Senior High School: Asia Academic School, Inc
Senior High School: Asia Academic School, Inc
Senior High School: Asia Academic School, Inc
Module Overview:
In This module, you will be able to explain the major roles of financial management and the different
individuals involved and the flow of funds within an organization – through and from the enterprise—and the
role of the financial manager.
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the definition of finance, the activities of the financial
manager, and financial institutions and markets
The learners are able to…
1. define Finance
2. describe who are responsible for financial management within an organization
3. describe the primary activities of the financial manager
4. describe how the financial manager helps in achieving the goal of the organization
5. describe the role of financial institutions and markets
At the end of this module, the learners will be able to:
1. explain the major role of financial management and the different individuals involved
2. distinguish a financial institution from financial instrument and financial market
3. enumerate the varied financial institutions and their corresponding services
4. compare and contrast the varied financial instruments
5. explain the flow of funds within an organization – through and from the enterprise—and the role of the
financial manager
Pre-Test. Directions: Write the letter of your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
What is Finance?
• Finance is the science and art of managing money. (Gitman & Zutter, 2012)
• An organizational structure shows the roles and functions of the employees in a company. Job
descriptions and functions may vary from different companies, depending on its size, and form of
organization, but basic and important features of functions are common in nature. For example, in a
small business, the president or head of the company can also directly perform the responsibility of the
marketing, finance and production managers, while in a big or very large companies, there are Chief
Financial Officers (CFO) or VP for Finance that assumes the responsibility that contributes to the good
financial decisions and directly reports to the top management; and other VP’s for specific
• Each line is working for the interest of the person above them, based on the diagram, the managers or
VP’s are working for the interest of the board of directors, and the decisions of the board of directors
are for the interest of the shareholders, therefore, every individual’s goal in an organization must be for
the wealth maximization of the shareholders.
1. Shareholders. Owners of shares in a company. Each share held is equal to one voting right. The
shareholders elect the Board of Directors (BOD).
2. Board of Directors. The highest policy making body in a corporation. An elected group of individuals that
represent shareholders. Manages the company.
• Overseeing the operations of a company and ensuring that the strategies as approved by the board
are implemented as planned.
• Performing all areas of management: planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling.
• Representing the company in professional, social, and civic activities.
• Carries out the decision making for all functions
4. VP for Marketing. Directing and coordinating company’s sales, promotion, and distribution of products.
Deals with decisions that are supposed to maximize the value of shareholders’ wealth. (Cayanan)
• These decisions will ultimately affect the markets perception of the company and influence the share
• The goal of financial management is to maximize the value of shares of stocks.
• Managers of a corporation are responsible for making the decisions for the company that would lead
towards shareholders’ wealth maximization.
Financial Management refers to strategic planning, acquiring, directing, and controlling of financial
undertakings in an organization in a way that it achieves its goal.
Lesson 2. Distinguish a financial institution from financial instrument and financial market
Financial Market
Financial Market - Organized for vendors and consumers with various types of funds may make transactions.
Example: Stock Market-regular activities of buying and selling Bond Market- issue new debt.
Financial institution includes banks and non- banks. These are the commercial banks, universal banks,
investment banks, investment companies, finance companies, life and nonlife insurance companies, mutual
fund companies, and private equity firms.
➢ Commercial Banks are in particular deposit taking monetary institutions that extend credit source to the
retail and purchaser market. They address minimum quantity of employee, single area or small amount
volume, generally now not franchised. Also lend the money of savers/depositors to small and medium
enterprises that will pay them an interest regularly in exchange for the use of their funds.
➢ Universal Banks lend to multinational companies or companies with global presence and their clientele are
mostly the larger corporations. Example: Allied Bank, China Bank
➢ Investment Banks are known to efficiently raise price range for massive agencies and governments. There
are two functions of Investment banks. First is primary function that accepts deposit, making advances, and
credit creation. Second is secondary function that purchase of bonds/shares and to give or accept money.
Example: HSBC.
➢ Mutual Funds- owned by investment businesses which allow small buyers to enjoy the benefits of making an
investment in a different portfolio of securities bought on their behalf through professional funding manages.
When mutual finances use cash from buyers to put money into newly issued debt or fairness securities, they
finance new investment via firms.
➢ Pension Funds – financial institution or establishments that receive payments from workers and invest the
yield in their behalf.
Financial Instruments are the tools that help business daily operations, and eventually make it grow. When a
financial instrument is issued, it gives rise to a financial asset on one hand and a financial liability or equity
instrument on the other
Financial Liability is any liability that is a contractual obligation. An Equity Instrument is any contract that
evidences a residual interest in the assets of an entity after deducting all liabilities. Example: Ordinary Share
➢ Debt Instrument generally has fixed returns to fixed interest rates. Examples: Treasury Bonds usually low
interest and have very low risk and Corporate Bonds usually have higher interest rates.
➢ Equity Instruments generally have varied returns based on the performance of the issuing company. Returns
from equity instruments come from either dividend or stock price appreciation. There are two type of equity
instrument: Preferred Stocks and common Stock
➢ Preferred Stock-if a company were to be liquidated and its assets have to be distributed, no asset will be
distributed to common stockholders have been given.
Financial Institutions generally provide the Financial Instruments that you ca trade in Financial Markets.
Have you ever wondered what the best things are that you can do for your money and your financial future?
What's the Smartest Thing You Do for Your Money? You probably have bright ideas about smart things to do
for your money and finances that others would like to know about too.
Directions: Differentiate Financial Markets, Financial Institutions and Financial Instruments by describing.
At this point, let us see how much you have gained from the discussions and activities you have undergone.
Exit slip
Directions: complete the sentence on the Exit Slip (Fisher and Frey, 2004).
Gitman, L. J. & Zutter C. J. (2012), Principles of Managerial Finance (13th Ed), USA: Prentice-Hall Retrieved June 17, 2020 Retrieved June 17, 2020 te-finance-industry/. Retrieved
June 17, 2020
Prepared by: