trade condition in two steps. First, we check to see if the close price is outside of
the bands and an overbought or oversold RSI condition exists. Then, we check if the price has moved inside
the bands. The first set of conditions will need to be checked outside of the normal buy/sell order conditions.
Let's create a global variable that will hold the signal value:
enum Signal
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Signal glSignal;
This is declared on the global scope of the program. We've created an enumeration named Signal with three
values: SIGNAL_BUY, SIGNAL_SELL and SIGNAL_NONE. The glSignal global variable will hold one of these
values at all times.
In the OnTick() event handler, before the order placement code, we will check for the first set of conditions.
These are the same conditions we defined previously:
If the close price is less than the lower Bollinger band and the RSI is less than 30, we set the value of glSignal
to SIGNAL_BUY. This value is retained even when the condition is no longer true. The same is true for the sell
condition, in which case we set the value of glSignal to SIGNAL_SELL.
Next, we check the order opening conditions. We check the value of glSignal, and determine whether the
close price has recently crossed the upper or lower band:
First, we check if glSignal contains the value of SIGNAL_BUY. Next, we check to see if the current bar's close
price is above the lower band. Finally, we check to see if the previous bar's close price was below the lower
band. Note that we add 1 to the barShift value to reference the previous bar.
We make the order opening condition very specific to ensure that our expert advisor will not keep opening
orders once the price moves inside the bands. Notice that the PositionType() and glBuyPlaced conditions
are gone. As long as the specific order condition is fulfilled, we will allow our expert advisor to open another
order in the same direction as our current position.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
One more thing: After we have opened the order and confirm that it has been placed, we reset the value of
glSignal to SIGNAL_NONE, to avoid any errant orders:
glSignal = SIGNAL_NONE;
Now we have a counter-trend trading system that trades exactly according to our wishes. This example shows
that it is necessary to be very specific about your trading conditions when programming expert advisors. Your
trading method may appear to be obvious at first glance, but it may take a bit more work to get your expert
advisor to trade it correctly. You can view the code for this trading system in the file Bands RSI
Countertrend.mq5, located in \MQL5\Experts\Mql5Book\.
In the Bands/RSI Counter-trend expert advisor for hedging accounts, we demonstrate how to use the
CPositions class functions to retrieve the current order ticket numbers. This can be useful if the expert
advisor execution is interrupted while trades are open:
// Open positions
ulong buyTickets[], sellTickets[];
Positions.GetBuyTickets(MagicNumber, buyTickets);
glBuyTicket = buyTickets[0];
Positions.GetSellTickets(MagicNumber, sellTickets);
glSellTicket = sellTickets[0];
You can view the code for the hedging account version of this trading system in the file Bands RSI
Countertrend (Hedging).mq5, located in \MQL5\Experts\Mql5Book\.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
This file is named MQL Book Pending Template.mq5, and is located in the \MQL5\Experts\Mql5Book folder.
We will note the changes over the template file detailed earlier in the chapter:
// Pending
#include <MqlBook\Pending.mqh>
CPending Pending;
We include the Pending.mqh include file that contains our pending order management functions, and create
the Pending object based on the CPending class.
glBuyPlaced = Trade.BuyStop(_Symbol,tradeSize,orderPrice,buyStop,buyProfit);
if(glBuyPlaced == true)
glSellPlaced = false;
glSellPlaced = Trade.SellStop(_Symbol,tradeSize,orderPrice,sellStop,sellProfit);
if(glSellPlaced == true)
glBuyPlaced = false;
Above is the pending buy and sell order placement code. The orderPrice variable must be filled with the
pending order opening price by the programmer. The order price is checked for correctness, the stop loss and
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
take profit are calculated relative to it, and the pending stop order is placed. Finally, the glBuyPlaced or
glSellPlaced variable is set to false.
Let's create a pending order trading system using this template. We will create a trading system that finds the
highest and lowest price of the last X bars. When the trade timer starts, a pending buy stop order will be
placed at the highest high and a pending sell stop order will be placed at the lowest low. The stop loss for
both orders will be placed at the opposite price. Only one trade in each direction will be placed, and all trades
will be closed at the timer end time.
For this strategy, we will remove the new bar check, the trailing stop and the break even features. We will also
remove the StopLoss, Slippage and UseTimer settings. Let's start with the #include directives:
// Trade
#include <MqlBook\Trade.mqh>
CTrade Trade;
// Price
#include <MqlBook\Price.mqh>
// Money management
#include <MqlBook\MoneyManagement.mqh>
// Timer
#include <MqlBook\Timer.mqh>
CTimer Timer;
// Pending
#include <MqlBook\Pending.mqh>
Fig. 19.3 – A pending breakout trading system.
CPending Pending;
These are the include files and objects that we will need for this strategy. Next, let's examine the input
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
We added a new input variable named HighLowBars. This is the number of bars that we are going to search
(starting from the current bar) to find the highest high and lowest low. We grouped it in with the TakeProfit
variable, added a static input variable and labeled the group as "Trade Settings".
Let's skip ahead to the order placement code. We will come back to the timer code later:
// Order placement
if(timerOn == true)
// Highest high, lowest low
double hHigh = HighestHigh(_Symbol,_Period,HighLowBars);
double lLow = LowestLow(_Symbol,_Period,HighLowBars);
// Money management
double tradeSize;
if(UseMoneyManagement == true)
tradeSize = MoneyManagement(_Symbol,FixedVolume,RiskPercent,(int)diff);
else tradeSize = VerifyVolume(_Symbol,FixedVolume);
If the trade timer is active, we will start by finding the highest high and lowest low. We use the
HighestHigh() and LowestLow() functions that we defined in our Price.mqh include file. The HighLowBars
parameter indicates the number of bars to search. The return values are saved in the hHigh and lLow
variables, respectively.
Since we are using our money management code, we need to figure out the stop loss in points to be able to
calculate the lot size. We do this by subtracting the lowest low (lLow) from the highest high (hHigh) and
dividing it by the current symbol's _Point value. The result is saved to the variable diff.
The money management code is the same as the previous expert advisors, except we pass the diff variable
as the final parameter to the MoneyManagement() function. The (int) in front of the diff variable simply
converts the value of diff to an integer, rounding it off and preventing the "possible loss of data due to type
conversion" warning that occurs when we implicitly change data types.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
glBuyPlaced = Trade.BuyStop(_Symbol,tradeSize,orderPrice,buyStop,buyProfit);
glSellPlaced = Trade.SellStop(_Symbol,tradeSize,orderPrice,sellStop,sellProfit);
Let's look at the buy stop order code first. If the Pending.BuyStop() function returns zero – indicating that
no pending orders are open – and the glBuyPlaced variable is false, we proceed with placing the order. The
orderPrice variable is assigned the value of hHigh. This is our order opening price. We check it using the
AdjustAboveStopLevel() function to make sure it is not too close to the current price. The buyStop variable
is set to lLow, which is our stop loss. The take profit is calculated, if it has been specified. The
Trade.BuyStop() function places our pending order, and if it is successful, the glBuyPlaced variable is set to
When the trade timer is first activated for the day, a buy and sell stop order are placed. No more orders are
placed for the day, and all orders are closed at the timer end time. Let's take a look at the timer code. This
goes before the order placement code above:
// Timer
bool timerOn = Timer.DailyTimer(StartHour,StartMinute,EndHour,EndMinute,UseLocalTime);
if(timerOn == false)
if(PositionSelect(_Symbol) == true) Trade.Close(_Symbol);
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
if(total > 0)
ulong tickets[];
glBuyPlaced = false;
glSellPlaced = false;
First, we declare the timerOn variable, and set it using the DailyTimer() function. If the value of timerOn is
false, indicating that the timer is off, we need to close any open orders and reset our glBuyPlaced and
glSellPlaced variables. First, we check the output of the PositionSelect() function. If it returns true, we
use the Trade.Close() function to close the current position.
Next, we need to check for any open pending orders. The Pending.TotalPending() function returns the
number of open pending orders, and saves it to the total variable. If total is greater than zero, we process
the pending orders.
We declare a ulong array named tickets[] that holds the ticket numbers of any open pending orders. The
Pending.GetTickets() function fills the tickets[] array with the ticket numbers. We iterate through the
tickets[] array using a for loop, and delete each open order using the Trade.Delete() function. Finally,
we set glBuyPlaced and glSellPlaced to true.
You can view the code for this expert advisor in the \Experts\Mql5Book\Pending Order Breakout.mq5 file.
We've just demonstrated how to create several basic strategies using the techniques we've examined in this
book. Although some advanced strategies will require a bit more modification to the template file, the basics
are there so you can easily implement your strategy without having to code a new strategy from scratch.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Alert() Function
If you need to alert the user to an error or other adverse condition, the built-in Alert dialog is ideal. The Alert
dialog window shows a running log of alert messages, indicating the time and symbol for each. If sound
events are enabled in the Options tab of the Tools menu, then an alert sound will play when the dialog
The Alert() function is used to show the alert dialog. The Alert() function takes any number of arguments,
of any type. We've been using the Alert() function all throughout our include files. For example, here is an
Alert() function call when an error occurs in our CTrade::OpenPosition() function in Trade.mqh:
This function has several arguments, including strings and an integer variable, all separated by commas.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
MessageBox() Function
If you prefer something a little more elaborate, or if you need to accept user input, the MessageBox()
function allows you to display a standard Windows dialog box with user-defined text, caption, icons and
buttons. Here is the definition of the MessageBox() function:
int MessageBox(
string text, // Message text
string caption=NULL, // Title bar caption
int flags=0 // Button and icon constants
The text parameter is the text to show in the dialog window. The caption parameter is the text to show in
the title bar of the dialog window. The flags parameter defines which buttons to show, as well as icons and
default buttons. The MessageBox() flags can be viewed in the MQL5 Reference under Standard Constants... >
Input/Output Constants > MessageBox. Here are a few of the most commonly-used button flags:
• MB_OK – OK button
Let's create a simple message box with text, a caption and yes/no buttons. For example, if you want to prompt
to user to place an order when a trading signal is received:
This will create the message box dialog shown to the right.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Here is how we would add the question mark icon to our message box. Flags must be separated with a pipe
character (|):
Figure 20.3 to the right shows the Message Box dialog with the
question mark icon.
When presented with the message box, the user will click a button
and the box will close. If the message box is a simple information
or error message with a single OK button, then we do not need to
do anything else. But if the message box has several buttons, we
will need to retrieve the value of the button that the user pressed
and take appropriate action.
Fig. 20.3 – The Message Box dialog with icon.
In the example below, the place integer variable will hold the return
value of the MessageBox() function. The return value for the Yes button is IDYES, while the return value for
the No button is IDNO. If the user clicked Yes, then we need to proceed to place the order:
if(place == IDYES)
// Open position
You can view additional return value constants for MessageBox() buttons in the MQL5 Reference under
Standard Constants... > Input/Output Constants > MessageBox.
SendMail() Function
If you'd like your expert advisor to send you an email whenever a trade is placed, simply add the SendMail()
function to your expert advisor after the order placement has been confirmed. You will need to enable email
notifications in MetaTrader under the Tools menu > Options > Email tab. Under the Email tab, you will enter
your email server information and your email address.
The SendMail() function takes two parameters. The first is the subject of the message, and the second is
the message text. For example, if you want to send an email just after a buy position has been opened:
// Include declarations
#include <Mql5Book\Trade.mqh>
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
if(PositionSelect(_Symbol) == true)
string subject = "Buy position opened on "+_Symbol;
string message = "Price: "+PositionOpenPrice()+", SL: "+PositionStopLoss()+",
TP: "+PositionTakeProfit();
If the PositionSelect() function returns true, indicating that a position has been successfully opened, we
will prepare the subject and message body of the email and pass those string variables to the SendMail()
function. An email will be sent to the email address defined in the Email tab of the Tools menu > Options
A mobile edition of MetaTrader is available for iPhone and Android devices. Your expert advisors can send
trade notifications to the mobile MetaTrader terminal on your smartphone by using the SendNotification()
function. You will need to configure MetaTrader to send notifications under the Tools menu > Options >
Notifications tab. In the Notifications tab, you will enter your MetaQuotes ID, which you can retrieve from your
mobile version of MetaTrader.
The SendNotification() function takes one parameter, a string indicating the text to send. You can use the
SendNotification() function anywhere you would use the SendMail() function. Here's an example:
// Include declarations
#include <Mql5Book\Trade.mqh>
if(PositionSelect(_Symbol) == true)
string message = "Buy position opened on "+_Symbol+". Price: "+PositionOpenPrice()+",
SL: "+PositionStopLoss()+",TP: "+PositionTakeProfit();
Playing Sound
The PlaySound() function will play a WAV sound file located in the \Sounds directory. This can be used to
play an audible alert when a trade is placed, or whenever you want the user's attention. MetaTrader comes
with several sound files, but you can find more online.
If you want the user to be able to choose the sound file, use an input string variable to enter the file name:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
// ...
Comment() Function
The Comment() function will display text in the top left corner of the chart. This is useful for informing users of
actions taken by the expert advisor, such as modifying or closing orders. We've been using the Comment()
function throughout our expert advisors to write informative comments to the chart. Here's an example from
the CTrade::OpenPosition() function in Trade.mqh:
if(checkCode == CHECK_RETCODE_OK)
Comment(orderType," position opened at ",result.price," on ",pSymbol);
The problem with using chart comments is that all programs have access to this function. So if you have an
indicator and an expert advisor that both write comments to the chart using the Comment() function, they will
overwrite each other. If you need to display information on the chart that is always present, then consider
using chart objects.
Chart Objects
Chart objects consist of lines, technical analysis tools, shapes, arrows, labels and other graphical objects. You
can insert objects on a chart using the Insert menu > Objects submenu. MQL5 has a variety of functions for
creating, manipulating and retrieving information from chart objects.
The ObjectCreate() function is used for creating new chart objects. Here is the function definition for
bool ObjectCreate(
long chart_id, // chart identifier
string name, // object name
ENUM_OBJECT type, // object type
sub_window nwin, // window index
datetime time1, // time of the first anchor point
double price1, // price of the first anchor point
datetime timeN=0, // time of the N-th anchor point
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The chart_id parameter specifies the chart to create the object on. Since we will always be working with the
current chart, chart_id will be 0. The name parameter is the name of the object to create. We will need to
reference this name anytime we need to use the object. The type parameter is the type of object to create. It
takes a value of the ENUM_OBJECT enumeration type. The object types can be viewed in the MQL5 Reference
under Standard Constants... > Objects Constants > Object Types.
The nwin parameter is the index of the subwindow of the chart. Subwindows are opened by indicators such as
RSI and stochastics that display in a separate window. Since we will be creating objects in the main chart
window, nwin will be 0. The time1 and price1 parameters are the time and price for the first anchor point of
the object. Most objects have one or more anchor points, although some do not use them, or use only one or
the other. The first set of anchor points must always be specified, even if they are not used.
If the object uses more than one set of anchor points, they must also be specified. For example, most trend
line objects use two anchor points. So in the ObjectCreate() function, a second set of anchor points would
be passed to the function. You can view the number of anchor points for each type of object in the MQL5
Reference under Object Functions > ObjectCreate.
The ObjectCreate() function will create the object in the location specified. However, we will still need to set
the properties of the object. The ObjectSet...() functions are used to set the object's properties. There are
three ObjectSet...() functions: ObjectSetInteger(), ObjectSetDouble() and ObjectSetString(). All
three functions share the same parameters. Let's look at the function definition of ObjectSetInteger():
bool ObjectSetInteger(
long chart_id, // chart identifier
string name, // object name
int prop_id, // property
long prop_value // value
As discussed previously, chart_id will be 0. The name parameter is the name of the object to modify. The
prop_id parameter takes a value of the ENUM_OBJECT_PROPERTY_INTEGER enumeration, which indicates the
property to modify. Finally, the prop_value parameter is the value to set. The
ENUM_OBJECT_PROPERTY_INTEGER constants can be viewed in the MQL5 Reference under Standard
Constants... > Objects Constants > Object Properties.
As an example, let's create a trend line object and set a few of its properties. The object type for a trend line is
OBJ_TREND. Since a trend line has two anchor points, we will need to pass two sets of time and price values.
We'll assume that the time1, time2, price1 and price2 variables are filled with the appropriate values:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
This creates a trend line object named "Trend" on the current chart. Next, let's modify a few of the properties
of our trend line. We're going to modify the color, the style and the ray right properties:
The first ObjectSetInteger() function call adjusts the color property, using the OBJPROP_COLOR constant.
The value used is the color constant for green, clrGreen. The second call of the function adjusts the line style,
using the OBJPROP_STYLE constant. The value is STYLE_DASH, a constant of the ENUM_LINE_STYLE type.
Finally, we use the OBJPROP_RAY_RIGHT constant to set the ray right property to true. The ray right property
extends the trend line to the right beyond the second anchor point.
Now we have a green dashed trend line that extends to the right. All of the examples above use integer types
to adjust the properties. The type used for each object property constant is listed in the MQL5 Reference under
Standard Constants... > Objects Constants > Object Properties.
Fig. 20.4 – A trend line object with the color, style and ray right properties set.
If you need to move an object, the ObjectMove() function allows you to adjust one of the anchor points of an
object. Here is the function definition for ObjectMove():
bool ObjectMove(
long chart_id, // chart identifier
string name, // object name
int point_index, // anchor point number
datetime time, // time
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The name parameter is the name of the object to modify. The point_index parameter is the anchor point to
modify. Anchor point numbers start at 0, so the first anchor point would be 0, the second would be 1, and so
on. The time and price parameters modify the time and price for the specified anchor point.
When using line objects such as trend lines or channels, you may need to retrieve the price value of a line at a
particular bar. Assuming that we know the timestamp of the bar, we can easily retrieve the price. The
ObjectGetValueByTime() function will retrieve the price for a specified time:
double ObjectGetValueByTime(
long chart_id, // chart identifier
string name, // object name
datetime time, // time
int line_id // line number
As always, the chart_id is 0 for the current chart. The name parameter is the name of a line object on our
chart. The time parameter is the timestamp of a bar that intersects the line. The line_id parameter is for
channel objects that have several lines. For a trend line, line_id would be 0.
Using the "Trend" line object we created above, here is how we would retrieve the price for the current bar.
We will use the CPrice::Time() function we created earlier in the book:
The ObjectGetValueByTime() function will return the value of the trend line for the current bar and save the
result to the trendPrice variable.
Now, what if you have a price, and you want to know what bar comes closest to that price? The
ObjectGetTimeByValue() function will return the timestamp of the bar where a line object intersects a given
datetime ObjectGetTimeByValue(
long chart_id, // chart identifier
string name, // object name
double value, // price
int line_id // line number
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The value parameter is the price to search for. The function will return the timestamp of the closest bar where
the line intersects the price:
Earlier in the chapter, we talked about using the Comment() function to write information to the current chart.
The label object can also be used for this purpose. Unlike chart comments, label objects can be placed
anywhere on the chart, and they can use any color or font that you like.
The object type constant for the label object is OBJ_LABEL. Label objects do not use anchor points, but rather
use the corner, x-distance and y-distance properties for positioning. Here's an example of the creation and
positioning of a label object:
We've created a label object named "Label" and set the position to the bottom left corner using the
ObjectSetInteger() function with the OBJPROP_CORNER property. The label is 20 pixels from the left border
(OBJPROP_XDISTANCE) and 40 pixels above the bottom border (OBJPROP_YDISTANCE).
Note that the time and price parameters for the ObjectCreate() function are set to 0, since they are not
used when creating label objects. The corners are labeled from 0 to 3, starting counter-clockwise from the
top-left corner. A value of 1 is the lower-left corner, while 3 would be the upper-right corner. The x-distance
and y-distance are set in pixels from the specified corner.
Next, we'll need to set the color, font and text of the label object:
ObjectSetString(0,"Label",OBJPROP_TEXT,"Bid: "+
(string)price); Fig. 20.5 – The label object.
We've set the color of the label object to white, using 10 point Arial font. The text of the label contains the
current Bid price. Every time this code is run, the label object will be updated with the current Bid price.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
In summary, the label object is ideal for printing useful information to the chart. The object is anchored to the
chart window itself, and will not move if the chart is scrolled. The font, color, position and text are fully
The last object type we'll examine is the arrow object. You may wish to draw an arrow on the chart when an
order is placed. MQL5 defines two arrow object types that are useful for marking buy and sell signals –
OBJ_ARROW_BUY and OBJ_ARROW_SELL. Arrow objects use one anchor point – the price and time where the
arrow should be placed:
The example above will set a buy arrow object at the current Ask price on the
current bar. We append the time of the current bar to the object name so that
each arrow we draw will have a unique name. This code would be called after a Fig. 20.6 – The Buy Arrow object.
Deleting Objects
To delete an object, simply call the ObjectDelete() function and pass the chart_id (usually 0) and the
object name:
To delete all objects from a chart, use the ObjectsDeleteAll() function. You can choose to delete only
objects of a certain type or from certain subwindows. To delete all objects from the current chart, use this call:
It is a good idea to call this function from your program's OnDeinit() function to ensure that all objects are
deleted when a program is removed from the chart.
File Functions
MQL5 has a set of functions for reading and writing to files. You can, for example, create a log of your expert
advisor trades, or import/export trading signals to a file. All files must be in the \MQL5\Experts\Files folder
of your MetaTrader 5 installation.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
We will examine how to read and write to a CSV file. A CSV (comma separated value) file contains data much
like a spreadsheet. You can create and view CSV files in programs such as Microsoft Excel or Google
Spreadsheets, as well as any text editor. In this example, our CSV file will record information about trades. We
will write the symbol, open price, stop loss, take profit and open time of a trade to each line of the file. We will
then read that information back into our program.
The FileOpen() function opens files for reading and writing. If the file does not exist, it will be created. Here
is the definition of the FileOpen() function:
int FileOpen(
string file_name, // File name
int open_flags, // Combination of flags
short delimiter='\t' // Delimiter
uint codepage=CP_ACP // Code page
The file_name parameter is the name of the file to open in the \MQL5\Experts\Files directory. The
open_flags parameter contains a combination of flags describing the file operations. The file opening flags
can be viewed in the MQL5 Reference under Standard Constants... > Input/Output Constants > File Opening
Flags. The delimiter parameter is the field delimiter for a CSV file. The default is the tab character, but we
will use a comma. The codepage parameter will be left at its default.
The FileOpen() function returns an integer that will serve as the file handle. Every time we perform an
operation on the file, we will need to reference the file handle. For the file opening flags, we will be using a
combination of FILE_READ, FILE_WRITE and FILE_CSV.
The FileWrite() function is used to write a line of data to a CSV file. The example below shows how to open
a file, write a line of data to it, and then close the file:
string symbol;
double openPrice, sl, tp;
datetime openTime;
// ...
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The symbol, openPrice, sl, tp and openTime variables will contain the information to write to the file. We'll
assume that these variables are filled with the appropriate values. The FileOpen() function creates a file
named "Trades.csv". The flags specify read and write privileges to a CSV file. The delimiter will be a comma.
The file handle is saved to the fileHandle variable.
You will need to add the FILE_READ flag when using the FILE_WRITE flag, even if you are not reading
information from the file, because the FileSeek() function will not work without it. The FileSeek() function
moves the file pointer to a specified point in the file. In this example, the pointer is moved to the end of the
file. The first parameter of the FileSeek() function is the file handle, the second is the shift in bytes, and the
third parameter is the start location. The SEEK_END constant indicates that we will move the file pointer to the
end of the file. When opening a file that already has data in it, failing to move the file pointer to the end of the
file will result in data being overwritten. Therefore, we always use FileSeek() to locate the end of the file
before writing data.
The FileWrite() function writes a line of data to the CSV file. The first parameter is the file handle. The
remaining parameters are the data to write to the file, in the order that they appear. Up to 63 additional
parameters can be specified, and they can be of any type. The delimiter specified in the FileOpen() function
will be placed between each data field in the CSV file, and a new line character ( \r\n) will be written at the
end of the line.
Finally, the FileClose() function will close the file. Be sure to close a file when you are done using it, or else
you may not be able to open it in another program. If you plan on keeping a file open for an extended period
of time, or are doing subsequent read/write operations, use the FileFlush() function to write the data to the
file without closing it.
Here is what our Trades.csv file will look with several lines of data written to it:
EURUSD,1.2345,1.2325,1.2375,2012.11.15 04:17:41
EURUSD,1.2357,1.2337,1.2397,2012.11.15 04:20:04
EURUSD,1.2412,1.2398,1.2432,2012.11.15 04:21:35
From left to right, each line contains the trade symbol, opening price, stop loss, take profit and open time,
each separated by a comma. After each line is written to the file, a new line is started.
If you need to write several lines of data to a file at once, place the FileWrite() function inside a loop, and
loop it as many times as you need to. The example below assumes that we have several arrays, each with the
same number of elements, that are properly sized and filled with data. (You could also use a structure array for
this.) We use a for loop to write each line of data to the file:
string symbol[];
double openPrice[], sl[], tp[];
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
datetime openTime[];
// ...
We use the ArraySize() function on the symbol[] array to determine the number of times to run the loop.
The i increment variable is the array index. If each array has five elements, for example, we write five lines of
data to the file.
Next, we'll examine how to read data from a CSV file. The FileRead...() functions are used to read data
from a field and convert it to an appropriate type. There are four functions used to read data from a CSV file:
• FileReadBool() - Reads a string from a CSV file and converts it to bool type.
• FileReadDatetime() - Reads a string from a CSV file in the format hh:mm:ss and
converts it to datetime type.
• FileReadNumber() - Reads a string from a CSV file and converts it to double type.
If you are reading an integer from a CSV file using the FileReadNumber() function, you will need to convert it
to the appropriate type if you need to use it as an integer type in your program.
If we examine the fields in our Trades.csv file, we have a string, three double values and a datetime value
on each line. We will need to read each field of data from the file using the appropriate function so that it is
converted to the correct type. We're going to read the entire contents of the file, line by line, and save the
result to a structure array:
struct Trades
string symbol;
double openPrice;
double sl;
double tp;
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
datetime openTime;
Trades trade[];
int i;
while(FileIsEnding(fileHandle) == false)
ArrayResize(trade,ArraySize(trade) + 1);
trade[i].symbol = FileReadString(fileHandle);
trade[i].openPrice = FileReadNumber(fileHandle);
trade[i].sl = FileReadNumber(fileHandle);
trade[i].tp = FileReadNumber(fileHandle);
trade[i].openTime = FileReadDatetime(fileHandle);
First, we create a structure named Trades to hold the data read from the CSV file. We create an array object
named trade[], and initialize the incrementor variable i. We open the Trades.csv file using the FILE_READ
and FILE_CSV flags. The while loop will read each line of data from the file, one field at a time.
The FileIsEnding() function returns a value of true if the end of the file has been reached, and false
otherwise. As long as the end of the file has not been reached, we continue reading the next line. The
ArrayResize() function resizes our trade[] array, one element at a time. We call the ArraySize() function
to get the current size of the trade[] array and add 1 to it to increase the size.
The FileRead...() functions reads each field of data from the file and converts it to the appropriate type.
The result is saved to the appropriate member variable of our trades[] array. After the current line has been
read, we increment the i variable and check the FileIsEnding() condition again. After the loop exits, we
close the file. We can now access the data read from our CSV file using the trade[] array object.
Global Variables
MetaTrader has the ability to save variables to the terminal, which remain even if the terminal is shut down.
These are referred to as Global Variables. Global Variables that are saved to the terminal are deleted after one
month. You can view the Global Variables saved to your terminal by clicking the Tools menu > Global
Variables, or by pressing the F3 key.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Do not confuse the Global Variables of the terminal with variables that we define on the global scope of a
program! Global variables in a program are available only to that program, while the Global Variables of the
terminal are available to all programs. You can use MetaTrader's Global Variables to save information about
your program's state in the event that execution is interrupted.
The GlobalVariableSet() function is used to save a Global Variable to the terminal. It has two parameters –
the name of the variable, and the value to assign to it. Make sure that you use unique names for your Global
Variables. For example, you could use the name of your trading system, followed by the name of the variable
and the symbol that it is placed on:
In this example, our Global Variable name is ForexRobot_TradeSize_EURUSD. The current symbol is EURUSD,
so we will be able to identify our Global Variable based on the symbol we are currently trading. We would
save this Global Variable to the terminal any time its value is set or changed.
If our terminal shut down unexpectedly (a computer crash or power failure), we can read the contents of the
Global Variable using GlobalVariableGet(), and continue where we left off. We would usually do this in our
OnInit() event handler:
// OnInit()
string varName = "ForexRobot_TradeSize_"+_Symbol;
double tradeSize = GlobalVariableGet(varName);
To prevent our program from using outdated Global Variables, we will need to delete them if necessary. If we
manually remove our expert advisor from the chart, then we need to delete the Global Variable(s) that are
currently saved. We do this in the OnDeinit() event handler using the GlobalVariableDel() function:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The OnDeinit() event handler is called for many reasons. Obviously, it is called if the program is removed
from the chart, the chart is closed, or the terminal is shut down. But it is also called if the input parameters are
changed, the period of the chart is changed, or a template is applied. We don't want to delete any Global
Variables when this occurs. So it is necessary to check the reason for deinitialization before deleting any
Global Variables.
The reason parameter of the OnDeinit() function contains the reason for deinitialization. You can view the
Deinitialization Codes in the MQL5 Reference under Standard Constants... > Named Constants > Uninitalization
Reason Codes. The codes we are concerned with are REASON_CHARTCHANGE, REASON_PARAMETERS, and
REASON_TEMPLATE. If the reason parameter contains any of these codes, we will not delete the Global
Stopping Execution
If you wish to stop the execution of an expert advisor programmatically, use the ExpertRemove() function.
Once the current event is finished executing, the expert advisor will stop its operation and remove itself from
the chart.
If you wish to close the terminal, the TerminalClose() function will close MetaTrader. The TerminalClose()
function takes one parameter, a deinitialization code that will be passed to the OnDeinit() function. When
calling the TerminalClose() function, it must be followed by the return operator:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
In Chapter 17, we examined how to add indicators to our expert advisor programs. MQL5 allows you to create
your own custom indicators as well. In this section, we will create a custom indicator that will plot a price
channel using the highest high and lowest low of the last x bars. This is also referred to as a Donchian channel.
Drawing Styles
MQL5 has over a dozen different drawing styles for indicator lines. The drawing style determines how the line
will appear in the chart window. Here are a few of the most common drawing styles:
• DRAW_LINE – This is the most common drawing style, and consists of a single line of the specified
color. The Moving Average, RSI and many other indicators use this drawing style.
• DRAW_HISTOGRAM – The histogram drawing style is typically used by oscillators such as the MACD, the
OsMA and the Bill Williams' oscillators. It consists of vertical lines oscillating around a zero axis.
• DRAW_SECTION – The section drawing style connects prices on non-consecutive bars with an unbroken
line. The ZigZag custom indicator that comes with MetaTrader is the typical example of this drawing
• DRAW_ARROW – The arrow drawing style will draw arrow objects on the chart. The Fractals indicator
uses arrow objects to indicate swing highs and lows.
• DRAW_NONE – Used for indicator buffers that will not be drawn on the chart.
Each drawing style also has a color variant. The DRAW_COLOR_ drawing styles allows the programmer to vary
the color of the indicator line on a bar-by-bar basis. You can view all of the drawing styles with examples in
the MQL5 Reference under Custom Indicators > Indicator Styles in Examples.
All indicators require the OnCalculate() event handler. It is the equivalent of the OnStart() event handler
for expert advisors, and runs on every incoming tick. There are two variants of the OnCalculate() event
handler. The first is for indicators that use a single price series. For example, a moving average indicator allows
the user to select a price series to calculate the data on (close, high, low, etc.) The selected price series is
passed to the OnCalculate() event handler. Here is the first variant of OnCalculate():
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The rates_total parameter contains the number of bars in the history for the current chart symbol. The
prev_calculated parameter is the number of bars in the history that have already been calculated previously
by the indicator. The first time that OnCalculate() runs, prev_calculated will be zero. On subsequent runs,
prev_calculated will be equal to rates_total. When a new bar opens, and the value of rates_total
increases by one, the difference between rates_total and prev_calculated will be 1, indicating that we
need to calculate the most recent bar.
Fig. 21.1 – The Apply to drop-down box under the Parameters tab of the indicator Properties dialog.
The second variant of the OnCalculate() event handler adds additional price and time series arrays that can
be used in indicator calculations. If your indicator requires multiple price series (such as the high AND low of
each bar), then use the second variant of OnCalculate():
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Our channel indicator will use this variant of the OnCalculate() event handler, since we need to use both the
high and low price series.
MQL5 Wizard
The MQL5 Wizard can be used to create a starting template for your custom indicator. It is much more
convenient to use the wizard to add our event handlers, buffers and lines than it is to add them manually.
Open the MQL5 Wizard by clicking the New button on the MetaEditor toolbar. Select Custom Indicator and
click Next to continue.
Fig. 21.2 – The custom indicator properties dialog of the MQL5 Wizard.
The custom indicators are saved to the \MQL5\Indicators folder by default. You can add input variables on
this screen if you wish. In Figure 21.2, we have added an int input variable named HighLowBars, with a
default value of 8.
The next screen allows you to select the event handlers to add to your indicator. The first variant of the
OnCalculate() event handler is selected by default. You can add additional event handlers if necessary. For
our indicator, we will need to select the second variant of the OnCalculate() event handler. Figure 21.3
below shows the Event handlers dialog:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Fig. 21.3 – The event handlers dialog of the MQL5 Wizard for custom indicators.
The final screen is where you set the drawing properties of the indicator. If this indicator will be displayed in a
separate window (such as an oscillator), check Indicator in separate window to add the relevant #property
directive to the indicator file. The Plots window allows you to add and set the properties for the indicator lines:
Fig. 21.4 – The drawing properties dialog of the MQL5 Wizard for custom indicators.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The Label column is the name of the indicator line as it will appear in the Data Window. It is also used to
create the array buffer name. We have added two indicator lines named Upper and Lower. Double-click on the
Type column to reveal a drop-down box to select the line's drawing type. We have left our lines set to the Line
drawing type. Finally, the Color column is where you set the color of the indicator line. We have set both lines
to Red.
Click Finish to close the Wizard and open the indicator template in MetaEditor. Here is what our indicator
template look like. We've left out the OnCalculate() event handler for now, and formatted the file for clarity:
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_plots 2
//| Custom indicator initialization function |
int OnInit()
//--- indicator buffers mapping
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The relevant #property directives have been inserted for our indicator lines. You can view all of the indicator
#property directives in the MQL5 Reference under Language Basics > Preprocessor > Program Properties. Our
HighLowBars input variable has been inserted, as well as two arrays for our buffers, UpperBuffer[] and
LowerBuffer[]. The SetIndexBuffer() functions in the OnInit() event handler assigns the arrays to the
relevant indicator buffers.
Our indicator calculations are carried out in the OnCalculate() event handler. The OnCalculate() event
handler for our indicator is shown below:
//| Custom indicator iteration function |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
const int prev_calculated,
const datetime &Time[],
const double &Open[],
const double &High[],
const double &Low[],
const double &Close[],
const long &TickVolume[],
const long &Volume[],
const int &Spread[])
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
None of the arrays in this program are set as series arrays by default. We will need to set them as series arrays
using the ArraySetAsSeries() function. This is usually optional, but our indicator requires us to access the
price data as a series. Both of our indicator buffers, as well as the High[] and Low[] arrays passed by the
OnCalculate() event handler will be set as series:
We use a for loop to calculate the indicator values for each of the bars on the current chart. We determine
the number of bars to process by using the prev_calculated and rates_total parameters of the
OnCalculate() event handler. As mentioned earlier, the rates_total variable contains the total number of
bars on the chart, while prev_calculated contains the number of bars calculated by the previous run of the
OnCalculate() event handler.
For series arrays, the maximum array index is rates_total – 1. This refers to the oldest bar on the chart. The
most recent bar has an index of zero. When OnCalculate() is first run, the value of prev_calculated will be
zero. If prev_calculated is zero, we set the maximum array index to rates_total – 1. On subsequent runs,
we calculate the maximum array index by subtracting prev_calculated from rates_total. This ensures that
only the most recent bar(s) will be calculated:
The variable bars will hold the starting array index. In our for loop below, we assign the value of bars to our
incrementor variable i. We will decrement the value of i until i = 0:
As long as your price and buffer arrays are set as series, the for loop above will work for calculating most
indicators. The code to calculate the indicator and fill the buffers goes inside the loop.
To calculate the array buffers for our channel indicator, we simply use the ArrayMaximum() and
ArrayMinimum() functions to find the highest and lowest values for the number of bars indicated by
HighLowBars, relative to the array index indicated by the i incrementor variable. The resulting array index is
used in the High[] and Low[] arrays to return the highest high and lowest low. The result is saved to the
UpperBuffer[] and LowerBuffer[] arrays respectively:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The last step is to return the value of rates_total and exit the OnCalculate() event handler. This is inserted
automatically by the MQL5 Wizard:
We've just created a simple indicator that takes price data from the OnCalculate() event handler and
calculates two indicator lines. This indicator can be used to create trading signals, or as a stop loss for
trending positions. We've only touched upon you can do with custom indicators in MQL5. To learn more
about custom indicator function, consult the MQL5 Reference under Custom Indicators.
You can view the source code for this file in \MQL5\Indicators\High Low Channel.mq5.
A script is a simple MQL5 program that executes once when it is attached to a chart. It consists of a single
event handler, the OnStart() event handler. When a script is attached to a chart, the OnStart() event
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
handler executes. Unlike an expert advisor or indicator, a script does not repeat its execution after the
OnStart() event handler has finished. The script is automatically detached from a chart after execution.
To create a script, use the MQL5 Wizard. All scripts are saved to the \MQL5\Scripts directory. Your new script
file will contain an empty OnStart() event handler. There are a couple of #property directives that control
the behavior of your script. If your script has input variables, you'll want to use the script_show_inputs
property to allow the user to adjust the inputs and verify execution. If your script does not have input
variables, the script_show_confirm property displays a confirmation box asking to user whether to execute
the script. You'll want to add one of these #property directives to your script.
Here is an empty script file containing several #property directives and the OnStart() event handler:
void OnStart()
We're going to create a useful script that can be used to close all open orders and positions on a chart. When
attached to a chart, the script will first prompt the user as to whether to execute the script. If so, the script will
first close any open position on the current chart symbol. Then it will close any open pending orders.
#property script_show_confirm
#include <Mql5Book\Trade.mqh>
CTrade Trade;
#include <Mql5Book\Pending.mqh>
CPending Pending;
void OnStart()
// Close current position
if(PositionType(_Symbol) != WRONG_VALUE)
bool closed = Trade.Close(_Symbol);
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
if(closed == true)
Comment("Position closed on "+_Symbol);
// Close orders
for(int i = 0; i < numTickets; i++)
if(Pending.TotalPending(_Symbol) == 0)
Comment("All pending orders closed on "+_Symbol);
The #property directives include the copyright, link and description, as well as the
script_show_confirm property. This prompts the user with a confirmation dialog before executing the script.
We've also included our Trade.mqh and Pending.mqh files from the \MQL5\Include\Mql5Book folder and
created objects based on the CTrade and CPending classes.
When the script is executed, the OnStart() event handler runs. We first check the output of the
PositionType() function. If it indicates an open position, we call the Trade.Close() function to close the
current position. A chart comment is shown if the position is closed properly.
Next, we check the Pending.TotalPending() function to see if there are pending orders open. If so, we use
the Pending.GetTickets() function to retrieve the current order tickets, and close them using
Trade.Delete(). If no pending orders are open, then a comment will print to the chart.
This script will close all orders and positions on the current chart symbol. We can modify the program to
specify the symbol to close positions and orders for. We'll add an input variable named CloseSymbol. If a
value is specified for CloseSymbol, the script will close all orders on the specified symbol. Otherwise, the
script will use the current chart symbol:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
#property script_show_inputs
#include <Mql5Book\Trade.mqh>
CTrade Trade;
#include <Mql5Book\Pending.mqh>
CPending Pending;
void OnStart()
// Check symbol name
string useSymbol = CloseSymbol;
if(CloseSymbol == "") useSymbol = _Symbol;
// Close orders
for(int i = 0; i < numTickets; i++)
if(Pending.TotalPending(useSymbol) == 0)
Comment("All pending orders closed on "+useSymbol);
We use the script_show_inputs property directive to show the input window to the user before script
execution. The user will input a symbol name for CloseSymbol and execute the script. If no symbol name has
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
been specified, the program will assign the current chart symbol to the useSymbol variable. The useSymbol
variable is used throughout the script to indicate the symbol to use.
You can view the source code of the Close All Orders.mq5 script in the \MQL5\Scripts folder.
A library is an executable file that contains reusable functions for use by other programs. It is similar to an
include file, but with several important differences. Unlike an include file, a library does not have classes or
variables that can be used by other programs. You can define classes, structures, enumerations and the like in
your library, but they will not be usable outside of the library.
You can use native Windows DLLs or other DLLs created in C++ in your MQL5 programs. The process of
importing DLLs functions is similar to importing functions from an MQL5 library. Functions contained within
libraries have limitations as to the types of parameters that can be passed to them. Pointers and objects that
contain dynamic arrays cannot be passed to a library function. If you are importing functions from a DLL, you
cannot pass string or dynamic arrays to those functions.
The advantage of a library is that you can distribute it without making the source code available. If you use a
library in numerous expert advisors, you can make minor changes to the library without having to recompile
every program that depends on it (as long as you don't change the function parameters, that is).
You can create a blank library file using the MQL5 Wizard. Libraries are saved in the \MQL5\Libraries folder.
A library must have the library property directive at the top of the file. If it is not present, the file will not
compile. Let's create a sample library with two exportable functions. The functions that we wish to export will
have the export modifier after the function parameters:
#property library
#include <Mql5Book\Indicators.mqh>
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
This file is named SignalLibrary.mq5, and is located in the \MQL5\Libraries folder. The #property
library directive indicates that this is a library file. This library contains two functions that will be used to
return trade signals to the calling program. These functions use simple RSI overbought and oversold trade
signals, but you could create a library with more elaborate trade signals that you can keep hidden from the
expert advisors and programmers that use them.
We include the \MQL5\Include\Mql5Book\Indicators.mqh file and declare an object based on the CiRSI
class. Note that this object is not visible outside of the library. The BuySignal() and SellSignal() functions
take parameters that set the parameters for the RSI indicator. Note the export modifier after the closing
parenthesis. Any function that will be imported into another program must have the export modifier!
This file will be compiled just like any other MQL5 program. To use our library functions in another program,
we need to import them into that program. We do this using the #import directive. Here is how we would
import these functions into an expert advisor program:
#import "SignalLibrary.ex5"
bool BuySignal(string pSymbol, ENUM_TIMEFRAMES pTimeframe, int pPeriod,
bool SellSignal(string pSymbol, ENUM_TIMEFRAMES pTimeframe, int pPeriod,
The library name is contained in double quotes after the opening #import directive. Note the .ex5 in the
library name indicating that this is a compiled executable file. You cannot import a source code file. All
libraries must be located in the \MQL5\Libraries folder. Following the opening #import directive are the
functions that we are importing from our library. A closing #import directive must be present after the last
imported function.
Our imported functions are used just like any other functions. Here's an example of how we could use the
BuySignal() function in an expert advisor:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The example above calls the BuySignal() function, and calculates the RSI value for a 14 period RSI using the
close price for the current chart symbol and period. If the RSI is currently oversold, the function returns true.
If an imported function from a library has the same name as a function in your program or a predefined MQL5
function, the scope resolution operator (::) must be used to identify the correct function. For example, let's
assume that our program already has a function named BuySignal(). If we import the BuySignal() function
from our library file, we'll need to preface it with the library name when we call it:
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
There are three types of errors related to MQL5 programs. Compilation errors occur in MetaEditor when
invalid source code is compiled. Runtime errors are logic or software errors that occur when a program is
executed in MetaTrader. Trade server errors occur when a trade request is unsuccessful.
Compilation Errors
It is common to mistype a function call, omit a semicolon or closing bracket, or make a syntax error when
coding. When you compile your program, a list of errors will appear in the Errors tab in MetaEditor. The first
time this happens, it may appear daunting. But don't worry – we're going to address some of the most
common syntax errors that occur.
The first thing to remember when confronted with a list of compilation errors is to always start with the first
error in the list. More often than not, it is a single syntax error that results in a whole list of errors. Correct the
first error, and the remaining errors will disappear.
Fig. 22.1 – The Errors tab under the Toolbox window in MetaEditor. Note that all
of these errors are due to a single missing right parenthesis.
Double-clicking the error in the Errors tab will take you to the spot in your program where the error was
triggered. More than likely, the error will be right under your cursor, or on the previous line. A missing
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
semicolon, parentheses or bracket may result in misleading compilation errors, so be sure to check the
previous lines(s) for these when faced with an error on a line that otherwise looks correct.
Here's a list of the most common syntax errors in MetaEditor, and the most common reasons for these errors:
• Unexpected token – A right parenthesis is missing in the previous line, or an extra left parenthesis is
present in the current line.
• Unbalanced right parenthesis – An extra right parenthesis is present or a left parenthesis is missing
in the current line.
• Expressions are not allowed on a global scope – A left bracket in a compound operator may be
• Wrong parameters count – Too many or not enough parameters in a function call.
• Undeclared identifier – A variable or object name is used without being declared first. Check the
spelling and case of the variable name, and declare it if necessary.
• Unexpected end of program – A closing bracket is missing in your program. This is a tricky one,
since the error refers to the end of the program. Examine the code that you edited recently and look
for a missing closing bracket.
Runtime Errors
A runtime error is an error that occurs during the execution of a program. Runtime errors are logic errors – in
other words, the program will compile, but is not operating as expected. An error message will print to the log
when a runtime error occurs. The error message will indicate the cause of the error, as well as the line on
which it occurred in your source code.
You can use the GetLastError() function to retrieve the error code of the last runtime error, in case you
want to add error handling for runtime errors to your program. After accessing the last error code, use the
ResetLastError() function to reset the error code to zero.
Programs will continue to run after a runtime error occurs, but there are a few critical errors that will end
execution of a program immediately. A divide by zero error is where a division operation uses a divisor of zero.
A array out of range error occurs when the program attempts to access an array element that doesn't exist.
This usually occurs by trying to access an array element larger than the size of the array. Attempting to access
an invalid pointer will also cause a critical error.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
A complete list of runtime errors can be found in the MQL5 Reference under Standard Constants... > Codes of
Errors and Warnings > Runtime Errors.
Trade server errors are returned by the ObjectSend() function when attempting to perform a trade action.
The retcode variable of a MqlTradeResult object passed to the ObjectSend() function contains the return
code from the server. Our order placement and modification functions already contain code to handle trade
server errors. If you need to write a class or function that uses the OrderSend() function, be sure to add code
that will handle trade server errors.
MetaEditor 5 features a debugger that can be used to execute your programs interactively. There are two
buttons on the MetaEditor toolbar to start debugging. The first button will execute the expert advisor in the
MetaTrader Strategy Tester, using historical data with visualization. The second button will launch the expert
advisor in a chart window in MetaTrader, using real-time data. You can stop or pause the debugging process
by clicking the Stop or Pause buttons:
Fig. 22.2 – Debugging buttons. From left to right are the Start (History), Start (Live), Pause and Stop debugging buttons.
The debugging process is entered when a breakpoint is reached. A breakpoint can be defined in MetaEditor
by pressing the F9 key to toggle a breakpoint on the current line. You can also use the DebugBreak() function
to define a breakpoint. When a breakpoint is reached during program execution, the program pauses and
control is turned over to the programmer. Using the Step Into, Step Over and Step Out buttons on the toolbar,
the programmer can observe the program execution line by line.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The Step Into button moves execution to the next line of the program. Step Over will skip over any functions
that are encountered during the execution, and Step Out exits the current function and returns control to the
function that called it (or exits the current event).
Fig. 22.4 – Step buttons. From left to right are the Step Into, Step Over and Step Out buttons.
You can monitor the value of a variable during debugging by using the Watch window inside the Debug tab in
the MetaEditor Toolbox window. The Watch window displays the current value of watched variables and
expressions. To add a variable or expression to the watch window, place your mouse cursor over the variable
name, or click-and-drag to select the expression you wish to add to the watch window. Right-click and select
Add Watch from the popup menu, or press Shift+F9 on your keyboard.
Sometimes errors may occur during live or demo trading when a debugger is not available. Or you may need
to test multiple trading scenarios at once in the Strategy Tester. You can use the Print() function to log
information about your program's state to MetaTrader's log files. The Alert() function automatically prints
the alert string to the log, so any alerts will be displayed in the log as well.
We have already added Print() functions throughout our trading classes and functions that logs trade
operations and error states. In the CTrade class, we added a function named LogTradeRequest() that prints
the request and result values to the log for troubleshooting:
You should always build this kind of logging functionality into your programs, especially when performing
trade operations or testing new code.
Debugging with Print() functions, while less interactive than using the debugger, allows the programmer to
examine the output of many trades at once. You can view the Strategy Tester log under the Journal tab in the
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Strategy Tester window. Right-click in the Journal window and select Open from the popup menu to open the
logs folder and view the files in a text editor. Or you can use the Journal Viewer (select Viewer from the right-
click menu) to filter and view the logs by date.
When trading with an expert advisor on a live chart, MetaTrader uses two different log folders for output. The
terminal logs, located in the \Logs folder, displays basic trade and terminal information. You can view this log
under the Journal tab in the Toolbox window. The experts log, located in \Experts\Logs, contains the output
of Print() and Alert() functions, as well as detailed trade information. You can view the experts log under
the Experts tab in the Toolbox window. You can open the log folders by right-clicking inside the Journal or
Experts tab and selecting Open from the popup menu, or view them in the Journal Viewer by selecting Viewer
from the popup menu.
Fig. 22.7 – The Experts tab in the toolbox window. All Print() and Alert() output is viewable here.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The Settings tab in the Strategy Tester window is where you'll enter the settings for testing. Most of the
settings are self-explanatory, and should be familiar to you if you've used the MetaTrader 4 strategy tester.
There are a few new settings worth mentioning. The Execution drop-down box allows you to incorporate a
random delay when testing order operations, which mimic the natural delays in live trading.
To the right of the Execution drop-down box is the tick generation mode. Every tick attempts to model every
incoming tick from the server. It is the slowest mode, but the most accurate. 1 minute OHLC uses the open,
high low and close of each M1 bar in the testing period, providing a rough approximation of intrabar price
changes. It is quicker than Every tick, but less accurate. Open prices only uses only the OHLC of each bar of the
selected chart period. This is the quickest mode, but the least accurate. This is useful if you wish to quickly test
an expert advisor that only opens orders at the open of a new bar.
If you check the Visualization checkbox, a separate visualization window will appear when you start the
testing. The Visualization window shows the testing tick-by-tick. All indicators are drawn, and you can see
orders opening and closing on the chart. Figure 22.9 shows the Visualization window. The speed of the
visualization is also adjustable. When you debug an expert advisor from MetaEditor over historical data, the
visualization window is what you’ll see during the debugging process.
The remaining settings in the Settings tab are for optimization. We'll discuss optimization shortly.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The Inputs tab is used to adjust the input parameters of the expert advisor. The Value column is used to set
the values for the current test. The Start, Step and Stop columns are for optimization, and will be addressed
shortly. You can save the current settings to a file, load settings from a file, or set all parameters to their
defaults using the right-click menu.
Once your testing settings and input settings are configured, press the Start button in the Settings tab. After
the testing has completed, a chart will open and the results will appear under the Results tab. The Results tab
displays a testing report showing the profit, drawdown, profit factor and other statistical measures of
performance. If you scroll down in the Results tab, there are additional trade statistics and graphs.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
To view the trade details, right-click in the Results tab. You can select Deals, Orders or Orders & Deals from the
popup menu. The Deals report is the most useful, as these reflect the actual trade results. Note the Direction
column in the Deals report. A direction of in means that a deal is adding to the current position. A direction of
out means that the deal is closing out part or all of the position. An in/out direction refers to a reversal in
Fig. 22.12 – The Deals report inside the Results tab of the Strategy Tester.
Note that the reports do not list the stop loss or take profit placed on a position! If you need this information,
check the log under the Journal tab and search for the order/deal number. If a position closes out at a stop
loss or take profit, that will be reflected in the Deals report with an entry in the Comment column, a red or
green background in the Price column, and a Direction of out. Note that when a position is closed out, it is
listed as a separate deal. You can save the contents of the Results tab to a report file by right-clicking inside
the Results tab and selecting Open XML or HTML from the Report submenu.
The Graph tab shows a graph of profitability over time. The Agents tab allows you to manage multi-core
processors for testing, as well as utilize remote computers and the MQL5 Cloud Network for running
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
resource-intensive optimizations. Finally, the Journal tab shows the testing log, which is located in the \
Tester\Logs folder. The results of your testing, including all log entries and errors, will appear in this log.
Running an optimization on an expert advisor involves selecting the input parameters to optimize and testing
every possible combination of parameter sets to determine which parameters are most profitable. This is
usually followed by a forward test that tests the optimization results on out-of-sample data. Optimization and
forward testing is the process by which you will evaluate the profitability of your expert advisors.
Let's start under the Inputs tab. The Start, Step and Stop columns are used to set the optimization parameters.
To optimize a parameter, select the checkbox to the left of the parameter name in the Variable column. The
Start value is the starting value for the parameter. The Step value increments the parameter by the specified
amount, and the Stop value is the ending value for the parameter. For example, if we have a Start value of 10,
a Step value of 5, and a Stop value of 50, then the parameter will be optimized starting at 10, 15, 20... all the
way up to 50 for a total of 10 steps.
Select each parameter that you wish to optimize, and set the Start, Step and Stop values for each of them. You
may want to limit the number of parameters to test, as well as the step value for each parameter. The more
parameters/steps there are to test, the longer the optimization will take.
Fig. 22.13 – The Inputs tab in the Strategy Tester, using the Start, Step and Stop columns for optimization.
The optimization settings are at the bottom of the Settings tab. If an optimization is not being performed, the
Optimization drop-down will be set to Disabled. If you wish to perform an optimization, select one of the
other options. Slow complete algorithm tests every possible combination of parameters, and can take a very
long time if there are a lot of parameters to optimize for. Fast genetic based algorithm uses a genetic
algorithm to narrow down the range of parameters to test. The results are comparable to using the complete
algorithm, and should be your default choice. All symbols selected in MarketWatch will test all symbols in the
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Market Watch window. You can add and remove symbols from the market watch window using the right-click
menu inside the Market Watch window.
Fig. 22.14 – The optimization settings in the Settings tab of the Strategy Tester.
The drop-down box to the left of Optimization is the optimization criteria for the genetic algorithm. The
default is to sort by max balance, although you can sort by max balance combined with other criteria, such as
profit factor, drawdown or expected payoff.
The Forward drop-down selects the forward testing period. If Forward is set to something other than No, then
the selected fraction of the optimization period will be set aside for forward testing. You can select your own
start date for the forward testing period by selecting Custom and then setting the start date in the date entry
box to the right. If forward testing is enabled, then each of the optimization results will be tested individually
in the forward testing period.
You can view the results of the optimization in the Optimization Results tab. Compare the optimization results
to the forward testing results to see how well the optimization results hold up. If the forward testing results
are comparable to the optimization results, then your system may perform well in trading. If the two sets of
results are not comparable, then you may need to adjust your optimization parameters, your trading system
or both.
Fig. 22.15 – The Optimization Results tab in the Strategy Tester, showing both forward and back testing results.
Right-click in the Optimization Results tab to select between Back Test Results and Forward Test Results if
applicable. You can also enable additional columns in the report such as the profit factor, drawdown, expected
payoff and optimization parameters. The optimization results can be saved to an XML file that can be opened
by any spreadsheet program by selecting Export to XML from the right-click menu. The Optimization Graph
tab shows a scatterplot of optimization results. You can select a 2D or 3D graph from the right-click menu,
and set the parameters to use for the X-axis and Y-axis.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
The Results and Optimization Results tabs present a variety of statistical measures to evaluate the profitability
and stability of your trading system. MetaTrader 5 has added a lot of new statistics to the Strategy Trader
report. In this section, we will examine the most important statistics that appear in the trading and
optimization reports:
• Net Profit – The net profit is calculated as the gross profit minus the gross loss. This is probably the
most important statistic, and should always be considered in relation to other statistics. Obviously, a
higher net profit is better.
• Drawdown – The drawdown is the maximum peak to valley loss during the testing period. The
absolute drawdown is the maximum drawdown of balance or equity below the original starting
balance. The maximal and relative drawdown is the maximum drawdown of equity of balance from
the maximum profit to the maximum loss. Relative drawdown is the most important value. Lower
values are better.
• Profit Factor – The profit factor is a simple ratio of gross profit to gross loss. A system that makes
zero profit has a profit factor of 1. If profit factor is less than 1, then the system has lost money. A
higher profit factor is better.
• Expected Payoff – The expected payoff is the average/profit or loss of a single trade. Higher values
are better.
• Recovery Factor – The recovery factor determines the risk of a trading strategy, and how well it
recovers from a loss. It is a ratio of profit to maximal drawdown. Higher values are better.
• Sharpe Ratio – The Sharpe ratio also determines the risk and stability of a trading system. It uses a
sophisticated algorithm to compare the returns of a system versus a risk-free method of return (such
as a Treasury Bond). Higher values are better.
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
A color type ....................................................................................................... 15
Comment() .................................................................................................. 283
AccountInfoDouble() ............................................................................... 200
Concatenating strings ............................................................................... 14
Addition operation ..................................................................................... 33
const specifier .............................................................................................. 17
AdjustAboveStopLevel() include function ...................................... 128
Constants ........................................................................................................ 17
AdjustBelowStopLevel() include function ...................................... 129
continue operator ....................................................................................... 48
Alert() ................................................................................................... 104, 279
CopyBuffer() ................................................................................................ 216
AND operation ............................................................................................. 36
CopyClose() ................................................................................................. 209
ArrayCopy() ................................................................................................. 165
CopyHigh() .................................................................................................. 209
ArrayFree() ................................................................................................... 164
CopyLow() .................................................................................................... 209
ArrayMaximum() ....................................................................................... 211
CopyRates() ................................................................................................. 205
ArrayMinimum() ........................................................................................ 211
copyright property ..................................................................................... 65
ArrayResize() .................................................................................................. 19
CopyTime() .................................................................................................. 209
Arrays ............................................................................................................... 18
CPending class ........................................................................................... 162
Dynamic ................................................................................................ 19
CreateDateTime() include function ................................................... 244
Multi-Dimensional ........................................................................... 19
CTimer class ................................................................................................ 245
ArraySetAsSeries() .......................................................................... 206, 221
CTrade class ................................................................................................... 97
ArraySize() ...................................................................................................... 21
Ask() include function ............................................................................. 203 D
Assignment operations ............................................................................ 34
DailyTimer() class function ................................................................... 248
B datetime constants ..................................................................................... 16
datetime type ..................................................................................... 16, 240
Bid() include function .............................................................................. 203
DebugBreak() ............................................................................................. 311
BlockTimer() class function ................................................................... 254
default operator .......................................................................................... 43
bool type ........................................................................................................ 14
Delete() class function ............................................................................ 174
Break even stop ......................................................................................... 189
description property .................................................................................. 65
break operator ............................................................................................. 47
Deviation() class function ...................................................................... 110
BreakEven() class function .................................................................... 191
Division operation ...................................................................................... 34
BuyStopLoss() include function .......................................................... 125
do-while operator ....................................................................................... 45
BuyTakeProfit() include function ........................................................ 126
double type ................................................................................................... 13
case operator ................................................................................................ 42
else if operator ............................................................................................. 40
CBars class ................................................................................................... 206
else operator ................................................................................................. 40
char type ......................................................................................................... 12
enum keyword ............................................................................................. 22
CheckAboveStopLevel() include function ...................................... 130
ENUM_CHECK_RETCODE ............................................................. 102, 106
CheckBelowStopLevel() include function ....................................... 130
ENUM_DAY_OF_WEEK ............................................................................ 251
CheckNewBar() class function ............................................................. 238
ENUM_ORDER_TYPE .................................................................................. 81
CheckOrderType() include function .................................................. 105
ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_FILLING ................................................................ 81
CheckReturnCode() include function ..................................... 102, 106
ENUM_ORDER_TYPE_TIME ...................................................................... 82
CheckTimer() class function ................................................................. 246
ENUM_TRADE_REQUEST_ACTIONS ..................................................... 80
CiMA class ................................................................................................... 222
Enumerations ................................................................................................ 21
CIndicator class ......................................................................................... 220
Equal to operator ........................................................................................ 35
Close() CBars class function ................................................................. 207
Escape characters ........................................................................................ 13
Close() CTrade class function ............................................................... 148
Event handlers .............................................................................................. 74
CNewBar class ............................................................................................ 237
EventKillTimer() .......................................................................................... 257
Buyer: Evangelos Papageorgiou (
Transaction ID: 28J511988U193831A
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