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Arduino Based Hardware Implementation of Automatic Side Stand For Motor Bike

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Arduino based Hardware Implementation of Automatic Side Stand for Motor


Conference Paper · March 2020

DOI: 10.1109/ICCMC48092.2020.ICCMC-000116


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4 authors, including:

Joy Mathavan K. G. L. Dinakara

University of Jaffna University of Jaffna


P. G. S. G. Premathilaka
University of Jaffna


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Hardware Implementation of automatic side stand for
motor bike
J. Joy Mathavan K. G. L. Dinakara
Dept. of Engineering Technology, Dept. of Engineering Technology,
Faculty of Technology, University of Jaffna Faculty of Technology, University of Jaffna
Jaffna, Sri Lanka Jaffna, Sri Lanka

P. G. S. G. Premathilaka H. M. T. D. Herath
Dept. of Engineering Technology, Dept. of Engineering Technology,
Faculty of Technology, University of Jaffna Faculty of Technology, University of Jaffna
Jaffna, Sri Lanka Jaffna, Sri Lanka

Abstract— Usage of motor bike is preferred by most people electronic arrangement. The system is working with the
for it is an easy way of transport and it needs a little space sensors, actuators and using the limit switch signals. Mini-
comparatively on parking. But when accidents happen, it causes Arduino board is used to give conditions to control the system
severe injuries and sometimes deaths as well. There are many and to program it.
reasons for these accidents, internally and externally. Forgetting
The conditions are given as follows. When the key is
to lift up the side stand is one of the reasons and it could be
avoided by certain technical aspects. This paper presents about off and no weight on the seat, the stands should come down
an automatic side stand for motor bikes, which could be lifted up automatically. When weight is on the seat and key is turned
while the bike starts moving and retrieve back when it stops. The on, the stand should be lifted up automatically. This side
design consists of sensors, relay switches and regulators which stand mechanism can be installed to any kind of motor bikes
are controlled by Arduino UNO program. There is no need to irrespective of its gear arrangements. Also it is easier to
additional energy source or any other complexity since the install, because it is not dependent on any other existing
designed system uses the necessary power from the motor bike systems of a motor bike. The proposed system is small.
battery. Separate power source is not necessary; it’ll work on the
Keywords—Automatic motor bike side stand; smart motor bike;
present power generating system of the motor bike. Moreover
Arduino pro mini; gear shift system; lever mechanism; accidents it is safer than the other kind of stands which have already
been designed by researchers.

Motorcycle is the easy transport mode all over the world Mr. V. V. R. Murthy et al. [3], Sumit Pandit et al [4],
when considering speed, traffic, parking space and safety. It Bharaneedharan Muralidharan et al. [5] and Pintoo Prjapati et
can be proved by statements from few research works. Usually al. [6] used power transmission from engine to rear wheel
vehicles keep on circle the road network until it finds an through sprocket as a mechanism to lift the side stand up. It
available parking slot [1]. This leads to road traffic and in turn gains the power from the chain and make specially designed
increases the fuel consumption and affects the quality of the lifting lever to rotate. The retrieving of side stand when the
environment [2]. Such problems are eliminated if the usage of motor bike comes to rest is not discussed here. Since the lever
motor bike is entertained in cities. mechanism connected with sprocket and chain, this
The side stand of motor bike plays an important role mechanism give extra friction to the normal riding procedure.
while the vehicle is in rest position. But it has some Pravin Barapatre et al. [7] and R. Selvendran et. al [8] made an
disadvantages when the vehicle is moving, if it is not lifted. If automatic bike stand using lever mechanism attached with the
the bike rider forgets to release the side stand, it will cause to gear. But it can be used to bikes which has ‘‘all up’’ gear shift
accidents when taking left turn. Even though some motor system; and cannot be used to ‘‘One down rest up’’ gear shift
bikes have indication of side stand position in head panel, system. Also the side stand will be retrieved according to the
quite a number of accidents are still occurring due to this design, when the bike comes to neutral gear in signal lights,
particular reason. So it is necessary to apply a mechanism to which is an unwanted disturbance. Aniket Gulhane et al. made
lift the side stand even if the rider forgets to lift it when he a similar model with mechanical linkage system [9]. But it is
starts riding. The system developed here is automatically not applicable to motor bikes which have auto gear box
lifting and retracting the side stand through mechanical cum
system. Lifting up of stand is automatic but retrieving of stand direction of the motor shaft base on whether to lifting up or
is manual is the drawback in this work. Vishal Srivastava et al. retrieving the side stand.
used sensor and microcontroller unit to lift the side stand up. The side stand is programmed to be lifted up once the motor
A speed sensor is mounted on the front wheel and the motor bike key turn ON. If the side stand comes to the upper limit,
works according to the signals send by it to engage and the upper limit switch sends the signal to the Arduino pro
disengage the side stand [10]. This method also has the same mini. According to the coding and command, the motor stop
problem of retrieving of side stand when the bike comes to working and further lifting the stand is prevented.
neutral gear in signal lights, since the wheel won’t move.
Whether the side-stand work based on start button control or TABLE 1. COMPONENTS USED
speed sensor control is not clearly discussed here. Amit Singh
et al. have designed a side stand lifting mechanism based on Components Specifications
the key on position of the motor bike. If the key is turned on, Arduino pro mini AT mega 328
the side stand will be lifted [11]. But the scenario of retrieving
the stand is not discussed here. Also if a kid accidently turn on Inductor
LED 2.2V,20mA
the key, the side stand will be lifted and motor bike will be
fallen down. So, accompanying all these problematic Buzzer
5V, 200mA
situations, this research work carried out and resulted in an Limit switches
improved system. It is also important to notice that according SPDT
to the data of World Health Organization, in 2013; more than Motor
286,000 motorcyclists were killed in road accidents [12]. In
India 20% - 22% of motor bike accidents occurred by not Motor control drive
12V,15A, H-Relay bridge
lifting the side stand when the rider riding the bike [9]. A
12V to 5V convertor
detailed survey about causes for motor bike accidents from LM7805,1A
2012 to 2015 is provided by R. Selvendran et al. and 36% of Ignition switch
total accidents caused by not lifting the side stand while riding 2 Position, 4 wire
[8]. The position of side stand leads the vehicle and the rider 10K Resistor
10kV, 1W
to lose the center of gravity due to the hindrance caused to
side stand by the ground, if it is not lifted up while driving Current sensor
ACS 712,30A
Vivek Vishwakarma et al. found the fixed height of the
If the ignition switch is turned OFF, the side-stand
side stand as a problem and designed a side stand where the
retrieve to bottom level and engage with lower limit switch. In
height of it could be adjusted [14].
the similar way, after engaging with limit switch, the motor is
turned OFF automatically and further movement of side-stand
III. METHODOLOGY is prevented. If there is any hindrance on the way of lifting-up
or retrieving the side-stand, the motor is turned OFF
The proposed automatic side-stand for the motor
automatically and the buzzer rings an alarm. Current sensor is
bikes has two main components, a mechanical design & an
used in this aspect. Current range is given to the motor based
electronic control. In other words control the normal motor
on the Arduino coding. More power is required to lift the side-
bike side stand by programming through Arduino board is
stand, if there is any hindrance on the way of lifting-up or
discussed here.
retrieving down. More power means, it needs more voltage
Fig. 1. Shows the flow diagram for the design set up.
and amperes to complete that certain task. If this current
One limit switch is fixed at upside of the side-stand and the
exceeds the prescribed limit based on the coding, the motor is
other one is fixed at the bottom of the side-stand. By these
turned OFF automatically and the buzzer rings an alarm and
limit switches, the Arduino pro mini get the signal. The
indicates the user by LED light. Since 7805 regulator can act
ignition switch also send signal to the Arduino pro mini
as a step down transformer, it is used to convert 12V motor
through 10K resistor. By the convertor, current reduce from
bike battery voltage into 5V system operating voltage. Excess
12V to 5V; because Arduino pro mini requires 5V for its
voltage may damage the system. Once the 7805 regulator is
working. Arduino pro mini process the input signals according
fixed, the power in put wire can be connected directly to the
to the coding and processed signals sent to the current sensor,
battery. So, there won’t be any changes in the electrical
motor control drive, indicator and to buzzer. The items used
system by installing this new device with existing system.
and their specifications are mentioned in table. 1.
Safety of the new attachment is another concern. The new
If the ignition switch turned ON, the input signal is
system must be water resistive. Since the side stand is in
given to the Arduino pro mini by the 10K resistor. According
bottom part of the motor bike, there is high possibility of
to the Arduino coding, the input signals processed and output
getting wet in rainy days. It is obvious that the system will not
signal will be given to the motor control driver. The motor
work properly under such situation. All the electronic
control driver can ON/OFF the motor & change the rotational
accessories are placed in a separate box and kept under the
Fig. 1. Circuit diagram of the model.

seat to eliminate the above mentioned problem. If the system

failed to work because of any problem, it would be indicated
by an indicator light and an alarm sound. The system needs to  R – Resultant force
be reset under such circumstance. Turn off and turn on the  N – Normal Force
start key within few seconds is how the reset is programmed.  mg – Weight of the bike and rider
If it is not working even after resetting, as like other systems  F – frictional Force
in a vehicle, the help of a technician is required. In case of  mv2/r – Centrifugal Force
emergency, as like normal motor bikes, the side stand can be
lifted up and retrieved back manually.


The side stand can be lifted up if both the conditions -
turning the key on and rider sit on the seat are fulfilled. In the
similar way the stand will be retrieved, if both the conditions
key off and weight removed from the seat are fulfilled. The
required conditions for the working of the side stand are
summarized in table 2. The movement of the side stand and
motion of the motor are controlled by upper and lower limit
Fig. 3. Left turn of motor bike if the side stand is not lifted up
switches. The system will not work if any one of the condition
is missed. And also if any resistance detected while the stand
works, the system automatically shut off. Usage of sprocket, Automatic side stands already designed for ‘‘all up’’ gear shift
gear system or speed sensor to achieve the automatic system; but it is not possible to design similar mechanism to
functioning of side stand is not recommended in this research ‘‘One down rest up’’ gear shift system. In ‘‘One down rest
work. up’’ gear shift system, first gear is downwards, 2nd, 3rd and 4th
gear shifts are upwards. If the side stand is designed to lift up
for 1st gear shift which is downwards, it would be retrieved for
2nd gear where the gear shift is upwards – the opposite
direction of previous gear shift. Under normal conditions,
without any side stand lift up mechanisms, the side stand hits
the road and will be lifted up when taking right turn (most of
the times) if the bike moves without lifting the side stand as
shown in Fig. 2. In this condition all three forces meet at a
point and resulted in equilibrium of the motor bike. A body
will be in equilibrium if the following conditions fulfilled.
1. The lines of action should cross at the same point

2. The vector sum of the forces should be equal to zero

Fig. 2. Left turn of a bike if the side stand is lifted up
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the side stand will not be lifted up even if it hits the road, due causes of accidents remain unchanged. Possibly in the
to the arrangement of the gear shifts. This in turn will leads to future, to prevent deaths and injuries caused by motor
the unbalancing of motor bike, unable to turn in desired curve, bike accidents, airbag system can be installed as like in
travelling away from the relevant arc and to collision with the other vehicles.
vehicle travelling in opposite direction as shown in Fig. 3.
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