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Tcp-Ip: A Seminar Report On

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Seminar Report
Submitted to
The Rajasthan Technical University
In partial fulfillment of the requirements of the
Award of the Degree
Bachelor Of Technology (Information Technology)



Submitted to: Submitted By:

Mr. Chetan Kumar Ayush Bilala
(Dept. Head) Roll No. 07EKTIT013
B-Tech 4th Year,8th Sem

Department Of Information Technology

Kautilya Institute Of Technology And Engineering
Affiliated To
Rajasthan Technical University, Kota

This seminar report could not have been prepared without the
help and encouragement from various people. Hence for the same
reason I would like to thank my faculties without whom this report
would have been a difficult task. It was for support that I got proper
guidelines preparing my presentation . I would also like to thank my
everyone who helped me directly or indirectly.



1. ABSTRACT……………………………………4
2. INTRODUCTION............................................ 5
3. TCP-IP BASICS………….………………….. 6
3.1 Origin of TCP-IP
3.2 TCP-IP and Intranets
3.3 Basic Function of TCP-IP
3.4 User Datagram protocol
3.5 Other important protocols
4.1 Flowing of data through each layer
4.2 Transmission of data in real world n/w
5. ACRONYMS……..……………………………16
6. CONCLUSION………………………………...18
7. BIBLIOGRAPHY…….…………………….....19


One of the most important achievement of last decade is popularity of

internet. Today internet has become part of our day to day life.TCP/IP in a
broad sense can be explained as the concept on which internet works.The paper
attempts to familiarize with some of the basic concepts of TCP/IP.

It starts with a brief introduction of TCP/IP and provides the basics of it.It
also gives a brief origin of TCP/IP and the basic function of these protocols.It
also gives the structure of TCP/IP and explains how transmission of data takes
place in real world network.It also gives description of some of the protocols
that constitute TCP/IP.The conclusion summarizes the key points of TCP/IP.


Most of us know of TCP/IP as the glue that binds the Internet. But not as
many can offer a cogent description of what it is and how it works. So what is
TCP/IP, really?

TCP/IP is a means for networked computers to communicate with each

other. It doesn't matter whether they are part of the same network or are
attached to separate networks. It doesn't matter if one computer is a Cray and
the other a Macintosh. TCP/IP is a platform-independent standard that bridges
the gap between dissimilar computers, operating systems, and networks. It's the
protocol that drives the global Internet, and it is to the Internet that TCP/IP owes
much of its popularity.

Understanding TCP/IP is largely a matter of understanding a collection of

arcane protocols that TCP/IP hosts use to exchange information. Let's look at
some of those protocols and see what makes TCP/IP tick


TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. In

networking terms, a protocol is an agreed-upon standard that permits two
computers to exchange data. TCP/IP isn't just one protocol, but several. That's
why you'll often hear it referred to as a protocol suite, of which TCP and IP are
the two principal protocols.

The TCP/IP software that you install on a computer provides platform-


implementations of TCP, IP, and other members of the TCP/IP family.

Typically, it also includes high-level application programs, such as FTP (File
Transfer Protocol), which permits users to perform network file transfers from
the command line.


TCP/IP is an outgrowth of research funded by the U.S. government's

Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) in the 1970s. It was developed so
that research networks around the world could be joined to form a virtual
network known as an internetwork.

The original Internet was formed by converting an existing

conglomeration of networks, known as ARPAnet, over to TCP/IP; that Internet
would eventually become the backbone of today's Internet.


The reason TCP/IP is so important today is that it allows standalone

networks to be connected to the Internet or linked together to create private
intranets. The networks that comprise an intranet are physically connected by
devices called routers or IP routers. A router is a computer that transfers
packets of data from one network to another. On a TCP/IP intranet, information
travels in discrete units called IP packets or IP datagrams. TCP/IP software
makes each computer attached to the network a sibling to all the others; in
essence, it hides the routers and underlying network architectures and makes
everything seem like one big network. Just as connections to an Ethernet
network are identified by 48-bit Ethernet IDs, connections to an intranet are
identified by 32-bit IP addresses, which we express as dotted decimal numbers
(for example, Given a remote computer's IP address, a computer on
an intranet or the Internet can send data to the remote computer as if the two
were part of the same physical network.


TCP/IP provides a solution to the problem of how two computers

attached to the same intranet but belonging to different physical networks can
exchange data. The solution comes in several parts, with each member of the
TCP/IP protocol suite filling in one piece of the puzzle. The most fundamental
TCP/IP protocol, IP, transmits IP datagrams across an intranet and performs an
important function called routing--choosing the path that datagrams will follow
to get from A to B and using routers to "hop" networks.

TCP is a higher-level protocol that allows applications running on

different hosts to exchange data streams. TCP divides data streams into chunks
called TCP segments and transmits them using IP. In most cases, each TCP
segment is sent in a single IP datagram. If necessary, however, TCP will split
segments into multiple IP datagrams that are compatible with the physical data
frames that carry bits and bytes between hosts on a network. Because IP doesn't
guarantee that datagrams will be received in the same order in which they were
sent, TCP reassembles TCP segments at the other end to form an uninterrupted
data stream. FTP and telnet are two examples of popular TCP/IP applications
that rely on TCP.


Another important member of the TCP/IP suite is the User Datagram

Protocol (UDP), which is similar to but more primitive than TCP. TCP is a
"reliable" protocol because it performs the error-checking and handshaking
necessary to verify that data makes it to its destination intact. UDP is an
"unreliable" protocol because it doesn't guarantee that datagrams will arrive in
the order in which they were sent or even that they will arrive at all. If reliability
is desired, it's up to the application to provide it.

Still, UDP has its place in the TCP/IP universe, and a number of
applications use it. The SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
application provided with most implementations of TCP/IP is one example of a
UDP application.


Other TCP/IP protocols play less visible but equally important roles in
the operation of TCP/IP networks. For example, the Address Resolution
Protocol (ARP) translates IP addresses into physical network addresses, such as
Ethernet IDs. A related protocol, the Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
(RARP), does the opposite, converting physical network addresses into IP

The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is a support protocol that

uses IP to communicate control and error information regarding IP packet
transmissions. If a router is unable to forward an IP datagram, for example, it
uses ICMP to inform the sender that there's a problem. For a summary of some
of the other protocols that fall under the TCP/IP umbrella, see the sidebar


Network designers often use the seven-layer ISO/OSI (International
Standards Organization/Open Systems Interconnect) model when discussing
network architectures.
Each layer in the model corresponds to one level of network
functionality. At the bottom sits the physical layer, which represents the
physical medium through which data travels--in other words, the network
cabling. Above that is the data-link layer, whose services are provided by
network interface cards. The uppermost layer is the application layer, where
application programs that use network services run.

Figure 1 : An OSI Model

Figure 2 : Layer by layer representation


As a unit of data flows downward from a network application to the

network interface card, it travels through a succession of TCP/IP modules. At
each step along the way, it is packaged with information required by the
equivalent TCP/IP module on the other end. By the time the data makes it to the
network card, it's a standard Ethernet frame, assuming the network is an
Ethernet network. The TCP/IP software on the receiving end recreates the
original data for the receiving application by grabbing the Ethernet frame and
passing it upward through the TCP/IP stack.

Figure 3 : An exchange using OSI Model


To picture what role TCP/IP plays in real-world networks, consider what
happens when a Web browser uses HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) to
retrieve a page of HTML data from a Web server attached to the Internet. The
browser uses a high-level software abstraction called a socket to form a virtual
connection to a server. To retrieve a Web page, it sends an HTTP GET
command to the server by writing the command to the socket. The socket
software in turn uses TCP to send the bits and bytes comprising the GET
command to the Web server. TCP segments the data and passes the individual
segments to the IP module, which transmits the segments in datagrams to the
Web server.

If the browser and the server are running on computers connected to

different physical networks (as is usually the case), the datagrams go from
network to network until they reach the one to which the server is physically
connected. Ultimately, the datagrams are delivered to their destination and
reassembled so that the Web server, which reads chunks of data by performing
reads on its socket, sees a continuous stream of data. To the browser and the
server, data written to the socket at one end shows up at the other end, as if by
magic. But underneath, all sorts of complex interactions have taken place to
create an illusion of seamless data transfer across networks.

And that's what TCP/IP is all about: turning lots of small networks into
one big one and providing the services that applications need to communicate
with each other over the resulting Internet.



1) ARP (Address Resolution Protocol): Converts 32-bit IP addresses into
physical network addresses--for example, 48-bit Ethernet addresses.

2) FTP (File Transfer Protocol): Permits files to be transferred from one

computer to another using a TCP connection. A related but less common
file-transfer protocol, Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP), uses UDP
rather than TCP to transfer file data.

3) ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol): Allows IP routers to send

error and control messages to other IP routers and hosts. ICMP messages
travel in the data fields of IP datagrams and are a required part of all IP

4) IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol): Permits IP datagrams

to be broadcast, or multicast, to computers that belong to multicast

5) IP (Internet Protocol): A low-level protocol that routes packets of data

across separate networks tied together by routers to form the Internet or
an intranet. Data travels in packets called IP datagrams.

6) RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol): Converts physical

network addresses into IP addresses.

7) SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol): Specifies the format of

messages that an SMTP client on one computer can use to send electronic
mail to an SMTP server on another computer.

8) TCP (Transmission Control Protocol): A connection-oriented protocol

that transmits data in byte streams. Data is transmitted in packets called
TCP segments, which contain TCP headers and data. TCP is a "reliable"
protocol because it uses checksums to verify data integrity and
handshaking to make sure transmitted data is received intact.

9) UDP (User Datagram Protocol): A connectionless protocol that

transmits data in packets called UDP datagrams. UDP is an "unreliable"
protocol because the sender receives no information indicating whether a
datagram was actually received.


There's much more that could be said about TCP/IP, but here are
three key points:

 TCP/IP is a set of protocols that permit physical networks to be joined

together to form an internet. TCP/IP combines the individual networks to
form a virtual network in which individual hosts are identified not by
physical network addresses but by IP addresses.
 TCP/IP uses a multilayered architecture that clearly defines each
protocol's responsibilities. TCP and UDP provide high-level data
transmission services to network application programs, and both rely on
IP to transmit packets of data. IP is responsible for routing the packets to
their destination.
 Data moving between two applications running on Internet hosts travels
up and down the hosts' TCP/IP stacks. Information added by the TCP/IP
modules on the sending end is stripped off by the corresponding TCP/IP
modules on the receiving end and used to re-create the original data.


1) Daniel C. Lynch and Marshall T. Rose, Internet System Handbook, Addison

Wesley, pp. 4-14.

2) Daniel C. Lynch and Marshall T. Rose, Internet System Handbook, Addison

Wesley, pp. 80-118.

3) W. Richard Stevens, TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume I: The Protocols, Addison

Wesley, pp. 224.

4) W. Richard Stevens, TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume I: The Protocols, Addison

Wesley, pp. 137-141.

5) www.wikipedia.com


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