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Technology Integration Unit

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Technology Integration Unit

FRIT 8530

Charles Kelley
Title of Unit The Pythagorean Grade Level 6-8
Theorem and its

Essential Questions

Overarching Questions: Topical Questions:

When is it appropriate to use the  What types of triangles can the
Pythagorean theorem and for what purpose? Pythagorean Theorem be used with?
 What side lengths can be calculated using
How does using variables to represent the Pythagorean Theorem?
unknown amounts help solve problems?  What do the three variables (a, b, c)
 How do you apply the solution to the
 How are the variables matched with a
 What does the area of the sides have to do
with the length of the hypotenuse?

Stage 3
W Where are your students headed and Why?
What is required of them?

State each goal for the unit and address the relationship between the goal and the
essential questions to establish where the unit is going.

To address why we are learning the content highlight practical/ real-world

application of the theorem through performance tasks

Address what is required of the students by briefly introducing the rubrics for each
assignment and stressing the expectations for those assignments. Present to the
students previous examples of Target work.

How will the students be hooked and held in this unit?

Hook the interests of the students by providing a story of how I have personally
used the Pythagorean Theorem while building my garage.

Ongoing hold of the unit will be addressed in the performance tasks by challenging
the students in role-play situations. Also allow students a choice in content in
performance task #2.
What activities, instruction, and guidance will be provided to
E enable and equip students to explore and experience the
important ideas in this unit?

I will equip the students for learning by breaking down the required skills needed
to perform the Pythagorean Theorem in the first week of instruction through a
mixture of direct instruction, experiential tasks (problem-based,
construction/measurement) and project-based performance tasks.

Students will explore their newly learned content through 2 performance tasks and
the presentation of these tasks.

What activities, products and performances will be designed

R to provide students with the opportunity to reflect, rethink,
and revise?

Through the use of a self-assessment rubric, I will allow students to

reflect upon their level of understanding and mastery. By having the
students take this assessment at the beginning of the third week, I have
allocated some time to revisit and rethink those concepts that the students
believe they need more work on.

Students’ performance activities will be peer reviewed with standardized

rubrics. Students who get unacceptable grades will have the input from
the other students and a chance to refine their projects until it reaches an
acceptable level.
What self-assessments and self-evaluations will students
E participate in to allow for reflection and transfer of learning?

To encourage self-evaluation I have included introductory and closing activities

that are designed to evoke self-reflection and evaluation in the students.

T How will instruction and activities be tailored to provide for

the various learning needs, styles, knowledge and interests of
I have tailored the assignments in the unit to accommodate different
learning styles and levels of prior knowledge by differentiating the type
and scope of the assignments. The Performance Tasks are fairly open-
ended and can be achieved through many different means. I have
provided a rubric for what has to be in the assignment but have not
limited the assignment in any other way. The class assignments are a
mixture of hands-on construction assignments, written work and problem
solving which offers many different types of learners some likeable facet.
Also, the rubric/ grading is set up in a way where there are concrete goals
for the student in each activity and a chance to correct unacceptable
How will learning experiences be
O organized/sequenced to provide for greatest

I have chosen to organize the unit from a mastery-approach point of

view. The students receive a week of basic concepts and prerequisite
skill building before the higher concepts are put into place. The student
then attempt to master the higher concepts of the unit before they put the
concepts into practice in the performance tasks.

Week One- Learning Sequence

Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday:
a. Exploration of variables and their b. Balancing equations c. Squares and square roots d. Different e. Indentifying
uses (vocabulary) triangles and parts of the
i. Pre-assessment Podcast #2 Podcast #3 their properties triangle/
(measurements Square
Podcast #1 Vocabulary i. Students will be given Sponge Activity- Students
) construction
several unbalanced quickly answer, “What are your
ii. Vocabulary introduction (variables, equations and asked to strengths in balancing Podcast #4 Podcast #5
triangle, square, square roots, use the principle of equations?”
Isosceles, Scalene, Angles, Sides, equality to balance the i. Students will be assigned a page  EQ: What i. Students are
Hypotenuse, Equation) . Have equation. The student in their workbook on squares and types of assigned a
students explore the definitions of must isolate the variable square roots. Finding squares triangles section in their
these words so that they will can the
and perform equal and their square roots workbook that
become familiar with them and are functions on each side of ii. Student will explore the inverse illustrates Side
n Theorem
able to utilize them correctly in the the equation. Students relationships of the two A, B
be used
unit. will be asked to justify functions and will be asked to with? Hypotenuse(C)
iii. Closing Activity- Students quickly the steps taken when create several examples of this and Right angle
write a sentence or two on “What balancing the equations. relationship on their own. in a right
questions do I still have about the (Experiential Entry) iii. Students write a short i. Students will triangle.
vocabulary words?” paragraph on the patterns that indentify Right, Students will
Tech. Integration: they experienced today and Isosceles, and complete the
Tech. Integration: Students utilize Students utilize outside of Scalene
what it meant to them. assignment in
outside of class. class.
triangles from the book and
http://www.geom.uiuc.edu/~demo5 Tech. Integration: examples they then create
337/Group3/prereq.html http://www.pbs.org/wgb Post to class Blog # 1 and
h/nova/proof/puzzle/theo find in right triangles
comment on other student
rem.html magazines. The on their own
postings. students will and label the
then be asked parts of the
(Experiential Entry) to find the triangle.
angle Students are
measurements then asked to
and side create the
measurements squares that
of the triangles can be created
that they have by each side.
found. ii. Closing Activity-
(Experiential “How has what
Entry) you learned
this week
changed your
thinking about

Week Two- Learning Sequence

Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday:
a. Matching values to the b. Measuring and placing d. Performance e. Complete and
Theorem Values into the Theorem Task # 1 Present
 EQ: What side lengths can  EQ: What side lengths can Performance
be calculated using the be calculated using the
Pythagorean Theorem? Pythagorean Theorem? c. Placing Values into EQ: When is it Task #1
the Theorem with appropriate to use i. Students will
missing Values the Pythagorean complete the
Podcast #6 i. Students will take the theorem and for
(Variables) first
measurements of several what purpose?
Sponge Activity- Students right triangles and insert EQ: How does using task and
answer, “How could you variables to represent i. (Logical/
the values into the prepare to
improve on the skills you theorem. The students will unknown amounts Quantitative
present the
learned last week?” help solve problems? Entry)
then solve the equation information
i. The students will practice with no variables and
i. The students will Your task is to give an to their peers.
matching values from a right should get an equal estimate for a roof Students will
triangle to the corresponding repeat the previous replacement. You are a
amount on each side. receive
variable in the Pythagorean assignment now roofer that has just started
(Experiential Entry) their business and on the rubrics to
Theorem. Students will have with missing
first job. Your client is a grade peers’
several right triangles with Tech Integration: Student variables. homeowner looking to
supplemental aid ii. Closing Activity- have the roof over their presentations
different measurements. The
http://shodor.org/interactivate/ “How difficult was garage replaced with a . (Narrational
students must take the new roof. The homeowner
measurements and insert them activities/ using variables needs a quick estimate and
Entry) (See
pyth2/index.html instead of actual you do not have enough attached
into the Theorem.
numbers?” time to get out the Rubric)
scaffolding needed to
Tech Integration: Student
access the roof. The
supplemental aid Tech Integration: garage is square and is 20
http://www.regentsprep.org/regen Post to class Blog # feet long and 20 feet wide.
ts/Math/fpyth/Pythag.htm 2 and comment on You need to develop an
other student estimate for the
homeowner quickly that is
postings. as close to the overall cost
(Aesthetic Entry) as possible. The project
cost you $3.00 a square
foot. You can’t charge too
much because the
homeowner will go with
another company. You
can’t charge too little
because you need to make
money on the job. Use the
principles discussed in the
unit to come up with the
square footage of the roof
and give the homeowner
an estimate for the job.
Before coming up with an
answer think about how
roofers make a profit from
their work.
You must give the
homeowner a fair price
estimate for the roof that
also makes a profit for
you. In order for you to
accomplish this goal the
estimate must be as close
as possible. If the price is
higher than the rest of
the prices in the class
your bid will fail. If your
bid is lower than the
actual cost you will lose

1 2 3
Performance Significant errors Task was completed with Task was completed with
task 1 (Counts throughout the assignments an outcome that showed a an outcome that showed a
twice) with a general pattern of basic understanding of the thorough and complete
misunderstanding. Work concepts needs to estimate understandings of the
partial or incomplete. the roof cost. The estimate concepts needed. The
Roofing estimate was was somewhat high or low estimate was perfect
grossly inaccurate. indicating minor indicating an insightful real-
inaccuracies in the world application of the
performance of the task. concepts.

Week Three- Learning Sequence

Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday:

a.Self Evaluation b. Performance Task Day 1 c. Performance Task Day d. Review through e. Formal assessment
i. Students i. Students are given performance 2 Present “Student Teach” i. Standardized
complete self- task #2 i. Students finish formal assessment
evaluation (see  EQ: How do you apply the work on ii. Assign each student broken down by
attached) and solution to the theorem? Performance task team with a section specific skill-sets
review some of #2 and prepare to of the unit to teach that allows me to
the most common Tech Integration: present. Students to the other track student
misunderstanding present the Wiki students. Have mastery.
Wiki presentation:
s of the unit while their peers groups study the ii. Bonus Activity-
content. i. As a group, the students will make a evaluate using material and come Students write a
(Foundational presentation Wiki on Pbworks that attached Rubric. up with a “teaching short paragraph on,
Entry) demonstrates how to find the plan” the first half “What
distance between two locations in of class and then accomplishment or
their hometown using a map and the have the groups activity were you
Pythagorean theorem. The group rotate and teach most proud of in
will be asked to accept the role of their unit to another the unit and why?”
civil engineer given the task to find group. (Narrational
Entry) Tech Integration:
the length of pipe needed to connect
the water plant to a new water Post to class Blog #3
treatment facility. There is a dense and comment on
forest in between the two locations other student
so there is no direct way of postings.
measuring the length. There are 2
roads, one that leads to the water (Aesthetic Entry)
plant and the other to the treatment
plant. They intersect at a right angle.
Use the concepts explored in this
unit to come up with a plan to
measure the distance between the
two plants. Create your own
distances and link the processes in
the project with the ideas in the unit.
Each step in your process must be
illustrated and justified with
supporting evidence from the unit.
Include in your presentation why
being a Civil Engineer would be a
tough job and why it would be
rewarding. Students in other group
may then post comments and
suggestions at the bottom of the
page. All rubric scores will be posted
on the site. (Experiential Entry)
(Narrational Entry)

Wiki Site:


Self Assessment Pythagorean Theorem
Component 1 2 3 Section
I did not participate in most I participated in most I fully participated in all
Effort activities and did not activities and completed all activities and completed the
complete most tasks. My tasks but not always in the assigned tasks in the time
work that I did complete allotted time. I was not allotted. I was engaged in
was turned in past the always fully engaged in class discussion and
deadline. I was not class discussion and whole-group exercises.
engaged in class whole-group exercises.
discussion nor whole-group
My performance is My performance is My performance is highly
ineffective. The evidence is effective. There are some effective. The tasks are
performance produced in a fashion that problems with clarity and accomplished in a clear
indicates a complete thoroughness but task are and thorough manner that
misunderstanding of the accomplished. demonstrates a mindful
content. application of content.

Has little apparent Has a solid though Has a sophisticated

understanding of the somewhat naïve understanding of the
General relevant concepts in the understanding of relevant concepts included in the
knowledge and unit. Problems with process concepts from the unit. Is unit. The justifications for
understanding reveal major able to comprehend the methods used are
misunderstandings with content but needs to check appropriate for the material.
material. the information for
Total Scores

Performance Task #2 Rubric

1 2 3
Performance Significant errors Task was completed with Task was completed with
Task 2 (Counts throughout the assignments an outcome that showed a an outcome that showed a
twice) with a general pattern of basic understanding of the thorough and complete
misunderstanding. Work concepts needs to find the understanding of the
partial or incomplete. distance from the two concepts needs to find the
Presentation of materials plants. The distance was distance from the two
showed a lack awareness not quite correct indicating plants. The distance was
of the material. possible inaccuracies in the exactly correct indicating
functions of the equation. precise use of the functions
Presentation of the material of the equation.
was adequate and Presentation of the material
somewhat insightful. was fluent and effective
and showed great insight
into the content of the unit.

Technological Resources:
Foundational Knowledge-

Podcast Site-

Week 1
Component 1 2 3 Section
Significant errors Work partially completed Student shows a thorough
Exploration of throughout the assignments but generally accurate with and complete
variables and with a general pattern of minor inaccuracies that do understanding of variables
their uses misunderstanding. Work not affect the overall result. and other vocabulary.
(vocabulary) partial or incomplete.
Variables not appropriately

Significant errors Work partially completed Student shows a thorough

throughout the assignments but generally accurate with and complete
Balancing with a general pattern of minor inaccuracies that do understanding of balancing
Equations misunderstanding. Work not affect the overall result. equations. Appropriately
partial or incomplete. Somewhat effective use of applied knowledge of
the concepts of balancing equations.

Significant errors Work partially completed Student shows a thorough

throughout the assignments but generally accurate with and complete
Squares and with a general pattern of minor inaccuracies that do understanding of squares
Square roots misunderstanding. Work not affect the overall result. and square roots. Problems
partial or incomplete. Somewhat effective use of completed with total
the concepts of squares accuracy.
and square roots
Significant errors Work partially completed Student shows a thorough
Different throughout the assignments but generally accurate with and complete
triangles and with a general pattern of minor inaccuracies that do understanding of different
their properties misunderstanding. Work not affect the overall result. triangles and their
(measurements) partial or incomplete. Somewhat effective use of properties. Problems
the concepts of different completed with total
triangles and their accuracy.

Indentifying Significant errors Work partially completed Student shows a thorough

parts of the throughout the assignments but generally accurate with and complete
triangle/ Square with a general pattern of minor inaccuracies that do understanding of Identifying
construction misunderstanding. Work not affect the overall result. the parts of a triangle and
partial or incomplete. Somewhat effective use of successfully constructed
the concepts of identifying squares. Problems
parts of a triangles and completed with total
constructing squares. accuracy.

Total Scores
/ 15

Score Rating
13-15 Target
10-12 Acceptable
10 and below Unacceptable

*** Unacceptable performance for the week will result in the need for modification of assignments outside of school and

Week 2
Component 1 2 3 Section
Significant errors Work partially completed Student shows a thorough
Matching values throughout the assignments but generally accurate with and complete
with Triangle with a general pattern of minor inaccuracies that do understanding of matching
parts misunderstanding. Work not affect the overall result. values with triangle parts.
partial or incomplete. Somewhat effective use of Problems completed with
the concepts of matching total accuracy.
values with triangle parts.

Significant errors Work partially completed Student shows a thorough

throughout the assignments but generally accurate with and complete
Pythagorean with a general pattern of minor inaccuracies that do understanding of applying
with no misunderstanding. Work not affect the overall result. the Pythagorean theorem
variables partial or incomplete. Somewhat effective use of with no variables. Problems
the concepts of applying completed with total
the Pythagorean theorem accuracy.
with no variables.
Significant errors Work partially completed Student shows a thorough
throughout the assignments but generally accurate with and complete
Pythagorean with a general pattern of minor inaccuracies that do understanding of applying
with variables misunderstanding. Work not affect the overall result. the Pythagorean theorem
partial or incomplete. Somewhat effective use of with variables. Problems
the concepts of applying completed with total
the Pythagorean theorem accuracy.
with variables.
Performance Significant errors Task was completed with Task was completed with
task 1 (Counts throughout the assignments an outcome that showed a an outcome that showed a
twice) with a general pattern of basic understanding of the thorough and complete
misunderstanding. Work concepts needs to estimate understandings of the
partial or incomplete. the roof cost. The estimate concepts needed. The
Roofing estimate was was somewhat high or low estimate was perfect
grossly inaccurate. indicating minor indicating an insightful real-
inaccuracies in the world application of the
performance of the task. concepts.
Performance Significant errors Task was completed with Task was completed with
Task 2 (Counts throughout the assignments an outcome that showed a an outcome that showed a
twice) with a general pattern of basic understanding of the thorough and complete
misunderstanding. Work concepts needs to find the understanding of the
partial or incomplete. distance from the two concepts needs to find the
Presentation of materials plants. The distance was distance from the two
showed a lack awareness not quite correct indicating plants. The distance was
of the material. possible inaccuracies in the exactly correct indicating
functions of the equation. precise use of the functions
Presentation of the material of the equation.
was adequate and Presentation of the material
somewhat insightful. was fluent and effective
and showed great insight
into the content of the unit.
Total Scores
/ 21

Score Rating
19-21 Target
16-18 Acceptable
17 and below Unacceptable

*** Unacceptable performance for the week will result in the need for modification of assignments outside of school and

Pre-assessment- Pythagorean Theorem

Find the square root of the following numbers
1. √4
2. √16
3. √25
4. √49
5. √10

Solve the following equations

6. xa+2=6
7. 3+b=9
8. 19+b=22
9. 25+ b= 100

Indentify the following triangles




Activities Examples
Several Worksheets will be constructed off of this basic form to allow students to see the progression of their skills and to keep a link from the
previous day’s activity to the next. The numbering and the shapes will stay the same but the tasks will increasingly become more difficult and
more in line with what needs to ultimately be accomplished to implement the theorem.

Pythagorean Theorem and its values

#1 Label the different parts of the triangle (a, b, c, right angle) that correspond to the two legs (a and b) the Hypotenuse ( c ) and the 90 degree
angle (right).

#2 Label the different parts of the triangle (a, b, c) and insert the values in the triangles into the Pythagorean Theorem
Pythagorean Theorem:
a 2+b 2=c 2

#3 Measure the different parts of the triangles and insert the values into the Pythagorean theorem.

#4 Measure the different parts of the triangles and insert the values into the Pythagorean theorem. Then use the Theorem to check the length of
the hypotenuse against your measurement.



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