1) The player character encounters a werewolf stalking a small town under a full moon. They rescue a woman from the werewolf and take her back to the village for help.
2) Tracking the werewolf into the forest, the player character discovers it is actually a man named Jack who has been cursed. After a battle with Jack as a werewolf, he returns to human form before dying.
3) It is revealed the village priest was responsible for cursing Jack and his wife Abigail. The player character confronts and defeats the priest, ending his reign of terror over the town.
1) The player character encounters a werewolf stalking a small town under a full moon. They rescue a woman from the werewolf and take her back to the village for help.
2) Tracking the werewolf into the forest, the player character discovers it is actually a man named Jack who has been cursed. After a battle with Jack as a werewolf, he returns to human form before dying.
3) It is revealed the village priest was responsible for cursing Jack and his wife Abigail. The player character confronts and defeats the priest, ending his reign of terror over the town.
1) The player character encounters a werewolf stalking a small town under a full moon. They rescue a woman from the werewolf and take her back to the village for help.
2) Tracking the werewolf into the forest, the player character discovers it is actually a man named Jack who has been cursed. After a battle with Jack as a werewolf, he returns to human form before dying.
3) It is revealed the village priest was responsible for cursing Jack and his wife Abigail. The player character confronts and defeats the priest, ending his reign of terror over the town.
1) The player character encounters a werewolf stalking a small town under a full moon. They rescue a woman from the werewolf and take her back to the village for help.
2) Tracking the werewolf into the forest, the player character discovers it is actually a man named Jack who has been cursed. After a battle with Jack as a werewolf, he returns to human form before dying.
3) It is revealed the village priest was responsible for cursing Jack and his wife Abigail. The player character confronts and defeats the priest, ending his reign of terror over the town.
under the light of the full moon. Can you stop its rampage? Dungeon Start Begin with a 1d6 Full Moon trait. 🔒 Weary from travel, you had just settled down for some ale. This tavern, in the sleepy little hamlet of PineBridge, has a cheery fire, friendly barkeeps and maids, and a place to lay your head for a few coins. It is the kind of place that is a treasure for souls like you, who wander and encounter terrible things. But the townsfolk froze when the howling started. Fear coursed through the room. You sigh. Treasures need to be protected. You take one last gulp of ale, dip some bread in the rich gravy, and toss your coins on the table. Whatever it is out there that has these people terrified, you’re going to end it. 1. d6 No help from the scared innkeeper. 2. d6 The barmaids won’t talk to you. 3. d8 The locals are evasive. 4. d6 Local hunters don’t trust you. 5. d8 Town drunk spins unlikely tales. 6. d6 The dog whines, tail between legs. 7. d6 Snow is falling outside. 8. d8 Howling winds. 🔒 Outside, you sense something watching you. The sound of a scrape overhead, and you wheel, barely catching the glimpse of something dashing across the rooftops! 9. d8 Chasing after the creature. 10. d6 Dashing down alleys. 11. d8 Leaping over fences. 12. d6 Careening down the street. 13. d6 It leaps overhead. What is it? 14. d8 Reaching the edge of the village. 15. d6 Over a stone bridge. 16. d8 Scarecrow with huge gashes in it. 🔒 Nearly breathless, you catch up to it, and you are struck with terror. It is a wolf, but it isn’t, as if a man were to embody the essence of wolves – the jaw filled with sharp teeth, the lean, lupine form, the talons, the tail. It leans over the corpse of a woman, growling, muzzle spattered with blood. 🔒 d8 Drive it away from her! ⚔ 8.
🔒 She is alive, but hurt. You lift her up and
begin taking her back to town. 17. d8 She is bleeding. 18. d8 She stumbles, unable to walk. 19. d10 She is wracked with eerie spasms. 20. d6 She is shivering from the cold. 21. d6 She is mumbling, delusional. 22. d8 She faints and you must carry her. 🔒 Kicking in the door to the inn, you lift the woman into the warmth of the common room. Immediately, the townsfolk gather and try to help, scooping her up and taking her to a warm bed. The town priest stops you as you turn to go hunt the beast. “Take this,” he says, and hands you a dagger with a silvered blade. You nod, and slip it in your belt. Gain a “Silvered Blade 1d8” trait. 23. d8 Returning to where you saw it. 24. d8 Seeking the trail of the beast. 25. d8 Following the trail into the forest. 26. d6 Deep shadows in the forest. 27. d8 Snow is obscuring the tracks. 28. d6 You pick up the trail, but faintly. 29. d8 The trail leads over rocks. 30. d6 Howling of wolves. 31. d8 Wolf pack attacks! ⚔ 6, ⚔ 6. 🔒 d8 Follow the trail. ⚔ 6. 32. d8 A deep, dark spot in the woods. 33. d8 Snow drifting, biting cold. 34. d6 The full moon beats down. 35. d8 Tracks in the snow. Blood drops. 36. d6 An open clearing. 37. d8 Wolf pack attacks! ⚔ 6, ⚔ 6. 38. d8 A dark gulley. 39. d8 Wolf prints heading into the forest. 40. d8 Wolf pack attacks! ⚔ 6, ⚔ 6. 🔒 You are startled when a loud noise erupts above you. Looking up, you see the creature silhouetted against the moon, head back in a mournful howl. You stand, frozen, as it finishes its howl and turns its gaze towards you, its eyes glowing a devilish red. 🔒 d10 Werewolf pounces! Fight it off! ⚔ 8. You must use a “silvered” trait against it. 🔒 Finally, the creature falls, its flesh sizzling and frothing where the silver is embedded in it. To your amazement, the body transforms back fully into a human. The man looks at you desperately, blood frothing between his lips. He begs you, “Save Abigail… s…save her from the… p… p…” Then he dies. What could he have meant? You return to the town, carrying the body of the slain man. When you return, the scared townsfolk have an unusual reaction; they step back, afraid. “What’s wrong?” you demand. The innkeeper steps forward. “That is Jack Tolyn. It was his wife Abigail you saved earlier. He went mad, raving about wild accusations and unseen terrors until he transformed into that murderous animal, killed a man, and fled into the forest. We’ve feared him ever since!” You scowl. “What wild accusations?” The innkeeper stammers, “Well, he accused the priest of lechery.” You grab him roughly by the lapels. “Where is she? Where’s the woman I brought in?” “Upstairs,” he said, pointing. You push him aside and charge up the staircase to the upper floor of the inn. 🔒 d6 A locked door. ⚔ 1. Crashing through the door, you see the priest holding the woman by the neck, knife at her throat. She can barely stand. “Back!” 🔒 d8 Save Abigail from the priest. ⚔ 6. If you fail a roll, Abigail takes that amount of damage to her resolve as well. She has 8 resolve. If she dies, you lose! You manage to charge into the priest and break his hold on Abigail, knocking him to the floor. He whispers an arcane syllable, and you feel your head spinning. 🔒 d8 Fight the domination spell. ⚔ 6. The priest sneers. “You are resilient. So were Abigail and Jack. You will not stand in my way!” With that, he clenches his fists, and you see his body twist and contort into the now-familiar form of the man-wolf! 🔒 d10 Werewolf priest attacks! ⚔ 8. You must use a “silvered” trait against it. Silver embedded in his chest, the priest staggers backwards, eyes wide in disbelief. He murmurs his last breath, gesturing at you with one final spell. 🔒 d8 Resist the werewolf curse spell. ⚔ 6. It is too late. His strength ebbs, he collapses, and dies. Panting, you turn to tell Abigail of her beloved Jack, but from the look on her face, it is clear she already knows.