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Unit 1 Introdution To Computers and Logic

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CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers


Introdution to Computers and Logic


The Origin of Computers

DURATION: 1.5 hrs


Technology is the application of human idea into systematic and scientific knowledge
to achieve certain purposes based from existing or future problems and researches.
In modern days, humanity enjoys the benefits of their knowledge. We use mobile
devices, computer desktops and laptops and other automated machines in our daily
routines and activities. These technologies are used in various ways in terms of
communication, transactions, businesses, etc. Moreover, it provides us to do work in
a minimal time manner compare to manual process.

Computers are programmable o electronic devices that may manipulate,

store, retrieve data from a device to another. From the word itself “computer”, any
device that can compute automatically or manually.


At the end of this Lesson, the reader/learner should be able to:

 Comprehend himself / herself in the cycle of programming structure

 Understand the concepts of computer and its capability
 Appreciate the theoretical value of the existing technologies.

Computer literacy may have a big impact in our daily living. It give s certain
privilege in our daily activities. In our own perspective, we may provide the following
items a concrete answer based on what is existing in this era.
CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

1. What is technology?
2. When did you first experience computers? In what purpose?

3. What computer fundamentals do you know and understand at your level of

knowledge right now? Explain why.
4. In the near future, what kind of computer would you like to invent or integrate
to help the world. Explain why.

Lesson Proper:

The Origin of Computers

Abacus (2400 B.C)

This tool is a mechanical device that has beads inside a frame and a string inside the
beads. It was invented in Babylonia in 2400 B.C. It is used to perform basic
arithmetic operations by moving the beads through fingers.
CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

the first abacus is like a portable sand pile. They would have a trey made up of a
clay or wood and have a thin layer of sand in it and they use it like a chalkboard by
marking their finger with it. Others use pebbles as a beads. The abacus we are
familiar with was used in china around 500 B.C.

Napier’s Bones(1964)

The Napier’s bones was named after its inventor John Napier who is Scottish noble
man and also invented the logarithm. It is used to calculate Multiplication, Division,
Square roots and cube roots. It is a set of 10 sticks with 9 rows of sliding angle.
There is a stick called index rod with a set of digits 1 to 9 in order. It is used to
compute large numbers. The method of use is to line up the sticks. The leftmost
should be the index rod. Afterwards, line up the rod respective to the number to be
multiplied. Then from the index. Add the numbers diagonally. Write the answers digit
per digit to have the final answer.

Slide Rule (1622)

CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

It is a mechanical computing device before the electronic calculators invented by

William Oughtred. It is used for computing multiplication, division, roots, logarithms
and trigonometry. The tool was based on Napier’s idea about logarithmic. The
structure of this has a series of letters on the side called scales and has a center
piece can slide back and forth called the slide rule. Slide the scales to a point of
index that to be calculated.

Pascaline (1642)

It was invented by a French Mathematician Blaised Pascal. It is a machine that has

an input dials and output windows. It is divided into 10 parts by sets of spokes and
digit is entered in a machine by placing a stylus between the spokes until the metal
stops is reached. It is also called an arithmetic machine.

Stepped Reckoner(1672)

CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

Theoretically this machine could handle the four arithmetic functions, had delayed
carrying device, and contained the stepped drum principle, which 150 years later
was used in the first commercially successful calculator.

As far as we know, Leibniz built two machines. He spent years of his life improving
them so they would be practical. But, the technology of fine instrument making could
not yet reach the precision that was essential. Leibniz's dream was unfilled. The
story of 18th century calculating devices is one of experiment in which all possible
changes were made to the inventions of Pascal, Moreland and Leibniz

Jacquard Loom (1801)

This machine was developed in france in the name of Joseph Marie Jaquard. It is a
machine that uses a chain of punch card to make integrated textiles. It is an
attachment of powered fabric looms. There is could hundred of holes in a loom that
could be raised or lowered to have a textile brocade. This invention is important to
computer history because it is the first to have an interchangeable punch card that
do automation.


CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

It is developed by Thomas De Colmar in 1820. The arithmometer is was the first

mass produced mechanical calculator for its accuracy. It is built to perform the four
mathematic functions. It has an accumulator dials that will display results. There are
sliders to set the digits or the inputs to be processed. There is a crank in the side of
the machine to turn the value to adds or subtracts the value of the accumulator that
depends in the settings of the arithmetic computation lever.

Difference Engine and Analytic Engine(1822 and 1834)

CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

The machine was developed by Charles Babbage. He is a mathematician,

philosopher, inventor and a mechanical engineer. The invention was made to
tabulate polynomial functions. In that time, printed mathematical tables for navigation
is done by hand. He first design the difference engine to compute polynomial
functions. The project is not finished and he developed another engine which is the
analytical engine. In 1833, he met Ada Byron King (countess Lovelace) the one who
suggested babbage to use binary system in the analytic engine and writes the
program in the theoretical machine. She is also the first programmer in 1840. This
machine is the first mechanical computer.

Scheutzian Calculation Engine (1843)

Smitlisonian Studies in History and Technology Swedish publisher Georg Scheutz

(1785-1873) Inspired by the difference engine of Charles Babbage, he and his son,

the engineer Edvard Scheutz (1821- 1881), designed and constructed a machine to
compute tabular differences and print the results. It is the first printing calculator.

Tabulating Machine

CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

It was invented by Hernan Hollerith and it focuses to assist in summarizing

information and accounting. Hollerith's system was first tested on tabulating mortality
statistics in late 1886. The United States Census Office used Hollerith's machine for
the first time in tabulating census data punched on cards for the 1890 Federal
Census, the nation's eleventh census. Data was recorded by punching holes in these
cards, or strips of non-conducting paper, and then counting these by mechanical
counters operated by electromagnets. Hollerith developed a hand-fed press that
sensed the holes in the punched cards; a wire would pass through the holes into a
cup of mercury beneath the card, closing the electrical circuit. This process triggered
mechanical counters and sorter bins and tabulated the appropriate data.

Havard Mark 1 (1943)

The invention was developed by a Harvard physics professor Howard Aiken. It is

known as the IBM automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator(ASCC) and it is the

CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

first electro-mechanical computer.it is a room-sized, relay-based calculator and had

a fifty-foot long camshaft running the length of machine that synchronized the
machine’s thousands of component parts and used 3,500 relays. The Mark 1
produced mathematical tables but was soon superseded by electronic stored-
program computers.

Z1 (1938)

It was created by Konrad Zuse in Germany. The idea of the Z1 started when Zuse
frustrated to use the adding machine in a certain company he works on. He do
endless mathematical calculations to get the effective wind on airplane wings. the
adding machine at that time and he always input his calculations by hands. He
resigned at the company and started to build his idea. He started at his father’s living
room to make the machine and think of a language that a man and machine can
understand. Then, he thought of the ancient number system “the Binary”. Right then,
he designed a machine that reads instructions from a punched tapes to do the
calculations. It was a binary electrically driven mechanical calculator with limited
programmability. He used telephone relays to do the switching. The invention was a
22-bit floating point value adder and subtracter, with some control logic making it
capable of more complex operations such as multiplication (by repeated additions)
and division (by repeated subtractions). Z1's ISA had nine instructions and its CPI
ranged from 1 to 20. This is the first programmable computer.

Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)

CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

Invented by Professor John Atanasoff and graduate student Clifford Berry at Iowa
State University. The invention is also known as ABC computer. He explored the
field of artificial computation. He built the computer in the basement of the physics
building of Clifford Berry. Having difficulty in teaching long mathematical analyzation
to his students, he thought of making an electrical computation system to solve
complex mathematical problem. It has about 300 vacuum tubes for control and
arithmetic calculations, it uses punched cards as input/output unitsand uses of binary
numbers, logic operations. It also has memory capacitors. The ABC was the first
electronic digital computing device.

ENIAC (1946)

CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

ENIAC stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer. It was the first
electronic general purpose computer developed by John Presper Eckert and John
W. Mauchl. The US government revealed the secret computer project named project
PX. It is a massive electronic digital computer. It was the first large scale digital
electronic all-purpose computer and is designed to be capable to be reprogrammed
to solve a large number of numerical problems. Programming was accomplished by
setting switches and connecting wires according to specific instructions on a written
paper and it is done manually. When it is originally designed, there is no manual in
programming the ENIAC. The program only relies on the block diagrams and logic
diagrams of the machines operations. ENIAC uses IBM punch card reader for data
input and IBM card punch machine for output.


The UNIVAC handled both numbers and alphabetic characters equally well. The
UNIVAC I was unique in that it separated the complex problems of input and output

from the actual computation facility. Mercury delay lines were used to store the
computer's program. The program circulated within the lines in the form of acoustical
pulses that could be read from the line and written into it. The UNIVAC I (UNIVersal
Automatic Computer 1) and was the first commercial computer.

EDVAC (1952)

CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

EDVAC stands for Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer it is the First
Stored Program Computer designed by Von Neumann in 1952. It has a memory to
hold both a stored program as well as data.

Osborne 1 (1981)

In April 1981 writer and computer entrepreneur Adam Osborne and Osborne
Computer Corporation Offsite Link, Hayward, California, produced the first
commercially successful "portable" computer, the Osborne 1. It weighed twenty-
three pounds, ran the CP/M operating system, and sold for $1795, with $2000 worth
of software included. Its main deficiencies were a tiny 5 inch (13 cm) display screen
and use of single sided, single density floppy disk drives which could not contain
sufficient data for practical business applications. Its 23 pound weight meant that the
computer was more "luggable" than portable.

CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers


From the previous lesson, we learned that a little evolution in technology may
have a big impact for the future. For this activity:
1. Think of a technological product that you are familiar and look for its previous
versions or its references in function. Give 5 of its version/references.
Example (Touch screen mobile phone, mobile phones with keypad.)


2. What did you notice in comparing this technologies?(refer to no.1)


3. What is your idea in improving the product?


4. As a technological learner, how can this topic help you?


CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

In this lesson, we can see that technology doesn’t necessarily must have an
electronic part with it. Technology has no limit. It depends on how an individual
persevere his/her idea. We can also say that any computing device may be
considered as a computer for its main function is to compute.

How do you see the lesson in a student’s viewpoint?


Computers are devices that can store, retrieve, process data most typically in a
binary form according to instruction set of the given program. Every generation of
inventor has its own evolution of idea from manual to automation. More so,
technological advancement this days is so fast that it only takes a year to double the
capabilities of the existing devices.

Can you share some of your thoughts about the difference of the present computers
and the past computers?

Present Computers Past Computers

CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

Based on the activity given above. Give your reason why your idea of
improving the device is possible.


Phone with solar charging - reason….




CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers





Why does the past an important thing for future inventions?


CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers


Understanding the program development cycle

DURATION: 1.5 hrs


In the modern day, the most commonly course that students undertake is all about
computers. Why? Simply because the future relies on technologies. through this
devices, everything is about advancement and enhancement. For an example, the
manual payments on the supermarket became automated through technology. But,
how does this innovation act? How do inventors take the steps through this progress
in technology?


In this lesson, the reader/learner should be able to:

 Identify the phases how to develop a program.

 Understand the value of their work in the future.
 Evaluate themselves in their capability to develop a specific project.


Please fill in the following detail.

items Yes/No Why?

Are you using program
Did you take
technological course
because you love to?
CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

Have you experienced

programming a project?
Are you willing to learn
programming in the
near future?
do you consider
yourself to be one of
the person who may
develop the future?


Understanding the program development cycle

As a programmer, we are oriented and taught to give instructions and sets of syntax
to the computer to have a good output. Whenever, a certain project program was
offered in our table, we usually put the necessary codes right away. But, it is not the
proper behavior of being a programmer. A professional computer programmer knows
how to execute the program development cycle which can be broke down into at
least 7 steps.

Understand the
Maintain the Problem Plan the Logic

Put the program Code the Program

into production

Test the Program Use software to translate

the program into machine

Figure 1.2.1. the Program Development Cycle

CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

1.) Understanding the Problem.

As professional programmers, we are the one who gives a solution to the

client or what we call the end user. We as a whole provides services to these
users so it is right for us to understand the output needed for their needs.
When a program runs, you usually think the cycle of input output operations
but in making a program you should know the output first and make a plan on
how will the inputs will work logically.

The programmer cannot make the decision for the project. He should ask
clients questions on how the system that needs to be automated works. We
cans say that the program is equivalent to the answered question based on
the clients. Also, existing documents and certain documentations for the
program may also help the advancement of the project.

2.) Plan the Logic.

The bread and butter of a programming project relies on programmer’s logic.

In this step, the programmer decides what variables are needed and how the
sets of instruction will execute. There are suggested planning tools to plan a
solution in the problem, pseudocode and flowcharts. Planning a program may
also be referred as “planning an algorithm”. An algorithm is a sequence of
steps or rule to be followed on the problem solving. Planning logic includes
thinking carefully about the possible data value of a program and all the
possible data that may be encountered.

3.) Code the program.

The developer may right the source code only and only if after the logic was
developed. In this portion, it is the execution of the project based on
observation and variable declarations. There are many different language
available in our existing age. The programmer must choose the best
programming format or platform for the projects development and
4.) Use software to translate the program into machine.

CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

Even there are many programming language, a computer only knows one
language “the machine language”. The computer understands machine
language because they are made up of thousands of electronic switches and
each has a set of their on and off state which are represented by 1 or 0. If the
syntax in your program is wrong or sometimes execute but not in a proper
procedure, the computer will prompt either syntax errors or wrong outputs.
Your program is being translated to machine language and your syntax will be
based on a program language that you will use.

5.) Test the program.

In order to ensure the service offered, you must put the program on test.
Trying and reevaluate the program is essential to have the desired final
output. Sometimes, programs will provide outputs but at the end there would
be a conflict of variables, steps or logical errors.

6.) Put the program into production.

After the program is thoroughly tested and debugged, it is ready for the
organization to be used. Putting the program into might mean simply running
the program if it is written to satisfy the user’s request for special list.

7.) Maintain the program.

Is the process of modifying a software or program after delivery to achieve

any of these outcomes:

Correct errors
Improve performance
Add functionalities
Remove obsolete portions

Despite the common perception that maintenance is required to fix errors that
come up after the software goes live, in reality most of the maintenance work
involves adding minor or major capabilities to existing modules. For example,
some new data is added to a report, a new field added to entry forms, code to
be modified to incorporate changed government laws, etc.

CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

Maintenance activities can be categorized under four headings −

 Corrective maintenance − Here errors that come up after on-site
implementation are fixed. The errors may be pointed out by the users
 Preventive maintenance − Modifications done to avoid errors in future are
called preventive maintenance.
 Adaptive maintenance − Changes in the working environment sometimes
require modifications in the software. This is called adaptive maintenance.
For example, if government education policy changes, corresponding
changes have to be made in student result processing module of school
management software.
 Perfective maintenance − Changes done in the existing software to
incorporate new requirements from the client is called perfective
maintenance. Aim here is to be always be up-to-date with the latest


 Look for a specific work that is done manually.

 Write a plan on how to make the work simple.
 Apply your idea within a week.
 Assess the improvement of the work done
 Install a programming language. Preferably visual studio 2019.

Computer programming cycle is applied by most professional programmer and used

to provide service in a systematic approach. It may increase the accuracy of the
project and the user’s satisfaction.


Every programmer must have the interest to embrace the idea of computer
programming cycle. Making an outline of your project before execution makes you
more productive and save time for tracing errors. Maintenance will be easy and more
clients may rely on us because of a quality service that we may provide.

Can you determine the comparison between what you have done in the exercise
1.2.2 and what you have understand in this lesson?

Similarities Dissimilarities
CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers


Write a simple program based from your previous languages you learned from your
high school days and write your computer programming cycle execution.

1.) Understanding the Problem (what is the problem to be solved)

2.) Plan the Logic. (explain how the program will be processed)

3.) Code the program. Write the syntax of your code in a separate paper. (if
you are answering via online, write the code in this document)

4.) Use software to translate the program into machine.(what software did
you use.)

CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

5.) Test the program.(what are the errors you fixed)


6.) Put the program into production.( show the output of the program)

7.) Maintain the program.(explain how would you maintain it)



From the activity of lesson 2, can you identify the purpose/connection of what you
have done in the lesson?


CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers


Understanding Software
DURATION: 1.5 hrs


All of us are familiar with computer. Pertaining from the previous lessons, anything
that can compute and machines that are programmable may be considered as a
computer. A computer has 2 parts, the hardware and software. Everything display
that we see in our computer desktops, laptops and mobile phones are softwares and
made up of software.


For this lesson, the student must learn:

 Functions of software.
 The different types of software.
 Computer operations.


Everyone nowadays knows the term “application”. But do we really know this

I. Encircle the correct answer. No erasure.

1. which of this is a software______.

a. Core packet unit
b. Program development cycle
c. VGA
d. Mobile application

2. What does BIOS means?

a. Basic Input/Output System

b. System softwares, Programming softwares, Application softwares
c. System Unit, Input devices, Output devices
d. System softwares, Input devices, Output devices

CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

3. it supports the basic function of the computer such as scheduling tasks, executing
applications, and controlling peripherals.

b. Operating System
c. gamepad
d. mouse

4. one of this is one of the basic operation of computer operation.

a. Process algorithm
b. process data
c. application
d. none of the above

5. A software designed to help to analyze, configure, optimize or maintain a


a. Computer virus
b. Utility software
c. Security software
d. adwares

II. Put a bullet or check on the item that you think is a software.

Web application Internet service provider

Program algorithm bluetooth
internet Spyware
WIFI microphone
Malware Trojan virus


We all know that a computer is a programmable machine. From the word itself. We’ll
break each part. Programmable pertains about software and a machine for
hardware. In the principle of equivalence of hardware and software, it is said that
“anything that can be done with software can be also be done with hardware, and
anything that can be done in hardware can be done in software.”
But before we explain their relevance, let’s have a look in each of it.


are programs or collection of instructions that enables the user to interact with the
computer. This are intangible products and made up of applications. It is also
abbreviated with “SW”. It consist of

CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

• System software – system software refers to the files and program makes
your operating system. It includes library functions and system services
such as drivers for hardware.


Operating System - program/software that supports basic functions

of a computer such as scheduling tasks, executing applications, and
controlling peripherals.

BIOS - (basic input/output system) is the program a personal

computer's microprocessor uses to get the computer system started
after you turn it on. It also manages data flow between the computer's
OS and attached devices such as the hard disk, video adapter,
keyboard, mouse and printer.

Utility software - A software designed to help to analyze, configure,

optimize or maintain a computer. It is used to support the computer

• Programming software – is the type of software that is not used by

end-users. It is not for you unless, of course, you are a programmer
who writes code. Programming software are programs that are used to
write, develop, test, and debug other software, including apps and
system software.


Eclipse – a Java language editor.

Coda – programming language editor for Mac.
Notepad++ – an open-source editor for windows.
Sublime Text – A cross-platform code editor for Mac, Windows, and Linux.

• Application software - As a user of technology, application software or

‘apps’ are what you engage with the most. These types of computer
software are productive end-user programs that help you perform tasks.
It is designed to help the user to perform singular or multiple related
specific tasks.

Examples: Word processor

CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

Desktop publishing
Video editor
Web browser

2. Basic Computer Operations

The computer performs four basic operations:

• Receive input data – waits data from the end user to be processed by a
certain program.

• Process data – evaluates the data input on how it will respond to the

• Produce output information – prompt, execute or prepare the output

based from the processed data.

• Store data, information and instructions – holds the data of the end user.

Machine Cycle

Basic operation cycle of a computer processor.

Consists of steps that a processor perform whenever it receives a machine language


Process is simple:
It will take an action from the memory then it will look for the actions that is need to
be done and carries out those actions required.

The cycle consists of three standard steps: fetch, decode and execute.

There are four steps in machine cycle:

Instruction Phase

• Fetch - get an instruction from Main Memory

• Decode - translate it into computer commands

Execution Phase

Machine Cycle • Execute - actually process the command

FIGURE 1.3.1
CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

• Store - write the result to Main Memory

This process is repeats itself from boot up until shutdown that’s why it’s called a

A processor spends all of its time in this cycle, endlessly retrieving the next
instruction, decoding it, and running it.


The computer's processor consists of the following parts: Control Unit and ALU

ADDRESS - It refers to the name of the location of the data.

Figure 1.3.2 Cycle and parts of a computer’s processor

For example, to add the numbers 5 and 6 and show the answer on the screen
requires the following steps:

1. Fetch instruction: "Get number at address 123456"

2. Decode instruction.
3. Execute: ALU finds the number. (Which happens to be 5)
4. Store: The number 5 is stored in a temporary spot in Main Memory.
5-8 Repeat steps for another number (= 6)
9. Fetch instruction: "Add those two numbers"
10. Decode instruction.
11. Execute: ALU adds the numbers.
12. Store: The answer is stored in a temporary spot.
13. Fetch instruction: "Display answer on screen."
14. Decode instruction.
15. Execute: Display answer on screen.

CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

Check your computer or mobile unit for your applications installed. Can you
determine the type of your software installed?

Give an example of software and determine its type

Software Type of software


Explain how the machine cycle works.



Software is essential in our computer units. These are the programs that helps us
interact with the computer. we can interact with the machine with hardware only but
not as effective and fast using softwares.


Think of a set of instruction. Write a simple life situation where we can compare the
machine cycle.


What did you learn the most after taking the lesson?

CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers



CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

Understanding Computer Hardware

DURATION: 1.5 hrs


Computers are made of electronic parts called components. Each component has a
specific function. They all work together when a computer is operated. Some of the
components can be seen partly from the outside. Some components are inside the
computer box where we can’t see them. Without these hardware devices, there
would be no use of software.


After this lesson the student will:

 Know the differences of each hardware components.

 Realize the important parts of a computer.
 Understand the concept of a computer set up.


This exercise will determine your current familiarity about computer hardware.
Answer sincerely the following question.

Encircle the correct answer. No erasure.

1. CPU stands for______.

e. Core packet unit
f. Clock picket unit
g. Central processing unit
h. Central product unit

2. Hardware part consists of the following:

a. System softwares, Input devices, Output devices
b. System softwares, Programming softwares, Application softwares
c. System Unit, Input devices, Output devices
d. System softwares, Input devices, Output devices

CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

3. Allows the user to select items stored on a computer and, subsequently, perform
actions on those items.
e. keyboard
f. scanner
g. gamepad
h. mouse

4. Computer can be divided into how many parts?

e. one
f. two
g. three
h. it cannot be divided

5. it is any piece of computer hardware equipment used to communicate the results

of data processing carried out by a computer to the outside world. It reflects the
response from the input of the computers.

e. Input devices
f. Output devices
g. RAM
h. CPU

6. Ram Means _______.

a. Read Access Memory

b. Right Application Memory
c. Random Access Memory
d. None of these choices

7. These are is any external hardware that sends data to the computer. If there are
no input devices connected in a computer

a. Input devices
b. Output devices
c. RAM
d. CPU

7. These are is any external hardware that sends data to the computer. If there are
no input devices connected in a computer

a. Input devices
b. Output devices
c. RAM
d. CPU

CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

8. Are tangible objects that are connected with each components to process the
system of computer.

a. software
b. hardware
c. RAM
d. CPU

9. The main circuit board of a computer

a. Strip board
b. mother board
c. processor
d. CPU

10. Non- volatile memory stored information even after shutdown

a. Hard disk
b. hardware
c. RAM
d. CPU



Are tangible objects that are connected with each components to process the system
of computer. Every components has their own function. In a whole set up of
computers, we have a certain hardware called the System unit. It includes the
motherboard, CPU, RAM and other components.

CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers


Hard Disk


Figure 1.3.3 important hardware components of a computer

 CPU – it stands for central processing unit. This part runs the process
instruction of a computer. It is the primary unit. It runs the operating system
constantly receiving input on the user or running applications. The processed
data is the output, which may be stored by an application or displayed in the

 RAM – or the Random Access Memory is the hardware in a computing device

where the operating system (OS), application programs and data in current
use are kept so they can be quickly reached by the device's processor. RAM
is the main memory in a computer, and it is much faster to read from and write
to than other kinds of storage, such as a hard disk drive (HDD), solid-state
drive (SSD) or optical drive.

Random Access Memory is volatile. That means data is retained in RAM as

long as the computer is on, but it is lost when the computer is turned off.
When the computer is rebooted, the OS and other files are reloaded into
RAM, usually from an HDD or SSD.

 Hard disk - non- volatile memory stored information even after shutdown

CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

 Motherboard - is the main circuit board of your computer and is also known
as the mainboard or logic board. If you ever open your computer, the biggest
piece of silicon you see is the motherboard. Attached to the motherboard,
you'll find the CPU, ROM, memory RAM expansion slots, PCI slots, and USB
ports. It also includes controllers for devices like the hard drive, DVD drive,
keyboard, and mouse. Basically, the motherboard is what makes everything in
your computer work together.

Each motherboard has a collection of chips and controllers known as the

chipset. When new motherboards are developed, they often use new
chipsets. The good news is that these boards are typically more efficient and
faster than their predecessors. The bad news is that older components often
do not work with new chipsets. Of course, if you are planning on upgrading
multiple components, it may be more cost-effective to just buy a new

 Input Devices – is any external hardware that sends data to the computer. If
there are no input devices connected in a computer, the unit will just become
a display devices because there would be no interaction between a computer
and the user. An example of these are mouse, webcams, microphones,
keyboards, etc.

 Output devices - An output device is any piece of computer hardware

equipment used to communicate the results of data processing carried out by
a computer to the outside world. It reflects the response from the input of the
computers. An example of these are monitors, speakers, printer, scanner, etc.

CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

Figure 1.3.4 Input / Output Devices


 Look for a computer desktop

 Detach and determine each components
 See what happens if one of the hardware is not connected

Write what you observed based on your experience in assembling the computer.


Tell the difference of a hardware to a software.

CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers


Hardwares are set of electronic components that are built together to have an
interaction with each other to produce specific outputs. Every input has their
corresponding outputs. Every input devices are important to fasten your work. For
you to understand more. You may watch the following link.



To the table provided, determine the input and output devices and the hardware
composition of the following


Mobile Phones



CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

Smart TV

Smart watch


Buy understanding the function of each component, what part of the computer do
you think is the most important in setting up a computer?


The questions may contain general knowledge and discussed lesson. Write the letter
best choice on the blank before the number.

___ 1. This person created a machine called The Analytical Engine. His ideas were
some of the first that led to the creation of computers.

A. Simon Konrad
B. Charles Babbage
C. John Lovelace
D. William Howard

___ 2. This person created what is now known as the first computer program. The
program was made to help the Analytical Engine calculate numbers.

A. Charles Babbage
B. Konrad Apple
CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

C. Ada Lovelace
D. William Zuse

___ 3. This person is often called the inventor of the modern computer. He actually
created the first fully electronic computer.
A. Konrad Zuse
B. Byron Lovelace
C. William Gates
D. Steve Jobs

___ 4. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak built their first computer using a wooden box.
Their company has grown and is still around today. The name of the company is

A. Microsoft
B. Linux
C. Apple
D. Windows

___ 5. This man is known for starting the company Microsoft back in the year 1975.
Since then, he has become one of the richest people in the world. His name is:

A. Steve Jobs
B. Bill Gates
C. Konrad Zuse
D. Charles Babbage

___ 6. Who invented the Internet?

A. Steve Jobs
B. More than one person
C. Al Gore
D. William Shockley

7. The ______ is was the first mass produced mechanical calculator for its accuracy.

a. abacus
b. Z1
c. arithmometer

8. Who was the world renowned French mathematician who devised what is thought
to be the first digital computer in 1642.

a. Isaac Newton
b. Blaise Pascal
CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

c. John Napier
d. René Descartes

9. The next major step in the automated computer was the development of
something that was widely used for nearly a hundred years. What did Herman
Hollerith and James Power develop in 1890?

a. Ticker tape
b. Punched cards
c. Confetti
d. Papier mache

10. EDVAC stands for __________.

a. Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Calculator

b. Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
c. Electronic Data Variable Automatic Calculator
d. Electronic Data Variable Automatic Computer

11. Which step of PDLC has something to do with bugs?

a. the first step

b. Code
c. the fourth step
d. the fifth step

12. Which step of PDLC has something to do with reading the project specifications
& description?
a. the first step
b. the fifth step
c. Code
d. debug

13. Which step of PDLC has something to do with testing the code for errors?

a. the second step

b. the third step
c. the fourth step

14. What is the first step of the Program Development Life Cycle?
a. Design
b. Analyze
c. Code
d. Document
CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

e. Test and Debug

15. What is the third step of the Program Development Life Cycle?

a. Design
b. Analyze
c. Code
d. Document
e. Test and Debug

15 . The information processing cycle includes the following processes:

a. input, processing, output, storage
b. input, output, manipulation, arithmetic
c. data, processing, printing, editing
d. storage, display, data, information

16. The computer's processor consists of the following parts:

a. CPU and Main Memory
b. Control Unit and ALU
c. Main Memory and storage
d. Operating system and Applications

17. CPU stands for______.

a. Core packet unit
b. Clock picket unit
c. Central processing unit
d. Central product unit

18. The arithmetic/logic unit performs the following actions:

a. checks data for accuracy
b. does calculations using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
c. does logical comparisons, such as equal to, greater than, less than
d. both calculations and logical comparisons

19. The main memory of a computer must be large enough to contain the active
parts of _____.
a. the operating system
b. the applications
c. input/output storage & working storage
d. all of the above

20. The name of the location of a particular piece of data is its _____.
a. address
b. memory name
c. storage site
CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

d. data location

21. Computer can be divided into how many parts?

a. one
b. two
c. three
d. it cannot be divided

22. Allows the user to select items stored on a computer and, subsequently, perform
actions on those items.
a. keyboard
b. scanner
c. gamepad
d. mouse

23. A cross-platform code editor for Mac, Windows, and Linux.

a. Eclipse
b. Coda
c. Sublime Text
d. Notepad++

24. Hardware part consists of the following:

a. System softwares, Input devices, Output devices
b. System softwares, Programming softwares, Application softwares
c. System Unit, Input devices, Output devices
d. System softwares, Input devices, Output devices

25. which of this is a software______.

a. Core packet unit
b. Program development cycle
c. VGA
d. Mobile application


Make a compilation of the tackled lessons in PLD. The definition from this module or
program will not be credited to your work. The content is as follows:

1. Table of contents

2. Definition of the topic.

CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

3. Screen shot of your program source. No copying of program via internet,

make your own.

4. Screen shot of your running program

5. Explanation how the program works.

For an example:

Variables- definition

• Screenshots of program source

• Screenshot of program runtime

Explain how program works.


Suggested reading materials

Comprehensive Programming Logic and Design by Joyce Farrell


Abacus - the first computing device.

ENIAC - the first general purpose computer

Z1 - This is the first programmable computer.

Osborne 1 - the first portable computer

Program Development Cycle – a guide for program development

Corrective maintenance − Here errors that come up after on-site implementation
are fixed. The errors may be pointed out by the users themselves.
Preventive maintenance − Modifications done to avoid errors in future are called
preventive maintenance

Adaptive maintenance − Changes in the working environment sometimes require

modifications in the software. This is called adaptive maintenance. For example, if

CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers

government education policy changes, corresponding changes have to be made in

student result processing module of school management software.

Perfective maintenance − Changes done in the existing software to incorporate

new requirements from the client is called perfective maintenance. Aim here is to be
always be up-to-date with the latest technology

Software - are programs or collection of instructions that enables the user to interact
with the computer.
Operating System - program/software that supports basic functions

BIOS - (basic input/output system) is the program a personal computer's

microprocessor uses to get the computer system started after you turn it on.

Utility software - A software designed to help to analyze, configure, optimize or

maintain a computer

Programming software – is the type of software that is not used by end-users.

Basic Computer Operations – has 4 components: Receive input data

, Process data, Produce output information, Store data, information and instructions

Machine Cycle - Consists of steps that a processor perform whenever it receives a

machine language instruction.
ADDRESS - It refers to the name of the location of the data.

Hardware - Are tangible objects that are connected with each components to
process the system of computer.
CPU – it stands for central processing unit.

RAM – or the Random Access Memory is the hardware in a computing device where
the operating system (OS), application programs and data in current use are kept so
they can be quickly reached by the device's processor

Hard disk - non- volatile memory stored information even after shutdown

Motherboard - is the main circuit board of your computer and is also known as the
mainboard or logic board.

Input Devices – is any external hardware that sends data to the computer.

Output devices - An output device is any piece of computer hardware equipment

used to communicate the results of data processing carried out by a computer to the
outside world. It reflects the response from the input of the computers.

CpE 403-CAO Unit 1: Introduction to Generation of Computers






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