4.1 Balance of Payments & Its Components: Balance of Payments (Bop) Statistics
4.1 Balance of Payments & Its Components: Balance of Payments (Bop) Statistics
4.1 Balance of Payments & Its Components: Balance of Payments (Bop) Statistics
4.1 Balance of Payments & Its Components : Balance of Payments (BoP) statistics
systematically summaries the economic transactions of an economy with the rest of the
World (i.e.transactions between resident & non resident entities) during a given period.
It comprises of current and capital & financial accounts . Adverse trade balance (or
trade deficit) is reflected in Current Account of BOP, which besides covering goods and
services, also covers income (investment income & compensation of employees) and
current transfers (remittances, grants etc). In case the combined net effect of trade
balance, income and current transfers is also negative, the same results in Current
Account Deficit . The deficit needs to be financed by external borrowings and/or
investments which are constituents of Financial Accounts.
• The former balance of payments capital account has been redesignated as the
capital and financial account as per the fifth edition of Balance of Payments
Manual(IMF) and the revised account has two major components:
- The Capital Account
- The Financial Account
These are in accordance with the same accounts in the System of National
Accounts (SNA). Assets represent claims on residents and liabilities represent
indebtedness to non residents.
• Capital Account: The major components of the capital account are (a) capital
transfers and (b) acquisition/disposal of nonproduced, nonfinancial assets.
4.3 The first phase can be considered from the 1950s through mid-1960s. In the early
1950s, India was reasonably open. For example, in 1951-52, merchandise trade,
exports plus imports, accounted for 16 per cent of GDP. Overall current receipts plus
payments were nearly 19 per cent of GDP. Subsequently, the share of external sector in
India’s GDP gradually declined with the inward looking policy of import substitution.
Moreover, Indian export basket comprised mainly traditional items like tea, cotton textile
and jute manufactures. Not only the scope of world trade expansion in these
commodities was less but additionally India had to face competition from new emerging
suppliers, such as Pakistan in jute manufactures and Sri Lanka and East Africa in tea.
4.4 WTO NEGOTIATIONS AND INDIA While the above measures were broadly
domestic policy adjustment to the emerging external-sector environment, India
continued to be engaged in WTO negotiations that have an impact on the external
sector as well as overall economy. The Ninth Ministerial Conference of the WTO took
place in Bali during 3-7 December 2013. Ministers issued a Declaration and ten
Decisions were adopted on various issues including trade facilitation and issues relating
to agricultural trade rules, development, and least developed countries (LDCs).
Amongst these Decisions, two are of particular significance for India, viz. the Ministerial
Decision for an Agreement on Trade Facilitation and the Ministerial Decision on Public
Stockholding for Food Security Purposes. The Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA),
which was also endorsed by India at the Ninth Ministerial Conference, is basically aimed
at greater transparency and simplification of customs procedures, use of electronic
payments and risk
4.5 During this period, policy emphasis was on import saving rather than export
promotion, and priority was given to basic goods and capital goods sector. It was
argued that investment in heavy industries would bring in saving in foreign exchange, as
output from such industries would replace their imports in the long-run. Import-
substituting strategies were expected to gradually increase export competitiveness
through efficiency-gains achieved in the domestic economy. But this did not happen.
Hence, exports remained modest. In fact our external sector contracted in relation to
GDP from the level observed in the early 1950s. By 1965-66,merchandise trade was
under 8 per cent of GDP and overall current receipts and payments were below 10 per
cent of GDP.
4.6 Notwithstanding the contracting size of the external sector, as imports growth
outstripped exports growth, there was persistent current account deficit (CAD).
Emphasis on heavy industrialisation in the second five year Plan led to a sharp increase
in imports. On top of this, the strains of Indo-China conflict of 1962, Indo-Pakistan war of
1965 and severe drought of 1965-66 triggered a major BoP crisis. India’s international
economic relations with advanced countries came under stress during the Indo-Pak
conflict. Withdrawal of foreign aid by countries like the US and conditional resumption of
aid by the Aid India Consortium led to contraction in capital inflows. Given the low level of
foreign exchange reserves and burgeoning trade deficit, India had no option other than
to devalue. Rupee was devalued by 36.5 per cent in June 1966
4.7 Though India’s export basket was limited, the sharp devaluation clearly increased
the competitiveness of India’s exports. Concurrently, India had to undertake a number
of trade liberalising measures. Even though the net impact of devaluation was a
contentious issue among the leading economists, data show that exports growth, though
modest, outpaced imports growth.
In the second half of 1960’s, growth in exports was higher than that in imports.
4.8 In fact, the current account turned into a surplus in 1973-74 as not only the exports
growth was significant but invisible receipts also showed a sharp turnaround from deficit
to surplus mainly on account of official transfers which largely represented grants under
the agreement of February 1974 with the US Government . Since surplus in current
account balance (CAB) was used for repaying rupee loans under the same agreement
with the US, accretion to reserves was only marginal.
4.9 Surplus in India’s CAB was, however, short-lived as the first oil shock occurred by
October 1973.As exports improved, particularly to oil producing Middle-East countries,
BoP recovered quickly from the first oil shock. By this time, the Indian rupee, which was
linked to a multi-currency basket with pound sterling as intervention currency,
depreciated against the US dollar. Depreciating rupee along with other policy incentives
to exporters acted as a supporting factor for India’s exports. At the same time, invisible
receipts grew sharply stemming from workers’ remittances from the Middle East.
Consequently, the current account balance turned into surplus in 1976-77 and 1977-78.
4.10 During the 1980s, BoP again came under stress. The second oil shock led to a
rapid increase in imports in early 1980s. Oil imports increased to about two-fifths of
India’s imports during 1980-83. At the same time, India’s external sector policy was
changing towards greater openness. Various measures were undertaken to promote
exports and liberalise imports for exporters during this period. However, several factors
weighed against external stability. First, despite a number of export promotion
measures, the subdued growth conditions in the world economy constrained exports
growth. Second, the surplus on account of invisibles also deteriorated due to
moderation in private transfers. Third, the debt servicing had increased with greater
recourse to debt creating flows such as external commercial borrowings (ECBs) and
non-resident Indian (NRI) deposits. Fourth, deterioration is the fiscal position stemming
from rising expenditures accentuated the twin deficit risks.
4.11 Given the already emerging vulnerabilities in India’s BoP during the 1980s, the
incipient signs of stress were discernible which culminated in the BoP crisis in 1991
when the Gulf War led to a sharp increase in the oil prices. On top of that, a slowdown
in the world trade following the recessionary conditions in industrialised countries and
the economic disruption in Eastern Europe including the erstwhile USSR had begun to
affect India's exports. A large number of Indian workers employed in Kuwait had to be
airlifted to India and their remittances stopped. Foreign exchange reserves had already
dwindled due to significant drawdown for financing of CAD in earlier years. During 1990-
91, at one point of time, the foreign currency assets had dipped below US$ 1.0 billion,
covering barely two weeks of imports. With increasing recourse to the borrowings on
commercial terms in the previous years, financing of CAD had also become more
sensitive to creditors’ confidence in the Indian economy.
4.12 Short-term credits began to dry up and the outflow of NRI deposits was also very
substantial. Downgrading of India’s credit rating below the investment grade also
constrained India’s access in the international markets for funds, especially ECBs and
trade credit. Even though the stress in India’s BoP was unprecedented, the Government
decided to honour all debt obligations without seeking any rescheduling.
4.13 In response to the BoP crisis, a combination of standard and unorthodox policies
for stabilisation and structural change was undertaken to ensure that the crisis did not
translate into generalised financial instability. Such steps included pledging gold
reserves, discouraging of non-essential imports, accessing credit from the IMF and
other multilateral and bilateral donors. While dealing with the crisis through an IMF
programme, a comprehensive programme of structural reforms was undertaken
simultaneously with special emphasis on the external sector.
4.14 The broad approach to reform in the external sector was laid out in the Report of
the High Level Committee on Balance of Payments (Chairman: C. Rangarajan, 1993).
Trade policies, exchange rate policies and industrial policies were recognised as part of
an integrated policy framework so as to boost the overall productivity, competitiveness
and efficiency of the economy. In addition, to contain the trade and current account
deficits and enhance export competitiveness, the exchange rate of rupee was adjusted
downwards in two stages on July 1 and July 3, 1991 by 9 per cent and 11 per cent,
respectively. A dual exchange rate system was introduced in March 1992 which was
unified in March 1993. Subsequently, India moved to current account convertibility in
August 1994 by liberalising various transactions relating to merchandise trade and
4.15 The impact of policy changes was reflected in lower CAD and its comfortable
financing in subsequent years. India could manage the external shocks that emanated
from the East Asian crisis in 1997 and subsequently, the rise in international oil prices
and bursting of dotcom bubble in 1999-2000. Indeed, the Indian economy remained
relatively insulated from the East Asian crisis owing to the reforms undertaken in
previous years and proactive and timely policy measures initiated by the Reserve Bank
to minimise the contagion effect. Monetary tightening coupled with flexible exchange
rate and steps to bolster reserves through issuance of Resurgent India Bonds (RIBs)
helped in stabilizing the BoP.
4.16 The BoP came under some stress again in the first half of 2000-01 due to a sharp
rise in oil prices and increase in interest rates in advanced countries. At the same time,
India’s software exports got a boost following the demands to address the Y2K
challenges. This also encouraged migration of Indian software engineers to the
advanced countries. As a result, the surplus in the services exports and remittance
account of the BoP increased sharply which more than offset the deficit in the trade
account. Software exports rose from 0.9 per cent of GDP in 1999-2000 to a peak of 3.8
per cent of GDP by 2008-09. Private remittances also rose from 2.7 per cent of GDP to
3.8 per cent during this period. Thus, in the 2000s software exports and private
emittances emerged as two main financing items for the current account mitigating to a
large extent the merchandise trade deficit. Owing to a combination of factors, in fact, the
current account recorded a surplus during 2001-04. Subsequently, as international oil
prices started rising and domestic growth picked up, deficit in current account re-
emerged during 2004-05 to 2007-08 albeit remained range bound.
4.17 After a period of stability, India’s BoP came under stress in 2008-09 reflecting the
impact of global financial crisis. As capital inflows plummeted, India had to draw down
its foreign currency assets by US $ 20 billion during 2008-09. Stress since the collapse
of Lehman Brothers largely emanated from decline in India’s merchandise exports and
deceleration in growth in services exports. Though there was some improvement during
2010-11 on the back of a strong pick-up in exports mainly led by diversification of trade
in terms of composition as well as direction, it proved to be short-lived . BoP again came
under stress during 2011-12 as slowdown in advanced economies spilled over to
emerging and developing economies (EDEs), and there was sharp increase in oil and
gold imports.
4.18 Financing of Current Account * : In the first three decades after the
independence, CAD was mainly financed by external assistance and drawdown of forex
reserves. Since much of India’s planning strategy was conceived in terms of a closed
economy theoretical framework, private investment inflows into the economy were not
encouraged much. Therefore, foreign resources came primarily in the form of official
transfers. The private investment came mainly through technology transfer, but played a
minuscule role. During this period, the development efforts and stress on BoP from time
to time led India to tap diverse aid sources for specific projects.
4.19 In the 1980s, as the traditional source of official concessional flows dried up there
was a need to access private capital. But, this came in the form of debt creating flows
though costly external commercial borrowings (ECBs) and NRI deposits. The limitations
of financing CAD through debt creating flows were exposed in the 1991 crisis.
Subsequent reforms and opening up the capital account to non-debt creating flows of
foreign direct investment (FDI) and portfolio equity flows not only completely
transformed the sources of financing of the BoP but it also resulted in substantial
addition to reserves in the 2000s.
4.22 The financial account was dominated by direct and portfolio investments which
are non-debt creating in nature. The net flows in the form of FDI and portfolio
investment were more than sufficient to finance the CAD during this period. While
higher net FDI flows reflect a positive outlook about the growth potential of the domestic
economy, robust portfolio inflows in 2014-15 were underpinned by reduced external-
sector vulnerabilities of the domestic economy and benign global financial conditions
aided by the prospect of additional European Central Bank easing. Given the net capital
flows and the CAD levels, accretion in foreign exchange reserves was US$ 18.1 billion
(BoP basis) in the first half of 2014-15 as against drawdown of US$ 10.7 billion in 2013-
14 (AprilSeptember). In 2014-15 (up to December 2014), there has been a net inflow of
US$ 28.5 billion in foreign instituinstitutional investors (FII) investment as compared to
an outflow of US$ 4.5 billion in the corresponding period of 2013-14. The latest data on
FDI inflows (net) available is for the period April-December 2014 and places these
inflows at US $ 24.2 billion as against a level of US $ 20.7 billion in the same period in
2013-14. In so far as non-resident Indian (NRI) deposits are concerned, the lower levels
of US $ 10.0 billion in April-December 2014 relative to April-December 2013 (US$
35.1billion) become broadly similar when adjusted for the one-off swap scheme. The
above developments in the current and capital accounts indicate further accretion to
reserves on BoP basis beyond the first half of the current fiscal.
4.24 Data Source : The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is responsible for compilation
and dissemination of BoP data. The data on India’s Balance of Payments (BoP) are
published by the Reserve Bank on a quarterly basis with a lag of one quarter BoP is
broadly consistent with the guidelines contained in the BoP Manual of the International
Monetary Fund.
4.25 The data on merchandise trade are available from two sources namely; (a) from
the Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics (DGCI&S) on customs
basis; and (b) from RBI on payments (which includes both receipts and payments)
4.26 The Daily Trade Return (DTR) is the primary source of recording exports data at
DGCI&S, while RBI relies mainly on the R-return furnished by Authorised Dealers
(ADs) to compile the exports and imports data. The data on merchandise exports in
BoP are compiled on the basis of information available from the DGCI&S, after
adjusting for time and exchange rate differences. The merchandise export data is
recorded on free on board (F.O.B.) basis. It may be noted that export of software in
physical form is captured by DGCI&S.
4.27 The customs record data on imports on the basis of the Bill of Entry prepared for
goods entering in the customs area. The data on imports under BoP statistics are
compiled mainly on the basis of returns submitted by Ads supplemented by information
on the transactions not passing through the banking channel such as imports financed
through credit taken abroad. Imports under the BoP data are recorded on the basis of
date of payment or date of disbursal of loans, which may differ significantly from the
recording of imports at the Customs end on the basis of actual arrival of goods.
• Current transfers consist of all transfers that do not involve (i) transfers of
ownership of fixed assets; (ii) transfers of funds linked to, or conditional upon,
acquisition or disposal of fixed assets; (iii) forgiveness, without any counterparts
being received in return, of liabilities by creditors. All of these are capital
transfers. Current transfers include those of general government (e.g., current
international cooperation between different governments, payments of current
taxes on income and wealth, etc.), and other transfers (e.g., workers’
remittances, premiums—less service charges, and claims on non-life insurance).
• Capital transfers consist of those involving transfers of ownership of fixed
assets; transfers of funds linked to, or conditional upon, acquisition or disposal of
fixed assets; or cancellation, without any counterparts being received in return, of
liabilities by creditors. It includes two components: (i) general government, which
is subdivided into debt forgiveness and other, and (ii) other, which is subdivided
into migrants’ transfers, debt forgiveness, and other transfers.
• Acquisition/disposal of non produced, non financial assets largely covers
intangibles—such as patented entities, leases or other transferable contracts,
goodwill, etc. This item does not cover land in a specific economic territory but
may include the purchase or sale of land by a foreign embassy.
• Foreign Exchange Reserves: It includes Foreign Currency Assets, Gold, SDRs (Special
Drawing Rights) & reserve tranche position (RTP) in the International Monetary
Fund (IMF). The level of foreign exchange reserves is largely the outcome of the
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) intervention in the foreign exchange market to
smoothen exchange rate volatility and valuation changes due to movement of the
US dollar against other major currencies of the world. Foreign exchange reserves
are accumulated when there is absorption of the excess foreign exchange flows
by the RBI through intervention in the foreign exchange market, aid receipts,
interest receipts and funding from the International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (IBRD), Asian Development Bank (ADB), International
Development Association (IDA) etc.
• Investment Income : Receipts include interest earned on the investments of RBI
and on holdings of SDRs, and payments include interest and commitment
charges on foreign loans, on purchases from the IMF and those on cumulative
allocation of SDRs.
• Government not included elsewhere (Services) : The item includes receipts
and payments on account of maintenance of embassies and diplomatic missions
and offices of international institutions as well as receipts and payments on
government account not included elsewhere.
• Miscellaneous (Services) : This item covers, receipts and payments in respect
of all other services (besides those mentioned in the table) such as
communication services, construction services, software services, technical
know-how, royalties etc.
• Transfers of payments (official, private) represent receipts and payments
without a quid pro quo. Official transfer receipts represent Contra entries for cash
receipts and value of aid received in kind from foreign Governments and
institutions and debits cover contributions to international organisations and
official grants in cash or kind extended to foreign Government. Private transfer
receipts include repatriation of savings, remittances for family maintenance,
contributions and donations to religious and charitable institutions and the like.
• Investment Income transactions are in the form of interest, dividend, profit and
others for servicing of capital transactions. Investment income receipts comprise
interest received on loans to non- residents, dividend/profit received by Indians
on foreign investment, reinvested earnings of Indian FDI companies abroad,
interest received on debentures, floating rate notes (FRNs),Commercial Papers
(CPs), Fixed Deposits and funds held abroad by ADs out of foreign currency
loans/export proceeds, payment of taxes by non-residents/refunds of taxes by
foreign governments, interest/discount earnings of RBI investment etc.
Investment income payments comprise payment of interest on non-resident
deposits, payment of interest on loans from non-residents, payment of
dividend/profit to non-resident share holders, reinvested earnings of the FDI
companies, payment of interest on debentures, FRNs, CPs, fixed deposits
Government securities, charges on Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) etc.
• Foreign Investment : Data on investment abroad, hitherto reported, have been
split into equity capital and portfolio investment since 2000-2001.Foreign Direct
Investment (FDI) to and by India up to 1999-2000 comprise mainly equity capital.
In line with international best practices, the coverage of FDI has been expanded
since 2000-2001 to include, besides equity capital, reinvested earnings (retained
earnings of FDI companies) and other direct capital ( inter corporate debt
transactions between related entities).
• Portfolio investment mainly includes Flls investment, funds raised through
GDRs/ADRs by Indian companies and through offshore funds..
• External assistance by India denotes aid extended by India to other foreign
Governments under various agreements and repayment of such loans. External
Assistance to India denotes multilateral and bilateral loans received under the
agreements between Government of India and other Governments/International
institutions and repayments of such loans by India, except loan repayment to
erstwhile Rupee area countries that are covered under the Rupee Debt Service.
• Rupee Debt Service: Interest payments on and principal repayments on account
of civilian and non-civilian debt in respect of Rupee Payment Area (RPA), are
clubbed together and shown separately under this item.
• Commercial borrowings cover all medium/long term loans. Commercial
Borrowings by India denote loans extended by the Export Import Bank of India
[EXIM Bank] to various countries and repayment of such loans.
• A short term loan denotes drawals in respect of loans, utilized and repayments
with a maturity of less than one year.
Banking capital: Comprises of three components: (a) foreign assets of
Commercial Banks (ADs); (b) foreign liabilities of Commercial Banks (ADs); and
(c) others. Foreign assets of Commercial Banks consist of (i) foreign currency
holdings; and (ii) rupee overdrafts to non-resident banks. Foreign liabilities of
commercial banks consists of (i) Non- resident deposits, which comprises receipt
and redemption of various non-resident deposit schemes; and (ii) liabilities other
than non- resident deposits which comprises rupee and foreign currency
liabilities to non-resident banks and official and semi-official institutions. Others
under banking capital include movement in balances of foreign central banks and
international institutions like IBRD, IDA, ADB, IFC, IFAD etc. maintained with RBI
as well as movement in balances held abroad by the embassies of Indian in
London and Tokyo. This also includes movements in technical credit granted to
the erstwhile East European countries and their investments in Government
Treasury Bills and deposits with the Government.
• Non-resident deposits: Credits under this item include remittances received
towards various non-resident deposit schemes which are continuing. Other
schemes have been discontinued. A few of them are Non Resident (External)
Rupee Account (NR(E)RA) (Since February, 1970), Non-resident Non-
Repartriable Rupee Deposits (NRNRD) introduced in June, 1992.
• Other Capital (Capital account) comprises mainly the leads and lags in exports
receipts (difference between the custom data and the banking channel data).This
is a residual item and includes all capital transactions not included elsewhere. It
particularly includes funds held abroad, advance receipts under deferred exports,
India's subscription to International institution, quota payments to IMF, delayed
export receipts, remittances towards recouping the losses of
branches/subsidiaries and the like.
• Movement in Reserves: Movements in the reserves comprises changes in the
foreign currency assets held by the RBI and SDR balances held by the Govt. of
India. These are recorded after excluding changes on account of valuation.
Valuation changes arise because foreign currency assets are expressed in US
dollar terms and they include the effect of appreciation/ depreciation of non-US
currencies (such as Euro, Sterling, and Yen) held in reserves.